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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  March 26, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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energy. the amount of enthusiasm is still there. you have behind my shoulder, a sign with bernie sanders' face on it saying you're our only hope. with the charter plane to seattle just moments ago that plane does not have wi-fi on it. so the sanders campaign was out of wi-fi zone and out of any view of results for about three hours. and then just as they were touching down you could hear the cheers erupt from the front of the cabin. and that would be where the sanders campaign found out they were finally winning in alaska by large margins. of course they won margin, we'll see how the night goes. they're feeling good. >> they're feeling good, you can read confidence in the schedule and he is out here where you are in wisconsin, another important state. he keeps moving forward and staying out on the field. what are you seeing in terms of how they're building the path in
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the next ten days? >> well, i think that is absolutely right, ari, even when they display there will be more ugly nights for them. they have always been looking forward, being here in wisconsin, april 5th will be their contest coming up. we'll see them most likely coming back tuesday, others pending time with the family for the easter holiday. you can expect they will barnstorm the state once again. >> all right, thank you. i know you have to jump out of the way because bernie is speaking soon. our panel is still here. i want to give you an update on the numbers we have been talking about. alaska, the projected winner there. 20 delegates up for grabs, bernie sanders the projected winner in the alaska democratic caucus. meanwhile, washington state still too early to call. not too close to call. but too early to call in washington state. we have alaska up right now. but in washington it was about 77% to 23% there.
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too early to call with only 13% in, in that west coast state we'll watch that as well as hawaii the other two states. and of course, we may jump out at any time if we get bernie sanders because he is expected to come out and speak. that is why we cleared danny out of the way for those interested. you look at a night like this, and there are folks in bernie land, saying why can't he get a big celebration, three big states, why does everybody jump back to the long-term map. and maybe the best win since new hampshire which has a symbolic win for him. >> listen, he should celebrate, it's a great night for him. many people will have a great night tonight there. the question is what does the math say and how can he change the way the campaign is going? a candidate like bernie sanders has to find a way to get beyond the people who were pulled to him in the beginning.
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hillary clinton has contacts with all the important voter groups in the party. and bernie sanders started out as a man who was coming out to wage a big critique of the whole system. you see donald trump, by the way, sitting down with "the new york times," giving a long interview on foreign policy. you can bet he wants to figure out a way to get beyond the core trump people. the problem is there are more core trump people in his party right now than there are in the bernie sanders camp against hillary clinton. >> and beyond just the counting, which is what we'll do beyond the updates, one of the things that bernie sanders and trump have met on a problem. i don't think they share the solution. but they have both met on the problem on the way the establishment and the parties work, the stranglehold of the money, why that is so concerning to people who even have very
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different ideals on the way the country should run -- >> but even the anger of the defamation of the middle class and labor and increasing immerseration of the white middle class, they're angry to their lives are falling apart. >> is it only that, or where they're connecting the action where they don't think they have meaningful input? >> well, i think it's both. but it's less abstract about being angry at d.c., than the people i talk to who say how did my life turn out like this? how have things gone so awry? how were all the things that i thought -- you know, one woman at a trump rally in iowa kept saying to me they never told me it was going to be like this. in high school -- she was like 27 or 8, and in high school they never told us this is what the
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world would be like. my sense is it's a fundamental personal type of betrayal, in that it is washington is not working for us in an abstract kind of way -- >> when i was in new hampshire i heard from trump supporters at trump rallies. well, i don't know about this, and i don't know about that. but i know he can't be bought. and that was so interesting to me. because that is obviously what you hear often about bernie sanders. i mean, i talked to sanders supporters who say i'm not sure what kind of commander-in-chief he would be and what he would do on foreign policy. they're saying i'm not sure that that is an issue, but i know he stands up at debates and will not be for sale. and they feel that people in both parties are. >> i have met more sanders/trump supporters than i would have ever expected to meet on the campaign trail.
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people who say they are undecided between bernie sanders and trump supporters. they are blue collar, middle aged, white, i met one woman who was a displaced factory worker in michigan, who used to be able to bring home what she thought was a middle class income, and the industry she worked in is gone. and what you have with donald trump is the politics of restoration. for the white middle class it's a sense of restoring something they felt they lost. if you locate the robbery of what you had, if you can be something greater than your parents were, if you locate that on wall street and the power of the 1%, you go to somebody like bernie sanders, if you locate that in immigration, there is a high rate of trump voters saying that when white men had more cultural influence, america was greater. the sense that people like me used to run this place.
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we used to be the most important people. now we're ridiculed and set aside and immigrants are taking it away from us. then you view trump, they both are reaching into a very similar pool of disaffected voters. then very young people who say black president is my minimum. i want to go up from there in terms of the economy. >> and you add to that as in terms of overlapse, and bernie sanders, and donald trump who is off the campaign trail for a few days. the other thing is these are two people who ran in their parties without focus groups. bernie sanders started without a fully funded campaign. and donald trump, to this day he does not pay for rolling. we know that from the sec reports. they have located some of these issues and done it not the way the washington class tells you not to do it. which is first let's sit down and poll. and you know because you worked here sometimes -- and then we
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come back, so we'll come back? >> absolutely. >> all right, that is a promise and a deal. a promise made is a promise kept. joy. and we don't have a call yet but bernie sanders has a big lead in the early returns and as i mentioned we're waiting to hear bernie sanders go live in wisconsin. cal, what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, listen, if he has a road, a path to the nomination it will involve the contested convention. that means delegate defense, that is what we're seeing playing out here in washington. he needs to win at a 3-1 margin to keep hillary clinton from getting the thousands of delegates. earlier the caucus took place, a three-step caucus, an initial vote. then people have a chance to talk and convince their family and friends and people who live in the neighborhood to maybe switch the vote. or maybe a final vote. we expect those votes to come in in the final hours. this message, this bernie sanders message plays very well in the state of washington. it should play very well in
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madison, wisconsin, as we stand by waiting for that speech. and we'll have to see how it continues to play out for the rest of the primaries. but certainly this could be -- and the campaign saying they hope so. this is a bit of turning point. we had the bird land in portland yesterday and then a huge rally here last night in seattle of the -- the hope is they can keep that momentum going. >> as you say, once the bird put a bird on it at that rally everybody noticed. what else did you notice, cal, in the persuasion and the appeal? we saw a lot more details in iowa, of course there is a huge tradition of it. washington is one of the several states that only added the caucus more recently so didn't go back to the tradition where the governor started to implement these caucuses and primaries. so what did you see in the seattle and the run-up?
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>> reporter: you know, the interesting thing was the courage it took people to stand up for either hillary clinton or bernie sanders because you're doing it for your family and your neighborhood. we saw people argue about the $15 minimum wage starting here in seattle, something that bernie sanders has been hammering on, hitting home. and then the counter-argument to that, the pro hillary argue is she is electable and can give a run to whomever the republican candidate is. that should matter. we heard people talk about foreign policy, not a lot. but for the hillary supporters that is a point they want to make that bernie sanders seems like a domestic-oriented candidate and that everything going on globally with the situation ongoing with isis people were saying maybe hillary is the way to go there. for the hillary supporters here in the state of washington or at least in seattle, the electability issue was one that played here at the caucus, certainly for her supporters. >> cal perry reporting in seattle, washington, thank you,
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we'll check back with you. we're waiting for bernie sanders to come out to speak in madison, wisconsin. our election panel stays. joy reid, you wanted to say something earlier? >> yes, bernie sanders he it is sort of a gadfly outsider container, let's make no mistake, bernie sanders is a sophisticated campaigner. pat divine is one of the well-paid high quality political assistants, who is attempting to win him in to the party, and sort of trying to take that away from hillary clinton. but they do have institutional knowledge, he is a politician, he has been in the senate and house, you can't do that without being a politician. his message is very outside and he is actually outside the democratic party apparatus. but he is a politician, they're running a sophisticated campaign. >> may i submit evidence for
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support of your point? >> sure. >> we looked at the sec filings that require them to say what they spend their money on, but bernie sanders started to spend several million dollars on national democratic party pollsters. he did not start that way to joy's point, but once he had the dough, he was oh, i want that too. trump, whether you think it's a pro or con, has never come around to spending that much money. there is an open question whether he is a general election nominee that continues to try to do this sort of ersatz impromptu campaigner, it works with the national media bias without that infrastructure is physically difficult. >> well, you know, on several occasions i have been wrong about donald trump so i say this with some trepidation. but it is hard to imagine a national campaign in the two dozen swing states that is run in the improvisational way,
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which goes from state to state, and the cluster of the states, in the way it's run. you have to do some targets and polling to figure out how to target those people. television ads, i think we would like to move to a more traditional campaign, but we often were wrong on the traditional expectations. >> i think donald trump -- i think that the poor impulse control is actually real. it's not just part of his persona that he adopted for this campaign. the anger, the willingness, the desire to destroy an opponent even if it ends up making you look really bad, i don't think that is something he can keep under wraps. >> also how about the obsession with the female news anchor that dared ask difficult questions? >> that is the complete rage when he is challenged by women, period.
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it's not just megyn kelly, it's michelle fields. one of my colleagues wrote a piece that says the one kind of constant of donald trump's career, because his career has shifted, was that women are not equals, which has been unchanging. >> what do you feel about michelle feels? >> after lewandowski grabbed her -- i don't know if it was just an accident with bruises, but they set out on this character assassination, which was not just scummy on its face but also for somebody who is the leading candidate for the president, of one of our two major parties, to spend your time on twitter casting aspersions on the career of kind of low-level campaign reporters is just a bizarre use
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of your energy. but that is fundamentally what donald trump is. >> everybody is talking about this -- we'll take a quick break. as you said she is a reporter for a conservative website. the trump campaign manager has denied any wrongdoing. the videos show what looks like is an interaction, as you said, the trump campaign's response was far from the normal recourse. what i want to do is take a quick break, as we come back from the other side we'll have an update on the numbers and the potential projected winner. it's too early to call in washington state, but bernie sanders has a 77% lead. this is msnbc, the place for polititics and we'll be right back. stage, stay with us, we'll
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from him after he makes his first remarks here after a victory in the alaska caucus. let's listen in. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you so much for being here today.
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let me begin by thanking the people of alaska for giving us a resounding victory tonight of the and it appears with some 70% of the numbers in, in the state of washington we're above 75%. . you know, we knew from day one that we were going to have politically a hard time in the deep south.
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that is a conservative part of our country. but we knew things were going to improve as we headed west. and last week we won utah with 78% of the vote. we won idaho with 79% of the vote. and we won democrats abroad with 67% of the vote. we are making significant inroads in secretary clinton's lead. and we have -- and we have with your support coming here in wisconsin, we have a path
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towards victory. we have worked harder and our campaign has the momentum, you are the momentum, look around you tonight! in state after state, you were the voter turnout! and that is how we win, when working people and young people, when people have given up on the political process get back in. and demand that government represent all of us, not the 1%,
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that is how it works. momentum about a week ago having about 14,000 people out at a rally in salt lake city. 15,000 out in seattle, washington, last night. momentum and energy is about at this point in our campaign, having rallies and town meetings that have brought out almost one million americans. and what momentum is about is in election after election winning the overwhelming percentage of young people who are
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participating. and by young, i don't mean just the very young, the older you get, the younger the age appears. and i'm talking about winning by sizeable margins, people 45 years of age or younger. the future of america. you know, we have been told for a long time that young people were supposed to be apathetic. that young people were not interested in shaping the future of our nation. well, that is not what we are seeing in this campaign.
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what we are seeing, what we are seeing is that the young people of this country who love this country so much want to make it a better country. and that they are prepared to stand up and fight and take on the major crises that we face. they want an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. they want the united states of america to join every other major country and guarantee health care to all people as a
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right. like almost everyone in our country, conservative, regressive, republican, democrat, they are embarrassed by a corrupt campaign finance system that allows billionaires to buy elections. our young people, black and white and latino are leading the efforts to reform a broken criminal justice system. they know and all of us know that there is something wrong in america when we have more people in jail than any other country
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on earth. and together we are going to change that. we are going to have the best educated population in the world, not poor people in jail. and the young people in this country are leading the effort to transform our energy system and combat climate change. they want to make sure that their kids and their grandchildren will live in a planet that is healthy and inhabitable.
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and they are showing every day they have the guts to take on the fossil fuel companies who are more interested for profits than long-term interests of the planet. and when we talk about young people coming together it's not just white kids, it is african-american young people, latino young people, asian-american young people. native-american young people! this is what momentum is, when we began this campaign we were at 3 or 4% in the polls. 60 points beyond secretary
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clinton. the other day, the latest polls that i have seen has us one point off. >> this is what our campaign is, we chose not to collect money from the super pacs and collect money from wall street. unlike secretary clinton we have done it in a very different way. we have now raised almost six
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million individual campaign contributions. not money from wall street or the drug companies or the fossil fuel industry. but from the middle class and working families of this country. our average contribution is $27! we are breaking into this bernie sanders with breaking news today. bernie sanders now we can predict is the projected, we can project, is the projected winner
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in washington state. bernie sanders, 6:29 p.m. on the east coast is the projected winner of washington state. that is the biggest prize today with 118 delegates, the democratic caucus. bernie sanders the projected winner of the washington state democratic caucuses. the other 76% in, when bernie sanders started to speak he referenced the lead but did not state of course that he had won washington state because it had not been official yet. but we project that bernie sanders, the winner of the democratic caucus here this everything. what we'll do is turn back to the victory speech in wisconsin. we'll return to that in regular order and we'll have more live coverage when he finishes. the last cnn poll had hillary clinton beating donald trump. she beat him by 12, we beat him
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by 20 points. and that is true in virtually all the national polls and in many of the state polls as well. and here is a simple truth. and an important truth. hillary clinton and i agree, that it is absolutely imperative that no republican make it to the oval office. and the evidence is quite clear. not only in terms of the polling that we've seen, polls go up and down. but one of our campaigns has created an enormous amount of
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enthusiasm and energy that will lead to a large voter turnout in november. that campaign is our campaign! now, here is a well known political truth. and that truth is that republicans win elections when people are demoralized and they don't come out to vote. progressives and democrats win elections when working people and young people and seniors and veterans stand up, fight back and come out to vote.
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and i believe that our campaign is the campaign of energy, of momentum, which will lead to a large voter turnout in november and victory. all right, are you ready for a news alert? we just won the state of washington!
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that is what momentum is about! so it looks like today we've got a landslide victory in alaska. we'll win in washington, we're waiting for hawaii. and then, with your help, we're going to win right here in wisconsin! so don't let anybody, don't let anybody tell you we can't win
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the nomination or win the general election. we're going to do both of those things! you know, and i think -- you know, i think the reason -- the reason that this campaign is doing so well is that we are doing something very unusual in american politics. now, i know my republican candidates think that what elections are about are attacking each other's wives. or behaving like they were
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10-year-olds in a food fight in a cafeteria. and these republicans, let me tell you, are not just an embarrassment for the american people. they are an embarrassment for sane republicans! you know, in a democracy people can differ with each other. we all have friends who differ with us, but the conduct of this republican process is literally beyond belief. can you imagine with all of the crises that this country faces, a disappearing middle class, income and wealth inequality, all the other problems, what they're spending their time on is attacking each other's wives? how crazy is that?
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but the reason that we are doing well is because we are talking about the real issues facing america. and we're telling the truth. and here is the truth. the truth is that no president, not bernie sanders, or anybody else, can do it alone. we need a political revolution. we need millions of americans to begin to stand up and fight back and demand a government that represents all of us.
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whether you are a conservative republican or a progressive nobody believes that we should have a campaign finance system which allows billionaires to buy elections. democracy means one person, one vote. and whether governor scott walker likes it or not -- that is exactly what we are going to bring to every state in this country, including wisconsin.
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and i say to governor walker and all of the other cowardly republican governors if you cannot win or participate in a free and fair election where everybody votes get out of politics, get a new job! at a time when this country has one of the lowest voter turnouts of any major country on earth, the idea that governor walker or any other governor would make it harder to participate in the
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political process is beyond comprehension. and not only are we going to overturn this disastrous supreme court decision, but we are going to create a situation where every one in this country 18 years of age or older who is a citizen will have the right to vo vote. scott walker notwithstanding. when we have nationally a situation where the koch brothers and a handful of other billionaires -- oh, and i forget -- i hope i didn't offend the governor -- i understand, i
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understand that he -- he and the koch brothers are good pals. i didn't mean to -- but when you have the koch brothers and a handful of billionaires prepared to spend $900 million in this election cycle, that is my friends, is not democracy. that is oligarchy, and we will change that. i know that our republican friends and elected officials tremble at the idea of large numbers of americans participating in the political process. i have got bad news for them. that is exactly what is going to happen in the country!
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but when we together have the courage to take a hard look at the real crises that we face it is not only a corrupt campaign finance system it is a rigged economy. whether you are a progressive or a conservative you cannot accept the reality that today the top 1/10th of 1% now owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. it is not acceptable that the 20, 20 wealthiest people own more wealth than the bottom 150 million americans.
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it is not acceptable that one family, the walton family of walmart owns more wealth than the bottom 40% of the american people. today, all across this country in wisconsin and vermont and virtually every state we have people working two jobs, three jobs, longer and longer hours just to bring in enough money and health care to take care of their families. you guys ready for a radical idea? why not? this is madison, wisconsin. so here is the radical idea, which really is not so radical after all and that is we have got to create an economy that works for all of us not the 1%.
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and when we talk about the crises facing our country and when we are honest and not try to sweep our problems under the rug what we have to acknowledge that our criminal justice system is broken. what this campaign is about is getting people to think outside of the box. outside of the status quo. the status quo today is not a status quo that has to go on your -- year after year after year. we can change it.
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and what we can change is ending the international embarrassment of the united states of america. our great country having more people in jail than any other country on earth. we are going to get to the cause of why we have 2.2 million people in jail. why we're spending 80 billi$80 a year locking them up. and one of the reasons is that youth unemployment in this country is outrageously high. for white kids with a high school degree, 33% unemployed. latinos, 36%, african-american kids, 51%. radical idea number two. for our young people we're going to invest in education and jobs, not jails for our population.
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it costs less money to send the kids to the university of wisconsin than to lock them up. let's do that! and as a nation let us stop what we too often see on tv and that is videos of unarmed people, often minorities, being shot by police offic police officers. now, i've been a mayor for eight years in burlington, vermont. i have worked with police officers all over this country. the vast majority of police officers are honest and hardworking and trying to do a very difficult job. but when a police officer like
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any other public official breaks the law that officer must be held accountable. we have got to demilitarize local police departments. we have got to make police departments look like the diversity of the communities they serve. we have got to rethink the war on drugs. over the last 30 years millions of americans have received police records because of possession of marijuana. and lives have been ruined as a
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result. you go into a joke and your prospective employer says well, do you have a police record? well, yeah, i do. you're not going to get a job. today, under the controlled substance act marijuana is listed in the same schedule one as heroin. that is nuts. now -- now, people can argue although i suspect in this audience there may not be much of an argument, about the pluses and minuses of marijuana. but everybody knows marijuana is not a killer drug like heroin.
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and that is why i have introduced legislation to take marijuana out of the controlled substance act. it is a decision of a state as you all know whether they make marijuana legal or not but it should not be a federal crime. but when we talk about drugs everybody here knows or should know that today in my state of vermont neighboring new hampshire, all over this country we have a major crisis in terms of opiate and heroin addiction that every day people are dying from overdoses. this is an issue that we have got to address. too many lives are being shat r
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shattered. and the first way to address that issue is to understand that substance abuse and addiction is a health issue, not a criminal issue. and that is why we need a revolution in mental health delivery in this country. and it's not just substance abuse. it is the fact that tragically in america today there are thousands of people walking our streets who are suicidal, who are homicidal, who need treatment today. not six months from now.
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this campaign is doing as well as it is because we are listening to the people of america not wealthy campaign contributors. we are listening to working people and they tell me they can't make it on eight or nine bucks an hour. and that is why together we're going to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, 15 bucks an hour! this campaign is listening to senior citizens and disabled
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vets. and what they are telling me is they cannot make it on 11 or $12,000 a year social security. and you know what? nobody can. now, unbelievably we got republicans in the senate and the house, they can't to cut social security benefits. well, i've got some bad news for them. we're not going to cut social security benefits, we're going to expand social security benefits. this campaign is listening to women. and what women are telling us is
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they are sick and tired of earning 79 cents on the dollar compared to men. and i know that every man here tonight will stand with the women in the fight for pay equity for women workers. this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the latino community. there are 11 million undocumented people in this country. and what our latino brothers and sisters are saying is they are tired of living in the shadows, tired of living in fear.
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tired of being exploited. they want, i want comprehensive immigration reform at a path towards citizenship. and if congress does not do its job i will use the executive powers in the presidency to make sure we do everything that we can. our immigration policy must be about bringing people together not dividing up families.
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and i will stop the deportations that we currently see. this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the african-american community. and what they are asking is how does it happen that we apparently have trillions of dollars to spend on a war in iraq that we never should have gotten into, a war which i vigorously opposed. we can spend money for war, but apparently we don't have the money to rebuild devastated communities all over this country like flint, michigan.
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i was in flint, michigan a number of weeks ago and what i saw there i honestly could not believe was happening in the united states of america in the year 2016. children being poisoned with excessive lead in the water. but it's not just flint. it is cities and communities all over this country where water systems are inadequate, waste water plants fallen behind, roads, bridges, levees, dams, road systems. we need to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure system. we can create millions of jobs
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doing that. this campaign is listening to our brothers and sisters in the native american community. and i've had the privilege as i've traveled this country to meet with some wonderful, wonderful tribal leaders. who are doing extraordinary things for their people. but everybody here knows and again, this is a truth. it's an unpleasant truth. but it's a truth that we have to deal with. and everybody here knows that from before the united states became the united states, before we were a country native americans were treated absolutely disgracefully.
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they were lied to. they were treated and -- treats that were negotiated in good faith were broken. we -- -- owe the native american people more than we can ever repay them. they have given us the most important and beautiful parts of our culture. they have taught us about the environments and the understanding that as human beings we are part of nature, we cannot destroy nature.
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and yet today in native american communities and on reservations, unemployment rates, sky high. poverty, much too high. schools inadequate. suicide rates, terrible. if elected president we will fundamentally change our relationship to the native american people. i am a member of the united states senate committee on the environment. and let me tell you what republican governors and senators and members of the house do not have the guts to
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acknowledge. and that is the debate is over climate change is real. it is caused by human activity. and it is already doing devastating problems to our country and around the world. we have a moral responsibility to leave to leave this planet in a way that is healthy and inhabitable for future generations. and together, together, we are going to take on the fossil fuel


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