tv Kasich Town Hall MSNBC March 30, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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we are americans before we are republicans, or democrats. we are americans. >> john kasich is as determined as ever. >> i'm going to compete across the country, and tell people who i am, and let the chips fall where they may. >> can he unite a divided party? >> i have a record of accomplishment, a record of bringing people gether, and i'm the one that can get the crossover votes. >> i will not take the lone road to the highest office in the land. i will not do it. >> and do more than just stay in the race. >> no one is going to that convention with enough delegates. i'm beating hillary by 11 points. i'm the only one that can win in the fall. >> they told me it cannot be done and i said you watch me. >> this is an msnbc exclusive with governor john kasich, from saint helen catholic church. here now, chuck todd. well, good evening, and welcome to another msnbc town hall, this one with ohio governor, john kasich. we're in queens, new york. st. helen catholic church.
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not far from where donald trump grew up. governor kasich is playing the long game, looking toward a floor fight at the convention in his home state, which just happens to also be in cleveland. but there are a lot of contests to get through. first, we've got a few more months before the july convention. new york votes in less than three weeks. it matters. the new york primary. and the next big primary is even sooner. it's wisconsin. this coming tuesday. so let's get started, and welcome, governor john kasich, republican from ohio. welcome to queens. you know you're in donald
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trump's home bureau? >> i didn't know that. if i had known that, i would have studied it. i know i'm going to get good pizza when this is over. that's what i know. that's more important. >> that's the pandering we want to hear. >> you don't use a knife and fork for your pizza, fold it and eat it like a new yorker, right? >> well, come on, chuck. i grew up in the keys rock. we didn't have silverware. >> let's start with a question that actually is almost the most common one i get and i bet you get it too. what the heck is happening in the republican party? >> well, look, a lot of these people that are here today, they think the system is ripping them off. i mean, they're worried about hear jobs, chuck. they're worried about getting a wage increase. they put their money in the bank, and remember, we used to get interest. now they don't give you anything. they're worried about their kids. we've got a lot of kids here i'm told.
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we want a good america and they're worked up about it. on top of it, politicians that promise things they could never deliver. the talk show hosts, they drive this as well, and people are stirred up. >> what's the organizing principle of the republican party now? i thought i knew what it was, low taxes, small government, strong national defense. it doesn't feel like the organizing principle right now that we are a seeing in the party. >> well, you're seeing it out of me. i have a right to lead the party and define it as much as anybody else. here is what i believe. >> you haven't responded to it yet. >> when they know me they do, absolutely. here's the thing. i think it's really a couple of things. first of all, it's all about jobs. i mean, the only thing that matters, the three things that matters is jobs, jobs, jobs. once we have economic growth, once we have jobs, then we can't leave anybody behind. the mentally ill, the drug a addicted, everybody has to have a sense that they can rise.
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there is one other thing i think is really important. especially being in a place like queens. i mean, i don't know queens that well, but i can sit here for two seconds and look in your eyes, the spirit of our country doesn't rest in washington. the spirit of our country rests in your neighborhood. you, look, i mean, i don't know as much as i would like to about what happened here during the flood. my understanding is this church served as a beacon for people who lost. >> part of it was flooded as well. >> i know. there was ten feet of water here according to the father that runs the school. but everybody pulled together, right. shoulder to the wheel. we were all connected. that's what needs to be reborn in america again. we don't need to wait for a politician to fix our problems. the politicians ought to do their job, provide economic growth, protect us from these crazy people that want to kill us. but then our schools, the poverty programs, the programs
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that affect people who are lonely, we're the ones that have to heal that, right where we live. we need to give people the confidence to know that they need to change the world in which they live, chuck. i mean, you know, we're all -- look, it's, you know, easter season still. i believe the lord has given us all certain gifts, and i think we need to use those gifts to live a live bigger than ourselves. that's what i think is important. the bigwigs taking care of their job, and then in the neighborhoods, revitalizing and rere-energizing the country. >> it's been defined by a sentiment, a culture, however you want to describe it, the issue with this campaign manager and the charges that were filed, ted cruz called it -- blamed trump himself and says he is creating an abusive culture in the campaign. you were critical too, saying would you have suspended mr.
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lewandowski. >> i heard there was a video. i would have gotten rid of him, period. >> do you blame trump for the culture at these rallies? >> here is what i know, chuck. i've done more than 200 town hall meetings. i can walk into a room and tell people about how we're going to solve problems, recognize the frustration, but tell you how we can work our way out of it. i've done it all of my career. or i can walk foo a room and just depress people and become bitter. it's your choice as a leader. i choose to give people hope. i think in some cases, he has fed on -- he has driven people further into gloom and doom. i don't think that's what a good leader does. and you know, this whole thing that we always lose, i think we're doing pretty well in america. i mean, yeah, we have our problems. but look how much longer people live. look at the improvements in education.
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look at the improvements in transportation, and so many things. >> you think america is already great? >> i think america is great. i think we have our challenges and problems, clearly, brought by politicians that haven't done their job, and with some people in the business world who have been greedy. i mean, there is a lot of things that are floating around out there, but does anybody deny the greatness of our country. where would you like to live if you didn't live here. this is a great place. the key, though, is to convince the people here, if they can liver a life better than themselves, i can get the jobs going and take care of the national security, we're going to be fantastic and our kids are going to have a great life. what are we thinking about here? >> you shall we say have evolved when it comes to donald trump. the one piece of tape i have, i want to play a compilation what you've said about mr. trump and the potential of you supporting him. >> why are you comfortable supporting him. >> because we've got a long way to go to the nomination. i don't believe he'll be the nominee.
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>> if he ends up as the nominee, sometimes he makes it hard, but you know, i will support whoever is the republican nominee for president. >> well, it's tough. i mean, but he is not going to be the nominee. we'll look at it every single day and see what happens. we have a long way to go. i don't want project he'll be the nominee. if he is, i review it everyday. >> i was going to say, it sounds more hesitant everyday. >> i said what i said, chuck and i'm done talking about the subject. >> this is getting very boring. >> guess what, i was right. sunday, you said one thing, 48 hours later, you called his foreign policy ridiculous, his rhetoric, i can't imagine you ever supporting someone you thought was incendiary or ridiculous. >> i'm a republican. we're all in arena. there is only three of us left. but anybody who got in the arena, i mean, it's no the easy
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running for president. i can tell you. it's great. i mean, my dad was a mailman, i'm sitting here with chuck todd in queens, it's fantastic, okay. but, but, i mean trump is in the arena with me, and sometimes it is a roller coaster the way i see him. sometimes he calms down, the last debate, he was very calm, and then these crazy things start happening. it's not just him, he says we should patrol muslim neighborhoods. it pulls the country apart. i was thinking about this today driving over here. so i have two 16-year-old twin daughters, whenever i say who, if you happen to be the nominee, i would have to tell them why i would endorse him if i did. so i have my two daughters -- >> you don't know what to tell them. >> i don't know what i'm going do yet. honestly, i don't think he will be the nominee. i'll tell you why. nobody will have enough delegates when we get to the convention. people will think about two things.
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who can win in the fall, which he and cruz can't. and secondly, who can be a good president. that's a crazy thing to think about. who can run the country. you can laugh. >> the fact that you said you don't know what to tell your daughters yet, do you think he is sexist? >> look, i'm not going there. >> do you think -- >> i'm not going there. >> why did you say two daughters. >> because if they were my two sons. i have daughters, okay. >> because a lot of people believe -- [ applause ] >> chuck, we're not in a psychologist's office here. i've said what i have to say. you figure. they pay you all this money to figure this out. all i want to do is -- a politician want please to read between the lines. >> all i want to tell people is how we can get it fixed. a lot of people say why do you always talk about your record.
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i'll tell you why. in this day, if a politician's lips are moving, we assume they're lying. if i can tell you what i have done in various places, and tell you what i can do, instead of hey, i'm going to give you a 10% flat tax, all this and other things, i can tell you what i think can be accomplished. >> you just brought up what ted cruz said about patrolling muslim neighborhoods, and as you know, bill bratton, he criticized what cruz said. cruz has argued, he thought it was a mistake that the nypd stop surveilling muslims. >> he is a policing expert? >> bratton said it was short sided capitulation of the people of new york. who do you side with?
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>> i'm a bratton fan. bill bratton started in boston. he had a hard time in boston. they kicked him around and he came up with this policing business. he did -- he graduated from boston. he did great there. he came to new york, and he was giuliani's commissioner. then he -- then he goes to los angeles. he is out there dealing with the gangs. when i was first governor, i called him. he didn't know me. i said sir, i've been elected governor of ohio. who would be the best person to run my prison system, because you're the best in policing. he said well we don't have anybody great. we do now, my guy, gary moore. but bratton is a smart guy. i believe him. these people can get it. i have no question about it. if i want to find out about radicalization in the muslim community, i don't send you. as smart a guy as you are, you aren't going to be able to figure it out.
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i have to go talk to somebody who goes to the mosque. if i try to send you there, you would be three blocks away, here comes that guy from television, okay. it wouldn't work. we have the entire civilized world fighting against a small group of murderers. our key, the key for america and the president is to unite the civilized world, to get over the egos, turf protection and fight this, and stop it now, both killing isis in the middle east and then the good intelligence that we need and the policing that we need worldwide, so auto we can be safe. if you're going to polarize one group, am i right or wrong about that folks? i mean, i don't think there is any other way to do it. >> speaking of these folks, let's go to some questions. >> one other thing about this.
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>> and then i want to get to their questions. >> doubling down, the easiest people to attack are the muslims, right, attack them. i mean, then i can be popular. that's not what a leader does. sometimes a leader has to say hey, folks, let's calm down, let's be smart about this. because it's our families, neighborhood, and civilization that's at stake. i am free. people say what does that mean? i'm having the time of my life. i get to say what i really believe, based on all the experience i've had throughout my lifetime, to be a good leader. so if i don't get your vote, i want it, but if i don't get it, that's cool. because you don't want me telling you something that isn't true, so i get your vote. then suck you into the process and then when i don't deliver, you get bitter. i'm not going do that. it's hard. but that's the only way i can see to be a publish official. >> let's answer questions from them and not me. edmond sullivan has the first question. where is mr. sullivan here?
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right here. sorry. we want to make it so you don't have that. retired new york city firefighter. >> welcome, governor. slices of pizza on your way out. i am a retired new york city firefighter, and i firmly believe elected officials have ignored new york city for decades, unless for a tragedy or political fund-raiser, for example, we are a political football as we were for sandy. two issues that should have been a no brainer. why should we believe you have our best interest and not simply clamoring votes. >> we're all connected. you know, we are all, if things happen, when sandy happened here, and people lost their homes, or when we see a police officer that gets, you know, assassinated, we all die a little bit. you know, we all lose a little something.
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you know, not only here. but even around the world, when we see people get blown up on easter sunday, we all die a little, don't we. when a fireman goes into a building and loses their life, we all look at it. we all die a little bit. so we can all die a little bit, but we can all rise a little bit, sir. and there is no way that i love new york. this is incredible place. just coming here, it's like, you know, it's like, it's like having a transfusion into life, when you come here. this is a precious place, a precious city. frankly, the apple of the world, not just of the united states. but that's the way i feel, not just in a big town, but small towns as well. i mean, this is america. and we are strongest when we pull together. i think heard the little sound bite, we should be americans before we're republicans and democrats. absolutely. and we can't have a system we're driving people. you know, i am a democratic and i hate you, i'm a republican and
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i think you're nuts. look, i am a conservative, but i don't have to dislike the people that don't agree with me. and so when you talk about new york or any where else, it's got to always be in the minds of a leader of this country, but you know who it's most important that it is in the minds of, you. as a fireman. as a policeman, as a teacher, as a nurse. i mean, again, i want to go back. the strength of our country rests in the neighborhoods, and we can't ignore neighborhoods when they're in distress. >> let me ask you, though. the republican party scapegoats new york city every once in a while they want to make a point. >> who did that? >> ted cruz talked about new york values. >> who else did it? >> you have lot of people, when they run and they're small conservative towns. >> i love that song by riana. >> when you hear the phrase new york values, is that a positive or negative. >> for me, i love it. i can't keep my wife from coming here all the time.
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she'll come and campaign here. i say sweetie, will you come to new york. you won't be able to get rid of her. for me, it's an exciting place. i mean, think of the arts and the -- all the things, the literature. it's great. i'm not pandering either so is columbus, ohio. come. you know where you really want to come this summer. you want to go to cleveland. >> apparently a lot of people want to go to cleveland. >> i'm going to sneak in a quick commercial break on that note. we'll be right back. we needed 30 new hires for our call center.
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i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,0 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to
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and we are back. msnbc up to you hall, with ohio governor john kasich. we're in st. helen's church in queens. howard beach neighborhood. let's go to the questions, governor. it's nina de blasio. any relation? >> no relation. >> there you go. i think we know the approval rating of mayor de blasio in this room. go ahead. >> thank you for coming to howard beach and putting us on the map in a positive perspective. my question is it, i am a donald trump supporter. i feel he has a strong vision in keeping our great country safe. i also believe he will defend christianity in a world where others want to defeat it. yes, at times, he does speak rough around the edge. but he brings to the table a nonpolitical correct point of view in which most of us can relate to. having said this, and wanting a republican desperately in the white house, how or what can you say to me to make me get off the
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trump train? >> well, i mean, first of all, i'm really the only candidate that wins against hillary, last poll i was up by 11. last five or six, i've been able to beat her decisively. but let me tell you, you can get frustrated with e system, you can knock all the pieces off the chessboard, but i think you want solutions, don't you? >> absolutely. >> so let me tell you a little bit about me. when i was in congress, i was one of the people that helped to reform the welfare system to eliminate the entitlement. i operate under the philosophy that it's a sin not to help people who need help. but it's equally a sin to continue to help people who need to learn how to help themselves. that's my philosophy on welfare. number two, i was chairman of the budget committee, weigh paid down a half trillion dollars of the national debt. at the time that was happening, the jobs were growing so fast, there was no discussion of wages, no discussions of income
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and quality, we were doing great. when i left washington, we had a projected $5 trillion surplus, which they blew, once i left. i became governor. we're up 417,000 jobs. i've cut taxes more than any governor in america. we are continuing to reform welfare, plus, because we're doing better, we've been able to help all these people who find themselves living in the shadows to get them on their feet. we don't want the mentally ill sleeping under a bring or living in prison. we have programs to help the drug addicted with an 80% success rate. we're funding more money into k through 12 education, create vocational education, more school choice. i can go on and on. giving everybody a chance. the key to the future, economically oh common sense regulations, so we're not killing small business. if you overregulate them, you kill them. that's where you need to work.
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number two, you have to lower taxes for individuals and businesses and number three, you've got to have a plan to balance the budget. you can't do it by visiting the waste, fraud and abuse office, because there is no such place. what that will do is allow us to grow again and leave no one behind and to unite us. that's what i've been all of my lifetime. being able -- even though i don't agree with the liberals, i get along with them and being able to bring us together to remind us that we're all americans, and finally, i spent 18 years on the armed services committee. so i actual will he have foreign policy experience and the knowledge of how to defeat isis, how to bring the world together. how to unite people, not divide the world. so here is the problem. you send somebody down there that doesn't understand how it works, then you're going to have more drifting, and the only thing i can tell you is we won't drift if i'm there. my dad carried mail on his back, his father dad of black lung, my
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mother's mother could barely speak english. all of my lifetime, i've been a reformer all of my life. i upset the apple cart all the time. i don't hate the establishment, but i know how to move the establishment for the good of the folks. i can't do any better than that. other than i think the more you'll get to know me, the more you will like me. >> thank you so much. good luck to you. >> before you go, are you still on the train? >> i'm sorry? >> are you still on the trump train? >> i am on the trump train, but i do like a lot of your views, and i do like the way you would run the system. >> i'm going to tell you, and chuck has been fair to me. i receive no attention for months and months, for -- do you like rocky, the under dog. do you know, i've been ignored for about five months. you know why? because i wouldn't name call everybody pronounced me dead all the time. we're the little engine. we keep climbing.
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our challenge now is for people to really get to know who i am. now they're beginning to know i exist. but they need to hear more about who i am before they can decide. that's -- that's why things like this are so important. because what i love about this, it's not sound bites, not wrestling in the mud. you get to listen to me, look in my head and heart and you get to decide who will fight for you. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> okay. >> you had an interesting profile, you probably saw it, that some of your old friends in congress, they don't recognize soft and cuddly, they remember scolding confrontations. that's what i remember. you were the maverick. >> i still have the maverick. >> incorrect sometimes, the blunt talker. but you have been the prince of light, is this by comparison or have you moderated yourself demeanor wise. >> if you want to get in a fight, let's get it on.
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i fought for ten years to balance the budget. i couldn't get my own party to support it. now, what am i supposed to do? just smile. i had to fight for what i believed in. and guess what? i got it. i won. some of them are very bitter about the fact that i got this budget balanced. you know what they're really bitter about. i left washington. we had a $5 trillion sure police, and guess what, the republicans controlled the senate, white house, and they spent it all. there is no difference. democrats love to spend, republicans feel guilty. the point is, the point is, chuck, i'm going to fight. i'm in a big battle with the legislature of tax and the fracking industry. >> republican legislation. >> yeah, i am going to push as hard as i can respectfully. but i'm going to push. because if we don't push, we get nowhere. you know, if you go to washington, this guy is running for congress, mr. o'reilly over here.
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you owe me now. >> that's what i was going to say. >> you're mouse, you'll get nothing. if you want a friend in washington, buy a dog okay. i've got a lot of my old pals. the guy has been living out on the campaign for me. >> let's go to. >> thank you for coming to howard beach. my question is what plan do you have to keep new york city safe and america from preventing another terrorist attack. >> very quickly, we should have a coalition of the arab muslims who supported us in the first gulf war, along with the europeans, we need to go to the middle east, destroy isis on the air and on the ground. destroy them. when it settles down, come home. let them figure it out. we need to take this nato organization. chuck and i talked about it on sunday, which he gave me a lot of time to talk about it.
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a fundamentally military organization, it needs to be transformed into a policing organization, and the president of the united states needs to make it clear that we're going to work together to make sure we know where the bad guys are so we can disrupt them and im pris prison them. this is made of fbi, homeland security, law enforcement they have the resources, i would get it to them, and the tools which is why i'm glad to say the encryption issue seems to be behind us, and here is another thing, you as neighbors, you see something crazy, you've got to tell somebody. san bernardino, the neighbor knew, they didn't say anything. but the point is, we need to be able to tell people what we see and that is why bratton is saying policing the neighborhoods is not a long-term solution. the solution is all of us who
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believe in peace, and civilization and the lives of our children need to be together. >> you said quickly about you know, get in, destroy isis and let them work it out. you don't think american be -- they're going to redraw the map. don't have to get involved. but you are in favor of regime change in north korea. is it because of the nuclear issue? >> yes, i'm in favor of it? >> how do you do it? >> a lot of people have asked that question. you look for all the means. first of all, what would i would rather do it prevent nem from their weapons. we can't change all this money. we don't have tough enough sanctions on north korea. in addition, the japanese need to -- >> together or they need to. >> we can help them build it. the israelis have the dome, we didn't actually do it. >> how hard would you prevent them from developing nuclear weapons. >> we don't need to have anybody else developing nuclear weapons. including iran. no more nuclear weapons. these are the weapons of mass
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we are back. welcome to queens, new york, howard beach neighborhood. town hall with governor kasich. this is sherry marie. >> thank you todd. >> i believe you're running for office. >> state committee woman of the 9th assembly. thank you so much for coming here to queens county. for me, governor kasich, your narrative for president mirrors that of lincoln. my question to you is as president of the united states. >> that's not bad. >> that's pretty good. >> as president of the united states, what specifically would
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you do to build trust and what specifically would you do to reform social and economic injustices in african-american communities across the country? >> well, you know, one of the things that happened, it was really great, nina turner, a democratic, former state senator, may some day be mayor, she came to me with a couple of other ladies, african-americans, saying we have a problem. we need a commission. i said, well, you know, some sort of a study, i said nina, we're not going to do that. we're going to move quicker. we created a task force on community and police. what we did is we staffed this with community leaders, law enforcement people, she is one of the co-chairpersons along with our head of public safety, who used to run the highway patrol. they sat down for a period of time, and tried to figure out how we could bring police and community together. what does that mean? the community can understand the police. the challenges they have. their family doesn't want them to be killed, and taken out here when they're on duty or even off duty. secondly, that there are people
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in the community that feel that the country doesn't just work for them, but works against them. two days into the baltimore riot, it was amazing, they released a report. the report created a statewide policy on the use of deadly force. secondly, not only that, but now a whole policy on recruiting, and hiring, so that the community, the police force looks like the community, in addition to that now we're moving now to ways in we can fully integrate police and community so that trust can exist in both communities, and then finally, we also have a grand jury study going on by our chief justice. look, point is, just a couple of more quick things, chuck. we did criminal justice reform. we give people a chance to get out of the prisons if in fact they're nonviolent felons. the rate is about, almost less than half the national average. we give nonviolent felons a
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chance to wipe the record clean and to be able to get employment, because many of them cannot. and i'm a person, look, if you are a gang banger, you're never getting out. we're going to lock you up for 1,000 years. if you want a better life, we're going to give you a chance. we don't want to just throw the nonviolent into prison. it's going to keep repeating itself. i do believe that people can have a second chance. >> very quickly, more than just criminal justice reform, you have reached out to the african-american community, but ohio, the rank, the sixth worst place to raise a black child in, medium income, cleveland, one of the most segregated cities in the country. >> you don't believe them? >> i'm not sure i do believe them.
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everyone has a political angle when they do stats. you know why i received the african-american vote. we trust him. i don't know what all these are, but i'm going to give you a great one. we're building a road from downtown cleveland from the cleveland clinic, and eve 20% construction is going to be done by minorities. in addition to that first administration that actually enforces the set aside where the black community has a chance to receive, you know, 15% of all of the contracts that go on. and they can get even more than that. but look, we've reformed the cleveland public schools. i did it with the entire community. look, i will tell you that the urban challenges we have are real. >> right. >> but you got to have a glowing economy, improve the schools and we're doing all of that. i don't know about all that study. i will tell you this. the infant mortality is a tough one. we've taken it on and one of the
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toughest areas to take on is in the minority community. they're going to have to a better partnership of infant mortality in the minority community, because we're making gains in the majority community. we don't ignore this, chuck. these are serious issues. i don't put my head in the sand, if i get people upset doing it, that's tough. >> welcome, governor. average middle class income has been stagnant for nearly four decades now. the average middle class making 60,000 in 1980 can expect to make 72,000 today. all this while wealthy corporations are growing at an amazing rate. due to tax breaks, lacks corporate laws, an increase in hand outs and all at the expense of us, the middle class. what do you think you can do to fix this?
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you or any other candidate what would you put in place, day one? well, our wages in ohio are growing faster than the national average. that's because we've got to lower the corporate tax rate. it's one of the highest. and secondly, if you pay your taxes in europe, you get double taxed when you bring your money here. that's got to stop. we want businesses investing here in the united states, not in europe, because they feel their money is trapped over there. but in addition to that, sir, there isn't any question. when we have the zero interest rate, you put your money in the bank, you got nothing. the wealthy people, you know, companies did, they bought back stock, they raised the price of their -- of the stock. the rich people bought it. they got richer, you got stuck. it was a bad policy over time. now, you want to get out of this mess. you have to get skills. our schools have got to be transformed into schools that
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take -- give people training for what their purpose is, connect it to a job that really exists that's real. we've got to get with it. i think sometimes k through 12 is still training for jobs of the past. we need to train for jobs of the future. not only that, an opportunity to get out and work as part of the education credits you get. not only through k through 12, but the community college and the four year school. finally, when you go to the community college or the four year school, you ought to have a guide that says what do you want to be, i will tell you the jobs that are available, this is what it pays, and this what you have to do to get one. there is no question that the issue of the struggling middle class is real. and we have to address it. we have to work on it. i'll tell you another thing. a faster economy, this economy is growing terribly. a faster economy will lift all votes, it will. give companies an incentive to invest so you have the tools to become more productive so you get better wages. this is not just some kasich theory here. i have seen these things happen.
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remember, i mentioned, when we balanced the budget in our state. up over 400,000 jobs, wages growing faster. we're not out of the wood, but doing better because we're business friendly. we don't give away the store. we want people to create jobs. because that's what matters in our country. >> all right. thanks very much for the question. we've got to sneak in another break. we're here in queens. governor john kasich. the town hall. we'll be right back. and we are back here.
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>> i hope you do have too much time. >> if he does, that's bad news for him. >> that's right. many people in this room are victims or survivors of hurricane sandy, and our neighborhoods, our homes were destroyed, we're coming back, but it's widely talked about that the national flood insurance program, the premiums are going to skyrocket. what would you do as pressman aging the national flood insurance program? >> look, i haven't really studied all this. two ways to look at it. if you live in an area that's guaranteed to be a flood, you've got have flood insurance. a natural disaster, then the government has an obligation in my opinion to help people to whatever degree that's going to be reasonable and get them on their feet again. we have natural disasters in my state, of course, we do. and i think we have to be there. we have to help people. and look, here in this, in
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howard beach, your people that play by the rules. i mean, you go to work, god fearing people, you've got common sense and then you get wiped out. in that case, we've got to help you. in terms of flood insurance, you've got to look at it in two ways. you're probably going to pay more. but you know, in a place like this, where it's not to be expected, i think it could be maybe two, you know, two formulas as to how we do it. i'll have to check it out, okay? are you doing all right? we're doing fine? >> are we risking, letting too much development to the coastline, where it almost, too much of it and then it makes it -- >> perhaps. and i don't want to just go off the top of my head on this. i mean, you know, one thing, you have to be careful. but clearly, in areas. >> presidential politics. no carefulness here. >> you're right. but with me, you know, i mean, i want to be a mature leader here. you don't just pop off. well, i guess popping off works,
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but not for me. >> patrick cook, you got the next question. >> first of all, thank you for coming to new york. >> are you from new york? that sounded like you were from maine. >> no. i am from new york. i'd like to personally say i think you're the best candidate, unfortunately the best candidate doesn't always -- >> all right. let's go on to the next guy. [ applause ] don't blow it now. >> unfortunately, the best candidate doesn't always get the nomination, so my question is if you weren't to receive the nomination, why wouldn't you accept the v.p. nomination? >> because i'm governor of ohio and it's the second best job in america. and secondly, i'm running for president and i'm going to finish my job as governor. people find this hard to believe, but, you know, there's also another world out there that is not connected to the government. and i have an obligation to my family and we'll see, though. you see, i think what's going to happen is, let me tell you,
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we've had ten republican contested conventions. the person who had the most delegates going into the convention only won three times. seven times they picked somebody else. so who goes to a convention? somebody like you, sir. you could sign up as a delegate for somebody. if they don't get enough of the votes in the first or second ballot, you're free. then you start thinking, okay, who things, who can beat hillary, right? who can beat her, and secondly, who could be president? because then is gets to be serious on your shoulder. see, then it gets to be a serious issue about what you want this country to look like and who can really run it. so that's kind of my view about this. you'd be a good candidate maybe. >> do you think that you could do more in the white house than you could as governor of ohio? >> as vice president? >> no, as vice president sitting in the west wing -- >> i would the worst vice president anybody ever had, okay? trust me. >> how have you been able to govern ohio while campaigning full time? >> there's these things, chuck, it's really amazing, they're called cell phones.
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>> no, i understand. but, i mean, where has it been difficult, though? something you cannot do -- is there initiatives you haven't gone after? >> no, not really. we're, you know, we're preparing a whole series of things right now. i meet with my staff when i'm at home. i'm on the phone with them constantly. my number one job is to make sure ohio is taken care of. running for president is second. i can do them both. one time when i was out of government, i had five job, you know, so it's -- look, the lord's been good to me. he's given me the capacity to do this so -- >> two days in february you were in ohio total. understandable, you're campaigning full time for president. it's tough. >> i'm on the phone constantly. we built a great team of people and every time i look at the things that they're doing, i'm like, you folks are so great because they're creative, they're innovative, and i'm getting ready for a state of the state address, by the way, in mariette, ohio. it comes next week. you should come out and cover it. >> i have a feeling -- >> it's going to be a humdinger. >> i have a feeling we will be. let's sneak in another break
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here. more with governor john kasich, republican from ohio, live after this. the msnbc town hall from queens, new york. we needed 30 new hires for our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to
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the first ballot, i'm for none of the above, they all had a chance to win, none of them won. he's obviously saying, hey, bring more people into the nominating process if it doesn't happen on the first ballot. do you believe somebody other than somebody that ran for president should be placed in the nomination? >> it will be up to the delegates but since i'm one of the three still in, i think it ought to be one of us. no, i'm just kidding. >> he won the 36 ballot -- he wasn't running for president when he got it. an ohioan. >> i think boehner retracted that since they caught him in a weak moment or something. look, it's going to be a decision about who can win, who's tested and who has the record, so, you know, i don't know how somebody just pops in but, look, we'll see how it goes. >> you criticized donald trump for saying that could be riots in cleveland. you're going to be governor of ohio regardless of your standing at the convention. how concerned are you about the
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cleveland convention? >> we talk about it. you're asking how do i take care of ohio and do this? we've had lot of discussions about this. >> meaning you are concerned this is going do be a little extra -- >> we'll be prepared. we work with the secret, the cleveland police, our national guard maybe to some degree, and the ohio highway patrol. yeah, look, it wouldn't matter what he said, we'd have to be prepared for this, but it's not -- that kind of language is not good. >> where are you going to win next? i say this because you've won -- >> right. >> -- in ohio, your home state and your next best showing, washington, d.c. >> well, we were close there. >> almost 36%. >> and look, it's about accumulating delegates. >> where do you win next? are you going to win a state before this is over? >> the minute i start predicting, i'm not muhammad ali, i'm not predicting. what i will tell you, it is
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accumulating delegates. we feel very good about pennsylvania. we think we're going to be aggressively getting support here in new york. and then as we head east, you know, then at that point, frankly, a vote for cruz will be a vote for trump because he can't compete over in these places. >> right now in wisconsin -- >> and we'll do well. >> new poll out has cruz ahead, trump at 40%, you're at 21%. cruz argued a vote for you is a vote for trump in wisconsin. do you buy that? >> it's plenty interesting, the "milwaukee sentinel," largest newspaper in wisconsin endorsed me yesterday saying he's a pragmatic conservative that can fix the country and can win in the fall. chuck, this isn't, as i told you before, it's not a parlor game. these other guys cannot beat hillary clinton in the fall, so, look, as the calendar moves along and people get to know me more and we do more town halls and all that, we're going continue to do well and the calendar is now beginning to favor us. and look, we just have to keep accumulating delegates and gather momentum. >> well, i'm going to pause it there. governor kasich, appreciate you joining us here. >> this was great. i enjoyed it. >> stay safe on the trail. up next here on msnbc, a
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the donald trump phenomenon rolls on. >> believe me, that's why i'm going to be elected president. >> the exchanges have been heated. >> if you disenfranchise those people, i think you'd have riots. >> that's an incendiary comment. >> that is not leadership. that is political arson. >> donald trump is literally inciting violence with his supporters. >> now, they've become personal. >> donald, you're a sniveling coward. leave heidi the hell alone. >> i'm responding to what he does. i didn't start this, he did. >> is the damage irreparable? or can the discord among the republicans be overcome? >> we're going to be smart, we're going to be vigilant, we're going to be proud of our country again. >> this is an msnbc exclusive town hall with donald trump. from the university of wisconsin green bay, here now, chris matthews. >> good evening. and welcome to this exclusive town hall.
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