tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC April 5, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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>> clinton also went on that. interesting to see how it checks out. thanks for being with me tonight. that is "all in" for this evening on a beautiful and cold and snowy day. the rachel maddow show starts now. appreciate it. thanks to you at home for joining us. speaking of snow, this was the view from my driveway. that's also ridiculous for what is supposed to be opening day of baseball season. it's supposed to be spring. the dogs love it. i'm sure the snowplow drivers are delighted. there's that. there's also a lot going on in the world today. it's one of the biggest global corruption stories told. there's not been big american names that have been dropped.
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in this massive dump from a law firm that helped the rich and powerful hide their money offshore, this story is apparently just gotten started. over the past 48 hours we're told there's more to come in terms of information from this data dumpb if you're waiting for big powerful american names to drop in this story. there will likely be some of those american names. those will be forthcoming in days ahead. we have what we've got so far on that story ahead for you tonight including an absurdly cenematic armed robbery that explains about who these guys are and what got leaked. we got news about star crossed and newly single american governor who went to prison. we have a big headline from an unexpected place. it's news from a red state which looks like very good news for the democratic party.
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i'm not sure this news has gotten any other national attention. i think it's potentially a big deal. we have that coming up right at the end of the hour tonight. we're going to start tonight's news with america's 31st largest city, i think, in terms of population. milwaukee is right between louisville and albuquerque. it's the biggest city in wisconsin. if you look at it on a map it couldn't be more classical and elegant in the way that city center is laid out against that dominant feature of the city. milwaukee has two big rivers that come together in the spot they called the confluence. there's two major hoos -- highways that come together downtown. it's just a quintessenial area. right at the heart of that midwestern downtown, we really
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thought it was going to be mad house tonight. zoom way this here. there we go. you know what the shrine circus is. think old school circus. think unreconstructed circus. like down and dirty, elephant pop circus. it's going to be tonight at the panther arena. it's got 12,000 seats. it's right next door to the milwaukee theater. right next door. it's 7,000 seats. then if you go right across the street, literally right across the street, there's a parking lot there, the dark rectangle and right adjacent to the parking lot is what's called the wisconsin convention center. that's set up with 5,000 seats. those three venues, literally adjacent to one another on the
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same city block are going off at the same time. simultaneously, tonight, there's the shrine circus at the panther arena. next door there's a donald trump rally at the 7,000-seat milwaukee theater. across the street there's a bernie sanders rally with the 5,000 seats. 12,000 seats next door to 7,000 streets across the street from 5,000 streets. all one street block, all tonight. we know the milwaukee police set up a special incident command post right there tonight expecting a mob scene in this part of downtown milwaukee. then look what happened. nobody showed up for the donald trump rally, at least. the circus went off as expected. the bernie rally was smaller than usual. the donald trump rally appears to be a total bust. not only no line to get in, no crowds outside but a room that's
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more than half empty. a will the of seats that are filled are filled just with reporters. we await the statement about how 400,000 people turned out for that event in milwaukee. on the republican side of the presidential race, that's an interesting thing to happen on the eve of the voting in wisconsin. basically, two things going on right now. big picture of the overall race. the first is what's, i think, increasingly getting attention as the real contest to pick a republican presidential nominee. that's the effort to lock up delegates to the national convention by hook or by crook. there's various levels of delegate selection happening in north dakota, tennessee and colorado. in all three of those states this weekend, it's the ted cruz campaign that appears to have outmaneuvered and organized donald trump. in tennessee donald trump won the primary by 14 points.
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this weekend his campaign got furious with the decisions made by the state republican party to pick a bun mp of special individuals for delegate slots for tennessee. people who do not appear to support donald trump. in colorado, they pick their delegates in multiple ways over multiple days. there were six delegates at stake in colorado republican's decision making process on saturday. all six appear to be ted cruz folks. that's one level. that's maybe the most direct level this which the republican contest is happening. the delegate fight, it's little harder to follow. it's lower profile in terms of the news stories in the various states where these things happen. part of the reason people find it frustrating to pay attention to or cover is because it's so wildly undemocratic with a small d, let alone nontransparent.
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that fight is well under way. ted cruz appears to be cleaning up in that fight. that's one thing that's happening. the other thing that's happening in the republican race, in contrast it's starting to feel like it's more for show, but it's great show. it does still matter. that is this overt campaigning and vying for victory in the primaries. if you feel relaxed, here is why. we have just gone through this big unexplained hole. that alone, this 14-day waiting period between races, that alone was probably going to put a spotlight on wisconsin's primary because we haven't had one in a while. even without that calendar driven focus, wisconsin is going to be fascinating on the
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republican side this year because the republican electorate in wisconsin, this year, appears to be fickle. is that the right word? easily distract eddistracted? volatile? they don't seem to be able to focus on any one thing for that long. republicans were sure that marco rubio was their guy. the start of polling it was all marco rubio. then he stopped leading and they were all in for scott walker for their own republican governor. then that didn't last. they decided they didn't like scott walker. then they decided they like either donald trump or ben carson. they went through a period where the two of them were trading the lead. then they decided they didn't like ben carson and donald trump started trading the lead with ted cruz. they decided they don't like donald trump anymore and they like ted cruz. he's their guy.
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tomorrow they might be all in for somebody else entirely. as ted cruz tries to that i can this momentary lead and tries to turn it into a victory tomorrow, he has been booing by support by scott walker. governor walker who ran his own terrible campaign, governor scott walker was only second to jeb bush this year in the lopsidedness of the ratio between his expectations and his performance. scott walker, a lot of people thought he was going to walk to the nomination. he just completely bombed. remember when people asked him that standard candidate question, are you ready to be commander in chief? whatqualified you to be commander in chief? his go to answer is he was a really, really good boy scout.
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he didn't just say it once. that was like his prepared stock answer. i would be an excellent commander in chief because, have you seen what i did as a boy scout? i'm sure he was an amazing boy scout. i love boy scouts, but that's a bad answer when running for president. governor scott walker is still governor in wisconsin. he's a home state asset to ted cruz. he seems like he means it as a ted cruz endorser. he one of the few recent endorsers of ted cruz who doesn't talk about him like he's a slightly less virulent strain of food poisoning. if expected, donald trump loses to ted cruz tomorrow, that won't change the state of the republican race. everybody will still need to do what they got to do to move
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forward. if mr. trump wins, i think because ted cruz is now so widely expected to win tomorrow and to win by a considerable margin, i think if mr. trump wins that would be considered such a major upset it would boost momentum for mr. trump's campaign. it would end up greasing things for him for the remainder of the republican primary calendar. we shall see. heading into tomorrow's vote in wisconsin, you should know a new round of racist white nationalist robocalls has gone out in that state in support of mr. trump's campaign. this is the third round of these white nationalist pro-donald trump robocalls that we heard about this year. they do not appear to have anything to do with the trump campaign. they say that mr. trump has not authorized this message, but this is what people are hearing when they pick up that phone in wisconsin tonight. >> the american national super pac makes this call to support donald trump. my name is mary mitchell and i'm
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a member of the american freedom party. i am voting for donald trump because he will not only be presidential, he will put america first. further more, he will respect all women and will help preserve western civilization. if you vote for donald trump, you'll be a fine president. he will select the very best persons to be in his cabinet and the entire world will benefit from his leadership. this message is paid for by william johnson, a farmer and a white nationalist. >> white nationalist. they have been more overtly racist. they have talked about protecting beautiful white children and saying the united states should only accept white people as immigrants. this one doesn't use the word white until the end. it talks about donald trump preserving western civilization but at the end you get paid for by this white nationalist.
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the racist group that's behind these things says the wisconsin version of this call has produced less of a backlash than the calls they did in other states. they did keep the white nationalist thing at the end though on purpose. the guy paying for the ad said, i want people to feel comfortable with the term white nationalist. it's important it's still on the calls. again, there's no evidence that the trump campaign has anything to do with this. a spokesperson e-mailed a statement saying the trump campaign condemns these views. this is the sixth state this year where we have been able to document these calls going out on behalf of donald trump before that state voted in the republican primary. like it or not, approve of it or not, this really is part of the character of the republican presidential race this year. white nationalists think the donald trump campaign is their ticket to legitimacy and getting you used the sound of those words white nationalist.
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it shows a closer race than on the republican side. bernie sanders appears to be pretty clearly in the lead. the numbers broadly speaking are closer in the democratic race than the republican race. they expect the wisconsin race to be tight tomorrow on the democratic side. both bernie sanders and hillary clinton appear to be in striking agreement about one other thing that will be on the ballot tomorrow that hasn't gotten national attention but will be front of mind for a lot of wisconsin voters. >> i understand, not that i'm all that knowledgeable about local politics, but i understand that governor scott is trying to maintain control of the supreme court with a justice who should not stay on the supreme court.
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this is why i hope that large voter turn out on tuesday will help elect joanne to the supreme court. >> right now, right now, there's walker appointed judge running for the highest court in this state. she has said, i had to read this three times. she has actually said, birth control is morally abhorrent and doctors who provide it, namely birth control, and women who use it, namely birth control, are party to murder. let me say that again. she compared birth control,
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which millions of women use every year to murder. there is no place on any supreme court or any court in this country. no place at all for rebecca bradley's decades long track record of dangerous rhetoric against women. survivors of sexual assault and the lgbt community. i'm adding my voice to the chorus across wisconsin saying no to discrimination, no to hate speech and no to bradley. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders both campaigning to win in wisconsin, but they're also campaigning against this person. rebecca bradley who is a recent appointee of scott walker to the wisconsin supreme court. they were also briefly classmates at marquette university.
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they were there at the same time in the '90s. she was a columnist for the student paper. the anti-birth control comments that hillary clinton quoted those are from much more recently. it's the college paper stuff from even earlier, from the '90s, which will be front of mind for a lot of wisconsin voters. it's had tons of local coverage. >> war over words. a wisconsin supreme court justice under fire for what she wrote in college and some are calling for her resignation. she's apologizing for anti-gay opinion pieces she wrote 24 years ago while attending college. >> that's where bradley attended a fund-raising event in her honor. did she confront the controversy? >> reporter: they didn't let us in the event.
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we were here waiting outside to speak with her. she went around the back through back entrance and never came out to talk with us. instead, her campaign team sent a written statement. i am frankly embarrassed at the content and tone of what i wrote those many years ago. i apologize. justice rebecca bradley said she's sorry for the word she wrote in the student newspaper back in 1992. liberal group one wisconsin now revealed a column and two letters to the editor where bradley described homosexuality as an abnormal sexual preference saying the homosexuals and drug addicts who do kill themselves and others through their own behavior deservedly receive none of my sympathy. she also said people would be better off contracting aids than cancer because the politically correct disease will get all the
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funding. >> this person who governor scott walker appointed to the wisconsin state supreme court, she also wrote this in response to being clinton being elected president. she wrote con garagelations we elected a 60s radical socialist adulter. doesn't it make you proud to be an american. we had an election that proves the majority of voters are totally stupid or entirely evil. she said that anybody who voted for bill clinton in 1992, condones drug use, homosexuality, aids producing sex, adultery and murder. then scott walker put her on the state supreme court. this is the first time since she's been on the state supreme court that wisconsin voters will have a chance to vote on whether she should keep that job.
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the three remaining republican candidates are going to be competing tomorrow for the republican presidential nomination in wisconsin. the two remaining democratic candidates will be competing tomorrow for the democratic nomination in wisconsin. wisconsin tomorrow will also be particularly on the democratic side. a little bit of an audition for each of these democratic candidates to demonstrate whether and how well they can help democrats and progressives, other than themselves, win critical races. a lot of people will be thinking about the presidential race. a lot of people will think about this down ticket race as well. can the candidates affect that race with the way they campaign? it's emerging as one of the big points of contention between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. we have more on that ahead. stay with us. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth.
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get your calendar or open up the calendar thingy on your phone. tomorrow is election night. it will kick off at 5:00 eastern and steve takes over at 6:00 followed by chris matthews. at 8:00 p.m. eastern, i'm going to be joined here by brian williams and chris matthews. basically starts as soon as you get your butt down in front of the tv and will go until there's nothing left to say, which hopefully will be some time before dawn. take your b-12. tonight is wisconsin eve. you will spend primary night tomorrow night with us. we'll be right back.
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there's a lot of anger going on in the presidential campaign. it may have many sources, but one of the sources certainly is the way the average american is being treated by this particular economy. today we do something about that in a very significant way to sign into law the minimum wage of $15 an hour to give voice to the power and fervor. it's an important day. it's not the end of the struggle but an important step forward. let's keep it going. we're not stopping here. >> california's democratic governor jerry brown signing legislation that will raise california's minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour over the next few years. three time zone east signing new
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york's version of that same bill. signing off on plan to raise new york state minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. another bill giving new parents up to 12 weeks of paid time off. look, family values. california and new york are such big states that with these two states making the simultaneously big leap forward, this means the bottom line for making a living, the minimum wage is about to jump substantially for nearly one in five americans. 59 million people live in california and new york. the lowest legal wage will go up to $15 an hour. just a huge deal. that was bicoastal blue state governance today. meanwhile in red state america, expectations and horizons are wildly different. we're saying to see whether the governor of mississippi will sign the new discrimination bill
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the legislation passed there in north carolina. they're trying to figure out whether the state will lose billions of dollars in federal funding because of the discrimination bill that the governor just signed the other day. those are just two examples, right. national elections, for obvious reasons, get the lion's share of national media attention. there's nothing wrong with that. who's president and controls congress are important things. when it comes to a lot of the day-to-day decisions that can change how we live, what often matters more than federal elections are down ticket elections. your mayor, your state rep, your governor. do you live in a red state or blue state? your life may be different depending on the answer. in fate of democrats down ticket from the presidential race, governors and senators and
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representatives and legislatures and mayors, the fate of those races has become a new point of contention for hillary clinton and bernie sanders. they have entered into fund raising agreements but only secretary clinton is raising money for the democratic party alongside the money she's raising for herself. senator sanders has not ruled out doing that in future, but he's not doing it yet. now, newly, that is one of the ways that secretary clinton is running against senator sanders. >> i'm also a democrat and have been a proud democrat all my adult life. i think that's kind of important if we're selecting somebody to be the democratic nominee of the democratic party. what it also means is that i know how important to elect state legislatures, to elect democratic governors, to elect a democratic senate and house of
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representatives. as tammy said, i came and campaigned for her a long time ago, '98, was it '98, i just met a young woman outside who said i first heard you speak when i was ten years old and you came to campaign for tammy baldwin running for the house of representatives. i'm proud of that, friends. >> secretary clinton this weekend in wisconsin. sort of a new part of her pitch, a new part of her stump speech. bragging about her past support for other democrats. also promising that's what you get if you get her as a nominee. this appears to be a new fault line, a new point of contention between the candidates. it's something she brings up in interviews unprompted. senator sanders is poised to win
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tomorrow in wisconsin. how is his campaign handling this new challenge. is this going down to more help for democrats in what is increasingly becoming a red state country. joining me is national reporter for new york times. it's great to see you. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> you've been closely covering the sanders campaign. where would you describe them as in their trajectory. how do you think things have changed? >> senator sanders is coming into the realization maybe after the fall he could really win this thing. he started off, even though the campaign didn't want to say it, i think they started off thinking this is really a long shot. let's try to get our message out
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here. now they're starting to see kind of january we could really get this. because of that they have become way more pointed in their attacks on hillary clinton and he crossed into things he thought was personal attacks but they're not personal. it's attacking on her goldman sach's speeches. he's started to listen to his advisors and said this is where she's vulnerable. >> there is this unusual thing where you have somebody running very strong who has never strongly been identified with that party before. the republican party, it's donald trump. very type of candidate but also someone never been iefred with this party before. bernie sanders and now hillary clinton seems to be going right at that with the difference between whether or not the fund raising should be directed toward other democratic candidates. where do you think the sanders campaign will come out on that issue? >> i think the sanders campaign will say we explained why he ran
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as a democrat. we explained when he started he wanted -- he was an independent but he thought he had to run as a democrat. he's ready to do the things that democrats do which is help the democratic party out later on. yesterday he said i've been able to raise with individual donations, six million people have given the my campaign. he's saying i'm able to help you. he's been caucuses with them since 1991. even though he's not a democrat in name he's been doing this. i think the other thing that's important is his brand was never i'm an establishment democrat. look at the things i've done for the democrat party. his grand brand has been i'm an outsider. his brand has never been that. i think that's the interesting thing that's beginning on there. >> which is why i think she's hitting him on it.
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i think she knows for him to answer that, he's got to say, i'm happy to be captain of team democrat while holding on to the thing that makes him so appealing which is that he sort of stands alone. >> i've enjoyed your reporting on everything i've ever read that you've done. i'm happy you're at the times. >> thanks for having me. >> much more to come. stay with us. our call center. i'm spending too much time hiring and not enough time in my kitchen. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates wifrom o easy toick. review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85,
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this right here is the view from inside a government building as thousands of people protest a scandal that's sprawling and massive and for this person it's as local as he has own office window which has been pelted with a lot of eggs and yogurt. that story is next. it's realizing beautyg doesn't stop at my chin. roc©'s formula adapts to delicate skin areas. my fine lines here? visibly reduced in 4 weeks. chest, neck & face cream from roc.© methods, not miracles.
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and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. heist. on november 26th, 1983, six men broke into a warehouse in london. that was partially owned by the security company brink's. they were acting on a tip that one of the vaults held three million british pounds in cash, in bills. the whole heist was british. one of the robbers wore a narrow brimmed top hat over his ski mask. what was most surprising is not what they looked like, it's what they found when they stormed into the warehouse. they found something way more valuable than the stacks of british pound notes they were expecting. >> a gold theft in london this morning is being called the richest robbery in british history, and one of the biggest of all time anywhere.
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gold bars worth more than $37 million were taken from a warehouse near heathrow airport. six men overpowered six warehouse guards, handcuffed them, doused them with gasoline and threatened to set them on fire. >> london police are not permitting anyone inside this warehouse. the robbers past an elaborate foolproof alarm system that didn't fool them. they knew all about it. once inside they overpowered security guards and made off with six tons of gold. the commander. >> they were together in the boxes. something six feet in length. perhaps three to three and a half feet in height and about two and a half to three feet across. >> the gold bars looked like these but may look a lot different now. they could have been melted down to prevent identification. that was the plot of a british
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movie 30 years ago and if this is what the real crooks did this weekend then scotland yard's job will be much tougher. >> amazing news report from the time from 1983. british papers called it the crime of the century. what they might do with the stolen gold wars ended up being spot on. some of the bars were melted down to prevent the gold from getting traced back to the people who stole it. even without the bars on their hand they needed way to hide the huge sum of money they just acquired in this robbery. a little over a year after the brink's robbery, the crooks approached a law firm this panama to help them form a shell company which would then shelter all the money. that law firm's name was mossack fonseca. the firm owner had more than an inkling of what was going on. the company was described as the management of the money from the famous theft in london.
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the reason we know about this is because of some amazing story that's just broken. you get back to the criminality here. the case of the robbery, instead doing anything about fact they knew they were laundering money and helping authorities solve one of the biggest crimes, they took steps that prevented british police from gaining control of the shell company that was hiding all the money. the reason all of this is becoming known is because of new reporting that came out that's the result of one of the biggest data leaks in history. they're calling it the panama papers. more than 11 million internal documents from this law firm, from mossack fonseca was leaked to a german newspaper. the documents purport to show how everybody from politicians to celebrities to drug traffickers to star athletes,
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they've all been hiding billions of dollars in fairly sketchy offshore accounts. one of the biggest figures is russian president vladmir putin is describing the scandal as an effort to take down russia. he's not named specifically in the leak but some of his closest friends are and in the leaked documents his friends shuffled more than $2 billion through banks and shadow offshore companies. david cameron doesn't appear in the leak but his late father is mentioned. he ran an offshore fund that avoided ever having to pay tax in britain by hiring a small army of bahamas residents including a small time bishop to sign the paper work. he appeared in the documents. they egged the icelandic parliament building. they're both named in the documents. they appear to be hiding millions of dollars offshore.
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tonight the prime minister is vowing not to resign. there are 12 current and former world leaders, heads of state who are mentioned in the lakes. the german paper that got this leak, they say the reason there's no american names, it's not because there aren't any american, they haven't gotten around to publishing the american names yet, but they're coming. buckle up.
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i'm not in the habit of giving advice around here, but if i ever start, my first handy history for governors will be there. when it's been widely reported that you're under criminal investigation, do not stage a photo op of yourself in a prison. that is what alabama governor robert bentley did this past week. as the state ethics commission
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and state attorney general were investigaing him as well as the u.s. attorney in alabama all in conjunction with scandal in which this family values governor continues to deny having an affair with his top staffer. even as the good people of alabama have been treated to long audio tapes of the governor having phone sex with this person who he still says he never touched. she has since resigned from state government. the woman with whom he allegedly had the affair, but he has not stepped down. he's facing possible impeachment and facing multiple criminal investigations including a federal one. last week it was a remarkable thing when he chose to do a photo op in state prison. then today he did it again. i know he no longer has his trusted top political advisor around to tell him not to do things like this. she had to quit after the alleged affair. you think a person couldn't get
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to be governor if the political instincts didn't suggest this is not the best time to show everybody what it would look like if they opened the prison gate and let you in for keeps. as part of the prison visit today, governor bentley did take questions from reporters. he gave one of his longest apologies yet for whatever he did, which he still won't say. >> i've asked god to forgive, but i've asked other people to forgive me. i've already done that. i have truly asked the people of this state that are the most loving and the best people in the world, i have asked them to forgive me. you know, it's mine. i own it. i own it. i did it. i point no fingers at anybody else. i made no excuses for that. i own my problem. it's not your problem. you have other my problem.
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and i have to deal with that. >> it may not be his problem, but the woman he says didn't have the affair with, she's the one who had to resign. robert bentley said today that his troubles are not affecting his ability to governor the state of alabama. he says for him this is all in the rearview mirror now. and that may be true for him. it is probably not true for the people of his state. here he is at the prison commissary, for example. (announcer) need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over 100 of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. you put up one post and the next day you have all these candidates. makes my job a lot easier. (announcer) over 400,000 businesses have already used ziprecruiter. and now you can use ziprecruiter for free. go to
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[ applause ] your governor is a rock star. >> senator ted cruz in waukesha, wisconsin campaigning on the eve of tomorrow's republican primary alongside god bless wisconsin governor scott walker. joining us is mordecai lee, one of the great scholars and deans of wisconsin's amazing politics. professor lee, don't be too nice about it. you know it's true. it's great to see you, sir. >> i'm just trying to give the taxpayers their money's worth. >> oh, good. well, listen, we've spoken a few times over the past few years, mostly because wisconsin has been through some really bitter partisan fighting. enormous protests over the governor killing union rights. they tried to recall governor walker. wisconsin's about to step into a
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very hot political spotlight tomorrow night. how's things there now? >> things are very excited and very politicized. i think that tomorrow we're going to see kind of a noah's flood of a turnout of voters. you remember when you covered the spring congress you mentioned in the earlier segment, that was a million and a half voters for a lousy supreme court race. tomorrow we've got another supreme court race and two presidential races. i think we're going to break all records. i think the government accountability board is underestimating when they say 1.3 -- 1.75 million. i'll bet on 2 million votes. >> is there any worry that the new voter restriction that's have gone into effect in wisconsin, themselves a product of -- or the subject of lots of bitter partisan fighting, things like voter i.d. and other sorts of restrictions shortening earl qi voting, any of that maybe going to dampen turnout at all?
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>> i think you're really onto something because we've had only two early turnout voter elections with the voter i.d. tomorrow as turnout expands you're going to get people with below average education, below average income, and possibly below average documentation. so i think there's a possibility of both lines and problems for people who have never faced it before. the higher the turnout the more problems there will be. >> has there been a good voter education effort in terms of new voter i.d. law and the other things that are going to be different about voting this year? >> there's been a little bit but not much. last week governor walker also signed a law that allowed veterans to use their va i.d. card instead of any other i.d. but i.d. problems could happen he easily for people who have moved, for students who don't have their address on their i.d. cards. >> it's interesting at the very end of this race in wisconsin to see governor walker play such a big role with his endorsement of ted cruz. he had a sharp, sharp turn in the presidential race. his presidential effort didn't go well and it was over quickly. did that hurt him in the state?
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>> it hurt him a lot with the independents. his support number is now at about 38%, 39%. and you know what's soirnting is ted cruz is doing a kind of political jiu-jitsu. he's saying that president obama has mismanaged the economy but governor walker's reforms have helped the economy. i'm not quite sure how that balances out. >> all good things go to my guy. all bad things go to the other guy. i know how to play that guy. mordecai lee, political science professor at the university of wisconsin. i know this is like christmas for you on steroids. thanks for being with us tonight, sir. good to see you. >> thank you. >> up next, some unexpected good news for the democratic party coming out of a very red state. stay with us.
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but here's something else to keep an eye on. through the first half of this presidential primary season the big worry for democrats has been turnout. republican turnout's been up in state after state and democratic numbers have been down all over the place. at least that was true for a while. in this recent string of states that voted not in a primary but in a caucus, though, democrats actually got some unexpectedly large numbers in terms of turnout in idaho and utah and alaska. crowds were so big in utah that counties ran out of ballots and had to print more. crowds in idaho were so big it took all night to get results. well, now we have some news about the next democratic caucuses, which are going to be held this week on saturday in wyoming. check this out. the casper star tribune now reporting that in six wyoming counties they have already decided they need to move their democratic caucus sites into larger venues because they are expecting huge turnout, possibly record turnout, which of course would be a nice thing for democrats if those warnings and worries prove true. democrats would love to start
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earning bragging rights on turnout. in wyoming of all places? sure. why not? nothing else this year makes sense. watch this space. that does it for us tonight. >> it is tuesday, april 5th, right now on "first look" -- >> three seconds at midcourt. >> gives it to jenkins. for the championship! >> the villanova wildcats take north carolina to the wire and capture the national championship. while in wisconsin the presidential candidates are hoping for last second magic of their own as voters head to the polls. plus, in details of the so-called panama papers have tempers flaring. a flight attendant's bizarre behavior and much more on a busy tuesday. "first look" starts right now. good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us today, i'm tt
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