tv Morning Joe MSNBC April 21, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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trump won 89 out of new york's 95 delegates. really breaks it down, trump needs 57% of the remaining delegates to get the nomination, john kasich needs 158%. he really needs to step this up. one district ted cruz lost to ben carson who wasn't running. even when he was running i'm not sure you knew he was running. despite his dismal finish in empire state he did his best to
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rally supporters and further cement legacy as one of the country's great speakers. >> join me now on this journey of less talk and more action, real solutions, because i know you. you may have been knocked down but america has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat. >> who was lying down with her back? >> it's a metaphor. >> no, it's not a good metaphor. >> we are now putting women on money. we're like in a different place. you don't say stuff like that. did he say that in his oratory. >> might be putting women in the white house, too. >> yes, we will. at this point we're putting women in the white house, believe me. good morning, april 21st.
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joe is getting a very important day off. i'm supposed to be quiet. excuse me. did he say that? >> in texas, everyone bigger. >> all right. so. veteran columnist and contributor mike barnicle, manager of bloomberg politics, airs 6:00 p.m. mark halperin, richard haass. he's going to explain why presidential teams don't do their job. our country going to the airport and not getting greet bid leaders, which is kind of a symbolic something i can't say on television that involves a gesture. will you explain later? >> it should be our biggest problem with saudi arabia.
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>> it is symbolic. if you were the advance team. >> i should live so large. >> seriously, that would be very important in terms of designing the trip and that would be your job, right? it's not like an under ling. >> you can arrange it and saudis can call, to use a technical term, an audible. then you have to decide if you go through with the trip even if you don't like the arrangements. >> explain what you're talking about, in case viewers don't know. >> instead of being met by major figure, much less the king, he was met by the governor of riyadh. it would be like showing up in washington instead of being met by the president or vice president or member of the cabinet, the governor of virginia. >> here is another way to look at it, mika. consider a family and the father is on the way home. the kids know he's coming home to spank them. >> right. >> the saudis know president
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obama is arriving in riyadh to spank them, so they are not going to be too greet him at the airport. >> this happened on other categories as well. we'll get to this. this morning donald trump will hold a town hall with colleagues at 30 rock. willie you're going to be part of it. simulcast. coming up. let's get to some of the news. this is really getting interesting on the republican side with ted cruz. the "associated press" has declared that ted cruz has no path to the nomination on the first ballot at the republican national convention finding him mathematically eliminated in the delegate race. do you agree with that? he can't get the numbers. cruz has to win 98% of the delegates to get 1237 necessary votes.
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john kasich would need 158%. so he's mathematically out as well. trump needs only 57%. but has campaign says he's on track to reach 1400 delegates by the cleveland convention. earlier this month ted cruz said this about kasich's campaign, after he was mathematically eliminated of reaching the necessary delegates. >> i think any candidate that doesn't have a path to winning, that that's the time when you should suspend your campaign. at this point, kasich has been mathematically eliminated. he needs more than 100% of the delegates to be the nominee. that's obviously impossible. you can't get more than 100%. >> yesterday cruz offered a new rationalization. a little bit different now that he's in that situation, that no one is going to reach 1237. >> what is clear that is that we're headed to a contested convention. i'm not going to reach 1237 and
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donald trump is not going to reach 1237. we're going to arrive in cleveland with me having a ton of delegates and with donald having a ton of delegates. at that point it is doing to be a battle to see who can earn the support of the majority of the delegates elected by the people. the only condition in which i woulded leave the race is if it was clear there was no path to victory. at this point we're headed on a path to victory. >> the kasich campaign tweeted yesterday, what is clear today -- no, now that cruz is mathematically eliminated, the only difference between him and kasich is kasich can defeat clinton. mark pal prynhalperin, is the m correct? i believe it is. >> it is but cruz has no practical path to majority. it's mathmatic cal. he's not going to get a majority. he's banking on a second or third ballot victory. you can read analysis forever on
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whether trump is on the path to get a majority or not. he's more likely than not. depends on performance in remaining states. cruz banking on keeping trump short and somehow convince the delegates to not vote for the guy with the most votes. >> yesterday steve schmidt is here. he's like einstein. he declared unequivocally on the set that donald trump has or will have 1237 needed to win the first ballot nomination. agree or disagree? >> i agree it's more likely than not but i'm not sure steve is. i keep running the numbers. after new york it's more likely. i think trump will do well in the northeast. i don't agree with steve it's a sure thing. >> the only drama now is does he gets to 1237. officially no drama of he's the only one that can get to 1237. a big day tuesday with the five states, then how does he do in
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indiana, nebraska? how many delegates can he win in california. you're tarting to see little cracks in the armor at the "wall street journal" in their op-ed. realistically hard to deny even if he rolls through the remaining primaries, even if he's short of 1237. even it is journal now who has been pretty anti-trump. >> pretty? >> even if it's close. >> here is how you know steve schmidt isn't 100% right. you don't hear any republicans even journal editorial saying the other guy should get out of the race. if trump had it locked up, looks make theest before it, trump the nominee, help supporting him, help position himself. you don't hear that. >> i'm hearing very, very careful sources saying that rnc might start realizing that they have to work with donald trump and they have to help him beat clinton. it's got to be confirmed and
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reconfirmed, but there appears to be some warming up between them. you know what, i don't think mary wrote this, that's just my gut. i could be wrong. but the feeling i got yesterday, just an instinct. i go on gut a lot. i'm thinking she didn't write this, but this "the wall street journal." some of the never trump crowd claim new york changed nothing in the race but that is wishful thinking. the victory erases the memory of trump's defeat in wisconsin two weeks ago and propels him into the next week's contests. mr. trump is leading in the polls in all of those states and without a concerted option he'll sweet those two. we continue to believe should nominate the most electable candidate. but realistically mr. trump would be hard to deny if he rolls through the remaining prim areas even if he's short of
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1237. this is new yorker. mr. cruz and mr. kassig are outhustling the new yorker in the fight for unbound delegates but they also need to go into cleveland with credible claim on gop voter support. >> if he's close, won many millions more votes, many hundreds more delegate, how do you pick one of those other guys over him? >> that's a pretty good argument, might be a compelling argument if he has that much momentum. ted cruz has a ton of delegates, donald trump has a ton of delegates but actually not equal. trump will have two tons to cruz's one ton by the time the convention rolls around. not that hard. not a question whether trump would create a third party, whether you have a candidate unite the party and have political legitimacy going into the fall election. >> given your roll and what you do for a living, come into fairly constant contact with people all over the world,
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government officials, what is their read on donald trump as a potential president of the united states. >> i think until recently they didn't take the possibility all that seriously. they are watching american politics with a degree of almost bemusement. depending on where you are they have real trouble with some of the specifics. in asia they have real trouble with his views on trade, latin america with his views on mexico and immigrants. i was just down in argentina, real concerns about that also in brazil. in the middle east they have concerns about stated views about muslims. it's the conversation you've had on the show for weeks, which is whether donald trump will quote, unquote, pivot. he's talking about giving, for example, a foreign policy speech later this month april 27th "the wall street journal" said. that will be an important speech because people are going to be looking for signals. whether their candidate trying to win the republican nomination begins to pivot or evolve into a candidate as he goes into a
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general election and conceivably be president. so people are going to be looking for signs of policy, seriousness, some evolution. that will -- people around the world now are going to see trump in a far different light. they are doing to see him as a potential not just candidate but conceivably a president so he's now going to be measured by a different yard strick. >> three dimensional, one winning primaries and caucuses, two the inside fight for delegates. three, what richard is talking about, doing interviews, "wall street journal," "times" interview, foreign policy speech, trying to convince the world and republican party he's not only ready to win the party but being president of the united states. he's doing well on the third score. these are two interviews that came across being a serious
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pers person. >> contested argument, rnc chairs, the rules are the rules. if you have a plurality you're not the nominee. have you to win a majority. abe lincoln wouldn't have been president if we went with plurality. you still have pushback majority. >> haley barbour will be joining us on "morning joe" today. we've been looking forward to hearing from him. fascinating. >> traditional campaign tactics. "wall street journal" first to report. the campaign says it has hired a speechwriter and the candidate is practicing in his officer with a teleprompter, a teleprompter, should be outlawed for presidential candidates. will deliver first speech in washington on the subject of national security before his indiana really yesterday trump met with state's republican governor mike pence, with new jersey governor chris christie at his side. move comes amid trump softening
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his tone. he explained why during his election speech he called his chief rival senator cruz instead of lyin' ted. >> i thought it would be very undignified for me to get up at that particular moment, with everyone watching, because everyone wanted to see what was going to happen in the state of new york. >> that graciousness was short-lived. back stage trump quickly returned to those attacks. >> in the case of lyin' ted cruz, lyin' ted. he lies. i'm millions of votes ahead. millions. millions of votes ahead of lyin' ted cruz. i'm about 300 delegates ahead of lyin' ted. they asked lyin' ted about waterboarding and he didn't want to answer. do you think this happened with lyin' ted cruz? believe me. there's no path for lyin' ted
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cruz, he's out. lyin' ted cruz comes over here and starts ranting raving, lyin'. we have some beauties. lyin' ted, crooked hillary. i won't go over the others because they are defeated. once they are defeated you don't have to mention their names anyone. >> the pivot doesn't happen anymore. you take baby steps in the pivot. >> it's so funny watching everyone cover this. has he changed? has he not? it's called a rally. versus i won the state of new york speech. he's showing dimension. you notice everyone on the set was laughing and everybody in the audience was laughing and they were having a good time. is it really that interesting a story that he has a different tone at different times of the day. >> it's a show. >> he's a show. that's kind of part of it. he does a good job at it. >> the point will come it's hard
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to sustain because you don't have the option at some point of narrow casting. everything you say anywhere ultimately gets echoed everywhere. certainly happens when you're president and will start happening in the general campaign as well. >> one thing joe scarborough taught us when you're moving that fast it's hard to stop. they have him moving fast. cruz and kasich are struggling to slow him down. they can do it in may, the contests in may but that's where the pivotal battle is going to be. they are doing it now again a guy who is operating fast. >> we still have to get to the democrats. bernie hanging in there. a lot to cover there. you actually had john lieberman. >> jeff. >> excuse me. they are looking ahead to these states. they are looking ahead to these states, rhode island. >> we were told no backing off the rhetoric. >> jeff weaver. my mistake. let's get to other stories
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making headlines this morning. the water crisis in flint is officially a crime. two were arraigned yesterday, steven bush and michael christy pled guilty to evidence tampering and conspiracy. they are accused of altering results and misleading. both men suspended without pay and face prison time. a third man who ran the city treatment plan was charged with evidence tampering and falsifying reports. he has not and in court. will in the news president obama is attending a council of gulf nations. he traveled to saudi arabia as i mentioned where he was snubbed by king salmaan at the airport. they later met at the airport. did they plan to meet at the airport? >> that was never clear. >> after two hours in riyadh amid a time of heightened tinge, in the forefront effort to
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declassify 28 pages of documents that relate to who financed 9/11 terror attacks. there's the bill being pushed through congress that would allow foreign governments to be held liable for backing terror, including allowing victims of 9/11 to possibly sue the saudi government. saudi arabia has always denied a roll in the attacks. we'll talk much more about this issue with richard coming up later this hour. finally the most dramatic changes in decades on the way for american currency. in an historic announcement, the treasury department says harriet tub man will become the new face on the $20 bill replacing former president andrew jackson. the $5 and $10 bills will be upgrated. the secretary believes the new bills will be unveiled in 2020 to mark 100th anniversary of women's right to vote. big change. >> hamilton was saved. >> that's right. >> miranda. >> exactly right.
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>> talked to jack lew in washington. sealed the deal. >> women on the women. they just need to be paid the same money. a small symbolic step. still ahead haley barbour on the simmering feud between the republican national committee and front-runner. that might be warming up. there are some reports leading to that fact. plus former ambassador tim roemer who personally read secret 28 pages on a possible saudi roll in 9/11. also the complete list of time magazine's 100 most influential people. the big reveal is straight ahead. >> barnicle. >> live town hall event with donald trump right here on nbc and "morning joe" simulcasting. first bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill. >> never seen at a softball game before. check what rolled through the field in lynchburg, virginia
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yesterday. okay. pitcher on the mound. all of a sudden we're going to stop this game. >> oh, my lord. >> because of this huge dust devil that developed right over the field. >> what in the world is that? >> pretty crazy. >> dust devils look like tornadoes. it happened to be a clear day, hot, calm day, what happens in the desert southwest. they delayed the game. it dissipated and went up into the sky. >> oh, my gosh, all that dust in the eyes. >> look at the pitcher's reaction. all right. let's get to the forecast. thunderstorms across texas once again, houston this afternoon. also kind of a cool dreary day. indianapolis, through all of ohio, bring the umbrella. later on today, we track these storms down through houston and the gulf. also if you're around indiana, ohio, kentucky and tennessee, carry the umbrella today, isolated storms. finally this all heads to the east coast tomorrow. one more absolutely gorgeous beautiful day from maine to florida. then on friday you'll have to
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break your umbrella out for the first time in about a week, week and a half since we had any rain on the east coast. a great stretch of weather and it comes to an end friday afternoon. washington, d.c., look at the sunrise. another gorgeous day under way at the capital. more "morning joe" when we come back.
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american. you have lyin' ted cruz. don't worry about it little marco. >> why don't you just go home. >> get him the hell out of here. get him out of here. get out. >> all right. let's go. you like that, old man? >> as you know, we have won millions more votes than ted cruz. >> here comes the putter throw. >> tomorrow morning we go back to work. >> wait. he's restrained himself.
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maybe this is a new "happy gilmore." >> we love you all. have a great evening. >> we have to give credit for andrew noting the comparison between the evolution of "happy gilmore" and the evolution of donald trump. joining me "new york times" reporter jeremy peters. good to see you, man. the "happy gilmore" comparison slightly more appropriate before yesterday's rallies when he went back to lyin' ted and all that. you're reporting on two parallel trump campaigns. explain that. >> that's exactly right. what you have unfolding on the one hand is the very public donald trump who is going back to excoriating republican national committee one day saying he might replace rance priebus and on the other hand you have a much quieter more agreeable, contrite approach being undertaken by trump senior
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advisers led by paul manafort coming down where the annual spring meeting is where i am right now. tonight they are going to -- trump advisers are going to present to the republican establishment that donald that bashed time and time again. they are bringing dr. ben carson along with them as something of an olive branch, can't we all get along approach, that shows behind what donald is saying so public publicly and really harshly about the republican party, there are people inside who want to work with the republican party. >> it's a fine line with donald trump. he's gotten this far because he's been outspoken and blunt and behaved the way he has at the rallies, make him a little more palatable in the general election. how do they walk that line? >> that's exactly right. walking it by what you're seeing now, have trump be the public face of anti-establishment anger
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which he channels so well. then quietly going behind the scenes and calling reince priebus, sending senior advisers to meet with party officials. i don't know that it works, because i talk to a lot of republicans at the event. these are delegates, will have to vote for donald trump at the convention and they are just not sold. they don't believe him when they say, everything is fine. trust us. that's donald being donald. we're really team players here. >> ted cruz and john kasich make it personally. what are they using to rally anti-trump forces among rnc. >> that's funny, mark. i had a conversation yesterday with somebody in a meeting with ted cruz. she's somebody who would probably not call herself the
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establishment but somebody who ted cruz supporters would consider establishment. this person said to ted cruz, okay, give me a reason to vote for you because i'm kind of not there yet. how do you convince somebody like me, who is more middle of the road, to get on board with you, and cruz essentially acknowledged, look, i have a lot of work to do. i don't know that he has a good answer for that question yet. nor do i think he necessarily wants to have one at this point. >> jeremy, thanks. before we go to break, we're going to talk about democrats at some point, a piece in the "washington post" talking about elizabeth warren and how necessary she is to this equation. also with women on the front page of the globe, talk of elizabeth warren as a running
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mate. i don't know where that's coming from. we'll look into it. i don't know if that's possible. we'll look into it. but you know, the value of warren has a lot to do with the value of bernie supporters and how necessary she is. i'm not sure that we've actually taken a look at what's happening on the democratic side in terms of how left they may have to go in order to keep it all together. so we'll talk about all that next. coming up on "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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32 past the hour. we're going to call this segment, what does bernie want and why does it matter? writing in the "washington post," after new york comes the question, what does bernie want. they cy, as clinton extends her lead in pledged delegates, sanders must confront the reality he has almost no chance of becoming the democratic nominee. instead he must decide with what he will do with what he has built. just who can help broker this is a question democrats are beginning to ask. one possibility is elizabeth warren who until sanders decided to run was the acknowledged leader of the party's progressive wing. warren has had occasional conversations with both candidates and recently met with clinton's campaign chairman john
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podesta according to a knowledgeable source. besides the fundraising operation sanders built online, his campaign also used social media to build a nationwide community of followers that could endure long of a the the campaign. that gives sanders the opportunity to become the leader of the progressive movement and with others such as warren, to keep the pressure on clinton as both nominee and president, if both were to happen. i'm going to read another one from real clear politics in just a moment. what's interesting, aren't we used to -- mark halperin, telling me if i'm overstating this -- people following in line with the clintons, getting right there. elizabeth warren is holding out. she's holding out. there's a part of me as a woman, i think that's great. we tend to fall in line and take the first offer of anything. she's waiting for what she wants, it appears. do you agree? >> i'm skeptical the clintons and sanders are going to use
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her. i think they will cut out the middle woman and deal with each other directly. but "washington post" excellent to suggest sanders wants to go all the way to the convention and be influential on the platform. he's way bigger than elizabeth warren. he's built a national movement, fundraising operation, large clouds, really highlighted issues. he's dwarfed politically anything she's accomplished. >> let me real "real clear politics" elizabeth warren would have annihilated them. let's be honest, these are flawed candidates which is why when two or more republicans are in a room the talk turns to paul ryan. in a more muted fashion, permeates democratic party which finds itself choosing between a 74-year-old senator who called himself a socialist and a familiar face with lots of baggage, mainly about her credibility and character. but the democrats also had a knight in shining honor who chose not to run. unlike paul ryan she could have amassed the old-fashioned way
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winning primaries and caucuses. 2016 campaign set up perfectly for massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. if she had run warren may well have locked up the democratic presidential nomination by now. you don't think those crowds would have been there for elizabeth warren? >> no. >> no. >> i think you guys are wrong. you were wrong about trump. honestly your instinct is -- or is it your own personal -- >> bernie sanders has believed what he believes for 50 years. this is the culmination of his professional and political life. he gets up there and exhibits a raw energy mixed with anger, mixed with understanding of issues that affect the people he's speaking -- >> the question is, would she have done better? >> i don't think so. what do you think, mark? >> no. i think clintons would have had a much easier time undermining her arguments. >> it's academic, we don't know. the real question is the question you put out, which is going forward, how does hillary clinton do with the tension
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between securing her base, having a unified party, and then reaching out to a larger electorate. that is the structural tension she is going to face. >> why do you think she would have done better than bernie? >> because i think she would have been able to handle the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth question he did at the daily news. i think the 74-year-old socialist might have been -- i have to be careful what i say. i think she would have been more mainstream in terms of her ability to connect. i think she would have been really exciting to people. you explain this to me, the front page of the boston globe. >> the boston globe. >> boston globe, elizabeth warren, massachusetts senator. >> you think this is made up. >> that's to say the event the phrase "all politics are local." she's accomplished a lot as a senator. she's accomplished nothing like
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what bernie sanders has. do you think she's a credible vice presidential candidate for hillary clinton? no, i don't think the clinton camp is interested in adding elizabeth to the ticket. >> i've been outvoted. i've been voted off the island. but i think you're wrong. >> mika's argument elizabeth warren would have forced hillary clinton to adopt the same arguments. >> i don't think spring and college kids don't really know exactly what they are there for. i think it would have been people who understand exactly what they are there for. >> i don't think elizabeth warren would have been able to raise the amount of money bernie sanders raised. that was critical. critical. >> he did an amazing job with the whole concept of financing. >> i think the story is interesting. it highlights whether someone like hillary clinton would go to sharon brown or someone on her left or whether she goes to tim kaine or somebody on her right. that's going to be a big debate.
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that will tell you something about how she will try to reposition herself going into the general election. >> still to come this morning our simulcast of today's show in the heart of new york. how did terrorist with no english and no experience in america line up flight lessons in california ahead of 9/11. their support system in america, including a possible saudi connection, may lie in those classified 28 pages of the congressional inquiry. we're going to talk to former ambassador tim roemer, who has read the secret documents, about whether they should be released to the public. we'll be right back. ♪ the all-new audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. ♪
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a true partnership where people, technology and ideas push everyone forward. accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration. i think it's impossible to believe 19 people, most of whom don't speak english, hadn't been in the united states before, many of whom didn't have a high school education could have carried out such a complicated task without some support within the united states. >> and you believe that the 28
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pages are crucial to this? >> i think they are a key part. >> that is bob graham calling for the release of 28 pages of the congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. tim roemer is another. he served as u.s. ambassador to india and was a member of the 9/11 commission. he joins us now from washington. do you concur -- tell us what you can under the content of 28 pages and how significant they are to what we're looking at today? >> good morning, mika, nice to be with you. i'll start by just telling you a little about the 28 pages and where they come from. i think it's important to understand the context. they were written by joint intelligence committees of the house and senate back in 2002 right after the 9/11 attacks. they were written in about a 12-month time period.
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not a lot of time to look at the possibility of foreign nation involvement in the attacks of 9/11 that killed almost 3,000 people. then after those were written, some people have described them as a preliminary police report. clues, investigative clues about what might have happened. also some concrete conclusions about what took place. many of us knew from serving on the joint intelligence committee that we had a lot more work to do. so we fought with the 9/11 families for the creation of the 9/11 commission. that commission then had about 16 months to follow through not only on those 28 pages and the possibility of saudi arabia's participation in those attacks on the united states, but on all the other questions that we were tasked to pursue. how did this happen, what do we
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do to protect america in the future? so many of us have come forward now, mika, and we believe that those 28 pages should be declassified. one, because the american people deserve to know this. the 9/11 families deserve to know it. two, a lot has changed in the u.s.-saudi relationship over the past five or six years and we need to reset that relationship. >> i'm going to bring richard haass in, backdrop is the president is in saudi arabia. >> sure. >> richard, spell out the two issues at stake and you can take it to tim. >> one tim roemer was talking about, not sure congressman or ambassador. 28 pages and executive director of the 9/11 commission feels strongly this should not be released. this is raw material that hasn't been followed up interviews, hasn't been vetted, the kind of stuff never make grand jury for the same reason.
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secondly, if there is some connection to saudi arabia you almost want to say who in saudi arabia. say a minor official, one of 10,000 royals bankrolling it. doesn't mean this was in any way authorized or sanctioned official saudi involvement. so the real question is what good will come of this. seems to me it could be potentially misleading. given this legislation, it could set a terrible precedent. the united states is the largest footprint of any country around the world. if the united states government held accountable tore every single person associated with the united states government now or in the past does, then we are, i think, potentially the most vulnerable country in the world and individuals who serve in our armed forces and diplomatic corps become extremely vulnerable. the papers as well as associated legislation i think we're going down a very unwise path. >> mr. ambassador? >> so richard, i watch you all the time on this program and i almost always agree with a lot
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of what you've said. i disagree with almost everything you've laid out there. first of all, phil zellica, who i also have respect for as executive director of the 9/11 commission. out of the 10 commissioners that sat on the 9/11 commission, i would guess eight out of the ten, democrats and republicans, support releasing these 28 pages so. we respectfully disagree with the executive director. secondly, i would say with regard to the relationship with the saudis, yeah, it might be uncomfortable, richard, they might not like the spotlight being shined on them. however, 15 of the 19 hijackers were from saudi arabia. we know it was a fertile fundraising round for terrorism and terrorists and al qaeda. and lastly, we know they have been exporting radical form of islam out of saudi arabia, in
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the united states, causing a lot of problems for the last 25 years. these should be talked about very, very directly with the saudis that continues to cause us intelligence problems and security problems. and as we say in the 9/11 commission report, we need to change the relationship with the saudis as the president is doing over there right now, having direct talks with them on yemen, on syria, on human rights in saudi arabia, on why we feel that the nuclear arms deal with iran is a good thing for the world and the saudis should not try to undercut that. so we have a lot of disagreements with them. finally, richard, you brought up something that's not directly connected to the 28 pages. that is the legislation making its way through the house and the senate now on allowing if the saudis were culpable, that legislation needs to be narrowed
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so that it only affects saudi and doesn't affect us and foreign policy and diplomats overseas. i think we could make sure the 9/11 families can be reimbursed, saudis involved. >> ambassador, willie geist. >> hey, willie, how are you? >> doing well. just to richard's point, we're using the term saudi arabia very broadly here. based on what you know, based on your investigation, based on what you've seen in those 28 pages, are we talking about saudi government sanctioning the attacks of 9/11 or is it criminal terrorist, extremist elements with money inside that country? >> so it's a good question, willie. what we found on the 9/11 commission was certainly that we did not discover senior high-level saudi government connection to the 9/11 attacks. however, as i just laid out, there was saudi fundraising, saudi support for wahabism also
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supported, also said on the television, no way the two terrorists that helped pull off the attacks could have gone into southern california and san diego and los angeles without help ahead of time. somebody from the saudi consulate in los angeles that we saw doing a lot of things allegedly helping terrorist. >> ambassador, thank you. tim roemer, given that answer, i'm just curious, how do you narrow the focus. we should be able to move forward with these. you can't narrow the focus. >> there's a difference between going back in history between the saudi government official act and rogue elements and i think there's quite likely there were, could have been a royal, function in the government, someone with a foundation and a big pot of money and that probably was true. i think going forward we do have a big problem with saudi arabia. we are not on the same page on
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the issue, whether yemen, syria, what to do about iran or middle east. we call our selves allies, we call our self partners, we are not. they have zero faith in us, what happened in egypt and syria. >> really tough. >> this is one of the most problematic relationships we have. this is a country under serious threat from isis. this could become -- >> and from the middle east. >> wow. all right. richard haass, thank you. ambassador tim roemer, thank you as well. still ahead on "morning joe." >> donald trump, he was winning the majority of votes, he likely would have the majority of delegates but that's not actually what's happening. >> i just want to tell him, buddy, just stop. just back away. you're like the rnc chair. he's got you exactly where he wants you. you're looking defensive. have an associate come on. have a past rnc come on, have haley barbour come on.
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politics. it's much about nothing. trump, he's just trump. >> we're going to hear that this morning from the real haley barbour. i don't think he's going to sound like that that's my gut. that's my gut. but i think joe does a good imitation. former chairman to rnc joins us live. maybe we'll ask him to do an impression of joe. we'll be right back. but not evey understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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and new york town hall live on the "today" show. we'll simulcast it. willie, you're going to be there. >> i'm ready. >> are you prepped. >> donald, what's with the pivot? are you pivoting? are you going to ask him that? >> of course. whatever questions you feed me. >> first alexander hamilton is keeping his spot on the $10 thanks in part to the hit broadway play. cokee roberts says the treasury department has it all wrong. what? she joins us next to explain. today's the day! oh look! creepy gloves for my feet. see when i was a kid there was a handle. and a face. this is nice. and does it come in a california king? getting roid rage. hemorrhoid. these are the worst, right? i'm gonna buy them. boom. i'll take them. impulse buy. ommmmmmmmmmm. american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. it's all happening.
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undignified for me to get up at that particular moment with all the people and pretty much the world watching last night because everybody wanted to see what was going to happen in the great state of new york. >> in the case of lyin' ted cruz, lyin' ted. he lies. lies. i'm millions of votes ahead. millions. millions of votes ahead of lyin' ted cruz. i'm about 300 delegates ahead of lyin' ted. they asked lyin' ted about waterboarding and he didn't want to answer. do you think this happens with lyin' ted cruz, believe me. there is no path for lyin' ted cruz to get the nomination. he's out. eay yi yi. lyin' ted cruz comes over here ranting and raving and starts
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lying. we have some beauties. lyin' ted cruz, crooked hillary. i won't go over the others because they are defeated. once they are defeated you don't have to mention their names anymore. >> cokie said, he's back? let me tell you, he never left. >> lyin' ted was senator cruz for one night. >> donald is showing versatility, okay? he's adding to his repertoirrep. this morning we'll see something different. he'll do a town hall on rockefeller plaza. simulcast it on "morning joe." you'll be there. >> i'm working the crowd. >> you're doing the crowd? you're good at that. >> voters out there. like phil donahue at his peak. >> welcome back to "morning joe," the top of the hour. joe taking a much needed day off. thursday april 21st. still with us on set veteran columnist and msnbc contributor
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mike barnicle, managing editor bloomberg mark halperin, richard haass and joining the conversation as you saw, abc political news commentator and senior analyst. >> npr commentator. >> npr commentator. senior analyst as well, cokie roberts. she's also an author. what great timing for this to come out in paper back. capital games, the civil war and women in washington. now out in paper back as we look at the front page of the washington globe, considering a ticket with two women on it. we look at women on the money, maybe not getting the money yet. >> and not on the money for a very long time. >> thank you. see. it's like 2020. >> no, 2030. >> they accelerated it, 2030. >> 2020 for the design.
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>> we'll check that. >> 20$20 takes a long time to d because it's needs to be a secure bill. they are in atm. could be a fabulous musical about andrew jackson, his mother killed by the british of a prul of a sudden he's on the 20. >> go to the back of the bus, wait your turn business is still going on. >> there was andrew jackson, didn't last long. i'll tell you this much, there is symbolism to women being on the money. speaking of symbolism, the president yesterday took off for saudi arabia. he traveled there where he was snubbed at the airport reportedly. but later met with king salman in riyadh amid heightened tension. the two leaders discussed joint absence on isis and president obama reportedly pushed saudis to be more open to diplomacy with iran. today the president attends summit with key gulf allies,
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richard haass and then to cokie, what's the important of symbolism of being met at the airport by the president. this didn't happen in cuba. aid sense of this from growing up, this is what the advance team does at a very high level. they make sure the entire trip is designed to set the president up for success. being snubbed at the airport is not a good start. >> what it tells you in each case is about the agenda of the host. in cuba they wanted to downplay the event because they are worried about the political dynamics the american president could set in motion in their country. in saudi arabia they are unhappy with all sorts of things, the president's rece interview where he called saudi free riders and questioned many aspects of their foreign policy. they are unhappy with what they see pulling the rug out from under egyptian president mubarak. they are unhappy most of all with the policy towards iran.
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they think the agreement on nuclear issues is deeply flawed. so what you have is the saudis basically signaling they are going to do their own thing and the united states no longer occupies the same special place. hence, the saudis go into yemen without telling us and have a very different policy in syria it's not so much a snub, it's a signal that the united states is no longer nearly as special. saudi arabia is no longer going to defer, at least to this american president. i think one of the interesting questions, mika, will be what happens under the successor, whether democrat or republican matters not. whether this relationship begins to get back on track or whether simply the united states and saudi arabia are really pursuing very different foreign policies. >> so cokie, there's some huge issues at play here. am i being too shallow? >> i don't think so at all. it's interesting, i had the very interesting, fun experience when george w. bush was president of riding with him and mr. bush to
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the airport to greet the pope of it was pope benedict. the president wanted to talk about how he saw the pope as such an important figure, such a moral figure. he was breaking precedent, because usually the u.s. president does greet the visiting head at the white house. you've seen that picture a million times, the car under the portco. >> it's designed. >> they changed it and went to andrews to meet the pope because the president wanted to talk about how incredibly important he was. then president obama followed that with pope francis. the trust -- i was picked to go because i speak pope. >> do you. >> that's right. i was able to, you know, have that conversation. it is symbolic of something
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important. it absolutely was a snub. >> wonder what the advance team does. >> want to ask more about the presidential trip. according to sources i've spoken to, saudis are basically playing a waiting game trying to figure out has the country changed or is it just this particular administration that changed the view toward saudi arabia. saudi arabia has within it it's own whirlwind. a young population, huge unemployment issues, dwindling revenue. isn't it the saudis who are more on the griddle here in terms of the middle east and going forward in the middle east than it is us on the griddle? >> absolutely. with oil hovering around $40 a barrel, saudis in serious economic straits. their war in yemen is what i would call vietnam, seriously misguided. all sorts of infighting amongst royals who will succeed this very young king. more than anything else, saudi arabia for the reason you said, a large number of unemployed or
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underemployed young men who have no purpose in life. they are online all the time. that's exactly the fertile recruiting grounds for a group like isis. i think saudi arabia is in real difficulty. this could be a real foreign policy crisis facing the next occupant of the oval office. >> richard haass, thank you very much for being on this morning. we're going to turn back now to the presidential race. donald trump planning to adopt some traditional campaign tactics. "the wall street journal" was first to report the campaign said hired a speechwriter and that the candidate is practicing in his office with a teleprompter, a tool that he once said should be outlawed for presidential candidates. trump will deliver the first policy speech in washington. the topic, national security. before his indiana rally yesterday, trump met with the state's republican governor mike pence, new jersey governor chris christie at his side. the move comes amid talk of trump softening his tone. as you saw a moment ago, it's a process.
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actually, i think that he's showing different sides of himself. the part that he's doing now or adopting now, as many are reporting, is going to be so easy for him compared to what he's doing that, again, people are going to get it wrong. that's my take. >> keep getting it wrote so a safe take. >> so easy for him. he's been riffing. think about it. do you know a presidential candidate in history that made it to the front, cokie or mark halperin, who didn't have speechwriters up to this point. >> andrew jackson. >> since then any -- it's incredible to a point what he's been able to accomplish seemingly with a team of three. >> says a lot about what he's been able to do this far that it's news he has a speechwriter, get a teleprompter. we take them for granted with every candidate. he hasn't needed them up to now. >> he hasn't. >> giving a week next week
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supposedly on national security. do we have any idea who he is relying on for advice and counsel. >> he made a list. his son-in-law on middle east policy. his speech to apec got overshadowed because brussel happened. he was pretty good in that speech. pretty well crafted, changed some policy decisions and did it in a heart fell and subtle way. >> jumped off prompter a few times. believe me. >> pretty close to prepared text. i think he's not -- he's able to sort of adapt and adjust and do new things. for the very first time speech on teleprompter, pretty good. >> any risk at sucking the life out of what he has. >> makes him more predictable. >> as soon as he knocks off these other guys he's going to be so presidential he'll be board. >> he's going to be so presidential your head is going to spin. that's what he said.
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>> let's talk about how he's going to get to the nomination if he does it. "associated press" declares ted cruz mathematical has no path to first ballot. ted cruz mathematical eliminated in terms of delegates. cruz needs 98% to get 1237, john kasich 158%. trump needs only 57%. but trump's campaign said he's on track to reach 1400 delegates by cleveland convention. earlier this month senator cruz said this about governor kasich's campaign after he was mathematicaly eliminated. >> i think you should suspend your campaign. at this point kasich has been mathematically eliminated. he needs more than 100%. that's mathematically impossible
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you can't get 158%. >> ted cruz added a new that no one will get to 100%. >> what's clear today, we're going to go to contested convention. i'm not going to reach 1237 and donald trump is not going to reach 1237. we're going to arrive in cleveland with me having a ton of delegates and donald having a ton of delegates. at that point it is going to be a battle to see who can earn the support of the majority of delegates elected by the people. the only condition in which i would leave the race is if it was clear there was no path to victory. at this point we are headed on a path to victory. >> donald trump is tweeting just this morning, quote, senator cruz has been mathematically eliminated from the race. he said kasich should get out for the same reason. i think both should get out. that's from donald trump just a few minutes ago. >> very few calls for them to get out of late by anybody. >> i'm hearing small overtures
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made by rnc to team trump trying to figure out how they do this together. >> they should make overtures. last new york i think we know what we're looking at. we're looking at hillary clinton, donald trump general election. they need to get with the program. >> they do. i think maybe -- i'm sure it is a little bit of -- for me, my world view ideology but it seems like ted cruz seems like a terrible choice to try and -- am i wrong in help me out with some objectivity. >> that's why he hasn't -- you haven't missed anything. that's why he hasn't succeeded. if they had a good choice, they would have rallied around them. >> someone in a room said, guys, get together here, all of them agreed and said we have to get behind ted, because he's the one. >> a rigged convention. >> who would be those people in that room?
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>> the stop trump, people in the republican establishment. i don't know. who are those people? >> trying to eliminate all the objections or minimize the objections people have about trump, members of congress, governors, is he electable, presidential? can he raise money for rnc. they are trying to minimize those concerns. the minute those are minimized he doesn't need an absolute majority, can he get close. one day after her blowout win over bernie sanders in new york, hillary clinton in pennsylvania where a poll shows her ahead of sanders by 13 points. that state will hold one of five contests next tuesday. speaking in philadelphia clinton trumpeted her win in new york looking ahead to next week's contest. the only other candidate she mentioned by name were donald trump and ted cruz. >> we had a really, really good day in new york yesterday. >> but here i am in pennsylvania
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because i really want to work as hard as we can together for the next week to get a good result on april 26th. when i hear donald trump and ted cruz talk about international issues, i mean, what they say is not only offensive, it's down right dangerous. i mean, when cruz says things like oh, let's just pull out of nato, or what difference does it make if other countries have nuclear weapons. loose cannons have a way of misfiring. it is very clear that what he is saying is causing a lot of surprise and concern around the world, because when you run for president, it's not only americans who are listening to what you say. >> the bernie sanders campaign is now spending cash just about
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as fast as they are raising it. according to a new reports senator raised nearly $46 million in march while clinton raised just over $29 million. the sanders campaign spent $46 in march as well and clinton actually ended the month with about $12 million more in the bank than sanders. the new figures come as former obama chief strategist and clinton supporter david plouffe tweeted this yesterday. sanders has run a strong campaign fueled by passionate supporters but raising money stating you have a path to the nomination is fraud. the sanders campaign has yet to respond directly to that charge but last night on msnbc, sanders strategist offered up this rational for staying in the race. >> bernie has made a commitment to go through the end and i'll tell you why, because millions of people are part of this campaign. they have contributed to it, literally millions. they have participated in it as volunteers, making phone calls on behalf of the campaign. more than a million people have come to events that we've had
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around the country. so all of those people that have been such a big part of that campaign, he wants to give them an opportunity to vote for him and we're going to stay to the end for that opportunity. we think we can win more pledge delegates, win more states, prove to the democratic party leadership when this process is over that he will by far be the strongest candidate in the general election. if we can make that case and present it, we hope they would present them. >> bernie sanders has every right to go to the end, hillary clinton did that eight years ago. you don't get out until you reach the majority. hillary clinton dialed back, when it was clear barack obama was going to be the nominee. you were talking last night to jeff weaver, who runs the campaign for bernie sanders, and he said we're not going to take our foot off the gas? do you think they are going to keep attacking someone who looks inevitable. >> the proof is in the pudding, when he goes out and does these rallies, is he going to continue to call for her to release
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speech transcripts, continue to say she voted for iraq war, continue to do things that go to her weaknesses, credibility. >> bernie sanders proved two things. one is you can raise a lot of money without attending fundraising with fat cats. you can raise a lot of money and still lose. >> just like jeb bush. >> he'll continue to raise money. he wants to continue the platform. he wants single payer, income inequality efforts, diminishing inequality. he's not getting out or diminishing his arguments. on a positive note, will he ratchet back on negative rhetoric? we'll see. >> it's having an effect, mike. his numbers are up, up, up. >> anybody going up this age with twitter. is there any level of concern
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within the sanders campaign, if he continues his -- it's not an attack. >> i don't really get this question. go ahead. i know what you're going to ask. >> whether you're her background, wall street, the whole thing. in a funny way diminishes sanders himself. >> none of his constituency will ever see it that way. they feel so passionate. he's not going to grow his support necessarily. he's got states coming up where he could do pretty well. he'll do well if he stays on his argument. just like trump has to be trump, sanders has to be sanders. >> doesn't have to be anti-clinton. >> doesn't have to be but he probably will be. >> help me understand, we had jennifer granholm on yesterday and she's like, he has to stop. has he to stop. it is time. it was as if the law was coming down. is there a law against him talking about wall street speeches, about income inequality. >> those are two different things. wall street -- >> i know they are two different things. >> two differ things in terms of
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his message and his tone. if he talks about income inequality, and he talks about the system and all of that, and his policies, that's one thing. that does energize people, and i think it's good for him and good for the party. if he talks about wall street speeches and he talks about, you know, not -- giving the whole truth and all of that, that's another thing. that's running her down when she's likely to be the nominee. >> so it does -- >> i think it would be helpful to the democratic party if he stopped. >> okay. that was my answer. i didn't really -- i don't understand why he can't stay in the game? >> he can stay in the game. absolutely. as mark, i guess, said, willie, it's how he stays in the game. if he stays in the game talking about his issues, great. if he stays in the game talking about how awful she is, that's very bad not only for her but
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for democratic house and senate members. >> cokie roberts, stay with us. on "morning joe," much anticipated new "time" 100 list on most influential people. next hour we're going to simulcast town hall with donald trump. willie will thereby. fresh off donald's win in his home state. tonight joe and his band playing prohibition in new york city. if you're in manhattan stop by at 8:30 on upper west side. you're watching "morning joe." >> i've seen it. >> oh, my god. donnie has been there, wants to take the limelight. unbelievable. >> nothing else to do, though. >> great show. we'll be right back with much more on "morning joe." you're driving through the woods
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board. let's take a look at different points of view. we have the atlantic, how not to disrupt politics. system rigged because rules written by establish mement. why stop there. voters know they are rigged. give them affirmation, give them solutions. trump and sanders might promise that if elected all delegates are created equal. no supers. delegates pledged to candidates according to will of voters, no more unbound. primary elections not caucuses, delegate allocation. i'm shocked both trump and sanders have not moved beyond their whining to explain how they would change their party's nominating process. you want to weigh in. >> a legitimate point to make. whining is part of who trump is, i don't think he's going to change. in fact, part of the reason trump is in the position he's in
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is because of attacks. i don't think he'll start a harvard seminar to explain why the party nomination should change. we have what we have. he knew what the rules are and ted cruz knew what the rules are. he has to play by it. right now he's being hurt by the rules because of unbound delegates and he's using flame thrower approach against establishment. it worked before. see if it's still working. >> pete wehner, clarify because people understand your point of view, you said, trump is a toxic figure in u.s. politics. another you said trump is radioactive with every demographic. i don't imagine that will change. we'll get back to that. alex, from covering the story, is he radioactive to every demographic or are they kind of conflicted, given some of the results we saw in new york. >> i think in new york that was a dramatic demonstration of his appeal within context of primary. we've seen that before, even in
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states like massachusetts or new hampshire, more of a purple state. we've seen him win the broad cross-section of voters particularly among white men. that's the strongest group across all ages. women, college educated voters, constituencies that are tough. i think what pete was probably referring to was general election voters where even in new york, winning new york as a republican, there are about as many primary voters on the republican side of manhattan as there are democratic caucusgoers in oklahoma. so you're talking about a profoundly unrepresentative sample. pete is clearly right, if you do end up with trump in a general election, has he a lot of work to do, not to shore up republican party but change a lot of minds that are currently pretty strong set against him. >> mike barnicle? >> pete, we can agree trump on a roll here. favor nomination. if that came about and he were the nominee for your party, give me in your mind's eye a
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description of the republican party next year. what is it? >> a catastrophe. i think if trump is the nominee it will be very, very bad for the party not just presidential but the house. interesting thing about republican party, below the presidential level it's extremely strong, governorships, legislators and state legislators. not as if the party itself is broken. for a number of years, number of cycles at the presidential level we've had a problem. rather than attempting to fix it we're going in the reverse direction. i think both cruz and trump would be underdogs against hillary clinton, who i think is a weak candidate. i think cruz and trump are a world apart. i think trump, because he is toxic -- if you look at the polls, sounds like a criticism but more empirical, we've just never seen a presidential candidate with these kind of unfavorability ratings. not just unfavorability ratings
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but the intensity of the opposition among the young, among nonwhite voters, among women. this is unprecedented territory and i think it will only get worse. i know mr. trump is trying to shift his ways but he's left a searing impression in the imagination of a lot of americans. i don't think he's going to be able to undo that. >> cokie. >> do you think ted cruz in some ways would be worse? because what some focus groups are showing is that people associate him much more with the party than they do donald trump. trump is generous and cruz is a republican and an unpopular republican. so senator rob portland is running with ted cruz, he might be in worse shape than if he's running with donald trump. >> i've heard that argument. it's a legitimate argument. hard to tell. i suppose you can make the argument he's more elastic, has a higher ceiling but lower floor. i don't think ted cruz is going
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to be a particularly formidable opponent. i'm not a huge fan of his. look, i just happen to think donald trump is an anathema, some ways existential threat to things i care about, conservatism and republican party. the one thing trump could do, which cruz couldn't do, hillary clinton and bernie sanders couldn't do, he could redefine the republican party in a very problematic way, because you can only do that if you're the head of the party, if you're the nominee of the party. i think that his views are so problematic on so many different levels, i think substantively and philosophically and tone and style. >> i wish we had two hours. i could then ask you what his views are and what you think they are because i'm not sure -- i'm not sure we know. >> you would need two hours to cover them because he's like a spinning compass. >> yeah. alex, the searing impression that pete thinks trump has left that is unchangeable, how would
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you define that? >> i think he's clearly defined himself as the strong man who will say and do anything. in the context of the republican primary, people have really bought into that as the idea he's a tough guy, cross any line, disregard any convention to win will i think in the general election people will see him as somebody who has offended a lot of conventions, there for a reason and disrespected a lot of groups that are typically treated a little differently by presidential candidates. it's possible if trump can stay in the vein that he's been campaigning the last couple of days, i think you're going to see a process of people thinking, well, maybe he's not exactly who we thought he was. maybe all that was just a schtick. an underplay dynamic in the new york primary. the people who know him best know that a lot of what he does is performance and don't necessarily get quite as worked up about it. but getting the rest of the country there is going to be a much taller order. >> alex burns and pete wehner, thanks very much. i wish we had more time. coming up, a grammy, pulitzer
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and musical "hamilton" helped keep his names sake on the $10 bill. did the founding father or the play's writer make the "time" 100 list? we'll find out next. today's the day! oh look! creepy gloves for my feet. see when i was a kid there was a handle. and a face. this is nice. and does it come in a california king? getting roid rage. hemorrhoid. these are the worst, right? i'm gonna buy them. boom. i'll take them. impulse buy. ommmmmmmmmmm. american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. it's all happening. cash back on purchases. here we go! backed by the service and security of american express. what's that? the number of units we'll make next month to maximize earnings. that's a projection. no, it's a fact. based on hundreds of proprietary and open data sets folded into a real-time, actionable analytics model.
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that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you i have an orc-o-gram we for an "owen."e. that's me. ♪ you should hire stacy drew. ♪ ♪ she wants to change the world with you. ♪ ♪ she can program jet engines to talk and such. ♪ ♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off shire. ♪ ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh...
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2016 "time" 100, its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. the issue features six rotating covers, including leonardo decaprio, nicki minaj. explain nicki minaj, i'm interested. >> not just best female rapper ever, she's one of the best rappers ever, extraordinary woman, iconic in her field. i think she's really kind of changed the way we think about women in rap, women in music generally. she's a remarkable figure and yet we have other female musicians like adele on the list, ariana grande. >> ariana grande. >> who represents one of the great belters of her generation, very precocious young businesswoman. each different from the others, yet influencing their arena.
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>> great surprising story if you don't know much about them. go ahead, mike. >> secretary kerry on the list writing a piece about leonardo dicaprio and bono writing about john kerry. what's the deal there? what are they saying? >> secretary kerry writes about leonardo dicaprio's work on the inform, how hard he works. how he used a spotlight that follows a movie star like him everywhere to redirect that on issues he cares about and the work the foundation has won. bono writes about kerry in a very interesting way. you think being a diplomat is some kind of glap reduce job where you're using from embassy to palace. he talks about just what brutal, unglamorous, hard work it is to get the job done. kerry is one of the most tireless figures in that world. >> who is general mcfarland.
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>> john mccain writes about him, critical fighter against isis. interesting military leaders on the list. for the first time ever, a woman serving as combatant commander, "who if the senate confirms her in charge of northern command protecting the homeland. mcfarland, robinson also represent the next generation of military leaders. >> and they are so impressive, this generation of military leaders. they really are. having robinson in that position is again, something -- in this whole conversation about women on the bills, you know, one of the things that people keep asking me about is how important is it, how important is this symbolism. my answer is very, very important, which is why i don't want to wait for the 20. >> you think about money, value is entirely symbolic. >> exactly. >> why does this piece of paper by a hamburger. >> first thing as editor of
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"time." >> talk about the money and who is getting it. >> and who is on the cover because that's symbolic. so having her in that position i think is very important. not only for the women of america in general but for the women in the military who are absolutely essential. >> this is the year we've been debating women in combat roles. so having her as a combatant commander is critical. >> let's go through the politicians on the list. donald trump obviously. >> i think you could say he's been fairly influential. >> ted cruz, bernie. >> here is what's interesting about those three. we will not know probably for another four years -- regardless we won't know who will win until november but we won't know until the next presidential campaign how much the way they have done this is going to change how people are going to run for office in the future. it's impossible to know whether or not anyone can do it the way they did. the fact that they showed that
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there can be -- you can run for office with an entirely different kind of playbook shows that is possible. shows it's possible to rewrite the playbook, not to do it the way it was done in the past, not to do it the political steps you must take, obstacles to overcome. i don't know anyone can do it on the shoestring budget and massive media profile trump did. i don't know anyone can do it raising money from individual donors as bernie sanders has. i don't know anyone can do it as a much reviled washington outsider, insider like ted cruz. we may not see someone go down that road again, but there were new roads to the white house, the nomination, certainly, it's looking like. that is a very interesting commentary. >> it is. i must commend you on comic actresses, julie louise dreyfus.
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>> see, cokie, he's back. >> that was very appealing. >> oh, my god. >> voting for yourself for president of the united states. that was very cool. >> i'm quoting cokie roberts on donald trump, that was very appealing. still ahead, a town hall with donald trump and the heart of new york, the state he won big, 8:00 eastern time. right back with hallie jackson and steve kornacki. stay with us. every mom is a working mom... and it's working moms everywhere who inspired us to work harder. that's why we are putting more food in our salisbury steak dinners
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donald got fewer votes in new york than i got in wisconsin. and yet, the delegate rules give donald many more delegates for winning new york than i got for winning wisconsin. now, that is the way a representative system of government works. you don't hear me up here complaining and whining, gosh, it is so unfair. >> joining us from frederick, maryland, nbc news correspondent hallie jackson who is covering the cruz campaign. hallie, ted cruz says no one is going to reach the number but how does he know that and what is his strategy now? >> okay. so let's take the first part of the question, mika, he said yesterday it's virtually impossible for donald trump to lock up the nomination. by our calculations that's actually not true. at leigh not at this point. donald trump victories two nights ago in new york and looking ahead to connecticut, rhode island, delaware, places trump is strong, it's too early to say trump doesn't have the map. the map is in his favor.
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previously talked about john kasich being potentially mathematically eliminated from the race. i caught up with the senator on the rope line yet. here is what had to say about that. >> donald consistently has been a fringe and marginal candidate getting a third of the vote. he can't earn a majority and won't in cleveland. if you don't earn -- >> he won in new york. >> so he won in his home state but cannot earn a majority across the country. the only way you become the republican nominee is to earn a majority. that's what i believe we're going to do in cleveland. >> listen to that phrase, the majority of delegates. that's something you're hearing from ted cruz and from his campaign aides, many of whom have been down in florida for the rnc meeting. you talk about their strategy moving forward. if they can get more delegates moving forward then they'll be positioned for a contested
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convention. campaign manager talked about how they have d million in the bank. raised some $12 million. we're vigorous, funded and going to compete in every state. privately, i think the campaign aides are focussing on pennsylvania, maryland here where ted cruz will be today, and also indiana and nebraska where they think they can win in that winner take all state. >> halle jackson, thanks for translating that strategy for us. let's turn to steve kornacki at the big board. you are looking at the importance of the race in indiana. could that make a difference? >> this whole question of does donald trump get to 1,237 during the primary season, i've been saying tell me who wins indiana. we have these northeast states. for the stop trump forces it's about trying to squeeze delegates out of pennsylvania, maryland, rhode island, connecticut. you can't in delaware, it's winner take all.
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but the first tuesday in may is indiana. this is the key. here's how they'll give out those 57 delegates. if you win the state by even one vote, a razor thin one vote victory you get 30 delegates just for winning the state. then for each of these congressional districts, there are nine total. each one of those you get three if you win. a total of 2 7 at stake. a total of 5 8. when people look at this state and they say this looks like a close race between ted cruz and donald trump and it probably will be a close race between donald trump and ted cruz. this is the next one cruz has a shot of winning. if donald trump wins by just a couple of points he'll get those 30. probably means he's winning six of these congressional districts. if trump wins by even a few points, he's getti inting 48 delegates out of this state.
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that 48 probably becomes 9 or less. it's a huge swing when we're talking about 1,237. a difference of 40 delegates one way or the other. when we talk about donald trump getting to 1,237, i do think there's a path in the primary season for him to get there. but this is key. win the state, even in a squeaker, he could get 50 delegates or more. lose in a squeaker, he could get single digits. that's the biggest single swing we have left on the board. >> i ask you about the unbound delegates in pennsylvania. this poll just came out showing donald trump with a lead in that primary in pennsylvania with 40% of the vote. trump is ahead by 14 points. ted cruz at 26% and john kasich at 24%. pennsylvania votes next tuesday. talk about the unbound delegates.
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>> that poll is key. you see 17 is the official number on here for pennsylvania next week. if you win the actual primary vote in pennsylvania you get 17. the unbound, there are 54. this is an interesting situation. they run on the ballot. men and women, their names will be on the ballot. 54 of them will be elected directly to become unbound delegates. here's the key, though. a majority of the cand sdidatesr these unbound slots are now saying publicly that they will vote at the convention for whichever candidate wins the state of pennsylvania or their congressional district. that poll becomes key. donald trump up by double digits in that poll. we've seen a bunch of other polls that have double digits, some by more than 20, 25 points. none of them will be locked in to any commitment they make until they are on the floor of the convention. the stop trump movement will
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tell you, we think you can pick them off. it's significant if they are publicly committing before this vote to honor the winner of their district and donald trump comes in there and doesn't just win pennsylvania but by the margin you're seeing in that poll, it will be hard for those delegates to back away from that. so i think it's key and that could be a potential secret weapon. >> and that's next tuesday? >> right. >> steve kornacki, stay with us. up next the donald trump town hall with our colleagues at the "today" show, including willie geist. we'll simulcast that live. plus, haley barbour joins us with his thought between the rncn donald trump and maybe some warming happening. "morning joe" is back in a moment.
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cruz got just 15% of the vote. in one county, he even lost to ben carson who dropped out of the race a month ago. even though cruz was beaten like a speed bag in a loose suit, at the end of the night, ted cruz managed to keep the positive and also kind of creepy. >> america has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat. >> welcome back to "morning
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joe." it it's 8:00 on the east coast. 5:00 on the west. we're back with mike barnacle, npr senior analyst and commentator cokie roberts? >> just commentator. >> why do we keep getting that wrong? npr commentator and nbc anchor and correspondent steve kornacki. great job trying to explain all this. >> thank you. >> it seems like next tuesday will be pivotal in some ways. or could be. >> it's the same sort of question we had in new york. it's going to be a good day for donald trump and the question is how good does it get next tuesday. the number i keep coming back to is 100. if it is 100 more delegates, he's still on track. >> here's how we've evolved. 16 years ago it was florida, florida, florida. >> now indiana. >> and pennsylvania.
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>> it's what happens after next week with those unbound. what do they start saying. >> we're learning so many new terms. >> the republicans are crazy. >> thank you, cokie. >> we're going to be in a few minutes we're going to simulcast with the "today" show because matt, savannah and willie are having a live town hall with gop front-runner donald trump. we're going to jump in when they start. donald will be taking questions not just from matt and savannah but from willie and the audience. i think it's worth dipping in and listening to what the front-runner has to say. that is any minute now. when that starts i'm going to cut you off and we're going in. by the way, standing by to watch all the excitement, managing editor -- are you on facetime? what is this? >> i'm on skype. covering the scene. >> you're on skype? >> a lot going on on the plaza as you can see. >> looks like they have a pretty
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good crowd. is he here yet? >> he's here. the family is here. they talked to the family last hour. they're about to head out. >> mark halperin you stand by. jump in whenever. not sure i've ever done the skype on our show. it's okay. it's halperin. let's continue with the politics of the day that revolves around donald trump. the associate ed press has declared that ted cruz has no path to nomination at the first ballot at the convention, finding him mathematically eliminated. cruz needs to win 98% of the remaining delegates. john kasich would need 158%. trump needs only 57%. >> that's very possible. >> very possible? not a long shot but we have to say it's possible because it
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might happen? >> i think the path -- i've been saying for a while, the political world overreacted to wisconsin and we jumped to the idea we got this open convention coming up. but we saw this week donald trump is capable of getting huge delegate hauls. does this idea of momentum still exist in politics at all? if it does, if winning big in new york and winning big next week is worth anything for momentum and gives him a few extra points in indiana and he can win indiana, then we're in a situation where he's over 1,000 and could be on course. >> don't you think the areas of new york, not manhattan, that donald trump won is significant to how he could do in other states? >> yes. >> and it's good for donald trump. everyone is like, new york kicked his butt. people don't like him because it's new york city. that's his town. it's the biggest compliment a presidential candidate could get to get upstate new york, or to get the middle of new york state. >> look, donald trump is
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appealing. we've been saying this for months now. to the -- >> the voters. >> particularly white male voters. >> and some women. >> and some who have not voted for a long time. if he can do that in states that do not have large minority populations, and he can do that in places like missouri, michigan. he says this. and i think he's right. he can turn blue states red. and i think the democrats who think they're going to walk away with it if he's the nominee are just wrong. >> steve, you might be able to bear me out. if you track donald trump's vote in states like new york and massachusetts, there's an amazing consistency to the sanders vote and trump vote. >> interesting. the other interesting thing, massachusetts and new york, the two best states for donald trump right now, are massachusetts and new york. rhode island coming next week. he's going to get close to 60% there. at the same time when he's
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brought in, i can't remember seeing this. a republican candidate whose two core areas of strength would be like the blue states in new england and the states in the deep south. alabama, mississippi, tennessee. these are also the strongest trump states. this is a coalition we haven't seen in the republican primary. >> but half will go democratic. >> pennsylvania would be a good state for him. >> earlier this month, cruz said this about kasich's campaign after he was mathematically e m elimina eliminated. >> i think any candidate that doesn't have a path to win, that's the time you should suspend your campaign. at this point, kasich has been mathematically eliminated. he needs more than 100 of the delegates to be nominated. you can't get more than 100%. >> isn't he now mathsmatically in that situation? >> this is why -- this is the
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complicating factor. he said the next state he can win is indiana. he's trying to make this argument that kasich is not viable. he just lost to kasich in new york. kasich got delegates out of new york and he could beat him again in these states next week. >> we have to get to the town hall but can we just so him because he does it with this beautiful pause. take a look. >> what is clear today is that we are headed to a contested convention. i'm not going to reach 1237 and donald trump not going to reach 1237. we're going to arrive in cleveland with me having a ton of delegates and with donald having a ton of delegates. and at that point, it is going to be a battle to see who can earn the support of a majority of the delegates elected by the people. the only condition in which i'd leave the race is if it was clear there was no path to victory. at this point, we are headed on a path to victory.
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>> no, no, you're not. you're headed to a big fight to maybe then win that fight. am i correct? the path to victory would have been 1,237, which -- >> what is clear -- >> correct me. >> -- from that is that ted is a fringe candidate, too. >> you call somebody who is a factional fringe candidate and you've lost 20-plus states to that person. >> part of the reason that after wisconsin we all started talking about a contested convention is because we're all dying for a contested convention. so much fun. >> thank you, cokie. >> i want one. >> no, you don't. and it would be before even we got to the convention we'd have a contested rules committee. it would be a lot of fun. so i still love all that to happen, but i suspect that i don't think momentum works with voters, but i think it absolutely works with the party. >> right. >> so republican party meeting
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in florida, they are looking now much more at, all right, how do we deal with trump. >> i'm hearing that, too. there may be some overtures made on the part of the rnc, just kind of small, but the beginning of perhaps trying to figure out how do we work with this guy. crazy question it might be but bernie sanders supporters, is there a fight between the democrats and republicans over those people? >> it's interesting. we had the poll here in new york. it's about 15% in the exit poll. about 15% of bernie sanders supporters said in new york they wouldn't vote for hillary in the fall. the question is how did bernie sanders handle this? is this still war with hillary clinton through the spring, through the summer? then there's a chance that some of these voters could come up for grabs. a lot of these voters are wild cards in the same way. if donald trump showed up at the republican convention and didn't get the republican nomination, a lot of those trump voters, i don't know what they'd be saying. would they do something to hurt
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the republican party. it's first time people who had enormous expectations for what this process was going to do for them and incredible disappoi disappointment and dejection that comes with that. do they vote for republicans or trump but are they out there voting for hillary in the fall. >> let's go to the "today" show and their exclusive town hall with donald trump. we'll go to matt, savannah and willie geist as well. >> with that win and this stage of the race you'd have the nomination in your hand. this is a different kind of year. let's say you do have the nomination and you're going to be the guy in the general election. you look at some of the polling. you have an enormous negative number. 68% of people say they can't support you. would you admit you have a lot of work to do? >> i've been hit by 55,000 ads. 55,000 negative ads. nobody else has. look at kasich. he's never been hit by an ad
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because nobody cares frankly. no, it's true. no, it's so true. and cruz isn't hit with negative ads but they went after me both sides. and despite that i won florida with almost 21 points. i've won mostly landslides. 22 or 24 states and nobody else is even close. the main thing, millions and millions of votes more than anybody else has. >> and that's the republican primary. 30 million people vote in the republican primary. 130 million in the general election. if you look at these polls and the specifics and the swing voters who decide elections in this country in poll after poll, 6 d% of women disapprove. 67% of independents. young people, 70% unfaufrable. that's not just one poll, it's several. what work do you have to do? how are you going to convince them you are their candidate? >> when people see i'm going to bring jobs back to this country.
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when they see i'm going to strengthen up the military and center strong borders and we will build a wall and mexico will pay for it and we're getting rid of obamacare and we're going to be replacing it with something good. when they see we're going to get rid of common core which is a total catastrophe and bringing education locally to be run by local communities and the parents of the children and it's going to be wonderful and beautiful and much better. when they see what we're going to do and we're going to make some of the great trade deals. every deal we have is a total disaster. our country is losing a fortune. now women, if you saw my landslide in new york, women were one of the highest demographics. >> savannah's point is a valid one. it's different in a primary than a general election. some of the things you've said
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about women and mexicans and immigrants, you can unsay those things. by the way, they've been listening to all the things you just said about jobs and the wall. >> look, i did some things and have said some things in fun. i've said it as an entertainer doing "the apprentice." they wanted to renew me for two years and i didn't do it because of this. a lot of that was entertainment. there's nobody that respects women more than i do. there's nobody that will take care of women's health issues better than i can. hillary cannot do it. she doesn't have the strength or energy. she will not be able to do it. i think they want to see security for our country. i rank number one in every poll with security. with the military. the military is endorsing me. i just got endorsed by the border patrol. >> let's get to some of our town hall questioners. willie has one right here. >> good morning. a lot of questions. let's get started with andrew
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sullivan, brooklyn, new york, registered republican and supporter of yours. >> hi. hello, mr. trump. i did work for you, and i appreciate the ten years of good union construction work you provided for me and my family. god bless. >> good, good. thank you. >> what's your question, sir? >> in regards to isis, i sincerely appreciate the aggressive stance you want to take with them. and my question, how do we avoid the pitfalls of the past by getting involved yet again in this perpetual state of war with no end in sight. >> i was against the war in iraq. i said you don't go in. you'll destabilize the middle east. i was so strong against iraq. we went in and made a terriblis in take and then got out the wong way. isis was created because of the way we got out. and even the bad moves we made
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while there. we have to knock the hell out of them. we're going to get them out. we're going to help. we're going to get the countries in that region to put up their manpower or they've got big problems. a lot of that will be leadership. we have to get rid of isis. we are going to make it impossible for isis to survive. they are cutting off heads. they are drowning people in steel cages. it's like medieval times. nobody has ever seen anything like it. so we are going to get rid of isis. and our military has been decimated with cuts and everything else. we'll rebuild our military. it's going to be bigger, betters, stronger than ever before. hopefully we don't have to use it. the one place we'll be using it is to get rid of isis. >> just to make sure i'm clear here. you're going to bomb the you know what out of isis but you have a comprehensive plan for what to do in that region afterward? >> one of the things that running for office is interesting because they'll ask you questions like that and i
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did. i said bomb the -- i've been saying that from the beginning. they never did it. then they started it on a limited baseis. libya has fantastic oil. some of the finest oil in the world. who has the oil? isis. do we blockade is? bomb it? no. isis is making a fortune in libya. that was a hillary clinton deal. she wanted to go in and get rid of gadhafi. for what reason? gadhafi was a bad guy. saddam hussein was a bad guy. they had one thing in common. they killed terrorists. we would have been better off if we never looked at the middle east for the last 15 years. >> let's get to another question. jamie heckman is from west sayville, new york. a registered republican, married, three kid, still undecided. >> my relative is a natural born american in the military deployed in oman. his father and step mother are undocumented people here in the united states for the last 25
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years without any way of adjusting their status. if you are president, what will you do for members of the fabric of our community that have been here for 25 years. >> when you say natural born citizen, it's interesting because why do you mention that? i assume you were born here but why do you mention that? ted cruz also says that and he was born in canada. he's a natural born. he has no path right now. >> they've been here how many years? >> 25. >> we're going to do something for people that have been -- look. we're either going to have a country or not have a country. but many people are very fine people and i'm sure these are very, very fine people. they are going to go and we're going to create a path where we can get them into this country legally, okay? but it has to be done legally.
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>> you will deport them first? >> they're going to come back legally. we have some wonderful people. it's too tough to say you'll never come back again. they are coming back but they're coming back into our country legally. so important. that may not be the perfect answer for you but am i going to get your vote? >> by the way, they are from ecuador and i'm organizing the relief effort and i need transportation for volunteers and supplies. >> you have a twitter question? >> we're getting thousands of questions on twitter. i picked one here from jessica from toms river, new jersey. mr. trump, please be specific. tell us your views on lgbt, how you plan to be inclusive as president. speak about north carolina bathroom law in particular. >> i had a feeling that question would come up. north carolina did something that was very strong. and they are paying a big price and there's a lot of problems. i heard one of the best answers was from a commentator yesterday
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saying, leave it the way it is right now. there have been very few problems. leave it the way it is. north carolina what they are going through with all of the business that's leaving and the strife. leave it the way it is. there have been very few complaints the way it is. people go. they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. there has been so little trouble, and the problem with what happened in north carolina is the strife and the economic punishment that they are taking. so i -- >> do you have any transgender people working in your organization? >> i don't know. i probably do. >> so if caitlyn jenner were to walk into trump tower and use the bathroom, you'd be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses? >> that is correct. >> different issue -- a social issue -- >> there's a big move to create new bathrooms. problem with that, that would be -- first of all, i think that would be discriminatory in a certain way.
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it would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and the country. leave it the way it is. >> let's talk about abortion. the republican platform every four years has a provision that states that the right of the unborn child shall not be infringed and makes no exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother. would you want to include the exceptions that you have? >> yes, i would. absolutely. for the three exceptions, i would. >> would you have an exception for the health of the mother. >> i would leave it for the life of the mother but i'd have the three exceptions. >> let's go back to the crowd. dr. prisella warren of scarsdale, new york. married with one son. registered republican and supporter of yours. >> thank you. >> mr. trump, your wife melania suggested that you be presidential. can you tell us some of the things that you have done to be
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more presidential? >> well, it's true melania would like me to not hit as hard sometimes, and yet, you know, when i started we had 17 people and i was being hit from every angle by governors and senators and really smart and wonderful people, ben carson and others. and chris christie, another one. you're being hit pretty hard. i felt i had to hit back hard. if i didn't, if i acted presidential, i wouldn't be sitting up here today. it wouldn't be me. so i will tell you, it's easier for me to be presidential than for me to be doing what i've been doing for the last, really, nine months. but at the right time, i will be so presidential, you will be so bored. you will say, can't he have a little bit more energy? but i know when to be presidential. we have two more left, and they really have absolutely no path to victory. it was announced this morning they have no path to victory. and we have a very easy path to victory. i think they'll be gone very
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soon. >> on the democratic side of things, huge issue is wall street banks. they are firing at each other on that subject. you are a guy who said you know the wall street bankers better than anyone. >> better than anyone. >> after the 2008 financial meltdown, do you think any of the guys you know better than anyone should have been in jail? >> so it's a question i've heard so often. i've been asked so often. and the question is if they did something purposely, illegal, the answer is absolutely yes. now with all of that being said, i don't believe anybody has really been indicted and has gone to jail which is pretty amazing because i'm sure there were some pretty bad moves made. a lot of mistakes were made. you can't put a businessman in jail because he made a bad business decision. they want to do well and for the most part wall street bankers want to do so well. they are good people like everyone else. get a lot of money. i think they are paid too much money but what are you going to do? >> does it ever --
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>> they make a business mistake, you kant put people in jail. if they do something they know is illegal and wrong you have to put them in jail. >> does it ever support you that so many of your supporters of so angry because they feel the decks are stacked against them and yet you are the guy they are supporting and you are a guy who has been given every single advantage those banks can give to the wealthiest americans. >> i've taken advantage of the banks probably more than any other human being on earth. i love banks and i love fighting with banks if i have to. depends on what happens. the economy goes up, goes down. i found bankers to be very good people, very honorable people. generally speaking, they want to do what's right for the country. but again, i've known some bad dudes. you've known some bad dudes. i've been at parties. i've seen you and these people in the same room. there are some people out there that are not good people. for the most part, i have to say, wall street people, they are aggressive. they are tough. they're smart. and they bring a lot of money
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and a lot of jobs into this country. >> do you believe in raising taxes on the wealthy? >> i do. including myself. i do. >> willie? >> i'm with ella walters here in new york city. registered republican. undecided but leaning your way. >> good morning, mr. trump. congratulations on your big win in new york. my question to you is, can you please share with us a single most important lesson that you learned growing up, and who do you consider a mentor now, and why? >> it's a great question. and i'm not asked it very often. i would tell you a real lesson. my father was a builder in brooklyn in queens. he built housing. he loved to work. and he didn't say you have to work and you have to this, but i would learn sitting at his knee playing with blocks and it would be a sunday or saturday night or any time. he was always working. and he was a happy man. and i learned that work is a great thing. that i looked at my father, he
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had a wonderful wife. a fantastic marriage. it was 63 years. it was an incredible relationship. but my father was a very happy person and all he did is work. he couldn't take -- i don't think he's ever taken a vacation. one time he took a vacation and came back early. he was happy. he was content. had a great family, great wife. and what i learned is that when you work if you enjoy what you're doing if you really love what you're dooring, it's a gre thing. i know many people at the big celebration the, night, the biggest business people, but some of these people unbelievably wealthy but unbelievably unhappy. >> let me ask you about something in the news this morning. harriet tubman will now replace andrew jackson on the $20 bill. you have so often during this campaign railed against political correctness. do you see this as a move that is all about political correctness or is this a move
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that is simply way overdue. >> andrew jackson had a great history. i think it's very rough when you take somebody off the bill. andrew jackson had a history of tremendous success for the country. and as you know, they are going to do the $10 bill and then the broadway play hamilton or the broadway play, sort of saved that one and i read it just this morning. >> are you in favor of harriet tubman? >> i think hairiet tubman is fantastic. i'd love to leave andrew jackson and maybe come up with another denomination. maybe the $2 bill or another bill. i don't like seeing it. yes, i think it's pure political correctness. been on the bill for many, many years. and really represented somebody that's really was very important to this country. i would love to see another denomination, and that could take place that would be more appropriate. >> mr. trump, thank you for your time this morning.
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we thank everyone here for their questions. we're going to have a lot more on a thursday morning. >> that was donald trump. an exclusive town hall on the "today" show. in a moment we'll break down what we just heard. plus, former rnc chairman haley barbour joins us live. we're willing to bet he's glad he's not the current rnc chair. i'm thinking he's probably glad. how would he wrangle this? also, the man of the movement. will the surge ever support behind bernie sanders last beyond his improbable run for president? and as we go to break, a look at the olympic torch being lit in athens, greece. the rio games now 106 days away. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. neighbor boy. (neighbor) yeah, so we're just bringing your son home. he really loves our wireless directv receiver. (dad) he should know better. we're settlers. we settle for cable. but let us repay you for your troubles.
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who can still win the republican presidential nomination? it depends on which candidate you ask. but i suggest you don't ask the candidates. former mississippi governor haley barbour joins us. can the party eventually get behind one man? that is next on "morning joe." real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing at baas hard as the family everthat earned it. work that's why we're putting more food in our salisbury steak dinners
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north carolina did something that was very strong, and they are paying a big price. and there's a lot of problems. one of the best answers was from a commentator yesterday saying, leave it the way it is. there have been very few problems. leave it the way it is. north carolina, what they are going through with all of the business that's leaving and all of the strife. and it's on both sides. leave it weithe way it is. people go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. there has been so little trouble and the problem with what happened in north carolina is the strife and the economic, i mean the economic punishment that they're taking. so i -- >> do you have any transgender people working in your organization? >> i don't know. >> so if caitlyn jenner were to walk into trump tower and use the bathroom you'd be okay with her using whichever bathroom she
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chooses? >> that is correct. >> yes, donald trump speaking there on the rockefeller center plaza. joining us from capitol hill, former governor of mississippi and charmer chairman of the republican national committee, haley barbour. so great to have you on the show. take for us the headlines of that town hall. >> you heard one about the north carolina issues. also he favors the three exceptions on the abortion platform, republican abortion platform. he's going to be so presidential, you'll be so bored he says after a while. he said some of the things he's said in the past that seem outlandish he said them as an entertainer. the president is in saudi arabia. he said he's going to have to knock the hell out of them, unquote and, quote, make it impossible for them to survive. that's in anticipation of his national security speech scheduled for next week. >> and he wants to keep andrew
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jackson on the $20 bill because he thinks it's politically correct to remove him. >> how is he doing? >> he picked up 89 votes on tuesday. closer to the nomination. he has to win 1,237. and the talk out of his campaign that he's going to try to be more presidential, that he's going to try to be calmer, more deliberate, that he's going to make serious policy speeches, this is a pivot. and we'll see how it turns out. we'll see how it's accepted. i know they have to be somewhat cautious that they don't alienate their base. but at the same time, he clearly has to broaden his support. he's got to get, if things keep going like they are, about 12 million votes for the nomination. maybe 13.
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let's say he gets 15 million votes for the nomination, which is more than we'll get, that's still less than a fourth of all the votes he needs to get in november to win. it takes more than 60 million votes to win. he's got to make a pivot. he can't go into the election with 68% of people having an unfavorable opinion. >> mark halperin? >> is donald trump on track to get a number ever delegates? >> he has to get about 58% of the remainder. he's been getting in the 40s. the percentage of the vote in new york is the first time he's gotten over 50%. if that repeats, it makes it easier. it's not a given that he's going to be able to get 1,237 through -- by the time of the june 7th primaries. >> you think it's possible and likely but not definite?
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>> i think it's more like -- it's the most likely outcome. it's less than 50%. >> governor barbour, we can almost see your acute political antenna here. so let me ask you, what does your political antenna tell you about the possibility that donald trump arrives in cleveland with 1,100 delegate votes? what happens to him then? >> it takes 1,237 to win. i think it's likely that donald trump will get more votes on the first ballot than he gets any other time if there is more than one ballot. whether he can get 137 uncommitted or whether some other candidate would release his delegates to trump. and they -- and those delegates took that advice, which they don't have to, by the way. but 1,100 doesn't get you there.
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1,200 doesn't get you there. but it's more likely if you have 1,200 that another 37 will come across because they think you're so close and they want to be part of putting you over the top. >> would you agree that the establishment in d.c. was blindsided and caught off guard by donald trump? >> you know, mika, i've learned the establishment is whoever you don't like. but i think people that have been around politics and republican politics were very surprised that donald trump continued to overcome what seemed to be mistakes. an average politician would have gotten knocked out by. >> and why? >> i'll tell you, first of all, twice as much news coverage as all the other republican candidates for president combined. don't underestimate that. but one of the real phenomenon that's hand in the last few
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years, the biggest critics of republicans and conservatives has become the conservative media. has become fox news, talk radio, breitbart, bloggers and go down the list. they are the ones who are the harshest critics of conservatives. john boehner in the last congress in the republican house sent more than $3300 bills to t senate. harry reid didn't take any of them up. who got the blame? boehner. he couldn't get the senate to take up the house's bills. >> at some point, doesn't the republican party, though, need to stop denying what's happening right in front of their faces? what if the question were posed to you this way -- who would you prefer picking the next two or three supreme court justices? hillary clinton or donald trump.
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>> donald trump. >> let me make plain to you. i think i've said this on your show before. my intention is to support the republican nominee for president against hillary clinton, and i don't think the country can stand four more years of obama's policies and failed policies. that's what we'll get out of hillary clinton or worse. >> okay. so we have to go, but you want a quick -- >> governor, you see that the republican national committee is now getting more friendly toward donald trump. you're seeing more of the people who had been nervous about him trying to figure out ways to work with him. >> i am not close enough to answer that, but my observation for the last year is that they have really tried to work with trump and his people and make sure that they knew the rules and they got treated just like everybody else. and that's the chairman's job for the chairman of the
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committee to treat everybody equally, everybody fairly. give everybody all the same information. i think they have tried to do that. just once the rules are established, it's up to the candidates and campaigns to learn rules and to try to take advantage of the rules as donald trump always says he has as a businessman. the reason he's had these bankruptcies is that the rules allow that. the law allows that. he takes advantage of all of that. same way in politics. people learn the rules and then use the rules to their benefit to the maximum they can. there's nothing corrupt or rigged about that. we expect everybody to do it, but we expect them to be held to the rules and to treat them all fairly. >> all right, governor haley barbour, thanks for being on the show this morning. still ahead -- political currency. which presidential candidate would benefit most if markets turned rocky.
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let's bring in sara eisen from the new york stock exchange. >> as the stock market continues to make fresh highs for 2016, in a remarkable comeback from a bumpy start to the year, here's a fact to keep in mind during the presidential year. it turns out that stock market performance in the three months ahead of election day correctly forecast the winning party in 19 of the last 22 presidential election cycles. this came from a research note which found that a rising market in the three months before the election day actually precedes a win by the incumbent party most of the time. that would suggest momentum is with the democrats but anything can happen between now and august when we'll really start to watch the stock market
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momentum leading up to the election. also the biggest news in the world of finance. that's the makeover of the u.s. currency. harriet tubman replacing andrew jackson as the centerpiece of the $20 bill. the first woman on a u.s. paper currency since 1891. that was martha washington. she graced a $1 silver note. lots of sweeping changes. it's been a discussion since jack lew announced changes to the 10. hamilton stays but he'll have a new back which will be a tribute to civil rights for women and african-americans. back to you. >> sara eisen, thank you. definitely a symbolic change. >> yes. and "the wall street journal" editorial today says it's great. it replaces the founder of the democratic party with a gun-toting evangelical woman. they're saying that's what's harriet tubman was, as well as a great heroine.
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>> way too long a wait and also getting rid of alexander hamilaton was something i was very keen on because he was a philandering liar who left his wife in death and she had to support herself and her seven children. >> and there is that. cokie, thank you for that. what will happen to bernie sanders political movement if he doesn't get the nomination. and was it even a movement at all? a ntial patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t.
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51 past the hour. joining us, author and "new york times" columnist. here's your piece in "the new york times." the fervor of bernie sanders, legions endure. they tend to portray themselves less as democrats fighting for their candidate than as part of a movement of the young connected to fighting to address the gap between their ideals. in interviews, none expressed a willingness to vote for mrs. clinton in the general election if she defeat sanders for the nomination. but if this is a movement, it is not yet one showing signs of outlasting the presidential election and harnessing the power of sanders supporters for other battles. mike barnacle? >> yes, why is it, there are some people, me included, who think as a culture, as a political culture, a media culture, we have missed the fact that we are in the middle of a paycheck to paycheck shareholder
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economy can which generates great anxiety and voter volatility. why do we miss this right in front of us? >> he's done an active job. i think the question for everyone, talk about the trump pivot is there going to be a bernie pivot? not when he necessarily stops running. still raising money, still traveling around but maybe less winning a job that seems more elusive and more instructing these people what else they can do. there are other jobs besides president. he can sign up members of congress who are currently on the ballot to support one, two or three of his ideas. >> does it stop hurting hillary clinton along the way? >> if he makes a pivot to something other than him winning the office. the thing that makes it less a movement than we portrayed is it's all about his victory. they don't have a plan b, c, d.
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it's all about him. >> that's what you heard from the campaign as well. >> at some point if he doesn't become the nominee he'll have to decide what to do with all this power and influence with all the hopes and dreams of the people he's inspired. >> and there are -- >> he can form an organization, work with others, go back to the senate. he's got lots of people relying on him to say, this didn't work. what do we do? >> do you think he's interested in the down ballot thing, city council thing? >> he latched on to this and it's been a rocket ship. >> it's not like he's ever been a democrat and worked for democratic candidates. most people in this position have worked for democratic or republican candidates most of their lives. >> if you were ted strickland or -- >> democrat running for anything. you want him to raise money for you for sure. you want him to be on your list. do you want him to come in and campaign for you? do rallies for you? do you want to let him influence
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what's you talk about? >> that's the remaining question. >> he should shake even outside of politics what a generation of kids in their 20s do with their lives. >> totally agree. >> what jobs they take. >> they treated him like he was taylor swift. >> he has to decide how to wield that influence. >> cokie roberts," the civil war and women of washington," what a great day forring th this to go paperback. on so many levels it's symbolic. >> there are other great dames in the civil war period. fascinating, funny, frank. they tell you things the men never tell you. like steven douglas stinks. and other such things. and they turn from women who were behind the scenes, the war made them women in front of the scenes. they became powerful advocates for suffrage and then in social services after the war. they were a great group. >> we'll go from great dames,
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your book out in paperback, to riyadh, saudi arabia. the president is speaking now. let's listen in. >> -- to use all elements of our power to secure our core interests in the gulf region and to deter and confront external aggression against our allies and partners. we reached a common vision on how to move forward together in key areas. we remain united in our fight to destroy isil or daesh, which is a threat to all of us. the united states will help our partners ensure their special operations forces are interoperable and gcc nations will continue to increase their contributions to the fight against isil and the coalition we formed. we'll continue to support iraq as it liberates and stabilizes towns and cities from isil control, and we'll remain leading donors of humanitarian
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aid to the people of syria and iraq who have suffered so much. we agreed to continue working closely to de-escalate and resolve regional conflicts. in syria, the cessation of hostilities is under tremendous strain including continued violations by the assad regime. this violence is yet another reminder that there's only one way to end this civil war as our gcc partners agree. a transitional governing body, a new constitution with free elections, including a transition away from assad. with regard to yemen, we urged all parties to abide by the cessation of hostilities so humanitarian aid can be reached. to the yemeni people and the peace process can proceed. with regard to libya, we agreed to keep building support for the new national unity government. given the ongoing threats in the region, the united states will continue to increase our security cooperation with our
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gcc partnered including help their own capacity to defend themselves. i thanked our gcc partners for their support of the comprehensive deal that's now cut off every single one of iran's pathways to a nuclear weapon. that makes the region safer. we'll remain vigilant to ensure iraq fulfills its commitments just as we fulfill ours. even with the nuclear deal, we recognize collectively that we continue to have serious concerns about iranian behavior. our nation's committed to interdict illegal iranian arms shipments in the region and post costs on iran for its ballistic missile weapons program and iran's destabilizing activity in the region. at the same time as i said at camp david last year, none of our nations have an interest in conflict with iran. we welcome an iran that plays a responsible role in the region, one that takes concrete practical steps to build trust
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and resolve differences with its neighbors by peaceful means and abides by international rules and norms. and finally even as the summits focus on security issues it remains the case that true and lasting security also depends on governance and an economy that serves all its citizens and respects universal human rights. and with this in mind, the united states and the gcc will launch a new high level economic dialogue with a focus on adjusting to lower oil prices. increasing our economic ties and supporting gcc reforms as they work to provide jobs and opportunities to their young people and all of their citizens. so again, i want to thank his majesty and all of our gcc partners for this very successful summit. when we look back on the past year, a lot has gotten done. i'm confident that a year from now, we will be able to say that
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because of these actions, all of our nations are more peaceful and more secure and more prosperous. and it underscores the enduring friendship and partnership between the united states and the countries represented around this table. thank you for your hospitality. >> all right. president obama speaking in riyadh, saudi arabia, dealing with a number of delicate issues pertaining to isis. also our actual relationship with saudi arabia. we'll be following that visit throughout the day. mark halperin, thank you. cokie, thank you. be sure if you are in new york city, drop by prohibition tonight. morning joe music will be playing there.
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