tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC May 4, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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i'm sure it will be a delight for everybody involved. you've got some situation going on so we will look for that. >> my situation about to go on. >> thank you both for being here. >> ha that is all in for this evening. thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. okay. here's the story. here's i think the story. deep breath. it was the day before election day 1992 so it was november 2nd, 1992 and it was the last rally before election day that year for h. ross par row who was running for president that year
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against george h.w. bush. >> i'll tell you one thing, there's some dude up there today that came up with the crazy that's indeed video doo at this point because it's backfired on them, right. now, while we're on the crazy theme, could you see -- i've got a theme song for our campaign and here it comes. just listen to it. ♪ we're crazy crazy for being --♪ we're crazy, crazy for feeling so blue ♪
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craz ♪ ♪ >> don't worry, folks. we've got buses lined up out sides to take you back to the insane asylum after it's over. >> the original dean scream, right. proudly crazy. the day before the election in 1992 he ran for president that year as independent and he self funded his campaign. he funded his campaign lavishly.
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it included half hour long and hour long ads like basically tv shows that he paid to run on network tv on week nights in prime time and it wasn't just once he paid to run them a bunch of times, a bunch of different on ones. he spent a ton of money. he had a ton of money to spend. he was loaded and he couldn't be bought. talking about his money and talking about the independence that gave him, that became a key part of his political appeal and of his charm as a candidate. >> just to put it in colorado terms, i have taken $60 million outs of my wallet and put it on the table and spent it to give your country back to you. now anybody that knows me,
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anybody that knows me tells you i save paperclips and let's put it in colorado perspective, i turned down an opportunity one time to buy veal for less than that. so every time you go down to that beautiful place to ski, just laugh to yourself and say he could have bought this for less than he spent on the campaign. >> now, watch my lips. watch my lips. in five weeks you on your own initiative in all 50 states organize this great country and when you look at the leaders and the people doing it they are just too good to be truen and te political pros still don't know what hit them. well, there's something you haven't seen so far and that's
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my wife. now like most of the men here i married way over my head and after you see her on 20/20 tonight, i may be off the ballot tomorrow and she may be the first woman president, but we'll just take that the way it goes. so i'm anxious for you to meet margo and she'll be available to the nation tonight. oh, excuse me. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. she's not here. now, wait a minute. you want me to bluntly tell you why? she wants to be here, but i love her to much to put her at risk. it's that simple.
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and i don't have to tell you there's weird stuff out there. >> what weird stuff? that illusion from ross parrot in front of that frepdly audience, he wasn't kidding about the weirdness of what he saw out there. >> he made the charge sunday in his first campaign outing since getting back in the race says the public plans to distribute the fake photo before her wedding. >> smear her before her wedding. >> he repeated the charges last night on 60 minutes. >> this is watergate two. top aids called the allegations propest rouse. >> there haven't been any dirty tricks against him. >> now he claims the republicans
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mounted a dirty tricks campaign against his daughter. they planned to portray her as a lesbian. >> i got this saying he had seen a doctored photograph they were going to give the tabloids to smear my daughter before her wedding and they were going to disrupt the wedding in the church. >> the key source of the allegations appears to be this man, scott barns, a convicted wire taper and known pedaler of hoaxes. >> watergate two. ross parrot. at one point dropped out of the presidential race because he believed the cia or maybe the republican party was going to get into the church at his daughter's wedding and disrupt it in a way that would make everybody think she was a lesbian. ross parrot actually overall did great in his campaign for president. he got a fifth of the vote nationwide. he also turned out to be a
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little nutty. not a lot nutty. he turned out to be a little nutty. if you want a lot nutty that has happened in presidential politics. >> at washington's national press call he met the press for the first time since he upset victories in the primary. he denied charges he is an anti-sem it and fashist. he said his critics are insane and prodrug dealers. >> reporter: the press club was packed reflecting a growing intere interest. >> if lincoln were alive he would be standing up here with me today. >> reporter: he said support for his organization comes from farmers and blacks and blue collar workers. >> they want me to stick it to washington rrtd that's what he did today claiming the president's staff was a key
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figure in drug deals. >> the bankers that do that, the chief of staff of the white house, put them in jail where they belonged. >> reporter: he called other government leaders beserk. this is how he responded when we asked if his followers are expected to turn over their assets to his organization, the subject of last night's report. >> you guys are a bunch of liars. how can i talk to a drug pusher like you. >> reporter: he said his policies would revietize the united states and warned some people paid a high price for not listening to him. >> for example president marcus was opposed to me and he fell as a result. >> that was 30 years ago in washington, 1986. he ran for president in 1976,
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1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 19 t96, 2000 and 2004. he preached the secret tie ranny of the british and the impending end of the world. >> we are now in the next 18 to 24 months. the world is gripped with the most dangerous most momentumous and profound elements in the past five centuries of human history. at stake is the question of whether we shall emerge from the 1990s into a prolonged new dark age which will engulf this planet for 2070 yea0 years to c dark age in which the population of this planet will sink, a time
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a dark age in which a nightmare beyond belief will control this world. >> you have come to the end of a 650 year cycle in european and in world history. within a short period of time it may be weeks, it may be months, it may be two or three years. i doubt it will be longer than months or a couple of years. the entire financial and monetary system of this planet is not merely going to collapse, it's going to disent great. it will end before the conclusion of this century, probably in a year or two and that for a period of 50 to 100 to 200 years following, this whole planet will go through a
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dark age at which the level of population will fall to several hundred million people. that nearly everybody's family will be wiped out. there will be no grandchildren, no great grandchildren for most, for virtually anybody. >> he ran for president eight times and as far as i know he's not dead yet and the world's not over yet so who knows maybe he'll run again this year too. he ran eight times, once as an independent and seven times he ran trying to win the democratic nomination for president. he did not get close. somebody who did get within shooting distance of a major party nomination was my uncle pat who is not really my uncle, but i have always called him that. >> the whole idea -- if it's a
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narcotic barack obama is a drug dealer of welfare. >> like many of you last month i watched that giant massacre raid ball up at madison square garden where 20,000 liberals and radicals came dressed up as moderates in the greatest single exhibition of cross dressing in american political history. >> the crowd goes wild. pat bu canadian tried to win the nomination for president in 1992 and 1996. in 2002 he ran as an independent. uncle pat's politics on race specifically his call for a physical war, a culture war fought with force in this country against people he decried as degej rates, those
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politics of uncle pat has meant that who he used to get compared to the most was a guy named george wallace. >> you have some folks out here who know a lot of four letter words, but there's two four letter words they don't know. you don't know that's two four letter words, i can tell you that much. and you know the biggest bigots in the world, they are the folks that call other bigots. they are the bill on tgots that the bigots in the world.
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you know what you are, you're a little punk. that's all you are. you haven't got any guts. you got too much hair on your head partner. you got a load on your mind, that's right. and cut the flood lights off. why don't you just move on over here. >> at one point the secret service ordered the lights on wallace turned out. they were fearful of an attempt on the candidate's life and said the lights blinded them. the shouting didn't let up and after more than 30 minutes of it wallace gave up. he waved to his fans and then left without finishing his speech. >> he plans motorcades through chicago but officials have refused a permit for a speech at town hall.
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they have enough plum to cope with the crowd. they called wallace a racist who could destroy this country and they urged democrats and republicans to speak out against him. >> michigan governor's romney there mitt romney's dad from back in the day. we remember alabama governor george wallace as a racist, but he was a lot of other things besides. did you see the movie dr. strange love where he plays general buck, the jegeneral who wants to use nuclear bombs to end the world, that character was based on a real general named general kurtis lamay. >> thank you very much, governor. >> thank you for your confidence in me. good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i think i'm probably as much
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surprised as you are to find myself in this position this morning because -- >> he read a brief acceptance speech and then answered questions from newsmen. reporters were quick to ask wallace about that. >> now the general -- general lamay hasn't advocated the use of nuclear weapons. he discussed nuclear weapons with you. he's against the use of nuclear weapons and i am too. so he hasn't said anything about the use of nuclear weapons. if i found it necessary, i would use anything that we could dream up. anything that we could dream up including nuclear weapons. >> yes, of course we'd use nuclear weapons. so that was a run for president.
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that was one of them. here's the story i think. today is a historic day not because we haven't had inconceivable runs for the american presidency before, not because in the modern era we haven't had people who were inconceivable as president turn out to have some appeal to some significant portion of the american electorate while making a run for president, we've had that before. george wallace won five states when he ran as an independent. ross parrot got a fifth of the vote and pat bu cannon won almost a quarter of the republican vote while he was running against a sitting republican president for that nomination, but none of them did it. not only did none of them become president, none of them ever captured the nomination of one of our country's two major parties, but the man who we can now officially call the
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republican party's presumptive nominee this year he did it. and he did it without breaking too much of a sweat. turns out it wasn't that hard. it took donald trump eight days longer to wrap up the republican nomination than it took ald george romney's son to wrap up the nomination. eight extra days it all it took for trump to get it this year as compared to mitt romney four years ago. the republican party is made of sugar and it's raining and boy did it fall apart fast and it means a lot of things about big picture politics and we'll talk about a lot of that tonight, but it means things for individual people's lives as well far away from electoral politics. if you are a muslim, today will always be the day that one of the two parties in our country nominated somebody for president who thinks you and your family should be banned from entering this country on the basis of your religion.
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mr. trump told lester holt tonight that he will somehow institute his national muslim ban within the first 100 days of his presidency. we learned today that neither of the last two republican presidents, president bush or the other president bush, neither of them will endorse mr. trump's campaign, but what difference will it make? the republican party is nominating him so what does the party stand for, them or him? you call it. and no, there's no third-party candidate coming to the rescue. it is too late. it's done. yesterday on the same day he accused the father of senator ted cruz being in on the jfk assassination donald trump ended that night with the republican's party nomination in hand. now today as the presumptive nominee he does start to get treated differently. now starts a process that will see him ultimately get rnc staff
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and rnc money wi. he will get control of the apparatus to use for his own purposes. yesterday he accused ted cruz's dad on being in on the assassination and now he's going to get classified briefings as the republican party's nominee for president. all sorts of people have run for president in our great nation. good and bad. what has never happened before is that one of the two parties in the two-party system of the oldest and most successful major democracy on earth, one of the two parties in that system in our political system somehow became vulnerable and weak enough to be taken over this time to lose, to lose to this guy. that's new. that has never -- we never knew this would befall us.
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i used to like that song. between september of last year and march of this year over that six-month period there was a great slimming, a great poofing if you will as one by one 13 of the initial 17 people competing for the republican nomination dropped out of the race. campaigns suspended, off the trail, poof, poof, poof, 13 times. then in march we got to poof marco rubio after he lost his home state of florida. since senator rubio on this show we have had no more poofing. now though it's time. you knew this was coming tonight, but this is the last time we will ever do this. are you ready? here goes. senator ted cruz of texas dropped out last night. thank you for your time, sir. poof and then this morning ohio
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supposed to be successable to that kind of argument. on health care. >> everybody is going to be covered. >> on universal health care. >> i'm going to take care of everybody. >> who is going to pay for it. >> the government is going to pay for it. >> on gun control. >> i hate guns. >> on abortion. >> you would not ban it. >> no, i am pro-choice. >> trump even once said. >> eminent domain is an absolute necessity. i think it's a wonderful thing. >> even if they don't want to sell. >> even if they don't want to sell. >> there's nothing conservative about proposing the largest tax hike and giving money to the clintons and there's nothing conservative about donald trump. >> millions of dollars worth of ads like that run all over the country through the republican primary at least in later stages of the republican primary, republican primary voters were paerntsly unfazed. mr. trump continued to win more
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states as his led increased through the republican process. now that mr. trump is the nominee the effect of that past loss, that failed effort against him on his right is posing an interesting back drop for the new effort against him by democrats because democrats now will be aiming at the same tip of the same nose but for democrats the punch is going to be coming from the left hand and not the right. >> she ate like a pig. i looked her right in that fat ugly face of her. >> he once cents hersent her a with the words the face of a dog written on it. >> the boob job is terrible. blood coming out of her wherever. a person who is flat chested is
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very marred hard to be a 10. >> you don't think you could get it up for her. >> it would be very hard. i don't find her attractive. >> you dropped to your knees. that's a pretty picture. >> like you wouldn't have your job if you weren't beautiful. >> i put together a mon taj. what is it like when she is in bed with you. >> it is a beautiful structure. there's no question about it. >> i'll support the candidate regardless of who we pick whether donald trump certainly would be a lot better
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presidency. >> do you treat women with respect. >> i can't say that either. >> all right. >> that is a general election ad being run by a democrat against the uncouple bent republican senator in arkansas. so republicans ran against trump with a lot of different messages, but mostly saying he was too liberal. democrats will not run that way against donald trump. neither the democrat nominee nor any other democrats running anywhere else for any other office in the countries even though all of them will run against mr. trump to one degree or another. will it work? there is a way to find out if it will work. if it will work better for democrats running against him now than it worked for the republicans who tried to run against him in this primary and failed, there is a way to know and we've got that hear re on t show next. you don't. at red lobster's create your own seafood trios,
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shoshow me more like this.e. show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. i. i am a unifier. >> donald trump is the no nothing candidate. >> donald is a bully. >> this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter. >> he would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe. >> his domestic policies would lead to recession.
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his foreign policies would make america and the world less safe. >> i bring people together. everybody loves me. >> he needs therapy. >> hillary clinton campaign in a new ad effectively narrated by mitt romney using republicans to make the case against the newlily minuted republican nooec nominee for president. now the republican effort to stop donald trump during the republican primary did not work, but what can democrats learn if anything from that process about what might work against them -- against him by them? joining us now is the founder of our principals pack which is a anti-trump super pac. it's great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> how did you feel last night and do you feel any different today? >> well, i certainly felt pretty
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dispond ent last night that we were looking at a situation where there literally were no more horses to ride in this race. i'm not somebody that was for ted cruz or for john kasich early on, but i'm a good party person, a republican party person and could have wrapped my arms around virtually any of the other candidates in the race and always have historically, but donald trump is not a conservative. i don't really believe he's even a republican and i find him to be a repug nant individual and i can't do it with him and i think a lot of people in my party share that view. >> you were a key part of the effort within the republican party among republican loyalists not partisan to any other campaign but just against him that he would be too bad for the republican party and too bad for the country to nominate. i know you wish you had more resources and you wish you had started earlier, but beyond that what lessons learned do you think there are from your effort. >> i think it's really important
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to be able to develop a really narrative about an individual and i wish that we -- like you said i wish we could have started earlier and told more of the story. where we were able to do that in iowa and wisconsin, those are good examples of places where we were able to tell the complete story, people did take a step back and say i'm not so sure about this guy. >> so you think you did take a chunk out of him in a couple of places where there was a concerted effort. >> sure. we kept his head down in places where people didn't look at him as a viable alternative, but at the end of the day you have to have a candidate that can attract the voters and at the end of the race ted cruz just wasn't an appealing enough figure to pull those voters into his camp and i think people were tired and ready for it to be over, but i don't think the party has embraced donald trump. he's the least popular figure to
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emerge with the party's nomination. doesn't have the percentage of support that mitt romney or john mccain or george w. bush had and he goes into the general election with the weakest general election in history. >> if a democrat came to you for help saying that i know that you're a republican and you think donald trump would be a dangerous thing for our country, democrats aren't going to attack him for not being a real conservative, is there another line of attack that you feel like democrats would find fruitful. >> i would never help a democrat. >> i know. >> as much as i'm never trump, i'm also never hillary so i woon wouldn't do that but i have enough respect for my counterparts on the democrat side that they know how to do
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this. i know what they depicted mitt romney, i've been saying for months what they do to donald trump and his business records and the way that he has hurt working people is going to make it look like catholic charities. >> so if people are worried if the democrats have the skills to do this. >> without a doubt. they have plenty haof resources and time to destroy donald trump and i fear that's what's going to happen. we're looking at how we can build the sandbag operation and protects our candidates so they don't get swept away in this flood that is hillary clinton. >> protect the party. >> absolutely. >> you're going to have an interesting year. please keep coming back and talking to us. >> thank you. >> a key part of the stop trump and never trump movement and if
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need to clear some memory in the old cpu? need to clear up some think space? i present to you a brief list of things that no longer matter. the republican primaries in nebraska and west virginia next week, the oregon and washington contests after that and then the california contest and new jersey and so on down the line, there was a moment when all of those things might have mattered a great deal on the republican side, but that moment has van h vanished. you can stop spending countless hours thinking about the fight for delegates at state party conventions. nobody cares. it no longer matters on the republican side. even the republican chaos and bitter infighting that was so amazing in the u.s. virgin islands doesn't matter anymore. republican delegate math? republican delegate math no longer matters.
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the path to 1,237 that had steve kornacki at the magic board, none of it matters. say good bye to delegate math and delegates getting famous. how about endorsements? at one time they mattered, right? muck huckabee endorsed donald trump today. nobody cares. it no longer matters. how about convention rules? remember rule 40-b and the other rules we thought we needed to know for a multi ballot contested convention, all of those rules which i took great pains to study and memories, i've been carrying around this stack of papers on how it was going to lay out over the heroi weeks ahead of the convention, none of
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it matters anymore. a that stuff is what now matters. that's what you need to clear space for now. this also matters. on monday while donald trump was busy wrapping up the nomination in indiana, president obama was giving six tv interviews. six states all very specifically targeted, six states were vulnerable senate republicans are running for reelection this november, president obama did all of those local interviewers on one condition, that those local reporters ask him about merrick garland. the republicans used to praise him and some of them are terrified that donald trump is doomed in the election and they
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will end up with whoever hillary clinton picks instead and puts in office with her newly democratic senate. republicans should confirm him asap. now senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says they will block the nomination and never mind about donald trump and his prospects for the fall. that means one of two things, either senate republicans are not worried about who hillary clinton would choose for the court with her new senate democratic majority to confirm that person or senate republicans believe that donald trump will not only win the white house, but he will win the white house and hold the senate and pick somebody they like more than merrick garland. hold that thought. h... >>psst. hey... where you going? we've got that thing! you know...diarrhea? abdominal pain? but we said we'd be there... woap, who makes the decisions around here?
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when a state government poisons an entire american city, but as big a deal as the president's visit was it was not actually the most amazing thing that happened in flint today. we've got some tape from flint today that you have not heard or seen anywhere else. it is officially jaw dropping and we've got that here next. stay with us.
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for a visit from the president of the united states. he went to see first hand what flint has been going through. what the people of flint has been going through every day now, continues to be hard to wrap their head around. there is nothing like it, nothing to compare it to. the whole city's water was poisoned. a whole city's people were poisoned by lead, and the state government wouldn't listen to them hollering about it for a solid year and a half. while they waited, they did hear from somebody they didn't expect to hear from. if president obama's visit did nothing else, it got the governor to do something he has never done before. today, governor snyder went to flint, and spoke to residents. he has dropped in unannounced to meet with small groups, gone to
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people's kitchens to drink water. to talk to the people of flint publicly, the governor sends his lieutenant governor. somebody else from the administration. he does not go to town hall himself. today, with the president in town, he felt compelled to go himself. watch what happened. [ audience booing ] >> let me begin.
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good afternoon. it went on like that for a more minutes, until he fortuned his remarks quickly and stepped off stage. president obama did arrive, the president spoke for nearly an hour. way longer than we were told to expect. he told the audience, he had their backs, that the water pipes would be replaced. it would take a long time. they should feel safe drinking filtered waters. he feels the flint kids have been irreparably damaged by the water. >> you should be angry. channel that anger. you should be hurt. don't sink into despair, and most of all, do not somehow communicate to our children, here in this city, that they are
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going to be saddled with problems for the rest of their lives, because they will not. they will do just fine, just like i did fine with a single mom and you did fine growing up in a tough neighborhood. they will make it. as long as we are there for them and looking after them, and doing the right thing for them. giving them the resources that they need. don't lose hope. >> president obama today in flint michigan. he headed back to the airport after the speech back to d.c. as big as it was for flint to have a visit from obama. the governor, facing the people, the first time. >> thank you for the opportunity to share a few thoughts with you
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o off, and a there has been a big backlash in north carolina. in addition to that federal agencies said they will review the law, to see if it violates discrimination bands. it could result in north carolina losing billions in federal funding. we got a start of the answer to that question. it is a big one. the u.s. justice department formally told them that new discrimination law violates the civil rights law. in this case, trands gender employees, tells the stated, that officials have until less than a week from now to confirm
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that north carolina will not enforce this law. north carolina has five days to comply or risk being sued by the federal government, and potentially losing billions in federal funding. five days. north carolina, put on the clock today by the u.s. justice department. five days. to figure it out. good luck. that does it for us tonight. see you tomorrow. it is time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." >> i was watching the president's visit to flint, wanted to say, congratulations to you for having kept the attention on that story, when nobody else in national television was doing that you gave the story oxygen when you needed it you know and i know, you are talking about the other heroes of this story in flint. who got us to where we are tonight with it. got the president there today. nobody in national television did what you did with it. i don't want people
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