tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC May 6, 2016 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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vermont, if i'm mistaken. >> you are not mistaken, it is perfect in every way here, you should be here. >> it is a great town. thanks to you for joining us tonight, from vermont. today's executive order signed by president obama, it is a stark freaking thing. did you see this today? "executive order -- facilitation of a presidential transition." "by the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states of america, it is hereby ordered as follows. section 1, policy. the peaceful transition of power has long been a hallmark of american democracy. it is the policy of the united states to undertake all reasonable efforts to ensure that presidential transitions are well coordinated and effective without regard to party affiliation. section 2 subsection a. to facilitate the presidential transition, including assisting
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and supporting the transition efforts of the transition teams of eligible candidates, it is established that there is a white house transition coordinating council." there's lots of details about who's on this transition coordinating council, when they meet, who they consult with. at the end it's basically like, so ordered. it's signed. barack obama, the white house, may 6th, 2016. because it's six months out from there being a new president elected. this thing is on. the de facto republican presidential nominee, donald trump, today announced that his son-in-law will be the person who runs his transition planning team. young man, married to his daughter. sounds legit. today former presidential candidate and south carolina republican senator linsey graham said he will not vote for mr. trump this fall, neither will former presidential candidate and former florida governor jeb bush, which now means if you're counting that mr. trump will apparently have the support of
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zero bushes in his run for the presidency, even though dick cheney and bob dole both said today they will support mr. trump in the fall, mr. trump will have no bushs, he will not have either of the two past republican presidents. super pacs supporting hillary clinton just made a $91 million ad buy to run ads in seven states starting next month, running through election day. $91 million for hillary clinton and against donald trump. they're apparently going to focus heavily on florida and ohio. they're going to start in june. they say they'll dial back over the summer then ramp up through election day. $91 million. priorities usa has made this huge $91 million buy even though they only have half that amount of money on hand right now. that is how confident they are that the money they need is going to roll in. it also shows how confident they are that hillary clinton is basically already the democratic party's de facto nominee.
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but the democratic primary's not over. if hillary clinton has started running a general election campaign against donald trump, what about the other democrat still in the democratic primary? now that republicans have their nominee and it's donald trump, is bernie sanders also turning his campaign to the general election? should we expect bernie sanders to start running against donald trump now too? well, like chris said, we're in burlington, vermont. let's ask him. senator sanders, thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> it's really nice to be here at your gorgeous home in burlington. i would have gone to guam to meet with you there. the guam caucuses. guam tomorrow, a bunch of states that look good for you coming up. west virginia, kentucky, oregon -- >> we think we've got a shot in west virginia, kentucky, oregon, the next three states. frankly, rachel, i think -- who can predict, but i think we have
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a shot to win the majority of the primaries and caucuses remaining. >> including california and new jersey, all those tough ones? >> new jersey is a hard one for us but i think we have a good chance to win california and that's something i very much want to do. we have a good organization there. we have a lot of support. we're going to fight as hard as we can to win the largest state in this country. >> we heard today about the super pac that supports your opponent, secretary clinton, they've just made a $91 million ad buy. but it's general election stuff. it's anti-trump and pro-clinton stuff. they're not advertising any of the rest of the democratic states. >> we'll see what they do in california. that's what they say. we'll see what the reality is. we are going to spend a modest amount of money in west virginia and in kentucky on ads and we'll see where we go from there. our main focus will be on the ground and we would like to win a majority of the remaining states. by the way, if we do that, it is possible we can end up having won half of the states in this
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country, some 25 states. >> is it within reach for you to get a majority of pledged delegates? >> it is a steep climb uphill, i will not be dishonest with you. we're going to have to win about 65% of the remaining votes. is it possible? yeah. it is a very hard fight. but we're going to wage that fying. look, when i began this campaign a year ago, we were at 3% in the polls. we have come a long way. we're going to fight for every last vote and we're going to try to win the pledged delegate majority. >> i know you've talked about this a lot but i feel like i've got sort of two different answers in mind and i'm not sure what your plan is now. if you don't have a pledged delegate majority on june 14th, which is d.c., is that a time when you would potentially wrap up your campaign, make a decision what to do with regard to secretary clinton, or not assess on that day and go to the convention? >> we're going to the convention. >> even without a majority? >> absolutely. look, if we do not win the majority of pledged delegates,
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if we do not win the nomination, we will go into the convention with who knows, 45, 48, 49% of the pledged delegates. those are the real delegates that people voted for. and if that happens, we're going to wage a very vigorous fight at the convention for a progressive agenda which says that the united states should join every other major country in guaranteeing health care to all people, paid family and medical leave to working families, raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, being really vigorous in combating climate change, including a tax on carbon, making public colleges and universities tuition free. that's the agenda millions of people have supported. if we end up with 48%, 49% of the pledged votes, i think we can win those fights on the floor of the convention. >> in terms of getting that into the democratic party platform, i don't know what's in the democratic party platform now. and the reason i don't feel guilty about that is because i
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feel like the platform of the party is something that doesn't have a shelf life much beyond the convention. it doesn't feel like a binding -- >> the answer is yes and no. that's certainly true, no one thinks that a democratic president is going to abide by every word in the democratic platform, that's for sure. but on the other hand, it does say something. it does reflect what the base of the democratic party believes should be the future of this country. and i intend to do everything that i can to make that the most progressive document that we possibly can. i think by the way that is the document that the democratic grass roots people really want to see. >> you wrote a letter to the dnc chair today. basically saying that you feel like you are being underrepresented in some key committees. >> that's not what i feel, that is the objective fact. i think she selected three of our delegates. and i believe the total number is 60 there. what we want is a fair representation at the
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convention. we want our people to be in a position to help shape the document of the democratic -- the platform of the democratic party. when we have three delegates and clinton and the democratic establishment have far, far more than that, that is simply up fair and we don't accept that. >> and you're sort of -- the or else that went with this argument in your letter to the dnc chair basically said that if you aren't treated fairly you will demand extensive and as many as necessary floor votes and a floor fight -- >> we will use the rules of the democratic convention to make certain that there is a vigorous debate on the important issues facing the american people. all we are asking for here is fairness. not to have the deck stacked against us. so far the deck is outrageously stacked against us. again, if i end up with 45%, 50% of the pledged delegates, we want 45%, 50% of people, our
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people, to be on the key committees. and i don't think that's an unreasonable request. >> and the kind of fight that you're talking about, though, in that circumstance, is over who gets the nomination or is over who gets the platform? >> if we don't have the votes to get the nomination, we're not going to get the nomination. that becomes then the platform fight. >> that becomes the platform fight. when senator sanders' campaign sent a letter to the democratic party threatening a floor fight at the convention, that set a lot of hair on fire in democratic circles. the senator tells me today that the floor fight he is promising will be over the platform, not over who gets the democratic presidential nomination. but -- turns out there's a but. that's next. and a lot more besides. >> but let me say this in terms of the nomination -- this might look like a zero-gravity drop...
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so again, if i end up with 45% or 50% of the pledged delegates, we want 45% or 50% of people, our people, to be on the key committees. and i don't think that that's an unreasonable request. >> and the kind of fight that you're talking about, though, in that circumstance, is over who gets the nomination or is over who gets the platform? >> well, if we don't have the votes to get the nomination, we're not going to get the nomination. that becomes then the platform fight. but let me say this in terms of the nomination. we're going to try to get a majority of pledged delegates. and that's going to be a hard fight but we're going to try to do that. in the next nine contests. but we're also going to appeal to superdelegates. what's not widely known is that well over 400 of the superdelegates who are supporting clinton today came on board her campaign before i was even in the race, before the first vote was cast. and the point that i make to those superdelegates, look, take a look at the polling, national polling and state by state polling. bernie sanders versus trump.
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hillary clinton versus trump. in virtually every instance, bernie sanders does better against trump than does hillary clinton. and the reason for that is that we are reaching out and winning a lot of independent votes, not just democrats. you're going to need independents to win the general election. i believe that i am the strongest candidate against trump and we're going to make that point to the superdelegates. >> a couple of points on that. you have already articulated that you think that in the democratic nominating contest, that there shouldn't be closed primaries, that independents should be able to vote in all of them. you talked about that very strongly around the new york issue, but across the board. >> yes. >> do you also think in terms of reforming the process, should the democratic party get rid of superdelegates? >> i don't know that you get rid of superdelegates in their entirety. i think there is a role for established people to play. but as i mentioned a moment ago, it is absurd that you have 400 establishment democrats on board hillary clinton's campaign before anybody else was in the race.
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that stacks the deck in a very, very unfairway for any establishment candidate. and the against the wishes of the people. >> you don't want them to go away as an institution, you think they should hold their fire -- >> i don't know, we're going to think it through. there should be a role for super delegates but not the kind of role that exists right now. today they have much too much power and it makes it very difficult for an insurgent campaign of the people to take on the establishment the way it is constructed right now. >> it seems that the other as a matter of fact small "d" democratic problem in the way the republican -- the way the democrats and republicans pick their nominees are the caucuses. i know caucuses have a strong history and they have their adherents. they're complicated. they're for insiders. they take a lot of time. they i guess exclude in effect a lot of the people. you've done very well at caucuses. what's your view? >> the answer is yes and no.
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everything you've said is true but there's another side to that. i happen to believe that we have to really reinvigorate american democracy. not only getting much larger voter turnouts than we have in the past. last general election as you remember, midterm election, 63% of the people didn't vote. this is unacceptable. we need to figure out ways to bring people into the process. we also have to figure out a way to engage people in a very deep sense in american democracy. and what caucuses do, you're right, it does take time to come to a caucus and to argue with your neighbor about which candidate is the better candidate. but you know what? i kind of like that. i understand there are negatives to it. but i do like the idea of the american people becoming more engaged in the political process. yeah you're spending a few hours on a saturday afternoon. but this is -- you are helping to determine the future of america. so, you know. >> has its ups and downs. >> has its ups and its downs. but i don't think we should dismiss the caucuses. >> caucus states, you're safe. senator bernie sanders says he
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thinks he could win 25 of the 50 states this year, even if he doesn't win the democratic nomination. even if he does try to take a campaign that successful and turn it basically into a reform machine for the democratic party, he says caucuses are safe and so are superdelegates. me, it turns out, not so much. that's next. sometimes as an interviewer e.t. phone home. when you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1. unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say at. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by
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are sick is tired of establishment politics and economics. by the way, a little bit tired of corporate media as well. >> what's the solution to corporate media? >> that was awkward. but in a good way. i think. i'll check and see if i'm still here after the commercial break. >> nbc is owned by who? ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capit one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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that you're the candidate who can best defeat trump, who we now know will be the republican nominee, because your campaign is generating the enthusiasm, the excitement, and the voter turnout needed to beat him. even though you won indiana, voter turnout there was down 50% from 2008. >> you're right. >> it's been down in state after state -- >> not in state after state. remember, often we're being compared to obama's historical campaign of 2008 -- >> that's the comparison i made. >> voter turnout was off the charts. yet as i recall five or six states where the voter turnout in this election was actually higher than obama's. but you're right in pennsylvania it was a disaster. in indiana it was very low. i think that has a lot to do with the fact that a number of independents ended up going into the republican camp which scares me very much. and i think i would repeat that as the general -- in the general election, we have a shot to win those independents back. >> there is an argument going on within democratic circles, i've been making this case basically
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publicly that the democrats voter turnout compared to 2008 is something that democrats should probably worry about. i've heard from other people inside the democratic establishment that, doesn't matter, the fact that republicans are turning out in record numbers in the primaries and democrats aren't has no bearing on the general election. i feel like it's a sign of worry that neither you nor secretary clinton have been able to turn out enough voter turnout to compete with what happened -- >> i think it is a sign of worry but i would indicate that we're up against obama's historic, unprecedented campaign in 2008, which brought out unbelievable turnouts. but yet we have done in five or six states actually exceeded those turnouts. but here's what the challenge is. in 2014, nobody voted. 63% of the people didn't vote. republicans won a landslide victory. that will happen again in this general election. our job is to create excitement, to creator in gy, to get working people who might not have voted in the past, young people who might not have voted, into the political process.
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that's what we have to do. if there is a large voter turnout on election night, you can turn off the tv because the democratic candidate will have won. if there's a low voter turnout, i worry about the outcome. one of the reasons why i think i am the stronger candidate is that we have been generating a significant amount of interest among young people and working people, people who traditionally may not have been voting. >> even if the raw numbers aren't greater than '08, you think the types of voters turn is out, it's a new reach for the democratic party? >> i think so. as we go into the democratic convention, the democratic party has got to open its doors to those young people. to those working people who now do not feel much allegiance to the democratic party. that means the democratic party has got to be very clear about which side it is on. is it going to be on the side of wall street? is it going to be on the side of the drug companies? or is it prepared to stand with working families and low-income people and demand the government that represents all of us, not just the 1%? when you do that, i believe when you have that agenda, you create
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excitement at the base. >> when i look at your overall diagnosis of the big problem in the united states, when i've heard you explain why it is you decided to run, you are the most popular senator in america according to your constituents. they polled every state in the country, nobody likes their senator more than vermont likes you. you have a senate seat for life in vermont if you wanted it. i've heard you explain why you're running for president. it this is big problem of the economic divide. this new gilded age that we're in, concentration of wealth at the top. if your political revolution comes to fruition and you get to make the changes that you have talked about on trade, on taxes, on the banks, on minimum wage, on health care, everything, how long does that plan take to fix the problem, as you see it? >> i think we can do it a lot quicker than many people think. the key to that is to rally the american people. to stand up and fight back.
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and have a willingness to take on the 1% today that has extraordinary power. but can we break up the large banks on wall street and create a financial system that works for small and medium-sized businesses fairly quickly? yeah, i think we can. can we make public colleges and universities tuition-free? yeah i think we can. can we rebuild our crumbling infrastructure? yeah, we can do that. we have to do that by eliminating these outrageous corporate loopholes that now exist and help the states and municipalities rebuild their water systems and their waste water plants. yeah we can do that. can we come up with a tax proposal which says to large corporations, you can't simply put your profits in the cayman islands and in bermuda, you are going to have to start paying
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your fair share of taxes? yes, i think we can do it. the trick to all of this is that it's not going to be done just inside the beltway. it's not going to occur with me talking to paul ryan. it's going to happen when millions of people are actively engaged in the political process. and determined that america is not the country, should not be the country, where almost all new wealth and income goes to the top 1% and the middle class continues to decline. can we do that? that's tough. i don't know. that's hard. that's hard stuff. but i think we can. i think the american people are sick and tired of establishment politics and economics and by the way, a little bit tired of corporate media as well. they want real changes in this country. and i think as president of the united states, we can ignite those changes. >> what's the solution to corporate media? >> i think we have got to think about ways that the democratic party, for a start, starts funding the equivalent of fox television. number two, i think that pressure has got to be put on media to say that, you know what, maybe as a nation the american people are excited to
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hear real discussions on real issues. you tell me, you're in the media. what percentage of media discussion in this campaign is about process? who's going to win in west virginia? how many delegates does hillary clinton have? what dumb thing did donald trump sayed? rather than, why are we the only country in the industrialized world not to guarantee health care to all people? how much discussion have you heard on tv about the fact .01% owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%? that's the kind of discussion we need and the american people need to be engaged in that. we have got to demand of corporate media and that's going to be hard, this is against their own best interests. nbc is owned by who? >> comcast, our overlords. >> comcast is not one of the most popular corporations in america, right? et cetera, et cetera. and i think the american people are going to have to say to nbc, abc, cbs, cnn, forget the political gossip. politics is not a soap opera.
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talk about the real damage that's facing this country. i was in mcdowell county, virginia. west virginia. yesterday. people's life -- male life expectancy there is 18 years less than it is in fairfax, virginia. 18 years. people's male life expectancy is the equivalent of guatemala. do you think it should be happening in america? i don't think so. but we don't esdoes those issues. i would hope that the corporate media understands they have a responsibility to our democracy to allow serious discussion on serious issues, not look at politics just as a horse race. >> as a candidate, you have raised those issues consistently. >> i have. >> over and over and over again. >> without much success, i must say. >> plenty of success. you've raised $250 million dollars -- >> in terms of the corporate media i'm not. >> every time you get into the corporate media to say what you want to say -- >> i try to jump in. people want to talk to me. sometimes people think it's weird. some commentate over cnn will ask me a question, i talk about something else. because i think it is important
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we do focus on the issues facing the working families in this country. >> what i mean to say about that is that you have brought that focus to those issues as much as you can through the vehicle of this presidency. >> yes. >> when you talk about how things get fixed in the long run you over and over and over again talk about not just yourself and what you want to do but the movement and the people and people getting engaged. >> yes. >> there is only a very small club of people who have turned insurgent, interesting presidential candidacies into ongoing movements that had ongoing effort. president obama tried and it really didn't happen with organizing for america. the best example is on the right, pat robertson, who turned his presidential campaign into the christian coalition. which ended up having a dramatic effect on the republican party. it made them get very hardline on social issues for a very long time and they're reaping the benefit in the states right now. >> yes. >> whether or not you win the nomination, win the presidency, do you have that kind of an organizing model in mind?
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>> well, obviously it would be a lot easier if i were elected president. i would just in indiana last week where united technologies threw 2,100 workers out on the street, moving to mexico, where they'll pay people three bucks an hour, giving their former ceo $170 million severance package. i would love as president of the united states to be on the picket line with the united steel workers. that's never happened in american history. and i think i would love to be on the picket line with the communication workers of america, cwa, taking on the greed of verizon. okay? and a president can galvanize the american people against the economic injustices, the racial injustices, that are currently existing in america. that's what i would love to do. if i do not get elected president are we going to continue the movement and work with our allies? absolutely we will. >> will you form an overt organization of some kind? >> too early to say because right now my mind is on the next nine primaries and caucuses. >> super interesting, right?
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i mean, he's definitely really invested in the idea of an ongoing movement, ongoing involvement by the people he has motivated, by his campaign. he's at this point not working on anything like that right now, at least not yet. but he would love to walk picket lines as a president, he wants the democrat party to fund a democratic equivalent to forks news. senator sanders also turns out to have an active plan in place to stop something else that is otherwise churning on the edge of our politics right now, and that's next. >> i will do everything in my power to make sure that that absurd, hateful proposal never occurs -- ♪
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and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrips part of my life now. we ended up tonight in burlington, vermont, which is awesome. you know what happens when you come to burlington, vermont? steve bedden picks you up at the airport. thanks, steve, very nice to see you. steve bedden takes you to the beer store on your way to work. for real. god bless you, vermont. but before we got to burlington we did have to leave new york city. guess who they parked us next to on the tarmac at laguardia this morning? look. the trump plane. literally out our window from our plane. we were just on a little delta airlines, hello, there's air force trump. trump air right there next to us. apparently no matter where i go is they days, 2016 follows very, very closely. love it.
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today one of the great cities of the world, the capital of our greatest -- closest overseas ally, london, elected its first muslim mayor today. from the labor party. if the republican nominee mr. trump is elected president the mayor of london would not be allowed to visit the united states. under any circumstances. because of his religion. >> right. >> which is almost impossible to believe, right? >> yes. >> but it's true. mr. trump says he's going to do it in his first 100 days. do you think that our country has been hurt already by virtue of the fact that the republican party has picked him to be their nominee for president? >> of course it has. first of all, "a," trump is not going to get elected president. my campaign is running, the latest poll, i think 16 points ahead of him nationally.
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and "b," as a united states senator, i will do everything in my power to make sure that that absurd, hateful proposal never occurs. what your question is really asking is, all over the world, people are looking at america. you've got the muslim population all over the world, major religion, saying what is going on in the united states? why do they hate us? i think that that is awful. it's the same thing going on in latin america where donald trump refers to mexicans as criminals or rapists or drug dealers. he is managing to antagonize large sections of this planet against the people of the united states. that is unacceptable, that is incredibly destructive, and that's why this guy will not become president. >> did you -- did your campaign change at all, did you hear anything different from supporters, did you get a fund-raising bump or anything, when he got nominated, when the republican primary sort of unexpectedly clattered to an end
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on wednesday? did you -- were the consequences of that for you in your campaign? >> in terms of fund-raising we got a real boost after much of the media had decided that our campaign was over, we ended up winning indiana, probably going to win west virginia, maybe win kentucky, probably win oregon. and our people are saying, hey, bernie, you've got to fight for every last vote, and we did actually quite well in fund-raising after indiana. >> do you feel you need to sort of start running against him in a way? >> do you need to start running against donald trump now? the hillary clinton supporting super pac put out word they've already reserved $91 million worth of ad time, clinton versus trump. is senator bernie sanders also starting to run against trump now? or is his contest still just with clinton? that answer is next. unless you . then your eyes may see it differently. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion.
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no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. more complete allergy relief. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. shoshow me more like this.e.
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show me "previously watched." what's recommended for me. x1 makes it easy to find what you love. call or go online and switch to x1. only with xfinity. so this is the part about people getting bernie sanders tattoos. yes, he's aware. and where those tattoos are going to turn up down the road in american history. it's also the part about senator sanders running against donald trump now. even if the democratic primary isn't yet over. do you feel like you need to sort of start running against him in a way? part of -- the reason i ask is just because part of what you said about how this -- your primary may end is basically in you appealing for what a better general election candidate you'd be against the republican candidate in the fall.
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>> yes. >> do you need to start running that campaign against him now? >> we do. and frequently in our speeches we talk about not only his incredible divisiveness, insulting mexicans and muslims and women and veterans and african-americans, but we also talk about his economic policies. and this is a guy who is a billionaire, who thinks it's a great idea that we give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the top .2% by repealing the estate tax. this is a guy who wants to end the affordable care act and throw millions and millions of americans on the street without health care without coming up with an alternative. this guy has a horrendous foreign policy ideas. so yeah, we do and we will continue to talk against the idea that trump becomes president of this country. >> your proposal on health care, which is medicare for all, got a big boost yesterday, 2,000 doctors endorsed the idea in "the american journal of public health." colorado voters br to have a referendum whether or not that state is going to go to single payer system.
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>> good. >> that was sort of ventured here in vermont as well but it didn't end up coming to pass. do you feel like that may happen in the states and that may be how we approach that as a country? >> that's what happened in canada. saskatchewan against tremendous pressure from the medical establishment went forward and passed a single payer system. it worked so well other provinces began to pick it up. then it went forward nationally. so you're asking me do i think if a major state, whether colorado or california or whatever, goes forward and it works well, other states say, hey, i got a brother in colorado, he's getting health care, great health care, and it's less expensive than the current system. yeah, i think that is one possibility, absolutely. >> when i think about change coming that way, we've seen that happen a lot in things like the minimum wage and things. >> that's right. >> when i think about change happen that way and i imagine it happening over the course of the next decade, 15 years, i imagine
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people with bernie sanders tattoos underneath their suits, secretly being behind a lot of efforts like that. you were mayor of burlington eight years, you've been in the house, in the senate, i'd venture a guess there were no bernie sanders tattoos. >> that's right. >> until you ran for president. but now there are. i wonder if that -- do you think about your most ardent supporters, the people for whom your candidacy has absolutely changed their life and their view fundamentally about their role in this country, what's your hope for them after this campaign? what do you want to see from them? >> i was just in mcdowell, west virginia. the poorest county in this country. we had a few hundred people out to a town meeting. you look at the eyes of the people there who so much want to see our country be more than it is right now. and we have had rallies 25,000, 28,000 people. and it really makes me feel extraordinarily positive about the future of this country. looking into those eyes and
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seeing hope and a willingness to get involved in the struggle. to answer your question, i think what we have done is make people realize that there is no rational reason why we have so much income and welt inequality, such a high rate of childhood poverty, why we're behind the rest of the industrialized world on health care, paid family and medical leaves, why we are not doing more to combat climate change. if this campaign has made those people realize that they can stand and up fight back and create a government that works for all of us, then i will have accomplished a great deal and i'm very proud of that. >> on the issue of particulate mat change, which you have put climate change not just on the top ten list, you've put it at the top in terms of global challenges and what needs to be in american priorities, is has president obama been a disappointment or do you think he's han everything he can? >> he hasn't been a disappointment but i don't think he's done everything he can. look, we're taking on a
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republican party that has rejected science, where the vast majority of republican congressmen and senators do not even accept the reality of climate change, let alone the need to do what has to be done to transform our energy system. the president obviously recognizes the reality and the dangers of climate change. he has tried. has he done as much as he can in rallying the american people to demand that we transform our energy system? i think probably not. think one of the areas -- when i was a young man, the issue of our time was civil rights. and that's where millions of young people became engaged. the issue of this moment i think is likely climate change. where the young people understand that we cannot allow the fossil fuel industry to continue to make very large profits at the expense of this planet for our kids and our grandchildren. and they are being mobilized. do i think the president has used that energy on the part of young people quite as much as he should have? probably not. >> when you were a young man, you said civil rights was the issue of your time.
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did you have any heros who were politicians? i'm thinking now about your followers today and how strong the movement is in support of you. >> my political heroes -- who was not a politician, martin luther king jr. was an extraordinary leader. because he not only had the incredible courage to take on racism and lead the fight against segregation and for voting rights, he also understood that he had to take on the economic establishment and deal with income and wealth inequality and remember when he was assassinated it wasn't just a "civil rights" demonstration, he was working with some of the most exploited workers in memphis, tennessee, the sanitation workers. also was organizing a poor people's march for african-americans, latinos, poor whites, et cetera. i have enormous respect for dr. king.
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also for eugene debs who was the great socialist party leader in the early part of the 20th century. and also for franklin delano roosevelt. roosevelt came in and defied his own class. he was from the upper class. and he transformed what american government should be in terms of protecting the interests of working families. he revolutionized the role of government. and he had the courage to stand up to what he called the economic billionaire class and look them in the eye and say, you hate me and that's fine, i accept your hatred, i accept it with pride, because i'm going to stand with working families. fdr was a hero as well. >> democratic party may be about to get a windfall. you said with confidence that donald trump will not become president. and i can't see the future, but
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certainly all the political models say he's not a great top of the ticket for them, at least looking from here. if that's true, that will likely have down-ballot consequences in the senate, even possibility of flipping the house. it will certainly have consequences in states across the country. >> governor's races, too. so that's going to be a little bit of wandfall for the democratic party. and it may be a short-lived windfall, because it's just something happening, and not like what you're talking about. but if there is a windfall where the democratic party basically has a couple of years with room to run in terms of policy, what should be at the top of their to-do list, that they can get done with control of the government? >> you know, i was mayor of this city, and two years after i was elected, we came close to doubling the voter turnout. because we initiated policies that impacted the lives of low-income people and working people. and they looked around and said, you know what, government can actually do something for me and bernie is actually improving my life and the life of my kids. that's what the democratic party has to do. so what do you do? for a start, you fight for and
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succeed in raising the minimum wage for $15 an hour for 50 states. and you have millions of workers saying, democratic party, thank you. you've made it a little bit easier for me to raise my kids, to live with dignity, okay? you change these disastrous trade policies and you tell corporate america, you're going to invest in the united states of america and not just pay mexico 3 bucks an hour. and we start creating decent-paying jobs. you rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. nobody argues that our roads and bridges and water systems, flint, michigan, may be the worst, but it is not the only city. put millions of people to work. deal with criminal justice. rachel, these are not far-flung ideas that will take decades to implement. we can do it if we have the guts to do it and mobilize the
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american people to stand up and fight with us for those changes. everything that i am saying is supported by the american people. let's mobilize those people. don't worry about hustling campaign contributions from wall street or the fossil fuel industry. forget about that. speak to the needs of the american people, mobilize and transform america, and they will reward the democrats for voting for them in the future. >> i told you there was a lot of news in this interview. so far, senator sanders has laid out his to-do list for states that may turn blue this election, because donald trump's at the top of the republican ticket. he says if he doesn't get the majority of votes for the nomination, he's going to take his campaign to the convention, not to try to finagle a nomination in a floor flight, but improve the party platform. he said as a senator, he will block any effort by a president trump to implement his muslim ban. he also said the democratic party should fund a democratic equivalent to fox news! but what he's about to say next, what he's about to pledge for
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the fall campaign in this last segment of the interview that's coming up right next, this thing is about to go off like a rocket in democratic circles. that's next. that's last. stay with us. lti-purpose piece of equipment for me. the fact that you can travel with it as a laptop and use it as a drawing tool, it's the only one i need.
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different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more th prescribed. see your doctoif your asthma does not improve orets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at former secretary of state hillary clinton is campaigning in california. she's in oakland, california, tonight. yesterday she campaigned on a college campus in los angeles. and at that clinton rally in east l.a., a couple of hundred protesters turned out, including bernie sanders supporters, chanting that clinton should get out of the race, calling her a liar, calling her a warmonger, and in one case, saying she should go to prison. inside the venue, nbc counted five disruptions, with protesters removed from the clinton event. outside, the protesters shouted at clinton supporters as they left. and i asked senator sanders today about the contest and the conflict between him and secretary clinton at this stage of the race.
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really interesting response from him. watch this. >> i have one last question for you. and i have -- we've talked about this concept before, but i sort of want to know where your head is on it right now heading into these last primaries. people who like both you and hillary clinton, and who want the democratic party to win and beat donald trump in november are worried that the two of you will not be pulling in the same direction on behalf of that november goal. that this primary is too hard. that your messages are grown to a point where they're too different. supporters, it's become too actry acrimonious. >> let me just say a word on that. >> please. >> we have never asked and i'm not comfortable with people disrupting other people's meetings. and i think the right to protest is absolutely right, go on outside, protest, bring out
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thousands of people. not my style to see people disrupting other people's meetings. i've had meetings disrupted. i don't like it. >> if they're not disrupting inside, do you want your supporters protesting outside hillary clinton -- >> i don't want -- if that's -- we have nothing to do with that. you know, we have millions of supporters and people all over the country do their thing. if people want to protest outside, absolutely, that's their right to do it. >> but you're not encouraging it or discouraging it. >> we're not encouraging it. >> but in terms of people showing up outside and protesting and not disrupting, you're neutral? >> why not? that's what freedom of speech is about. freedom of dissent is about. people standing outside, by the hundreds, by the thousands saying, look, we disagree. i think it's exactly appropriate. >> when i see people standing outside a hillary clinton event holding "feel the bern" signs, and the people next to them saying "liar, liar, liar" and "hillary clinton for 2016," that is what leads to these concerns
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that you and hillary clinton, worthy as you each may be in each of your messages, won't be pulling in the same direction for the same -- >> let me just say this. donald trump represents a whole lot that i passionately hate. and i will do, if i'm not the candidate, i will do everything that i can to make sure that donald trump does not become president of the united states. i think he would be a disaster for this country in so many ways. that it's just almost unthinkable that a man like that could become president. soy will, if we do not win the nomination, do everything i can to make sure he does not become president. >> senator, really nice of you to make time, especially on such a beautiful day and in such a nice place. we'll get out of your hair. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> senator bernie sanders today, pledging to do everything in his power to stop donald trump from ever becoming president. also wanting his supporters to know that he doesn't want them disrupting other candidate events, but protesting outside,
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not discouraging that at all. just the inside. senator bernie sanders, guam tomorrow, west virginia tuesday, philadelphia at the end of the road. he's a very dangerous person, and he needs to remain detained. >> that's some [ bleep ] man. i swear to god, man. >> i am telling you that that is the option. >> i'm telling you if i go back to that school i'm definitely going to violate my probation. >> what is that supposed to mean? >> he reaches over the seat and pulls out a gun and had it aimed at my chest. it hit me in the arm. >> if two years in placement didn't help you change your ways, i'm not certain any more time here is going to do anything for you. today what i'm going to do is -- >> i've got a lot of years to live. if i keep messing around with this i'm going to end up dead or in jail.
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