tv Morning Joe MSNBC May 13, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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nd long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johon & johnson.
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trump met with house speaker paul ryan. after the meeting pr pr gave a press conference to talk about how it went and well it's kind of hard to tell how he felt about it. >> let me say this. i think we had a very encouraging meeting. i'm very encouraged. i heard a lot of good things from our presumptive normal e knee. i was very encouraged with what i heard from donald trump today. this is our first meeting. i was very encouraged with this meeting and i'm very encouraged we can put that together. we're off to a very encouraging start. >> it sounds like someone rocking back and forth in a straight jacket. >> that was quite a meeting yesterday. >> it was encouraging. >> i was shocked by some of the things paul ryan said after the meeting. it was saying that donald trump shared their conservative values and their vows of limited government. no, he doesn't. donald will say that. he's a democrat.
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you've got a democrat from new york running against a democrat from new york. i will endorse our democrat from new york. do not say he shares our view of limited government because donald trump will be the first to tell you he does not share paul ryan's view of limited government. >> good morning, everyone. >> he's mocked paul ryan for his view of limited government. >> you won't be surprised it's friday, may 13th. we have white house correspondent for the "huffington post" sam stein. >> i was encouraged, sam stein shares my view of limited government. >> probably more than donald trump, yeah. >> you do. don't tell paul ryan that. >> washington anchor for bbckatty cay. >> probably more than donald
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trump. >> and former chairman of the republican national committee michael steele is with us. and columnist and associate editor for "the washington post" david ignatius. >> we're not really joking. i've been saying that people are going to come together, but it was really jarring when you see somebody like paul ryan who has been the center of the conservative movement. i met the kid when he was 22 years old. he worked with a group of us called the new federalists that were talking about taking money and authority out of washington, sending it back home. and he was the brain child of that. we were talking about abolishing the department of education, sending the money to local school boards. we were talking about getting rid of hud and commerce department and energy and sending the money and authority back home. so that's been his guiding principle. give power back to the states,
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back to the people. and yesterday to see paul ryan say donald trump shares our view of limited government, it's pretty staggering to me. did you flinch? >> it was a swallow hard moment. it's one of those things you realize that everybody is trying to find that space to make this arrangement work, because that's what this will be. it will be an arrangement between donald trump and guys like paul ryan and others on the hill who have a legislative agenda that they have been working on, as you just noted, for some time. this is the disruption that they don't need. but they've got to make this work. because paul ryan knows at the end of the day, he has a caucus that's hot for trump in some respects. he's got to balance that with trying to win the election. >> they have been fighting to
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show americans you're going to have to make dramatic changes. they are going to bankrupt. and donald trump has said outright, i'm not touching medica medicare. i'm not touching social security. i'm just going to close my eyes and let the programs go bankrupt. how does -- >> he's going to take a couple more months to completely sacrifice his lifetime of principle. it's painful to watch. you're seeing republicans be more cautious of embracing the trump positions. you look at lindsey graham and john mccain still holding back. others who represent the harder foreign policy views. >> what is in it for trump to actually fully embrace paul ryan? isn't the brand supposed to be
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i'm not conventional republican in any stretch of the imagination. i'm an asymmetrical conservative. what does he gain from cozying up to paul ryan at all? >> i mean that's the question. what does paul ryan have to gain cozying up to a guy who is in opposition to his lifetime policy. >> not have to deal with the friction at the top of the ticket. donald trump doesn't have any real allegiance to paul ryan whatsoever. >> but dising the party mechanism might not be useful to donald trump. >> it's worked so far. >> but running into the general election, you don't think he'd like some of the support of the party? >> if he wants to run against the establishment, there's nothing in it for him to make nice to paul ryan and leaves a wreckage of the republican party behind possibly. but why should he care?
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>> donald trump has been a democrat most of his life. he supported partial birth abortion, higher taxes, higher taxes again. he contributed to hillary clinton several times. this is not donald trump's party. he adopted this party, brilliant on his part politically. but for someone like paul ry, you just wonder why. >> clearly -- >> why don't we get to the news. >> no endorsement yesterday but here is paul ryan talking about trump's charm offensive. >> i was very encouraged with what i heard from donald trump today. i do believe that we are now planting the seeds to get ourselves unified. >> do you expect o to endorse him? >> i think this is going in a positive direction. this is the first very encouraging meeting. but again, in 45 minutes, you don't litigate all of the
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processes and issues and principles that we are talking about. >> what did you think of his personality? >> his personality i thought he was very good personality. he's a very warm and genuine person. >> i think he's doing a good job. he's got not an easy job. i don't mind a slow process. we have a lot of things. and i think we agree on a lot of different items. we're getting there. i feel strongly about border security, about trade. i feel strongly about building up the military. to a large extent, i think u paul is there also. so we'll get there. pretty sure. >> trump's meeting was supposed to last 30 minutes but it stretched to an hour showing they were really trying. >> that's encouraging. >> trump did not come in with swagger but rather an attitude of working together. but some senators were guarded in their optimism after their
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own meeting op rin hatch said he was glad to meet trump adding, many constituents in utah have serious reservations about mr. trump. to help unify the party, i hope donald will listen to policymakers and carefully consider his approach to issues like international trade u and entitlement reform. senator john cornyn called the meeting good and constructive, even posing for a photo. but he also told trump, quote, there's a way to talk about immigration issues that people don't find offensive yet still make a point we're all for secure borders. thank you for the advice. >> as in stop tweeting out pictures of taco bowls. >> the best taco bowl in aum of new york city is made here in trump tower. >> somebody like paul ryan and
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people who are principled conservatives in the republican party is the degree to which they are going to tolerate the fact that donald trump is not changing his policies and positions on immigration but may do it with language that sounds less abrasive. so if we have nonconservative principles but don't sound bombastic is that going to be enough for paul ryan? >> why do you think donald trump is not going to change his position on immigration? he's backtracked on several key positions. he's talked about the muslim ban, if you notice, really moderating. there are obvious ways he's trying to take his foot off the pedal. i'm guessing immigration will be one of those. >> this is a drama that's going to play out to the convention.
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i'm waiting to see his good intentions. we'll have something that looks like unity. >> here's my problem though. i remember going to texas in 1999. austin, texas, a small group of us out of florida went over to meet governor george w. bush. he sat there and told us all the same thing. i'm going to support small government and balance the budget. looked at me because he knew i had had the bill to au bollish the department of education and send the money back home to local school boards. he goes we're not beginning to get into education. that's not the federal government's business. and there i was the first week having his people say we have this great plan leave no child behind. really? on the education? really? we came into power, we had $155 billion surplus. eight years later after
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republican rule, there was a $1.4 trillion deficit. we doubled the national debt. this happens all the time. and so the fact that conservatives keep looking for somebody that actually believes in limited government and paul ryan was our last best hope and now he looks like hemoembracing a guy that doesn't need paul ryan, but does paul ryan need him? a guy that is a big government democrat. >> what's the expectation then for the scenario you painted? what is paul ryan's alternative? >> i think it's a separate piece. i think paul ryan should have a separate piece and say, you know what, this is the great thing about the republican party. we don't rig our process. we're not like democrats that rig our process from the very beginning. we're open minded. so my members are free to
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support whomever they want to support. >> he can just get some specific concessio concessions. you'll agree to look at entitlement reform and trump will never do it, but he can try to get confessions. >> donald trump is not going to do that. why should he? >> he's not going to do it. >> let's go to big issues. trade, paul ryan is a fierce advocate of free trade. donald trump is just the opposite. taxes. he's all about cutting taxes. trump said he's going to raise taxes. minimum wage, he switched on minimum wage. paul ryan is different with him on minimum wage. >> immigration. >> they are completely opposite. immigration, they are completely opposite. >> they are encouraged.
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it's okay. >> there's some things you can't square. for a conservative base that's been disappointed up to this point about nominating one big governmentonservative after another big government conservative, to see this is where we land in 2016 is pretty stunning. >> i hate to see all those conservative hearts broken again by these candidates who won't really adhere to the principles. but as you say, that's happened over and over again. there is an interesting view among some foreign policy neoconservatives which is let it burn. don't reach out for unity. don't try to help him win. don't even try to save our seats in congress. let him go down in the most disastrous, catastrophic way possible so we rebuild a conservative party. i think that's the question that people like paul ryan must be wonderinabout. >> so four years from now?
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>> you just basically let hillary clinton win and say she's going to be a one-term president. we're going to purge the party of this trumpism, which is so poisonous. >> checking that theory, barack obama was supposed to be a one-term president too. that was declared on the day of his inauguration. >> if you're a consistent hawk, wouldn't you want hillary clinton in the white house? she's much more interventionist on the trail. >> there's a scenario for paul ryan. if you fundamentally believe that donald trump can't win this election in november, what have you got by attaching yourself too firmly to his principles or sacrificing your own principles you have held for decades in the name of somebody who is not going to win and you'll look back and say, wow. >> can i tell you where you are were. >> you're fired. >> you're the third ranking
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person in the united states government. you're speaker of the house. everything donald trump does still has to come through you. >> so that's true. >> do you want to play out trump and i'll be the speaker. >> so what happens then when i put minimum wage bill on the table, if i put a trade bill on the table that -- >> go ahead. >> we'll put it out there. >> i'm not going to let it get to the floor. >> so you represent that same congress that we have been fighting for for the last 30 years? >> if you want to tweet it out, that's fine. i'm the rules committee. you're never going to get it on the floor. >> i'm not donald. you're donald. i'm paul ryan. for every nasty tweet you tweeted out bt me over six months, i'm going to tell the rules committee to kill your stupid, idiotic bills every day.
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they are never going to see the light of day. maybe you can find somebody -- >> you're sounding like donald. >> whoever the rules committee chairman is will say that to donald trump. gu go ahead, show me how powerful you are. >> you're using the very system that has lied to the base, that has cheated the american public, that has -- >> i have a great idea, donald. why don't you hold one of those big rallies. ville dinner with my rules committee chairman. >> you play the washington inside game and i play the outside game. guess what happens when you're up for reelection? >> your bills don't pass. >> it doesn't matter. i'll get the congress. >> i have been elected in jainsville now since 1998. democrats have been elected president in my district. i'm going to keep winning.
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>> you're not going to keep winning. >> we gerrymandered the system so badly. >> guys, this is like hamilton. you should take this to broadway. this is good. >> here's the bottom line. every four years or eight years, a new president comes into town and they believe they are the first people to ever get elected president. i have had this conversation with three administrations when they come in. and they don't realize that they still have to play by the rules of washington. so where is paul ryan after donald trump's elected president? he's still the most powerful guy when it comes to getting legislation started. >> if donald trump wins, he will win on the basis of an insurgency to break the washington you're describing where people say i'm going to talk to the rules committee. that's what people will be rebelling against. that's going to be powerful.
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>> that doesn't mean the structures are gone. >> but the rules committee is still there. donald will not be able -- what does he do? donald still has to come through him. they still have to make a deal. >> what do you think the tea party did in 2010? they cleaned house. they went after the rules committee chairman. we went after that structure that nancy pelosi built and we didn't do it by playing the washington inside. we brought the outside in. >> you think they are going to punish paul ryan and his people for opposing tax increase or opposing 40% tariffs? no, they are actually going to be rewarded for opposing those liberal bills. >> i hear what you're saying. but look at the folks that donald trump is bringing into the process. so the question becomes how are they utilized? how are they integrated?
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do they become the new form of tea party? >> paul ryan has a lot more power right now than he showed yesterday. >> i can't wait. >> i think it's also encouraging. still ahead on "morning joe," the former house speaker is enjoying retirement. yesterday he let loose again. plus peter king will be here onset. we'll ask him if he's doing okay now that ted cruz is out of the race. also david ignatius's report on why president obama might get another shot at his red line. new signs of chemical wear fare in syria. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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out any available real estate out on mount rushmore. he's in south dakota, a state that hillary clinton won in 2008. sanders helped three rallies there including one in sioux falls that had a crowd of 4300 people. he kept up his attacks on clinton and what he brands the establishment. >> they have the money. we have the people. and the people together will win this struggle. >> there are reports that sanders cam pain is looking to push reforms for the primary process when the topic is considered. according to buzzfeed, his campaign advisers are looking to change the structure of caucuses in key nominating states and open up primaries to independent voters. that's important. there's a lot of problems.
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>> can they chisel the dark frame glasses into mount rushmore. >> they can figure it out. really quickly, we are going back to donald trump making changes. he's making some pretty dramatic changes on something he needed to. the banning of muslims, he continues moving on that. and last night he really started to frame it the way he needed to frame it, which is i'm worried about syria. i'm worried about refugees from countries that are coming into america where we can't do the sufficient background checks. that's something i think the dod said. >> how do you put the genie back in the bottle? >> last time i was with one of the leading muslim businessmen in the world. e he said if donald trump is elected, you're going to have
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1.5 billion people who look at the united states with anger because they u will not forget. no matter how he rewrites this in the campaign, trims the position, makes it sound better, the video clips are there. >> hillary clinton is already putting them out. >> how secure are we in thinking this it ration of his position is the final one? >> here it is. let's take a look. this is the newest version of the muslim ban. >> i would not allow people to come in from syria. they are not vetted properly. they are moving in by the thousands. you remember i told you thousands of people are going to pour in. i turned out to be right. thousands of people are coming in from syria. we don't know who they are. if you look at the migration, you have a lot of young, strong men. you look at the women. where are the women and children? you don't have many by comparison. we cannot allow people to come in from syria and i would stop it and i would stop it immediately.
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>> and that's where he's going to go. he's going to use angela merkel's mistakes that a lot of us believe she is made and the problems that arose outside of that. he's moving away from the muslim ban. you can see, yes, it's horrible he ever said it in the first place. this is a vast improvement as he moves forward. there are a lot of people that could not support him. >> in terms of his campaigning, hillary clinton already has the original statement on tape and is running it right now. and it's going to run again and again and again. >> it would be up to him to say things have changed since then. i talked to experts and we have to focus on places like syria. >> at some point on issues of this magnitude, it's silly to think that you can just evolve on every single issue. i get evolution over time and things you learn more information about, but this isn't like a marginal thing. this was a ban of 1.5 billion people.
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>> this isn't a position you change in light of new evidence. this goes to what your values are. there are so many examples of this video vault on comments about women, comments about muslims. don't think we're not going to get bombarded. >> i totally agree we are. it's going to be nonstop. we're going to hear those all throughout the fall. i'm just saying he told mika he was going to move to the middle three months ago. that's what he's doing. >> in large measure, he will. in an even greater measure, he's going to find acceptance. when you bring up the values point, don't forget the poll at the time donald trump said what he said about muslims. that 56% of americans answered that they did noz believe islam was compatible with american values. so he has tapped into something. >> who cares if the poll says
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that. this is a very fundamental issue. >> a lot of people outside of this town and elsewhere. understand the vein in which he tapped. >>. >> i am speaker trump. >> "the washington post," can assad keep crossing the red line. >> the obama administration has another chance to enforce the botched red line in the use of chemical weapons given new reports that the regime has used nerve gas against extremist fighters and may be planning more such attacks. obama justified his restraint by citing the diplomatic agreement that was brokered by the u.s. and russia to destroy sear y's chemical arsenal. new reports question whether assad has complied. the regime justifies such
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attacks by saying it is bombing the islamic state. but these jihadists are intermingled with civilians and moderate opposition groups in ways that make the nonextremist groups targets too. >> so what can the president do to actually pay absolution for the last time he allowed assad to cross the red line. >>. >> these reports talk about renewed use of nerve gas, which was also supposed to have been removed by syria. so the first thing the president could do, which is consistent with the way he likes to look at these problems is to say to vladimir putin, a deal that you and i made is being violated. we're going to enforce it
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ourselves. there are various ways you do that. some you announce, some you don't. i'm just struck by this. this is the lit muscle test test. and it's back. there's a report by a group of syrian doctors that says there are so many chemical weapons attacks by the regime it's the new normal in syria. >> our current ambassador to the united nations had been saying this for some part-time time u. she won a pul itser prize by talking about a problem from hell. what we turned a blind eye to in the 190s is so much worse in syria. this is on a biblical scale. united states has turned a blind eye repeatedly. >> our director of national intelligence i saw this week.
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he said the basic thing that we all know that president obama feels, which is we can't fix this on our own. but that doesn't mean we can't do something about chemical weapons. >> the president said are you getting any indication from the white house in the final months of their administration this is this is something they are prepared to do something about. >> he feels that a legacy issue for him is what is done with the islamic state in syria and iraq. but i do see the president ratcheting up in terms of the numbers of troops, what they are doing week by week. i wouldn't be surprised to see greater action taken if the u.s. wants to collapse. >> we just went from three minutes ago talking about the difficulty in letting in
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refugees and now talking about a problem from hell in syria. there are no good answers that anyone has. >> there is. having a prosecute that knows how to rally the international community. to actually go in and find a safe haven for the millions of syrian refugees scattered across the globe causing destabilization. many of whom want to go home. you're telling me that the united states of america and britain and france and germany and the united nations and nato are too weak to build a safe zone and enforce a safe zone in syria bye-bye and tell assad and isis, we're not fighting you in any war, but you come close to this safe zone. we willy quick if i you. stay away from these syrians because we will kill you and we
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will go after you. we will make you pay. this is their safe zone. stay the hell out. >> you have now gotten to play donald trump, paul ryan and now hillary clinton. >> that's exactly her. >> i'll tell you what. hillary clinton's view is a pretty good view. >> and he's a democrat. >> it's immoral. let me just say it was immoral when 50,000 syrians were killed and we did nothing. and 100,000 syrians were killed and we did nothing. assad crossed the red line and we did nothing. it is immoral to not create a safe zone like hillary clinton. i'm sure mccain and a lot of other republicans wouldn't support. protect it with a no-fly zone. tell everybody from assad to isis to stay out. if they don't stay out, they are going o to pay the ultimate price. if that's hillary's position, god bless her.
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tell me why we wouldn't do that? >> they say this is a complicated potentially very costly military mission. president obama, who says i got elected not to start new war, keeps pulling back. >> wasn't she secretary of state? >> you and clinton have it right. i think watching this again and again, it's immoral. >> wringing his hands, he's still wringing his hands. >> a lot of people didn't want us to engage. >> at some point the united states of america has to step up. and be a moral force. >> the single biggest failing of barack obama's foreign policy from point of view of his allies
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around the world was saying he was going to enforce a red line and failing to do it and abandoning syrians. >> the must-read opinion pages are ahead. stay with us. because of optum. through population health data, they provide insights so doctors and hospitals can identify high-risk patients. like me... asthma... potential hospital visit. so now thanks to optum, this asthma thing's under control. gravity not so much. this is healthier, powered by optum. from health plans to providers to employers. we connect all parts of health care. healthier is here. shall we say, unnecessarily complex.h back cards are, limiting where you can earn bonus cash back... then those places change every few months... please. it's time you got the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purche, everywhere.
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the strikingly designed lexus nx turbo and hybrid. the suv that dares to go beyond utility. this is the pursuit of perfection. so the last time we heard from former house speaker john boehner he was calling ted cruz lucifer in the flesh. boehner was at it again in a conversation moderated by steve rattner. >> he's the guy with the charts. >> he does the fancy charts with all the math. at the salt conference in las vegas. boehner spoke his mind. >> why would paul ryan want donald trump to be president and leader of the party? >> well -- listen, donald trump is the presumptive nominee.
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whether people like it or not, he worked hard. he went out there and won these dill del gaits and looks like he's going to be the nominee. >> donald trump said on one of the talk shows it's called the republican party. it's not call the red the conservative party trying to draw distinction between paul ryan and others more pragmatic as donald trump seems to be. >> i would describe him as pragmatic. and clearly not conservative. i think what -- >> so why would paul ryan want his party taken over? >> he may or may not, but donald trump is going to be the nominee. i think what paul is trying to do is help shape the direction of trump's policies. >> why are you for him u? >> i voted for john kasich.
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i made it clear i was voting for john kasich. been my friend for 30 years. john kasich didn't win. jeb bush didn't win. thank god that guy from texas didn't win. >> the guy from texas -- for the three people here who don't know it who the speaker described as lucifer in the flesh which prompted someone else to say he was being too kind to lucifer. >> i got criticized from some organization in washington for giving lucifer a bad name. >> wow, that looks like a fun night. it's nice to sort of hear from people after they get out. you know what i'm saying? we have politico's jake sherman. i'm going to read from the column. >> just read it. >> i can't do ambien?
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>> you can't. >> i confess i have lost patience with many of those declaring they cannot in good conscious support trump not because of reasons are not crucial, but some making these declarations indeed with the highest degree of self-regard to back the immigration proposals of george w. bush that contributed so much to the crisis that produced mr. trump. they invented sarah palin. they managed to support the global attitudes that's left the working class jobless. they dreamed up the iraq war. sometimes i think their con sciences are not so delegate. as for consultants who insult trump, they are the one who is did most to invent him. what do they ever do in good
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conscien conscience? >> that brooklyn working class catholic u democrat. i'm serious. that we are the republican party has become a party of disaffected work iing class democrats over the past 30, 40 years. you're seeing it in the support of donald trump. >> this is what paul ryan is facing a the this point. he's torn between the fact he has 247 members of the house. the speaker has to protect them in some way, shape or form. all of these districts were won by donald trump. so paul ryan is torn between the idea that he is building this brand of a smart conservative since you knew him as a budget hawk aid back in the day. and the idea that he has to protect these guys and he's going to ruin his brand. he's in this horrible, horrible spot. he's tortured. i've been asking him for months every time he comes out and says i'm not for trump's plan on immigration. i'm not for playing footsie with
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white supremacists. how could you support this guy if you disagree with him on every single policy? >> it's not like he's not running about 202037 what does he say to paul sr.? to other contributors about i supported the guy who actually opposes every single thing that you believe in. >> i think he's going to do the dance. he's going to endorse the guy now. he came out yesterday and basically said u we're moving toward unity unless there's a boulder on that road to unity, which who knows, there could be. but he's going to do the i'm concentrated on the house. i want donald trump to be in the white house. we need a republican over hillary clinton. it's going to be on my agenda. he's going to have to spend the next six months explaining why donald trump doesn't agree on his agenda. >> how does paul ryan say he loses in november and paul ryan then runs as the republican candidate in four year's time.
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how does he talk about this? how does he justify having publicly sacrificed the principles he's worked his whole life to protect for a nominee who is then blew up the republican party? >> 40% tariffs on china, tariffs on mexico, an immigration policy that's everything paul ryan has ever fought for, higher taxes, higher minimum wage, a defense policy that encourages vladimir putin putin to go into seyria that basically turns egypt back over to the russians. which i got back from them in '72. >> so while you're looking at numbers, look at the disapprovals donald trump has and the disapprovals that hillary clinton has and the potential that somebody jumps in. what if somebody jumps in with
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better conservative principles than donald trump and these people have endorsed donald trump? what do they do? >> the scenario where anybody jumps in this late is increasingly hard to imagine. >> so this is it? these are the choices? >> i'm just curious whether you think paul ryan gets a concession from donald trump on the issues that matter to him as the price of him saying i'm with you. >> they say that wasn't an ask. they didn't want to bring up the issues, which the main two are trade. paul ryan sheparded free trade legislation for the house and has since 1999. and immigration, he says -- his people say there are a lot of opinions about those issues in the republican party and they are going to republican them. ryan has tried to communicate to trump yesterday that like, here's the situation i'm in. i need to try to protect the
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house majority. figure out how you're going to not talk about these things and here's what we spent the last ten years working on. budgets, he brought charts to the meeting, paul ryan. so what concession can he get? >> does donald trump want to look at paul ryan's charts? donald trump did you waoesn't w read. >> he brought in charts. >> let me just say barack obama paid more attention to paul ryan's charts during health care than donald trump did yesterday. . >> he probably enjoyed the charts. he likes numbers and won key stuff. >> chart party. >> jake sherman, thank you. coming up, investing in a candidate. brand new poll numbers on the presidential race inside the millionaire's survey. straight ahead on "morning joe."
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probe into her e-mail server is a security inquiry. the head of the fbi says he has no idea what that means. >> we don't do security inquiries. we do investigations. >> we'll be right back. you owned your car for four years, you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had beenhrough everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual cas, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for tter car replacement™, we'll pay for car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than yr old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track.
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encouraging meet iing. but again, in 45 minutes shs you don't litigate all of the processes and all the issues and principles that we are talking about. >> i don't mind going through a slow process. it's a big subject. we have a lot of things. i think we agree on a lot of different items. we're getting there. i feel strongly about border security and trade. i feel very strongly about building up the military. and to a large extent, i think paul is there also. we'll get there. i'm pretty sure. >> it's friday, the 13th. with us onset here in washington, d.c. we have anchor for bbc katty kay.
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and david ignatius and plitd call correspondent casey hunt joins the table as well. >> donald trump is saying in that interview that he and paul ryan had a great conversation, everything was great. . >> what did you expect? >> paul ryan was encouraged. then he said i feel strongly on immigration. an issue that paul ryan could not disagree with him more on. i feel -- trade, an issue where donald trump and paul ryan could not be more diametrically opposed. >> paul said it was encouraging. you actually wrote something about this meeting yesterday. they said it was encouraging and said all the right things. when it comes to issues, donald trump represents the antithesis
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of what he's been fighting his entire life for. >> not even just issues, but tonally. paul ryan is the guy that we can disagree without being disagreeable. we need to realize that the other side suspect oisn't our e. >> so donald trump is winning this one-on-one in a massive way. it looks as if trump is dominating him and ryan is capitulating on all fronts. if you watch that post game analysis where they come out and do their thing, it's clear he's going to endorse donald trump unless trump comes out now and says something outrageous. which is not out of the question, but i think they have decided that it is better to run with someone with whom they are very nervous than to try to run away from someone who they can never run away from.
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that's fundamentally it. i think paul ryan understands that you cannot get away. donald trump is a giant figure. you cannot just say he's our presidential nominee. i don't agree with him on anything. it never works. >> so the entire republican party rolls over. >> paul ryan is dealing with a potential revolt in his own kau cushion. if you think about the differences between what came out of the senate side meeting and what we saw from paul ryan pretty stark. partly because ryan shaped by this conservative caucus that he's successfully managed to deal with in a way that john boehner was never able to. on the senate side, much cooler because many of those members feel like they might lose the election. that's a line paul ryan has to walk here. >> even the ones in the senate that's being cool has said u that he's going to support donald trump. a bit like paul ryan, we can go through the list again. immigration, torture, the host of issues, trade, that they don't agree on.
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trump changes his tone. let's say he does. although he told "the new york times" my tone -- this is going to work for me again. even if he changed his tone, the policies are still the same. >> the idea he would doesn't make any sense. you can look and sigh it's not a primary electorate, but look at it from donald trump's p perspective. he was at 1%. everyone laughed at him when he got in. he beat 16 people and for whatever you want to say about the field, it had a former governor of florida, current governor of ohio, texas, the rising stars of the party. he beat all those people. >> if you're donald trump, david ignatius, everybody told you you're going to lose and you vanquished everybody, a field of 17, why would you change now and we're not suggesting he does
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change now. all we're saying is paul ryan is in a difficult position. >> that confident looking man we saw yesterday in washington, d.c. coming out of meetings and looking like the presumptive nominee is feeling. you have to come to me. you have to make concessions to my viewpoint. the only point that i would make is if in late summer donald trump is really running behind in the polls, and the polls suggest that if you're a republican member running for reelection, you may be in trouble with some of these trump positions, you could see a lot of distancing. i bet one thing paul ryan is trying to do is keep enough distance between himself and his caucus that if things turn bad, there's still some space. >> so while on washington, donald trump also met with former secretary of state james baker and met at a law firm that represents trump's campaign. bake's office said trump
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requested the conversation. he was in town to testify before the senate foreign relations committee. at that hearing, baker seemed to contrast sharply with some of trump's key talking points on foreign policy. when asked this question by trump's former adversary marco rubio. >> why do we need nato anymore? they should pay for their own defense. i would ask both of you to describe a world in which nato lost its way or disintegrated and a world where japan and south korea lost u.s. commitment. what would the world look like -- what would the strategic environment look like if the nuclear umbrella no longer covered there and if nato substantially was diminished or disintegrated. >> it would be far less stable. you would have many, many more. we have a lot of problems today, but you'd have a hel lrl of a l
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more if that were the case. >> ever since the end of world war ii, our security alliance with japan and south korea have been the foundation and the basis for peace and stability in the pacific. >> some have suggested why don't you let japan and south korea get their own nuclear weapons and defend themselves. >> i think the more countries that acquire nuclear weapons, the more instability there's going to be in the world, in my opinion. >> there was something scary about that. >> that was a very great touch by marco rubio at that point. >> do you see people like james baker -- i have talked to foreign policy folk and they are just stupefied that we're having this conversation about nato and about other key elements of what kind of keeps whatever global stability we have connected. they are just like, what? what are you asking us?
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>> are we rg having this conversation right now? >> these are the foundation stones of american foreign policy. a problem for the establishment is there are a lot of people in the country who asked the same question. why are we paying for the nato countries that don't pay for themselves. why are rich south korea and japan depending on our umbrella when we're short of money. if these were not questions the country cared about, it would carry the day. >> i'm glad he met with baker. >> it was shrewd for him to ask for a meeting, but james baker, i don't think we should expect james baker to endorse donald trump any time soon. certainly u 41 and 43 have not done it. >> james baker would face the
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same test that paul ryan faces on the litmus test of things he had believes in when it comes to foreign policy. i don't see baker caving. there's no reason for him to do so. >> at what point do these figures on the republican side start to come out for hillary clinton, who was secretary of state and many seem way more comfortable with? >> general hayden has already suggested that when given the choice between ted cruz and donald trump and hillary clinton, hillary clinton was more qualified. >> i spent some time earlier this week with a group of republican women voters. this was something that surprised me for all of the talk about how hillary clinton would be this terrible alternative. the women i sat with nervous about trump on the commander-in-chief question, they all said she's the safe, reliable choice. i couldn't believe i was hearing that from republicans. >> speaking of hillary clinton, she's described the fbi probe into e e-mails from her time as secretary of state as a security inquiry. >> it's not about hillary.
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it's a security inquiry. we have heard that nonstop. this is a security inquiry. i didn't know the fbi did security inquiries. but i'm glad to know they are a full service bureau of investigation. this is a good thing. do you think they would check my alarm system around my house and make sure all the windows work and everything? >> it seems the fbi director suspect on the same page with this. comey was asked about the probe on wednesday and specifically the term security inquiry. quote, i don't know what that means, he said. we're conducting -- >> there goes that line they have used for nine months. >> he went on to say we're conducting an investigation, he said. that's the bureau's business. that's what we do. >> that sort of undercuts the talking point from the clintons and supporters over the past nine months. >> yes, look, i always say you
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talk about this or write about this and it's like typical trumped up media. no, look, no secretary of state has ever exclusively used a private e-mail server before. the fbi and the state department are looking into this. this is not a right wing conspiracy. unless the fbi takes their orders from the right wing. do i know she's going to be implicated, of course, not. but if this was a republican, she's the nominee of the party. effectively, she's being investigated or her people or what she did in establishing the private server is being investigated by the federal bureau of investigation. now nothing may come of it. but if any candidate of any party -- if a senate candidate was being looked at, we would make that something that would come up again and again. >> and she would make it come up again and again. >> she's lucky she's running against bernie sanders who doesn't want to talk about it.
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>> when they are saying there are 22 e-mails that went through her server that are so sensitive to america's national security would be devastating, that's barack obama state department saying that this is not a right wing conspiracy. nobody is saying she's going to end up being indicted, but james comey said this is an investigation. >> when you talk to legal people in washington, the plans of opinion says she won't be indicted. the threshold for criminal intent is higher than what looks to have been happening. >> nothing may come of it, and that's true, especially because the actual human being, the person who set up the server apparently all of his e e-mails are gone. >> they have been e destroyed. >> you koent find out why it was set up. >> that's an unfortunate kons di dense. >> that's the only real criminal
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issue that may be lerking here is the question of whether there was obstruction of justice, deliberate concealment by anybody. you and i have been talking about this for months about whether at the end of the day there's something indictable. lawyers keep saying to me and probably to you, probably not. even so, if the fbi after its investigation decides to make a criminal referral, a prosecutor may u decide not to prosecute, but we have to refer these facts for prosecutorial decision, that's a problem for her. that comes before the convention. >> does it? >> i think the referral, if one was made, it would come sooner rather than later. >> we have been hearing if it for months. >> but yesterday the fbi director said i'm on my own time line. you guys aren't going to rush me. we're going to be as complete as
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we can in this investigation. there's no time line for this case. >> even so they have had it for some months. i would be amazed if they dragged it out through the summer. if you're a bernie sanders supporter, you can say if there's an fbi referral, we have a powerful issue to take to the convention, to take to super delegates. . do you really want this issue? >> we should not drop out until there's been some kind of decision. >> you wonder why he hasn't dropped out. >> it would be malpractice of his advisers to say why don't you get out now while there's an active investigation into the only other person in the race. he has the money, just stay in. we don't know what's going to come of it. >> who can get that besides donald trump? >> there are not many more people. >> bernie sanders' ability today in and day out generate massive
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crowds. >> he's like a rock star. >> the crowd doesn't always -- he would be the nominee if it was a battle of crowds. but my gosh, the ability to generate people on a thursday. >> what is that? can hillary clinton do that? >> no. >> he's a cult. >> it's a cause. >> in the modern time we're living in generates crowds like that. with an old guy like that. >> a democratic socialist from vermont. >> just tell me another cause across the country that generate massive crowds. >> trump. >> you can't say it's a cause and that explains it. >> people want to believe in this idea and it does have power. obama had 90,000 people in portland in 2008.
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this idea that there is an idealistic vision and we can be the country and the people that we want to be. >> have we seen this? >> in terms of shear numbers, yes. >> we see the numbers for donald trump. >> trump has less. but one thing i'll say with trump, less rallies. bernie is rallying every single day. trump does a fair number, not as many raw rallies. so if you added all the people who came to a bernie sanders, it would be more than trump. i don't think it would be more than obama. i went back and looked because sanders was getting 50,000 people. >> i was trying to figure out if bernie had gotten the biggest crowd in modern history. and obama, i believe it was portland, there was like 85,000 people to see obama in 2008.
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this was before he was the nominee. they are everywhere. >> the question is though, why wouldn't this goi at some point run as an independent if he could? his people would follow him into the fall. >> i think the question is how does he decide to lead them? how long does he stay in? and what point does this turn toward focusing on donald trump. if he were to run as an independent, that would ensure there's a path cleared for trump. you look at the numbers out of west virginia. >> i'm sure if you wld have a conservative jumping in on the other side. that way you'd have four people running and any one of those four could be elected president of the united states. >> no one gets the majority? >> the crack about this.
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this is the idealism of this generation finding itself first powerful expression. i was talking with michael steele earlier about when the millennials really hit american politics, they are going to change american politics. this may be the leading edge of that. you can't help but the 5ibabili to get so many people is really telling us something. four years from now, eight years from now. a new generation coming in who finds in him the most powerful expression yet. >> they might be telling him something about what he should do next. i don't know how you walk away from that. >> i think it's money in politics. >> that's a whole side story. thank you so much. still ahead on "morning joe," peter king joins the table. on a scale of 1 to 10, how excited was he for the presumptive nominee's trip to the hill. you're watching "morning joe," we'll be right back.
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i was getting a little bit of pushback from great people and great friends of mine in congress. they were telling me that how can we feel better. i came up with this idea that i would come up with a list of really, really terrific, acceptable judges, conservative. and i'll put that list forward. that will be a list from which i'll choose or at least a list at a min pulmofrom which i'll use as a guide. people really liked that idea a lot. >> that's donald trump speaking from the grand dining room of trump's mansion. what was that backdrop? >> he said some important things. >> he did. it was just the backdrop. >> joining us now, peter king of new york. how are you doing? >> how excited were you to have donald trump on the hill
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yesterday? are you a big trump fan? >> i'm endorsing him. >> you're endorsing him? >> as the nominee of the party. i don't intend to be campaigning for him. i have too many real differences. >> like what? >> the way he casually talks about nuclear weapons. the way he wants to use leverage against china but it would take our troops out of china. the way he even misrepresents the tpp. >> what about saying vladimir putin can have syria? >> obama's biggest misstake was bringing russia back in. >> but the guy u likes putin. >> you named about four. >> i can give you 24. >> that's kind of a problem. >> why are you endorsing him?
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>> i believe in a two party system. the main thing is the supreme court. we should try to eunite if at al possible. >> but peter, i understand it's a two-party system, but your party is not going to be the party you think it is if he's true to his word on all these key issues. >> hillary clinton is also not my party. >> you're basically have two new york democrats. you have a new york democrat running the republican party. >> which one? >> that's the point. we like donald, but donald has been a new york democrat for 65 years of his life. so you have two new york democrats running against each other. does that cause a problem for you? >> sure it does. you're part of a process. unless it's really beyond the pale, you should support the nominee of your party. i want to be part of november. >> let's turn to positive. what major issues are you very excited that he's the
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presumptive nominee about. where can you really connect with donald trump? >> building up the military. and on a political level, we're reaching out to blue collar democrats. he's bringing in the reagan democrats. it can strengthen the base if we don't lose too many people in the meantime. >> i'm just wondering whether somebody like you who is a strong national security republican looks at the positions of hillary clinton and says, on issues like nato, asia, dealing with the middle east, hillary clinton's positions are actually closer to mine than donald trump's seem to be. >> in some cases, they would have been. certainly with syria. >> isn't that a problem for you and other republicans? >> it is. that's why i opposed donald trump throughout the primaries. i made strong statements against him. i also said i would support the nominee of the party. his meetings with paul ryan, to
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bring it more mainstream and part of the republican process. i saw -- >> donald has no reason to move towards paul. you're going to have to move towards donald. donald said you're now in his party. >> that's what he's saying. donald made the trip to washington. he went there. he was the one who went. so i saw paul afterwards. he was extremely confident, upbe upbeat, not at all defensive. i brought it up. and he thought it went well. we have never been in a situation like this before. >> where you have had to choose between two new york democrats. >> yeah. >> i'm not being a cheerleader here. >> between us friends. >> nobody else is watching. >> honestly, what is the level
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of concern among your colleagues in the house that with trump at the head of the ticket their jobs may be in jeopardy? >> there's real concern. a lot of people are going to be doing polls to see where they stand because we have never been here before. and so you would find tea party people are opposed to him because they just consider him to be a liberal democrat. then you have people in moderate districts who think they are going to go down in the tide. i think pollsters are going to make money in june and july this year as republicans are getting polls done to see where they stand in their district. >> so david ignatius? >> while you have you. donald trump is has talked about expanding the map that he's going to put states in competitive. one he mentions is new york. do you see any path to a
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republican -- you have been elected in new york but a statewide republican with positions of donald trump winning a state like new york. >> i ran statewide and lost by a million votes so i'm an expert on this topic. it is possible. u don't know what's going to happen. he could do extremely well in the suburbs, well up state and could depend on manhattan. we have also been short. that first debate between him and hillary, she could end up looking like jeb bush. very knowledgeable and smart, but not ready for this hurricane that's going to come at her. that could have an impact. >> and that could be very destructive and hard to watch and horrific and bad for america. >> or it could also win the election. we don't know. >> that's okay with you? >> if it's a tough debate, if you're in there, you have to
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handle it. >> i'm not talking about a tough debate on the issues. i'm talking a personal, nasty, takedown. you think that's good? >> no, but that's how donald trump won the republican primary. >> there are some republicans -- i guess it's fair to say -- >> that offended by tough campaigning. >> you know what i'm talking abo about. there are some republicans not serving from what i've heard who say they won't endorse trump and will wait to see if some other alternative comes up or they are going to abstain from now because they just can't. are you in a difficult position because why? >> i'm not mr. enthusiasm this morning. >> it's going to be tough for you. >> you're happy that ted cruz isn't the guy. >> that is a great moment for me, yeah. >> but at what price? >> everybody pays a price. hillary clinton, i'm friendly
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with her. i can give you 20 reasons why i wouldn't support her either. life is full of choices. some good, some bad. >> if in the scenario where people are taking polls through the summer and the polls show, wow, donald trump's positions are not popular and they are going to pull down republicans in congress, it would be reasonable for us to expect there be a little separation. folks like you would say mynomi republican. here's what i think it represents. >> i'm not going to be campaigning for him. i will be campaigning for myself and republicans who on national defense issues share my belief. there's real problems with him. i don't know if he's thought them through or the guy at the end of the bar that says bomb them, kill them. >> that's a guy you're
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endorsing. thank you so much. really quickly, former new york state majority loader dean skellos were indicted on corruption charges. a nephew of him ended up being charged with assault following the confrontation you're about to see. >> what do you work for? >> who did you work for? >> he just threw my phone. >> hey, hey, hey. >> this guy grabbed my phone and threw u it. he assaulted me. >> the reporter in the video who works for the new york daily
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news claims he threw her phone and grabbed her wrist. according to the nypd he was arrested and charged with third degree assault. >> she doesn't need to claim it. >> corruption in new york, peter king, just keeps getting worse. >> and actually i feel badly. he's a long time friend of mine. i'll leave it at that. there's no doubt that are others. >> who is next? >> there's at least two people in his targets right now. i don't want to go beyond that. >> the mayor himself? >> the mayor is under investigation. there's investigation into the state u. >> peter king, you're just full of good news today. thank you so much. >> right. >> it's friday the 13th. >> what are you doing down here? >> we have lots of events.
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>> israel's birthday last night. >> i figured you'd be with your high society friends in new york u. >> no, we're here with the peop people. any time you can actually get a past security, you're doing pretty well. >> it was quite nice. >> they were great. they were wonderful. the ambassador and his wife were wonderful. it was great to be there. coming up next, the media world trying to closed door meeting between paul ryan and the guy that peter king described as the dude at the end of the bar. some important stuff is happening. that's ahead on "morning joe."
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while most were trained on the meetings, there were much bigger businesses being attended to, bigger issues. the house passed several bills to combat the growing problems with painkiller and heroin abuse, which has taken hold across america. overdose deaths have tripled since 2000. when the house speaker started his news conference, that's what
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he chose to talk about. not his meeting with with trump. >> right now more americans die every year from drug overdoses than they do in car accidents. let me say that again. we have more of our fellow citizens dying every year from drug overdoses than they die of car accidents. the house continues to work on legislation to address the heroin ep depic across this country. >> the center piece of the package, a bill authorizing $103 million in grants for a range of services passed overwhelmingly. >> this is such a crisis. >> it really is. >> in new hampshire, chris christie's speech certainly drew attention to it. you talk to health care provi providers across the country and they tell you for so many people, it starts with painkillers. and then it goes to heroin, which has gotten so cheap that people get addicted and die. >> can i take a minute to tell a
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story? when we did a show in new hampshire, we set out to do an article where we asked every person we encountered to explain in what way the heroin crisis had affected them. from the person we talked to in line at the car rental, we got stories of people who were addicted, died from addiction, struggling with addiction. down to the makeup artist working on the show for your show that day. so this is pervasive, it affects everyone of every income strata. it's great to see the house doing something. $100 million is going to be woefully inadequate, but it's a major problem. it's unfortunate as we move from new hampshire our focus has drifted away from it. >> elsewhere the house committee on veterans affairs held an important hearing on preventing veteran suicides. also paul ryan tweeted out this photo of what he called his most important meet iing of the day. greeting students from st. bartholomew catholic. a little perspective there or a
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tweak. >> i think he's in a very tough spot. like the dynamic that drove john boehner out of the house still exists. paul ryan has more good will among the tea party conservatives, but it's not that much more good will and he's done a nice job with this. i do think yesterday was sort of the see i'm thinking about it and giving thoughtful consideration to the inevitable endorsement of donald trump that will come, but he's handled himself -- for someone who does not have a lot of political people around him, most of these people come up and they have a political team around them. he really doesn't have a lot of those people. i think he has done well. normally i'm skeptical of that. but he's done a good job with it.
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i think he has a nice feel. he's a nice, natural feel. as a politician, you cannot create. >> thank you very much. up next, the two democratic presidential candidates are not pleased with something the obama administration just announced. more "morning joe" in just a moment. you both have a perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no. your insurance rates go through the roof... your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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oh my gosh. wow. [owl howling] [gulp] uh, how about an island? island, yeah. yeah. yeah. [laughing] were you laughing in your fantasy? yeah! me, too. [gasps] we're seeing just how big a role immigration is playing in this election cycle. protests erupted outside the national committee headquarters are with donald trump met with paul ryan. some demonstrators hand delivered taco salads to the office of republican senators supporting trump. a response to trump's tweet. and republicans worth -- >> i love hispanics. that's what the tweet said.
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what's wrong with that? >> is that disrespectful? >> yes, it is. >> that was a rhetorical question. >> i want to answer as the minority on this set. >> you don't have to answer rhetorical questions. >> why is it insulting? >> i'm having you explain because some people apparently don't know. >> there's not a monolive for any group. that's white-collar saying blacks and chicken and watermelon. so to cater in the food lingo of a taco salad, that's condesce condescending and disrespectful. according to ben carson, sometimes trump is not as skillful and he needs to be a little more sensitive. so i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. >> republicans weren't the only ones taking heat when it came to the immigration issue. yesterday both bernie sanders and hillary clinton slammed the
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obama administration's reported move to begin a new round of deportations involving hundreds of undocumented central american mothers and children. sanders called it painful and inhumane while clinton said the raids were unproductive and do not reflect who we are as a country. joining us is national correspondent for bloomberg business week josh green. and white house correspondent for american urban radio networks april brian. >> this discussion about immigration is so fascinating for several reasons. donald trump is talking about building a wall at a time when mexicans aren't rushing into america. mexicans are returning home. secondly, barack obama has been about as aggressive as any president ever in sending mexicans back home or other illegal immigrants back home. this is just the latest example.
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>> u.s. policy is to deport people who break the law across the border, come in and get caught. this isn't something new that's been ginned up. >> but barack obama has been more aggressive. record number of deportations. >> and there's been negative migration in part because of the recession. people aren't streaming over the borders the way that donald trump implies. >> the immigration bill that everyone denounces in republican circles had $40 billion set aside for border security, which would have been a record investment. >> you could almost build a wall with that. >> almost. why do that when mexico would do that. >> how fascinating we're talking about building a wall when there's a negative number of illegal immigrants coming in. you have a president who is being more aggressive than any other president, e record deportations and yet we have the front runner for the republican
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party talking nonstop about building the wall, sending them home, et cetera. the rhetoric doesn't seem to match the reality. >> it's a security issue according to donald trump and also many in the intelligence community. it is a security issue. we have seen what's happening in brussels and other places. at the same time you have to remember this is not just a democratic issue. it's not just a republican issue. it's a bipartisan issue. they were trying to deal with the immigration issue then. now you're hearing more talk about it specifically when we have issues of a 9/11 or brussels. when we have terrorist attacks. some of that is a problem. it aufects the economy, issues of national security and it also deals with the fact that we have a large number of people who are here who have overextended their visas as well. it's about people also who overextend their visas and stay here. >> so david ignatius, is barack obama more aggressive in sending
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ill u legal immigrants back because he sees it as a security issue or he sees it as a jobs issue? there are a lot of unions that say that cheap labor does nothing but drive down the wages for working class americans. >> i think that he knows that america demands greater border security and that he has to take action. just look at what's happened in europe where they are not enforceabilitiabenforable borders. they are facing a disaster in terms of in flows of people and can't control. i think obama, who took national security issues seriously from the day he became president, has been focused on that. >> the initial decision was if they showed strength on deportations, they would earn some political good will from republicans to go back and say we want to do comprehensive reform. they did the first part.
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they almost did the second part. >> i hope you notified your mother you're going to be on "morning joe" this morning. >> sent an e-mail last night. >> get ready for get ready for a ted cruz zombie resurrecti resurrection. or donald trump bets the white house on his one-man show. >> a pupu platter of options. >> i'm not sure i'd call my columns that, but -- >> with trump the idea is for all this talk of he's going to raise a billion dollars, put together this fantastic operation, there's really no structure there at all. he's essentially been a one-man campaign who has seized attention in the media. i go back and talk to campaign managers, stu stevens of the romney campaign. it's been missed in this news environment that you can't pay for a campaign staff in sound bites. you have to have hard dollars to get this done. and the fact they don't yet have
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that infrastruct purp there isn't a clear sign republican donors are falling all over themselves to write big checks. >> donald trump said i'm not going to worry about targeting voters like everyone else that's done. i'm just going to hold big rallies. >> that gives a sense of where he places the importance. luckily for trump the republican national committee has been building its own big data operation and turnout operation and if they can get together as it looks like they did yesterday, he'll have that to rely on. doesn't seem to be something he prioritizes in a way that barack obama did. >> flying without radar. you can do it, land the plane but you want radar to help you out on the landing. >> does it sound like a guy more interested in building his brand than winning the white house? >> it sounds like a guy who never believed he could actually be president. oh, my god, i knocked out the other 16 candidates. i don't think he has a clear plan of how to run, how to
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govern. you just see he's so excited to be the presumptive nominee. to win -- to actually win, he needs to focus on a few key states. he needs the new tools of politics to pull his voters. >> he's oblivious to that. >> the brand and the presidency is huge for donald trump. trust me. it's both. one in the same. >> he's building his brand to get to the presidency. josh green and april, thank you. >> so encouraging this morning. all right, still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> now i'm going to have my little league hat on, i'm ready to go here. >> bernie sanders still in the game. >> look at that crowd. >> drawing thousands in south dakota and putting pressure on hillary clinton over donations to her superpac from the walton family. look at those crowds. we're back in a moment.
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when you find something u love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1. trump met with house speaker paul ryan in an effort to unify the republican party. and after the meeting paul ryan gave a press conference to talk about how it went and, well, it's kind of hard to tell how he felt about it. >> let me say this. i think we had a very encouraging meeting. and again, i'm very encouraged. i heard a lot of good things from our presumptive nominee. i was very encouraged with what i heard from donald trump today. this was our first meeting. i was very encouraged with this meeting. i am very encouraged that we can put that together. >> he sounds like someone rocking back and forth in a
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straight jacket. very encouraged. so encouraging, right. >> that was quite a meeting yesterday. >> so what's the word -- >> it was encouraging. >> but i was shocked by some of the things paul ryan said after the meeting. it was saying that donald trump shared their conservative values and shared their views of women. no, he doesn't. no, he doesn't. and donald won't say that. >> as much as you can with women. >> he's a democrat as we've said all along. a democrat from new york running against a democrat from new york and you can just say, i will endorse our democrat from new york. do not say he shares our view of limited government because donald trump will be the first to tell you he does not share paul ryan's view of limited government because he's mocked paul ryan for his view of limited government. >> you won't be surprised that it's friday, may 13th.
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with us on set in washington we have white house correspondent for the huffington post sam stein. >> let me just say, i was encouraged sam stein shares my view of limited government. >> probably more than donald trump, yeah. >> you do. >> don't tell paul ryan that. >> and the anchor for bbc news, katty kay. >> do you share my view? >> of conservative principle? >> probably more than donald trump. >> that's the correct answer. >> and former chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele is with us. and columnist and associate editor for "the washington post," david iginateius. >> you know, i've been saying that people are going to come together, but it was really jarring when you see somebody like paul ryan who has been the sitter of the conservative movement on capitol hill. i met the kid when he was 22 years old. he worked with a group of us
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called the new federalists that were talking about taking money, power and authority out of washington, sending it back home. and he was a brainchild of that. we're talking about abolishing the department of education, sending the money to local school boards, getting rid of hud, the commerce department and energy and sending the money and authority back home. >> yeah. >> that's been his guiding principle that's been conservatives guiding principle. give power back to the states, back to the people. and yesterday you see paul ryan say donald trump shares our view of limited government. pretty staggering to me. did you flinch when he said that? >> a swallow hard moment. it's one of those things you sit there and you look and you realize that everybody is trying to find that space they need to get into to make this arrangement work because that's exactly what this will be. it will be an arrangement between donald trump and guys like paul ryan and others on the hill who have a legislative
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agenda that they've been working on. you just noted for some time. this is the disruption that they don't need but they've got to make this work because paul ryan knows at the end of the day he has a caucus that's hot for trump in some respects, grassroots hot for trump. he's got to balance that with trying to -- >> but he also, though, paul ryan, like myself, for 20 years, had been fighting to explain to americans that if you want to save entitlements, you are going to have to make some dramatic changes because they're going to bankrupt us. and donald trump has said outright, i'm not touching medicare. i'm not touching social security. i'm just going to close my eyes and let the programs go bankrupt. how does paul ryan -- there's some things -- >> he's going to take a couple more months to completely sacrifice his lifetime of principle. but it is painful to watch.
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i think on the foreign policy side interestingly as opposed to domestic policy that paul ryan represents, you're seeing republicans be more cautious, more wary of embracing some of the trump positions. lindsey graham, john mccain holding back. >> i have a question for the republicans here. what is in it for trump to actually fully embrace paul ryan. isn't the brand supposed to be i'm not conventional republican in any stretch of the imagination? i'm sort of an asymmetrical conservative. i'm not a party guy. what does he gain from cozying up to paul ryan at all? >> and that's the question. what does paul ryan have to gain cozying up to a guy who again is in opposition to his lifetime of work. >> protect his members. >> paul ryan doesn't want his members to have to deal with the friction at the top of the
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ticket. donald trump doesn't have any allegiance to paul ryan. >> but dissing the total party mechanism at this point -- >> for donald trump? >> it's worked out for him. >> running into the general election you don't think he'd like some of the support? >> he's running against the establishment. there's nothing in it for him to make nice to paul ryan and he leaves a wreckage of the republican party behind possibly but why should he care? as you said, joe, this is not -- >> donald trump has been a democrat most of his life. >> yeah. >> he supported partial-birth abortion, higher taxes. supporting higher taxes again. he contributed to hillary clinton several times. i mean, this is not donald trump's party. he adopted this party. brilliant on his part politically. brilliant. but for somebody like paul ryan who has been fighting for the conservative cause day in and day out for 20, 25 years, you just wonder why.
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why don't we get to the news? >> no endorsement yet but here is paul ryan talking about trump. >> i was very encouraged with what i heard from donald trump today. i do believe that we are now planting the seeds to get ourselves unified. >> do you expect to endorse? >> yeah, i think this is going in a positive direction and this is the first very encouraging meeting. but again in 45 minutes you don't litigate all the processes and issues and principles that we're talking about. >> what did you think of his personality? >> i thought he has a very good personality. he's a very warm and genuine person. >> i think he's doing a good job. he's got not an easy job. and i don't mind going through a little bit of a slow process. it's a very big subject. we have a lot of things. and i think for the most part we agree on a lot of different items, and we're getting there. i feel very strongly about border security.
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i feel very strongly about trade. i feel very strongly about building up the military and, you know, to a large extent, i think paul is there also. so we'll get there. >> trump's meeting with ryan was supposed to last just 30 minutes but it stretched to an hour showing they're really trying. and a source familiar with the talks said trump did not come in with swagger but an attitude of working together. but some senators were guarded in their optimism after their own meeting. senator orrin hatch said afterwards he was glad to meet trump adding many constituents in my home staat of utah have serious reservations about mr. trump. to help unify the party and broaden his appeal, i hope donald will listen to policymakers and carefully consider his approach to issues like international trade, religious liberty and entitlement reform. senator john cornyn called the meeting good and constructive, even posing for a photo. but he says he also told trump there's a way to talk about
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immigration issues that's people don't find offensive but yet still make a point that we're all for secure borders. okay. thank you for the advice. >> as in stop tweeting out pictures of taco bowls. >> right. >> i love hispanics. >> but that's the best taco bowl in all of new york city is made right here in trump tower. >> somebody like paul ryan and people who are principled conservatives in the republican party is the degree to which they are going to tolerate the fact that donald trump is not changing his policies. he's not changing his positions on immigration, but he may do it with language that sounds a little less abrasive. if we have a war with a smile and we have nonconservative principles but we don't sound bombastic about them is that going to be enough for paul ryan? is that going to be enough for conservatives? >> why do you think donald trump
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isn't going to change his position on immigration? he's already backtracked on several key positions. >> he has not backed on the wall. >> he's talked about the muslim ban in the past couple of days, really moderating. he was only talking about banning people from syria, not all muslims in general. there are obvious ways he's trying to take off his foot off the pedal and i'm guessing immigration will be one of them. >> this will play out to the convention. i'm waiting to see his good intentions. i'm not just sure i'm ready to give him my heart yet but by convention time we'll have something that looks like unity. >> my problem with that is i remember going to austin, texas, in 1999. a small group of us in florida went to meet governor george w. bush. he sat there and told us all the same things. i'm going to support small government. i'm going to balance the budget. looked at me because he knew i
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had the bill to abolish department of education and send the money back home to local school boards. and he goes and we're not going to get into education. that's not the federal government's business. and there i was the first week having his people say we've got this great plan, no child left behi behind. i sat there going, really? really? we came into power. when he came into power we had $155 billion surplus. we had eight years later after republican rule, there was a $1.4 trillion deficit. we doubled the national debt. and this happens all the time. the fact conservatives keep looking for somebody that actually believed in limited government and paul ryan was our last best hope and now paul ryan looks like he's embracing a guy who -- i agree, doesn't need paul ryan. but does paul ryan need him? a guy that is a big government
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democrat. >> what is the expectation then for the scenario you just painted and the way you lay it out. what is paul ryan's alternative? >> i think it's a separate piece. >> the accommodation as -- >> i think paul ryan should have a separate piece and say this is a great thing about the republican party. we don't rig our process. we aren't like democrats that rig our process from the very beginning. we're open minded. so my members are free to support whomever they want to support. others are free -- >> whoever may -- >> you can just get some specific concessions from trump. you'll nominate this person to the supreme court, agree to look at entitlement reform. trump will lukely never do it but try to get concessions. >> donald trump will not do that, and why should he? >> that's paul ryan's play. >> let's go to the big issues. trade. paul ryan is a fierce advocate
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of fear trade. donald trump is the opposite. taxes. he wants to cut taxes. we went to the kemp forum. he's all about cutting taxes. trump has already said he's going to raise taxes. minimum wage. he switched on minimum wage. >> social security and medicare and medicaid. >> immigration. >> they're completely opposite. immigration. they're completely opposite. >> but they're encouraged. it's okay. >> so you can't -- there's some things you just can't square. and for a conservative base that's been disappointed up to this point about nominating one big government conservative after another big government conservative, to see this is where we land in 2016 is pretty stunning. >> i hate to see all those conservative hearts broken again by these candidates who just won't really adhere to the
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principles. but as you say, that's happened over and over again. it is an interesting view among some foreign policy neoconservatives toward trump which is basically let it burn. don't reach out for unity. don't try to help him win. don't even try to save our seats in congress. let him go down in the most disastrous, catastrophic way possible so we then rebuild a conservative party. that's the question people like paul ryan must be wondering. >> so four years from now? >> just basically let hillary clinton win and you say she's going to be a one-term president. we're going to purge the party of this trumpism, which is so poisonous and not conservative. and -- >> if you and i -- >> the last time i checked, barack obama was supposed to have been a one-term president. that was declared on the day of his inauguration. >> if you are an ideological
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consistent hawk, wouldn't you want hillary clinton in the white house? >> there's another scenario for paul ryan. if you fundamentally believe that donald trump can't win this election in november, what have you got by attaching yourself too firmly to his principles or by sacrificing your own principles you've held for decades in the name of somebody who is not going to win and you'll look back on history and say -- >> where are you if he does win? >> can i tell you where you are? >> you're fired. >> no, no, you're the third ranking person in the united states government. you're speaker of the house and everything donald trump does still has to come through you. >> so that's true. so what -- >> you want to play out trump and i'll be the speaker. go ahead. >> so what happens then when i put the minimum wage bill on the table, if i put a trade bill on the table that is -- >> try it. >> go ahead. go ahead. >> put it out there. >> no, you're not. i'm not going to let it get to
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the floor. >> so you represent that same congress we've been fighting for for the last -- >> if you want to tweet it out, that's okay. i am the rules committee. you'll never get it on the floor. in fact, donald, i remember everything you said about me -- no, no, i'm not donald. you're donald. i'm paul ryan. for every nasty tweet you tweeted out about me over six months, i'm going to tell the rules committee to kill your stupid, idiotic bills every day. they're never going to see the light of day. maybe you can find somebody in the senate. >> you're sounding like donald. >> let me tell you something, whoever the rules committee chairman is, or chairwoman will say that to donald trump. go ahead. show me how powerful you are, mr. president. >> donald, or paul, this plays into my hand because you are using the very system that has lied to the base, that has cheated the american people, that has created these phony,
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crazy bills. >> hold one of those big rallies and i'll go and have dinner with my rules chairman committee. >> you play the washington insider. i'll play the outside game and guess what happens when you're up for re-election. >> we'll see. >> your bills don't passi. >> that doesn't matter. i'll get the congress. >> elected in janesville since 1998. democrats have been elected president in my district. republicans have. i'm going to keep winning. my people -- >> you're not going to keep winning. >> your people -- >> guys, guys -- >> this is like hamilton. you should take this to broadway. this is good. >> here's the bottom line. every four years or eight years a new president comes into town. and they believe they are the first people to ever get elected president. i've had this conversation with three administrations when they
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come in. and they don't realize that they still have to play by the rules of washington. so where is paul ryan after donald trump's elected president? he's still the most powerful guy when it comes to getting legislation started. >> if donald trump wins, he'll win on the basis of an insurgency to break the washington you're describing where people say i'm going to go talk to the rules committee and we'll bottle up your bill and we'll do this. that's what people will be rebelling against, and that's going to be -- >> but it's still there. >> but still there. >> but the rules committee is still there. the process is intact. >> donald will not be able. what does he do? if paul ryan doesn't endorse. donald systtill has to come thrh him. they still have to make a deal. >> what do you think the tea party did in 2010? they cleaned house n went after those rules committee chairmen and that structure that nancy pelosi built. and we didn't do it by playing
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the washington inside game. we brought the outside in. >> so you'll actually punish paul ryan and his people for opposing tax increases, for opposing 40% tariffs and opposing increases in minimum wage. for opposing big government? no, they are actually going to be rewarded for opposing those liberal bills. >> i hear what you're saying. the other side of it is look at the folks donald trump is bringing into the process. so the question becomes, how are they utilized? how are they integrated? do they become the former tea party insurgency. >> paul ryan has more power right now. >> i agree with you. >> i can't wait. >> i think -- >> sacrificing principles he's had for a long time. still ahead, bernie sanders turns out thousands in south dakota and eyes a future home on a national landmark. and we'll talk about a new report about how he's trying to change the democratic party from the inside out. plus, donald trump says he'd
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rather trust his gut than rely on data. we'll talk about a republican operative who helped pioneer how george w. bush's campaign used micro targeting. we'll ask her whether the presumptive nominee is making a huge mistake. >> speaking of huge mistake -- >> not again. >> bill karins. >> for this weekend? bill? >> some of the weekend will be all right. some will be downright chilly. almost made it to the weekend. light rain moved through pittsburgh, through central new york, central areas of pennsylvania. d.c., up i-95 as the morning goes on. the rain will move in. new york city right around noon to 2:00. the success storm is coming down from the north and this has the cold air behind it. hopefully one of the last surges of cold air. it's snowing in areas of north dakota. this will spark some severe weather later today. 10 million people at risk of a severe storm. tornadoes earlier in the week. don't know we'll have many if any later today.
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also this area from kansas city to st. louis, this is where a majority of the population is. large hail likely. maybe an isolated tornado. that's later on this afternoon toward this evening. let's give you your forecast. for you waking up on the west coast, enjoy the 84 in seattle. you get much chillier over the upcoming weekend along with some showers. 104 in phoenix. your hottest temperature so far this spring season. here's your weekend outlook. as we go into saturday first, the storm that's today and tonight going to spark storms around kansas city and st. louis, that moves into pennsylvania, washington, d.c., and new york. showers, maybe a thunderstorm saturday afternoon. and probably the worst weather, saturday afternoon, right through sunday, texas and oklahoma. numerous showers and thunderstorms you'll be dealing with. even though it's going to be cold in the great lakes and northeast at least during the afternoon hours. it will be bearable with temperatures in the 50s and 60s. we'll not be deal with severe weather or tornadoes over the weekend. new york city, timing for your rain today, 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. you're watching "morning joe."
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senator, can you envision yourself up there one day? >> you think there's a location for me right to lincoln's right there probably? i see some spots. >> that's bernie sanders checking out any available real estate out on mt. rushmore. his campaign is looking ahead to the democratic primary in south dakota, the state that hillary clinton won in 2008. sanders held three rallies there yesterday, including one in sioux falls that had a crowd of 4,300 people. and while in the state he kept up his attacks on clinton and what he brands the establishment. >> they have the money. we have the people. and the people together will win
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this struggle. >> together. there are also reports that says his campaign is looking to push for reforms to the primary process when the topic is considered at the democratic national convention this summer. according to buzzfeed, his campaign advisers are looking to change the structure of caucuses in key nominating states and open up primaries to independent voters and others. that's important. coming up on "morning joe," miles apart on policy. can paul ryan and donald trump find enough to agree on? luke russert joins us live to help peel back the curtain on yesterday's talks behind closed doors.
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do you hear from your constituents about some of the things donald trump says about women or attitudes he shows toward women? is that a problem? >> hearing comments made off hand or inappropriatedly is nothing new to women like me who have worked in the trenches breaking glass ceilings and trail blazing. what do women in this country want? they want their communities to be safe. they want their children to have opportunity. they want their college grads to have jobs. they want to make certain that terrorist cells do not come into their organizations and into their communities and shoot up their military recruiting centers or their shopping centers or their christmas parties. that is where their focus is. and we're hearing about that
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from them and they're saying, okay. i don't like what the guy had to say but let me tell you what. he's going to make a decision. >> gross. >> what did you say? >> i said gross. >> okay. >> why is that? >> it's just, you know, it's not one comment. it's the pattern of comments that's so troubling from donald trump. >> that can't be okay. >> they're not okay. he's going to have to walk those back in a very serious way at some point during this campaign. >> i think there are ways to do it, but i don't think that was it right there. joining us now, hallie jackson, former ted cruz communications director, now an msnbc political contributor rick tyler. >> rick says it's too early for him at 9:00. >> you're in trouble, rick. >> and cnbc contributor sarah fagan, former political director for george w. bush's administration and served as senior aide to the president. good to have you on the show. >> thank you. >> paul ryan seemed to go
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quietly into that dark night as some conservatives might say. how is your former boss going to handle it? is ted cruz going to make peace the same way paul ryan did? >> doesn't seem like it. i think it would be -- i think it would require some act on mr. trump's party. >> like what? >> just so personal. just very personal. >> the whole family feel the stars of the -- >> you've been in campaigns and you highlight certain aspects of the campaign but there some are lines you really don't cross. attacking your wife is one of them. attacking your father and family is another. >> listen, he always said was he may have been complicit in the assassination of jfk with lee harvey oswald on the eve of his biggest political win. >> we've grown soft, haven't we? >> seriously. >> it is interesting how donald
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trump is very -- >> hold on a second. for really stupid people out there, i was being sarcastic. >> sarah? >> isn't it interesting how he, donald trump, would foreshadow that he and ted cruz may be best friends at some point along the campaign trail. donald trump doesn't take this stuff seemingly as personal as other people do. i mean, he foreshadowed that at many points during the late stages of this primary. >> and he did that with marco rubio, right after marco rubio got out of the race. right after the small hands incident. all of a sudden it was, well, senator rubio and i -- >> the small hands incident. >> it's easier to be magnanimous when you've won. trump's been in the public spotlight for four decades, people picking apart his personal life and his hair and everything that goes along with it. maybe he has thicker skin and is used to this stuff. >> at some point -- >> you're absolutely right.
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there's an odd dynamic. but he's used to it. >> here's the thing, trump if attacked, always makes sure that it's asymmetrical warfare. and before ted cruz started attacking donald trump he kind of laid off of him. said i'm okay with ted. once ted cruz did what he said he had to do, that's when donald returned. >> ben carson is going to lead donald trump's outreach to former rivals. he told "the hill." >> this is a person he compared to a child molester. >> he told the hill i've experienced trump's insults firsthand but i also know the importance of getting a conservative back on the supreme court, bringing jobs back to the country and getting the country's fiscal mess in order. >> senator lindsey graham spoke to trump by phone for 15 minutes yesterday congratulating him on the win. according to graham they talked about national security but graham did not endorse his former opponent and said my
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statement regards the same regarding both candidates running for president. i'll do what i can in the senate to help the next president. the next president will inherit a mess. trump said senator lindsey graham called me yesterday. we had a very interesting talk about national security and more. george w. bush says he will not be endorsing donald trump. why? >> well, the president will speak for his reasons, but i can tell you having worked for him, the bush family understands that being the leader of the free world and being the leader of a party and a movement requires a level of character, regardless of party, that i think donald trump to date has not yet displayed. now he's trying. you give him credit. he's calling lindsey graham, reaching out to paul ryan. he came to washington. paul ryan didn't have to come to him. he's trying, but it is really hard for some republicans to look at the pattern of donald trump as a businessman, as a
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playboy and say this person can lead our party. this person can go to a foreign country and represent the united states of america. >> that and he accused him of lying about 9/11 and getting us into the iraq war under false pretenses and humiliated his younger brother. there's those probably, too. >> so hallie, what's your feeling about paul ryan on the hill and other republicans. do they follow him? >> listen, what you saw from paul ryan yesterday was indication he's going to be taking steps in that direction. what you hear from people close to paul ryan is he's in this position where he wants to protect the members but knows party unity is the way you win in the fall, you have to in order to take on hillary clinton. the word he said again and again is he feels encouraged but he didn't come out and endorse him. you are seeing people start to
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warm up to him but there's still a contingent of never trump people on capitol hill and our sources tell us that's was brought up in the meeting. that was acknowledged that there are people donald trump needs to work on on the hill. >> a lot of those people are in the freedom caucus, which is the folks he has the hardest time corralling on these difficult willingive priori legislative priorities. he has to walk a fine line. >> it seems we learned in a meeting is that trump may have gotten a lecture about the divided government, divided pour power, the three branches of congress, and because donald trump speaks as if he can do all this as the imperrial president. he never talks about working with congress. as if he were ignorant about it. >> that's a point i was trying to make earlier today. paul ryan needs to bow to donald trump. what if trump wins? paul ryan is still speaker of the house. as we always say in the house of
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representatives it may be the people's house but it's the least democratic institution in government. you have a speaker that decides what goes to the rules committee. then the rule committee decides what goes to the house floor. and guess who decides what gets through rules committee? the speaker. it's that simple. they are nothing more than an extension. and so there's nothing that donald trump can propose or pass unless paul ryan says, that's okay. we'll put it up for a vote. >> there's also the what if he loses quotient to this because it was hard to watch marsha blackburn trying to support trump but being asked, i believe, about some of his really lewd and lascivious comments on women. she seemed visibly really uncomfortable with herself and what she was doing. and that's not the first time we've seen that. this is going to be a very fine
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line. >> peter king talked about how he's like the guy at the end of the bar. and that's the guy that's endorsing. >> it's not -- >> how is a party going to square this? how are the republicans, the conservatives in the house going to square this? >> there's going to be a -- this relationship between the conservatives in the house and between donald trump and the congress is going to be -- that whole race will be stress test along the way. as you know, the speaker is 180 degrees out of face with donald trump, not only on issues but in his -- >> temperament. >> his vision of the party. >> which he acknowledges. >> more minorities, more african-americans, more hispanics and donald trump, while turning out a lot more white voters, he seems to be gratuitously offending so many people. >> so what people are sick of about washington is they haven't been told the truth. now they're going to get from washington these lukewark split
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the difference nontruth endorsements of donald trump? joining us from outside the rnc, nbc news correspondent luke russert. you were covering donald trump's meetings all day. and some of trump's supporters are meeting today. what are you hear, and what can we expect today? >> well, a few things. good morning, mika. the meeting of what i've dubbed the trump caucus has just wrapped up at the capitol hill club. and interestingly enough, just eight members, that's ballooned up to over 30, including a few very important committee chairman such as tom price, jeff miller, veterans affairs. so they're gaining some momentum on capitol hill. the divisions within the house gop conference certainly still exist. i have some sound i'd like it play from charlie dent of pennsylvania. can we roll that? the longer this goes on, though, the worst this is for the party if the speaker can't support the nominee. >> it's clearly the party is not in a good place right now when
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many members are having a hard time rallying around the presumptive nominee. yeah, it's a tough spot. >> so you guys mentioned divisions. and there are divisions. the freedom caucus because you have questions about conservative purity with donald trump. joe is referencing the idea that paul ryan was explaining to donald trump, look, congress is an equal partner in anything that we do here. we don't want to see executive overreach. then you have real issues from members like charlie dent, a moderate from pennsylvania that does not like the incendiary comments that's donald trump has made. so there are sort of two breaks within the house gop conference that paul ryan is trying to move together. but i'll say this. the underreported story from yesterday greg walden all in with chairman and roger wicker all in with trump. the two men in charge of getting republicans elected to congress have said we got to unify now. let's go all in with donald trump. so the longer that paul ryan
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does not give the full-on embrace. you're seeing these divisions and it could be harmful to try to hold on these majorities come november the longer the speaker holds out. >> luke, thank you. joe, i wonder, he did talk about the underreported stories. and you have to look at the new voters being brought into the party. it's a real quandry. >> so walden was not supposed to be in that meeting yesterday but he just came over because he wanted to be involved and was at that second meeting with house members. as it was dryly put to me by somebody who is familiar with it, he was very well aware of how well he's doing with voters and how many people he's brought into the tent. there was an acknowledgment of trump sort of, look what i've done and who i've brought to the party. you saw that in that point statement he released with paul ryan. so he knows he's bringing people into the tent. the question is, is it enough? >> and let me just -- i'm going
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to put a number here and let you guys guess what this number is. >> i saw you right it. >> the number for today is 31. what is that number? >> is that the number of seats that they have to pick up for democrats? >> your cholesterol? >> that's donald trump's approval rating right now nationwide. >> among women? >> no, among everybody. that's among everybody. now hillary clinton's is only 42%. but either trump or clinton going out there saying, i'm king of the hill, no, no, trump won a very narrowly focused republican primary where, what, rick, one-third, one-fourth of the electorate goes out and votes in these primaries. >> well, 17% of the total
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voters -- of the general electorate voted in this republican primary which means 83% haven't voted. to your point. >> trump did a great job, and -- >> also this doesn't happen in a vacuum. while there are new voters being brought in to the republican process, it has been reported and videoed and all that stuff that many, many people, a million people have registered for status. legal status, immigrants for the precise purpose of voting against donald trump. this doesn't happen in a vacuum. he's also going to draw a lot of voters into the democratic party. >> sara fagan, thank you. still ahead, the million-dollar question. who do voters prefer in the general election? cnbc is crunching those numbers and what the results say about the trump/clinton matchup. >> it's going to be hillary, right? >> you'd think. or, "i'm hungry." what if your body said something else might be wrong? gynecologic cancers - cervical, ovarian
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>> these numbers. i put these numbers up. >> and we're all very impressed. approval ratings. >> now let's go to this new survey. good. read the survey. >> new polling on the presidential race among small yet influential segments of society. the cnbc survey of american millionaires shows hillary clinton with a 13-point edge over donald trump. >> trump at 31% there. trump is lagging behind with his party backed by 61% of wealthy republicans. joining us from new york with more on this survey, cnbc wealth reporter robert frank. good to have you. >> good morning. >> what can you tell us about why more millionaires are supporting hillary clinton than donald trump? >> he's the known entity. when you drill down these numbers you see that she gets 90% of democratic millionaires and 40% of independents. so millionaires like the rest of the country are very divided.
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and right now republicans are still -- he gets skuc s 60% of republican millionaires but not independents. it reflects nationally what we're seeing with the division with trump. when we polled this group back in november, december, only 9% of millionaires supported trump. he has more than tripled his support in six months among this group. >> one more example where donald trump wins whichever way it goes, if hillary clinton gets the most millionaires. he can play the populist card and go all the fat cats are for hillary clinton. >> and if they come to him, he can say, i'm just doing what i have to do to win. >> i can't believe they found 750 people, millionaires to take this survey. >> that cnbc works hard. >> what other findings out of the survey? >> when you asked millionaires what the most important issues are, they said it's really number one is foreign policy, number two is government
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gridlock and number three is taxes. but what's also interesting is you think about millionaires own more than 85% of the stocks in this country. when you ask them how are you going to invest based on the election, hillary gets 42% of an investment opportunity. if she gets elected, 42% say that's a good investment opportunity. trump is not far behind at 36%. i would have thought markets don't like uncertainty. trumps policies are so uncertain. i would have thought that would are been a bigger gap than only 6%. >> robert, did you ask as a follow-up question how many of these millionaires plan on donating money to either the campaign or superpac? >> yes. >> 22% of this group has already given to a candidate. 21% plans to or has given to a superpac. the individual donations are going to democrats. the superpac donations from millionaires are going to republicans. trump has to raise money.
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and that's why this group matters. >> robert frank, thank you very much. we'll be right back with what we learned today. businesses need the agility to do one thing & another. only at&t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be... local & global. open & secure. because one knows & like at&t. shall we say, unnecessarily complex.h back cards are, limiting where you can earn bonus cash back... then those places change every few months... please. it's time you got the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere.
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speaking of trump, in a recent interview he's hoping to make the republican national convention more fun by hiring some entertainment, which is confusing for a lot of people because they thought donald trump was the entertainment. in a "new york times" interview yesterday, donald trump compared his candidacy to both broadway
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shows and baseball. yeah, because both start off really fun and end with half the people saying, is this still going on? is it over? >> all right. time to talk about what we learned today. i am watching "road warriors." time and place please? >> 4:00 p.m., msnbc. myself, katy tur, kristen welker, kasie hunt. in new york around the table hanging out. >> just a little busy today. >> sam stein? >>io knows how to count and draw numbers. i just didn't think -- i thought you only had letters. >> i'm not good with math. >> but you can draw numbers. >> what's did you learn, rick? >> it's unpredictable. >> you learned that just today? >> donald trump went to the hill yesterday. i think he's holding all of the cards. and i think we saw that. paul ryan had to capitulate on many points. we'll see how far he goes in
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i'm steve kornacki. topping the agenda right now, donald trump under an assumed name? "the washington post" has obtained new audio from 25 years ago of a man handling public relations for trump who sounds an awful lot like trump. >> how are you? >> what's your name again? >> john miller. >> what's is your position? >> i'm in pr because he gets so much of it. >> the new phone calls n trump's denial on the "today" show. that's just moments ago. he said that. that's a must watch. we'll have it for you in just a minute. also on the agenda, trump and paul ryan inching toward unity or biding time until another eruption? >> no, i think it's a process. i was a little bit surprised but not that surprised, frankly. i think that will come. if it doesn't, i'll go my separate way. trump saying all the right words now, but how
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