tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 14, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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because when they ship with us, their business becomeour business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority: you r. why drum could be getting a big boost from a big political donor. what hillary clinton needs to do to win over bernie sanders supporters. on the books, why some schools adopted transgender restrooms long before today's decrease and why defiance may cost the state $10 billion. good to be with you. i'm frances rivera at msnbc world headquarters in new york. alex witt is off today.
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it is 8:00 in the east, 5:00 out west. here is what's happening now. donald trump has now the huge infusion of campaign cash. "the new york times" reports republican mega donor sheldon adelson has promised the gop front-runner more than $100 million. he formally endorsed trump friday after months of speculation about his support. in north dakota bernie sanders slammed trump arguing he can't bring real change to the presidency. >> no president, not bernie sanders or anybody else can do it alone. we don't need a savior. we need a political movement wh with millions of people. there are people voting for donald trump with a "he's going to do it all." wrong. the only way real change ever takes place is when millions of people stand up and fight back. that's what this campaign is about. >> he will head to bowling green, kentucky, for a rally
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ahead of tuesday's primary. a thousand miles away at a woman's forum in new york, ivanka trump leapt to her father's defense. >> even if you don't like his view point, i think people respect that he's bold enough to say what he's actually thinking. that's something we've never really experienced in politics, and there should be a lot more of. i think he's elevated -- he's created dialogue around issues. he's really -- it's a powerful thing. >> just over the state line in new jersey, bill clinton got a less-than-warm welcome after showing up an hour late to a campaign event for his wife. the former president got held up by a truck crash on the tappan zee bridge. o oklahoma, an awkward moment for carly fiorina as she announced her pick for trump's vp. >> tonight i'd let you know that i will wholeheartedly with full
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hearten doorsing your great governor mary calendar. >> attendees at the dinner believe fiorina was serious about the endorsement. but sources say she is simply making a joke. let's head to kentucky and nbc's chris jansing. you've had multiple one-on-one interviews with sanders this week saying he's in it to with it. how far do you think he can take this momentum, especially off that west virginia win? >> reporter: only two options here. one is to win and win big. well, maybe win overwhelmingly, hugely, because that's what it would take for him to challenge hillary clinton at a convention there, still talking about a contested convention. the second part, francis, is what does he want, what does he want on the platform. that's become a source of real contention between the sanders campaign and the democratic national committee which he believes has not shown him the
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kind of respect he should get given the fact he's won 45% of the delegates so far. he's going to be here in kentucky again today. he's coming back tomorrow. this is the kind of state, along with oregon who both vote on tuesday, favoring sanders. hillary clinton has decided she's coming back as well which shows both campaigns are working on two tracks. one, they're still in a primary race. the second is to defeat, obviously, donald trump. last night where it was very cold, in the 40s in bismarck, north dakota, bernie sanders donned a coat but argued the most important thing here is to beat the republican. take a listen. >> we may have differences of opinion. but we do share one important and common goal, and that is that donald trump must be defeated. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> i think the evidence is very cle clear. if you look at virtually every poll done in the last six weeks, whether they're national poles polls, we do much better thwith trump than sk tear clinton. they show he does better in key battleground states, does better nationally. having said that, polls don't determine elections. polls don't determine nominees. moving forward, hillary clinton is continuing this two-pronged approach. we saw she put out a new add. we see she is building up campaign staff in some of the key states like michigan. places that would be usually friendly, frankly, to the
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democrats, a lot of white working class voters. those are the voters that have been going for bernie sanders. look, her campaign knows going forward n addition to winning the delegates and winning this nomination. it's definitely a benefit to her campaign to get bernie sanders on board. for his part -- you mentioned francis, i've talked to him many times as i've traveled with his campaign, there's no doubt he will support the democratic nominee. he's just hoping on this saturday before the kentucky an oregon primaries it's going to be him. >> nbc's chris jansing, thank you. i want to get reaction. caitlin hughey burns along with gabby warrens. gabby, want to start with you. we heard pressure mounting for sanders to drop out of the race from fellow senators. senator dianne feinstein, a
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clinton supporters, he's actually hurting hillary clinton. given that, how long can he hang on here? >> it looks like bernie sanders is in it until the convention. that's why we're hearing a lot of talk about a contested convenon happening on the democratic side. he has said time and time again he has no intention of exiting the race before the convention. i think the series of wins, most recently his win in west virginia, there's really no grounds for him to get out of the race at this point. you're completely right. it's hurting hillary clinton and the clinton campaign because every line of attack that bernie sanders levels against her is one ha is going to be used by her republican opponent in the race. donald trump has already said he plans to borrow the lines that bernie sanders has used to go after hillary clinton for her ties to wall street, for her waffling on trade, for the flip-flopping she's had on a number of issues like fracking and others. so it's really his presence in the race is not only damaging her in terms of taking away delegates and taking away voter
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support, but also giving republicans lots of material to use in a general election. >> a little fuel for that, caitlin. so you consider that, as we're talking about the damage to hillary clinton in the campaign. there's also the other side he may owe it to voters to give everyone a chance to make their pick. >> sure. sanders obviously has a message that he's been promoting throughout this campaign. he's galvanized a core part of the democratic base and he's argued he's brought some independent voters in as well, and we've seen that in the exit polling. and he also has shown a real fund-raising prowess. he has been able to really appeal to small dollar donors, able to raise a lot of money throughout this campaign season. with only about a month or so to go before the end of the actual primary season, he doesn't really have much to lose at this point. he's continuing his message. he has the funds so farr to continue going on.
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the problem that he'll encounter is he is behind in pledge delegates still and he is hoping to flip those superdelegates at the convention, and that's going to be very hard for him to do. these are people who are very loyal establishment figures, very loyal to clinton, and clinton was able to -- obama was able to flip some of those last time around. it will be much more difficult for sanders to do that. >> as we look ahead to kentucky and oregon this tuesday, what happens there, gabby, if there's a win and we're continuing that, we saw that in west virginia and maybe again this tuesday, especially with hillary clinton. you think there's this finish line, but there's this stumble before she's getting there. >> right. this has been a headache for hillary clinton's campaign. really if bernie sanders pulls off a win in kentucky, it bolsters his message that he does have that enthusiasm and he is a competitive candidate against hillary clinton and would be a competitive candidate in the general election. the one message that bernie
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sanders has buckled down on and will likely continue to spread throughout the remainder of the primary is that he does better in polls against donald trump. he's consistently done better in polls against donald trump than hillary clinton. we just saw earlier this week, a quinnipiac poll showing hillary clinton and donald trump are nearly tied in a number of key battleground states while witness is leading donald trump in those same states. that's a message he likely intends to carry all the way to the convention. as caitlin mentioned, will probably use to try to flip some of the superdelegates his way at the actual convention. >> all right, caitlin and gabby, stick with me. i want to bring in nbc's jacob rascon. this controversy with donald trump pretending to be his own publicist during the taped interview with "people" magazine. he denies that voice is his on tape. any new reaction from the camp?
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>> reporter: no, they don't seem to be very worried about it and trump has denied all of it. on the trail, he likes to bring up decades-old controversies about hillary clinton. he seems to want this to go away. his surrogates are saying it's a distraction. this comes at a time when trump is busy trying to unite the party. here are the details about the controversy. the reporter who did the actual interview with "people" magazine says a man named john miller pretended to be trump's publicist, boasting about his personal life, especially about women. but trump later admitted he and miller were the same person, saying it was a bad joke and even apologizing about it. this might not be as much of a big deal it is if trump hadn't denied it all on the "today" show. the campaign says it's just a bad impression of trump. the surrogates are out saying
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it's a distraction and time to move on. this week has been a very interesting week for trump. a lot of establishment republicans have come behind him. he's had big donor, some others including speak paul ryan are still deciding whether to get behind him. >> we want to bring back in our panel. caitlin, starting off with you, you had what was described as a really good meeting with rnc leaders. that could be seen as a step forward. would you consider these allegations that he was his own spokesperson, kind of make it a step back, taint what progress was made? >> right. i think it does. jacob alluded to this idea that the coverup of this might be worse than the actual event. we talked to a lot of republicans who said, if he had just come out and said it was him, he could have put this behind him instead. now this is taking up news cycles that come after a time that he had really made some progress on capitol hill.
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i was very interested this week to see a lot of republican lawmakers and republican leaders who had been very reluctant to support his campaign are now certainly warming up to him knowing that they're kind of in this general election together. so this only will -- for those still reluctant, still on the fence, these kinds of things, these kinds of distractions will make them, maybe keep them on the sidelines a little bit longer. >> gabby, we're talking about the meeting described as a productive meeting with rnc, that paul ryan and trump found common ground. there are differences there that are very clear, tone, with positions as well. what's the one takeaway you're hearing came from the meeting there, especially when you have paul ryan saying, you know what, no endorsement as of yet. we know that, but saying donald trump has to work for his support. what kind of work are we looking at here? >> it's pretty clear that paul
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ryan and donald trump remain miles apart on a number of key policy issues. ryan has voiced concerns about trump's rhetoric, his policies on trade, immigration, entitlement reform. there are a number of issues where these two will continue to meet throughout the general election and remainder of the primary and hash out some of the differences they have. i think that's why paul ryan remains reluctant to offer a full endorsement at this point, because there are so many questions that remain about donald trump's poxes on these issues, positions he previously held, that he now holds, and the changes we've seen just during this election cycle. paul ryan is under pressure from a number of rank and file republicans to get behind and unify the party. we saw congressman labrador who offered a tepid endorsement of donald trump, urged the house speaker to get behind donald trump because the longer he holds out further fractions a party already pretty broken.
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>> caitlin, before the meeting, you wrote about concerns. after, post meeting, still a concern? >> i think it's an overall concern. what i think creates the most anxiety among republicans is what gabby alluded to, this unpredictability of donald trump. he has shifted tone, shifted position at times. that kind of concerns republicans who are just trying at this point to forge an overall consensus on a broader general election agenda. what i think paul ryan was trying to do this week is not -- that wasn't the meeting to sit down and hash out the nitty-gritty details. that will come later. really they need to get on the same page in terms of an overall vision, in terms of overall republican principles. they're worried i think that donald trump isn't going to necessarily stick to that. but, you know, you do talk to people like lindsey graham who this week obviously is no supporter of donald trump, but this week said he's been talking
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to trump about foreign policy and said that he has been showing signs of wanting to learn these issues. so it's baby steps at this point. but again, only a few weeks to go really until the convention. time is running short. >> caitlin hughey burns with real clear politics and gabby morning jello. i appreciate your time being with me this morning. thank you. >> thank you. donald trump says he's merely making suggestions when he talks on the campaign trail. does that mean he's hedging on the muslim ban, and what about that wall? on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours.
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romney-ryan campaign and also senior adviser to george bush and former house speaker john boehner. as we get started, let's get your reaction on the endorsement by casino magnet sheldon adelson and also contribution of more than $100 million to the trump campaign. how significant are all those colors? >> i think it's a big sign of the republican party coming together, taking steps to unite behind the nominee and get ready for the battle in the fall, presumably against secretary of state hillary clinton which is after all the main event. that's what this is all about, is winning the white house and making sure she doesn't. >> you say it's the first step. does the next step need to be paul ryan? >> not necessarily. i think the speaker said he had a great meeting with donald trump this week, that it's part of a process of getting to know him better, getting to know his positions, his temperament and
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that's a process that's going to continue. >> interesting to see when the process will take place with other meetings down the road. i want to bring up the "today" show's matt lauer regarding a clarification on donald trump, those calls to ban muslims. let's take a listen first. >> you've called it more of a suggestion than a proposal. i'd like you to clarify that for me. i think millions of people who voted for you across the country during the primary process felt as if you were actually proposing that. are you softening your stance? >> i'm not the president right now, so anything i suggest is really a suggestion. if i were president, i'd put in legislation and do what i have to do. >> just getting to the point. are you softening your stance and using subtle differences in words simply to be more moderate, to try to attract people like speaker ryan, to get an endorsement. >> i'm not softening my stance at all. i'm always flexible on issues. i'm totally flexible on very
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many issues. i think you have to be that way. i'm not softening my stance. >> suggestions, talking about flexibility. is this something voters should expect from trump as we get closer to looking at the general election what he says versus what he means? >> absolutely. this is one of the things that has made donald trump so infuriating for his opponents and the reporters who cover him. politicians are expected to lay out a clear position and fight for that position. whether or not they're able to achieve it once they're elected is a different matter. you expect consistency and constancy, whereas donald trump comes from a business background. he identifies goals. he's very, very hazy on both the details of his proposals and how he would achieve these things. i think he's an amazing challenge from the reporters covering him and it would make it more difficult for the american people to make a decision about whether they want to support him. >> for those who already do, do you think that could hurt them at all or do you think they're in? >> he has a consult of
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personality built around his celebrity status more important than individual policy positions. i don't think he's going to lose supporters as a result of this sort of clarifications on some of the specifics, but i think it's going to be a real challenge. >> there is support from your former boss john boehner. he was asked about several issues and whether he agreed with trump on them. here is a little more of what he said. >> let me give you a few of donald trump's policies and see if you agree or disagree. temporarily ban muslims from the country. >> no. >> build a wall across mexico. >> no. >> tear up trade agreement ts and put tariffs -- >> no. >> neo isolation shift policy he articulated in washington a couple weeks ago. >> not my style. >> why are you for him? >> the point is, while i was for
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some other people, they didn't win, and donald trump is going to be the nominee. we as a party are going to have to figure out, how do we get our act together, how do we get on the same page and how do we win? >> michael, can you have all those nos as john boehner answered there with still full support of donald trump? >> absolutely. former speaker boehner endorsed john kasich. there were a number of other candidates in the field he was supportive of. that's not the question right now. the question is whether it's donald trump or secretary of state hillary clinton. hillary clinton las been a disaster in her record if you look at benghazi, at the e-mail scandal, you look at her proposals for economy, for our national security. she would double down on the failed policies of the obama era, and we can't afford four more years like the past eight. that's what speaker boehner, the point he's making. >> we know -- you workedith jeb bush. let's talk about that. what is he saying now that we've gone as far -- we know his
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brother and father is certainly not going to support donald trump, and you know how he feels about that. or is that kind of an unfair characterization as far as jeb bush saying he just doesn't care for donald trump. >> i think he has real concerns about donald trump's fitness to be commander in chief. there were times during the campaign he showed a lack of knowledge on things such as national security. there's the matter of temperament and whether he brings more people into the party or pushes more people away. that's a huge concern. >> all right. thank you for being with us this morning, i appreciate your time michael steel. thank you very much. a high school in kentucky didn't wait for apartmental directive to change its bathroom policy. why did it change almost two years ago? that school principal is next.
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there is new support and backlash over the obama administration's guidance that calls for schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. school systems that don't comply could lose federal funds. the state of texas was quick to respond with defiance putting roughly $10 billion in federal education aid in jeopardy. >> he says he's going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. well, in texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. we will not yield to blackmail from the president of the united states. >> i want to bring in dr. thomas averly. i appreciate you being with me, talking about a policy your school drafted. what is the policy and how is it different from the federal guideline? >> essentially two years ago we decided to allow students to use
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the facilities of their gender identity. it's exactly aligned with the type of guidelines that have now come out. >> what was the basis of that, what did you base that policy on when drafting it? >> sure. two years ago, we had a family approach us letting us know their child was preparing to transition. we did a -- our 12-member school council which is a policy making body did a judicious review over several weeks with many public forums to review the data that we had at the time to understand what gender identity meant. at that time in april of 2014, title 9 guidance document had come out recognizing gender identity as real. we also recognized that courts were recognizing gender identity as real. so the 12-member council developed policy that is aligned with what current
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recommendations are. >> so when that was happening, did you experience any resistance at all from the community, parents there, other students in your school? >> well, really within our school community it's been a wonderful experience in collaboration. we have our students, our parents, our staff, really took the time to educate themselves on the issue. the very few that did still disagree with the policy in the end when it was implemented, they followed the proper procedure to have civil, respectful discourse and three levels of appeal to our council, to the superintendent and ultimately to a policy appeals board in which this policy was upheld. >> somebody listening saying, wow, not a single person resisted, there isn't opposition here, especially when you heard from that texas principal calling it blackmail. you see what's going on in north carolina as well. so in that sense really no one came to you, no one knocked on your door or even sent a letter
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saying, i'm really worried about where this may go? >> we had several students and parents express concern and disagreement, as i said. it went through several levels of appeal with parents who disagrd with this policy. but the important thing was, we came together -- we came together in civil discourse to talk about each of our concerns and ultimately the 12-member school council decided on the policy that allowed students to use the facilities of their gender identity. >> you estimated there's about six transgender students out of a student body of 1,350. what have they been telling you? >> actually, i've said about half a dozen. the reason for that is we don't have a binder that has transgender students on the front of it to identify them. those transgender students who transitioned either before coming to school or asked for
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help to make sure they're being served properly at school or that have transitioned while in school, we're making sure they're getting the help inside and outside the classroom. >> appreciate you being with us, dr. thomas aberly from atherton high school in louisville, kentucky. >> my pleasure, thank you. new questions about the actions of a white house security adviser. did he try to mislead the media about the nuclear negotiations with iraq? keep it here. (laughing) there's nothing like making their day. except making sure their tomorrow is taken care of too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can.
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welcome back. i'm frances rivera at msnbc world headquarters in new york. secretary of state john kerry met with european banking officials this week as iran complained it's not reaping the economic benefits from the nuclear deal signed last july. this as "the new york times" reports on one of president obama's top advisers raises questions about how that deal was sold to lawmakers and the american people. steve clemons, msnbc contributor
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and washington editor at large for "the atlantic." good to have you here. >> good morning, francis. >> we'll talk about "the new york times" magazine profile of national security adviser ben rose. he talks about how the administration orchestrated the release of information on the island nuclear deal at one point saying, quote, we had test drives to know who was going to be able to carry our message effectively. so to have test drives, isn't that common practice already? doesn't that go without saying that you're going to get that message out through those who will give it the most positive spin? what's so unusual about that? >> bingo, you win, francis. there's been a lot of hoopla about this magazine. the bush administration did the same thing. the clinton administration does the same thing. when you're going into new terrain and trying to bring something as historic at the iran deal where you have washington and much of the rest of the world wired in a different direction, what they did is standard practice.
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we saw the administration previous to this on afghanistan, on iraq policy, do very much the same thing. it doesn't mean we reporters and kpntds and opinion shapers should be flax for that view, but what was reported was not unusual at all. >> interesting when you mentioned reporters and correspondents who are supposed to ask the tough questions because that's what we do. in the media, how rose talks about manipulating the press core saying the average reporter we talk to is 27 years old and only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. that's a sea change. they literally know nothing. what is the basis for that? is there any right to that, anything correct about members of the press corps -- >> i think he probably wishes he hadn't made that kind of comment. there are different classes of people reporting on these global affairs. i've been with ben rose, and
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there are a number of very sophisticated journalists following these matters for decades who can't have the shades pulled down on some issue or have it shaped or sculpted in ways where there's a very honest relationship. we also live in an era where the kinds of changes we're talking about rewiring aren't those kind of people. there's a whole new class of writers not trained in met ter neck and kissinger and strategy and the complexity of global affairs. what he said that everyone is shocked about is true. there is a class of people -- it doesn't mean they're stupid or idiots, but means they're vulnerable to being influenced because their own base of understanding these very complex issues is weaker than perhaps some others. but to think that's the entire journalistic community is also very, very wrong. >> it may be interesting that these people may not have the experience, the knowledge, to push back on certain things, too. do you think all those comments will affect the administration's relationship or dealing with the media?
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>> i think they will right now. right now we've got a committee in congress calling hearings to see whether this had some sort of impact that it shouldn't have. i would just point out here that david samuelson in "the new york times" magazine, while he's asserting they brought a kind of fake fiction to the iran deal and the structured negotiations, there's absolutely just no truth to it. those of us that have covered this for years, we're looking at iran when the tehran research reactor deal was being flirted with with the obama administration that preceded rouhani's election, you can't assert all this was created. we've been reporting on this kinds of effort with iran even before then in 2003 with the bush administration when iran reached out and there was some sort of back and forth between iran and the united states and afghanistan. a lot of assertions in the piece that aren't backed up by substantive facts are
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disconcerting. that has to do with the reporter here, not with what the administration may have been trying to do. congress is going to dig into this and the story is not going to go away fast. >> it's interesting how he mentions, as far as this report, rhodes referring to the blob, including secretary clinton there. is there anything that could be dug up to hurt the secretary's presidential campaign? >> i don't think so. but i think another word for the blob is d.c.'s strategic class. there is a class of people in washington who know a lot about national security, foreign policy, defense issues, weapons systems, and they have largely been a crowd that hasn't been one to be challenged. i think that it's sort of a nixon goes to china moment. if you had a group very committed to taiwan and that was the frame to begin to try to think about that strategic class or that blob around taiwan when
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china normalization happened is something that would be seen to be a necessary step. again, i wish ben hadn't said the word blob. but lots of people have written about the strategic class in washington and how impervious it is to being impacted by counternarratives and counterrealities. >> jennifer ruben writes in the "washington post," the washington used corrupt members of the press to spres misinformati misinformation, democrats calling for him to appear before the house oversight committee. >> it's completely impossible to predict. they may call ben forward and i think they'd find nothing in the end. jennifer ruben's piece is a little hyperbole. she often raises these things. i don't want to discount the notion that we shouldn't be
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paying attention to these issues. the notion that ben roads created a fake schick shun about iran and thrust it upon the nation is a ridiculous one. >> in this financial season, a panhandler's appeal is on the line. before we go, we'd hand it to our friend david milbank at "the washington post." he's having a meal. he promised he'd eat one of his columns if donald trump became the republican nominee. he ate a nine course meal laced with paper from an october 4th edition of "the washington post." see the bottle of wine in the glass right there, washed it all down with trump brand wine. cheers to david. alzheimer's means...
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donald trump is ramping up ef ports to raise $1.5 billion for his general election campaign. a pan hander in new york's times square is trying to use the trump name to scare up cash. this gentleman held up a sign that simply read give me a dollar or i'm voting for trump. not sure if the appeal proved profitable but certainly drew some attention. putting them to the truth test. how accurate are the candidates with the alleged facts? we'll bring that to you next. ...clear for take off.
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hillary clinton wants to take your guns away and she wants to abolish the second amendment. >> i believe quite honestly that bernie sanders is the stronger candidate. >> i'm going to run my campaign which is about a positive vision for our country. >> you look at germany, it's crime riddled right now. >> so much gets said on the
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campaign trail. i'm sure you wonder how much is accurate and how much is not. joining me with answers, john greenberg of politofact. you'll pull out your truth meter. let's start with bernie sanders and say the minimum wage hike to $15 would reduce federal assistance by 7.6 billion a year. what's that truth meter saying? is that saying. >> the truth meter says no, that is mostly false. bernie sanders put this out in a tweet, and i don't think twitter is really a great platform -- >> with 160 characters, i don't think you can break it down, right? >> no. the thing is, we said, okay, show us the study. so they point to a study. economic policy institute and $7.6 billion. but what the epi was modeling was a rise to $10.10, not $15.
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so you've got his number that comes from a study that looked at something else, and then you have to look at the question has anybody looked at all the things that would happen if you went to $15 an hour? the short answer is no. so we have no study and we've got a big body of economic analysis that says, as the price of labor goes up, somebody might start reducing the number of jobs. if you reduce the number of jobs, it could have such a significant impact, that you could have the reverse effect of what bernie sanders said with such great certainty. >> i don't think you can do that in 140 characters as farr as your explanation. thanks for the breakdown here. we just heard from donald trump earlier with a snippet saying hillary clinton wants to take the guns away, abolish the second amend 789. how did that rate. >> it came in as false. she has put out many times as
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her policy we need to protect the second amendment and need common sense gun safety regulations. you could string something together. you maybe could say she wants to rein in certain guns, people couldn't own certain guns, could be. but when you come right down to it, she didn't say it. so we end up at false. >> as far as hillary clinton saying this earlier this month, that market forces made coal companies go bankrupt. is there truth in that? >> well, basically we came in at mostly true for that. coal does have a problem and that problem is called fracking. fracking has produced an enormous quantity of cheap natural gas which is less polluting. power companies have shifted over towards natural gas, swapping out coal. that has hurt the coal industry. there were some bankruptcies, a
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number of coal companies made some bets on selling coal to china. china's economy didn't grow as rapidly as they hoped. so demand for coal went down. that's where we went up. by the way, i just want to say regulation does effect which energy sources companies use. so we came in at mostly true saying, yeah, regulation does play a certain role. >> interesting to hear that, especially when we made news in that conversation, a roundtable with a coal miner out of work, very emotional and crying in her response. let's talk about donald trump and his claim about migration to europe. here is what he told lester holt about the reasons to temporarily ban muslims from the united states and we'll talk about it after. >> okay. we don't have that. trump has been continuing to
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define that proposaproposal. what about crime stats he was talking about, if you have them at the top of your head. what's the justification for those stats and how it ranked? >> he was talking about germany and he say they've taken in all these refugees and they're riddled with crime. the reality is germany is not riddled with crime. they took in over a million refugees. if you take look at the stats, yes, there has to have been some increase in crime. but it is totally disproportionate to the number of people who came in. in addition, if you take a look at the sort of crimes, a lot of them are riding on the streetcar without a ticket, and there has been some thievery. the other thing is that to the extent this has been studied and the numbers are not so complete. but to the extent it's been studied, they found the refugees from syria, from afghanistan, from iraq were the least likely to be accused of any crime.
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there were refugees from other places where it was more common. so it really does not fit in well with what mr. trump said. we came him a mostly false. >> germany riddled with crime. we appreciate it john greenberg with your truth meter. i'm sure that will stay out during the duration of the election season. >> you're welcome. that wraps up this hour. eamon is up next. i'm frances rivera. great to be with you this morning. i'll see you once again at 1:00 eastern right here on msnbc. you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too.
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