tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 15, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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it is a very surreal but calm situation. there's clear authority here but also significant amount of trust, appreciation, understanding of what the experts are involved in here. it does feel like a serious situation. >> neil, thank you very much, indeed. >> thank you, steve. >> we will talk to neil again in goal zone. if you are watching on nbc or nbc sn, two hours is coming up next where we will keep you up-to-date on the situation for those on usa, sci-fi cnbc, msnbc, bravo, oxygen or esquire, switch over to nbc now for goal zone. hmmmmmm.....
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hello, everyone. i'm alex witt here in new york at msnbc headquarters. breaking news out ofening land where a short time ago a huge soccer match was cancelled because of a suspicious package scare. these are the first images coming in from the stadium in manchester where tens of thousands were forced to evacuate. kelly cobiella is following the story for us. what do we know about this? >> reporter: well, this is a huge stadium. you are right.
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it was a big game day, as well. it holds 75,000 people and 30 minutes before kickoff an announcement was made to evacuate the stadium because of a suspicious device. it was a very calm evacuation. no sense of panic or anxiety there but a bomb disposal unit was brought in along with sniffer dogs. we understand within the past half an hour, a controlled explosion has been done with -- concerning that package. we still don't know if this was a false alarm or if there was some sort of explosives in the package. the premier league came out with a statement saying there was a decision made to abandon the match. they have cancelled it. they will reschedule it and did it because of matters of security. they said the safety of employees and supporters was really their primary concern. so alex, we are keeping an eye
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on this. we expect to hear from officials in the next hour, we would say, after this controlled explosion too to see whether or not there was anything to it. we will bring you the latest as soon as we hear. >> kelly cobiella, thank you very much. now to politics. new reaction from reince priebus about today's "washington post" report which says a group of republicans are trying to draft an independent presidential candidate to deny trump the white house. >> this is a suicide mission. it's not right. i think what people should do is take the paul ryan approach is to work with donald trump and find out whether or not there is common ground and whether there can be assurances on the supreme court and those sorts of things to make sure our future is secure down the line opposed to blowing everything up. >> new details are emerging. in an interview in the "new york
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times," the reporter writes -- here's trump campaign adviser paul manafort on that. >> trump was not asked by the leadership to change and there's no reason for him to change. he just won the primary process with a record number of votes. that's not to say paul ryan didn't talk about policy. they got along well. the conversations they had focused on the trump agenda for america, make america great again and paul ryan's agenda. >> dowd writes when i asked if he had been chided for his feud with elizabeth warren, he said you meant pocahontas, so much for reining it in. vice president biden will be there to see his brand daughter graduate. bernie sanders and hillary clinton are in kentucky ahead of
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the state's primary on tuesday. as talk escalates about who the vp picks will be on both sides, newt gingrich said he would be open to a trump-gingrich ticket. >> if he asked me i would say i want to sit down and talk about it. i don't think it is an automatic yes. you have to think through what does he think the job involves. if he can convince calista and me that it is doable, serious and we could contribute we would be hard pressed not to say yes. ben carson who has been rumored to be on the vp short list tells the "washington post" that sail sail is another leading contender. let's bring in dr. carson, current adviser to donald trump. dr. carson, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> let's talk about what you have been doing which is consulting on mr. trump's vice presidential search. can you confirm the "washington post" report? >> i can tell you i have been
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talking about a lot of things not just some suggestions for vice president. as far as the "washington post" is concerned, the reporter threw out a list of names. which were on the short list. i said they are all on there because i don't want to get in to that. >> how about this. who else would you like to see as the vp candidate or who do you think should be considered? >> i think we should consider people who are real patriots, who really uphold the constitution of the united states and understand the gravity of our fiscal situation, who understand that our power comes through unity and also we need to have a strong military as a deterrent to the adventurism that is going on. anybody who checks all of those boxes are people that should be considered. >> is there anyone that comes top of mind when you think of that criteria?
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>> well, i prefer to let the nominee or the presumptive nominee to reveal who those people are. >> how about you, doctor, do you think you are in the running for vp and if not that role do you envision yourself in a place in the trump administration? >> i am not seeking a government position. i think private citizens can add a lot in an advisory capacity, being an ear out there, listening to people. that's the real i would prefer. i've made it clear i'm not interested in the vice presidential position. principlely because i'm a lightning rod as you may remember when i was running and i don't want to be a distraction. this election is way too important. >> what about the big meeting on thursday. i know you had a chance to talk to paul ryan before he met with
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donald trump, what did you talk about? >> we talked about unity and the party. i also talked about my relationship with donald trump. the fact that he is not a politician. therefore, he doesn't speak like a politician in a polished way. that can sometimes lead to confusion. just as there was in fact some confusion on some of his policies and what he actually thought because he doesn't sometimes completely explain it. it is something i was guilty of, as well because you assume that people know what you are talking about and sometimes they don't. >> i want to get in to that in a moment. but with regard to what you said. what were those misinterpretations and what is the difference between the public donald trump and the one that you know? >> well, for instance, that he wanted to go along with some of
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the progressives in terms of the minimum wage. he indicated that he can't understand how people can live on 7.25. but he also indicated that that's something that should be handled at a local level. he fully recognizes that if we raise the minimum wage too much, which is meant to be an entry level wage, not a sustaining wage, that we will wipe out so many entry-level jobs and opportunities, particularly for young people and especially for young minorities to get in to the job market. we will facilitate the entrance electronics and mechanical mechanisms for taking over what people do because it will then become economically feasible to do that if you have to raise the minimum wage too high. there are a lot of people, particularly on the progressive side that don't understand that. they can't comprehend what you are talking about.
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>> what about donald trump the persona? he is someone who can be bombastic, vitt treeialic in his words at times and yet those that describe him gentle at times a really nice guy. who's the donald trump that you know? >> i would say maybe the "washington post" could take some of the 20 reporters they put on his case and ask them to talk to people who have worked for him. you will find a very different story. very hard to find anybody who has anything critical to say. he is very nice. takes care of people, very loyal. >> you have heard the confusion over that statement with regard to women who worked for him. >> well, you can always find some people who will say something nasty. i think you are referring to the "new york times" story. >> i am. >> which talked about some of
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the women who thought they had negative relations. >> about 50 women. >> notice they didn't go to the ones that had positive relations or positive things to say. it is very easy to find people who will say hey me. so they can be in the limelight. a lot of people enjoy that. >> that's not -- there's some truth in that but 50 women, sir. 50? >> well, at a time when women were not being elevated to executive positions, he was on the forefront of doing that. i think what a person does speaks volumes. you look at the way his children turned out, you look at the vast majority of his former employees view him. i think that tells you something. you can always -- as you know, you can always go out and find people to say negative things. you can find people to say negative things about me and i try very hard to treat everybody
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fairly. it is just easy to do. >> let's get back to the conversation with paul ryan. explaining to him where your candidate stands on the issues. however, pl trump said his stances are not set in stone. here's what he told matt lauer on friday. let's listen to that. >> i'm not the president right now so anything i suggest is a suggestion and fi were were president i would put in legislation and do what i have to do. i'm not softening my stance but i'm flexible on issues and i think you have to be that way. >> how concerned are you, doctor, that he will not commit and remains flexible on policy and how do you explain that to people who voted for him in primaries because they liked policies he now says are merely suggestions? >> well, if you are an observer of politics over the course of time, you'll know that virtually no one who has been elected president ever, as far as i can
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remember, does or says things consistently once they get in there. once they are briefed on everything that is going on and they have the complete picture. i think he's just indicating that information can sometimes change the way that you look at things. that's actually an honest and mature way to look at it. it is simplistic and unrealistic to think that somebody that doesn't have the information has to stick to one point because that's what they said before. >> with regard to communication and them art of doing so, doctor, you told my colleague, chris matthews that people get the wrong impression on trump's policies because he doesn't fully explain it. isn't that problematic in a leader? how can he be president if he can't communicate his plans to the people? >> i think he does communicate them to the people. that's where the disconnect is. the people understand perfectly
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well what he is saying. it's the political class,er it's the pundits who like to have everybody tied up in a nice little knot with a bow on it and it has to be the way they think it should be. the people know better. >> let's talk about the report that pl trump posed as his own publicist. i know you said the story is a distraction. does it speak to his character if it was him on that tape pretending to be someone else? >> the key word you used in that question is "if," which means we don't know. it is a distraction. if you can i prove that that's him, then, you know, it's worth talking about. if you can't prove that it is him, why are we dealing with that when we have so many important things to talk about. >> i don't disagree. if it is proven true, would that
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make you question his integrity? >> when it is proven true let's revisit the subject. >> then we will have you back and talk about it then. >> let's move on to. his unfavorable rating is 53%. 20 points higher than any other candidate since 1980. how do you tell republicans to vote for a candidate they so dislike? >> i would say look at what's happened. he's received the largest number of votes during a primary season of any republican candidate in history. look at the lines of people who are coming out. let your eyes tell you what's going on, not what the media tells you. >> to what do you attribute that? why do you think there are so many voting for donald trump?
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>> because people are incredibly frustrated an angry because you send traditional politicians to washington, democrats or republicans and we keep moving in the same direction, going over the cliff of fiscal irresponsibility. er the terrible mess in the world. not looking out for the rights of american citizens. frequently making treaties that are not beneficial to us. fostering policies that create division. like this bathroom thing -- why do you have to get in to that? why can't you just have a nongender bathroom for people who don't fit in to any category in their minds. these are the kinds of things that can destroy a society. we need wisdom and leadership to keep that kind of thing from happening. >> but you will agree, sir,er that washington runs a certain
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way and to try to blow it up, as donald trump has suggested he wants to do if he gets to washington and rewrite everything would be herculean, next to impossible task to do in any short period of time. so, do you worry about his efficacy should he get in to the white house? can he deal with congress? can he make things happen as he wants to, his vision, given what is set in relative stone? >>. >> what we know is the traditional way is not working. we certainly don't want to continue down that road and the alternative, hillary clinton is the epitome of traditional politics. so you have an outsider, who, of course, the establishment both republican and democrat are very worried about him. he's an unknown quantity. they don't know if they can control him. in fact they think they can't. of course they will be aligned against him.
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versus somebody who is the quintessential politician, bought and sold and controlled. >> in her latest column, kathleen parker, who will be joining me after our interview, writes not enough republican leaders are distancing themselves from trump and those that don't will be noted by historians as cowardly. republicans not deunderstand knowing trump will that be viewed as history as cowardly? >> probably by somebody with the perspective of the writer of that foolishness. >> what we are looking at is we are at a time when democrat and republican doesn't matter so much. american does. we are talking about in this election about whether we want a progressive government, that wants to control your life from cradle to grave, or do we identify with the original vision of this nation, where
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people had personal responsibility and we had a nation that was of, for and by the people. this is what it boils down to. it has nothing to do with democrats or republicans. >> reporters, as you know, asked paul ryan if trump is someone his kids can look up to. i want to pose the same question to you. do you see donald trump as a role model for your grandchildren? >> does he have qualities that you would like to imemulate, yes. does he have qualities you would not leak them to emulate. yes. as does everybody else. that, quite frankly, whether you know it or not, is a got ya question. >> dr. carson, thank you for taking all of my questions, not ya or not, and thank you so much. look forward to seeing you another time. >> let's bring in the "washington post" kathleen parker. welcome to you. first impressions on what the
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doctor said. any surprises or concerns? >> i'm surprised i'm a foolish writer. you can see why people like dr. carson. he is like switzerland personified. a nice sort of decent noncommittal answer to every question. what surprised me was that he's so forgiving of the things that donald trump said about him during the campaign. you know -- the thing he said about everybody has something you want to emulate and not emulate but i don't think that is a got ya question. i think it was a good question, alex and the answer was -- i don't think true. i think when we try to pick out people for our children to emulate we don't allow the degree of variation from decency standards that we have -- that so many have found acceptable in
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trump. i don't think that is an answer question. do you think that dr. carson represents a part of the party that feels like look, we have to get behind this man because he is what we have to work with? that is a he jat mitt position to take and what most people will end up doing most likely because they don't want the progressive agenda to continue. hillary clinton promised over and over she will be a continuation of barack obama's policies. the latest of which, you know, his suggestion on bathroom policies in public schools. that's a gift to the republicans, at least to the social conservative wing of the party. >> yeah. >> i don't think -- when people sit down and focus on oh, my gosh, who's going to pick the next four supreme court justices,er which pretty much dictates what sort of country we have for the next 40, a
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50 years is when they will pull the lever for trump whether they want to or not. >> let's talk about paul ryan, i want to play you a piece of what he said. >> let's not pretend that one or two weeks after one of the most divisive primaries that we have had in an era that everyone is on the same page. to do that and fake it means we go in to the fall at half strength. >> do you think along with the rest of the gop is over selling the importance of unity and can it even be achieved at this point of the game. >> i think you all referred to the story in the "washington post" today. there is a segment of both political operatives and leaders who want to bring in a third party challenger in order to rob enough votes from trump and from hillary clinton that it goes to
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the house of representatives. i don't think that's likely to happen at all. i think that unity does matter if we want to keep -- if the republicans want to keep trump out of the white house -- i'm sorry,s hillary clinton out of the white house. so whether, you know, paul ryan comes around ultimately, i think he probably will i think they had a productive talk that hasn't been reported fully in terms of what will you do as president and i'm sure there was some conversation about, how government will be cut and that's music to the ears of paul ryan. i know that republican leadership, and so many of us, don't like at all the way that donald trump conducts himself, the way he speaks. i will say kathy mcmorris-rogers, who's a republican party leader, did bring up in the same meeting questions about donald trump's treatment of women and his comments about his behavior
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toward disabled people. she has a disabled child. i don't think those issues will go away. he will have to have -- donald trump will have to address those issues in a significant way before the party can unify. whether he can do that, i don't know. he is not likely. he doesn't demonstrate remorse or bringing out an apology but i think those things will be necessary for him. he will have to say something like, look, i was -- i misspoke, i shouldn't have said that, and go from there. but it is going to require something like that. >> show humility on that front. what about paul ryan who said that trump brought millions of new voters to the republican party. shouldn't trump be commended for that? >> well, i think -- sure, if you are bringing people in to the tent so they can prop it up again, i would guess that is something he could be commended for. the problem i would have with that is what did he say and do to bring those people out for
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the first time? i guess there's a first time for everyone. i have to say, alex, it's important for those who spend most of our time in the beltway, the acela corridor, as we call it. the people out here in real america, donald trump has spoken to them in a way they feel like no one has since ronald reagan. they haven't felt the president, the current president represents them. he is viewed as someone who represents those only idealogically aligned with him. even though donald trump has many objectionable qualities, he does speak to them at a level that as dr. carson said,er they know what he means. i have to say i don't know what he means because i only have his words to go by and i don't find them palatable.
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i find them highly objectionable but least he is saying we're going to make america great again. some of the wealth and other achievements he's managed in his life will trickle down to me. whether that happens obviously we have a lot of questions about that, but to the people that dr. carson is referring to, donald trump speaks a language they can understand and that works for them. >> i know you said you don't think the independent candidate will materialize, one that mitt romney seems to be looking for. how do you respond to the argument that some trump supporters, that they make the argument, the will of the public is circumvented if trump is not the argument. is there anything with that that you can agree. >> that is absolutely true. it is circumventing the will of
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the people. mitt romney is not really involved in the third party search. everybody seems to be playing it up but i'm pretty close to his people. that's not really true. it has been fairly casual. >> do you know who is leading it, kathleen? >> i think some of the eric ericksons, and some of the other folks on the republican, not really until the main stream of the party necessarily but who do represent a following. erick erickson is a radio talk show host and runs the red and a rhino hunter, by the way. when he came out against trump it was a big deal. they are looking for someone else and they are bringing up candidates an folks not well known an and basically to sacrifice whatever political career you ever hoped for if you were to become the third party candidate and to assure that
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hillary clinton becomes the president. that's why i don't think it will happen. >> in regard to dr. carson. he said his goal is to change people's minds about donald trump. what would it take for you to change your mind, kathleen? >> nothing. nothing. you know, he's not a person that i would find acceptable under any circumstances. i don't i require a certain statesman or stateswoman like people from the people i identify as leaders. i don't find anything about him to be acceptable, not to mention the fact that this man has said nothing about anything. he is chauncey gardner. he says the flowers are blooming and i say yes, that's a great economic plan. i don't know what people are identifying with other than make america great again, identify that, in what way?
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when people object to him, it is not because -- there's more than oh, my gosh his style is repulsive, it is the man has not offered anything substantive that anyone can identify as good or bad. when you asked dr. carson about trump's changing his mind, based on new information, you know, that's just not plausible. he doesn't seem to accept new information. if he becomes president, he will be fully briefed but he's acting on instinct, and he thinks whatever he's accomplished in his business life is apolitic pbl to the presidency but governing is a different thing and actually a difficult thing to do. he's -- i don't see what donald trump could do to change minds and i don't see what dr. carson can do to help people change minds because i don't think where -- it's like, dr. carson is an outsider and a perfectly lovely guy, seems to me and
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likable and a fine person, but he has no connection at all to the people whose minds he would seek to change. we may as well send newt gingrich to the emergency room to give a pep talk to the er staff as to send dr. carson in to the russell building in washington, d.c. and advance political people, with whom he has nothing and no connection in common. so to start to think the way he does, i don't get it. they should have found someone, the unifier for this operation should be someone who hasn't endorsed trump, who could be viewed as neutral, someone well known to the republican establishment in a sense they have some sort of relationship and some political credibility. so, you know, who that is, i spent some time with a friend trying to brainstorm and come up with a name, a few we tossed out were condoleezza rice, although
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she would have trouble because she is pro choice and that would cause issues with the pro-life part of the party and then we thought haley barber and he is too much of a political animal. it is hard to come up with the right name. we were struck by that fact alone we couldn't come up with anyone right away. i don't see ben carson as the great unifying agent. >> it was an interesting interview with dr. carson, as it always is with you, kathleen parker from the "washington post." thank you for your time. we seal see you soon no doubt. trump maybe the presumptive gop nominee but may not face a love fest in cleveland. up next the reasons why the convention could be contentious.
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kentucky. democrats will holdal primary in oregon. that's where 74 delegates are up for grabs. joining me is jeremy peters. new yorker for the "new york times" covering the 2016 race. let's get in to it. reince priebus calls for efforts to put up a third party candidate a suicide mission. what are you hearing about these prospects? >> they are pretty thin. and a little too late i would say to put it mildly, alex. i think there's little chance they can get on the ballot in the states they need to at this point. and why it's taken so long when it's been so obvious that trump was going to be the nominee that these efforts didn't materialize and mature earlier is really beyond me. if they wanted to do it, they needed to do this months ago. >> you may have heard kathleen parker say in actuality, mitt romney isn't really involved in this. it has been a misnomer putting
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him as being that involved. >> i did hear her say that. i do think that his involvement is always a little overstated. people, journalist,er political journalist love to drag out his name as if he will be a white knight, a savior and that contradicts what is happening in the republican party right now and notion there is an invisible hand that will save the party is ridiculous. it is not going to happen. >> as house speaker ryan's team gets ready to meet next week, what sense are you getting for how problematic it will be to unite behind the core principals given trump's stance on the issues. >> to the point that he has an ideology but i think the players will fall in line. you are starting to see that already. it is happening across the board
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from the most conservative, cultural elements of the party to the leadership. you had bob dole last week come out and say get in line behind trump. four of the last five republican nominees are skipping the convention. that's significant and needed to be stated as how far their divided but ultimately they are falling in line. >> came up with a list of five ways this convention could be thrown off the rails even if it is not contested. what is the main point of contention we should look for? >> i think we don't know what ted cruz will do with his delegates. this way the rules work, ted cruz's name will be formally entered in to nomination if the convention rules are not changed and it doesn't appear they will be because i think the firestorm that would create, the sense that the will of the people is being thwarted by sneaky
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last-minute tweak to the rules. the delegates and public wouldn't stand for that. there will be a vote and cruz is likely to get hundreds of delegates. he has not indicated he's going to release them and i think he wants to make a show. now if it is up to trump, it would be could be interesting, how does trump handle cruz at the convention. does he allow ted cruz to give a speech in primetime. there is always negotiating with the runner up. but it's rarely been this bitter and nasty between the presumptive nominee and the runner up. i would watch that for some drama. >> we will watch that because you wrote about it. that's exactly what we will do. jeremy peters, thank you so much. >> thank you, alex. a suspicious package found before a huge soccer match causing the game to be cancelled. we have a live report from the stadium in manchester next.
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we are folk breaking news out of the u.k. where officials cancelled a major soccer match after a suspicious item was found. tens of thousands of fans evacuated the scene. so far we know a controlled explosion has been conducted. a european security official says the discovery of the suspicious item coincided with increased chatter about threats to sports stadiums and other targets which would draw considerableable crowds. a live report at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. unless you have allergies. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve
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it's a little bit odd but i would tell you of all the things facing this country right now and after being through the primary for a year, i can assure you that particular issue will not move the electorate. people are comparing hillary clinton, a career politician, someone who's made millions of dollars on politic and a guy who's never run for public office, a business guy who's a
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total outsider who is going to cause a earthquake in washington. >> that is rnc chair reince priebus on whether donald trump pretended to be his own publicist after an audio recording surfaced this week. trump said it is not him. joining me is msnbc contributor howard dean. good to see you. let's go with you because i want to get your reaction to chairman priebus' party. should the republican party be concerned these issues could hurt them in the general election? >> the issue of the publicist coming out, whether it was donald trump or not 25 year ago probably doesn't matter unless he is lying about it today. that's what people will start to look at. what are you telling me today? are you lying to me because this is the first time we're going to hear about it. this kind of issue is not going to matter as much. if he gets caught up in other lies that will be a problem. >> okay.
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>> chairman priebus, as well as trump's camp are pushing back against the "new york times" article about mr. trump's relationships with women and they are bringing up president clinton's past indiscretions. how does hillary clinton fight these issues? >> she doesn't have to. this is a fascinating election. i think if trump is caught lying about this publicist business it is not going to hurt him. people who like donald trump like him, warts and all. they expect this and don't care. that has been demonstrated again and again in the primary when we thought stuff like this would knock him out. the same thing with bill clinton. being become's past is well known. this will have no affect whatsoever on the race. this will be an interesting, much closer race than people think. i think hillary will win because people want a real president and they are going to look at donald trump in the last three weeks and go i really don't think so.
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but i think a lot of the scandal stuff is not going to have any effect on trump whatsoever. he is who he is, and everybody knows what he is. you like or hate it. >> with regard of those who like donald trump right now, they will like what he said. he communicated things that they like and what if he changes and evolves, which is one thing,s but what if people support him because hooez been hard charging on things and all of a sudden he is waffling a bit. >> there's going to be an interesting phenomenon. seen it multiple times in politics. his base will give him a little slack. they will make excuses for him. they say if he wants to win he can't go out and say that but we know what he means. at some point, if he goes too far back from banning the muslims and building a wall he loses people and his candidacy
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collapses. i don't think you will see him walking back the controversial stuff very much because? he walks it back a lot he's done. >> i want to read you a "washington post" report on the effort to stop trump with the third party candidate strategy. you can deny trump the presidency and help senate and other downed ballot races by giving another choice to voters who abhor hillary clinton and can't cross the moral line to vote for trump. some republicans have visions of winning, but what is this about? >> a third party is typically getting an independent candidate that doesn't come from the democrat or republican point of view. the problem is that right now donald trump is what a typical independent candidate would be and he's on the independent line. so it will be hard for anyone to do well on a third party. i think it raises a lot of questions about how it effects ballot races if you want to look
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at senate and house of representatives. they are almost better off doing a super pac to help those people they are concerned about. doing the third party line will probably be disastrous for republicans across the board. >> howard, on the heels of mr. trump standing by his refusal to release his tax returns, the clinton campaign has a new ad out about what he could be hiding. could this backfire against clinton considering her paid speeches? >> i think tax returns are something that trump will have to deal with. he will not go all the way to the election without putting out his tax returns. again, the benefit of having a hard primary for hillary clinton has been all of the stuff has been raised, all of these speeches an other things. she's winning any way. again, this stuff is already known. it's r it's the surprise.
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i do not think that trump will get awe with that. >> he needs to answer one way or the other. his best solution is saying i can't release my tax returns right now because i'm under audit. i can't give you the current seven years. i will give you the seven years prior to that. he has to come up with some solution because this is a drip, drip, rip. one day he is doing it, one day he wants to and another day he says it is none of your business. that's the problem. he has to settle the issue. >> donald trump for his part, you talk about the tax returns being serious. he will say it is serious but hillary clinton should release her speeches to goldman sachs. >> i don't think it has the same traction. that's a known quantity. you are not going to go back and g dig in to the primary.
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the same reason benghazi e-mails won't have any effect. we have been talking about it for months. the tax returns is a different matter than releasing transcripts of speeches to goldman sachs or anything of that sort. >> governor, didn't she say she would release her speeches when the presidential nominee on the republican side released 245ir taxes? >> i don't know. i wasn't aware of that. >> yeah she did. >> maybe they will be forthcoming. that's a wrap right there. thank you so much. at the top of the hour, new information on the situation in england where a suspicious package was found before a huge soccer match.
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