tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 16, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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hello there, i'm chris hayes in new york. president obama taking political aim at donald trump without ever mentioning his name. and ramping up the rhetoric just moments ago. >> our country's better off when the democratic nominee for the presidency and the republican nominee are both qualified to be president and can be effective. because you never know what happens. i'm a democrat, i prefer democratic policies, but i want a serious republican party and serious republican nominees. ults mattly it will be up to the voters to make a decision about that. >> that comes after a withering attack during his rutgers commencement speech this weekend. >> the world is more interconnected than ever before, and it's becoming more connected every day. building walls won't change that. it's not cool to not know what you're talking about. [ laughter and applause ]
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that's not keeping it real or telling it like it is. that's not challenging political correctness. that's just not knowing what you're talking about. >> also today, donald trump on women. he's calling "the new york times" a hit piece. today one of the women spoke out on msnbc. plus, bill clinton, possible cabinet member, what hillary clinton is saying about her husband's possible role in a future administration. and can a presidential spouse serve in the cabinet? let's start with trump and katy tur has been there since the beginning. chris jansing has been on the trail as well and steve kornacki needs no introduction. here's the thing that i think people have lost sight of. before we get to what the president has said, let's talk about precedent for a sitting president aiding a campaign. ronald reagan in '88 and bill clinton in 2000.
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this would be the third time you're getting this. george w. bush was in that role, but completely removed himself from the playing field because of his favorables. >> and bill clinton was removed in 2000. he wanted to be out there for al gore. this was the big debate, do we let bill clinton come out on the campaign trail, risk reminding people of the lewinsky scandal and the personal problems they had with bill clinton, or keep a distance? bill clinton made it clear he wants to be out there. they decided not to. there's mixed verdicts. al gore didn't end up as president, so you could say it doesn't work. and but people from the gore campaign and the bush campaign who swear to this day, just the association with bill clinton costs gore in a state like west virginia. it's more analogous to ronald reagan, very much on the campaign trail for bush senior. and like obama this year,
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officially neutral in the clinton/sanders primary. reagan stayed neutral in the republican race in '88 even though his own vice president was running, because he said it would help him unify the party when the process was over. >> he looked like he was having fun to me. >> every time that he's done a little bit of this shtick, he did it at a fund raise ner austin. he did it in a few interviewers, he did it at rutgers. he genuinely seems to be enjoying himself. >> he's been dying to get out and say these things. and he is officially neutral, but i tell you, first of all, it is a lot more fun to get out there when you're not running. right? when you're the person who gets to make the case. >> absolutely. >> and also, you're making the case for your administration, by extension of supporting the democrats. but more than that, i can tell you, having spent a lot of time at the white house, the whole trump thing has just really
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gotten to them. and he has wanted to say exactly what you heard him say yesterday about donald trump without -- he hasn't used his name, but the idea that someone who he considers to be anti-intellectual, who doesn't know, as far as he's concerned, any of these issues, who is just shooting from the hip, goes against everything the studious, thoughtful guy stood for. >> here's a little bit more of what he had to say at rutgers this weekend. take a listen. >> when you hear someone longing for the good old days. take it with a grain of salt. in politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue. [ cheers and applause ] >> katy, what's striking to me is something chris mentioned. and david axelrod has made this point. it's a natural pendulum, a thermostat of the electorate. they look for people who are the dispositional opposite of the
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person that's been there for eight years. >> it's sort of like your ex-boyfriend. you want to find somebody completely different. >> and this is -- you cannot -- i mean, you have someone in the person of donald trump, and particularly the persona of donald trump, the person that he presents to the world, that is in every particular, every possible way, the opposite of barack obama. >> absolutely every way. i can't -- i struggle to even think of one similarity between the two men. there's just not any that are out there. but that is, in a lot of ways, as you were saying, exactly what a lot of folks out there want. i'm not sure how well donald trump is going to do with the liberals or the free thinkers out there, but when it comes to those who he's been appealing to so far, they're very much sick of this idea, they don't want somebody who will think about the issues. they don't want somebody who will weigh the pros and cons of isis. they like the idea of somebody who will come in and say, we're gonna bomb the hell out of them.
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we're going to fix it, it's going to be okay and then you're going to be happy. >> what i'm always reminded of when i watch the president talk about this, is just as a basic political fact of the head coom stretch of the last six months will look like, just to remember, this won't be 2000. i mean, this president is going to be making the -- in some ways, it will be a two on one match. >> she has been making his case. >> and the amount of embrace, sort of mutual embracing between these two figures, also the way she's made her case down the stretch to the primary, barack obama's going to be out there hammering this. >> and you'll have obama against him, you obviously r hillary clinton. trump's trying to draw a third person into that and that's bill clinton. so much of the rhetoric directed at hillary clinton is designed
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to bait bill clinton into getting into this. for two reasons, he sees liabilities there that he wants to bring into the campaign. but also, with trump, trying to make it look to people like every major political figure you know is against him. if you don't like the way politics works, there's the establishment, they're all against him. >> it was a huge brawl in baseball this weekend with the texas rangers and the toronto blue jays. >> what a hook there. >> heck of a punch. but brawls where it's like hold me back thing, i just imagine bill clinton somewhere with staff like literally like a baseball brawl, holding him while he's yelling at the television. he's got to do that for six months. >> and some point, somebody's going to get tired and he's going to break free. also today trump's strategy plans, saying, quote, getting nasty with hillary won't work. instead he wants to get people to question her character, bring
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up benghazi. short time ago clinton declined to engage. kasie hunt said she planned to, quote, draw a contrast. we don't have that sound right now. we will play that for you, but i assure you kasie hunt and hillary clinton had that exchange. there's a real question here, i thought that quote was interesting, because it showed a degree of self-awareness from trump about this, about, this could backfire. if you get nasty, it's not good, but that seemed to be forgotten like three seconds later. >> it seems to me, he's trying to justify the nastiness that he's already come out with, by saying it's not actually nasty. it's questioning, undermining her character. what i found so interesting, i was speaking with aides about this strategy last week, and i got the sense that they were trying, from my personal opinion in my dealings with his campaign, that they were trying to explain away or justify a line of attack that donald trump had already gone after.
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so hear donald trump now talk to the "new york times" and explain that it's a coherent strategy is interesting for two reasons. one, because we rarely see him telegraph attacks on what he's going to do. and number two, i've never heard him imitate or echo what is being said about the campaign behind the scenes. and that does show a level of cohesion that i have not seen before, which makes me wonder if he is starting to be more open to this idea of talking points. but whether those talking points originated with him, or his aides, is unclear. >> well, the other question is what's the alternative? in this sense. hillary clinton is stumping in kentucky about a new proposals that families shouldn't have to pay more than 10% of their income on childcare. this is like a new -- you know, there is no universe in which the message of the day from donald trump is going to be attacking the details of the subsidized childcare agenda.
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>> or his own subsidized childcare agenda. that's just not what the way he's built. he can start talking about strategy, maybe he even starts listening to people. but you don't change a basic personality of most people. and you don't change a personality of donald trump. he is always going to be the driver of this. >> absolutely. and i think you're totally right. the thing about donald trump and i've sensed some frustration, talked to people who are close to him, who say, there's so much policy out there, and yeah, we're going to gets to that, i think there is frustration behind the scenes they're not able to hammer her on more substantial things, more on benghazi, her positions when she was in the senate, or what she did as first lady. but instead they're getting these personal attacks. the reality is, donald trump is going to be donald trump. regardless of what you tell him, if he feels like it's something that's hitting, he's going to continue on with it. so far, all of the feedback he's been getting are from folks that
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like him, who say, yeah, go on, go farther, we agree with you. >> and there's this question about earned media, patting on the head, like you earned it by saying something outrageous. he dominated in the media in the primary and there's a school of thought that says earned media is the commodity, all attention is good, as long as they spell your name right. and there's another that says the guy has the highest unfavorables in history. and he's still going with the same strategy. to the extent there's a strategy, dominate a news cycle every day. >> and the point on the primary, so many people you hear, and i get it, while the media covers donald trump way too much. he's only in this position because of the media. and obviously he did and does dominate the media coverage, but there's a reason that no other kpd this cycle and no other candidate we can think of ever got the kind of media coverage that donald trump got in the
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primary season, it's because he went out there and said anything. he tested the perceived limits that we thought existed in politics, for where the boundary was. if you took a poll of all voters, republican, democrat, independent, that meant that dominican republic was racking up the worst numbers across the board of any nominee. it also meant, because it had never been tested before, that a large chunk of the republican party that resonated with and made him the nominee. the media, it wasn't fawning coverage, it was donald trump crossing what had been the boundaries in american politics over and over again and if a candidate said that, they'll get attention. and the reason he's the only one, because everyone else said, that's suicide. >> attention itself is such a rare commodity, between the tv and the phone, if you can monopolize it, even if it's
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negative, it's positive. and the campaign of anthony weiner, he dominated the attention. there's a great counterexample of someone who, during that race, dominated attention, but a, it wasn't on his terms, and b, it was negative attention and it negatively impacted him. >> you can't compare anthony weiner to donald trump. two vastly different humans beings and politicians. but donald trump is a charming person one-on-one that will do his best to get you to like him and often times succeeds. anthony weiner one-on-one does not have that same charm. he doesn't. i covered him in new york politics quite a bit. and you have to remember, donald trump is a new yorker. he's grown up in the new york media market. and any time they are talking about you, that is a win for donald trump. get them to pay attention to you, no matter what. >> and he has owned those parts of his personality -- >> exactly. hadn't backed down. >> here's reince priebus
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defending trump. >> i think all the stories that come out and they come out every couple weeks, people just don't care. people look at donald trump and say -- and hillary clinton and say, who is going to bring an earthquake to washington, d.c.? >> he followed that by saying the positive earthquake to washington, d.c. straight ahead, omarosa joins us, what she has to say about the report in "the new york times" today and about trump and his treatment of women. too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call.
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the times talking about unsettling workplace conduct from the presumptive republican nominee. one source told "the times" about when trump asked her to change in a swimsuit and marvelled openly at her figure. here's what she told my colleague peter alexander earlier this afternoon. >> i don't have a negative story to give about donald trump, because i don't have a negative, you know, account of anything. he was -- we had a great relationship. i just really felt like they misled me the entire time with that article and that it was a trap. >> "the times" was responded, saying miss brewer lane was quoted fairly, accurately and at length, the story provides context for the reader including that the swimsuit, et cetera.
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joining me now, omagh rosea, the groping of the employee under the table, which seems actionable, certainly civilly actionable, but also a very creepy thing to do. >> if these things had happened earlier in the race when donald was first coming out to be a candidate that these allegations would have been advanced before. we would have heard about them. believe me, this man has been scrutinized more than any man, i believe in the history of the republican nomination. but now we hear these stories and when you put them in these context, and we already know that they have been mischaracterized. >> that's just one. >> but i believe there will be
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more women who believe this was a story profiling donald trump, in fact, it was a classic hit piece. >> and the other incidents reported in the piece, you think they did not happen, you think it's just false? >> i can't speak to any of those women. they can tell their own story. i can only talk about my personal experience with donald, knowing him for 13 years, having worked for him on the apprentice and now working as has vice chair for natural diversity for the coalition for donald trump. i've never experienced him be anything other than a gentleman and it's important because that professional experience with him, that does contribute to it. there are thousands of women who will say they've had positive experience with donald trump. my personal experience with donald trump trump has always been positive. >> what do you think his agenda in this election around gender and women's issues, like policy wise, when you say i'm
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supporting donald trump, this is my vision for what i'd like the policy agenda of the next president of america to be, particularly for women, for working moms, for others, where do you fill in the blank there? >> the strength of his campaign is built on him improving the economy and creating job opportunities for women, but for all americans. so that's really going to be the basis for moving forward and addressing issues that women have had to combat for years. if you look at the trump organization, he employs so many incredibly talented, high level women in all areas of his empire. so to say that he holds women in disregard, it's just not true. when you look at this piece and the story talks about him hiring a woman as the construction head in the '80s, actually shows that donald trump is a trail blazer on women's issues and not someone who holds women in disregard, chris. >> there's also the woman who talks about donald trump keeping a picture of her from when she
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just had a child and she had more pounds on her, to remind her, not to get fat again, because he thought that was unsightly. there are also sorts of quotes he's given to howard stern in his interviews about how to treat women and how women are there to take care of the kids. this is not just manufactured out of thin air. >> one of the things that i learned working with the clinton white house, when someone is being accused or attacked for misbehavior, these people come out of nowhere, they come out of everywhere. i remember my time in the clinton white house. we would hear all the wild, crazy stories about the president and you would wonder what's true and what's not. so this isn't the first time i've heard accusations about a candidate. my first time was in the clinton administration, where people would accuse him and say things about him. so you have to know that voters have this fatigue of them trying to to be convinced that donald trump doesn't like women. obviously the primary voters, 11
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million of them, half of which were women, do not have a problem with donald trump and believe in the policy and vision he has for this country. >> do you think that donald trump opposes abortion? >> well, donald trump has made his position on abortion very clear. are you asking, has he changed? >> no, i'm just asking if you believe the position. >> if he believes what he says? >> yes. >> chris, you're gonna have to ask donald. i'm not sure about your question about abortion. i thought we were talking about "the new york times," but i want to throw out a question as abortion. let me be clear, donald trump has always acted as a gentleman going forward. i hope his opponents will focus on issues that are important to americans. >> and abortion truck struck me as an important issue in this campaign. >> absolutely, and women's rights and women's reproductive rights are incredibly important.
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so to tie this into this story that has already been credited, i think it's a little random, don't you think, chris? >> no, it seemed jermaine to me. thank you. >> thank you, chris. >> what she's pointing to is the sheer scale of interactions are such that you can a, these people on record, these thousand people had a good experience. but that's always true for every candidate moving through public life. the nature of being in the business, the nature of running for president is that when you do have negative experiences, people will then go on the record, like that's what happens. >> the thing about the article, what strikes me is how complicated a human being donald trump is. he has what are seen as negative interacts with women, negative stories that were outlined in that piece, but at the same time, he was promoting them at a
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time and during an era that most people were not promoting women into powerful positions. when i speak to voters out on the road, one of the things that i ask them, what about these negative qualities potentially, what about these comments, these past comments where he's saying that you can't be a 10 if you're flat-chested. and they laugh and rolled their eyes because they point out the good that he's done. well, he's been a great businessman. and look at his family, look at the women he's promoted. so the voter that likes donald trump is certainly able to process that and put aside the negatives they don't like. >> let's keep in mind, his unfavorables among women are around 70%. but we are seeing consolidation. but over the course of the populous, women have an unfavorable view. >> i can see if you're a conservative, why that story
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would drive you nuts. that was crossing the line with the headline. and the woman they led with, she said, no, he behaved as a gentleman. if you're a conservative and you look at this, you say this article was written with the conclusion ahead of time. >> the other thing i would say, people should just look at the public record. listen to what he says at howard stern time after time. >> but isn't that interesting? the point she was making there, it struck me when i got to the middle of the article, go back to the 1980s, the construction world in new york city. there's plenty of stuff on the record, i'm not saying it's all glowing for trump. but what was it in the 1980s that made donald trump put a woman in a position that no one else in the construction industry did. i think it's an interesting story. >> i think it's a matter of public record.
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if you want to call him a trailblazer in that regard. does it excuse the other things in the article, or does it excuse the things he's said on the public record that we all know? you don't get to be one and the other's okay, right? >> yeah, the guy ran a beauty pageant. steve, thank you very much. we'll see you at 5:00 p.m. on "mtp daily." >> he did? >> yes, he did. still will bill clinton have a role in a hillary clinton presidency? plus news today from the supreme court on obamacare. if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies.
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the headline i'd say supreme court ducks big issue, but signals support for possible compromise. you're right, it's somewhat bewildering. let's back up. when obamacare was created, it exempted houses of worship, churches, mosques, temples from having to provide contraceptive coverage for their employees. this case was about charities, colleges, seminaries, what about them? they said, we should be exempt too and what the government said, no, all you have to do, we recognize your special circumstances. all you have to do is fill out a form or a letter and tell us that you don't want to provide contraceptive coverage and we'll take it from there, but the group said, no, no, even that makes them complicit in a sin, facilitating birth control. so the supreme court ducked that question, whether this would burden their religious beliefs.
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instead the supreme court said, you know what, we've been talking back and forth with the sides. we asked them earlier to submit additional briefs and it looks like there's a way to work this out. the groups will simply tell their insurance company, we don't want contraceptive coverage in it. doesn't tell the government anything. then the insurance company would take it from there and make sure the employees get the coverage with no charge to them. no fines and that would be it. the court didn't impose that compromise because it was tied 4-4, quite clearly. but what they did say, for the people who did sue her, the mere fact that they sued should be good enough notice they object to the contraceptive coverage and the government can take it from there. it sent it back to the lower court to decide these fundamental questions. one of the questions left hanging, okay, if these groups opt out, where does the contraceptive coverage come from? can it be slipped into their
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plan, or does that still make them complicit? does it have to be something separate? to be determined. >> thank you. that was extremely lucid on a complicated ruling. >> reporter: thank you. tell all your friends. [ laughter ] >> joining us, the co-author of the "new york times" -- the -- this really was a fascinating test case. you have a very sympathetic plaintiff, little stoisters of e poor. what, are you gonna rule against little sisters of the poor? and secondly, the administration felt like they made accommodations. if you're an organization like this, you had to sign a fill of paper. and they argued that filling out that form violated their conscience. no real clear finding on that
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issue today from the court. >> and i want to be clear, the little sisters of the poor, it's not the order of nuns. it's a series of non-profits that they run, that employee people of all faiths. if you're going to employee people of all faith, like notre dame, then we want those women to get the same coverage. so it's just as simple as the cases of the churches who were opted out completely. and also hobby lobby, the private corporations are waiting in the wings, so we're talking about contraceptive coverage for thousands of women. the court said it couldn't come to a conclusion, but it suggested somehow, someday, a lower court will resolve this. >> and i'm skeptical about that. i remember covering this on the front end when this was being put together. >> 2012. >> exactly. this was a huge right then. one of the ways that the two trains sort of going towards
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each other on a collision course. the insurers came forward and said, we'll cover it. because it pays for itself because of the amount of unintended pregnancies it prevents. so net-net, we can cover the cost and everyone was like, we resolved it. >> except now it's not about filling out a form. the plaintiffs say they don't want their insurance plan hijacked, that it's an extension of their religious beliefs. how do you reconcile with the fact that women have a legitimate interest in access to contraceptives. i'm not sure there's a solution that will satisfy both sides. >> and what looms over all this is justice scalia's death. merrick garland who is sitting there without a hearing, an unprecedented show of
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obstruction in the senate so far. are we going to get a lot more of these? this looked like a waving of a white flag. >> president obama has said he believes that if there were eight instead of seven justices, they might not have punted. that's how he put this. and he is somebody, as a former constitutional law professor, takes these issues in a very serious, constitutional manner. he doesn't get what's happened here and it's also worth remembering going back to 2012, for a segment of the population, this is an actionable voting issue. i don't know what katy's experience. i think i've been on the campaign trail almost a year now. it's surprising to me, the number of voters who talk about the supreme court, obviously particularly since scalia. >> on the right or the left? >> both. if you go to an event, you're motivated to some extent. motivates them to go out? maybe in the case of donald
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trump, they wanted to see a show, but i will tell you on both the republican and the democratic side, i have been surprised at the number of people for whom the supreme court looms large. >> and the fact of the matter is, the nature of the 4-4 tie and decisions like this, kicking the can down the road, heightening the stakes for an election, and now it's on the ballot in a way that i can't remember in recent history. >> i think this is precisely why republicans won't confirm a new justice. they're better off just waiting it out, that they might get a justice that will decide cases in the way they want. >> thank you all. coming up, will bill clinton have a role in a possible hillary clinton white house? first, hillary clinton imitating what debating donald trump will be like if she's the nominee this fall. >> so let's suppose here's the question. so what is your plan to create
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because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. talking to everybody else, for you to come over here and you can tell me what you're saying and we can talk and we can hear what's on your mind. but i'll tell you what the truth is, and you know, it's time people stop listening to republican propaganda about the economy, education, and health care. >> that's hillary clinton responding to a protester in the crowd moments ago in kentucky. . meanwhile, the largest super pac supporting hillary clinton, priorities usa, will start airing a $6 million ad campaign attacking donald trump in ohio,
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nevada, florida, and virginia. let's get to kasie hunt who is covering the clinton campaign from bowling green, kentucky. they seem to remain laser focused on trump on the stump. >> they are laser focused, chris. her speech here in bowling green and also continuing on to hopkinsville and other stops across the state, very much focused on trump and varying indiscretions as they described them. his tax returns chief among them. also foreign policy. she's talked about isis and his muslim ban being a risk to national security. but i will say the one thing that they're not talking very much about is "the new york times" story that we've been discussing about donald trump's conduct in his business dealings and personal life, with women. i tried to catch hillary clinton on the rope line to ask her about that. take a look. >> i wanted to ask you, do you think donald trump has treated women well in the course of his
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life and business dealings? >> i'm gonna talk about what i want to do as president. and we're going to draw the contrast. >> reporter: i'm gonna draw the contrast. so that tells you that they are thinking about how to negatively go after donald trump on these issues. however, i've been talking to clinton aides who say they're drawing a careful line in the sand about personal issues. and that, of course, is related very much to her own struggles. you saw donald trump and hillary clinton get into it over bill clinton and the '90s and the scandals that went on there earlier in the primary campaign, but they've steered carefully clear of it so far, instead focusing on policy differences, things like tax returns and other issues you've heard her talk about. chris? >> kasie hunt, thank you very much. let me bring in host of the majority report podcast, captain repel. and senior insiders.
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it's so funny there's a level at which the answer i'm going to talk about what i want to do as president seems like it's from another universe. but he's dividessed you, you neo dis him back. >> trump would take the bait. he cannot help himself from responding to any sort of personal attack. >> i think of all the bait to take, like this is not -- hillary clinton should not be talking about what -- they need to avoid getting sucked into pursue -- they cannot run that campaign like a cable news show, talk about whatever's driving the news cycle that day. >> and ultimately if trump keeps pulling it into that arena, that in and of itself becomes a contrast they think the clinton campaign probably would like. just the idea of, one person's got to be president here, and
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which one do you want? trump's tactics worked in the republican race. i don't think that necessarily translates to the broader population. >> but if you talk to people in the wider clinton orbit, you do hear concern that there's baggage and scandals of the '90s and trump is going to make that argument himself. >> maybe i'm wrong, but i don't think it's a smart play, politically. like i just don't think that's -- look, hillary clinton has seen her favorability abla numbers diminish over the course of the last year. that's genuinely and legitimately worrying if you're running hillary clinton's campaign, or you want her to be elected president. none of that has to do with anyone relitigating the '90s. >> but i think from her perspective and why the pass on this, there's such a smargas board in front of you of things to criticize donald trump about. you don't have to pick all of the ones that are workable
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criticisms to you. you want to pick the safest one and the most appealing ones to the electorate. she's just been saying she'll put her husband in charge of reviving the economy. it's clear from hillary clinton's career, she's not super bothered by men in positions of power who maybe don't treat women very well at work. i don't think this is the great line for her. >> you mean the president of the united states. >> yeah, i mean the president of the united states. >> what do you think of her saying she'll put bill clinton in charge of making sure incomes rise? >> given the numbers from the 90s, productivity, wage growth, unemployment, how much of that you can attribute to the policies of any given president, it's very much overstated. but it plays into the popular -- >> clearly it's a play for moderate general election voters. the democratic primary electorate is far to the left of
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bill clinton on the economy. he deregulated wall street. you could say that saying that is hillary clinton's way of saying the primary is over. >> i also wonder how much -- there's an inherent tension in this race between the continue the obama trajectory and the bring back the '90s. they both have to do with the way macro economic performance works and whether riwages are rising or stagnating. the clinton campaign was more on bring back the '90s and veered more into the obama trajectory. interesting to see how much they maintain that in the general. >> i find it hard to believe that there are people interested in the idea of bill clinton's economy right now, in terms of where the discussion is. >> if she could wave the magic wand and bring that back, i think people would do that. >> i think when you talk about
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the '90s, it's all been in about deregulating the banks and leading us to 2008. >> there are other reasons -- >> among the left -- [ all speak at once ] >> i think that's true and the fact is, the primary still existing, there's an argument that you need to bring the base out in a strong way in terms of the general. but i also think it was probably a defensive move. on some level, we're going to talk about bill clinton on this playing field, instead of that playing field. >> right, right. >> she wanted to be the first to do that and it's probably smart in terms of the news cycle. >> i thought that clip about stop listening to the republican propaganda about how terrible the economy is. we're not just hearing messages from the right about how bad the economy is. one of the problems with running continuing the obama legacy, that's been attacked from both the right and the left. now she's hoping that can be a consolidated message for the left. >> and i think barack obama said it, and i may be misquoting
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this, but basically he said america's as great as it has ever been. he said that at rutgers. >> he's said that several times. >> and one of the writers that i follow, someone ask bernie sanders this question. up next, could there be a third-party candidate? john kasich just responded to that. we'll bring you that answer next. those hot dogs look good. oh yeah, hebrew national. they're all-beef like yours but they're also kosher. is that a big deal? i think so. because not jus any beef goes into it. only certain cuts of kosher beef. i guess they're pretty choosy. oh, honey! here, have some of ours. oh! when your hot dog's koer, that's a hot dog you can trust. hebrew national i like the bride more than the groom.
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candidate? john kasich rules it out, telling cnn he thinks a third-party run would be silly and not the right thing to do. back to the panel here, i've seen a lot of talk about the possibility of a third-party run, and i remain skeptical because bill crist willystal is person advancing it. >> skeptical about what? >> that it comes together. bill crystal saying something that is going to happen, you can usually make a lot of money betting the opposite way. this is a great idea, no, you should run, you should run. >> what's the up side? >> i think a third-party candidate knows they're not going to win. i think the best possible scenario for republicans is that hillary wins and there's an asterisk attached to her. >> well, they tried to do that, ross perot in 1992. here's the problem with the republican party, that person then becomes the -- if hillary
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were to win in a contested race, that person who runs the third-party becomes -- >> spoiler. >> and the person who is blamed forever. >> the only type of person who would do something like that, would be a donald trump figure. >> right. great point. >> someone who wants no future in the party. gary johnson's in the race. libertari libertarian party is on the ticket. gonna get much? no. maybe three or four points. and green party as well. >> they should vote ralph nader. >> one of the people behind the effort is mike murphy who took $100 million of jeb bush's super pac money and little it on fire and now he's saying i want to be the strategist for this effort. >> that is a tough sales pitch. >> you didn't get it the first
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time around. >> why didn't bill crystal run himself? >> i would enjoy that as a person covering the campaign. >> bill crystal, if you're watching us right now at 4:53 on this monday, you should run, we all want you to run. >> isn't it true you can't get on the ballots in a lot of the states -- >> well. [ all speak at once ] >> the big thing would have to be, you're doing it as a symbolic kind of exercise. we'll be back with final thoughts and "snl" taking on 2016 after this. ive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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>> ted cruz? >> a hard no. >> paul ryan? >> he said not right now, but he will see you in hell. >> lindsey graham? >> he said he would love to, but then he laughed so hard that i had to walk away. >> "saturday night live" weighing in on donald trump's potential vice presidential pick. the best thing about the vice presidential speculation, i hope it goes forever. i ho secondly, i want ben carson to keep putting chum in the water for all of us to speculate about, because he mentioned sarah palin. i was like, thank you, i don't care if this is realistic or not, i just love having time to imagine sarah palin on the ticket. >> i would choose john miller. [ laughter ] but i also think, i'm not gonna pick one. >> it's just me. >> i don't need anybody else. >> or he could go with barron. >> i think he's going to pick
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chris christie. i think donald trump loves a suck up and i think he loves that chris christie was the first out of the gate. >> that's my bet as well. that does it for us. thank you, panel. i'll be back here tonight at 8:00 p.m. for "all in." "mtp daily" with mark cuban, he's not hosting, he'll be a guest, starts right now. if it's monday, the wait is over for hearing how donald trump and hillary clinton will tear each other down from now until november. but is there still room and time for a third person to jump into the fight? mark cuban's name is floating out there and tonight he's here. this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. ♪ and good
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