tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 18, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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structure. >> no regrets. donald trump makes up with megyn telly, sort of. >> well, there was a re-tweet. yeah, did i say that? >> many times. >> ooh. okay. excuse me. >> and history lesson, the presumptive nominee makes a pilgrimage to see henry kissinger a day after trump broke with u.s. policy and said, sure, a president trump would sit down with north korea's kim jong-un. >> i would speak to him. i would have no problem speaking to him. at the same time i would put a lot of pressure on china. we have a lot of power over china. people don't realize that. and good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. donald trump publicly snubbed by the last two republican presidents is courting some of the most prominent public policy advisers. today huddling with former nixon
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and ford secretary of state dr. henry kissinger, the biggest name in the foreign policy establishment joining me now is nbc's hallie jackson and katy tur both outside trump tower. news from the trump campaign? >> reporter: absolutely, andrea. i've confirmed with the campaign the vp hopefuls will have to submit their tax returns as part of vetting for their potential, their political, financial and tra strategic vetting. donald trump still has not released his tax returns. they maintain trump will not release his own tax returns until after the audit is finished, although it is interesting considering that they will be requiring the vice presidential picks to submit theirs regardless. also, when it comes to how they're going to choose a potential vp pick, there is a framework in place, but there won't be what they're calling a litmus test on individual issues, issues like abortion.
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instead, they'll take the totality of the candidate's beliefs, the positions, platforms, and weigh it against each other and hopefully find a way, or a potential person, that fits into donald trump's platform himself. >> very interesting information there. of course there's no legal requirement according to all accountants and the irs that he not release his own tax returns while the audits progress. in any case there you are outside trump tower. what about this kissinger meeting? what do we know and what do they ex inspect from the meeting, hallie? >> reporter: the kissinger meeting, andrea, is happening after 2:00 today is what i'm told, and it was called for by donald trump, although they were telling me that kissinger was happy to meet with him, that he did want to meet with him, this is part of the normal political process or the normal process for trump to start absorbing information, learning about foreign policy and when it comes to kissinger perhaps having a
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different view than his, a more interventionist view than donald trump, i asked the campaign this and they said that's not the case. donald trump's view is a realist view, something more in line with what they call a reaganism or george h.w. bush's, and they believe that nixonism, kissinger would be a part of, is more in line with that than, say, the latter or the more recent george w. bush or obama. so they don't see this as any sort of contradiction in his beliefs. they believe this is just a process instead of donald trump trying to learn the ropes, if you will, of foreign policy and learning the ropes of being the nominee for the republican party. >> and, hallie, dr. kissinger has said he will meet with any of the nominees. he has a very warm relationship with one of his successors as secretary of state, none other than hillary clinton, but what else are you reporting on today? >> reporter: a lot of threads to follow when it comes to the
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political stories today, andrea, not just that meeting between donald trump and henry kissinger which follows that one with james baker, as you know, a discussion about political strategy. but we're also looking at, for example, new comments from mitt romney. he is now a source close to romney now says that he is not now actively recruiting a third party or independent party candidate. as you know, he had reached out to ben sass of nebraska, to john kasich, for example, of ohio to see if there would be interest according to sources familiar with the information. he will tamp down the speculation. a source familiar with the recruiting process tells me that they questioned why this was being litigated so publicly, that this hurt any kind of an independent bid. and one more piece of news for you in the last couple of minutes, a trump source confirming to me that the rnc fund-raising team will be made up of some very familiar names in the establishment, people like wash return, ron wiser will
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be chairing the fundrai-raising effort for the rnc, folks who have been around in the establishment, people who now today, this morning, are working to ramp up these fund-raising efforts, essentially starting from scratch as one source phrased to me a couple minutes ago, this is sort of like starting and having this 90-day clock to ramp things up, to begin the process of what may be an uphill climb for them. and they acknowledge it. andrea? >> thank you so much, both of you, katy and hallie outside trump tower. joining me now "washington post" editorial columnist, former speech write ter to george w. bush, and michael steele, msnbc's political analyst and former republican national committee chairman. first to you, michael steel, about the money piece of it. i know some of these gentlemen and these are the big -- >> they're big names. >> but this is a really late start. he needs a billion dollars. >> it is a late start.
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there's no doubt about it. i think we're in uncharted territory where we've had a candidate self-finance for the majority of the process to this point and now all of a sudden having to turn to the party and say, okay, now you come in the door with me. so it'll be a little bit of a slow ramp-up but they'll ramp it up. a lot of these gentlemen are expert at this. i think there's a lot -- there's been some time lost with the dump trump, stop trump kcrazines as opposed to rallying behind the punitive nominee and getting the thing going. they will. i think trump will bring a lot to bear and now that the rnc is onboard and guys like berman and others are onboard, this will move quickly. it's a tall order to get a billion dollars. but i don't think this is going to be that much more to do. >> i don't think he has to worry about, you know, hurting his brand with supporters. >> he's not.
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>> those people don't care about the fact he's now taking money from the big fat cats. >> that's right. >> that said, it is a tall order. on the substance of the higher education, the graduate school of dr. kissing er and jim baker and others, let me give you what was handed to us from the clinton campaign this is from jake sullivan who is foreign policy adviser, former state department official, former vice president biden official from the nse as well. let me get this straight. he's now, of course, with the clinton campaign. donald trump insults the leader of our closest ally, david cameron, then says he'd love to talk to kim jong-un. i also praised him for executing his uncle and seems to have a bizarre fascination with foreign strong men like putin and kim. his approach makes no sense for the rest of us nor does his
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start to up-end the major international agreement or to rip up a financial reform bill created to protect our economy from another meltdown. is this an unusual statement? this new foreign policy agenda and i've been told they are planning a major foreign policy speech from hillary clinton to show the contrast against trump in the next couple of weeks, maybe after she goes over the top. that remains to be seen. >> the foreign policy people in the republican party are the most skeptical of any in the republican coalition right now. and most amenable to hillary clinton's foreign policy perspective. >> i think they see an advantage here. so far he has shown stunning where he wants to renegotiate our security agreements with japan and korea at the same time he perceives a trade war with
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china, at the same time he encourages nuclearization is absurd. he will have to restart his foreign policy message. >> it was striking in the immediate aftermath of his speech on foreign policy he was praised and talked to bob corker, but if you look -- >> shocking. >> the polling data from tennessee. >> politics. >> he is a great study on all of these issues. he's really very knowledgeable. >> and understands economic issues and banking. >> it illustrates some republicans are going to want to be on the inside to guide things. i think corker is in that category but i think there will be others who can't buy into it. >> i was told baker is open to advising as he would any
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republican nominee. >> i think there are a lot more, to your point, who are trying to kind of get inside that room to sort of put those guide posts up, and i think you're right. there will be some back tracking on some of this foreign policy. pushed out by the donald trump himself and the campaign. but i also see some of this -- i look at it through the same prism i did with the nato comments. that he sort of toss this had grenade into the middle of the room on nato. everyone scattered and went hair on fire crazy. and then there was some reasoned thought around the idea how does nato address the age of isis? are they anachronistic? the idea of starting some of these conversations i see donald trump trying to do some of that. some of it's ill-advised. some is over the skis. i think to your point that the idea of getting folks in the room who can then help shape that foreign policy whether it's
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a kissinger or a baker i think is smart on his part. he does need to listen to them to help frame out what he's thinking. everyone i've talked to inside who knows him says he has thought through a lot of his stuff. he does have ideas about these things. it's just his expression is a little bit out there. >> i do think also that what we're seeing the kissinger meeting, the baker meeting, the bringing in of the pollster, all of this, is a reflection of paul manafort is the king of the hill, in charge of this campaign for whatever reason you might think about other members of the circle these are his allies, his longtime associates. >> he has based his message on the resentment of others, on the immigrants, on the chinese, of the mexicans. these were the targets that brought him this far. i don't know how he abandoned
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the central elements of his appeal which have the foreign policy implications. >> so much happening. it's great to have you here. and coming up, scorched earth. sanders and his supporters now in full revolt? at what cost to the democratic party? you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. owen! hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too.
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there are a lot of people out there, many of the pundits and politicians they say bernie sanders should drop out. let me be as clear as i can be. i agree with you. we are in to until the last ballot is cast. it will be a steep climb. i recognize that. but we have the possibility of going to philadelphia with a majority of the pledge
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delegates. we are going to continue to fight for every last vote until june 14th and then we're going to take our fight into the convention. >> bernie sanders signaling a major showdown is brewing for the democratic national convention in philadelphia. after the chaos this weekend, the big story now is sanders' defiant stance against the democratic party threatening party unity. kristen welker has been covering the clinton campaign. they're not saying so publicly but the democrats, the clinton democrats there at headquarters, are really not happy. >> reporter: they're not. publicly what you're hearing is that ultimately they think the party will be unified at the convention which is now about two months away, andrea, but privately you can hear it in their conversations. remember back after secretary clinton decisively won new york
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communications director called for senator sanders to stale back his heated attack against secretary clinton, and what we have seen since then is really only an escalation in some ways. we heard that certainly last night. so they are saying that it ultimately is up to him to take the first step toward unifying this party and, andrea, once california weighs in, if she still has a nearly insurmountable delegate lead, it could be tough for senator sanders to keep making this case that he's making. this could be a very different conversation but, again, the clinton campaign looking to senator sanders to do what they say clinton did which was to help unify the party. andrea? >> thank you, chrkristen welker from clinton headquarters for the clinton campaign. joining me now from capitol hill, congressman javier nassarra who is a strong supporter of hillary clinton. thank you very much. even we're told on a list to be
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vetted to be her running mate. congressman, is that the case? >> right now i think senator clinton is focused on winning every state that's coming up including my state of california and many of us are focused on making sure she wins. i don't think she'll be stopped. once she becomes president, we have work to do. this congress has kept a lid on a lot of very good ideas and president clinton will have a congress and i hope to be in that congress working on her behalf to make things happen. >> and the message that we heard from bernie sanders last night that was hardly a message of someone who is dialing back the rhetoric against the party and against hillary clinton even though the math just isn't in his favor right now. >> senator sanders has run a really vigorous campaign. no one will deny that and senator sanders has done so much to gain support throughout the
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country which is a tribute to his efforts. i applaud him for that. secretary clinton is on her way to the nomination. she's moving in that direction. she's not going to stop. i hope as we continue to campaign we do what we must, people will have a sense who have will be our nominee. at the end of the day, come november, secretary clinton will become president clinton. >> she has an insurmountable lead. at this point what should bernie sanders be doing? should he be as aggressive as he is or should he dial it back? >> it's okay to be aggressive. we don't want to mimic what the republicans did with their aggressiveness tackling each other. so long as senator sanders is
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doing what he started off doing, talking about the issues, there's nothing wrong with being aggressive, with having supporters -- >> what we saw had a lot to do with the issues but it was also about the party. he was going after the leadership, going after the people in charge of the convention. it was a very different kind of speech, wasn't it? >> i've never seen a campaign where it doesn't get rough around the edges. what counts is we understand our goal. we need to make sure we have a president and a congress that will get things done. we can't afford to have a congress that's asleep at the wheel anymore. >> congressman, with all due respect, he's saying the system is rigged. you're a part that have system if you're a part of the clinton campaign. >> there's where i would d disagree completely. bernie sanders, like me, like secretary clinton, knew the rules of the game before he decided to run for office as a democrat. and so unless he's going to say that someone changed the rules
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midstream, he understood the rules. if you don't like the rules, go to the referee. the referee makes the call, you're done. i have no problems with an aggressive campaign. but play by the rules. and so long as everyone plays by the rules, let's be as active because democracy doesn't want us to be quiet and be couch potatoes. i love the fact bernie sanders is animating a lot of people who otherwise might not have voted to get out. we just have to make sure we keep that excitement going until november with secretary clinton as our nominee. >> thanks so much, congressman becerra. and coming up shortly, senator jeff merkley. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports."
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let me reiterate again the democratic party is neutral. that having been said, the reports i heard from this weekend's nevada democratic convention were seriously disturbing. >> democratic national committee chair debbie wasserman schultz responding to the chaos at this weekend's democratic state convention in las vegas. angry bernie sanders supporters protested against the state party chair's rulings they claim tilted toward hillary clinton. joining me now is jeff merkley, the only sitting senator to endorse bernie sanders and oregon went to sanders. she had a squeaker in kentucky. he won oregon. thank you for being with us today. >> it was quite an amazing win because the only public poll was
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hi hillary clinton would win by 13%. bernie won by almost 10%. and so it was quite a dramatic turnaround from what the one public poll predicted. >> what do you say to debbie wasserman schultz about her concerns of nevada and becerra who says he's running as a democrat and those are the rules and once the umpire has ruled you have to abide by that? >> certainly the situation is one where the comments made by folks there, the phone messages left, the antagonism, that was out of place. he was quit to condemn it. and we all feel that way. this was an anomaly in a long journey and certainly didn't see any of that in oregon or
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kentucky and that is because bernie sanders' campaign is a campaign about the big challenges we face. when he spoke in oregon at a rally, even the animal kingdom is recognizing the strength of his ideas and it's not about creating a ruckus. it's about reforming a system where the economy is failing nine out of ten americans and certainly the role of campaign to take on this big issue of global warming. we've got to take them on aggressively. >> now when you look at the math, the math shows that she has an overall lead of pledge delegates of 274.
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she only has to win 10% of the remaining delegates at stake. he has to win 0%, isn't it time to even if he's surely going to continue through california and i hope through the district of columbia because people here like to vote, too, but isn't it time to dial back the rhetoric? >> it's not time to dial back the big challenges, the urgency of taking them on. we have now the last four decades essentially a hundred percent of the new income has gone to the top 10% which means nine out of ten americans have been losing out. they know the economy is rigged and the political system is rigged. it's important for folks in oregon last night and certainly in the dakotas, new jersey and new mexico to be able to weigh in, express their frustration and by that i mean vote. vote. weigh in at the ballot place. that's the way it's done. carry that message forward.
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have a set of policies that really do tackle these big issues and just aren't about small little adjustments. college, a financial gauntlet in america, and why do the young in oregon, the one poll in oregon, three out of four folks under 45 weighed in for bernie even though he was losing in the overall poll. it shows a message we're really off track. >> senator, no question about that. no one is arguing he should pull out or withdraw. the question is what he was saying last night was not just through june 14, on to philadelphia and he was really vowing a big battle saying the system is rigged and, you know, really challenging the democratic party. do you think that is helpful given what you all as defensemo face against the presumptive nominee, donald trump? >> i personally believe that
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after everyone has weighed in. the candidate who has the majority of the vote, the majority of the pledge delegates, we're going to bring the two sides together and that's when we'll be shoulder to shoulder. i'm sure there will be some discussion. personally in my town halls, people come in and they say what's this whole super delegate thing? don't you have enough influence because of the office you hold? i think they're right for the next campaign. they don't fit well with the sense we should be we the people and restore the vision. so we'll have those arguments but they'll be in the context of making our party better and united going into the election. >> senator, donald trump tweeted
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today bernie sanders is being treated badly by the democrats. the system is rigged against him. isn't bernie sanders and the rhetoric and anger engendered, you heard his fans, supporters booing the dnc, isn't that going to help donald trump? >> this is a trump fantasy. bernie sanders enter this had campaign having no intention of this being a repeat of what happened with ralph nader, that the election was handed to bush and so many deeply destructive decisions. bernie sanders has been very clear. he has said his priority is to ensure donald trump never enters the white house as president of the united states of america. >> will you help persuade him of
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that if some mediation is needed? >> i'm not sure i'm going to need to persuade him of it. i hope to help build a bridge because the bridge is so important. it is very important for the dnc to make sure the convention is rub in a fair manner. that proposals are considered. that is the way to bring sides together, make both sides feel respected and honored, realize both camps have brought an enormous amount of energy through this dialogue. we have to capture that energy, that grassroots energy to take it into this election. anything else would be a deshl terrible travesty. >> a good bargain or a bad deal? you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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the clinton and sanders camps appear to be even further apart today. joining me now msnbc contributor, founder of "the washington post" fix blog, jeremy peterers, and susan paige, bureau chief of "usa today." susan, you've seen these two camps going at each other. we thought bernie sanders would dial it down but he's really been dialing it up. >> it's not clear what's going to happen. >> they're trying to decide if one or the other wants to jump off it. the clinton campaign wants a peaceful convention. what would make bernie sanders
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feel his campaign had gotten what it deserved after his amazing showing in some of these states. >> jeremy peters, what i'm hearing from people is they understand that he has to play this out, but that they feel that if he's going to play inside the democratic party, he should understand what the rules are, at least that's the pushback from some of his colleagues. >> that's right. this is not someone who has been a democrat for very long. while i think there is a certain amount of tolerance and even some goodwill toward bernie in this democratic conference, their patience is running thin. i don't think he'll be able to continue with this aggressive hard line stance, this unapologetic stance without alienating more colleagues. >> chris, bill clinton described himself to our reporter in
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puerto rico as the hired help. he's not going to be a cabinet member. that would be illegal. he's going to be an sizor. those of us who have watched him over the years, most in the campaign think it's a net plus. it's always awkward to have a spouse to gets engaged as it was with hillary clinton and al gore over health care, wasn't it? >> in some ways, andrea, it remind people of the things they don't like about the clintons, the two for one argument is powerful in some circles but bill clinton did not have a tremendously prominent role. she was stepping into her own. this was about a first hillary clinton term. i still think they're right he's a net plus. i think most of the negatives are people who will never be for her anyway to the extent he can
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round her out personality wise in terms of who she really is, that's always the thing she has struggled to communicate. i think he helps her. >> hillary clinton the financial disclosures, she knew she was going to run. she made speeches $200,000 plus only weeks before she was announcing. i still wonder the judgment of that. bill clinton was making speeches, $4 million plus. >> the two toughest issues she's had to deal with which would be the speeches she gave on wall street and her use of e-mail server, she made herself. she knew she was either going to run for president or might run for president so why did she take these actions that are
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guaranteed to reinforce the questions of her behavior, her judgment? i don't understand it. >> in the last 24 hours, of course, the donald trump financial disclosure. jeremy, a much more complicated financial disclosure, a lot more holdings than the clintons. >> right, it's huge, andrea. >> huge. >> i think the bigger question is his income tax returns, 100%. so what i wonder is whether or not trump is able to continue to be successful in his diversionary tactics. he's this master of misdirection where if people start harping on something that he's done that's rather controversial, he changes the subject. we as the media always follow him. so he's very deft at keeps ahead
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of the news cycle. does that drumbeat on his tax returns become so loud that it becomes unavladable? i know the democrats are working to make that happen. >> the head of national intelligence disclosing today that there have been some attempts to hack -- it's not clear at all whether it succeeded against the websites of soem of the candidates. >> that's right. this will go more broadly. i believe we know her -- hillary clinton's e-mails have never been attempted to be hacked but it will go to this question that susan raised, the speeches, why did she continue to give them? i have no idea, and the decision that was hers to set up a private e-mail server that no one else had exclusively done before. that she will have to own in a general election. >> thank you all.
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and coming up, disqualified. could russia's olympic team be banned for an alleged sponsored doping scandal. bob costas is joining me next. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. it's time for the "your business" entrepreneurs of the week. talk space are reimagining mental health care connecting therapists with patients who communicate via texts. the company is growing quickly. for more watch "your business" at 7:30 on msnbc. our cosmetics line was a hit. the orders were rushing in. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding fast. building 18 homes in 4 ½ months? that was a leap. but i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. amex helped me buy the inventory i needed.
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most common side-affect is nausea. i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. russia's olympic program is now under fire over alleged systemic doping. even raising the possibility that the russian athletes could be disqualified from participating in russia. seen here with vladimir putin apologized for the scandal only days after reportedly calling it absurd. msnbc news has confirmed the justice department is investigating claims of wrongdoing while there is a full investigation. their president saying in a statement today should there be evidence of a system contaminating other sports, they would have to make the difficult
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decision between individual justice. nbc sports bob costas will lead the prime time coverage of the summer games if rio and joins me now by phone. bob, where do we stand here? are they, do you think, going to be able to get to the bottom of this and what does it mean for the russian athletes? >> you have the world anti-doping agency involved, federal prosecutors in the united states are involved, the ioc is retesting -- they freeze samples and as testing methods improve, they retest them, retesting from 2008 in beijing and 2012 in london. you have all that going on and the iaaf which controls track and field and has already banned russian track and field from international competition over the last couple of years and will decide next month whether to extend that ban into the rio olympics. they're closing in on the systemic doping which, let's not
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be naive, appears almost certainly to have occurred, they're closing in from all directions and the russian defense now is that we condemn individual athletes, rogue athletes but we, as a nation, would never countenance any such thing. >> how do they get to the bottom of this? is it reasonable to think they would actual ly eliminate all te russian athletes because of the path proof if it does prove to be the case? >> well, the reason why that might not happen is that the international olympic committee is cozy with russia. the olympics were held in sochi. we rolled our eyes over that and thought corruption was involved at various levels. it would be a huge step, a bold and core urageous step if they it.
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if this is true, it's an exact quote, an unimaginable level of criminality. the only thing where i would differ is it may be unprecedented but not unnajable. vladimir putin is a sports guy, an old kgb guy with a cold war view and part of russia's view of itself back in the soviet days was sports success was a big part of the nation's self-im self-image. it's entirely plausible in an olympics they hosted in sochi and their own former head, former head of their anti-doping agency, but he was running it in 2014 in sochi said not only did they have a state-run operation for doping the athletes but a so sophisticated clandestine operation they would switch out
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dirty urine samples and replace them with clean samples so cheating athletes, russian athletes, could get away tells us this was not just individual athletes looking to get an edge as athletes do around the world including some u.s. athletes. this was more like the old soviet union or east german approach to international reports. >> indeed. the point you make is so clear because diplomats tell me that they can trace murders back to vladimir putin, on the streets of london, so why would we think they would not be switching out urine? >> that would be a misdemeanor based on that. >> that analogy. >> yep. >> bob costas, the one and only, thank you so much. >> thank you, andrea. take care. bye. >> you, too. developing news from nigeria today, a rescue.
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the nigerian military which has been wrong in the past in similar claims so we're checking into this it but there are inconsistenci inconsistencies about the girl's name. she was alleged to have been found with a baby. the kidnapping by the terror group sparked an international outcry. that included first lady michelle obama, the u.s. and other countries sent military assistance to find the girls without success. most of them have never been found. ce but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we'll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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the tsa and the airlines are scrambling today trying to deal with the chaos at airport security lines around the country, as a result of cutbacks and screeners just as the heavy travel season is getting under way. at o'hare in chicago sunday, hundreds of people were stranded in long lines, missing flights. homeland security secretary has called on the airlines to suspend checked baggage fees for
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the summer to move things along. the airlines say the it tsa should fix its own problems. at chicago's o'hare, tom, is there any fix for the stalemate? >> reporter: big improvement today, andrea. this is terminal three. yesterday we saw lines of an hour, hour and a half, even longer sunday and monday. today 20 minutes or so. these people will be through relatively quickly. take a look if you can shoot over the top all of these guys with now open whereas before we had a situation where some were closed. now all of the gates are open. the tsa right now, thank you very much, our great photographer, steve, is going way up. a couple days ago these checkpoints were closed. they didn't have enough staff. it's a slow wednesday. the tsa has put a push on here
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to get more screeners in place, adding k- teams because if they can run a dog and clear everybody and say we're confident these people don't have explosives on them based on the dog, they will move through a much more rapid screen process. this is not a quick fix. it's not a short-term, easy fix. the secretary of homeland security really in a very major announcement says he wants to encourage the airlines to drop their luggage fees, fewer people bringing carry-ons and choking the checkpoints, the thinking is that might speed things along. the initial response is, no way. you have your problem, you fix it. keep in mind it's a very big revenue stream for the airlines. we head into yet another
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weekend, they're trying to staff checkpoints, they can't staff up fast enough and the airlines just announced today they're expecting record numbers of passengers this summer, 2.5 million people every single day. back to you. >> tom koss it tell low all over it. thanks to tom and to steve and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember, follow the show online, on facebook and twitter @mitchellreports. craig melvin is up next here on msnbc. i can dr lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. i've been a forensic artist for over 30 years. i do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. you need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does. i do this because i want my artwork to help people.
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good wednesday, everyone. i'm craig melvin. happening now on "msnbc live." two big stories on both sides of the 2016 race. donald trump will hold that f e face-to-face about foreign policy, the presumptive nominee will sit down with form earp secretary of state republican presidential adviser henry kissinger. the meeting, the latest sign the party is coming to terms with its presumptive nominee. donald trump said that his vp
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candidates will have to release their taxes. trump still has not released his. we've been going over the newly released disclosure form. very interesting insights there. unity or fallout following chaos at the nevada state convention just the latest evidence of a deepening divide between the sanders and clinton campaigns. this hour a look at how sanders is staying in this race. d despite little to no chance he gets the nomination, could affect more than the presidential election. we're covering it all with our msnbc team on the ground. we start with hallie jackson in manhattan. trump's attempt to beef up his policy, what's he hoping to take away from this meeting with henry kissinger, hallie? >> reporter: told by sources it will be
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