tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 20, 2016 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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egyptian military says it's discovered parts of the plane and passenger belongings. the greek defense minister says at least one body part is floating in the mediterranean sea. egyptian officials have not confirmed that. we also got word a short time ago from the european space agency that one of its satellites has spotted a possible oil slick in that area where the plane disappeared. right now terrorism is the leading theory of what happened but multiple officials stress nothing is conclusive. here in france, officials urge caution. there's still no word on the plane's black boxes, no indication that any of the 66 people on board may have survived. so all of that leads us to this fundamental question. why would a plane that was so close to its dozen nation at a comfortable cruising altitude in clear weather suddenly drop out of the sky with no word from the pilots or the crew? we have a team covering all the angles for you. ayman mohyeldin is in cairo,
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keer sir simmons with me here i paris. ayman, we're getting all the information from the egyptian authorities. what are they saying? >> reporter: egyptian officials, particularly the military, which is leading this ongoing operation, put out a statement a short while ago. this was attributed to the spokesperson of the egyptian military. for the first time the egyptian military confirms that it had identified what it is labeling as personal belongings as well as wreckage belonging to the flight. that is one of the most conclusive statements the egyptian military has said, it believes it has found wreckage as well as personal belongings. they did not make any commentary or confirmation that they actually recovered any of the bodies. we know there's been some media speculation about that. that is not the case according to the egyptian military. on the heels of that announcement we heard from egypt's president releasing a
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statement offering his condolences to the victims as well as to the egyptian victims and the international victims. he also thanked all the international countries that are participating in this investigation. as we are saying, this is now a multi nation investigation that is taking place, particularly on the search and rescue front. back here we do know that there is a group of investigators that includes egypt, because it is the lead country in this investigation, as well as representatives from airbus as well as representatives from france and others that were going to begin to examine pieces of the wreckage to try and determine what, if any, information they can learn from some of that debris. that is in the very early stages. we do know some of those teams here have arrived in cairo to participate in that joint operation, if you will. meanwhile, we're also learning about the identities of the victims, many of them gathering here at cairo airport at a hotel not too far away from where we are to try and learn information. one of these stories and many of these stories are heart breaking, chris.
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but one of those stories, a family of four was visiting europe along with his wife and his two parents. they were on a two-week vacation through france and germany. they left behind their two young daughters with their brother here as that family went on vacation. i spoke to the brother a short while ago. obviously this is a devastating time for them, difficult time. they held a small funeral service this morning for their entire family that was lost in that accident. egyptian air official also releasing the images of the pilot and the co-pilot. the pilot, one of them identified as mohammed sie eed along with his co-pilot, very experienced pilots. those released by egyptair. officials say it is too early to determine anything. they have not been able to identify or recover the cockpit
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recorder or data flight recorder but a very somber mood here in egypt, particularly at the airport as the country continues to mourn those victims. chris. >> ayman mohyeldin, thank you for that update. i want to bring in keir simmons who is here with me in paris. keir, we started talking about the question could something have happened here that caused that plane to go down. >> right. >> talk a little about the investigation that's going along at the stops along the way. >> you know, what happened here will be a question probably whatever they defined happened to the plane. if it was a bomb, and you've made clear we don't know that for sure, but if it was, then they'll want to know how it got on board that plane and the first place they'll look will be here. if it was a mechanical failure, they'll be wanting to look at what happened here, the repairs, the servicing of the airplane. remember, airbus is not far away from us so the spotlight will come back here, pretty much whatever scenario plays out, i
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guess, unless it was some kind of crew failure that caused the crash, in which case, of course, they egyptair employees. the focus then would go back to cairo. but we know something about where the plane went during the period before it took off from paris here and headed to cairo. it was to tunis then back to cairo and then to paris so there are other places they were looking at to see what caused this. >> and scores of people with security access and had access to it. >> yeah. >> in the meantime this is a city you and i spent far too much time in in november after that horrible series of attacks. before that, of course, "charlie hebdo." talk about the implications if it turns out this is terrorism and something happened here. >> well, it will be such a deep, deep shock to people here. you know, we've already seen that because you had "charlie hebdo," then you had the paris attacks, then you had the
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brussels attacks. by the way, after those attacks they tightened security at the airport and removed security passes from a number of employees. >> and were feeling about good it, right? >> right. and when you talk to folks, they say this is more secure than the legal standards expect. this is a place that we have looked at, scrutinized. just in the same way as all airports. we're hearing over in the states from l.a.x. and airports there that even without knowing what's caused this, they're already reviewing their security protocols. so how people feel if it turns out to be another terrorist attack or effectively on france as well as egypt, i think they'll feel devastated. >> the psychological aspect, the economic aspect, the tourism aspect, so many things. keir simmons, thank you so much. >> tom costello covers aviation of course for us. he is in washington. you've been talking about the black box, what the search is focused on, what that would mean. ayman touched on it but what
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more can you tell us, tom? >> you're right. the black box and this is an example of it. this is a flight data recorder. the black box will tell them maybe a couple of critical pieces of data but first they have to find it. this is the underwater pinger attached to the recorder in this bracket and it is supposed to go off for a good 30 days if it's underwater and be good up to depths of 20,000 feet so that should be for the mediterranean sea just fine. you can imagine that the navys that are operating there in the mediterranean and the coast guard operations will all be listening for these pingers. since they have already got some debris on the surface of the sea, you can imagine that they'll probably be able to zero in on the rest of the fuselage and the wreckage and hopefully the rest of the black boxes relatively quickly. can we go back just for a moment, though, and i want to mention the video that you ran of the dog running through the plane there at charles de gaulle airport. they don't have enough dog teams
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to search every single plane and that's the bottom line, isn't it, because their concern all along is that this is not just a photo op, like you're seeing here, this is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute challenge. they don't have enough dogs to sweep every single day, every single plane at the airports. the dog is the best way to discover an explosive on a plane. when they look at the passenger manifest they don't see anybody on the list who's connected to the u.s. terror watch list but still they are concerned. here's the fbi director. >> we are very, very careful as a country and have learned lots of lessons since september 11th, including about terrorist trade craft and so we are much safer than we were 15 years ago. we're never in a place where we can be satisfied with that, but air travel in the united states as against a terrorist threat is far, far safer than it was 15 years ago. >> all right. so the debris that they have found so far is about 180 miles
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or so off the coast of alexandria, egypt. if they can zero in on the rest of the fuselage, they'll be looking for those black boxes that we mentioned. but really they'll be looking for any indication of an explosive. are there dents and dimples that would indicate an outward explosive or inward explosive. then, are there any traces of explosives residue on the fo fuselage. that's what they found in the metro jetliner crash over the sinai but it landed over the desert. they could very quickly find out there was explosive rez do you in the debris. a little bit more of a challenge when the debris lands in the water, but you can imagine that will be the focus. as for, last thought, the flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder this will tell them everything mechanically that was happening with the plane until the second that the events stopped, that the plane stopped moving at 37,000 feet and the cockpit voice recorder captures those conversations betweens
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pilots and the radio conversations with air traffic control. they have got that already. the question is will it have picked up conversations between the pilot or the sound of an explosion that will tell them what happened. chris, back to you in paris. >> yeah, let me go back a little bit to what james comey said and we also had keir touch on this that there are some places like l.a.x. that are stepping up security. i flew overnight u.s. time here to paris, talked to some businessmen, both french and american, and of course they're talking about what else can be done, what might this mean. i was talking to a couple of guys from the states, what this might mean at airports across the u.s. is there any indication that this is going to have an impact back home besides making, frankly, some people skittish, particularly about traveling abroad, and to europe in particular. >> every time that there's an event overseas, and unfortunately we've had too many of them, u.s. airports ratchet up their level of awareness, their heightened security level. but we're also in, as we've been reporting for weeks now, the season of incredible numbers of
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passengers traveling in the united states. 2.5 million a day expected over the summer. and the tsa completely backed up. they don't have enough people to screen all of these people every single day adequately. they will say part of the reason for that, chris, is that a year ago, you may recall, they virtually failed an inspector general report trying to smuggle weapons through checkpoints. the inspector general was able to smuggle it through in more than 90% of the cases. so as a result of that, the tsa said, okay, we've got to up our game, tighten security even more and we're no longer going to wave just anybody through a tsa precheck. in other words, somebody they may have thought poses a very low risk based on age, based on maybe the demographics or whatever the case may be. they're now going to say sorry, you don't get a free pass, we're putting you through a precheck in most cases. my doing that, it's a trade-off, isn't it.
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on the one hand you try to tighten up security and recognize where your holes are. on the other hand you slow down the checkpoints and in the united states the u.s. economy depends on the rapid movement of people across the country. it's a real, real tough situation for the tsa. >> yeah, and moving into the summer travel vacation season. tom costello, thank you so much. i want to play a little bit more of fbi director james comey who's obviously integral in all of this. he said investigators have been working with partners around the world to find out what happened to egyptair flight 804. >> we in the national security business and law enforcement business have tried to make the world very small so when something like this happens, we talk to each other and share information. that process is going on right now. >> i'm joined now by msnbc terrorism analyst malcolm nance. you heard what the fbi director said, no claim of responsibility, no evidence yet of who might be responsible if this does turn out to be
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terrorism. would you have expected that by now? what are kind of the things that are going through your head the biggest questions? >> well, first, it's all speculative about what took this aircraft down. clearly it could have been mechanical failure, but all of the indications of an aircraft flying at 10,000 meters, 37,000 feet and suffering an absolute catastrophic air frame collapse are normally indicative of something which is internal, some form of explosion or, again, it's very hard to say that it's a mechanical failure. we've seen many examples of aircraft which blow up in midair and this has all the hallmarks of that. >> so investigators obviously have a whole range of things they're looking at. if there's no chatter, which there seems not to have been anything obviously to indicate this, no claim of responsibility yet, we're left with the clues, right? if we're going to see whether or not this was terrorism, it's going to be about those pieces of debris that they find in the
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med. >> absolutely. they're going to have to bring up as many pieces as possible. that's when the forensic analysis of the air frame, the passengers' baggage, including some of the passengers themselves unfortunately are going to have to be analyzed to see was there explosive residue, was there high velocity projectiles which pierced the skin in a very characteristic way that explosions that occur onboard an aircraft happen, but not until of course we recover the aircraft and get an opportunity to discover that evidence. but the intelligence community in the world and law enforcement, we have to go under the presupposition that something did occur and that's why you're seeing this mobilization in that direction. we can't wait for the evidence. >> so we talked about this just a few minutes ago. this plane made several trips in the final 48 hours, brussels, tunisia, cairo and back obviously as well as here in paris. how do these other countries fit into the investigation, and how
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much do you look when you're doing this kind of investigation at the geopolitics of the places it went? >> it's going to be difficult, especially the geopolitics of this. we and everyone will have to assume until we get further evidence that the device may not have originated in france but could have originated during the maintenance phase in cairo, when it landed in asmara, could have picked it up on its landing in tunisia and at some point was married up with a potential bomber and then was strategically detonated as it crossed egypt's airspace. that means investigations will have to start on the ground to determine whether their security meets the international standards or if it's possible that that's where the hole originated. >> malcolm nance, always good to see you. thank you for your expertise. it is 4:15 in the afternoon here in paris and there's much more
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ahead on the crash of egyptair flight 804. will the search for more wreckage in the mediterranean be complicated by those heavy seaing and boat traffic. we'll talk about that. first we'll send it back to steve kornacki for the latest on the race for the white house, the war of words heating up between donald trump and hillary clinton over who's most qualified to lead the country, including at a time of terror threat. stay with us. >> i know how hard this job is and i know that we need steadiness as well as strength and smarts in it. and i have concluded that he is not qualified to be president of the united states. >> i will tell you, four more years of a weak hillary clinton and that's what she is, four more years of that, it will not work. (man) hmm. what do you think?
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new polling this morning showing a tightening general election race between donald trump and hillary clinton. the presumed nominees of each party. clinton leads trump by six in a new cbs news/new york times poll down from a ten-point lead a month ago. donald trump is speaking today at an nra event in kentucky. the presumptive gop nominee expected to blast hillary clinton. trump was in new jersey last night with chris christie, an event there to pay off christie's remaining presidential campaign debt and in that speech we got a preview of some of the attacks we can expect from him over the next six months. >> you talk about bad judgment. how bad a judgment is the e-mail scandal? how bad? for what reason did she do that? what she has done for her to be able to continue to run is an absolute disgrace in my opinion to this country. a disgrace.
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>> hillary clinton -- >> so that the promise of affordable health care can be the reality. >> hillary clinton trying not to take the bait on anything trump has been saying in recent days. today is the fourth straight day she's had no public events on her campaign calendar, but she is moving ahead into general election mode. we'll tell you what she's saying now about her still ongoing race with bernie sanders. and meantime, trump is responding to that tweet he sent out on the egyptair disaster. he tweeted the incident looks like another terrorist attack. this was before officials had even confirmed that the plane had in fact crashed. here is trump earlier on "morning joe." >> i'm asking you if there is any perhaps backing here to the concern that a lot of what you say is focused on hatred and fear and sort of generating more anger and churning it up and perhaps, for example, that tweet, maybe you might have thought of the families first? >> let me tell you what i'm
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thinking of. i'm thinking of the future. we cannot continue to let things like this happen. we are being taken advantage of by radical islamic terrorists and we are -- this world is changing. and another couple of planes go down, mika, and you're going to have a depression worldwide the likes of which you've never seen because nobody is going to travel. there will be no anything. there will be no communication between countries. and you will have a problem the likes of which you've never seen and i will tell you, four more years of a weak hillary clinton and that's what she is, four more years of that, it will not work. it will not work. all i did is point it out and i said when you find out what happened to the plane, it will be exactly what i said. that plane didn't go down because of mechanical failure. >> i'm not saying it did. >> speaking of not working, let's go to the guy who when i'm not working 90% of the time. >> he's just walking around. >> i just kind of walk around. >> hey, donald, it's willie.
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>> hi, willie. >> i want to ask you about something you said last night, which is who the hell if cares if there's a trade war. you've been open on 35% tariffs from mexico and china. most believe that would plunge them into a recession. >> oh, really? you think so? >> are you concerned about the jobs that would be lost in this country because of a trade war? >> okay, ready? so china, we have a trade deficit with china of $505 billion this year. we have a trade deficit with mexico $58 billion. not only that, they're killing us at the border and everything else. we all know that. the drugs are pouring across, et cetera, et cetera. people are coming across, everybody is coming across, all right. they do nothing to help us and they will. they'll end up being very good neighbors and we'll have a good relationship if i'm in there. >> that was donald trump earlier this morning on "morning joe." a bit of news about donald trump and the issue of his taxes coming out just in the last few minutes. this is from "the washington
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post." donald trump so far has been refusing to release his federal income taxes. "the washington post" noting this morning that the last time trump's federal income taxes were revealed publicpublicly, i back in 1981. we did get a glimpse of donald trump's taxes back then. this is 35 years ago. this was a report filed back at the time by gambling regulators in the state of new jersey. casino gambling had just become legal in atlantic city, new jersey. the filings back then showed donald trump for two years in the late 1970s had paid zero federal income tax because of a provision in the tax code back then that allowed some developers to take advantage of it and report negative income. so again, "the washington post" saying that the last time donald trump's federal income taxes were viewable to the public was more than three decades ago. at the time for at least two years in the late 1970s, he had paid zero federal income tax. trump had initially indicated in this campaign that he would be
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releasing his federal income taxes. then he suggested it might be delayed because of an irs audit. more recently, he said it's simply none of anybody's business. this is an issue certainly that his democratic opponents are seeking to make an issue. it's also something that mitt romney, one of trump's fiercest critics from within the republican party has been making an issue of, demanding donald trump put this forward. that's a bit of news coming from "the washington post" in the last few minutes. katy tur is in louisville, kentucky. trump expected to speak there later at that to an nra event and kristen welker on the clinton beat. katy, let's start with you in louisville. so donald trump, this is a constituency, gun owners, the nra, very important in a republican primary. looks like the republican party is mostly -- primary is mostly in his rear-view mirror but he still has some fence mending to do. is that what he's up to in louisville? >> this has been the don't worry or trust me, i am a real republican tour that he's been
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on for the past two weeks. also something that he says is none of anyone's business is whether he actually shoots a gun. i asked him this last july when i asked him if he owned a gun and he said yes. i asked him if he ever shot it and he told me it was none of your business. since then he's done -- he's come a long way, if you will, when it comes to gun rights. he's always been very adamant about the second amendment and he said over and over again that schools should not beg gun-free zones and if more people had guns paris would not have happened or movie theater shootings and the likes, san bernardino also. but when it comes to his personal feelings towards guns and whether he uses them and his comfort in speaking about how his relationship is with guns certainly started out as uncomfortable and has moved much more towards embracing it as this campaign season has gone by. today he will be speaking to the nra as you just mentioned and
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he's going to be trying to convince gun owners that he is trustworthy when it comes to their rights. we've spoken to a number of gun owners here and at other gun shows who say they are quite wary of trump but they believe frankly he's the last best option that the republican party has. they don't trust hillary clinton, but certainly not a perfect candidate for them when it comes to gun rights, especially since about a decade ago he was for an assault rifles ban and also for tightening gun restrictions when it came to background checks. he has since backtracked on that, has been very adamantly pro gun rights since then but he does have a bit of a ways to go, if you will, when it comes to convincing gun holders, at least here, that he is the real deal. steve. >> katy tur in louisville, kentucky, home of the cardinals. thank you for that, katy. kristen welker is following the still ongoing democratic race. kristen, eight years ago at this
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time, it's hard to remember sometimes, hillary clinton was getting the question why don't you drop out of the race, you're hurting the party, you're dividing the party. eight years later now the tables are sort of turned. she's the one trying to declare victory right now. >> she is trying to declare victory, steve. she's also walking a very fine line, you will notice, when you listen to what she is actually saying. she can't actually call for senator sanders to get out race because of that reason that you just cited. she stayed in the race until the very end back in 2008. look, she has almost put this race mathematically out of reach but she hasn't officially clinched this nomination and senator sanders keeps raking up wins. we saw that this week in oregon, for example. still, secretary clinton indicating in her strongest terms yet that the race is just about over. take a listen to what she said yesterday. >> i will be the nominee for my party, chris. that is already done in effect. there is no way that i won't be. when i came out and withdrew and endorsed senator obama, about
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40%, according to polls, about 40% of my supporters said they would never support him. so i worked really hard to make the case, as i'm sure senator sanders will, that whatever differences we might have, they pale in comparison to the presumptive nominee of the republican party. >> so there you hear secretary clinton urging senator sanders if and when he does get out of the race to help her unify the party. as you can imagine, the sanders campaign balked at that statement that she made yesterday saying, hey wait, there's still a lot of states that have yet to vote. by all indications based on conversations that sanders is having with democrats, he's actually saying that he is going to ultimately work to unify the party and we're learning that the dnc is working with him to potentially give him a big role at the convention. the clinton campaign saying that they want him to have a lot of input in the party's platform. now, all of this comes as secretary clinton is still
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fighting that general election battle, the likely face-off that she'll have with donald trump, sharpening her attacks against him, calling him unqualified and, steve, you can bet that right now the clinton campaign trying to figure out how they're going to hit him for that report that you just cited in "the washington post" which showed that he paid zero dollars in taxes so many years ago. >> kristen welker, thanks for the time, appreciate that. republican strategist alice stewart, former spokeswoman for ted cruz's presidential campaign, joins me now in studio. thanks for taking a few minutes. >> great to be here. >> we have a new poll out today, a six-point lead for hillary clinton. donald trump seems to be consolidating support from republicans after all of this never trump talk we heard. >> right. >> you were with ted cruz in the primary. are you in the trump camp now or does he still have work to do for you? >> i think for conservatives there's a lot of work that needs to be done. first and foremost what donald trump needs to do is he needs to continue his efforts, he's going to the nra event is a great
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start, but rallying and uniting conservatives behind him. it's incumbent upon him as the presumptive nominee to show his ability to bring people together and move forward. our common enemy or our common opponent is hillary clinton, and it's important for him as the nominee of the party to bring people together so we're more stronger as we are united. so bringing a united front is the best way to beat hillary. >> you mentioned hillary clinton. just in terms of unifying the republican party, how much does that alone do it, the fact that republicans looking up and saying i've got a choirce, it's trump or clinton and i don't want clinton. >> you can take a lesson from the ted cruz playbook. what ted was able to do, he was consistent, he was conservative, he rallied and really energized the base of the conservatives and the grassroots organization we had was critical in the success he had, but also the use of our data was critical. we had a tremendous ground game but also our data was important.
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hopefully donald will be able to tap into the database and where he needs to campaign because it's not just about having a great personality and being able to speak off the cuff as he has. there's some organization that needs to be done and that's going to be key. he's taking the proper steps by bringing manafort to the head and bringing in people like ed rollins and tony fabrizio. these are folks who have a lot of experience in this process and they will help to get things more organized and in turn hopefully unify in order to defeat hillary. >> what do you think ted cruz is going to do? he hasn't endorsed yet. >> he's going to focus on his job in the senate. he's going to continue to be a leader in the conservative movement and fight for conservative causes and work to break up the washington cartel and that's his focus right now. >> what about trump, though? do you think -- is he going to be out there endorsing, supporting trump? >> we've got six months until
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the election and he's got a long time to make up his mind. right now he's laser focused on work in the u.s. senate. >> it got so -- from his standpoint i can understand this. some of the things that donald trump said about him during that campaign, it sort of spilled over at the end with what ted cruz said. i can imagine there would be a lot of resistance on doing anything to help donald trump. do you think donald trump needs to reach out personally to ted cruz and deliver a message? >> i think -- look, i think the focus of our campaign was to focus on the issues, stay positive and provide real solutions to the voters across this country, and that was the key to ted's success as well as his ability to connect with the people. they understood as he went out to these events that he understood what it was like to put food on the table and gas in the tank and he had the tremendous ability to connect with people. in terms of what he's going to do moving forward, i think it's incumbent upon donald trump and his team to reach out to several leaders in the conservative movement. there's others, also tony
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perkins would be one, penny nance, other facets of the conservative wing of the republican party that need to be brought into the fold. they're anxious and ready to go out there and be an army for the republican party, but he needs to let them know that he's also going to help defend their conservative causes, to help defend the constitution. another important issue is who he's going to nominate to the supreme court. he put out a good list of people which i think is encouraging to folks but it's incumbent to him and his team to reach out and help rally people. >> alice stewart, former spokeswoman for ted cruz, thanks to the time. more breaking news we're following now, this on the zika virus. just moments ago the centers for disease control announcing that they are now monitoring nearly 300 pregnant women with zika here in the u.s. and its territories. let's turn now to cal perry who has the details. >> they're having a teleconference right now and i can break those numbers down for you a little further. it's 157 pregnant women here in
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the united states, 122 in united states territories, making 279 pregnant women confirmed to have the zika virus. now, the cdc also saying, and i think this is important, they're now going to be giving regular updates to the public with more numbers on how this is actually spreading, which brings us to nasa having released some new data on exactly how this is spreading. this is what nasa thinks the united states will look like in july and this is pretty telling as to how far they think it's going to spread. they're, of course, factoring in new things like temperature changes and how they expect the weather to be this summer. you can see from this map it's going to reach all the way to cities like new york city and it's going to have a wig impact in cities like new york city, cities like philadelphia, even places like kansas city, where the mosquitos won't even reach. it's because of travel. we're talking about major airport hubs. that is something people are concerned about. the cdc is one of them. here's how people have been searching for zika virus online. i'm showing you a time lapse
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from the beginning really of this year until now. and what's really fascinating about this is this is how they expect the actual zika virus to spread as well. they expect it to mimic the digital searching. so cdc is really ramping up their coverage of this. they're really starting to inform the press on a more regular basis as this becomes a bigger and bigger concern. certainly as it gets warmer around the country, steve. >> cal perry with the latest on zika. something we'll be hearing a lot about in the coming months. ahead, chris jansing back in paris has more on the egyptair investigation. the plane, believed to have gone down in a choppy, heavily trafficked area in the mediterranean. how is that going to complicate the search? you know when i first started out, it was all pencil and paper. the surface pro is very intuitive. i can draw lightly, just like i would with a real pencil. i've been a forensic artist for over 30 years. i do the composite sketches which are the bad guy sketches. you need good resolution, powerful processor because the computer has to start thinking as fast as my brain does.
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airbus a320 along with passengers' belongings. this is north of the egyptian city of alexandria. the plane vanished from radar early thursday en route from paris here to cairo. 66 people onboard. terrorism has been cited as a potential cause, but officials still cautioning against speculation, and there has been no credible claim of responsibility from any terrorist group. i want to bring in msnbc aviation safety analyst and former senior air safety investigator greg feith. we've been talking about this wreckage from flight 804 in the mediterranean. let's talk first about the difficulties in retrieving it and then what's the first step in dealing with this debris? >> chris, one of the first things is that they really have to verify that this is in fact wreckage. we heard yesterday that they thought whatever they found was from the aircraft only to have to retract those statements. so we need to get them to verify it. once they have done that, then it's going to be a matter of
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determining drift pattern, where they found that, and then trying to backtrack where it came from so they can find the main debris field on the ocean floor. >> and then once they do that analysis, it will give them some key clues about whether or not this was potentially terrorism. again, we don't know. but if this was a bomb, greg, it seems like the possibilities are it was smuggled onboard by a passenger. now, there were stops along the way. or an airport employee or someone with access to the plane in secure areas planted it. is in your mind one scenario more likely than the other? >> it's evident to me that especially at charles de gaulle with the level of security that they have for passenger screening that a passenger getting something on the airplane is more difficult. i think the more likely scenarios are either something was planted on the airplane at one of the other airports that the airplane had been at or an
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airport employee got something onto the airplane in an area that wouldn't typically be surveilled by sweeping the cockpit or sweeping the passenger cabin but in fact maybe down in a cargo hold somewhere. >> the other puzzling thing we were talking earlier about, no chatter, the fact that there didn't seem -- there hasn't been a claim of responsibility. so if you're going to plant a bomb. if you're going to breach what officials say is a level of security, for example, at charles de gaulle above what the law requires, the question becomes why this plane. why would you do it on a relatively small plane, a relatively small number of passengers heading to an arab nation. does any of this make sense to you? >> you know, from an investigative standpoint, chris, i mean i'm not a security expert in that regard, but as an investigator a couple of things stand out. when you look at mh-370, the
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question has always been why did one or both pilots do what they did with that boeing 777. why did they pick that airline, why did they pick that flight. when you look at some of the other bombings that have taken place outside of aviation where there hasn't been an isis claim or at least an affiliation of the bombers to one of the larger groups, you have these people working autonomously. that's why they're doing these background checks to see if there are disgruntled employees. it may not be terrorists related to isis, but it could be a disgruntled employee at egyptair who found that this was a good way to retaliate. we've seen employer retaliation. you had an employee who hijacked a plane at egyptair and years ago psa, there was a disgruntled employee who shot the flight crew and the airplane crashed killing all aboard. so there are a variety of different aspects. if you want to put this under
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the umbrella of terrorism, either it's domestic terrorism by an employee against a former employer or a formal affiliation to one of the world terror groups. >> so many possibilities and so early in the investigation. greg feith, always good to talk to you, thank you so much. and we'll have much more on the investigation into the disappearance of egyptair flight 804 ahead from paris when we come back. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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there. they say the decision is based on updated intelligence assessments not in response to any specific terrorist threat. for more on how airports in the u.s. are reacting, i want to go to nbc's blake mccoy who's at chicago's o'hare international. i know you've been talking to officials there, blake, and passengers as well. what are you hearing? >> reporter: right, chris. here in chicago officials say they do not discuss specific security measures, but at l.a.x. let's talk about what they're doing. they're restricting access at employee entrance points. that's the major thing. so those access doors throughout the airport that they can get to restricted areas, they have either eliminated or restricted access to more than 150 of those points as a security precaution. now, as passengers across the country continue to deal with these long lines, we now have this added security concern. here's what some of them are saying. >> i think they're doing their job, they just do it too slow. but that's the price you pay, i guess. >> my concern is i'm not sure how i feel about quick training
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a number of workers because i want them to be trained very well. >> do you have faith in airport security? >> i don't know. that plane was going from paris and they're supposed to have real tight security, so if it was a terrorist attack, it's nerve racking. >> the administrator of the tsa, peter neffenger, is here at chicago o'hare right now meeting with local officials. he's meeting with mayor rahm emanuel and illinois senator dick durbin. the meeting was supposed to be about the long lines and what tsa is doing but there's a press availability coming up in 30 minutes where we hope to press the tsa administrator on what security changes, if any, are taking place in light of egyptair and what impact that will have on these already long lines. chris. >> all right, we'll look for that update, blake mccoy, thank you so much. we'll have much more ahead from paris on the egyptair crash has officials confirm debris from the plane has been found floating in the mediterranean sea about 100 miles north of alexandria, egypt.
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okay. that's going to wrap up this hour of "msnbc live." i'll see you back here, 4:00 p.m. eastern. we are expecting to hear from president obama in the next hour about the spread of the zika virus in the united states so we'll be watching for that. see if he makes his first comments about the egyptair flight as well. peter alexander picks up our coverage from washington after the break.
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