tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 20, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at breaking right now on msnbc, the egyptian military says it's found debris from that missing egyptair flight intensifying the air and sea search that is under way. we're live in paris, greece and egypt this morning. also the cdc says it's monitoring nearly 300 pregnant women with the zika virus in the u.s. and its territories.
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this comes as president obama is getting briefed on the untreatable illness right now. new polling shows that republicans are starting to unite behind donald trump. it comes as the presumptive nominee is set to rally his base at the nra convention today. good morning to you, i'm peter alexander, in today for tamron hall. we come to you live from washington, d.c. we're going to begin with new developments in the search for egyptair flight 804. leading off our coverage right now, my colleague, nbc's craig melvin, who is live in paris today. craig, good morning. >> peter, good morning to you. i'm here at charles de gaulle international airport where, of course, egyptair flight 804 took off wednesday night after 11:00. the big headline this afternoon or this morning, i should say, there, the big headline, the egyptian military says part of the fuselage and some personal belongings from that flight were just found this morning a few hours ago n a statement, an
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egyptian army spokesman said there is no doubt, no doubt that the debris is from the egyptair plane. the statement says the discovery was made about 180 miles off alexandria. alexandria, egypt, there. that is very close to where the plane disappeared from radar early thursday morning while en route from paris to cairo. egyptair says 66 people were onboard, 55 passengers, 10 crew members. officials say right now the egyptian navy is out recovering that debris that was found. also trying to find the plane's so-called black boxes. we just got some new video in of the search. this is some video that was released by the egyptian military. as for what happened on that flight, investigators are operating on the theory of terror, but nothing has been ruled out so far. no group has claimed responsibility and officials say no one on the plane's manifest has been found on any terror
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watch list. u.s. intelligence officials also telling reuters that review of satellite imagery has shown at this point no evidence of an explosion. nbc news foreign correspondent ayman m ayman mohyeldin joins me live. what more can you tell us about the debris that was discovered today, also about the investigation that's being led by egypt. >> reporter: right now egyptian officials are not really telling us what it is that they found. they're using the term part of the wreckage, as you mentioned the fuselage, but they're not identifying what, if any, indicators on that material gives away that it was egyptair flight ms804. obviously if the egyptian military is saying it, they believe they have the flight. they said they also recovered some of the personal belongings perhaps from some of the passengers that were onboard, but nonetheless they are now saying with the first time at
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lead a certain degree of confidence that all that has been found belongs to egyptair flight ms804. meanwhile the investigation continues. the team of investigators from france, because of the fact that the flight took off from france as well as airbus, buzz thecaus is where it was made have arrived in cairo. they will be part of the team that will assess the data once the cockpit recorders and data recorders are recovered. they will investigate some of this material being recovered out at sea. the egyptian navy will begin to bring some of those pieces back here and that will be put to further analysis and test. meanwhile we heard today from the egyptian president, he put out a statement offering his condolences to the victims of all the countries that have been affected by this. he thanked the countries that are offering assistance in this investigation and in this search and recovery process. and in addition to that he promised that they would
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establish the truth in this investigation. but, craig, we're also learning a lot more not just about the investigation itself but also the victims of this tragedy. some of the names that are starting to come to light and some of the stories of those who were onboard. we learned one of those individuals was on vacation with his wife and his two parents. they had spent about two weeks in between germany and france. they were set to come back home to cairo yesterday. they were onboard that flight. they left behind their two young daughters who are now in the care of his brother. i had a chance to speak to his brother. he was very distraught. in fact the family held a very small funeral service for both their grandparents and their brother, who they lost in that tragedy. but we also heard today from the american university here in cairo, the student news letter. they're putting out a picture of a student who was an employee of procter & gamble in paris and it was confirmed by procter & gamble as well as here at the american university in cairo that he was an alum of that
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university. he graduated in 1999 and he too was on his way back home to visit his family here in egypt. so you are starting to learn a lot more about the identity of those. egyptair has also released the image of the pilot and the co-pilot. they have been identified as mohammed said aly as well as mohammed au mhmed masmassem. you can imagine a lot of questions and very little arnsds at this point. >> ayman, thank you. keir simmons joins me live. let's start with that evacuation that happened in terminal one. was that in reaction to yesterday. >> when we've seen across the u.s. an increasing of security, l.a.x. for example, meeting to
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think about security there and here we saw passengers evacuated from terminal 1 very quickly when they believed that there was a suspect package. it's the kind of thing you see regularly at many, many airports, but it's a sign too of how anxious they are here. >> after the attacks here in november, we heard that a number of employees here had their badges taken. what more can you tell us about that? >> they knew that airports would be a target. we know that. we know that al qaeda has targeted airports. we know that isis wants to do that. we saw that in brussels so they have gone through security here. they did remove security passes from many, many employees that they were worried about. that said, the french foreign minister is saying that there is absolutely no indication here so far that this is related to terrorism. they will be holding their breath, though, craig. and by the way, whatever this turns out to be, unless it is some kind of crew or pilot
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error, if it is a malfunction with the plane or if it was terrorism related, the spotlight will come back to this airport, to this country. remember, airbus is here. >> one of the things that struck me when i flew into charles de gaulle last night is how similar their security apparatus seems to be to the apparatus in the united states. even the agents that look like tsa agents, the patdowns, the taking off of the shoes. if it does turn out that this thing was -- again, at this point we don't know if it was a bomb. but if it was a bomb and it was somehow gotten onto the plane here in paris, what does that mean? >> and whatever it is, whether it does turn out to be a bomb or not, it's a conversation worth having. it's a conversation that intelligence and security officials around the world are having all the time. why is that? it's because terrorist organizations are constantly adapting the way that they try to attack aviation.
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that's why we get the liquids taken from are us as we get onto many flights. many of the security procedures that we have to go through when we board a flight are a reaction to the way that the terrorist organizations have been behaving. the latest one is, and we saw this on a flight out of somalia, where it blew a hole in the plane, is what was alleged to have happened on that metro jet plane over egypt, the latest method, if you like, is to find somebody inside the airport, an employee, and get them to put something on the plane. that is one of the questions they will be asking. did that happen here or at another airport that the plane was at before it got here and then left for that fated flight to cairo. >> 58,000 plus employees here at charles de gaulle. employees or contractors. we also know the plane was in tunisia 24 hours before, it was in brussels as well. in terms of paris specifically,
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was this a city that was on alert before the plane went missing? what was the mood here? >> if this does turn out to be terrorism related, there will be a sense have devastation here because they have been on alert because they saw the "charlie hebdo" attacks and the subsequent attacks in paris back in november. and of course since then we saw the attack in brussels. remember there they attacked an airport. so it was very, very clear that airports would be a target. so again, if they -- if this is terrorism related, then there will be so many questions about what is -- about the kind of failures. by the way, though, isn't it incredible to see aircraft still coming by. we're talking about this. we don't know what caused this and yet the world keeps turning. people keep getting on planes. aviation keeps going. >> and we've seen a number of egyptair flights as well taking off. keir simmons, thanks as always for your insight.
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authorities right now scouring a wide swath. this is a sizeable area south of the greek island of crete. greece one of several nations helping egypt in their search efforts. this morning there's been reports of human remains and suitcases as well found during the search in the mediterranean sea. lucy is on the island of crete for us. lucy, what are we hearing from greek officials this morning? >> reporter: hi there, craig. we are roughly 200 miles away from where that debris was found in egyptian waters, but we heard some rather gruesome details from the greek defense minister who held a press conference here in greece just a few hours ago. he said that egyptian authorities told the greeks that they found a body part, two seats and suitcases during their search. nbc did check with the egyptian defense minister respokesman who could neither confirm or deny
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that information. what we can confirm, however, is that the greek assistance and the search operation is continuing. of course we do know that the reason that greece got so involved inside this search is, remember, the last communication that the pilot of that flight had was with air traffic control right here in greece. everything was going smoothly, they communicated. and then about ten miles before that flight left the greek airspace, the pilots, the air traffic control here, tried to radio the pilot. they heard no response. roughly two minutes later that flight slipped off the radar. that is why greece got involved. they have dispatched c-130 aircraft to the search area. they have also dispatched military helicopters. in fact we here in greece this afternoon saw one of those c-130 aircraft circling overhead, so it's very much all hands on deck. do keep in mind this is a
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multi-national investigation. as we heard from our other correspondents, french investigators are involved, of course the u.s. we're now learning is sending a second orion p-3 surveillance craft to the search area. many countries involved. one of the difficulties here, egypt has to take the lead in this investigation because of air traffic safety control rules. when you have so many different teams, it's going to be hard to coordinate this and we're now hearing more details that a potential storm could enter this area and that's certainly going to complicate the search efforts further. craig. >> we only have about two hours of daylight left as well. lucy there for us on the island of crete. let's bring in tom costello who covers aviation and has been on this story from the very beginning. tom, i want to get to the investigation in just a second, but let's focus on two things here initially, the so-called black box that you have next to you. you said something last hour that really piqued my interest.
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dogs. if we know that dogs -- not to oversimplify this, but if we know that these canines, these german shepherds usually, they are the best way to detect these devices, why then don't we have these dogs checking out every plane in the world? >> yeah, when you talk to security experts, and i talk to them regularly several times a week, they will insist that the almost fail-safe way to ensure there isn't an explosive on a plane or on a passenger is with a dog. and that is why they are running dogs increasingly through tsa checkpoints here in the united states. if they can clear that group of people in that line with the dog, then they feel pretty confident that those people can move on through expedited screening. but to your point, why aren't there more dogs out there? why aren't we checking every single plane and every single piece of cargo? simply there aren't enough dogs.
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they can only work for a spec time, one to two hours, and they need downtime. they need to rest. some of them are a little more high stress than other dogs. i just had this conversation two days ago with a dog handler at o'hare airport who was saying you'd be amazed at the personalities with dogs. some of them are eager to play all the time and go look for explosives, they think it's a game, and others are stressed out after 45 minutes. so every dog has his or her own personality and they only have about, what, eight to nine years of a working life and so there aren't enough dog teams out there. training them is also a big factor. but this is an important segue into what role is the united states playing in this investigation because u.s. intelligence sources are saying there is intelligence data out there, not necessarily infrared imagery, but data which suggests that there was some sort of an explosion on that plane. here's the fbi director, james comey. >> so far, at least, we have no
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claim of responsibility or evidence that this was an intentional act, but the fbi is working with our partners around the world to try and gain a better understanding of what happened. >> also no claim of responsibility yet, but they are looking at those signatures that we talked about. so let's talk about the black boxes. as we've said many times, it's a misnomer because they're painted orange so that they stand out in the wreckage of an aircraft disaster. the pinger is what's important for our conversation right here. this is it and it is good for about 30 days. it sets off a pinging sound when it's immersed in water and it is good for depths up to 20,000 feet. so it should be good for the mediterranean sea. presumably right now the pinger is going off. navys and coast guard teams that are there in the mediterranean would be listening for that pinging sound and use that to try angina late and hone in on the black box. there's two black boxes. the flight data recorder which
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records hundreds of pieces of data about the performance of the aircraft over a period of time. so you would have literally thousands of pieces of data when you put it altogether. and then there's the cockpit voice recorder. it looks the same but it is recording not only the radio traffic between the controllers and the pilot, but there's also the internal conversations between the pilots. so all of that is being reported on the cvr and the thinking is that that would have recorded maybe the pilots saying we've got a problem. sometimes it's nothing more than them yelling an expletive, or it could be picking up the nanosecond sound of an explosion. that's what happened with metrojet. you may recall, the plane that was crashed and brought down presumably by a bomb over the sinai, when they listened to the cvr, they heard what they thought was a nanosecond of an explosion going off. back to you. >> tom costello for us in washington, d.c. tom, thank you so much for that. up next, a look at the possible role of terrorism in
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the disappearance of egyptair flight 804. we will be right back live from charles de gaulle international airport. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection.
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back now from paris, france, with more on the continuing search for egyptair flight 804. officials indicating that terrorism at this point more likely for the cause for the flight's disappearance than mechanical failure. they are cautioning against speculation, though, since no terror group has claimed responsibility for the flight's disappearance so far. i'm joined now by nbc terrorism analyst and senior partner of flashpoint, evan kohlmann. evan, no group claiming responsibility at this point. should that be a surprise if this was in fact terror?
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>> it may be a surprise. it is somewhat unusual. it's actually quite rare for isis, among other groups, to take more than 36 hours to claim credit for a major international terrorist incident. that really is quite rare. we know that isis has plenty of ability to communicate. they have issued plenty of communiques about all sorts of other things, from multiple different media wings that they operate. if they had wanted to say something about this, there's no doubt they could have. we're now approaching almost two full days since this happened and nobody, al qaeda, isis, nobody has said anything about this. they're not commenting about this, they're not claiming credit for that, and that has to lead to the inevitable question is, was this really terrorism. in the absence of the claim of any responsibility, in the absence of any physical evidence. it does appear there was some kind of explosion, but there's a variety of very unlikely scenarios that could lead to that, one of which is terrorism.
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another of which is mechanical. there's a variety of different scenarios. i think we have to be careful about assigning weight to any particular one right now, again, in the absence of any evidence, even circumstantial. there's no evidence right now to make that judgment. >> it would also seem to me, and again, you know, you're the expert here, but it would seem to me that this particular plane, this particular flight, it would also seem a bit curious. why this plane if it was in fact a terrorist? >> yeah, look, i can get the idea of isis targeting the egyptian government or the egyptian military, sure, they do that all the time. but the idea of bringing down a flight that's only carrying 56 people, 30 of which are egyptian presumably sunni muslims, civilians, noncombatants, even by the standards of isis that's kind of pushing it. so you do kind of wonder what was the target here? who were they going after?
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there were only 15 french nationals on this plane. it doesn't seem to be the best target to go after if you're trying to attack french nationals. there's the persistent question, which is if someone had some kind of behind-the-scenes access at charles de gaulle airport in the same way that we presume that someone had access at sharm el-sheikh airport and that's how that russian airliner went down in the sinai, why would they have gone after this flight? why wouldn't they have gone after a western airline or an airliner carrying hundreds of people. it doesn't make a lot of sense. it doesn't mean it's not terrorism, but there's enough questions that we have to be very cautious about assigning blame, again, in the absence of any physical evidence whatsoever. >> evan kohlmann, always good to have your insight. thank you so much, sir. >> thank you very much. peter alexander will continue our coverage live from washington, d.c., after a quick break. >> craig, thank you very much. actually coming up, we are going to turn to politics and a new national polling that is showing hillary clinton leading donald trump by single digits.
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it comes as clinton declares she, quote, will be the nominee. those developments on the campaign trail, they're all next. before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes
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with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ back now live on msnbc, donald trump and hillary clinton are lobbying some of their toughest attacks yet at one another in the aftermath of the egyptair crash. as news of the crash was trickling out, trump tweeted that it looked like another terrorist attack. that kicked off a war of words between the candidates over one another's qualifications to be commander in chief. >> i can practically guarantee who blew it up. >> listen, listen -- >> and that the plane went down. >> donald, listen to yourself right now. >> the mindset of a weak hillary clinton, which is four more years of obama, is not going to do it for our country. >> later today, trump is going
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to rally the republican base with a speech at the nra conference in louisville, kentucky. he'll try to reassure conservatives and quell doubts stemming for his past support for a san assault weapons ban. ka katy tur is there. katy, give us a sense of what you're anticipating today at the tnra. >> reporter: well, i think it's going to be a lot of red meat and distancing himself from those past comments where he said that he supported longer waiting periods or a ban on assault weapons, as you just mentioned. he's also going to define himself against hillary clinton, expected to go after her hard on the case of second amendment. donald trump today in the past 11 months really has been hitting the second amendment and gun rights as one of his core issues on the campaign trail. it brings it up a lot out there. he also talks about how he wants to abolish gun-free zones at
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schools. he also believes that if more people had guns, attacks like what happened at paris or movie theater shootings would not happen because there would be people out there who would shoot the bad guys. but members of the nra and gun owners have a long memory and there are a lot of folks who say they don't necessarily trust donald trump on the issue of guns because of his past support for an assault weapons ban, but many of them do say right now he is their best option. peter. >> waiting for donald trump to speak at the nra event that's going to happen later this afternoon. now in studio with us is the "washington post" columnist dana milbank. >> good to see you, peter. >> you're out with a laundry list of promises donald trump has made, many of which he is backtracking on in some form. i want to get your take. one of the headlines out today from "the washington post" is about the fact the last time donald trump, as the "post" reports, made his income tax returns public, it proved that he paid zero taxes to the federal government.
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may give some indication why this audit strategy is the one he's employing. >> yeah, it may be. 15 months ago, peter, he said he would certainly release his tax returns in this situation. now, we don't know the reason, but this might be one possible clue as to why he wouldn't release it. he's done a remarkable candidate of the candidate of the common man speaking up for the little guy. when they find out that he's worth billions and he's paying not a cent, that would be a problem. >> one of the real challenges is the challenge of pinning down, as tom brokaw would tell us, he said, peter, words matter. with this candidate it's hard to pin him down on words. specifically today he spoke out about the fact that he's going to hit isis hard. he's hitting hillary clinton for her desire to go into iraq, syria and libya. the question is how do you hit isis hard if you have an anti-interventionist policy everywhere else? >> it is maddening for his opponents during the primaries
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and now for the democrats to try to pin him down because there doesn't seem to be any penalty for changing his mind, even, even reversing himself. so i just looked at today, it's been a couple of weeks since he's been the presumptive nominee and he's literally changed a dozen different things. on his tax plan, on the ban on muslims entering the country. there's even talk of changing the idea of the wall with mexico and deportation. >> he would argue this is part of his success because it's all suggestions until i'm president. you know, i'm not going to tell you what i'm really going to do just yet but it lets americans trust him, that he has their best interests in mind. >> well, presumably a lot of the people who backed him in the primary are feeling like they have been had since he dropped those point of views. >> more republicans are coming behind him. >> you want to run back towards the center. so this is a classic general election strategy. now, the question is does he gain enough people that way or is that offset by losing people who are going to say, wait a
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second, this guy is going to say whatever comes to mind and doesn't particularly have any ideological mooring. >> this time he was speaking about the former secretary of defense, robert gates, who has served under democratic and republican administrations. take a listen. >> i'm not a big fan of his, by the way, because you take a look at two things. look at where our country is where years of him being involved. we are a mess, number one. i know he has a great reputation and all of that. all of these guys have a great reputation. they have been doing this stuff for 15 years. look where our country is, okay. we are not a country that can afford to defend saudi arabia, germany, the nato nations, 20 -- 28 nato nations, many of which are not paying us and not living up to their agreement. >> this was in response to something that secretary gates had said just yesterday, expressing some of his concerns about donald trump's sort of rush to judgment about terrorism here. to be fair, hillary clinton, though she didn't say it was
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definitively terrorism, she said it does appear to be terrorism here. this commander in chief test right now for donald trump, how's he doing? >> well, look, you see him going through the rituals of sitting down with james baker, sitting down with henry kissinger, sort of kissing the ring of the republican foreign policy establishment. but then you have something like this going on. i mean he's already declared the entire george w. bush presidency a disaster, now going after gates. so he's sort of on both sides of this one. as we said a moment ago, this doesn't seem to hurt him. at some point people are going to say, okay, you say this az disaster. what exactly are you going to do about it? >> the democrats have some problems of their own obviously. right now hillary clinton has basically said in effect that i'm going to be the nominee. she said this in the course of an interview that she did yesterday. but according to "the new york times" poll, 72% of bernie sanders supporters right now say they would vote for clinton in
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the fall. exactly eight years ago only 60% of hillary clinton supporters said the same of obama. are we overstating the real divisions within the democratic party or is there reason for concern for democrats? >> well, this is what i'd argue, peter, comparing this back to 2008, saying it really wasn't even as bad now as it was back then. the key is does bernie sanders get on board. i've always calculated that he would because it's not in his interests to elect a president trump. >>. staying in the race is not the problem. the question is does he continue to go after the party with the scorch earth policy. if he does get on board a lot of his people are not because he's instilling this idea that the democratic party is corrupt and that can be unduri -- enduring the damage. coming up, emotions erupt on the house floor. you'll have to see this after republicans defeat a measure on
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lgbt rights. >> shame, shame, shame, shame, shame. >> lawmakers chanting "shame." you could hear it there. after several republicans switched their votes at the last minute just as the bill was about to pass. more on that chaotic situation ahead. plus there are calls for oklahoma's republican governor to veto a new bill that would criminalize abortion, making it a felony. opponents call the bill unconstitutional. we'll break it down, coming up. if you're going to make a statement... make sure it's an intelligent one. ♪ the all-new audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. ♪ sir, this alien life form at an alarming rate. growing fast, you say? we can't contain it any long... oh! you know, that reminds me of how geico's been
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technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration. late yesterday, oklahoma lawmakers passed a bill making it a felony for doctors to perform abortions except when it comes to saving a mother's life. no exceptions for rape or incest. the state's governor now has until wednesday to veto the measure or it becomes law. the bill is aimed at ultimately overturning the u.s. supreme court's decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
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joining us now is msnbc national reporter, erin carmon. is this something that the state can enforce? >> in a word, no. at least according to 43 years of supreme court precedent. what this bill does is lay a marker and declares the intention of an overwhelming number of legislators in oklahoma that their fervent desire is to ban abortion entirely. since roe v. wade the supreme court has repeatedly held that you cannot ban abortion before fetal viability, when the fetus can survive outside as a baby. this is really more legislation as public relations. mary fallon has signed numerous restrictions on abortion that probably are enforceable and have been enforced. across the country there have been 21 abortion restrictions this year so far that are being enforced such as 72-hour waiting periods, ultrasound requirements. this law is very dramatic,
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promising three years in prison, a felony for doctors. in the immediate term it's unlikely to be enforced. that said, if the composition of the supreme court changes by as many as two votes, that is not going to be so certain. then it's possible that the kinds of laws that we're seeing these states pass that are outright bans on abortion with very few exceptions, it's possible to see that those will be enforced indeed. >> it's a point that hillary clinton, both bernie sanders and hillary clinton have made over the campaign. it also comes just days after donald trump introduced the names of 11 potential supreme court justices going forward. i was reading through some of the coverage of this. the only doctor in the oklahoma senate, a republican, voted no, calling this insane. the doctor predicted it would be declared null and void should it be signed into law, according to the local newspaper there in oklahoma. what you talk about is this isn't unique to oklahoma, this has been a battle we're witnessing in states across the country, this effort to restrict
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people's access to abortion. >> right. and the supreme court is currently considering a law out of texas that enacts restrictions on clinics that could cut the number of clinics down there by ten. so this is very much a live issue, particularly with an eight-member supreme court. in that case we really don't know what's going to happen. it's possible that the kinds of restrictions we're seeing on the state level, particularly red states, are going to be increasingly enforced. it that ill will be increasingly difficult for women to access abortions. what's unlikely is we're going to see at least in the short term anything like an outright ban. instead you're going to see it's going to be extremely hard to access a clinic. there are going to be hoops to jump. it's going to be difficult to pay for it. many of those currently in place in many of those states. for now the oklahoma law in particular is a showmanship law that's a preview of what's to come up the justices like donald trump names end up on the case. >> i have no excuse for messing up your name, nice to see you, appreciate it.
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>> no problem. the cdc is monitoring nearly 300 pregnant women with the zika virus in the u.s. and its territories. how far officials think the untreatable illness that leads to devastating birth defects will spread. also ahead -- >> those in favor say aye. >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker -- >> those opposed say no. the ayes have it. >> this was one heck of a scene. emotions exploding in the house after the gop defeats a measure over lgbt rights by switching votes at the last minute. the latest on that chaos at capitol hill is next. with the right steps,
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shame. >> those are the voices of democrats chanting "shame" at republicans who initially planned to vote for the measure but switched their votes at the last minute under pressure from republican leaders. democratic whip steny hoyer expressing his fury after the vote. >> not one of those members who apparently changed their vote, because it kept changing on the board, came to this well and had the courage to change from green to red or red to green. how is that possible, mr. speaker? >> the amendment sponsored by congressman shawn maloney would have prevented federal contractors from receiving government work if they discriminate against members of the lgbt community. we also have developing news from the centers for disease control. the cdc announcing this morning that they are monitoring 279 pregnant women with evidence of the zika virus in the continental u.s. and surrounding territories. it comes just as president obama
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right now is receiving a briefing on the disease. msnbc's cal perry is following the developments for us right now. cal, what do you know? >> peter, i can break down those numbers for you a little bit more. it's 157 pregnant women here in the u.s. that on the mainland, 122 in territories. we can infer based on previous data that's probably puerto rico. these are the first hard numbers that the cdc has given us as the media and they're promising they're going to give regular updates. it's also set off a number of government initiatives from various agencies. this from nasa. they have released a map of what they believe the zika virus is going to look like here in the u.s. in the month of july. and the surprising thing here, obviously, are the cities that they're highlighting. as far north as new york city. they're saying it's going to have a huge impact. and a lot of that, of course, is due to air travel. the virus will spread across the u.s. certainly they're mostly worried about the south. it has added to a number of cities laying out campaigns, this from the city of new york. they're putting these posters up
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all over the city, giving people a heads up on how they can fight back, how they can prevent the spread of the virus. the white house today, you mentioned again, the president is in the oval, we understand this hour, getting an update from the cdc. the last thing i want to show you is this video from the cdc. this is not the first time we have dealt with this mosquito. in 1945 there was concerns about the spreading malaria, so we'll have these videos once again, these psas if you like. >> nearly 300 people with the virus. not clear if they got it here or brought it back, correct? >> exactly. egyptair says the egyptian military has found even more debris likely from the missing flight. coming up next, i'm going to speak live to a former ntsb investigator. it's all live, next on msnbc. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else,
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you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call.
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challenges. peter, this right now of a three day find gives us more confidence that they are in the right area. no you, it is a matter of trying to look for the drift tracks. as we talked about the last two days the priority is the recovered victims. now, getting into the wreckage itself and start the technical aspect of this, hopefully finding the voice recorder and the data recorder which can help investigators put a story together. >> let me talk to you about that now, lets trust that they get to the black box at some point, what clues will they be looking for and can they expect to find. i know there is a lot of data there but there is nothing going to say there is an explosion, what's going to help them? >> the other possibility is the mechanical malfunction or
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failure or some sort. with the voice recorder, we'll know what the crew talking about. if they were starting to experience some sort of mechanical issues, how they're going to handle it. that'll give investigators a vocal point that they have to look at the mechanical operation of the airplane. if everything is normally and nothing out of the ordinary and there is as sudden stop of the voice recorder and as tom costello talked about earlier of a nanosecond of what sounded like a blast. that could focus the investigation towards some sort of explosion device. the debris is under water, what impact does it have on the evidence looking to the way sort
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of this may have opened up under circumstances. >> depending on what the current is under water, that could move the wreckage and disperse them. the longer it sits under water, it could wash the parts of the aircraft. we want to make sure it is a blast or some sort of explosive device and we can get those parts up and looking at physical evidence and tracks and marks. >> greg, it is always good to see you. we appreciate you watch this hour at msnbc today in for tamron hall, i am peter alexander. up next is "andrea mitchell reports."
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crash. >> so far we have no claims of responsibility or evidence that that was an intentional act. the fbi is working with our partner around world to get a better understanding of what happened. >> unpopularity contest, new poll number showing the likely presidential opponents are the least liked in history. who is qualified for president, he said not the other. >> hillary says some things and i said some things and i go back to work and i have a lot of fun. she got horrible judgment. >> i know how hard this job is and i know we need steadiness and as well as strengths and smarts in it. he's not qualified to be president of the united states. >> dying wish, a former senator apologized to muslims from his death bed for the words of donald trump's.
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