tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 20, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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see. but those are white house aides running across the street we were talking about earlier. west executive avenue. it runs between the old executive office building, the massive stone edifice and the white house. you've seen many, many news reel pictures of presidents coming and going between the two structures. staff walk and run across all day long, even in inclement weather. the members of the uniformed secret service, you see that gentleman there, wearing black. a lot of them are called the cat team members, all of the secret service cycle through their time in the cat team to keep their weapons skills and surveillance skills sharp. so if you have one of those jobs as a secret service agent, on the presidential protection detail, walking with the president and vice president, it is mandatory that you have recently cycled through time
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with these types of weapons. they do have high powered and sniper rifles on the roof of the white house. jim miklaszewski is in the white house briefing room, temporary mandatory home for a lot of members of the media. jim? >> the lockdown here in the white house has been lifted. reporters and camera crews are now permitted to go outside onto the white house lawn. and since we're able to move here from the building itself, one would imagine that we could also exit the white house grounds proper and get outside the fence onto pennsylvania avenue. but i'd like to stress again that the white house itself and anybody in the white house, was not in any apparent threat, because the shooting occurred at a guard post, a secret service guard post on the opposite side of the old executive office building, which, as you walk, is
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about -- at least a block and a half to as long as two blocks from the white house itself. and while we are told that this individual had a gun and was apparently at least brandishing the gun, and had been ordered several times to put down the weapon and did not and was subsequently shot, we've had nobody tell us that there was a shot fired by the individual suspect, or whether the gun itself was even loaded. and for somebody to approach a guard post outside the white house, heavily armed secret service and local and park police, all in the vicinity, brandishing a gun, one has to wonder what his motive was, and we can't -- we don't want to speculate, but so many times you see an incident where somebody's either trying to gain attention, or it's what law enforcement
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calls "suicide by cop." so that's undetermined at this time, but it sounds the way this individual was acting, just brazenly walking up to that guard post, that perhaps he had intended, or at least would understand what the outcome would be, brian. >> jim miklaszewski inside the press briefing room. and for our viewers who have seen a lot of our press coverage from the white house, jim is in front of the sliding door that will open when the president or press secretary comes out to stand behind the podium and brief the press. as you can hear from the background noise, even though the lockdown has been lifted, a lot of folks are stuck inside because they're reporting live on this. and they're not out at their locations on the lawn. we say this every time -- excuse me -- every time there's an officer-involved shooting, there's not a cop in this country who goes to work in the morning and says, today i'm going to discharge my weapon. in fact, most of them retire
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having never discharged their weapons. and the reports we're getting from this actual showdown in the street, indicated the perpetrator was warned several times, drop your weapon, drop your weapon, before they discharged what apparently was a single round. one report that it was in the abdomen, another that it was in the chest. we'll go with the subject being shot in the chest and being treated at george washington university hospital. the emergency room that was in the news because they saved the life of president ronald reagan that awful day decades ago. so the white house lockdown has been lifted. jim miklaszewski makes an important point that where this encounter was, on the other side of the enormous old executive office building, there was no danger. there was no angle conceivably where the white house could have been in danger of receiving one
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of the rounds from either firearm involved in this. you have the treasury department on one side of the white house, and you have the old executive office building on the other. looking at this view, treasury department is on the right, during the label that says 15th street. and the old executive office building is on the left. in the center, that blue dot, is the fountain in the middle of the south lawn. that elongated lawn, that is curved at the bottom is the elips, and from there, all the monuments begin and people can come and go freely on the mall. there is the view from the apex of the elips, looking back at where the helicopter lands, and notice, secret service still visible on the roof of the white house. pete williams rejoins us once again with more. pete? >> i beg your pardon? >> we've lost communications with pete who is in our
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washington newsroom. and perhaps talking to someone else. a brief point on what pete williams brought out a segment before. there's something called jurisdiction. it exists in all cities and towns in this country, is this a police matter or a fire department matter, or an ems matter. in washington, secret service has jurisdiction over the white house grounds. there are situations where outside the fence, the median of grass, or the sidewalk is under the jurisdiction of the parks department. the street is under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan police department. or to pete's point, kind of all three of them in a confluence of jurisdictions. something that starts out as a secret service matter will often be prosecuted as a secret service matter. the metropolitan police in washington are telling us their role today as it often is, was
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to assist. they patrol very heavily the perimeter of the white house, even though the white house complex is guarded by the uniformed division of the secret service. now i'm told pete williams can hear us. pete? >> apologies, brian. just on the phone with a federal official who confirms that, in fact, the shots were fired by a member of the secret service uniformed division. and confirms what we've now heard from several people, which is that a white male, haven't released his name yet, approached this guard post at 17th and e, with a weapon drawn, was repeatedly told to lower the weapon, was told to get down, to put the weapon down, repeatedly disobeyed those commands and was then shot by the officer. our indication earlier was that the man was shot once in the chest and was taken to george washington university hospital, which is also here in downtown washington. let's see, that's on 17th street
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where this happened. gw is about six or seven blocks away. so that wouldn't be a long trip. 17th and e there is just above the n in "breaking news," there's a guard post there. as we were pointing out earlier, estreet u e street used to be open, used to be able to drive across. and you could walk along the sidewalk and look through the fence and take pictures and it's been closed off for security reasons here for the last several years. but there's still a guard post there and we're told that's where this happened. outside the white house grounds. no one other than the person with the gun was shot. officials are emphasizing that there was no danger to the public, but they don't still yet at this point know what the man's motivation was. they're looking for his car.
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they do have some indication of his identity and i'm sure they'll be looking into his past and talking to relatives and doing the kinds of things that they normally do after something like this happens. for all i know, they may be able to talk to him as well, i don't know. >> it bears us repeating, the instances we've known of at the white house, you can still see on the north front of the building, where rounds were fired into the building from pennsylvania avenue. one incident. another incident comes to mind, someone flew a plane into the white house and sheered off a big chunk of tree planted by andy jackson on the south grounds. >> yeah, the white house, as we said earlier, does attract people who are upset with the government or have unspecified grievances. it does -- that does happen. that's one of the reasons why the security is so tight. you may recall that five or six years ago, someone fired shots from a car south of the white house, driving along.
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and some of those rounds actually struck the building. and then maybe 10 or 15 years ago, a man named francisco duran pulled out a rifle, he was upset about gun control, and fired shots at the white house. but we don't know the circumstances here. we should emphasize, as far as we know, this man who was shot today, did not himself fire any shots. the problem was, we're told, that he pulled a gun, guns are illegal here in the district of columbia. they're not totally illegal, but there are very strict gun control laws here about who can have a gun and who cannot. and you can't carry your gun around visibly and you can't brandish it, of course, and you can't aim it at people. so the mere fact that he had a weapon would be a cause of concern around the white house. he was repeatedly told to drop it, to get down, to put the weapon on the ground, get down, he disregarded all of those instructions and at that point he was shot. >> we want to let our viewers
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know as well, the scene we're watching on the left, that is not normal for an early summer day in the upper 70s, for tourists in washington. you're not going to see long weapons like that. the officer on the near side wearing the shorts, that appears to be an over and under shotgun she's carrying and appears to be an m 4 that his colleague is carrying. both of them, i believe, are members of the uniformed secret service stationed on the 18-acre complex. this is extraordinary, because we've just had an incident. but normally, except when they are pulsing the system and want to make a very visible show outside our building here in new york city, you can see members of the nypd anti-terrorism squad with long weapons 24/7, standing post. normally you don't see that aggressive a display, if you are a casual tourist walking past
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the building. pete? oh, pete has gone. as he often does, pete has initiated another phone call with the law enforcement officials that, in turn, give us a lot of the information we are able to give. the ambulance you're seeing now below my picture is -- that was part of a response from the d.c. fire department. they sent d.c. fire department engine three and two ambulances into the gate. they were allowed in. and one report that the victim was transported by helicopter, but i believe it's going to turn out the victim was transported by ambulance, because it is a very short drive. kate snow earlier was talking to sean henry, who happens to be here with us in the studio, and we're happy for that. former executive assistant director of the fbi. sean, what else has stood out to
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you? you've been watching the pictures while i've been talking. >> to see this show of force right now, i mean, i think it's clear, it appears the initial incident is over and done. but those officers want to maintain that presence. you never know if in fact there might be some other co-conspirators who may be involved. there will be an investigation to determine who this man was, what his motivation was. pete mentioned they'll search his vehicle, they'll look to do searches, as soon as they identify his residence, regardless of where he lived, if he lived in another state multiple hours away, they'll execute a search warrant on his home, if he was in fact a threat to the white house, as it appears here. but the investigation will take a bit of time. i can say that there's a lot of collaboration between the law enforcement agencies in that area. there's a lot of overlapping jurisdiction and often times the secret service will respond to something that's traditionally a park police jurisdiction and
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vice versa. those agencies work very, very well collaboratively all in support of keeping those tourists in that area safe, as well as the white house. so the investigation will unfold here and make some determination as to what the genesis of this was. but until that time, you'll likely see a continued show of force to ensure there are no additional threats to folks and facilities there in the white house complex. pete? >> thank you. and jim cavanaugh is with us, retired alcohol, tobacco and firearms special agent in charge, after three decades with atf. jim, it's good to have you, and i wanted to reference, some of these pictures can look so menacing to folks. i mean, i imagine a family a week away from summer vacation, their long-planned trip to washington. they're seeing pictures of a uniformed secret service agent that we keep showing on the roof of the white house, panning his sniper rifle back and forth,
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right there. we should point out to people, that's to use his scope, his optics. you see a tripod on the front of the weapon. it's not because he was going to spray anyone with gunfire. he was just using his scope to get a beat on the scene. >> exactly, brian. they're very disciplined there. no one should worry if they're going to washington. situation normal. the secret service, both the agents in uniformed division, are very thorough there. they tightened up, they got a new director. they were under criticism a year ago or more. it shows real courageous action here by the uniformed division officer. ordered the person to drop the gun multiple times, according to pete's report, multiple times, the person refused and he fired one round and stopped the person. that's just perfect police work. and that's what he's supposed to do. whether the gun turns out to be real, a toy, whether he was suicidal, whether it was really
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an attack, whether he was pulling the gun out to surrender it, who knows, but when the officer ordered him to drop it, he needed to drop it. when he refused, he was shot. >> i think they call that trigger discipline when they're training law enforcement and military to use the appropriate amount of force for the situation, but also the least you need. because, especially here, you're in such a public place with presumably members of the public just a few feet away. let's fit in a break here. our live coverage will continue right after this. 80% of women say a healthy lifestyle is a priority.
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fence line, i guess it's e street to try to get to the front of the white house, and as we passed, there was a gentleman maybe 5'10", blondish hair, sandy blonde hair. he was carrying a -- he was carrying a gun. it was silver. silver gun, in clear sight. walked through the fence line. they immediately tried to stop him and came up to him, why would multiple times, stop, stop, stop, he kept ignoring them. drop your gun. he walked toward the officers, he just kept on walking in, refused to stop, and the officer after they approached about the third, they shot him. >> wow, that is the first eyewitness account we have received of this.
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noticeab notable there, it follows the data we've been given by the uniformed secret service. we don't know the size or type of the weapon yet, except that description, it was silver. we don't know if we're talking about a revolver or a 9 millimeter, but we think it was a short-barrelled weapon. by the way, we just got a call from a viewer in indianapolis, listening on sirius satellite radio, with a reminder that we're also painting a picture for people who are listening to us that way and can't see all these incoming pictures. this picture shows the apex of the elips across from the white house. there's the washington monument in the background. pete williams is standing by, but let's go to jim miklaszewski who has now made his way from the press room in the west wing of the white house, out to our normal location on the grounds and just to situate people here, jim, that's kind of the
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northwest poarea. >> that's right. it's about as serene a scene as you're ever going to see. and even across pennsylvania avenue, it's vacant. usually there are thousands of tourists, taking pictures of themselves, selfies outside the front of the white house at this time of day, particularly such a beautiful day as today. but right now, this entire area is just totally silent. and the -- where the shooting occurred is in that direction, kitty corner, and from here, it would be a good block, block and a half from where we're standing right outside the white house, right now, brian. and nbc crew members who were here at the time, it was so far away from the white house that they did not even hear the one
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shot that was fired. so at this point, the white house itself is no longer on lockdown for those who have a pass. but this entire area remains cleared of anybody. we don't even see any police really, except for two or three police vehicles on pennsylvania avenue. >> that's kind of the way we like it, especially for the day you've had there at the white house. a nice tranquil day with the weather in the mid to upper 70s. pete, we have a live picture of this. the best view we've had, getting us closer to where this shooting was. this -- our camera's on pennsylvania, and we are looking down the side. old executive office building is just out of frame on the left-hand side. >> right. i just want to make sure whether this camera is pointing north or
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south. it's a little -- >> i think it's pointing south, and the oeb is out of frame on the left-hand side. >> does that look like it says e street on the street sign? i can't tell. but you're right, but the point is, okay, now we're getting a better look at it. >> that's actually g street. >> so e will be further away from us. because the letters get higher as you come -- in the alphabet as you come toward the camera. so the camera is looking south, and the letters go up in the alphabet south to north. so the shooting happened another, what, two blocks down the way. you can just see a white car, maybe down there at the corner. if you look between the officer with the weapon and the people trying to cross the street there, that's where it was. and that's 17th and e streets,
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it's outside the white house grounds. and you can see that, as you get further to the south, you don't have the full-up fence around some of the area. you have these bollards that are meant to keep car traffic away. and they're all over washington now with security measures. but we're told is, and i don't know the exact time, but perhaps an hour and a half ago, a white male, we don't have his name yet, we don't know much more about him, walked up to the security checkpoint at 17th and e with what we now believe, based on what we're hearing from witnesses, a handgun, visible, brandished, and was told by the officer repeatedly to lower the weapon, put it down, and i'm not sure we know where the person had the weapon aimed, but in any event, disregarded the instructions and was shot by a uniformed secret service officer in the chest and taken to george washington university hospital. and the only other thing i know
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about this is that authorities have what they believe is his identification. probably from i.d.s on him. they've located what they believe to be his car not too far away on constitution avenue, and they're either now in the process of searching it or preparing to search it to see what else may be in the car, whether he had other weapons, written material that would indicate why he did this. i haven't heard anything at all about why this man had a gun, where he's from, how old he is, any of the identifying information that would tell us why he was walking around with a gun on the streets of washington where guns are highly restricted and why he chose to walk up to a white house checkpoint. >> all right. pete williams in our newsroom. for those viewers just joining us, one very important thing, the president was not on the complex at the time. he often uses the golf course at andrews air force base in suburban maryland.
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that's where he was. presidents prefer that sometimes so they don't create a ruckus or disruption at other golf courses and they have the privacy of a military base. vice president biden apparently was on the complex and was in no danger all the while. we're going to hear if not from the white house, our first briefing may be from the u.s. park police. all of that on the other side of a break. hmmmmmm..... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. part of the award-winning golf family.
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>> we're back, we want to show you the scene. this is within walking distance of the white house. the gentleman in black is a photographer with the, i believe with the uniformed secret service. see if we can drop that banner so we can see more of this car. i want to say it is a vintage toyota camry. could be wrong, but this car has gathered a lot of interest. they have opened the doors,
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trunk, lid, and hood, as you can see, and they are taking photos. we will presume prior to getting official confirmation that this car is the car that has been linked to the individual who is now being treated at george washington university hospital. a photographer is indeed with the uniformed division of the u.s. secret service. you saw the police officer on the phone, and the light blue shirt is with the park police. again, when we talk about mixing jurisdictions, that's what we're talking about. pete? >> this is roughly 15th and constitution avenue, a couple of blocks away from the white house. and you can see it's public parking there. you can see the parking meter there, sort of out of focus in the background. it would have taken a little while before they -- and you'll see a park police officer. as you say, they're involved in this too. the police, our understanding is this is what they believe to be
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the shooting victim's car. it would have taken a while for them to get a search warrant. they can't open the car without a search warrant. well, they could, but they couldn't use any evidence that they find in it to prosecute this person with the gun. so they would have waited for a search warrant that they would have gotten very quickly. as you can see, all the doors, everything's open, the doors on both sides, the trunk and the hood. and that would be a pretty standard thing that they would do whenever anybody's arrested or charged with something like this. so that is what they tell us they believe is his car. >> i was just going to express amazement that anyone found parking over there. when tourist season starts cracking up, it is next to impossible. and pete, to your earlier point, a lot of these places we're talking about, were open to vehicles, were open to pedestrian traffic in the years since you and i have been doing this, and pennsylvania avenue, which was open to traffic until
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mid 1990s. >> it's changed so much here, brian, in the years since i've been in washington. when i first came here, 30-plus years ago to work as a staffer in the congress, i parked my car on the plaza outside the capitol building. and you could drive from one side of the capital to the other across the plaza. those days are long gone and slowly we've seen the restrictions around. and after the oklahoma city bombing was the biggest change in federal protection here in washington. that's when you started to see the restriction on pennsylvania avenue on the north side of the white house, that would be at sort of at the top of your screen there, and ualso the restriction on e street to the south, just out of frame on the map below me. and the place that the shooting took place is to the lower left and just out of the frame again of the little map. here's a better idea. so that's pennsylvania avenue on the north side of the white
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house. it's closed off. e street is closed off -- you can walk on it, but you can't drive on it, same thing with e street on the south side. there at 17th and e, just about the n on "breaking news" is where we believe this took place at a checkpoint. i have to say, even at this point, we're not precisely certain where this happened. it could have been just to the north of that, where that other little street comes in, sort of under the r in "street" in "17th street." that could have been where it was. we're not precisely certain exactly pinpoint where this was. the point is, it was on that side of the white house grounds, outside the fence, at a checkpoint, where this person, this man, this white male with a handgun, we're trying to learn more about him. we don't know anything, we just know he was taken to the hospital, but where he's from, you can't see the plates on the car and of course the car could be a rental car. we just had this happen not too
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long ago in a shooting here in washington, d.c., unrelated to the white house. a man who was -- shot his wife and then this is the parking -- the shooting that took place at the shopping center. he was driving a rented car around. so -- and rental cars tend to be white. so i don't know if this is his car or something else. you can't see the plates in the picture. we don't know anything about him, where he's from, why he had a gun and what he was doing. >> for now the n in "breaking news" and the r in "street" is what we have to point out the location. the best shot we can give you from an intersection along pennsylvania avenue that gives us some idea as to where this round was fired at the suspect. we're still three blocks away and have to describe it in
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distant detail. there it is. that's pennsylvania avenue. this is also apparently where the park police, one of all these police jurisdictions, the park police plans on giving the first briefing. in all candor, we don't expect them to say anything we haven't already told you. young, lone male suspect, armed with a handgun, sandy hair, 5'10" or thereabouts, approaches an armed gate house, or the area around one of the gate houses that surrounds the white house complex. a very large area. brandishes the weapon, told repeatedly to drop it. when he did not, a single round was fired, apparently struck in the chest. pete williams, back to you. >> one more piece of information here, brian. we're now being told that the person who fired the weapon was,
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in fact, a special agent with the secret service, not a member of the uniformed division. that's a distinction that means a big deal for the secret service. the uniformed division folks are the ones like i suspect you see in the background there, that man with the white shirt and the dark pants. they obviously wear uniforms. the special agents are the ones who are often plain-clothed, although sometimes they're in uniform. and they would be the ones who do protective work and so forth. so we're told it was an agent, that's the term they would use. special agent is the formal term. but it was the secret service agent, rather than someone in the uniformed division. >> all right, pete, thanks. and right there, in that one shot, you see some of the different jurisdictions. metropolitan police means the local washington, d.c. police. this is video from earlier when we didn't know quite what we had, except that there was an incident under way at the white house. the car on the right has been identified as belonging to the
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suspect, who is being treated for a single gunshot wound at george washington university hospital. another quick break in our coverage, we'll be right back. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them.
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we are back, 4:40 east coast time. we've been following breaking news. though it doesn't look like it, as you look at the intersection of pennsylvania avenue and 17th street in washington, d.c. three blocks down that road, we had an individual round fired by a secret service agent, one of the people you see in the secret service who normally wears a suit to work. single, male suspect, refused to drop a weapon and was himself dropped and taken to george washington university hospital not far away. we're waiting for an update on his condition.
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white house was put under lockdown. lockdown has been lifted. some streets remain closed off that are usually open, especially to pedestrian traffic. we believe the first briefing is going to come from the u.s. park police. but this is a view of the white house. this was over on the left toward the bottom left of your screen. obviously, if you've been watching us at any point during the day, you have seen our special coverage of the ongoing big story from overseas, the downing of egyptair flight 804. we want to bring back in nbc's tom costello, who covers aviation for us, who has been reporting on some new details in the story. tom? >> good afternoon, brian. about knoan hour ago we reporte that a website was broadcasting what is really essentially the last data transmission from flight 804. nbc news has confirmed the
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authenticity of this acars data transmission. let's put it up if we could. this is all very important, because it signifies something may have been going wrong in the last few minutes of this flight. a truncated this a little bit, but at 26 minutes zulu time, gmt, there was a record on board this plane of three events happening, smoke in the lavatory, but in addition to that, two problems with a right window in the cockpit. i didn't put it on the graphic, but it's there anyway. 26 minutes zulu time, a problem with the right window and smoke in the lab. at 27 minutes zulu time gmt, smoke involving the avionics on the plane. again another right fixed window sensor going off. and at 29 minutes, the flight computer unit faults. and then another serious computer system used to control the plane's elevators and other apparatus, or mechanics, if you
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will, within the plane, showing faults. so all of this is happening over the course of literally three minutes and then about seven minutes later, the plane goes off radar. so what does that say? you know the airbus a 320 pretty well. and i believe john cox with us, he's an a 320 pilot, as luck would have it. but it suggests something was going on in the nose of the plane, right where the flight attendants work, you have the cockpit, the windows, the circuit breakers, the avionics, the flight control system. it would appear there was something going on, probably involving smoke, maybe fire. the question is, was there a fire involving the circuit breakers, or was it an explosion of some sort at the front end of that plane near the galley, near the lav that might have caused a series of cascading events that
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might have led to tragedy. >> for people who just saw the information on the screen, repeat again the source that is using this information on the web. >> nbc news has now confirmed the authenticity of this information. it originally came from av, which is a website that a lot of aviation geeks like to go into, they call themselves that lovingly, i think. that was the first website to report this data, now authenticated by nbc news. and u.s. intelligence sources have said they have no reason to doubt the information either. importantly, there was no mayday call. so did something happen that was so sudden, that it ripped out the coms, or was the cockpit crew incapacitated, or busy with
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an emergency, that they couldn't send out a mayday. something was happening in the last few minutes. >> let's bring in john cox, a 25-year veteran with 10,000 hours as pilot in command. i'm just a lay person, but i hear smoke in the lav and avionics faults and that to me raises at least the possibility of a lithium ion battery in the cargo hold, of something like that, catastrophic on board en route, and maybe not terrorism. >> well, i think it says that we have a new piece of evidence here. couple of things, brian that's very important. this thing unfolded, these acars messages are somewhere between two and three minutes long. so it says that there was not a single catastrophic event. but this thing unfolded over some period of time. the fact that there is smoke reported in the lavatory, but
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within the same minute, there's also problems in the right front part of the airplane with the window sensors. it says that either one of two things. there are events going on simultaneously in the right front part of the airplane, or in the avionics bay. the controlling computers for both of these devices, it's experiencing some problems. what this is going to do for us is allow the experts to take these events and narrow down what could cause this sequence to occur the way that it did. now from there, then we'll be able to take a better look at the flight path of the airplane and maybe understand what happened to it. >> now, because it may become germ ann and before this is over, we may become experts on the cockpit windows in an a 320. why would a window have sensors, for icing, would be it open,
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close? even commercial jet aircraft, you can pop a window open when you're on the ground. >> absolutely. there are sliding windows. there are two of them in the cockpit of an a320. one on the left and one on the right. however, the monitor and sensors that are expressed here deal exclusively with thermal, the heating of the wind screens. because jets fly in such cold environments, they heat the windows to make sure that ice doesn't form on them. and it also prevents them from cracking. so the thermal protection is what's being monitored and what this acars message deals with. it's the heating elements. >> thank you very much, captain cox. we're so glad you could be standing by with us, as we got this news. and who knows, this new data, this new reporting which nbc news as confirmed, could take us and this investigation in a
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whole new area. it could lead us out of the hypothesis of terrorism. we just don't know. what we must do is keep these 66 souls on board in our thoughts and in our hearts. another break, we'll be back right after this. ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] i can't believe i got it. that'. you're proud to give each other your best every day. and at banquet, we want to give you our best. that's why we're adding 20% more chicken to our chicken pot pies. that's my mom. now serving... a better banquet.
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about the investigation into the downing of egyptian air flight 804. we've been covering a breaking news story in our nation's capital. single suspect, shot, taken down outside a guard location. let's call it two buildings away from the white house, but in the white house complex. this amateur video just coming in to us from, i believe, snapchat, shows some of the early moments after the shooting. pete williams has been working the phone and his sources since that moment and is with us from our d.c. newsroom. pete? >> right, so this picture would appear to be taken from a number of different places. some close to the white house, some not so close. what you're looking at right now is the police search of a car which is believed to belong to the man who approached the white house with a gun. it's pretty well over. they've opened the doors, the trunk, the hood. they've looked all through it.
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this is the beginning of what will be a long process to investigate what brought this man to washington. but let's back up here, we're now told that this happened almost two hours ago at 3:06, when a white male, we're told, in his early 30s approached a checkpoint on the west side of the white house grounds. when he walked up, we're told by law enforcement officials and by the way, i don't know as you look at some of these pictures, whether some of these are current or some of these are earlier pictures. and you might ask yourself, if it's over, why are all these guys standing around with guns? and the simple answer, until they're certain only one person was involved, that's sort of standard procedure. but in any event, this man walks up with a handgun. he had a weapon drawn. he was repeatedly told by uniformed secret service folks at the white house checkpoint to lower the weapon, put it down,
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get down on his hands and knees. he did not follow any of those commands, and so a secret service agent shot him once in the chest. they recovered the gun, they rendered medical aid. they summoned help and he was transported to a hospital, george washington university hospital, which is about five or six blocks away. and i have not heard what his condition is. others may know. how the investigation will begin. they believe they know a name. we don't have that name confirmed, about you they're looking at his car. that's one of the early things they would do. and now they'll try to do what they usually do to reconstruct his movements. they'll look for receipts and try to figure out where he was in the days -- this suggests to me that they believe he was from out of state, or out of the district anyway. they'll try to figure out what he was doing in the days leading up to this, they'll search his house, talk to his relatives. those are all things to come. but these are earlier pictures
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now, the state of readiness. those people are on top of the white house all the time. when something like this happens, they go to battle stations until they know what the situation is and everything can be calmed down. but that's our best sense of what happened here. >> pete, i've been cautioning, that shot of the guy on the white house roof, waving his tripod weapon back and forth, he's using his sight optics. it's not like he was keeping a beat on a running suspect down the street. it looks way more threatening than the reality was. he was just using his sight as a telescope, in effect, to see the situation on the other side of the building. i want to show you the situation right now on the corner at pennsylvania avenue. outside the old executive office building, reporters are setting microphones up on an elaborate electronic christmas tree with
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some chewing gum and gaffer tape there, waiting for the spokesperson with the u.s. park police, merely because it's going to be the first briefing we will have had from and for the media, rather. the scene of the shooting is three blocks behind that police officer you see in the white shirt and the black kevlar vest. it was three blocks down that street. so to situate you, if you walk to the left in this frame, the building you can see a little bit of is the old executive office building, the eisenhower executive office building, an enormous all-stone building. the building next to that is the white house. so we're, i want to say two football fields away from where you would get cleared to go in the northwest gate to conduct business at the white house, where you could stand and watch
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the white house correspondents reporting from there. we showed you the other active scene and that is the search of a car, what appears to be a late model white toyota camry, now has a u.s. park police squad car blocking our view of it. all the doors, hood, and trunk were opened, as that car was searched, that's the car we've been told was connected to the suspect. don't know, we can't see the state license plate. don't know if it's a rental or belongs to the suspect. don't know anything about the suspect yet. why this becomes germane and important is the length and breadth and depth of this case. if this is an individual who they find out has been making threatening comments about the president for some time. now we see some clothing they've emptied out of it on the ground. if this is a case file -- excuse me -- that's going to go back a
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ways, and include more than just today's incident, single male suspect, brandishing a weapon at a guard post outside the white house complex, broadly defined. well, law enforcement's going to be very interested in that. we can assume that as soon as he was transported to the hospital, they fished around and got his i.d., found out who he was. between police departments, i'm guessing the first step was to run a look-up on his name, call the police department, wherever he lives, and check up on him there. so this all becomes germane to the case. they've been taking photographs of the car. presumably park police will update us on his condition. some of this coverage will be a part of "meet the press daily" with chuck todd, originating from washington on this friday afternoon. a much busier friday afternoon
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than anyone in washington saw coming. but the all-clear has been sounded at the white house. president, vice president, president's family were never in any danger. one shot fired, one suspect now hospitalized. and now with "meet the press daily" on this friday afternoon, chuck todd in washington. chuck? >> if it's friday, it's wrapping up donald trump's big week to try to appease the right. today it's the nra. earlier this week, it was the supreme court. democrats want to paint him as risky, but more and more, at least for republicans, they're coming home to the presumptive nominee. this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. good evening and welcome to "mtp daily." i'm chuck todd here in washington.
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