tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 26, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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the majority of delegates needed to get there. going into today, peter, our count had donald trump at 1,211, about 26 short. but what ended up happening the unbound delegates, particularly in north dakota ended up endorsing donald trump. many had been backing ted cruz initially and changed their support. one way to think of unbound delegates, they are like superdelegates on the democratic side. what happened today the republican superdelegates that we call them or unpledged delegates ended up breaking for donald trump and made him cross that magic number. >> long ago we anticipated this was going to be a contentious contested convention in cleveland, ohio, john kasich, ted cruz, the two last men standing besides donald trump wanted to hold on to delegates to give them additional clout, they are still holding on. is there any drama still to anticipate in terms of the platform or whatever else as a
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result of those other delegates? ted cruz is one of the most powerful second place finishers in recent history in one of these conventions? >> i don't expect a lot of drama. we've seen very tight races before, even tighter on the democratic side in the 2008 barack obama versus hillary clinton race. and what ends up happening, when all of the candidates end up dropping out and you have a presumptive nominee by the sheer number or networks calling it or party designating you the presumptive nominee, you pretty much control that convention. there might be some discentrists here or there, for the most part donald trump and his allies will control every aspect of the convention in cleveland from the platform to the speaking order to who's giving the key note speech. this is going to be donald trump's convention. and that is significant to kind of understand even as you try to see if there are dissenting voices. >> donald trump, the showman who has said the past conventions was the most boring he's ever
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seen. hoping to have a stamp and imprint this coming summer. mark, thank you very much. i want to get to hallie jackson joining us from phone from billings mond s montana. this is a significant milestone. you've been speaking to the trump campaign. are they reacting to this? >> listen, i think what we're going to see, peter, donald trump and campaign aides talk about how trump has now hit that magic number before hillary clinton has on the democratic side. point to this as a sign of his unity within the democratic party as a way that republicans and some specifically are in fact stronger than clinton moving into sort of the convention season. so i think that's the significance for the trump campaign of this right now. this doesn't change how we talked about donald trump as the presumptive nominee for nbc news until the convention, he won't officially secure the nomination but you're right, this is a milestone. i'm told by a senior source that you will see a number of these
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unbound north dakota delegates at that event in bismarck, committing to trump or at least coming out and publicly backing him as we have now called it as he has reached that magic number, peter. you look back at the contours of this race over the last year, over the last year and change and this is a real moment for the republican party after prediction after prediction that donald trump would simply not reach that figure. here we are end of may, not even california yet, there was a lot of folks that thought maybe it would take until june 7th for trump to do this. >> trump not going through the motions with that stop in bismarck, north dakota early today and another stop where you are in montana, making sure he checks every box, get to say hi and thank you to his supporters across the country. >> reporter: he'll continue to do so, peter. after that, north dakota event, the fact he was given that energy policy speech in north dakota was significant because
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of this reason he would be able to bring these delegates forwards and be able to hit that math ib number. but then he goes to montana, where we are in billings. he's going to hold a rally. people are already lining up for that. he heads to california, fresno and san diego tomorrow for other events. he's not -- not disappearing we should say because that has happened and he hit this magic number, doesn't mean we'll see him off the campaign trail. hallie jackson in billings, thanks so much. we want to get right to steve kornacki. he runs these numbers better than anyone in the business. break it down for us and tell us what just happened. a lot of people will say it's a thursday and there were no new votes. what changed? >> remember we were talking about this a few weeks ago in the run-up to the pennsylvania primary, the unbound delegates, these are free agents and they automatically get elected or chosen to go to the national convention. they can vote for anybody who they want there. they don't have to vote for the candidate who won the primary or
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the caucus or whatever procedure in their state. more than 100 of these floating around in pennsylvania, a lot of them have given a indication that they were going to take into account how the primary in that state went. donald trump won pennsylvania in a massive landslide and north dakota, unbound delegates were chosen there at the convention. a lot of noigs around that convention for people following this closely, it looked like ted cruz in the stop trump movement had gotten a real coup out of north dakota and gotten loyalists into these slots. a lot of these unbound delegates chosen like that are officially formally saying no, i'm with trump. and again, hallie was saying there, it doesn't change how we've been talking about him here. he's been the presumptive nominee for a long time. we assumed that these delegates would fall into line but the timing really as hallie is saying, may 26th now. it was april 5th was the night
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of the wisconsin primary. donald trump lost by double digits to ted cruz and if you can think back it may seem like an eternity now but how many voices did you hear that night and day after saying that's it, there's no way donald trum trump is going to wrap this up and on may 26th and we're saying he's hit the number. >> as we talk about that number though, obviously it was his opponent ted cruz who had been outorganizing him for so long and that seemed to be cruz campaign's strength as we report about new infighting as it were within the trump campaign right now, his national political director rick wiley just being basically booted out of the campaign. the trump campaign still does have challenges in terms of organizing now as it heads towards a general election campaign. >> it does and the other thing you have to wonder all is a long, he has broke so many of
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the rules of iron clad rules, he has broken it and look where he is today. he has got the numbers to be the republican nominee. and also, i think it's a moment maybe to step back and put some of this in context too, you know, how long did we hear he had a ceiling of 15%, 35% on the republican side. he's going -- we ran the numbers the other day, it looks like he's going to get out of this primary process exactly what mitt romney got in 2012, more than john mccain got in 2008 in our poll this week, he got 86% of republicans now saying they are with trump against hillary clinton in the fall. he is almost now at the same level of republican support that mitt romney had on election day in 2012. so the story here is -- i think we spent so many months, even when donald trump started to win the primaries, yeah, but, half of the party, 60% of the party, whatever known is thrown out won't be for this guy. at the ends of the day, if you took donald trump's name off of
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it, what we're seeing is the end of a process that looks similar to what we saw with the last two republican nominees, basically the same. >> thank you very much. we want to bring in our friends mark caputo joining us from miami and here in washington, "washington post" national political reporter and msnbc political analyst, robert costa. bob, to you out of the gates, this is a significant moment that we're witnessing, not that donald trump hadn't focused his attention on hillary clinton going forward but i want to get your take right now on how the campaign sort of views this point in time as the party appears to be gelling but there are still divisions, donald trump taking on the only latina governor. suzanne na martinez. >> as donald trump turns towards the general election, he remains his own chief strategist. he has turf wars beneath him but
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donald trump remains at the center of his campaign. he takes an active role, dismissal of rick wiley, directly do to trump's own hand and involvement of personnel and decisions on the campaign. on the campaign trail not doing much to reach for party unity. remains trump as ever being insend dairy at times. >> even yesterday there were several republican governors siding with suzannemartinez back and forth. mark, the trump campaign focusing on hillary clinton now getting a pview as it were as what the next line of attack may be. this is an e-mail that was sent intended for a michael caputo, a trump campaign adviser that instead ended up in the e-mail box of you, mark caputo. no relationship. what did it tell us about where donald trump is going next?
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>> they are ready to launch a broad scale assault on hillary clinton and it's going to be no holds barred and white water will be fair game as trump himself signature fied, the allegations against bill clinton and actual -- bill clinton from the past will be brought back up to bob's point really, donald trump is the chief strategist and has all of these people dredging all they can to throw everything at hillary clinton. she knows it's coming. what was what was a surprise was the dismissal of rick wiley and donald trump called his florida strategist after a blowup and said what's wrong and she told him and trump basically told rick wiley, you're fired. it's a pretty remarkable thing for a candidate to get involved in that granular level of his campaign's mechanics but he's doing that and now hit the magic number with delegates. so far it's working for him. >> mark, you just punched your
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ticket for another appearance with the use of pack dill lo. >> i was fumbling around and that was the best i could do. >> we appreciate it. steve, another major headline on hillary clinton's turf the latest report from the ig about the use of the private e-mail server but our friends at first read today talk about how donald trump's weaknesses often overshadow hillary clinton's. it's striking how many americans view her as according to our word cloud, liar and untrust worthy. that was the biggest word association anybody had but donald trump almost matches her in terms of that figure. >> if you look at her most recent poll, do you think each candidate is honest and trustworthy? hillary clinton's number on that front is 19%. donald trump's number is not good, but it is higher, 35%. it's almost twice as high. if you took hillary's out of there and looked at just
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trump's, i would say that's a terrible number but hillary clinton coming in at just 19%. it seems to be the biggest single -- if you had to reduce all of her potential liabilities and vulnerabilities into the fall into one that stands out the most, that really is it. that's been the story for this entire campaign, is she honest? is she trust worthy? here's a story where she was out there and the line has been for the last year she sought approval from the state department to do this and this was done setting up the private e-mail server was done with state department approval and you have the inspector general saying no, she did not seek approval for this and if she had sought approval, approval would not have been given. then you add in the second layer, she refused to sit with and talk with and be subjected to an interview by these investigators. she did not cooperate with this investigation in that sense. she says she will with any fbi investigation but when you look at a number that's that low in terms of people thinking she's
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honest and being straight forward, somebody who doesn't cooperate with the state department inspector general on a report like this and report like this comes out and says no, when she says she got approval for this, she didn't ask for approval and wouldn't have gotten approve if she did. that's the kind of story that brings the number so low. >> steve, i think you're right. kristen welker is joining us from las vegas, nevada, by the look of the back drop, no place but the vegas strip. give us a sense as steve was making the point, the clinton campaign or clinton herself has hardly been forthright about her use of this personal e-mail server insisting that she did it with permission. what was the clinton campaign saying and doing right now as this is a new sort of element for the arsenal in donald trump's back pocket? >> absolutely. peter, we are here in las vegas, where secretary clinton is going to be addressing some union workers later on today. she's going to try to turn the page on all of those headlines
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you were just discussing with steve. but look, her campaign is in full spin mode. they make the argument that she didn't feel as though she needed to ask permission because her predecessors, former secretaries of state had also used a personal e-mail account. there's obviously a whole host of inconsistencies, why didn't she turn over her files once she left office. of the answer to that was she thought she was saving the files because she was copying them and forwarded them to people who had accounts. still a lot of questions there, this is overshadowing hillary clinton as she tries to clinch her own nomination. a lot surprised donald trump was able to do it before she beat sanders. the reason why she's putting so much energy and so much effort into california peter is not so much for the math but for the momentum. she wants to head into the convention on solid ground and
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in order to do that she has to win here in california. that would blunt senator sanders' argument that even if he heads into the convention with fewer delegates but she hasn't officially clinched with pledged delegates, there should be some type of contested convention. that's why you're seeing her fight so vigorously for california and one of her top aids telling me tomorrow we ask expect to see them go up with ads there. airing in a number of key markets and of course, her ongoing challenge continues to be that she has this two-pronged fight. fighting against senator sanders but still fighting against donald trump. i anticipate later today we'll hear a lot of sharp jabs against donald trump. peter? >> bob costa, do you hear me? >> i do. >> i want a take from you about the clinton campaign right now. they have been refusing to this point to take the bait about the most frequent attacks about sexual infidelity, the infidelities of bill clinton in the past, hillary clinton's
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treatment of women in the words of members of the trump campaign right now. so obviously it seems clear that donald trump will continue that attack but also hit hillary clinton on this inspector general report as he's already done with a new tweet today saying it reflects on her lacking the temperament and judgment he says to hold the highest office. >> in my interviews with donald trump, i've often been struck on the question of female voters and his lack of overtours to them. it's not so much he needs to have a strategy to win over more women. it's need that he needs to destroy hillary clinton's popularity with women voters. that's what you're seeing right now on the e-mail front but also in bringing in former president clinton's history, trump believes he can start to get ground there with women just by pulling away some from hillary clinton. we haven't seen that pay off entirely in the polls but that seems to be his long-term outlook. >> thank you for that.
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our friend ben begins burg joins us now, a veteran of republican politics and knows these conventions and the way, the number the delegate selection process works as well as anybody. four years ago this time you were the person who was off in who knows where trying to secure as many delegates as you could for mitt romney. now as it's not even memorial day and donald trump wraps up the nomination. no more talk of a contested convention. how do you sort of cast this moment and how do you address the divisions that still exist within the republican party? paul ryan yet to endorse, sue sus susannna martinez, accusing him of trying to bully her. >> it is a triumph when they go over the numeric alma jort. he did it at about the same time as mitt romney did.
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later than the historical norms but it seems to be the norm with the series of changes that the rnc put in in 2008. the challenges of consolidating the party are on a little bit of a shorter streak. what was fortunate for previous nominees is that they had the nomination, they were the presumptive nominee earlier and could move to bring the party together in april and so far in this particular month and you know, mr. trump deserves a lot of credit for self-funding his campaign. the down side of that he doesn't have the financial network, network of donors -- >> that's an important point to bring up. in real terms, what are -- obviously this is a nontraditional campaign but it's obviously been and incredibly effective one that resonated
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with so many americans across this country. what are the biggest challenges in real terms beyond money going forward? he got a lot of free media but organization money, those matter more now as we head towards a general, don't they? >> organization does matter because the primary had about 20 million voters in it and general election we'll see somewhere around 130 million. so that requires a degree of organization and reaching voters who are sort of lower propensity voters. that has traditionally been done with organizations state by state. the staff shake-up last night cannot possibly speed up that process. and so it puts more emphasis on what donald trump has said about his campaign, which is that he is a unique communicator. and that that power will make up for a lot of the organization
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sort of being behind organizationally where most campaigns are at this point. >> so if you're inside trump tower right now and one of the top advisers and look at the white board and have a series of boxes to check, obviously you checked securing the nomination and no longer the presumptive nominee, you are the republican nominee with the convention still to come. what are your biggest immediate priorities? obviously the convention will be a first chance for a lot of americans including those undecided americans to really look at donald trump in real terms as a president. >> one thing that's true about other nominees is that they had more time to plan the convention. usually you need three or four months to get your arms around it. donald trump did not get the keys to the kingdom at the rnc until a little earlier this month. the convention is six weeks earlier than it has been. and so the opportunity of the convention to present his views
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and his campaign and his personality, which is a unique opportunity in the campaign has got to go on a really quick timetable. both for program and the settings that he wants to bring to it, that's not much time. life is complicated by the fact that cleveland cavaliers are having a great run in the nba playoffs. so that delays the ability to get into the quicken loan arena sooner to start setting up. so that's going to be on a very compressed timetable. our hats should go off to the people in cleveland who need to plan that. you also need to be thinking down the road to the fall, to not only which states you need to concentrate in organizationally, but also getting ready for the debates. general election debates are just different from primary debates. it is a one to one match-up on the stage. it is not a number of other candidates who basically hold
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your philosophical views. that requires some thinking about how to organize it. obviously the hiring of people and recruiting of volunteers to help politically and then bringing in the fundraisers who can raise the money to do what needs to be done are all crucial. >> ben, finally i said this to mark murray earlier, talking about this topic. but ted cruz has 500 plus delegates and john kasich this week wants to hold on to his delegates. he's the home state governor for the cleveland gop convention. is there any potential for either of them or others in any form to cause mischief at this convention? >> well, i'm not -- i don't know if i would put it in the mischief category, but two things to look for. number one is the platform. mr. trump has taken views that are not republican orthodoxy,
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there are a lot of issue advocacy organizations in washington whose fundamental mission is challenged by donald tru trump. they may want to try to reexert their authority in the course of changes to the primary -- to the platform. >> right. >> as they go forward. and secondsly, is ted cruz undoubtedly along with others has an eye on 2020 and there will be activities that can affect the nominating rules for 2020 or hopefully 2024. and they'll be looking at those as well. >> ben, we really appreciate you guiding us down this path. donald trump as we've been reporting on msnbc has by our tally clinched the republican nomination. no longer the presumptive nominee, the securing of those unbound delegates in states like colorado and pennsylvania and north dakota.
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donald trump is now the republican party's nominee to be officially crowned that title at the convention this summer. john ral ston our friends from nevada is joining us right now. i with a to ask you quickly about ground game. we'll ask the same question to you mark caputo if you still hear me as well. first in nevada, organization is key as you go from 20 million people voting in republican primaries effectively to 130 million people likely to vote in a general election. it gets more challenging for candidates like this, like trump who relied heavily on free media to this point. >> i'll give you will the conventional wisdom about nevada, although there's been very little that's been conventional and too little wisdom about this election, right? i've got to tell you, donald trump has no ground game in nevada as of yet. s had ben and others alluded to, that will start now. rnc has put people out here.
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he has a western political director been in nevada a lot and has pretty good experience. but they are nowhere near what hillary clinton and democratic party of nevada have on pt grounds game. >> how important is ground game in a place like nevada. do we oversell the value of ground game or is that key in a place with large rural communities where donald trump needs to swell the vote. how important is it there? >> it is still very important. you mentioned rural nevada. nevada is essentially two cityis reno and vegas, between them is a 500 mile swath of voters, most of whom will vote for donald trump. that's a relatively small percentage of the vote. the ground game getting people out to vote and all of the organizations that will do that in the urban areas of nevada, especially clark county las vegas where you have two thirds or three quarters of the vote depending on turnout, that is going to be the key to the election and why barack obama won the state the last two
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times. >> mark caputo, you're in florida. what do you see there in the challenge for donald trump? he likes to say it's his second home. we've covered him frequently over the kourgs of the campaign. how do they look there in terms of ground game? >> we don't really see them but we didn't see donald trump's ground game in the primary. pretty impressive, more votes than any other presidential candidate and destroyed a u.s. senator from the state, marco rubio who was well liked here. to underestimate donald trump's ability to trn out the vote is a bad bet. it is behind in organizing in florida but not only have time to catch up but had a meeting just two days ago, a meeting where they discovered firing rick wiley and if i can agree to a degree with my friend ben g insberg, the florida director
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was the one having a fight with him and oversaw the state which gave donald trump this overwhelmingly big victory. it's may. we have an election coming up in november. florida elections are notoriously close. it's really not a good idea to forecast how the vote is going to shake out. one thing i can say with some certainty, donald trump's campaign like hillary clinton's campaign is taking the state very seriously and whoever wins the state has a much better shot of winning the presidency and if he loses florida, he loses the election and he knows that and will no go down easy. he's going to fight hard here and starting to do it. >> mark, you covered jeb bush for a long time and you have to wonder what a person like jeb bush is thinking on a day like this. he thought this would be his day, not too many months ago before the trump train as it were rolled through the 2016 election season. my colleague luke russert is joining us now as well. luke, we're anticipating that paul ryan is going to be
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speaking a few minutes from now. traditionally makes his first comments before he's asked questions by reporters like you in the front row about a topic like donald trump. what are you hearing from paul ryan? any closer to an endorsement? rmt they did have a phone call last night. and both camps said that phone call was very simply good. and i think what you're seeing now though between ryan and trump is this development of a relationship. ryan is trying to get to yes but still has a few serious concerns, primarily resonate around a few things. number one, is ryan's view of trump is perhaps being too ee namerred with executive power and mentioned that in an off camera with reporters that he feels congress has to be an equal branch. also to some degree trying to preserve his own political future by not embracing trump fully right off the bat and wants to get some kind of concession for conservatives
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whether in the house republican conference or outside who have problems with trump, this idea i want as speaker to be able to say i got donald trump to go here. i will say though what's interesting as we have this breaking news about trump officially clinching the nomination today, it becomes a little bit harder. ryan is already on an island as a congressional republican leader, only one that not resigned himself to the fact that trump is the nominee. now he can say officially. the longer the back and forth goes on and he said yesterday there's no new time line in his mind. he's still getting there but not going to happen overnight, it becomes a problem. it's why? why is everyone else willing to go to yes and you're not? to speculate a little bit, garnered from conversations i've had more on the ryan side, there seems to be a trust issue. if you look at what's happened over the last few days, you had paul manafort giving comments from trump's campaign, we think
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a ryan endorsement will come this week. the ryan camp didn't like that. they felt trump was trying to force their hand, saying hey, get on board, this culture of inevitability and ryan has his own platform and own job. he can afford to hold out longer and be stronger and get more concessions if he wants. it's a fascinating dance we don't often see in modern politics. >> to be clear, nbc news just confirmed that donald trump has clinched the 1,237 needed to secure the republican party's nomination, officially that process will happen this summer at the convention in cleveland. for this moment we call him the presumptive nominee. it is a significant moment for trump campaign or what has been a unique, we would all agree, political season. luke, urm talking about the island that paul ryan is in effect on.
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he got a couple more friends on the island. susanna martinez, governor of new mexico in her angry back and forth with donald trump. trump saying maybe i should be governor of the state, i could do things she hasn't been able to accomplish you and got back up from places across the country in the mid west. >> reporter: he did. >> and scott walker joining. >> reporter: ryan went out of his way yesterday peter to single out governor martinez and say she's dot a wonderful thing and didn't criticize trump for the slight. for those in the room it was apparent that he had her back, similar to what scott walker, ryan's friend in wisconsin does as well. i also think that we can't downplay the relationship, ryan still communicates with mitt romney frequently, was his vp running mate in 2012 as you know very well. romney near on board with trump as are the last two president
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bushes and bush family and a lot of people who paul ryan reads in conservative publications and articles are not there either. he is on this congressional island i would say. however, within the republican party, there certainly are more people receptive to his views. i think though that the longer this divide happens, for example, flz a meeting today of what i've dubbed the trump caucus, members of congress who supported them. almost half of the committee chairman are part of the caucus. they came out with a whole stack of make america great again hats and said this will get members to our side. it's this idea of get on board, get on for the winning team. don't be a holdout. and while it's easier to have that opinion and stance in may, the close are you get to the rnc and ryan is the chairman. he's going to bang that gavel -- >> is he, that's a good
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question? >> that is a good question. he would go if trump wanted him to go but trump hasn't said that. they are still on board. >> less than two months away. they have a lot of planning before that cleveland. thanks so much. i know you're going to take a seat and we'll watch when paul ryan speaks a short time from now. april ryan with the american urban radio network, white house koernts and washington bureau chief. nice to see you. >> yes. >> donald trump not just the presumptive nominee but now clinched the votes necessary to become its official nominee this summer. i'm struck to get your take as donald trump one of the biggest challenges for him has been with female voters and obviously he tried to soften his image to a lot of americans with paul manafort, one of his new advisers basically saying he's going to soften that position on the muslim ban. what are trump's immediate challenges now that he is in effect the nominee?
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>> well i'm going to go back to a conversation with dr. ben carson in the trump camp. we talked about exactly what you're saying. he said donald trump is not as skillful. he was the same way, ben carson acknowledged both of them were the same way, not as skillful in politics as others who were politicians. and he also said he has been a little insensitive but working on that now. this is a new arena for him but he's working on that. we have to wait and see what's going to happen with donald trump but it looks like this week he's been the same donald trump we've known from poke hon tas to the other things he's saying and doing. >> poco hontas, the latest criticism of elizabeth warren. leads me back to hillary clinton right now with so much focus on donald trump, hillary clinton has problems of her own right now, that new aig report and fbi
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investigation still not complete as much as she wanted to zero in on this attack on donald trump effectively in his years as a businessman rooting against the housing market. to rooting for it to crash in it for his own gain as they suggested. now on defensive by this new ig report. >> she's got to be on the defensive. and she's got to quell the concerns that are still arising. but at the same time, that ig report did state that there have been problems with the e-mail system for the last few past secretaries of state since we've had the issue of e-mails in this cyber technology. so hillary clinton has got to walk a fine line and got to prove that she is the candidate who tried to do right. but the issue -- one of the issues for hillary clinton, the fact she didn't ask because if she did ask that she could use this private server they would have told her no -- >> i'm going to interrupt you briefly. sorry to be rude. the house speaker paul ryan is taking the podium. >> something on the minds of
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many americans and that is these really long lines at our airports. like many people the people i represent spend far more times at places at o'hare than they would like to and this is unacceptable. yetd the homeland security committee held a hearing with the tsa administrator, a chance to get answers for the public and figure out how to be better prepare. there are things we can do right now. for example, the house just passed a bill authored by representative john catgo of new york that would expand the use of tsa pre-check. they process twice the number of passengers at regular screening lanes and enhances security. we're pushing more known and trusted passengers through these lanes. so we have passed this pre-check bill in the house. i hope the senate will act soon. okay. i want to talk about the vote we just had on the energy and water appropriations bill. when i became speaker, one of
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the commitments i made to our members and american people was to open up this process. that means having more members contribu. anmore amendments from both sides of the aisle. it means fewer predetermined outcomes and yes more unpredictability. early on i stood up here, you remember this, one of my first press conferences and said that some bills might fail because we're not going to tightly control the process and predetermine the outcome of everything around here. well, that's what happened here today. and it's unfor natd because this is a very good bill. it improves our energy infrastructure and enhances our national security and uses the power of the purse to stop harmful regulation. what we learned today, the democrats are not looking to advance an issue but to sabotage the appropriations process. the mere fact that they passed their amendments then voted against the bill containing their amendments, proves this
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point. that said, we remain dedicated to working on this bill and on all of our appropriation bills. in fact, we just moved to go to conference committee on military construction as well as resources to fight the zika outbreak. we're not slowing down, how best to move forward to maintain a workable process and continue with an appropriations process. we will use the power of the purse to hold this administration accountable. this work is far too important. >> i would like to ask you about an act passed yesterday regarding the d.c. appropriations process and the need for congressional approval is this really about the constitution or about abortion fundsing. >> it's about the constitution. >> speaker ryan, wonder how the phone call went last night, we
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heard good from your team. anything more? >> it was a productive phone call, we had this conversation and staffs have been meeting and have good and productive phone ca call. >> any cloegser to yes. >> very good phone call, i'll leave it at that. >> will you try to push to close the amendment process, would that be right approach at this point? >> what we just learned that the democrats weren't looking to advance an issue but sabotage the appropriations process. the author of the amendment that prevailed then turned around and voted against the bill containing his amendment tells us they are trying to stop the appropriations process in its tracks. what we will have to do when we return figure out how to move forward to have a full functioning appropriations process. >> this issue happened a few days ago and when you met with some of us you said the first time this happened it was
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because of confusion, too many votes, little bit of chaos, people thought it was a vacuum issue. the evidence now suggests that's not true -- >> at the time -- it was, there was a lot of confusion. now that the same amendment came, people understood what it was, and we let congress work its will. the people who brought the amendment forward, tells us this was about sabotaging appropriations. >> now that republicans know what it is, even more voted for it, 43 republican. >> they had a much clearer understanding of what it is now. just remember, the authors of the bill voted against the bill containing their amendment that prevailed. this is about sabotaging appropriations. >> now that has clinched nomination, are you concerned at all about how it looks to have the speaker of the house not getting behind nomination. >> what i'm most concerned about
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is making sure we have real party unity, not pretend party unity. we need to win this election in the fall. there's too much at stake. supreme court, on and on i could go. i want real party unity and that's what i'm most concerned about. >> is this fair to -- [ inaudible ] >> why did they pass my voice vote? some of my things passed voice vote with no one objecting to them. >> speaker -- you raised that, ladies first. what is your vote? i voted a decade ago. my position has not changed. we've had the long books since 1982 put in by a republican governor. my view has not changed on this. jonathan? >> in terms ever future on
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appropriations, you still intend to re-run this bill, move other bills and what happens with the idea of cr? >> we want to pass individual bills, we think that's the best interest of just the institution of congress of exercising the power of the purse. when we come back, we'll sit down with members and have a family discussion about how best to proceed so that the appropriation process cannot be sabotage and derailed. >> last question. >> go beyond the normal legislative process, it might not pass until july. >> i don't think -- i don't think that's the case. i don't think that the rate it's going now. i don't think that time line is the case. number two, we just voted to go to conference on it. not only had appropriators been talking preconference, now we sent them into an official congress to get to work on this problem. there's money in the pipe line already going out the door right now. that's another point that needs to be made clear. thanks.
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>> thank you. >> you're listening to paul ryan speaking of his conference with donald trump yesterday saying it was a productive conversation. but appearing no closer to endorsing him and no better clarification on whether in fact he'll be chairing the party convention this summer in cleveland. joining us now is the democrat from new york, the representative shawn maloney. as we've been reporting for the first time at this hour, donald trump has secure according to our tally the votes to be the republican nominee. this was a foregone conclusion but one topic important to you is the lgbt treatment of trans jendserred americans. are you satisfied with donald trump's addressing of this issue? he doesn't seem to be a decent sans saying it's a state issue. >> it's a terrible answer and the choice has never been clearer in terms of where the two party nominees stands.
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when you saw from speaker ryan is pet pretty extraordinary. he is no longer in control of the house. he looked over his heads and looked confused and bewildered. it's not the majority running the house. when the majority running the house has its way we go back to discrimination. it's no surprise he's getting ready to run in the arms of donald trump because he's ledding a house that's echoing the view of america, pitting one group against another, not about bringing us together. >> his campaign officials say he's softening his tone or will be on issues on a muslim ban. is that something democrats will do their best to not let them do that, in the words of hillary clinton, we can't let donald trump and campaign aides normalize himself to americans right now. in circles like the one you work, it has to be a real concern, trump speaking to a lot
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of independent minded voters, this may seem like an appealing candidate given the unpopularity of his opponent. >> you saw the collapse between any difference between the house republican majority and donald trump's view of america. it's happening in the senate where they won't even bring up a supreme court nominee and we can't fund a critical priority like fighting zika. on issue after issue they are not doing their job because they want to go into the arms of this extreme view you see donald trump leading. it's not right for the country. what democrats simply need to do is stand back and let people focus on what they are doing, which is everything besides their job, which is furthering this radical view that says maybe we can't all go forward together or have to be at each other's throats all the time. a lot of us think that's wrong and it's not the way to get things done.
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>> luke russert, thank you. he was in the room at the front row with paul ryan a short time ago. to you quickly, paul ryan hit a phrase multiple times and said to me and others in recent weeks and months, i'm not doing it for the same of of unity i wane sure there's real party unity. what does this mean? >> reporter: peter, that's a wonderful question. and it's because to me it's ambiguous, what is real party unity. it's almost like that famous ad we grew up with, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may never know. ryan gives himself this wiggle room. what is real conservative party unity? is it that mitt romney comes on board, is that the bush brothers come on board? reince priebus, his home state friend -- >> they are not coming on board, the former president and his
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father both said we're not participating. >> correct, ryan told me the phone call was productive. i think though what i mentioned earlier. >> what is productive, what progress, what are they saying they need to hear in real terms for it to go from productive to i heard what i needed? >> give you an insight into policy, i think the main issue at play here, ryan is a big conservative policy wonk. he's very worried about how donald trump views the role of the executive branch. where donald trump goes out on the campaign stump and says i'm going to build a wall and stick it to china and stick it to japan and mexico, sort of i am the singular entity that will do all of these things with or without the will of congress. and ryan went at length yesterday and said look, one thing that's been a problem here under obama, under president bush and some degree of
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president clinton, going back for a while has been the empowerment of the executive branch to the point where the legislative branch is often looked over and not the correct check and not the correct balance. so when ryan has these conversations with trump, i think part of it obviously politics and don't talk about a ban on all muslims coming to the united states and don't say immigrants coming across the mexican border are rapists, that's something that makes paul ryan uncomfortable and he is the father of a daughter, it's this idea that donald trump would hijack the executive branch. and i honestly think that's where ryan is sort of trying to come to terms with, would trump be respectful of what i had to say and would he dismiss me if my members and i had something that got a lot of votes that he didn't like? that's why they are trying to figure out getting to common
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ground. the one thing that ryan has in his arsenal peter, if you talk to any of the trump people and see those reports out there, the common refrain from what is trump going to get on the policy positions? oh, well he picks up a lot. he'll get there. a lot is unknown. it's that unknown i think that makes ryan uncomfortable. >> thanks, luke. mother jones and you've been shaking your head. what are your thoughts? >> he has a good point but it goes beyond his concern over presidential power in donald trump, something we should worry about. he was calling paul ryan and loser because he thought the ryan budget, the cornerstone of ryan's policy wonkyness, the budget he's put out, which slashes taxes for the rich and also social programs for the middle class and low income people, is his baby. and trump was out saying this is
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bad for the party, this is a losing proposition for the republicans and he called ryan naive and someone who is guiding the party in the wrong way. for the republicans and he called ryan naive and someone guiding the party a wrong way. this was only two or three, four years ago. if ryan has not come around to trump already who's the nominee and ryan does say as he said in his press conference, we have to win in november, well, who are they going to win without? he must really despice. the fact that he's not doing it now and putting out this bogus line that we need unity, which we don't know what it means. he's really worried about donald trump on one of maybe seven
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fronts. otherwise, all the pressure or all the political gains would be in him making and balancing to trump of the whole other republicans establishment have. >> that's right, april ryan is joining us now, april, paul ryan is the most high profile current politicians in terms of hold out on for donald trump. he's not alone on the mit romney in the world and he got both bush's of 41 and 43 saying they're not participating. a lot of americans want neither of these two candidates and there is the middle ground where people are still looking for an outlet. >> i think what we are seeing and both luke and david are right, i also think it is even more basic than what they said
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and going to your point, your question, i think it is basically about making sure he's align with republican principle principles and ideas. from the first meeting when donald trump met with paul ryan and reince priebus, we are told that there was like a show and tell, bringing him up to date and this is where we stand. this is a leveraging piece for paul ryan not to give his consent or his support or approval for donald trump in his book because he wants to make sure this man that used to be a democrat is fully a republican. once he gives that support it is going to come back to him if something happens. he want to make sure if he's looking at those republicans who the bush's, 41 and 43 for president of the united states, he's looking at someone, mit romney who he knows very well.
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you know who could have been president of the united states. these people and lyndsey gram, people who have been talking about the fact that donald trump is not necessarily the person that should be president, representing the republican party. there is some real issues here. >> there is real issues of the democrats, too. bernie sanders cannot get the numbe number he needs to secure unless he brings the super delegates. the super delegates is going forward. this is the time, democrats now are watching donald trump trying to make progress and they're still divided. >> yeah, a couple more weeks the democrats soughti this out. bernie sanders says he's going to the convention, after the primary in california next week, we'll know what the final count is. >> does she win california? >> well, by a few points now. the way it works and the delegate division --
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>> it does not change the delegate map. if she loses, it is not good. at the same time, bernie sanders, if he gets to win, has to win. he still has not gotten as many votes as she has over the course of the last few months. he's going to have a hard decision to make in terms of even if he wants to fight on some convention platforms and rules. what his tone is going to be. i believe most of his voters will be highly, highly eras motivated. not by hillary clinton but by donald trump. if they can figure out a way to have a convention that does not fall apart or a platform fight, come november, certainly, anybody who's predisposed among bernie sanders, another democratic, there will be some hold out >> you got to check the box of the vp pick and the conventions will matter and the debate.
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they'll have real significance. >> there will also be as there will be against hillary clinton of ad campaigns of hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars reminding voters to pay attention of all the erratic statement that donald trump has made and some acts of bullying and he's an opposition of researcher's dreams. it may have an effect of suburban voters and independence and people that he does need. he has to go on beyond republican base. >> april, last thought quickly to you, can donald trump break away those bases and secure those votes out there to become president? >> we have to wait and see, anything could happen between now and then. he's trying to put something out there for bernie sanders.
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bernie sanders and donald trump if you will debate and if that happens. he may definitely pull over some bernie sanders's people as well as hillary's people. if he does get that debate, he can shake a lot of people from hillary wins in california as the poll could happen. >> donald trump was joking if there is any debate with bernie sanders. i doubt we'll see it happening. >> you never know, he will probably may do it. >> april, nice to see you. >> thank you for watching live hour. i am in for ham rtamron hall. >> up next, "andrea mitchell reports."
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has over what's needed to clinch the nomination. now, celebrating facing off bernie sanders on the debate. bernie sanders' game on with trump. >> are you prepare to debate the major issues facing our largest state and the country before the primary. yes or no? >> yes, i am. i think i should give and take that money to give it to some worthy charity. >> coming up, we'll ask jeff weaver if this is going to happen. global warming. president obama says world leaders paying close attention to the election here. >> i think it is fair to say there is some pride by the republican nominee, they are rebel minds and for good reasons. and drip, drip, drip, clinton tried to defend herself from the
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