tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 27, 2016 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> i think it's the runner's physique. >> this is what you look like. a guy posted a picture on instagram of one of my music shows. and you get the comments. and one of the comments was, would it really kill you to exercise once in a while? rock star, yeah, yeah. all right. have a great memorial day weekend. as always, thank you so much for your patience. >> your forbearance. >> and forgiveness. >> coming up, kristen welker. she'll be much easier to watch. i promise. she's just not as irritating as i am. reminds me of a story. if you look, it's a very tough path to get to the presidency. if you are a republican. >> we had a very productive phone call. >> at this point, he is prepared to debate, and i'm very excited
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about that. >> we want to focus on 15 or so states. >> rattled. rattled. what donald trump is saying. >> as bad as president obama is, hillary clinton will be worse. >> donald trump is an unqualified loose cannon who cannot get near the most powerful job in the world. it is up to us to say no. good friday morning. i'm kristen welker. donald trump brushing off comments from president obama that world leaders are, quote, rattled by the candidate. in fact he says that's a good thing. trump, meantime, pressing ahead with a general election strategy that's sure to give hillary clinton a run for her money. the presumptive gop nominee saying he'll focus on 15 states ahead of november. that includes deep blue democratic strongholds
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republicans haven't contested in decades like right here in california and new york. hillary clinton this morning again on the defensive over her private e-mail server. and bernie sanders holding out hope that he'll get his day on the debate stage with donald trump. also this morning, history is made in japan. >> the world was forever changed here. but today, the children of this city will go through their day in peace. >> president obama becoming the first sitting u.s. president to visit hiroshima. he joined japan's prime munster for a wreath laying at a peace memorial. we'll have much more on that historic moment throughout the morning. first to jacob rascon in san diego where donald trump is going to be appearing later today. we have a lot to break down today. first, what are you anticipating today? second, tell me about this
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election strategy that donald trump laid out. he's targeting 15 states, he says. >> right. you laid it out there in your intro that california, for example, hasn't been in play in nearly three decades. we're talking about bush sr., ronald reagan who won california, but, of course, that's was back in the 1980s. no polling suggests that's california could be in play, but donald trump laying out this plan. now saying he's going to target california, new york, ohio, virginia and other states that traditionally a republican has no chance in. but he says he's got plans there. our reporting suggests his ground game is severely lacking in those and many other states as well. you asked about san diego. here outside the convention center, folks already lining up. this is a massive opportunity for him here in san diego. traditionally republican area. he was in anaheim earlier this week. his events in california and elsewhere as of late have been
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prone to a lot of violence like we haven't seen since chicago. we see outside protesters who come in who generally are peaceful but you have a handful who come in who are looking for a fight who pick a fight with supporters who pick a fight with police. we saw even smoke canisters thrown in albuquerque recently and in anaheim a police presence. here in san diego, there are four major -- they say they'll be peaceful. but those who don't usually organize online who simply show up wanting to be violent, it's hard to know whether that's going to happen. >> and jacob, to be clear, things pretty calm there right now. you're saying groups are going to come out and protest but all is quiet right now? >> yes. all is quiet right now. in fact, the protesters are not expected to show up for a number of hours. we have just a couple dozen people out here. we'll be monitoring all day as
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protest groups begin to show up. one is planning to go inside to pretend like they're supporters and to disrupt the rally from inside which isn't uncommon. >> i want to ask you quickly, we know trump clinched the delegates yesterday that he needs for the nomination. but, obviously, the gop still a party divided. he has taken some strides. but he hasn't gotten the endorsement of house speaker paul ryan. the two had a conversation. what can you tell us about that? >> we know he wants it. he's even said that he doesn't know if he needs it, but we know that donald trump wants this endorsement. we know that he went in a few weeks ago when he had that meeting with paul ryan. another phone call about it. there's no real news beyond that. we know some sources have said oh, there's going to be an endorsement soon. the speaker's camp shot that down. and right now it's just a wait game to see if he'll eventually do it. kristen? >> jacob rascon, thank you.
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we appreciate it. nbc's steve patterson is about 400 miles north of san diego in fresno where the presumptive gop nominee will make his first appearance today. we've been talking about these protesters with jacob. we've seen them over the past few days. we've seen beefed up security. what is the scene there right now? what are you anticipating? >> the rule seems to be if you operate a city in the western half of the united states and donald trump is coming to your town, you better have a plan. that's what police are meeting about as we speak. so far broadly, about 80 patrol officers both in and out of the arena. responding to what we've already seen on social media. hundreds of people in at least two groups planning to come to the arena to protest here. now what we've seen on social media, obviously, fresno, not exactly the bluish part of california. not exactly one that's close to
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the border. but police do anticipate something. what we've seen on social media is a lot of people saying they're not condoning violence. they don't want to see outbursts. anything that reflects poorly on their message they'll not accept. as jacob and law enforcement have said, it's really what you don't see. what you don't see planned on social media that law enforcement has to worry about. so they're looking for that element that is in the background waiting for something to pounce on. waiting for an opportunity to cause problems. we saw it in eugene, in san francisco, in albuquerque, in anaheim and if it's happening here in fresno, police, obviously, want to know about it. no protesters yet. as they come in, we'll let you know. >> steve patterson, thank you for that report. turning to the democrats. both democrats still in the race campaigning right here very hard in california ahead of the june 7th primary. bernie sanders rallied a crowd of some 10,000 supporters last night at ventura college in southern california. he didn't have a lot to say
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about his primary opponent hillary clinton, but he had a thing or two to say about donald trump. chris jansing, my friend n colleague, is with sanders. what are you expecting today? there's been all of this talk about a sanders/trump debate. i'm hearing trump not that serious about it, but the sanders campaign is a little more serious. what's are you hearing? >> obviously, they would love it. they'd love the attention. they've really been hitting hillary hard over the fact she backed out of a debate here in california. it's giving them another talking point. another reason to bring that up. but more than that, the ratings would be through the roof. donald trump made that point, and bernie sanders has been on the road the last 24 hours saying we're going to rent the biggest stadium we can find in all of california. he's been getting those big crowds, obviously. you mentioned 10,000 at two events yesterday. a total of almost 15,000 people. a debate would be a way for him
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to take that huge group and he says it would actually help because nobody has really taken donald trump on in terms of income inequality. in terms of what he'd do for the middle class. there have even been some democrats who have suggested that maybe that would be a good thing. that he could essentially be an attack dog on the issues against donald trump. given what we're hearing out of the trump side of things, it turns out it's not going to be much more than a talking point. i'm sure we'll hear something about it today when bernie sanders takes the stage here in san pedro. >> i bet we will. and of course, you've been talking to the sanders folks. i have as well. they are planning to get as many as 200,000 people out to rallies before the june 7th primary. of course, young people are going to be critical for that. they have a little bit of a challenge. a lot of colleges are out already for summer. what is their strategy to try to
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win this state and get those young voters to come out and vote and put him over the top? >> you know what the numbers are that young voters have overwhelmingly favored bernie sanders. one of the stunning statistics is when we looked at the states so far. nbc news did an analysis. bernie sanders beats hillary clinton with young women. women under 30. 68 to 31%. an astonishing number when you consider the historic nature of this campaign. the fact that she would be the first female nominee of a major party. so they have been hitting college campuses hard. but that time is passing. college campuses are getting out. so they're doing xhaexactly wha you said. having these big rallies. i had one campaign official tell me he thinks they could get 250,000 to these big rallies by the time it's all over. they're continue to go to places where progressives are. places like farmers markets. but they also, as you know, they went up with ads. something they had sort of been
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going back and forth about. they are putting $1.5 million into places they haven't seen a lot of early voting. this is a huge early voting state. about 60% of people vote ahead of election day. so they're really targeting those places where they haven't seen a big turnout so far and trying to get that progressive crowd to come out. >> the great chris jansing, thank you so much. >> thank you, my friend. now let me bring in april ryan, white house correspondent for american urban radio networks along with washington koernts for "time" magazine, jane newton small. >> thanks for having me. >> thanks. >> the big news yesterday, trump officially clinched the nomination. we have been talking for weeks now about his attempts to unify the party. paul ryan still hasn't endorsed him. what does yesterday mean in terms of him being able to unify the party and getting that
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endorsement from paul ryan? what do you expect? >> who would have thought at this point weeks, months ahead of the democrats, the republicans would have clinched this up. it was striking yesterday to see marco rubio say, i'd be interested in a speaking position in the convention. a lot of his former rivals, people who said they'd never in a million years endorse him or expressed sincere doubt, seem to be coalescing. yes, there are still holdouts. paul ryan it helps give his own members cover as they come to terms with endorsing paul ryan, especially those facing vulnerable elections in districts where donald trump may not be so popular with some segments of voters like latinos and african-americans. but eventually you're seeing the party really come around and coalesce around donald trump which is much needed for the republican party because it's been a pretty bruising primary. >> indeed it has been.
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april, i want to get your take on what we saw from the clinton camp yesterday. hillary clinton using this moment to try to rally democrats. at the same time, she was in full damage control mode over her e-mails and this scathing ig report. how do you assess how she handled yesterday. did she get out in front of this issue over her e-mails? >> that's a hard question. how do you get in front of something that's going to continue to be with you for a while until the final investigation reports on this issue. what she has to do is still walk in an air of confidence which she has done and to continue to say i've done nothing wrong or the fac that i did something wrong, but you know it was something that i didn't know how wrong it was or the fac that other secretaries of state have had the same issue. that's one of the things she can hold on to. the fact there's been a trail of problems with the internet and
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e-mail with secretaries of state since it's been in inception. hillary clinton has to walk this very precarious line, it's a tight rope for her. she is really trying to pull people together. but i think what will really happen for her and would bring her over the top and really make po people look at hear once again without saug once president obama stands behind her and says i support this woman as the nominee for the democratic party. >> that's going to be a very big moment for hillary clinton. no doubt about that. what we saw yesterday with these ongoing e-mail issues, feed into these high unfavorable ratings. donald trump has them, too. you've been writing about her lukability issues, and i thought it was interesting. you said there were two things going on. in part it's a gender issue but also she is fighting on two fronts. she still hasn't locked up her nomination. so what does she need to do, and can she improve those likability ratings? >> well, everybody likes a
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winner. as soon as she locks up the nomination, there is always a bump. you see that with donald trump this week. the winner's bump going on, which is why you see a spike in his ratings. she needs to lock down the nomination, end this battle with bernie, unify the party which will help her bring in how much higher poll ratings and make her more likable. it's also the problem of, to some degree, a double standard with women. it's a tough needle to thread to prove yourself capable and qualified to be president which is a question that only faces women candidates, not male candidates. and also remain lookable. that's been a challenge of hers in this election and the 2008 election. >> another challenge the clinton campaign sending out an e-mail to its supporters today saying that fund-raising is down from april. this comes as there's all this buzz about a possible trump/sanders debate. i want to get both of your takes
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on whether you think this would happen and how damaging it would be for clinton. april, you first? >> it would be very damaging for hillary clinton. the clinton camp has always said about bernie sanders, they don't know his politics. if bernie sanders wants to go against tradition and we don't know at this point if it's okay, if it would be sanctioned for them to actually debate. you aren't even in the general election yet and the democratic side has not figured out who will be the nominee. we pretty much think we know but for bernie sanders to agree to debate or think of debating with donald trump, that could put him over the top for california, which would be a very bad look for hillary clinton. as she is saying she will be the nominee. so this is very dangerous territory for the democratic party because it could upset the apple cart. >> do you think this debate is going to happen? >> i don't think the debate will happen. i think donald trump poured cold
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water almost immediately saying it's not really going to happen. >> but bernie wants it. >> bernie would love it. >> yes, he does. >> there was an abc poll that came out showing 20% of his voters would rather vote for donald trump than for hillary clinton which is a real risk for hillary clinton. if those voters become increasingly turned on and see more and more similarities between donald trump and bernie sanders in a debate, would they agree on a lot, not agree on a lot? who knows. bernie says no. donald, i think, says yes. there's that risk that a lot more voters would say, i want that change agent. somebody else who is going to challenge the status question, the system n turn away from hillary clinton on the democratic side. >> it keeps getting more interesting. jay, april, appreciate it. violent storms continue to rip across the midwest with terrifying tornadoes and devastating floods. we'll go to gabe gutierrez for the very latest.
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and over 70 years after the bombing at hiroshima, president obama becomes the first sitting u.s. president to visit the site. we'll take a look at the emotional visit, next. stay with us. if you're going to make a statement... make sure it's an intelligent one. ♪ the all-new audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. ♪ [ park rides, music and crooooh!unds ] [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. excuse me, try this. but just one aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve.
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what are you doing? sara, i love you, and... [phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone]
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president obama is aboard air force one heading back to washington after his historic visit to hiroshima. earlier this morning, he became the first sitting u.s. president to visit the site of the hiroshima atomic bombing where he solemnly placed a wreath at the hiroshima peace park memorial. >> 71 years ago, on a bright,
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cloudless morning, death fell from the sky, and the world was changed. we have a shared responsibility to look directly into the eye of history and ask what we must do differently to curb such suffering again. >> the president did not apologize for the decision to drop the bombs but mr. obama did call for a world without nuclear weapons. he said he hoped hiroshima would be remembered as the beginning of a world awakening. after his speech, the president had an emotional meeting with two survivors, including a 79-year-old historian who was just 8 when the bomb detonated. i'm joined by wesley clark, formernato supreme allied commander. general clark, thank you for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you, kristen. >> i want to start with your gut reaction to those moving images that we saw and to the
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president's speech today. >> well, it was a really tough position the president put himself in. i thought he hit the ball out of the park. i thought he said it just right. i thought he captured the lessons, the shared responsibility, the need to work toward a world where there are no nuclear weapons. i thought he said it just right. >> it's interesting you say he put himself in a tough position. of course, one of the things that's gotten a lot of attention is the fact he did not apologize. explain the significance of that, and why it was appropriate if you believe it was. >> because i think it was appropriate because this was a reaction to aggression. this was war. and there were many, many atrocities committed by the other side. and the war had to be ended. war began, really, in the 1930s in china with terrible atrocities in china committed by
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the soldiers. and horrible things that happened during the war to prisoners and other things. it wasn't just the combat. it was a lot of very brutal things that happened. so i think when he said shared responsibility, look in the eyes of history, that's exactly right. and of course, the united states did use this nuclear weapon and two of them, and that was what our leaders at the time felt was necessary. so there's a shared responsibility, and i think going forward, i think nations and leaders all over the world have to appreciate this. >> and he talks about this world without nuclear weapons. i've covered his administration. this has been one of the key priorities for president obama. there have been strides since he took office. obviously a long way to go. is this realistic, and how committed are other countries to this same goal? >> i think it is realistic to have a goal like this. we signed up for this goal in the 1960s when we signed a
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nonproliferation treaty. but to get there, you have to follow a multiple paths. you have to keep the goal in mind. you have to work on preventing other states from getting nuclear weapons. certainly the president and his administration have done that. you also have to use the weapons that we have to deter other nuclear armed states from conflict that may escalate to the nuclear -- use of nuclear weapons. just in the last two years, mr. putin has been bragging about his nuclear weapons. and there's reason to believe that russia has visitinvested i whole new generation of nuclear weapons that makes their use even more likely on the battlefield. we can't give up on deterdeterr. and we have to lead efforts to build down, to reduce nuclear arsenals, to try to get rid of these stockpiles. so this has been a continuing aim of many u.s.
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administrations. certainly the clinton administration worked hard at this. and so did earlier administrations. but we're a long way from the goal. that doesn't mean we shouldn't have it as a goal. doesn't mean we shouldn't work toward it. >> finally, general clark, the white house was very clear this was not meant to be a political speech. at the same time it does come against the backdrop of the 2016 race. will there be repercussions for this debate that we're having on the campaign trail? >> i don't think there's anything -- maybe someone can make something out of what the president said. i felt in my heart he spoke for every american. for our veterans, for the families who lost their fathers and sons during that conflict, and for all of white house served in uniform and i just thought it was a really warm,
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heartfelt appropriate speech from the leader of the most powerful country in the world. >> general wesley clark, thanks for your insights and analysis. we really appreciate it. i'm going to bring in congressman mark tacana, a democrat from california. thanks for joining me today. >> my pleasure to be here. >> and i want to start with a very question that i just asked general clark. i just want your gut reaction to what you saw and what you heard today, this historic moment. >> it was very moving to me to see the president go to hiroshima and also use his speech to make a very important message. basically, to turn a moment of suffering into a moment of meaning that people such as my cousin who was a survivor, they can pass on knowing that this president has taken the bold step to call for a renewed
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dialogue on disarmament and nonproliferation. and start a moral awakening and to not think of nagasaki and hiroshima as the beginning of atomic warfare. but as the start of the awakening. >> i want to talk to you about your personal connection to this. you do have a relative who survived. tell us about that. and could your relative have ever imagined this day? >> you know, i can tell you that my relatives, my relative who i spoke to just this morning was delighted and elated that the president came to hiroshima. it was something i had hoped would happen when i first visited the city in 2002 at the age of 41. i'm a fourth generation japanese
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american. my parents and grandparents were in internment camps. what i viewed was an overreaction to hysteria n fear in our country. my great-uncles served in the american military in europe. and to visit hiroshima for the first time with mixed emotions, i connected with kikawa. she'd never been to the peace museum, though she had lost most of her classmates in the city center. she had been kept out of the city center about two miles away from the blast zone because her mother knew she had been ill the day she was supposed to go with her classmates to be part of a demolition project. a lot of the -- most of the middle school students that were there perished instantly. and if you go to the peace museum, you'll see the school uniforms of middle school students and a memorial in the peace park to the middle school teachers who were supervising.
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>> congressman, given all that you're describing, i wonder if your cousin thinks, if you think the president should have apologized. >> she said, no, the president does not need to apologize. what she, i believe, hopes most in her heart is that a nuclear weapon will never, ever be used again. and i think history can be misused by leaders to reinforce grievances. to reinforce -- to nurse old wounds. and be a distract iion to what needs to be done now and for the future. and what needs to be done now and for the future is to not contextualize hiroshima and nagasaki as an inevitable reuse of these weapons or ineveryitab nuclear war but as a call for
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all responsible leaders in the world to come together, minimize the prospect of a nuclear war. eliminate that prospect. disarm and not proliferate these weapons. i think the more we proliferate these weapons, the greater the danger that a weapon will be used. >> congressman mark takano, thank you for your very personal reaction to today's historic events. really appreciate it. >> you're welcome. thank you. my pleasure. and coming up -- it's one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. but with airports already marred by massive lines at security checkpoints, we'll go to some of the biggest airports around the country to see how they're dealing with the mass influx of people. as we go to break, we have a look at a drone at coney island. a very popular spot for new yorkers and tourists this holiday weekend. sure looks like it's shaping up to be a nice day. we'll be right back. are those made with all-beef, karen?
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today is though fourth paesiest day of the year for air travel. more than 2.6 million passengers are expected to pass through tsa check points at airports and it all comes after a brutal week for the tsa. the administrator was grilled on capitol hill for the hours long lines at some airports that have caused tens of thousands of passengers to miss their flights. they spent the night on cots after missing their flite fligh because of those long lines. we have our team of reporters at airports across the country. janet shamlian is in dallas. kerry sanders is at atlanta. first blake mccoy is at chicago's o'hare airport. blake, set the scene there. how is it shaping up today? >> good morning.
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like the rest of the country, passengers are being hold to arrive two hours before their flights. the fear of god put in these passengers because of what we saw a week and a half ago with that cot nightmare. when people are arriving this morning, they are finding no lines. these folks walking up, finding a pleasant surprise. the wait is only about 45 seconds, a minute maybe. this is great for the fourth busyiest travel day. since that cot disaster a few weeks ago, they've added a lot of workers. they've also tripled the number of dogs from 4 to 12. those dogs are able to keep these lines moving much quicker. illinois' senator called on the tsa chief to resign if the wait times did not improve here in chicago by this weekend. it appears his job is safe, if this keeps up. i'm going to send things to my colleague kerry sanders at atlanta's hartsfield-jackson airport. how are things looking down there?
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>> it's surprising at this moment how great things are. first look at the board. there's some smiling people. almost every flight is either at the gate, departed on time. we saw one that was canceled, probably a mechanical problem. earlier today, at 4:00 a.m., the line extended beyond here, down here and into this zigzag, this snake. but now that you get at this time of the day, things are moving along just fine. they told people to be here two, three hours early. she seems to be full of energy. i'm curious. how early are you for your flight? >> ten minutes. we're about to miss it. >> oh, okay. >> and we don't know where we're going. >> so you're not going to make your flight? >> no, we are. >> she's getting help. so she didn't follow the suggestions of getting to the airport three hours early. but interestingly as they're playing some music over here to calm down people's nerves and they seem to have a smile on their face, when it was crazy here at the airport at around 7:00, 8:00 in the morning, when
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you had the real crush, we went to the tsa line and i got my stop watch out. i spoke to somebody and said let's tell you how long it takes to get through. she was through the line in 3 minutes and 32 seconds. so in one case, at least, using tsa really paid off when there is the crush. we'll see another big crush here in the afternoon. but my colleague janet shamlian is in dallas where sometimes it can get a little crazy. janet? >> hey, kerry. it can get crazy but not this morning. racing for the quickest line, this may be it. look at this tsa check point. the wait is all of about a minute. minute and a half. i will say through the eb b and flow of the morning it's changed. and the model is different here. they have $13 check points at dfw across five terminals. at this one check point alone, four tsa screeners and four lines open.
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things are moving very quickly. we have a weather complication here today. there are flash flood warnings south of here. yesterday more than 350 flights were delayed. more than 50 were canceled. and we could have more weather impacts today. but right now, people are being told to come to the airport very early. and they are finding these lines going very quickly. also here in texas, it's a little different than in atlanta and in chicago. most of the schools here in the state have already let out. so for some people, this truly is the beginning of the summer vacation. we're seeing lots of children and families come through here. at this point, they're getting to do so very quickly. back to you. >> all right, janet, thank you. looks like a pretty smooth start. not bad. janet, kerry and blake. appreciate it. nearly half of registered voters in the latest nbc/"wall street journal" poll said they would be open to voting for a third party candidate. could america be ready for a
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prge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. (interrupting) you can't pick it up, can you? go ahead.
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he can't lift the hammer. it's okay though! you're going to change the world. with huge negative ratings for the republican and likely democratic party nominees, some polls show a third party candidate could have a real impact on the election. tonny dikoupal is at the libertarian party convention. this could be the fufr time since ross perot that a third party candidate could have a real impact on the election. you just spoke to the party's chair. tell us what that conversation was. what are the takeaways? >> good morning, kristen. with both the republican n democrde and democratic parties, it shows this could be a big year for the
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libertarian party. 43% said they'd consider a third party candidate. the libertarian front-runner is polling at 10%. here at the libertarian convention where they'll puck the pick their nominee, an increase in membership, fund-raising has gone up. google searches yet another indicator. and here's what could be a really big game changer. the koch brothers, deep-pocketed, generally republican but libertarian leading. i spoke to the chair of the libertarian party and pressed him on whether the koch brothers could come to the table. >> i have not talked to them directly, but i think they're smart businessmen who have seen what the return on investment is for a political investment in the old parties. and it's not that good. with the lib taertarian party y have the opportunity to really change american politics, a lot less money. as businessmen, investing in the
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libertarian ticket should be interesting to them. >> that's the message i'm saying publicly. i hope they hear it. >> back channel conversations are going on? >> maybe. >> you said yes earlier. you can't say maybe now. >> i'll say yes now. >> so from maybe to yes. and that's a very big deal. $900 million is what the koch brothers spent in 2012 for republican causes. if any of that moves to the lib ta libertarian side, we could see gary johnson be in the debates this fall and make a ross per perot-like difference in this election this fall. >> a fascinating conversation. i want to ask you about gary johnson. are the folks excited about him? one of his key goals is just getting into the debate, getting 15% support to be on the big debate stage. do you think the people there are going to energize their base and get that for him?
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>> i think there's a very good chance. this year is the year it would happen. last night at the reception, i met numerous republicans who were not libertarian until a month ago, six weeks ago. they look at donald trump and said this guy doesn't represent our party. not the party i joined. they are looking to a two-term former gop governor in gary johnson. also a vp in wells, former governor of massachusetts. these guys are serious and will give them a really hard look. could be a differencemaker in november. i think the republican party is probably going to be hurt more. that's what it looks like at this juncture. in votes being siphoned away from the traditional candidate and going to a potential libertarian third party ticket. >> great interview and great reporting. storms continue to wreak havoc to the midwest. over 130 tornadoes have touched down in the last week alone. we'll go to our own gabe gutierrez for the very latest.
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midwest and south, the potential for a very dangerous weather situation, including the threat of tornadoes, flooding and larg hail. this twister was caught on video in bryan, texas, late yesterday. gabe gutierrez is live in abilene, kansas, where a massive tornado touched down there. gabe, just an incredible scene of devastation behind you. tell us about the impact and what you're expecting today. >> hi there, kristen. the severe weather threat extends all the way from the upper midwest down to texas today. the threat for tornados is considerably less, though, than it was yesterday. as you mentioned, this area is still devastated. there were heavy rains here overnight as they continued to clean up from that massive ef-4 tornado that roared through here late wednesday, but the area that got the biggest downpour overnight, that was texas. and for many there, it was a miserable start to the holiday weekend.
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from terrifying tornados to devastating flooding, yet another round of severe storms is ravaging the country. overnight near houston, relentless rain prompting water rescues. >> from the time we turned around, my -- my car was underwater. >> this morning bryan, texas, in shock after this tornado roared through. >> i was scared for my life. you just kind of -- you know, 30 seconds doesn't sound like a long time but when you're scared that something is going to happen to you or the person you love, you just -- you're worried. >> in kansas, ominous skies and damaging winds blowing drivers off roads. hail pounding colorado, briefly halting flights in denver. while kansas city's airport was evacuated. travelers taking cover. >> there's thousands of people walking downstairs. i was like did dorothy click her heels three times? >> reporter: it's been a destructive week. 134 tornado reports since last saturday. this 360 video an extremely rare
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glimpse inside a storm that rocked kansas. the ferocious twister barrels through, swallowing the camera. >> attention firefighters, attention rescue. >> in kentucky, 19 people rescued after being trapped by neck-deep floodwaters in a cave. dave foster helped lead the clemson university students and their tour guides to safety. >> the water roaring through the cave was just making a thunderous noise the whole way out. >> the group had been trapped for six hours. >> everybody got out. nobody got injured. everybody was a little cold and a little scared, but everybody got out safe. >> reporter: here in kansas, there's the possibility of hail and damaging winds once again later today, and then there's the potential for flooding through tomorrow. kristen. >> gabe, stay safe out there. thank you. we'll be right back. if you're going to make a statement... make sure it's an intelligent one.
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opportunities don't wait around, so you have to be ready for them. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at good morning, i'm jose diaz-balart. donald trump, hillary clinton and bernie sanders all on the west coast today, just 11 days before the primary season officially wraps up. but for trump it's a victory lap after clinching the necessary delegates to become the presumptive nominee, he's looking to ahead to the general election. >> i want to focus on 15 or so states. because we have to win. and i want my energy to be put in the states where it can go either way. >> so which states exactly is he talking about? he talked about targeting new york, california, pennsylvania
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and michigan. keep in mind none of those states have voted republican in nearly 30 years. meanwhile, clinton is trying to keep the pressure on. >> there is absolutely no way that we can let donald trump get anywhere near the white house. >> but she's fighting a three-front war now against trump, against bernie sanders and her own e-mail controversy. on thursday she launched a one-woman pr blitz, including a call to "mtp daily" in an attempt to, well, clear things up. >> i said this many times. it was still a mistake. if i could go back, i'd do it differently. and i understand people have concerns about this, but i hope and expect voters to look at the full picture of everything i've done and stand for and the full threat posed by donald trump. >> and all of this with talk of a debate in the
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