tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 27, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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the businessman says he'll do it if the $10 million tag is met. but sanders, he says he wants it done in the biggest stadium possible. will it actually happen? plus the nation's national health officials are sounding an alarm about a new drug-resistant superbug showing up in the u.s. a milestone in japan. president obama becomes the first sitting u.s. president to visit hiroshima laying a wreath to remember the 140,000 people killed in the atomic bombing and calling for a world without nuclear weapons. good morning, it's great to have you with me. i'm thomas roberts in for tamron today live from msnbc world headquarters in new york. we begin with the presidential candidates, all on the campaign trail today. as we head into the holiday weekend, all of them in california, one of six states holding primaries on june the 7th. for donald trump, winning delegates then will just be icing on the cake. he's already earned enough
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delegates securing the gop nomination and he previewed how he plans to win the white house in november. >> i want to focus on 15 or so states and i want my energy to be put into the states where it could go either way. we're going to play heavy, as an example, in california. and we're going to focus on new york. i think we're going to win michigan, just like i did in the primaries, by a massive number. >> all right, so how did the billionaire businessman celebrate securing the gop nomination? take a look at that, he treated himself to a big mac and fries en route to montana where he held his first rally as the nominee. he raised the stakes on what it would take for a one-on-one debate with bernie sanders. >> i'd love to debate him but i want a lot of money to be put up for charity. so if we can raise for maybe women's health issues or something. if we can raise $10 or $15 million for charity. we've actually had a couple of calls from the networks already. >> so we've got all the presidential candidates covered
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for you today. we begin with nbc's steve patterson in fresno, california, where donald trump will hold a rally in about two hours. steve, i know you've covered problems at other trump rallies in california. what's the ratio of supporters to protesters to police presence? >> reporter: well, thomas, look, as you mentioned two hours away and things are starting to get a little nasty. what we have here is anti-trump people on one side and we have trump supporters starting to filter into the convention center on the other side. so what will happen is one side will hurl some insults. the other side will respond. one side will start chanting, the other side will start chanting back. luckily all that's been hurled so far is insults. what we have in the middle is kind of a parallel of police. fresno police officers have a big operation here. you see about 30 feet of separation between this side and that side. about 150 patrol officers in
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uniform all around the convention center making sure that everybody stays safe, of course. there's some guys that you which see in plainclothes inside making sure that element doesn't carry in as well. also talked to the chief. he said there are cameras all around. basically everybody has been watching what's been happening around the country, fresno as well. they want to make sure that that does not get repeated. what happened in eugene, san francisco, anaheim, and albuquerque. they want to make sure that we don't have the same situation here. so the operation has been big. really, you mentioned i have covered some of these protests before. these folks aren't the people that police need to be watching for. it's more the people in the background, the people who did not plan to organize, who did not make signs, who kind of watch what's happening. and then on the edges slowly filter in and find the right time to pounce and cause problems. we have not seen that element yet, however, it is still early. we're going to keep an eye on
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this as trump starts to come in and more protesters come in as well. >> what's the reaction there in fresno, people talking about the potential of a trump-sanders debate, have you heard from folks interested in seeing that happen before the california primary? >> reporter: absolutely. look, i think you have a large contingent of bernie sanders supporters that no matter what want to hear his message. i think it's a huge boon to the bernie sanders camp and it wouldn't hurt trump at all. what it does is throw a wrench in hillary clinton's plans so he's hoping this moves forward and sanders is as well. sanders seems to think this is real and they have been talking, but at this point it's just a show. we'll see if that show becomes a reality. thomas. >> all right. steve patterson in fresno, california, for us. steve, thanks so much. hillary clinton also in california today. she makes a campaign stop in oakland coming up in the next hour. msnbc's kasie hunt is there now.
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kasie, set the scene for us. >> reporter: thomas, good morning. this is a chicken and waffles joint that hillary clinton is going to be coming to a little bit later today, but it's a very serious topic. they're going to be talking about gun violence here in oakland. and of course that's something that has been a real centerpiece for hillary clinton's campaign. of course something that she's used against bernie sanders, who of course has supported not allowing immunity for gun manufacturers in lawsuits. so that reminds you that, of course, hillary clinton is still fighting in this primary against bernie sanders here in california. and it would be, while at this point she's still on a march mathematically to this nomination, it would be a real blow for her to lose here in california going into the democratic convention. she's been adding stops to this california swing. that tells you they are worried about how she's going to do
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here. they added an event in san francisco last night. they added this one here in oakland at the very last minute. of course speaking to a diverse community, don't forget california is a very diverse state, but it does have something of an open primary system that could benefit bernie sanders. of course clinton is going to be counting on votes from latinos, from african-americans here in this primary to try and carry herself forward. but hanging all over this, of course, thomas, is those e-mails. of course the state department inspector general releasing a report that actually included a couple of new e-mails we hadn't seen before. here's how hillary clinton defended herself yesterday. >> i have answered numerous questions. we have posted information on our website. and the information that we had is out there, it's been clearly public and my e-mail use was
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widely known in the department, throughout the government, and i have provided all of my work-related e-mails. >> reporter: she, of course, continuing to say that the way she had her e-mail set up was a mistake, that she would not have used it that way in the past. but of course still questions about why she didn't cooperate with that state department i.g. investigation. she didn't talk to them. her aides saying that she, of course, is waiting and focused on that justice department investigation. they, of course, have been in possession of her server for quite some time. the timing of what the fbi and justice department may conclude on that still unclear and hanging over the campaign, thomas. >> meanwhile, we know that the republican side has pretty much wrapped up, coalesced, delegatewise, behind trump to secure the nomination in cleveland. what is clinton's response to how tight the polls have become in california and bernie sanders basically in a dead heat with
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secretary clinton? >> reporter: not just the california polls, thomas, but also those national polls. and of course that's been an issue for them in the last couple of weeks partly because their strategy here is to make donald trump not seem like a normal candidate. to make sure that he still seems to be viewed as a reality tv star, someone who's not serious, and those polls frankly undermine that. the clinton campaign believes that part of the reason those polls are so close is because bernie sanders is still in this race. while republicans are coming home to donald trump and starting to say, you know, they'll vote for him, there are still some people who are saying that they'll vote for bernie sanders. they'll argue when you talk to them privately thatt especially the way the polls are conducted, it's hurting her. so that's a potential problem for her. there's some mixed feelings privately on the public polling
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that's come out of california so far but both sides acknowledge that it's close enough it could either go either way. that won't matter much but it will be a serious psychological blow if she were to lose here, thomas. >> kasie hunt, thanks so much. as we hear from kasie there, we know bernie sanders is not giving up hope that voters in california will propel him to the democratic nomination. chris jansing is with the sanders campaign joining us from san pedro. chris, he's drawing massive crowds but has his campaign strategy changed at all after that new polling in california specifically shows it is such a close race? >> reporter: look, i think going back to michigan, right, they first had a conversation, bernie sanders and his senior campaign staff, how would they attack california. they say from that moment forward, he was always going to barnstorm. he was always going to hit as many locations as he possibly could. notice the kinds of places he's going, to a lot of them what we
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call outside of the cities, places where hillary clinton would be strong with particularly the african-american vote, the latino vote. he is staying in places like this and really continuing to draw these crowds. yesterday two events, almost 15,000 people. there's a small group that's gathering here. and looking at those polls, that helps to fuel things, right? people getting a sense that it's still possible. a lot of what they have always fought against in this campaign is the air of inevitability of hillary clinton and sometimes when he's had a string of wins, he's done well. coming into this they know what the delegate math is. what they're trying to do is convince people to get out. and so this is something that they have been working on for months, spending a lot of time on college campuses because there is early voting here. about 60% of people early vote, going places where progressives gather, places like farmers markets, constantly putting out calls for people to make phone calls. so they're really in this final push here trying to get as much
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attention as they possibly can, hitting as many places as they possibly can. almost every day they seem to be adding an extra stop somewhere here in california. you won't see him in many places besides california between now and the 7th, thomas. >> they certainly have to be encouraged by the numbers and racing down the line by june the 7th. thanks so much. as bernie sanders campaigns in california for the democratic nomination, donald trump doubled down on debating the senator from vermont before a democratic nominee is picked. but as the gop nominee, is trump truly representing the party's brand or still showing a willingness to only be a party of one. >> well, i'm no puppet and i'm raising the money for the party, largely for the party. and we intend to raise a lot of money for the party. i have no idea how much but we're raising it for senators, for congressmen, congresswomen, we're raising it for a lot of the people that are running. >> joining me now to discuss what the future holds is rnc communications director sean
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spicer. sean, it is great to see you. i know and we all know now at the convention in cleveland, trump walks in with enough delegates to secure the nomination. does this rnc feel confident that trump represents the best of the republican brand? >> more importantly, the republican party is made up of our grassroots voters and activists. it's those people who voted for him overwhelmingly. he got more votes than anyone in history in the republican party. that's what matters. our job is to fulfill the will of our voters and activists and that's what we're going to do. >> when it comes to the language that trump has used on the campaign trail, we know this week he attacked new mexico's governor, susana martinez, because she skipped his rally. he's stereotyped muslims, mexicans, continues to go afternoon senator elizabeth warren calling her the nickname pocahontas. does the rnc consider trump's campaign playbook the antithesis of the 2012 autopsy on why mitt romney lost? >> well, look, donald trump is
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unequivocally a nontraditional candidate. he's both new at politics and represents something that's not been seen before in terms of he's not a politician, he's not someone who's run or held off as before. he's a successful businessman that comes in and speaks to an element of this country that frankly has been disenfranchised and feels like their government hasn't looked out for them. he feels like he speaks for people who have lost their jobs or haven't seen a wage increase. for us to sit here and critique someone who has been so successful is silly. he has in in some ways, of course, we've spoken out in the past. there's some issues and words and phrases and tone that he's used that we've had an issue with, but largely he's been successful doing it his way. i think that he continues to reach out and broaden the base of appeal and that's why i think when you look at the polls, he's continuing to go upwards and hillary clinton goes down. what i think most americans are more concerned with is they have had enough of hillary clinton, enough of the status quo. they have had enough of the corruption. they have had enough of being told that what they see is good
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enough and they have had enough of hillary clinton having one set of rules and another for everybody else. >> so when it comes to the growth and opportunity project, and that was released in 2013 by the rnc, at the time the chairman, reince priebus, said in reflection of what the autopsy put together, i think it's about being decent. i think it's about dignity and respect and nobody deserves to have their dignity diminished or people don't deserve to be disrespected. does trump embody that? >> no, in some way he speaks to people who have been left behind. he speaks to a different group of americans that haven't been engaged in the political process. there are some phrases and words that he uses that i think we take an issue with or encourage him to not use going forward. but he's been successful and i think we've got to recognize that and understand that. but i think that there are ways that we continue to push where we want this party to be more inclusive and more welcoming. we want to talk about the opportunity that we offer and believe in as a party. and we want to welcome more
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people into it because that's the only way we're going to continue to grow as a party. so where we have differences, we talk to the campaign and the candidate privately and discuss them. again, he's taught us a lot about how to dwrgrow the party reach out to constituencies that haven't been involved in the process before. >> just this week we know this internal memo that says the rnc is upping its staff in key battleground states trying to stop the momentum of hillary clinton. so where is the rnc focusing for the key demographics needed? >> so we've had the largest, most expansive field program in history. after 2012, that growth and opportunity report that you referenced, chairman priebus recognized that hoarding a bunch of cash until the last few months was wrong. we need to have a year-round presence in communities and battleground states throughout the country. we've had that throughout the last three years. chris carr said we're doubling down and will have 250 staff deployed in battleground states
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and then another wave and another wave after that. we intend to have thousands of people in the field as we move forward. that's given us a huge heads up in this general election campaign. the dnc is functionally broke. they don't have the ability to do that. we've been able to put people in battleground states months ago. we've had a 34-month head start on the democrats when it comes to the ground game and frankly that's what this is about. voter contact, voter persuasion, getting people out to vote. as people vote earlier, we figure out when they're going to vote, who's helping them make those decisions, who the influences are. that ground game is critical. it's one area where we have a huge advantage on the democrats. >> does the rnc support donald trump having a debate with bernie sanders before the california primary? >> oh, sure. if they want to do that, i think it would set up an unbelievable contrast. both in process and in substance. on the process thing, you have hillary clinton saying she'll debate anywhere, any time, except bernie sanders in california which she had agreed to. so the idea that donald trump could walk in and show, hey,
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i'll do it anywhere, any time really speaks volumes and would show a contrast. on the csubstance, aside from offering everybody a free flavor of ben and jerry's ice cream he's offering people a socialist agenda in sharp contrast to donald trump who's focused on getting people back their jobs, focusing on the issue and putting a government in place that's responsive to people. so we believe it would benefit us in the long term in terms of understanding the division and process that exists between the candidates but also immensely underscoring the division of substance, whether it's domestic or foreign policy, that the democrats offer and that we offer. >> so, sean, have you guys reached out to new mexico's governor, susana martinez, and tried to encourage her about a endorsement for now the gop de facto nominee? >> no. that's not our job. we don't reach out to people and ask them. again, i think what we do is recognize the fact that the trump campaign and other leaders within our party, including
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governor martinez, need to have discussions about areas of concern they have or things that they may not know. >> would you broker a meeting kind of like you did with speaker ryan? reince was brokering a meeting between trump and ryan because of their war of words. >> sure. i think if we can be helpful, continuing to unite this party. but again, thomas, i think that the media is obsessed with these one-offs in the republican party. this leader, that person, this tweet, that tweet. you look at what's going on on the other side, let's be fair about this. 17% of bernie sanders supporters say they'll never support hillary clinton. in fact most of those would support donald trump. there's calls from all teams for the democratic national committee chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz to step down. bernie sanders went as far as endorsing her primary opponent. when you talk about divisions and issues, i think it's a nice media game to continue to talk about the republican party, but there are vast differences, not just personalitywise in the democratic party, but massive substance issues.
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there are big, big problems with the hillary clinton left wing of the party and the extreme left wing that bernie sanders is offering, whether it's israel, other foreign policy issues or domestic policy. there are huge fractures in that party that aren't just going to come back together because they're not personality driven, they're actually substantive policy issues that bernie sanders has with the rest of that party. >> but, sean, are you concerned -- you're talking policy issues and donald trump has said most of the stuff he's talked about is just suggestions. that he has not really given a policy principled idea, that they're just suggestions. and also he went after reince priebus because he thought that the system was rigged and even, you know, tried to intimate to get him removed -- >> he actually didn't say that. >> he was asked about that this time last month. he was asked about whether or not reince would stay in that
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job under donald trump and he said i'd evaluate that. >> it was a silly question because, frankly, there is no process to get rid of the chairman. second of all, he has said he thinks reince is doing a great job, he's impressed with the ground game, he's impressed with the data operation and the records amount of money that the rnc has put together under the chairman to ensure we can have the most comprehensive ground game, the best digital and data operation any political party has had. >> but he said reince priebus should be ashamed of himself. >> and after the new hampshire primary he said i think the team at the rnc is doing a great job. that was in february. >> but he said a month ago that reince should be ashamed of himself because of what happened with ted cruz. so there's been a back and forth of words coming from the nominee directed at the rnc chair. so there is a fracture there that we're watching on both sides. the parallels are equally as kind of crazy. >> right, but the difference is that we came together as a party united. you've got -- there's a big difference. no one -- like the sanders
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campaign literally is going out and supporting the primary opponent to the chair of the dnc. >> that's true. >> the guy raised a quarter of a million dollars on bernie sanders' support. that's pretty personal. that's a big difference than throwing a couple of words around as you thought. if you want to talk about a rigged system, bernie sanders is almost tied with her in actual delegates. it's these unelected superdelegate bosses giving hillary clinton a hand up. if it wasn't for them, this would truly be a real horse race. if the washington insiders weren't fixing this for hillary clinton, she wouldn't have the lead that she has. >> they are still slugging it out on the left, that is true. sean spicer, good to have you with me. have a good memorial day weekend. >> you too. joining me right now is e.j. dionne. e.j., turning back to the possible sanders-trump debate, if that does happen, and certainly the rnc and sean says would be great, what do you think that it hurts? does it hurt bernie sanders potentially and give hillary more support or hurt her because
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she would look less presidential? >> i think you got your answer when you asked sean spicer of the rnc what do you think of this debate, should they go forward, and he said, oh, sure. i mean a lot of democrats are very upset with bernie sanders about this because they see him as going in with donald trump to diminish hillary clinton. so that's the conventional view. it helps trump, it helps sanders, it hurts clinton. but i think there are risks on the other side of this. one is donald trump keeps going forward and says i'm going to do this, i'm going to do this. if he drops out now, then i think he is -- sanders certainly but also clinton will go at him and say is this a sign of weakness, is she chi-- he chickening out. but on sanders side, the downside risk is if there is this debate and donald trump starts going after clinton, and particularly starts saying, well, the democratic process is rigged and starts looking like
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an ally of bernie sanders, does that begin to hurt bernie sanders among democrats, because as you suggested earlier, there's a very strong anti-trump sentiment in the democratic party. so the immediate reaction is this helps sanders, trump, hurts clinton. but you wonder how it would actually play out if it actually happened. i think there are risks for both of them. >> it would certainly be must-see tv for certain. trump was working more hand in hand with the republican party now but still leveling some insults to some within the right wing. take a listen to this. >> the morons like bill kristol or poor mitt romney who failed so badly, he failed. i feel badly for him. i actually feel sorry for this guy. he failed so badly. >> so, e.j., you hear from sean spicer and we know there are other party establishment folks, republicans, willing to accept that kind of talk. do the rest of the people, the
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holdouts like a susana martinez, do they really need to accept that kind of talk to watch a gop win? >> i don't think they have to, and i think some of them won't. i thought you put your finger on it in your interview with sean spicer when you said that the trump campaign is the antithesis of the party's growth and opportunity report in terms of putting out a respectful tone, being open to groups who have rejected the party, particularly women, latinos and young people. and this attack on susana martinez is utterly dysfunctional. he needs her support. there was absolutely no reason to do this. and now he puts her and the other people he's attacking in a position of either looking like they're capitulating to a bully or staying out of the campaign and not endorsing him. yes, he's an unconventional candidate but he's also an undisciplined candidate. and i think there's a war going on here where will trump realize
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that he's not in the primaries anymore where this talk helps him. he's in a general election where there are a lot of voters who don't like him and need to be persuaded. and attacks like this i don't think help him among voters who might be able to be swung his way. >> e.j. dionne, great to have you on. thank you, sir. >> great to be with you. senator elizabeth warren firing back at donald trump and his attack against her and a long-ago claim she has native american heritage. >> who, pocahontas? pocahontas? >> is that offensive? >> look, she -- is it offensive? >> very offensive. >> oh, oh, really. oh, i'm sorry. pocahontas? >> so what trump is saying now even after being called out by a native american reporter and senator warren. plus health officials are talking loudly about this drug-resistant superbug that has shown up in the u.s. for the very first time. but is the warning falling on deaf ears, and why the head of the cdc says it could actually
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all right. so speaking in north dakota yesterday, donald trump made sure to mention one of the demographics that he has been struggling with, women. >> so what we'll do is if we can raise for maybe women's health issues or something, we intend to raise a lot of money for the party. i have no idea how much, but we're raising it for senators, for congressmen, congresswomen. i fully expect that we will have many women involved with not only -- i've had it with the campaign, but we're going to have many women involved. >> so according to our nbc news poll, over 60% of women have negative views of the nominee for the gop. so can trump really gain their support? joining me now to discuss is
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msnbc political analyst and former advisor to the rand paul campaign, elise jordan and author of the book "sleeping giant and vice preside giant" tamra drown drout. obviously it's a demographic trump can go after, elise, but is there enough time for trump to turn around the ship to gain that support. >> i think a very decisive general election narrative has been set and that's that donald trump hates women. it's extremely hard for him to back pedal. he's had so many missteps this entire campaign. >> i think they would really push back on the fact that donald trump hates women. that's not something he would agree with. >> i think his harassment of megyn kelly, his -- >> she sat down with him and was willing to do an interview and say bygones. >> and got great ratings for it. then how about his campaign manager grabbing a reporter at a rally. >> that went through the system
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and was thrown out. >> saying women should be punished for abortions. >> he reversed on that. >> he reverses on everything. so maybe he was actually saying what he meant. and then just recently, buzzfeed pulled up old comments of his saying as an employer, women are difficult in the workplace because they get pregnant. so i just don't see this getting better for donald trump with women. >> meanwhile, he has a sharp tongue, we know that. it is a pro and a con that voters seem to resonate with. so, tamara, is the problem with donald trump and his words really something that will trip him up moving forward? because it doesn't seem as if there's anything he can lay his tongue to that gets him in trouble with the baked-in trumpers. >> yeah. it's going to be tough for him to thread this needle because, as she pointed out, there's so much he's already said that is just ridiculous. but add to that that he has absolutely nothing of substance to offer women at this time of great economic anxiety and insecurity. you know, he talked about child care as, oh, it's easy.
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just put a bunch of toys in a room, i've done it before. he doesn't support raising the minimum wage at the federal level. he said nothing about paid leave. these are issues -- >> so as a policy expert -- >> yes. >> -- what do you think of any of the suggestions trump has given so far? is there any meat? >> there's no meat. no meat at all. that's what's so astounding. e.j. dionne just said when is he going to realize that now it's general election time and he has to start putting together policy packages. the thing about getting women's vote is it's not just getting things related that are typically women's issues, let's keep in mind that half of the people in this country are women. so his like very anti-immigrant, anti-latino, anti-muslim status is also something that is deeply repellent to women. >> paul manafort gave an interview to howard fineman and said that trump is going to be trump and win because trump will remain trump. elise, is that something he can afford to do and still win at the same time?
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>> you've got to hand it to paul manafort, because he really does try to put a nice veneer on trump and how trump is going to behave. he says, oh, trump is going to tone it down in the general election. oh, trump is going to continue being trump. i just don't see it happening. trump will have a cooling off period where maybe he'll be well behaved for a week and there's no major outburst and then he just steps in it again. >> if trump does not win the white house in november, how does the gop survive and thrive after coalescing around a candidate like this? tamara, let me ask you? >> i have no idea. i think they're in big, big trouble. the reality is they have known that as a party they have a major problem with women voters because they're against so many things that matter to women. you know, reproductive freedom being one. we are still having this same tired battles about access to affordable contraception and safe and affordable abortion. you know, the gop won't change their platform on some
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fundamental issues that are deeply important to women's economic freedom as well. >> elise, how do they adapt? after the autopsy in 2013 after 2012, we saw what they wanted to adapt to and now we have this. so what do they do if he loses? >> we're really seeing civil war within the republican party right now, and you're seeing a faction of people who -- strong conservatives, liberty lovers, people valuing principle over clinging to power donald trump, like ben sasse speaking out and people like that who i think are the emerging leaders of the republican party. after trump loses in november, if he does, i think we're going to see a huge split and we're going to hopefully go back to republican ideals of personal freedom and economic liberty. >> ladies, thank you very much. i appreciate it. president obama is on his way back now to washington after this morning's historic visit to hiroshima. he became the first u.s. president to visit the site of the atomic bombing and paid tribute to all the innocents killed across the arc of that terrible war.
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he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck.
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serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration.
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right now, president obama is headed back to washington following his historic visit to japan. there he became the first sitting president to visit hiroshima since the u.s. dropped an atomic bomb on the city in 1945. nbc's ron allen has been traveling with the president and has more from japan. >> reporter: thomas, this peace park is a profound and emotional place. a memorial to the thousands killed when the u.s. dropped an atomic bomb here during world war ii. today, most of all president obama seemed to want to say to the world community that weapons capable of such unspeakable devastation never should be fired again. president obama at hiroshima's peace park memorial. >> 71 years ago on a bright, cloudless morning, death fell from the sky. >> the first atomic bomb hit an
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enemy target. >> reflecting on the moment when the u.s. dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima and three days later another one on nagasaki. president truman determined to force japan's surrender in world war ii. >> that is why we come to this place. we stand here in the middle of this city and force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell. >> reporter: the president laying a wreath at a tomb bearing the names of 300,000 victims, those who perished when the bombs fell, and those who have died from the effects of the radiation in the decades since. >> their souls speak to us. they ask us to look inward, to take stock of who we are and what we might become. >> reporter: the president comforted survivors, who over the years had hoped an american president would have come sooner, to hear their nightmarish memories. president obama refused to second-guess or apologize for president truman's decision to
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drop the bomb. he also warned of the still looming threat of nuclear war and the need for the type of peace and reconciliation the u.s. and japan have achieved. >> the world was forever changed here. but today the children of this city will go through their day in peace. >> reporter: president obama had considered visiting hiroshima during his early time in office. his impassioned remarks today perhaps an indication that he feels time is running out, as he tries to move the international community towards a world without nuclear weapons. thomas, back to you. >> ron allen, thank you, sir. coming up, officials are sounding the alarm after a, quote, nightmare bacteria superbug has shown up in the u.s. for the first time. plus weather officials revealing this year's hurricane outlook just days before the hurricane season officially begins, and it comes as a tropical system is already developing near florida that could affect holiday plans. we have the latest on the forecast coming up. plus, a live look at i-75 in
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miami where traffic is moving steadily, as millions are expected to hit the road over the holiday weekend. we'll give you an update from the road and the airports after this. owen! hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call.
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with avocado, bacon, freshly made dressing, tomato... and chicken. at panera. food as it should be. health officials from the cdc in pennsylvania are trying to determine how a woman became infected with a drug-resistant superbug strain of e. coli and it hadn't been seen in the u.s. until now. researchers at the department of defense say the strain is resistant to a so-called last resort antibiotic and officials say the woman had not traveled outside of the u.s. for five months. now, she has since recovered. joining me, nbc news medical contributor dr. natalie azar. good to have you with us. health officials want to determine if this woman infected any others. but talk about this e. coli mutation and how rare it is. >> so it actually was first identified, i think, back in november in china and they identified it as well in people in europe and i believe in
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canada, and more recently now, so there's been concern about this for some time. this has been on our radar. this is the first known human case of this genetic mutation, which makes bugs resistant to, as you mentioned, what we call a last resort antibiotic called colistin which you might know by the name polymixin. it was approved in the 1950s but fell out of favor because it has particular toxicity side effects to the kidney and to the nerves so it's used as a last resort in cases of what we also know about those antibiotic-resistant drugs called cre. a year ago we talked about those cases of those endoscopes that were contaminated. that's where it's used. >> when we think about how we're advancing as a society, our human bodies, how bugs can advance around how our bodies are doing, are more antibiotics the best choice or is it the fact that we need to prescribe less, take less? >> it's actually both. i mean that's exactly what we
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need to be doing. we spend a lot of time explaining to people how not to use antibiotics. we say that we educate the health care providers and the patients to understand the distinction between bacteria that require antibiotics and viruses that don't. but importantly there hasn't been a new class of antibiotics in about 40 years. i think the last antibiotic to be -- new antibiotic to be approved was a couple of years ago. last year the administration did put forth something called the national action plan to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria, incorporating a lot of different federal agencies whose charge it is to track slow and respond to the emergence of these antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but it's a big hurdle. >> dr. natalie, great to see you. thanks so much. we turn our focus to weather and a tropical system off the southeast coast that has a high chance of development this weekend. it could affect millions of americans. it comes as officials from noaa are presenting their official
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forecast for the year's atlantic hurricane season. we've got that forecast coming up. (vo) on the trane test range, you learn what makes our heating and cooling systems so reliable. if there's a breaking point, we'll find it. it's hard to stop a trane. really hard. trane. the most reliable for a reason. when yaren't moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. but what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar? imagine loving your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. with over 7 million prescriptions and counting, it's the #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor
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that works to lower a1c. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia®. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock. here's how: invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back into the body through the kidneys and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for lowering systolic blood pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis,
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which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or, if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. imagine life with a lower a1c. are you loving your numbers? there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. thope to see you again soon.. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis!
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if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. happening now, aaa says more than 38 million people is expected to travel making this the seconde busiest memorial da weekend. lines there are long but are moving. tsa lines are moving at chicago o' hare and dallas fort worth as well. and as for the roads, no major backups to report. coming up, millions plans to travel at the beaches.
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coming up, we got a look at the weather and look at what weather officials are predicting at this year's atlantic hurricane season. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing afdave stops working, but his aleve doesn't. because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours?
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happening now, officials have released their annual hurricane forecast, the number of hurricanes and tropical storms expected to form in the atlantic and caribbean is near normal. we are watching a disturbance developing in the atlantic that could impact your holiday weekend along the eastern see board. ray is joining me live now. explain what officials are saying and what this system is developing off the coast of florida. >> yes, they are predicting an average and above average season. it could relate to la nina. it is probably going to have an impact of some kind along the southeast coast. do we have a tropical storm or tropical storm. it is not going to matter.
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the impact is the same. we'll have thunderstorms and rain. a 90% it will be subtropical storm. currently the winds is at 95%. whether we have al close area of low pressure, this is what most models are saying, some form of a storm coming out and getting in the southeast coast as we head into the holiday weekend. we'll continue to see and deteriorating conditions along the coastline. maybe further south towards the beaches of jazz. up in north carolina, that current rip will be pretty real and some where along the myrtle beach we'll see lower pressure approaching and making it to the main coast as we head to the holiday weekend. on saturday, late in the day, some showers and thunder showers. the rest of the country basically scattered storms to the north of bismarck at 75 degrees. new york city another 90 degrees
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day, they hit 90 degrees day yesterday at central park. 77 in charlotte and starting to feel more impact of the subtropical system. the west is looking good. showers in the middle of 82 hung out there in chicago. does not look too bad of some of the rain along the coast here. some wet weather midsections but dry out towards the west. thomas. >> some other mood and spirit for folks. ray, thank you very much, thanks to all of you for watching this hour. i am thomas robertson for tamron hall, we'll see you over the weekend. up next is "andrea mitchell reports." ♪ try your favorite ranch with a fresh taste so crisp,
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you'll be surprised it doesn't crunch. hidden valley cucumber ranch. just one of our delicious ranch flavors. your hair is still thinning. you may have inactive follicles. re-activate them with women's rogaine® foam the only once a day product, proven to regrow new hairs up to 48% thicker revive your va va voom and save on any rogaine® people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes
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when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions.
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taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. technology moves faster than ever. the all-new audi a4, with apple carplay integration. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," name calling donald trump nick naming with
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elizabeth warren. >> who? >> oh, i am sorry about that, what did you just say? >> three is as crowd. the clinton campaign hopes the sanders debate never happen. >> you saw the show last night and you saw what i did for you? >> you made it possible for us to have a very interesting debate. >> about two guys who look at the world very, very different. >> oh boy. do you guys look at it differently. [ laughter ] >> oh, i love to debate, bernie, he's a dream and we can have a lot of fun with it. >> i love to debate. the problem with debating bernie is he's going to lose. painful legacy, president obama calling for a world
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