tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 1, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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in and maybe isolate something and get it down quick. that's what you saw here, that fast response from patrol, both ucla p.d. and lapd. the ucla chief, the lapd captain who's in that area, the s.w.a.t. commander for l.a., they're all there. they work so good with everybody there, with laso and atf and fbi, who all have tactical teams there, they know they can bring laso s.w.a.t., special response team, which is s.w.a.t., fbi s.w.a.t., they know they can bring them in. they work and train with them all the time. these guys are all on first-name basis. this is the tactical officer community of los angeles. los angeles is, you know, been very big on the founders of that operation. we train with them. i've been out there with them training with lapd s.w.a.t. years ago and laso s.w.a.t., top
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leaders in the country. tactical officers all over the country know them. we know how capable they are of dealing with even the most violent situations. >> jim cavanaugh, thanks. 2:00 in the east. for about an hour now we have been dealing with a report of an active shooter on the ucla campus in the westwood portion of los angeles. the pictures you are watching are live. they are from the knbc helicopter, our nbc station in los angeles. a little bit fuzzy, as we may be getting into a kind of marine layer of air over los angeles. it's getting a little bit tougher to discern details, given where the chopper is and where this portion of campus is. it seems to be located in and around the school of engineering. we had just the preliminary report that two people were hit, that there were two shooting
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victims. we don't know anything about their condition, we don't know if that number two includes the potential gunman. a robust response, as you've seen on the screen, not only is this 419 acre huge campus sprawling urban campus under the command of its own police department, you have multiple jurisdictions arriving now, including of course, los angeles police department, atf, jim cavanaugh's old employer and fbi and bomb squad and so on and so forth. details are going to start sl slowing down until we know something approaching a resolution. just prior to the top of the hour, jim cavanaugh mentioned the term, "s.w.a.t. lite." i suppose this will become germane again today.
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let's talk about the change of notion of first responders into these situations. you and i remember a policy that stood for years, decades. that is, hold back, wait for the s.w.a.t. team to come, set up a perimeter and now increasingly, law enforcement are being told, no, if you feel you have a good read on what's going on inside, if you feel lives are in danger, go in and do what you can. >> exactly, brian. we all talk about it all the time. pete williams talks about it and we talk about it. it's the change columbine brought on, a sea change in the way these things are handled because we were dealing before often with people who had different motive, greed, they wanted something, they were demanding something, wanted to hold people hostage, wanted to get it on television, wanted attention, maybe it was a busted robbery, all kinds of things where the scenario could be
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delayed and people weren't being just shot. when cases like columbine came along, they had no purpose other than just mass murder. waiting on an especially trained team was not a good way to go. we all in law enforcement at the time, went into a collective reboot and every department went into retraining for active shooter we often call "active killer" now. the officers are better trained with officers, and vests and they're going in and hopefully you can get two or three there quick and going in and hopefully you can engage or locate who's doing the killing, one or more. you saw that in l.a. today. that was excellent first grade new millennium police work. that's what we've all been fa facing the last 15, 16 years. that's what has to happen. now, when it gets stabilized,
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then you have to have the speciali specialists, you have to have the tactical teams, bomb squad, the s.w.a.t. commanders, negotia negotiators, the gas capabilities, special robots, you have to have all these other things that deal with it once you can get it stat, long riflemen, things that can bust barrica barricades, all different tools that come into play. the instant matter, as you described so rightly, is the sea change it made. you see it in operation right here. a campus shooting is responded to differentily because of all the campus shootings we've had going back to virginia tech on forward and people say what's going on campus. finals week, always pressure on people and unfortunately we have too many people that don't have coping skills anymore, they get pressure in life and they reach for their gun. we don't know what's happening here. you know, there will be
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heartache tonight somewhere, wounded or dead. the police are trying to keep those numbers as low as possible. >> yeah. that indeed is where my mind always goes, you think of these stories we've covered, jim, at the other end of it is families tonight who are going to get the worst possible news. let's dip in, if we can, and listen to what our viewers in los angeles are listening to, on knbc's live coverage. >> okay. so i'm captain andy from lapd media relations. as you can see, we have a lot of resources on the campus. we are responding to an incident that occurred around 10:00 this morning involving a shooting. there have been reports of victims. we don't have that confirmed yet. as soon as i have that confirmed we will provide more. we know very little at this point. we are taking all the information in. we are sending our tactical
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teams which consist of ucla, lapd, the fbi is also here because they were in such close proximity that they responded to support. this is not an fbi investigation at this point. what we do know is that a sho shooting happened. if you are on campus right now, the message to everybody on campus is to shelter in place, lock yourself in a safe place until the authorities are able to get to you or provide you a message it is safe to come out. all the other reports you're hearing from other sources, please wait until you hear from an official source, either lapd, ucla, fire department also on scene to help support us. as we say, we have responded in an abundance of caution. there are a lot of resources here. the city of los angeles has been placed on a tactical alert city-wide, which merely means it's a method for lapd to reallocate resources where we need them, to make sure that we can still handle the calls for service in all of the divisions.
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does not mean there is something going on in all parts of the city. as soon as we know more about what's going on here, ucla will be more than happy to provide that for you. if you are not at ucla, we ask you to stay away from the area. if you're on the roadways and hear siren, please pull to the right so our resources can get here. >> reporter: there are reports two people are dead. can you confirm that? >> those reports have not been confirmed yet. as soon as i am able to confirm injuries or victims, i will be happy to. at this point, that information is not available. >> reporter: what about the description of the suspect in black? >> i have not heard that either. obviously we want to make sure the public is safe. as soon as i have information to give you the description of the person or persons involved we will be happy to do that. we're still gathering that information. our tactical teams are going in with s.w.a.t. and we will do this very methodically to make
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sure everybody is safe and nobody is injured. >> reporter: what building are they in? >> the initial report is this occurred somewhere near the engineering building. i'm not familiar with the campus and will try to get a better location. as this information comes in a lot of times it is fast and furious and not always accurate. i'm cautious about providing specific details until i know they're accurate. >> reporter: is the bomb squad here and is there a concern about explosives? >> the bomb squad is here and common response with s.w.a.t. team in the event we need to do breaching of doors, bomb squad is here to facilitate that in terms of ordinance or explosive we need to breach doors. there has not been any reports of bombs or devices at this point. >> reporter: we heard multiple suspects. are we focused on -- >> i don't have a description. as soon as i get one i will be happy to do that. >> reporter: are you confirming reports of two victims?
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>> i have not had that confirmed to me yet. cannot confirm that. >> has there been anybody transported from the scene, any injuries? >> not to my knowledge. >> reporter: how about suspect or suspects? one or two? >> i don't know that information yet. as soon as i can confirm, information comes in from a lot of different resources. a lot of information is not accurate at this point. >> reporter: in terms of what happened, when this happened? >> what we do know 10:00 this morning, a shooting occurred on the ucla campus and we have reports there may be one or two victims. we don't have that confirmed. i don't know the status of the victims or how many actually we have. as soon as we have more information i'll be glad to confirm that. >> l.a. media relations are confirming there are two confirmed fatalities. >> i'm here and just talked to
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the command post. i will have to talk to my office. that has not been confirmed to me. as soon as i can confirm that i will. let me bring up -- >> reporter: where was your report received? >> it came from ucla. they have their own police department, a fine police department. they called us and asked for our resources to assist them and that's why we're here. at this point, let me bring up the pio for the fire department who can talk a little bit about their resources. >> peter sanders. sanders. >> can you talk louder? >> we responded around 10:00 a.m. when they received a call of shooting and received a report from ucla p.d. and fbi and we have 11 fire trucks on the scene and 17 rescue ambulances standing by and we have other resources prepared to respond if necessary. we have our tactical ems teams here and working in conjunction
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with the s.w.a.t. teams, they are paramedics trained to work closely with the s.w.a.t. teams to render medical aid. they're on scene and we have multiple command officers as well as other resources on scene. >> reporter: how many are you hearing? >> right now, as captain nyman said we understand there are victims shot but don't have details at this point. thank you. >> are you guys still copying me? >> that is the latest from streetside there. we want to address a disconnect you've probably been seeing play out on your screen. the captain we first saw there is the pio, public information officer, the spokesperson for the lapd. he was saying he had just been in touch with the command post and he could not confirm two fatali fatalities. while he was saying that, at the
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bottom of your screen, nbc news quoting sources on the lapd was saying indeed someone had confirmed two fatalities. our justice correspondent, pete williams, has been on the phone himself, in an attempt to tra trans-continentally gather some facts here. pete's in our washington newsroom. again, making sure our fog of war warning is front and center, what do we know? >> a couple things. one is it is a fact now that authorities in los angeles are confirming the two shooting victims of have died. >> we learned two things. the confirmation of poi of lapd there was in fact a shooting and, secondly, there were two victims and both are confirmed dead. here's the important thing, brian, and what i'm hearing from the folks i talk to back here.
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it's been over an hour now since this first report came in, almost an hour and 15 minutes, maybe a little more than that, since ucla first got in touch with lapd. since then, we have heard no further reports of gunshots, active shooters, people being seen with weapons. at least the assumption here -- again, i underscore the word "assumption" on the part of authorities here, with the understanding they're not in charge of this. this is very much an lapd operation. the assumption here is whatever happened this morning is over. that there is no active shooter on the campus. however, a couple of things are going on. number one, lapd is going through the building in which this apparently happened and making sure there is nobody else involved, that that -- that there were no other people with guns still at large. that is a long and painstaking operation because they literally have to go room to room. they don't know what they're
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going to find and so they go slowly and very carefully, methodically. that's the first thing that's happening. second thing, we understand that -- again, this is common in these sorts of situations, they get other calls about people being seen with weapons around the campus, nothing confirmed. that's common, people locked down look out the window see somebody with a gun not reali realizing it's a clothes plained law enforcement person. this happens over and over again. the one that sticks out in my mind was the shooting a couple years ago at the washington navy yard, there was all this confusion whether there was a second gunman and it turned out to be people who saw law enforcement folks. no confirmation of any other active shooter, no other confirmation of any other person with a gun around the campus, but they're still trying to chase some of those things down. the main concern right now is going through that building where this apparently happened. fingers crossed, it does appear
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that this is over. >> pete, to put it another way, as tragic as two fatalities will be for friends, family and loved o ones, there are shootings in american cities everyday, sadly, and this may have been a finite incident, a shooting that left two people dead, perhaps even a murder-suicide, but they must search, because it happened in the middle of a closed-in population center, ie an urban college campus, they have to now perform all the dudiligent sear searching, correct? >> exactly. i think what you're seeing here is how a highly skilled, well equ equipped, well trained metropolitan police department responds to a campus shooting. all the things that you're seeing, all the assets that are there, enormous response is all pretty much by the book, what they would do in response to a shooting on the campus. that's enough to cause this response because obviously it's
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a very delicate situation, young people in a highly concentrated area or highly concentrated in a small area so you have to be very careful and try to contain things as quickly as you can. that's what we've been watching playing out here. >> again, pete williams is quoting his own sources, lachd has confirmed two fatalities. the officer we saw, captain andy nyman, was simply not privy to that information that headquarters was confirming to other news media. cal perry continues to watch things for us in our newsroom as well. cal. >> brian, we're continuing to watch him madges come in of students under lock-down. we're talking about boelter hall, engineering building number 4 on the campus of ucla. we have photos of people locking themselves in these classrooms. i'll remind our viewers at home,
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in these situations you want to use whatever is possible. we are seeing photos of printers pushed up against doors and kids on their phones here, if we can bring this up. for our viewers at home wondering why we're not showing photos or video of security force of these tactical police moving through the buildings, because we live in an age of instant information and an age in technology you can see this live on your cell phone. we certainly do not want to put any of these police activities in any kind of danger or give away any kind of tactical situation they may have, any kind of tactical advantage they may have. i will show you this as well. this is this bruin alert that went out about an hour and 20 minutes ago, which goes to everyone's cell phone, a very good way alerting folks on the campus they need to stay in place and shelter in place. if you can get away, do so. if not, do what those students
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are doing there, use anything you can to barricade yourselves into those classrooms. >> cal perry, thanks for that. obviously, at an engineering school the students may be more resourceful than most as we saw in that one photo with a table containing a couple of printers kind of chained to the door to fortify whatever room they were in. steve patterson is part of our team, make his way to the ucla campus. steve, when i heard the police pio remind motorists to get to the right if they hear a siren and see emergency vehicles co coming up from behind them, that tells you all you need to know for what it likely seems like in that part of l.a. >> reporter: it is the soundtrack on campus right now. there are sirens just about every block on main campus. i'm stationed right in front of the ucla medical plaza, about a
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few blocks, if not a block and a half away from that engineering lab where that shooting is reported to have occurred. there, you just see a mass of police presence. lapd, twets from tets from the y of southern california are here, tactical units, atf, armored vehicles basically rolling through campus nonstop. looks like they're in a swarm formation taking a very aggressive posturing. a lot of guys in tactical gear, shotg shotguns, assault rifles in separate teams seem to be ru rushing to one spot, towards that building. that's where all the attention is centered. campus really abuzz. the closer you get to campus, the more quiet it is. it's a very unsettling atmosphere. the route i took from a parking garage to walk to where we're stationed here in front of the medical plaza, the streets were completely empty. obviously, campus still on lock-down on that part of
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campus. the only presence you hear are the helicopters, sirens and then boots on the ground, people literally marching through to get to their staging locations. very active scene here, as we continue to watch the activity. as you mentioned, the sirens blare through just about every five seconds or so. police directing traffic where i am. a lot of students who were in that area seem to be directed away from that area. they're coming out and you can't get back in to that area. that's kind of what we're seeing on the ground here. very hectic and active situation. >> steve patterson, part of our force on the ground there and here in our newsroom here, stretching clear down to washington working this story. one quick recap. that is that just before 10:00 a.m. l.a. time, they had a report of an active shooter on
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the ucla campus. these terms, "active shooter" and "shelter in place," as we keep say, have become part of the american lexicon because of what we've all witnessed and been through. the lapd is confirming to nbc news basically all we know about this and that is there have been two fatalities. as you've been watching on your screen, various jurisdictions have now come together on the 400 plus acre ucla campus in the westwood portion of los angeles, as you saw a few shots ago, adjacent to the sprawling military cemetery there. they are doing the work that needs to be done now, that is this painstaking search, bui building to building, room to room. our pete williams in his last round of reporting is holding out the notion this could have been a shooting, a finite sho
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shooting incident that resulted in a tragic dual loss of life, perhaps even a murder-suicide would have to be considered. but that may be all it is. the rest of this is just playing out because it must and because of precaution any time you have students involved. we'll fit in a quick break. our live coverage will continue right after this. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed.
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we are back. report of an active shooter on the campus of the university of california los angeles, the ucla campus in the westwood section of los angeles. while there may have been, may still be an active shooter on campus we've not seen or heard much activity in much of the past hour. a number of jurisdictions have come together, in terms of law enforcement. one note. if you see this robust response
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by the l.a. fire department, and we learned they have 11 engine and truck companies there, that is a lot. that would be a multiple alarm fire normally. there is no fire. they're there for a number of reason, especially the lafd ambulan ambulances. sometimes fire trucks are used in this case for just a large sheltering device that people can set up a command post behind. other times, let's face it, fire has been used as a weapon and you want to be prepared for anything. as long as they are not being taken away from another active scene, a robust response from the los angeles fire department. lapd and campus p.d. at ucla and fbi because in the proximity of the ucla campus, there is a
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federal facility. pete williams just off the phone with some sources with more reporting for us from the washington newsroom. pete. >> more reason to believe, brian, this is in its final sta stages, officials in touch with their counterparts on the west coast who say their understanding is the initial word is it does look like it's over. they're now doing what this person described as secondary swe sweeps, meaning going through areas they've already gone through once before, just to make certain that the whole thing is over. while all the attention has been focused on this one engineering building where presumably the shooting happened, there have been other claims of people with guns thatry are checking out elsewhere on the campus. until the can resolve those and give the final word they won't lift the lock-down until they're 100% certain.
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they want to make sure they've got all the leads checked out, all these claims thoroughly vetted before they can finally lift the lock-down. if all goes the way it seems to be going right now, that's going to come fairly soon. it would appear that this is over. that in fact, it was over very quickly, in terms of what actually happened. but the response and making sure all the leads are checked out is taking a lot longer. it's been over an hour and half since the initial reports came in of a shooting. it does seem, from all the information we have so far, that that shooting was confined to one specific spot on the campus. they're trying to make sure that that in fact is the case. there were no further reports of active shooters, no further reports of someone wandering around shooting people. it does appear to be a single incident. that's the best information we have at this point. >> pete, while you were talking,
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the main picture on our screen appears to show the kind of media command post being set up outside the hospital, while on the lower right, viewers just tuning in, we should remind you and keep reminding you, that is video from earlier in this. the picture of the police going in with one person coming out under safe police escort at the same time. jacob soboroff is on the ground for us in los angeles. what are you picking up? >> just in here from the los angeles newsroom from the los angeles news department, a little bit more information about who these two people are who have been shot. lapd has confirmed two males were located suffering gunshot wounds. the lapd is also saying they're continuing a methodical search, their words, of campus and surrounding areas, however, no additional suspects have been seen. part of the reason, just speaking to pete's reporting
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about why this may be taking so long, ucla is a campus, hundreds of acres with tens of thousands of students and one campus wide lock-down would affect an area in westwood, california, that touches four different neighborhoods of los angeles the campus of ucla is so big. again, i want to touch on what you and pete have been menti mentioning about the idea this may have been over quickly. some people might ask why is the fbi there? i know you just said there is a federal facility, federal bui building, residents of los angeles know you pass by it everyday. it's a huge facility that houses the fbi and you heard the commanding officer the lapd's public information unit, saying that this is reason, proximity why the fbi is on scene at the ucla. . >> i want to tell folks that a familiar condition we may be rushing the seaa litt s s s s n
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a little bit called june gloom taking over the skies, giving a cloudy cast to the city although it's not full on raining, correct? >> reporter: that's correct. many people don't know june in los angeles june is one of the chilliest times and just miles from the pacific ocean. june gloom takes on an entirely different meaning here today. >> it sure does as we are covering what we believe to be a double fatal at the ucla campus. jim cavanaugh formerly with the atf remains with us. j jim, a point pete williams made earlier and this happens especially since the dawn of social media. if there is a campus p.d. plainclothes lieutenant who arrives brandishing his service weapon, a 9 millimeter, and a student looks out the window and sees this lone male with a gun
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and that gets reported on social media, that can go down as, you know, a gunman spotted and only mean a wider search is called for. >> i've never been to one of these shootings where it's chaotic like this, where we didn't get reports of multiple sho shooters. i just never can remember one there wasn't a report like that. often, that's what it is, like pete described, a plain clothed officer, federal agent, detective, somebody responding quickly that might have to draw their duty weapon and maybe rifle in plainclothes suit, jeans or whatever and they're moving to an alley or passageway trying to get somewhere. rig rightfully so citizens reported. what happens is once the brakes are on, you have to make sure there wasn't somebody else. that sweeps the sweeps then happen of the areas where those reports were, to make sure
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there's nobody else in there, a confederate that might be involved in attacks or something. that's pretty standard procedure. here's the thing, brian, first patrol officers on the scene, patrol officers really get a lot of knowledge fast. if they go into a room in the engineering building and there are two people there shot and killed and there's a gun laying there, you know, there's an indication it could very well be a murder-suicide. if there's no firearm there, that raises the stakes somebody left with a gun. now, that's a whole different game. they may know that right away, there's two people dead, a gun there and no other reports, like pete was describing. now, they still have to deal with the reports you're descr e describing, still have to make sure everybody is safe. they can't leave and have the possible chance somebody else could be there because they don't know the whole story. that's why they're trying to do all that. that's professional policing at
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its best. this is what they're supposed to do. they're trying to keep everybody else safe, save anybody they can, unfortunately these two victims, they couldn't, these two people. one may be an assailant, we don't know. everybody else they're really trying to make safe. i like seeing all that equipment you mentioned all those fire companies there and s.w.a.t. vehicles moving in, the bearkats moving in from lachd and fbi and laso, they want them there because if it turns out to be a multiple shooter event they can deal with it quickly and have the resources and horses to do it. yeah. it's a real good response. let's hope it is over and ended. let's hope it ended quickly. i can't help but get away from the end of the school year, the finals. oftentimes unfortunately we have seen that. we've seen these people can't cope with the pressures, they want revenge on their teacher, their professor, who's failing
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them or taking a test. sometimes those events happen, domestic disputes happen, disputes between students and robberies happen. all kinds of things transpire and we're yet to find that out but in the ensuing hours i'm sure the lapd will be releasing some of that information. >> jim, you're right. experience counts for a lot and all that experience is going through the mind of every experienced law enforcement professional as they're on their way to the scene an that's part of what makes up for police work as we were looking at the street corner outside what i believe to be the medical center as we saw so much going on in the background as we saw additional fire presence, wave upon wave of police officers with their anti-ballistic helmets, kevlar dress and helmets drawn, they look like lapd. the chief of the campus police
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department is about to brief the media live. >> my name is jim heron, the chief of police for the ucla police department. as you have already learned we had an on campus shooting this morning. the unfortunate fact is there are two victims who are deceased from that shooting. we have still on campus an active investigation. we have an active search to insure this are no further vict victims, that no one else is in harm's way and we're still searching to see if there is a suspect that may be in the area. those are questions we don't have answered yet. i can tell you what we did immediately upon having learned about this incident, we immediate lly put out a bruin alert, our campus alert notification system to advice all of those in our campus community of an incident that occurred that could be dangerous to them and we requested them to stay out of the area. right now, currently, the campus is on lock-down. we have literally hundreds of
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police officers and agents here on campus assisting in this active situation. ucpd is working in kconcert wit the fbi, los angeles police department, atf and l.a. city fire department as well as santa monica college employees. we have a lot of resources we're dedicated to insure the safety of this entire community. that with the response we had not only from our own officers who responded within brief moments of receiving that first call, it is something we have trained to do. when our officers arrived on scene, they immediately began putting teams together considered rescue teams to help those who have been injured and also search teams to look for suspects who may be in the area. that was implemented immediately and we have not stopped yet. we will continue to go until we are sure this campus is safe and if there is an outstanding
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suspect, we will have that person or persons in custody. >> are one of the victims the shooter sxwr. >> we don't know. it is possible one of the victims is a shooter but we don't know yet. >> reporter: can you tell from the location of the bodies? . a murder-suicide? >> there is a possibility but we haven't confirmed yet. >> can you tell where in the engineering building the shootings occurred and what the circumstances were? >> the location in the building i can't divulge right now. it is in the engineering bui building as you know and honestly we have dozens of people in the building who have sheltered in place. other than the building, the area outside called the court of scien sciences, we asked everybody from that location to please leave the area to ensure their safety. >> one location? >> the victims are inside the bui building. the victims were located inside the building. >> how many gunmen or shooters are you looking for at this point? >> unknown. >> male, female the victims?
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>> i don't have that information right now. >> how did you first receive a call? >> the 911 dispatch center in the police station. >> that came from inside the bui building? >> i'm not sure where the origin of that call was. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. we will update you with more information as we're able to develop it. i'm sorry. >> do you know if the victims were students? i don't know. >> nobody else injured, right? >> that's the chief of police on the campus. let's go immediately back to jim cavanaugh. this begs the question. you wake in on a murder suicide for some very obvious reasons, gun placement, nature of the wounds, blood pattern, you know instantly you've walked in on a murder-suicide. is this just a matter of not wanting to say that or truly not knowing? >> maybe a little bit of both. may not have exactly every bit of information that the first
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responding patrol officers who found the victims bodies there knows. sometimes a person can fall on top of a gun, the gun is underneath you, they have to roll it over, maybe find the gun. it doesn't necessarily mean it's a murder-suicide if a gun is found. a good indicator but doesn't mean it is. someone could hold a gun to defend themselves and somebody could have shot him. i think the chief is being cautious here. he doesn't really have all the answers. if there is a person who was loose actively involved in sh t shooting they'd be more aggressive putting descriptions out about what the perch could be or look like -- person could be or look like because they're searching for him. i have an indicator it is a murder-suicide or they have the person isolated and i don't see that at the moment. i imagine they're holding their
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cards close to the vest. and they have an idea what happened, something like a murder-suicide and moving toward it. the chief is being cautious, brian, because he doesn't want to be wrong and doesn't want anybody to say, that's what it is, because they want to sweep the buildings and make sure everybody is safe and get everybody out. it could be a shooter loose and they're trying to get a description out. we don't know yet see. absolutely. to jim's note, the stance and tenor of the arriving units and the units that are on scene, just look at them, the speed of which they're moving, some not moving at all compared to other searches. again, it's tragic we have seen so many of this type of thing, but other searches we have seen. so we have two deceased males inside one of the engineering
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buildings. that is about all we know. cal perry is in our newsroom here, picking up what he can. cal. >> this is coming from somebody who says they are on campus, they're not giving away the hall they are in and posting pictures of the door-to-door search. you heard the chief talking about teams, teams going into the school. this is one of those teams, there are three photos, i will cycle through them. this gives you an idea not only of the equipment they're using but how they search these classrooms individually and usher students out. it's obviously a stark scene as you look at these men going door-to-door. this is what a search looks like from inside the school, brian. >> cal perry, thanks. some of those looks like they may be shot off a monitor of security cameras watching the teams in the hallway outside. we'll fit in another break here and continue our live coverage on the other side. support advantage.
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we're back as the chief of police on campus at ucla put it, this is still an active investigation, active search for an active gunman even though we don't have any evidence there is an active gunman. they are searching a wide area, building by building, floor by floor, room by room. what we do know is we had a double fatal shooting on the campus at the university of california at los angeles, ucla, folks of a certain age in this country remember that school as home to the wizard of westwood, the great coach, john wooden and ucla players like al cinder back in the day. if you grew up, that's about all you know. if you grew up on the west coast, part of the beating ha it of los angeles, 400 plus acres, a sprawling urban campus right
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now under lock-down. that means that students, and this is mostly a week of finals, have been told to shelter in place. we've seen a lot of evidence of that. people sharing photos of that on social media. we have two males killed in a sho shooting. that's about all we know. they were found inside one of the campus buildings in the school of engineering. that is a large sub-complex within a larger complex. the pictures you're seeing on the screen include this robust response by the l.a. fire department in addition to campus police, l.a. police and fbi, they have rolled 11 engine and truck companies. that explains t s ths the enorm number of apparatus on campus. they're doing that out of caution and doing that sometimes as a shielding device, as ladder
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truck, a very very sizable object, behind which police can come and go and set up a command post. steve patterson is on the ground for us. steve, i don't know if it's your camera location where we're seeing the press briefings. you said earlier, you were outside the medical center, correct? >> reporter: that's right. we moved a little closer to that staging area where that front briefing with the police chief just took place. if you can see what i see, you're seeing a team of firefighters, lappd, atf, fbi, tactical teamsall working in tandem together. the situation far from over. it may have ended at this point, but as the chief said -- [ inaudible ] -- >> another thing that happens during events like this is
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cellular service can become very tenuous because of the strain on the individual cell towers. everyone with a device inside that campus is using a device and everyone they know on the outside is trying to make contact with them. add to that news media and law enforcement and you have calls drop out on a busy day like this. just want to show you the picture of what our station knbc is airing right now. they're interviewing someone on campus on the right hand side of the screen. but on the left hand side of the screen, knbc is showing this picture of parked car gridlock on one of the main roads leading to and from campus. a lot of those cars are vehicles belonging to first responders who realize with everything stopped in front of them, that was as far as they were going to g get, and hopped out, including a cab in the foreground. as jim cavanaugh has been sa
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saying, as we see normalcy come back and get the command to clear more and more buildings as the campus opens up perhaps that will open up, too. on the left hand side we see students and ambulance in the foreground. not clear what has happened at the location where these two bodies have been found. not clear what that ambulance is doing although many of these shots are coming to us at or near the location of the medical center anyway. without being sure of any of what we're voicing here as we see it on live tv, we'll simply present these pictures to you. jacob soboroff is in our los angeles bureau. jacob. >> i'm actually off the phone with someone inside boyer hall, a neighboring building to the building in which this incident took place. my understanding is as of right now, that building is still on
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lock-down and our law enforcement sources confirm that by basically saying they are still treating this, despite not having received any calls of new activity since the early hours of this incident, 10:00 or 3 local time in los angeles, those buildings are still on lock-down and lapd 10,000 officer strong force has taken the lead here. >> jacob soboroff, thanks. it's a little bit perverse to say we're hoping this is merely a double fatal because our thoughts and prayers of course are with the two victims here, their friends and family. with mounting evidence however this may have been a shooting incident, finite, and this may not have included the after effected of having a shooter on the loose across campus.
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the after effect. pete has been gathering on that point. pete. >> reporter: a couple of things. first of all, the emerging consensus among law enforcement folks we've been talking to, the lapd is investigating this now as a possible murder-suicide. that takes that scenario up just a notch. that seems to be the best assessment of what the situation is. they haven't resolved it yet because of these persistent reports of possibly two other people on campus with firearms. we've been talking about this the last 20 minutes or so. there have been no further confirmed sightings of people with guns and no further conf m confirmed reports of people shot, no confirmed reports of gunshots. they're still trying to chase all this down. it's a big campus and why they're going so slowly.
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in terms of the engineering bui building, they're doing what they call secondary sweeps. they've been through it once quickly and now going back more thoroughly checking under desks, inside closets, to make sure that building is now safe. all the information we're getting is that this was a single shooting incident invo e involving two men. we don't know their ages, we don't know what their affiliation is with the university. the best information at this point, susceptible to change, this is now almost two hours since this was reported, they're investigating it as a possible murder-suicide. >> thanks. to our viewers, the men you're watching there with backpacks, helmets and wearing a lot of gear, those are fire departments and not police.
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two fire departments, campus fire department and l.a. fd. being what it is, especially in a big city you have firefighters wearing ballistic helmets and carrying gear so when they have go into a situation like this to do their jobs in the middle of a law enforcement situation. this is a little bit reassuring to see students, own though this is cordoned way off and far away from the building to building search, to see life going on anywhere close to normal out here on the perimeter, near the medical center. we are hoping that what pete williams has been reporting, if the l.apd is looking at the possibility of a murder suicide, that's what we're talking about here and not, god forbid, someone on the loose on an urban
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college campus with a weapon. needless to say, it has still been a very very bad day in the westwood portion of los angeles on the campus of ucla. our aerial photos condition to come in from knbc, our nbc station there. they have press cameras all around this. we have nbc news los angeles bureau. they are on the road and in their facility. pete williams in washington. our coverage will continue with kate snow right after this break. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud.
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building on the campus of ucla in los angeles. two people are confirmed dead. the ucla chief of police telling report ears short time ago it is not clear if one of the victims was indeed the shooter. the chief said they are still in the middle of an active investigation trying to make sure there are no victims, they're searching to make sure there is not a suspect in the area. our reporter, pete williams, is reporting it is not out of the realm of possibility this is a murder-suicide but they have not confirmed that. the chief saying there are still dozens of people inside the engineering building and we've seen photos from someone saying they're inside campus, inside a building and pictures of social media of teams moving door-to-door inside that engineering building. pete patterson is stawith us, b
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