tv With All Due Respect MSNBC June 3, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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ourselves that hillary clinton won california eight years ago. >> 35% chance. 35 to 40% chance. >> 50%. >> interesting. guess what, you know how many there's been something like more democratic nominees who have lost california in the last 50 years than won it. that does it for us tonight. we'll be back monday. "with all due respect" starts right now. i'm mark halperin. >> "with all due respect," we have nothing with trump. ♪ >> will they? won't they? will they? first, paul ryan said he was not
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yet ready to endorse donald trump. then he met with trump and he got ready and then he said he would vote for trump, but now the speaker of the house is acting like someone with cold feet and doing things that aren't consistent with totally, heartfelt, not equivocal endorsement. take ryan's reaction that indiana born federal judge is biassed because he is quote, of mexican heritage and has quote, inherent conflict of interest, end quote. what would someone who is fully on board the trump train say about that? >> the comment about the judge the other day was out of left field. it's reasoning i don't relate to. i completely disagree with the thinking behind that.
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he clearly said and does things i don't agree with. i've had to speak on time and time when that occurred. i will continue to do that when it's necessary. i hope it's not. >> trump responded to critics of his comments today in an interview on cnn with jake tapper. >> if you are saying he can't do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism? >> i don't think so at all. >> no? >> he's proud of his heritage. i respect him. >> you said he can't do his job. >> he's proud of his heritage. >> he's a legal citizen. >> i'm going to bring back jobs. they're going to get jobs. i think i'm going to do well with hispanics. we're building wall. he's a mexican. we're building a wall between here and mexico. the answer is he is giving us very unfair rulings. rulings that people can't believe. this case should have ended years ago on some rejection. the best lawyer, i have spoken
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to so many lawyers, they say this is not case. this judge is giving us unfair rulings. now i say why. well, i'm building wall, okay. it's wall between mexico. not another country. >> he's not from mexico. he's from indiana. >> he's mexican heritage and he's very proud of it. >> mark, we'll get to the political implications of paul ryan hitting donald trump the way he did on this issue the day after the endorsement. we'll get to that in maine. let's talk about the wisdom of trump hitting the judge. do you see any possible political upside in trump attacking a federal judge this way? >> fox said the other day that dom donald trump is like a private company going public. i suppose if he wants to get the judge to recuse himself from the case but that's not a political benefit.
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this is picking fights across the board with people. it's blocking out any -- helping to block out any positive message he would want to drive and giving people inside the republican party and within trump's own campaign a feeling that he's not disciplining himself at all. i see so much downside, i could spend the hour of this program listing the down side. i can't think of a single up side. >> thank you for agreeing. getting to the right place on this. when trump does what he did in that tapper interview and he did it over and over again. he kept calling him a mexican, it's not even dog whistle politics. it's pure racial politics. >> that's racial. >> it's racial politics. >> mexico is not a race. >> it's during up racial an mos about people who don't like his p panics. he's not mexican. he was born in indiana. you can get trump to acknowledge he's mexican-american.
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that's what he's doing. on top of that, he's potential president of the united states who has issued over the course of the last week vague threats saying that the judge should be investigated. it's wildly inappropriate and there are no political benefits to this. i'm sure his team is betting its head against tables as they watch him blow news cycles behaving in this way that's racially tinged and also wildly inappropriate, things to say about a federal judge about someone who could be president of the united states. >> it's racially tinged. mexico is not race. >> you can invoke things like that regardless of the whether mexico is race or not. >> there's a lot of things that happened this week that would one to believe that donald trump is decreasing his chances of being president. this is one of them. again, i can see within the context of legal fight or if he's looking for attention, this could be a positive thing but in the context of trying to get
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president of the united states, i have racked my brain today, this is foolish and extreme and the most foolish thing about it is one of his top priorities needs to be reassuring republicans he's got the smarts and the savvy and discipline to get elected president and be a good president. >> be sure, criticizining trumps not like a liberal position. many republicans are watching this in horror. in horror. >> about the substance and the politics. >> there are people within trump's campaign who are watching this with horror. seeing their boss do this is dumb. >> he's got a first amendment right to do it. >> sure. >> i will tell you, one of the things that donors are most concerned about is trump shooting his mouth off and no one around him stopping him. they are asking the question, why are we raising money for a guy going out unprovoked, unnecessary. no political upside. >> won't gain him a single vote.
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>> it's not just the top republican in the house who is endorsed trump and been kind of meh at times about it. it's also the gop leader and the senate. that's mitch mcconnell. he's out on a book tour. he's doing a lot of interviews and he can't seem to ratchet up the trump enthusiasm level all the way up to 11. >> donald trump will be the republican nominee. you may fantasize about somebody else. you may have supported somebody else in the primary but this is the choice. >> do you worry that he will do to latino voters what barry goldwater did to african-american voters? >> i do. i think the attacks he's routinely engaged in. for example, going after susanna martinez, the republican governor of new mexico, the chairman of the governors association, that was a big mistake. it's a time to try to bring the
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party together. >> are there place where is you differ from donald trump? >> sure. i said i didn't think we should be banning muslims coming into the united states. i said the other day it's become fairly common for candidates for presidents to release their tax returns. i don't agree with him on a number of things. >> donald trump is a different kind of candidate. we had 17 people competing for the nomination, andrea. donald trump won the most primaries and caucuses. he's going to be the nominee. it's pretty clear republican primary and caucus voters wanted somebody very different. i think it's safe to say donald trump is very different from what we're accustomed to. >> so not the most enthusiastic. does this matter to trump's chances of winning? >> there's no doubt that a lot of republican voters don't care for the republican establishment. they don't care for
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congressional congress or leaders. i don't think those two guys one way or the other will move votes one way or the other when it comes to election day. one of the things that trump needs, especially given the trouble he gets into is he needs defenders. he needs people that will defend him when he's under attack. those two guys do not seem to have much of a stomach for it right now. >> they send a signal to other people in the party. you're going to have rob portman in ohio. when republicans get asked about the top of the ticket, it's going to be unhelpful for messaging if they're constantly not only have to defend their nominee but not defend him. did bill clinton agree with everything every democrat was running n running on in '92, absolutely not. he found way to emphasize what they agreed on. i think this a problem for trump. this kind of stuff, i've never
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seen that kind of repudiation. >> ryan was not asked about the judge. he brought this up unbidden. the day after endorsing him, ryan sent a clear signal the next day that he still maintains the right to criticize trump going forward when ever he thinks that trump has stepped out of bounds. that's just not defending trump, that's in the cheap seats still hurling criticism at him. >> those mcconnell exchanges, he could have answered without criticizing trump. it's going to hurt trump. >> when we come back, what's more important? the new jobs numbers or the new numbers regarding obama's job? we'll tell you right after this. [woodworker] i live in the fine details.
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the clinton campaign in brooklyn, there's two numbers that get a lot of attention. the number of jobs that are added to the economy every month and president obama's job approval rating. today one of those numbers came out and it's not so great. only 38,000 jobs last month. that's well below expectations even what the administration was hoping for. it's the worst monthly job gain since 2010. donald trump called it a bombshell. there's another important number that's been doing much better on the democratic side. the president's job approval rating has been above 50% consistently in many recent polls including the latest gallup poll. if you look at the numbers, the president's job approval rating, which one matters more to the clinton campaign and how could it be that his job approval rating has inched up when the economic situation is pretty grim. >> if these jobs numbers are the
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beginning of a sign that the economy is slowing, it's not been raging. if these jobs numbers are a leading indicator of what we'll see, bad jobs number, flat employment, they are far more important than barack obama's approval rating. if this was a blip and we're back up producing 350,000 jobs next month, these will be been meaningless and his approval rating matter more. we don't know yet. it's one bad number so far. it's not part of the trend yet. >> if the jobs number stay weak, not this weak, i think the winner of the election will be the person who makes a more compelling case that they have way to make the economy grow faster. no one is happy with this level of job growth. these numbers open the door to the candidate of chainge than te
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candidate of continuity. bad job numbers will matter more. 50% aprooufproval rating is so . why is the rating gone up when the world is still a messy place? >> i'll give you two answers. donald trump and hillary clinton. you see the circus that's been the republican nomination fight. the semicircus of the democratic nomination. two presumptive nominees and historic level of unpopularity. people see an adult in the white house. this happens at the end of second terms often. they get a bit of nostalgia before they leave office. >> he's also had some victories, foreign policy victories from his point of view. republicans are targeting him less than they are targeting hillary clinton now. that gives him a bit of that halo effect as well. boy, the job numbers are bad. for american who is are worried
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endorsement of the nominee. republican pollster, kelly ann conway. mr. chairman, i'll ask you this, a lot of people watching the images last night from that trump rally in san jose. not the first time we've seen those clashes outside. who's to blame and what would you advise the republican nominee, whether you blame him or not, what would you advise donald trump to do to try to deal with these images which are not pretty and certainly not helpful for anyone involved? >> let's start with that. i think i would advise him he needs to send out the message very clear as we have seen and heard others do that this is not the way democracy proceeds. this is not how we engage in political discourse. there will be people who disagree with us. there will be people who disagree in way that they want to express that openly and they have a right to do that.
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violence is something all together different. we will not tolerate it as a campaign because we don't tolerate it as a nation. if he sets that message then it takes away the sniping and the back biting if something happens and goes donald trump's attitude has already condoned this. that takes care of it or begins to. in terms of what happened last night, it's clear there are others out there that want to spoke these passions in these flames. they're not necessarily sanders supporters or hillary clinton supporters. they're agitators. they are going to the events looking for fight. the third part is the police, as we saw, i think it was last week in san diego, they had a way of redirecting that energy. in other words, the trump supporters that moved through one day and the protesters were at another. all these three things, i think, need to be taken to understand exactly what's going on here. y?
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does that sound right. do you think the trump campaign is handling it well or poorly in. >> they're handling it well. why is the burden on trump to reel in the protesters of donald trump. i think hillary clinton ought to be asked are these your peeps, burning american flags, jumping on cars. yesterday, throwing eggs at people and some cases you pull the tape, you'll see the man with all the blood across his skull. people being attacked and assaulted. we can't hillary clinton or bernie sanders to avow or disavow these protesters who are there against donald trump. why is it solely the responsibility of trump? >> hillary clinton did denounce this activity and violence as her chairman did last night.
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you're right. do you see any upside to him calling the judge a mexican? >> i don't appreciate any insults based on ethnicity, gender, religion. you're asking if there's an upside of attacking the judge or showing the judge has a bias against him? maybe only because that's part of donald trump's narrative which is i'm not politically correct, and i want a more accountable, transparent system that works for we the people that's not rigged and benefits a bunch of insiders. if he shows the judge has it out for him, it's inappropriate for any judge. i'm not talking about this judge. it's inappropriate for anyone to try to litigate a case publicly. they're just supposed to keep
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their own counsel behind closed doors. it's not healthy to see this. >> the judge isn't doing that. donald trump is doing that. >> the judge -- >> the judge hasn't said anything as far as i know outside the bounds of normal activity. do you know of something i don't know about? >> maybe, maybe not. i would go to something that was said recently in terms of people speak privately in private gathers that are reported on or related back to folks where snarky comments are made. people are starting to catch onto this. they're not just lawyers -- not just up on the bench. they are lawyers in black robes. i think he has a right to say this judge may have a bias against me without absent -- absent those rationcially based. >> he does have a right.
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i don't think it will help him be president. do you agree with hillary clinton's speech about donald trump and foreign policy showed a pretty good performance level and increased her chances of winning? do you agree with that? >> not so much on the latter part but the first part, absolutely. i thought it was a well done speech. it didn't do a lot of focusing on foreign policy but it did establish a narrative she wants to establish with donald trump. she wanted to do the slicing dicing directly. she did that. how do you sustain that over the next five or six months. it's a speech to the foreign policy community, to the political intelligence on the right and left. the question now for the hillary clinton campaign is how do they make this work. how do they establish this narrative so rank and file, blue
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collar, every day folks see what she sees in a way that will benefit her no november. i don't see that part of the narrative coming together at this point. >> i want to you to assess the week for donald trump. you have a week where he has repeatedly attacked this federal judge and one point suggesting he should be investigating in addition to calling him a mexican over and over again. you have him totally mishandling, i would say, at least not handling defense on the trump university case. you have the press conference he gave where he attacked reporters and you have this hillary clinton thing last night that prom prompted trump to go back to lying hillary, crooked hillary. we've been long about donald trump, so i'm going to ask the question in a open ended way, was this good week or was it a pretty bad week for donald trump? >> it was a mediocre week.
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you're also aomitting a number f things that went his way. there's a couple of new super pacs that's been formed. donald trump is the presidential nominee of his party. that ain't nothing folks. she will be or she isn't. she's still fighting bernie sanders in california. he's got the momentum. there's talk that he's expanding into other accoutrements of other things he needs to do. it looks like a mediocre list. the last point where he's calling her crooked hillary and shining a light on these animal protes protesters, they don't have a right to assault people. donald trump said leave them alone. don't hurt them.
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he's changed his rhetoric toward the protesters. >> nobody is saying they are pro-hillary or suggests that hillary clinton supports them. it's kind of unfair to tar them with the brush of being affiliate -- >> i think it's unfair to say it's donald trump's responsibility. >> i never said that. >> okay. the entire segment started with don't you think is donald trump's campaign doing a good enough job -- >> i asked the question how the campaign was handling the optics that's a repeated thing. >> i don't want to be hurt. >> totally agree. >> john, looking at cleveland, i am very concerned. >> we got to go. i don't mean to cut you off. we got a hard break. thank you. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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from fair field kovcovering the bernie sanders campaign. covering the clinton campaign is kristen welker. hillary clinton out there for the duration with her husband. talk about how the campaign seems to be feel ng the wake 24 hours later of what's been a widely well received speech. >> i'll make two points. the first one is they are feeling really good about the speech yesterday. they feel like it was real moment for secretary clinton. some people are calling it a turning point. it was the sharpest attacks we have seen from her against donald trump. she managed to do what a lot of the gop primary challengers of
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donald trump failed to do which is mock him while taking his policy proposals very seriously. she had this sort of take down of each one of his policy proposals. this was a speech a will the of democrats were waiting for her to give. i think the party is feeling invigorated but the second point is about california and about the primary. she will likely wrap up the nomination whether or not she wins california. this is a really significant state because if she wins here then she takes away senator sanders last argument for staying in this race. one official telling me it's going to be close in california. they're clearly nervous. that's why she upped her visit by day and scheduled all these events, this five-day campaign swing. she's criss crossing the state. they say it will be close but one official saying they think they have a good shot. it's going to be down to the wire that's for sure.
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>> chris and katie, i want to get your reaction on the speech yesterday and how each of the campaigns and candidates you covered saw it. chris, did they react at all to what she said? >> i was really surprised to tell you the truth. one of the best lines is when he talks about the contrast between himself and hillary clinton and the war in iraq vote. he had two major events. one as her speech was winding down, he was starting an event and he had a second one in chico and he didn't take the opportunity. it's been interesting watching him on this last push. he's been unrelenting going to three and four events a day atracking iin ining -- attracti thousands of people. he did answer some questions
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today. when he has these huge crowds and an opportunity to take on hillary clinton, he really hasn't done it. >> just on the clinton speech, we saw trump's tweets. we saw his reaction last night. do you have a sense overall whether the trump campaign looks at speech and think they need to react in a different way or give them cause to think anew about hillary clinton and her candidacy in. >> donald trump's aides would like him, some of the aides would like him to react in a more cohesive, strategic way than he's doing right now. more talking points. laying out his record and his policy is rather than necessarily going after her for the personal attacks alone. he can do that as well. i think there's some feeling they would have liked to have seen him go out yesterday in san jose and here in redding and talk about his ideas and his positions rather than only slamming hillary clinton for the
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way she talks. he did an imitation of her today. he also talked about not wanting to pan to have nuclear weapons when she did say that repeatedly in a few different interviews. he's now denying he's said that. the kpanl has had a rocky week and it's continuing on. >> i fought the easiest thing would do pull out the text from the foreign policy speech a few weeks ago and reprise some of those lines. >> i understand she's trying to reenforce the narrative of she can't be trusted or whether he neats the bar of being commander in chief, he will have to engage her on substance. he's got do rise to her and meet her there if he wants to win.
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there's been a lot of talk about super delegates. tell us about that chatter and what you're hearing? >> we heard from jeff weaver on msnbc earlier today. pushing back really hard in my conversations with top aides and bernie sanders. not only do they push back against the whole idea of super delegates being out there for hillary clinton and it's going to be decided on tuesday night but yesterday when he had a press conference and i really pushed him on super delegates and i said you're going to need to turn 300 plus super delegates. he said i've answered the question and walked away. the math of it, while they understand it, they feel as though other people don't understand what they're doing, which is drawing crowds, getting people to say we need an
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alternative and that he really believes that if he wins california, he can go and make arguments to those super delegates even though there hasn't been any indication there's massive numbers of super delegates waiting to make a turn. let me make a quick point. i talk to one of his most high profile surrogates and she said things would change when hillary clinton got indicted. when i said there was no proof she would be indicted, she dismissed what i said. for those people who are bernie or bust, that's not an unusual thing. they believe something huge is going to happen that's going to change the trajectory of this and change the numbers between now and philadelphia. >> it seems to me and injecting bait of analysis into this and i know the clinton campaign believes this, the argument that regardless of who wins
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california, the argument of bernie sanders from a position where hillary clinton and beaten him by a couple hundred and beaten him in raw total votes by three million that he will make an argument to super delegates that he should overturn the will of the democratic electorate has always struck me as slightly nuts. i know the clinton campaign feels the same way. why is they believe they're so intent on winning california deploying money, the time of the candidate and the time of the candidate's spouse to try to win out there? >> a couple of points. one, going back to my initiate point, she thinks if she can win this state, the most populist state, she takes away senator sanders argument he's gotten anywhere close to her in the pledge delegates and she takes that argument off the table that he should stay in the race. it has to do with having a strong finish.
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i've been talking to a lot of her surrogate, a lot of democrat who is say it's so spornts simp that she competes her. that has everything to do with party unity. if on wednesday, secretary clinton wakes up and has won california, i think you're quickly going to see president barack obama who is very eager to get into this game endorse her. i think you'll see within short order he will get into the campaign trail. i'm told he's very anxious to do that. that speaks to party unity. that's really what she's missing right now. i think all of those come together. >> earlier in the show, i've kind of confidently asserted on the basis of some reporting there are people in donald trump's world who are beating their heads against the wall watching him make these comments over and over again about this
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federal judge and the trump u case that we even be discussing. what do you know about how trump world is reacting to seeing their boss say these things over and over again? >> there's a group of aides that are extraordinarily frustrated. these comments are completely unnecessary. sarcastical sarcastically, i was told by one it's not as if we have a latino problem. these are the sort of things that could take down this campaign. these unnecessary, negative attacks that garner a lot of negative publicity especially for somebody running for president and doesn't understand the separation of powers that we have in this country and the independents the judiciary. it's of great concern within the campaign in some sectors of the campaign. there are folk in the campaign
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that are trying to mitigate the unfavorables with latinos and women as well. last week i was told by an aide they had hundreds of people who were lined up to endorse donald trump. ceos that were women, latino farmers and decorated veterans. none of those endorsements were announced because the press release couldn't get from new york, the headquarters where paul manafort's team to donald trump who was in california because his kacampaign manager d communications director did not deliver the press releases to the candidate. there's this infighting in the campaign that seems to make it unnecessarily hard for them to come together and find a strategic and coherent message that doesn't just include donald trump insulting his opponents and claiming he's going to make america great again. >> the headquarters versus the road. very big issue in the trump
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campaign. thanks to you all. stay cool in california. when we come back, bernie sanders and a voice from hollywood. if you're watching us in washington, d.c., you can listen us to on bloomberg 99.1 fm. we'll be right back. with flon, they wont. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. so you can seize those moments, wherever you find them. flonase. six is greater than one changes everything. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about
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a guy who lives on bernie boulevard. he's boaest known on abc's "howo get away with murder." he's joined him in syracuse, baltimore and on a 12-city tour along the u.s.-mexico boarder. we talked to him about why he likes sanders. his view on hillary clinton and his decision to jump into politics. thanks for joining us. this is first time you've done politics. what caused you to get off your couch and get involved? >> i don't spend much time on my couch. i don't feel like i'm involved in politics.
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i got into it because i saw he was an activist. i've done some basic vis work. to be honest, politics drained me. there's overarching feel of activism within his movement and politics just seemed to play a part in it. it's a little bit easier to get involved because i'm standing up for the disenfranchised and the marginalized people in this country through this movement and championing things i was involved with like black lives matter. >> for such a long time he's done better with african-americans but for a long time he had a hard time connecting with african-americans voters. why wasn't he able to make the sell in a competitive way? >> i think it's kind of bizarre that -- because i know any african-americans that support her. i don't know personally. even in houston where i'm from.
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spk speculation would be she's had decades of campaigning. she went down there and shook hands. she did a lot of pr. she's like crest. she's like kleenex. she's a brand name even though it may not be the best thing for you. it may have a bunch of chemicals that you shouldn't be putting in your mouth but you're like i know crest. a lot of these people in the southern states are not on the computer 24/7. these are older people especially old black women who are voting for her or who have voted for her. some of them say if they would have known who he was, they would have voted for him but they didn't have that brand name. he has so much area to cover that she's been -- she's covered already for decades for a couple of decades now.
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i think that's the main reason. >> you just described her as a tube of toothpaste that you shouldn't put in your mouth. do you think of her as a less choi choice. she's fine and you'll support her or do you think she's part of a corrupt system? >> i think she participates in what's wrong with american politics today. when people ask me this question, i just -- i can't ever bring myself to vote for someone who i believe would hurt the people that i love or who has a history of doing that. >> you think she falls into that category? >> from what i've seen, yeah. >> because of what? >> black and brown people are
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the first to go to war. the most likely to join the military. the most likely to be targeted bithe w by the war on drug, crime bill. i just haven't seen, to be honest, it's more so about bernie and the work he's done with civil rights. he's this white politician who i really don't think has any draw toward anybody who looks like me. then i was slapped in the face by his works of civil rights. from what i read in high school he ran on the platform of raising scholarships for korean war orphans. it's like what draws you to stand up for this disenfranchised people and reach outside of your community. that's so impressive to me.
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he cares about these people that look like me. he's done more for black people than any black person i know. what draws you to do that for decades? what draws you to do it before it's popular? what draws you to stand up for gay people and '71 and '74 and run on a platform of including gay rights into the civil rights bill when gay rights was not a thing. that shows me foresight and shows he really cares and that he loves these people. >> our great thanks to kendrick sampson. coming up, 2016 presidential race and what it means for your weekend, after this. if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief
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appreciate each other's strengths. when we learn from each other, when we lean on each other because in this country it's never been each person for themselves. no, we're all in this together. we always have been. >> that was first lady michelle obama taking what is being seen as a jab at donald trump during her commencement speech at the city college of new york. now looking back at this week and going into next week. let's talk about some of the moments that seems to have changed of impacted the race, including starting with, hillary clinton's foreign policy speech and it was the david french bombshell. david french's candidacy did not take off this week. it's in a holding pattern. >> that's true. you saw michelle obama, barack
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obama, hillary clinton going after donald trump in a con concerted way. republicans worried about it. is that a performance she can replicate, do you think? if she can, what are the implications? >> she can't do it every day. they took her off the trail so she could practice. they did a little bit of a bait and switch. they got everybody to watch by saying it was major foreign policy around and it turned tout be a series of attacks. i don't know she needs to do it every day. she's given democrats such a shot of confidence that she can perform. republicans within trump circle and the broader republican world have very upset not just with trump's performance but the campaign's because they did not see a response. >> the question of whether clinton could rise to this challenge was a an open question. people don't know. they may have seen the best of
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her already. last niekt took it up another level. >> i think tuesday night, i suspect they will be both be here in new york watching them frame the future after the nomination fights are over and then sanders. how does burr knee sandeernie s? does he continue to campaign or does he move towards unity? there's going to be a lot of democrat, the drum beat has started calling for them to get out of race? >> wirts. we'll be right back. smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well.
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on muhammad ali. he's been in the hospital for the past few days. everyone is thinking of him and praying for him, including us. he will live forever as the greatest of all time. >> have a bafo weekend. we'll see you back here. >> hardball is next. hillary leads attack on trump. let's play hardball. good evening. i'm chris matthews. in washington tensions are boiling as candidates rhetoric escalates. this week hillary clinton called donald trump's ideas dangerously incoherent. trump said clinton belongs
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