tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC June 3, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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military has ever fought. president obama had planned to end the afghanistan war while he was in office, but there are still nearly 10,000 americans serving there right now. and we are soon expecting another announcement about what's going to happen to that force. last night we reported that the top u.s. commander in afghanistan is due to send the white house new recommendations this week for how many u.s. troops should stay in that country when president obama leaves office. it's supposed to happen this week. well, now it's 10:00 friday night. we still don't know what the commander is recommending. presumably, that recommendation has been sent to the white house. if the pentagon kept to its deadline, maybe. we've reached out to the white house to find out if they have received that recommendation. they have not told us one way or the other. but whatever the recommendation is, we should presumably be hearing about that soon, in terms of how many american soldiers are set to stay in afghanistan after president obama leaves office and how long this war will go on. watch this space. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you again on monday.
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no prison for you. now it's time for "hardball." hillary leads an attack on trump. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. tensions are boiling as the candidates' rhetoric escalates. this week, hillary clinton called trump's ideas dangerously incoherent. trump ended the week by attending a rally where he again went after clinton. >> hillary clinton is a weak person. hillary clinton is totally scripted. hillary clinton is a thief. and hillary clinton should be in jail for what she did to our national security. >> well, yesterday there were
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many scenes of violence outside a trump rally, this time in san jose. trump supporters were mobbed, shoved, and hit by protesters. one woman wearing a trump jersey was spat on and pelted with eggs and other food. make america great hats were grabbed and set on fire. and in one video shot by buzzfeed's john stanton, an american flag was being held up on fire. today trump had words for the protesters who confronted his supporters outside yesterday's rally. let's watch. >> they walk out and day get akossed by a bunch of thugs burning the american flag. burning the american flag. and you know what they are? they're thugs. >> well, nbc's jacob rascon and katy tur are in california tonight. katy, you have been on this trip for a long time with trump. what do you make of the turn this week? his performance, hillary's performances, reaction to his
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performance, and the ugly performance by some people in the crowd. go ahead. put it all together. >> reporter: this is about as bad of a week that i've seen donald trump have. and it just didn't get better, even today. first, we had that vets press conference that was supposed to be about how much money he raised for vets. instead, it turned out to be a fight with the press corps. then there was the hillary clinton speech, which just hammered trump. but instead of having a cohesive and coherent operation to counteract that, the trump campaign barely responded to it that day. not until that night. and not very forcefully. and instead of coming out with his own talking points on foreign policy, maybe bringing out the foreign policy speech he gave a couple months ago, to outline what he believed in comparison to hillary clinton, that didn't happen and say he was just personally insulting her. then there was the trump university document dump. we couldn't get a response from the trump campaign about that for many hours during the day. and then there's the ongoing attacks with judge curiel, today
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escalating them again, saying on camera that judge curiel cannot be -- basically that he's biased and needs to recuse himself because he is of mexican heritage. this is a judge that was born in indiana, this is a judge that fought mexican cartels and fought to put drug lords behind bars, was under protection for it at one point. this is the same thing that donald trump is talking about when he's on the campaign trail, the drugs that are coming over the border, and this judge was fighting that. regardless, he's going up against this judge. and chris, i've been talking to aides and there are some aides within the trump campaign that think that this attack against the judge is just a really bad idea. and they're at their wit's end when it comes to their candidate going on the attack in this way. they say these are the sort of things that will defeat them. because they don't have a way to counteract it. they don't have a communications team in place. they literally have one person in the campaign at this point, running their communications team.
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so when hillary clinton sees donald trump say something, that her campaign disagrees, we get bombarded with messages from them and the dnc to counteract donald trump's message, to spin it. and when hillary clinton says something, all we have, the only -- not we, but all donald trump's campaign has is donald trump standing on stage or tweeting his counteract. >> what's this word "thief" about? i try to keep count of these attacks, one way or another. what does he mean when he calls her a thief? i don't know that one. >> reporter: i'm not sure what he means when he calls her a thief. i think he could potentially -- you know, chris, i don't know. that's one i'm not too familiar with at this point. >> so strange. >> reporter: i think he just pulls words out of the air. >> to make us all feel good about one thing this week, besides hillary's very impressive speech, is that a snow-capped mountain behind you. >> reporter: that is a snow-capped mountain. >> it's really -- >> and if we could turn the
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camera, which we can't, but there's mt. shasta over there and it's gorgeous. which mountain is this? mt. lessing. we are in redding, california, it's 101 degrees. and i wish that i was on that snow-capped mountain. right about now. >> thank you, katy. as you mentioned, donald trump told "the wall street journal" yesterday that the judge in the civil case brought by some former students of trump university had, quote, an absolute conflict given that he was of mexican heritage. these are trump's words. and a member of a latino lawyer's group. in an interview with cnn this afternoon, trump doubled down. let's watch. >> i have had horrible rulings, i've been treated very unfairly with this judge. now, this judge is of mexican heritage. i'm building a wall. i'm going to do very well with the hispanics -- >> so in mexican judge could ever be involved with a case that involved you? >> he's a member of a society
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that's very pro-mexico, which is fine. it's all fine. >> but you're calling -- >> i think he should recuse himself. >> you're invoking his race when talking about whether or not he can do his job. >> jake, i'm building a wall. i'm trying to keep business out of mexico. >> but he's american. >> well, hillary clinton called trump's position outrageous on this and speaker paul ryan also criticized his candidate, i like to say it that way. let's watch. >> look, the comment about the judge the other day was just out of left field from my mind. it's reasoning i don't relate to. i completely disagree with the thinking behind that. and so, he clearly says and does things i don't agree with. and i've had to speak up from time to time when that's occurred. i'll continue to do that if it's necessary. i hope it's not. >> katy, do you have any sense, i think it's dangerous to speculate, what was trump -- i mean, it's doubly bad, because
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hillary had her best, we'll talk about that later in the show. a very well-produced speech, very well-delivered, everything about it, very well-received. everything about it, it's like she changed the direction of her own campaign to a controlling campaign rather than a reactive campaign. meanwhile, trump was entirely reactive. entirely reactive to the judge, to his ethnicity. he just doesn't look lakeike a or person in control of their own way of doing things. >> reporter: i think that that is exactly right. and the problem they're having behind the scenes and the campaign from the sources that i'm talking to is that there's infighting. there's no a cohesive message, because the campaign itself is not cohesive. they still have this battle line drawn between paul manafort, i know this is a bit of inside baseball for our viewers, but paul manafort, who was brought in to run the convention and is now head of strategic operations, and cory lewandowski, the campaign manager. manafort stays behind. he's in d.c., he's in new york, trying to come up with a
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strategy for the campaign. cory lewandowski travels with donald trump. he is constantly with him. he's a firewall, essentially, between strategy and his candidate. so when manafort sends over, you know, ideas and press releases and says, hey, we have these endorsements from vets, we have these endorsements from female ceos, we have endorsements from latino farmers, they're not getting to the candidate, i'm told, because cory lewandowski is trying to control the message. that is a problem right now. and chris, you know, it's remarkable for paul ryan, the speaker of the house, to take 30 days to endorse his candidate. and then to come out the very next day afterwards and have to distance himself from yet another comment that his candidate has made. >> okay, great, thank you. great reporting, as always, katy. let me go now to jacob rascon. are you out there available to talk about this from another perspective? what's your perspective watching this? anything different? >> so what i would say, chris, is that these comments, for example, about the judge, what he talks about, when he talks about anything really
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mexican-related, hispanic related, what i'm seeing is i've paid a lot of attention to outside the rallies. how the protesters respond. and over the last week, for example, we've seen at four different rallies, in albuquerque and san diego, also in anaheim, and yesterday in san jose, that the overwhelming majority of the protesters appear to be latinos and hispanics. i talk to a lot of them. a lot of them have mexican flag, for example, they chant in spanish. and their chief anger with donald trump is about these comments. and they've gotten very out of hand, recently, especially last night. last night, what we've seen, beef seen this many times, as you know, the protests getting out of hand. but last night they went after trump supporters in way that i've never seen. right after the rally was finished, when usually things get out of hand. the protesters got away from the officers and were targeting trump supporters and not just taunting them, but actually went and started beating them up. we saw this more than a dozen times. i think you mentioned this in your open. but there was one woman with a
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trump jersey on who was cornered next to this hotel and taunted and she would just sit there and turn around and show her jersey. eventually they started throwing food and even eggs and hit her in the face. and it was a pretty ugly scene. after that, it really just got worse. they actually started beating people up. some trump supporters were bloodied. and the officers kept their distance for almost two hours, it took them to declare an unlawful assembly and go after the protesters. and that news is sort of overshadowed by some of what he's saying. but behind the scenes, this is getting more intense by the day. every time -- and of course, after next tuesday, we'll take a little break from the rallies. but at the rallies across the area, no slow down. >> let me ask you about the police behavior, the police strategy. all the events we've been covering live show the police trying to separate the protesters against trump -- from the trump people. why do you think they failed to do that in this case, yesterday?
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>> you know, sometimes the police departments have heavy barricades between the two groups, and they watch them until everybody's gone. but for the most part, even those most prepared police departments,ed a and yesterday e were barricades. after the rally was finished and the trump supporters are leaving from some other areas, the protesters simply leave their designated area, their gated area and start going into other streets. and in this case, more than any other case i've seen, there were so few officers to deal with the protesters. they just -- at one point, there was a line of them, for example, that got in front of the protesters, and they just ignored them and walked around them. there were just several hundred protesters compared to a couple dozen officers who were trying to get in front. we've seen this over and over, that the police don't have full control. sometimes they sort of let some of it happen. >> and the people themselves, i'm not defending any behavior by people. but there is such a thing as a mob psychology and it's not good to look at. everybody doesn't operate as they normally would, as individuals, when they get into
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sort of a shared psychology, that shared anger. it's pretty bad. anyone, thank you, jacob. great reporting, as always. and thank you, katy tur, again. i do like that mountaintop behind you. i need some happiness. anyway, donald trump is facing more criticism for something he said at today's rally, where he singled out an african-american supporter. here goes. >> we had a case where we had an african-american guy who was a fan of mine. great fan. great guy! in fact, i want to find out what's going on with him. you know what i'm -- oh, look at my african-american over here! look at him! >> anyway, david corn is washington bureau chief for mother jones and karla with politico. you were out there. i've got to go to you firsthand. you've been watching a lot of this. what have you experienced firsthand out there? >> well, you know, i was in san jose last night, chris, and i think the scene was ugly, no question about it. but i think there was a lot of
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head scratching about the choice of location for that trump rally. not to excuse any of the ugliness or violence that went on, but san jose is a heavily democratic city and heavily latino city and this rally was held within two blocks of a major university, san jose state. i mean, it -- i don't know if it goes to the trump organization or the lack of organization on the campaign, but you had to wonder -- i mean, they were almost asking for trouble by having it in san jose. and we saw it last night. >> do they like this -- you know, this is hard for a reporter to determine, but do you think the trump strategists such as they exist like the sign of those mexican flags, which obviously have an impact on a lot of americans? looking at this, they say, what's this about? why are people waving flags from another country? do you think they want to see those flags? >> i did see the flags and i have to tell you that having talked to a lot of young latinos here, for a lot of them, it's an issue of ethnic pride.
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just as st. patrick's day. look, the irish flags, nobody gives anybody a hassle on that. >> when you tie it together with -- when you're protesting with police and everything, it's a different mix, let's face it. >> absolutely right. i think it's a volatile mix that i saw last night, when you've got people wearing "build a wall" shirts pouring out of that trump rally, right into the heart of a latino city, where there's a lot of young people congregating. i mean, it was just extremely -- >> i agree, carla. this idea of constantly having, you know, rallies on the border, basically. one after another. he seems like he knows where he's going. by the way, university of chicago downtown, near that big city school there. a lot of minority members of that student body and held a rally right next to it. maybe that's not -- maybe that's inadvertent. >> i mean, he's running still what seems to me to be a primary campaign. aimed at his base core
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supporters. and if they see these scenes, they may feel even more loyal to donald trump. that he's standing up to those mexicans, as donald trump -- >> but that's what nixon and agnew did. >> it's a version of sort of racial animus politics. but the thing is, you can't win a general election that way. >> explain why not. >> because i don't think there are enough haters or people that -- >> and there are people who don't like to see trouble. >> they don't like to see trouble. and listen, you've got to -- this week, when the jobs numbers were not so good and trump could have made hay out of that, he's now defending comments that i think are -- >> the jobs numbers are pretty good. come on. obama's doing well. >> overall, but the republicans got some ammunition -- >> okay, i want to -- >> because he's making outright racist statements that he can't even defend when he goes on tv. so we have a -- >> explain the -- so we don't -- when he's talking about the judge in the case involving trump university, because he has a spanish name to start, which
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is all that trump knew. and then he found out that he had mexican heritage. he's saying that is a prime ya fascia evidence of bias. >> first, he called him a mexican. he's not a mexican, he's american. he calls him a mexican over and over again and starts saying, it's his mexican heritage and today when he was on a competing network, they're saying, listen, you're saying he can't do his job because of his mexican background, isn't that racist? he said, no, i don't think so. >> i watched that with jake tapper. if you look at this the way trump emerged as a national political figure, more recently than the other stuff. within the last eight years. first it was the birther thing, accused him of basically being from kenya, i think. that would be a simple way of describing what he's saying, he's not really an american, he's a kenyan. and then going after illegal immigration. fair enough, it's an issue, but went after it with the wall.
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you're adding up the ethnicity pile here. until you reach a lot of the zones of anger out there in the country and out of this has come, 20% of the country for birtherism, another 20% for illegal immigration south of the border, and throw up in muslim thing and build up something close to 50% of a coalition. and i think you're right, he's still stoking carla? >> i have to say, chris, you're exactly right. and when you're talking about how many hyphenated americans are out there, how does this play? not just in a state like california, which is majority/minority, how does it play in the rest of the heartland? i just think that this whole strategy is going to be interesting to watch whether it wears on people. this issue of curiel out here in california, i've got to tell you pb this is a hot issue. you're talking about a judge who is highly respected, who is a prosecutor who went after the tijuana drug cartels, who was
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appointed to the superior court here by arnold schwarzenegger. and so, the criticism of this judge here is not playing well and not just with democrats. >> yeah, i'm just overwhelmed on this friday night, to watch this ugly politics going on here. and the protests -- >> and all this going on against this incredibly beautiful backdrop of the most beautiful state in the world, practically, california. i'm watching the snow-capped mountains, the bay bridge, the beautiful san francisco bay. and here we are, messing the whole thing up with this kind of politics. >> everything trump is doing is extreme. whether it's calling hillary a thief and saying she should be in jail. >> where did that come from? >> i don't know! he's making it up! chris, i think we spend too much time trying to figure out why he's -- >> i have to! >> no, he's pushing buttons of hatred. that's what he's doing. we've seen that for a long time, now. >> fair enough. i never challenge you, david
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corn. carla ma carla, thank you for coming on. now hillary clinton is trying to change the focus and i think effectively yesterday of the race. can she make the 2016 presidential election about whether donald trump is fit for office? and is that a winner issue for her in november? not how do you feel about things and how things are going in the world, how do you think he would do as president. that's what she's doing and she started yesterday. plus, with him or against him. paul ryan finally came out and backed trump, only to slam trump a day laters for his comments on the judge. this comes as many republicans are struggling with whether to back the republican's presumptive nominee. we've got much more on the tightrope the gop is walking on right now. plus this friday night, the "hardball" roundtable is coming here to tell me and you perhaps something you don't know. and finally, a thought on hillary's campaign upgrade. it was dramatic and yesterday and we can still feel it. she's getting really good at this campaign thing this week. and this is "hardball," the place for politics.
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well, a bleak showing in the may jobs report. the economy added only 38,000 jobs, a steep decline compared to recent months and the lowest number in five years. usually about 200,000. the unemployment rate fell to 4.7%, however, due to half a million americans stopping their search for work. the less people working because they're depressed so the number goes down, but it is 4.7 unemployment rate now. and those low numbers could have an affect on the interest rates. many had predicted a rate rise when the federal reserve meets later this month, but this jobs report could prevent that action. that's where a lower interest rate means better stock market, which is all crazy about economics. we'll be right back.
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trump's actual personal fitness for president of the united states. well, throughout hillary clinton's speech, she taunted trump relentlessly, mocking his policies and using his own words to cut him down at every turn. >> donald trump doesn't know the first thing about iran or its nuclear program. ask him. it'll become very clear very quickly. you know, there's no risk of people losing their lives if you blow up a golf course deal. he says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the miss universe pageant in russia. he also said, i know more about isis than the generals do. believe me. you know what? i don't believe him. we all know the tools donald trump brings to the table. bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets. i'm willing to bet he's writing
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a few right now. >> the headlines across various media outlets says a lot about how that went over. reuters says, clinton mocks trump as dangerously incoherent. and town hall writes, hillary savages trump as clueless and unstable in cutting speech. and late tonight, the los angeles times, the biggest newspaper in california, of course, endorsed hillary clinton, over bernie sanders, saying she's the better candidate to take on donald trump. well, i'm joined right now by msnbc's kasie hunt from california. kasie, this is a bad week for trump, because i think he was reactive the whole week. hillary clinton got out of her rut of reactiveness, somehow put together a production number, a brilliant speech, which they misadvertised as a boring foreign policy speech, turned out to be fabulously witty and colorful and really enjoyable to listen to. and she delivered it with aplomb
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and comfort and confidence. look how comfortable she is coming out there. >> when i watched out to that speak yesterday, i was expecting that. the fancy gold chairs you might set up for a wedding, 19 flags on the stage, and what we got was one of her strongest performances, many democrats believe throughout this campaign and potentially a turning point for her. and you could really tell today on the stump that this is a candidate who's in general election mode. and her aides have reminded me, think about the. hillary clinton, the candidate we know, the one people have been so critical of, has always been a primary candidate. she's never been a general election candidate before. and running in a primary is in many ways like dancing on the head of a pin. the distinctions are there -- well, sure, sure. but as a presidential candidate, on this kind of a stage, this is the first time she's really going to be experiencing that.
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and she really came into that, i think, on that stage yesterday. and you saw flashes of it again today at this rally here in westminster, california. i had not seen a candidate who was so willing to joke around. her microphone went out at one point and she started joking about how she knows that she shouldn't shout. she was even having a little fun, she was hitting trump over trump university. and when she pronounced it, sounded a little bit like a swear word that starts with "f." >> here's clinton earlier talking about trump university. >> it has been a con game that has benefited donald trump. but hurt so many people, including those who couldn't afford it. who were urged to max out their credit cards, spend down their retirement accounts, so that they could go to this trump u.
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and -- that does -- that does sound appropriate, doesn't it? i'm going to have to use that more often. because if he gets anywhere near the white house, you know what he's going to do. he's going to trump you! >> wow, she's loaded for this one. thank you, kasie, i've never seen her so up in this political world yet. thanks for the great reporting. i'm joined by dana milbank, op-ed columnist and ed herschberg. rick, you used to be my boss, tell me about this. what do you think? this whole production of the speech yesterday, the way it was set up and the way it was misadvertised as a groggy foreign relations counsel speech and turns out to be witty, powerful, colorful, and actually enjoyable to watch for a half hour or so. what do you think about how this
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happened out of nowhere? this great piece of politics? >> she's rising up. she's finally fighting, not on his level, but in his sort of general area of humanness. in other words, she -- he has always fought on the level of character in a sense of personality, force of personality. and she has fought on the grounds of rationality. and she put these two together in that speech by contrasting his ignorance and cluelessness with her knowledge. he didn't actually say much about her knowledge. it's enough just to point out to people what trump has said over and over again and keeps on saying to everybody's astonishment, that he keeps on doing it, at the moment where he's supposed to be a disciplined candidate. >> yeah, rick and i know, the speechwriters, the greatest
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speech ever given was a putdown of tom dewey by franklin roosevelt. he simply repeated his crazy challenges about him to his dog and made him look like an idiot. >> right. people are talking about how tough and nasty hillary clinton was finally being. she was just using his own words against him. and thank goodness and finally, what she needs to do now is do some variation of what she did yesterday, over and over and over again. >> but let's talk about how she's never going to be a schtick artist. i thought yesterday, she took some time out, rehearsed it, and owned that speech. she didn't have to worry about the prompter, she was breezy with it, smiling like heck when she came out to give the speech. she knew she had a home run. it reminded me of barack obama in 2004 when he was running around saying, i've got a winner here. that was maybe her, let's stop
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for a minute and catch our breath, no more reaction to trump. let's take over this thing. >> and she can do it quietly, conversationally. she doesn't have to raise her voice. she can deliver this over and over again. this is a much better style for her. >> yeah, i do agree. >> and with a little bit of a sense of humor, clearly enjoying herself with enormous confidence. it was an impressive performance and if it's something that she should continue to do, she should make her stump speech sound that way. >> i think people are looking for a president. you know what i'm saying, dana? they're looking -- they want her to be successful at this? >> well, this is a turning point, and i think it's very important for a variety of reasons. but she is finally, she's not defending, she's on the offensive now. she needs to stay there and put trump back on his heels repeatedly. the environment is conducive for that now, because you also see the press being more aggressive towards trump and you're also
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putting the republican establishment on the spot, because, yeah, they have kind of, sort of endorsed him, but as you've seen with paul ryan, they don't want to go out and defend the guy. the combination of those things has really changed the dynamic. and that's why she needs to keep hammering away at some variation of it. >> i think it's good to see a candidate confident of their words before they speak them. rick, great to see you tonight. up next, donald trump has shown little love for the media, of course, this week. now some reporters are being thrown out of his events that they're supposed to cover professionally. i'm going to speak to one of those reporters coming up next. this is "hardball," the place for politics. (avo) after 50 years of designing cars
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pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry... strawberry... salad with chicken. at panera. food as it should be. our customer is a our 21-year-old female. heavily into basketball. wait. data just changed... now she's into disc sports. ah, no she's not. since when? since now. she's into tai chi. she found disc sports too stressful. hold on. let me ask you this... what's she gonna like six months from now? who do we have on aerial karate? steve. steve. steve. and alexis. uh, no. just steve. just steve. just steve. live business, powered by sap. when you run live, you run simple. i'm milissa rehberger with some sad news to report about the four missing ft. hood soldiers whose truck was swept away on thursday. officials say none of the four have been found alive. >> i'm sad to report that we
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recovered our four missing soldiers. tragically, all four of those soldiers are deceased and we've lost in this incident nine of our great soldiers. >> the three of other soldiers survived and have been released from the hospital. now back to "hardball." the press should be ashamed of themselves. excuse me, i've watched you on television, you're a real beauty. you're a sleaze, because you know the facts and the facts well. >> is this what it's going to be like covering you if you're president? >> yeah, it is. yeah, it is. let me tell you something. i'm a person -- yeah, it is going to be like this, david. >> he called him by name, at least. that was the climate on tuesday when donald trump addressed journalists after scrutiny he promised to veterans groups. now more signs of growing
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antagonism between the presumptive republican nominee and the media. last night a politico reporter was kicked out of a trump rally in san jose. in a tweet, ben posted, i was removed for practicing journalism. after the event, a spokesman says, the campaign is not aware of the incident or any details pertaining to it and therefore cannot comment. she added, the campaign is looking into it. excuse me for burping. so from concerns with the press to chaos with protesters, watching that now, is the fallout we've seen this election reflective of what we saw in the '60s? our next guest says the 2016 populist energy could perhaps fulfill some of the unfinished business of the '60s. clara barton is the author of "witness to the revolution." that's the book. also joining me is the reporter who was kicked out of that trump rally last night. give us a lively account, if you will, or at least a true one of
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what happened to you? >> sure, i'll try to do both pip came into this rally on a general admission ticket. recently, the campaign has been denying my credentials. they sometimes go back and forth on this. i sat down next to the wall behind one of the press pens, in a general admission area, took out my laptop and started typing away, and within a few minutes, a staffer came up to me, asked me if i had credentials. i said, i didn't. explained that i cover the campaign regularly and have for months. he took my name, consulted with his superiors, came back with a security guard and they sent me on my merry way, despite a few protests that i lodged on my way out. >> you look in good shape now. keep it up. you've got to get in when you've got to get in. this idea of a book you've written about, the '69-'70 period, where i would say the anti-war movement turned pretty ugly, got pretty rough. how's it compare? >> looking at that rally yesterday and the fights that
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broke out really did remind me a lot of the fights that broke out in the '69-'70 movement when it really did turn violent. and the rhetoric against trump which is so xenophobic and inciting a lot of racist tension i think is responsible for what's happening now. but the country's divided. it was even more divided in the late '60s. but it's haunted by the '60s right now. >> what's the anger about? >> well, i mean, right now the anger is about xenophobia and racism. the wall is now our vietnam lite. he's going to the belly of the beast in san jose, california, where he knows people are going to be furious with his attitude. >> ben, you're reporting on that. when you go out there and read the crowds, what are you reading? >> there is obviously anger in these crowds, although there also can be a jovial atmosphere. trump likes the to make jokes. the mood can turn quickly, when protesters are discovered in the crowd, things get ugly pretty
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quickly. and when trump incites his crowds against the press, things can also get pretty ugly. >> but throwing people out of events, throwing out the protesters, what is that? it's almost like a medieval public execution, almost. lighter, but real. your thoughts? get 'em out of here! that kind of thing. >> yeah, absolutely. there's a spectacle to it. a sense of sort of public justice. obviously, the most concerning episodes are when trump says he would like to see these people punched in the face. at least one of them was punched in the face a few months back by a trump supporter. so, yeah, these things are raucous and often teeter on the edge of violence. >> i have to give that woman credit who was getting pelted with eggs and food. she never stopped smiling. i don't know you, madame, but i think that was a very gracious way of dealing with what could be a very scary situation. ben, thank you so much for joining us. good luck getting into events
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where that you need to cover. clara bingham -- i don't know where barton came from -- i've known you forever, thought it was a new name. up next, who's in and who's out? the gop takes sides as they grapple with the trump candidacy in 2016. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. gonna send aa couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double.
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let's bring in the "hardball" roundtable. mally balz, and dena simmons. what is going on in the republican party? we had this sort of slow, i wouldn't say wimpering, simplering, but a very slow late endorsement by the speaker. >> i don't think it was actually a late endorsement. >> 29 days. >> he endorsed him before the convention, which is obviously the important thing. and it doesn't matter who you are, republican or democrat, people really respect paul ryan and they knew that he is not
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donald trump in temperament. so he did have to take time to think about it. and i think people will respect the fact that he took time and recognizes that trump is the party candidate and he is going to be behind him. >> so you speak for everyone now? everybody respects? i don't know anybody in politics that everybody respects, first of all. >> i think paul ryan is someone who most people in politics, inside out of the beltway and outside of the beltway, really respect him. whether they agree with him or not? >> i think so. i have a fair amount of paul ryan. >> know him? >> never met him. but on television. >> i find him opaque and hard to read. i would like to sit down with him. >> midwesterner, about the same age. he reminds me of a lot of people i grew up. >> are you pious and clear on your philosophy like he is. >> i'm clear on my philosophy, but it's completely opposite of his. >> i think what people respect about paul ryan is they see him as an earnest person. and that's the problem with this endorsement. he's not the kind of person
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who's good at faking it and i think this was legitimately hard for him to come around to this decision. >> personality wise, he's a more careful person than trump. >> ryan is definitely more deliberative and thoughtful than trump. but that doesn't mean they can't unify and come together on important issues and take back the white house. >> he's almost like a theologian of the right. i get the feeling, he is the book you want to read. in other words, his belief about choice and all these issues, abortion rights and immigration, i would think he's probably a good read on what the classic or the true conservative philosophy is today. in other words, he's not an erratic guy with weird off-based positions on things. he's probably pretty much a statement of where most republicans of the house stand. >> that could be true, but the question is, what choice does he have? he's the leader of the republican party. he's the highest ranking republican official. he has all these members of congress who are running underneath the banner who will be on the same ballot as this
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guy. and if you trash donald trump, you need him to at least hold the floor up, so your candidates have a chance. >> you have a beautiful voice, sir. you know that? >> maybe i should do radio. >> it's all right to speak well on television, too. go ahead, molly. this is a night of observation for me. >> the mountains. >> the montuntains, the beautif voice, go ahead. >> there are two warring parts of paul ryan? there's the part of him that does believe deeply in conservative ideas and the part that's fundamentally a team player and those came crashing into each other with the trump thing. for the past year, if not the past four years, ryan has been trying to lay out an agenda for the republican party that he sees as constructive and universal. one that could appeal to everybody and bring everybody into the party. it's about ideas and about all americans. >> of course, they will all get scarred with the donald
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trumpmania that's taking place. >> we'll see. >> how's that for a response. thank you. the roundtable -- quickly. >> i think ryan has demonstrated today that you don't have to agree with everything donald trump says to support donald trump. and throughout the campaign cycle, we'll have republicans who will disagree with donald tru trump, but they'll still support this candidate. >> so you can be a cafeteria trumpeter. >> your words. >> the roundtable is sticking with us. and up next, these people will tell me something i don't know. this is "hardball," the place for politics. you both have a
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we're back with the "hardball" roundtable. molly will tell us something none of us know. >> yes, i am. this coming week in utah, mitt romney is having his annual summit where he brings together a bunch of big wigs and donors. i believe it's deer valley. still doing it this year. paul ryan will be there, i've confirmed. romney says he will never support trump. ryan has now endorsed trump. bunch of big wigs in the room, could be some fireworks. >> no booze will be served. this will be dry. go ahead, jamal. >> we've spent a lot of time in this campaign looking at race and gender, but age will also matter. and when barack obama won the presidency both in 2008 and 2012, millennial voters were about 20% of the electorate. in 2010 to 2014, they were under 14% of the electorate. bernie sanders is winning 70 to 30 with younger millennial voters. >> where they going? >> she'll have to get them back.
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>> that's why she's been so dainty in not attacking senator sanders. >> i think we have a very similar something that you didn't know. 75% of millennials have a concern for america's moral future and i believe that is why they are polling with bernie sanders, because they feel like he has more integrity than hillary clinton. if they feel like the election is being stolen or this primary is being stolen from bernie sanders, they will stay at home and that will -- >> are you encouraging that belief? >> i am not encouraging anyone -- i don't want anyone to stay at home. >> you want the left to go crazy. thank you molly, jamal, and dena. we'll be right back after this. and it affects each and every one of us. microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cyber-crime. we use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud
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let me finish tonight with a thought on this presidential election. campaigns for office take turns. and this week, hillary clinton looked like the winner. someone, it might have been the candidate herself, decided to get out of the rut of reacting each day to what donald trump said the day before. someone said about producing and that's the word for it, what we witnessed yesterday from california. someone dictated that there would be a major speech written, that it would go after trump personally, dealing with his t fitness to deal with foreign affairs, but really his fitness to be president. it worked. they did the buildup, got the
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right speech, got hillary clinton to sit down with it, approve it, tweak it, her head around it, and fully and confidently aware she had a home run in her hands. that this was going to be a really good one. very well received and lethal to mr. trump. i've seen this before. george herbert walker bush was languishing in the 1989 presidential race and then someone sat down and got peggy noonan to write his acceptance speech and all of a sudden things started to change. but we've seen it again, the alchemy of turning an unexpected candidate into a winning candidate. it takes someone to get the candidate to sit down and read, think, get their head around the topics, the angle and the tone he or she is going to take and do what's necessary to promote and delivery. it's always impressive to see a candidate and a candidate's team shake themselves out of their zone and grab their place in
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reality. grab the reins of the galloping horse of history and get command of things. and this is exactly what hillary clinton did this week, and it will show in the coming polls. you just watch. and that's "hardball" mofor >> we're building a wall. he's a mexican. we're building a wall between here and mexico. >> donald trump under fire. >> if you are saying he can't do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism? >> no. >> tonight, what the presumptive republican nominee doesn't understand about his bigoted attack on an american judge. and is the trump campaign coming unglued? plus, hillary clinton keeps up her attack as the scandal around trump u widens. a look at the latest flash of violence on the campaign trail. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]! >> and what it says about this unprecedented election.
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