tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 6, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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>> jacob, thanks so much. that's it for me this hour. i'll see you here tomorrow afternoon. my colleague chris hayes is up next from santa monica, california. ♪ all right, i am chris hayes, from beautiful santa monica, california. it was cloudier earlier, but all that famous southern california sun is now shining down upon us as voters here will head to the polls tomorrow, if they haven't already mailed in their ballot. they'll cast their vote in what's become a heated democratic primary in this state, even as hillary clinton inches closer to the majib number of delegates needed to win the nomination, bernie sanders continues to say he will fight all the way to the convention in july. last night, clinton won puerto rico's primary and is now 19 delegates away from clirching the nomination when you include the super delegates. right now, the race here is close. the new poll shows clinton including sanders by just two
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points and that's well within the margin of error. kelly o'donnell is covering the clinton campaign. math aside in terms of clinching the nomination, they really want to win california on the campaign's big final night. >> reporter: absolutely. hillary clinton has just finished shaking some hands and talking to people in the crowd here. when she was on stage behind me, she was pushing for a big decisive message in california. and sthee linked that message to being strong against donald trump for the fall. no mention of bernie sanders, although she did say she was proud to be competitive in a state like california, a subtle reference to the fact that both her campaign, she and her husband, and the sanders' side have devoted a lot of time, all across california, to see voters, look them in the eye and talk about the issues. here at this event, she definitely talked much more
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about donald trump. when i say more, i mean, i've covered her a number of times and it was my sense today that she ramped up some is of her rhetoric against donald trump. in part, taking some of her best moments from her foreign policy, sort of, take down trump speech that was given a lot of critical acclaim. earlier, the actor tony gold win, who appears on the television show "scandal," was a powerful surrogate in the sense of talking about bernie sanders. he directly addressed sanders' supporters, encouraging them to look at the life and career of hillary clinton, her background as an activist scholar, the way he described her, trying to bring about some unity. clinton herself talked about being willing to go anywhere, anyplace, to try to unify the country. but implicit in that is unifying the democratic party, on the eve of a very big primary with california, new jersey. among those states that are voting, lots of voters, who have
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been wading through this tumultuous, exciting, controversial campaign season to have their voice tomorrow and those who have voted by early ballot. so, chris, definitely hillary clinton is trying to sound like the victor, without pushing it too far, to a point that might antagonize sanders or his supporters, but also trying to bring people around. chris? >> all right, nbc's kelly o'donnell, thank you for that. make sure you tune in tonight. i'll be on at 8:00 p.m. eastern and right after me, rachel maddow will have a one-on-one interview with hillary clinton on the eve before she could secure the nomination. that's tonight at 9:00 eastern ohm here on msnbc. let's turn to nbc's chris jansing who is traveling between sanders' events today in california. the sanders campaign is in such an odd spot. again, the math is almost insurmountable. there's the problem with the super delegates. at the same time, they're pulling momentum in california. if this were eight weeks ago, they would be nothing but
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thrilled, because they seem to be closing in on possibly making this competitive. >> reporter: yeah, without a doubt. and i think that one of the things you'll hear from the sanders camp and also i've been talking to a lot of his supporters, one of the things they will tell you, if only many of those early states were voting now, you would see a different story. i mean the obvious answer to that is, that's not the way the system works. the way the system works is, that the numbers are and have been stacked very significantly against bernie sanders. having said that, he had a press conference today, his sixth and seventh days, as his campaign likes to point that out to hillary clinton, how accessible he is to the press conference. and most of the questions focused on what happens next, looking at that reality. he acknowledged that there will be an assessment. he's going to go back to vermont. but they've been saying all along, we can't make an assessment until we know where we are, what's going to happen in california. they've had this tremendous closing of the gap, where
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hillary clinton was ahead double-digits at the beginning of all this, and now it looks like it's a toss-up. what's going to happen in the other states, and what's the possibility for the other delegates flipping? here's a little bit of bernie sanders earlier making his argument for staying in the race. >> the issue is, who is the better candidate to become president of the united states and to defeat trump? our goal is to get as many delegates as we possibly can and to make the case to super delegates that, i believe, the evidence is fairly strong that i am the strongest candidate. >> reporter: it's, to say the least, an uphill battle. he'd have to turn about 300-plus delegates. i also asked our crack team in the political unit, found out that in 2008, before hillary clinton got out of the race, but after barack obama reached the
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number of delegates needed to secure the nomination, meaning, the combination of pledged delegates and super delegates, he endorsed president obama and told the burlington free press that he would work as hard as he could to see that barack obama was elected. so i asked him today, why is this any different? why are you asking to be treated differently than anyone else and that's essentially the answer that he gave. it's the answer he's been giving, that if you look at the polls, he would be the stronger candidate against donald trump. and all through this process, people have a right to vote, including california, and next week in washington, d.c. but there is no doubt that what happens here tomorrow night, chris, will very heavily affect the conversation that's had in burlington over the next several days. >> nbc's chris jansing in route to another bernie sanders event as he criss-crosses the state and chris does as well. thank you. msnbc's special coverage of tomorrow's primary results kicks off at 5:00 eastern by chuck
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todd, followed by full coverage only on msnbc. francesca chambers and betsy woodruff join me now. i'm sort of fascinating by all this how plays tomorrow. you've got a whole bunch of interesting dynamics, right? the polls are going to close in new jersey, they show hillary clinton up by 20 to 30 points there. >> three hours before california. >> three hours before california. if you count super delegates, in her column, that would probably put her over. there's this question about what that means. the sanders campaign working hard to say, don't call her the nominee. but if you go back to eight years ago, that's basically what all the news media did. do you -- what do you think the sanders' address tomorrow night will look like? >> well, it depends on whether he wins california or not. it really does come down to that. because if he wins california, he can continue making the argument that he's been making, which is that his campaign has the energy and the enthusiasm and the momentum to keep going and beat donald trump in november.
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if he loses california, it's going to be very difficult to say that, because he'll probably lose new jersey and who knows what will happen in the other states. neither of the candidates visited them quite often, so it's hard to say. speaking about what he'll do after this, when he was in his press conference over the weekend, he was very passionate, very fiery, said after this he's going on to d.c., calling up the super delegates, he will be campaigning to get to the convention. today, what you heard from sanders from that press conference, was, we don't want to speculate about what's going to happen after california and that's a shift in tone from what he's been saying. >> and the super delegates have represented this anti-democratic poll work in the party that sande sanders has been raling against from the beginning. after hillary clinton becomes the first woman in political history to become her party's nominee, that the super delegates should override a three-million vote-gap of the
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actually democratic voters. >> for sure. they' both candidates suggested that this cabal had undue influence in the way american politics work, and they're putting their thumbs on the scale. and both of them find themselves in a really uncomfortable situation. part of the challenge for bernie sanders here too is that he doesn't start sounding too much like baghdad bob. it's challenging, it's tough for him to make the case that it's winnable in a way that's realistic, beyond just the fact that we don't actually know how people are going to vote. he has to make the case that he can persuade hundreds of democratic party leaders to just change their minds on one of the most consequential political decisions they'll ever make. that's a tough sell. it's not easy. >> not only is it a tough sell, if you believe the story bernie sanders has been telling about the nature of the democratic party and specifically the
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democratic establishment, i think much of it is accurate, they've been favorable towards hillary clinton, they have deep connections to her. she's the institutional center of gravity for this party. if you believe what he's been saying, it's hard to think those same people are going to turn around and give him the nomination. >> he hasn't done himself any favors by attacking them repeatedly in his rallies, saying they're essentially in the tank for hillary clinton. i meenl, they were, more than 400 were already saying they would be supporting hillary clinton before voting even started. that was back in august. that is absolutely correct. however, by going out there and hitting them repeatedly and saying he wants to get rid of the super delegates and the system is rigged, it makes it hard for them to want to get on his side. >> betsy, it's a basic principle in any environment of any election, whatever the rules are, the person who wins more votes should get the thing they're running for. doesn't always happen.
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look at the presidential election of 2000, thanks to the screwy nature of the electoral college. but in this case, it's not close in the vote margin and that's not going to diminish significantly tomorrow. >> right. there's a point where the psychological toll here will probably become too exacting. just a couple months back, marco rubio was saying he'd go to every single state to try to stop trump. john kasich and his aides were swearing up and down they were all already, game face set for a contested convention, and then reality set in, they realized that it's hard to say you should win an election, when you don't win the most votes, and they bowed out. i think we don't know what sanders is going to do, but it's a hard case for him to make. >> and yet at the same time, to me, it's a fascinating situation. like in baseball when the reliever comes in, it's a one-run game and the bases loaded are two outs. things can go in a lot of different ways at this moment, depending entirely on how bernie sanders decides to take them. which, even though he's on the
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wrong side of the vote total here, he still has a tremendous amount of leverage. it's going to be fascinating to watch. stay with us, we'll have more coming up. first, though, donald trump, a candidate without a campaign. new, fascinating details about the inner workings of his political team while some say it's bare bones, plagued by in-fighting, we are live from the beautiful santa monica pier. do not go anywhere. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? , it' this about a boy? dad! stop, ease. oh, there's tracy. what! [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. available on the redesigned passat. from volkswagen. 80% try to eat healthy, yet up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's gummies. complete with key nutrients
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remarkable piece today about, you got five sources inside the campaign, speaking to you off the record, basically saying, this is a train wreck, essentially. what have you learned? >> caller: well, we learned, and this was co-written by benjy sarlin and ali vitale, who is the trump embed that follows him to the campaign trail as i have been for the last ten months. we've been having ongoing conversations with campaign aides, mostly on background, because they're the sort of stuff you don't want to have your name attached to. and for the first time, ali vitale, speskally and i, started hearing real grumblings in the campaign about what the candidate is saying. usually when the candidate is making outrageous points, they haven't been too critical of it, even if they disagreed. this is one where i'm hearing much more criticism, specifically about the judge curiel comments, saying that it was just, why go there, it's an
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unforced error. these are the sort of things that will sink the campaign, one aide told me. another person close to the campaign said there's a growing crescendo of people inside and out, this includes donors, it includes people in the party, republican leaders who are publicly doing it, all telling donald trump tback off these comments. i am told from that source that he agreed to do that, but he didn't agree earlier because he didn't essentially want to look like he was caving in to pressure. but now there are new reports out that donald trump is going to order his surrogates, if i get this right, to go out and pound this message harder against judge curiel. so they are not backing down from this, and the candidate himself hasn't been backing down from this, but the real issue that i'm seeing within the campaign, other than the candidate himself going off on a tangent, or something that they don't advise, at least, chris, is that they don't have a communications team in place, not a rapid response team in place, a machine like the
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democratic party does, and like hillary clinton has in place. so when hillary clinton comes out with a foreign policy speech that just trashes donald trump, they were very slow to react on that, instead of coming out with their own policy positions, maybe reading from his foreign policy speech that he gave back in march, they relied on the candidate himself to go out there and to tweet essentially, just tweet, that hillary clinton was reading poorly from a teleprompter. donald trump even remarked on twitter that it was amazing that nobody seem to know what his foreign policy positions are. normally a number of surrogates, well rehearsed and well versed in the talking points surrogates would flood the zone. as reporters we get a number of e-mails from supporters of donald trump, from surrogates, from the party, from the trump campaign, flooding the zone with their version of events, their talking points, and why hillary clinton was wrong. that didn't happen during the foreign policy speech. and not to mention last week during the judge curiel stuff,
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when all of those documents were released, they had advance warning that that was happening. but still the campaign was slow to react on the day it happened, not giving reporters or nbc news a rebuttal to the comments, or a comment to the documents until much later in the day, and that just consisted of a video given to us by the trump corporation, but posted by the campaign, of three people who went to trump university, said they had a good experience. so it's just sort of slow to reacting to that aspect of the campaign, that insiders are very worried could hurt him against hillary clinton, who is much quicker to attack. they won't be able to get their message out in the same way, despite the fact, chris, that donald trump has an unprecedented following on social media, and unprecedented ability to drive a message, even with a single tweet. >> nbc's katy tur outside trump tower, thank you for that. hillary clinton, moments ago in
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californ california, take a look. >> you know, just yesterday he said, well, because of all the negative things he's said about muslims, that an american muslim judge could fairly preside over a case. i'm waiting for him to say because of all the biggoted things he's said about women, that a woman judge couldn't preside. by the time he's finished, nobody's going to be left in this country that he is going to have exempted from insults. we need to stop this divisiveness, this bullying and bigotry. >> more on those comments, i'm joined by raul, contributor to msnbc. it's been remarkable to watch
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this unfold. particularly one line from their piece was so good. an insider said, he just refuses to back down on this because he'll look weak. so they've decided he'll send surrogates out to amplify the message that this federal judge and invalid and has no right to sit in judgment over him because he's of mexican heritage. >> right. what is astonishing to me, aside from the fact that he's remarks are flat-out biggoted and racist, what trump is asserting has no basis in the law and the courts have pretty consistently upheld that a judge's ethnic heritage cannot be used to bring a cause of action for alleged impartiality. that's been upheld as recently as 1998. the fact that they'll double-down on this is amazing. if you think of it, by these standards, a woman judge, for instance, would be unable to sit on a case involving, say, sexual discrimination.
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an african american judge would not be able to hear a civil rights case and so on and so forth. you're in california, a state with 38% latino population, 28% latino eligible voters. this is not where you want to be as the primary season wraps up. >> this point you just made bears some repeating. i mean, the entire idea of an independent judiciary is that judges in the federal judiciary or any other judicial position are going to have occasion to review occasions that touch on all sorts of different things. you might have a judge who's a home who has a case that involves home ownership, a judge that is jewish that involves a claim with religious discrimination. i mean, it is impossible to have this as a principle unless you say, only white men are neutral and they're the only ones who can sit in judgment of everyone. >> right. which is a ridiculous decision
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to make. when you look at the broader picture, just think about this. we have hillary clinton, obviously she's learned from her last presidential campaign, and she's on track to win the nomination. whatever you think of her, whatever you think of bernie sanders, she's galvanized a whole movement, energized the millenials. donald trump, in contrast, literally, from day one, he began his campaign insulting latinos, by calling mexicans rapists and drug dealers, and now he's finishing it with this latest controversy, casting aspersions on judge curiel. one of the ironic things about this, if you want to go there, judge curiel's father was actually in this country from mexico before donald trump's mother was from scotland. so this is something that has really, it has been so offensive to latino americans. it's an insult really to all latino americans of hispanic heritage. it's not the way anyone would want to be wrapping up a primary season, especially one for donald trump where he's won the nomination. >> all right, raul, reyes, thank
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you for coming on. >> thank you, chris. watching and assessing the concerns and discussions happening within the republican party, the issues of race and religion surrounding donald trump have the leadership second-guessing themselves. earlier today in washington, world war ii veterans marked the 72nd year since the d-day invasion. 156,000 allied troops stormed the beaches of normandy on that day, and it was the largest amphibious attack in history and helped run the nazis out of france. ♪ ♪ it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the mov all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i shld. so i drink boost® to get the nutrition that i'm missing.
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judge curiel. hillary clinton's campaign is capitalizing on that with key gop figures condemning trump. >> is that not a racist statement? >> i couldn't disagree more with a statement like that. >> are you comfortable with a potential president attacking a federal judge for his heritage? >> no. this is one of the worst mistakes trump has made. i think it's inexcusable. >> he says that when he questions whether the judge can be fair because of his mexican heritage, that it's not racist. do you agree? >> look, i don't condone the comments. >> i completely disagree with the thinking behind that. >> all right, luke russert joins me with more. luke, josh marshall at tpm had a metaphor that i think has really nailed it. he said the look on the faces of many of these republican office holders, corker, paul ryan, it's like a base runner on first base who takes off on a line drive, only to see it caught and realize they're hung up and they
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can't get back to the bag in time, or they will be doubled off. it's just this total look of what do i do here? >> think about paul ryan, who had about 30 days to get himself to actually endorse trump, did it last week. and the day that he endorsed trump, trump goes off and makes this comment about the heritage of the mexican-american judge. they're in a really rough spot, and i spoke to some gop leadership aides today and the idea is that, look, our expectation was that paul manafort joined the trump campaign, it would be professionalized. while donald trump was still going to be donald trump, there would at least be conversations and donald trump would at least stay in some semblance of a lane that could be run on in a national election come november. that's all gone to the way side. trump is completely off doing whatever he wants to do, and that presents a great difficult for republican leaders because every time they try and talk about their own policies and develop their own messages, they are brought into a conversation
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about what's the latest crazy thing that donald trump said. tomorrow, paul ryan, the speaker, he's going across the river to an impoverished area of washington, d.c. he's going to hold a roundtable and a discussion unveiling the house gop plan to combat poverty. this is something that he's wanted to do, rebrand the republican party. we're not just mean old men who don't care about anybody. we're trying to focus on the issue of poverty and change our brand. going to be difficult to do that when all the focus is on donald trump and what his comments are about this judge. and from your reporting in the last segment, they're going to double-down on it. so it's tough sledding. >> luke, do you have any sense, when you talked about this idea, manafort was brought in, clearly he is known to a lot of those folks, worked on the hill for a long time. he was telling them, we even have the recording of him in that room, saying he's going to be a different guy, he knows this. and i think gop leaders willed
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themselves to believe that, but at this point, they have to understand that nothing's going to change. this is what they -- do they recognize, do they understand, the folks you talked to, that nothing's changing, this is who they have? >> i think that they now realize that they have to protect themselves, protect their own seats and do the best they can in the house and senate and see what the effect is down ballot. but this idea that donald trump will engage all these new voters, while some still believe that, most of them are saying, we just got to hold on to our own. last thing i'll throw out there, what does this mean for a convention, if you see trump continuing to go down this path, i think it's a really possibility, you could see an entire republican convention with 1/4 of the republican members of congress there. what does that say about the party and for the future? >> all right, luke russert on the hill, thank you. >> thank you. >> i want to welcome back francesca and betsy. i think we've had a bunch of these moments before.
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he's said things and people have said, this is the end of the campaign. but there's two different things here. one is the general election has now been engaged. >> right. >> and two, what i think is so distinct about this, when he talked about mexicans bringing rapists, that was offensive and biggoted in the views of many people, myself included, but it was speaking to some is constituency that were skeptical. when he talked about a muslim ban, again, that was biggoted, that's where i come down and a lot of people came down. but over a hundred people were murdered in paris. there's no constituency for his personal vendetta against a judge. >> right. >> the other things, he was demagoging, but there's no constituency for this. >> i think for republicans, a personal attack on a person versus a group of people, like immigrants, republicans generally think illegal immigrants should be sent out of the country because it's taking away from american jobs, but this was hitting an american who
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is not even from mexico personally and personally attacking that person, which makes this very different. >> and also, betsy n response to nothi nothing. in response to running a university that the plaintiffs say was completely fraudulent swindle, but there was no larger vein in american discourse that had strongly held feelings about ethnically disqualifying federal judges. there's nothing here that he's building on other than the fact that he's angry at this judge who he feels isn't treating him fairly. >> it's like there's no one advising him on how to talk about these issues. bloomberg politics indicated on a conference call, i believe, earlier today, trump actually doubled down on his criticism of curiel, and encouraged supporters, including scott brown and jan brewer, to keep going after this judge. and also to suggest that anyone
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questioning them about trump's criticism of him, that anyone raising those questions, those folks are the real racists. i mean, it's just fascinating that you had a candidate who seems so totally immune to criticism or influence on the part of his staff. remember, paul manafort came on board back in march. i think you'd be hard-pressed to find a significant change in trump's demeanor, his tone, his topics of interest, after manafort's joining the campaign than before. i don't know. there's a lot to be quite curious about there. >> all right, francesca chambers and betsy woodruff, thanks to you both. still to come, remembering muhammad ali, his genius inside and outside the ring that captivated the world. a famed trainer will join us with his thoughts. stick around. if you think you've seen it all,
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the things he was afraid of was death. and he definitely wouldn't want to just move on. we're not in control. obviously god is in control. and everything, pretty much is written and it's time for him to go. and i know he's in a better place now, and he's talking again and moving again and doing all the things he couldn't do in his body, and i'm happy for that. >> that was the daughter of boxing legend muhammad ali, laila, reacting to the death of her father on "today." ali battled parkinson's for more than three decades after he retired. late friday night he died from septic shock due to unspecified causes. he was 74 years old. we're learning more about the funeral plans, a service will be held on thursday. a public funeral will take place friday. craig melvin is there where the service will take place. craig, muhammad ali, of course, very famously converted to the nation of islam as a young man.
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later in life he converted to what we would call more orthodox islam. this will be an islamic funeral for him in louisville, right? >> on thursday, that will be an islamic funeral, chris, and there will be a private ceremony for the family, and there will also be a public ceremony as well. in 1961, that was ali's last fight here in louisville, so it's significant that that is where they'll be holding that service on thursday. however, the friday service that you referenced, the one at 2:00 on friday afternoon at the young center, huge arena, that is going to be very much an interfaith service. senator orrin hatch will be representing the mormons, buddhists and protestants, and so will the islamic faith be represented as well. i want to show you this memorial, that continues to grow
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here in louisville. that wreath was just added just a few moments ago. we're here at the ali center. this is a cultural museum, dedicated back in 2005, to the values of muhammad ali. they're planning a number of events here as well, at the ali center. a few hours ago, they announced that a stone's throw from here, they're planning a day-long festival, a celebration of muhammad ali. it will be free, open to the public on wednesday, and the idea is folks can go and learn a lot more about the champ. this is charles dixon, a life-long louisvillian. what does muhammad ali returning to louisville to be buried, what does that mean to folks who call louisville home? >> that's extremely significant. muhammad meant so much to not only louisvillians, but everyone across the world, across the country. to have the ceremonies here in louisville, it's a tremendous
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honor, and it's another reminder of how much he thought about his hometown. >> charles dixon, thank you so much. despite the fact that he spent the last 20 years out in arizona with his wife, everyone i've talked to for the past few days, beside themselves that the champ is coming home. >> craig melvin in louisville, thanks for that, appreciate it. for more now on the storied life of muhammad ali, i'm joined by famed boxing trainer and ringside analyst on espn, teddy atlas. teddy, you know, one of the things in memorializing ali and thinking about him, the different parts of his life. people of my generation, he was this almost kind of secular, saint-like figure, who was battling parkinson's and warm and charismatic. for people of an earlier generation, he was a captivating and controversial figure, one of the most in history. what was your first memory of encountering ali? >> it was both. he made a transition. we try to grow, we try to get
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better. i think ali was all about growing, becoming a better person. he was no saint. towards the end of his life, he was in a much better place. even though he physically wasn't in a good place, but in his spirit, in his mind, in his heart, he loved everybody. but he had to go through change to get to that place. my memories of him, i was a 14-year-old kid and i bed $120 that i did not have on him to win the fight of the century against joe frazier, and the reason why i bet it on him is because, first of all, i saw his enormous talent. i saw how fast he was and how brilliant he was when he got in the ring. he was different, he was special. like bo jackson, the first time you saw him run with a football, you're like, this guy's better than everybody else. but the main thing for me, i didn't trust people. especially male figures. i didn't trust people, because most people what they said, they didn't live up to. they did what was convenient when the moment came. when the moment of truth, when the pressure came, they changed
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their mind, they didn't keep their word. but when ali said that i'm going to give up everything to not go into the army, to stand up for my religion and what i believe, and i'm willing to lose everything i worked my whole life for, i understood what that meant in boxing, you went in the ring, you took risks. and he was able to say, i'm going to give up my cars, give up the house, give up the wealth, everything that i worked since i was a kid to gain, and i'm even willing to die in order to stand up to my convictions, up to my beliefs. when he said that, and i saw him being ready to be taken off in handcuffs and put his money where his mouth was, where he was really ready to give those things up, i said, you know what, this is one of the few people i can believe. i can believe what this guy says. and the other man i believed to that point in my life was my father. everyone else, again, when things got tough, they want to dip and roll. they change what they said. so when he told the world and i was listening, part of that world, that i'm going to beat joe frazier, i said, well, he's
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going to beat joe frazier. i believe what this guy is going to say. i lost $120. it took me two weeks to find it, to pay my debts, but i finally did. >> that's a fantastic story. thanks for your time. really appreciate it. >> my pleasure. breaking news. nbc news can now confirm that president obama and bernie sanders spoke this weekend as part of the president's push to unite the party and avoid conflict at the convention. officials told nbc the president is eager to endorse clinton as early as this week if it can be worked out. more on that right after the break. do not go anywhere.
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only with xfinity. once again, breaking news out of washington, nbc news can now confirm that president obama and senator bernie sanders spoke this weekend, as part of the president's push to unite the democratic party and avoid conflict at the convention this summer in philadelphia. officials told nbc the president is eager to endorse clinton as early as this week, if it can be worked out. here with me now, jacob soboroff who spent time with bernie supporters in east l.a. what did you find? >> welcome to l.a., first of all. >> wonderful to be here. >> the writing is on the wall here for bernie sanders, given this news that he spoke with president obama. before i go into it about his chances here, i know i'll be hearing that hillary looks to clinch in new jersey. but if sanders has a chance to
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win here in california, there's a pretty large group of people that can hand it to him, that's young latino voters. registration with latinos is up 123%. they make up a third of voters throughout the state of california. i spent time with bernie sanders supporters in east los angeles and this is what i found. >> time to canvas? >> yes. nice to meet you. >> so where are we going? >> to east l.a. five minutes up the road. >> hillary coming out and saying that she's got this, that it's done. >> what do you think? >> no, it's not a done deal. >> we'll go up to this house and see if they'll go for bernie. i think there's a perception that hillary clinton has the majority of latino support. why do you think that is? >> i think they're looking at an older group of voters that has been voting throughout the elections and not considering the huge amount of latino -- young latino voters that are present in california, especially. and especially the ones that
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