tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 7, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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he talked about the great movement that bernie sanders has lead. he said i acknowledge that it's a powerful thing but it would be best if he would now take that energy and perhaps create some kind of, you know, an organization to channel all that energy. to channel folks like you who want change in the democratic party. can you see that as a plausible way to go? >> you know, i don't know and i'm not going to speak for bernie sanders and what bernie sanders. i know for myself as a bernie sanders supporter by going to convention we need to start talking about the fact, bernie sanders does win in every national poll against donald trump. that's the fact. and we have to start paying attention to that. so regardless of what happens in california today, everyone should vote. regardless of what happens, we should go to convention that's something that the dnc needs to pay attention to.
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who is the most electable president in beating donald trump. >> that does it for me this afternoon. i'll see you back here tomorrow. a reminder of msnbc's special coverage of today's primaries starts at 5:00 eastern with chuck todd. full team coverage at 6:00 p.m. eastern and 3:00 p.m. pacific. my colleague chris hayes up next from santa monica. live here in santa monica, california. donald trump isn't backing away from his allegations of a federal judge overseeing cases involving donald trump university as a conflict of interest because of his mexican heritage. mark kirk pulled his support from trump after previously supporting him. house speaker paul ryan addressed trump's comments. >> i disavow these comments.
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i regret the comments he made. i don't think -- claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment. do i believe that hillary clinton is going to be the answer to solving the problems? i do not. i believe we have more likelihood of getting our policies enacted with him than we do with her. but i do absolutely disavow those comments. i think they're wrong. i don't think they're right headed and the thinking behind it is something i don't personally relate to. >> joining me now is politico reporter for the los angeles times. how are you, seema. >> it seems like a big deal. there's a herd mentality we've seen. we saw herd mentality and now maybe the first of many moving away. >> what is striking me about the development we've had so many
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instances where donald trump said something we thought this would be the moment that people turned on them. republican allies. but this time around we're seeing people make a strong stance. i'm wondering if it's the beginning of a trend. >> i think they also seem to be caught up in a bad situation. mitch mcconnell saying it's time for him to stop, you know, insulting various groups. bob corker saying the next two to three weeks is going to be critical. the guy is who he is. he acts like he acts. i think kirk and lindsey graham may be giving permission to some republicans to step away. >> i think with the judge it's interesting. arnold schwarzenegger appointed him to the bench. the last republican governor of the state. he's largely avoided weighing in on trump. he was tweeting that he voted for kasich, and that, b, this judge is a good american. and i'm wondering -- it seems like there's something with the judge. people believe it crossed a line we don't cross in american politics. >> there's a big question that
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seems to be, too, about how long it lasts. the other trajectory we've seen with these is he does something that feels completely unprecedented that is shocking to folks. that is widely condemned like banning all muslims from coming to the united states. and then goes on to something else and people sort of price it in. do you think the further -- there's less leeway for him to do that? >> as he's trying to expand the electorate we're not in the gop primary anymore. he's not trying to appeal to hard core right voters. he needs to get, you know, moderate democrats and more liberal republicans. these are not the things that appeal to them. >> so trump is just released a statement. someone is clearly convinced him he's not doing himself any favors saying among other things he does not intend to comment on the judge or the lawsuit any further. all though -- i don't have the full statement. maybe we can get it out here. here it is. let's take a look at it.
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it is unfortunate my comments have been misconstrued as a attack of people against mexican heritage. the american justice system relies on fair and impartial judges. he's watched over the past few weeks media's report of inaccuracy over a another. it's a long statement which he gets into the details of the trump university suit. it runs to three pages. you -- he talks about the plaintiff in the case. it does not seem to be that he apologizes. and this is the question to me is what would republicans have to see in terms of this being brought to a close for them to then say, okay, this is fine? >> not just republicans but i think democrats or other voters. >> yes. >> the interview with jake tapper where he said over and over because he's mexican. >> yes, i think that is part of the issue here. one of the things we've seen the clinton campaign do is simply
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call up lots of things that are on the record. even if the daily news cycle they sort of pass from notice very quickly, they're all on the record. >> absolutely. >> and when you get it down to 30 seconds or a minute it's tough. >> we saw that the statements about women a couple of months ago in the primary. >> we're going talk a little bit later in the show about the lay of the land here in california. you've been covering the primary here. >> yes. >> what is your sense -- it's interesting to me to watch sanders polling even as the math has been clearer and clearer to everyone. yesterday the app and nbc organization says she's over the threshold. it's seemed to dampen not at all his momentum in the state. >> he's spent so much time in the state. i've never seen a presidential candidate spend this much time in the state. in terms of having public events that brought tens of thousands of people up-and-down the state. his supporters are enthusiastic and when you talk to them, any time you discuss the math doesn't look good.
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it makes them double down like we're going to show you. >> yeah. and yesterday there was sort of wide spread frustration, consternation coming from both camps about this call that was made. and i understand if i were in their shoes i would be frustrated. i wouldn't be surprised if it ends up boosting sanders' performance. >> i was with hillary clinton. and all day yesterday she was down playing the idea she was the presumptive nominee. her surrogates were like even if you think it has in the bag you have to vote. i think they're concerned it's going aggress turn out. she addressed it like we have news. we're on the verge of historic development. she didn't celebrate. it was two lines in her speech. she concluded by urging people to make sure you vote tomorrow. it matters. >> it's election day here in california. and in six states across the country folks are out there voting. i'm seeing people walking down the pier with the "i voted" stickers.
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we got word that mark kirk becomes the first republican elected official to unendorse donald trump after endorsing him. hallie jackson has just talked to senator kirk. are you there? >> reporter: hi, chris. i want to give you a sense. we're standing outside senator kirk's office. he's heading other to the capitol. we asked him about the comments. essentially the final straw for him about donald trump. he cannot support trump as the nominee. i asked if he thought other republicans should follow his lead. if he hopes that happens. he said he did because he's concerned about donald trump's temperament. you saw that in his statement that my colleague luke russ earth has been talking about that. that kirk is concerned that donald trump is not fit to lead, essentially. i also asked him, critics said because you are in a tough re-election fight, senator mark kirk is one of the most vulnerable sfairt senators on capitol hill. is it a political fly give yourself breathing room.
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he dismissed that. he talked about running for the people of illinois. again, he's one of the races that people are watching very closely. donald trump for kirk, at least, has been or is a potential liability for him. as he looks to fight this battle to get re-elect into the senate. it's the first unendorsement of trump. kirk said he will not back donald trump. it's the comments on the judge that become the last straw. we talk often about, you know, comments that trump made. controversies trump has gotten himself into for 11 months now. almost a year since trump first announced his candidacy. this one -- there were political observers who said it feels different because there had been such wide spread condemnation not just from people in the never trump movement or the predictable conservative corners but trump's closest allies including bob corker and newt gingrich. this appears to be the case. this has been at least for one republican senator the final
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straw. i want to run through off memory other senators who have held off regarding and doendorsement of trump. senator flake, ben sasse, senator gardner, we've spoken with several of them today. senator sasse had no comment for us in the hallway of the capitol earlier today. he tweeted about donald trump's marks being the literal definition of racism. sass has been a leader of the never trump movement. we talked with senator dwram today. graham saying he's not going to vote for trump but he's not going to vote for hillary clinton. he's going to write in some candidate. some other person. he said he wasn't sure who yet. we talked with senator cruz within the last hour or so who reiterated his stance he's assessing. he hasn't endorsed yet and may not endorse, as he watches how this race plays out. i will tell you this, i talked with senator bob corker in the hallways here. corker is giving trump basically three weeks. he said we'll see where we are in three weeks. if we're still having this conversation we'll have to look closely. what if we are the conversation
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and corker said we'll cross that bridge, i'm para phrasing. >> you have a situation now there are numerous senators who have decried his comments on the judge. you now have lindsey graham, ben sasse, and mark kirk all three of whom are saying i think they're not going to vote for either donald trump or the democratic nominee. at the same time, this president has nominated a judge to fill the empty vacancy on the supreme court, which the republican party en masse is denying either a hearing or vote for. it becomes, it seems to me, more difficult to uphold that argument that donald trump should fill that seat. if you yourself believe he doesn't have a temperament to be president of the united states. >> reporter: but that is sort of the impetus to the argument here. that's the crux of what republicans or many are grappling with. this idea that donald trump may say things they don't like. they know there's a vacancy on the supreme court. you hear the vacancy cited again and again by conservatives and
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republicans talking about donald trump. pointing to it to make their argument it's why they should back the republican nominee. donald trump is it. and so while that may not have been perhaps their first choice, as you see supporters of rival candidates gone up against trump. that's somebody they believe will be able to appoint a conservative voice to the court. >> all right. hallie jackson from capitol hill. thank you very much for that. let's bring in msnbc beth. i'm going through right here. i got handed the trump statement. here is what is striking to me. it doesn't seem to walk anything back. certainly no apology. and like the 10 minute -- litigating the details of the trump university lawsuit. >> that's our trump! that's what he does. he doesn't ever go by any sort of playbook, chris, as you know. he doubles down and never
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apologizes. he stands where he stands. he goes after surrogates who even claim they might take a step away from him. so it's pretty consistent. but i have to say, especially listening to halle's report there. this kirk decision to walk away from trump is pretty bad for trump. because this opens the door for others do so. you know that senator kirk is one of the most vulnerable folks on capitol hill. there are similar others in peril. enough to give democrats control. if they decide to jump ship, why wouldn't everyone else. it takes that door to be opened for somebody to go through that basically makes it safe for everyone to do so as well. >> yeah. which is a mark kirk is in a class of senators who were elected in 2010, which is a midterm electorate. it was a conservative electorate. it was considerably older and whiter than the electorate in 2008. they're up in cycle in election year in a presidential election year presumably that electorate is going to look differently, particularly in states like
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illinois and mark kirk, ohio's rob portman, and pat too maniy. we've seen people most resistant have been safe red seat senators like ben sasse of nebraska and not those imperilled in cycle senators. >> ben sasse is looking at 2020. he's a good reason to keep his distance from trump. he's a likely republican contender that year. but like you say, mark kirk has been one of the folks that stepped away from republicans on other things. even though he said supportive things about trump up until today. he's been one of the republican's -- virtually the only one pushing for a hearing on merrick garland, president obama's choice for the supreme court. he's taken stance on gay rights outside of where republicans are. it's a little bit unusual he decided to go for trump as early as he did. not that surprising, perhaps, he would walk away from it as quickly as he did because the comments about the judge. i think we're going to see
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others follow his lead. >> all right. chris, what is your reaction of the kirk news? >> well, look, i think you're seeing these lines developing the republican party. i think you see folks like lindsey graham, you know, who talked about putting country before party. i think you have people up for election who are mindful how it could potentially impact whether they're able to win. there's five or six seats that come into play. and i think, and i've had the conversation with republican friends. those republicans out there trying to think about how history will treat them on the particular issue. i think you have different forces coming into play. i think it will be interesting to see, you know, whether the kirk announcement begins a domino effect. because you have these different republicans coming at this from a different perspective at times but ultimately does it begin to move the dominos? >> you know, my question is in the past, over the course of
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almost at last year since he's been in the race we've seen a sort of fluid situation that has been -- everything seems dynamic. people say he says something terrible. i'll support him anyway. the question is how many times can you go back and forth between the two polls? right. mark kirk unendorsing. he can't reendorse for a second time. righ right? >> i think you only get one bite at the endorsement apple. i think other folks made the point. the next couple of weeks are important moenlt here. if you think about the larger dynamic of the race. you know, hillary clinton will become the presumptive nominee of the party by the end of today. you will see the party on the natural begin to consolidate behind her. that will bump up her poll numbers. you've had the presumptive republican nominee caught up in all of this noise that will probably impact his numbers. even if just a little bit. you project over the next week or so you'll see a spread in the
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horse race numbers and what does that do? i think we're in a general election electorate which is different than republican primary electorate. and anyone understands a one, two, or three point movement in the race is significant because the multiplier effect it has. >> there's a key point there. which is what -- how this impacts national polling matters for this reason. part of what allowed trump to sort of defy political gravity each time there was a controversy, the mccain, you know, "i like people that weren't captured flap." the polling would come out and showed it had no effect. he was in a split field. he would be at 15% against ten other people and it was very different dynamic. it allowed him to ride it through. he was never caught in the death
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spiral with the polling came out showing him tanked and kept going. that's why the first batch polls -- >> that will be fascinating. before he was one of 17. there was a million stories. he was getting a big share of attention. no one took him seriously as a candidate early on. i think people look at you a little bit differently. that's the argument that hig hillary clinton is trying to make. >> mark kirk and lindsey graham seem to feel the same way. do you agree with that, chris, the first batch of nationals we'll see. the national poll i saw reuters had hillary clinton up 10 points. that w the first batch of nationals we get seems to be key to see how it plays out in the next two weeks. >> i think that's right. i think that, you know, so much of this race and any presidential campaign, you know, is covered through the prism of polling. you obviously talked about the
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dynamic that helped trump in the primary when those poll numbers didn't move or the degree they moved they were in his favor. you know, i think there is likely to be a different scenario this time around. just give it a different type of electorate. and that just, you know, takes an whole new momentum all by itself. and others on the ticket they get spooked. the press begin to cover it through the prism of seeing some of the movement. i also don't think you can discount the fact that secretary clinton will see some movement in her direction on the natural. you had it happening at the same time. you'll have him being potentially pulled down, her going back up, and you'll see that spreading. that has, you know, throughout the race it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. >> it's amazing to me how almost braisingly honest the republican party have been they want to win and don't care the substance of what this person stands for. chris, thank you for your time.
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we'll have more later in the hour. stick around. >> first, a rising star within the democratic party. the divide in his party and his interest in becoming hillary clinton's vp pick. it takes a lot of work... to run this business. but i really love it. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i jusdon't eat the way i should so i drink bst® to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritionalri ha26 essential vamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of prein to help maintain muscle. all with a great ste. i don't an on slowing wn any time soo stay strong. stay aive with boost.
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saving humanity from high insurance rates. following breaking news of republican senator of illinois mark kirk withdrawing his endorsement of trump. and the subsequent reaction. iowa state senator david johnson is one of the first republicans to leave the party over trump and he joins us now on the phone. senator, what do you mean by leave the party? >> caller: leave the party. >> do you register? >> caller: well, what we do in iowa is we offer a chance to be registered as no party or independent. so i've changed. today we're having a state
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primary today. statewide primary today for local and state offices. and so today i thought was a good day to change my voter registration after mr. trump's outburst against a federal judge. and so i've just changed my registration from republican to no party. >> what pushed you over the edge? what got you to this point? >> the last straw was this dust up over the federal judge who is overseeing a hearing related to trump the trump university the party of lincoln, the party who freed the slaves has no room for a big got. the republican party don't have any room for someone that questions the ethnicity of an american citizens. to me it's an reason to call
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some attention to the presumptive presidential nominee. who i admit never supported since the beginning. but this was the last straw. >> do you think the entire party is going to be forever after thought of as the party of trump? >> el, you know, i don't really believe that whole chapter is over yet. we still have a convention to get through. there seems to be a snowballing effect. the republicans are going to have -- especially leaders. i'm one of 15 iowans who have the honor to serve in the senate here. our state leaders and national leaders can't say well, you know, as speaker ryan did today that this is textbook racism. and i'm going to vote for him. you can't do that. you've got to absolutely say no way. that donald trump is not the fit
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to be the leader of this nation of the free world. >> do you know who you're going to vote for in the fall? >> no. november is still a long ways away. the convention is still yet to come. we'll see what happens then. i also have to face another legislative session come january. and, you know, democrats control our chamber, 26-24. that's the slimmest of margins. so, you know, and i don't know how the november election will come out. i have a bad feeling, though, that iowa being the kind of state that it is could turn pretty blue if trump is the nominee. >> it looks like he will be barring some unforseen events. all though with this election season, you never know. senator david johnson, thank
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you. >> caller: thanks, chris. >> joining me now u.s. representative from california javier bacera. it's unfortunate my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack as a mexican heritage. i'm friends with and employ thousands of people of mexican descend. based on rulings i received the trump university civil case i feel justified in whether i'm receiving a fair trial. your response to that, that's a statement from trump. >> i feel like i'm hearing those declarations -- some of my best friends are black. some of my best friends are latino. it was probably more than 500 word statement. i haven't had a chance to count the words, but it was long. never once does he say "i'm sorry" never once does he say those were resiacist remarks ane didn't mean to be racist.
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to me he's simply excusing. this is a guy with thin skin. it takes him 10 to 12 paragraphs to try to explain his racist remarks. it didn't work. so here we have a situation where republicans are moving forward with the racists. they condemned and said it's wrong and it's offensive but they're endorsing him. how do you do that? do you want to elect a racist as president? >> honestly, what do you say to your colleagues in the republican party who are on the record saying that? there are numerous ones. i think paul ryan among them saying it's a racist comment but i'm going to support him. what do you say to them? >> chris, it's not what i say to my colleagues. what do i say to my daughters? what do i say to those families trying to finally make it to middle class of a different heritage than donald trump? how do you explain this guy wants to be president and there are a bunch of leaders in america who continue to support him even though they acknowledged that he made racist depends? it's not what i say to my
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cleaves. it's what we say to our children. come on. we're being -- this is the 21st century. we're having this debate now? thank god today that the news on the democratic side is we've got our nominee, we're moving forward with someone who wants to fight for change. fight for better wages, and fight for everyone regardless of their heritage. >> i want to -- i think you probably have seen mark kirk officially unendorsed mark or released a statement withdrawing his support. hallie jackson caught up with him. i want to play it and get your reaction. take a listen. >> what he said about the judge that was too racist. >> reporter: that was the time straw for you? >> it was. >> reporter: do you hope that other members of your party do what you're doing now? >> i do. i think can send a strong message. that racism and bigotry will not be tolerated. >> reporter: critics said it's a political move by you because you're in a tough re-election fight. >> i'm representing the state of
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illinois, which i think does not agree with these sentiments. >> reporter: congressman, do you think you're going to see more of that? >> i'll see more of that but if you want to be a leader in america you say i disassociate with him. you want to be a leader you bring people with you. that means other republicans should come with you. if you're a true leader, you're going to bring others with you. it's not that just have distanced yourselves from a racist and now you're clean. we've got to lead. and this is a moment in american politics and american history we have a chance to prove we're not going to go back to those good old days where racism was okay wink, wink, as long as you say some of my best friends are latino. >> congressman, you are from california, of course, primary -- big primary happening today. six states in total. what is your sense of what is going to happen tonight? >> i think it's going to be a great day for democrats and for
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americans because we're going to have a big vote out of california, probably new jersey, and the other states. i was in new mexico last week. i believe that what we're going to send is a very clear message. we want to send a champion into the white house on the democratic side. there's been a very vigorous contested debate and campaign on the democratic side, but my sense is when we get to that convention, we're going to understand that the real enemy is not democracy being debated vigorously. it's making sure you don't have someone who is a racist in the white house spewing these policies that are going to hurt all americans. not just people of latino descend. not just people who are muslim faith. not just people like donald trump. it affects all of us. we don't have time for that. >> congressman, there's been some discussion i've seen your name listed in short list for a possible vp slot on the democratic side. is that something you would be interested in? >> what i'm interested in is making sure that hillary clinton becomes our next president, and, by the way, chris, don't forget
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this. i hope you will report this. the fact we have a growing sense that the congress is going to flip. that the senate will go democratic and we've got some great candidates on the democratic side that will going to help bring sanity back. rather than being asleep at the wheel congress will start doing work and work with the next president. not try to obstruct the next president. >> has the democratic party and the dnc dropped the ball on recruiting on house races in a race that looks like you may be able to get more pickups than i'm guessing a year ago? >> chris, if you take a look at our candidates. we have phenomenal people on their own are probably going to compete and in this case in 2016 win. we believe that the atmosphere nationally is going to help a lot of those candidates with a little bit more wind underneath their wings. we've got a slew of candidates. we're probably going to be competing in about 60 seats vigorously. we need 30 to be able to reclaim the house and, honestly, i think
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the american public is tired of seeing the sense that congress is always the wall. trump wants to build walls. all he has to do is look at congress. it's the biggest wall of getting good things don. it's like a graveyard. all the good ideas seem to go to wrest in congress. we need a president working with congress that will get things done and job one should be jobs. and increasing people's wages. not trying to suppress them. >> all right. congressman, thank you for your time today. >> thank you, chris. after this we'll check with tony in new jersey what voters are telling him as we move into the general election.
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coast to coast. msnbc is with voters in new jersey. and here in the west coast we're in east l.a. let's start in new jersey. tony at a polling station. what are you learning there? >> reporter: hey, chris. from the golden state to the garden state. after hillary clinton was named the presumptive nominee by the associated press and nbc news would voters show up? vote are indeed showing up. this is my second station. hillary clinton backers wanted a declarative statement a big win in new jersey where she's expected to go over the majority of pledged delegates and celebrate a key victory. i have mr. fishman with me. with a is your position here? >> poll taker. >> reporter: you've been doing it a long time. >> 15 years. >> reporter: do you think the turn out has been reduced as hillary clinton getting the
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presumptive nominee? >> it's hard to say but i would say the turn out has been more than i expected. we have 143 votes already since 6:00 this morning. >> reporter: and there's a lot of chitchat around the voting booth. how far will bernie sanders take this. it's on the cover of time magazine. you were reading it. what are you hearing about how far people around here hope he goes? >> it's hard to say. we don't talk politics at the polls. >> reporter: i know that's true. i've been talking politics all day with the people at polls. >> i really don't know what they're saying about bernie. he may be -- he may -- in new jersey. that's for sure. i think hillary got it tied up but, you know, that's another story. >> reporter: thank you very much, sir. one other point to note, i caught up with congressman bonnie watson coleman. a super delegate for hillary clinton. bernie sanders would like to woo
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in order to convince them he was the best candidate to take on donald trump. i asked her if there is anything he could say to bring her to his side. not a chance, she said. >> sounds about right. thank you very much. bringing you back to the west coast. the polling location a few miles east of me in east l.a. what are you seeing there, jacob? >> reporter: twrai yeah, a short ride on the 10 freeway. about 20 something miles. this is the heart of east los angeles. i'm on caesar chavez avenue. this is a heart of vibrant latino community. we talked about this yesterday. whichever candidate is to win in california, they have to gate large share of the vote coming out of this community and particular in particular the latino community here in los angeles. the big question is with hillary clinton being declared the
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presumptive nominee using that combination of super delegates and pledged delegates would anybody show up? i want to swing around the camera. look at the folks walking in now. we've been asking folks all day if the declaration of victory of clenching that presumptive democratic nomination for hillary clinton slowed people down or stopped people from coming in. we've been here now for some time. a couple of hours and people continue to come in. you can see the democratic ballot booths are the ones filled up. you don't see many people going to the republican locations, of course, if bernie sanders does well here, it's his last best hope of doing anything to slow hillary clinton downgoing into the convention this july, he'll have some ammunition to contest the convention. the question is who is going to show up today? hillary clinton supporters, bernie sanders supporters, reduced across the board and if bernie sand urs doesn't pull out a victory, he's out of options. we're waiting to see tonight.
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for us in east l.a. and santa monica we'll know more then. >> all right. thank you for that. joining me once again politico reporter from the l.a. times. and we talked a little bit at the top of the show the kind of chris crossing both candidates have done here. you know, i was born and raised in new york. it was amazing to watch the new york primary. it's so rare the candidates come through. there's bernie sanders did a rally in the bronx which i'm from the bronx. when is the last time presidential candidates were in the bronx. have you had that experience? >> 100%. we're used to candidates having a fund-raiser in beverly hills or the bay area and sneaking out with pockets full of cash. they never have public events. it's rare. they were having events and five events a day. they were spending so much time here. it was not only hillary clinton and her husband, bernie sanders. they had big concerts. nothing like this happened in my
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lifetime. the last time was sometime in the early '70s. >> it's the case california because it's a pretty thoroughly blue state. it doesn't get a lot of love. >> yeah. >>st it not a swing state. trump said he's going to contest he here. >> california is in play in november we'll be naug rating a president in january. the state is overwhelmingly democratic. if his message is appealing here it's appealing in all the swing states. >> right. you're looking like 1984 monodale situation if california is in play. >> exactly. >> do you think -- have you observed the sort of generational gap between sanders and clinton supporters? >> i'm sure polling reflected that. it made it interesting some of the constituencies that hillary clinton relied upon in 2008 for victory here they're split. latinos overwhelmingly supported her in 2008. and helped her win the state even over president obama even though he won the nomination. this time around, older latinos are still with her.
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younger latinos are doing what younger voters in general are going toward sanders. the big question is are they going to turn out. it's a question with young and new voters. it's a question with nonpartisan voters who are aren't affiliated with any party. it's the enthusiasm they're showing at the rallies. >> you also have an open senate seat. i think it's the first time -- >> since 1992. >> yeah. 24 years. it's a long time. >> right. >> that boxer and feinstein have been there. boxer retiring. harris looks at this point the favorite. >> in california we have the top two rules. whoever gets the moths votes the two 0 top move on to the election. regardless of party. it looks like it could be two democrats. loretta sanchez is trying to
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catch up. harris from the bay area. african-american and asian-american. and arguably a little bit more liberal than sanchez. they're going after two different groups. it'ses it's fascinating. we've had masmaller races. >> there's a possibility -- and harris sitting prosecutor in san francisco. >> right. >> she's been elected statewide. sanchez hasn't. >> she was elected in orange county, i mean, it's fairly conservative but used to be like this conservativism in orange county. she beat b-1 bob. >> fighting bob. >> yeah. she showed her ability to compete. >> so that would be really an interesting race. >> fascinating. >> statewide general election race for this incredible thing. >> iconic. >> yeah. iconic seat. represent california a seat that you can hold for the rest of your career and two have democratic women against each other fighting for five months.
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that could be fascinating. >> it could be interesting. the race hasn't gotten the attention it deserves because the presidential race did come to california. it will be interesting to see there's talk of republicans starting super pacs for loretta sanchez. it will be interesting to see how they try to slice up against the various constituencies. >> reminder to folks watching in california. because of the top two primary system, votes today matter a tremendous amount. even if you're not interested in voting for who is going to be president. that system plays throughout statewide elected office. >> right. >> so you can have quite a say today down ballot as well. you have about 3 hours and 15 minutes before polls close. >> thank you. all right. here is the cnbc market wrap. >> hi, chris. a mixed close for the markets today. the dow up nearly 18 points. the s&p up by two. the nasdaq lowered by almost 7 points. that it from cnbc. first in business worldwide. men.
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>> if we can blast 50 women into space, we'll someday launch a woman into the white house. all though, we weren't able to shatter that highist, hardest class ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> hillary clinton eight years ago today. now the democrats on the vernal of breaking through that glass
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ceiling. i want to bring in terri o'neill. joining us presidential historian. what is your reaction watching that vintage clip from eight years ago? >> well, i'm thrilled. it is a -- to para phrase joe biden. it's a big darn deal. and this really is it's going to be exciting. especially this evening. we are very concerned. we want everybody in california to vote. it's extremely important. it is going to be a close race. we want them to vote for endorsed candidates down ballot. the california voting matters. and we don't want to jump the gun, but it looks like now hillary clinton is going to be the democratic nominee. it is an amazing achievement. ani think once it really happens for real people are going to step back and say, wow! we did something absolutely amazing.
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>> and the history here, michael, today a read a great piece. that i learned something i didn't know. shirley ran for president. i knew that. she competed in the democratic primary. she won the new jersey primary. it was the end of the primary season as it was here. she actually won the state -- the first woman to win a state in a presidential primary and here we are these many years later with hillary clinton knocking on the door. >> yeah. it's taken this long. and shirley was a very impressive candidate, but despite that never came close that year. here we're in a situation what was the first presidential election 1789. when did women get the right to vote in this country? 1920. i mean, that was 96 years ago. the amazing thing, i think, ret ret retrospect it's taken this long to be in the situation where a woman is a presumptive nominee in this country.
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>> and the sort of comparative western industrialized democracies and oecd countries, terri, this is something that the u.s. -- i was looking at the figures. there's only a few other countries in that cohort that have yet to have a woman as a chief executive of the country. >> you know chris that's the power of the united nations convention on the elimination of discrimination against women. it's the international version of the equal right the amendment. those countries have gone way ahead of the united states in women's -- especially women's political engagement. so, yeah, they're very much ahead of us. in this country, the senate has never ratified it. we need to get it done. it's holding women back. only 20% of the united states congress is female. we have a lot of work to do. >> michael, we've also got some history being made in a weird way on the other side. in this respect -- i have never and maybe i obviously don't have
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the historical knowledge you do, but i can't recall the last unendorsement of a presidential nominee by someone in their own party in the united states senate like we saw from mark kirk today. is there a precedent for that? >> it almost never happens in modern times. it's not a precedent, but i think probably the closest we can come is summer of 1980 democratic convention jimmy carter was running against edward kennedy. a lot of democrats began getting very nervous that carter was going to get beaten by reagan. 21% mortgage rates, you know, the hostage crisis. two weeks before the convention carter's own majority leader in the senator, robertbird came out and said there should be an open convention. maybe should not choose carter. and the mention was i h-- his s te secretary of state. the carter people got nervous
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this would start a rock slide. didn't happen. >> terry, there's been an underlying theme in both races that hillary clinton has run for president of the united states. 2008 and this one. the theme how she herself related to the historic nature of what her candidacy represents how much she forefronts it with voters. and it seems to me, there's been a bit of an evolution in that respect that she's more embracing of that historical nature this time around than in 2008. is that your read as well? >> absolutely, chris. i think it very much is that. but typical to hillary clinton she comes at it from an issues perspective. i think that she is very much embracing, you know, she says donald trump plays the woman card and hillary clinton said if that means equal pay and decent wages and paid leave and then deal me in. if that's playing the woman card. she comes at it from the issues perspective.
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but i think she's also been very much informed by her tenure as secretary of state. that is where she brought the gendered perspective into everything that the state department does. and i think it was extremely important not only for our foreign policy, but where she began to really see that these issues for women and for women in different communities they play out differently. this time around her approach to policy has been very close to the kind of intersectionality that women's organizations have been promoting because it's inclusive. and she's really looking at how does college debt play out for students in community colleges? well, it has to do with child care. as it turns out. she has a policy response to that. she's very inclusive. it is complex. but that's just who she is. >> michael, the other precedent being set on the other side here is -- and i couldn't find a good
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historical precedent here. is that as far as i can tell, none of the living ex-presidents, either of the bush presidents, or jimmy carter or obviously barack obama, sitting president have endorsed the donald trump, which strikes me that probably hasn't happened before. >> on the republican side. yeah. that's right. and bob dole, of course, has who was a nominee not a president. you said this was weird. it does feel a bit weird. it's something we haven't seen before. >> terry o'neill and michael, thank you for your time. that does for us this hour. i'm chris hayes. msnbc's special coverage of today's primary results starts in a moment with chuck todd. don't go anywhere. ok team,
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and so it begins. we're going to have nearly nine plus hours of incredible coverage of the final big primary night of the presidential season. good evening. welcome to our special coverage of 2016 and the last big primary night of the year. i'm chuck todded in new york. six states are holding contests tonight. less than three hours away from the first poll closing in new jersey. but the big question tonight, don't have to deal with the poll closing times. what is bernie sanders going to do and say to be the -- tonight? is the republican party on
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