tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 8, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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making victory. craig melvin is up next here on msnbc. and a good day to you. right now on "msnbc live," game on. the race to election day, november 8, is now exactly five months away. hillary clinton and donald trump have both assumed their roles as presumptive nominees, clinton embracing her historic win as the first female majority party pick. trump making the case about his own historic tally of republican primary votes, both setting the stage for what promises to be a scorching summer of heated back and forth. >> when he says let's make america great again, that is code for let's take america backwards. >> the clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. >> at the same time, the gop
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civil war rages on. here's today's "new york daily news" cover as the chorus of outrage over trump's self-inflicted feud over his mexican heritage grows. trump has all but squandered his five-week head start on the general election race and calls for the support of one fellow republican. the question now is how many more will follow? >> hey, donald, guess what, i'm not going to support you until you get your act together. you're acting like a bush league loser. you're acting like a racist, like a bigot. >> i cannot support him because of what he said about the judge. that was too racist and bigoted for me. >> i think it's time for him to look like a serious candidate for president. >> he needs to start acting more preside presidential. he needs to apologize for some of the previous comments that he has made. >> all of this as bernie sanders slashes his campaign staff but still vows to fight until the bitter end.
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any minute now the senator will fly back to vermont before heading to the white house for a face-to-face with president obama tomorrow. our political team back on the trail again today tracking the very latest developments. some breaking news to start with. vice president joe biden spoke with nbc news as he left the u.s. capitol today. he talked about bernie sanders' decision to stay in. >> is it time for bernie sanders to drop out of the race? >> be a little graceful. let the man have his own pace. >> do you think he and hillary clinton can come together and the party can unite? >> be a little graceful. let the man have his own pace. that was joe biden a few moments ago. let's start with nbc's chris jansing. she's on the phone, about to take off with sanders on that plane ride to vermont. chris, this is a soul-searching moment for the senator. reports now that two of his biggest supporters in congress are now urging him to throw in the towel. what are you hearing from the sanders campaign it at this very
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moment? >> reporter: well, we just saw the senator and his wife board the plane here and this will be a chance for them over the course of the next five hours or so to have his campaign manager on the plane, michael briggs, his communications director, the people who have been with him throughout this journey but who over the course of the last several days have been on this intense california push have not had these and now they have to consider the conversation with president obama. we expect it will be a one-on-one conversation about what to do next. he has a meeting with harry reid before a rally. i'm also told by a senior adviser that joe biden made
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those comments is someone else who can be very influential in this process talking about what the next steps are. i've been told all along from a senator, from his top aides, these are questions that they were not prepared to talk about or, in fact, even consider. they didn't see why they had to do it until this process played it self out. now they can have the conversations on the plane and then the critical ones tomorrow, particularly the one in the oval office, craig. >> it could be an interesting five hours on the plane. chris jansing, we'll let you take off. >> reporter: thank you. >> more pressure to throw his support to hillary clinton. i want to bring in kristen welker. you have some folks not waiting for the face-to-face meetings with the senate my report leader harry reid telling him now is the time to get out. what are you hearing from voices inside the democratic party?
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>> reporter: there's mounting pressure to concede, craig. democrats saying they want to move forward with the process of unifying the party to take on donald trump, someone who they think is going to be a vigorous contender in the fall. what you had were clinton supporters calling on senator sanders to get out of the race, senators like dianne feinstein, but what is different today, craig, you now have some of senator sanders' top supporters, jeff mushingly, saying it is time for him to step down. take a listen to one of those soundbites. >> this is going to be bernie's call and at some point when he decides what the next step is and if the next step is for him not to be -- not to contest the race any further that will be his decision and i have all the confidence in the world bernie will do the right thing. as for myself who has been a supporter from the beginning, i
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think the unification is a two-way street. >> reporter: so, craig, of course all eyes are on the head of the democratic party. president obama, what's his message going to be when he meets with sanders tomorrow? i've been talking to top officials. one telling me the president's posture is going to be that the math is the math and he's essentially going to say how can i help to move this process forward? to start to unify the party. i imagine senator sanders will have some asks in this meeting when it comes to the party's platform. we'll have to see how that all unfolds but, again, democrats saying that they agree on one point which is that they want senator sanders to concede sooner rather than later so that they can start to prepare for the fall fight, craig. >> kristen welker, thank you. let's bring in the deputy communications director for hillary for america. >> thank you, thank you. >> let's start with the talks that are hamming apparently between the sanders campaign when it comes to an endorsement,
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what is he asking for? what are you asking for? >> it's a little bit early. she just had this historic win last night. we agree with vice president biden that it's right to give senator sanders and his family and supporters some time to figure out their next steps. he has certainly earned that in this election. no one understands that better than hillary. she went through a similar process in 2008 and wants to give him time and respect the process. >> i want to play the reaction sanders got last night. about 15 minutes into his speech and this is what happened when he mentioned your candidate's name. >> and tonight i had a very gracious call from secretary clinton and congratulated her on her victories tonight. >> the boos were one thing but then it appears as if he's standing there allowing them to
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go on and taking in the boos instead of using that as an opportunity to talk about perhaps unifying moving forward. how do you get past this? >> well, you know what, this has been a really spirited campaign and hillary is really proud of how the democrats have run this. bernie sanders has run an extraordinary campaign. he has brought enthusiasm and energy into this. it's been really good for the democratic party. it's been really good for america. and so she understands this. this was very similar to 2008, the time she conceded to then senator obama, 40% of her supporters said they would never vote for him. she worked hard and president obama worked hard to bring the party together and she feels confident that we'll be able to do this as democrats this time, too. >> there are these negotiations going on apparently with regards to the platform. this is what "the washington post" is reporting right now. ideas from sanders' allies include stronger policy positions by clinton and in the platform on trade, fracking,
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social security, the role of money and politics and on other reform issues as well. i don't think there's been a president who has been faced with a major decision, let me pull out the platform in the drawer and see what the platform says i should do. >> i have to say it's a great process of bringing together the campaigns to work on the platform. it really reminds us how much it unites us rather than divides us and our shared values. hillary clinton welcomes senator sanders' supporters and make sure their voices are heard. >> the sanders' supporters, as you know, many of them are a rowdy bunch. they have made strong demands this campaign season so far. with regards to changing the conversation, what are some of the things now that hillary clinton is talk iing about more than she was six to nine months ago as a result of this primary
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with bernie sanders? >> there's so much they've been talking about that is the same and that they agree on from holding wall street accountable to raising wages in this country how to make college more affordable. they agree on so much because they share such common values as democrats. as part of the platform and convention, we feel confident with a bold, progressive platform. >> always on message. always on message. good to see you. congrats again. deputy communications director for the clinton campaign and, folks, don't forget lester holt's one-on-one interview with nominee hillary clinton is tonight on "nbc nightly news." and we'd love for you to join the debate as well. should bernie sand eers concede the democratic nomination to hillary clinton? what say you? how would you vote? never mind. the pulse is live. cast your vote at pulse.
10:11 am we will share those results with you later in the show. campaign in crisis, a party at odds, republicans divided today over their support for the gop's presumptive nominee. >> the tone was better. donald trump still needs to apologize for his comments and saying that his comments were misconstrued is not an apology. i would like to hear him apologize to the judge, apologize to the american people. >> my focus is making sure everyone knows donald trump is not a racist. whether it's gender or race. >> the party i know does not reflect what he said. >> donald trump continuing to take fire for suggesting an american-born judge is biased because of his mexican heritage. also, catching flak for doubling down on those claims despite the backlash, hallie jackson is on
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capitol hill doing what she frequently does tracking down lawmakers there. i understand that you just got arizona senator jeff flake on the record. >> reporter: he echoed what we've been hearing from republicans. he appreciated the speech last night that he stayed "on message" or "on script." senator flake, senator collins, senator graham wanted to hear an apology from trump. here is what the senator had to say to me just a couple minutes ago. you talked about the comments on judge curiel. donald trump came out with that statement defending himself. walk i walking it back a little bit, did he walk it back? >> i hope so. he needs to keep walking. he still didn't apologize for referring to him as a mexican. mitch mcconnell said he ought to apologize, i think our leadership has said he ought to
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apologize. that's one thing as a candidate that you learned you need to do at some point, when you do something wrong, you apologize and move on. >> reporter: that is something donald trump does not frequently do, apologize for something he has said and, in fact, he did not see that in his defense of his statement about judge curiel in the last 24 hours. trump saying they had been misconstrued and then delivering that speech, that "60 minutes" speech with the teleprompter assist, again, that seemed to be helpful and it kept him -- it was deliberately crafted, it was very careful and it was a clear signal to republicans that donald trump is ready now to turn to the general election fight. you're hearing anger that he has essentially wasted the last few weeks since he has become the presumptive nominee rather than trying to frame up an argument against hillary clinton and the democrats, trump and the party have been mired in discussions about his controversial comments. >> and never mind the chasm between cash on hand between the two campaigns. hallie jackson for us there on
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capitol hill, thank you. senator robert menendez calling out donald trump's remarks on judge curiel as racist. the senator will join me to talk about the republicans who he says are not doing enough to stand up to the racism. also, how he thinks democrats can unite. jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick ontohe shag carpeting... ...and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. because all his belongings went up in flames. jack got full replacement and now has new pants he orderedvit geico.compublic. and see how affordable renters insurance cabe. myand a partly sunny and an outside to inside mode. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light... outdoors, indoors and in the car.
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impassioned speech going after donald trump for suggesting that the judge overseeing his trump university case is biased because his parents are born in mexico. menendez one of three hispanic lawmakers serving in the upper chamber joins me now from capitol hill. senator, always good to have you on. thanks for being with me. we have heard over the past 24 hours from south carolina's lindsey graham, we heard from senator jeff flake there a short time ago, speaker ryan came out, said that trump's comments are also racist as well. what say you to the response from the gop to donald trump's comments. >> words have consequences and history and the speaker said it the best that it is a textbook example. outside of the speaker, i have a lot of colleagues who are distan
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distancing themselves from donald trump saying that what he said was inappropriate, in other words similar but not calling it for what it is. the bottom line is we don't need to have someone who wants to lead a country by taking one group of people. really the essence all about, what his campaign has been about. >> this idea your colleagues, while they've criticized what he said haven't called him out, have they said to you in private why they have not condemned his comments more roundly? >> i think it's a question of politics. he's their presumptive nominee, the one running for election as president from their party. many of them are up for re-election. they worried about both the things he said but at the same
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time they're worried about the movement behind him. i just think this is not, an essence of a profile in courage. i don't think it takes a lot of courage to get up on the senate floor and to say something that is said is racism. in fact, it is. it is a textbook example of racism. and so they should get up and speak out, and then i think they would be more admired. at the end of the day, just trying to maneuver and turn themselves into a pretzel and trying to describe what's their apology for donald trump is not cutting it. >> bernie sanders, as you know, headed back now to have tvermon. he has a big meeting tomorrow with president obama. we heard from vice president joe biden at the top of the hour saying the senator should be given his own time to decide what he should do. you served with him for nearly a decade. what advice would you give to bernie sanders? >> well, look, i respect senator
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sanders. i've served with him. i've often been in common cause with him on issues. i think if he wants the movement he created in this country to actually end up into action e items, that his moment is now to turn that movement into an opportunity for some things that can be participate of the democratic mainstream. but to do that, he must coalesce around hillary clinton. if he does that, then he will have enormous political capital, to continue the goals of the movement and to realize many of them. if he doesn't, he runs the risk it will achieve nothing except an expression of exasperation with our system. so i believe that senator sanders is pragmatic enough to under that what he wants to see is some real changes, and he has the opportunity to make those changes if he coalesces around
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hillary clinton. his political capital will go up as a whole, having been a relatively new democrat to our party. i think that his capital will go up and i really expect that, in fact, that's where we'll ultimately end up. >> that sounds like senate speak for just saying, you know what, he should get out and back clinton. it took you two minutes to say it, but senator sanders, you should get out and back senator clinton and let's move forward. >> i think he needs his space in time. he's been leading a movement. now he has to convert the movement into something that sort of makes some real change happen. i think he has that opportunity. i think he hasn't had time to think about that and we should give him the time. >> senator robert menendez of new jersey, thank you so much for your time this afternoon. >> thank you. >> a huge push to remove a judge from the bench who is sentenced a stanford university student to just six months in jail for sexual assault.
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they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmmm. incredible. looks tasty. you don't have heartburn. new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. the clintons have turn the politics of personal enrichment into an art form for themselves. >> when he says let's make america great again, that is code for let's take america backwards. >> going to take care of our african-american people that have been mistroeted for so long. >> we teach our children that this is one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> donald trump and hillary clinton are going toe to toe in dueling speeches last night marking the beginning of this general election fight. the republicans' presumptive nominee reached the point of no return amassing enough unbound
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delegates to end any chance of a contested convention. this week his campaign turning their focus to three areas in the east. he's holding rallies in richmond, virginia, tampa, florida, and pittsburgh, pennsylvania. three swing states. rick tyler, former spokesman for the cruz campaign, lonnie chen, former adviser to both mitt romney and marco rubio. rick, let me start with you. i watched both speeches last night and, first of all, i knew we were going to be in for a treat when i saw the prompter being set up for donald trump. it would seem to me that the choice sometimes between his speeches is stiff and predictable or bizarre and offensive. the prompter is not his friend. why does he keep using it? >> i think he finally listened to somebody's advice that, look, the contrast was dramatic. hi hillary clinton wins the nomination, the first female elected to major party, she had a big celebratory speech. donald trump has had a terrible
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week. he's a horribly, both inarticulate and undisciplined candidate. as little as 48 hours ago he was telling everybody his team was telling him, don't talk about the judge. he was insisting everybody talk about the judge. he missed opportunity after opportunity after opportunity to hit hillary clinton on the jobs report, on the ig report, on the -- her foreign policy speech. completely miss ed it. and he doesn't work well with others and apparently doesn't work well with his own team. now he's in the situation where he wins the nomination on a really horrible down note and then you have the speaker of the house and the president of the senate both distancing themselves and then you had a sitting u.s. senator who sends h rescinds his endorsement. >> the thinking is the prompter would help at least sort of stop the bleeding perhaps, he wouldn't go off topic. >> and he didn't. he didn't go off topic but it was not -- it's not a great performance because he's addicted to the performance.
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when donald trump goes out there, the reason he goes off script and the reason ep gets the crowds excited because, like any great performer, he needs the reaction from the audience. when he reads a teleprompter, he can't get the reaction from the audience. >> lonnie, something that caught our attention, something james carville said on our air last night about this particular controversy and how he thinks it could very well mark the beginning of the end. take a listen. i want to get your take on the other side. >> i think there's some chance trump is not going to be the nominee. i think what we're seeing here is a real unraveling. the news that came in, people not endorsing him and pulling back and everything else, i think this thing is going at a lot faster speed than we can imagine. the pressure is going to be enormous in the coming weeks. >> what do you say to that part of the discussion specifically? >> there's no question that
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there is a lot of angst about donald trump in the republican party, amongst people in washington, across the country -- >> you're under selling it, lonnie. it's more than angst. angst was like six months ago. >> look, it's outright rebellion in some cases. but to suggest that he won't be the nominee, that would be a pretty extreme measure. the convention rules committee is a powerful body. there's no doubt about it. they can write their own rules. they'll write the rules in the party for the next four years. there's attention here. you have a lot of people who are dissatisfied with trump. the last two weeks have been a disaster. there's no question about it. on the other hand a lot of pledge delegates who are pledged to vote for trump so there is this challenge going on and it's not clear how it gets resolved but, look, i didn't mean to undersell it. i do think there is a lot of disagreement in the republican party now about whether donald trump makes it to november. >> but if he doesn't make it to november, rick, then what?
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he's a gary johnson? >> no, i don't think he'll be a gary johnson. i do think -- i do think there's a possibility that the convention could -- there could be -- something could happen at the convention. >> but what? >> you could change rule 16-a to say that all delegates are unbound in the first vote. do i think that will happen today? no. could it happen? absolutely. >> with a would be the impe it tus? >> it to save the party. >> what would have to happen? >> a continuation of the last two weeks and this ridiculousness over a judge nobody cared about. donald trump may have had a c e case -- >> i think the speech -- >> go ahead, lahnee. >> sorry, rick. i think the speech last night, the way it's being framed is it helped a lot of republicans feel better but we have to remember what is the status quo for donald trump? the status quo for donald trump was not last night's speech. it was like donald trump on a sedative.
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his status quo, his actual being is going to go back to doing things like saying offensive things about judges or, you know, this is just -- we have to expect this is par for the course. the question will be at what point do enough republicans say, look, this guy can't beat hillary clinton and then that's the bigger question. >> lahnee chen, rick tyler, we'll have to end it there. rick, one of the things that continues to fascinate me about the judge, who is the audience there? i have yet to figure out what precisely was gained politic politically. >> he's the audience. he feels like there was an affront against him personally and he can't get over it. and he doesn't understand that it has an implication on the entire party, the entire election, all the people working to get him elected. it was just dumb. >> all right. rick tyler, lahnee chen, thank you. we'll talk to you a lot over the next five months. in case you missed it, fists were flying last night between the orioles and the royals in baltimore. it all started here, this is the second inning, this is when
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orioles shortstop manny machado flies out. there's some sort of unble unpleasantry exchanged. ventura nails macha da in the back with a 99-mile-an-hour baseball. mac machada and ventura, none of that here. this ises ins in. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese "day feel alive"♪
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vote yes on the drug price relief act. and drug companies are spending to brjen stops working,ion drug stand upprices...price gouging. but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 ur. what will you do with your aleve hours? ♪ everything your faly touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clor dinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. now to backlash on removing judge persky, who sentenced a stanford student to six months in jail citing brock turner's age and lack of a criminal record, the judge says a lengthy sentence would have a, quote, severe impact one online
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petition to remove the judge has reached half a million so far. >> women deserve the full protection of the laws and rewant to put someone in that seat who understands violence against women and is going to protect our daughters when they're at college. >> the likelihood this judge gets recalled? >> medium to low. you need a lot of signatures, 20% of the last election for this to work in california. >> is it dangerous, though, to even set that precedent, to start recalling judges over rulings that are wildly unpopular? >> i think it is. this ruling is very hard to square with the law. it looks very lenient. it looks very unfair and it raises all the deeper questions in our justice system of why it seems the wealthy and often the white are treated so differently than everyone else, aka discrimination, which, by the way, is supposed to be illegal. that said, what this judge did is not illegal.
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this judge has discretion under those sentencing guidelines and went more to the lenient side in a case where you have this person that the judge said, oh, well, he's an athlete and he's affluent and isn't that a good thing? no, that shouldn't necessarily be the reason. ultimately do you want to recall the judge or do you want to change the rules so this doesn't happen at all anywhere? >> thanks, as always, sir. a self-described white nationalist about why he supports donald trump. you owned your car for four years,
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anxiety. msnbc's jacob has that story. what did you find? >> reporter: craig, yes, donald trump finds himself accused of racism at a time two different news studies, one from hamilton college and the other one from the pugh research center show racial recesentment is the biggt driver of his campaign support. in particular the study indicates negative opinions of newcomers, african-americans, latinos, asians, and islam are the biggest predictors of support for donald trump. for some people opinions like these are to be kept quiet but for the self-proclaimed white nationalist, a trump delegate to the national convention briefly before he was asked to resign by the campaign, these beliefs are actually spoken about openly. the trump campaign has disavowed johnson but last week he sat down with me after appealing to the trump campaign because he wants to become a volunteer at the republican national convention. he gave me a look at why some people like him are emboldened by donald trump.
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okay, so you've been on the news a lot. >> lately i have, yes. >> reporter: your political views are you are a white nationalist. >> yes, i'm a nationalist and nationalism is becoming popular. donald trump is making it popular. we're battling the globalism that's been in place for the last 40 or 50 years and donald trump is leading the charge. >> reporter: donald trump is making nationalism popular? >> i'm a white nationalist but you would call him an american nationalist. and just like nationalism is becoming popular in the philippines, in egypt and in europe, he's making it popular here in the united states. the large influx of immigrants primarily because of the concept of globalism has destroyed western civilization and donald trump is battling that. >> reporter: you were a donald trump delegate. >> i was a delegate in good standing for two hours. what happened was i guess i slipped through the cracks and they approved it and then there was a lot of media coverage
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immediately, so they said, oh, you are removed from the list. i said fine. >> reporter: you're not going to be now a delegate to the republican convention? >> that's correct. >> reporter: what is he saying? is he saying things in a language that may not be explicit but he may be giving you an implicit signal? >> no, he's explicit in globalism. we're not supporting globalism anymore. we're supporting nationalism. the fact he is politically incorrect, he'll say what's on his mind, that endears him to many people including people of my ilk. the fact that he wants to build a wall along the southern border, the fact he wants to stop muslim immigration, that he wants to deport illegal aliens, to stop anchor babies. >> reporter: when you hear a guy like paul manafort, his campaign consultant, say he may not go that far? >> i don't think it matters because what he is doing right now is so good for america that regardless of what he does once
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he's elected president, it's so good that it will happen. >> reporter: craig, we asked the trump campaign to comment on the request to attend the rnc as a volunteer but they did not respond. it's worth repeating when johnson was briefly on the trump campaign's list of rnc delegates, the trump campaign first blamed his inclusion on a database error. later, he was rejected and removed from the campaign's list. you'll remember earlier in the campaign trump drew fire for retweeting white supremacists and his refusal to disavow david duke. whatever donald trump's personal beliefs are and chris christie defend ed him against charges o racism yesterday, there are some people in this country who feel emboldened by trump's rhetoric and candidacy. craig? >> so many things i'd like to say but so little time. tennis star maria sharapova learning her fate for failing a doping test. is this game, set, match for the
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breaking news now from the tennis world, russia star maria sharapova has been banned from tennis for two years by the international tennis federation for failing a doping test back in january. sharapova quickly took to her facebook page writing she will immediately appeal the suspension citing the itf's findings she did not intentionally violate the doping rules. we're joined by a sports reporter for "the washington post." matt, her defense, essentially here, she was taking this substance that she did not know was banned and that she had been taking it for ten years. is that possible? >> well, she says she didn't see the e-mail and she was using it under a different name, but it's really hard to believe that no one told her that this drug that was going to be banned, it's
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hard to believe she didn't know that it could cause her trouble down the line. >> what's been the reaction so far since word broke of her suspension? >> well, i don't think there's a whole lot of sympathy for her because, as we >> how does the appeal process work? and how soon could she get back on the court if at all? >> i'm not sure the exact timeline but as she says she's going to appeal it to the court of arbitration for sport, which means that it will be a two-judge panel to hear her appeal and she gets to pick one of the judges and the itf issues a judge. and the itf has to issue a ruling that sharapova has to deal with. >> maria sharapova banned by the
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itf for failing a doping test back in january. matt, thank you. trump versus clinton, which candidate has the advantage heading into november? and who will win over bernie sanders' supporters? we'll preview that battle straight ahead. first, an update on today's microsoft polls question. we asked, should bernie sanders concede the democratic nomination to hillary clinton? 59% of you say yes. the poll pulse is still live and you can continue to weigh in by casting your votes at it's time for the "your business" entrepreneur of the week. with orders coming in from around the globe, ray sickles had to learn how to export. the owner of gerdy's was nervous at first but now he's hand-shipping his rope-made sandals to two dozen countries around the world. for more watch "your business" at 7:30 on sundays on msnbc.
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empowerment is better than resentment. and bridges are better than walls. >> to all of those bernie sanders voters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of superdelegates, we welcome you with open arms. >> joining me now from charlottesville, virginia, the director of the university of virginia center for politics, larry sabado. doctor, standby for me, we want to listen to debbie wasserman schultz talking about the judge. >> trump has disqualified himself from holding a position as important as the presidency. and we are going to keep holding him accountable of that you can be sure. but it's not enough just to give voters a reason to vote against trump. it's time to gear up for the general election as we have been
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and give the american people a clear vision of what they will be voting for when they cast their ballot for a democrat. that's the vital task that each of you, individually and collectively, undertake today. we are here to kickoff a process where we can share with the american people what the democratic party stands for and lead no doubt that it is our party that shares their values and speaks to their aspirations. and it is your task, the task of the platform committee and the platform drafting subcommittee, to bring together voices from across our party, from all of our campaigns and from our voters. this is an open process and a hallmark of the democratic party. every cycle we do more and more to engage and include the american people. this year we made sure our campaigns were represented fully so 75% of the members of this drafting committee were recommended by our presidential candidates. and when we're done, this process in our convention will be the most representative and inclusive in our history.
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arriving at a consensus will no doubt be a difficult task, but i am confident that the process will be a success. that is a no small measure because of our committee chair. we are enormously fortunate to have a man of unquestionable integrity extraordinary legislative experience and a lifetime of dedication that he just outlined in excruciating detail. >> there you have it. debbie wasserman schultz is addressing a platform committee there in washington, d.c. of course, as you know, there's been a great deal of talk about one of the major concessions being influenced over that platform committee. a lot of bernie sanders supporters saying because of the role he's played in the primary contest he should have an outside voice on that committee. dr. larry sabato, i believe you are still with me, you just heard debbie wasserman schultz, what do you make of that? >> it is interesting because
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she's a controversial figure in the sanders' campaign, or most of the senior people would like to see her exit as dnc chair. hillary clinton's got to make some concessions to bring the sanders troops on board. i think sanders will be reasonable himself, but many of his backers, particularly young people, this is their first presidential election. they have to have a reason to come in and some platform planks borrowed from bernie sanders might very well do it. >> i want to ask you the same question that i asked christina earlier from the clinton campaign, the idea of the platform that we talk about here a fair amount, in recent political history, has there ever been a sitting president who has a big question and they reach in the drawer and pulled out the party flplatform and us that as their guide? why not let them have an outside
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voice on the platform, who really cares? >> well, you know, what is what most people think. honestly, there have been some very good academic studies of the platform. and believe it or not, about three quarters of the pledges contain in a platform, those pledges become law in whole or in part or at least the president-elected on that platform tries to get them inacted. so a platform matters more than people think. >> and not just to party faithful. >> not just to party faithful, of course the party faithful include the members of congress from that party and the president from that party who then try to enact the platform. it's more important than people acknowledge. >> dr. larry sabato, i wish we had more time, we had breaking news, i'm sure you'll be able to come back at some point. thank you. >> sure, thank you. we are approaching the top of the hour on msnbc. my colleague thomas roberts is picking up from santa monica,
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california, with an interview on hillary clinton making history. good day from california. i'm thomas roberts. we are broadcasting live here once again in southern california from the santa monica pier where a new chapter in american history begins. welcome the general election. >> the stakes in this election are high and the choice is clear. donald trump is temperamentally unfit to be president. when he says, let's make america great again, that is code for let's take america backwards. so fresh from a history-making win, hillary clinton focused her fire on trump signaling a showdown to stretch in november. by contrast, a toned down and scripted trump read from teleprompters last night. that being a
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