tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 10, 2016 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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and ool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, signed for dependable relief donald trump is a loud, n nasty fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and who serves no one but himself. you donald trump, are a total disgrace. you shame yourself and you shame this great country. and we will not allow a small, insecure, thin-skinned tyrant or
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his allies in the senate to destroy the rule of law in the united states of america. we will not. >> wow. >> well now, good morning, it is friday, june 10th. welcome to "morning joe." >> that was something. >> brisk. >> she kept going. >> did she really? >> i became a huge elizabeth warren fan last night. >> she went down and punched him down on the ground. >> she goes after trump in a way that is a better than -- it's vicious, it's genuine. >> why do you think it's better than other people? >> it comes from the gut. i think she has a street fighting way that is genuine and real and for the first time, i was looking at her, boy, her and hillary together would be an interesting ticket for the first time. much in the same way that clinton and gore kind of had it together. i was like, i wouldn't want to
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tangle with those two together. >> john heilemann, are you hearing that? hillary and elizabeth warren is a ticket? >> i have said three or four months she would be on the very top of the short list. she may not be the vice president or the running mate but she will be in that three or four people. >> just in their meet iing this morning in washington. >> that would be one of a thousand predictions you get right if that happens. i don't know if she's trying out or it comes from the gut. >> that comes from her. >> but those two things are mutually exclusive. it comes from the gut and trying out. >> you see that in her eyes the vistriol and the passion and th way she's approaching things. >> one other element that none of the republican candidates running in the primaries against donald trump had, she's
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fearless. they feared him. >> the difference between what we saw yesterday and what we have seen throughout this entire process is you have had republicans afraid to cross donald trump. even now afraid to cross donald trump after he makes what they call racist comments. they are still afraid to cross him and still afraid to say we're going to endorse you any way. because they still fear donald trump. fear has been driving this party and it's reaction to donald trump since august. >> she helps with progressives. she helps widen the gender gap. is and four, she's the historic
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kind of if you're going to double down on history not just on the chemistry, but if we're going to have a woman president, a vice president. >> they actually u work together. they are collaborative. >> that's thrown me off. >> stop wearing that jacket. >> it's something my progressive gender, i was one of the first candy stripers work iing in hospitals and we're mocking. >> with us onset we have legendary column iist mike
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barnacle. also managing editor of bloomberg politics, it airs at 6:00 p.m. on msnbc john heilemann. >> and we have political analyst and former chairman of the republican national committee michael steele and political correspondent casey hunt covering the clinton campaign. >> let's talk about the collective scar tissue and what impact it's had on this race. at least to this point. >> i think at this point, especially last night when you heard from warren, the president, biden, it was an awful night for the republicans. and i don't say that with glee because i think -- >> it sounded like you said it with glee. >> it kind of sounded like it. >> let's get to the news and then we'll talk about this. >> but if there was any glee there, it's because there's some leaders there including donald
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trump who have let america down. i'm glad somebody stood up to it. we have talked about the tough week donald trump has had on the campaign and now there's evidence that all of this has taken a toll. the fox news national poll taken from sunday through wednesday shows hillary clinton ahead of trump, 42% to 39%, that's inside the margin of error. but it is a 6-point drop for trump since last month. among independents he still leads clinton 35% to 30%, but he's down 11 points since last month in the key voting group. the poll shows that majorities believe clinton and trump do not have the integrity to serve effectively. 54% saying no for clinton, 58% for trump. but clinton is ahead on the knowledge. 71% saying clinton has it. 38% saying trump does. >> wow. >> on the question of who will shake things up in washington, only 37% for clinton and 76% say
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clinton will. 47% say they will vote for their candidate. >> let's stop right there. >> this is all elizabeth warren, good for her as well. >> let's start with donald trump down 6 points since last month. down 11 points among independents. this is taking a toll on him. >> predictably so. it doesn't diminish it at all. the thing that's dangerous for trump right now is that that is all prior to the stuff that's happened on the democratic side this week. those 6 points have been self-inflicted. now you're going to see hillary clinton get the bump. >> that's the loss before the bump of bernie meeting with obama and obama endorsing hillary and the democrats coming together and you have donny
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deutsch, down among independents. he's lost 11 points. but a key group for him and he's bleeding support. >> bpicture going forward. you have bill clinton, barack obama, elizabeth warren on the campaign trail. particularly bernie sanders two amazing fundraisers. it's beginning to be interesting. trump was quiet all week. quietest since the primaries. and he's going to come out monday night. he's tipped. it's going to be this anti-clinton speech. when he's backed in a corner, it's to get even nastier. that's going to backfire on him. >> it doesn't work anymore. >> i have a prediction. i was saying this to mike. he has never been in the public eye as getting bashed. he's not used to that. i would actually see where the story ends and love to hear. but at some point him bowing out and going home. if you look at every president -- >> that would be thin skinned.
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>> bob dole and al gore, mitt romney, these people get labeled losers. which they shouldn't. donald trump, i think at some point the way this ends -- >> you think he might just -- >> e he takes his toys and goes home. >> i have heard other people say that. the difference between donald trump and these other guys when talking about romney or bob dole, they are politicians for life. donald trump, he's talked about it, joked about it, but somebody close to trump and the organization said always remember. if it continues, if he gets brand ed a monumental loser, wh
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knows what happens. >> what you do here in this small town/big town in manhattan from various people who know trump and business with trump is that he is acutely sensitive to the brand. that's the most important aspect of his life of who he is. he measures every political statement he makes and every political appearance he makes blended in with is this going to help or hurt the brand. that is his down fall. because the level of self-absorption within donald trump that's there today or there 50 years ago, it prohibits him from talking about the country. talking about how he would make a difference. >> look at trump university. michael steele, talk about self-self self-inflicted wounds. he's down 11 over the past month with independents.
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down 6 with all voters since the last month. so much of that has to do with him obsessing over a battle with an indiana judge over trump university. not over any issue that matters to americans or to republicans or to conservatives. it's something that matters to him and him alone. >> joe, i suspect he will be down another 5 points by this time next week once, as you discussed, the numbers settle in after this week, which has been a phenomenal week for the democratic party. which unfortunately if you had a different nominee or nominee with a different mind set not talking about a personal legal matter but talking about the 38,000 jobs from last month, talking about the i.g. report, talking about trade and other issues that have palpable impact on the democratic normminee -- >> can i stop you there for a second? >> sure. >> can you believe the i.g. report that came out talking about hillary clinton playing fast and loose with information
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regarding drone strikes, as top secret as it gets, and we have a republican nominee -- he's talking about trump university. are you kidding me? that would be dominating the week, but for donald trump's own self-absorbed campaign. >> i adopted the bernie sanders line and said, we don't care about your damn university. we don't care about your damn lawsuit. talk about the fact that you have these things that are third party indictments against hillary clinton and her cozying assuming the obama agenda on the economy, the 38,000 jobs are yours. >> you're talking about that and you're exactly right. mika, one of the most abysmal job reports we have had and it's responded to by one tweet. >> the campaign is running stupid. >> there is no campaign.
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>> there's no campaign. he doesn't want to be president. my private conversation with him when he was about to win iowa. we're talking on the phone. he goes, can you believe this? i said, do you actually want to be president? changed the subject. i'm going to say it again. he's not going to be on the ticket. >> radio silence since this judge thing because e he can't be told he's wrong. i will say you are wrong when you are wrong. this is wrong. it shouldn't be done. you should apologize. i can't get over it. i'm sorry. >> it's not his brand. >> by the way, nor can a lot of people. this campaign is going downhill. i predict the next polls are even worse. this guy is literally deep sixing his campaign. >> the republicans who are reaching out to me, also to you. >> my phone is going crazy.
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>> they are ab sloutly stunned. >> chris christie, walk away. put down your bag, take your jacket off and walk out of that campaign before you ruin your future. >> he's ruined it already. >> these guys, paul ryan, what's wrong with you? >> let me tell you what republicans are yearning for, at least a good number of republicans. one person, just one person. it's not paul ryan. because paul ryan said i'm for the racist because he's not had hillary. he's not paul ryan. just imagine what a chris christie standing up saying, i got behind this guy because i believed that he understood what working class voters across new jersey and america -- what they weren't hearing from the republican leaders. i got behind him for the right reasons, pu you know what, he's
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not following through on his commitment to me or to the republican voters and i can't be behind him u. >> it's okay to do that. >> if somebody would do that, you talked about a shot in the arm for anybody politically. >> joe, i wanted to go back to something donny deutsch said. he was talking about the politicians fearing donald trump. they don't fear donald trump. donald trump is not the fear factor. it's the base of support. it's the 14 million voters he's brought out. it's how that number of activists between now and the convention. and they haven't figured out how to distance themselves from trump and bring those voters in to something different in another way. >> we're for you, we're just not
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for donald trump's racist comments. >> obama just endorsed crooked hillary. nobody else wants four more years of obama. delete your account, a popular internet expression for when someone said something deeply inaccurate or tone death. it has 375,000 retweets making it clinton's most popular tweet yet. trump responded, how long did it take for your staff of 823 poem to think that up. where are your 33,000 e e-mails that you deleted? the rnc chairman tweeted at clinton, if anyone knows how to use a delete key, it's you. the communications director added, whichever intern just sent this doesn't get it's not smart for you to talk about deleting anything.
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kasie hunt, wow, what a zinger on twitter. this would have been a great week for hillary clinton. the campaign must be so relieved there's no trump campaign that can think beyond donald trump's very thin skin and the criticism he's getting about the judge. >> the clinton campaign could not be in a better place to put it mildly. think about what we learned yesterday. hillary clinton is going to walk out on the campaign trail. her, bill clinton, president obama, joe biden, elizabeth warren and at this point it's probably also going to be bernie sanders. that is a formidable team. right now they are up against a republican party that frankly can't stand behind its current normminee because of the thingse has been saying. so the staff at headquarters yesterday was gathered around a couple tvs as they watched that video from president obama clapping and cheering. some of those aids have been
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with had hillary clinton for a decade and they remember her cry ing in front of secret service agents when she lost the nomination to barack obama almost eight years to the day since that actually happened. now i think it really was a moment. we've been talking about the speculation. one clinton aid told me that elizabeth warren has proven herself to be an attack dog against donald trump in a way that honestly they are a little surprised by. they are not ready to engage in more direct vp speculation, but she put herself back on the radar in that way u. >> but we're talking about tweets going back and forth with tweets instead of a response to the i.g. report on acting fast and loose. >> it's campaign suicide. >> dismal jobs report and they are tweeting. >> here's the thing. just in terms of cold, hard political analysis and what we watched. we all agree the republican side is in disarray.
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there's no trump campaign. think about the political difficulty of what the democratic side had to manage this week. the end of the nominating process, bernie sanders, can we unite the party. what's going on in bernie sanders' head. what do we have to orchestrate this week. yesterday in a great delicacy, they basically essentially said yesterday he's not going to fight on to philadelphia and he's going to endorse hillary clinton and be on her side. that doesn't take a decoder to figure that out from bha he said. they got him out of the race. they got the obama endorsement. you had biden and warren both beating donald trump senseless on television last night with powerful attacks that are on message. this is like a professional high level professional political operation going on in the white house in conjunction with the
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brooklyn headquarters of hillary clinton. that's how you run a presidential campaign. this is the moment of highest vulnerability for the democratic ticket. they executed perfectly all week long. on the other side, you have a state of complete disarray. >> and a response to all of that with a tweet. >> there's one added ingredient to this that flew under the radar yesterday because of the nature of the endorsement from the president. but i am told by several people within the white house do not underestimate barack obama's eagerness to crush donald trump. not defeat him, crush him. off of partially the birth certificate flap, it's personal. >> it's deeply personal. it's about maintaining his legacy, he knows what's at stake, but it's also really personal. obama's mind trump represents everything that all of the darkness he's confronted over the last eight years buzz he's the most prominent exponent and voice for the birther thing.
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he is going to be aggressive. >> not only that, even though i would not be in this approval category, barack obama is politically a giant, a giant among very small politicians on both sides. 51% overall if you're driving. 88% among democrats. 82% among bernie sanders primary voters. 90% among americans, who are going to be vital for hillary. latinos, 73%. among millennials, those 18 to 34, 64% approval rating. that's somebody that any democratic candidate is going to want. and i it was chuck todd saying he doesn't want to go down as the obama presidency. when you go into that third
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term, it becomes an era. >> michael steele has been trying to get in. >> just real quick. all that is great about obama, but there are some potential dangers for him to get totally engaged in this. over the course of the summer we get continued weak job reports thark could be a problem. and secondly, this fall premiums start to go up on obamacare. that's going to hit a lot of wallets. that could be a discussion this fall. >> donald trump won't be smart enough to use that. he will be too busy tweeting about little things. and saying racist things. >> that split screen. when donald trump's helicopter was landing in new hampshire back in 2012 and president obama got up there and essential ly released his birth certificate to stomp all over donald trump, that's the koind of optics we might see from this president.
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>> this is like metaphorically, this is what we have had -- that's the metaphor of this crucial turning point in the campaign these two weeks. it's been split screen of what we have seen from donald trump and the operation to the extent that exists and now we have seen on the democratic side. a lot of people make the argument this is when elections get decided. not in october. this moment when people are just really focused on the general election. impressions are being driven in and the split screen could not be more dramatic and favorable in this race. >> this paul needs to understand him in a way he understands. >> it's not about paul. it's not about it. it's not about the family. it's not about anybody. because they have all been talking to him. this is all about donald trump doing whatever donald trump wants to do. not listening to anybody.
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>> he's going to go home. >> still ahead on "morning joe," we hear from paul ryan, who says he doesn't have an issue with donald trump's temperament. >> what has happened to him? >> paul ryan, guys. >> more from elizabeth warren and joe biden yesterday. we like him. let's just say -- >> what's the word? >> peter king joins us. chris jansing has new reporting from the bernie sanders campaign. but first, here's bill karins with a check on the forecast and an earthquake rattling southern california this morning. tell us about it. >> 4:00 east coast time. this was in southern california. you e see the front page of t"te l.a. times". it gave everyone a jolt. it was shallow so a lot of people felt it. it was a rolling earthquake. but there was not any significant damage. it was on the lower end of the scale. this is an active fault so this
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area is used to getting earthquakes. especially the weak ones. today into the weekend, the heat is on in the middle of the country. it's going to feel like 95 to 100 from minneapolis to st. louis. we have a few thunderstorms diving around this really hot dome of air. also near chicago, milwaukee and down to indianapolis and muncie, indiana, we have some storms. later today we're going to regenerate new storms. wind damage over to green bay, this is an area that's under risk. then on saturday, the severe weather makes it to the east. 73 million people because we're including all the populated areas back to cleveland and chicago. large hail and damaging wind. it's the heat that's going to be the story. 90s are heading east. d.c. is going to get up there around 95 degrees. carolinas on sunday, 100 in raleigh and in charlotte. stay u cool this upcoming weekend. it's going to get hot and steamy u.
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house speaker paul ryan continues to do the delicate dance of criticizing the presumptive nominee while still standing by him. here's andrea mitchell speaking with ryan yesterday. >> look, i think his stage presence is something that's different than say what i would do, but my personal interactions i find an even temperament. >> you have said what he said about the judge was textbook definition of racism. how can you then say, but, he's okay to be president. >> there's no justifying those comments. i was very clear about that. i think we all -- not just republicans, should disavow comments like that. i'm glad he walked it back. this is a long campaign and a long way to go. he has a ways to go to give us a
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campaign we can all be proud of. >> he didn't walk it back. he called him a mexican. >> why is paul ryan jumping into this? he called him a mexican. >> he kad he wasn't going to talk about it anymore and his words were misconstrued. do we need to read you the newspaper? >> somebody that is to talk to paul ryan? you know why he won? only 25% of republicans polled think that what donald trump said was racist. that's what's wrong with the republican party. 1 in 4 republicans heard what donald trump said and thinks it's racist. that's what's wrong with the republican party right now. >> it's stunning. >> the other thing that's wrong and one of the reasons why donald trump excelled during the primaries is that paul ryan now is epitomizing what people think of politicians. say anything to retain a hold on his power. his power to continue over a
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majority of the house of representatives. isn't that what this is all about? >> it's not even a job he really asked for. >> speakership, yeah. >> don't take the job if you're not going to do it like a leader. >> he has authority to stand up. >> we thought the moral core. i thought paul ryan was the future. >> what happens in the house among the percentage of tea party activists? >> i say, listen, you begged me to be your speaker. i'm your speaker. sometimes me being your speaker means following. sometimes it means leading. this is one of those times when it means leading. when we have a person that represents our party making clearly racist statements, i can't get behind him. i understand some of you who already have. let's agree to disagree. i will defend your right u to do
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what you do. >> joe, how do you unpack that and salvage an election this fall? that's the rub right now. that's what republicans, you and i know are trying to figure out. how do you win in november? >> i'll say what i've been saying all along. it's about the art of the deal. right now, you give donald trump everything donald trump wants and don't make him pay for racist statements and make him pay for doing things that damage the brnd he will continue like a bull in a china shop. if you're paul ryan and you quietly call him up and say you either back off that or i'm going to have to withdraw my endorsement. that changes the entire dynamic. donald trump then has to talk to you. he can call you a loser if he wants to, but more republicans need to do it. we said it the other day. if republican leaders shoulder to shoulder at a press conference said these were racist statements, donald trump needs to back off of them and apologize. he needs to talk about how
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openly ignorant they were or we're going to pull our support. donald trump would have actually had to deal with the republican party going from a position of strength. instead this is nothing but weakness and it invites nothing more but bad behavior. >> the pathetic reason, 1 in 4 republicans have a problem. >> i can find you polls that said 40% of democrats thought george bush blew up the twin towers. i'm just saying, you can find a poll for everything. it's steve jobs always said sometimes people need leaders. >> he would be paul ryan's dilemma at the end of that conversation. you're right about the conversation. you're right about the fact of the conversation should have taken place with paul ryan
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explaining what you just said. donald trump's reaction would be thus. first of all, he's a 70-year-old fully formed adult. he's not going to change his nature at this point in time. so he would say to paul ryan, who are you to be lecturing me? how much money do you make in your job? >> i'm the speaker of the house. i'm the highest ranking republican in government. >> it wouldn't matter. >> i'm worth billions. i built a great company. i did it on my own. >> i'm not sure you're worth billions, but i do know what i am. i'm third in line to be president of the united states right now. i know you'll never get that close as long as you keep uttering these comments like that. >> it would be great. >> you can't dream of being this close to the seat of power because you keep blowing yourself up. i'm not going to let you blow my republican party up with me.
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take that act somewhere else. why don't you run as an independent? you guys can smoke pot all night and talk all day. i don't care. you're not going to do that. >> you're defending heilemann. >> i'm just saying. somebody needs to talk to him that way. it sounds like you're weak. >> it's the only way i can settle my brain. none of this makes sense. all the time we have covered anything together in this show, this makes the least sense to me. >> i do think to mike's point is really deeply true about it. the idea that trump is going to change in some fundamental way, if you got him to apologize for comments, donald trump was speaking his heart when he said the things he said. i don't think -- whatever you think about those comments i
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don't think he's apologizing because he doesn't think he has anything to apologize for. >> i also think for people who sit around a table for three hours at 6:00 in the morning, we ought to not say whatever comes out of your mouth is from your heart. because sometimes you're tired and say stupid things. >> he kept saying them over and over again. >> then he lied to cover it up, and that's where i don't understand. >> he's probably never said i'm sorry in his entire life. >> we have to move on right now. >> still ahead, chuck todd and republican congressman peter king, "morning joe" is coming right back. (man) oh, looks like we missed
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trump's comments on the judge as fatter at the american constitution society. >> like all federal judges, he's bound but judicial ethics not to respond to these attacks. trump is picking on someone who is ethically bound not to defend himself. exactly what you would expect from a thin-skinned, racist bully. >> wouldn't it be wild as president to come back in november to do a civil case? how can that be interpreted any other way than as a direct threat. these are words, in my view, of one who would defy the courts if they ruled against him as
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president. to use the office of the presidency, were he to acquire it, to intimidate and undermine an independent judiciary would be an unconstitutional abuse of power. either mr. trump, which is possible, doesn't understand because this is a realm he's never dealt before or he doesn't care that it would border on an impeachable offense for a president to use the powers of the office to attempt to undermine a federal judge by placing pressure on that judge in any case, especially one the president has of personal financial stake. in addition to this, it is racist. [ applause ] but it's not the racism that frightens me. we have dealt with racists before. it's the potential impact on the
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court order. >> i want to ask you a question. 6 on 6 football, hillary clinton and behind her you have joe biden, bill clinton, barack obama, bernie sanders, elizabeth warren. you have donald trump. who are the people standing behind him that can get on the same field? >> i don't think a lot of people would get too close. >> who are the five people? >> here's the thing. you need to look at one part of that fox news poll that we blew past and that is who will bring change to washington, d.c. that is the one number where donald trump is still light years ahead of hillary clinton. all those people you named are every bit as much of the establishment as jeb bush and george w. bush. hold on, guys. who will shake up things in washington? donald trump, 76%.
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hillary clinton, 37%. i'm not saying that donald trump isn't in a world of trouble. what i'm saying is anybody running against hillary clinton, that ran a competent campaign wouldn't need six people behind them. donald trump does not appear to be that man right now. >> i think elizabeth warren adds a little bit of i'm going to shake up washington. >> as does bernie sanders. and so, yes, they are party establishment. >> kasie hunt, i appreciate biden saying it was racism. you don't need to say some say allegedly or all that stupidity. it's unnecessary. this was racism. there are certain things we don't tolerate in our society. racism is one of them. kasie hunt, the clinton campaign must be feeling good moving
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forward but they still have bump ace head because trump will attack. >> they do. that number you were just talking about shows the challenge that they do have. hillary clinton does have an opportunity to put somebody like elizabeth warren, if she. s to go that way, she could potentially work on that. the clinton campaign was paying close attention to everything that elizabeth warren was saying. they believe one aid told me she would be a weapon of war against donald trump. that's clearly how they are viewing her. i also having listened to all these republicans and then bernie sanders even talk about donald trump. elizabeth warren's attacks on him are some of the most effective i have seen. sitting in a room watching a crowd react thinking about how she does it in comparison, even to hillary clinton, she called him straight up a racist bully u. hillary clinton was asked directly is donald trump a racist and she said i don't know what's in his heart.
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i a the attack itself was racist. but elizabeth warren has this freedom to go after him in that way that could be potentially really effective. the other piece of her attack was she went after trump university in a way that was more cutting than i had heard. essentially casting it, and it goes with people that have gotten ripped off by donald trump over the years, she cast this as essentially donald trump taking advantage of vulnerable people. she did it in this very sharp, straight forward way that i hadn't heard hillary clinton, for example, say in such an effective way. >> this is elizabeth warren's message for the schemes from scammers. she feels this. >> is one of the words that puts in there is trump that is the most devastating. she puts the word little. >> she had a lot of words in there. >> kasie hunt, thank you so much. michael steele, what are we
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missing here? what are the donny deutschs of the world missing around the table? >> don't ask that question. >> it's been a one note performance over the first 50 minutes. we were one noters when we were talking about how trump was going to win the republican nomination. but it seems to me we're being one noters here at least to us because trump is driving his candidacy in the entire party over a cliff. but i give you the view. >> i do have a little bit of a view. it does rest in the 76% number. there are still u a significant number of opportunities for donald trump ahead. folks, this is june. i know it looks awful right now. but there is a space to learn and i think he's going to try to do that. how much he does remains to be seen. you have time between now and the convention, there's a lot of
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work. but the 76% number is something you have to keep in the back of your mind about how americans are are looking at shaking up washington and if that's going to be a driver going forward. the second is thing is i don't get the whole elizabeth warren thing. i'm sorry, from everything i have read and heard privately and publicly, there's not a whole lot of love between elizabeth warren and hillary clinton to begin with. they may collaborate on this, but i don't see those two powerful personalities teaming up as a ticket this fall. i think that's a big question for the country to look at. >> that's how men think. >> that's not how men think. i'm hearing that from women. so it's not just about how men think here. >> that's women 30 years ago. >> i think the way hillary clinton thinks and i'm with you on this, michael steele. the way hillary clinton thinks is she doesn't need anymore drama. i think that's why tim cain will
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be her selection. >> him or perez is my top choice for her as well. that's an opportunity for hillary to leverage an elizabeth warren to her advantage as much as possible. but as a ticket, not happening. >> i think it will. i think it should. >> we have to go to prompter now. still ahead, you think it will happen? >> i do too. >> do you think? >> i have said it all along. i think it should. can i get a yes? so we can go to break? >> yes. >> still ahead, new polling that says donald trump in a free fall. nearly as many people hold their nose when they vote as being excited about their candidate. chuck todd will join the conversation, when we return on "morning joe."
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thank you, hillary clinton, for possibly becoming the first president. i would have said female but someone deleted the e-mail. >> where's my music? >> thank you, congress, for spending eight years wishing you could replace me with a republican. or to put it another way, how do you like me now? >> welcome back to "morning joe." that's pretty funny. it's friday, june 10th. still with us onset is legendary
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column i columnist donny deutsch. take it off. take it off. >> don't do that. >> managing editor john heilemann. in washington we have chairman of the republican national committee michael steele. also columnist, associate editor of the "washington post" eugene robinson. we also have political reporter robert costa. >> just get rid of the jacket. >> i need a pul iitzer prize on to back me. up this is to the male candy stripers working in o hospitals. >> you look like an ice cream truck guy. >> he's the good humor man. >> you make us sick.
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>> that's awful. >> that was just mean. >> totally uncalled for. >> we talked about the week donald trump has on the campaign trail and there's evidence that it's taking a political toll. >> what's wrong with him? >> we have a new fox news national poll taking sunday through wednesday. what does it show? >> hillary clinton ahead of trump, 42% to 39%. that's inside the margin of error, but it is a 6-point drop for trump. something is happening. i predict more. among independents, he still leads clinton 35% to 30%, but he's down 11 points in that the key voting group. majorities believe clinton and trump do not have -- >> we'll get to the integrity part in a second. but first, jeanne robinson, a 6-point drop among independents. and this is even before democrats started to come together this week. we expect even more in the
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future. >> 11-point drop among independents. that's not just significant. that's getting towards fatal territory i think. why wouldn't it continue to tell you the truth. given the way trump has performed the last couple weeks and as you said democrats are gearing up now so you're going to have elizabeth warren out there. you're going to have biden out there. you have the president out there. and bernie will be out there at some point. this is a bad period for donald trump and this could be the stretch where he just loses. >> i think it's fatal. >> couldn't get much worse. as john heilemann wrote in 2012, the obama campaign effectively finished mitt romney's campaign in may. >> may or june, well before the convention. >> they had defined him.
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bob costa, give us reporting of what's going on inside the trump campaign right now. i talked to insiders, not especially pleased with the direction it's going. does anybody in the campaign have donald trump's ear enough to change things? >> you see trump talking more now to the republican national committee, talking to party leaders, seeming to acknowledge he needs to become more disciplined not just on the front but his overall message. a big test is how talks are going with planning for the convention. can trump reintroduce himself to the country in cleveland this july. >> haven't we already had this talk before where trump is going to prove he could discipline himself more? after wisconsin we saw it for a couple weeks. but that was it. >> this is the unpredictable trump. the thought inside of trump tower in he can overwhelm the
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media and the news cycle. this point the problem for trump is he has a lot of the party wary. the people he needs to be rallying are nervous about him. >> does that include the big fundraisers. trump is raising more money than in the past. the financial network that community of donors that are reluctant to get behind him in a big way. >> a lot of those people are in utah at mitt romney's annual gathering. you have some of the biggest givers in republican politics. mike has talked to republican donors at events over the past several weeks. almost a state of despair. the refusal to really give significant amounts to this guy. >> the interesting aspect of that is you're right. i talked to five or six very
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wealthy republican donors about a week and a half ago. each of them individually have a similar message to vote for anybody but hillary clinton. usually you hear from people like that. they were with donald trump earlier, but now they have backed away. why? the universal reason independently was embarrassment. >> so this is interesting. the poll shows that majorities believe clinton and trump do not have the integrity to serve effectively. 54% saying no, 58% for trump. if we can stop here, this is where elizabeth warren really serves a purpose. because trump is going to continue. the one thing trump will do is attack hillary clinton's integrity and will use the kernels of truth from her story from the e-mails to benghazi to personal stuff. elizabeth warren brings to the table not only integrity, but a
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history of fighting for the very sector of voters that bernie sanders really has a grip on. she created the the financial protection bureau. she was run out by republicans. she went to the senate and said i'm coming back. how it takes advantage of americans. she's been working for her entire career. and hillary clinton telling her story would give such credibility to those voters who question whether or not she's really there for them. >> you look at the integrity question and it's a sin gn of weakness. "wall street journal," the clinton e-mails have to do with the secretive drone program but donald trump tweeting about trump university and other things.
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>> the number that hillary has to offset is she has 74% has the knowledge to be president. >> clinton for ahead of trump on the knowledge issue. >> so clearly that's this offsetting penalty on that one. i'm fascinated come monday night, trump is giving a speech monday. it's the first time he's going public. he says he's going to more than ever go after the clintons. i think trump's response right now is going to more than ever, it's going to backfire. it's going to bring bill back and seem so thin at this point. i don't e know what bullets trump uses because if he goes back to old trump and comes out firing and nastier than ever, it rings weak at this point as
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oppose d to offensive. he's never been on defense before. i don't know how he plays defense. u don't know if he's ever played defense his entire life. i don't think it's in his dna. >> he's going to go out tonight. the big speech is monday night. we'll see how that works. there's also a question about who will shake things up in washington. that's a critical issue. >> 37% believe clinton can while 76% say trump will. but the question is how at this point. >> in 2016 that's not a bad number to be 30 points ahead on. >> there are two things that trump has going for him. if you dial back two two weeks ago when the polls were even despite his issues with women and hispanics, he represents to a lot of voters change more than hillary clinton does. even though she's an historic
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figure. she's been around forever. she's seen as a change agent and these questions about her trustworthiness and character. those were the big dynamics that favored trump. but again, we have seen there are all these other offsetting things and the last two weeks are conceivably likely to be a big turning point in this race. >> we'll go to bob. >> i u think john heilemann is spot on. when you talk to republicans on capitol hill, i was here yesterday talking to a lot of them, trump doesn't have a traditional organization. he's alienating women and young people and he's scaring off a lot of minority voters. but their u only hope is that he does represent some kind of change and that in spite of all his vulgarities and mistake, if the voters are looking for change, maybe republicans can ride this wave with this person.
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there's a lot of hesitation. the democrats believe there's so many vulnerabilities. is this a change election or is this about donald trump's character and that's going to be a deciding factor. >> how are you the change candidate when young voters are overwhelmingly against you, women are against you, fastest growing demographic group hispanics are against you. demographics is destiny when you pile that much up. >> change works when it's a blank piece of paper. that's what barack obama had. bill clinton had. change doesn't work when the blank piece of paper is dangerous and scary. particularly when suburban women voters are usually the swing and go more risk averse. this is change, but change to danger versus change to the unknown. >> nobody wants that. >> one thing that even barack obama understood when he ran in 2008 is he said i'm like this blank sheet of paper that
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everybody can project their hopes and their wishes on to. they can define it the way they want to define it. donald trump, for better or for worse and over the past two weeks people would say is defined as you get. >> exactly. that's a big problem for him. if this is at this point this early a referendum on donald trump and on donald trump's fitness to be president, then donald trump loses. i don't think at this point he can win an election that's just a referendum on his fitness for offi office. he's given too much evidence of a lack of fitness, a lack of propriety and being a loose canon. his aim, clearly, is to make more of a referendum on hillary clinton's fitness for office. but at the moment, she's winning that definition battle. democrats are winning that battle and trump is helping them. he's defining himself. >> and missing massive
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opportunities to push his campaign forward. here's nbc news's andrea mitchell speaking with paul ryan yesterday as he continues to try to balance criticizing trump for being racist while still standing by him. >> look, i think his stage presence is something that's different than what i would do, but my personal interactions i find them to have an even temperament. >> you have even said that what he said about judge curiel was a textbook racism, but you can say he's okay to be president. >> there's no justifying those comments. i was very clear about that. not just republicans, we all should disavow comments like that. i'm glad he walked it back. this is a long campaign with a long way to go. he has a ways to go to give us a campaign we can all be proud of. >> he didn't walk it back.
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>> we know paul ryan. love paul ryan. >> paul ryan is wrong here. >> this is pretty sad. >> it's sad. that donald trump would tweet. >> a guy i have known and liked and respected for years. >> internally, everybody understands and the house of representatives and politics how difficult a position he's in now trying to manage a crowd of republican representatives and maintain control of house, but it's still sad watching a guy who supposedly has strong principles walking away from a critical piece of the principles. you can't be for and against trump. republicans can't have it both ways. if it you say you intend to cast your ballot for donald trump, that's an endorsement. you can be for him or against him, but not both. i realize that republican officials are in an impossible position, more are appalled by
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trump but beholden to a gop base that made trump its clear choice in the primaries. only few have dared to say they cannot vote for this man as president. so far it seems inevitable there will be more at least he's not hillary clinton goes the republican refrain. that's certainly true. strip away the party labels and you have one candidate who is qualified to be president and one who manifestly is not and, again, we revert back to paul ryan, the speaker of the house and the difficult position he's in and he's in exactly what you described. >> he's in a world of hurt right now because he is the highest ranking republican official. he's got some juice, though. e he has leverage. i agree with what joe was saying earlier about paul ryan could be playing a much more active role here, i think, in at least trying to get trump under
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control. now there's a philosophical question here as to whether just getting trump to pretend to be a reasonable candidate for a a few weeks. whether that accomplishes anything. the man is who he is. he turned 70 years old next week. he's not going to change, i think. and so in that sense, maybe it's a fool's errand. but when did trump walk it back? >> robert costa, can you give us reporting on the thinking of what paul ryan has done over the past week? >> i have covered paul ryan for the past few years. this is an ideological person, a popular guy in the house of representatives who relished being on the sidelines of american politics. a committee chairman, someone who didn't have to be in the red hot center, took the vice presidential nod for a few
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months and now he has this speaker's gavel. he's doing what so many other people in the party are doing. if you have power and you're in leadership, you have to be a party man. you're under the pressure to preserve the party. you can't just make a moral, individual choice. you have to think about the party. that's what so many republicans are going through right now and they are uncomfortable about it. >> donald trump could not be further from where paul ryan is on issues like entitlements, on issues like trade, issues like foreign policy. if paul ryan is a guy that is thinking of running in 2020, how does he survive this intact? >> he may or may not. it's not for me to say at the moment. but paul ryan has to make a choice. is he the speaker of the conservative movement or is he a speaker of the house of representatives in the head of the republican party? that's the tension.
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he would rather be the person grading policy and thinks of himself as a conservative. but this republican project is another project that's different than movement conservatism. the question is now can the republican project be preserve ed as we know it. >> robert costa, eugene robin n robinson, thank you. a private meeting in the white house with president obama, which was fitting since they are both beloved political figures who are just a few months away from being president. >> chris jansing joins the table to take us inside bernie sanders' meeting with top democrats in washington. and chuck todd joins us as well. and later republican congressman peter king is our guest. you're watching "morning joe," we'll be right back.
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i know how hard this job can be. that's why i know hillary will be so good at it. in fact, i don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. >> i u am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for hillary clinton to become the next president of the united states. and to make sure u that donald trump never gets any place close to the white house. >> she's got the courage, the compassion and the heart to get the job done. i say that as somebody who had had to debate her more than 20 times. >> anybody who thinks that whoever the next president is and god willing it will be hillary clinton, but whoever the next president is, i don't say that for political reasons. >> those were three high profile endorsements hillary clinton pick ed up yesterday. all day yesterday was in washington beginning his series of high profile meetings with the president in the white house. >> let me begin by thanking president obama and thanking vice president biden for the
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degree of impartiality they established during the course of this entire process. what they said u in the beginning is that they would not put their thumb on the scales, and in fact, they kept they word and i appreciate that very much. needless to say, i am going to do everything in my power, and i will work as hard as i can, to make sure that donald trump does not become president of the united states. >> he also conferred with the vice president, harry reid and chuck smoochumer. he capped his day with a rally. gone were the biting talking points about superdelegates, a path to the nomination and contested convention in philadelphia. joining us at the table senior white house correspondent chris jansing, who has been covering the bernie sanders campaign. and in washington political director and moderator of "meet
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the press" chuck todd. so bernie sanders, chris, it's not complete yet. he's still in the race. >> he said from the beginning over the last month when people were asking him to get out he was going to stay through all the contests and it had become increase willing i clear becoming this slow realization what the numbers were, what the reality of his situation was. but then it kind of went into hyper speed. i don't think there's any doubt there were phone calls from the president. biggest supporters in congress came out publicly, some of the big organizations that supported him came out publicly. it was clear that he had to make this move. nobody is ever really ready, especially when you have been going to these big rallies and 10,000 people are screaming. but yesterday was a good day for him because he felt as though he got the respect of the president being in the oval for an hour. joe biden spent an hour and a half with him u. capitol hill he was getting
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encouraging feedback. now the tough part begins. what do you do with all this? >> how do you corral. chuck todd, looking not only at what's happening with bernie sanders, but elizabeth warren and hillary clinton are meeting privately today. tell us your thoughts on what that is about and how valuable she could be to the campaign. >> number one, elizabeth warren has proved her value so far in just her comfort and aggressiveness to bait donald trump. i think that the clinton campaign loves any surrogate willing to do that. i think right now this meeting today, one of the things that i think many people may not realize is hillary clinton and elizabeth warren don't know each other well. they never served together in the senate. she got elected in 2012. hillary clinton left the state department in january of 2013. so they have never had any professional interaction. yes, they have met a few times,
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but if she is going to seriously consider warren as a vp, then the meeting they are having this morning needs to be the first of many. because if you know hillary clinton, she's not going to pick somebody she doesn't know. >> elizabeth warren was the first, i think, speaker i had at my know your value events. and the room exploded when she walked in. i think she's got something not just what bernie sanders appeals to his voters or his supporters because many of them didn't turn out to the polls, but she definitely has a following. i think that could be effective. here's elizabeth warren on the attack. >> like all federal judges, he's bound by the federal code of judicial ethics not to respond to these attacks. trump is picking on someone who is ethically bound not to defend
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himself. exact ly what you would expect from a thin-skinned racist bully. [ applause ] donald trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and who serves no one but himself. you, donald trump, are a total disgrace. you shame u yourself and you shame this great country. and we will not allow a small, insecure, thin-skinned tyrant or his allies in the senate to destroy the rule of law in the united states of america. we will not. >> where do you think that comes from? it comes from everything she's worked for all her life. >> same as bernie sanders. that's why she appeals to his supporters. i think there's a trifecta with her, at least to the people i
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have talked to. one is that she has this charisma. she really does draw people in, as you found with know your value. two, she can go on the attack and be effective. and i hear this again and again with bernie sanders voters what would make you come over, many say it's elizabeth warren. they feel she and bernie are for something. they are for the $15 minimum wij. they are for campaign finance reform. they are for things people feel have made the middle class oppressed. >> a little bit of an outsider in her without being frightening. like the republicans. >> i want to ask chuck about what we talked about earlier in the show. to me, the 96 hours on the democratic side has been a marble of political orchestration and cooperation between the white house and the brooklyn headquarters of the hillary clinton campaign. talk about that a little bit. it seems to me at the degree to
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which they are interlocking and intwined is a huge advantage that hillary clinton has going forward. >> i totally agree. add in the fact nothing helps rallying a party and uniting a party together like the outgoing president having an approval rating over 50%. the opponent in the middle of an implosion self-inflicted at this point. essentially, democrats smell blood in the water. there's almost an enthusiastic aspect to this by democrats saying, yeah, let's hurry up and get on board and start going after trump. there's an opening here. they can go for the kill now. so don't dodd l, don't wait, don't ring your hands. there was none of that. the staff coordination is one thing. don't overlook the fact that it's a lot easier to unite, it's easier for president obama to play the role he's playing when he's got an approval rating on the rise, not declining. >> it's a lot easier, also, when
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the opponent has done something so colossally damaging to himself. hasn't dialled it back, doubled down with a lie. he's got about four or five statements he's made during the primary process that people let go because they were attached to some sort of kernel of truth that perhaps connected with primary voters. this is different. this is completely different. this was like two shots in the foot. it's done. >> i would say it's only anecdotal, but over the last month when i have spent time with bernie sanders and supporters, it's gone from not a small amount of people who would consider donald trump to last night or last couple of days virtually impossible to find someone who says, well, if bernie is not in the race, i'm going for donald trump. that trajectory has changed. >> trump people have said can't do it anymore. can't do it anymore. it's just too painful.
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chris jansing, thank you very much. chuck todd, who do you have on "meet the press" this weekend? >> we're going to dive into how to build a presidential campaign with david plouffe and steve smith and compare how they are doing it. then we have an interesting thing at the top. we can't reveal it yet. >> okay, well, that's a tease. coming up, thank you, chuck. bill clinton on the campaign trail. "full house" on tv and doc martins on teens feet. it's feeling like the ' 0s. add to the '90s throwbacks a new fascinating look at the watched trials of all time. we'll be join ed by the film maker behind the incredible new series on o.j. simpson. what do doctors from
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clinton's personal life 30 years ago. >> that's why bullets have been taken away. his game has been bang, bang, i'll call you a name, talk about this. because now the light is on him, we have never seen that and never seen him in the mode. the more he shoots, the weaker he seems. >> the campaign is no longer about clinton or low energy bush. it's about donald trump. >> he's put the spotlight on himself. anything he says about the clintons doesn't have the shock value. >> until he talks about himself. >> donald trump returns to the campaign trail tonight kicking off a week of rallies and appearances. trump is headed to richmond, virginia, the first stop in a battleground tour. he's scheduled to appear in florida and pennsylvania tomorrow before going on to new hampshire on monday. and at his speech at new hampshire on monday, trump is expected to unveil that new speech on hillary clinton. up next, we'll get congressman
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peter king to tell us what he's hoping to hear from his party's nominee. >> he was with him from the very beginning. he just loves him. >> live from capitol hill. sir, this aln life form is growing at an alarm. growing fast, you say? we can't contain it any long... oh! you know, that reminds me of how geico's been the fastest-growing auto insurer for over 10 years straight. over ten years? mhm,
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it brakes when you don't. forward collision waing and autonomous emergency braking. available on the redesigned passat. from volkswagen. all this has to be taking a toll on donald. if you slow his videos down, it seems like he's running out of steam. >> this is 100% hillary clinton who lies, i mean, she lies. >> wow, he's really lost his step. it's the sort of thing you don't realize. you're seeing it from the beginning of the campaign. >> joining us now from capitol
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hill, republican congressman peter king from new york. >> you were with donald trump from day one. always said he'd make the best president shs the best representative of the republican party. what do you say now? >> actually, all kidding aside, i was very critical of donald trump throughout the primary season. but right now, two choices. donald trump or hillary clinton. >> why don't you run as an independent? >> if you'd be my vice president, i'll do it. >> let's do it. >> here we go. >> but here's the problem, though. you know this. and people around you know this. when you have republicans saying, which is what they are saying right now, yeah, he's a racist, but he's not hillary clinton. that's not something -- i know you. you can't live with that. so what's the alternative? >> first of all, i don't accept that he's a racist. i barely know donald trump. you know him better than i do. but i know people that work with him who know him u and they have
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had tough business dealings with him. he can be a rough guy u in the board room, but there's not a hint of racism. i make a decision between a racist and -- he's almost 70 years old. he's been in the public life and no one has come up with any type of racism at all. whether it's country clubs, society. >> considering that, though, congressman, he made a racist comment. and then he doubled down on it. and then he said he didn't want to talk about it anymore. then he said his words were misconstrued. so then he made a racist comment and lied about it instead of apologize iing for it. isn't that a problem in terms of his fitness to lead? >> it's definitely a problem. if we're going to look at this, try to look at it objectively. it's deplorable. but on the other hand, you have the inspector general's report and hillary clinton and if that is accurate -- that report ba
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basically shows that american lives were at risk. she didn't tell the truth about it. to me, that goes just as much to your character as being president as a remark about a judge who is an american hero. >> congressman, it's donny deutsch. you're my favorite republican. >> i love that jacket, by the way. >> thank you very much. isn't a simple statement branding 1.4 million people that they are not allowed in this country and all muslims are this? is that not a racist comment? >> i wouldn't have said it and i've been critical of elements of the muslim community. you have donald trump exaggerating. what he should have said is that people coming from countries where there's islamist terror threat should be subjected to more scrutiny than if they were coming from a country where there's no terror threats. donald trump is giving to
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hyperbole. what e he said about the reporter was wrong. but again, that was all known during the primaries. this added comment about the mexican-american judge or the judge born in indiana whose parents are mexican was wrong. but again, i think it's part of donald trump not having a faciliilter. again, i go back to the fact i spoke with so many people who say they have never seen a hint of racism in him. his remarks are wrong. it's going to hurt us as a party. my other concern here is there's no political organization right now. there's no campaign organization. and i think hillary clinton is a vulnerable candidate. i think this is a race republicans can win. whether it's the supreme court, military, police, i do stand with what donald trump says he's going to do. but these are not the best choices in the world that we
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have. >> congressman, you know that we like you despite your playing up to donny deutsch and his jacket. you're almost a democrat. we really like you. >> you're killing me, mike. >> i understand what you just said about donald trump. you don't believe he's a racist. we get that. but you've also said that part of what donald trump says or, quote, careless and reckless. so my question to you is we're voting for president of the united states. do you want to see careless and reckless as qualities in a president? >> the alternative is what we saw in the inspector general's report. i have a great regard for hillary clinton personally. you're talking about something where security was put at risk. we can go through other instances whether it's benghazi or others where there are real questions about hillary clinton's capacity to be president. to me, we know what donald trump is saying. on the larger issues, on supreme court, building up the military,
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having a tougher stand against isis, these are not the choices i would have looked for. i supported jeb bush, marco rubio and john kasich. i'm the kiss of death. those three and i endorsed donny deutsch's jacket. >> doubling down on the jacket. >> he's 0 for 4, folks. >> michael steele has a question. >> congressman, i made the point earlier that this is june. the convention is in five weeks. does donald trump, in your view, you have known him, as you just said, to the point where you don't e see him as a racist. you have never heard him make those kinds of comments. is there a capacity for him to change at 70 years old? can he make the pivot? not change in the broad sense, but knowing what he's up against right here now, is he able to make this shift to actually put together the campaign that he needs to put together for the republicans to win in november? and listen to people who can help him do that?
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>> that remains to be seen, but he has to do it. if there's a silver lining from last week, as bad as that week was, hillary clinton's numbers did not go up. his went down. he dropped 6 points. she stayed at 42%. there's still the opportunity if he can turn this around. he has to get a campaign team and realize this is not the same as the "the apprentice" and dealing with the american people is not the republican primary voter when you have 15 or 16 opponents or when you are going one-on-one like ted cruz who was the perfect opponent for donald trump. hillary clinton is a great campaigner, she can be. she has. bad moments too. but he's in the big leagues now. he has to be able to moderate and turn this around. otherwise, it's going to be a tough november. he can do it, but it's going to be tough. >> peter king, it's great to have you with us. >> thank you, peter. >> still to come, you are a
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warrior. vice president biden's emotional message to the young woman at the center of a high u profile rape case at stanford university. we'll talk about that story, straight ahead on "morning joe." ♪ using 60,000 pnts from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at
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latest. >> reporter: new evidence found in court papers reveal another side of star swimmer brock turner caught in lies about his drug and drinking use. multiple texts found on his personal cell phone by investigators. one text to a friend turner says oh, dude, i did acid with blank last week. in the months before the sexual assault of an unconscious female on stanford's camp urks a text asking, do you think i can buy some wax so we can do some dabs referring to marijuana oil. this a contrast to the clean-cut image he presented. turner write, i was an inexperienced drinker and party-goer and blaming the swim team for a party culture saying i just accepted these things they showed me as normal. turner says he drank too much but never meant to hurt the victim and what he did was consensual. protests are planned for graduation sunday as public support for the victim continues to grow.
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>> i didn't eat. i didn't sleep. >> around the world, women and men now reading the victim's powerful statement to the court as a rallying cry against sexual assaults. vice president joe biden also joining the chorus. he writes, a lot of people failed you, add, i believe you. it's not your fault. at least one letter of character support for turner withdrawn. his high school counselor apologizing saying he should be held accountable. >> i'm truly sorry for the additional pain my statement has caused. while outrage continues to mount against the judge over the six-month sentence, turner expected to serve only 90 days. there's been criticism of the judge in this case. members of the public defenders office and the district attorney have come to his defense saying that while they disagreed with his decision in the sentencing, he should not be removed from office. >> maybe he has mexican heritage. is that possible? >> we want to read more of what vice president joe biden wrote in his open letter to that
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woman. he wrote i do not know your name but your words are forever seared on my soul. words that should be required reading for men and women of all ages. words that i wish with all of my heart you never had to write. i'm filled with furious anger both that this happened to you and that our cult surstill so broken that you were ever put in the position of defending your own worth. it must have been wrenching to relive what he did to you all over again. but you did it anyway in the hope that your strength might prevent this crime from happening to someone else. your bravery is breathtaking. you are a warrior with a solid steel spine. i join your global chorus of supporters because we can never say enough to survivors. i believe you. it is not your fault. >> what a hero she is. >> incredible case. and a lot of -- a lot of different issues there. the drug use and the -- all
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those things. the worst -- >> this kid is only going to serve 90 days. now criminal is that. >> yep. go ahead. >> yesterday we were talking with senator coburn about character. character is an important aspect of an individual. in the news report that we just played on the stanford athlete on the swim team. one of his excuses in addition to, i was drinking, i wasn't used to drinking. i wasn't a party goer. is to take his teammates on the swim team and throw them under the bus. >> exactly. up next, new numbers out this morning suggest donald trump is taking a hit for his attacks on that federal judge. down six points among republicans and nearly double among independents. plus, nbc's hallie jackson on reporting on a small business orn who says he has 30,000 reasons not to vote for trump and has to do with the mogul not paying up. "morning joe" is back in a minute. trolling for a gig with braindrone?
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donald trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and who serves no one but himself. you, donald trump, are a total disgrace. you shame yourself and you shame this great country. and we will not allow a small, insecure thin-skinned wannabe tyrant or his allies in the senate to destroy the rule of law in the united states of america. we will not.
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>> well, now, good morning. it is friday, june 10th. welcome to "morning joe." >> that was something. >> yeah. >> brisk. >> it was brisk. >> she kept going. >> did she really? >> she perunched and punched. >> i became a huge elizabeth warren fan last night. she goes after trump in a way that is better and to me better than -- it's vicious. it's genuine. >> why do you think it's better than other people? >> it comes from the gut, and i think she has a street-fighting way that is genuine and real and for the first time, i was looking -- boy, her and hillary together, that would be an interesting ticket. for the first time i said, wow, much in the same way clinton and gore had -- two southern -- >> younger. >> i was like, i wouldn't want to tangle with those two together. >> john heilemann, you hearing that? hillary and elizabeth warren may
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be a ticket? >> i've thought when you came down to it she'd be on the very top of the short list. she may not be the vice president or the running mate, but she'll be in that three or four people that clinton will -- >> just in their meeting this morning, where, alex? washington. >> maybe one of a thousand predictions you'd get right if that happens. i don't know if she's trying out or that just comes from the gut, but -- >> oh, that's comes from her. >> really? >> she's been doing this for a whul. those two things are mutually exclusive. comes from the gut and trying out. >> the way she's approaching things and -- >> one other element that none of the republican candidates running in the primaries against donald trump had. she's fearless. >> yeah. >> they feared him. she does not fear him. >> mika, that is the thing as you look at that. the difference between what we
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saw yesterday and what we've seen throughout this entire process is you've had republicans afraid to cross donald trump, even now, afraid to cross donald trump after he makes what they call racist comments. and they're still afraid to cross him. still afraid to say -- they'll say you're racist but we're going to endorse you anyway because they still fear donald trump. fear has been driving this party and its reaction to donald trump since august and they keep paying for it. >> they've let everybody down. >> you have four reasons why she makes a good running mate. one, she's -- if it's a street fight, she's a street fighter. two, she helps with the bernie voters in a way no one else does with millennial progressives. three, she helps widen the gender gap and, four, she's the historic kind of like if you'll double down on history, not just on the chemistry but, let's go. if we're going to have a woman
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president, let's have a woman ticket. >> they actually work together. >> with us on set, we have legendary columnist -- >> legendary! >> msnbc contributor mike barnicle, renowned ad man, donny deutsch and co-host of "with all due respect," john heilemann. >> in washington, we have former chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele and msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt covering the clinton campaign. >> mika, let's talk about the collective scar tissue and what impact it's had on this race, at least to this point. >> well, i think -- >> on donald trump this past week. >> i think at this point, especially last night when you heard from warren. you heard from the president and biden. it was an awful night for the republicans. and i don't say that with glee because i think -- >> it sounded like she did. >> it sounded like fleglee, micl
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steele. >> let's get to the news and then we'll talk about this. >> if there was any glee there it's because there's some leaders there, including donald trump, who have completely let america down. so i'm really glad that somebody stood up to it. we've talked about the tough week donald trump has had on the campaign and now there is evidence that all of this has taken a toll. the fox news national poll taken from sunday through wednesday shows hillary clinton ahead of trump 42% to 39%. that's inside the margin of error, but it is a six-point drop for trump since last month. among independents, he still leads clinton, 35% to 30%, but he is down 11 points since last month in that key voting group. the poll shows that mairjoritie believe that clinton and trump do not have the integrity to serve effectively. but clinton is far ahead of
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trump on the knowledge to serve effectively. on the question of who will shake things up in washington, only 37% believe clinton can and 76% say trump will. still 47% happy to vote for their candidate in the fall and 43% say they'll do it holding their nose. all good for elizabeth warren as well. >> let's start, john heilemann, trump down six points since last month. down 11 points among independents. this obviously is having a -- taking a toll on him. >> predictably so. i mean, doesn't diminish it at all. the thing that's dangerous for trump right now is that that is all prior to the stuff that's happened on the democratic side this week. so he's lost those six points have been all self-inflicted six-point loss. now you'll see hillary clinton get the bump. >> that's the loss before the
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bump of bernie meeting with obama and obama endorsing hillary and the democrats coming together. and here you have, donny deutsch, donald trump down 11 points among independents over the past month. he's lost 11 points. still ahead among independents, but a key group for him. >> yeah. >> and he's bleeding support. >> you have hillary with four horsemen, bill clinton, barack obama, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. trump was quiet all week. the quietest since basically the primaries. he's going to come out monday night. he's already tipped it's going to be this very anti-clinton speech. when he's backed in a corner, his modus oprandus is going to get even nastier. that's going to backfire. i have a prediction. he has never been in the public eye as getting bashed. he's not used to that.
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i could actually see him -- see where this story ends. at some point him bowing out and going home. i don't see him -- if you look at every president -- >> that would be thin-skinned. >> if you look at bob dole, al gore, mitt romney, these people end up getting labeled losers, which they shouldn't. they ran for the highest office in the world. and donald trump, i don't think in his -- to me, i think at some point, the way this ends -- >> you think he might just -- >> i think he takes his toys and goes home. >> mike barnicle, i've heard other people say that, too. the difference between donald trump and these other guys, when you talk about bob dole or mitt romney or whomever -- >> i'm saying unfairly labelled that way. >> they were politicians for life. that's their life's work. donald trump has talked about it, joked about it, but somebody very close to trump and the organization said, always remember, always remember it's not about politics. it's all about the brand. it's all about -- >> his brand is getting beat up.
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>> his brand is getting savaged. this last week has been the worst week for the brand. and if it continues, you know, and if he gets branded a monumental loser, who knows what happens. >> what you do here in this small town/big town here in manhattan from various people who know trump, who have had business with trump is that he is acutely sensitive to the brand. that's the most important aspect of his life, who he is and that he measures every political statement he makes and every political appearance he makes blended in with, is this going to help or hurt the brand. that is his, i think, ultimate downfall. at the end of the day, the level of self-absorption within donald j. trump that is there today, was there 30, 40, 50 years ago, it inhibits him from talking about the country. talking about how he -- >> look at trump university. i mean, michael steele, talk
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about self-inflicted wounds. he's down, we can show this poll. he's down 11 -- minus 11 over the past month with independe e independents. down minus 6 with all voters since the last month. and so much has to do with him obsessing over a battle with an indiana judge over trump university. not over any issue that matters to americans. or to republicans. or to conservatives. it's something that matters to him and him alone. >> yeah, joe. i suspect that he'll be down another five points by this time next week once, as you guys discuss, the numbers settle in after this week, which has been a phenomenal week for hillary clinton and the democratic party. which, unfortunately, if you had a different nominee or a nominee with a different mind-set, not talking about a personal legal matter, but rather talking about the 38,000 jobs from last month, talking about the ig report, talking about, you know, trade and other issues that have
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palpable impact on the democratic nominee -- >> can i stop you there for a minute, michael. can you believe the ig report that came out talking about hillary clinton playing fast and loose with information regarding drone strikes -- >> yep. >> as top secret as it gets. >> yep. amazing. >> and we have a republican nominee that -- he's talking about trump university. >> talking about, yeah. >> are you kidding me? that would be dominating the week but for donald trump's own self-absorbed campaign. >> i adopted the bernie sanders line and said, you know, we don't care about your damn university, or damn lawsuit. talk about the fact that you have these things that are third party indictments against hillary clinton and her cozy, you know, assuming the obama agenda on the economy. all right. so the 38,000 jobs are yours. >> you're right. you talk about that, michael.
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you're exactly right. one of the most abysmal job reports we've had and it's responded to by one tweet. >> listen, i mean, the campaign is running stupid. >> there is no campaign. >> it's running stupid. >> there's no campaign -- i don't even know how to say local politics. >> i said in my private conversation with him when he was about to win iowa. he said can you believe this? i said, dude, i know you want to win. do you actually want to be president? change the subject. he is -- i am going to say it again. he's not going to be on that ticket. >> we've always been friendly with him. absolutely radio silence since this judge thing. he cannot be told he is wrong. i will say one is wrong when he is wrong. this is wrong. it shouldn't be done. you should apologize. like i can't get over it. i'm sorry. >> that's not his brand. can't do it. you're right. >> nor than a lot of people. this campaign is going down hill. i predict the next polls are
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even worse. this guy -- >> this guy is deep-sixing his campaign. >> the republicans who are reaching out to me, also to you -- >> oh, my gosh. my phone is going crazy. >> just are absolutely stunned. >> they can't -- and chris christie, walk away. put down your pens, your barks take your jacket off and walk out of that campaign before you ruin your future. which kind of -- >> he's ruined it already. >> but he ought to make -- paul ryan, what's wrong with you? >> let me tell you -- >> what's wrong with these people? >> let me tell you what republicans are yearning for. at least a good number of republicans. one person. >> just -- >> just one person. it's not paul ryan. because paul ryan said, i'm for the racist because he's not hillary. he's not paul ryan. but just imagine what a chris christie standing up saying i got behind this guy because i believe that he understood what working class voters across new
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jersey and america, what -- >> you can change your mind. >> what they weren't hearing from the republican leader. i get behind for all the right reasons but you know what? >> he had won fair and square. >> he's just not following through on his commitment to me or to the republican voters, and i can't -- >> it's okay to do that. >> i am just saying, if somebody would do that it would make -- you talk about a shot in the arm for anybody politically. >> joe, if i could just -- i want to go back to something i think donny deutsch said talking about all of these politicians, ryan and others, fearing donald trump. they don't fear donald trump. donald trump is not the fear factor here. it's his -- the base of support. it's those 14 million voters that he's brought out. it is how that number of activists, you know, very strong supporters for donald trump respond from between now and the convention and the convention and the election. they haven't figured out how to
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distance themselves from trump and bring those voters in to something different. maybe another candidate or another way. >> how about this? we're for you. we're just not for donald trump's racist comments. >> there are formulas that can be used but they don't have -- >> the truth? the right thing? usually works out. donald trump responded to president obama's endorsement of hillary clinton on twitter. "obama just endorsed crooked hillary. he wants four more years of obama but nobody else does." the clinton campaign responded, delete your account. a popular internet expression for when someone has said something deeply inaccurate or tone deaf. as of this morning, it has over 375,000 retweets making it clinton's most popular tweet yet. trump later responded, how long did it take for your staff of 823 people to think that up. and where are your 33,000 e-mails that you deleted. rnc chairman reince priebus
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tweeted at clinton, if anyone knows how to use a delete key, it's you. sean spicer added whichever intern just sent this doesn't get it's not smart for you to talk about deleting anything. kasie hunt, wow. what a zinger on twitter. i've got to tell you, this would have been a great weak spot for hillary clinton. the campaign must be so relieved that there is no trump campaign that can think beyond donald trump's very thin skin and the criticism he's getting about the judge. >> the clinton campaign, i think, could not be in a better place to put it mildly. think about what we learned yesterday. so hillary clinton is going to walk out on the campaign trail. it's going to be her. it's going to be bill clinton. it's going to be president obama. it's going to be joe biden. elizabeth warren. and at this point it's probably also going to be bernie sanders. that is a formidable team. and right now they're up against a republican party that, frankly, can't stand behind its current nominee because of the
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things he has been saying. so the staff at headquarters yesterday was gathered around a couple of tvs they had there as they watched that video from president obama clapping and cheering. some of those aides have been with hillary clinton for a decade and they remember her crying in front of secret service agents when she lost the nomination to barack obama, almost eight years to the day since that actually happened. and now i think it really was a moment and been talking about vp speculation. one clinton aide told me that elizabeth warren has proven herself to be an attack dog against donald trump in a way that honestly, they are a little surprised by. they aren't ready to engage in more direct reported out vp speculation at this point but she put herself back on the radar in that way. >> we're talking about tweets going back and forth with tweets instead of a response to the ig report on acting fast and loose with classified information. >> it's campaign suicide.
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>> abysmal jobs report. >> just on terms of cold, hard political analysis and what we've watched, we all agree the republican side is in disarray. there is no trump campaign. think about the political difficulty of what the democratic side had to manage this week. the end of the nominating process. bernie sanders. will he fight on to philadelphia. what's going to in sanders' head? what do we have to orchestrate this week. yesterday, a great kind of delicacy. bernie sanders is now essentially said yesterday he's not going to fight on to philadelphia. he's going to eventually endorse hillary clinton. he's going to be on her side. doesn't take a decoder ring to figure that out based on what he said. they got him out of the race. they got the obama endorsement. you had biden and warren both beating donald trump senseless on television last night with
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powerful -- not surgical but powerful attacks that are on message. this is like a professional, high level professional political operation going on in the white house, in conjunction with the brooklyn headquarters of hillary clinton. that's how you run a presidential campaign. and this is the moment of highest vulnerability for the democratic ticket. they executed perfectly, flawlessly all week long while on the other side this state of complete disarray. >> and a response to all of that with a tweet. >> with a tweet. >> and there's one added ingredient to this that flew under the radar yesterday because of the nature of the endorsement from the president. but i am told, i've been told by several people within the white house, do not underestimate barack obama's eagerness to crush donald trump. not defeat him. crush him. off of partially the birth certificate flap. >> it's personal. >> yes. >> it's deeply personal about maintaining his legacy.
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he knows what's at stake but also it's really personal. in obama's mind, trump represents everything that's all of the darkness he's confronted over the last eight years because he's the most prominent exponent and voice for the birther thing. he wants -- he is going to be aggressive. >> and not only that, even though i would not be in this approval category. barack obama is, politically, a giant. >> right now. for sure. >> among very small politicians on both sides. still ahead on "morning joe," the headline is republicans see trump as a racist they can work with. >> ouch. >> that's great. >> we'll talk about margaret carlson's provocative new piece in bloomberg view. and david letter man on who he wanted to see fill his desk after his retirement.
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still to come -- hallie jackson joins us with a report that donald trump has stiffed people who helped him build up his companies. and later -- >> you know, actually, that is something that i've heard repeatedly from people through the years here. that they just don't work with him anymore because he doesn't pay bills, and he'll take their lawsuits. >> business style is, i owe you 70. you can sue me or -- >> you hear repeatedly that it's his people who he screws. plumbers, electricians. >> just like his staff who he called stupid. later his -- his campaign staff. "wired" magazine wonders how did they find this footage? espn films out with a documentary on o.j. simpson from his glory days on the field to
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♪ her biggest weakness is she cares too much. ♪ thank you. my friend really wants a job at ge. mine too. ♪ i'm a wise elf from a far off ire. ♪ and sanjay patel is who you should hire. ♪ thank you. seriously though, stacy went to a great school and she's really loyal. you should give her a shot. sanjay's a team player and uh...
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today" reports hundreds in business who accuse trump of not paying everything they were owed. it's raising questions about trump's history of dealing with the little guy. joining us with more from washington, nbc news correspondent hallie jackson. you've been digging deeper into these accusations. >> good morning. we had a chance to talk with a couple of these folks who back in the '80s were stiffed by donald trump's companies talking now, coming out and speaking publicly. one of them because he says his father who he claims lost his business would be embarrassed to see donald trump running for president right now. some powerful stories and i want you to take a look. at harrah's casino in trump plaza hotel, the original slot machines sat on bases built by the friels who won a contract for the construction in the '80s but lost more than $80,000 in the process. paul friel says they just never got paid in full. >> it absolutely was the
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beginning of the end. >> reporter: five years after finishing the work, the family business out of business. >> it hurt right up until the end when my father died nine years ago. he talked about it a lot. he was not proud to have been involved with donald trump. >> reporter: donald trump often points to his business skills as proof he can make america great again. but a new analysis of those business dealings shows friel is not alone. a special report discovering at least 60 lawsuits, plus hundreds of other liens and judgments over the last three decades from people who say trump and his businesses stiffed them. not just some of trump's own lawyers, but a dishwasher, a plumber, waiters and bartenders. lots of who you might call little guys. people like michael deal. back in the '80s he delivered to trump taj mahal $100,000 worth of grand pianos but only received $70,000 when the company refused to pay all of what it owed him. >> anybody running a small
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business, as an independent business person, that's a lot of money. it hurt. it was hard to get over. >> reporter: but the candidate and his daughter argue to "usa today" it's unfair to point to these instances of unpaid bills that it's blown out of proportion. paling in comparison to the thousands of checks trump companies cut each month. >> i have a great history of paying my bills on time. you're right, if someone does a poor job, i'm not the quickest payer. >> reporter: but for paul friel, even after the trump organization told his dad they did inferior work, he did more of it. >> if my father's work was really inferior, then why would the trump organization want him to work for the trump organization in the future? >> reporter: so the trump campaign directed us to statements from both trump and his daughter ivanka in "usa today" when we reached out to them for comment on all of this. you heard it there in the piece.
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trump makes the point these cases happened long ago. ivanka said it would be irresponsible if her father continued to pay contractors for work he simply didn't like. trump himself adding that that is the kind of attitude the country should have. guys? >> hallie jackson, thank you. joining us now, columnist for bloomberg view, margaret carlson. you write in bloomberg view, republicans see trump as a racist they can work with. and you write in part this. paul ryan and others are operating under the delusion that given little time, the sun will come out tomorrow with a combination of denial and some magical thinking. republican officials were thrilled when trump deigned to read from a telerompter at his victory speech at his new york country club on tuesday as if he were a toddler who finally agreed to try spinach. only senators mark kirk and lindsey graham are in the he's a racist, i'm not endorsing him. the collaborationists are in too
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deep. what with the date for nuptials set, the ball room rented and invitations sent, the groom has just -- the groom just has to avoid being racist. who cares that the marriage isn't for love, only convenience. at this point, the only chance of winning the white house is to go through with it. they'll worry about president trump tomorrow. that's day trading. and i just don't know. we've been talking about this for a couple of days now. i just don't understand why nobody on the side of this whole judge thing, meaning republicans who continue to endorse trump even though they think it's bad, or trump himself don't see the campaign collapsing before their eyes. i don't understand. >> just the way they say it is inkong ruous. remember "sesame street" one of these things doesn't belong here? donald trump is a racist. i support him. there's not a way to do it.
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paul ryan is the most disappointing because we actually think he believes in something, and he thinks he's jack kemp. >> i know. >> he's not jack kemp. the idea to -- mitch mcconnell pulled back the curtain and said if he'd only stay on script, revealing there's a script that can hide this that other politicians follow. do you remember todd akin. he did fine in this carefully sculpted congressional district. but then he runs for senate, and he forgets or doesn't have the script and says there's legitimate rape. you can't get pregnant and then loses the election. there is a script to hide, and i hate to use the word racism. there aren't that many racists in the party, but to hide views that will lose them votes. but they want to solidify the base. and donald trump doesn't want to get rid of this one. i watch hallie jackson.
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think about it. we all have people in our families, or at least i do, full of little guys who would have been duped by trump. who would have gone to the infomercial at trump university. if you read those depositions, there are hundreds of those people that you just showed who got gypped. >> well, same with some republicans in washington. they are getting gypped. they are getting scammed. if donald trump can't even say, wow, okay, i realize these comments sounded racist, that is not what i meant. >> that would have come down to the base or the new voters that the party can't alienate. they can't lose those unless they're going to get others, and they're not going to get the people that have been so demeaned by trump. so they have to hold on to that base that in the polls shows they don't think he's a racist. they don't mind the muslim ban. they love the wall. >> predict his poll numbers are
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going to go down after this. it's not just about racism. he lied. doubled down and pretended he didn't say it, that he was misconstrued. let's get the jake tapper sound bite just for fun for kicks. let's play it in the next block. i mean, he says -- >> he just keeps saying it. >> he can't help himself. now he wants to pretend it isn't there. i don't think americans, no matter what their feelings are in terms of base politics, i don't think they like that. you can't trust that. >> at the moment, the republican party is clinging to that. otherwise -- otherwise, they wouldn't say he's a racist. i'm supporting him. >> we're going to see our first woman president then. margaret, stay with us. still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> my fellow americans, our long national nightmare is over. >> our long national nightmare is over. >> our long national nightmare is over. >> our long national nightmare
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is over. >> our long national nightmare is over. letterman is retiring. >> you're just kidding, right? >> it has been just over one year since david letterson walked away from late night tv. tom brokaw will join us with his revealing discussion with the former late show host as well as how letterman feels about being on the sidelines for this presidential race. and a topic he reported on extensively, the o.j. simpson trial. "morning joe" is coming right back. e is. ♪ you see, we've got the power to turn back time ♪ ♪ so let's restart the show that started at nine ♪ ♪ and while we're at it, let's give you back your 'do ♪ ♪ and give her back the guy she liked before y ♪
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hmmmmm.m..... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. >> no, i don't. and it's interesting. i thought for sure i would. and then the first day of stephen's show, when he went on the air, an energy left me, and
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i felt like, it's not my problem anymore. and i've kind of felt that way ever since. i devoted so much time to the damage of other aspects of my life. the concentrated, fixated, focussing on that. it's good to not have that. i couldn't care less about late night television. i'm happy for the guys, men and women. there should be more women. and i don't know why they didn't give my show to a woman. that would have been fine. i'm happy for their success, and they're doing things i couldn't do. that's great. >> do they ask you about who should replace you? >> oh, no. they didn't ask me about anything. they were just happy i was go g going. >> david letterman speaking exclusively with tom brokaw about one year since retiring from late night tv. n tom joins us now. fun assignment. is it really a fun assignment? >> it was great. >> two friends. >> i proposed this to him about five months ago.
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when you get ready to come out, i think the indy 500 is a great place to do it. so i met him out there. got there on a friday night and stayed through sunday night. and it really was back home in indiana for dave. he feels strongly attached to the city, to growing up there. the values he learned there. he started in radio and television. now a part owner of an indy 500 team which is a big passion of his. so we went to his home, his high school. >> wow. >> the old burger joint where he'd hang out. he described how a bully one day beat him up. i said for no good reason? he said there must have been a reason i just don't know what it was. then we got to talking about this year. you have bernie sanders and hillary and donald trump. don't you miss being on the air? we had a little exchange about the political climate these days. >> you're not on the air during one of the wackiest, potentially dislocating election years of our lifetime.
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donald trump, hillary, bernie sanders. are there times you kind of say, i would like to be on tonight talking about that. >> i understand he's repugnant to people, but you tell me the men putting together the constitution witnessing this election, wouldn't they have just said, that's part of the way we set it up. good luck. >> you're absolutely right. he didn't cheat by getting the nomination. >> there's nothing illegal going on. he's despuk abidespicable. you hear great things about americans, anybody who grew up to be president. i guess might be true. >> you have known him longer than any of us here at the table have known him. he seems comfortable with himself, at peace with himself. what was your reaction to him? do you think he is -- >> absolutely. first of all, he is devoted to his son harry and wishes they'd
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started the whole process producing a child earlier. i'd like harry to have a brother or sister but it's too late for that. and they have a child's fantasy life. a ranch in montana. they go to the caribbean in the wintertime. >> sounds like you. >> come on. >> they go skiing. i did help him get the ranch in montana. he called me one day. i said where are you? he said i'm in wyoming. i said what are you doing? you're always talking about how great it is but i can't find anything that fits. i said come to montana and i steered him around. he bought a ranch in the northern part of the state. a big, big place on the edge of the wilderness. but he rides horses. he's become a really good horseman. he bought some more property. he's become a fly fishman and harry is at his side. that's quite touching to see that that brings him the peace of mind in his life as well. >> how a person retires is so indicative of mental health. if you can give up that center
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and then find happiness. i do miss, however, top ten reasons not to vote for donald trump. >> i know. he was a master of what he did. and i must say that tom hanks, marty short and that crowd are in awe of him. they were his friends, but they'd also say, he's a reverential figure for us. there's nobody better. when you went on the show, you had to be at the top of your game. they would preinterview. he'd throw it out immediately and just keep it coming. very bright guy. natively bright and interested in what's going on in the world. we also went to his high school. it was a college prep high school until he flunked algebra and they said maybe not. they sent him to a public speaking class and that began to transform what i wanted to do with my life. his friends always remember he was a prankster. always something going on of some kind. when you see him back home in indiana, it really is -- it
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really is who he is all about. >> wow. you can see the full interview on nbc's on assignment this sunday at 7:00 eastern. also at 10:00 p.m. pacific, tom brokaw looks amazing. stay with us. we want to get your reaction to this. good evening. o.j. simpson remains a fugitive from justice tonight. his whereabouts and his condition unknown. tonight, his lawyer shared with the public what he called a suicide note written by simpson shortly after he was informed he'd be charged with two counts of murder in the death of his wife and a young man with her at the time. >> the director of the new 30 for 30 documentary on o.j. simpson joins us. it's pretty clear why it blew away crowds at sundance. keep it right here on "morning joe."
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called me and said i've got some information. i need to get a search warrant. i need you to tell me if it sounds okay. he just summarized the evidence. and it was huge. okay. yeah. go ahead. get the search warrant. you're fine. and he said you know who it is. it's o.j. simpson. o.j. simpson? i was never into sports so i didn't even know what game he played. i thought he was a has-been. >> monday afternoon came around.
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simpson came back from chicago, and they handcuff him. >> it was quite surprising. your ex-husband is always a suspect in a case. okay. wow. here we go. >> wow. that was a look at o.j. made in america, the new 30 for 30 documentary. >> hello. >> joe is here. barnicle is here. made by espn films. it goes far beyond the iconic murder trial exploring the role of race and celebrity in the 20th century america. joining us, the director of the film, ezra edelman. very good to have you on board with us this morning. there are some revelations in this documentary. >> are there? i don't know. the fact is this has been a pretty reported story at the time and since then. i think there are new
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perspectives. there are people that haven't done interviewed in 20 years. many that people haven't seen. in that way there are revelations. the only thing that's really different is how everything is put together. i think that most of the time whether you lived through the trial or have seen things since then you see an hour and a half thing about the trial. but this has three hours before you even get to the murders. >> why is this the year of o.j.? people versus o.j., now this. >> it's total coincidence. i had no idea that was in the works when we started doing this. >> really? >> absolutely not. i think no one would have decided to do a ten-hour for television thing if they knew someone was doing ten hours on the same subject. >> they are both incredibly riveting. >> it's more than just a trial. let's accurately frame that up. it's more than just the trial. you get to the nature of who o.j. was in the 20th century and who he became through the trial and still remains in our minds. but one of the revelations in the film, among several, gets to
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one of the most famous quotes from the trial that people still remember. if the glove doesn't fit. tell us that's vignette. >> if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit. there's a sense this is something that johnnie cochran came up with on the spot and it really was jerry olman, an -- a relatively unknown member of the defense team who came up with that during a weekend conference call just on the fly. and it ended up with seven members of the defense high-fiving each other. >> why didn't the glove fit, one of the reasons? >> there's a -- mike gilbert who is -- for 15 years and was really with him through the trial and beyond, he tells a story about, you know, suggesting to o.j. that, well, o.j. was a little trepedatius. he said don't take your arthritis medicine for a few weeks. hands would swell up, gloves might not fit. didn't take his arthritis
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medicine for a few weeks. >> what? >> i was there at the beginning of when o.j. was playing at sc when i was living out there and i knew also the extraordinary divisions in the culture in los angeles. elevating o.j. su jmpj. simpson which was an all-white temple at the time. i'm interested in what you've done here on the dna of southern california, california altogether. i remember when he was getting ready to graduate, a big southern cal booster, a very prominent agent. o.j., tell me about your friends from your childhood. i don't have any. what do you mean? >> they're all dead. they all died in gang banging and riots or whatever up there. and that gave me more insight into who he was and how he went through his life knowing that it was kind of perilous. and the other thing that comes out as well is johnnie cochran's idea to go out to the mansion
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and change all of the art which was all kind of modern white art and make it very africana. so i was at the end of the trial, the closing days and martha was deep into the dna piece of it. very complicated. i looked at the jurors, and they were writing notes to each other, doing their nails. they weren't paying any attention. i came back and said, i think this one is over. i think they're going to make a race decision. >> we talked about o.j. growing up and adopting the white culture in los angeles. choosing to do that. >> well, it's what tom just said which is fascinating is what happens when a kid who grew up in the projects ends up in this white temple that was usc. and that's really where he was cultrated as a young adult and came to national prominence. for me, a question is, how do you go from two years at an institution and then before you played down in the nfl you're on national television hocking
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chevrolet and rc cola. that transformation, was it people liked and other powerful alumni who saw potential in him? o.j. had this yearning for fame from the time he was a young boy. >> it wasn't money that he wanted. it was -- >> fame. >> you point out he wanted fame. >> he was very clear about that in interviews. >> the movie is brilliant about l.a., about the history of the police and race in l.a. just explain how it is that one of the things that it does so well is to explain how o.j. simpson could be guilty but the verdict could still on some level be justice. >> yeah, when you go through this story and you really look at this history and look at the series of injustices in the court system at the hands of the lapdn then see first of all why people invest in the trial the way they invested but then look at what happened during the trial and you have a policeman, one of the main cops in the case who found the bloody glove who
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was proven to have purgered himself during the trial. is that grounds for reasonable doubt? you see the way police handled evidence. you see the demonstration with the glove and you -- there's a reasonable case to say, i believe he was guilty, but i think you can watch this and say i understand why he was ark q t acquitted. >> the first part of "o.j.: made in america" airs saturday on abc and the final parts air on espn. >> not a slow minute. what's a week. have a great weekend, everyone. steve kornacki picks up -- >> what have you learned? >> i learned that i'm going to be watching that. a lot of other things. steve kornacki is next along with craig melvin live in louisville for today's funeral of the greatest of all time, muhammad ali. the kpmg women's pga championship is about golf, and so much more. kpmg's focus is to elevate women on
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and a good friday morning to you. i'm craig melvin. we are in louisville, kentucky, where the city and the world are preparing to say good-bye to muhammad ali. a man who grew up here, born here, but made his name worldwide as one of the best who ever laced up a pair of boxing gloves. we're also covering some breaking political news this morning as well. hillary clinton and elizabeth warren will be meeting at clinton's d.c. home any moment now. a live look there. steve k
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