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tv   Sex Slaves  MSNBC  June 10, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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>> you have to deal from your strength. in dealing from your strength you've got somebody, so if somebody grabs james brown, want to hurt james brown, somebody going to raise their voice, why are you bothering james brown? you got some soldiers, you got somebody that's concerned that cares about him. when you're dealing as an individual, no matter how big you get you're still a nigger. you're all alone when you become unnecessary. ♪ ♪ >> do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. would you have somebody bundle you up and lynch you and tell you where to go and how to look, then refuse to pay you? would you have somebody take advantage of your woman, jack, you can't even speak to his? would you like to pay taxes for something that you never receive? do unto others as you would have somebody do unto you. and i don't have to use the word backwards.
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>> we left africa in shackles and fetters and chains. we're coming back in an era of splendor and scintillating glory. the champions are here. champions of the sports world, champions of the music world. we put them all together and got one champion that's intermingled and intertwined and fused into one entity. >> don king put this together. it was not a color put it together. you understand? i'd like to call him the messiah. >> this fight came into existence because of don king's desire to be famous, to break out of the pack. it was the world to him. he was either going to become an enormously prominent man at the least in american life or he was going to go back to obscurity again if it failed. >> oh, i'm so happy to see you, my brother. oh, good. >> this is the minister of finance of zaire. >> yes, i have met the minister of finance, how are you? i recognize and appreciate your
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talent and your expertise. that's what it's all about. i welcome you with love. that's what i'm saying. deal with it as such, with love. not with hostility and alienation, you know? yes, with love. >> right on, mr. king. >> king had this huge air of welcome. rarely has anyone ever been welcomed the way king could do it for you. it was a joy that came off him. i knew his reputation, all the things about him, how he'd been in jail, was thoroughly untrustworthy, so forth. nonetheless, it was that he made you feel good. >> first of all he was a star. all the writers used to find different ways of describing this great uprush of hair. some people would say he'd stuck his thumb into an electric socket. >> falling through an empty elevator shaft. >> the fight of course was postponed and don king turned up and everybody wanted to know what was going on, looked as though the fight wasn't going to happen. >> nothing as big as this runs smoothly anyway. anything worthwhile is worth fighting for.
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so we have a situation here that we've been struck with adversity. you think about what shakespeare said. ugly and venomous like a toad yet wears a precious jewel in his hair. >> how many fight promoters even tried one line of shakespeare? he had a whole raft. >> i can relate to the rat-infested tenement, overcrowded tenement. i can relate to these things because i've been a part of it. when you talk to me about it, i can understand you, you can understand me. you understand? there's a big difference. when i do this thing you can understand me. now he will believe in me because he feels that he has -- i have shared with him the same anguish and anxiety, the same pain, that he has felt. big difference. >> what would happen, the vast sums of money that would be made out of the fight, and put it in something that would help a number of people rather than a few?
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>> this is what i did, this is what my dream and desire is. i feel that i would need white counterparts to do this here. i would say, let me engender a large amount of money if it's possible and then don't let this money just be sithing here so it would wither away and just die, but put it into the sun so it could be exposed, so it would germinate, blossom and grow. >> he's really quite a remarkable man. don king is one of the brightest people i've ever met. he's one of the most charismatic people i've ever met. he's one of the hardest-working people i've ever met. he is also totally amoral. and i can't think of a man who has done more to demoralize fighters, exploit from fighters, and ruin fighters' careers than don king. but you have to give him his due for what he did to make muhammad ali versus george foreman in zaire. >> ain't nobody does anything.
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know what i'm saying? >> fight or no fight we're in -- what business are we in? >> music. >> music business. >> starting to wonder, man. you feel like you're in the fight business around this thing. ♪ do it to death ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> i'm going to play me some soul music, man. the spinners. some james brown. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ready? >> i'm ready. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sucker, you ain't nothing. you too ugly! to represent us colored folks! these africans think all of us ugly. sucker, look at you. you out, sucker. ali boma ye! ali boma ye! ali boma ye! that mean killing. >> sometime when i'm walking down the street, kids follow me
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screaming "george foreman boma ye." then i don't think that's so nice so me as i'd like if they have anything to say about me they can say, george foreman loves africa. george foreman loves being here. not, george foreman killed him, i don't like that. >> boma ye! george foreman boma ye! boma ye! there he is. boma ye! sucker, you aren't nothing. they understand me. >> we were all for muhammad ali. foreman, we didn't know him. foreman said, why? i'm black. blacker than muhammad ali. why all this bias? yes, muhammad ali, he was lighter. but he was a real person.
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he was genuine. muhammad ali could have been even lighter-skinned than he was. but for us, he was defending the good cause. for africans and the whole world. >> punches, seven punches. i'm going to fight for the . (jon bon jovi) with directv there is. ♪ you see, we've got the power to turn back time ♪ ♪ so let's restart the show that started at nine ♪ ♪ and while we're at it, let's give you back your 'do ♪ ♪ and give her back the guy she liked before you ♪ ♪ hey, that's the power to turn back time. ♪ (vo) get the ultimate all-included bundle. call 1-800-directv. to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered
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with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. try duo fusion!ing antacids? new, two in one heartburn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds... and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. from the makers of zantac.
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narrator: sometimes it's the things that the rest of us don't see that can make all the difference in california's classrooms. it's part of my responsibility as someone who's experienced to allow the door to be open for younger teachers. the teamwork between the teachers is essential. when we collaborate with each other... makes everyone stronger. by helping my fellow teachers be successful, i'm helping kids be successful. narrator: the california teachers association: educators who know quality public schools make a better california for all of us.
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i'm going to fight for the prestige. not for me but to uplift my little brothers who are sleeping on concrete floors today in america. black people who are living on welfare. black people who can't eat. black people who don't know no knowledge of themselves.
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black people who don't have no future. i want to win my title and walk down the alleys, sit on the garbage can with the wineheads, with the dope addicts, talk to the prostitutes. so i can help a lot of the people. i can show them films. i can take this documentary, i can show them movies. the people of louisville, kentucky. cincinnati, ohio. i can go through tennessee, florida, mississippi. and show the little black africans in them countries who didn't know this was their country. you look like people in mississippi and alabama and georgia. they your brothers but they never knew you was over here and you don't know much about them. god is blessing me in kinshasa to get to the people and show them films. i'm of the world and i haven't seen them. i can go get all these films. you governments can let me take pictures, you can let me do things, and i can take this all back to america. but it's good to be a winner. all i got to do is whup george foreman. >> i realize how unfortunate and how uncomfortable it is for you
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guys to have traveled so far and expecting so much and getting so little. >> george foreman was a phenomenon. he was almost like a physical guru. he almost never said anything but when he did it was arresting. you never quite knew what he was talking about. it might be deep. it might be nonresponsive. he was this huge black force. >> because of this i had expected muhammad ali to be here today. i was going to immediately jump and hit him in his mouth to give you some form of entertainment. >> now when i go in the rain, you see what kind of man i got, man. oh, oh! i just got a power now. i've got a power i'm not going to realize till after. i might look in the face and how did i do that? i miss two. my people. this man looks slow. this man look like a little kid. the so-called right hand ain't nothing now, i don't feel him. i ain't got no thrill. walk right over and take my shots. because i have god in my mind.
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my people been free. and i can help with just one fight. now he look lonely in comparison to what i'm getting from it. he ain't nothing now. but if i think about me, just me and george foreman knocked out joe frazier like he was god. george foreman. and the white press and power structure ranked me to get tired in five or six. then guy in like norton and get scared. but i'm not looking at the world and what they say. my god controls the universe. ♪ >> i was very interested in what people call the witches, sooth sayers. in western africa almost everybody has one. like a witch doctor. you go to the doctor the way we would go to a dentist. >> muhammad ali had been to mobutu's witch doctor.
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and he had said that a woman with trembling hands would somehow get to foreman. a succubus. and that impressed me enormously. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> heavyweight championship does produce an excitement in the onlookers that's unlike almost any other spectacle. it's almost physically unendurable to wait for that bell to ring for the first round. in 1974 in zaire, the fight started at 4:00 in the morning. in order that it could be shown on television in america. before the fight, i saw a scene that was incomparable. ali's dressing room was like a morgue. it was like the last summer. and at a certain point ali said, why is everyone so unhappy?
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what is the matter with all of you? >> the sense was was that we were watching a man who was going out to be -- going out to the gallows. >> because they all believed that he was going to get defeated. and they were terrified. they thought that with his pride, he would take one of the world's worst beatings ever and he wouldn't give up. and he was going to be destroyed in that ring. killed or maimed or they knew not what. but they were deeply frightened. it was as if they were taking whatever fear ali might have had before this enormous confrontation and they were absorbing it. >> after a while he looked at bodeen and he said, we're going to dance tonight, aren't we? we're going to dance. >> they said, you're going to dance. he said, i'm going to dance. >> muhammad ali was so funny repeating this. >> what am i going to do? they said, you're going to dance. he said, yes, i'm going to dance and dance. and that man's going to be bewildered. i'm going to dance and dance. and they said, you're going to dance. i swear they were all crying. and he built them up to a degree
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so that for him they became half-happy. kellogg's® frosted 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet. for the adult and kid in all of us. ♪ kellogg's frosted mini-wheats® feed your inner kidult ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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and here comes the ali people out of the dressing room. and all of the questions will be answered. this is an awesome power of george foreman against the varied boxing skills of muhammad ali. it's age against youth. the experience of muhammad ali against the youth and good form of blinding speed. you can hear the band beginning to strike up in the background as ali comes to the ring. this is what muhammad ali lives for. this may be a historic event. muhammad ali coming into the boxing ring for the last time. should muhammad ali retire, this will be, what you're seeing now, a very historic event. now here comes the heavyweight champion of the world, george foreman, jogging out. george foreman decked out in his red robe, coming in with his people. >> no one in the press ever saw mobutu.
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he didn't come to the fight. he watched the fight on closed circuit. it was the only closed circuit in zaire and it was in his palace. he was terribly afraid of assassination, i think. this stadium was an arena for gladiators. its floor, the floor you could not see beneath the floor, was covered with blood. that blood had been washed away but the effect of the blood was still there as part of the atmosphere. >> there was a lot of talk about the possibility of rain. i don't think the weather could be any more beautiful than it is tonight. and ali is getting the people to chant "ali boma ye." that means "ali kill him." >> the atmosphere before the bell rang for that first round was as intense as any i ever recall. >> look at this now as they stare. muhammad ali beginning to talk to george foreman. they're really putting the stare on each other. george foreman has that serious look. ali definitely talking to him. look at the stare on george foreman. look at ali give him the word.
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so the stage is set. we're just about ready to begin. round one. this time the championship is at stake and $5 million will be paid to both fighters. ali ready, foreman ready. we're waiting for the opening bell. here we go. ali quickly across the round. round one, ali bouncing around. shifting left to right. george moves slow, ali gets his first punch in, on light right land taken on the forehead by george foreman, the champion. foreman moving slow. ali looks like he's ready to go here. he's not staying away. he's going after his man. foreman a bit cautious in the first round. looking to drop that left hook. foreman's knocked his man to the far corner. there's that left uppercut and jab to the body of muhammad ali. ali tries to hang on to the head of george foreman. foreman dances now. fools ali with a right-hand lead -- >> a right-hand lead means you
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throw your right without countering. you throw it first, you throw it like a jab. you throw it like there. that has to travel the extra distance across the shoulders. professionals will very rarely use a right-hand lead because it's a dangerous punch to throw since you're open to the counter with the left hook. fighters, since they work in milliseconds, can see a right coming much faster than a jab. nobody had thought of a right-hand lead with foreman in two years. in training camp, none of his sparring partners at $50 a day was going to start throwing right-hand leads at him. it's a great insult to a top professional when you throw a right-hand lead at him. it suggests that he's slow enough that you can hit him with it. instead ali figured out, the one punch foreman is not prepared for is a right-hand hand lead. he's expecting me to dance. i'm not going to dance, i'm going to hit him with the right hand. ali threw 12 right-hand leads. i don't think he told anybody that he was going to do it. i think he may have debated whether to do it till the last
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moment. he didn't knock foreman down, he didn't knock him out. instead foreman went crazy. >> that punch did no damage. that one did. two wild right hands taken on the side of the head of muhammad ali. there's a real strong right hand just underneath the heart and muhammad ali is taking some punishment now. about 8 seconds left in the round -- >> bell rang. ali went back to the corner. he finally -- the nightmare he'd been awaiting in the ring had finally come to visit him. he was in the ring with a man he could not dominate, who was stronger than him, who was not afraid of him, who was going to try to knock him out, and who punched harder than ali could punch. and this man was determined and unstoppable. and ali had a look on his face that i'll never forget. first time i ever saw fear in ali's eyes. that is changing.
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breaking news, nbc news
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ali looked like -- he looked into his himself and said, this is the moment. this is what you've been waiting for. this is that hour. and do you have the guts? and he kind of nodded to himself like, got to get it together, boy, really got to get it together. and you are going to get it together. you will get it together. he nodded some more. as if they were looking into the eyes of his maker. then he turned to the crowd and he went, ali boma ye! and 100,000 people yelled back, "ali boma ye!" ali picked it up almost as if, these are my people. this is what i'm here for. i'm going to find a way to master this man. >> ali tries to tie him up. no real damage done in that exchange -- >> foreman, like everyone else, had assumed that ali would dance. and so ali now went to the ropes.
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and went into the rope a dope. and a lot of people thought that moment the fight was over. especially on television when they saw it. because it looked like foreman was now killing a very weak ali. >> you don't go to the ropes. and there he was. leaning way back. i wrote about it as if -- i think the phrase i used was, it was like a man leaning out of a window trying to see if there was something on his roof. but you couldn't really see. here were these great broadsides going at it. it looked like he was being set up for the kill. it happened so quickly and so abruptly that i said, i shouted to norman, "the fix is in!" some somehow he's going to go down in the fourth or the second. halfway to the floor. it looked as though he had to cave in. >> awkward but very powerful hooks. both hands. left hooks and what -- >> they became so basic at that point that they were like two kids having a fight. for that round and for the next round and for the next round, ali lay against the ropes in the rope a dope and he kept talking to foreman.
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and it was extraordinary. you had to be close to see it because it was intimate. foreman was throwing these prodigious punches that the sparring partners had thrown and ali swung like a man in the rigging. go all the way back, slide out, come in and out of it like that. occasionally he'd be hit and he'd say, "george, you disappoint me, you don't hit as hard as i thought you were. george, you're not hitting hard enough. you're not breaking pap corn, george, you're not hitting." george was insane and raging and whanging at him, whanging at him, whanging at him. powerful, powerful, powerful. and middle of the fifth round, foreman was worn out. he had punched himself out. taken three rounds. >> ali picks up a little bit, about 40 seconds left in round number five. crisp left culminates by ali, lands on the head of foreman. ali -- back stops foreman, backs him up. foreman goes pack to the left. foreman hit again. foreman has been hit three or four times --
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>> muhammad ali came off the hopes and he hit a right. you could see the sweat just pour off like a fountain, come off foreman's face. you suddenly realized there was some design in this madness. i then turn to norman, he must have been somewhat puzzled, i said, the succubus has got him! referring to the woman with trembling hands he'd been told by the witch doctors were going to touch foreman and destroy him. >> -- let the man punch himself out. 30 seconds left in round eight. very even fight. ali, a sneaky right hand. another sneaky right hand. this time he works over the shoulder of foreman. two, three, four, five, six,
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seven -- gets up to the knee -- eight -- that's it, the fight is stopped. muhammad ali, a dramatic eighth-round knockout! he knocks out george foreman! he's done it, ali has done it! muhammad ali has done it! >> muhammad ali. muhammad ali. muhammad ali. he was like a sleeping elephant. you can do whatever you want around a sleeping elephant. whatever you want. but when he wakes up, he tramples everything. muhammad ali boma ye. boma ye, muhammad ali. boma ye. george gorman. >> he did it. he's champion again. we couldn't believe it. >> it was such a classic performed, so beautiful, that at the moment ali hit the knockout
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punch, foreman began to go -- ali followed him around. ali had his right cocked for one more punch but he never threw it. he didn't want to ruin the aesthetic of this man going down. >> i think one has mixed emotions at the end of the fight. i feel enormous sympathy for the man who's losing it. really when you see a titanic, formidable figure suddenly on the ground. >> now when we see george on television and know that after that knockout, he went from two years of the deepest depression, he almost didn't come out of it. to see the man who's come out of it, to see the way in which he reconstructed his personality, until it would be hard-put to find anyone in american life who's more affable than george foreman, foreman's become a fabulous person in american life. alzheimer's means...
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just as the fight finished, the monsoons, the african rains, came. in fact, they came so hard that the waters were about three feet deep in the dressing rooms where we'd just been an hour ago. i've never seen such a downpour. we rode back through the african night from the boxing ring into kinshasa. there were crowds along the road standing in the rain, this pouring rain. leaping up and down because of course the news had gone around muhammad ali had won this fight. >> he stayed up all night, from what i heard. in the morning he spoke to african groups who had come as
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delegations to see him. they more than revered him. he was a god. and he spoke to them very simply that day and beautifully. and he said, afro-americans in america were not as good as you are. some of us are richer than you are. but you have a dignity in your poverty that we don't have. we are spoiled in america. we have lost what you still have in africa. and you must keep that. he spoke very gently. and i thought, my lord. on top of everything else, this man's a political leader. he's going to be a great political leader. >> i have a lot of things to do when i stop fighting in the black neighborhoods. we have a lot of problems. a lot of problems we have to solve among ourselves. prostitution problems, dope problems, gang fight problems, knowledge of self. the black people don't have no knowledge of themselves. we have been made just like white people mentally. and white people have made us so much like them until it's hard to teach them anything about themselves. it's hard to teach them to unite and marry and be with their own because they're now like white
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people. black people are now like white people, they're so brainwashed. we have to rebrainwash them now and teach them about themselves, their own history, their own names, their own language. do something for themselves, quit always begging white people for things they should do themselves. >> i never heard ali say he was not going to fight again. he had said and it tell you the truth i wouldn't have believed it. he was born to fight, born for the ring and loved it. he truly loved fighting. as happens with people who love a thing too much, it destroys them. i think it was oscar wilde that said, you destroy the thing, and it's the other way around what you love destroys you. [phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd!
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♪ he came back. he had 22 fights. some of them were most honorable, some of them were very difficult, some of them were comedies and farces. he hurt himself in those 22 fights after the fight in africa. ♪ >> there's a tendency to look at muhammad and say, he's wounded. he's ill. there are no intellectual deficits. it's a motor skills problem. and he doesn't try to hide his condition. he goes out and lets the whole world see it. he doesn't feel sorry for himself. and there's really no reason for anybody else to feel sorry for him. he loves being muhammad ali. he truly believes that he's doing god's work. and he's as happy with each day
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as anybody i know. >> today's young generation, they don't know anything. something happened last year, they know nothing about it. so there's this great, great, great stories, great historic events. and i'm talking about -- not talking about 1850s stuff. they don't know who malcolm x is, jfk, muhammad ali, jackie robinson, you can go down the line. and it's scary. these kids today be missing a whole lot if they don't know about the legacy of muhammad ali. because no matter what era you live in, you see very few true heroes. >> ali boma ye! ali boma ye! >> back up, sucker. back up. come get me, sucker. i'm dancing! i'm dancing! follow me. no, i'm not there, i'm here!
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sucker, you ain't got nothing. ♪ in every heart there is a drum that beats ♪ ♪ steady and strong it does not know defeat ♪ ♪ i feel it high and know the sound of true belief ♪ ♪ in every soul there is a memory ♪ ♪ of standing tall the proudest we could be ♪ ♪ i cannot fall for i recall we were born in majesty ♪ ♪ we'll stand in the sun and we
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will raise our hands ♪ ♪ and we will touch the sky together we will dance in gold ♪ ♪ and we will leave the world remembering that we were kings ♪ ♪ when we were kings ♪ now it's the time here is the mountaintop ♪ ♪ when one man climbs the rest are lifted up ♪ ♪ we'll say yes to a higher destiny ♪ ♪ and when we reach out to claim
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the throne ♪ ♪ every man will know we'll raise our hands ♪ ♪ we'll touch the sky we will touch the sky ♪ ♪ together we'll be dancing in roads of gold ♪ ♪ roads of gold and we will leave the world remembering ♪ ♪ when we were kings when we were kings when we were kings ♪ ♪ when we were kings ♪ when we were kings ♪ when we were kings ♪ float like a butterfly sting like a bee ♪
10:52 pm
10:53 pm
than i am and he looked at her, looked at her hard. he said, you still with that old man? and for me that's always been -- that's ali. you love him even when you turn your back on him. >> i hit him once. talking to the harvard senior class commencement. and he gave this extraordinary senior class day after these 1,000, 2,000 harvard graduates. and he had these cards. he gave them this wonderful talking to the harvard senior class commencement. here he was delivering a lecture. senior class day after these 1,000, 2,000 harvard graduates. and he had these cards. he gave them this wonderful speech about he hadn't had the opportunity but they had and they should use that language, that learning they had, to go out and do their best to change the world, make it a better place. it was moving and it was funny at the same time and a great roar of appreciation at the end of it. then someone shouted out, give us a poem!
10:54 pm
everybody quieted down. now, the shortest poem in the english language according to barton's quotations is called "on the antiquity of microbes." the poem is "adam had 'em." pretty short. muhammad ali's poem was, "me whee." two words. i wrote barton's quotations, it's shorter than "adam had 'em," do you want to put it in? "me, whee." what a fighter he was. what a man. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
10:55 pm
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
10:56 pm
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
10:57 pm
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10:58 pm
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10:59 pm
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11:00 pm
i heard a crack. is that kid okay? >> who wouldn't want to believe you couldn't walk on water. it's sort of goofy and it's sort of silly but what's that makes it funny. >> and their bags full of tricks. >> by the end of it, it was like pulling my hair out. i started having nightmares about the machine. >> how do they do it? >> a good magician doesn't give


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