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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  June 11, 2016 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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good morning everyone. i'm alex witt in new york at msnbc word headquarters. former contestant of "the voice," christina grimmie died after being short at a concerted in orlando, florida, last night. her attacker shot her as she was signing autographs and turned the gun on himself. joining me now, matt grant from wesh 2 news in orlando. matt, what are you hearing from authorities there? >> reporter: good morning, alex. a business sr, tragic story. we know grimmie was performing a concert last night that started at 6:00. it brand up around 10:00. after the concert was over, she was in the lobby area signing autographs and selling merchandise when orlando police tell us an unidentified suspect approached her with two guns and
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shot her. witnesses tell us they heard between four and five gunshots. they saw what looked like a bullet wound in the back of her head, her on the ground. what happened after the shots were fired, grimmie's brother actually jumped in, tackled the suspect, and police are calling him a hero tonight saying he could have pre vented even more deaths, or this could have been a much worse situation. they're calling him a hero tonight. this is what police told us last night. >> the suspect walked up and shot christina. at that point we know her brother tackled the suspect and that's when the suspect shot himself. this is a very tragic event. it should have been something very fun and exciting, and for something like this to happen is just a tragedy. >> reporter: this unidentified gunman is also dead. police right now don't know if or how he knew grimmie. that's something they're looking
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at right now. alex? >> okay. so matt, i'm curious about security. she was a relatively recent phenom and celebrated with her success. did she have security traveling with her, or that area of the lobby -- so often when you go to any group thing, you have to open your bags or there was some sort of a checkpoint. was that in place last night? >> alex, i don't know what kind of detail she had with her. what i can tell you from what fans are telling us, there were no metal detectors last night. sometimes there are. this was supposed to be a low-key event, a family friendly event. what we're hearing is the venue did have security, they were checking bags, but there were no metal detectors. obviously this person who has not been identified -- again, police are not saying if or how they knew each other, but he was able to get in with two guns and unfortunately take ms. grimmie's life. >> what a tragedy, a shocker to wake up to this morning. matt grant from wesh 2 in
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orlando. let's go from there to politics. five protesteders detained outside donald trump's rally in richmond, virginia, last night, one charged with disorderly contact. inside the rally, the 11,000 capacity venue only about a fifth full or so according to an msnbc reporter on site. that didn't stop trump from taking a swing at his democratic opponent and the president. >> you have a president coming out and endorsing somebody that's under criminal investigation. criminal investigation! so you have a president, he comes out, she's under criminal investigation, and he endorses her. is this supposed to be the way the country is supposed to be working? i don't think so. >> also on the attack, two-time republican presidential candidate mitt romney who weighed in on trump's recent comments about a mexican american judge. >> i don't want to see
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trickle-down racism. i don't want to see a president of the united states saying things which change the character of the generations of americans that are following. presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of america. >> well, trump hit back in a tweet posted just under an hour ago saying romney, quote, choked in his own presidential bid and repeating his claim that he's, quote, the least racist person there is. the former massachusetts governor is hosting a summit. among the attendees, paul ryan. hewlett packard ceo meg whitman asked ryan how he could endorse trump who she called a demagogue and compared to hitler and mussolini. he said he backed trump to preserve party unity.
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joining me right now, nbc's jacob rascon, getting ready for the trump rally in tampa. jacob, good morning. what do we expect to hear today? >> we expect to hear more about hillary clinton. he's prepping his remarks coming up on monday, another one that may be off a teleprompter. by our count, he's given six speeches off a teleprompter. is it a change of tone? we're not sure about that. what we've seen is he has really two tones. he has one where he's given more high profile speeches like the apac speech, foreign policy speech, where he decides to go with a teleprompter which he's made fun of for months. at rallies he's never used a tell prompter. last night in richmond he didn't use one. he swings through new hampshire, pennsylvania, texas, we expect the same off the cuff trump that
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we've always seen. there is more pressure it seems than ever for him to change his tone a bit. during the primaries we noticed he could say just about anything he wanted and he would still win the primary and his poll numbers would still go up. in the last couple weeks, in the last week and a half, he hasn't seen any polls that had him beating hillary clinton. even the fox poll or rasmussen poll that had him ahead by a few points now has him down. there is pressure growing within the republican party. you saw speaker ryan, mitch mcconnell, other top republican leaders saying we don't agree with what donald trump is saying. we'll see if he shifts that at all. what's he going to say about the judge, for example? will he even mention it, and so forth? >> let me talk about the size of this rally and what's expected. as you know last night one of our msnbc reporters on site said the number of people attending the rally in richmond about 2,000. this was in an arena that holds
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11,000, 12,000. trump books these big places because he was filling them. behind you, given the hour -- we're three hours ahead of when he's expected to begin speaking, does this look like what he has garnered in the past in terms of attendance? >> reporter: that was surprising to read that note about last night. i wasn't there. here we probably have a few hundred people here, we're still a few hours ahead of the rally. it is normal sometimes to see this and then people will go into the convention center, for example, up until he's supposed to speak and he'll end up getting thousands and he'll fill it up. 90% of the time he fills up whatever space he's booked. that note was surprising. >> okay. jacob rascon in tampa. we'll keep our eyes peeled and see what happens. >> joining me now francesca chambers and msnbc's jane timm. good morning, ladies. jane, i'll be ginn with you.
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by many accounts, donald trump has had a tough week, especially with respect to his comments about the judge. what's the major fallout. when you look at gop support, do you think he can recover? >> there's a couple reasons this sticks, republicans care about their judges. they see it as a big way the country has changed. i think this one doesn't necessarily affect donald trump as much as it affects the rest of the party. we saw donald trump's first unendorsement, senator mark kirk said he would not be voting for the republican nominee. he's in a vulnerable seat and got hit very hard. his rival tammy duckworth said what took so long. a muslim ban was okay but attacking the judge wasn't. he's in a tough situation, he's in a more moderate state and needs to appeal to more moderate republicans. >> francesca, you have a surge of unity among democrats, vice
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president biden, elizabeth warren all officially endorsing hillary clinton. first of all, what is expected to be his role in the campaign? >> a unique role this campaign cycle as in outgoing presidents don't typically campaign for the person who is going to replace them. george bush wasn't very popular when he left, neither was bill clinton. this president is very popular so it's someone hillary clinton wants on the campaign trail. he will talk about a hopeful message for america and also talking about the economy and talking up her foreign policy experience. one thing i found very striking in his statement of endorsement for her, alex, was he talked about how we got osama bin laden, not i. he'll be talking up the foreign policy experience for her in green bay. there's going to be upsides and
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downsides to anyone. if we look at elizabeth warren, a big pro is she's very progressive, well like by that wing of the party that was endorsing and supporting bernie sanders before. that would be a way that clinton could pull in some of those dis affected democrats who might be considering sitting out this election. on the other hand she doesn't come from what's considered a swing state this election cycle. if she wanted to go that route, she would pick someone from virginia or ohio. she's looking at tim kaine and shared brown for that position. >> jane, looking at your latest article about gop donors, hearing this pitch from donald trump this week, who are these donors and are they sold on trump or still with reservation? >> the group of 60 or 70 donors that gathered at the four seasons this week, they were the usual suspects, a lot of typical republican donors. what struck me the most is how much they came up with the idea, oh, nothing to see here, everything is great. we're all unified. this is not a unified party.
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they have a lot of questions and the donor class has largely stepped back from this race. they're looking at down ballot races more. there are a lot of donors who won't give money to donald trump because he is so inflammatory in many ways. these donors felt it was their duty to come together and try to bring the party together. they definitely stiffened up when i asked them, what about the controversy and judge cure yell remarks. >> jane, what's the conventional question on the vp? are there people he might want to choose who will say i don't want to be your running mate. >> donald trump has made it clear he wants to bring someone in with experience on capitol hill. he needs to have somebody that has strong conservative credentials. by all accounts donald trump's positions have evolved quickly, rapidly, and over the years he's had more moderate positions. he needs someone to shore up his
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views, convince people he's as conservative as he says. i think we'll see somebody like a newt gingrich character, somebody on capitol hill that has a history and voting record. >> francesca, relative to the hillary clinton e-mail matter, let's listen to what press secretary josh earnest had to say on thursday. >> that's why the president when discussing this issue at each stage has reiterated his commitment to this principle, that any criminal investigation should be conducted independent of any sort of political interference and people should be treated the same way before the law. >> was that intended? for the first time calling it a criminal investigation, any fallout or explanation afterwards. >> well, he did try to play cleanup on it a little day the next day, on friday, backing away saying the point he was trying to make is the president doesn't interfere in independent investigations and that he couldn't possibly know if it was a criminal investigation because they don't get involved in that.
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it was very striking, though, because hillary clinton has said it is not a criminal investigation at all, but what does the fbi investigate, alex? >> good point. francesca chambers, jane timm, thanks so much. >> thanks. it is a warning sign for donald trump, it could mean the stop trump movement is about to go into overdrive to oust him. and that's next. as possible for. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? legalzoom has your back. for your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can cnt on.
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>> it could be the anti trump movement's last stand. bringing together leading figures of the republican party with those staunchly anti trump. the event highlighting the party's continued division over its controversial presumptive nominee. steve lonegan is among the course of those against trump's nomination, former new jersey state director for the ted cruz campaign and the spokesman for courageous conservatives pac. good to see you again. at this retreat, paul ryan was grilled about his endorsement of donald trump. he said he did it to unite the party. what's your take on the response and the position he's in making a response like that as leader of the party. >> the question is unite the party behind what? that's becoming a bigger question mark every day. in my hometown of hackensack, new jersey, yet the republican mayor left the republican party because they couldn't justify to
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hackensack's very diverse community as republican leaders donald trump's divisive comments. this is happening all across the country. we saw scott walker yesterday, mark kirk earlier this week. the republican party is in total turmoil. at the courageous conservative pac, we want to make sure the republican party remains a conservative party and donald trump is not a conservative. so we're petitioning, we launched a petition drive this morning to get republican signatures to unbind the delegates, unbind the delegates going into the first ballot so that donald trump has to go into that convention and prove himself to those delegates. those delegates have the moral obligation to find the best candidate to defeat hillary clinton. right now donald trump is not uniting the party and he will not beat hillary clinton. >> how will this work, what's just gone up on your website? >> any petition is to drive
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public messaging and get attention to the fact. what we're saying is donald trump should not be sitting there thinking he's got it all locked up, doing the things he's doing which is hurting the republican party, possibly destroying the republican party. we want to go into this convention and make it what it is. this is not a populous vote. the republican party is not meant to be a place where you took the nomination because you won a beauty pageant. he has to prove he's a conservative, the principles he's going to back and unite the party. it's obvious to everyone, i think even the other 60% who think it's better to stay with him to unite the party, that he's not doing it. it seems to get worse every day. we could wake up tomorrow with another cataclysmic trump statement as far as i know. >> steve, do you think he's taking a read on any of this. is there anything you think he could do before the convention that would change your mind? >> he's have to make -- since the day after the indiana primary, alex, i wake up every morning looking for reason to support donald trump as well as
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many other conservative republicans across the country. so far that hasn't happened. i think what's most important about his statement about the judge, despite the fact that -- aside from the fact that what paul ryan said, it was a textbook case of racism is it showed tragic lack of judgment, and the fact that donald trump doesn't care about the damage he's doing. he doesn't seem to care about mark kirk or scott walker, the republican mayor of hackensack, new jersey, local officials. he doesn't seem to care. that's what's disturbing. >> he's not a politician. do you think he understands the effect he's having. >> i think it's bet about donald trump and he's using the republican party as a vehicle to advance his own agenda. that's not the conservative agenda of people like ronald reagan. remember, when ronald reagan was president, donald trump was supporting carter and mondale. he ran full-page ads in reagan's
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last year attacking ronald reagan. suddenly people are equating this guy to ronald reagan. donald trump is not a conservative. he doesn't understand what it means to be a conservative. he's not sure what his political philosophies are. it's what's best for donald trump at the rallies at that moment and what's going to get the crowd to cheer from him. >> it's been reported the koch brothers won't contribute to the republican convention. his fund-raising woes have been documented. how big a problem can this be at this stage of the race? >> he told people all along he was a self-funder. now he's not a self-funder. wait a minute, now you need to raise money -- he's out there attacking hillary clinton for being a criminal. i'm as much concerned about the e-mail scandal as anyone else. but at the same time he's going into a fraud case at trump university. how is he going to explain that? the democrats uniting every minute just gets bigger and bigger and bigger, totally united behind hillary clinton. meanwhile donald trump is destroying the republican party.
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we're heading towards a cataclysmic defeat in a third obama term. republican delegates ought to wake up and nominate the candidate who can best defeat hillary clinton. >> he's taken fire about the comments of judge curiel. i'm curious of your take on his attack against elizabeth warren. tom cole says, quote, there's plenty of things he can disagree with elizabeth warren over. this is not something in my opinion that should enter the conversation. it's neither appropriate pernlly toward her and frankly it offends a larger group of people. i wish he would avoid that. is this a race-based attack for you? >> donald trump is so under the magnifying glass and it has so become a character risk, these issues of racism and bigotry, even if he says something slightly off color that normally wouldn't be an issue, it's going
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to be an issue because he's under the microscope. it doesn't stop. it's getting worse and worse and worse. for decades, conservatives like me have tried to demonstrate to minorities in this country that conservative government is the best form of government to advance their prosperitity and individual liberty. donald trump is destroying that vision. he'll set the republican party back more than 1 is 00 years and could destroy the tf brand. as one kwf, i'm not going to let that happen. >> republican steve lonegan, always good to talk to you. >> thank you very much, alex. >> when donald trump talks, at least two republicans walk. more on something tooef just mentioned. that's next. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget.
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have quit the republican party. they've become independents all because of trump. >> it's kind of crossing the line now. we're getting to the point where we can't be doing that. >> it was important for us to say, anyone who is listening, this is not anything that we're fond of and it's not anything we're going to tolerate. >> their party switch doesn't necessarily mean they'll be voting for hillary clinton. they say they still might vote for trump if he changes his ways. >> in just a moment, mitt romney is thinking of voting for a third party candidate. how much influence does he still have? why did my next guest say elizabeth warren is not qualified to be hillary clinton's running mate. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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vote yes on the drug price relief act. this november, we can ensure stand up to the outrageous greed of the drug companies... ature. the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. welcome back. i'm alex witt at msnbc world headquarters in new york. 2012 republican nominee, mitt romney, one of the most outspoken critics of donald trump says he's not going to vote for the presumptive nominee. >> i, myself, will not be voting
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for either one of them. i just can't bring myself to vote for hillary clinton. i don't think the policies she promotes are right for the country. mr. trump, i think is too great a departure from the values of our country for me to sign up to vote for him either. i'll be writing in someone else's name, probably another republican. >> joined by former pennsylvania governor ed rendell and republican vat gist susan del perz i don't. let's go ladies first, susan. how impressive is it for the prior republican standard bearer to not support the gop nominee? >> it's almost unprecedented. as a matter of fact, for donald trump you have to go back to the 1996 nominee, bob dole, for the person who is supporting him. you the bushes not supporting him. you have senator mccain not endorsing and now you have mitt romney. that's tremendous.
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that does show the problem within the party, frankly. what governor romney said is important, though. he's focusing most of his time on down ballot races, keeping the senate and the house in republican hands. >> it wouldn't be unexpected a former democratic president wouldn't endorse him. let's face it. anybody who has had the job on the gop side knows what it takes, if they're not endorsing, they're just staying quiet. >> mitt romney is taking a stance. there are a lot of folks in the republican party that feel donald trump is taking it in the complete wrong direction, that in essence he's hijacked the party for his own goals, not that he has the goals of the party at heart. now we're going to see that disruption within the party really take hold. donald trump is having a lot of problems raising money. the rnc is having problems raising money for its convention because donald trump is the nominee. the party will be splintered for loong time to come with donald trump now as its nominee. >> talk strategy with me,
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governor. how do democrats try to capitalize on this divide? >> first of all, as far as we democrats are concerned, that's all good news, but i wouldn't start ordering drin nks the oval office yet. i'll tell you why. this is the year when i don't think endorsements matter. in fact, not getting endorsements may feed the narrative that donald trump is i understand dent, he belongs to know nobody and will make his own decisions on what's right for the people. you could spin that very effectively if you come from where trump has come from, someone not endorsed by all republicans an won almost all the primaries it's good news because there's discord. it's good news because they splay have trouble raising money. i'm not so sure that we ought to assume this is a collapse that's going to decide the election. >> okay. let's talk about vice presidential picks. governor, i want to start with you. you made headlines after saying elizabeth karen does not have
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the experience to be commander in chief. here is what she said on the rachel maddow show. >> if you were asked to be secretary clinton's running mate, do you believe you could do it? ed rendell former pennsylvania governor said you were in not anyway, shape or form ready to be commander in chief. do you think you could be? >> yes, i do. >> rachel ma dough was quoting you. do you still stand by that position? >> well, look, the question is anybody ready to be commander in chief. i said on the same radio show had i been chosen when i was governor, i wouldn't have been ready to be commander in chief because i didn't have foreign policy or national security experience. that's a weakness. trying to find a presidential candidate who fits into all the boxes, who has had experience in everything is very, very difficult. people like governors because of
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their executive experience, but generally governors have no foreign policy and national security experience. could elizabeth warren learn it? sure, she could, she's very smart. but will she be ready that first week if something happened to the president, it's hard to say. i have confidence in her intellectual ability, but there are some difficult issues out there. it's what makes hillary clinton such a great candidate for president because she's had domestic experience, as a senator she was involved with military affairs committee. she knows national security as secretary of state. she's as qualified as anybody we've ever had down the pike. >> do you think about, who do you like running for veep with hillary clinton? by the way, any interest yourself? >> no. i kidded around, alex. i said if hillary clinton picked me, we'd be the aarp ticket.
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hillary needs someone who is presently involved in the game, someone like a tim kaine, mark warner. governor or senator, in mark warner's case a very successful businessman. again, the question arises, are they progressive enough? the progressive wing of this party, bernie sanders and bernie sanders supporters are going to be heard from. we have to reach out to them and do those candidates fit the progressive bill? maybe not. but it may well be that there's no perfect candidate. >> one more question to you, governor, before i ask you, susan about the veep candidate. the p prkspp poll showing drum them deadlocked at 44%. >> trump has had a terrible week. i don't know how much of the
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poll reflects that terrible week, but even at the end of the terrible week he's not going to be out of the running in a lot of battleground states, pennsylvania included. it's going to be a fight. we've got our work cut out for us. i tell every democrat in this state don't take anything for granted. donald trump can appeal to a lot of reagan democrats, working class, white democrats particularly in the western part of the state. it's going to be a battle here, but we'll be ready. >> susan, what about donald trump? is there a perfect veen candidate? what a perfect veep candidate even want to hitch their wagon to donald trump? >> i agree with governor rendell. there is no such thing as a perfect presidential or veep candidate. you have to go with who someone is going to be comfortable with. that's why i think tim kaine is a great selection because she's comfortable with him.
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when you look at what's going to happen in pennsylvania, you may see scott brown, former senator from massachusetts who really would bring in kind of that perfect casting for donald trump. he will be able to take that pickup truck, go down and really i think get a lot of conservative democrats support. he was also the first senator, former or current, to endorse donald trump before the new hampshire primary. i think that loyalty will matter to donald trump. >> alex, can i make a suggestion for the republicans? >> sure. >> ted cruz. >> are you taking it seriously, susan? >> i don't see how it happening. i see why he's saying that. >> i think the governor was being his usual charming sell. ed and susan, thank you. >> thank you. >> outrage looets leads to action. what's in today's newspaper leads to volume in calls for the judge's removal. that's next.
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new calls for a california judge to be removed from the bench. this comes as the campus prepares for protests this weekend and graduation. nbc's gaddy schwartz is outside the courthouse. good morning to you. let's talk about protests. what do we think will be happening today along those lines? >> reporter: alex, these protests will be relatively quiet. they are playing a role in the community of palo alto. the protests are aimed at graduation. i'll show you this. this is "the stanford daily," the graduation edition. on the back, congrats stanford class of 2016. at the bottom, will you join the community of stanford alumni
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standing up against the rape culture. the #perskymustgo, referring to judge aaron persky, the judge who drew so much eyre in the community after that six-month sentence of brock turner for the sexual assault that happened on campus last year. these are the same people, this group ultra violet, the same group of people we saw yesterday in downtown san francisco turning in a petition of more than a million signatures. that petition largely symbolic. it's a petition that's gone all across the country, all these people wanting the judge to be recalled. but there is another push for an actual petition here in palo alto where they're trying to get 80,000 signatures of people locally so they can trigger a recall election. right now aaron persky is going to be re-elected.
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he doesn't have anybody running against him. so he effectively doesn't even have to be on the ballot and he will be in office during the next election. what they're trying to do is gather enough signatures so they can recall that election and they can put people on the ballot against him. but it's something that has really, really riled up this community. of course, the legal community here is coming to the judge's defense. prosecutors, defense attorneys, public defenders alike. they're all basically saying the judiciary needs to be respected, that judges oftentimes have to make unpopular decision and they're saying a lot of people may disagree with this sentence, but he was following the letter of the law, following the recommendations of the probation office. so there wasn't anything untoward about what he did and his decision should be respected. alex? >> gady, we know judge persky is a stanford graduate. there's been some that suggest his ties to stanford may have influenced his decision, albeit,
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yes, following the letter of the law, but it could have had some influence in terms of the timeline sentence there. speaking of graduation, as he is a graduate, will there be protests planned today? there are tremendous events planned all through this weekend for those deserving graduates and their families. >> reporter: that's right. stanford is kind of the heart of this community. as you mentioned, the judge is not only an alumni of stanford, he is actually a student athlete. he was the captain of the lacrosse team. there are a lot of people that say that may have influenced that decision and his sentence. regardless of what actually happened -- what actually influenced his decision, his supporters saying it was the probation report that influenced that decision. regardless of that, for graduation tomorrow and this weekend, this is going to be an issue front and center whether or not the administration likes
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it. this ad has been taken out. there are also going to be planes -- a plane that is actually flying with a billboard. so this is going to be an issue that people are going to be talking about. people are going to be seeing during graduation ceremonies and something that's going to definitely be a very important conversation tomorrow. >> unfortunate undercurrent for all those deserving undergrad at tomorrow who would be celebrating completely free of all this. thank you very much gady schwartz. >> a group of hispanic women say trump is their man but why? i'll ask organizers why next. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town.
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a group of hispanic women in miami are for the first time publicly declaring themselves as latinas for trump even as they've been mocked and laughed at. earlier this week dozens of trump supporters showed up at an
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event billed as a copying out party for hispanic women. joining me, trump supporters who organized that event. ladies, i'm very curious. denise, i'll speak to you first. you own a public relations firm, right? >> yes. >> donald trump, has he done things and said things that, were you to be advising him, you'd say, please don't go there, why did you do that? >> absolutely. absolutely. i would definitely not advise him to use the words and the language he uses if i were his -- >> so then what draws you to him? can you not take him at his word? >> we were just talking about that actually right now between us. we, being from miami, i think a lot of the rhetoric he uses, we're kind of used to hearing amongst our cuban grandparents or uncles. >> i read you said you described
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it how we've all got a crazy uncle that talks like that. that's fine around a family dinner at thanksgiving. but it's different when you have someone who may go off as leader of the free world. do you worry about ramifications of that? >> i think, number one, one of the things the media has done an excellent job of is hash tagging the word rhetoric. a lot of times he's been amuck. to me that defines some sort of transparency, a no filter which is always linked with perhaps some type of sincerity. we live perhaps seven wonderful years of beautiful speeches whereas they were nice, they were exactly what we wanted to hear, but didn't necessarily hit home. both denise and belong to that middle class that went from being like this to being like this, and i think that's probably one of the reasons we decided we were going to look
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beyond the rhetoric and xenophobia and racism to try to see something else which is what we see as some type of new hope for our generation, for the latinas and the americans in general because we're both cuban player khan, second generation cubans here in miami. we look beyond that. for us there are other things he represents that are much more important. >> we're focused on the big picture. >> illiana, if i have it right, you were independent but registered republican. i know in the past you voted for bill clinton, george bush and mitt romney. what is it about trump, about casting your trump vote -- do you feel different about this race than the prior three when you voted the other way? >> you know, i've actually been very passionate about this particular campaign. it came straight out of the first time i saw him debate, and
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that was probably one of the wildest debates, was the first one. for me it was passionate. i felt so apathetic with the system, with everything that had been happening for so long with establishment on both sides. i was like i've got -- this is the horse i'm going to bet on. this is the horse i'm going to bet on. i was considering hellry at a given point. jeb, also. there was marco rubio, cuban american just like us. but there was something about him, about his transparency and his way of speaking doesn't really bother me. there are sometimes where he says things where he shoots himself in the foot and feeds the media to hit that point all the time and not hit other points that we should be addressing. but, you know, it works, it works. >> do you at all worry, though, his comments -- and is to either of you, can spur racist feelings and reactions that way that are so negative?
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>> of course, of course. to be honest, one of the reasons we've come out and one of the reasons we formed a group is to try to sway those on the fence that are undecided. i think the only way for him to do that is for him to definitely calm his rhetoric we're not affiliated at all with his campaign. we dealt it more than anything we were being called crazy, being insulted and we wondered how many more like us were secretly supporting him and hadn't come out. that was the whole reason for the event. we were amazed at the people that came out. they were nothing like us. they were not the typical cuban americans that people thought would come out. we had people from all walks. >> personally, i don't -- you can't really say that someone can make you feel racist. that's something that's either in you or not. i see there's a lot of hypocrisy that goes on. it seems recently you can't say anything because everyone is
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offended all the time. >> ileana, you mentioned both candidates jeb bush and marco rubio. my question to you is do you wish you had a different choice if you wanted to support the republican party? >> i wish that there were different options -- you know, trump has taken out 16 people, 14 of which were establishment, 15 were establishment. yeah, 15 were establishment. we had different options and we ended up with trump. i think that's not a question for me. i think that's a question for the republican party and it sort of angers me with, when i watch them go back and forth about that all the time, we're a month and a half away from the convention, months away from the election. to see them go back and forth like that when they used to torture him in the beginning, telling them, even if you don't make it, are you going to support the person that gets nominated and they tortured him and made such an issue out of
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it. now that he's the nominee, they're torturing him again. i guess it works for someone. it keeps the media outlet busy and there's someone to beat up on. when he goes off the handle every once in a while, i can understand the pressure because we, since we started the group, we get pressure 24/7. >> i'm sure i don't ladies do. >> all the time. >> we'll watch the development of latinas for trul trump. thanks for joining us. that's a wrap of this hour of msnbc live. frances rivera is up next. how far will bernie sanders' political revelation take him? born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. and what an amazing time it's been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. so, we say thank you america for a century of trust,
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