tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 11, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at hey there, everyone. i'm alex witt and msnbc headquarters beginning with breaking news from florida. the orlando police department spoke a short time ago with new information on the suspect who shot the former contestant on "the voice." christina grimmie, then turned the gun on himself. >> it does appear that he came here to commit this crime. what our detectives are doing right now is going through the suspect's cell phone and computer to see if they can find
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a motive for this crime. the suspect had two handguns on his person. he had two additional loaded magazines for those handguns, and a large hunting knife. >> colleagues here in orlando, following the story. any more from authorities and people there must be in shock? the reaction, so many of us are waking up to this news today. >> reporter: a sickening crime and authorities releasing a few more details going about this investigation. they haven't said the name of the suspect, are holding off on that for now but he is a 21-year-old white male who traveled from another city here in florida with the specific intent to attack christina grimmie. the concert here, it ended last night around 10:00 p.m. about 120 people were still hanging around. grimmie was signing autographs when this suspect approached her and shot her. he was immediately tackled by her brother marcus grimmie and
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police credit him today with preventing more people in that crowd from getting hurt. it was during the struggle investigators say that the suspect shot himself. he died at the scene. meanwhile, there's a ripple of shock and sadness across social media here in orlando and hollywood today. there's a small memorial growing at the concert venue. we're seeing people arrive in a slow trickle right now, leaving flowers to pay respects and kind of absorb what happened here last night hollywood stars, participants and contestants in "the voice" and judges of "the voice" sending out their condolences via social media. "the voice" tweeted, there are no words. we lost a beautiful soul with an amazing voice. alex? >> she hereally had such a beautiful voice. curious about security before the concert began. what was it like? >> reporter: they did have unarmed security guards checking
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bags, purses and backpacks for contraband but no pat-downs, weren't using magnetic wands or sending anything through metal detectors. supposed to be a concert for young people and didn't anticipate any sort of problems let alone a crime of this magnitude. >> okay. shocking. thank you so much from orlando. and now to politics. donald trump just stepped up a rally in california, doubling down on anti-democrat rhetoric. >> look at migration and i like at migration and say, how come there's so many young, strong men? why don't they have so many women? why don't they have so many children? and i look, and i say, what's going on? what'ses going on? and we're allowing people to come in, there's no documentation. no paperwork. we don't know who they, where they come from, is it syria? is it something else? is it isis, maybe? you know, the story of the
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trojan horse. this could be the ultimate trojan horse, folks. >> in his speech this morning, trump also hit back at mitt romney who issued a stern warning to the presumptive republican nominee in an interview last night. >> i don't want to see trickle down racism. i don't want to see a president of the united states saying things which change the character of the generations of americans that are following. presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle down racism, trickle down bigotry, trickle down massageny are extraordinarily dangerous to america. >> and in park city, utah, 2012 running mate paul ryan among those speaking. and hewlett-packard ceo meg whitman asked how he could support trump whom she calmed a demagogue compared to mussolini.
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rhine said he packed trump for party unity. and traveling to pennsylvania slated for 3:00 p.m. eastern time, though he may be running a little late. check in with jacob rascon at that rally in tampa which just wrapped up. we can tell behind you things clearing up. mr. trump went after mitt romney what did he say, jacob? >> reporter: for all the talk of a changed tone, his rallies, lice one just now, sounded similar to the ones we saw several months ago. really, he spends them hitting a few of his key points and going after whoever it was that went after him that week or that day. so he went hard at mitt romney, of course, mitt romney just yesterday talked about, again, how he couldn't support donald trump as the nominee, saying he was worried about trickle down racism and trickle down bigotry. here's trump's response. >> i watched this poor, sad mitt
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romney this morning. he suffers from massagenist. i don't think had know what's massage massagenist is pt sitting like a real stiff. he let us down. he's a stone cold loser and when you're a choker you can never give a choker a second chance. >> reporter: proving he is a counterpuncher and went again after elizabeth warren, calling her again pocahontas saying he knows he shouldn't say that, and not to the senator, to pocahontas, of course. this is really one of the worst weeks in his campaign where he had very heavy criticism not just from gop insiders in the never trump movement, but from top republicans like the speaker, like mitch mcconnell. even one republican senate unendorsing trump but doesn't seem at his rails to be changing
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anything. again, sounding about the same as he did several months ago. now, he has more teleprompter speeches coming up, including, we believe on monday. his planned speech about hillary clinton and previewing those remarks last night and today we think may also be on a telly prompter. alex? >> we will see. jacob rascon. thank you so much from tampa. and for more on the top political headlines, molly hooper, congressional reporter at the hill and correspondent for the "time" and ladies, welcome to you. first with this with paul ryan who's facing blowback on his decision to endorse donald trump most recently at miatt romney's retreat last night. how is his endorsement overall playing with them? >> interesting. instead of fighting over policy now the republicans are fighting about what do about whether to support or not support donald trump. what happened earlier in the
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week, ryan said, okay, i said the remarks about the racist. but it was a missile, a knee-jerk reaction, because we had been planning this policy agenda to roll out and really i wanted to put an end to these questions. and so it's sort of a matter, how do you deal with -- eventual and future situations where donald trump goes off on tachantac tangents and republicans need to stay on message? there's a lot of questions up on capitol hill right now. >> i bet there are. curious what it says to you. so many republicans are trying to endorse trump without endorsing him or vice versa. how does all of this play out at the convention? >> well, at the convention, that's going to be very interesting. what a lot of republicans have told me, this is vulnerable republicans running for re-election as well as the surrogates who have already endorsed donald trump. what they're saying is, we have to come up with a strategy to deal with these remarks, and what the strategy will be is,
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okay. he's not perfect. but he's better than hillary clinton. and it's going to be turned around on hillary clinton, and that's kind of what -- where they can unite. is that we want anybody but hillary. it's not never trump. it's never hillary. and so, you know, they don't have to necessarily say trump's name when answering questions about him. they can say, listen, not perfect, but -- not hillary. >> yes. interesting. but, i want to ask you, based on what she just was saying, i was told earlier by a guest that people need something to root for. they can't just do something, you know, to root against. ben jealous told me that. a big sanders supporter. need something to root for. so when you listen to molly's description of what, how this all may play out at the convention, it just never hillary, but not, we love trump? >> it is. and it's sort of due to negatives for a positive. if republicans, it's never
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hillary, then but it's not, we love trump, that's almost never going to -- inevitably depress turnout. even though democrats absolutely did not like george w. bush they didn't love john kerry and did not turn out in droves. and george w. bush won re-election. also on the other side, if democrats don't love hillary clinton, because they don't -- not as enthusiastic about her as potentially bernie sanders, you know, and they're just turning out to vote against donald trump, and if we have two negatives here, you know, each side voting against the other side, what happens in that case? and that's really -- i don't think we've seen an election like that. where both candidates were viewed as incredibly negative, both had very, very high disapproval ratings and that really potentially will depress turnout and if that's the case, hillary ends up winning because she has the bigger machine,
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better organization on the ground, even if her turnout is super depressed. >> new ads, one this one, attacking trump on his past comments on women. take a look at a clip here. >> the woman -- abortion? >> has to be some form of punishment. >> a person who's flat chested is very lard to hard to be a te >> get the bathing suits to be smaller, heels higher. >> you wouldn't have your job if you weren't beautiful. >> how sdo you do it? >> go back to a position like they had, where people will perhaps go to illegal places. bupt you have to ban it. >> you treat women with respect? >> i can't say that either. >> i want both of your opinions on this. what do you make of this tactic targeting women voters, already favoring clinton over trump and the timing of this now? >> it's smart. women swung every election since ronald reagan, make up 57 3 perce --
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53% of the electorate, vote ten more times more than men do. critical in the election, frankly and republicans have only won, george w. bush, mitigating the loss of women to less than 10 percentage points. the more hillary drives up negatives for donald trump the more difficult for him to win the election and he has to do something with women. women voters do not like him. even republican women do not like him. susan collens, senator from maine, still considering voting for hillary clinton at the end of things because she just does not like donald trump will not endorse him and is indicative of a lot of republican women i've spoken to. even republican women do not like him for all of the comments hillary is highlighting in this video. >> do you feel this way? regarding molly sticking with hillary -- regarding this joet that they'll defy their party lines? >> here's the kicker and the
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clincher. we thought women were not going to support him in the new york state primary and overwhelmingly they did. interesting. on the one hand hillary is trying to play the woman card but donald trump wait until you get to the debates. i've talked to gop lawmakers, they are waiting for him to evirsate hillary clinton on bill clinton's previous scandals and the way she dealt with women in terms of, you know, his relationships and he's going to be saying things to her that no republican has ever been able to really say, and so i think that if you look at how he's dealing with independents right now. in the most recent poll he's leading hillary clinton. and you look at the issues that are important to women, a lot of people are very frustrated with the economy. they want an outsider. so that's where it's going to be interesting to see if these ads really have, you know, sticking effect on women, but, again, i
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think that republicans are -- they're waiting to see what he does with the debates. >> such appointment television. thank you, ladies, so much. >> thank you. appealing to evangelicals, asking the faith convention, and who they would like to pick for the vice president. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet?
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we've done very well with evangelicals and with religion generally speaking. if you look at what's happened with all of the races, whether it's in south carolina, i went there and it was supposed to be very strong vevangelical and th i was not supposed to win and won in a landslide. so many other places where you had the evangelicals and the heavy christian groups and it was just -- it's been an
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amazing, an amazing journey. >> that was donald trump speaking before the faith and freedom summit yesterday. it is the latest in the presumptive nominee's efforts to maintain his popularity with evangelicals. joining me now, ralph reed, ralph is also the former chairman of the georgia republican party, and served as senior adviser to the bush-cheney campaigns. ralph, good to see you. thank you for joining me. >> thanks, alex. good to be with you. >> let a couple key people know a little delay. don't be disconcerted about that. let's talk about trump's speech here. it resonated with those in attendance? yes or no? give me a read on that. >> no, absolutely. i mean, donald trump hit the, you know, the notes that he needed to yesterday. he stressed his common and shared values with not only conservative evangelicals, who are going to represent, by the
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way, about one out of every four votes that is cast this november, but also faithful frequently mass attended catholics who represent about one out of every ten voters and he stressed his belief in the sanctity of life and traditional marriage and support for the state of israel, in support of religious liberty including cases like hobby lobby and little sisters of the poor, where the obama administration has attempted to trample on the first amendment rights of people of faith and force them to violate their consciences and enforcing government policies with which they respectfully object, and also his opposition to the iran nuclear deal, which hillary clinton helped to negotiate, and finally, some would say most importantly, he stressed the fact that he was going to appoint a conservative jurist and originalalists and believers and judges interpreting the law rather than
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legislating from the bench and with an open. see supreme court seat and vacancy because of the death of justice scalia. an open court with many things they care about hanging in the balance and whoever the next president is, is going to fill that vacancy and they certainly don't want it to be hillary clinton. >> you hit the nail on the head, ralph, with regard to that. it is very unique, he wasn't eastern the actual official nominee at that point. still technically the presumptive and putting out this list of these conservatives that he would appoint to the supreme court. maybe that is in part why this new poll heading into yesterday's convention showed him with a 42-point lead among white evangelicals over hillary clinton, but what does he have to do to get those numbers even higher, to mobilize evangelicals to get to the voting polls in november? >> well, i think he needs to keep doing what he's doing. i think, you know, woody allen,
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famously said that half of life is showing up, and donald trump showed up yesterday. and that mattered. he was the first republican nominee for president to show up at this meeting or its predecessor in 20 years, in person. and that was important. it will help generate a level of enthusiasm and activism. you know, sometimes republican presidential candidates embrace voters of faith in the primaries, and then they kind of stiff arm them in the general. i don't think that's a good strategy. we're not asking that donald trump or any other candidate make the central message of their campaign the moral issues that we care about. you know. we understand that voters are primarily concerned with the economy and with terrorism and with education and health care, and we want donald trump and other candidates to talk to voters about those issues. but we do need to know that when it comes to the values that beat
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in the hearts and give meaning to the souls of millions of voters of faith, that he not only stands with us, but he will fight with us. so as long as he continues to make that clear, i think that's the first thing he has to do. the second thing he honestly has to do alex, and this is a responsibility for his campaign, not for the faith and freedom coalition, he needs to have a good convention, a very good veep pick and then he needs to have a very good acceptance speech in cleveland next month. if he does those things, republicans and conservatives i think overwhelmingly will get behind the ticket. >> is there a particular person in mind that would be most appealing to evangelicals for the vice president pick? >> well, you know, you're talking to somebody, i'm going to date myself, but you're talking to somebody who lived through the selections of dan quayle, dick cheney and sarah palin. it's a little like trying to carry on a romance on a ouija
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board. you know? you don't really know, because it's one person's pick. it's a very personal pick, but let's just say there's an embarrassment of riches out there. there's a very deep and long bench and whether it's, you know, governors like former governor rick perry or john kasich, john walk werer, nikki haley, i'm a big fan of, or if you want to go to the senate look at somebody like marco rubio, ted cruz or mike lee, former senator santorum. i could literally name 20, 30 good names. so many good people to choose from and i would caution people from looking at somebody who trump might have had a disagreement with somewhere along the way, whether nikki haley or governor susana martinez, when jack kemple picked bob dole, he picked something he crossed swords with
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for 20 years. john kennedy picked li eed lynd johnson. they'll pick somebody if it will unite the party. >> your experience backs that up. as a person of faith do donald trump the personal attacks offend you? calling elizabeth warren pocahont pocahontas. would you ever suggest he stop that practice? >> well, you know, any advice that i have for him i consider him to be a good friend, or any other candidate, something that i'm going to offer to them in private. i would say in general i would prefer to have these discussions take place on public policy. but i don't think it's fair to single out donald trump on this. i think elizabeth warren has engaged in vicious personal attacks on him. others have called him a fraud. they've accused him of misogyny, of racism. they've accused him of other,
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that are some of the most serious charges that can be leveled against anybody in public life. so i would say if there's going to be you know, a cease-fire on these personal attacks, it's got to apply on all sides. that's the first thing. the second thing is, i would encourage people to have a healthy level of understanding that in a free society, and in the history of american politics and the ruough and tumble of a democracy, nothing is new under the sun. alexander hamilton and thomas jefferson and john adams went at each other personally. anybody familiar with the hit broadway play "hamilton" that's kind of bringing that to life to lots of people who may not have been as familiar and maybe even more, you know, particularly a great biography of hamilton, this went on in that time. abraham linking ilincoln was c
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personal names and smears and insults. i wish it weren't the case, alex, but that's been part of american politics for centuries. >> you know him as a friend but what he says, for middle east who don't know him as a friend the way he talked about people. talking about judge curiel, an american citizen of mexican heritage and saying because of his mexican heritage he's not capable to, not qualified to oversee this lawsuit against trump university. doesn't that mean -- isn't that racist? >> well, first of all, i don't think that's a fair characterization of what donald trump said he was concerned about. i think what he was talking about was not his heritage but whether or not he would be treated fairly based on the conduct of how the judge was conducting the case. but, you know, look, he's issued a statement making it very clear that his words on that were misconstrued.
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i know him. i do not -- i've never had any concern about his character in terms of him judging people based on anything other than their talent, their ability, their character, and their ability to do the job. i don't think you build the kind of business that he has built and hire the kind of people that he has hired, including being a developer in new york city who hired a woman to oversee some of the biggest construction projects in the world. you don't shatter that glass ceiling if you're not judging people only on their ability. so i just don't think it was a fair attack on him, and i think he's issued a statement that made that clear. >> all right, founder and chairman of the faith and freedom coalition. thank you so much for your time. >> thanks, alex. a judge on the hot seat. angering california turned into action. what organizers done have a sexual assault was perceived as
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today a renewed push to see a california judge removed from the bench. sentenced brock turner to six months in jail for a sexually assault. this graduation weekend after gathering 1 million signatures to urge the california judicial commission to take action. also in palo alto, california, just outside the courthouse there. another good day to you. what do protestors have planned this weekend on the stanford campus? >> reporter: good day, alex. tomorrow is the big day for protestors. they are planning a very peaceful protest early in the morning before graduation and during graduation. so just to give you an idea. this is the stanford daily here. this is, you know, graduates on the front page smiling after this accomplishment of graduating from stanford, one of the most prestigious universities in the world. on the back, congrats, stanford class of 2016. will you join the community of
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stanford alumni standing up against rape culture? protect survivors, not rapists. purseky must go. kind of what we'll be seeing tomorrow. a lot of signs and billboards asking for the recall of the judge that sentenced brock turner, the man convicted of sexual assault on campus asking for him to be taken off the bench. the legal community, however is coming to purseky's defense saying he did everything right, did it by the books and whether or not people agree with his decision, it was a legal one and it should be respected. alex? >> all right. in palo alto. thank you. the search for the anti-trump solution. can it possibly come from the mountains of utah? that's next. around here the early bird
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♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at welcome back, everyone. i'm alex witt here at msnbc headquarters in new york. and donald trump in key battleground states pap short time ago wrapped up in florida
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and expect the later in pittsburgh, pa, and holding an annual retreat with deep pocket donors joining me, msnbc's lee ann caldwell. that summit making headlines. and comments about paul ryan. what happens there? >> reporter: paul ryan was speaking to a skeptical crowd about donald trump and he was grilled by a hewlett-packard ceo, meg whitman, who financed the anti-trump campaign, spent a million dollars trying to stop trump and asked, how can you come out and endorse him, comparing him to hitler, mussolini, his response, listen, i need to keep the party together, plus he got the majority of voters, so i have to respect the will of the voters. meanwhile, this morning, mitt romney spoke to the crowd. the press allowed in. much is closed press, and he reflected about his own 2012 election. he referenced the now infamous
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exit poll where only 18% of people said that mitt romney cares about people like them. he said, "i don't think he's fighting for me. i don't think he understands my problem. that's the whole reason i was running. i wasn't running because of rich people. i was running to help the average american. we as republicans fail to communicate their message that affects them." so mitt romney was pretty open, reflective, also talked about the problems with the other crop of 2016 republican candidates. he said they should have attacked trump not each other. >> okay. nbc's lee ann caldwell with that update from park city. thank you. bring in robert costa, national political reporter for "the washington post" and msnbc political analyst. robert, welcome to you. let's get a start with the romney retreat. the never trump republicans and trump endorsers all gathering in the same place. romney dismissed any idea of a convention coup. so what do you suppose they're talking about?
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>> well, they're talking about, how to handle this uncomfortable moment for them in republican politics. they know that the convention itself there could be some minor movement to try to remove donald trump, but because of what paul ryan and others are saying, that the will of the voters matters more than anything right now, that the ability for some other candidate to come in is really a pipe dream. so what they're looking at is the future of the party. is the future of the gop going to be in donald trump's image or more in the traditional gop mitt romney, paul ryan mold? >> yeah, in the latter you're speaking about steve lanigan, head of the conservative pac launching an effort to have donald trump's delegates unbound tweeting it's time for a delegate revolt. does that have any support that would make that feasible? >> the delegates do revolt and certainly there's a possibility some will look through the rules committee or other means to detach themselves from donald trump. they still have to have another candidate to rise up and perhaps
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be a rival of trump on the convention floor prp the way the process is set up in cleveland, the way the party runs, it would take someone like mitt romney trying to run towards the convention to disrupt the process, but that just doesn't plook like it look like it's going to happen. >> hillary clinton had a pretty good week. big endorsement from the president, the vice president and also senator elizabeth warren. what does she need to do to keep this kind of momentum going? >> i spent the last eight, nine days on the trail with senator sanders, and his movement is kreye just that. it's a movement that has a lot of political capital, after sanders' victories in the primary race and a lot of new voters coming into the democratic party. a challenge for secretary clinton, how does she in the coming days and weeks reach out to bernie sanders' voters says her general election campaign will be as progressive as the senator's and her meeting with elizabeth warren, the massachusetts senator, in the
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last couple of days was a signal to bernie sanders supporters she's looking to that wing of the party. >> what do you think will happen after the d.c. primary, roant? do you think bernie sanders -- no. not putting words in your mouth. you tell me what you think? >> based on my reporting, sanders has always wanted to go through the entire 50 states. so in the course of the district of columbia and some territories. after tuesday, his people feel he has gotten the respect from the party he deserves. the president has recognized him. his picture has been taken walking down the colonnade as the white house and meeting with him at the oval office. he'll meet with secretary clinton likely in the coming week. those kind of meetings shows a respect for sanders giving him the ability to leave the race in the next week or so with dignity, with his head held high and leverage within the party. >> so how do you think that affects all of those passionate supporters, those a part of his movement you've been seeing the last week or so while on the campaign trail? really, do you think those folks will pivot and go to hillary
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clinton? i mean is there a chance they would go to donald trump? >> the republicans certainly hope that some of them could come to trump. this is a unique election, where the presumptive republican nominee is populist, anti-free trade in some respects and a thought in the gop that because of the irregular positions trump takes on some issues, maybe he could win them over. so democrats, voters for sanders, are looking for cues from secretary clinton and other democratic officials when it comes to something like the democratic platform in philadelphia. will sanders ideas on minimum wage and climate change and energy, will they be incorporated in a significant way into that democratic platform? >> all right. thank you for the chat. appreciate it. >> thank you. need a break from politics? a beach and a book. coming up bet-selling author patterson joins me on page turners when you see sun and surf. well, pretty bad at.
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lot of time. joining me now, james patterson with a great welcome to you. how much fun it is to talk to you. thank you for joining me. >> oh, thank you. we're introducing book shots oonchts. >> i know. what is this concept and why now? what about the timing? >> under 150 pages. impossible to stop reading. these are addictive. i will warn viewers right now. my wife a big reader, read about 15 of them now, and her thing is, give me another one. give me another one. give me another one. really, really cool stories. until you start writing them you continue to know if it's going to work at 140 pages. it's like a rocket ship. zero to 60 in 3.4 seconds or something like that. but very satisfying. >> given that i've read you want to include current events in book shots, any chance you might want to rigght write about this
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electi election? if so what would the title be? >> already have buone. >> "trump versus clinton: in their own words." subject by subject. immigration, women, you know -- any subject you want, and it's what they've said, and, you know, for $30, i don't know if i want the book, but for $4.99, i'm buying that book. so "trump versus clinton" our first nonfiction. >> sounds like something i want on my desk at work for sure. i'm curious, james. other than yourself, who is your favorite author and why? >> well, i'm not my favorite author. well, i, you know, going back, i'm a -- not to try to act silly but a big james joyce fan, gabriel garcia marquez, thriller and mystery, michael connelly. written love stories. actually doing romances in this,
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too. in the book shots. next month i have one called "little black dress." >> how about recommendations for summer reads, or do you have another summer thrillers? the classics out for 2016? >> the women's murder club 15 is out right now and a particularly good one in that series. michael bennett, that's coming out later in the summer. tell you, the cool one, actually, and i'm not sure whether it's august or september. it's called "woman of god." and it's about a, starts in st. peter's square and the hope has died and the cardinals going into the room and what people don't realize when the cardinals go in there, any catholic, theoretic willy could come out elected pope. it's happened twice. doesn't have to be a cardinal or anybody in the room. and there's a rumor going around rome, a strong rumor, that a woman is being considered.
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>> wow. >> and then it goes to tell her story. it starts 20 years earlier. she's a doctor in the sudan, and her story is fascinating, because, in terms of what she did with her life, but all the while you're going like, is she going to be the pope? and how could she possibly get to a situation where she would be considered to be the pope? that's a cool one this summer. "woman of god". >> sounds great. best of luck with it. >> thank you. >> book shots. and a call of action, is it too late to oust donald trump? that's next. built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line.
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republican party remains a conservative party and donald trump is not a conservative, so we're petitioning -- we've launched a petition drive this morning -- to get republican signatures to unbind the delegates, unbind the delegates, going into the first ballot so that donald trump has to go into that convention and prove himself to those delegates, because, you know, alex, the delegates have a moral obligation to ensure the republican party has the best candidate to defeat hillary clinton and right now donald trump is not uniting the party and he will not beat hillary clinton.was launched hours ago. joining me now ray suarez, he's a longtime pbs news correspondent. ray, it's awfully good to have you here and i want to say as a longtime political observer, get your response to what we just heard. how realistic is a delegate revolt at this point in the game and what kind of options do the republicans really have left? >> it may not be something that ends up upending the trump campaign, but what difference
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does that make? it should have been a week when donald trump was consolidating his position at the top of the party and starting the fall campaign. instead he was sliding in the muck that he himself created in the afterwart of the curiel flap and just this morning tearing the head off the party's last nominee for president, mitt romney, in a speech in tampa, florida. if you're doing that, you're not running for president. you're settling scores. also this week, along with the lonegan petition came word from one of the members of the rules committee of the convention itself that she was going to try to unbind -- bound delegates, allowing them to make a conscience vote in the first round of voting when the convention gets to cleveland. this is not something that a party that is getting ready to make its nominee president should be doing. >> terms of the timing in unifying, in an interview last night mitt romney stead he wouldn't back trump and he might
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vote libertarian this time around. how unprecedented is it, ray, and what happens now when the last presidential nominee won't vote for the current one? >> we're in totally uncharted territory, when the sitting senate majority leader of your own party tells an interviewer freely and without coercion that his party's standard-bearer doesn't understand the issues, who can think of a precedent for that? it's amazing. >> there's this new report out there that a major clinton foundation donor was put on a government intelligence advisory board while hillary clinton was secretary of the state, defight not having any obvious experience in intelligence and here's what donald trump had to say about this. let's listen. >> they all look, where did this guy come from? he made a contribution of $250,000, all of sudden he's on this very important and vital board. this position dealt with tactical nuclear weapons and had top secret clearance. and he knew nothing about it.
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>> and, ray, as we put up the hillary clinton camp response to these accusations, is donald trump right? how big of a problem could this be for hillary clinton? >> well, it depends on how mrs. clinton handles it from here on out. raj fernando was an expert and was said to be an expert and understood to be an expert in cybersecurity, which if you talk to people who are experts in defense matters, they'll tell you that that's part of the new front in international conflict. what will kill her on this issue is if a quid pro quo can be demonstrated, a connection, between a donation to the clinton global initiative and his seating on that board. the enabling legislation, the language, that creates that security board says right up front that it's going to draw people from many areas of exp t expertise, they can probably get by with that, but if the connection between the donation
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and the seat on that appointive board can be demonstrated, that's a problem. but also look at the last 25 years. whenever hillary clinton has been asked a straight-up question and hasn't given a straight-up answer, the problem only gets worse. and even when at the end of the day the issue at the core of the controversy ends up not being that much, it's been made worse by the dribs and drabs exposure of the truth rather than just coming out and trying to put the fire out. >> uh-huh. ray suarez, we're going to look forward to welcoming you back to the broadcast. thanks very much for joining me today. >> thanks for having me. up next frances rivera and she'll have rachel maddow's entire view with elizabeth warren about why she's endorsing hillary clinton.
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