tv Lockup Raw MSNBC June 12, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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every day, brian drives carefully to work. and every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. he's been paying more for car insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesn't even notice them anymore. but one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs.
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get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. don't let dust and allergies get and life's beautiful moments. with flonase allergy relief, they wont. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. the largest and worst mass shooting in u.s. history took place in the early, early morning hours, just after last call at a club called pulse in orlando, florida.
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so named to be in memorial for a man who died of hiv/aids. it was his sister who had the idea to open a place that was more than just a bar or nightclub, but a gathering and meeting place and a safe place for members, mostly of the lgbt community in orlando, florida. the real city of orlando, florida, outside the confines of the resort hotels and theme parks there. turns in as we said to the largest act of gun violence in our history. 50 dead, 53 injured. that means 103 people were struck by bullets. we don't know how many of them in the crossfire from 11 members of law enforcement who discharged their weapons after what became a hostage situation, trying to take down this gunman.
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a terrorist attack that was also a hate crime. and as our last guest speculated, could end up changing american life, changing the way people go to public events, to large gatherings and the like. our justice correspondent pete williams has been gathering on this all day. pete, as a very basic level before we get into the facts of the case, i'm wondering if you agree or not with anthony roman who just said that this kind of by definition will and should change our situational awareness when we walk into a place that we have to get more like this. >> i think every time one of these happens it makes people think twice about things. although, today there were gay rights -- gay pride gatherings in many american cities. the folks who were there said they were determined to show up
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anyway. but, yes, i mean, whether it's the increased security you face at the airport or when you go to the super bowl or when you go to a lot of events and you have to pass through a metal detector, whether there will be more metal detectors at places like this where people gather. we have seen in the trend line is clear on that, brian. there are more and more of that. i tell you that law enforcement officials, frankly, kind of dread a lot of public gatherings because it means a potential target. they have to try to do what they can about security. but, of course, we have had mass shootings in america for years in all different kinds of places. this is on a different level. the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms confirmed it was within the past week mateen bought the weapons. let me show you pictures if we can go to the full screen here. these are not the actual weapons. but we're going to push in tight
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on this so you can see them. these are what they say are what the weapons were like that he had. first of all, this ar-15 style assault type rifle. it doesn't have the magazine on it or it just has a small magazine in place here. but the authorities tell us that it had a high capacity magazine. so it would have been down here below the weapon with a large number of rounds. then they say he also had th this .9 millimeter semiautomatic handgun. these are not the actual weapons. but these are examples of what the weapons that he used looked like. two of the most common firearms in america, brian. >> of the two, obviously, the larger capacity, the larger round, the more powerful round is the ar-15. >> absolutely. in every possible way. it's a larger caliber round of
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ammunition. and, of course, it's the high capacity magazine that gives it so much of its destructive power. the fact that you can repeatedly discharge rounds without having to reload the weapon. >> so beyond the immediate tragedy and, believe me, orlando, florida is gripped with it. there are families walking around unsure where their loved ones are, if they're on the list of critically injured or the deceased. what will strike people about this is the randomness. the fact that there is no way to know that an emotionally disturbed weaponized, perhaps radicalized young man working within the system, as a security guard in a gated community, with a permit to carry a gun by day for his job, turns on society. a particular group within society and kills 50 people.
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>> yes, absolutely true. although i think many gay people would tell you that they sometimes are extra cautious about displaying affections in public, but i think that nightclubs like this were considered sort of sanctuaries, safe places to go, places where you could be yourself and you didn't have to worry about what other people would think. so the idea that even there you would be exposed to deadly violence is just, i think, for many people just so shocking. and i suspect that we don't know this yet but i think there were a number of factors, at least my own supposition is in talking to law enforcement people who consider it mrplausible, why we there so many casualties. it was a large number of people. these places have very loud music. so when the -- if this had happened inside a supermarket or a library or a concert hall or
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maybe even a movie theater as we have seen happen, perhaps you would have heard the shots and realized more quickly what was happening. but with the music and the loud music, perhaps people -- it took them a wherealize shots were be fired. just a target of a large concentration of people. how many places where a lot of people gathering were crowded at 2:00 in the morning? that's maybe another thing. you know, did he choose this specific spot? was he casing other places? when did he decide on this target? those are questions they don't know the answers to. >> remember in aurora people thought it was part of the "batman" film. they didn't know this guy appearing on stage wasn't a part of the show of the rock and roll show. the human mind takes a while to realize, against your better instincts, we're under attack inside this bar/nightclub.
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>> yeah. many people often think that it just can't possibly happen. they have never been around it. of course, obviously, you are out having a good time. it's the last thing you would think about. >> last call, 2:00 in the morning. pete williams, thanks very much. kerry sanders is standing by in the neighborhood of the shooter in this case, the deceased shooter in for tshoot er in fort pierce, florida. >> we're here where there is an ongoing investigation at the apartment. they have asked most to leave. they were vacated around 8:00, 8:30 this morning. they were told they will not come back tonight. the fbi along with the florida department of law enforcement as well as the local sheriff's office and the police department are around the corner cautiously working as they are approaching the apartment. we're not even sure -- the police spokesman says he cannot confirm whether they have
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entered the apartment yet, whether they actually determined whether it was booby trapped or not. the first thing they did was get everybody out of here. a short distance from here is the islamic center of fort pierce. the question is, is there an answer perhaps among those at the islamic center where this gunman, would go sometimes three, sometimes four times a week? they knew the gunman. they knew the family. he knew the family better because omar mateen would show up generally just as prayers were beginning in the evening and leave shortly thereafter. so not a lot of conversation. but he says the family is from afghanistan. they speak the farsi. he would glean that they were more associated with what was called the northern alliance. those are those more in tune with the united states and less
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sympathetic to the taliban. but nonetheless, as we have reported, his father at least has made some sympathetic statements towards the taliban. aski ining specific questions, d a chance to sit down with him for 20 minutes. the first question is whether there was some teaching in that mosque that may have set this gunman off. this is what he had to say. you don't think there was a connection between his religious beliefs and what happened in orlando? >> absolutely not. even if he did religion belief i never taught to him. because he come to the mosque. the mosque we never support any extremism of anything. if he something was cooking in his mind, something he might have been learning from the internet. >> what does the koran teach about homosexuality? >> homosexuality is a sin. but sin mean that go and kill
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other sinners, koran is not saying that. to tell lie is a sin and rob and drink is a sin. it never mean you should go and start killing sinners. sinners are welcome in the mosque. in the mosque, i speak with full authority and i speak like i am speaking to you now. >> those who are not scholars -- many people who go to a mosque are not scholars. they are just following what they are learning. in some cases, learning more on, as you know, on the internet and from other people, not just strictly there, have heard the stories about the possibility of that when you die, your soul goes to a place where you are rewarded with virgins. so i asked whether there was any sort of teachings along those lines that would suggest that this gunman believed that by doing this, he would be rewarded. this is what he had to say. you don't believe as some who believe in the jihadist movement that he has gone to a better place?
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>> oh, man, jihad you go in the middle of the night and you kill 50 people, civilian and woman and men innocent, this is jihad. who said this is jihad. if a person did a crime and you say he is in better place. this is tbetween him and god. >> now, the fbi has visited eeds islamic center several times in recent years following events that required sort of follow-up to see whether there was any chatter within the mosque that may draw some important intelligence. interestingly, they say that there was never an fbi visit talking specifically about omar mateen. he only wishes now that perhaps they had brought up his name, because as we know, the fbi has looked at him in the past. the fbi has not made a visit to the islamic center today.
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members of the community have gathered and they are holding yet one more prayer. they have had three prayer services today. they say there will be two more. an interesting side note. omar mateen was a rather well built person, somebody who seemed to have a lot of muscles. we understand that he attended one of the local gyms. we don't know whether what they are talking about at the gym is true or not, but we do know that they are talking about the possibility of steroid use among members there. so, of course, some people have asked the question -- let's be perfectly clear here. we don't know whether this is correct or not. but whether there was any roid rage or steroid use that can sometimes alter somebody's psyche. the question going back is there some teaching at the mosque that talked about homosexuality that may have set him off? that is not the case. it's not something openly
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discussed. one last question, brian, and i found this interesting, when we asked about the -- how this would get politicized and whether he felt that donald trump calling for a ban on muss l -- muslims was something that would be appropriate now. he believed that a president trump might help the islamic community in this country, because if he were there, then it would take some of the pressure off. i said, are you saying that you support donald trump? he said, no. but he does not oppose what donald trump is trying to do. that's a huge surprise from somebody who is a leader in this islamic community. it's a very small community, brian, here in fort pierce, about a dozen members showed found prayers about an hour or so ago. >> kerry sanders, a lot of material there as we just get the first glimpses behind the scene of this life that ended along with the 50 lives that he took with him. we're going to show you a
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portion of an interview of the ex-wife of omar mateen. a press account earlier today accused him of being abusive to his ex-wife after three or four months of marriage. sitara yusufiy was her name. this was recorded in boulder, colorado, this afternoon. >> what i feel for the people, what i feel for the souls that are transitioning, for the people that are wounded, for the families left in questions and heartbroken wondering why this happened, why somebody would do this, that's my biggest concern. and i pray for their healing. i pray for their peace. >> again, that is a portion of this interview in boulder, colorado. that is the ex-wife of the dead terrorist in this bar, club, in
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orlando, florida. officially, the worst instance of gun violence in american history. the worst casualties from a mass shooting. i am told that chris hanson has been able to rejoin us. chris, i don't know how you are still functioning. for those who weren't watching a little bit over an hour ago, chris was an eyewitness. only because he was near the vip entrance was he able to get away and survive and be able to talk to us about what happened at that club last night. chris, have you been able to learn anything since we spoke about friends, people, faces you might have seen in the crowd, any of the outcome that could be positive? >> i did get to speak to carlos when we did an interview, which
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was great. he was one of the gentlemen helping me with the wounded. as far as any of my friends, i'm new here, so i didn't have any friends in there. i was just a new patron here to enjoy the nightclub. >> so you are new in orlando from ohio, i believe you said. what do you make of this new community? >> it was amazing so far. and as of right now, it is still amazing. last night's tragedy was a disaster. didn't expect going into a nightclub to come out with somebody else's blood or helping other people who have either been killed or wounded, not knowing what life would be, just thought that a night of dancing and drinks would be something that would be exciting and enjoyful. it didn't turn out to be that way. as a whole, the whole lgbt has
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been pulled together. it has been good so far. it's been pretty good. >> i know someone is speaking very loudly next to you. you are in a row of people reporting on television. i'm sorry about that. for the viewers who weren't watching our conversation earlier tonight, can you still hear me? >> hold on. i'm going to switch ears. >> okay. >> okay. is that better for you? >> yeah. that's actually a trick of our trade. we do the same thing when we're next to a loud person. >> is that better for you? >> you c >> you can still hear him? >> we may have lost him. chris, you ccan you still hear ? >> this is brian, can you hear me? okay. i'm sorry, gang. we're going to take a break in our coverage and continue right after this. if a denture were to be
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put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. i'm terhe golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. every ingredient is the main ingredient. the new green goddess cobb
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we are still learning all the facts. this is an open investigation. we have reached no definitive judgment on the precise motivations of the killer. the fbi is appropriately investigating this as an act of terrorism. i have directed we must spare no effort to determine what if any inspiration or association this killer may have had with terrorist groups. what is clear is that he was a person filled with hate. over the coming days, we kill uncover why and how this happened. we will go wherever the facts lead us. >> the president from the briefing room in the west wing earlier today. a number of public officials have spoken out, spoken to their constituencies. we are joined by the mayor of the city of new york, bill de
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blasio. thank you for coming in. >> you are welcome. >> you put out a statement today. what in general did you say to the people of the city? >> our hearts are with the people of orlando and the families of those who have lost their loved ones. that's the first thing we all have to say. we also said that this city is vigilant and ready. unfortunately, we felt terror before in 2001. we live in a high state of readiness every day. we have also developed a very strong anti-terror capacity. we have over 500 officers would do nothing but anti-terrorism patrol. they will be out in force in new york city. what i have said is you will see a lot of police presence the next few days. in general in busy locations but also on the lgbt community. there's a real concern in the community. this was an act of hate as well as an act of terror. at gay community locations and community centers, there will be additional police presence. there's a vigil tomorrow night in front of the famous stone
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wall in the birth plaplace of t gay civil rights celebration. this month is the pride parade at the end of the month. a lot of police presence to keep the community safe. >> think of this though. some of it is shadow boxing. that's some of your job and the police commissioner and the 34,000 officers who serve. a guy enrange eenraged by seein together in miami. a guy who had self-radicalized perhaps on the web, has a permission to carry a weapon for his day job working at a guard shack at a gated community. buys more weapons and becomes operational about a week ago. in a city like this, eight million people, this is needle in a haystack stuff even though the police department in new york city has been called a mini-cia for its capability to find and root out bad apples. >> we have a tremendous
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terrorism finding capacity. there have been 20 plots either based in new york city or directed toward new york city since 9/11. every one was foiled because of that intelligence gathering capacity and we have the personnel, including the visible personnel on the streets to make sure we are inhibiting act of terror. your point is well taken. how do you find the one person who may have suddenly decided they want to do something without prior indication? you know, we talk about on our subways, for example, the slogan, if you see something say something. it's equally true in terms of the people in our lives. if we see indications someone might be becoming radicalized or indications that someone is becoming unglued in some way and also has access to weapons, that's where colleagues, family members, friends need to alert the police. let them know even if it's just a hunch, it may save lives. we have seen in some incidents people knew something. they held back and they kind of
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underestimated it. we always tell the people of the city, share what you know with the nypd. that may be what keeps us safe just getting to someone at the right time. >> you and i both have been to yankee games. we have been to israel. we have been through tsa lines. those are three areas you can travel other countries, they have baked it into life. people are used to going into a small store in tel aviv, a restaurant, they get searched first. that's what happens. just as we get searched is at the airport. we just had a security expert on said, we should all increase our situational awareness. that's what cops and the military call it when you walk into a theater. look around. when you walk into a bar or restaurant, know where the exits are. >> that's something again in the city we have a special experience with. the reason those 20 plots were foiled over the last 15 years was, again, in part that people did participate. they saw something, they alerted the authorities.
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it is the world we're living in. that does not mean we should give in to fear. one of the things i say are the attacks are an attempt to change our lifestyle. we cannot allow that to happen. new yorkers are clear, we're not going to be intimidated by acts of terror or threats of terror. we have to stick to our democratic values and our inclusive values. we have to reject, by the way, in this nation, voices that are attempting to divide us at this very moment or to set muslim americans apart from others. at the same time as we need that situational awareness, and there's something every single human being can do to protect themselves and family and to see something that might help law enforcement, we can't let this atmosphere change who we are. it's a tough combination. but it's necessary to say out loud, we must stick to our democratic and inclusive values. >> the argument that goes something like this. don't fight the last war. they are probably not going to
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use airplanes to attack us again. god forbid, they have probably attacked gay people for the last time because it will be something else. stay agile. don't fight last war. >> that's exactly right. recognize that we -- first of all, by having the deterrent capacity. the city has the strongest ability of any city to prevent terror because we focus on that. second, the intelligence gathering. it helps us to recognize there are new trends all the time. what we see with isis, three years ago, no one ever had heard the word. now it is something we fixate on every day. we have to recognize that these dynamics change all the time. we also have to recognize that we have multiple problems at one time. this was an act of hate and terror. this is clearly about the accessibility to guns in this country and that problem. there may be a mental health problem here. we don't know all the facts in this case. we know all of those pieces are part of the equation.
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situational awareness as individuals. sharing of information with law enforcement. reinforcing law enforcement's ability to be there, to be agile and to be present as needed wherever. that's something we believe in here. it's very sad that since 2001 we have been in essentially a current constant state of vigilance. but one thing that it has taught us is if you are thinking every day, be ready, be in a ready position in case something might happen. it's best way to stop something from happening. >> to that end, this is the only city in the world where there's a good chance if you see 20 cop cars driving like hell through the city, they're not going anywhere specifically. they are just driving through new york city to keep people off balance who might do the city harm. you have been convinced to continue that policy during your administration. >> and to deepen it. we have added 500 plus officers to anti-terrorism efforts. we have the huge init will he
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ge intelligence gathering, and deeper relationship with the fbi. we needed a well-armed, well-trained force that did nothing but anti-terror and needed to be visible at kilo indication key locations and when least expected. nothing keeps our enemies off guard more than that sense that at any given moment there could be a huge police presence. that's the kind after guilty we need to fight terror. >> horrible topic to come up at any time. of course, we lost 50 souls overnight in orlando, florida. mr. mayor, thank you. >> thank you, brian. >> we're back with more right after this.
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pulse. and it's probably the better part of wisdom not to zoom in too close, even if we have the ability. the men and women in environmental suits are investigating what is still an active crime scene. and we have learned just within the last two hours, sadly, there are still victims in and around that building. there was visible evidence of loss of life all day. and because the heavens have opened sporadically, this being central florida, they have set up some popup tents to keep the investigation operation dry. but as you can see, the area is only law enforcement allowed in or out. our reporters have been doing their work from safe distance, closest is about a block away. but it's going to remain this way and should for some time. the place where 50 people, part
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of a crowd of 300, just having fun on a saturday night, latin night, at the pulse nightclub, 50 people lost their lives. that number and more were wounded. 11 police officers discharged their weapons in taking down this one terrorist suspect. we are joined by the senior senator from the state of florida, former astronaut turned politician in his third term. bill nelson is with us. senator nelson, when people ask you why us, why orlando, florida, of all places, what's the answer? >> there is no answer. it can be anywhere. and that's what terrorism tries to do, to strike when people are unarmed, unprotected in order to instill fear. and that's what we as americans cannot let dominate us but
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instead to dig down deep and overcome this so that the terrorist doesn't win. >> what are the lessons of this where hate crimes are concerned and where domestic terrorism is concerned in your eyes? >> i think at the end of the day, it will be an isis connection. and a hate crime. either way, it is terrorism. >> do you draw much distinction between isis directed attacks and isis influenced attacks? >> both of them result in the same thing. whether it's isis inspired or isis directed, that's what the fbi right now is piecing together. they have a team over in fort pierce, the hometown of where this shooter lived. they are talking to the whole community. they will piece it all together, connect the dots and then we'll know. >> so we have security experts
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joining us on the air tonight, senator. one of whom just said, americans have to change their situational awareness. a term you must know from your years with nasa, situational awareness. knowing your surroundings, when you walk into a place, you case the joint, quietly, in the back of your mind. you are much more aware of duffel bags and rental trucks you may walk by. is that your advice as well? or do we need more systemic changes? you can't blame people for being off balance seeing this loss of innocent lives. >> of course, situational awareness. but we have to be able to go on about our lives or otherwise the terrorist wins. and it is for that reason that you can't go in fearful of every
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situation. but it certainly is true, if you see something, say something. >> devil's advocate. if you are at a checkpoint tonight at orlando airport and your shoes and all your belongings, your jacket, injure wallet are in little plastic bins, couldn't you argue that is a victory for the terrorists? >> well, that happened a long time ago after september 11, 2001. it's a way of life. the terrorists then had a mode that they wanted to strike on an airplane. now they are using different tactics. this is one of them or something like this is one of them. >> talk about this bar, this club and the safe haven it offered, which is part of the perverse nature of this crime. >> that's exactly right.
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this guy knew what he was doing. fort pierce is 90 miles away. he purposely came here. he obviously had cased the joint. he knew that late at night that there were going to be a lot of people crowded in a small, confined area. so, unfortunately, that's the twisted mind that is going on, whether it's a hate crime or whether it's inspired terrorism or directed terrorism. >> senator bill nelson, thank you very much for being with us tonight from orlando. our condolences to all the folks there. >> thanks, brian. >> thank you, senator. we want to bring in easily the most patient man in television and one most learned as well, ambassador jim wilse, the former director of the cia. he has been waiting to talk to us for some time.
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he served as cia director under president clinton. thank you for your patience. >> good to see you, even under these circumstances. >> along my lines of the questions to the senator, people are sitting at home on a sunday night, perhaps there's a million other things they would normally be watching, they would prefer to watch. we get into these tragedies and we come together in a way watching the coverage. we can't believe that 50 families are getting the very worst news possible. we can't believe that one of us, an american, has done this. what is your advice as to how this needs to change american society, if at all? >> well, in addition to the individual steps we're going to have to take, i'm afraid, shoes at airports are taken off for a long, long time. the best thing we can do to honor the people who were killed and their relatives and friends
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is to stop the next one. and the way we stop the next one, if at all possible, is to get inside the heads of the terrorists and try to think like they do and see if we can get ahead of them. won't mean we can guess exactly what they are going to do. but we might get leverage. for example, the shooter called 911 shortly before all this happened. and he said something to about the brothers who did the boston marathon bombing. in a sense maybe he was trying to say that, i'm about to do this to honor them. they were not all that successful. why would he pick a date like that? that's the anniversary this happened on the anniversary of the american revolution of paul revere's ride. these guys are interested in dates. they are interested in
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anniversaries. they like to do something in a way which makes us look like we can't protect ourselves even on special occasions. they like to essentially protect themselves from our doing anything to them under those circumstances. we need to spend more time -- this expolicemample may not wor. but we need to spend more time getting inside their heads and trying to ascertain how we can keep them from succeeding each time. >> not to be flip, we have tried to get inside their computers with a data mining operation that some americans have found too excessive for a free society. i guess the question is, how do you find the next security guard who is, you know, brought in periodically by the fbi, they gave him a once over, they gave him a twice over, still a
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private citizen. how do you find the person who is getting the slightest influence from isis over the web? he wasn't even as far as we know taken taken to a deep dark corner of the web where they really can radicalize you. he had a negative reaction to seeing two guys kissing on a street corner in miami. he had a positive reaction to what he was seeing out of isis. and again, not being argumentative, but that to me just says, needle in a haystack. >> it is a needle in a haystack. worst news from this terrible situation in a way is that the fbi was alerted enough, twice, to interview him and try to understand where he was headed. and he was able in both occasions to have them conclude -- they are professionals -- that there wasn't anything there that they needed to do anything about. that's a discouraging aspect of
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this. but on the first matter that you raised about getting inside the computers of the bad guys, we have to do that. amazon knows a lot more about what you are buying than the u.s. government does. the u.s. government has not seriously been intrusive on a number of these matters where they have been using metadata and the like. i think we cut back too much on their ability to understand where some of these individuals and groups were headed by using computer skills and we're going to have to decide whether we want a perfect world in which we have to give up absolutely no liberty of any kind under any circumstance or whether we're going to make some compromises for a time. we have made pcompromises in th past.
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there are a number of things we have done over time to make it easier for us to protect ourselves. and then when the war was over, we went back to the way things were before. we may have to start thinking about doing that again instead of listening to everybody who says any understanding of what's going on inside the computers, let's say, of the bad guys has got to be something bad that we're doing. >> i guess a cynic would argue, when we are fighting shadow boxing terrorism, how will we ever know if and when this war is over. that's kind of the nature of the beast, isn't it? >> it won't be over until we destroy isis and destroy the islamist radicals. we did a good job against the serbs when they were the terrorists going against the bosnians. we used american air power very effectively.
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we are going to have to use military power devastatingly against isis and in its home territory and not just sort of fiddling around a few sorties here, a few there. we are going to have to act like we did in 1999 against the serbs and take them out. >> final question. do you think we will hear from one of the survivors, i remember a guy who didn't look right? i remember a guy who didn't look like he would be coming to this club. does that mean, does it follow then that we all need lessons in enhanced situational awareness? >> i think it's awfully hard to teach people how to do that. one could offer voluntarily some ways of recognizing. some of the statements were made earlier about a backpack that seems weighted on one side. there are things one can watch out for. but generally speaking,
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terrorists are going to be i think too clever to do that and leave themselves open to that. we're going to have to get inside their communication systems and be dominant in them. >> the former keeper of all the secrets, the former head of the cia, jim woolsey, thank you for your patience and coming on the way. when we come back, thomas roberts on the ground in orlando with the mayor among others. that's when our coverage continues.
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chain-link fences were there now but they have been draped in what we assume is the removal of those that were killed inside last night. 50 people lost their lives in the shooting attack that happened there. 53 other people were injured. it's a major command center that has taken up the street here along orange avenue where this nightclub, a real place of community and a place of fellowship for the lgbt community existed here in orlando. now it's turned into this active crime scene. but i had a chance to go behind the crime scene tape and speak one on one with the governor of florida, rick scott, and talk about everything, what they know about the person who did this massacre, what they feel is the best message to be sending to the people of florida and what they feel about the lgbt community, not just here in florida but how he feels about the message that needs to be sent worldwide. take a look. governor, what's the latest update on the situation at
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pulse? >> they are still doing their -- fbi is in there along with local law enforcement. they are notifying families. i have been talking to some of the families that have been notified which is heart wrenching. our law enforcement has done a good job. i want to thank law enforcement that took the risk of going in the building without knowing what was in there. everyone is working together, the fbi, the local, state law enforcement, everybody has shown up. this is a great community and state. >> why did you call the families yourself? that's not something you night need to do. why did you feel the need to talk to them? >> i have daughters basically the age that would have gone to a club. i personally can't imagine this happening. so i wanted to do two things.
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i wanted to tell them my grief with them but on top of that, if they need something i want to make sure they know how to reach me. you don't know what they are going through right now. other family members, this is a tough time for them. >> explain the command center we see behind them, the work takes place right now with what is still remains of pulse, which is an active crime scene. >> what's happening is the law enforcement is working jointly sharing information. i'm there basically along with others the same. i'm there to say, what can we do to be helpful? that's why i called a state of emergency this morning. it allowed more resources to come together faster. that was the whole purpose of that. it is people coordinating their efforts to get things done as quickly as we can. >> what's the outpouring, the showing of love from so many people, what's that mean to you, especially when there's been
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rhetoric that's bouncing around as well politically? >> this is -- just so appreciative of people all over the world giving good wishes to what's going on here in orlando and our state and nation. i want to thank everybody for doing that. there are a number of people who that have gone to give blood. it's overwhelming. the big thing is, we need to pray. we need to pray for every one of those individuals that the families that have been impacted, their lives changed from somebody having a joyful evening last night to today their family members might have gotten news or still don't know what's happened to their loved one or their loved one is in the hospital and they are scared to death what's going to happen to them. think of your family if that happened to your family. that would be devastating. >> is there any new information that you have found on the suspect, the shooter involved in this that you can share? >> the fbi is continuing to release as appropriate details on that. we will learn more over time.
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what happens with something like this is you try to learn from it. right now, it's a time to mourn with the families. >> your message for folks that may feel extra vulnerable at this time and afraid of what they saw? >> everybody in our state -- everybody across the nation, if you see something, call law enforcement. their job is to try to find problems before they happen. if you see something and call even ten minutes before, that would have been a lot better night. for 100 individuals and their families. if you see something, call law enforcement, whether you are feel comfortable with the fbi or local law enforcement, call the florida department of law enforcement, call. i know law enforcement in the state that we act. >> for a lot of people, they think of orlando as the happiest place in the world. now it has the distinction of being the site of the worst mass shooting in american history.
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what does that mean going forward for this city and for state of florida? >> this is a resilient state. orlando is a wonderful city wonderful people live here. we're a loving community. we're inclusive. probably the best melting pot in the world. people from all over the country want to move to florida and even orlando. this community will come back. we will get back to where we are. but so many people, their lives are going to have changed. >> for lgbt people around the world that are celebrating pride this month, that feel especially vulnerable or unsafe, do you have a special message to them? >> my heart goes out to everybody that feels not as appreciated as they should in this state. we appreciate everybody. we're an inclusive state. we want people to continue to come visit our state. we will be as -- hopefully the most -- the friendliest, most
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inclusive place in the world. >> that was my first interview one on one with governor rick scott behind the scenes here on the site. you can see the lights that are illuminating around pulse, the nightclub. it remains an active crime scene as they have put a tarp over the chain-link fence that we saw erected earlier today. we assume that this is because they are going to be processing that task of taking out the people who were killed last night. the bodies that have remained at this active crime scene while police have been doing their work all day at this command center behind us. kevin baron is an nbc security analyst. the details we have been getting throughout the day about this -- i know it was a short time ago that the police had to notify families at a local hotel where they assembled. this is quite an unenviable
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task. this is a moment in time like no other in american history. >> that's an easy thing to say for sure. i'm from orlando, florida. i grew up two miles from the spot where you are standing. my family took me there for italian food. it used to be an italian restaurant. the high school is a mile away. for the war on taur eterrorism make florida, is unfathomable. they are asking how this could happen here. there's a sense that, you know what? nobody is surprised that it's happening anywhere. my thought of it was how are officials reaching out? the setting of defense is heading to nato for a meeting of defense ministers. it's going to have a different tone. it's supposed to be about the countering the isil terrorism threat about russia, other nato mission questions. but i was in london two months ago for a conference where i
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interd interviewed lisa -- >> kevin, we know -- forgive me. we know there's so much work ahead. we will be back. stay with me. back with more, reporting live here in orlando after this. we're back here in new york at the top of the hour. again, what we are covering is the worst mass shooting in united states history. americans woke up early this morning to learn that it had been closing time last call 2:00 a.m. eastern time when shots started -- were fired inside a club called pulse in orlando, florida. just south of the main center of downtown. and then the death toll started to grow.
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