tv Morning Joe MSNBC June 15, 2016 3:00am-3:50am PDT
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is donald trump suggesting that there are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us? >> there's no magic to the phrase radical islam. the orlando killer, one of the san bernardino killers, the ft. hood killer, they were all u.s. citizens. >> he was born in queens, new york, just like donald was himself. >> they want us to validate them. that's their propaganda. that's how they recruit. >> trump's words already, in
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fact they already are, recruiting words. i have to ask will republican leaders stand up to their presumptive nominee. >> do republican officials actually agree with this? >> it does actually -- if you think about it, willie, it saves a lot of money. >> paper printer. >> if you have one speechwriter and one speech. you just go, two copies. that's pretty coordinated. >> and it's going to be coordinated. >> i think in the white house it's mimeographed. >> old school. >> pull it off the dot matrix, get the perforations off the side. but you're going to see this. he's going to be out there with her. he does not like trump. he wants to protect his legacy and it's a strong united front if you're a democrat to have the two of them on the trail together. >> june 15th, mika has the morning off. we've got willie, myself,
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legendary columnist mike barnicle, also msnbc analyst and professor at the university of michigan school -- harold ford, jr. good morning. >> in washington columnist for bloomberg view al hunt. >> al hunt. >> and msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt, no relation. a day after we saw hillary open up a seven-point lead in that poll we showed yesterday, a new poll comes out showing a pretty massive lead for hillary clinton and major decline for donald trump, conducted friday through monday bloomberg politics poll shows donald trump actually trailing hillary clinton now by double digits. 49% to 37%. let's stop right there for a second. mike, people pay attention, even in june. they pay attention.
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this time last month donald trump ahead by two points, now down by 12. even the campaign understands this has been a rough few weeks. i don't think anybody understood -- certainly donald trump didn't understand exactly what he was doing to himself and his prospects over the past couple of weeks. that's a 14-point swing from that fox poll. >> there are many people that believe the cake is being baked right now prior to the convention starting. i happen to subscribe to that theory partially. i think donald trump has done himself great damage just visually, which is how most people meet their candidates in the united states of america on tv. he's done great damage to himself over the last few weeks by various appearances looking like a madcap wearing a red hat and some of the rhetoric he's
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using. i think the other morning when he went after the president of the united states on tv -- the conspiracy theory. you go from the mexican judge, who is not mexican, actually born in indiana, to the afghanistan shooter who was born in afghan -- actually born in queens. willie, it's adding up. >> that stuff combined with hillary clinton essentially locking up democratic nomination and she was able to turn away from bernie sanders toward donald trump, had the president endorse her, elizabeth warren an others. this was an important week in this race. >> it really is, willie. it's the poll that measured the context of the terrible criticism trump got for the mexican judge didn't begin until last friday and measures the consolidation of democratic party. it's really bad news for trump.
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he not only trails by 12 points, which is a sizable margin at this stage but his negatives continue to climb. 55% of voters and i think 63% of women say they would never, never vote for donald trump. >> that's one of the numbers that stood out. we've been saying for a moment and a half now, donald trump had a limited time to turn things around with two groups, hispanics and women. he actually has turned both in the opposite direction. the number that stood out for me, the one you brought up. 63% of women say they will never vote for donald trump under any circumstances. that's pretty devastating in june. >> it's a devastating number and looks like a pretty hard number, joe. i think -- my guess is, and i don't have any inside knowledge of the trump campaign, my guess is his reaction rather than say, boy, i've had a bad month and i
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better change is to double down. you guys told me to read from a teleprompter and do all that stuff, look where it's gotten me. i'm going to double down on how i got here last winter and last spring. my guess is that would be a disaster. those numbers might get worse. the other thing to look for is whether you see a number of republicans jumping off that ship if you will. you already saw some. i think this poll will rattle others. really interesting yesterday, this was before the poll came out, bob corker, who was supposed to be considered as a running mate really was quite critical of trump's reaction to orlando. >> just saying he's getting more impatient by the day. other republicans starting to back away from donald trump, the presumptive nominee. and this, kasie hunt, comes on
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the heels of clinton an bernie sanders. >> one of my colleagues on capitol hill and he talked to congressman patrick henry who is a republican. he said, do you support the republican nominee. patrick mchenry said back, maybe you should call my office. i think that tells you everything you need to know about the state of things with trump and the republican party. >> it's getting worse by the day, harold ford. >> in '96 when dole and kemp were on the ticket, the clinton gore ticket at that time took june and july and linked them to an unpopular congress. we saw four years ago president obama did that with romney, identifying him as someone uncaring in the business community, taking jobs from middle class voters.
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you see this happening now. it's really the republican nominee doing it to himself of the real positive for mrs. clinton, reconstitution for coalition that has to happen she has the mvp, quarterback, free safety and head coach of that team, barack obama, not only upset and concerned about his legacy but engaged in ways we didn't think we would see the president doing this until late summer, early fall, a huge boone for mrs. clinton. >> he never uttered the name donald trump but president obama did forcefully respond to the presumptive nominee yesterday. after meeting with his national security council the president had a searing nation for trump's call to use the words radical islamic terror in the wake of the attack in orlando or resign. >> there's no magic to the phrase radical islam. it's a political talking point. it's not a strategy. that kind of yappin' has not prevented folks across
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government from doing their jobs. we are now seeing how dangerous this kind of mind-set and thinking can be. we now have proposals from presumptive nominee republican for barring all immigrants to the united states. you hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence, where does this stop? it won't make us more safe, it will make us less safe. fueling isil's notion that the west hates muslims. it makes muslim americans feel like their government is betraying them. it betrays the very values america stands for. >> in that bloomberg politics
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poll, 61% surveyed say they disagree with the statement that president obama is not stopping terror because he sides with muslims. that gets back to the conspiracy theory trump floated out in an interview, something is going on with the president and these terror attacks. >> mike, i think that's even for republicans on the hill, who were trying to get past the, quote, mexican judge who happens to be from indiana, when you start floating conspiracy theories all day suggesting the president may be in on this and get on the show at night and refuse to clarify it and say, you know what, i'll let people figure out what -- that's when suddenly republicans on the hill say this is just too much. i don't care whether it upsets some of my constituents at home or not, i am not going to have my name tied historically to a guy talking about mexican judges, conspiracy theories with vince foster, talking about
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conspiracy theories with the president of the united states being in cahoots with isis and who is going on and on and on about a muslim ban, anti-american as any proposal i've heard. >> there's so much coming out of the trump campaign and so much rhetoric donald trump uses that is over the top p that what he did the other morning, willie, the reference you're just talking about on tv, kind of gets lost in the shuffle. but if you look at it and you read it and you hear the level of his voice when he says it and the intent in his voice when he says it, he comes perilously close to accuse a sitting president of the united states, barack obama, of treason. >> i agree. >> what's so remarkable about this is, you had harold ford
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jr., maybe some say bush in on the 9/11 attacks, you didn't have democratic nominee, a politician, a democratic leader saying that. donald trump if he becomes leader of the republican party, for the most part the head of the republican party, pushing around that conspiracy theory. it cannot be explained away by republican leaders who meekly and quietly line up behind him. abraham lincoln says we cannot escape history. we cannot escape history. these republicans who are endorsing donald trump cannot escape history if they do not make him back off those words. if they do not make him back off the muslim ban, if they do not make him back off the worst elements of this political campaign that's going off course.
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>> i think an extension of it, if you stay with him, and if he by some chance is elected president, how do you ever trust him, if you're in a room with him and negotiating and says one thing, how do you know when you walk out of the room that simply a totally different set of things will happen, as he continues to evidence now. his words, i cannot agree with you more, not only did he not back down from him when asked repeatedly afterwards what did you mean, this is the most dangerous of double downs. every time we think it can't get more dangerous, it does. i've listened to him. he knows what he's doing, as he talked about the president, you and i saw him. people all over the country know those kind of expressions. i knew exactly, and i think every republican has to take a step back and wonder, what am i getting into not just as a party but what am i doing with someone who suggests the president of the united states is in cahoots or supporting someone who wants to hurt the country because of a
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silly theory he began to advance years ago around a birth certificate, et cetera, et cetera. >> by the way, republicans that are sitting in congress, some may be wringing their hands because they are supporting donald trump, a lot of people supporting donald trump because he's a presumptive nominee. this is something you take care of in a town hall meeting. call a town hall meeting. this is why i'm not going to endorse donald trump until he does one, two, three. you go there and explain. i had to explain why i was running newt gingrich out of town, a popular speaker of the house. held town halls, explained how he turned his back on the values that got us there. talked about runaway spending, compromising on a lot of issues important to conservatives. at the end of the day they understood. these politicians don't need to
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run scared. they can actually lead. they can go home and lead. until donald trump does x, y, and z, he does not have my support. does that mean i'm supporting hillary clinton? no. it does mean i'm not going to support somebody that will not only lose to hillary clinton but ruin the republican party for the next generation. >> i wonder if some of these men and women in congress aren't getting closer to that position. if you watched yesterday them having to answer again for something else donald trump said, mitch mcconnell or paul ryan, they are exasperated having a mooirk in their face every day, what do you think about what he said this morning and having to tap dance through that. >> guess what, donald trump loses, goes back to mar-a-lago, golfing, he has stories to tell the rest of his life. kelly ayotte loses, maybe republicans lose in pennsylvania, maybe they lose in
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ohio. they get wiped out in the senate. paul ryan's historic majority gets wiped out in the house. you know, what does donald trump care? he's going to be golfing, scotland, flying around on his plane, talking about how great he is, how he got stabbed in the back by republicans, the media was unfair. he'll have a great life. i don't understand why they don't stand up to him now and say, hey, this isn't your toy to play with. this is our country. this is our party. this is our conservative movement. >> do you think either of you having been in congress, do you think either of them now can -- some have endorsed already, some haven't but said they are considering endorsing, can they step away at this point? >> sure they can. >> will they? >> i think joe is spot on, i think at some point, paul ryan is a decent human being. one of the positive things that happened to the body politic his elevation, john boehner was a terrific speaker but paul's
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elevation was a good thing for the overall body politic. this has to hurt him personally. i know him. this is not who he is. it's not two weeks but five additional months. who knows what he's capable of doing, donald trump, over the next five months. mitch mcconnell has already gotten close to saying -- >> mitch is close. alexander says basically who says he's my nominee. hate to keep going back to it but i said it last week, everybody jumped on board when it was tied, a tied race, said wonder what they are going to do when it's a ten-point spread. i guess we're going to find out. >> let's hear from donald trump. he responded to president obama yesterday, first in a statement to the "associated press" saying the president, quote, claims to know our enemy and yet he continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies. for that matter, the american people. when i'm president, it will always be america first. that's a quote from donald trump. he had more to say at his rally in north carolina. >> i watched president obama today, and he was more angry at
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me than he was at the shooter. and many people said that. the level of anger, that's the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn't be here. if you don't know what the term is, and if you don't discuss what the problem is, and if you can't say the real name, we have a radical islamic terrorism problem, folks. we can say we don't. we can pretend like obama that we don't. where obama spent a long time talking about it. at the end of the speech nobody understood anything other than, boy, does he hate donald trump. that's about the only thing. >> al hunt, it has been strange to me for some time, the president's muted responses after paris -- not just me, a
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lot of americans, muted responses, his refusal to call islamic extremism by its name. but that said, donald trump is a couple days late, it seemed, yesterday in that rally because the person he's running against, hillary clinton, has called islamic extremism by its name, islamic extremism. is this greatest hits version he's playing now. that issue is off the table. he's still talking about it. >> big surprise, he's still talking about himself. this poll we alluded to president obama has a 55% favorable rating now. i don't see any gain in donald trump trying to pretend he's running against obama, too. going back to what you said, 33 days and that cleveland convention opens. he has two weeks and republican politicians have about two weeks to try to straighten this thing out or i think cleveland is going to be a disaster and the
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campaign will be a disaster. mike said earlier some of this stuff gets baked in. i think it does. in 2004, summers really matter. he's perilously close to the point of no return. >> four years from now, mitt romney, venture capitalist and never got past that. >> i want to see, joe, people like pat toomey, rob portman, richard burr, what they do in the next two weeks. some of those members of the house, suburban district, denver, mainneapolis, philadelphia, some that represent sizable hispanic populations. if they start to peel off, there's some indications they are, the man you mention add moment ago, trump is going to have his day of reckoning, how he responds will determine if he
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makes this competitive. >> it's not as if donald trump is going against an amateur. the clinton campaign, which we've criticized in the past for being too cumbersome and too big, right now size -- the massive ability that campaign has really helps it going into a general election where you've got to cover 50 states and microtarget. just like the obama campaign would run ads in the midwest on smart regional networks targeting mitt romney. p donald trump says he's just going to give speeches at rallies, hillary clinton is already microtargeting. >> i think that's right, joe. i have to tell you i've just been struck by the last couple of weeks. when i was having conversations with the colin campaign, when we were seeing those tight national polls, they, of course, felt a little bit under siege at that point but they kept saying, we
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know these numbers are going to change. the reality is they were right about that. donald trump has helped them be right about that. some of these bernie sanders voters have come home. these events over the last couple of weeks have helped them. i also think that suddenly the way trump has responded to some of these events has turned what we used to think was hillary clinton's biggest weakness potentially in this particular election into a major strength. and that is her reputation for being cautious combined with that big campaign apparatus that's designed to deal with these things in a methodical, almost bureaucratic way. we were thinking that was going to be a major weakness against donald trump but instead you're seeing deep coordination between the white house and the clinton campaign and you're seeing her very effectively sell that cautiousness as steadiness. i think that's a game changer in many ways. >> she's also found her voice. >> she has. >> you can hear it on the campaign trail over the past week for the first time since the campaign began.
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she found her voice, she's comfortable in it and having a huge impact. what an extraordinary contrast to donald trump who sounds shrill and out of control over the past few weeks. still on morning, the vice president coming up, senator tim kaine -- oh, can we not call him that yet, on the presidential race and tireless calls to congress to vote on war authorization against sis. bob woodward, took bob a couple days to get out of bed. he was upset about donald trump's ban on the "washington post." i don't know how any of them, willie, are going to get through this. going to be fun. going to be fun. tomorrow we're going to have exclusive sitdown interview with john kasich. it's going to be his first with us since he left the presidential race. the big question remains, will he back donald trump. >> good barometer. >> he really is. in a take that's extraordinarily important.
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coming up next, investigation in orlando turns to the gunman's wife and new details on the cyber attack dnc computer hackers by russian hackers but first bill karins with the forecast. bill, i heard you talking about a heat wave. >> it's going to be 120 in arizona. talking about historic type temperatures. first go to immediate threat, that's going to be severe weather, then the historic heat wave. right now thunderstorms through chicago overnight and now heading through fort wayne, indianapolis through the south. in ohio valley, you're the area at risk. 23 million people here. a little section of wisconsin also. indianapolis, louisville, nashville, paducah, those are the areas of concern. i don't think too many tornadoes. damaging wind, lightning, hail. now let's talk heat wave. it's already begun in the middle of the country. this is going to be all week long and upcoming weekend. 100 degrees, three days in a row, wichita, omaha 100, st. louis 100. this doesn't take into account the heat index, it's when you combine temperature and humidity. this is temperature alone.
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dallas 5, lubbock 104 by friday. historic part of the heat wave will come as we go through the weekend. it peaks on sunday. phoenix right now seeing 119. it's been three years since phoenix has been that high. early in the season for this but that would be very impressive stuff. there is great weather out there. new england continues with cool, crisp, beautiful nights and gorgeous days. enjoy d.c., philadelphia, washington, new york, looks like rain and thunderstorms will head to baltimore, philadelphia and d.c. tomorrow. so today is a gorgeous day for you. new york city stretch of great weather continues for you right into the upcoming weekend. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. owen! hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something.e. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill tapeto it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. haha, what? well we're alws looking for velopers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what tim i shou be there.
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the dnc's computer network said to have been hit by two russian government cyber operations, the security operation that found the breaches dubbed them cozy bear and fancy bear. the incursion found access to some of the group's communications and databases since last summer. that includes opposition research on presumptive republican nominee donald trump. the russian government has denied any involvement with the breach. speaking exclusively on "meet
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the press" daily yesterday dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schulz. >> we were able to rid our network of these intruders. we have a network that is now clean and there was no personal information of our donors, no access to our voter file and that our network is now secure. >> russian groups previously targeted the white house, the state department and joint chiefs of staff with similar cyber attacks. joining us shawn henry president of security firm cloud strike services called in to remove the foreign threat. he's retired executive assistant director of the fbi. good to see you. walk us through this a little bit. what happened? what was your roll in stopping is. >> dnc identified some suspicious activity on their network. they called us in. cloud strike. we're a security firm. we focused on targeted attacks
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by nation states. by deploying our technology throughout that environment, we were relatively certain that this was a russian adversary. but after now analyzing the specific artifacts that we found, we said, this is the same group that targeted the white house, the state department, joint chiefs back last year. they are in there looking for sensitive information related to opposition candidates. this is a clear espionage campaign. >> so while it came from russia, the russian government came out and said, it wasn't us. do you have any evidence it was actually the government itself? >> we know in doing attribution, looking at thousands of attacks over many, many years, lou at the artifacts, you're able to put together pieces of the puzzle to help get some level of confidence to the attribution here. you're looking at things like the type of infrastructure that's used, the tools that are being deployed, the sensitive tactics and techniques as well as the actual targeting. we are highly confident this is the russian government.
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>> that it is the government. >> we're learning about the gunman's wife now. 30-year-old has told federal investigators she tried to talk her husband omar mateen from committing the attack. she was with him when he bought ammunition and a holster. she told fbi she drove mateen to pulse once because he wanted to scope out the nightclub. law enforcement officials are considering filing charges against his wife for failing to tell them what she knew before the attack but no decision has been made. she has been staying at the home of mateen's father who was asked about his daughter-in-law last night. >> how many times has the fbi spoken to her? >> that's up to them. >> did she tell you she had taken omar to the pulse nightclub? >> sir, sir, i don't have any information. >> you have told some of the other news agencies that she was
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interviewed by the fbi and that she knew about the attack and tried to stop the attack. >> that's all -- >> an fbi spokesman confirmed that three agents visited omar's in-laws in california. the visit reportedly lasted less than two hours. let's go back to the wife. she said she tried to talk him out of this, except she didn't tell anybody about this. she didn't go to the authorities, so she didn't really try to stop it. >> this is what we've been talking about for years, when we see these terror incidents. see something, say something. what do you know, how do you collect intelligence in the community, raise awareness, alert authorities that something is about to happen. i think that's one component. if she actually took an overt act, drove him there, with him, when she was purchasing ammunition, she recognizes this is a much more advanced type of attack rather than him being aspirational and spouting off. >> she's a co-conspirator.
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>> certainly prosecutors will be looking at that, the bureau will be looking at that as they conduct their investigation. >> shawn, all the other things we've heard over the last several days, we talked in the hours after it happened. so many other things have come to light. him having visited the club again and again. has your view changed over the last 48 hours? >> i think originally when authorities were looking at him being radicalized. that's certainly a component of this. some of things he said, there's inconsistencies in the groups he supported, conflict between the different groups. so looking at his travel, looking at efforts he took to go to the club on dating sites, et cetera, the questions are going to come down to motivation. is he a radicalized jihadist directed or inspired by isis or has he got some sexual identity crisis internally he's acting out upon or confluence of the
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two. >> still looking for answers. shawn henry, thank you. >> thank you, shawn. tomorrow "morning joe" will be joined by secretary of homeland security jeh johnson. "morning joe" is coming right back. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? real is touching a ray. amazg is movg likene. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them.
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an alligator. the call came in 9:30 at disney's grand resort and spa. officials say the family was relaxing near a sandy beach area when the alligator attacked. >> the mom and father was there nearby. the child was playing in the water, just a foot or so into the water. and the alligator came up and taking back our neighborhoods. >> saw this happen. the father at some point struggled to try to get his son and was not successful and then alerted others to try to assist him in that process. as a grandfather, we're going to hope for the best in these circumstances. but based upon my 35 years of law enforcement experience, we know that we have some challenges ahead of us at this time. >> the alligator is described as anywhere between 4 and 7 feet long. officials say the father sustained a scratch on his hand
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while trying to wrestle his son from the alligator's mouth. the sheriff said the family was visiting from nebraska and the search the continue until the child is recovered. coming up next on "morning joe" -- >> this is "washington post" we're doing a story on a deal mr. trump did in 1973 -- i said, man, that's a long time. you have a good memory. that's a long time ago. they want to do anything. they are disgussing. now they say they are doing a book. you know what they are doing, taking all the bad stories, sealing it in, doing a book. these are dishonest people, folks, let me tell you. >> we'll talk to bob woodward who first revealed that the post had 20 people looking into donald trump. trump since revoked the paper's press credentials. we'll discuss what it means for journalism next on "morning joe." why do so many businesses rely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business.
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you recommend synthetic and can yover cedar?to me why "super food"? is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right the one for r? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate supplis what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. ok. sure. but are you asking enough about how your wealt is maged? wealth management, at charles schwab. so dishonest. we just took the press
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credentials away. i love it. we just took the press credentials away from the dishonest "washington post." you know. i said why should i have people following me around, setting up there like big shots and they write very untruthful stories. very untruthful stories. i did it with "the washington post." i'm so happy. >> pretty remarkable when you think bob costa was one of the guys who would go in tell the story straight and he was their reporter on it. there's no explaining it. this week donald trump he said proudly revoked "washington post" press credentials calling them dishonest and phony.
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associate editor of the "washington post," a man there when "the washington post" was going after richard nixon for his misdeeds and even nixon did not revoke "washington post" press credentials at that time. bob woodward -- >> morning. how are you? >> what does this mean about press freedom. guys like you are going to keep doing your job. what do you make of this? >> on several levels. first of all you saw the statement saying, look, this really isn't right but we're going to continue doing this in the very aggressive, fair way. we're blessed. we've got one of the great editors, marty barron, he's one of these people 24/7, work all
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that time. the coverage has been very aggressive. some of it trump doesn't like but it's been very fair. you've got andy lack here at nbc, someone i've known for 25 years, they are news hounds. in one form or another, we've all been there where people don't like coverage or they revoke this or say they are not going to be interviewed and they keep on. i'm not worried about that, if i may. what i'm concerned about is that there is a sense because of some of the things trump said, they have been criticized quite severely that this campaign is over. it's not over. the goal has to be keep at it, find out more. there's so many questions about
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trump that have not been answered. the same with hillary clinton. keep digging. this is a minor bump in the road. trump is responding to a headline, which was not really a good headline. it was fixed. you can't take one story and one headline and kind of categorically -- what he's done is revoke the thing you carry around your neck to get in the pen. >> let's move questions around rapid-fire. hey, guys. >> hi, bob, this is willie. what do you make of this tactically, i know what he's done as far as the journalism question. he's used the press as a foil. the primary season he's done that. do you think he's done that in the general election. he's not the first politician to say the press is bad, we have to be in this together because they
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are out to get us. >> we get used all the time by people in politics, and we should. i think what we have to keep our eye on is this poll number showing approximately 70% of the people feel the country is on the same track. trump voters come from that group. there's a lot of people who say, gee, we like donald trump because he's the wrecking ball. he's going to come in and knock down the system. they soldier on. that's important to say, oh, as i was saying, this is not over. >> we've got a long way to go in washington. al hunt. >> as you say, politicians have always used the press to criticizes the press. this is not nearly as bad as
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richard nixon wiretapping reporters, but it's silly. it's sophomoric. i can understand politicians saying i don't like this particular reporter or publication, so i'm going to be more generous to the other. that happens all the time. but to bar credentials, i think it's amateurish and counter-productive. >> mike barnicle. >> everyone in the news business knows every politician, every public person is going to be offended about something that appears in print about him or her. the troublesome aspect of this for me has nothing to do with what he pulls the credentials, does he understand the role of the press or does anyone around him understand the role of the press. that is bother some to me. >> i think in a way he does understand the role of the
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press. look, let's face it, we are mistrusted by people in the country. by targeting us one way or the other, this really doesn't make sense and is not going to work. we'll keep doing it, and i'm not -- this isn't going to mean there's more courage. in fact, more coverage. >> that's the last thing you want to do. godfather quote. keep your friends close, keep "the washington post" closer if you're donald trump. >> harold ford, good morning. following up on willie's question, tactically, answer the question about how this impacts the campaign. with the press being thought of so loly by the public and even politicians as a whole, does this help him in some way? can you see it benefiting his campaign in some way? >> we think not. what is going on out there in america, a couple of weeks ago
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