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tv   AM Joy  MSNBC  June 18, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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we cannot go on with business as usual in this body. >> this individual could have been stopped. >> virtually every member of this body has probably stated or
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tweeted out their thoughts and prayers for the victims in orlando. if they want to see more than thoughts and prayers, they actually want to see us act. >> the failure of this body to do anything, anything at all, in the face of that continued slaughter isn't just painful to us, it's unconscionable. i can't tell you how hard it is to look into the eyes of the families of those little boys and girls who were killed in sandy hook and tell them that almost four years later, we have done nothing. nothing. at all. >> good morning. welcome to "a.m. joy." something materially changed in the gun debate this week. three days after orlando, six months after san bernardino, one year after charleston and four years after sandy hook, oak creek and aurora, and before the
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next time another city gets added to the list, democrats finally said enough. senate democrats took a 15-hour stand, a marathon overnight filibuster led by connecticut senator christopher murphy. starting at 11:20 wednesday morning, he refused to yield his time on the floor until the senate's republican leaders agreed to take a vote on measures that would prevent terrorism suspects from buying guns and requiring universal background checks. the votes will be held this coming monday. even before that epic filibuster, democrats in the house took their own stand. >> i am really concerned that we have just today a moment of silence and later this week, the 17th -- >> is the gentleman seeking a permanent inquiry? >> yes. mr. speaker, i'm interested in three pieces of legislation that have been filed in response -- >> the gentleman is -- the
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gentleman is not sitting at parliamentary. the clerk will report the title of the bill. >> joining me now with more of the back story on that house stand for gun reform is congresswoman robin kelly along with national republican consultant, democratic strategist and jimmy williams. appreciate you all being here. i want to come to you first, representative kelly. there is more to the story. we saw the filibuster in the senate. we just saw jim clyburn, the third ranking member on the democratic side in the house saying we are not going to do another moment of silence, we are actually going to do something this time, i want to see some bills put together. you were part of an effort that was even before that, preceding that, on the question of these moments of silence. talk about that. >> after the shooting in california, i just couldn't take it anymore. we did not do anything and i did not want to be part of the hypocrisy so i started sitting down. at first i was the only one. then representative hastings
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said i'm not going to let you do this by yourself, and more and more people started sitting down or another representative told me from washington, he told his delegation i'm not going to do a moment of silence so they didn't wind up doing it. i don't want to be disrespectful but i think it's more respectful to take action. >> absolutely. we will talk to congressman hastings of florida a little bit later. i want to play, this is cut on from my producers, what happened later on when you had somebody actually take another step further, not just standing for the moments of silence but this is congressman jim hines adding to the objections. >> mr. speaker, some time today or tomorrow this house will hold a moment of silence for 50 massacred people who had their bodies torn apart by a mailmdma with a military grade weapon. silence. that is how the leadership of the most powerful country in the world will respond to this week's massacre of its citizens. silence.
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not me. not anymore. i will no longer stand here absorbing the faux concern, contrived gravity and tepid smugness of a house complicit in the weekly bloodshed. sooner or later the country will hold us accountable for our inaction. as you bow your head and think of what you say to your god, when you are asked what you did to slow the slaughter of innocents, there will be silence. >> so representative kelly, what started as members of the congressional black caucus refusing to be part of the moments of silence, then culminates in a walkout during that moment of silence. you explained you felt inaction was not enough. you also come from a state that's had a lot of day-to-day gun violence. that's been an issue that galvanized your even being in congress. >> right. also, that's my statement to my colleagues. we just get upset around the mass shootings but we forget that every day in places and where i represent, someone's dying. we forgot in orlando that someone was just shot the night
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before who was on "the voice" and the orlando mass shooting completely wiped her story off the scene. i fight every day in congress for them to remember every day what we go through in some of our areas. i know senator cory booker is my ally in that. >> this happens to be one year almost to the day, yesterday was the anniversary of the charleston mass shooting. we are talking a lot about finally democrats sort of galvanizing around getting republicans to go along with some votes but it's because isis is involved, because then you can add a terrorism peg to it, but you had this mass shooting in a church, inside of a church in charleston. why didn't that create these moments for democrats? >> nine blocks from where i used to live. i don't know. maybe because isis wasn't involved. perhaps we just need a little terrorist to get us all going. i'm being a little facetious but a lot of not facetious. those nine people weren't killed because they weren't white. they were killed because they were black.
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and those 49 people in orlando weren't killed because they were straight. they were killed because they were gay. i don't give a damn if you are a terrorist or not. i just give a damn if you kill people and if you kill a lot of people. i own guns. let's be clear. i own guns. i shoot bambi and daffy duck and i eat them but i don't shoot other things that walk and talk and drive cars and operate machinery. so that's got to stop. the only way you are going to make anybody come together, the only time congress comes together is if terrorists do something. american terrorists don't matter. it has to be terrorists that are tinged with foreign terrorists. then we do something. it's a complete b.s. argument. >> i feel that is even, there is this moment where you are seeing democrats push away from the nra and saying we are going to stand up to this incredibly powerful lobby but it does, you know, you have aurora, you have had san bernardino, you have also had
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charleston. you had the slaughter of 26 teachers and little kids and we didn't have this moment. >> part of the challenge here is that the people who want gun control don't care about it as much as the people who don't want it. the people who don't want it are willing to vote on it and stand up and say that all the time. 16 years ago, we had a presidential campaign where al gore ran for president. i was on that campaign. the nra would run all night long, they would run infomercials, hour-long infomercials about why al gore was going to take away guns and was bd for the second amendment. after that election, democrats decided they were no longer going to take on this fight. we may have now gotten to a point where democrats are willing to do it. >> there are a couple bills, as a representative of the other side of this argument, there are now four bills that are going to be voted on on monday. one of them is the no fly, no buy bill, mean if you are on the no fly list, you can't just go buy a gun. the attorney general will be able to delay purchases for people on the watch list.
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there's a background check bill and improved background check bill. what could be the possible objection to any of those bills? >> i don't know yet. when i talk to members of the congress and senate that i know and have worked for, you start the entire argument from a long time ago. there's 270 million guns in america in a population of 320 million americans. the cat's out of the bag on guns. the question is, who's going to buy them, how are they going to obtain them. most of the members i have talked to have been pretty open to background checks, pretty open to the gun show argument, but then it gets pretty politicized. you are right with the nra. when they came after al gore it was potent and political and when the democrats needed to vote last time they stayed with the republicans. so democrats will have to move a good ways, too, and be willing to be in the political cross-hairs of it. the argument what jimmy said is right. the argument is when you put a terrorism face to it and you change the argument to the american people, maybe they will
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be loud enough to make some action. there's some reasonable common ground here but remember, we have a congress that's been polarized for eight to ten years. there hasn't been much common ground anywhere. even stuff you look at in congress that makes sense, it gets blocked by either side. so will anything be done? i doubt it. i doubt it. but maybe something good will come out of it. >> that's when the thing is. even if the senate is able to pass a reasonable gun bill, one of these bills, that once it gets to your body it may not even get to the floor. what is the argument your colleagues on the other side of the aisle or even democrats make as to why they won't even vote on keeping people on the terrorism watch list from getting guns? >> we haven't talked about that so much. one argument is innocent people are on it but there's a way for innocent people to get off of it. the background check bill, led by peter king of new york, a republican, his co-chair, mike thompson of california, 185
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co-sponsors, they won't even bring the bill to the floor. >> what argument do they make as to why not? >> we don't even discuss it. that's what jim clyburn was trying to do. like closing the charleston loophole, how could you be against that, not giving a person a gun after a background check? >> we have had even the family of the company that created the sig sauer, which is the weapon of choice for mass shooters, say this was created for special forces. it wasn't created for deer hunting. i just don't understand the argument as to why we would want weapons that could be used in launching war on our streets. >> i want to put you in a tree stand, go deer hunting with me for a second. you have a rifle and a shot. you have one shot to get that deer, because the deer's not -- deer are stupid but when they hear a shot they're gone. so do you really think, do you need that gun to shoot bambi as it scampers off into the woods? because you only get one shot.
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the answer is no, you don't. because you suck as a hunter. if you suck as a hunter, stick to fishing. it's really easy. put the pole in, drop the hook in with bait on it and you're going to get a fish. much easier. >> you also know this, joy. there are a generation of african-americans in cities across the country who live for this kind of gun violence and now we are seeing it in detroit, it's still happening. the question is, it's not just about mass murders. there's a slow motion mass murder taking place in every american city every year. >> indeed. thank you for being here. we will have you all back with the exception of congressman kelly. really appreciate you. thank you for being here. coming up, suddenly donald trump doesn't like talking about polls anymore. as we go to break, let's remember this moving moment from president obama's eulogy for the charleston nine. ♪ amazing grace how sweet the sound
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when i poll, i do fine. but when i run, i do much better. in other words, people say i'm not going to say who i'm voting for. don't be embarrassed. i'm not going to say who i'm voting for and then they get in and i do much better. it's like an amazing effect. >> donald trump has been changing his tune on polls lately, even saying voters shouldn't be embarrassed to admit that they will vote for him. that's because the gop nominee who is touted his poll numbers throughout his campaign has very
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little to brag about right about now. trump hit a new low in polling this week. a "the washington post"/abc poll showing that seven in ten americans have an unfavorable view of the presumptive gop nominee. a ten-point increase since last month. that figure is even higher within hispanics with 89% saying they have an unfavorable view of trump. his highest mark in post-abc polling this campaign. in a separate bloomberg poll, hillary clinton has a commanding lead at 49% followed by trump at 37% and libertarian nominee gary johnson at 9%. with 55% of those polling saying they could never vote for trump. but trump fared better than clinton among a smaller sample of likely voters polled monday night after the mass shooting in orlando, florida that left 49 people dead. 45% of those polled say they have more confidence in trump if a similar attack took place next year. in terms of the response to the orlando shootings it was our current commander in chief who got the highest approval rating of them all.
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45% approved of president obama's response followed by 36% approval rating for clinton and 25% for trump. joining me, tara daldell, bruce bartlett, and trump surrogate steve cortez. thank you for being here. steve, i will go to you first. why would donald trump say people shouldn't be embarrassed to tell pollsters that they would vote for him? >> well, listen, i do think that sort of among the elites, those of us who support donald trump at times we do take a lot of derision. it's not a popular thing, particularly in elite circles in new york city and washington, d.c. and los angeles if you are a trump supporter. but look, i think has this been a good couple weeks for the campaign? clearly not. i think we have to concede the trump train has at least slowed recently. everybody has setbacks. the golden state warriors showed us that the other night. but the prevailing trend is that trump got the most votes in primary history on the
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republican side of the party. does he have work to do to improve his negatives? yes, he does. if we look back in history, ronald reagan in 1980 had incredibly high negatives. he scared the heck out of the republican establishment. he wanted to take the country in an incredibly new direction and that can be disconcerting. i think we see many similarities today. trump will persuade those people, those negatives will come back down. >> elite circles, does that include when a pollster calls you one-on-one on the phone? why would people be embarrassed to tell a pollster they are supporting donald trump? is it because his image has been tied to things like what other republicans have called racism? >> i don't think other republicans are helping, by the way. the republican establishment i think has done great damage to our cause, to the trump cause right now. they are acting like sore losers who refuse to admit they have lost this argument with the american people and some of them are talking about third parties. as a republican i would say we don't need a third party. we need a second party. for far too long we sent republicans to the congress who acted just like democrats and sell out to the k street
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lobbyists. it's time not to tinker around the edges with washington, d.c., it's time to blow up the washington establishment. >> bruce, your witness. is this just a case of republican elites being embarrassed by the success of donald trump? >> no. what it is is republicans, down ticket republicans, those running for the house and senate, are desperately afraid that trump will be such an anchor around their necks that they are going to be dragged down into massive defeat where they are looking at a game changing election and i think they are exactly right. they are having enormous troubles with fund-raising, organization, and trump is doing absolutely nothing to help them. he has no fund-raising. he has no organization. i would be running away, as far away from trump as i possibly could if i was a republican running for any office anywhere in the united states. >> that's what we are seeing happen. you have seen republicans refuse to even say donald trump's name which we will talk about later. i want to get through a couple
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of statistics with you as our strategist at the table. "the washington post" has shown over time that hillary clinton and donald trump numbers, where they are going. you can see the unfavorables for hillary clinton, sort of ticking up slightly. now look at donald trump's. donald trump's unfavorables spiking to 70%. you can see in that poll. let's go forward and take a look at the clinton versus trump may to june numbers, cut four in the list here. have you the fox news poll, clinton at 42, reuters, about 42. she's staying even. donald trump's numbers are fluctuating up and down. one more statistic here, this is the comparison between barack obama, george w. bush, bill clinton, where they were at the re-elect number because hillary clinton is sort of stable the way the re-elected presidents were. they are sort of stable numbers while trump is the one who is extremely volatile. if you are a democrat, do you look at those statistics and feel pretty good about november? >> certainly democrats are feeling confident right now. the reason why you said donald trump scares the heck out of the
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establishment is because donald trump is a loose cannon. that's why he scares them. that is not lost on the voters because what donald trump is failing to realize is that he is in a general election right now so what may have worked for the confederate flag carrying part of the republican base does not work for the general population of the united states of america. so i think that those numbers are strong but i do think it's not something that should be taken for granted and to put him on the offensive which is what secretary clinton is doing should continue. >> steve, to that point, if you look individually within the various pockets of the american electorate, african americans, 94% to 19% for clinton, hispanics, 89-34 in favor of clinton. even white voters, hillary clinton polling higher than donald trump with white voters, with men, the favorables very much even with women obviously extremely lopsided in terms of hillary clinton. so you have donald trump doing poorly with literally every other constituency group other than white voters and just
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demographically that makes it very difficult to imagine him winning in november, right? >> i don't think so. do we have work to do, yes. >> how do you appeal to hispanics, african-americans and women with a candidate like donald trump? >> i will tell you exactly how. as the son of a latino immigrant, i will tell you latinos and people of color in general have fared terribly under this president. there has been almost no recovery for people of color. >> why is his approval rating so high? >> because he's done a wonderful job of selling them. that's why. >> how do you figure? >> donald trump needs to do a better job at messaging and i believe he will and we will, all of us involved in the campaign, need to convince him we need economic growth. this is the first president in american history who never registered a single year of 3% gdp growth. that's a terrible milestone to reach. we cannot have a third term of that. by the way, people of color suffered the most when there's no economic growth. >> why is his approval rating so high, specifically people of color? we are pretty much out of time. on your point of messaging, this
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was donald trump messaging this week. he tweeted out about the polls thank you, hash tag america first which is a 1930s anti-intervening against the nazis slogan, by the way, and he two tweeted out a poll which actually shows hillary clinton winning. do you want to see donald trump get his messaging better under control at least in that? >> yes. listen, i think we will. here's the other thing. donald trump, of course his numbers are volatile because he's not a politician. he's been running against people who have been doing this literally their entire lives. we are going to see volatility but that authenticity is also a great asset. it's what won him the primaries and what will eventually win us the general election in november. >> we shall see. tara and bruce will be back later in the hour. up next, ve, p stakes. stay with us. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on
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being her running mate? have you been vetted? >> no. >> no conversations? >> no. >> am i supposed to ask it more broadly? have her people talked to your people? >> i don't think so. >> that was elizabeth warren talking to rachel maddow about whether or not she has been talked to by the people of hillary clinton because prior to the orlando shootings, all of the buzz about the v.p. stakes was about elizabeth warren. if hillary clinton were to pick elizabeth warren, what would she get? first of all, elizabeth warren, obviously a woman. she would be doubling down against one of the most powerful assets in november. she is also a liberal. somebody on who could bring in bernie sanders voters. could that help hillary clinton corral the party that's been split during the primary? possibly. only downside, massachusetts. happens to be a state with a republican governor. as we have explained to you before, there are ways around that. elizabeth warren could actually declare her candidacy late in the year, delay actually taking the position until the swearing in, and leave off the opportunity for the massachusetts governor to pick somebody who is a republican and
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have them in there for long. elizabeth warren, still a proper pick. a lot of people thinking with national security being important, she may not be what hillary clinton needs. brings us to sherrod brown, who brings in similar things to elizabeth warren. a liberal, stalwart, somebody that bernie sanders voters could love and also this. ohio. an important state for both republicans and democrats. koshcould sherrod brown help der it for the party? down side, ohio has a governor hn kasich. democrats will not want to give kasich the opportunity to put a senator in there and deny democrats the opportunity to take over the senate. he looks like a problematic prospect. brings us to tom perez, labor secretary, liberal stalwart, former secretary within -- i mean former member of the justice department in the civil rights division. he would bring liberalism, bring you a hispanic, bring you a man, something the clinton campaign feels they need to shore up. problem with tom perez, not a practiced politician. we would have to actually find
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out on the campaign trail if he was a capable campaigner. not something you necessarily want to do. you would also have to raise his name i.d. that might be a problem for democrats there. brings us to the other option. this is something rachel maddow has talked about. the idea of shoring up hillary clinton's national security credentials with a general, shinseki, somebody like that. could hillary clinton help herself not only with men but with what you call national security moms by picking a general? that could happen. you never know. let's go on to the next prospect. tim kaine who has been the subject of beltway conversation. not only could he shore up the man vote for hillary clinton, he could also shore up another important swing state, virginia. he's a united states senator from a state with a democratic governor, meaning a clinton ally would actually pick his replacement which could help democrats not only win over some men in november but also hold on to that or grab that senate majority. now let's listen to perhaps the other side of tim kaine.
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he's not somebody who excites the base. when he was governor of virginia, he governed as a somewhat moderate to conservative personally pro-life and a lot of things that might not excite the liberal part of the democratic base. however, this guy is the subject of a lot of beltway speculation. he's a beltway favorite. let's listen to him talking about whether he has been vetted for hillary clinton's veep. >> have you been contacted by the campaign about it? >> i am playing one role and only one role for the clinton campaign right now, trying to help her win virginia. if she wins virginia i think she will be president. that's my highest and best use right now. >> they have not reached out and begun vetting you? >> the only role i'm playing is help win virginia. that's plenty of work for me. >> so they have. good news. >> after the break, my panel will weigh in. stay with us. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs
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your name is on lists as is elizabeth warren's and others. let me put it to you this way.
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is there any democratic senator, any member of the senate democrat who would turn it down? >> i don't think so. you know, i think there would be a number of us would be surprised if we were chosen. >> i love an honest politician. that is really, that is obviously al franken, one of the people who is said to be kind of swirling around maybe on the b-list of potential choices. no one will turn it down if he or amy klobuchar or one of these guys is picked, they would take it. >> absolutely. the notion that any of these people would say no is completely ridiculous. i think i'm team elizabeth warren. i'm going to be quite honest with you. i think that while many people see it as sort of oh, that's too much, people won't vote, i don't agree with that. i think that elizabeth warren brings a lot to the table. i think she helps solidify asian american voters, i think her
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appeal with women, her appeal with young people, her appeal with working class people, and she's shown herself to be highly capable attack dog and that's really important. >> the other down side to that of course is that while you would never know it to look at her, she's fabulous looking, she is 66 years old. you then have a number one potentially not the prospect of saying well, in eight years she would run theoretically. that could be good and it could be bad. it could mean she also doesn't have her own agenda. but does the age factor in, two women of similar age and similar background? >> joe biden was also an older person we did not think was going to run for president again after president obama left. the age factor could be diminished. i also think elizabeth warren would be the best candidate, because in order for democrats to win, we need to have a youth vote turnout, millenial turnout closer to 20% of the electorate. millenials voted against hillary clinton 71-28 in this last election with bernie sanders on the ballot. she has to find a way to get those voters excited and turned out. elizabeth warren could do it. >> interesting we are saying two
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women, a woman in her 60s, but bernie sanders was a man in his 70s. he is not even being vetted as far as we know, when the list leaked from the "wall street journal" his name is not on it. elizabeth warren's is. >> look, i'm going to do math here because i'm so good at math. of the 11 states, you have heard me say this before but i'm going to keep saying it because it's god's truth. of the 11 states that seceded from the confederacy, if you win all those states you get 59% of the electoral college, you need 30% of the rest of the country to become potus. barack obama won two of those states twice and won one of them once. you need to win virginia and you need to win florida and you really want to win north carolina. tim kaine is your pick. he's young, he's white, he's good, he's good on all the issues. fu watched him in that filibuster on the senate floor he was the best orator out
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there. >> except in the democratic party, hillary clinton is already viewed as the moderate candidate. i think what the democrats need is somebody who will be viewed as a liberal candidate to make sure we get turnout among the communities that show up on election day. tim kaine is wonderful. i would be happy to vote for him for vice president. i'm just not sure he changes the math. >> he doesn't excite people. the thing about it, tim kaine is the name i hear the most when you talk about clinton world and with the beltway media. they are all in for tim kaine. he's very friendly to the media, very accessible to the media. he was an inoffensive dnc chair. never made any enemies. but does he excite -- >> that's kind of evidence against somebody. >> that's his biggest problem. >> is he exciting? >> i don't think he excites people and i don't think people are viewing this election cycle as they view every election cycle. this is a very different election cycle. if you are going to run to women, this is the election cycle to do it. the public is viewing things differently even on the democratic side. people want something different.
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elizabeth warren is something different. i think when she is introduced to people, when they are with her in a room, a big rally, i think whether they know her or not, people like her. i remember a time when she was a darling of the conservative media despite being a liberal because of her uniqueness, because of how she approached things. i think she's someone that draws people to her. older black women like her, younger black women, minorities. she has a appeal that gets discounted. people don't really grasp the level of elizabeth warren's appeal and authenticity. >> you know what's interesting, the latino factor. you have the tom perez factor, h julian castro. are we missing that factor? >> tom perez would be a really good candidate. he would get people excited. right now, donald trump is sort of serving as a latino vote
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turnout machine. i don't want to take that for granted but i do think donald trump is helping us on that. >> last word, you are team tim kaine? >> that. >> well said. up next, a blast from the past. donald trump's rhetoric and the fervor he inspires reminds me of another person on a presidential ticket. about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. beuse no one knows & like at&t. i'm terhe golf. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle.
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♪ ♪ this election more than any other in recent memory has exposed the country's fault lines with donald trump's rhetoric as the catalyst. however, his divisiveness isn't exactly new. in 2008, then republican vice presidential nominee sarah palin gave us a prelude of what was to come. >> our opponent is someone who sees america as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country. >> people cannot -- they cannot
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believe that president obama is acting the way he acts and can't even mention the words radical islamic terrorism. there's something going on. it's inconceivable. >> our opponent voted to cut off funding for our troops. he did this even after saying that he wouldn't do such a thing, and he said too, that our troops in afghanistan are just quote, air raiding villages and killing civilians. i hope americans know that is not what our brave men and women in uniform are doing in afghanistan. >> do you agree with me? yes. he agrees. anybody with a sign that big has to agree. so i couldn't care less about the old post office. >> people think the best of
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america are in the instasmall t we get to visit and the wonderful little pockets of what i call real america, being here with all of you hard-working, very patriotic, very pro-america areas of this great nation. >> now they are coming at us in full force. they are not coming at me. they are coming at all of us. they are coming at all of us. because you know we have a noisy majority. they used to call it the quiet majority. people are fed up. they are fed up with incompetence, they are fed up with stupid leaders, they are fed up with stupid people. >> of course, palin is now one of trump's most visible backers and is particularly fond of his foreign policy. >> you ready for a commander in chief who will let our warriors do their job and go kick isis ass? >> geez. >> coming up, florida front and center in the news from orlando to pam bondi to marco rubio, we invited just the person to talk to. charlie crist ijoins me next.
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today, once again, as has been true too many times before, i held and hugged grieving family members and parents, and they asked why does this keep happening. and they pleaded that we do more to stop the carnage. they don't care about the politics. neither do i. neither does joe. and neither should any parent out here. >> president obama traveled to orlando, florida this week to mourn the victims of the pulse nightclub shooting. this was the backdrop to a crazy political week in the sunshine state. it started with pam bondi in this tough interview with anderson cooper over the state's anti-gay policies. >> do y worry about using
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language accusing gay people of trying to do harm to the people of florida? when doesn't that send a message to some people who might have bad ideas in mind? >> anderson, i don't believe gay people can do harm to the state of florida. >> you argued that in court. >> my lawyer argued a case defending what the supreme court allowed the voters to put in our state constitution. >> you were arguing that gay marriage, if there was gay marriage, there was same sex marriage it would do harm to florida society. >> that it was constitutional to put that in the constitution. >> are you saying you do not believe it would do harm to florida? >> of course not. of course not. >> florida's week ended with speculation on whether marco rubio would run for his senate seat. congressman david jolley exited the race for rubio's seat on friday. former governor charlie crist joins me now from key west, florida. thank you for joining me. always great to talk to you. >> great to talk to you, joy. thank you for having me.
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>> you held so many of these state-wide jobs that we are now seeing performed by members of your former party, the republican party. i want to go through and get your response to some of the things we saw happen this week. i will start with obviously the tragedy in orlando, the pulse nightclub shooting. what do you make of the president's response? members of your former party, the republican party, have criticized him, including donald trump, for not using the words radical islamist terrorism in response to that shooting. what do you make of that? >> i think president obama is spot-on. he's doing exactly what the country needs. he is addressing us in a sober, calm fashion. things need to be done. obviously our hearts and prayers need to go out to the victims and their families but as the president said we need to take action, too. enough of this. this has gone on far too long, far too often. it's just tragic and horrific to continue to have to watch these things happen across the country. when this happened right here in florida, in orlando, just last week, it was -- it's too hard to
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take anymore. we need to apply some common sense solutions to try to get things done so that america can be more safe. >> democrats in congress are now pushing to have votes on gun control measures including universal background checks, denying people who are on the no-fly list access to purchasing firearms. if you win a seat in congress which you are vying for right now, would you vote for those gun control measures? >> absolutely i would. i don't know how you could vote against it. it just doesn't make any sense to me how the kind of weapon that was utilized in orlando is something that can be readily purchased in that fashion. if somebody specifically is on a no-fly list that they are not permitted to fly on airlines because they are a threat of one kind or another, why in the world would you want to sell them a gun? it just defies logic to do so. absolutely, if i have the honor to win this election on november 8th and serve in the u.s. congress, these are exactly the kind of common sense things that i think people in pinellas
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county, in fra, and across the country want to see happen. >> if you do win the house seat, your speaker will be paul ryan, who refused this week to even comment about donald trump, the republican nominee. jeb bush has been very quiet about this election. what do you make of republicans who are both refusing to walk away from donald trump completely but who won't comment on him either? >> well, i don't really understand it. you know, i think the speaker said in an interview that you have to do what your conscience tells you. just because they may have already given an endorsement or something, if further comments come from the presumed nominee of the republican party that just shock the conscience of reasonable people all over america, people need to stand up and they need to be heard and they need to say that, that this is wrong. this is not what america is about. we are not about eliminating people, not letting new people come into this country. my grandfather, for crying out loud, immigrated to this country from cyprus. we are a nation of immigrants.
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to say we are not going to allow people to come into our country is absurd. that's what our country is all about. we are a diverse, open society. we want to be safe. that's incredibly important. but that doesn't mean you eliminate a whole swath of people. >> you opened up the issue of immigration yesterday. we played an interview with a young woman who has a father who lost his brother in the orlando nightclub shooting who is now at risk of not being able to re-enter the country because he is undocumented if he goes to the funeral. i want to play that and get your response. >> for him to go through this knowing that what his brother went through, the least we can do is just let him go see his family that he hasn't seen in years and let him be part of his funeral. we don't want him -- it's going to break up the family if he does go, he's not going to be able to come back but it's going
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to break it up and we don't want that. >> do you believe people who are in this country without documents should be given the opportunity to stay in the united states and would you vote for a bill such as that in the united states house? >> well, the notion that somebody wouldn't be able to go to a family member's funeral is unconscionable. you have to have appropriate checks, as i said earlier, we want to make sure our people are safe. once you go through that procedure, people ought to be allowed to come and mourn their loved ones. that just defies logic not to do so. >> do you believe people should be allowed to stay here and work? do you believe there should be a bill that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented migrants? >> i absolutely do. we have to have a pathway to citizenship. this is one of the problems that congress has had of late. they can't get anything done. they are dysfunctional. the fact that they won't compromise on any of these issues, it's been tried in the past to have significant immigration reform. even president bush, the second
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president bush, tried to do so and couldn't get it done. we need to move forward as a country. that's why i think that we need new blood in washington. people that are willing to work together to do what's right, what makes common sense and what makes america stronger as we pull together. >> i want to get you to comment on pam bondi, used to be the attorney general of florida, the current attorney general was really put on the spot by anderson cooper about anti-gay policies in the state of florida. some of which were enacted when you were governor. do you regret the policies that were enacted under your leadership in terms of denying gays the opportunity to adopt and marry in the state of florida? >> i think that's exactly what we need to be doing. we need to move forward. our whole society has changed and our attitudes have changed. thank god that has happened. we recognize as the president said not so long ago, who are we in government to tell people who to love or frankly, who to marry? i couldn't agree with the president more. so moving forward and having a more enlightened society is
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exactly what america should always be about. >> lastly, your former rival marco rubio, it appears he is going to run again for the united states senate. your comments on him apparently changing his mind about not liking being in the senate. >> well, it's kind of interesting. senator rubio is going to make up his mind about what he wants to do and whatever it is, it will be what it will be. but i think that would be a tough campaign. i know patrick murphy is working incredibly hard on his campaign on the democratic side, and i think he will be our next u.s. senator. i hope he is. i hope that hillary clinton is our next president. >> thank you very much, charlie crist. appreciate it. >> thank you, joy. coming up in our next hour, the ad wars begin. we will hear from another florida political leader and get his response to what you just heard from charlie crist. ♪
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everything that's going on not just in orlando but in our country. i enjoyed my service here a lot. i will go home later this week and i'll have some time with my family, then if there's been a change in our status, i will be sure to let everyone know. >> republican marco rubio on capitol hill addressing speculation that he will seek re-election to his senate seat after saying for months that he would not. in fact, just last month, rubio tweeted quote, i have only said like 10,000 times i will be a private citizen in january, unquote. in recent days, something has clearly changed. rub rubio's team is reportedly laying the groundwork for a run. if he runs, we have to push aside his close friend, his lieutenant governor, who has been running for the seat with rubio's support. he says the two men discussed the matter last sunday in orlando. in the aftermath of the terrorism attack.
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yesterday, another republican candidate quit the race. congressman david jolley will instead defend his house seat against the democratic challenger, former governor charlie crist. joining me is congressman hastings from florida, kevin kate, advisor to charlie crist, anna revis logan and fernand anandi. congressman, thank you for being here. always great to see you. what do you make of this turn-around by marco rubio? >> you stole my thunder. i was going to give his may 16th tweet and repeat it. i have only said like 10,000 times i will be a private citizen in january. that was on may 16th. on june 13th, he said it really gives you pause to think a little, he's talking about the orlando shooting, think a little bit about your service to your country and where you can be most useful. that was less than four weeks
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later. so then he turns around and says the following. i don't know that i hate the senate, whether that's the right word, but i'm frustrated. let me tell marco, the senate has not changed and is mott going to change. what has changed to cause him to have the feeling he has right now? in addition to the fact, sandy hook took place before orlando, not to disparage by any stretch of the imagination the absolutely horrible circumstances that caused that shooting and the persons that are grieving and the loss of life. but what was his vote after sandy hook? a real telling point will be what will his vote be next week when the four senate gun measures come up? what was his attitude four years ago, three years ago, two years ago, about gay marriage and how is it all of a sudden he has decided. what is his attitude about jeb
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bush? we saw that, didn't we. what is his attitude about carlos quintero, like a brother. this man has ambition-itis at the expense of even friend. >> to stick with you for a moment, the things he said about the united states senate, the congress -- >> slow, doesn't work. >> what does that say to you as somebody who has been in the house and watched bills not come to the floor, watched the house stymie legislation. when you hear him say that, what does this say to you? >> it says to me first here's a man that came from west miami and was the mayor and had action. he was the speaker of the house and he could call the tune. so he does not understand that the institution has always been glacial and he contributed to its dysfunctionality. >> kevin, i want to come to you the on this. we just talked with former
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governor charlie crist who says he believes it will be a tough race for marco rubio. governor crist, who has been against marco rubio before, has been in this game for quite a long time, what do you make of this idea that the man who essentially took charlie crist out of the republican party is now essentially moving his very good friend aside for that senate seat? >> it's interesting. my mom is a dance teacher so it's kind of hard for me to watch the choreography that's going on in rubio world. what's going to end up happening is he will have a tough primary. he only won one county against donald trump in a presidential primary and i think todd wilcox said he will stay in. he's the outsider candidate. you have many donald trump/rick scott candidate who is willing to spend whatever it takes. i don't think this will be an easy primary for rubio. i think he has a lot of explaining to do to republican primary voters who still remember his immigration stances.
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>> doesn't marco rubio have a problem with consistency on some of his views including immigration and i'm talking about with republican primary voters? >> amnesty. >> absolutely. absolutely. while he was in the house, while he was a speaker, he went back and forth. he was for the dreamers, against the dreamers, for comprehensive immigration reform, against it. i don't think people have forgotten that. >> to you on this, fernand, democrats have said if he gets back in the race they will make it difficult for him. what do you think are going to be the most salient issues the democrats use against marco rubio? >> well, marco hasn't been shy about giving them a whole menu because it seems no matter what day it is, he's on a different side of the issue, whether it's immigration, as you talk about, running for the senate, even donald trump, one day he's for him, the next day he's against him. what's interesting is that marco rubio has i think misunderstood reagan's 11th commandment about not speaking ill of another republican. every time his political ambitions stir, he leaves a
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trail of republican bodies in his wake. whether it is gaston, who he kind of stepped on his political friend to become speaker of the house, jeb bush, famously, his mentor who he quickly cast aside once he became an obstacle to his political ambitions. now quintera. the charge a lot of americans have to think about, this idea he's having this 11th hour rethinking of this as a result of the massacre in orlando, down here in south florida, we know these rumblings about him getting back in the race were spoken of well before that. i think that's why that politico story that said republicans and their primary that he still has to contest in might use it as ammunition against him. that's a real concern. >> we also know that the leadership in the republican senate has been pushing marco rubio to run again. they want him to run because they want to save the majority. >> it says something about the candidates out there that they are a bit desperate they can't win. let me put my bona fides on the table. i support patrick murphy.
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i believe we will win the race whether rubio is in or not. give me just 30 seconds to tell you what rubio did to me. i sought to have lena horne given a congressional medal. for three months i tried to get a phone call. when connie mack was in the senate, if i called him in the morning, he would call me before dark. marco rubio gave me three months. then they gave me in his office a 6:45 a.m. thursday call. i called him, i spoke with leader reid. he said if you get the second senator, i had 38 senators on the measure, to give miss horne, the medal, he'll think about it. i never heard from him. i will tell that story everywhere i go. what could lena horne possibly have caused marco rubio a problem? thank you. >> kevin, that is sort of the kind of story you hear. if you talk to republicans, the
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inaction combined with disdain. that is a rubio problem or is it something we have only seen crop up as he's decided to run for president? >> i think he has a number of problems. i think that when revis logan was in the legislature, she was able to work on bills and get them done and work in a fashion to make things happen. marco rubio doesn't have a lot to hang his hat on other than being a comedian with hands jokes during the presidential primary. he's made the establishment here under jeb bush very angry. he's angered folks on immigration. i just don't see how he comes out of this primary clean enough to defeat patrick murphy, who has everybody and their mother behind him for this u.s. senate campaign on the democratic side. patrick murphy will be almost impossible for marco rubio to beat with his friend donald trump at the top of the ticket. >> what do you make of the photo opportunity that marco rubio created for himself by getting out very quickly out of that plane to stand next to president
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obama? we all heard part of what enabled him to remove charlie crist from the republican party was exploiting the hug, him embracing barack obama after the stimulus funds were slated to come to florida. what do you make of this sort of new marco rubio who wants to be in a photo op with the president? >> it's obvious that he has obviously seen obama's poll numbers and obama is an extremely popular outgoing president. so isn't it nice to stand next to somebody who is so popular and doing all the right things and getting all the right answers to the people and actually working for the people. so to me, it's just, you know, he's just looking out for marco. marco is about marco as we have learned. he has stepped over his friends to get to where he is. frankly, i think what's happening now is he doesn't have a job. come january, what is marco going to do? all he's ever been is a political person. patrick murphy is a new face, new fresh face. patrick murphy is going to sweep the floor with marco rubio.
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>> it sounds like that's your prediction? >> without a question. marco is in his ascendancy now. if he leaves he's still a star. if he gets involved and loses he's finished. i hope that's what happens. >> thank you so much. lena horne, one of the greatest. thank you very much. the rest of my panel is sticking around. up necxt, the ad wars begin. discover card. customer service! ma'am. this isn't a computer... wait. you're real? with discover card, you can talk to a real person
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in celebration of father's day this year, here is a wholesome father/daughter advice from our presumptive republican nominee for president of the united states, donald trump. tip number one. be a dutiful wife.
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as donald says, when i come home and dinner's not ready, i go through the roof. >> the florida democratic party is running a series of father's day ads first seen here on "a.m. joy" that take donald trump to task for his history of making derogatory comments about women. while they are taking aim at trump, the clinton campaign is blitzing florida and other battleground states with a multi million dollar ad buy. this as the trump campaign pivots away from those same swing states to focus on desperately needed fund-raising. in deep red states like georgia and texas, trying to match clinton's campaign cash advantage and donor support. trump will fund-raise this afternoon in arizona at the former home of senator barry goldwater. the conservative firebrand who cruised through a 1964 primary on incendiary rhetoric only to face a landslide general election loss to president lyndon johnson. while it's too early to tell if
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trump will meet a similar fall, what's clear that after a very, very long primary the general election is very much on. back with me is jamal, kevin and ana as well as fernand. let's talk about this florida ad blitz. is it effective? the one downside to these ads is they don't actually have trump's voice saying these things. they are sort of reading his quotes. are these effective? >> i think they are because they remind people about donald trump. what it would probably need is some sort of citation where donald trump said this crazy thing. they are fun and interesting, they make you have to want to go look it up and say did he actually say that? it makes the viewer want to go do some work. >> let's play a clip montage. four ads were debuting this morning. let's play a little more of them. >> tip number two. only date attractive people. as donald says, it doesn't matter what they write, as long as you've got a beaiful piece
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of [ bleep ]. tip number three. be resilient. as donald says, you've got to treat women like [ bleep ]. tip number four. be as uninvolved with your children as possible. as donald says, i don't do anything to take care of them. i supply funds and the women take care of the kids. >> okay. ana, donald trump is already under water with women, clearly. is this a smart gambit for democrats as a way to sink him further? >> absolutely. it's humorous, light-hearted and funny. it reminds us also of all the things he's actually said that have been very demeaning towards women. we have worked so hard to get to where we are, and we tell our daughters you can be anything, you can be a doctor, an attorney, today you can even be a presidential nominee, but yet he's telling the women that their place is in the kitchen,
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cleaning the children, taking care of the children and they better look good. >> on the other side of that at the same time, you do have hillary clinton running these ads that are biographical in nature trying to bring up her positives. let's take a look. >> for hillary, it's always been about kids and when millions couldn't get health care, this first lady worked with republicans and democrats to fix it, creating the children's health insurance program. >> so that every child gets the health care that child deserves to have. >> now eight million kids are covered. that's the kind of leader she is and the kind of president she'll be. >> you know the polling. is it too late for hillary clinton to sort of reintroduce herself to voters having been on the scene for 30 odd years? >> i think it is. because both of these candidates have 100% name i.d. back to the point earlier, while the ads from the florida democratic party are cute, i don't think they are that effective.
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i think the most effective anti-trump ad is donald trump speaking. any donald trump speech, especially these that he's done the last couple weeks, have done more to hurt and sabotage his campaign in a moment where a lot of folks thought he had poll position, he had maybe some folks willing to give him a second chance and i think he's absolutely blown it. let's make no mistake. the donald trump campaign is in major trouble today and i look back to one of the incidents of this past week that i think was the most telling. richard armitage, a key leading republican on national security, served three republican presidents, came out and said not only am i not supporting donald trump, i'm supporting hillary clinton because we cannot have donald trump with the responsibility for national security and the commander in chief powers that come with the presidency. i think it's those types of comments, those types of folks that are fleeing the legitimacy of the campaign, even condi rice this week said will you be my vice president, actually said no way. that doesn't leave a lot of options. that's the problem trump has
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today and will continue to have going forward. >> you even had barry goldwater's widow, they are raising money at his home and his widow said, her response was yuck, basically. she said yuck was her response, i think barry would be appalled that his home was being used for that purpose. barry would be appalled by mr. trump's behavior. the unintelligent, unfiltered crude communication style. he's so shallow. >> so quickly before we leave hillary clinton's ad, what's important about this, they needed to do this for a long time, voters want to know what does hillary clinton believe in, what is at the core of her political purpose. this is something from the very beginning, children's defense fund, arkansas health clinics, the women's speech in china, she believes in children, she believes in families and women getting ahead. they have to nail that down so democrats and other people feel this connection. >> it sounds like you feel it's too late to do that? >> i do, but i just, i'm struck by the political tone deafness of the trump campaign thinking that the symbolism of doing it at barry goldwater's house is smart. that would be like hillary clinton saying we are doing
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something at john edwards' house. who would do such a thing? it doesn't make any sense, reminding them of the greatest republican wipe-out in history. i don't get it. >> kevin, there has been a lot of sort of questions sometimes about the florida democratic party's strategery. they are doing these ads, you have hillary clinton trying to be biographical. is anyone moving the needle right now? >> we are on "a.m. joy." i think what max and ben are doing at the florida democratic party is having a little bit of fun at trump's expense. and what i think is happening is donald trump is doing all the damage that he can on his own, and you have showed in your previous hour, the poll numbers, a majority of voters are saying they will never vote for trump under any circumstance. so i think the democratic party is having a little bit of fun at it. what secretary clinton and her campaign is doing is being
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smart. remember, they reintroduced secretary clinton before she was secretary at the last democratic convention, it was one of the most moving nights, in my opinion. these attacks and all the things that donald trump has said about women, i have two daughters, it is -- it's tough. it's hard for me even to talk about because you get in trouble with anything you say when you are talking about anything donald trump has said. i don't want my kids reading it, i don't want to hear it, and let some folks have fun with it. it's a sad state of america when donald trump can be in the public and any of this kind of language is acceptable. >> i want to send this out to the panel for general consumption. one of the things that's happened to donald trump's image, he's gone from a celebrated almost celebrity from being rich in the late '80s, early '90s to being a garden variety reality show celebrity, to now you are starting to see a new thing creep in, which is ridicule of donald trump and of
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his brand. i want to play a satirical ad by something called the tiny hands pac and get your response to whether or not the real risk for donald trump is not the incendiary nature of his remarks, but really, the fact he might become an object of ridicule. take a look. >> if the white house phone rings at 3:00 a.m., will his little hand even pick up the receiver? >> how can he create jobs with wh his hands are too small to smak on the deal? >> when he decides to launch nuclear war, will his stubby fingers be able to push the button? >> it's time our country learned every inch of the truth. we launched americans against insecure billionaires with tiny hand pac. >> go to trump has tiny >> together we can learn from donald trump can truly handle being commander in chief. >> does that work? ridicule as political theater? does that work? >> i think it does work a little bit, especially in the donald trump case because what you are talking about is getting as many people to share these kinds of
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ads on social media, because people want to talk about trump and this is a fun way to do it. it reminds me of the 30 rock where the guy in the wheelchair was the child of the royal family and he had really small hands. anywa anyway, it's -- >> you have to watch it. jamal is sticking around despite references none of us remember. up next, will hash tag never trump ever die? (war drums beating)
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what our nominee says. >> i would not want to spend every day answering questions about what the latest thing donald trump said. but he is your party's presidential nominee. >> does that bother you that you have to keep doing this repeatedly? >> he's a different kind of candidate. this is a different kind of year. >> by and large, the response from republican lawmakers has been to try and ignore the subject all together. >> silence! >> politico reports majority whip john cornyn is done talking about trump until after the election. nearly five months away. >> any scenario in which you would rescind your endorsement? >> that's not my plan. i don't have a plan to do that. >> i think this is like you buying a lot of condos, like in 2007. we told you when to buy trump. remember a month and a half ago we said it's time to sell. >> mr. trump yesterday said this, addressing congressional leaders like yourself. be quiet, just please be quiet, don't talk. what is your reaction to that?
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>> you can't make this up sometimes. >> we are in trouble. >> coming up, trump tells the gop leadership it's his way or the highway. could the party still dump trump? that's next. and we also may see a reappearance of our friend the "a.m. joy" white whale if you are responsive enough to its twitter doppelganger. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at see what the power of points can do for your business. i'm terhe golf. bui'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb
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wrely on the us postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. re, there, everywhere. united states poal service priority: you our leaders have to get a lot tougher and be quiet. just please be quiet. don't talk. please be quiet. just be quiet. to the leaders. because they have to get tougher. they have to get sharper. they have to get smarter. we have to have our republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself. i'll do very well. i'm going to do very well. >> donald trump is putting the gop leadership on notice that he doesn't need them. but as his falling poll numbers begin to take a toll on the gop's popularity, the party may
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not need him. the dump trump movement is once again showing signs of life. opponents of the president of the presumptive nominee say they are planning a multi-pronged approach to stop trump at the republican convention next month. their plan includes changing the convention rules to include a conscience clause that would allow even delegates bound to trump to vote against him on the first ballot. last night on "all in" i spoke to a colorado delegate who is leading the charge. >> this is truly trying to save the party. we love our party. we worked extraordinarily hard our entire adult lives to create a philosophical very good conservative party and we simply don't want donald trump as the face of that. >> have you heard from reince priebus? >> i have not. i have heard from other elected officials but that just makes me work harder and makes the rest of us work harder. we know we are right in what we're doing. >> joining me, national republican consultant katon dawson and sarah flores, deputy campaign manager for carly fiorina. let's first talk about whether
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or not you think it could actually work to put a conscience clause into the rules committee at the convention and whether or not it is the right thing to do, in your view? >> as a delegate to the convention coming up and numerous past conventions, and member of the rnc for eight years, it's pretty hard to do. the rules committee's there for this reason, to make the rules of the convention. i don't foresee that. there are 112 members of the rules committee. i won't get into the sausage making part of it. it could happen. i doubt it very seriously. donald trump's locomotive came through, he won the nomination, people aren't happy with it. we have two interesting conventions coming. we have a faction of each party that aren't happy with what's going on but that large faction's not coming to these conventions. we'll see. i don't think it will. people are still trying to wrap their arms around donald trump being the nominee and how unconventional he is. times are different. >> i will bring this to you as well, sarah.
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there is this question of the small d democratic question, if you had millions of people vote for donald trump, you were supporting his opponent, but trump won. do you think philosophically there's a problem with inserting a clause into the rules, even if it could be done, do you think it would be the right thing to do? >> i think letting delegates vote their conscience is a completely acceptable thing. that's how the process works. i think even then, though, it will actually still turn out to be the nomination of donald trump because so many of those delegates will feel a responsibility to the voters of their state. that being said, as others have said, the republican party right now is engaged to donald trump. they are not married yet. the wedding's at the convention. plenty of engagements do get broken off. >> bruce, you have had donald trump make a statement in response to this news there is this new never trump movement
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that's brewing. he said any such move will be not only totally illegal but a rebuke to the millions of people who feel so strongly about what i'm saying. i want to play what he said last night in texas at his rally disputing the very idea there's opposition to him. >> the party is actually liking me. you know, i'm an outsider. i'm an outsider. and historically, they don't love the outsiders but i think they're starting to like me. maybe there will be a few. you don't hear about the tremendous numbers of people and i'm even talking about the politicians that are totally supportive. >> so you have donald trump essentially saying the movement to oust him is what is fringe in the party. what do you make of that? >> i think he's exactly right about that. not only would it be anti-democratic in the sense you would be disenfranchising 13 million republican voters but there's no obvious alternative to trump. is ted cruz going to suddenly be the nominee? i don't see it.
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furthermore, if trump were somehow or other dumped, he would have a tremendous incentive to simply burn the entire republican party to the ground. he will be on every cable channel, every single night, talking, trashing his own party and lots of his supporters are going to eat it up. he may very well even say vote for hillary. i do believe there will be a substantial republicans for hillary operation and i think that it's going to doom the republican party. >> isn't that the idea as well, donald trump does have a constituency, he could in theory inspire his followers to vote third party, to vote for him if he decided to run third party. there is still damage he could do. >> he's going to be on the ballot. he will pick a vice presidential nominee, sometime. it could be a movie star or sports star or politician. who knows. it will be donald's choice. it's unconventional what he's doing. the republican party and democrat party will both survive after this. >> or the democratic party. >> the democratic party will survive after this.
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but it's interesting that there's a lot of pundits, this is now june. ronald reagan was 18 points behind jimmy carter. the same things were being said. we have more news, more things. this thing is labor day until november. what i said earlier with our other host was it's an organizational thing. that's what donald trump's not doing. barack obama has been president of the united states for two terms because of charisma, organization and message. so donald trump's not -- doesn't have that organization. that is not what won him the primary. it is what won barack obama's primary. so that makes the interesting sausage making process of the electoral things that are going on now. i would say, there's no panic yet. the republican party is upset. people are worried about keeping the majorities. donald trump's message will change some. but the way he got there is probably the way he's going to continue the campaign which is running against washington. people are extremely on both sides mad with. bernie's people are mad, the base that's supporting donald
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trump are mad. we will see how it shakes out. >> that sounds to me what katon is describing as a primary strategy, a strategy that works in a republican primary with a primarily white electorate but when you broaden it out, it could be 30% people of color, more than half women, isn't it problematic if trump continues to be trump and do the things he's been doing to win the primary? >> i mean, we have seen that over the last month. he could have spent the last month beating up on hillary, bringing up all of her scandals, the foundation corruption, e-mail server, and really defining her narrative going into the summer. instead he made it a referendum on himself. he's shown a lack of discipline, hasn't been calling donors, hasn't been visiting swing states. it's been sddisaster. respectfully, this could very well be the end of the republican party. the fact that if donald trump doesn't get his way, he thinks that he would encourage people to vote for hillary sort of tells you everything you need to
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know. this guy isn't a republican. but i think he's doing everything he can to lose this general election and we see that over and over again in the lack of organization, the lack of discipline and that he has yet to criticize hillary clinton nearly as much as he criticizes his fellow republicans. >> bruce, that leads me to sort of a fundamental question of what it is that the establishment, that the john kasiches and paul ryans of the world, what is that they are concerned about? that donald trump isn't helping the institution of the republican party or is it the underlying troubling nature of some of his actual comments? is it the america first stuff that sort of reminds one of the 1930s anti-intervention in world war ii part of the american electorate? is it the slams on a mexican american judge implying that only a white judge could properly judge him? which of those two things is really troubling the party? >> i think they are very upset about the substance of what he's saying but i think they are even
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more worried about this being a wave election that brings down republicans across the board losing the senate, losing the house, losing governorships, teeing up the democratic party for possibly redistricting in the year 2000 after the census and basically putting the democrats in charge, as the republicans have been for quite a few years. i think they are desperately afraid they will go down with the ship. >> i ask this as my friend from south carolina, you have seen the republican party become a largely southern party, very regional party, and some of the sort of changes in the party have to do with tone, have to do with sort of being offputting to people of color, have to do with not being able to grow. do you have a concern as a republican, a life-long republican, that donald trump will do long-term damage, further damage to a party that's already struggling in those areas and is that in and of itself a reason to launch a never trump movement? >> it's especially for the southern and southeastern
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corridor, where barack obama's presidency has given us a majority all through the south and gave us over 1,000 legislative seats all over the country. so we had some success with the democratic president. the tone and what he said bothers us when you have tim scott as an african-american republican senator, nikki haley, our governor, just in the state i'm from, we worked really hard to change the tone and there's a lot more work to do but we can show electoral success from that. so that's been our concern with trump. he's knocked down or put up barriers to a lot of places we need to win. i'm most concerned with the hispanic vote. there's six states out there that if you can't win, you can't become president. i haven't seen where donald trump has attracted that vote the way he says they are going to love me. well, that's the one that concerns me. the tone concerns me, because republicans have worked all over the country to be a more open, honest party. we won the house, we won the senate. i don't say that donald trump's
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a single factor if he loses that will cause us that, but there's a lot of angst out there. people are worried about their own jobs in the united states house and senate and that rightfully so. >> you supported carly fiorina, who was attempting to become the first woman president. republicans have enjoyed a gender advantage with white women that has been as high as 14% that. was what mitt romney enjoyed over barack obama in 2012. is there a concern that with donald trump at the top of the ticket, democrats could even out that advantage, particularly with white women and with married women? >> well, i think that the concern with donald trump is that he will lose in a blowout which will take down senate candidates with him, and then i think it will be across demographics. i think that what he was able to do in the primary just can't be replicated again without a campaign organization, without marrying up with the rnc and without visiting swing states, calling donors, any of the
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campaign basics that he's not doing. so i don't think you will see any single demographic shift so much as i think you potentially will see all of them shift. and it will be a very bad election for republicans and once again, republicans will have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory against potentially the worst democratic nominee there's been. she's under investigation by the fbi for leaking national security basically. >> she is actually not accused of leaking national security. i will give you the final word on this, bruce. given the fact that do you have all these concerns about a potential blowout election, at the end of the day is the principle of attempting to undermine the process at the convention, in your mind, sound? >> no. i think it's ridiculous. i don't think any future republican wanting to run for his party's nomination is going to want to have an easy out for anybody who opposes him. i think this is absurd and will die in the crib.
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>> thank you very much to all of you. getting the points in about hillary clinton wherever you can. good try on that one. more politics after the break including who won the week. ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ ♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪
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back with me to discuss who won the week, jumal, jimmy, who won the week? >> hillary clinton got her groove back. two weeks in a row if you ask me. she's on the attack putting donald trump on the offensive and she's commanding the news
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cycle. >> is she winning or is he losing the week? >> both. she's on the offensive. donald trump is used to commanding the news cycle. she has high powered surrogates out there who are keeping him from dominating the news cycle and she's attacking him. she has ads going up in background states putting him on the offensive. leveraging the fact he's not spending enough money. chris murphy from connecticut won the week. he had a good timing. he had substance and he had amazing bladder control. he could stay standing for 15 hours and not go to the bathroom. >> i probably can't even through two hours of a.m. joy. excellent. i will say on that, democrats finally standing up on gun control. they did it after sandy hook and the president has been haangry about this more than anything else. if they stick to this, they will finally break through.
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>> if you're a democrat or republican running for anything in 2016, you are winning. you're winning because you can run against the biggest idiot ever of all time named donald trump. that includes, you, republicans, you get to run against your own nominee. >> i think at the end of the day -- >> cc -- yes, they can. >> as our two democratic strategists you know the democrats are going to stitch every single republican all the way down to dogcatcher to donald trump. >> as they should. >> and some democrats and some of the campaign organizations are expressing this concern, this is so much about anti-trump we've got to tie his republican allies to it so they can't triangulate away from him. >> i think a lot of people say would got less out of the news cycle was bernie sanders. he encouraged thousands of democrats to run the ticket. do you think that could help him build a legacy that's lasting? >> bernie is still a sitting senator. i was just -- >> is he a democrat? >> i was disappointed he did not
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go to the floor and go back to the senate and participate in the filibuster. i will be very interested in how he votes on the four gun measures on monday. he has a mixed record on guns. >> will he be a democratic senator or an independent senate who caucuses with democrats. >> we know in that conversation he had with supporters, a private conversation in vermont that that question didn't come up when he comes back whether or not he will remain a democrat. >> that question will come up. he's not going to be able to escape that. i think what he does need to do is look, he has energized a lot of people. use the opportunity to focus on the local elections. people forget about the local elections. he has an opportunity to transform the cities where the democratic leadership is across the country. be a hero, do that kind of work. that can make a difference in people's live. >> making the case, we have a
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tweet from chelsea clinton who said mark and i are overwhelmed with gratitude and love as we celebrate the birth of our son, aidan clinton mezvinsky. does that help her, things that humanize her? these things help her? >> they do help her. elizabeth warren would help her even more. >> we're going to keep on -- one more nominee for who won the week, this is going to be a difficult summer for the city of cleveland, obviously. they're going to have the donald trump campaign coming t. and lebron james, bringing the cavs back from 3-1. i don't think it's ever happened that a team has won, if they're able to be successful tomorrow night. does the steph curry talk get drowned out? does it become all about lebron?
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>> it could. lebron james is one of the best. he and steph curry are battling for the best basketball players of this era. we'll know monday night. >> do you think that people like lebron james are going to end up being called upon to bring peace to the city of cleveland? this could be a very tough convention in cleveland? >> it's scrips, we went through a six hour convention -- seminar about what to do in case of terrorist attack, riots, et cetera, and i got to be honest with you, i walked away from that going i ain't going to cleveland. i'm just not going to go. iate ha i have to go i'll be there but i'll know what to do. here's the thing they told us, if a cop is on a horse and you're not wearing a uniform, you're the enemy, get out of the way. >> one word answer. which convention is going to be wilder cleveland or philly? >> cleveland. >> cleveland. >> wow, lebron may be called upon to get out in the streets and do peacemaking.
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thanks very much. my dem panel i love this. that's our show for today. watch a.m. joy tomorrow. up next alex witt has no details on the alligator problem in florida and one mother's harrowing story. more news at the top of the hour. ♪ i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. learn more at no one will forget. when shoppers add an item they automatically shrink the prices of millions of other products. very impressive.
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