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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  June 19, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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hey there, everyone. i'm alex witt here in new york at msnbc world headquarters. here is what's happening. orlando one week later, from memorials across that city to around the world, how the day is being marked by those who lost so much. >> orlando, we got your back. looming showdown on capitol hill over gun control. what could get accomplished after 49 lives lost. donald trump promising to go it alone without the gop's money. plus unique insight into how he sees himself and bernie sanders. >> i think that i win either way. i can win one way or the other. i've been on the cover of time magazine so many times and the cover of everything. i feel like a super model except like times ten. crazy bernie, he doesn't give
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up. crazy bernie. he's crazy as a bedbug, but you know he doesn't quit. he doesn't quit. >> well, today marks one week since the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history when 49 people were killed in an orlando nightclub. a moment of silence was held last night during the orlando city soccer match. more than 20,000 people are expected to attend a vigil tonight for the victims. attorney general loretta lynch made a big announcement this morning about communications between the killer and law enforcement during the shooting. >> tomorrow we will be releasing limited transcripts of the calls between the killer and the orlando p.d. negotiators in the nightclub that night. he talked about his pledge of allegiance to a terrorist group. he talked about his motivations for why he was committing this horrific act. he talks about american policy
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in some ways. the reason we're going to limit these transcripts so to avoid revictimizing those who went through this horror. there were three conversations between this killer and negotiators. >> good morning to you. or afternoon now. it's past noon. what is the latest you're hearing about this investigation? >> reporter: as the fbi continues to process the scene, there behind me, nbc has learned from a senior law enforcement official that an analysis of the shooter's belongings turned up no manifesto, no suicide note, no writings to indicate what was going on in his mind in the weeks leading up to the attack. when it comes to his electronic devices, sources tell us that there is some indication that he used dating apps or sites. however, there were no dating apps found on his cell phone. omar mateen had increased his
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spending in the weeks leading up to the attack almost as if he wasn't worried about paying that money back. the bulk of that spending was on jewelry and expensive dinners. >> let's talk about the entire community there. give me a sense of how it's responding after this horror struck their city. >> reporter: there are more memorials planned including one tonight in a park near downtown orlando. tens of thousands expects to attend that. last night at the orlando city san jose soccer game, that was the first major league sporting event since the attack, first responders including some of the doctors who treated the wounded were brought out on the field. the crowd cheering for them and for their city. >> i feel like it's the first day in this whole week that it's like, you know, we're kind of stepping into that we're tough, we're strong and we really believe it now. you can come and you can scream
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and pound a drum and carry a flag and be happy that we are those people. we represent all those people, 49 people we all represent them. >> reporter: and play was stopped at 49 minutes into the game for a moment of silence. 49 balloons in a rainbow of colors were tied to 49 empty seats at the said yum. it was a night of emotion and symbolism. >> thank you so much. let's go now to politics and new reaction from donald trump calling for unity while at the same time saying he can win the election without the republican party. here's what he told hallie jackson in an interview from meet the press this morning. >> i think because i'm a different kind of candidate and paul ryan said that. i'm a different kind of a candidate. i think that i win either way. i can win one way or the other. >> without them or with them? >> i do believe that. because i obviously won the primaries without them. i'm an outsider and i won the
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primaries. it would be nice if we stuck together. >> paul ryan is weigh in on criticism that he's been getting for standing by trump despite growing tensions with the party. here's what he said about the kind of campaign he would want the presumptive nominee to run. >> run a campaign we can all be proud of. run a campaign that's inclusive and aspirational. that's the kind of up lifting, optimistic, inclusive tone, tempo, type of campaign that i believe we should have, that i think works and wins and is the right thing to do. >> why hasn't he done it yet? >> you're going to have to ask him that question. >> do you think he can do that? >> he can. the question is whether he chooses to do so or not. >> a story in the "washington post" explores trump's declining poll numbers. another report in the postsuggests that trump's rhetoric on immigration could
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cause arizona to turn blue. apple will not support the republican convention in any way due to trump's comments on immigration, women and minorities. although other major companies are also sitting out the convention. let's get the latest from the trump campaign and new reaction on efforts to stop him. j any concerns in the trump camp over this? >> reporter: trump seemed almost angry at his phoenix rally yesterday when talking about this. this is an effort that is led, it appears, by convention delegate, republican who is ss this is their last chance. they want to decide on a conscience clause they call it, which would allow them to be unbound during the first vote, which could of course lead to denying trump the nomination. trump himself spent the first ten minutes of his phoenix rally
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talking about this, how it was illegal he thought, even though really it isn't. if the majority on the rules committee decide to do this and it is ratified by the convention, it can happen. here's some of what trump said at his phoenix rally yesterday. >> i don't believe that. i think that's the press. number one, they can't do it legally. number two, i worked for one year and we won all of those delegates. you know, i guess i'm at almost 1600. and i competed along with a lot of establishment people. i beat them all. and now a couple of them would like to come in through the back door. it's awfully hard when i win 37 or 38 states. so i win 38 states and somebody else won none and they're going to be the nominee. i don't think so. >> reporter: so of course that was to nbc's hallie jackson. he also talked about it in his phoenix rally. one of the issues here with this effort to deny trump the nomination at the convention is
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that even the person, the delegate who is leading the effort, conceded in an interview that she had, quote, no clue what would happen if they actually were successful, claiming that no candidate like ted cruz or john kasich was organizing this effort and that they didn't have a plan on who would step in if it were denied to trump. >> which is a pretty big component of it. for more on the stop trump movement let's bring in former deputy campaign manager for carly fiorina and former deputy communications director for the rnc. what about that last part, the fact that there may be a stop trump movement but then there's this void. what do you do? >> i mean, it is a problem. no one has really stepped up to carry the mantle of this third party or stop trump movement. mitt romney's been making a lot of noise about it but hasn't
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been willing to step in himself. i do think it's a problem with the stop trump movement but not one that's un-overcomable. >> do you think it's a problem because the fact is donald trump has secured over 14 million votes of the populace. that's a pretty formidable thing to step into. >> agreed. there's also the question of money. donald trump isn't exactly raising a lot of money these days either. word has it through surrogates and donors that he's not making donor calls. he's not doing the hard behind the scenes work that you would need to campaign. on the other hand, i disagree with you that hillary is running a strong campaign. the ongoing fbi investigation is plaguing her, the white house confirming that it's a criminal investigation. she's had one bad news cycle after another on top of being a fairly weak candidate in terms
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of authenticity, trustworthiness. her unfavorables are enormously high. >> what about donald trump relative to the opposition from the party? should he be more concerned about it? >> well, this is what donald trump has been his whole life. he's a go it alone go. i think that's why you see the four bankruptcies. you see a lot of business people saying they don't trust him, that he didn't pay his bills. i do think politics is different. i think you want people echoing that this is a united front for conservatives. donald trump hasn't been able to do that in part because he hasn't reached out to conservatives or had a particularly conservative message. he didn't run as a republican in the primaries. he ran has a winner who happened to be running in republican primaries. if john mccain had won in 2008
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he would actually run as a democrat and be the democratic nominee right now. >> what about the unusually high number of undecided voters for this election as reflected in repatria reser recent polls? >> i count myself among those. it's more accurate to say that between donald trump and hillary clinton, a lot of us feel that there is no one to vote for who should be leading the country, who's qualified, has the temperament, the trustworthiness to lead our country. >> what is that like for you? i mean, your job, your lively hood, your passion obviously with your career is all about politics and casting your vote. what does that feel like for you? >> it's disappointing. it's frustrating. there's some anger in it
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actually. the republican party is the party of lincoln. it has core believes. and again this person ran not as a republican, not as a conservative, but as a winner. on the other hand, you have hillary clinton who is not trust worthy, kept a secret server, benghazi. the list goes on and on. i think a lot of americans are deeply frustrated that this is the best we could come up with for 2016, the two worst people in america are basically vying for the presidency. >> you know, matter of opinion there. maybe not the worst people in america. several campaign officials are quoted saying it is almost impossible for trump to win if he does not get florida. do you agree? and why is florida so important? >> florida's always been a bell
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weather state. it was a strong republican state for several cycles. and when mitt romney lost florida early on election night in 2012, it was generally considered the end. he lost it by about 1% i think in the end. that being said, it is possible for donald trump to lose florida. he'd have to win ohio, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. of course, donald trump is saying he'll put new jersey, maryland, california into play, which is highly unlikely. but it is possible to lose florida. it just makes it a very uphill battle where you'd have to win fairly strong lean blue states that have gone democrat the last few cycles. later on, the republican who tells me why he thinks donald trump is the most pro-gay candidate the gop has ever had for president. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle?
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>> that was donald trump backstage at his rally on saturday, sharing his thoughts on what went wrong in orlando. let's bring in senior editor of business insider.
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i thought his speech on monday was pretty remarkable. he was doubling down on what he said after the san bernardino attack. he reiterated his call to ban muslims from the country. and he sort of expanded it to say there are certain parts of the world where we should ban people from entering the country. we saw secretary clinton take a different tack. she was praising president bush for going to a mosque saying this is not about religion, this is about fundamentalists. >> i think it's clear that this reaction did not go well for donald trump. we've seen all of this polling coming out this week that show his position worsening. the numbers were bad when people were surveyed after the orlando
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attack and his reaction to it. i think there had been this thought that chaos, terrorist attacks, things like that would be good for donald trump because they would make people scared. i think people look at donald trump responding erratically, overreacting, reacting in ways that are likely to bring more chaos to the united states. >> hillary clinton needs a boring running mate. why is that? >> well, it's to hillary clinton's advantage to have this campaign be a referendum on donald trump. donald trump is much more unpopular. much of the pitch she's making are basically about do you want this weird, divisive, unstable guy to be president or do you want me? the more people think about donald trump being unstable, unfit to be president, the better for her.
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when she picks somebody who's really specific, that could alienate some segment of the population. elizabeth warren might turn off some moderates. on the other hand, if she picked robert gates or somebody, she might alienate bernie sanders supporters. she basically needs generic democrat on the ticket with her so nobody who could get comfortable voting for hillary clinton has any sort of objection to the running mate. someone like tim cane, the senator from virginia. >> do you agree with that? and would you say the same for donald trump? >> i think the question of who donald trump picks is so interesting. a number of people have already taken themselves out of the running. trump has shown fondness for people like newt gingrich and chris christie.
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the vice president nominee has to be sort of deferential to the person at the top of the ticket. if you look at the ti advertisements, it's much on the idea that donald trump is dangerous for the world in terms of foreign policy. that's what we're seeing when we talk about the speech last week on orlando and polling. >> as long as clinton wins all the reliably democratic states, she's got it. how likely is that to happen? >> i think the big question is donald trump is saying he's going to make a play for states in recent years that have democratic, places like pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, wisconsin. his base is white men. there are sort of disaffected democrats in these areas. if you really can get these people into his column and make
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those states competitive, it's going to be a very interesting race. if she can keep all those states we talked about as well as florida, she's going to be in a strong position. he's talking about expanding the map to california and new york. >> how good are trump's chance? >> his chances look bad across the map. he's substantial lly behind hillary. i think her position is likely only to improve. i think he needs florida to win but basically in the same way that any republican presidential candidate needs florida to win. i don't see any evidence that donald trump is going to out perform in the rust belt in the way that his campaign likes to claim. he had a bad poll out of wisconsin this week. i think people have this
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charactca -- pennsylvania really has lots of college educated white voters. michigan has lots of minority voters. so i don't think that the demographics there are as favorable. if he were to win, he'd need to win in basically the same way normal republican candidates do. he'd needs to win florida, virginia, those types of states. >> i don't want to play one of the first general ads that clinton has released. >> it's in the quiet moments when you see why she does this. for hillary, it's always been about kids. when millions couldn't get health care, this first lady worked with republicans and democrats to fix it. creating a children's health insurance program. >> so that every child gets the healthcare that child deserves to have. >> that's the kind of leader she is and the kind of president
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she'll be. >> i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> effective? and who's it targeting? >> this ad's really interesting. everybody knows who hillary clinton is. this is an ad introducing hillary clinton trying to give you a new side of her. i wonder how effective this is. you see these sorts of ads in campaigns with genuinely new candidates. i don't know that you can convince a voter that doesn't like hillary clinton with a 60 second add about how mu second ad about how much she cli likes children. >> it's showing the softer gentler side of hillary clinton. it's aimed to women voters and middle of the road voters to rebrand her. the millions of dollars raised for families of the orlando shooting victims. hmmmmmm.....
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. america's top cop, attorney general loretta lynch on why tomorrow we could learn a whole lot more about what happened at the pulse nightclub one week ago today. ck on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double. choose blades that cbend from end to end, that understand legs. choose beauty and brains.
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with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you're free to focus on growing your business. centurylink. your link to what's next. welcome back, everyone. i'm alex witt here at msnbc world head quarters in new york. orlando is remembering the events one week ago today. a memorial has been set up all over town, this one outside the hospital where the injured remaining are still being treated. other cities are sending orlando messages of love and support. a crowd gathered outside of new york's greenwich village. many people carrying signs that red, we are orlando. new details this afternoon of what transpired last sunday between the gunman and police.
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the killer spoke with police negotiators three times during that standoff. those details from attorney general loretta lynch. she also talked at the gunman's possible motivations. >> he talked about his pledge of allegiance to a terrorist group. he talked about his motivations for why he was claiming he was committing this horrific act. >> let's bring in the director of the program on extremism. also author of a report about how isis recruits in the united states. we heard the attorney general. do these inspired home grown attacks pose more of a threat than plots directly planned by isis? >> to some degree they do because they are much more difficult to be intercepted by authorities. isis operates in two ways. one is the attacks like we saw in paris and brussels. there was a group of people that
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trained with isis in syria, was dispatched by isis to carry out the attacks. they tend to carry out sophisticated attacks. they're much more lethal. but they are in a way easier to detect. it's a less likely scenario here in the u.s. what we see in the u.s. is more individuals who are ide idealogically affiliated. no operational connections, but just an affiliation. and it's very difficult for the fbi to intercept these individuals. >> in terms of the volume, you write in your report, quote, isis related mobilization in the united states has been unprecedented. so u.s. intelligence, domestic law enforcement agencies, have they adapted to meet this threat? and is their biggest challenge having the man power to deal with it? >> that's really the biggest challenge. from a legal point of view, there's not a lot that can be
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done unless we violate basic constitutional rights. we've already pushed very far ahead in what we can do. there are some limits. a lot of the controversy here is about the fact that the fbi knew about this individual. they interviewed him. same goes for other people who carried out attacks in the past. being radical is a contusionally p -- constitutionally behavior. what the fbi can do is monitor these people, obviously. but you need massive man power. we are talking about a few thousand individuals with different degrees of intensity embrace isis mindset and isis world view. only a few will become violent but it's impossible to really predict who will. they do not have the man power at this point to monitor everybody. >> based upon those fbi conversations mateen was put on the terror watch list in 2013,
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removed in 2014. how does one get on the terror watch list and off? >> there >> it's generally having affiliation links to certain individuals, having a certain radical mindset. and obviously then it's r routinely an assessment being done. when people have progrenot prog in their trajectory they are at times taken off. generally speaking, there are some legal rules as to how you get on and off. being on the list per se doesn't warrant monitoring from the fbi. >> you've talked about the isis radicalization movement there on social media. how does one combat that? >> it's very, very difficult. really losing the battle against isis. there's the monitoring part, of
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course. to some degree it's an advantage that a lot of activities are taking place online. most of the people who have been arrested in the states are people who are active online and the fbi was able to in a way pick them up because they were so vocal online. there's a lot of propaganda, a lot of radicalization taking place online. there's a lot of debate on whether we should shut down twitter and facebook. it's very difficult to shut them down. how to do that is something the government is struggling with. there are programs being developed in partnership with silicon valley. >> big challenges ahead. in addition to the out pouring of love in the orlando community following last sunday's attack, the latest of the online fund-raisers on
9:38 am has received 5.5 million dollar in donations. the city has established the one orlando fund which has received large corporate donations. how the gun debate is adding a new level of tension between donald trump and the republican party. allyson felix needs to... quicker than everybody. to win at home, she needs to be quicker than... allyson: chloe! that's why allyson felix uses bounty. the quicker picker upper. allyson: chloe! allyson: chloe! bounty is faster and 2x more absorbent than the leading... ...ordinary brand, and faster than chloe too. allyson: come on chloe! bounty the quicker picker upper think fixing yr windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so guess what, i met them at the zoo. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage.
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all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. the gun debate is the newest layer to donald trump's growing tensions with the republican party. here's what the presumptive nominee said about where he differs with the nra and the party. >> we have to make sure that people that are terrorists or have even an inclination towards terrorism cannot buy weapons, guns. >> could you get the nra to budge on this? they're against this idea. >> i'll talk to them. they have -- i understand what they're saying. a lot of people are on the list that really maybe shouldn't be
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on the list and their rights are being taken away. >> joining me now howard dean former vermont governor. also elise jordan, former rand paul campaign advisor. i want to get your reaction to trump appearing to walk this really fine line on guns. what do you think his calculation is here? how do you think it's going to play out when he meets with the nra? >> well, donald trump has always supported gun control. i think this is just another example of him showing his authoritarian instincts. the terrorist watch list and the no fly list are not meant to deny individuals their constitutional rights. they're meant to investigate suspects. that's why we don't need to c conflate -- and not infringe on
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other innocent americans' constitutional rights. >> governor, we keep hearing that trump is not your typical candidate, but what are you reading into trump's position on this issue? why isn't he telling the nra and the party what they want to hear? >> it's not clear to me what trump is doing and it hasn't been for a long time. i actually think this may be the year that the american political situation on guns changes. here's why. we have a guy who i think is unstable running for president on the republican nominee. and i think most americans are going to end up agreeing with me. so i think hillary is going to win. hillary doesn't get the nra votes under any circumstance, so there's no particular reason she should say anything they like. she just has to play this straight, and she will. and the polls vastly support the position that we ought to do something about these guns and we ought to do something about particularly about the ak-47s and the ar-15s and all these
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kinds of things that you don't need to go hunting. i think we may finally see the gun debate enter the territory of sanity. >> we shall see on that. talk about renewed efforts about some republican delegates to stop trump at the position. but the rnc itself is calling this whole thing silly. you wrote a piece for time mag ve magazine. >> over the past couple of weeks i've interviewed a fair number of the rules committee delegates. privately they're saying there's absolutely no way trump could be denied the nomination, but if trump has several terrible weeks in the month before the convention and he does appear completely unstable and continues his behavior such as the rhetoric against the indiana born judge who is of mexican
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dece deced desce descent, maybe they could vote to have delegates that are unbound and they are not pound to vote for the person who they are supposed to vote for. it could be interesting. i think it's a possibility. it's very unlikely, but trump has been on a terrible path lately, just this week gloating over 49 innocent victims in the attack on orlando. a number of republicans are disgusts and they're seeing his electability decline. seven out of ten women won't vote for trump and also seven out of ten americas. >> that gloating you're talking about, him calling and saying i called it, it was going to be terrorism and the like. howard, senator elizabeth warren gave a
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. >> she called the truth on the banking situation. i mean, the argument would be that she'd be much more effective in the senate. you really do have to kind of toe the line with the presidential candidate. i can't imagine elizabeth toeing the line with anybody. i'm supporting whoever hillary clinton picks. but i think an activist like elizabeth warren will serve the country better as a senator. >> what about presidents, both current and former? president obama getting ready to campaign for clinton. former president bush has started campaigning for the down ballots. how does that complicate the process, to put forth a strong
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enough veep to help him defeat hillary clinton? >> the first thing donald trump needs in a vice president pick is someone who appears stable and someone who conservatives feel like they have an ally in. i think that president bush is jumping in to help a lot of good senators who are in peril because of trump's stance. i think that this does -- that also does not bode well for donald trump. it's a very promising sign for hillary clinton. it's tough to secure a third democratic term, but right now the trends are looking good for her. >> so governor, politico is saying she's got to win florida. her campaign is spending little more than 5 million dollar in a
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new ad blitz there. what does clinton have to do to over come hurdles so that she gets florida and other key states? >> her play book i like a lot. she's come out and talked about her 50 state strategy. she'll be the first president of the united states on either side of the aisle that gets that if you want to have a legacy, you've got to support state legislative races, you've got to support congressional races and senate races. i'm extremely pleased about it. so she has to do what you said she has to do. the way president obama won was to get the reliable democratic states, plus florida and ohio and virginia. i think we've got a great shot at north carolina this year. the north carolina governor is basically incompetent with no spine. he's got a run away right wing legislature. north carolina is a great state and has a great future but it's rapidly being destroyed by the
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people who are running it. we've got a terrific chance to turn that around in the general election this fall. she's got to do the work and i think she is doing the work. lgbt conservatives, why some log cabin republicans say it's the too dangerous to say they support donald trump. ♪ ♪ try your favorite ranch with a fresh taste so crisp, you'll be surprised it doesn't crunch. hidden valley cucumber ranch. just one of our delicious ranch flavors.
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many of these countries, they want to kill gays and they enslave women. and hillary clinton wants them pouring in. you tell me. who's better for gays? who is better? tell me, who is better for women? who is better for women? >> that was trump friday in houston proclaiming he is the best choice for the lgbtq community as well as women. and joining me now president of log cabin republicans gregory
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a angelo. >> i want to start by saying lob cabin republicans has not made any determinations regarding a formal endorsement of donald trump at this time. but i've been asked for months how donald trump is on lgbt issues. what i said was if trump were to become this party's nominee, he would be the most pro-gay republican presidential nominee in history. here's a man who said as far back as 2000 said we should amid the civil rights act. here's someone who addressed the fact that the transgender community faces heightened levels of discrimination in this country. and here's a man who made history monday of last week, the first time a republican presidential presumptive nominee even uttered the phrase lgbt community but went one step
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farther and made overtures to the lgbt community for our support. >> if you look at the numbers, 84% of likely lgbt voters prefer hillary clinton over donald trump. there's a 6 -- what are you seeing that these voters aren't? >> i don't know that i'm not necessarily not seeing those things. what i have said in addition to saying that trump would be the most pro-gay nominee the party has ever had, you have to view mr. donald trump exclusively st through the prism of lgbt issues. putting everything else aside with mr. trump is an impossible task. his call for a ban on muslims is a call that log cabin republicans has formally
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opposed. we were one of the first lgbt organizations to say such a plan is something that goes against the very tenets of who we are as a freedom loving society. donald trump pushes people's buttons in many different ways. while he does that, i think it's also important to point out that on lgbt issues he has taken a leadership position. >> do you think the poll numbers are not indicative of how a lot of lgbtq voters feel? is there pressure to vote democrat? >> there's most definitely pressure to vote democrat. i'm proud to say that in log cabin republicans, we don't toe the line. we're not single issue voters. people in our organization, some support mr. trump, others don't. we had our members supporting all of the 17 republican candidates for president in this
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very full election cycle. certainly mr. trump has his work cut out for him, but i think there is actually an opportunity between now and november for him to continue to make inrouads wih the lgbt community. >> democrats and republicans appear to be divided on how to define the mass shooting in orlando, whether it was an act of terror or a hate crime. >> we did put out a statement on sunday june 12th saying this was an act of radical islamic terrorism. we called on not only president obama but also both presumptive nominees in both parties to call it that. there are emerging facts about this man's maybe closeted sexual orientation, whether he had some sort of pent up animosity towards gay people that was driven by his own repressed
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sexuality or sexual orientation. this might very well be a hate crime that was fuelled by radical islamic terror and a man who looked toward radical islamic terror as a conduit for the homophobia that he felt. if things bear out, he committed the greatest act of terrorism since september 11th. it could also be the country's worst hate crime in history. first soda attacks gets approved in a major american city. why it's being called dr eed discriminatory. you can even choose a car for them.
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