tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 19, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> that's all for today. happy father's day. a heavy father's day for folks in orlando and those victims, but do the best you can. we will be back next week because if it is sunday, it's "meet the press." good day, everyone. thank you for being with me. it is 3:00 p.m. on the east coast, high noon out west. one week after the deadliest mass shooting, orlando comes together to pay tribute to the victims. we may know soon what was said in the 911 calls. and an isis media outlet released a video in response to the shooting. the significance of the video in just a moment. elsewhere, trump taking a break from the campaign trail after a day of huge rallies in
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las vegas and phoenix. the presumptive republican nominee is trailing hillary clinton in recent polls but he said he is not concerned. >> we haven't really started. we start pretty much after the convention. >> what's taking so long. >> more on that ahead but we begin in orlando where 20,000 people are expected tonight at the pulse nightclub for a vigil honoring the 49 lives lost a week ago today. the u.s. -- this as u.s. attorney general loretta lynch announced transcripts of the 911 calls will be made public tomorrow. >> he talked about his pledges of allegiance to a terrorist group, his motivations for why he was claiming at this time he was committing this horrific act. he talked about american policy, the reason we will limit these transcripts is to avoid revictimizing those that went through the horror. it will contain the substance of his conversations and there were three between this killer and
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negotiators. >> nbc sara is live outside of the pulse nightclub in orlando. she's been following this story from the beginning. good to have you with us. let's talk about the investigation and where it is going. what's the latest on that front? >> good afternoon. as you know, as the fbi prepares to release these limited transcripts they continue to process the scene inside the nightclub, this as a senior law enforcement official tells nbc news an analysis of omar mateen's belongings did not reveal a manifesto or suicide note, any writings leading up to the attacks that may have explained what was going on in his head as he planned this attack. when it comes to his electronic devices and internet search history, there's some indication that yes, he did use some dating sites. however, officials have not found dating apps on his phone. we know mateen had increased his spending leading up to the attack. it is almost as if he never
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planned on paying those purchases back. we have learned the purchases, the bulk of them for jewelry for his wife and expensive dinners. >> there was concern about large jij jills but tonight it seems they have the go ahead to organize a massive vigil. >> i talked to the orlando police chief about that. in the first few days after the shooting they said they didn't have the personnel to properly staff these large gatherings. the police assured me yes, they do now. they are getting support from neighboring agencies and they have coverage to make sure people are safe. they are expecting 20,000 people. it is at a lake just outside of downtown orlando. people are doing personal things, personal memorials to pay tribute to the victims. for example, a local artist,
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originally from brazil, painted a giant mural on the side of a restaurant reading orlando. people coming by to release. tattoo parlor offering several designs to people waiting in line paying tribute. they pay tribute and are symbolic of what happened here a week ago. we are told some people waited in line to get a tattoo more than eight hours. >> incredible heart warming stuff there. thank you nar update. one week after the tragedy in orlando, an isis media outlet released a video seeking to capitalize on the attack. i'm joined by msnbc terrorism analyst who is with flash point. good to have you with us. i know you and i have seen the video. talk to us about the significance of it. what do you think was significant about the video? >> the only significance is isis trying to capitalize on the momentum of what happened in orlando and trying to incite more attacks. it is really, seemingly purely
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propaganda value here. you know, there's nothing significant beyond that. >> i know the fbi is continuing the investigation to see if there is any operational link between the organization and omar mateen. he has pledged allegiance to the group and phone calls and sent messages on facebook. anything in the video that you would make you think this was an isis-inspired attack or isis directed attack opposed to an isis-inspired attack. >> there is no evidence from this video or material released to suggest there was a direct link between matn and isis and this operation was ever directed or orchestrated or anything to that effect by isis that appears at first glance. they are calling for copycats to launch more. >> do we know which branch of isis put this out and does that, in itself, say anything about this particular attack? does it reveal anything about the attack? >> it does not reveal anything
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about this particular attack but was released by one of isis' provencal offices and had 24 of them. it appears to be the beginning of a coordinated campaign by isis to exploit this tragedy. now as we are speaking, isis released the second video similar to the first from another provencal office, reiterating the message of the first video. >> let's broaden out and not just on this video but talk about the issue of radicalization. in what way do you see what happened with this case, omar mateen, the kind of cookie-cutter model approach of what isis wants to do and it finds individuals in europe or the united states and inspires them with radicalization. >> it is really aspires to have as many people as possible in the west listen to the words of isis leaders like their spokesman who specifically called for attacks on civilians during the month of ramadan,
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which we are living today, and directed them to launch various types of attacks. this seems to be a coordinated campaign to attract more individuals, like-minded individuals and incite attacks that don't necessarily have to be directed by the group itself. >> you are talking about the month of ramadan in terms of what isis is trying to capitalize on. the fact the videos were released in succession of one another. and should anything be read in to that or is that pure coincidence. >> what is interesting, isis does media campaigns after every attack that evokes the name of isis. the same thing with paris and brussels. it appears even though this attack was not brokered by it is trying to capitalize on it. turning to the 2016 race, trump is trying to hold off revolts from all sides.
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in an interview with hallie jacks jackson, she he threatened. >> i can win one way or the other. >> with or without them. >> i believe that. if we were short on raising money, if it were short for myself i would put up my own money. i'd put up my own money if i was short. >> how much? >> whatever i need to win. i'd put up my own money. i wouldn't be that generous with it outside. people have to contribute money and people have to endorse and really come through. >> let's bring in jay following this. let's talk about the latest divide. a couple of months ago they thought they buried the hatchet and now full-blown division once again. >> yesterday, in his phoenix rally he said the republicans should stick together. i don't think it matters in terms of me winning because i
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ran as an outsider. remember, the gop has been divided since he ran of course a year ago. then that support has changed, just a bit, since he claimed the title of presumptive nominee. he had more and more senators and others coming and saying, okay, we're going to support the nominee. he was doing well in the polls. he's always done well in the polls, that's important to remember until a month ago. for an entire month now he's lost in every national poll to hillary clinton. of course we have the judge comments and other comments and now a last-ditch effort, including one led by republican convention delegates themselves. they have only a only a month until the convention and now a group of them telling nbc news and others they want to change the rules and they are serious about it, to allow for a conscience clause so they can vote for whoever they want to on the first ballot, even if they
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are supposed to be bound to donald trump. this is getting under donald trump's skin. he talked about that issue for the first ten minutes of his phoenix rally and now he is talking about fund-raising. it is him working with the gop. it is off message for him pause he ran for ten months really against all gop and against everybody else. now trying to work with him, it sometimes feels like water and oil. just not working well together. he said he will get started on this campaign after the convention. we will see if it works for him to wait that long. >> let me ask you this, i know you have been on the campaign trail for months an attended many of these rallies. have you noticed any difference in the energy level of the crowds, any change in the dynamic between trump and the rallies, is he playing to them at the same energy level he's had for months, or has anything been different? >> so he, no doubt, has the same energy level.
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it's difficult to say with the crowd. for example, in houston, texas, they closed the doors and there were many thousands of people outside. sometimes he will say there are thousands of people outside and there are a few dozen. but this time there were thousands of people shut out that wanted to see him. yesterday, in phoenix, you had a coliseum that was more than half empty for his visit. of course ift was more than 100 degrees outside and right now it is 115 outside. but it is hard to gauge whether he is losing support in the crowd. because as i said between one day and the next it's been different. >> jacob thank you for the update. more for on the trump campaign joining me is the editor in chief of reason magazine and national political editor for the "washington post." good to have you with us. i'm going to play two sound bytes. the first from donald trump in
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terms of -- this is yesterday, phoenix, responding to this new effort by some delegates to stop trump at the convention next month. listen to it. >> i get a kick when these poor poor people who have been fighting me forever, they don't understand they can't beat me. they just can't beat me. now i hear, and they want to try to do something at the convention. wouldn't it be funny if trump gets record-setting votes, biggest in history, has unbelievable number of states and somebody beat like a drum says our nominee -- first of all, it's not legal. can't do it. second of all the republican national committee is with me 100%. >> that is donald trump saying it was illegal. here's paul ryan's response to that same stop trump effort at the convention. listen to this. >> it's not my job to tell delegates what to do, what not to do and weigh in on things like that. they write the rules. they make their decisions.
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all i want to make sure is it done above board, clearly, honestly and by the rules. i see my role now, given he has plurality, given he haz won as a ceremonial one. >> so if they decide to change the rules, which they can do, you are comfortable with however they change the rules? >> you are asking the wrong person. ask reince priebus, the party, the delegates. >> if you have an opinion on this, it matters to them. >> my opinion is not relevant here. i'm not going to tell the delegates how to do their jobs because i'm chair of the convention. >> a intrepid position from recall ryan. >> he's been working to walk the line for weeks now. i feel for the guy. he listens to trump. trump does not sound like paul ryan. they are different types of republicans and he is doing the
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best he can to say it is up to the delegates but unlikely this is a truly grassroots phenomenon and trump is fair to say he did win fair and square. >> we have seen the hillary clinton campaign buying ads, full steam ahead. the reports that his campaign set out emergency fund-raising e-mail to raise $100,000 by midnight. what campaign structure is trump working with versus what we are seeing on the democratic side? >> it is tough by the traditional measures to call it a campaign. from what we know of staffing levels, at this moment, trump is operating with something like 10% of the national campaign stuff that hillary clinton presence on the ground is virtually nonexist innocent key battleground states. when it comes to ad spending the next few weeks hillary clinton and allies plan to flood the airways with tens of millions of dollars worth of advertising. at this moment, donald trump has no plans to air ads in those
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states. >> we always hear politicians say the poll numbers don't necessarily mean that much. let's talk about polling. the "washington post" writing "not only are trump's poll numbers slipping they are at a low that no one, republican or democrat, have seen in the last three election cycles." how worried should the republican party be about the drop in the polls? >> trump is always citing his success in the polls. that's a big thing with him. he tweeted a poll that showed hillary clinton ahead. i think he is feeling the polls are saying he is not doing well and his unfavorable ratings are astronomical. one thing interesting is gary johnson, the libertarian party nominee is showing up 8, 10% in some polls. it shows people are looking for something, anything else. >> that's a point worth talking about. i know apple announced it will not provide funding or support for the gop convention next
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month because of trump's comments about women and minorities. in the past they have participated. how concerned is the issue of private sector businesses trying to distance themselves from the party specifically because of trump? they are making it clear it is because donald trump. >> at this moment, look, they are looking at a convention short fall and trying to make it up. right now they are dealing with more than just that. it is not just the private companies. it is lawmakers themselves. so we know already that there's a string of lawmakers that are not going to be attending the republican national convention. as time goes on and you see the distance increase, donald trump seems to be accelerating that process. he's spending almost as much time at his campaign rallies taking aim at republicans as he is at hillary clinton. >>.
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>> thank you for joining us. next we head out west where firefighters continue to battle a wildfire that torched 8,000 acres and where temperatures could top 120 degrees today in phoenix. hmmmmmm..... hmmmmm... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy lights. only from tums. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one.
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firefighters are battling a mass eu wildfire near santa barbara, california fuelled by the heat blistering much of southern california. the cher pa fire burned 8,000 acres of natural wildlife. we are joined from california with the latest developments. have firefighters made progress against the blaze? >> they have. the numbers are still at 45% containment but the number will rise later today when they have had a chance to go back, check the containment lines and give us new figures.
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all day they have been doing ariel assault, dropping retardant along the ridge. they are continuing to build containment lines. it's hotter and drier today. firefighters are facing extreme conditions and that is causing the problem because even an ember from the containment zone if it lands on unburned areas will almost certainly start new fires, 90 to 100% chance. red flag warnings in effect tonight through tomorrow morning. the extra winds will fan flames. treatment conditions, very challenging for firefighters both today and tomorrow. about 300 homes and ranches continue to be threatened. so far, there's been no major, structural damage and no severe injuries. citrus groves, avocado groves an other fields have grown. the extent of that damage is not known. the so-called sun downer winds did appear last night, barrelling down the mountain
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with gusts up to 43 miles an hour. they were able to hold containment lines partly because the wind was blowing toward an area that had already burned. as the winds are expected to kick up again, beginning to build within the next couple of hours. >> do we know, in terms of the heat -- i know you were talking about the temperatures an the conditions are working against the firefighters, do we have a sense of when this heat wave will end? >> it's going to be extremely hot today and again tomorrow. they hope by tuesday, as the day progresses, the temperatures will be a little less an in to the week. they think there is a chance they could get full containment of the fire by later in the week, but it depends on what happens today and tomorrow with the weather. >> all right. thank you for that update. after this break, we'll turn back to the orlando nightclub shooting. new questions about the gunman's mental state. were warning signs missed that could have prevented this tragedy?
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we will ask patrick kennedy when he joins us next. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at see what the power of points can do for your business.
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ladies and gentlemen, please join us for a moment of silence to honor the 49 victims who lost their lives and 53 injured during last weekend's tragic events. >> last night the city of orlando held the first major sporting event. player and fans held a moment of silence you see on the screen paying tribute to the victims of the pulse nightclub shooting and to the singer killed last saturday outside of an orlando music venue. 50 seats were adorned with a rainbow of balloons in their honor. members of the orlando community are beginning to go back to their daily lives. still processing the trauma of losing loved ones.
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when it comes to tragedies like this, there are few resources available. patrick kennedy writes if "the huffington post" this week "the sad news there is no s.w.a.t. team for mental health counselling, no fbi for trauma or homeland security for ptsd. orlando needs to come to grips with this heinous act of violence and tomorrow we need to respond to the trauma the community will feel." joining me now to discuss is former congressman and mental health advocate patrick kennedy. good to have you with us. aappreciate the words you wrote there. in your piece you call for mental health rapid response teams. do you think the federal government is looking at the public health aspect of this tragedy? >> well, we really don't have public health system that addresses mental health in our country. even in circumstances like this, when it would seem obvious, given the fact that these
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families and this whole community suffered incredible trauma, that we would respond to the incredible tragedy in terms of the emotional toll that it has taken on these folks down. there you would think this would be a given, but the whole reason i wrote the op-ed is tragically we take for granted the fact that people can bounce back. there's over 70% of all americans that have experienced a traumatic event in their lifetime. 20% of those will develop post traumatic stress disorder. that's really the size of texas. many of those have all of the consequences of untreated mental illness, which is post traumatic stress, which is alcoholism, drug addiction, severe depression and suicide ideation and if you were to triage this, clearly, we not only triage all of those victims as they come in
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to the e.r.s and get sewed back up but we need to triage the significant emotional toll they suffered. some of those victims and their family members who have made it through may appear initially to have pulled it together. the real question is what's going to happen when our focus shifts to something else in the next weeks and months and years ahead. my whole point is that i think these folks are going to be obviously greater vulnerability for mental illness, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, all of this is going to be the end result, if we do not intervene now. the question is, are we going to intervene now? >> let me ask you about that point about intervening. what would you recommend for the government or what would you like to see happen for the community of orlando, for the nation at large that's been
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traumatized by this. not just the immediate victims, those that receive the care and aid from health workers and hospital staff and what have you but the larger community? >> well, first, we have to get them coverage. tragically, florida has among the lowest per capita spend for folks in this space. there's about 1 million people without any coverage at all. i bet most of those folks are also folks suffering as a result of this tragedy. many of the participants and members of the gay community in orlando that attended that pulse nightclub, i'm not sure how many of them have insurance. i don't think many of them do because governor scott has failed to extend the aca to them. you see the governor in every frame but if he wanted to help those families he would call them together and say we are going to guarantee for those
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families they are never going to have to want for access to mental health coverage in order to address the invisible wounds of this terrible draj. that's what the governor should do. frankly, as you can imagine, as a nation we need mental health coverage. we are losing 42,000 people to suicide every year. an equal number to overdoses and our overall life expectancy as a nation is seeing itself go down. these numbers are going down. even though cancer has seen great breakthroughs, every other medical advance but nothing is able to match the death toll due to untreated mental illness and addiction in this country. >> it is a discussion we don't have enough but former congressman patrick kennedy, thank you for bringing it back in to the discussion. thank you. >> thank you. next, we will turn to the 2016 race and the boost hillary clinton could get on the campaign trail as early as this
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coming week. plus wait until you hear how bernie sanders supporters are gearing up for next month's democratic national convention. stay with us. (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy lights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. offers free cancellations, so you're free to decide if the trip you're on... hahahahahaha! ...isn't really the trip you want to be on. hahahaha...
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♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ welcome back. new data suggests that hillary clinton has a major advantage in the states that could decide an election. every ad airing in the battleground states are from hillary clinton's company or outside groups supporting her. by contrast, the trump campaign or super pac supporting him have spent zero money in the same eight states. for more on clinton's battleground strategy, we are joined by kristen welker. she's joining us from washington. good to have you with us. i want to ask you about ohio. obviously clinton is headed to this key battleground state this week where she will deliver a speech hitting trump on his business record which is something he proudly boastst on. >> that's right.
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this is a part of the clinton campaign strategy to take the words he's used and use them against him. we saw secretary clinton do that when she gave a speech on foreign policy and hit donald trump hard. the speech on ohio will be similar to that only as you point out it will be focused on the economy and effectively trying to take away one of his biggest talking points. this comes, as you say, the clinton campaign is blitzing some key battleground states with television ads. most are positive ads aimed at improving her favorability ratings. take a look at 2012 to get a sense of how significant this is that she has the air waves to herself. back in 2012, president obama at this point in time was spending $44.5 million on ads in battleground states, mitt romney
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37.9. right now hillary clinton spending 23 million. donald trump zero dollars. his strategy has always been to make a lot of headlines. he thinks that is what it is about, not raising money. we know he has been out fund-raising in states that are reliably red like texas, trying to bring in more dollars for not only his campaign but the republican party. but right now clinton ahead when it comes to ad spending in the critical battleground states. >> he has campaigned so far on the argument he is getting headlines so he doesn't need to buy ads as we saw on the primaries. thank you for that. as hillary clinton gets a head start against her general election opponent, some supporters in chicago are getting ready to make their voices heard next month in unconventional way so to speak. joining me is to discuss it is simon rosenberg, democratic strategist and back with us is
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rebeck kachlt good to have you with us. if you are the rnc are you concerned about the numbers kristin was talking about? >> absolutely. it is almost -- there's a question of wlo whether donald trump is trying to run a traditional campaign at all. if you are a republican right now you are seeing poll numbers getting worse. hillary has had a strong few weeks and trump had a bad few weeks at the same time. we now know they are not trying to mount a traditional campaign. going on the air with 50, $60 million in two months unopposed will drive his numbers down. this republicans are in trouble and that's why you see the talk whether they can replace him. >> sanders supporters were learning to protest at a summit in chicago this weekend, they say several dozen attended training how to march, how to follow a chant, defy police orders, disperse by locking arms
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in a human chain and how to conduct themselves when the police step in and physically remove them. is sanders refusal to concede and endorse causing more harm than good to the democratic party and specifically to the clinton campaign? >> well, look, from bernie sanders and some of his strongest supporters right now, they are working through the final stages of campaign grief. both are in a process. several people pointed out and it's very true for sanders to turn on a dime and immediately, after making claims the campaign is rigged and the process is set up against him to immediately turn around and endorse might have seemed a bit artificial. as of now we know he has secret service protection but not actively campaigning. looking at the polls it will not be an impact in terms of vote. at the convention they have a real opportunity, the democrats possibly, the republican convention is shaping up to be quite eventful. the democrats if they are able
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to have a week that is relatively smooth and bump free, it will present quite a contrast unless there's that sort of -- the element, the hard hess supporters who don't want to concede and they cause a disruption. that may harm the plans a bit. >> let's talk about the bernie sanders campaign in terms of what kind of concessions he may get from these ongoing talks to the clinton campaign. he has a lot on his side in terms of how he energized the base and brought new voters to the party and brought serious issues to the forefront of the democratic party. as he lost the momentum to shape the policy platform going forward. >> i don't think so yet. what is bernie looking for? i think he is looking for respect. he did a remarkable thing. he ran an amazing campaign. he brought a lot of new people in, a lot of passion and excitement in the race. i think somehow the clinton campaign, my own instinct is
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there this is an important test for hillary as the leader of the party. this will get done. it may take a few weeks but i think by the time the convention comes along and the democrats will be united and present the contrast that rebecca was talking about from what will be a complicated convention on the republican side. >> rebecca, as you mentioned, bernie sanders not necessarily campaigning as much but could he play a role in actively campaigning for hillary clinton, or even going out as we have seen elizabeth warren and go after donald trump, something he said he wants to mick sure that donald trump will not win the white house. will there be a role for him there? >> that is the question how we will see bernie sanders used in this campaign. we will see him campaigning against donald trump certainly but whether it involves campaigning with hillary clinton is hard to see at this moment but not impossible. that's something we will have to
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see in the days and weeks ahead. the deal that comes together ahead of the convention, at the convention, that's going to be critical. he is obviously looking for respect. if he feels as though is treated with respect we will probably see him a more enthusiastic guy. >> simon rosenberg, founder of the new democratic network thank you for joining us. >> thank you. tomorrow, nbc news is debuting the first in a three-part digital feature about the rise of donald trump. a visualization of the campaign and the people who support him in a way you haven't seen before. the nbc news digital team talked to supporters across america, krumplged the data on who they are, where they live and why they like him so much. check it out on nbc next, new details in connection with a man and what authorities say they encounters a the home.
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welcome back. we are following the latest developments out of pennsylvania where a preliminary hearing is set for a man accused of sexually assaulting a teenager whose parents allegedly gifted her to him when she was just 14. the girl is one of a dozen found in the home of 51-year-old lee kaplan. we are joined with the latest on the case. good morning. good to have you with us. i know you spoke to the woman who reported him to police. what did she tell you. >> she suspected there was odd behavior coming out of the home for years. when i spoke to investigators after they have came out of the house they said it was a bizarre scene inside. they said there were air mattresses where the girls slept and a large toy train and they must have spent tens of thousands of dollars on ta train system. and a neighbor said they noticed
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suspect behavior happening in the home and they said there wasn't a lot of trash outside and school buses never came by. it wasn't until one woman called authorities. take a listen. >> police have been out to that house apparently for other things over the years. i don't know what, but there's been some things. he claim nod children. that's my thing, there are children. these children and i'm looking at these girls' faces and coming home to my house, knowing i knew something was going on there. i just knew it. >> reporter: the man simply looked dishevelled she said and with summer coming around the corner she knew the kids would be playing outside an she didn't want her own children to go outside until she could be sure that everything was okay in that home. now we know it wasn't. in fact, one of the 12 girls found in that home was 18 years old. we found an arrest affidavit, where her father actually told police he had gifted his
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daughter to lee kaplan as payment for helping that family out of financial ruin. we went back and found other documents from 2009 when he filed a lawsuit against the amish church. in that document, he said he did have financial dealings with lee kaplan, but with also saw in 2008 he had filed for bankruptcy. these rethe kws and investigations authorities are continuing to pursue and trying to find out the identities of those other children living in the home. right now, both parents of the 18-year-old girl, as well as 51-year-old lee kaplan remain behind bars on $1 million bail and they have a trial date for late july. >> incredibly disturbing story. do we know where the girls are now? what their condition is? >> we have been told they are together and in protective custody. we are told they are healthy and safe but investigators say they seemed scared when they showed up -- when the police showed up to the home they weren't sure how to react.
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that corroborates the stories we heard from neighbors who said what when they approached the home the girls would scurry away and they would see them peeking out of windows but their behavior didn't seem in line with other children that age. >> thank you for that update. a jury has convicted former vanderbilt football player for encouraging three of his teammates to rape his unconscious girlfriend back in 2013. he was found guilty on multiple counts of aggravated rape, aggravated sexual battery and one count of unlawful photography. all four former players were charged but only two were accused of raping and sexually assaulting the woman. alexandr next, we turn back to orlando to see how the community is dealing one week after the shooting. a huge vigil hours away from now. stay with us. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit...
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memorials continue to be held for the 49 victims slain at the pulse nightclub last sunday. later tonight more than 20,000 people are expected to attend a vigil in orlando in honor of the victims preceded by a memorial. joining me now carlos smith. carlos, good to have you with us. let me begin with asking what your organization is doing to help unite the orlando community during this time. >> well, first, i just want to extend our thoughts and prayers with the victims and the s survivors and their families. they're going through a really difficult time right now to say the least after this horrific hate crime massacre. we've been focusing our efforts on making sure that the survi surviving families and the victims, that they have access to important resources. within hours of hearing about this tragedy, we set up a go fund me account that has
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shattered all fundraising records and raised over $5 million from over 110,000 individual donors around the world. what's happening now, we are pat n -- partnered with the national center of victims of crime to disperse funds for those victims. we have set up a hotline, which is 855-for-victim, where some of those people who are affected can call right away. they can assist with the immediate disbursement of those emergency funds. 100% of the funds are going directly to those victims in helping them offset these costs that have come from this horrific tragedy. we really want to encourage people to call that hotline so we can begin processing them and get them the help they so
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desperately need. >> let's talk a little bit about the lgbt community. obviously, this is a very terrifying time not just in the wake of the attack, but other incidents across the country in recent months. what is your message to the lgbt community? what do you say to members of the community who may be afraid going about their daily lives? >> well, what we have seen in the aftermath of this tragedy is we have really seen the lgbtq community and other communities come together in a show of unity. the orlando community has sent the world a very powerful message which is that we're not going to let this type of hate divide us. equality florida and other lgbt groups have been partnering with muslim groups and other leaders in the african-american community and latino community. we're starting to see folks are really upset about what has
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happened and are starting to form a plan of action for what comes next. we know so many leaders have come down to orlando and have talked about how they are standing with the lgbt community. we appreciate that support, but there's a very real way they can take action today. for example, governor rick scott could issue an executive order today with a stroke of a simple pen that would forbid and make illegal anti-lgbt discrimination in our state. that would make an impact. they'll send a very powerful message that florida is a place that loves and respects everybody, including members of the lgbtq community. >> thank you very much for all the work you guys are doing. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. i just wanted to say happy father's day to my dad but also the dads who have suffered horrific losses.
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our hearts and prayers go out to them at this time. >> thank you very much for that. that's all for me. richard lui picks up our coverage from here. have a great sunday. thank you for joining us. a car that can see trouble and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not toyota. not ford or any other brand. subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive. around hgets the waffle.rd but for all the other birds who could use a few more minutes of sleep, we've got you covered. enjoy free breakfast on the run and free wi-fi. get up to 20 percent off as a hilton hhonors member at be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress.
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♪jake reese, "day to feel alive"♪ a very good sunday to you and happy father's day to all you dads out there on this day. i'm richard lui. it is 4:00 p.m. in the east and 1:00 p.m. in the west at this hour. donald trump refusing to hold back on his attacks on the gop elite. if the party does not rally around him, he is willing to go it alone. >> i'm a different kind of a candidate. i think that i win either way. >> new numbers showing hillary clinton dominating donald trump in key battleground states on the air waves. she embarks on a big week of fundra
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