tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 20, 2016 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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the trump campaign is changing direction? or is it a smokescreen? our trump campaign insider katy tur has fresh details on just what went down today and what it means. a that is straight ahead. also on our agenda, the democratic tag team. hillary clinton is taking her shots, barack obama is, too, and now it's vice president joe biden joining the pile on against donald trump. >> there are 1.4 billion muslims in the world. some of the rhetoric i'm hearing sounds designed to radicalize all 1.4 billion. >> biden playing the attack dog role as vice president and speaking of attack dogs, elizabeth warren has made waves recently, tearing into donald trump now. a lot of democrats want her to run on their ticket with clinton but a report today says one powerful group is scrambling to shut that talk down. would wall street scotch an elizabeth warren veep pick?
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and rounding out our agenda, the 911 transcripts are now public. what omar mateen was saying as he carried out the worst mass shooting in american history. and the fbi redacting initially portions of the call where mateen calls himself an islamic soldier. the justice department doing a u-turn this afternoon, now releasing the unredacted transcript transcripts in just the past few minutes, why they made that initial decision and why the fbi changed its mind. we'll bring that to you in just a moment. we begin with our top story. corey lewandowski is out, fired by donald trump this morning, a surprise campaign shakeup that ends a power struggle between corey lewandowski and paul manafort, one that seems to leave manafort in charge of the trump campaign operation. the backdrop for this shakeup, several weeks of declining poll numbers for trump, a host of controversies and self-inflicted wounds by the candidate. the trump campaign also marked
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by unusually public in-fighting. check this out. just moments after lewandowski's firing was learned about this morning, one of trump's top aides, michael caputo, tweeted this out. "ding-dong, the witch is dead." that from a top trump advisor about, apparently, the firing of corey lewandowski. trying to figure out who in trump's world has his ear, who's on the outs with him. that can be challenging but our nbc reporting today suggests that trump's own family is what ultimately spurred him to action here. you can see some of those close to him here. sources saying that trump's daughter ivanka trump had been unnerved by lewandowski's performance, that she went directly to her father to advocate for a change. ivanka trump's husband also known to play a key role in trump strategy, you see him right there next to her, jared kushner is a wealthy real estate developer, he owns a small newspaper in new york city, also donald trump's sons donald trump, jr., eric trump, known to
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play key roles in their father's campaign. and just moments ago, in fact, katy tur caught up with donald trump, jr., and katy tur joins us from right outside trump tower here in new york city. katy, take us through exactly what went down today and, of course, the million-dollar question is what is this going to mean for the trump campaign going forward? is this a signal of a bigger change in direction? >> it's potentially going to mean that donald trump starts to clean up his act, pivots to the general election like we've been talking about so far. certainly the party hopes that having paul manafort in charge now and two sources confirm to me that he is now the campaign manager they believe he's going to be able to better have the ear of the candidate, better prepare him, manage strategy and manage donald trump himself. ultimately donald trump is going to listen to himself the most. he's always said he's his best aide, he's his own aide, he's his best advisor. frankly, part of the problem the
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party has had is his shoot from the hip style, his going out on the campaign trail or having an interview or say something that is counter to the party message. they still, though, do believe that paul manafort will be better at trying to manage that than corey lewandowski was. sources tell nbc news that lewandowski became much more of an enabler than an aide, allowing trump to be trump. that worked for them in the primaries but stopped working in the general election. there was a lack of realization or a lack of acceptance from lewandowski that the general election was going to be different the primaries. he was trying to maintain the control he has left and undercutting other staffers in the process. i have been told the family was pushing lewandowski to go for quite some time, confronts their father for months now. the issue was trump was winning during the primaries, he saw no reason, according to these sources, to change the way things are going. no reason to fix something that
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wasn't broke but with this perfect storm of bad news for this past three weeks, the fact he is down in polls, down seven points, according to the latest monmouth poll. he's been outspent by hillary clinton. he hasn't had any ads on the air and the fact that he is facing a mutiny within the republican party, now was the time donald trump accepted the fact that lewandowski would have to leave. ultimately, though, some are seeing this as a scapegoating than anything else. ultimately donald trump's in charge of his message more than lewandowski was but there is hope paul manafort will be able to manage it in a way that lewandowski was not able, steve. >> and katy, again, another piece of this is the reporting that it's trump's own family that apparently has had his ear on this. whether it's his daughter ivanka, whether it's his sons. i understand you caught up with donald trump, jr., just a few minutes ago. what did you get from him? >> he was very diplomatic. he said that lewandowski has done a great job in the past 11,
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12 months of getting donald trump to this point, getting him the presumptive nomination by letting him be himself, letting trump be trump, but hay acknowledge he made enemies. they acknowledge the relationship between lewandowski and the party was not ideal and though they thanked him for his service and everything he had done to this point and wished him the best, they acknowledged it was time for somebody to come in who has more presidential election experience. take a listen to how donald trump, jr., described it to me just a couple minutes ago. >> he did something that was historic with my father. i mean to take on these 17 governors, senators, have that have all this sitting political experience and to come in as a political neophyte and to win and to win drastically and set records with 14 million voters, that's unheard of. but, again, i think now you walk into a bigger machine going up against the clinton machine which is very big and has the
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media behind it, has everyone behind it as opposed to america's real message, i think it has to change and we have to evolve. so we had a great relationship and a great split and you probably saw his talk today. we continue to have a great relationship with corey. >> publicly the family is praising corey lewandowski. corey lewandowski also praising donald trump. in fact, steve, he will remain a delegate for trump in new hampshire. >> all right, katy tur outside trump tower, a very busy day in trump world today. katy, thanks for that. for more on the shakeup we're joined by one of trump's big supporters in congress, republican congressman chris collins from new york. he was among the first, in fact, might have been the first member of congress to endorse donald trump for president. congressman, thanks for taking a few minutes. >> good to be with you. >> let me ask you a bottom line question here. corey lewandowski, the campaign manager who has been there for the rise of donald trump, has been there for donald trump winning the republican nomination, what is the difference going to be for this
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campaign without corey lewandowski there? >> well, i think we all know that paul manna ford has a lot of experience and as we move forward i'll use the word discipline. we have the winning message making america great again for all americans, securing our borders, getting our jobs back and putting america first, that's the message that wins this election and it takes discipline to always go back to that message and remind americans what it would be like if hillary clinton were to be elected and we had effectively a third term of barack obama with stagnant wagewages. we're the world's superpower, we don't act like it, we own 25% of the world's economy, we don't act like it. so it's the message donald has that will win the election but it does take discipline and i think paul manafort will bring that forward from this day forward that as mr. trump will be mr. trump but we're going to continue to remind americans of what the supreme court and what america would look like were
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hillary clinton to win and that contrast is what we have to stay focused on. donald is a winner, his family wants him to win, he want him to win so i think this was a natural transition from a primary to a general. there are two different worlds. >> you're using that word "discipline" there. message discipline we talk about in politics, in the campaign world how important that's considered. when you look at paul manna faf emerging as the lead strategist here. what is that paul manafort can say to donald trump that will advance the interests of discipline that you're talking about here? >> well, i mean it comes back -- i was a novice to politics as well and i was in a very, very difficult primary and ironically we were talking about mr. caputo. he ran the campaign for my opponent. we're now very good friends, that's what politics does. but when i had to run a general election against a popular incumbent we had to have that message discipline and as i would go on stage and as i would
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go into an interview, someone would be next to mery minding me in many cases remember, this is the message, remember, stay disciplined and sometimes that's all you need. someone standing at your side as you're about to go on an interview, go on a stage just to remind you of the importance of staying on message. and that's how disciplined paul manafort is and i think it's a good move. those of us in congress are just looking forward. we're not looking backwards. we thank corey lewandowski for winning and running the most impossible campaign ever to lock down that primary on may 3 when ted cruz withdrew on may 4. so we're looking forward. we have a lot of elections. every member of the house is up for election. we have the senate in play. so we view this as a good pivot to the general election to take the fight and stay on message to remind people that we don't need a third term of barack obama. america has to return to being and putting america first.
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>> and when you talk about that pivot, though, the idea of having different leadership for the primary campaign and for the general election campaign, switching to the general election right now, is it fair to say from the trump campaign standpoint that what works strategically and what works stylistically in the republican primaries is not right now working from a general election standpoint? >> the message hasn't changed. that's the irony here. where hillary clinton uses focus groups to change her message everyday, donald trump's message has never varied. put america first, make america great again for all americans, secure our borders, get our jobs back and defeat isis. that's been donald's message from day one. but the voters are different in the primary. he had 17 opponents. the voters are -- we need democrats and independents coming on board. we need to remind them of donald's message so it's 50 states and much bigger stage so it's not that donald's message changes, in fact, it doesn't
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change at all. but the voters change. primary republican voters are different than a general election. so, again, the discipline is important and as we remind americans of what a presidency with donald trump and what our future looks like for our children and grandchildren, he's going to win the election but it does take that level of discipline and i think we'll see that moving forward with paul manafort standing at his side. >> congressman chris collins of new york, thanks for the time, appreciate it. >> good to be with you, steve. we are going to have much more on this shakeup and a last-minute effort as well by some republicans who insists there still time to deny trump the party's nomination. why they're saying that's a possibility. that is ahead this hour. now we are going to turn the shooting in orlando, the continuing aftermath from that. chilling details today of the gunman's call to 911 during the nightclub attack. the fbi just releasing that transcript and their timeline of
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what happened inside. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams has the details. there's a controversy today because of what the fbi originally did not include knees n these transcripts and apparently now in the last few minutes has decided to include. what's going on here? >> well, the news is the timeline here. this is a full accounting or a better accounting, a remarkable amount of detail, really, at this point in an investigation about the interaction between police and omar mateen. they said he initially made this 911 phone call and when the operator twice asked him what his name was he said "my name is i pledge allegiance to abu bakr al baghdadi of the islamic state." we learn there were three calls with police negotiators for a total of 28 minutes and during these calls he said that he had an explosive vest "like the one they have in explosives in his van and the -- this timeline also discloses
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that people inside told the police they heard him say he would put explosive vests on four people inside the nightclub. now none of those claims turned out to be true. they never found explosives in the nightclub. we learned at one point police pulled an air conditioner out of the wall, air conditioning unit and that allowed additional people to escape and then he's finally shot when he emerges from one of the holes they punched in the wall with the explosive explosives and that bear cat device. so the total of the timeline goes from about 2:00 when the shots rang out until the end when he is killed and according to the timeline and what the police have said, no one was shot after the initial exchange with police gunfire in which he was forced into the bathroom. there were no further shootings until he came out and the police shot him. >> all right, learning all sorts of new details here. pete williams walking us through it in washington.
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appreciate that, pete. also on the agenda in politics today, the senate is going to vote in the next few hours on four gun control proposals. is it a break through for gun control opponents or is it political theater? we'll walk you tlul exahrough e what the senate is about to pass and if it has a chance of passing. later, extreme heat. nearly 30 million people suffering through oppressive temperatures as the first day of summer arrives. we'll have the latest on what is now a deadly heat wave and how fire conditions are getting worse because of it. as you'll , when shoppers add an item to their jet carts, they automatically shrink the prices of millions ofther products. very impressive. whoo, it's got a lite kick to it. sorry, ian't hear you??
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some breaking news. you're looking at former president bill clinton. that's his daughter chelsea, that's her husband. chelsea clinton, of course, giving birth to the clinton -- bill and hillary clinton's second grandchild over the weekend. aiden, they're just loving the hospital. you can see bill clinton and hillary clinton behind them. that's chelsea clinton, her husband mark, they are getting into a vehicle there with their newborn son aiden. a scene playing out right now. i wanted to show you some live pictures of that. you see hillary clinton in the shot, keep an eye on this for a second. of course we say this is the second grandchild for bill clinton and hillary clinton. houma abedin, clinton's top
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aide, she just walked by in the shot, a lot of clinton -- there you can see hillary clinton waving to the camera there, bill clinton as well. just a couple years ago their granddaughter charlotte was born to chelsea and mark. now a grandson, aiden. just a couple days ago born. >> hillary! hillary! >> ofly this has been a triumphant month for the clinton family. aid . she came so close eight years ago to getting the nomination. now she's wrapped it up. and for the second time becoming a grandmother. they were thanking the doctors right there. so that is the scene.
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chelsea clinton leaving the hospital in new york city with her new son, her mother and father right there in tow. that's the scene. and as we move away from that, we are going to move to the showdown playing out in washington, d.c. this afternoon. votes expected in the next couple hours on gun control. this the result of that filibuster that democrats in the senate staged a couple days ago saying they demanded action, they demanded votes. well, they will get votes, there are going to be four votes this afternoon and here's how it's going to work. there are going to be two different topics here, two different areas of gun control in each one of those areas there's going to be a democratic proposal and a republican proposal so the question here is, is this all just political theater that's going to amount to nothing or does any -- do any of these proposals have a chance of getting enacted? one of these votes has to do with the so-called terror loophole and what the democrats
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are calling for, their plan from dianne feinstein here. it says if your name is on the federal terror watch list you can't buy a gun. period. and if you're on the list and you say i'm listen to by an accident, i should be able to buy a gun, you can appeal to the justice department and they will decide. republicans are saying well it's more complicated than that because the terror watch list is large. there's hundreds of thousands of people on it. they say there are people on the list who don't know how they got on the list who weren't afforded due process. they didn't have those rights so they're saying you can't deny somebody their second amendment rights without due process so the republican plan says, look, if you're on that list and you want -- the federal government wants to deny you a gun they have 72 hours to prove in court the government does that you should not own that gun. so that's the difference, the question is could one of these pass? doesn't seem too likely right now. there could be a compromise? also at the moment nothing
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coming on that front. also background checks. that's going to be voted on this afternoon as well. again, a democratic proposal here. chris murphy from connecticut staged that filibuster last week. his plan would close what they call the gun show loophole. basically there are background checks that are performed right now when you go to buy a gun anywhere in this country. it doesn't apply when you're at a gun show, when it's a private sale. he's saying it should be extended to include that. republicans are countering with a plan of their own that focuses on mental health that says the background check system should be accounting for mental health. so you have a split there as well. again, two different votes coming on background checks. here to talk about what we can expect this afternoon, whether this is theater, whether something will come out of this, luke russert, he's right there in the thick of it. luke, those are the basic differences. could any one of these proposals pass? tell us what we can expect this afternoon. >> well, steve, that was a great job laying out what is in these
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proposals, we should reiterate these are all variations of things that have been voted on before and they have all gone down. usually these votes have followed mass shootings. the one that murphy will put forward is a rehash of one that went down after newtown in the senate gallery with newtown families watching. we also saw the feinstein bill go down so so did the corrine amendment after the san bernardino attack. this time around there is, perhaps, a possibility that the cornyn and feinstein amendments will garner some more votes. kelly ayotte, senator of new hampshire, was just on the senate floor, she is, of course, in a very competitive race this fall in new hampshire, that purple state, she says that she's, in fact, going to vote for both of them. take a listen to her reasoning. >> to get to that solution, we have to move this debate forward. that's why i will be voting today to advance both options before us in order to provide an
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opportunity for us to come together with a bipartisan compromise that will get a result for the american people. this is an opportunity in this debate. if we go forward with this debate to get a result. >> steve, that is significant because ayotte seems to be opening the door for other like-minded republicans to get behind both proposals. the idea is once they achieve cloture, they move forward in the process then you could put forward a compromise i think astute political watchers should keep an eye on kirk of illinois, johnson of wisconsin, toomey of pennsylvania and rubio of florida, all who face competitive races. also look at jeff flake of arizona. dean helder in nevada, two guys who have been shown to work across the isle on this issue. we can tell you tomorrow there will be a press conference with kelly ayotte and susan collins of maine about a compromise legislation that essentially
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bridges both parties gaps on this no-fly no-bylaw. so maybe the three-day review amendment is extended to 50 days. maybe there's room to work there. that being said, i can tell you from conversations i have had with both sides, they both believe this is a winner for them in their base so what would it take for reid or mckonld to lose their base ground? what do i mean by that? well, harry reid might want to hang this around republicans' necks coming up in november saying republicans have blocked any meaningful attempt of gun control legislation. mitch mcconnell want to say that with the nra's backing we were able to stop president obama's executive overreach or something like that. that's tough for both of them to give up unless there's something that can go through and pass the house. we've seen these gnat compromises point to immigration, you can find 10, 12 republicans usually get through
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something like that. but it's usually doa on the house because it goes a committee that might not be as welcoming to it in the senate, steve. >> that's right. still a lot of variables, a lot of hurdles before this could actually get past into law. luke russert on capitol hill, thanks for that. >> thank you. meanwhile, the plot to stop donald trump. believe it or not. there are still some republicans out there who say they can deny him the republican nomination. is that even possible? well, it's the subject of our most important number of the day and it's next. it's more than a network.
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delegates at every convention other than 1976 have been available and free by the rules of the party and the convention itself to vote their conscience and that's all we're advocating for is the delegates be unbound to vote their conscience on the first ballot and every ballot after that. if mr. trump is still the nominee, that's the way it is.
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>> that is regina thompson and she is one of a significant number -- slightly significant number, at least, of republicans out there saying it's not to late to deny donald trump the republican nomination and you say well, how is that even possible? check it out. she's not the only republican who's thinking this way right now and it takes us to our most important number of the day and this is 7.7. what does 7.7 mean? look at this. last week -- these are the online betting markets. these are everyday people out there putting money on the line, making bets about politics. these aren't just pundits making predictions and guesses, these are people winning and losing money. last week, 93.9% of the people in these online betting markets said donald trump will be the republican nominee for president. we're calling him the presumptive nominee, that number should be high. but in one week the number has dropped 7.7%, nearly 8%. people are backing away from the
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prediction donald trump will be the nominee. it's still high but it's only 86.2%. you say wait a minute, donald trump has the numbers, we talked about this all spring, we went through all these primaries and caucuses. we told you over and over 1237 is the magic number. right now donald trump has 1541. how is it possible republicans could deny him the nomination? well, what regina thompson, the woman you heard from at the top, what other republicans are talking about, they're talking about getting to the republican convention one month from now in cleveland and doing what? changing the rules. right now the rules as they are understood say those 1541 trump delegates, basically all of them are locked in. they were given to trump by winning primaries, by winning caucuses and they are required to show up at this convention and vote for donald trump therefore he's the presumptive nominee. but they're saying if a lot of those trump degs who alegates w
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pledged to him don't think he can win in november, if they're unnerved by the declining poll numbers, if they don't like how he handled the issue with the judge in indiana, if they think this isn't such a good idea, they're saying show up at the convention and before you pick a nominee, have a motion on the floor at the convention that says every delegate isn't bound to any commitment from the primaries and caucuses, every delegate is a free agent, every delegate can vote their conscience. it's a wide open convention. if that happens, who knows who would emerge. there's no candidate these people are out there saying instead of trump it should be this candidate. no consensus alternative to trump. that was the problem the never trump people had but that's what they're trying to pull off. it's a last-gasp effort. the odds of it being pulled off not very good but in the better markets there are people out there who are not convinced donald trump will be the republican nominee. something to keep an eye on in our most important number of the
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day, 7.7. still to come, gary johnson, the libertarian candidate for president. his pledge not to use marijuana if he's elected president. the libertarian nominee gary johnson will join us right after this. >> 29 years since you had a drink of alcohol. >> 29 years. >> how long since you used marijuana? >> about seven weeks now. >> seven weeks? that's not too long. >> no, it's not. but it's something that i made a decision and i'm not casting judgment on those that do.
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sources telling us he will be replaced as the lead strategist by paul manafort. the associated press also reporting the man arrested at a trump rally saturday in las vegas for trying to grab a las vegas police officer's gun apparently told a federal officer he came to the rally to kill trump. the man, 19-year-old michael steven sanford, will be arraigned later today in nevada on a charge of an act of violence on restricted grounds. the fbi releases edited transcripts of three conversations they had with the orlando gunman during the nightclub massacre last week. omar mateen identifying himself as an islamic soldier and demanding to a crisis negotiator the u.s. stop bombing syria and iraq. they say there is no evidence he was directed by foreign terrorist groups and he was radicalized on his own. the death of 27-year-old actor anton yelchin is being ruled an accident after his car rolled down his driveway and pinned him against a gate at his los
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angeles home. he's best known for playing chekhov in the new "star trek" films. united nations refugee agency says 65 million people around the world were displaced at the end of last year setting a new post war record, the conflicts in iraq and syria have produced the largest numbers of displacements. the the u.n. group warns we can expect the flow to continue if causes aren't addressed. extreme heat right now in much of the southwest. the temperature hitting a 50-year record of 118 in phoenix yesterday. four people in arizona have died due to the heat and in southern california the national weather service reported that 17 daily heat records were broken, most readings well over 100 degrees. for more on this extreme heat, how it's impacting the wildfires out west, let's bring in nbc's leanne gregg. obviously trouble enough
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fighting these fires without heat this high. any progress in terms of controlling the fires right now? >> you know, there is some progress but heat is still a major concern. yesterday three firefighters had to be taken out by helicopter because of heat-related emergencies. they're at 54% containment so there has been progress. there's concerns about winds gusting 40 to 50 miles an hour. so far, 8,000 acres have burned mostly in wilderness area that hasn't burned in more than 60 years. it's one of several fires burning across the southwest. one in arizona has charred 12,000 acres. another one in new mexico burned 17,000 and destrioyed more than 2,000 homes. you mentioned the four deaths in arizona from the heat. another person is missing. all of those people were in their 20s out for a hike. as for the economic impact, we're told people are cancelling
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their reservations, we talked to people who didn't want to go on their vineyard tours because they were concerned about smelling the smoke. actually, the smoke this area and the soot is not as bad today as it was a couple days ago. citrus, olive and avocado fields have been damaged. right now we don't know the exsent of that damage. airlines have been impacted, possibly hundreds of flights. an example is a flight that tried to land in phoenix when it was 118 and had to be turned back to the origination sight in houston. the equipment could be impacted by this heat. so widespread impacts across the region. it's the beginning of a long, hot summer, steve. >> nbc's leanne gregg in goleta, california, with that oppressive heat all until that area. thanks for that, turning back to politics now, the trump campaign working to get back on track after weeks of criticism have led to a plunge in the polls. a drop of five points on average in national head-to-head polling
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between donald trump and hillary clinton. trump's stumbles may be widing the opening for a third candidate in this race, libertarian nominee gary johnson. his numbers have climbed as trump's have fallen at least when he's included in the polls. a monmouth university survey out today shows johnson at 9%. that's not too far off the 15% he would need if he wants to be on the debate stage this fall. and libertarian nominee for president gary johnson joins me now thanks for taking a few minutes. let me ask you, when you look at a poll like that, when i see the negative numbers for donald trump and hillary clinton, so much attention of how disliked they are, when you're sitting that at 9%, and the fourth name up there is jill stein, the green party candidates, she's registering. are those votes for you or are those votes -- people saying they're going to vote for gary johnson saying none of the
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above? >> steve i think you could make a case that it's for none of the above but none of the above is on the ballot in all 50 states and myself and bill weld will be on the ballot in all 50 states and you also hit on the fact that when my name is included, that really is pivotal to this whole thing, too. i happen to think if my name is included at some point people check it out and what they'll find is in my case a very successful republican governor having served in a heavily blue state. my running mate bill weld the same thing what does that mean? fiscally conservative, socially liberal and, hey, let's stop with these military intervent n interventions that have the unintended consequence of making the world less safe. >> you're talking about that polling threshold. if you want to be -- everybody knows every four years in the fall we have these presidential debatings, over 100 million
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people watch. these are make or break moments for presidential candidates. you want to be on the stage, you need to be at 15% in the polls far to happen. you need to be included in the polls for that to happen. that other name we just put up there, jill stein, the green party candidate. if your name will be included in these polls, do you want her name included as well? >> i think there should be a fairness that if you are on the ballot in enough states to mathematically be elected -- 270 electoral votes, i think there should be a requirement that your name appear in the polls. i think that that's very fair. in 2012 that would have included the libertarian party and the green party and i'm back to i think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. your name is in the poll and at some point people check it out. i think my resume holds up under the scrutiny that goes along with being at this level right now in the polls. >> we know as the libertarian nominee i think people understand what the basic appeal of a libertarian candidate to
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republicans, especially maybe republicans who aren't wild about donald trump would be. you have a pretty strong anti-government platform. you're kept kuala lumpskepticalr and role of the u.s. government but if you're trying to pick off disgruntled democrats, on a platform where you don't share democrats' views on medicare, social security, student loans, what is the pitch from gary johnson and the libertarians to democratic voters? >> well, that all of us care about our individual freedom and liberty and really don't we all want to make choices in our own lives that only affect our own lives? if those decisions adversely affect others, that's a real concern and that's where government does play a role, to protect us, but individual choices, look, i think that's a big part of everyone's lives and when it comes to democrats that's a big part.
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steve, crony capitalism is alive and well from a government standpoint being president of the united states you could step into the middle of advancing or stopping the advance of crony capitalism. government is for sale and it's being brought by those that have money. >> i think i do want to ask you about this, too. you were mentioning the drug war. the libertarian platform calling for ending the draw war when it comes to marijuana. you mentioned and we played this a few minutes ago in an interview with susan paige you said you hadn't smoked marijuana in seven weeks, that you wouldn't as president. you that got attention, how long had you been smoking marijuana recreationally prior to the last seven weeks? >> well, you know i stopped smoking marijuana -- my whole thing in life is health and wellness but with the legalization of marijuana you have edible products and i haven't had a drink of alcohol in 29 years and, hey, when it
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comes to admitting that as recently as a couple months ago i had some edibles i hope people take that as i'm a transparent guy. i'm going to tell the truth in this whole process and so truth and integrity as president of the united states i think are tantamount to decision making. would anyone have known that i consumed edibles two months ago? no, absolutely not. i've never done any of that in public. but for those close friends of mine that no that that's the case, i think the one unforgivable in life is hypocrisy, saying one thing and doing another. i'm not a hypocrite. >> we've heard these controversies about marijuana use in politics before. usually the context is somebody saying "when i was in college, when i was much younger. you're talking about the last seven weeks. i'm curious based on the experience in the last couple months, the types of decisions a
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governor might make, a president might have to make, do you think you could use marijuana edibles, you could smoke marijuana and make those decisions directly? >> i don't want to speak to others but for myself, look, i do not consume any marijuana as governor of new mexico or prior to that. i don't want to cast any aspersion on anyone that wants to take the edge off the day by having a couple of martinis or marijuana, whatever it might be. but for me personally i think people need to be assured that, look, if you're going to answer the red phone in the middle of the night that you'll have all your facilities available. i'm just speaking for myself here. like i say i don't want to cast judgment on anyone else that may find these products as, like i say a way to take the edge off and not doing any harm to anyone else. >> gary johnson, former governor
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of new mexico, libertarian candidate for president. >> steve, thank you. following up on our top story of the day, the shakeup in the trump campaign, coming up at 5:00, corey lewandowski, the now ousted trump campaign manager, will join peter alexander on "meet the press daily." you won't want to miss this and much more after this. whole communities are living on mars and sor satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. in less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. and if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. ♪
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shakeup in trump world today. already corey lewandowski the campaign manager fired this morning. now this. at the top of the show we showed you michael caputo, a senior advisor to trump. he had taken to twitter within minutes of lewandowski's exit this morning to tweet this. "ding-dong the witch is dead." an unusually public display of dissension there within the campaign. now we have learned that michael caputo, senior advisor to donald trump, has resigned from the trump campaign. just hours after tweeting out what you're seeing on your screen. on the democratic side of the isle with hillary clinton as the presumptive democratic name, it's veep stakes season and a name that's been getting attention from the democratic base, elizabeth warren. but it appears warren may have one formidable obstacle on any potential path to a clinton tik ticket -- wall street. a report saying wall street and
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financial service industry leaders despise elizabeth warren's attacks on the financial industry. they also think her selection would be damaging to the economy and they worned if clinton surprises them and taps elizabeth warren big donations could vanish. so susan paige, washington buf roe chief at "usa today" joins me now. your reaction to what you're hearing? >> i don't think wall street is elizabeth warren's biggest problem, i think it's her relationship with hillary clinton that looms as a big obstacle. hillary clinton who has been in the white house before and seen some white houses operate understands how important it is to have a running mate who you get along with. who you respect, who you have relationship with? she endorsed hillary clinton but they don't have that kind of relationship. i think politically speaking -- and maybe i'm wrong, but
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electing the first woman president will be a hurdle. it will be a challenge and the idea you would have two women on a ticket, what might make that hard sore there are a couple reasons why elizabeth warren is not likely to be the wait a minute for hillary clinton. >> turning to the shakeup in donald trump's campaign, we've been talking about it all hour. lewandowski who oversaw his wise to the republican nomination now auto. do you think this will have any impact? >> well, the fact that michael caputo is out after that tweet is a sign of a more disciplined campaign. so i think hopes are high among remembers that this campaign that has been catastrophically run is going to get back on track. if paul manafort can run a more
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disciplined campaign in some ways a more traditional one and hire staff and get ads on the air. haik has $24 million worth of adds on the air in eight key states against zero adds for donald trump. if he can do that, that will calm concerns rising about the convention and this fall. >> and, again, we put it up a. there's a new poll that shows hillary clinton leadi ining don trump by seven points. so damage to donald trump in the last few weeks. if there's a silver lining it could be worse. susan paige for "usa today" thanks for the time. >> thanks, steve. >> we'll be right back. urn back♪ ♪ so let's restart the show that started at nine ♪ ♪ and while we're at it, let's give you back your 'do ♪ ♪ and give her back the guy she liked before you ♪ ♪ hey, that's the power to turn back time. ♪
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that's going to do it for this hour. i'm steve kornacki. up next, donald trump's fired campaign manager corey lewandowski joins peter alexander. you do not want to miss this. "mtp daily" starts right now. it's monday, rebellion surge inside and outside the trump campaign with a new republican effort to dump trump on the same day trump dumps his campaign manager. it's "mtp daily" and it starts right now. good evening and welcome to "mtp daily" i'm peter alexander in washington in for my friend chuck todd. a major shakeup in the trump campaign as donald trump abruptly fired his campaign na
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