tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 22, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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she told out our workers and our country for beijing. hillary clinton has also been the biggest promoter of the transpacific partnership, which will ship millions more of our jobs overseas and give up congressional power to an international foreign commission. now, because i have pointed out why it would be such a disastrous deal, she's pretending that she's against it. she's given and deleted, as you know, and most people have heard about this, have we ever heard about her deleting anything? no, i don't think so. she deleted the entire record from her book and deletion is something she really does know something about because she's deleted at least 30,000 e-mails. which, by the way, should be able to be found. should be able to be found because the government, i will say, i've always heard you can never really delete an e-mail,
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so it should be able to be found if they really want to find them, but i don't think they want to find them. this is the latest clinton cover-up and it doesn't change anything. if she is elected president, she will adopt the transpacific partnership and we will lose millions of jobs and our economic independence for good. she'll do this and just as she has betrayed the american worker on trade at every single stage of her career, and it will be even worse than the clintons' nafta deal and i never thought it would get worse than that. we will lose jobs, we will lose employment, we will lose taxes, we will lose everything. we will lose our country. i want trade deals, but they have to be great for the united states and for our workers. [ applause ] we don't make great deals
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anymore, but we will once i become president, i promise you that. it's not just our economy that's been corrupted, but our foreign policy too. the hillary clinton foreign policy has cost america thousands of lives and trillions and trillions of dollars. and unleashed isis across the world. no secretary of state has been more wrong more often and in more places than hillary clinton. her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched. among the victims of our late ambassador, chris stevens, i mean she -- what she did with him was absolutely horrible. he was left helpless to die as
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hillary clinton soundly slept in her bed. that's right. when the phone rang, as per the commercial, at 3:00 in the morning, hillary clinton was sleeping. ambassador stevens and his staff in libya made hundreds and hundreds of requests for security. they were desperate. they needed help. hillary clinton's state department refused them all. she started the war that put them in libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die. to cover her tracks, hillary lied about the video being the cause of death, the famous video, all a lie. another hillary lie. here's what one of the victims' mother had to say. i want the whole world to know it. she lied to my face. and you know, this person cannot be president. she cannot be president.
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[ applause ] in 2009 before hillary clinton was sworn in, it was a different world. libya was cooperating, iraq was seeing a reduction in violence, believe it or not, syria was under control, iran was being choked by sanctions, egypt was governed by a friendly regime that honors its peace treaty with israel. something very nice because, by the way, israel has been totally mistreated by the united states. isis wasn't even on the map. fast forward to 2013. in just four years, secretary clinton managed to almost single-handedly destabilize the entire middle east. her invasion of libya handed the country over to isis, the barbarians. thanks to hillary clinton, iran is now the dominant islamic power in the middle east and on the road to nuclear weapons.
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hillary clinton's support for violent regime change in syria has thrown the country into one of the bloodiest civil wars anyone has ever seen, while giving isis a launching pad for terrorism against the west. she helped force out a friendly regime in egypt and replace it with a radical muslim brotherhood. the egyptian military has retaken control, but clinton has opened the pandora's box of radical islam. then there was the disastrous strategy of announcing our departure from iraq, handing large parts of the country over to isis and the isis killers. isis threatens us today because of the decisions hillary clinton has made along with president obama. isis also threatens peaceful muslims across the middle east and peaceful muslims across the world, who have been terribly
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victimized by horrible brutality and who only want to raise their kids in peace and safety. in short -- [ applause ] in short, hillary clinton's tryout for the presidency has produced one deadly foreign policy disaster after another. one by one, they're all bad. she's virtually done nothing right. she's virtually done nothing good. it all started with her bad judgment in supporting the war in iraq in the first place. though i was not in government service, i was among the earliest to criticize the rush to war, and yes, even before the war ever started. but hillary clinton learned nothing from her act because when she got into power, she
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couldn't wait to rush us off to war in libya. she lacks the temperament and the judgment and the competence to lead our country. she should not be president under any circumstances. [ applause ] in the words of a secret service agent posted outside the oval office, somebody that saw her a lot and knows her probably better than almost anybody, she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. from the bottom of my soul, i know this to be true. her leadership style volcanic, impulsive, disdainful and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else hasn't changed one bit. perhaps the most terrifying thing about hillary clinton's
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foreign policy is that she refuses to acknowledge the threat posed by radical islam. in fact, hillary clinton supports a radical 550% increase in syrian refugees coming into the united states, and that's an increase over president obama's already high number. under her plan, we would admit hundreds of thousands of refugees from the most dangerous countries on earth with no way to screen who they are, what they are, what they believe, where they come from. already hundreds of recent immigrants and their children have been convicted of terrorist activity inside the united states. the father of the orlando shooter was a taliban supporter from afghanistan, one of the most repressive anti-gay and anti-woman regimes on earth.
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i only want to admit people who share our values and love our people. [ applause ] hillary clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death. maybe her motivation lies among the more than 1,000 foreign donations hillary failed to disclose while at the state department. hillary clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the united states. [ applause ] thank you.
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thank you. [ chanting trump, trump, trump ] thank you. here is some of really what we learned from the book in addition to what we've already discussed. a foreign telecom giant faced possible state department sanctions for providing technology to iran and other oppressive regimes. so what did this company do? for the first time ever, they decided to pay bill clinton $750,000 for a single speech. the clintons got their cash, the telecom company escaped all
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sanctions. hillary clinton's state department approved the transfer of 20% of america's uranium holdings to russia while nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the clinton foundation. $145 million. hillary clinton appointed a top donor to a national security board with top secret access, even though he had no national security credentials, although he did make a very large campaign contribution. hillary clinton accepted $58,000 in jewelry from the government of brunai when she was secretary of state plus millions more from her foundation. the sultan of brunai has pushed
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impressive sharia law including the punishment by death and stoning if you happen to be gay. the government of brunai also stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of hillary's transpacific partnership, which she would absolutely approve if given the chance. hillary clinton's book, and just think of this, the book talks about it but hillary took $25 million from saudi arabia and much more from others, where being gay is also punishable by death. hillary took millions from kuwait, qatar, oman and many others that abuse women and the lgbt citizens. to cover up her corrupt dealings, hillary illegally stashed her state department e-mails on a private server.
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she's under investigation, but it seems like nothing is going to happen. even though other people who have done similar things but much -- at a much lower level, their lives have been destroyed. it's a rigged system, folks. it's a rigged system. her server was easily hacked by foreign governments, perhaps even by her financial backers in communist china. i'm sure they have it. putting all of america and our citizens in danger, great danger. then there are the 33,000 e-mails she deleted. while we may not know what's in those deleted e-mails, our enemies probably know every single one of them. so they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be the president of the united states. this fact alone disqualifies her
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from the presidency. we can't hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies. can't do it. [ applause ] national security is also immigration security, and hillary wants neither. hillary clinton has put forward the most radical immigration platform in the history of the united states. she's pledged to grant mass amnesty and in her first 100 days end virtually all immigration enforcement and thus create totally open borders for the united states. totally open borders. and by the way, 16,500 border patrol agents have endorsed
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donald trump, first time in the history that they have endorsed a presidential candidate. [ applause ] the first victims of her radical policies will be poor african-american and hispanic workers who need jobs. they're also the ones that she will hurt the most by far. let me share with you a letter our campaign received from mary ann mendoza. she lost her amazing son, police sergeant brandon mendoza, after he was killed by an illegal immigrant because of open borders and policies supported by hillary clinton. sadly, the mendoza family is just one of thousands who have suffered the same fate. here's an excerpt from mrs. mendoza's letter. "hillary clinton, who already has the blood of so many on her hands, is now announcing that
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she is willing to put each and every one of our lives in harm's way. an open door policy to criminals and terrorists to enter our country. hillary is not concerned about you or i, she is only concerned about the power of the presidency and the power that it would bring. she needs to go to prison to pay for the crimes that she's already committed against our country." that's from mrs. mendoza. hillary also wants to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to settle middle eastern refugees in the united states on top of the current record level of immigration that we already have. for the amount of money hillary clinton would like to spend on refugees, we could rebuild every inner city in america.
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[ applause ] hillary's wall street immigration agenda will keep immigrant communities poor and unemployed americans totally out of work. she can't claim to care about african-american and hispanic workers when she wants to bring in millions of new low-wage earners to compete against them and win against them because the system is rigged against our people. here are a few things a trump administration will do for the americans and for the american people, but for our country. number one, the first 100 days i'll appoint judges who will uphold the constitution of the united states.
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[ applause ] hillary clinton's radical judges will virtually abolish the second amendment. can't let that happen. i will change immigration rules to give unemployed americans an opportunity to fill good, really good paying jobs. we don't have good jobs anymore. these will be good paying jobs. we'll stand up to countries that cheat on trade, of which there are many. we'll cancel rules and regulations that send jobs overseas and everywhere else but our country. [ applause ] we'll lift restrictions on energy production. [ applause ] we will repeal and replace
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job-killing obamacare. it is a total disaster. [ applause ] we'll pass massive tax reform to create millions of new jobs and lower taxes for everyone. and we are, by the way, the highest taxed nation in the world. please remember that. i'm going to impose tough new ethics rules to restore dignity to the office of the secretary of state. [ applause ] there is one common theme in all of these reforms. it's going to be america first.
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[ applause ] this is why stakes in november are so great. on election day the politicians stand trial before the people. the voters are the jury. their ballots are the verdict. we don't need or want another clinton or obama. we just can't take it anymore. so bad for our country and our people. [ applause ] come november, the american people will have a chance to issue a verdict on the politicians that have sacrificed their security, betrayed their prosperity and sold out their country, and i mean totally sold out their country.
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they will have a chance to vote for a new agenda with big dreams, bold ideas and enormous possibilities for the american people. [ applause ] hillary clinton's message is old and tired. her message is that things can't change. my message is that things have to change and that this is our one chance and maybe our only chance to do that change and if we don't do it now, folks, i don't know that we'll ever, ever have another chance. we have to have change, but real change, not obama change. [ applause ] americans are the people that tame the west, that dug out the panama canal, that sent
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satellites across the solar system, that built the great dams and so much more. then we really started thinking small. something happened. something happened to our mentality. we started thinking small. we stopped believing in what america could do and became reliant on other countries, other people and other institutions. we lost our sense of purpose and daring. but that's not who we are. [ applause [ applause ] come this november we can bring america back bigger and better and stronger than ever before. we will build the greatest
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infrastructure on the planet earth. the roads and railways and airports of tomorrow. our military -- [ applause ] our military, which has totally depleted, will have the best technology and the finest equipment. we will bring it back to the way that it must be, strong, strong, strong. [ applause ] massive new factories will come roaring into our country, breathing life and hope into our communities. [ applause ] inner cities, which have been horribly abused by hillary clinton and the democrat party will finally, finally, finally be rebuilt.
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construction is what i know. i say nobody knows it better. the real wages for our workers have not been raised for 18 years. but these wages will start going up along with new jobs, jobs, jobs. [ applause ] hillary's massive taxation, regulation and open borders will destroy jobs and drive down wages for everyone, and that's what's been happening and that's why you're seeing so many people coming to our rallies and so much unbelievable support. [ applause ] we're also going to be supporting our police and law enforcement. we can never forget the great job they do.
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[ applause ] thank you. i'm also going to appoint great supreme court justices, so important. one of the most important factors in this election. i'm going to have many appointments, could be as many as five, probably will be three, could be four. one of the really big factors in this election. we are going to appoint supreme court justices who will be outstanding, outstanding, so important. [ applause ] our country is going to start working again, jobs. people are going to start working again. parents are going to start dreaming big for their children again, including parents in our
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inner cities. [ applause ] thank you. americans, americans, the people that we love, americans, america first, make our country great again, americans, are going to start believing in the future of our country. [ applause ] we are going to make america rich again. we are going to make america safe again. we are going to make america great again and great again for everyone, everyone.
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thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. thank you very much. >> donald trump started by saying this whole effort is his attempt to give back to his country. he made a brief plea to attract bernie sanders' supporters to the trump campaign and then went on full-blown attack, as was expected in this speech, against hillary clinton. at the end there saying -- promising to make america rich again, safe again and great again. katy tur has covered the trump campaign from start to present day. katy, what did you make of this one? >> this was a full frontal assault on hillary clinton and her record. he hit a number of points that we expected him to hit, trying to paint this as about the people, not the politicians. saying that she has her campaign slogan as i'm with her. his campaign slogan in contrast to that would be i'm with you,
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the voters. he also tried to paint her as dangerous for american interests over here in this country because of her foreign policy overseas. talked a lot about decisions that were made to go into libya, the pullout of iraq, stuff like that. he also spoke momentarily about a 3:00 a.m. phone call. we've heard him talk about this a lot on the campaign trail. a 3:00 a.m. phone call in which hillary clinton was allegedly sleeping when benghazi was happening. it was well established from the 11 hours of hearings that she was not sleeping during this, she was working from home overnight and that this was already over by 3:a.m. local time. this happened around 9:00 p.m. local time because of the time difference between here and benghazi. a bit more of a fact check here. brian, trump was reaching out to peaceful muslims during this speech before he went on to speak more harshly about them. he talked about isis threatening their way of life. it's interesting for him,
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because he has been on a muslim ban kick for some time now, since last december, and lately he's been casting doubt on even american muslims, saying that they know what is going on with their neighbors and they're not telling anyone. so that is interesting. we do know that his campaign manager, paul manafort, has been trying to back away from the muslim ban for some time, so this seemed like it had paul manafort's stamp all over it. he also talked about refugees, saying we have nothing in place to screen refugees. that is not true. there is screening in place. it takes about two years. he talked about the clinton foundation being corrupt, that they were trading access for favors and money. it should be noted that donald trump and ivanka trump both donated to the clinton foundation themselves, gave between $100,000 and $250,000, that's donald trump. ivanka trump gave between $5,000 and $10,000. donald trump also gave to hillary clinton's senate campaign and he gave to her presidential campaign as well. that is well documented. he's called it blood money.
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said he's a businessman who is just trying to protect his business and that's the smart thing to do. blood money for the clinton foundation because he had no idea where that money was going. he also talked about bill clinton being responsible for losing jobs on nafta. it is estimated by ralph nader' group that about a million jobs have been lost on nafta. he also talked about trade and deficits. it's important to note, though, that the last time this country had a surplus was during bill clinton's era. since president bush took over, this country has recorded deficits every year, largely due to the various invasions in iraq and afghanistan. he talked about making this country bigger and stronger, hitting jobs, jobs, jobs. on the campaign trail, certainly in west virginia and pittsburgh, he's talked about coal miners, bricking their jobs back. the reality according to experts is that many of those jobs just aren't functional in a modern economy, that those industries needed to move forward, become cleaner energy in order to be
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viable. that's just a handful of the various things that donald trump talked about during this speech. i'm sure there's going to be more fact checking to come. but the general sense, brian, was he was trying to paint himself as more for the american voter, hillary clinton the status quo, a politician, in it for herself and the interests of washington. rather than the folks at home. >> as donald trump put it, she has virtually done nothing right, she has virtually done nothing good. katy tur who's covered the trump campaign from the start. hallie jackson was in the room. as we've said, this was in a trump property in the soho section of manhattan. hallie, just to explain the atmospherics to folks watching on television who might have seen a kind of bifurcated crowd, the first four or five rows were family and supporters and the press corps started after that. >> reporter: you nailed it. business associates of donald trump, family members of donald trump. you saw on the front row his
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children, tiffany, eric, ivanka. the press in the back of the room. trump walked in to a big round of applause, a very friendly crowd for him here with several standing ovations. the most prolonged when he called hillary clinton perhaps the most corrupt person ever to run for the presidency. a couple of notable moments in trump's speech. in addition to sort of the fact checks that katy covered a couple of moments ago, the subtle changes to some of the language he's been using on the campaign trail compared to now. so, for example, not saying that hillary clinton wants to abolish the second amendment but that the judges she would put on the supreme court would instead. on iraq, for example, trump has said previously that he has been against the run-up to iraq or the war in iraq, although there's not evidence to support that. instead now he's saying he was against the rush, he was critical of the rush to war, so some tweaks in language as trump read off the teleprompters. i'm told that's not something you can see in the shot of donald trump but you can see it on the podium here, two prompters.
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trump mostly staying on script, ad libbing at times but already some reaction now coming in from some republican operatives that we've been talking to. some believe it was solid, others pointed out that he seemed less comfortable switching between ad libbing and between reading from his scripted remarks, his prepared remarks. he focused on jobs, he focused on the economy in addition to hitting hillary clinton. interestingly, perhaps some new policy from donald trump, brian, where he said he wanted to change immigration rules in order to allow unemployed americans to find good-paying jobs. that is something new from trump. we've reached out to find out more specifics on that. >> hallie jackson in again the soho section of manhattan inside the venue where we saw today's donald trump speech. nicolle wallace joins our team again today, former communications director in the 43 white house and a veteran of the mccain campaign as well. nicolle, is this fairly judged
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through the prism of the beginning of the manafort era? >> yeah, i think that's a fair assessment. i was told this morning this is the first performance, as they call it, inside trumpland where the family has been in charge. this is also the family's first sort of time at the podium, having sort of vanquished corey lewandowski who was rumored to have fallen out of favor with them really a while back. listen, we dive right into the substance of the speech and try to cover it objectively, but i think we have to pull back and realize the moment in which he delivers this speech. he delivers this speech at a time when republican leaders are running from the microphones in the halls of congress, when he is rebuked more often than his message is echoed by members of his own party, so i saw this really as him trying to fix two problems and then get himself on offense. i personally think it was by trump standards, it was superb, but by the standards we hold most normal politicians too, it was overliam bishs.
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he was trying to fix his immigration problem. he has a problem with the tone he has set and he tried to soften that. he said we only want to admit people who share our values and love america. he's trying to give republicans more solid ground to stand on and be behind the more controversial aspects which is to build a wall and ban all muslims, which a lot of republicans have a lot of problems with. politicians are often asked what they read. he clinton read clinton cash, which i read, it's an interesting read. but he took the thesis of the book one step further and saying not only did foreign governments donate money to the clinton foundation, which then had a direct line to hillary clinton, but that hillary clinton now supports the unamerican values of those countries that donated to the clinton foundation. it's complicated. his base of voters may get it and may cheer loudly. but i think it's -- i think he may have gone a bridge too far in a point that can be made much more simply. i think he got back to basics, which is if i were giving him
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advice, i would have told him to just bite off that piece of the apple. he got back to his basic message, which is the economy is rigged against you, trade has decimated our communities from coast to coast and hillary and bill clinton are for those crummy trade deals that have brought you incredible economic insecurity. >> nicolle for those of us who may just be joining us and haven't heard a lot of the talk about it, how big is this story of the last 24 to 48-hour news cycle and that is the gulf between the fund-raising and the democrats and the clinton campaign and the trump campaign and his statements that people should relax about it? >> well, you know, i don't know the answer anymore to questions about how abnormal his candidacy is. it is certainly abnormal to be at the end of june and have $1.3 million. it is certainly not normal to have to offer to match every donation up to $2 million.
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but nothing about donald trump's candidacy has been normal. so i don't want to say it takes you out of the game. it certainly sets you tens of millions of dollars behind your democratic opponent, who's already advertising against you in the battleground states. but there's some quinnipiac polling data that shows him neck in neck with hillary clinton in the hotly contested states of pennsylvania and ohio. so the notion that he's out of it is false, but the notion that there's anything remotely close to business as usual with only having $1.3 million is also fiction. >> and where do you put the stories that big donors are just scared to get in the pool? >> well, big donors are usually rich people who make cautious investments. and i don't think you could call donald trump that. i think the donor network, the republican donor network has really been frightened or scared away by the more controversial things he said. the most important thing donald trump had to do today was not offend any new groups of people,
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and i checked in with the trump insider before the speech and said do you think he'll stick to the script? do you think he'll get himself on offense? will he get back to basics with his message about the economy? will he prosecute a case against clinton or will he veer into these more controversial lines of attack? he said, well, nicolle, that's the plan, but it's donald trump, you never know. so i think he passed the most important test he had to pass today. he showed he could get through an hour on a teleprompter. but i don't think we can say that he passed the test until we say what he does. he usually shows up in primetime on fox news. i think we have to watch 24 hours before and after and around a speech like this to see if they let it stand, to see if they can get any republicans to echo the message or to see if he does something odd, trots out a conspiracy theory or does something where he steps on his own message which has been the essential impediment to bring those republicans around and the donors around. >> so to take your model and watch for 24 hours like a
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message control group -- >> like an experiment. >> yeah. and you think that can be held up against as a test of the discipline of the manafort, the new manafort era? >> i just think that is the test. so we will say that he read from his teleprompter and our colleague, rachel, laughed at me last time i gave him credit for doing so. but i really -- i think the test is to look at 24 whole hours. i will pledge in service of this network to watch the next 24 hours and report back, because what happened the last time when he came out and gave a foreign policy speech that was riddled with its own problems was that he stepped on his own message by trotting out conspiracy theories on fox & friends in the morning. so this was a speech that had the definite imprint of paul manafort and the family, which has taken firm control of the trump campaign. trump, i'm told, realized by sunday night that things weren't just bad, they were, quote, awful. so he is trying to make a pivot.
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when you have such a small, skeletal campaign, you can pivot in two days because there's not very many people to turn around. so he has made that pivot in the last hour. but we do have to watch the next 24 hours, the next, you know, however many interviews he does and see if he veers wildly off message like he has in the past. >> nicolle wallace, who has taken the pledge. one of the few, the proud, the brave. rick tyler has been watching with us, former spokesman for ted cruz. rick, do you care to join nicolle wallace in that pledge? >> i agree largely with what nicolle said. i think donald trump really delivered a speech as if his campaign depended on it. there's a lot i like about the speech. he put the clintons right inside the washington rigged game. that's something people are upset with washington. he did that through their support of nafta, through trade. i disagree slightly with nicolle wallace. i thought he did an effective job of tying taking money from
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regimes that owe press women and execute homosexuals. that's another theme he really got into a lot of democratic themes. he's really making a play for democrats, workers. he made a direct appeal to bernie sanders' supporters and talked about a lot of themes to bring people back to jobs. now, my criticism about the speech, which overall i'm very pleased with the speech. i think he could have done a foreign policy speech in a completely separate speech. he could have done just an economic speech and done a good job and he really laid it out. it's old status quo, if you want what you have, you know, get what you got, that you'll get hillary clinton. but if you want something new, then you should look at my campaign. i thought he did a very effective job of doing that. i thought that got lost a little bit when he went off into the foreign policy, although he prosecuted that very, very well. he laid ambassador stevens at the feet of hillary clinton, the creation of isis at the hillary clinton's term as secretary of
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state, the turmoil in the middle east at her, but it could have been done in a separate speech. i don't know why he really threw the kitchen sink at her in this time. he could have made this a multi-speech event and kept this going. but overall, i thought it was a very effective and good speech. best delivered on teleprompter for sure. >> rick, thanks. right behind you there on capitol hill, while donald trump was speaking, hillary clinton was in the middle of a round of visits. kelly o'donnell was tailing along for that. kelly? >> reporter: well, brian, i can tell you that inside the meeting of house democrats with secretary hillary clinton, she did reference donald trump. i'm told that she at one point said he's rich and then sort of let the room sort of fall into laughter. obviously speaking to a favorable crowd. so not a lot of discussion of donald trump, but the effect of donald trump. hillary clinton told house democrats she believes that with
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him on the republican ticket and her fighting along with democrats, that they may be able to regain some house seats and more pointedly the senate, which is something that does look more of a potential for democratic growth. she cited north carolina specifically. and so i asked hillary clinton when she was leaving the meeting about donald trump calling her a world class liar. she did not respond to that, but did tell us she's excited about a 50-state campaign. talking to members of congress here, they said that much of what they're looking for is for her to try to move into areas where she may not be as well known or popular in the sense of typical voters. by that i mean the south. some democrats saying that she might be able to help them in the south for those voters who are uncomfortable with donald trump. also on the front of bernie sanders, we saw donald trump reach out to those voters today. we heard inside the democratic meeting that hillary clinton praised the campaign he ran, talked about the focus on ideas
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and there was a lot of question and answer, i'm told, about trying to get some of the voters who really seem to be drawn to bernie sanders, younger voters, and some of the voters who have been most animated by issues around college affordability and economic justice. so those were some of the things there. now, on donald trump, i'm told by gop donors, by checking with many in that community, one of the things that they are waiting for is to take the measure of a day like this. can he deliver a message that is effective, can he do it well, can he appear to be growing as a candidate. some tell me that they are withholding money, waiting to see who he determines should be his running mate. but that kind of a presidential level test is something that they want to take a measure of before they commit dollars to his campaign. now, talking to trump insiders, they say that while he is way behind in the fund-raising, they continue to believe his kind of campaign does not need the traditional budget for television ads.
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one of the other question and answers that gets talked about in circles of people wanting to know how donald trump will do is today is a very big speech with a lot of content, but he's also doing interviews. he's also giving other opportunities to be seen and heard, places where he may make a newsworthy statement and does that detract from the speech today. some think that's not a good strategy. others think the more donald trump can control his own message, the more he can turn things after a very bad stretch. on the hillary clinton side, you get the sense that less is more. that they will not answer every kind of attack from his campaign but will basically say that many of the charges that he is leveling are so ridiculously false in the words of some advisers that they don't feel they have to answer those. and so she's trying to build unity among democrats. almost poking fun, taking some jabs at donald trump in the sense of making him a punch line. that's popular among democrats for sure in what has been such an unpredictable campaign
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season. we get even more of that as things played out today. brian. >> kelly o'donnell on the hill. again, where hillary clinton met with house democrats. we saw her walking by with nancy pelosi. and again, to kelly's -- one of kelly's last points there, the message discipline test that nicolle wallace mentioned, this will be interesting to watch. our coverage of this will continue after a break. we're good. okay... what if a million people download the new app? we're good. five million? good. we scale on demand. hybrid infrastructure, boom. ok. what if 30 million people download the app? we're not good. we're total heroes. scale on demand with the number one company in cloud infrastructure. afdave stops working, but his aleve doesn't. because aleve can last 4 hours longer
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when the phone rang, as per the commercial, as 3:00 in the morning, hillary clinton was sleeping. ambassador stevens and his staff in libya made hundreds and hundreds of requests for security. they were desperate. they needed help. hillary clinton's state department refused them all. she started the war that put them in libya, denied him the security he asked for, then left him there to die.
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>> donald trump earlier in his speech came out, of course, guns blazing against hillary clinton. katy tur covering for us, as she has the whole campaign. katy, that was the section of the speech you chose to the sec the speech you chose to drill down on earlier from how it differed from the record. >> during the 11 hours she testified about benghazi, it was determined she was not, in fact, sleeping at 3:00 a.m. and missing a benghazi phone call. benghazi happened around 9:00 p.m. on the east coast. we are told she was working, what she said in the hearing, working overnight from home. that's one of the fact checks we were able to go through. i've been talking with republican strategists, donors, people who influence donors, asking if they thought this
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would change anything. one of them is telling me, no, this is not going to do anything. ultimately the candidate himself can be scripted one day, be on a teleprompter one day, the next day he can be offending entire races, basically, is the way this particular person put it. so far not encouraging his donors to give money to donald trump's campaign. this is a really big issue, brian, as we have been reporting from quite some time. he has $1.3 million cash on hand. hillary clinton has 30 times that amount. he doesn't necessarily have to do the television advertising that she does. he's getting and has been getting more time on tv than any other politician in history, but that does affect his ability to staff up both in the internal campaign, the core campaign and also on the ground level in battleground states. right now hillary clinton has more staffers and more effort in battleground states. he's relying on his own ability to message, his popularity, his
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personal appeal. that's worked so far in the primaries, but is not something that the campaign believes will work alone going forward. the money the donors will loosen up, unlock and give to him will help in that effort. it's also important to look at down-ballot candidates, folks that rely on the top of the ticket to help get them over the line in november. they don't have that at the moment. the donald trump campaign clearly feeling that and trying the pivot, trying to convince people he is going to be more on message. the issue is they have been burned before and donald trump as a candidate hasn't shown discipline outside these scripted speeches. >> katy tur, thanks. nicolle wallace remains with us. the assumes through muption thr country, the guy is a
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billionaire, they're not impressed by the new york-l.a. access debate. they're not impressed of hearing of a fund-raising deficit between the two parties. >> more important for trump, they're not worried. fund-raising is one of those things that exists in a parallel universe. politicians loathe it. the politicians i work for loathe it. it takes them out of the more honorable role of being a politician, to be in front of the voters, to be making their case. to his credit, that's part that donald trump relishes, being in front of the big rallies. having the ability to have a staff and execute and spread your message -- a normal campaign this morning would have rolled out an ad with some of the sharpest critiques of hillary clinton and they would have put it up in 10, 12 battleground states to reenforce the candidate's message and
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abstain from doing other media. they would want the speech to carry the day and the paid media to echo it. a campaign with aa sophisticated staff -- i was with a very respected failure in both parties, someone said what's the big difference between donald trump's campaign and bush's campaign. we said no one has the jobs that we had. trump doesn't have a campaign manager today, doesn't have a communications director. this campaign is still far from normal. but it began to do the work to present itself as such. >> don't they know politico on the east coast, they need structure. >> exactly. we need certainty. >> they live for structure. >> another quick break here. something highly unusual taking place on capitol hill at this hour. omar and camille brown knew nothing about the restaurant
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find a way to dramatize it, to make it real. we have to occupy the floor of the house until there's action. >> this is georgia democratic congressman, the veteran democrat john lewis. not the first time he has led a sit- sit-in, but he's doing so on the floor of the house to dramatize the need for gun control legislation. you'll recall earlier this week the senate failure on four different counts, congressman edwards there on the right. luke russert covers the hill for us. luke, tell us about this action. >> reporter: brian, this is historic. usually in the house you can't put forward a formal filibuster. we hear that in the senate, where a party can occupy the floor for a prolonged period of time. in the house, the way the rules are written, the party in charge
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can essentially do what they please on the floor. in this case the republican party and their leader kevin mccarthy. house democrats who are very upset they haven't had the opportunity to take votes on two forms of gun control legislation recently done in the senate, one that would close the gun show loophole and increase the background checks for internet gun sales. another that would say, if you're a terrorist on the no-fly no-buy list, you would not be able to get a gun essentially. house democrats want to vote on that. they feel their voices have been silenced. they're in a sit-in led by civil rights reformer. the reason they're on the floor -- the reason it's not broadcast publicly is because the house has not gavelled in. until it's gavelled in, we won't see the broadcast images.
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we spoke to one gop floor operative, they don't know if they'll gavel in at noon. this might be a sit-in that stops congress for a prolonged period. >> john lewis still bears the scars of the civil rights struggle and being bite ten to within an inch of his life. we'll stay on to it including "andrea mitchell reports" which begins right now. >> full frontal assault against hillary clinton. >> she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. from the bottom of my soul, i know this to be true. her leadership style, volcanic, impulsive, disdainful and disdainful of the rules said for
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