tv Way Too Early MSNBC June 23, 2016 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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today is the day that britain decides whether to remain in the european union. we're live in london. plus, donald trump tones it down. >> hillary clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the united states. >> well, at least in some sections of his speech. the republican nominee blasts his rival as a quote world class liar who gets rich by making you poor. it's 5:30 here on the east coast, 2:30 out west. this is "way too early." good morning, everyone. it is thursday, june 23rd, i'm alex witt. we begin with the effective conclusion of one of the most dramatic demonstrations in
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modern american history on the house floor. democrats keeping the floor of the house to force a vote on new gun measures. the sit-in organized by congressman john larson of connecticut and led by civil rights icon congressman john lewis began just before 11:30 yesterday morning and stretched on into the early morning. around 2:30 last night, paul ryan opened a new legislative day complete with pledge of allegiance, then the house over the chants of democrats completed a week's worth of business, adjourned and won't return until july 5th. that capped the dramatic day that began with a man who is no stranger to protest. >> newtown. charleston, orlando. what is the tipping point? are we blind? can we see? how many more mothers, how many more fathers need to shed tears
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of grief before we do something? we were elected to lead, mr. speaker. we must be head lights and not taillights. we cannot continue to stick our heads in the sand and ignore the reality of mass gun violence in our nation. >> just as the sit-in was beginning, the house took a recess. meaning the camera's under control of the majority party were cut. democrats took to the protest with social media, some members broadcasting live on facebook and periscope, that's a violation of the house rules. then paul ryan tried to reclaim control of the chamber by holding a vote on unrelated legislation when this happened. >> pursuant to the order of the house of june 8, 2016, the unfinished business is further consideration of the veto message of the president on house joint resolution 88. >> well, you hear it there. the house leader could hardly
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get a word over the leaders chanting no bill, no vote. other times singing we shall pass a bill some day. and they slammed the colleagues for what they say amounted to the p.r. stunt. >> first i would tell you, wolf, this is nothing more than a publicity stunt. that's point number one. point number two, this bill was already defeated in the united states senate. number three, we should not going to take away a citizen's due process right, take away a constitutional right without due process. that was already defeated in the senate, this is not a way to try to bring up legislation. >> while democrats were chanting inside the chamber, this was happening outside of the capitol building. >> shame, shame, shame, shame, shame! shame, shame, shame! hold the floor, hold the floor! >> and at one point congressman ellison tweeted this, a staffer
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handed him this note his mom had called him and wanted him on the house floor. there was also this tweet from congressman steve king of iowa just before the house adjourned. he say, quote, i have had it with the gun grabbing democrats and their sit-in anti-second amendment jihad. i'm going to go home and buy a new gun. again, despite the adjournment the sit-in is still happening so to be continued. let's go now to our top story, millions of people in britain are headed to the polls today casting their ballots in the historic vote to decide whether to remain a member of the european union. voting stations have been opened now for over three hours. they will stay open until 10:00 p.m. local time. this was the scene in london earlier as people made their way through the rain. among those casting their ballots in london earlier were prime minister david cameron and his wife samantha. the electoral commission expects to have the results by breakfast time tomorrow. the latest composite of polling shows it's neck and neck. 47-45 in favor of remaining in
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the e.u. let's get a look at how global marks are reacting. cnbc's louisa bojesen has more. >> good morning. neck and neck being the key term there. that's what we're seeing over the past couple of weeks, a shifting back and forth ever so slightly between the sides. markets today taking things in stride. some of the latest polls have indicated that perhaps the remain polls, they're just -- the remain camp, they're creeping a little bit ahead. we have seen that reaction over the last couple of days with buying back into the equities and into the pound that had been sold off. some trading out of the traditional safe haven, asset flows that otherwise had become popular. like the swiss and the yen and the dollar. we are seeing flip-flopping this morning. the equity markets staying slightly higher. up by half a percent and moving up by half a percent and we maintain the levels right now. it's a super important vote. asking the british people whether or not you should remain
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or leave the e.u. the reason we're asking this question is because prime minister cameron, he promised the british people this was going to be a referendum that would come. now, the papers and what we're seeing the times here this morning, they have got day of reckoning. remain a member of the european union or leave. they're covering both sides of it. you have another times front page, the pound soar, the markets bet on a remain victory. as you say, polls close at 10:00 p.m. tonight local time so tomorrow is going to be massive. dara -- excuse me, alex. >> no worries, yeah 47-45 right now. super close. thank you so much louisa bojesen from london. donald trump is revamping his campaign and renewing his attacks on hillary clinton delivering a 41 minute speech aiming to shift the focus back on her. >> this election will decide whether we're ruled by the people or by the politicians. [ applause ] hillary clinton has perfected the politics of personal profit
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and even theft. she ran the state department like her own personal hedge fund doing favors for oppressive regimes and many others and really many, many others in exchange for cash. pure and simple, folks. the choice in this election is a choice between taking our government back from the special interests or surrendering really the last scrap of independence to the total and complete control of people like the clintons. she believes she's entitled to the office. her campaign slogan is, i'm with her. you know what my response is to that? i'm with you, the american people. [ applause ] she thinks it's all about her. i know it's all about you. i know it's all about making america great for all americans.
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>> trump carried the i'm with you message into new merchandise and social media, fund-raising by selling an i'm with you t-shirt for $35 and the clinton campaign responded -- officer not available for muslims, women, latinos and so on. donald trump's speech included a letny of charges -- litany of charges claiming that hillary clinton does not tell the truth. >> hillary clinton and as you know, she -- most people know she's a world-class liar. >> but a nonpartisan analysis by plitafact found 59% of trump's claims are pants on fire false. her assertion about sleeping through calls with benghazi and getting cash for favors at the state department were deemed up
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proven. at a rally yesterday, clinton responded, also taking on the claim from tuesday, quote, there's nothing out there about clinton's religion. >> i know donald hates it when anyone points out how hollow his sales pitch really is and i guess my speech yesterday must have gotten under his skin because right away he lashed out on twitter with outlandish lies and conspiracy theories. he did the same in his speech today. now think about it. he's going after me personally because he has no answers on the substance. all he can do is try to distract us. that's even why he's attacking my faith. sigh. >> senator marco rubio is reversing course and seeking re-election for his florida senate seat.
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after ending his white house bid, rubio had long insisted that he would be a private citizen after his current senate term ended. now he says he wants back in. reportedly telling supporters on a conference call, quote, in between pressure cleaning my driveway and back yard and watching the nba finals we have a chance to talk about a lot of this. >> senator rubio, you told us so many times you would not seek another term. you told us so many times you almost got irritated when we pressed you on it. why change your mind and why now? >> well, first i did change my mind. i never said i was perfect or i had all the answers and look, the bottom line is i feel deeply that no matter who's elected president of the united states we need a senate who has the people willing to check and balance that. >> a new poll shows that rubio has an edge over his potential democratic opponents. in a match-up with murphy rubio leads 47 to 40 and over grayson. former house speakerennis
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hastert is waking up behind bars this morning. he reported to the federal prison hospital yesterday in a wheelchair. he's serving a 15 month sentence after pleading guilty to banking laws. and chaka fattah is resigning following his -- he intends to leave october 3, a day before being sentenced. thousands shelter in place at soldier field in chicago after a turbulent night in the mid west. bill karins with the forecast for another day of thunderstorms across the nation's midsection. throngs of thousands turn out to celebrate in cleveland as the victors make their homecoming as jimmy kimmel showed last night. ♪ >> everyone loves a parade and that's never been more true than it is in cleveland today. tell us about the scene there. what are you seeing?
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amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing what's going on right now is feeling so surreal to me it hasn't hit what has happened. for some [ bleep ] crazy reason i'm going to wake up and it'sing to be game 4 all over again. i'm going to be like down 2-1 still. i'm nothing without this group behind me, man. i'm nothing without the coaching staff. i'm nothing without the city. i'm nothing without you all. i love all of you all and i -- [ bleep ].
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get ready for next year. >> welcome back to "way too early." that was nba finals mvp lebron james thanking his teammates and the city of cleveland for all that went into the cleveland cavaliers championship season. an estimated 1 million fans flooded the streets in downtown cleveland for the cavs victory parade yesterday. the occasion marks the end of a 52-year drought during which the city went without a major sports title. in other nba news the new york knicks have acquired derrick rose in a multiplayer trade with the chicago bulls. new york shipped away robin lopez and jose calderon and jerian grant. guard justin holiday and for a second round pick. the 27-year-old chicago native was drafted number one by the bulls back in 2008 and named league mvp in the 2010-11 season. but he's struggled with
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injuries. the hockey has placed its bet on the city is of las vegas. the league's board of directors named an expansion team and the new franchise is set to begin play during the 2017-18 season as part of the nhl's pacific division. >> we need a name. the black jacks. >> that's actually good. okay. we'll go to major league baseball highlights so stand by, bill karins. a tie game, three dodgers sprint to position to make the play on the pop fly in foul territory along the right field line. that ball deflects off the glove of chase utley, bouncing right into adrian gonzalez who kind of juggles it, but secures the catch before it hits the ground. while defense like that keeps washington base runners in the dugout, a blundzer in the field by the nats cost them the game while leading by a run in the bottom of the ninth. ouch. >> looking at a pitcher with a single number. fly ball down the line. slicing foul.
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then looks like he's letting utley -- instead, the ball goes by utley. juggle, juggle, caught it. >> oh, yasiel puig sends in a grounder and that's misplayed by michael taylor alloying the dodgers to walk off with the two-run inside the park home run. yesterday, we told you the u.s.'s hopes for a championship in the copa america came to an end. now chile is headed for the finals after defeating colombia 2-0 in chicago last night. they'll face argentina in the title match on sunday. meanwhile, reporters caught up with portugal's cristiano ronaldo ahead of the match against hungary yesterday. instead of answering questions, he grabs a reporter's microphone and tosses it into the nearby lake. no definitive word on what caused his reaction there. kind of a hot tempered guy. why do you like that, mike barnicle? just bad behavior. all right, let's go to the
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icelandic announcer which lets his excitement show during the win against austria. after the home team scores a dramatic injury tie game winner. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! >> did you like that? that was beneath his dignity. okay. we'll get a check on the weather now with meteorologist bill karins. oh, my gosh, the midsection is bad. >> mentioning the copa match, soldier field had the nasty thunderstorms go through too. at one point they had to tell everyone to go take shelter and get out of harm's way. everyone had to go to the inside -- look at the winds gusting and all the water plowing in. everyone was safe.
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there were numerous tornadoes across illinois. a lot of weak one, you see one there. we had a minor damage to a couple of roofs but no reports of any injuries. no reports of deaths so we made it through a dangerous night yesterday. we are still dealing with a few strong storms but overall could have been a lot worse. so here's what we're dealing with. 18 tornados were reported in northern illinois. we had over a hundred damaging wind reports. we are not done with the damaging winds. if you're in charleston, west virginia it's over the top of you. there was a ton of lightning, moving down through southern portions of ohio, north of the ohio river. that's going to wake up people there. washington, d.c., it will pour all morning long. a slow morning commute from washington, d.c., down to richmond, as the rain is with you from now until 9:00 a.m. this morning. then later on today, more severe storms, 34 million people are at risk. we're watching areas from lexington, cincinnati, columbus, back to charleston. then in the mid-atlantic, it
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will redevelop. so we get the first batch here, 9:00, the rains move through the delmarva and the chesapeake. get a little break in the middle portion of the day. then some heating and some additional storms popping up around 4:00 or 5:00. towards raleigh, near the norfolk area and then over the appalachians, back towards d.c. today too. there's still some hot weather out there too. st. louis was near 102. today, 100. so it's a hot period here in the middle of the country. but we made it through last night, no deaths and no injuries and that was good. >> thanks, bill. still ahead from middle school to "the tonight show" the recent graduate who made headlines with his big impersonations and he gets a big break income. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts.
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we have some more headlines to get to, so take it away, louis burgdorf. >> i can't get over that icelander announcer. but congratulations continue to pour in for the cavaliers' historic win over the golden state warriors. ohio's two senators took their enthusiasm to the senate floor. >> we know that sports teams are far more than the sum of their parts. they're a point of collection for everyone and there's a reason we call cleveland believe land. >> more importantly it's great for the spirit of cleveland and consistent with the comeback city, consistent with the notion that yeah, we have had tough times before. and we have had our share of challenges in cleveland. we still do. but we're believe land, cleveland.
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>> senator barbara boxer of california had a bet going with senator brown and had to deliver beer to the senator. she gave brown a golden state warrior towel because she knows that quote, sherrod will be sweating the next time they meet. trash talking never hurt anybody. the man most of you come to know and fear and love from the ground breaking series "breaking bad" is in a new role. bryan cranston will play a part in the new power rangers movie. he had played major historical figures like lyndon b. johnson in the play and the hbo film "all the way." if you're at home this morning wondering who's zordon he's the mentor to the rangers and played by a hologram like floating head is that much different than playing a former president or a
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teacher turned meth dealer? you decide. finally this morning, alex, we showed you the eighth grader who delivered some spot on impersonations of the 2016 presidential candidates. last night on "fallon", jack aiello reappeared. this time as trump's running mate. >> that's fantastic to be here. just fantastic. >> since beautiful? isn't he terrific? [ cheers and applause ] >> down boy, down. down. easy, boy. easy. >> hey, little donald i have an idea. let's prank call hillary. [ laughter ] here. you pretend to be bernie sanders. >> hello, secretary clinton, this is senator bernie sanders. [ laughter ] is your refrigerator running? well, so am i. and i'm never ever dropping out! >> genius. [ cheers and applause ] it's genius.
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where did you learn all these amazing impressions? >> trump university which is terrific by the way just so you know. >> by the way, just so you know. >> line him up. i think we'd give him the job on the spot. >> absolutely. thank you so much. that does it for me and "way too early." coming up on "morning joe" -- is it the end of an era? an evidence of a kinder, gentler trump yesterday. europe on the brink, britons head to the polls to decide if they remain in the e.u. hahahahahaha! ...isn't really the trip you want to be on. hahahaha... hahaha... [mountain woman and key laughing together] and intellectual propertylines about bubeing stolen.g hacked that is cyber-crime. and it affects each and every one of us. microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cyber-crime.
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