tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 23, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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to be making comments any moment now. i think we can listen in now. lets see if we can hear. >> and there goes our feed. we are not going to be listening in obviously right now. i do believe we have luke russert standing by for us on the hill. can we get to luke. >> reporter: yeah, what's up craig. >> there is indication that this thing could go on longer. what was this in the end? >> reporter: what end up happening was the republican leadership needed the decision to take the remainder of business this week and rolling it all in one vote. essentially what happened after that is the democrats no longer had the opposition party to them in the chambers and the republicans said not only you will get no bill but we are
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going to go on break. their rallying cry was no bill and no break. republicans went onto break. the democrats cut this protest which is historic by the wayway. this was a civil disobedience act. >> this went for 24 hours. i spoke to democrats, they did not expect this to grow of the magnitude which it was. it was retweeted all over social media and it was broadcasted on the parascope. most of these protests was before. they're trying to figure out a way to land the plain. we crossed this bridge but there is more to do some july 5th.
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the question becomes now after they wrap this up on the house floor and going outside of the capitol. many are cheering on this effort and the question becomes do they try to do something again on the week of july 5th. speaker of the house paul ryan says he was worried about that. he said it is a dangerous precedent because you cannot have a minority jumping up the work of the floor. it is not how the rule s of the house operates. there is a mass shoot b epidemic in this country and nothing gets done. that's the next step. i am interested to hear what john lewis had to say and the democratic leader had to say outside. this is a minority party and has been really down in the dump since january 27th after they lost the seats of the 2010 midterm. they have not been able to get
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their footing. and they have been trying and trying to get their voices heard. this was the thing that did it. it is certainly firing up debates. did they do something like this or within the rule of the house. >> hey luke, why did they not, early on, you know what? we'll give you votes and they have a super majority in the house and little of no chance that the actual proposal is going to pass? why not let the vote happen and vote it down and go on recess and why allow this to go on? >> so there is two stories about that and you can choose which one you will believe. with the republicans what they'll say is look, where he the party that believes on the rules in the house. if the democrats want to move further and the background checks and, it should have been
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apart of the appropriation process and they have been voted down in the committee before and that's how we saw it. look, if the democrats really serious about this we would give them in the overall scheme of things to avoid something like this. democrats are saying no, no, that's not true at all. the republicans blocked us in every opportunity and they won't allow us to put forward on tehee types of votes. so it is a kind of he says, she says back and forth. it is fair to say that given what happened yesterday, it probably would have liked to given them a vote because it would have diffuse a lot of attention at the house floor and you raise a good point, craig, if mitch mcconnell was
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comfortable republicans voting this down then the house would have an easier time. if mcconnell says hey, i am going to put my vulnerable blue state republicans on then we can do that. it is interesting to see how it plays out. >> luke, as we are having this conversation, a number of lawmakers have been participating in this sit in for nearly 26 hours. these lawmakers making their way down the steps of the university capitol there. they'll be making some comments. i will have to interrupt you. looks like we have a little time here. we were watching this played out for a while via facebook live as well. why were there no cameras allowed on the chambers, luke? >> c-span, they can only be on
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when the house is formally gavelled in. in this case, the speaker of the house and the majority leaders. the reason why they were not on, when this protest occurred, the house have gavelled out meaning there is no formal business on the floor. the rules are arcade and if there is anything coming out of this, the public will be aware of how difficult it is here, although -- for example, there is doors that the president goes in the state of union right in front of me. that's a serious violation, there is a lot of areas where you cannot film and they take their privacy seriously and the business of the people can be out in the open but it must be done in strict rules and only
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when the house is in session and in official for business. that's the real reason democrats had to go forward of this para scope, i saw hem trying to find chargers on floor and asking for batteries. it is really kind of a piloted gorilla operation to get the feed going. >> also, correct me if i am wrong, a number of these lawmakers are clearly in violation of the house ruling, too. they're not supposed to be broadcasting from before. we saw a number of these social media feeds. >> that's another question coming out. just talking process, look, we are in the media and in the gallery, we are not allowed to take any videos on our phone. we are able to use our phones in the gallery the last few years or so. you cannot bring your phone in the senate gallery. but, it is a fair question is if the media is not allowed to do
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any of these and the members can do essentially what they want and take pictures, they were told of the violations. people like it and that one picture of john lewis sitting there and retweeted millions of times and a lot of celebrities picked up on it. >> a live picture here, this is the scene at the steps of capitol hill and democratic leaders assembling nearly 26 hours sitting on the floor in the lower chamber, they were demanding a vote on a gun bill or a number of gun bills. they were demanding a vote and they tried to keep their republican colleagues in session and the recess scheduled to start tomorrow, i believe. republicans left hours ago and they left the house to the democrats again of a few moment ago, they wrapped it up with
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statements by congressman john lewis and congress from georgia and we'll see them there. congress lewis and congress calibman, go back in decades. they have been friends for nearly 50 years and they were not surprisingly two of the best buddies so to speak in the lower chambers. nancy pelosi is beginning to make comments to members of the media. i think we'll be able to listen in. i think we got a microphone right there unless she's making her way to a podium. i cannot tell really, he's north
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of 80. >> good morning everyone. i know it is afternoon here but it is morning in california. it is a new dawn of a new day in our fight to this armed hate. [ cheers ] >> we are all here of the members of congress and you will hear from all of us in order to say thank you to you. thank you for not -- [ inaudible ] >> thank you. because of you and the instigations and john lewis and the orchestration by john larson and continued and the leadership of our party. the distribution of the message
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would not have been possible without all of you. and the continuation of the message will not be possible without all of you. i want to come here to say once again thank you, we shouted out during the night and some of you were here all night. thank you. thank you for being here and thank you for being there. thank you for being there for those of us saying no more. [ cheers ] a moment of silence, no more moment of silence without a clan in action. with my pleasure without further adieu to introduce the man of the hour, the man of the house, our great champion and inspiration, john lewis. [ cheers ] >> first of all, thank you. madame leader, nando de cocy pe.
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thank you, to my wonderful friends and colleagues. john lawson and john, where are you? >> in the crowd. [ laughs ] congresswoman claw. david -- thanking everybody, thank you for being here. thank you for all of your help. all right. >> thank you for all of your support. we are going to win. [ cheers ] >> we are going to win. we are going to win, the fight, the fight is not over. this is just one step. when we come back here on july the 5th, we are going to continue to push and to pull and
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to stand up and if necessary to sit down. [ cheers ] so don't give up. don't give in. no! >> keep your faith and keep your eyes on the prize. many years ago, i met martin luther king jr. when i was 18 years old, i heard of him when i was 15 years old. he told me of the way of peace and love and he said in effect hate is too heavy of a burden to bare. it is better to loathe so all of you working together, we can turn our nation around and create a beloved community where no one is left out or left behind because of their color of
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their skin and it does not matter whether we are black or white, latino, asian american or native american or whether we are straight or gay, we are one people and we are one family, we all live in the same house. we must look out for each other. [ cheers ] >> maybe our four fathers all came to this great land in different ships, but we are all in the same boat right now. [ cheers ] so we got to work together and pull together and let me tell you a little secret, you know, this is the election year. [ laughter ] we go to go out and vote. yes, we got to vote like we never voted before. [ cheers ] >> the vote is precious and it is almost sacred and the most powerful and non violen
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violent -- we'll use it in this society. no one but no one can afford to stay home on election day. we got to get out there and do it and turn our country around and build a community of love and hope. we can do it. thank you very much. [ cheers ] ♪ we shall over come ♪ ♪ ♪ we shall over cumbersome dome♪ we believe in my heart, i do believe ♪ ♪ ♪ we shall over cumbersome d day ♪ ♪ ♪ we'll live in peace, we will
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♪ ♪ we shall live some day, some day ♪ ♪ [ cheers ] >> thank you. all right, congressman john lewis, taking us to church on a thursday afternoon, he has been described by both members of both parties as the conscious of congress. congressman john lewis there for georgia, vowing to take up the fight comes july 5th to reform gun laws in this country. your chief correspondence, luke russert. before we get to both of you. lets listen into congress jim, the assistant leader, speaking right now at the foot of the capitol.
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>> faith leaders to have bible studies and not any kind of anxieties. that'll allow people to be respected of their orientation to enjoy themselves and celebration for not having to worry whether or not if someone is in the building. that's what this is all about, having common sense gun laws and this hate and restore of your great country. it is all great. >> thank you. [ cheers ] >> all right, the congressman there aleuting to the mass skac
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in orlando and of the constituents and mother emanuel church of a year today this past friday promising to push for new gun laws when congress reconvenes. luke russert, lets pick it up right there. you have your fingers on the polls of the house. any chance of that happening? >> reporter: um -- probably not. i think that where we are now in this debate is really where both bases are trying to fire up their national constituency. that if you are by chance on this terrorist watch that you
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are unfairly targeted by the government. democrats on the other hand is saying look, that is mass shooting epidemic and this does not happen anywhere else. we need to do something. enough is enough. and, i think where to look, craig, is in the senate later this afternoon susan colins, the republican for maine had been working on a bipartisan bill regarding no fly and no bide, looking it will get some sort of a procedural vote. that may be a good perhaps, a barometer to see what the appetite is. with all that being said and fec even if that compromise bill of senators were to get through. the house of representatives is a different game and a much more conservative body and the rules
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processing to get anything on the floor is difficult. it has to go through committee and has the blessing of the leadership and mcconnell, he has about 54 republican senators and ryan got 247 republicans and a lot of them are absolutely never going to budge on anything the nra opposes. what the end game is here in terms of a real legislation is the status quo of more like like than not. >> one more question for you. we are from time to time akous t accustom to see filibuster and a senator taking the podium and refuse to sit down and to make a point. this is a highly unusual scene in the lower chamber. this is not something we have seen in the house of representatives for sometime again. these are the images of democratic leadership just a
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short time ago emerging from nearly 26 hours sit in there in congress and talk to me about the rules that allowed this to happen. >> yes, lets take a step back, you and luke are talking about li laws and this is a fight that where this should be. laws come from activism and the spirit of social change. what we saw here when democrats and republicans are critiqued was in an attempt by this democratic floor sitting to use the tools of activism of sit ins associated with civil rights protesters in the '60s or occupied wall street more recently to change the fundamentally change the way the house is functioned. now, here we are we are seeing results, we are now in a position to assess this a little bit. i will tell you one of the goals of this was no bill and no
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break. it was official lyanly an attem shut down the house when there is legislation left and as luke well know, they want to have votes on and including the zika funding. the later break for later this week would be blocked. that part failed because the house is in recess and they did go out on that. the question is, briefly on july 5th when they come back will the senate will continue or not. >> lets listen to the senate one more time. >> i think we sent a strong message to our colleagues in the congress but to the american people and around world that we are sick and tired of violence. seeing children and our babies and our fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers and others young people that going into a club to dance and have some fun murdered.
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we have to do something about this e this. >> we'll continue to insist to the m demand actions around america. we are not giving up and giving in, we'll continue to work. thank you. congressman -- what comes next now? >> congressman john lewis, one of his long time aids there escorting him back to his office on the lower floor there. all right, picking up where we left off if you can, sir. >> we just heard representative lewis, he just got the key question and did not answer specifically and there is time to answer it. where this goes is was this a one day sort of explosive unusual moment or 25 hours of moments that ends and goes back to regular order or is there some greater efforts by democrats to elevate the gun issues to say this is a moral and ethical issue above and beyond the normal way of
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politics work in the house and they demand something different. if they come back on july 5th and having more of what we are seeing. this could be a very important or at least interesting part of this debate of where congress goes and if it does boils down to 25 hours and no other follower and we'll return a normal order, paul ryan and others would be able to argue that this was a day and nothing more. >> all right, a big thanks to you both covering congress for us and we should note here while lawmakers are up for 26 hours and so is luke russert of a two and a half hours nap there, a big thank you to you. we would louve to hear your thoughts will the house democratic sit in impact the future of gun control legislation, the pulse is live and you can get in on the
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jen stops working, but her aleve doesn't. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. what will you do with your aleve hours? lets get to the breaking news on the supreme court on immigration court today of deadlocking 4-4 of the obama administration plan to shielded millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. the lower court's ruling blocked the president's program. moments ago, president obama responded. >> as disappointing as it was to be challenged for taken the kind of actions that other administrations were taking. the country were looking to the supreme court to resolve the important questions raised in this case. today, the supreme court was unable to reach a decision. this is part of the consequence
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of the republican failure so far to get a fair hearing to mr. garland. >> the president wrapped up those comments a short time ago. ron allen, at times he sounded frustrated and downright sad. he placed a fair amount of blames squarely on the shoulders of republicans and congress and those who do not give mayor garland vote. >> he's essentially saying this is an issue that'll be fought another day. he framed it as the course and the in ability to make the decision, it was a 4-4 tie. yes, it is a legal matter, it stops the president from implementing this executive authorities and would have given millions of people here i
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illegally. this is something he really wanted to accomplish of his time in office. it means solving this problem of what do you do with people who are in this country illegally. the president has said from the beginning, he wants to create a situation where many of them are on a pathway of citizenships. many of these people are the parents of american citizen children. they are also young people who came here through no fault of their own and have been in this country many years attending schools and jobs and so on and so forth. what this means also is during the president's time in office remaining for several months now, this is not going to get done. and of course, this is an issue of the supreme court, we know that's nominee of the supreme court and judge garland and there is been no meetings held and hearings scheduled for him because of republicans decided
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they'll block this nomination because of their concerns of k court shifting this in a direction that they don't like. clearly, the president is saying this means that the court is not functioning. this is the way it all works out. the bottom line is that on immigration reforms and also at the president's nominee of the supreme court, nothing's happening and it appears that nothing is happening until the election of november. >> thank you, turn now to victor victoria, nbc's contributor. how big of a blow is from the high court and how big of a effort of reform in this country? >> it is a huge blow, we know from the beginning president obama of his pledge to the
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latino community that he was going to accomplish immigration reform. that became impossible, but you know what i am going to do something, i am going to figure out a bridge when we can do comprehension reform. his executive order were that bridge and today nothing is going to happen and millions of latinos in this country are going to remain an illegal limbo. during his conference president obama said this is heartbreaking and that's what latinos are facing across the country. in texas, my home state, we noted of 40% of undocumented persons who have children who are immigrants. now, we have about 40% of these individuals in texas who again have no recourse. the silver lining, of course, is this going to be a mobilizing factor come 2016 for the polls.
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>> any indication so far whether that's going to be the case? >> it is. what we have been seeing is the frustration of the lack of movement on immigration coupled with the rhetoric and the negative rhetoric that donald trump has been putting forward is moving latinos which is a young community, latino youths and older latinos to say what, we need to register and we need to vote, we have also have been seeing a movement, craig to get folks to apply for citizenships. we cannot just have a community that has a green card status or legal status and is here. we need to take it to the next level and we need to harness of the power of latino vote. latinos organizations are hoping to do that. >> victoria francesca, always good to see you, thank you.
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lets turn to arizona's third congressional district governor. it will be impacted by today's decision and we use decision for a lack perhaps of a better term. congressman, let me get your general reaction of the high courts today and any chance that congress gets to an immigration bill in the near future. >> i think my reaction to the decision by the court is as the president said it is hard breaking and saddening and freig frustrated and this has been a long wait and it executively freezes his executive order and affected many people and in arizona a significant number of families to be unified are in
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jeopardy of that unification and of a positive court decision would be a relief. this reform and this house of representatives, no, in fact the rhetoric is getting tuned up for this election and again, immigration and immigrants are going -- there is going to be an attempt for republicans to make the issue, trump is already doing that. for and i think the president is accurate. november will be a very important month of what happens to the reform both of the executive level. >> do you think whether who's president of who we get in the oval office that this is an issue should be resolved. we have been talking about this for a long time. >> well, you know if trump god
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forbid were to be the president then you want truancy as you would see the supreme court justice would not support the kind of immigration reform that the president was doing with executive orders and continue to uphold challenges coming from arizona and particularly from texas. you would see an effort to continue to divide and isolate and continue a policy on immigration as pose to one that tries to solve the problem. i don't see that, i don't see trump's presidency of any way promoted and any semblance on this immigration reform at all. >> as you know there is been more deep deportation under the obama white house than any administration prior. how does that play in that community? i mean -- what do folks make of
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the fact that here is a president who has said comprehensive immigration reform is a top legislative priority but on the other hand also been on watch while so many have been deported. >> the huge number of deportations and the huge number of detentions and prisons across this country are apart of a legacy of this administration. schizophrenia behavior on one hand attempting to get comprehensive reform which is right and attempting to get executive order which are correct and having this high level of deportation sending a message to the community. i think to some extent drove that. this election from the latino community and all of us getting to vote and those of us who are citizens should vote. i think we understand this election is a first labor uniin defense for our family and community as to who we elect to
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represent us and number two to elect a number of people with the willingness to try to cumbersocom come to some con sense sus. without having a full court and the nominee being or at least having a hering we continue this gridlock. the silver line is there was no decision. the next president will get to appoint, if we don't have comprehensive reform, that executive order will have to be tested. congressman if you can standby for me. i want to pivot and talk about go gun control legislation in a moment. this is senator susan colins calling for a vote, that sit in just wrapped up a few moments ago. lets listen in, i want to talk to you about it on the other
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side. >> it is bipartisan mr. president. surely on an issue of this importance, we should be able to come together and work for common sense solutions. this bipartisan amendment is cosponsored by senator camp, kane, king, kirk, nelson, mansion and baldwin. i want to sincerely thank each of our cosponsors of their support in crafting what a common sense proposal. our amendment has three basic provisions. first, it would block the
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purchase of firearms by individuals who are on the no fly list and on the board of the selected list. mr. president the premise of our amendment is that if you had been designated as too dangerous to fly on an airplane or you had been designated as someone who needs extensive secondary screening, extra screening before you're allowed to board a plane, you should not be able to buy a gun. second, our amendment would provide an immediate alert the fbi and to local law enforcement if an individual who has been on the government east's terroristh
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list at any time during the past five years purchases a firemen ar firemen -- a firearm. the orlando incident, the gunman was on the selected list for approximately ten months, but then he was off the list when he purchased the two guns used to kill 50 people and injured many more. if our amendment were an aenactd the fbi would have been notified when he purchased the firearms in the weeks leading up to the shooing then the fbi would be notified a second time that the former terrorist suspect who had watched videos was seeking to purchase additional firearm in a
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short peeriod of time. that would have cause the fbi to reopen the investigation of omar mateen. perhaps, mr. president, if our proposal had been in effect, perhaps bad massacres would have been prevented. third, our amendment proves robust due process procedures to protect the second amendment rights of law-abiding americans. any american denied a purchase under this amendment would have the opportunity to have their case heard before a federal district judge. the government would have the burden burden of proof in order to deny the sale and present its case within a short preeeriod of tim. >> there you have susan colins
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from maine on the floor in the senate making the case for amendment to a bill. this started as a standing long legislation. now, she's trying to take this amendment onto another bill among other things block people from a no fly list, no buy bill. also, she says alert the fbi of anyone who's on that list try to buy a gun, she condemns that o provision might have prevented the massacre in orlando. if they are on the list properly that they maybe denied the right to buy a gun and that would violate to process as senator colins there saying anyone
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denied a sale of the opportunity to appear before a federal district judge. congressman, i gather that you heard all of that from senator colins what is the chance and first of all, lets see if it does pass the house, is this the kind so-called common sense approach that could pass in the lower chamber? >> i yeah, i wish them luck. it would be interesting to see if speaker ryan take a bill or an amendment coming from the senate and allow the house as if we were demanding last night of a vote on a piece of legislation. this is common sense and quite honest lily low hanging fruit w it comes to gun safety and
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dealing with gun aconvenienviols the station. we are not dealing magazine size, we are not dealing waiting periods or background checks. we are dealing with this particular issue which is common sense, bipartisan and i would hope that ryan allows a vote if the senate passes it. but, like from his comments at the press conference today and from the actions last night, that's in doubt. congressman, on the right side of your screen there and on the left side of your screen was senator ted cane speaking. senator cane reportedly on the short list, he could one day become the vice president. lets update today's pulse question, will the house
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democr democrat sit in -- 85% saying yes, the pulse is still live, you can make your opinion known and casting your vote at we'll take a quick break. squuuuack, let's feed him let's feto the sharks!sharks! yay! and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too.
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no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad! if you're a parrot, you repeat things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. squuuuack, it's what you do. some neighbors are energy saving superstars. how do you become a superstar? with pg&e's free online home energy checkup. in just under 5 minutes you can see how you use energy and get quick and easy tips on how to keep your monthly bill down and your energy savings up.
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those people in the nightclub would have been protected. so i'm for protecting the constitution, but some breaking news to pass along to you right now. again, this is a live look here, upper chamber. we are getting word that the senate has decided to vote on two gun control bills today. the first bill is the collins bill that we were just talking about a few moments ago. the so-called no fly, no buy bill. the second bill is an alternative to that bill, one that is designed to be, in the words of politico, more palatable to republicans. that's some legislation that is being spearheaded by senator ron
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johnson of wisconsin. word now that the senate is going to take up two gun control bills today. we'll keep you posted on that. keeping a close eye on capitol hill. also keeping a close eye on what's happening roughly an hour north. that's baltimore, maryland. that is the officer, officer ceasar goodson who was acquitted today by a judge. he was the van driver acquitted of all charges including the top count. goodson one of six police officers charged after gray suffered a broken neck on the way to the police station in april of 2015. freddie gray later died. msnbc's live from baltimore. what's been the reaction to the verdict on the ground there, sir? >> reporter: i'll tell you what, craig, while many people weren't necessarily surprised that officer ceasar goodson was
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acquitted on ail charges, it was certainly a gut punch. the judge basically told the state they have not met the burden of proof to uphold any of the charges against officer goodson. the state told the entire world that freddie gray died as a result of a rough ride, now prove it. there are few things at the heart of the case that the state needed to prove. that when freddie gray was unseat belted but handcuffed, that he was intentionally taken for a ride to harm him. officer goodson who was driving the van would have known that freddie gray was in need of serious medical help. observers would say as this was the trial of all trials in this case. he faced the most serious of the charges. that now he's been acquitted, it may throw in jeopardy the trials of the remaining officers charged in this case. outside of the courtroom, there weren't hundreds of protestors.
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there were a few dozen. there was some chanting, some folks holding signs. i talked to one woman in particular whose brother died while in police custody. she said when it comes to black folks in this city and their engagement in the criminal justice system, it's like being in a bad relationship. at first there's a honeymoon period and then you get hit. i spoke to cornell brooks, the head of the national naacp. he said while the state had not met the legal burden, there is still procedural issues here. there are still rules within the police department that may need to change. he saz that freddie gray was essentially arrested after he ran from police. that he entered that van alive, but ended up dead shortly after. this still is a punch in the gut. this is the third trial and the third time that the state has
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failed to win a prosecution. >> spent so much time over the past few years there, baltimore, maryland. thank you. a quick note here, the fraternal order of police in baltimore, they are scheduled to speak shortly. we are monitoring that. we're going to take a quick break, though. this is msnbc. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? our new cocktail bitters were doing well, but after one tradeshow, we took off. all i could think about was our deadlines racing towards us.
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i accept i do a shorter set i acthese days.t 22 i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't play anything less than my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'm going for it. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both... that's what i wanted to hear. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical
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or dental procedures. i accept i don't play quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. some news out of florida this afternoon. those disney resort beaches, they have reopened following that tragic accident at the grand floridian. 2-year-old lane graves was killed in an alligator attack nine days ago. those beach areas now include signage and temporary barriers as well. we're told that cast members will be helping to staff the beaches to help guests. disney announcing that those beaches have since reopened nine days after the alligator attack.
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that is it for me this hour. my colleague, thomas roberts, more breaking news coverage right now. >> good to have you with me. it's a very busy news day. among the breaking news stories that we're following for you, two decisions today from the supreme court, one of them blocking the president's immigration plan, and the president calling the tie unfortunate and frustrating. we're going to get the latest from the white house and the high court. a judge acquitting the officer accused of giving a rough ride to freddie gray on all charges. we'll take you to baltimore where the national guard is on alert after that verdict. we do want to begin with the breaking news from capitol hill. after nearly 26 hours, the sit-in on the house floor is over. just a short time ago, the group of democrats who camped out on the floor of the house, they left the chamber and marched outside led by nancy pelosi alongside civil rights icon congressman john lewis who
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helped stage the sit-in. they went onto thank supporters gathered there on capitol hill. >> we've come back here on july the 5th. we're going to continue to push, to pull, to stand up, and if necessary to sit down. [ cheers and applause ] >> so that's making headlines and getting national attention after legislators used twitter, facebook, and other social media to drum up support for their protest. demanding a vote on failed gun control measures of the senate. speaker of the house paul ryan forced an unrelated vote and adjourned the session. ryan calling the sit-in a stunt that circumvents decorum and process. >> they are not trying to get this done through regular order. instead, they're staging protests. they're trying to get on tv. they are sending
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