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tv   Dateline On Assignment  MSNBC  June 25, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card. tonight we're going on assignment. >> i don't know why they didn't give my show to a woman. >> did they ask about who should replace you? >> no, they were just happy i was going. >> tom brokaw with an nbc news exclusive. >> america wants to know what's living in that beard? is it nesting something? >> david letterman. it's his first tv interview since he left late night. >> i couldn't care less about late night television. >> and he has plenty to say. >> donald trump, hilary, bernie
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sanders. >> the great thing about america is anybody can grow up to be president. oh, i guess that might be true. he was a pharmaceutical executive that never imagined a drug would lead to his own son's death. >> are you saying they're experiments on kids. >> millions of children are taking psychiatric drugs. is the system failing our kids. >> they would not talk to us on camera. so we come here for a public meeting. let's go inside. what may be the police force of the future. this is one of the toughest neighborhoods of the country. >> the community was at war with the cops. >> tonight, a new model for the nation. >> are you at a staying out of trouble? i don't want you getting hurt. >> the police dlt had to give up
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on the idea that police departments should be warriors. >> you suppress crime. this is a revolution. date line on assignment starts now. welcome to on assignment. the unrest in baltimore, examples of what can happen with police and the people they're sworn to protect are at odds. and we've seen it in communities across this country but a bold new plan in a tough neighborhood is changing that and it may hold the answer for other cities. >> i have been called a social worker with the gun. the liberal cop. she's in lala land but you have to think outside of the box. >> los angeles police sergeant believes she has the answer to the crisis facing many police departments across the country.
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and it starts with two simple words. i'm sorry. >> if we can understand the hatred and the mistrust and apologize for it. then you have your break through and you begin to make real change. the sergeant could not have chosen a more challenging community to put her philosophy to the test once. and this gang ridden los angeles neighborhood can sometimes feel like riding through a war zone. and history is always riding shotgun. and erupted in riots in 1965. what at times felt like a police state. it's residents on the verge. >> i think it was clear from the moment i set foot there 30 years agatha the community was at war with with the cops. >> civil rights lawyer connie
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rice has been battling to force the lapd to change it's ways for years. the predators saw the community as arrest numbers and people they can beat with their batons and shoots with the community and cops that love a kmun. >> she din need to learn to love watts. she spent much of her childhood here. >> needs to throw rocks at the trains. >> she moved away when she was nine before the crack epidemic. before the brutal gang wars and before los angeles was rocked by what happened to rodney king. i remember saying out loud i can't believe this is happening. but at that moment i remember saying to myself i want to join lapd so that i can make a difference in the community because it hurt. >> she joined the lapd in 1995
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and quickly moved up the ranks. her husband phil is an assistant bureau commander and they have six kids between them. in 2007 she was assigned there. >> when i saw what drugs and gangs needed to do to the community i knew we needed to do police work differently. she was working with the lapd to change the way it was policed. >> i said i want 50 cops. i want them trained to learn to trust and to win the trust of the community. these are trust cops. >> the program rice and the lapd created in 2011 was called the community safety partnership or csp. >> we are asking the officers to learn and understand the cultures of the kmuns that they're working in and to use arrests as a last result. >> but that's counter everything
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they were taught about you suppress crime. you arrest people. the stuff that most of us understand about police work. >> it is. >> officers started patrolling watts on foot and engaged breakfast one-on-one. at first they were met with suspicion. >> they were to tear about the community. >> the officers were required to do something ground breaking to change minds. they're participating in community projects. >> what's up, man. you always looking fresh and clean. >> officer erin thompson escorts kids to and from school and he's also a counselor to boys who are at risk. >> i was one of those kids growing up in atmospheres like this where parents were on drugs. where homeless a couple of times and officers say why do you give them so much love like that. that could have easily been me.
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easily. >> public housing development and he also tutors kids there. he says forming this relationship helped him become a more effective cop. >> i don't need you getting shot man. a fight broke out at a gym. >> what's the tone man. >> this is the type of incident. >> at first he one getting anywhere. >> i can't remember a conversation with you. >> so he sought out older residents the local gang would listen to. >> he's off the hook. they don bring heat on anybody unnecessarily. >> this kind of kmun policing is making a difference and has the statistics to improve it.
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>> just under 50%. vie len crime. murders, rapes, robberies, 50%. >> baltimore, ferguson, do you think you have built up enough in the reservoir that you can prevent that sort of thing from happening here? >> i'd like to say yes. i also know that if we don't keep working at it, it could happen. >> police departments have to give up on this idea that police officers should be warriors and they're going to have to adopt a new idea that we juan police officers that are guardians. >> brian stevenson is a civil rights attorney and best selling author that writes about issues of justice. he's also a member of a presidential task force on 21st century policing. he says cops can't do it alone. >> people in the community have to take responsibility for pushing the police to be more responsive. but for also engaging other members in the community that legitimately don't think the police will ever change.
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>> we have to forgive first. >> and that is exactly what is happening in watts. members of the gang task force and other community leaders, some of them former gang members thelss now collaborate with police. >> a lot of kids were getting killed and a lot were ending up on drugs and that's what started changing my views about things. >> another thing is that the police started changing. >> once they started seeing the work that we were doing in the community then it started bridging. >> they started seeing you as a resource. >> we were an asset and not a liability and we demanded one thing. respect. we can hold people in our kmun accountable. but y'all have to hold yourself accountable. >> but no matter howell the community and police work together watts can still be a dangerous place. while we were there gang attacks at two housing twop ms rocked the area. >> it created a huge sense of
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fear and anxiety. >> to quite things down the lapd brought in police units from outside watts. they confronted and free conventionally arrested gang members. csp officer erin thompson new that the unfamiliar cops would be more aggressive so he prepared the people on his beat. >> i wanted to warn y'all that the hanging out and all of that stuff, but when officers come through and they see that they are going to jump out on y'all. >> that's a bold thing when you think about it. police officers telling the police there's more police coming. >> that's part of our transparency. we now told me that we care and we care by bringing additional resources to stop the crime. >> but that additional police presence can cause conflicts. >> how do you expect to get respect when you're not respecting us. >> the community became inf infuriated when police arrested three people coming home from a
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barbecue. they accused them of harassment and wrongful imprisonment and at a meeting several years later the community let her have it. >> so you put everyone in that neighborhood under the same umbrella. if they're a man and they're black, they're a criminal. >> as they were speak as good there something inside of you that said we're unraveling our good work here. >> this relationship we're trying to build is so fragile. >> we are trying to work with this community without dealing is everybody is a thug, everybody is a gangster. i don't want to broad brush the community and i don't think it's fair for the police to get broad brushed as well when we're working so hard to change the perception of law enforcement in this community. >> i know you. i give you a thumbs up. but there's some officers i don't like because they don't like me. >> it's not perfect a lot of times. there's still conflict but at
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the same time there is something inside of me saying this is amazing. nobody got up and walked out of the room. we all listened. we had created a platform. >> that special partnership is garnering national attention. in 2015 she and her husband phil were invited to president obama's state of the union address by the first lady and the president's task force cited csp as a model. >> if we make progress and one of the place where is the uprising and the violence have been for decades then no one has an excuse for resisting these strategies anywhere in this country and that's a very hopeful thing. >> we're proud of this program and excited and we want to see it grow. ♪ >> in a place that has seen so many candle light vigils, the community now gathers in prayer to commemorate young lives saved not lost. >> we have to get back to just
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loving one another. >> ten years ago, this scene would have been unimaginable and when amada takes the mike she has a word for it. >> this is a revolution. >> that's it. >> and this is the momentum that we need to make this community safe. >> you can start on a street corner giving a smile and immersing yourself in that community. and if you can get a community to forgive, forgive is powerful. >> they start to see beyond the uniform. they start to see you. >> they start to see you. >> coming up. >> you are a pharma guy and your own son dies of -- >> side effects. how could this have happened. >> a father's loss becomes a father's fight. >> the children's mental health industry -- >> it's broken. >> a lesson for every parent. hi, i'm matt mccoy.
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from our home office, the i was to of david letterman. >> when you and i were trying to get on television nobody got in nowadays but everybody in here has their own show. >> tonight he sits down for his first tv interview since leaving late night. >> do you miss every night? >> no. i couldn't care less about late night television. >> what's on his top ten list now. >> television doesn't to this sport justice. >> he's all reved up. that's coming up later. ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago...
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our next story is a cautionary tale of how the mental health industry serves our kids. at the center a dad that found himself doing everything he could to save his struggling son. a dad it turns out who knows a
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lot about that industry. kate snow reports from new jersey. >> this is 10-year-old andrew francesco. racing down the hill near his new jersey home on a snowboard he got for christmas. his dad steven cheering him on. >> all right. that was good. this is it. >> he wanted to show me the exact spot. >> what do you think of when you look at that. >> i couldn't believe it. that's my son. that's my son. >> it was a rare moment of joy for steven and andrew. most days weren't like that. andrew had been struggling with behavioral problems since preschool. as loving and groofy as he could be. he could also be impulsive, disruptive, sometimes exploding with rage. >> i'm passing this park right here.
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we had a huge fight there once. at times he was impossible. >> andrew spent a lot of time riding in the car with his parents to doctors appointments and pharmacies. >> and would walk in and walk out. >> hoping we had an answer. >> i have a list here. >> how many drugs was andrew on over the next few years? >> the astonishing thing about this list is this is nine years of his life. he has at least a dozen different drugs. >> did you get to a point where you didn't want to make any decisions about medicine. >> anybody that's had children that have mental health problems knows how challenging and demanding it is and overtime you just get worn down. >> when he turned 14 andrew's doctors gave him a new diagnosis. obsessive compulsive disorder and a new drug seroquel for a
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category called a typical antipsychotics. they said it could help manage the anger. >> so it's to treat the symptom not psychosis. because you hear anti-psychotic you would think it's made for someone who has a real psychosis. >> a real psychosis. >> one morning in 2009, a year after andrew started taking seroquel in high doses steven found him in bed struggling to breathe and called 911. >> when everything happened is this the way you went? >> yes. this is the way we went. i was in the back of the ambulance with andrew. you can start to see the hospital. this is the place where andrew was born. >> it's also the place where he died. >> the place where he died. that's why it's so hard. >> andrew had died from an extremely rare side effect of taking anti-psychotics even
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though it was listed on the packaging, steven said he never heard of it before. >> this was an adverse side effect to taking high doses of seroquel. >> as prescribed by a doctor. >> that's right. >> after andrew's death steven was in shock grieving but also feeling guilty. he thought he of all people should have been able to protect his son. >> first of all i want to thank the fda for allowing me to speak at the forum. >> because steven wasn't just a desperate parent. he was also a drug industry insider. >> i have 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry. 21 years mail order company. >> you rubbed shoulders with executives. >> all the time. >> doctors, regulators. >> absolutely. >> you are a pharma guy helping sell pharmaceuticals and helping increase access to pharmaceuticals and your own son
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dies of -- >> side effects. >> it's the ultimate irony. >> it's part of what i agonize over when i thought how could this have happened to me. >> steven started digging and discovered something. his son was one of hundreds of thousands of kids taking drugs that it turns out doctors may not know much about. that anti-psychotic, seroquel was not approved by the fda at that time for kids. only for adults. his doctor had prescribed it off label. >> andrew was, in a sense, a guinea pig. they were testing whether this drug would work on him. >> but the doctors are allowed to do that. >> they go off what the label says and guess that it might help andrew. >> that's correct. and they're hoping. >> steven found that's true for the vast majority of kids taking anti-psychotics. doctors prescribe them off label to treat anything from aggression to adhd to eating
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disorders and yet only limited clinical trials have been done on kids to test whether these drugs work for those conditions. >> about one in every 80 or 85 kids are receiving an antipsychotic sometime during the course of the year. >> columbia university professor is a leader researcher on the prescription of antipsychotics. he says more and more kids are getting them for unapproved uses. >> is it safe? >> well, there are some safety concerns with these medications. many of them result in weight gain. they can increase things like cholesterol and then there's longer term things that are hard to study. so we know less about the effects of these drugs on the developing brain. >> steven says it all ams to a vast off label experiment on kids and he thinks the pharmaceutical industry, his industry, is the one profiting. >> there's a lot of very aggressive marketing of these drugs to the doctors. >> attorney james pepper says he
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has the evidence. he represents a former sales rep for astrazeneca. she says the company pushed her to pitch unapproved uses to the doctors. that is against fda regulations. >> they look at the bottom line. all about sales all the time. >> he shows us a company report listing doctors whose client and other sales reps called on about an extended release seroquel. some of them are child psychiatrists. you're not supposed to pitch drugs off label, right? >> correct. >> but they're sending her to place where is those doctors would have to be prescribing off label. >> that's absolutely correct there was no other way for a doctor that treats children to prescribe it except for to prescribe to a child is an off label usage.
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pepper is representing his client in two whistleblower lawsuits against astrazeneca. they asked the court to dismiss one of the cases. this isn't the first time they have been accused of improperly marketing seroquel. in 2010 the paid half billion dollar fine after a department of justice civil investigation into how it sold seroquel including for use in children. astrazeneca declined to talk to us on camera but never pushed it's sales reps to market seroquel off label. it trains it's employees to meet or exceed industry standards and comply with the law and promote medicines in accordance with fda regulations. steven thinks the fda is part of the problem. >> as far as i'm concerned the fda in terms of regulatory activity is getting weaker and yet there's huge amounts of
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medication canning poured down kids throats. >> less than a year after andrew's death the fda did approve it for use in kids with severe conditions. but doctors continue to subscribe it off label even to children younger than 2. >> we wanted to ask fda officials about the off label prescription of antipsychotics in children and what they're doing to keep kids safe. they would not talk to us on camera so we have come here outside of washington d.c. to a public meeting behind these doors. they're talking about seroquel and it's safety in kids. >> we invited steven to come along and watch too. >> it's strange being here because of what i know about this and how it changed my life. >> a routine safety debut. a scientist presented data about reported side effects to an advisory panel of independent
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doctors. >> one of the kids that died was a 4-year-old. >> some doctors have questions about off label use. >> would it bear labeling to state there's no data to support use of this in attention deficit syndrome? >> in the end they opted to keep monitoring the drug. >> we listened to them talk about data from 2011 to 2012. safety of seroquel in kids. isn't that what they're supposed to be doing? >> they're well intentioned but it isn't enough. >> why not? >> because after all the discussion it's status quo. >> there is no such thing as a drug that's 100% safe whether it's on label or off label. >> he's a former associate committee. and keep kids safe and the
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agency can and does encourage companies to do more trials and can't tell doctors how to practice medicine and stop them from prescribing all off label. >> his son's death is an indication of a much bigger problem. do you agree or is he overgeneralizing? >> well, clearly the system didn't work for him. it failed for his son. so there are many, many millions of people who are are regularly helped through off label use of products. >> kids and nearly everyone we spoke to from the fda to the drug industry to doctors all agree that more data on kids is needed. >> we need far more studies that are looking at effectiveness and safety of these drugs as they're actually being used in the community. >> if you had to describe the children's mental health industry, how would you describe it in a sense? >> i can do it in a word.
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it's broken. it's broken. >> steven hasn't given up on the industry. he is still a consultant but he has recently set up the website where he hopes doctors and parents will share information about off label psychiatric drugs and he has written a book overmedicated and undertreated. >> it's a difficult read. >> it's a difficult subject. >> did you ever imagine that you would end up here? >> no. >> across from the hospital where steven's son was born and then died he had one last thing to show me. the spot where father and son scratched their initials in wet concrete. side by side. a lasting mark from happier times. >> coming up -- >> what's living in that beard?
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>> david letterman on the late night show he left and the family life he loved. >> i'm so in love with my son. he was 12 now. >> candid conversation back home where it all began. >> my mom sold it for $30 million. 30 million. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at see what the power of points can do for your business. fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. the mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums.
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federal help is heading to flood stricken west virginia.
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fema is granting the fwov nor's request for a disaster declaration. rain started falling on tuesday and many are unaccounted for. hundreds of firefighters are battling an explosive wildfire in california. two have been killed by the blaze that spans 30,000 acres. now back to date line on assignment. >> he gave us late night laughs for 33 years. we haven't seen much of david letterman. tonight a rare guest appearance. his first tv interview since his tv retirement last year. here's tom brokaw. >> what i think america wants to know having seen you all those years on television, what's living in that beard? is it nesting something there or -- >> likely.
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we have a guy coming out here later. i always myself when the show goes away i will stop shaving. i have to shave every day until i was 68. roughly every day. and i got so sick and tired of it. if we win the indianapolis 500 i'll shave. >> bearded david letterman was back in his hometown as a team owner to watch the indy 500 on the big day. he returns to indianapolis. but also just a neighborhood kid who made good. modest, unassuming, middle american to the core. >> look at how nice the neighborhood is. this is exactly the way it was when i was a kid. >> we stopped by the house where he grew up. his parents bought it for $8,000. >> $8,000. 2 bedroom house and years later when my mom moved out of there
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she sold it for $30 million. >> he's been paid the big bucks for so long he no longer has any frame of reference. >> folks on the block now couldn't believe he came home and asked about some neighborhood memories. >> you know i heard a story about the people that lived across the street and somebody broke their arm. >> me. >> is that you? >> yeah. >> this one, scars right there. broke my arm, yeah and i broke my leg in that backyard. and later i broke my nose down there playing football in the schoolyard. >> but that wasn't the end of his injuries. at his high school david told us about the class boy. >> and the word got back to me that he is going to get me. i remember the day coming back here and he beat me up. i get beat up for -- >> for no good reason. >> i'm sure there's a good reason tom. you don't get a beating just for the fun of it.
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>> but just for the fun of it in one of his old high school hang outs to look back at his career and look ahead at his life but first absent minded dave forgot his trademark classes. >> i'm going to look like somebody nobody knows. >> is there a lenses crafters near here? >> yes there is and david returned with an overthe counter pair of spectacles. >> i'm very sorry for the delay. it's all my fault. excuse me. >> do you miss every night? >> no. you know, i don't and it's interesting i thought for sure i would. and then the first day of steven's show when he when on air, an energy left me and i felt like that is not my problem anymore and i felt that way ever since. i devoted so much time to the damage of other aspects of my life, concentrated, fixated focussing on that, it's good now
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to not have that. i couldn't care less about late night television. i'm happy for the guys, men and women -- should be more women -- and i don't know why they didn't give my show to a woman. that would have been fine. >> did they ask you about who should replace you? >> no, they didn't ask me about anything. they were just happy i was going. >> so now david's favorite role is dad. >> i'm so in love with my son who is 12 now. i think he's here. is harry here? there he is right over there. >> actually harry wasn't there. david keeps him out of the spotlight. >> i'm sure you didn't regret that you didn't have him earlier. >> no but it could have happened much, much earlier. but no i was tv boy and i didn't and i'm happy to have harry. i wish harry had a brother or a sister, you know? one or two but thank god because look at me. we just got in under the wire.
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and i mean we were barely let in. >> he might have some regrets about starting a family so late in life but he was married to his career. he did more than 6,000 shows in 33 years in late night. >> i'll be honest with you, it's beginning to look like i'm not going to get the tonight show. >> you ordered something -- a couple of tacos or something, chicken something and a burrito supreme with no meat; is that correct? >> she's gone already, chief. >> i am supposed to have braces when i was a kid but i didn't. my parents used the money for a wet bar downstairs.
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>> growing up he wanted to be like his idol, johnny carson. >> here's johnny. >> carson was another midwesterner. nebraska. who started small. so did dave. it opportunity get much smaller than a college radio station. >> when you were doing that i know you wanted to be on a big radio show but were you also saying maybe i can carry this all the way to loss angels he is or new york? >> no, all of that happened by accident. i'm not a man of vision but i am now thanks to these new glasses. when you and i were trying to get on television and nobody did and everybody in here has their own show for god's sake. >> on his first day reading the headlines his dad was watching. >> in the story somebody was being honored and i got a call from my dad and he said, you
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know that's postumously and i said what did i say? first time-out. i had never seen the word. i went to ball state. >> well i introduced somebody one time on a pa system at the university of south dakota as the athletic director ameritis. >> the next day he said brokaw i've had arthritis and a little gout but never ameritis. >> well now i don't feel so bad. >> dave learned more than pronunciation. he did all of his quirky style and at age 27 headed to los angeles. >> for now this is dave letterman wishing you a pleasant good night. >> why california?
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>> california is where johnny carson was and i knew from watching the tonight show that there was a place called the comedy store where anybody could get up on stage and try to make people laugh. you work in the comedy show from the comedy store you get to be on the tonight show. >> dave's routines caught the attention of carson's scouts and after two years -- >> david letterman. david. >> the kind of thing i'll always remember as long as i live growing up in indiana is when dad used to tease me with the power tools. how many of you -- >> i was terrified by the guy. people would say to me what was that hike sitting next to johnny carson and i would say it would be like getting on a city bus and you look over and holy crap it's abraham lincoln. i've seen this guy on the $5 bill all my -- why are you riding -- it was like that. and i never got out from under
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it. >> even after knowing carson for more than 30 years. dave was still intimidated. >> the last time i saw him, he and his wife had a boat and they ended up the hudson on the west side and they said would you like to come and have dinner on the boat with us. well the truth of it is, i didn't. i was just terrified. >> but he said yes. it was a beautiful evening sailing around manhattan. >> johnny had a little bit too much wine and he had a little edge to him and here we are in the middle of the hudson and i'm thinking oh he's going to turn on me and so what i did i started talking to him about jack benny. >> his hero. >> everything settled down. >> he was more complicated than
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people realize. he was not the guy next door in some ways. >> demons. >> who among us doesn't have some. >> when johnny died in 2005 we found out that he wrote jokes for dave like this one. >> there's two man made things that were visible. and they were from 50 miles up. one is the great wall of china and the other donald trump's hair. >> that was 11 years ago. what does dave think of donald trump today. coming up. >> that's part of the way we set it up. good luck. >> you both have a perfect driving record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no. your insurance rates go through the roof... your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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♪ back at his old high school david letterman told us he doesn't miss late-night television. but when asked about this year's
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chaotic campaign, he zeroed in on donald trump. >> i understand that he's repugnant to people. i understand that he says things that are insulting and hurtful and revialing. i understand all of that. i don't know whether he's serious. i don't know what his problem is. i don't know if there's pathology there. i don't know any of that. but you tell me the men putting together the constitution, witnessing this election, wouldn't they have just said, well, it's part of the way we set it up, good luck. >> you're absolutely right. he didn't cheat. >> right. there's nothing illegal going on. it's just he's despicable. in this very school and everybody's school you hear -- the great thing about america is anybody can grow up to be president. oh, geez, i guess that might be true. >> he's now spending a lot of time on projects that represent his other interests. for two weeks he was in india doing an upcoming documentary for the national geographic channel. and he appeared at the 75th
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anniversary of one of his favorite charities, the uso. >> and i said who do you think i am? and he said, walt whitman? >> and he wants to get involved in even more causes. >> i always told my friends i would like to go to somalia and unload sacks of rice out of the back end of a c-130. i don't want it to be the david letterman this. i'm not going to have a big fund-raiser where people are oh, you get to play miniature golf with regis. we're not going to do that. >> but he's also got time to indulge himself a bit. he was consumed by a certain race. >> i've said if we don't win the 100th running i have plans, very detailed plans to fake my own death. and you'll never see me again. you might get a mysterious e-mail from me. but you won't know anything more. >> it was the 100th running of the indianapolis 500.
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the biggest single sporting event on the planet. more than 350,000 people in attendance. and there he was. ♪ back home again in indiana not just as a spectator but as a racing team owner. just a few miles from where he grew up. >> i'll tell you, and i don't know what it says about my upbringing. i never thought i'd actually get to come to the race itself. we were always of the impression no, we're not going to the race because it's too expensive. >> the admission then was just a few dollars. now he's worth hundreds of millions. for the son of indianapolis, the big race is life itself. his team driver is graeme rahal, the son of indy legend bobby rahal. car owner letterman was on edge as rahal started in the 26th
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position and watched nervously high in the stands with his wife regina. but in the end the winner was alexander rossi. dave didn't follow through on his threat to disappear because his team didn't win. but that means the face fuzz will stay. >> nobody in my family likes it. my son says it's creepy. and i can't dispute that. i say i know, i know, harry, it is creepy. but it's also dad. and you're stucky with creepy old dad. >> coming up -- from this proud dad to these. >> i really appreciate you as a father. >> they're getting ready for father's day. >> i'm going to get my dad a coffee. and wine. >> at the kids' table. ck on the. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them.
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happy father's day. >> father's day is sunday. but you know what it's like when you're a kid. sometimes you just can't wait. so tonight an early shout out to dads at the kids' table. >> this is a portrait of my dad. and his eyes are green like mine. >> this is daddy swinging on monkey bars. >> this is me saying i love you, dad. >> he rides his car to work. then he gets on the train. >> sometimes he talks on the phone. >> when he's done with work, he goes back in his car and drives home. >> he just like sits there at
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work and just does stuff on his computer. it's really boring. >> he gets back in his car and then he drives home. >> we mean -- you mean, right, what your dad does when he's at work. >> he goes to lunch. and that's all he does. >> i would tell my dad how thankful i am for him. >> i'm going to get my dad a coffee. and wine. >> i love you, daddy. >> i love my dad. to the -- pluto and back. >> i love when he hugs me and gives me kisses when he comes home from work. >> thank you for playing with me. i really appreciate you as a father. >> thank you for taking care of me, being a parent, and letting me stay up late. >> i hope that you live as long
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as i do because i love you so much, i wish you would never go away. >> i'm going to stay to my dad happy coffee day, happy wine day. >> happy father's day. >> that's all for now. i'm lester holt. thanks for joining us. it's a force so deadly, it can kill with a touch. >> i can't believe i'm still alive. >> back up! back up! >> so powerful, it drops suspects on the spot. whether it's a bolt out of the blue -- >> you feel the current travel through your body. >> -- an electrifying fall or a dangerous climb. >> i wanted them down right then. >> what you're about to see is sure to be shocking. >> it's definitely something i'll never forget. >> don't do that!


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