tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 26, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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terol, and urinary tract infections which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for more information, visit i'm alex witt here in new york at msnbc world headquarters. it is high noon in the east. here is what's happening. we begin with politics. two new polls just out. a new nbc "wall street journal" post shows hillary clinton with a five-point lead over trump. his slight lead over clinton last month has plunged. clinton now leads that poll by 12 points. both polls were conducted after the orlando shooting but before
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the u.k. brexit vote. also new today, an ad by the clinton camp using footage from trump's visit to his golf resort in scotland this weekend and comments about the brexit vote. >> every president is tested by world events, but donald trump thinks about how his golf resort can profit from them. >> when the pound goes down, more people are coming to turnbury. >> in a volatile world, the last thing we need is a volatile president. >> the issues of brexit, this kind of phony ad doesn't address those things. and hillary clinton is ignoring the reality because she's part of the establishment. she can't get away from the fact that she is part of the problem that's being rejected. >> and trump himselves a respfa responded to the ad this morning. he treated crooked hillary
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clinton. meanwhile george wills explain whi ing why he has left the republican party. >> after trump went after the mexican judge from northern indiana, then paul ryan endorsed him. and i decided that in fact this is not my party anymore. i changed my registration to unaffiliated 23 days ago. as ronald reagan said when he changed his registration, i did not leave the democratic party, the democratic party left me. >> senator elizabeth warren will travel to ohio with hillary clinton tomorrow, this as a new "washington post" article says democrats see danger signs in states where clinton has not fully engaged. the proclinton super pac is targeting that with a $10.5 million tv ad in pennsylvania.
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hallie, it is not just that ad. the clinton super pac has spent more than $100 million. phenomenal money here on ads in the battleground states. >> the company is essentially saying we have some time to catch up. the convention is in three weeks. they don't have much time and the window is closing. but what you have seen is donald trump pointing to the money spent against him on ads in the primary for example. did nothing. donald trump still ended up victorious in the primaries. that's his argument. he said to me, i get tv time. that's what he believes he needs. there's still a question of what the money is used for. it's not just tv. money gets pumped into battleground states. that is where trump needs to be successful. because that can translate to maybe a couple of point bump in polling in the general election.
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paul manafort was on meet the press. this is the top aide to trump. he teased ahead to what we could see. >> our campaign frankly is getting organized. it's all in words, i guess, but we are fully now integrated with the republican national committee. this week we'll be making some major announcements of people taking over in major positions in our national campaign. >> the campaign has talked about bulking up staff for weeks now, because i think the campaign understands they need to get people in these key positions to be able to compete in battleground states to be able to bolster its communications staff as well, which has been over loaded. now, if they are integrating with the rnc, that obviously is something that the campaign wants to see. but we have some new reporting that they have an eye on cleveland and the possibility for some kind of a coup or some kind of action to be happening. the campaign has put into place
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a team of about 150 volunteers and staffers, basically whip groups in order to lean on these delegates and say hey, listen, support donald trump's platform and we'll sort of keep everything smooth sailing in cleveland. >> in terms of perspective, how f far behind is donald trump right now? >> i think the answer is far behind. that's an acknowledgment that you hear each from people within the campaign. i had one source say to me, normally this is a seamless process. with donald trump's team it's been more step by step when it comes to integration with the party and where they'd expect to be at the end of june, beginning of july. you look at where hillary clinton's fund-raising is. i think her cash on and is something like $42 million in the month of may. donald trump's is 1.3 million.
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that is sa significaa significa. her fund-raising campaign has been in place for over a year, much longer than trumps. when you're starting this much later, it becomes that much harder to get where she is come august. >> he can write a check. >> he can write a check and he says he will. the question is what's the number on that check going to be? he's spent about 45 million if you look at the primaries that was loaned to his campaign. he has said and he said within this last week he will self-fund in the general election too. that is incredibly expensive. there are questions of whether he is liquid enough to do that. let's bring in tennessee congresswoman marsha blackburn.
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donald trump has slipped to five points behind hillary clinton. now her campaign is playing this aggressive ad blitz in several states. >> every president is tested by world events, but donald trump thinks about how his golf resort can profit from them. >> when the pound goes down, more people are coming to turnbury. >> in a volatile world, the last thing we need is a volatile president. >> how far do you think ad wills go to defining trump in key states? >> if you are looking at what has transpired through the primary process, it's ads like this that doesn't carry much weight at all. i think people say this is politics as usual. this is what candidates do. they try to tear one another down. they see it as the campaign basically of personal destruction of individuals. what they're looking for is people that are going to focus on them, the voter, and people that are going to work to get
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this nation back on track. in mr. trump they see someone who's going to be a game changer, someone who's going to be a change agent for the way the federal government works. that's what they are looking for, national security, jobs, retirement security. >> i'd like to talk to you about trump's reaction to brexit beyond that ad. while in scotland he seemed unaware that scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain in the e.u. do you ever wonder if he has enough command of the issues to be president? >> i think mr. trump is a very bright man and focusing in on these issues is something that you will see him do. paul manafort is going to do a great job leading the campaign and bringing in some people who are going to be a tremendous advisory team to him. the brexit vote, i think the lesson in that is looking at how
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people are fed up with governments that are out of touch, looking at how they are fed up with the way you have the e.u. reaching into their daily lives. it also points up the issue of immigration and why immigration is so important globally, not just in the united states, but globally. it now affects every single community and it ties into the national security issue. make our homes, our communities, our cntri safe and then allow us to go about and do our daily work. as someone told me yesterday when i was out in my district, they said if our communities aren't safe we can't get around to job security, economic security and some of the other issues. >> okay. but here's the problem. he's been officially a candidate for coming up on 13 months now. you just said you expect we will see him do this, he will get a command of the issues. why hasn't he done it yet?
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>> well, you have seen him -- i beg to differ with you there. i think you have seen a growing interest, growing awareness. and the issues that the people are -- and bear in mind, he's not running a campaign, i don't think, that is tailored to meeting the needs, the desires and the expectations of the pundits. his campaign is voting on meeting the expectations of the voters and showing that you're a good decisionmaker. that is what leadership is, alex. it's having the ability to make decisions when you're given the information to make those. we know hillary clinton does not do that. look at what happened with the e-mails. look at what happened with benghazi. look at the mess that we are in globally, the issues with china and the way they're expanding into the south china sea, the issues with russia and the ukraine.
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>> how about if we take the issue of gun control? polling taken after the orlando shootings shows that 92% of voters support expanded background checks. 87% support a ban on felons and people with mental health problems. 85% would ban people on federal watch lists from buying guns. beg given those overwhelming numbers, did the democrats do the right thing to echo the will of a majority of the public? >> go to the fbi website and you'll see that someone that is on a watch list right now, if they go in and try to buy a gun, that is kicked over to the fbi. and you don't have the individuals that are in this country illegally or are noncitizens who can go and buy a gun. that is a law. the issue in orlando is about isis and about terrorism. and that is where the focus should be. also, the issue should be -- and
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i encourage the democrats to work with us on this. you don't know how you get on a terrorist watch list. a no-fly list, 81,000 americans. you don't know how you get on that list. and many of us in congress have had to get constituents off these lists and it takes forever. the late senator kennedy, nelson mandela. the list goes on and on. >> one thing, though, i keep hearing trump supporters saying we have to bow to the will of the public, that millions of people have voted for him. but on this issue, gun control, the will of the public is clearly to step up restrictions. and yet congress seems to be ignoring it. how do you square all that? >> i would differ with you on that. congress is not ignoring that. we are looking at what is happening with terrorism and the terrorist cells that are now in 50 states. we have a mental health bill that is ready to go to the
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floor. dr. tim murphy out of pennsylvania has worked tirelessly on this. the democrats need to work with us to pass that bill. we have congresswoman martha mcsally's bill that would put some mental health information into the system. this is something that needs to move forward. what we want to do is make certain that we address the root causes that some of these issues, the mental health issues, the information share, taking down the barriers that local law enforcement says they have with getting information. >> is there any reason to not address all of the issues? >> we are trying to address all the issues. they were -- the sit-in was a political stunt. they were out raising money on that. you and i have all seen the
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forms they were sending out to people to raise money. their time would have been better spent coming and working with us, saying the root causes of this. let's look at the mental health. let's move that forward. let's look at what is happening with terrorist cells. let's bring in local law enforcement and some of our federal law enforcement and say where are the barriers. let's get rid of political correctness and how it feeds into this. of course we want neighborhoods safe. we're all opposed to gun violence. and there is a way to address this. the way to not address it is what the democrats did this past week where they violate rule 17, clause 5 of the house rules and go in and conduct themselves in that manner on the house floor and then turn around and raise money off of it while the sit-in is going on. >> i think that perhaps the democrats got all fired up because they just had one too
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many mass shootings. >> well, their bills had already been defeated in the senate. they were defeated in a house subcommittee and in the senate. by the way, bipartisan votes defeated that bill in the senate. >> all right. thank you for your time. turning now to the disastrous floods in west virginia, at least 24 people are dead. rescue crews are going door to door and searching for unaccounted residents still. >> reporter: alex, as you mentioned this is one of the worst hit areas. in fact, today is the first day that people in this county can apply for federal funding from fema not only in this county but two others as well. fema and the national guard have landed here and gun assessing damage. if you look over my shoulder you can see what used to be a dairy
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queen. this 24 people have now been reported dead all across the state of west virginia. six of them are from right here. but those survivors who did manage to get out safely, many of them don't have anything left. take a listen. >> everything gone. spent the night up here on third avenue right here, watching everything underwater. we was all stuck up there, even people from out of town. everybody stuck together. there's a state trooper who lives up on the hill up here. he took everything out of his freezer, grilled it up, started feeding everybody. a lot of people did the same thing. everyone looked out for one another and did good. >> reporter: meanwhile, neighbors have set up relief stations to help the residents here have everything that they need to make it through the day. meanwhile, upwards of 15,000
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homes and businesses in this area without power. brexit regret, the petition gaining millions of signatures and now the five other countries considering leaving as well. the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation
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a political revolt underway in britain in the wake of the brexit vote. a referendum asking for a second vote, you see it there. it's gotten more than 3 million signatures. scotland's leader says its parliament might try to block britain from leaving the european union. >> reporter: there is already pressure in other countries for a vote to leave. in denmark and sweden, in three founding members, the
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netherlands france and italy. >> how jarring was this news? >> it was extremely shocking for everyone in brussels. it was hard for them to really believe the idea that a country would vote to leave. every single day, my colleagues and sources would say, oh, the brits will stay, the brits will stay. i was at a party the night before and they seemed really confident they would remain. in the morning when they woke up to a leave vote, everyone was shocked. one person called it a nightmare. >> you mentioned people that you work with or your sources. talk about how many of them work in brussels. a huge number?
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>> there's a decent number. there are 1300 eurocrats that work in the commission. they're also in the translation service as well. english has become one of the more dominant languages spoken in the eu. it used to be french. there are 73 meps those are members of european parliament. they will have to leave after two years with their staff. so there's a substantial amount of people who work in the european institutions that will lose their jobs. you have the people on the council but they're u ee're usu coming from their member state, which is the u.k. i don't thiu.k.. >> in terms of the entire you
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know i don't knunion, how many that division, the entire e.u.? >> between the three institutions it's about 50,000 people. those are actual bureaucrats. that doesn't include people who are contracted to do work. they're civil servants. they take tests just like in the u.s. th they're working in the institutions probably for the rest of their lives, most of them. there are about 50,000 between the european parliament, commission and council. it's a pretty large institutional system here. >> but we noted that -- >> 28 member states involved. >> correct. and at least five other countries may consider losing the e.u.? what does that mean for its survival? >> yes. i mean, euro-skepticism, this is the question. it's sort of similar to the
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growing pain that is the u.s. went through during the time when they were drafting the constitution right after independence from the u.k. federalism or anti-federalism. people are now thinking about should the eu institutions have so much power over each member country. right now they're discussing do we give the power back to the states or do we continue to have pan-european laws that have to be applied which can be difficult to integrate. right now there's a lot of talk about what is the eu actually good at? is it good at security? is it good at border control. clearly with the flood of migrants coming through, that's an issue they really need to work on and eu citizens really care about. they're talking about how to become better at the things that eu citizens care about and where to pull back in the places they think -- brussels doesn't belong in this topic. right now is a time of
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self-reflection, soul searching. if they want to keep the rest of the 27 feeling like they have a purpose, like they have a project and something to believe in. it was a really tough blow to lose the second largest economy in the eu. london is the largest city in the eu. this is a really big loss. 60 million people. some of the member states like lithuania only have 3.5 member people. a million poles live in the u.k. right now. they're going to have to think about can i stay here, do you have to move back. and they have 8% unemployment right now. a lot of people are wondering can poland even absorb that. >> staggering numbers. >> there's a lot of wondering what's next. >> absolutely. people around the world wondering what's next. thank you very much.
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learn more at chairman paul manafort today. >> we have hundreds, thousands of people in the battleground states. we have our campaign plans in place. we have our budgets in place. and we have a candidate who doesn't need to figure out what's going on in order to say what he wants to do. our campaign is organized. we're ready. we're going to have a good convention and we're confident that we are not behind the clinton campaign. they're muscle-bound. we're not. >> let's bring in jeremy peters. let's look at paul manafort and what he said.
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isn't it a little late to be preparing for the general election? >> i think the trump campaign is actually behind the ball on far more than just the general election planning in terms of its ground troops and infrastructure in these swing states. it's actually quite far behind in planning for its convention which is just three weeks out. it begins three weeks from monday. and the trump campaign is staring at the possibility of what could be an incredibly disruptive event where you have delegates who do not like donald trump staging some kind of protest or walk-out. i don't think any of this ultimately denies trump the nomination. but his campaign really needs to tamp down on a lot of this dissent and unrest that we're seeing from delegates who are doing everything from filing lawsuits to running ads saying there needs to be some kind of revolt where they can vote their conscience on the convention floor. >> what about the article that you write today in which you say
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that the trump campaign and the rnc are taking aggressive action to shut down the dump trump delegates? are they concerned about losing the nomination or do they not want the distraction or both? >> i spoke with donald trump at length earlier this week. he did not strike me as somebody who believes that the delegates are going to try to steal the nomination from him. i don't think that is logistically possible at this point, barring some type of unforeseen self-inflicted crisis, trump is going to be the nominee in cleveland. the question is how messy does that process become. what trump told me is that he is really willing to pick a fight. he will not invite ted cruz or john kasich, two of his rivals for the nomination, to speak at the convention unless they endorse him first. that is going to create a great bit of tension i think leading up to cleveland. what you want is you want a unified party.
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you want everybody to look like they're coming together after this very tumultuous personal, nasty primary fight. and that's not happening. >> does he not throuink that mi fuel sentiment against him, blocking them from speaking? >> you invite your rivals into the fold, into the tent and act like all is kumbaya. that's not donald trump's style. in fact we're seeing just the opposite. trump is taking a hard line saying, look, you ever endorse me or you're out. not only that, but the rnc has a shared motive here. both donald trump and the rnc, which let's face it have not exactly been the best of friends over the course of this primary process, realize they need this convention to come off without a hitch. they cannot afford to have a knockdown dragout fight
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broadcast on national television. they are working basically hand in hand to reach out to delegates, to essentially threaten them and say, look, you have no legal grounds to object to donald trump's nomination and try to take it from them on the floor. and that's what i think we're seeing happen now and we'll see that in the remaining three weeks before cleelds. >> what do you make in the latest on the muslim ban saga. he says he will only ban them from terror countries. does that sound like a walk-back to you? >> we're not seeing so much a shift in policy or any kind of 180 in that sense. he's being more careful. when i spoke with him last week, he struck me as more reserved and cautious, as cautious as i have ever seen him over the course of this campaign. so that to me sounded more like a donald trump realizing that he's falling behind in the polls and that he can't continue to shoot his mouth off in
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provocative and outrageous ways if he wants to beat hillary clinton. >> do you think that is ultimately his biggest problem, that people love donald trump, those who do, for his style and his energy and he says what's on his mind. yet when he does that, half the time it gets him into trouble. look what happened at the brexit vote and what happened on that. >> he goes too far sometimes. his staff certainly realizes that. that was a major factor in firing corey lewandoski. he was not the type of campaign manager to say you've gone a little bit too far here. that was not corey's role. in paul manafort you have somebody who is older, more seasoned in national politics, who's been doing this for 40 years, who i think trump really listens to. manafort is a very strategic,
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careful, political strategist. he's keeping donald trump much more in check. >> it would also seem that trump listens acutely who what his kids say. reports are that donald trump junior is the one who fired corey. >> that's right. one thing we do know about trump is his family means everything to him. and this campaign has taken over their family. it's become a family affair. i think probably more than anyone else those children will shape what donald trump does or at least try to. >> well, i will say that family mean everything is a pretty admirable quality. what donald trump's comments in scotland about the brexit vote say about his ability to handle foreign relations. (avo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet.
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i'm alex witt. new today, bernie sanders, who has not yet conceded the democratic nomination has vowed to fight on. kristin welker is in indianapolis with more on that. what is he saying? >> reporter: well, senator sanders saying that there's still more work to do in terms of shaping the democratic platform. what's so striking about this moment is that secretary clinton officially clenched the nomination weeks ago. she's likely going to take aim at donald trump. and yet bernie sanders still fighting. what's he fighting for? he's fighting for things like getting rid of super delegates. he wants to change dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz with on someone else. there's a draft of the platform that includes calling for the minimum wage to be increased to $15 an hour.
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that's a real win for sanders. >> we want some very, very important victories in our effort to try to make it clear to the american people that the democratic party stands with the middle class, stands with working families and is prepared to take on wall street and the big money interests. we're going to take that fight to orlando where the entire committee meets in two weeks. if we don't succeed there, we're certainly going to take it to the floor of the democratic convention. >> reporter: some democrats, some within the clinton campaign, are privately growing very impatient with senator sanders. they want him to officially drop out of the race to endorse secretary clinton. he has said he will vote for her, but that doesn't go as far as an endorsement. the problem is that hampers her ability to unify the party. she's focused on that as well. of course she did get an endorsement from president
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obama, from vice president biden and senator warren. warren is critical to rallying those progressive voters, all of those sanders supporters. about a third of them saying they're still not ready to get behind secretary clinton. as the u.k. grapples today with the fallout from its historic brexit vote, state side many are wondering what the impact will be on the presidential election. >> hillary clinton came out very quickly, obviously said that the voters had spoken. but said that we need to make sure that middle class families savings aren't affected by what happens. in complete contrast, donald trump went out, talked about his golf course, all of the fancy plumbing at his resort and said that he was actually glad the
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british pound was plummeting because it would help his bottom line. >> joining me now howard dean. good to see you both. thank you for joining me. howard, does this brexit vote somehow foreshadow the potential for a trump victory? >> no. i think it underlines the fact that trump has no idea what he's talking about. however, there is a message here. i'm very pro european union and pronationalist. there is a significant portion of the american public that has been left behind by globalization. the business community in particular in this country and political leadership needs to have a system where nobody gets left behind in globalization.
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it's a skills mismatch, it's an education mismatch, it's a social principal mogram mismatc. i do think there's a strong message here that american leadership, particularly in the business community which has been irresponsible in the last 20 years, there's a lesson to be learned here and an important message for everybody in the democratic west. >> susan, what about trump's scotland trip and the comments on the brexit? how would that indicate the way he would handle foreign relations as a president? >> apparently it wouldn't because he didn't think he needed to bring any foreign affairs consultant with him. he thought the decision was the decision and he was there to support his golf course. if trump was president, this is the second time we see him put his private interests ahead of the public interests.
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that's what's very disturbing for a lot of republicans who do want to try and somewhat get behind donald trump. but he makes it very difficult. yes, he gave one good speech. he read off the teleprompter. but he goes to scotland on one of the biggest news days of the wo world and not be able to talk about it and its meaning. really troubled a lot of republicans. >> what about his comments objeon the muslim ban? >> that is actually a very good move. at least he's not going to a complete ban from over a billion muslims around the world. there is some good point to discuss where muslims, which countries muslims are coming in
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from. that being said, the answer to your question is maybe, pause we don't know what he's going to say next. that's what republicans and independents are really looking for, is some form of consistency with donald trump. if he could start to do that, then perhaps he could start expanding his base. >> but for those who support him, don't they love his seeming off the cuff manner and he says whatever comes top of mind? >> he's never going to give in 100%, nor do his spoupporters wt him to. 50% of the people out there do support a muslim ban. he doesn't have to completely make 180 degree turn. he has to show that he's giving some serious thought and now he's taking the rhetoric and making it into policy. >> you bring up the nbc poll. clinton and trump are virtually tied at 39 and 38% respectively.
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they mostly grab votes from clinton. why is that and what can he do to hang onto those votes? >> look, i prefer the other polls that show hillary 12 points ahead. >> she's up by five. this question, if you put the four of them together, jill stein, gary johnson as well. >> what happens at the end of races is people don't want to waste their vote. you're going to see a significant erosion in all of the minor party votes because people don't want to waste their vote. if people are voting libertarian because people think trump is insane, i can guarantee you those people are going to quickly change their votes to hillary clinton. look, i hate to say this because i know everybody loves to talk about polls. but polls are almost meaningless
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right now. the polls that are going to matter are first state by state polls, not national polls. we have a problem because the swing state polls are actually closer than the national polls. so we've got to do some work here. but these polls matter and the polls about three weeks out matter. the polls we're talking about right now really don't mean anything at all. >> but they do show certain trends, governor. it's clean that the reason that it's affecting hillary clinton the way it is and bringing her numbers down more than donald trump is, first, donald trump isn't showing anyway of broadening his support. but for hillary clinton, all those folks who don't want to go with donald trump, she's splitting them with libertarian candidate johnson and also it shows that hillary clinton is not able to solidify that sanders vote yet. they still have about a third of the voters for bernie sanders are not committed to going. as it gets closer to election
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day, that will change. but i do waonder if it's not tht they go to johnson, but maybe they just stay home. >> i think given the problems that's not likely. donald trump is so fightrighten to most americans. brexit is a good example of what happens when you do stay home. i'm pretty confident hillary clinton is going to be the next president of the united states. a show of pride on the streets of new york city today. but what steps are being taken to make sure it stays safe. if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too.
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9:52 am
first of all, the mood out there today, i think jubilant is probably the appropriate way to describe it. >> reporter: i was thinki iningi could sum it up in one word, i'd say excitement. the people here are really enthusiastic about this march. ever since the march started a little more than an hour ago, people have been laughing and yelling back and forth. another group of marchers goes by. as all these marchers come by, they're giving high fives to all the spectators. people are lined up, five, eight, nine, ten deep along the sidewalks on fifth avenue. there's any sadness, any feeling of being upset about orlando, it is being expressed in pride, in defiance, that we cannot be silenced. that's the attitude that i'm hearing from a lot of people i'm talking to here. there have been a lot of remembrances and memorials for
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the people who did die in the pulse nightclub attack two weeks ago in orlando. the start of the march had a moment of silence. shortly after that, we saw 49 rainbow flags go by, one for every victim of that terrorist attack in orlando on the gay nightclub pulse two weeks ago. also just a short time ago we saw people all dressed in white with pictures in front of them of all the 49 victims. so obviously orlando is on the front of everyone's mind here today. but the attitude among the marchers and the spectators is that we are defiant, we are not afraid and we are going to celebrate who we are. >> i think those moments remembering those victims at pulse appropriate and well spent. they were long time friend but the run for president
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certainly changed that situation. coming up next, a new report on the relationship between donald trump and former president bill clinton. hmmmmmm..... hmmmmm... [ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. man, it's like pure power at your finger tips. like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance
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10:00 am
we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. hello, everyone. i'm alex whit heitt here in new. here's what's happening. these two new polls out just a short time ago. an nbc "wall street journal" poll shows hillary clinton with a five point lead over donald trump. then there's the new "washington post" abc poll which paints a more troubling picture for the trump campaign. his slight lead over clinton last month has plunged. clinton now leads by 12 points. both polls were conducted after the orlando shooting but before the u.k. brexit vote. also
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