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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  June 28, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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fact-checked. >> first interview since the findings were released. trust factor, hillary clinton tries to shake off her trust deficit before today's benghazi report. >> you can't just talk someone into trusting you, you've got to earn it. so yes, i could say that the reason i sometimes sound careful with my words is not that i'm hiding something. >> will he or won't he? bernie sanders still holding out on hillary clinton. but he's here live with us today. trail blazer, remember hall of fame koeccoach pat summit lo her battle with alzheimer's but a winner in college basketball history. mens or womens. >> it has been a prifling to
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make an impact on the lives of 161 women who have worn the orange. >> when i think about my two daughters who are tall and gifted, and knowing that because of folks like coach summit, they're standing up straight and diving after loose balls and feeling confident and strong. then i understand that the impact that these people have had extends beyond me. good day everyone, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. long awaited report from the house republicans on the benghazi committee has been released be some new claims about the military response to the attack. let's get right to nbc's luke brusset on capitol hill, a lot of point and counterpoint about whether this is political, what's new, what's not new. when you report on this as you've been reading through,
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what is new today? >> reporter: well, we have a series of bullet points. i like to go through them in terms of what this committee is saying and what they have found that is new. despite clear orders, military assets were note set to benghazi waiting as long as almost eight hours after the attacks began. ambassador stevens missing the two hour meeting which focussed on a youtube video contained libya must agree to any deployment. the white house was slow to act because she wanted the libyan government in place to agree to u.s. forces being there. the vice president of joint chiefs of staff, big in security realm did not attend because he was hosting a dinner party. a fleet of anti-security sat on a plane for three hours and changed in and out of uniforms four times deciding if they should go in as u.s. military personnel or undercover in plain clothes. none of the relevant military forces met the timelines. the libyan forces that evacuated
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the americans from the cia actually were former gaddafi loyal igs which is ironic considering the u.s. was part of the leadership team that tried to, not tried to, did topple gaddafi and put in place those opposed to him. all that being said andrea, i think a lot of people will dig into the report and we've had this back and forth over what was really known at the time, what is known afterwards. it kind of comes down to what we've often seen in washington is that there's a bureaucratic mess due to a lack of response from the top and the way the information is trickled down, there's a lot of, there's a lot of back and forth about couldn't this have been done differently. what was the main issue? and this case the republicans say that the obama administration was so concerned with making libya out to be the crowned jewel of the arab spring that they looked past serious security issues there and did not do a good enough job of
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securing ambassador steven's site and as well as being involved with the government on the ground there. all that being said, the main purpose of a lot of reporting about this oifr the last few years has been what damage would this do to hillary clinton today? there was a huge divide between the republicans that presented their information, trey gowdy the chairman refused to publicly condemn hillary clinton in any capacity, however, another member on this committee, mike pompeii owe, he did not old back, i asked him what he thought about hillary clinton's leadership during benghazi, this is what he had to say. >> is hillary clinton's leadership morally reprehensible? >> yes. >> it is? >> absolutely. let me be clear about what we're doing and what we did. none of us volunteered for this assignment. i can assure you. we were all asked to undertake this mission. we worked our tails off, got the
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polite word out, we worked our tails out to develop every fact we could. to tell the american people everything we could possibly do and we have been obstructed every step along the way in that effort. including by the very democrats today who are calling us portfolio, go read these transcripts. >> reporter: andrea, a few weeks before the convention, mike calls it morally reprehensible in regards to benghazi. democrats confirm this was a political fishing expedition, andrea. >> and we will have chairman gowdy coming up in a few moments to talk about, you know, his takeaways and to answer some of these questions as well. luke, thank you so much. meanwhile, hillary clinton and elizabeth warren teaming up on the campaign trail. taking aim at donald trump. warren joining clinton for the first time in the swing state of ohio. and what seems to be a blossoming new friendship to unite the democratic party. >> who gets up every single day
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and fights for us. someone who has spent her whole life fighting for children, spend her life fighting for women. spent her life fighting for families, fighting for health care, fighting for human rights. fighting for a level playing field. fighting for those who need her most. we're here to fight side by side with hillary clinton. [ applause ] >> and joining me now, democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders. senator, thank you very much, good to see you. >> good to be with you. >> your colleague, elizabeth warren could not have been more infusive in her embrace of hillary clinton. do you share her enthusiasm for hillary clinton and her praise for hillary clinton's progressive policies? >> well, when i am going to do, andrea, efrgz that i can to see that donald trump does not become president of the united states. that would be a disaster for our country and in fact the world. right now, we are working with secretary clinton trying to
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hammer out some very important language on some of the most important issues facing this country. to me, what politics is about is not just electing candidates, it's about transforming this country, about dealing with a decline of the american middle class and massive levels of income and wealth and inequality, dealing with climate change, dealing with the need to make sure that all of our young people have the opportunity to go to college. when we make public colleges and universities tuition-free. those are issues that have to be dealt with in my mind, by the the democratic platform and by secretary clinton. and we look forward to working with the clinton campaign to bring that forward. >> you've said you are going to vote for her when asked on "morning joe" on friday, what about endorsing her? do you see a distinction between voting for her and endorsing her or are they one in the same? >> no, they're not one in the same. what i am trying to do now, in a variety of ways, is to see that we have a democratic platform
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that represents working families, that is prepared to take on the fossil fuel industry and wall street. and by the way, in the democratic platform, passed in st. louis, very strong language about breaking up the major banks on wall street, passing a glass legislation, expanding social security. these are ideas that i have fought for for years and in the campaign. i think we're making some progress, but the there is some language that is still lacking, for example, in the bill -- in the platform that came out of st. louis, we did not make it clear that we are opposed to the tpp, getting on to the floor of the transpacific partnership, getting on to the floor of congress and seeing it defeated. and i was really quite surprised to see that secretary clinton's delegates rejected our proposal to kill the tpp, despite the fact that she has indicated she does not want to see it get on
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to the floor. those are some of the issues that have got to be worked on. >> that said, the platform is a huge issue, and i know you want your revolution to continue and you're working very hard to elect like-minded democrats and others who will carry on your policies, but i don't understand or a lot of people don't understand i should say your reluctance to endorse, if you want to defeat donald trump. what are your other choices? >> i would representfully disagree and suspect that the many people do understand. our job is to transform america, to end the 40-year decline of the american middle class. that is what i am fighting to do. and we are in that process right now, we did very well, i thought in st. louis in terms of the first meeting of the platform committee. now we go to orlando, and then we go to the floor of the democratic convention. politics is not a baseball game with winners and losers.
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politics is about whether we protect the needs of millions of people in this country who are hurting. that is my focus. and my job right now is to make the democratic party as open as inclusive, as progressive as it has possibly can be and that's what we are working on as we speak. >> in our polling today in our nbc news survey, monkey online poll, there's an eight-point spread, hillary clinton is leading donald trump, but single digits, and not a big, not a big wave behind her also in our nbc/wall street journal poll. so this could be a very close race. how long are you going to wait before you make a decision about and dorsment? will you decide -- >> you're asking, i think in all due respect, andrea, it's not a question of my endorsement, it's a question of the american people understanding that secretary clinton is prepared to stand with them as they work longer hours for low wages as they cannot afford health care,
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as the kids can't afford to go to college. make it clear that she is on their side, that she is prepared to take on wall street, the drug companies, fossil fuel industry, deal with the global crisis of climate change. i have no doubt that if secretary clinton makes those positions clear, she will dephototrump and defeat him by a wide margin. >> why do you think elizabeth warren was so willing to praise and campaign and embrace hillary clinton, literally and figuratively, despite all of your concerns about the clinton platform? >> elizabeth warren in my view is one of our great senators, has been a leader on many of the important issues facing working families, and i think the best answer is it is with warren. >> and when might you decide to suspend your campaign? >> well, right now, again, we are doing everything we can -- that's, you know -- what we are trying to do is to address the
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major crisis facing working families in this country. and we're going use all of the tools we can to do that. we have some 1900 delegates who are going to be coming to philadelphia. and those delegates without exception are going to stand up and fight to make sure that the working class has a voice in this country, that government listens to them, that we end a corrupt campaign finance system, that's what this campaign has been about and will continue to be about. >> so it will be a contested convention as far as you are concerned. >> right now we are doing everything we can to make the democratic party as progressive as it can be. and we will give faith back to the american people and that their voices are in washington that are going to fight for them. >> senator bernie sanders, as always, it's a pleasure, sir, thank you for joining us.
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>> thank you very much, thank you. and coming up the chairman of the benghazi committee trey gowdy joining me next. the first interview since releasing his report. that's next, stay with us on msnbc. glad forceflex. extra strong to avoid rips and tears. be happy, it's glad.
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after more than a two-year investigation the 800 page plus house republican benghazi report has been released revealing an incredibly slow military response hampered by confusion and miscommunication reports also including some new details on why ambassador chris stevens was at the compound in the first place. joining me now for the first interview since the report was released, republican congressman trey gowdy. chairman, thank you very much. a lot of charges flying around that this is all portfolio and has been since the beginning, and at the news conference
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today, congressman pompaio took out after hillary clinton. hillary clinton is note a featured target i should say in what i have read from the report. >> and if you read the rest of it, she won't be either. it's about four americans who bravely sacrificed for our country, others who were injured in the nameless, faceless guys there that night that uncontroversially saved other lives. she was the secretary of state at all relevant times. it's naive to think a report can be written without mentioned her name. we mentioned her name less times than the democrats do and in about half the pages. >> what do you think is the major, major failure that you believe you've uncovered after seven other congressional investigations and independent state department review? so many reviews of this tragedy? >> well, i think there were failures in all three charges, before, during, and after. it's really inexcusable that that facility met no standards
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at all. so there's no way to judge whether or not the facility in benghazi was secure because it met no standards, and that was a decision by the state department. my focus usually goes to the attack itself. we've been told forever now that no military asset could have reached benghazi in time. and what we now know is that's true because nothing was ever headed toward benghazi. and i think if the military leaders were with you and i try to be fair to everyone, i try to be fair, i think the military leaders would tell you that they felt an evacuation was eminent. so you then asked the military leaders what led you to believe that because the folks on the ground didn't believe that, and there was no method by which you were going to evacuate. so just those two screens, what was really happening in benghazi versus what was discussed in washington. the contrast is vivid. and they had realtime reporting from the ground as to what was happening, the initial attacks
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and they are correct, nothing could have gotten there in time to respond to the initial as i tacks. but, your point is that the secretary of defense leon panetta ordered a deployment of two teams, one to benghazi, one to tripoli. the one to benghazi was never carried out, the one to tripoli didn't get there until 2:00 the next afternoon. >> it's not just that, it's both the specificity of what he ordered deployed, but also secretary panetta, this is 7:00, washington time when he issued his order. then we move into this two-hour white house meeting where they say it is a discussion of what, what assets to deploy. well if you believe the secretary of defense, that conversation's already taken place. and i handle his question mifsz because i wanted to make sure i understood what he said. active deploy and don't need to come back and there are only two people in the military chain of command. the commander in chief, the secretary of defense and we have both spoken. and yet, nothing happened.
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>> and that white house meeting, chaired by the chief of staff, denver miss mcdonough, there was participation from all agencies, but secretary panetta was not there and the vice chair of the giant chief's did not participate in it. so there was no one operational. there was the chief of staff for secretary panetta. >> jerry bash and you may remember the spinning up e-mail that he authored right before entering into that sit-in, that two-hour meeting. we have forces or assets that are spinning up, and then the next paragraph says assuming principles agree to deploy, and my question for mr. bash was what principles were left to be consulted. you heard from the commander in chief, the secretary of defense, what are you deputies talking about? if the two people on our chain of command have said go, and go now, what's left to discuss? and that doesn't even get into the merits of what actually was discussed in this ten action items, half of them dealt with a
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video that up until that point had not prompted any response from the administration. >> and the video was of course the whole issue of whether or not a propaganda video had incited the initial attacks which didn't take place. that's after the fact. question about what could have even happened? i mean their point is that at that point, and its been fixed since, our forces were in germany, they weren't anywhere close to africa, they couldn't have possibly gotten there in time. certainly not in time to save the ambassador. and maybe not in time to save the last two americans who were killed. >> well, the forces were at different places. the siff was in croatia on a training mission. now that training mission was planned far in advance, why you picked the anniversary of 9/11 to go on a training mission, i'm going to let them decide. we had air assets that were fully disassembled.
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they ran equipment mode. equipment check mode which means they were as bare as an air asset can be, again, it is really curious that you pick that time to do it. and i guess andrea, my other point would be this, cairo happened. so it wasn't a theory that this video -- >> didn't see it come under attack in cairo. >> okay, so maybe we were caught off guard in cairo, although we weren't, we had advanced notice, go ahead and give that to the department of defense. cairo happened. how did you change your posture or your readiness after cairo? and the answer was they did not. so, it is hard for me to explain to the families of those who were killed how the video became such a central talking point, while the attack was going on, but nobody did anything about the video before the attack happened. that is difficult to explain to moms and wives. >> and one of the more surprising facts that has been uncovered is, how the surviving 35 americans got evacuated, yes,
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there was a c-17 sent in to pick them up at the airport, but they had to get to the airport from that cia annex which was under attack. and tell us from your reporting, your investigation how they were rescued. >> there were two air that ultimately evacuated our folks. one was a libyan plane and the other was a private aircraft that our folks in tripoli just showed the ingenuity to finding. neither one were u.s. planes. we were led to believe that it was friendly libyan militias that helped defend the annex during the night and came to our rescue after thai and glenn were killed. that is not what the witnesses told us. one in particular, and i hasten to add cia did not want us talking to this witness, they made it very difficult to talk to this witness, but we found him. and what this witness told us is he worked the phone trying to find someone to come save them. and he wound up calling a group that none in fact other committees identified, none of
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the other committees knew about it and it was comprised of former military officials under gaddafi. and they came, and not only did they, did they evacuate our guys, andrea, they saved other lives. we had people not just the four killed, there were people severely wounded. so time was of the essence. i just found it ironic is not the right word, but i don't know what the right word would be that we invest all of this time and none libya, $20 million in august and we wind up having to call loyalist to the guy we i did the posed to come save our folks at the very end. >> and why was chris stevens there? we know that he, he was been in benghazi during the war, he really wanted this to work, but the security situation had deteriorated. it's your reporting that we knew something about a possibility of a clinton visit, you think that is more of a, it was more part
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of that decision-making for his trip. he was filling in for someone who was not there at the embassy, rather the benghazi mission, but what about a possible clinton visit? >> well, greg eluded to that a couple years ago, we didn't have corroboration for it. >> state department official. >> but in fairness to everyone involved, chris stevens loved the people in benghazi, and he had not been back since being named the ambassador. he wanted to go in august but security and religious holiday reasons kept him from doing it. there was a evacuate seat in the principle officer's position and to his everlasting credit and heroism, chris stevens assigned himself to fill that vacancy. and he went. and when he got there, he realized just how bad benghazi was. we cancelled his offproperty movements, in fact he kept postponing his meetings because our intelligence guys were telling him how bad it had gotten.
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he was in benghazi for a number of reasons, he loved the people, number two there was a vacancy in the principle officer's position, but number three, we were getting towards the end of the fiscal year. and if the secretary were coming back and the e-mail suggests that she was, they were looking for a deliverable, what can she deliver upon her skbent visit? and that deliverable was going to be making that facility a permanent facility. >> trey gowdy, mr. chairman, thank you very much. >> yes, ma'am. >> thanks for being with us today. >> yes, ma'am. and up next a democratic member, adam schiff joining me with his response to the republican report. you're watching andrea mitchell reports on msnbc. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad.
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focussing very intensively on the military and the deployment order and what he says is a failure to deploy. >> i think there are a couple things very notable both about the report and about what the chairman just said. what he didn't say is notable. and that is there's nothing new here about secretary clinton, and while the chairman tried to make a merit of that, it's not for lack of trying. the committee tried for two years to try to find anything on the secretary that could damage her campaign. and the fact they were unsuccessful is being trumpeted as demonstration of their good faith, and it's hardly that. the other really notable takeaway is that no one could have gotten there in time. the theories that the military was ordered to stand down by the president or the secretary, the chairman wasn't able to corroborate that in any way.
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no matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. if you've had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspin regimen. be subayer aspirin.your doctor before you begin and we will bring you adam schiff as soon as we get that back. the satellite gods intervening, but first, president obama urging calm over reaction to britain's historic vote to lee t -- leave the eu. >> there's been hysteria that nato is gone and the transatlantic is now rushing off to its own corner. that's not what's happening. this will be a moment in which all of europe says all right, take a breath and let's figure out how do we maintain some of the national identities, how do we presume the benefits of
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immigration and deal with the frustrations that our own voters are feeling. >> and joining me now is columnist for the washington post and former london bureau chief. when you were bureau chief in lond london, this is pretty crazy. complete political meltdown now in both political parties there. what do you see next, despite john kerry and the president saying let's all keep calm and carry on? >> right. keep calm and carry on while everything is going insane, right? when i was bureau chief in london in the early '90s, boras johnson who was the face of the leave campaign was the telegraphs correspondent in brussels and kept writing these highly amusing bureau skeptical stories about the suffocating bureaucracy in brussels and so this is not new for him. this is a thing he has sounded throughout his journalistic and his political career.
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he could well be the next prime minister. it's not clear though that he will be and meanwhile, there's been a vote of no confidence on the labor side so jeremy cover bin, his position is precarious in labor. so this brexit vote has scrambled everything, andrea. >> and you hear from angela merkel in germany and others within the eu that they want to get this over with, the indecision is the worst thing for the economy, yet you've got millions of brits now signing on a referendum saying we don't want to leave afterall. there is no revisiting, or is there? >> well, i don't think there's a dooover for the referendum. i don't think you have another one. i think david cameron is right. they voted for brexit, and so that's what the government should do, but from the european perspective, no, they don't want this to drag out because they would incourage sort of far
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right far right isolationist forces in other countries to perhaps start, start i think a lg for their own referendum. so they want to get it over with and emphasize angela merkel said, britain can't have all the benefits of the eu membership without the responsibility. so if you want full and free access to the market, free movement of labor and free movement of goods and capital and everything across the borders, you have to, you have to take the rules. and it'd be ironic that you could have brexit and you could have britain asking to be bound by the same, the same structures that it was bound by before in order to get back in the free market. >> what a situation. thank you very much. eugene robinson, thanks for your interference and wisdom there. and back with us now, the democratic member, congressman adam schiff, and apologies for that rude interruption. you were saying they spent all
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of this money and you think that they missed their original target. they are making a virtue of the fact that they think that they did uncover new information about the failure of communication, the failure to respond about the assumption that the attacks were over, not anticipating the later attack that killed two of the other americans. do you see no virtue in what they have done? >> well, no, andrea, i don't. and i think they're trying to make a virtue of the fact that after spending two years really trying to go after the secretary they weren't able to produce anything new. and holding that as a virtue, but it wasn't for lack of trying. and indeed that was the whole purpose of the committee to begin with. i hardly think they need applause for this. and vis-a-vis the defense department, what's also notable and i know you asked the chairman about this and he was careful in parsing his answer, once again the chairman had to conclude that nothing would have, could have been done to save those lives on the ground.
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so while there is new gran lairty and new criticism by the gop on the defense department, nothing really alters those core conclusions of the eight other investigations with, we paid a high price both in years and tax payer millions to reach fundamentally the same conclusions we had before. >> do you think there was too much sensitivity on the part of the state department to libyan concerns rather than let's go in, let's try to evacuate? they didn't even have a plan for evacuation. >> you know, i think there is certainly criticism to be had of the state department's preparations and that was something the accountability review board documented and in terms of the defense department and the state department response, that was a subject of testimony in the oversight committee and the armed services committee years ago in terms of some of the delays and discussion about changing uniforms, but again the conclusion by general hamm was none of this was interfering with the military response and because of the distance and the
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time and the fact that planes response planes were separated from their crews. this was one of the biggest problems, they just weren't positioned to respond in a timely way. those problems have subsequently been addressed, they've been addressed in fact more than a year ago, but nonetheless, the effort to make this sound new is pretty unpersuasive. >> do you think that it's reasonable to have had chris stevens, ambassador stevens trying to make benghazi a permanent mission given a security climate where the brits and everyone else had evacuated? how could you bridge secretary clinton a month later into that kind of atmosphere? >> well, i think the key thing here is that this is what ambassador stevens wanted. this is what people on the ground there wanted. they wanted to see a permanent presence in benghazi, ambassador stevens loved this country, he thought it was an important part of the country given that it was the roots of the revolution
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against gaddafi. this was driven by people on the ground not opposed by the state department and certainly did that make sense? but those were the recommendations coming from the people with the most at stake. >> indeed they had their lives at stake. adam schiff, congressman, thanks very much for being with us. and next, the loss of a legend, trail blazing coach pat summit died after a battle with early onset alzheimer's. her friend and former colleague joining me next. dicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrlment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurce plan, inred by utedhealthcare insurance company. medicareoesn't cover everytng. d like all standdized medicare supplement insurae plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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it was really a great ride for me. i learned from my parents about the work that we have to do and the work you must love to do. i can tell you i have loved my work at the university of tennessee. its been awesome. >> legendary basketball coach pat summit, the winningest coach in division one history
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announcing the retirement less than eight months after revealing she had early onset dementia. summit died this morning, she was only 64. she led the tennessee lady vols to eight national championships. the coaches impact extended far beyond the court. in 2012, president obama awardrd her the medal of freedom. >> when a doctor first told pat summit she suffered from dementia, she almost punched him. when a second doctor advised her to retire, she responded, do you know who you're dealing with here? obviously they did not. as pat says, i can fix a tractor, mow hay, plow a feel, fire a barn and call the cows, what i'm really known for is winning. >> joining me now su mickey demoss, assistant coach for louisiana state university, former colleague, long time friend of pat summit. and our condolences, mickey, i know you were very close to her.
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tell me about the pat summit you knew and worked with for so many years. >> i tell you, it's, words -- it's hard or it describe. i don't know if woshds can do her justice, but she was so much to me personally and i know to so many other people. i was just fortunate enough to be able to work alongside pat for 20 years, and we just became -- she was just more, she was never a boss. you worked with pat. she made everybody better. and she expected a lot out of you, but she was always there to lead you in the right direction. and you never took shortcuts? you did things the right way and learned and you had resolve, and that's the one thing about that woman that i never quite could figure out how she could come to practice every single day and
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just be ready to kick butt, every day. i mean, she never had a bad day. she never had an off day. and she meant a lot to me. she was family. she was my big sister. she was my mentor. she was my best friend. and so, a big void there for sure. >> and i think you were with her in recent days, the disease that she was fighting personal strigles she made into a campaign about alzheimer's and dementia. how did she handle all of that? >> you know, everything she did in her life, it had db it was a purpose behind it. and then when she was diagnosed with early onset, it became a cause for her to help, to help other people through her. and people have rallied around these last four days that i've
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been here, we probably had 50, at least 50 former players come in to knoxville to show their love and their respect for pat. and i mean, they've come from all over the country. we've got wmba players that are flying here in between games. and it's strength in numbers. so it -- but she wants to keep fighting for that, for her cause. and we made a commitment, we're going to keep this battle going and trying to find a cure for alzheimer's. >> well, it is a noble pursuit and thank you for sharing your memories of this iconic woman, legendary leader, thank you so much. >> okay, thank you for having me. >> and legendary nfl coach butd i did ryan has also died at the age of 812. he was the architect of what's been called the toughest
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football defense in history. led the 1985 chicago bears to a super bowl championship. ryan was beloved for his brash and bold style and his legacy is carried on today by his twin sons and they are also coaches. of course rex and rob ryan. ♪ uhh. oh. hey! oh my. good, you're good. back, back, back. (vo) according to kelley blue book, subaru has the highest resale value of any brand. again. you might find that comforting. love.
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and the pentagon has now responded to the department of defense responding to the house republican benghazi report. even though as the chairman has previously acknowledged, it was impossible for the u.s. military to have changed the outcome at benghazi under the circumstances. the department has made substantial changes to improve our responsiveness based on lessons learned from the incident. the statement continues as we have reported to the committee, d.o.d. and the state department having increased coordination and coordination on security and security of american citizens abroad since the attacks.
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and joining me now for our daily fix, chris alyssa, founder of the washington post fix blog and jean cummings. chris, to you, benghazi has been a political issue now for several years going back all the way to january of 2013 when hillary clinton first had to testify. there've been eight investigations on the hill, plus the independent investigation for the state department. they just going to be a debate over what is new and what is not new. the political fallout or has hillary clinton gotten past this by her acknowledged extraordinary response to that 11 hours of testimony last september? >> so i think there is political fallout, andrea, though it may not ultimately have to do with what happened in benghazi, libya, in september 11, 2012. remember that this committee is the one that helped unearth the fact that hillary clinton used a
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private e-mail server exclusively, the only secretary of state to do so. we may not have known that necessarily if this committee didn't exist. to me, that remains the story that is more problematic for her politically speaking, benghazi, as you mentioned, it has been political for a long time. and i think you heard in adam schiff and trey gowdy, it matters to the two bases and they are convinced on the one hand it's a nothing burger and on the other hand, it calls into question her judgment. i think the e-mail decision to set up a private e-mail account, the story she has told about why she did so and how she did so, it has much more potential to erode her numbers among key, undecided voters, benghazi feels like a base issue. once now and forever. >> and on the democratic side also bernie sanders, this was part of our interview earlier today. >> it's not a question of my
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endorsement, it's a question of the american people understanding that secretary clinton is prepared to stand with them. as they work longer hours for low wages, as they cannot afford health care, as their kids can't afford to go to college. make it clear that she is on their side. >> bernie sanders still not endorsing, jean, and still not suspending his campaign. and when we look at our nbc/wall street journal poll, there's no democratic way, despite the improved demographic picture and all the failures we've been recounting in the trump campaign, hillary clinton is up in single digits, but you don't see a huge double digits democratic preference for voters that you had eight years ago at this time. >> yeah, well we remain very divided country. and so even single digits can be significant. but the, your interview with bernie sanders was surreal. and it is amazing how long he's
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held out for, you know, paragraphs and a platform. i don't think -- i mean at this point, sanders leverage diminishes every single day. i don't think the clinton campaign are going to put up a whole lot of resistance to have paragraphs inserted in a platform that no one will remember in a week, but what sanders is doing is he's squandering an opportunity to build real relationships in his new party. you know, he's brand new as a democrat, senator reid hoped to get on the road and help with other senators and bring some energy and the fundraising and the crowds to them, and i think he's just reminding everybody can why he was such a loner and such a lone wolf on the hill. >> jean, chris, we're going to have to leave it there. and much more ahead on "andrea mitchell reports" we'll be right back. hey mom! because aleve can last 4 hours longer
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this edition of andrea mitchell reports. much more about the benghazi report coming up now on msnbc. hello everybody, i'm peter alexander, we will hear more from andrea mitchell just a moment from now. right now live on msnbc, two years, more than 800 pages and millions of dollars later, the republican-led house report on the benghazi attacks that killed four americans is finally here. the republicans today convinced this eighth congressional report on those attacks could change minds months before this november's election. >> there is new information on what happened in benghazi. and that information should fundamentally change the way you view what happened in benghazi. >> the government failed its people and lied to the public in the aftermath. >> when you read this information, you come to the conclusion, at least i did, that there is concern actually more concern about whether they're going to be offen


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