tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC June 30, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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talking about before when donald trump promised to save ed mcmahon's beverly hills mansion from foreclosure? see you tomorrow. >> coming up, "hardball." it's an angry country but who does it trust? let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews from washington. the faces are angry out there. you ask people what they think of the way the country's going, ask what they think of politicians, of the congress, and you get answered with a snarl. you look at trump, the guy out there challenging the system and all you see are the people hitting back at him. big business, u.s. chamber of commerce, and now organized labor, too. the big question is jobs. why we're losing the good ones, the jobs that let a father raise a family, get his kids into school, get a decent, even a
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short one, a vacation come summer. trump says we are getting hammered by china and everyone else because of stinking trade deals because we have weaker, stupid or whatever people making them. he promises to change all this, to start kicking some butt and start shoving back. let's watch him. >> america's lost nearly one-third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997. this is america we are talking about. since 1997. driven by these two, hillary clinton understood and backed and bill clinton certainly as the president initiatives. they are a disaster. and now they want to go into tpp, trans-pacific partnership. that will make nafta in my opinion look like a baby. now, we don't play the game the way they play the game. they play the game to win. we play the game in this country to survive. we are going to start playing the game to win. >> well, the two most pressing
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concerns for many americans right now are terror, of course, and the economy. donald trump says he has answers to both. he's going to renegotiate trade deals and get tough with china and he's going to take the gloves off against isis. he says the country's falling apart, that we have even worse to fear from hillary clinton. >> the trans-pacific partnership is another disaster. done and pushed by special interests. who want to rape our country, just the continuing rape of our country. >> hillary clinton unleesashed trade war against the american worker when she supported one terrible deal after another. >> you will be hurt worse than ever before if she becomes president. >> isis was created during the hillary clinton regime. if she gets in, it will be massive and we wouldn't even have a country anymore. we will be afraid to walk outside. >> they are letting tens of thousands of people come in from syria and nobody knows who these people are. a lot of those people are isis.
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>> nbc's hallie jackson is in manchester, new hampshire. is trump back on beam, back on some sort of message that's consistent economic nationalism? is he back on that? >> reporter: you know, i think he is. when you look at where he has been in his speeches and his remarks all week long about this, starting at the beginning of the week when he went to pennsylvania, western p.a., and delivered that forceful trade speech in which he outlined trade policies in many respects a split from some from his party when it comes to tpp, nafta, he got into the war of words with the chamber of commerce. he kept at it again in maine, listing sort of the action steps he wants to take if he were to become president. we heard it again from him here today here in manchester focusing on trade, on the economy, and really taking swipes at hillary clinton. he at one point said that it was him, he took credit for hillary clinton's reversal when it came to tpp saying that she heard a speech of his and then changed her mind after that. i think the clinton team would push back on that.
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clinton herself said that learning more about the trade agreement is what caused her role reversal or shift in position. but this is something trump has been hitting hard every single day this week just about. he's even said there's nothing closer to his heart than trade right now. >> so no more craziness this week? can you say that? he isn't talking about mexicans or judges. >> reporter: that wasn't your question. the question was has he kept up his focus on trade and the economy, which he has. but look at some of the other comments he made. even here just in manchester he made a joke that kind of raised eyebrows, a plane flew overhead and he said it's a mexican plane, they are coming to attack us. he was clearly kidding but it still raised a few eyebrows. he talks about elizabeth warren again and again. he's doubled down on his attacks against her for claims she exaggerated her heritage, including just this morning when he told an interviewer that he believes, he was again joking here, but saying he has more native american blood than elizabeth warren does. he hasn't totally backed away
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from controversial comments. that's why you are seeing comments on the gop from people like mitt romney and mike lee. >> thank you, hallie. donald trump talks tough on trade and outsourcing jobs, talks about that all the time. the "new york times" reports such declarations are at odds with mr. trump's long history as a businessman in which he has been heavily and proudly reliant on foreign labor in the name of putting profits rather than america first. from cheap neckties to television sets, mr. trump has benefited from some of the trade practices he now scorns. the afl-cio has a new video pounding trump on exactly that theme. >> where are the shirts made? bangladesh. >> i'm going to instruct the u.s. trade representative to bring trade cases against china. >> where are the ties made? >> they are great ties. >> made where? china? ties are made in china.
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>> in, in, in the united states. >> that's a pretty snappy ad there. let's talk about this. you guys, you don't like tpp. hillary now doesn't like it. bernie sanders doesn't like it. trump doesn't like it. distinguish your opposition. you guys are tough on trade. i worked with labor democrats all my life. i know the attitude about the kennedy round ever since then. it's been this trade stuff is screwing us, right? >> right. it has. there's a reason for that. we have lost jobs, lost ground with every trade -- >> trump's right? >> he is right on that. but he's a fraud. >> talk about it. >> trump was the chief cheerleader and beneficiary of the trade policies until he discovered that out in the hinterlands of pennsylvania and ohio, this is a powerful issue. now he flips over and is against trade. he's got the right position right now but nobody believes him, because look what he does.
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you saw those products. shirts made in bangladesh, ties made in china, television sets made overseas. then he has taught a course at his university, defunct university, and said outsourcing is great, outsourcing creates jobs. so he will say or do anything that needs to be said or done to help himself. >> let's look at this. in the latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll, the one we use here, he had a big lead among white voters without a college degree, beating clinton among that group. 54% to 31%. how is trump doing among union workers? dennis williams, president of the united auto workers said in may an internal poll of his members showed trump getting 28% support from trahe rank and fil there. what do you think it is? among you guys? the huge international union and all the internationals, you're laughing but what is trump doing? a third? a quarter? >> it would be less than that. he's absolutely tapped into the frustration and anger that's out there.
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it's justifiable frustration and anger but he's a fraud. because he says one thing but benefits -- >> look, hillary is a great candidate in many respects but on the trade issue, a year ago, i saw bill clinton in japan supporting the tpp. hillary clinton, look at this. earlier this week, the republican national committee blasted out this 2012 video of hillary clinton, then secretary of state, praising the tpp, a deal she now is against. watch her in australia. >> this tpp sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free transparent fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. >> gold standard. now it's not the gold standard. what happened? you trust her? >> we said the same thing. we said the same thing about tpp. we hope it sets the gold standard. we hope it is the gold standard. we hope tpp does the same thing.
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when you look at the details, it wasn't a gold standard. it was more like a lead standard that would sink every one of us. so she did the right thing. she said this agreement -- >> you think she didn't change her mind? >> of course she did. but here's the smart thing. you have a trade agreement that doesn't work. it's going to hurt people. it's going to lose jobs. so what she said is, this doesn't work. trump was a cheerleader for that same trade. you're not accusing him of changing his position. >> i'm trying to think out this democratic ticket. tim kaine has had bad press the last few hours. he may well get by it. i'm looking at sherrod brown. i think he's a perfect running mate. i have been saying it for a year. ohio has kind of a tough guy atmosphere about him, he's an ivy leaguer but doesn't play it up too big. he seems like a regular labor guy. he's one of your guys. >> great guy. he's a champion of working people. >> wouldn't he be a great running mate? >> great running mate. there's one down side to it. if he left you have a republican governor. >> you have to think big here.
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got to go for the mandate. not squeak it out one vote at a time. i agree about that but i think he would make a great ticket. hillary needs a great ticket, not just her. got to put that thing together. like biden. wasn't biden great? think about it. >> he is. >> chilling how good he's been as a vp. totally loved guy. lot of people would like to see him as president. thank you. you get me in a good mood. i like this labor feel. president obama has been making it clear he's not going to let donald trump claim the mantle of populist champion without a fight. let's watch. >> somebody else who has never shown any regard for workers, in fact, has worked against economic opportunity for workers and ordinary people, they don't suddenly become a populist because they say something controversial in order to win
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votes. that's nativism. or xenophobia. >> mr. trump embodies -- and of course has taken full advantage of it, his entire life so he's hardly a spokesperson for -- a legitimate spokesperson for a populist surge from working class people on either side of the atlantic. >> people navarro is professor at the university of california irvine and economics advisor to donald trump. let me ask about this, professor. when did donald trump become an anti-trade warrior? when did he decide we got to fight these trade deals? do you know? >> go back to the clip on "oprah." it's a classic. chris, you ought to be having a flashback here, a page right out of your book, tipping the gipper. remember early '80s we cut this trade deal with japan and all they did was cheat on it and the next thing you know, tip and the democratic congress is pushing on reagan, pushing, let's have
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some tariffs. you know what? reagan imposed tariffs on japan. he was a free trader like trump is, but reagan also understood that fair trade was more important and we got a good result. that's where trump is. >> reagan also got $2 million the minute he left office from the japanese. remember that? $2 million in speaking fees for one trip right after coming out of office. >> donald trump is going to run the table with organized labor and with non-union labor. think about this. >> how about in his private business? has he been consistent? >> afl-cio opposed the world trade organization entry. afl-cio opposed south korea trade deal. hillary clinton supported all those. her husband chimed in and that's why there's this disconnect. the rank and file are going to go in droves. it will be reagan democrats all over again. it will be over half of
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organized labor voting for donald trump because they understand this billionaire has their interests at heart. >> every time somebody wants the working guy to vote for him, they drop their "gs"? they're not going to be voting for him, they will be votin' for him. >> we can go to cleveland or new jersey or new york, we all speak funny. it's not the king's english. >> i don't have a trump here. do you want to respond to this? this guy basically says he agrees with you on trade policy but doesn't agree with your candidate. >> if you actually believe that our members are going to vote in overwhelming numbers for trump, i have a u.s.-made trump tie i will sell you cheap. >> i will take that, richard. here's the thing, richard. i understand your decision was tough. you guys had a choice to make. but donald trump has a platform that you guys are dreaming about. he is taking every step --
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>> he's a fraud. >> -- the afl-cio has ever recommended -- >> he's a fraud. >> -- the president to take. well, that may be. we are going to find out. your workers doesnn't believe h a fraud. >> i'm trying to follow your thinking here, sir. >> donald trump's a guy that's going to actually follow through. he's not beholden to special interests like hillary clinton. >> i'm sure he's going to follow through. >> i don't want to take you, professor, but if you were one of my students, you said it may be that he's a fraud. what do you mean? you just said it may be that trump's a fraud. what did you mean by that? >> here's what i mean. trumpka says he's a fraud. we're going to find out. my view is your workers don't think he's a fraud. i don't think he's a fraud which is why i'm supporting him. here's the thing. he's different from any politician we have ever had running for president in the last 50 years. he can fund his own campaign. >> let me ask you -- >> he's not beholden to --
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>> let me get back to -- let me ask you this. how's the market doing now? we have numbers that look okay. the market's about where it's been. it hasn't jumped too much because of brexit. we have a 4.7% unemployment rate technically. what do you think in this country right now? what grade would you give it right now economically? how we doing? >> if you are in donald trump's shoes, you are getting an a-plus. economy's great for him. if you are a worker, those he's trying to woo and give fraudulent products to, you give him c-c-minus. we had flat wages for over four decades. he says wages are too high. >> richard trumpka is giving donald trump's speech. if you look at the speech in new hampshire, that's exactly what donald trump said. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> no growth in wages, no growth in the economy and people sitting on the sidelines, 20 million people want a job at a decent wage. donald trump is the guy who will bring prosperity and wealth back to america. >> i learned one thing. >> by cracking down on trade
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cheaters. what more could you ask for, really? it's really right in the center of what workers in this country need. >> it's interesting, gentlemen, no one is defending the way things are in this country. that's probably a healthy situation. >> it's a terrible situation, chris. >> thank you. professor peter navarro, thank you for joining us. thank you, richard. coming up, new polling shows trump losing ground among some republicans. he's picking fights with his former rivals, the guys that ran against him. now senator mike lee of utah, a close ally of ted cruz, is going off on an epic attack against his party's pick for president. that would be donald trump. with the republican convention less than three weeks away, can trump reunite the fractured party? doesn't look like it. plus big developments as clinton and trump look for running mates for the democrats. does tim kaine's disclosure he accepted gifts make him too much of a liability for secretary clinton? for the republicans, could trump be zeroing in on here it comes, chris christie? can he cross that bridge? lots of news on that front ahead.
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the "hardball" roundtable is here. they will tell me something i don't know about this presidential race. let me finish with this vice presidential hunting season we are in. it is something. it's all going to happen this month. it's in the quiet moments when you see why she does this. for hillary, it's always been about kids. and when millions couldn't get health care, this first lady worked with republicans and democrats to fix it. creating the children's health insurance program, so that every child gets the health care that child deserves to have. now eight million kids are covered. that's the kind of leader she is. and the kind of president she'll be. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. did your 22-page insuranceand you nepolicy say, "great news. you're covered?" no. it said, "blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not.
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liberty mutual insurance. think yotry nexium 24hr.'s best for your heartburn? now the #1 choice of doctors & pharmacists... for their own frequent heartburn. get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. donald trump campaigned today in new hampshire, a traditional swing state. yesterday he was up in maine which hasn't voted for a republican since 1988. one reason trump went to maine is because it's one of only two states in the country that split their electoral votes by congressional district, meaning trump could lose the state but pick up an electoral vote there. the other state that does that, nebraska. coincidentally, the clinton campaign went up with ads in omaha today, hoping to snag that electoral vote in an otherwise red state.
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beginning to pivot and become what i would call a more serious and credible candidate for the highest office in the land. >> that was senate majority leader mitch mcconnell yesterday expressing his reservations about donald trump. less than three weeks until the convention for the republicans, his comments reflect the concerns of his fellow lawmakers, many of whom are still hesitant, that's putting it lightly, to lend their full support to their party's nominee. as senator dean heller of nevada told politico today, i'm opposed to this campaign. he did a lot of damage. it's very difficult for him. as far as i'm concerned, to recover from his previous' xhebts. comments. i will give him a chance but at this point i have no intention of voting for him. well, a new fox poll out today reveals that those concerns are also shared by a majority of republican voters as well. 51%, a majority of republican voters, say they prefer someone else. brand x as their nominee instead of donald trump. that's powerful stuff at this
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point. it also shows hillary clinton with a national lead of six points, 44% to 38%. yesterday republican senator mike lee of utah went further than many of his colleagues in explaining why he wasn't ready to endorse trump. here's what lee said in an interview with news max. >> look, i get it. you want me to endorse trump. >> i don't understand why you're not. >> well, we can get into that if you want. we can get into the fact that he accused my best friend's father of conspiring to kill jfk. we can go through the fact that he's made some statements that some have identified correctly as religiously intolerant. we can get into the fact that he's wildly unpopular in my state in part because my state is people who were ordered sternl nated by the governor of missou
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missouri. that he's going not going to be an autocrat or authoritarian, somebody who is not going to abuse a document i have sworn an oath to protect, uphold and defend. i'm sorry, sir, but that is not an unreasonable demand. >> i'm joined by republican strategist kelly ann conway and dave weigle of "washington post." kelly, let's talk about the situation with trump a couple weeks out from the convention in cleveland. you are the expert on this. do you think if you tried to woo the republican establishment, the big shots in the senate, the governors, if he gave them a wet kiss and everything else, whatever phrase you want to use, would they have come running to him? in other words, did he really have an option in the way he's approached them? >> possibly. but he also may alienate the millions of voters who have supported him and will support him. part of his entire campaign has been built on not needing the donor class, not needing the consultant class, running against washington, not wanting to be part of washington. that's not going to change. the one thing that's not going to change between now and
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november is that who is the washington candidate, who's the outsider. who's the insider, who's contin the insurgent? he should welcome elected officials who want to support him but i would rather be him who can't get a handful of senators to say nice things about him than to be her, who has got 58% in that fox poll saying she's corrupt, two-thirds of the voters in this country saying they don't trust her, they think she's dishonest. in the fox poll you mentioned, trump, for all this trash talk about him, he's winning independents, winning white voters by 14 points, winning men by double digits, winning middle income voters, winning middle-aged voters. with hillary having all the king's horses, all the king's men and donald trump quote unquote not being able to unify the party because some officials representing the same class he's running against doesn't support him, why isn't this woman at 70%?
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>> it seems to me, kelly's a friend of mine and i like the way she did this because you have to bring up hillary clinton if you want to unite republicans. but both parties are running two scare crows against each other. don't go in that place, there's a scarecrow or don't vote republican, there's a scarecrow there. they are running negative. but there's an outlet pass here, to use a football term. these guys are saying okay, i'm a republican, i'm senator from utah, mike lee, totally republican state, and i won't be a republican booster of this candidate. they are opting out for some third world out there, the romney crowd, the bush crowd. they are all saying i'm not voting for hillary. i may vote for johnson, gary johnson or sit home. it works with voters, you got to vote against hillary but it doesn't work with republican leaders. >> so far it's not devastating the republican party. first, mike lee is not in danger this year. second, he's on the rules committee. he didn't say there and hasn't said he would vote to remove trump from the nomination.
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i think he's one of these republicans willing to play an outside-inside game, where he criticizes trump, makes sure his brand is not tied to him but doesn't try to -- >> why does it work in utah? why does he want to be the outlier in utah? >> trump is unpopular in utah for the reasons he brought up. that state is not quite an outlier. >> do the lds people out there really fear they will be threatened by this guy as president? >> oh, yeah. for the reason he said. if you are a religious minority, you hear what he said about muslims, you can cast that on to yourself. there are places where that doesn't matter for trump. utah is a place where it does matter. >> i sense that among jewish people, too. any small religion in terms of numbers is worried about trump. you think that's true? >> no, i don't think that's true. i just -- >> i can only go by my experience. >> i still think people's partisan affiliations are very important to them. those who practice their religion and believe their religi
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religion's important to their political decisions, that those people regardless of their denomination, muslim, jewish, christian, agnostic, they could be evangelical, they could be catholic, they say my religion is important to me when i vote, but look, i believe mike lee in that interview, the most important thing to him, he's an amazing senator, i think he's fabulous, the most important thing were the words ted cruz. he's defending his friend. i ran ted cruz's super pac. i think that's a great defense of a friend. >> explain that story. tell that story. >> well, really, the last day, i think the last day of the indiana primary, donald trump insinuated, said there were reports that perhaps rafael cruz was involved in the jfk assassination. >> what was his source for saying that? >> i have no idea. >> the national enquirer. donald trump was saying the national enquirer says this guy's involved with killing jack kennedy. i can understand why mike lee's
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upset. >> let me just say this to you. i can understand why ted cruz, heidi cruz, mike lee, people feel a personal slight if you have said something about somebody's father, somebody's family. nobody likes that. >> how would you handle it? how do you handle it? >> the important part of mike lee's interview is he's defending his friend. >> how do you handle the fact, you supported ted cruz, how do you handle the fact trump said cruz's father had something to do with dallas? >> i didn't like it. i said so publicly at the time. i support donald trump and will do whatever i can to help him be elected president. you may think it's a parlor game to mention hillary clinton's name but those are the people running for president. >> i spoupported your decision point to the binary nature of presidential politics. i accept that. you don't believe ted cruz's father helped kill kennedy, do you? >> of course not. i don't believe that at all. >> why would trump say that? >> you have to ask him. i think he's explained it. i also don't think it's a useful conversation going into the
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convention. we should be focused on who they are -- >> it's not useful. okay. it's not useful. >> why did elizabeth warren criticize hillary clinton as beholden to banks and now is her bff? >> know who brought this up? mike lee. he brought up the fact that trump had accused his best friend's father of being some kind of assassin. >> that's why he couldn't support him. >> it's telling because what republicans want to hear from trump is be on message, use a teleprompter but if you are going to insult people, do it to hillary. he said he would during the campaign. he promised voters hey, i haven't even started on hillary yet. that's what irritates them. he can be as wild as he's being, as long as it's about hillary clinton. we saw that with mcconnell, other republicans trying to push him in that direction. if you are going to swing wildly and make the media report on this goofy stuff, at least do it to them. >> there's such a thing as bad manners. it's going to be pretty rough.
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thank you, kellyanne. when i try to support you even fight that. up next, how the pentagon became more inclusive to the lgbt community and they did it today. these are astounding developments and coming quickly in the sense of day-to-day. all of a sudden, wow, another change. one♪coat, yes! one coat guaranteed marquee interior. behr's most advanced paint. get the best paints and stains for any budget and now save 10 or 40 bucks. only at the home depot. with toothpaste or plain their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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♪ one♪coat, yes! one coat guaranteed marquee interior. behr's most advanced paint. get the best paints and stains for any budget and now save 10 or 40 bucks. only at the home depot. here's what's happening. 13 people have been arrested in more than a dozen terrorism raids following the attack at istanbul's airport. four of those detained are foreigners. 44 people were killed in the attack, more than 200 others wounded. airport closed circuit image reportedly shows the suspects entering the airport and later unleashing violence. nbc news has not verified these images. according to a source, one of the suspected attackers arrived in turkey from the isis stronghold of raqqah, syria a month ago. president obama has signed legislation to address puerto rico's financial crisis. it creates a board to oversee its finances and debt
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restructuring. back to "hardball." our mission is to defend this country and we don't want barriers unrelated to a person's qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airman or marine who can best accomplish the mission. the reality is that we have transgender service members serving in uniform today. i have a responsibility to them and to their commanders. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was secretary of defense ash carter announcing the historic end today to the ban on open service by transgender americans. the decision to lift the ban is effective immediately. this comes at a tail end of a year-long review process. opponents expressed concern this could harm readiness and effectiveness on combat. for more on the impact of this decision, i'm joined by navy
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lieutenant blake dreeman and gregory angelo, president of the log cabin republicans. we have been talking about this stuff for years. how does this fit in the history of liberation, recognition, if not celebration, certainly respect? >> well, yeah, this goes back to integration of african-americans into the nation's military, this goes to integration of women into the nation's military. as your viewers know, log cabin republicans spent years fighting don't ask, don't tell to allow open service for gay and lesbian service members in the military. now we are able to welcome our transgender brothers and sisters to serve in the military. they enlisted because they love this country, they want to protect our freedoms, they should be allowed to serve openly without fear of being discharged because of who they are. >> my dad was in the navy in world war ii. my two brothers were naval officers. my dad was no liberal. okay? he was no liberal. he said there are a lot of gays in the military.
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happens the w that's the way it is. what does your experience tell you? >> i have been in the navy ten years, commissioned out of ocs in 2006. deployed all over the world. >> you came in, your identity was what? >> female. i deployed all over the world. i have done 11 operational deployments throughout my ten years of service. >> how did it go personally? >> personally it's been great. i did -- actually, i did the integration of women on submarines in 2011. i was one of the first female-bodied individuals to serve on submarines. >> how did that go? that's often pointed to by people who haven't been in the service, it's very confined, claustrophobic to most of us, what was it like in those close circumstances? >> perfectly fine. we adapted to managing our own privacy and in fact, we had -- >> were there other people? >> the crew. you had three females on the
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boat and we had to manage our own privacy with each other. in fact, we had a flip sign for the restroom and male and female for the officer restroom. that only lasted a little bit of time before we moved the flip sign from the outside door, because there were two doors, from the outside to the inside so it was on the shower door so we could all share the restroom without interfering with the privacy of somebody taking a shower. we adapt to the different privacy situations. >> what do you make of this, you have to go first because you're in the military, about this causing problems with readiness, these terms like readiness come up whach up. what does that mean? >> they are afraid that transgender people are going to not be deployable. when in fact that's just not true. >> how would that physically be the case? what would stop somebody like yourself from doing the job? >> there's nothing that stops me from doing the job. >> what do they say? >> they are worried about surgeries and things like that. we deploy, dod deploys
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transgender civilians. the state department employs transgender civilians to remote locations. so the fact that we would be non-deployable is a moot point. >> the same boogeymen that you heard brought up when log cabin republicans was fighting for open service for gays and lesbians in the military, oh, this is social experimentation in the military or oh, my goodness, we will have to worry about showers, whatever will our military do, look at the lieutenant here. this is someone who served his country, continues to serve his country, and the military isn't the one that has a problem with the implementation of this stuff. it's the politicians. >> just to get the sense quickly, people identify how they identify in terms of gender. it's not as important as the duty you have. people do identify, they know they are not at a club. they know they are on military time, right? people adjust to the circumstances. >> they adjust to the circumstances. absolutely. >> i think that's what happens. thanks for your service. >> yes, sir. thank you. >> i have seen das boat. that's the only thing i know
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about submarine life. hell of a movie about the germans in world war ii. they got the meat hanging, everything's hanging, like you're living, everything is close together. anyway, thank you. keep coming in with the progress. up next, veepstakes. chris christie. do you believe it, chris christie's on the list. tim kaine in the headlines as possible number two. are these the best running mates? that's a pretty good question. 330 million people and chris christie's at the top of the list? i work 'round the clock. i want my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin.
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prospective running mates are making some news. not all of it good. on the democratic side, politico reported today that tim kaine quote reported more than $160,000 in gifts from 2001 to 2009, mostly for travel to and from political events and conferences. according to disclosures compile bi ed by the virginia public access projec project. according to this report, senator kaine received an $18,000 caribbean vacation, a trip to watch george mason university play in the final four. all the gifts were legal under virginia law. unlike his successor, former governor bob mcdonnell, all the gifts were properly disclosed publicly on paper. meanwhile, on the republican side, the "new york times" reports that new jersey governor chris christie quote, is among those being vetted as mr.
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trump's possible running mate. according to people briefed on the process. mr. trump has said in interviews mr. christie would have a prominent place in a trump white house. let's bring in the "hardball" roundtable. jamal simmons, laura bassett and the senior writer for "u.s. news and world report." this guy has taken a lot of gifts, it seems to have a certain scent to it because we had this big supreme court case about his predecessor down there. >> apparently he took gifts, according to politico, went to a donor's house in the caribbean, went to a basketball game but in virginia these things are allowed. >> explain the clothes thing. how does somebody give you clothes? hey, anybody, want some clothes? i got clothes for you. seems like an odd gift. a steak dinner, that's one thing. come on, i'll buy you some clothes. it seems strange. >> he reported the gifts. >> does it smell? >> i don't think it smells.
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he stayed at a friend's house in the caribbean, paid his own expenses. he overreported everything. he didn't do anything illegal. it's all within the bounds of -- >> so he's still in the running? still in the running? >> he's still in the running but is not the best choice. >> he is the best choice. he's still in the running. he can overcome this. >> has anyone ever given you clothes? >> no. but look, i think he can overcome this if he's conciliatory, talks about reform. >> does he have to say it was wrong, what he did? >> no. he should stress that it was completely legal in virginia. look, donald just -- >> my theory is democrats leaked this story, perhaps even tim kaine. they have no inoculate them if they are going to appoint him vice president. >> a spokesperson tells "hardball" during his eight years as lieutenant governor and governor, senator kaine went beyond the requirements of virginia law, even publicly disclosing gifts of value beneath the reporting threshold. hes confident he met both the letter and spirit of virginia's ethical standards. are virginia's ethical standards good enough? >> no.
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>> okay. let's talk about christie. he's involved with the bridge scandal. we beat the hell out of it here. everybody on this network and everyone else beat the hell out of it. he started off by saying oh, yeah, i'm the guy that went out and put the cones out to stop the traffic. but it's a fact, they stopped traffic to make some kind of political message to somebody they didn't like or tried to squeeze some mayor in fort lee. is he still the credible candidate for vice president? >> i recently spoke to a trump aide who is urging against a christie appointment. but told me that christie's in the mix because christie is in trump's ear and frankly, christie wants it. a lot of people don't want it. >> there are time relapse pills coming down the road here. all the people who will testify in these cases against them, a lot of people have to squeal here. they might point to him. >> it's certainly bad timing with the trial coming up in september. i also think christie's a really dumb choice for trump, because it's basically trump choosing his mirror image. >> how so? >> christie's a bombastic
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blowhard, he's from new jersey, and -- >> nothing wrong with that. >> he doesn't help trump pick up constituents he doesn't already have. trump is from new york. >> double-downing on it. >> double-downing on attitude. >> perfect philadelphia accent and one of the words i looked for was attytood. >> trump, christie versus clinton-warren is quite a choice for the american people. >> you think it's warren? >> i do think it's warren. >> want to bet? >> you got to get the bernie voters on her side. >> want to bet? >> i'll bet you. >> it screws up my commentary. >> what's the question? >> let's get back to square one. >> i think it's going to be tim kaine. >> i think it's going to be tim kaine. i think corker, jeff sessions or a general for trump. trump has said he wants someone that can help him in washington, right? do something with congress. christie doesn't have any washington experience. >> what do you think? you have a thought? >> i think corker is a good choice for trump. probably the best choice.
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>> absolutely. >> jeff sessions. let's have alabama all the way in it. >> you have attytood. i know what you're doing. you're trying to screw these guys. up next, these three will tell me again something i don't know. i drive a golf ball. i drive to the hoop. i drive a racecar. i have a driver. his name is carl. but that's not what we all have in common. we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. you know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. i couldn't have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. i found another way. yeah, treatment with xarelto®. hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke.
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bill maher will join us for the whole "hardball" that night. he will have plenty to say heading into the republican convention in cleveland. mark your calendar join me with bill maher, monday, july 11th. we'll be right back. your car insurance policy is 22 pages long. did you read every word? no, only lawyers do that. so when you got rear-ended and needed a tow, your insurance company told you to look at page five on your policy. did it say "great news. you're covered!" on page five? no. it said, "blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah..." the liberty mutual app with coverage compass makes it easy to know what you're covered for and what you're not. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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going to stack up. >> how do you measure it? >> staff, consultants, how much money they spend in field campaigns. they have five different measures and donors are asking questions of politicians about how they're campaigning. >> laura? >> the national republican convention committee has a program called young guns, looking at up and coming people in the republican party. the average age is 49. >> ludicrous. >> and includes a 74-year-old woman who worked in the reagan administration. >> and the issue of guns. >> keeping in the themes of veepstakes, i'm told that john kasich was on trump's veep list initially about a month ago. then he went out publicly and said he wasn't interested, trashing trump, saying he wouldn't endorse him. trump removed him from the list. >> where's the surprise in that? >> the surprise is that he was initially on the list and now there's back channels between the two because they want his
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endorsement for the convention in cleveland. because it's a big black eye if you don't have a sitting governor's endorsement. >> ohio, ohio, ohio. so important to both parties. republicans can't win without it. democrats can cut their heart if they grab it. that's why sherrod brown makes sense. anyway, when we return, let me finish with the vice presidential hunting season. i have some thoughts on this matter. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. behr's most advanced paint. get the best paints and stains for any budget and now save 10 or 40 bucks. only at the home depot. what powers the digital world? communication. like centurylink's broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain's guests connected at work, and at play. or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies.
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let me finish tonight with this. we are in the vice presidential hunting season. july, which starts tomorrow, will be the month that donald trump and hillary clinton decide who they wanted as their runningimates. who they want should they win the presidency, working two doors down from them in the west wing. the veep job is not what it used to be. lincoln went home to live in maine. if they were to meet with the president, they had to get on a horse, in a carriage, or in a limo, and ride down from the hill to see him. starting with nixon's presidency, the veep got an office in the old executive office building across the west wing avenue from the west wing, starting with jimmy carter, the veep got an office in the west wing itself, two doors from the oval office. so it's a real close in position these days and in washington, position is everything. the question presidential candidates now have to ask
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themselves, who do they want living and working and holding a position in such close proximity? certainly not someone who repels them, someone they can't take, and they don't want someone they don't trust being so close that they can learn their secrets, someone poking their nose into their business and dine out on it, write books about it, or drop a dime on them. you want someone this close to be a secret keeper. you don't want a lightweight. you don't want someone on the ticket that isn't capable of thinking like a president and have the beginnings of the ability to act like one. we've had beauties of late, dan quayle, john edwards, sarah palin, call them boutique vice presidential nominees, because of a consultant's theory they would appeal to this or that group, country folk, young women, or whatever. one thing we don't need is for trump or clinton to pick a veep running mate based on whose best selling point is some demographic they're supposed to
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arouse. it's an insult to the voter and an insult to the office. the one great way to tell a serious president is to see if he or she makes a serious pick of vp. that's "hardball." thanks for being with us. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. >> tonight on "all in" -- >> why am i not doing better in the polls? >> a candidate comes to grips with a campaign in trouble. >> i don't see how i'm not leading. >> tonight the latest barrage of troubling headlines for donald trump. >> that could be a mexican plane up there, they're getting ready to attack. >> plus, bernie sanders cannot stand hillary clinton. >> senator bernie sanders responds to that charge here tonight. then -- the ugly attacks on elizabeth warren continues. >> i have more native american blood in me than she does, okay? >> tonight donald trump's long history of profiling native
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