tv Meet the Press MSNBC July 3, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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e owner find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing it's perfect. start your used car search at this this sunday, hillary clinton, e-mails and the fbi. the fbi interviews clinton for three and a half hours about her e-mail server. this morning her first interview since that meeting. >> i've been eager to do it. and i was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion. >> the e-mail story plus bill clinton's tarmac meeting with the attorney general. >> both the attorney general and my husband have said they would not do it again. >> are just the latest examples of why voters have trust issues with clinton. also, terror in 2016. as a tax attacks around the world become the new normal,
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isis becomes a big part of the presidential campaign. >> they have dreams at night. and their dreams are that hillary clinton becomes president of our country. believe me. >> how will terror impact the race. and our new nbc news 2016 battle ground map. the big states that have shifted and what it means for november. and finally, is it time to bring back the smoke-filled room? yes says the author of the cover story "how american politics went insane." joining me andrea mitchell, k y indica katie turr. and more. >> this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. >> good sunday morning and happy independence day weekend to everybody.
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we may be nearing the final chapter of the hillary clinton e-mail saga. yesterday the fbi interviewed hillary clinton for about three and a half hours at its headquarters in washington d.c. about the use of her private e-mail server while she was secretary of state. i spoke with the former secretary late yesterday on msn msnbc, her only interview since meeting with the fbi and asked her whether a description of the interview as civil and businesslike was accurate? >> well, it was both. it was something i had offered to do since last august. i've been eager to do it. and i was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion. >> how did your private server where you kept this classified information, some of which was retroactive, i understand. after your term of secretary of state. how is that not a violation of this code. >> i never received or sent any
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material that was marked classified. and there is a process for the review of material before it is released to the public. and there were decisions made that material should be classified. i do call that retroactively classifying. so therefore it would not be publicly released. but that doesn't change the f t facts as i have explained many times. >> who advised you that it was perfectly legal for you to have a private server and have this information on there as secretary of state? who gave you that advice. >> >> i'm not going to go into more detail than i already have in public, many times as you already know, out of respect for the investigation that the department is conducting so i'm not going to comment any further on the review.
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but i've been answering questions now for over a year. i've released more than 55,000 pages of my e-mails for the public to read for themselves. i will continue to, you know, be as forthcoming as i can. and my answer that i first gave more than a year ago, i stand by. >> at the same time there was another story clinton would love to leave behind. that tarmac meeting at the airport between bill clinton and loretta lynch. seen by her as evidence of a conspiracy. even by they are supporters though as just bad optics. yesterday i asked for her reaction to the meeting. >> well i learned about it in the news. and it was a short, chance meeting at an airport tarmac. and both of their planes as i understand it were landing on the same tarmac at about the same time.
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and the attorney general's husband was there. they said hello. they talked about grand kids which is very much on our minds these days. golf. their mutual friend former attorney general janet reno. it was purely social. they did not veer off of speaking about those kind of, you know, very common exchanges. >> do you understand why many and the public, many, some of them were political opponents of yours. some of your supporters who thought that was a bad decision by your husband. that that was a mistake and he should have known better. hindsight is 2020. both the attorney general and my husband have said that they wouldn't do it again, even though it was from all accounts that i have heard and seen an exchange of pleasantries. but obviously no one wants to see untoward, you know, conclusions drawn.
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and they have said, you know, they would not do it again. >> those two story, the e-mail, the tarmac meeting appearing in rapid succession, are a reminder that while donald trump had had a terrible few weeks, hillary clinton has her own issues and they all revolve around trust. the interview that's been anticipated for months happened behind closed doors at fbi headquarters for three and a half hours according to clinton aides. it is a sign the e-mail investigation that's dogged clinton's campaign may finally be drawing to a close and that tarmac meeting, bill clinton goes in the other day, into an airplane. just happened to be oh just a coincide, you know. >> attorney general loretta lynch says the meeting on her private plane in phoenix was a social call. but announced friday, she will accept whatever recommendations federal prosecutors make in the investigation. >> i certainly wouldn't do it again. and, you know, because i think it has cast a shadow. >> i think the key right now is
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there cannot be any unforced errors. and that meeting on the tarmac was an unforced error. >> the trust issue continues to be a drag on clinton's campaign. >> a lot of people tell pollsters they don't trust me. now i don't like hearing that. you hear 25 years worth of wild accusation, anybody would start to wonder. >> clinton leads trump overall by 5 points in the latest poll. but trails by 16 points when voters are asked which candidate is more honest and straightforward. and 69% say the fact that clinton is dishonest is serious enough to be a concern. >> i think the integrity problem goes all the a way back to her being a first lady. white water forward all way to the investigation now on e-mails. there is also something in the press. while none of them have been prosecuted in anyway, voters just see too many smoke.
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>> and this week more e-mails. though clinton claimed she turned over all work related e-mails to the state department, at least 160 new ones have come to light thanks to a public records lawsuit. clinton is trying to deal with all of her problems. explaining her secrecy. >> the reason i sometimes sound careful with my words is not that i'm hiding something. it is just that i'm careful with my words. >> borrowing campaign energy from others. >> i'm with her. yes her. >> and trying to turn the trust issue back on trump. >> he's in it for himself and he is temperamentally unfit to be president. >> you can't just do a speech and suddenly address it and it is gone. it is always going to be part of the equation and that is what makes it difficult for her. >> let's bring in our panel of correspondents.
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kelly o'donnell, kasey hunt. andrea mitchell and katie turr. welcome all of you. donald trump just announced it was just announced by sources no charges will be brought against crooked hillary clinton. like i said the system is totally rig. andrea mitchell. even if she's exonerated donald trump already has his talking point. >> he's been calling her crooked hillary for a while so that is branding her in a advance. but the tarmac meeting, such an unforced error. inexplicably, bill clinton the shoes -- tlhere is a motorcade. let's go over and -- but something should have told this formal constitutional law professor from arkansas not do it. they could have walked into the terminal, any place in public. to be on that plane for 30 minutes. now no matter what happens, if
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she is exonerated, she will still be -- there will still be suspicions not only among the donald trump people but among a lot of other people. there will be suspicions that it was politically influenced. this is absolutely a disastrous decision on their part. >> and it plays directly into the narrative the donald trump campaign is trying to put forth, that hillary clinton is not to be trust. that there are one set of rules for her, for the clinton, for politicians in general and another set of rules for everybody else. the lynch meeting did that. this meeting with the fbi could potentially do that if it results in no charges being brought and a trump campaign is seeing this as an opportunity. no matter what happens to use it against her as saying she's just not trust worthy. >> and it is something of a pattern with the clintons. you heard hillary clinton talking about that. oh i do something, the right thinks it is a grand conspiracy. but the reality is they have done things, many things in public life that looking back they say they shouldn't have done. but they look strange.
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the e-mail use in and of itself. i did it for convenience she says. it turns out i would have cone it differently if i had another chance. it is a long line of things that fits into a pattern that trump -- >> kelly i want to play a clip. i had loretta lynch on here a couple of weeks ago and asked her about the recusal. and it's interesting. here it is. >> so this is not up to you? this decision? >> we don't talk about how we're going to deal with the internal works of the justice department but this will be handled like any other matter. >> and it is not necessary in your mind that you have to excuse yourself from this. >> i say let the career prosecutors and agents do their job and continue in this matter. >> but she was also careful in the -- >> she left a little room. >> she said no i am going to be briefed on this. she's not doing a full recusal. republicans are picking up on this. >> and they want a special
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prosecutor they doce. >> sure. -- >> but talking about -- >> recusal is something that might -- might still be out there. >> i think that is still within the possibility. i also think james comey --. and if he were to say that there is evidence here that should be considered if the career prosecutors, and i think many people watching this from the outside may not have a sense of the type of long careers, regardless of who is president of people who are involved in this. she's trying to shine a light on that credibility. politically this is very difficult. >> so if you can't fix trust, what do you fix if you are hillary clinton? here is one of our pollsters, he wants to zero in on another ise hillary clinton's. >> hillary clinton's never going to be able to solve the integrity question. what she has to deal with is likability.
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and that is voters need to relate to her. they need to find a comfort in terms of her values and in terms of what she would do. >> he's been riding this. and other democrats believe not doing enough on her own likability issues. >> they have campaign ads now showing what he's done with children. which is authentic. her entire life. her entire career. playing in north carolina and other big states. that is showing hillary clinton as not just experienced. they have checked that box. but showing her warm, engaging, the grandmother. there is one other thing this whole mess has created. it's made it difficult. i was told there was a plan, a possibly plan for her to supply in on tuesday with this first obama meeting to north carolina on air force one. >> hillary clinton would have been on air force one with obama walking down. >> coming down -- you see the door of the plane opens. there is the two of them arm in arm. >> not now.
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>> maybe they will still do it. but it really makes it hard for the president while this is pending from his justice department. >> i want to pivot a little bit now to the other big issue that is hitting this campaign. it is the state of terror attacks around the world and whether this is really becoming a new normal for all of us. consider what we've seen just in the past few monthsem all tied to islamic extremism. paris, san bernardino, orlando, the airport in istanbul. and just this weekend the restaurant siege in bangladesh. events like these can alter the trajectory of a campaign and while hillary clinton limited her response to a written statement, donald trump again is trying to position himself as the tough on terror candidate. >> hillary is a weak person. she's a weak person. they will not understand hill y hillary. they want her to get in so badly. the last person they want to see become president of the united
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states believe me is donald trump. i can tell you that. >> and there are warning signs for clinton on this issue. our recent poll found trump leading clinton by five points. 44-39 on the issue of dealing with terrorism and homeland security. and trump has an 8 point edge for standing up for america. yesterday i spoke with republican senator tom cotton of arkansas sitting on the intelligence and armed services committee. and he's been amongst the sharpest critics of president obama's foreign policy. >> and joining me now is the republican senator from arkansas. tom cotton. welcome back to meet the press. >> good morning chuck. good to be on. happy independence day for you and all your viewers. >> absolutely. let me start with this war against isis, terrorism, etc. you are very critical of this administration. that we know. but let me put you in charge now. be the person in charge. starting now what do you do?
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starting with syria. what do you do in syria now? >> chuck i think the first thing we have to do is talk less and act more. the president often presents our problems with the islamic state as a pr problem or a communications problem. when a politician says that it is almost always a reality problem. we need to do more and we need to do it faster. i'll give you some examples from the past. it seems like every time the islamic state commits a terrorist atrocity, the president or his senior officials announce a new policy change. we weren't striking oil trucks, then we were. we didn't have special operations in syria. now we do. we didn't have troops below the brigade level. but now -- at the minimum we should take stock ovm of all the policies and pursue all of them right now before there is another attack. >> i want to play a clip from you in 2013 and ask you about it on the other side. here it is. >> are we fighting too many wars? and i would say no. we're fighting one war. and it is a war against radical
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islamic jihad. our national interests can be at stake in the smallest veils in afghanistan. where radical jihadist are plotting just a small cabal. >> does that mean that when isis strikes in a bangladesh that it is in america's interest to deal with that isis threat there, the isis threat in afghanistan. the isis threat in iraq. you see my point here. where does it stop? where does it end? >> well we have to defeat the islamic state, chuck. we can't simply contain it within a small part of syria. they will continue to launch terror attacks around the world. not just places like bangladesh and turk but western europe and the united states as well. or they will inspire those kind of attacks. if they are defeated in iraq and syria or in libya which is maybe their most dangerous and well developed cell today, then they won't inspire nearly so many attacks. we're not responsible for the
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domestic security of every one of our allies but ultimately the way to stop attacks around the world is to deny terrorists the safe haven they need and eliminate their leadership from the battle just like with al qaeda through much of the last decade. >> in many wastes what you outline is a foreign policy is the exact opposite of donald trump and seems really closer to hillary clinton. or hillary clinton seems closer to you. how do you explain this? >> well, i can assure you that i'm not very close to hillary clinton. i think she's disqualified herself from commander in chief by her cavalier attitude towards our nation's secrecy laws and she's been responsible for many of the worst decisions of the obama administration. she was literally present when he pressed the reset button with russia. in 2011 when your commander said we need more troops in iraq, she couldn't achieve that even though she was skt state and she was the strongest advocate
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inside the obama administration for the l for the --. i'm far from a supporter of hillary clinton. nor to our world views match up very well. >> you gave the case against clinton. what is the case for trump? you just did a whole speech by the way earlier this weekend. you didn't even mention his name. you had out a strong case against her but you did not make a case for him. make the case for him. >> well chuck the case against hillary clinton's judgment in foreign policy is very strong and to say nothing of her support for obamacare or immigration or the fact that she would have been. >> what is the case for donald trump. i understand the case against hillary clinton. what is the case for donald trump? >> well donald trump can ultimately make the case for himself. but donald trump, like most americans, like most republicans believe in protecting america's core national interests. he believes as i and most americans that we aren't doing enough to take the fight to the
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islamic state. but the intervention in libya was ill considered and slap bash at the time and we're living with the consequences of it now. that we have to get tougher when it comes to our intelligence and law enforcement practices to stop islamic terrorism. on those matters our party is largely united and i say we have the vast majority of americans with us. >> you don't come across as an enthusiastic trump supporter. is that fair is this. >> maybe i don't demonstrate enthusiasm much in life chuck especially in such dangerous times as these. >> this is somebody who is not -- he is not running on a foreign policy that is anywhere close to what you would like to see. how do you square that and support for him? >> well chuck i'm a senator and as a senator i play an important role in crafting foreign policy. and it is important to remember that whatever the candidates say they will have to interact with the united states congress, particularly the senate when it comes to crafting policy. there's been talk in this campaign about our troop presence in japan and south
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carolina. that's not unprecedented. jimmy carter proposed when he was president withdrawing all troops from south carolina. he was stopped by the united states congress. we play an important role and i'm going continue to play that role whoever is president. >> and finally clinton testified for three and a half hours today. given what happened with the tarmac incident and former president clinton, the attorney general, her decided not to fully recuse herself but saying she'll accept whatever recommendation the more prosecutors and fbi makes. do you have confidence now in the outcome, whatever it is regarding this investigation? >> chuck, i have always had confidence in our front line fbi personnel, as well as the fbi leadership. i think the events of the last week though do call into question attorney general lynch's judgment in taking a private meeting with bill clinton who is not only the spouse of an target of an fbi investigation but may himself be
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at the target of the fbi investigation in to the activities of the clinton investigation. very unwise of her to take the meeting and very unwise of him to seek the meeting. and since she's not fully reduced accused her i think it raises questions about interference in the investigation. >> senator thanks for comingen. >> thanks chuck. >> when we come back the shifting battle ground map for 20 2016. guess which very big and famous swing state has moved into the democrat column. and we're going to show you some of what we heard when we ask what does independence mean to you? >> i may not everything that i need. but just knowing that i can think and that i can use my own power to make a difference in my family, my community and my daughter's lives, yes, i am independent and i am free. uh oh. oh. henry!
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visit and get started today. welcome welcome back. e unveiled a new map this ek. we're going start with our democratic leaning states. what changed? first the good news for hillary clinton, florida and its 29 electoral votes has gone from toss up to lean democrat. two of the last three polls have shown clinton with a double digit lead in florida, florida. also new jersey, we have median from a lean to a likely.
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light blue to dark blue. the bad news, pennsylvania, nevada, they are now toss up. more on that in a minute. this map puts clinton at 255 electoral votes. 15 short of the 270 she would need. and on the republican side. the trump man right now. we've moved mississippi and montana. they are now more solidly republican in our column. but maybe the most important thing is utah. we've moved it from likely to lean. it is perhaps the most important republican state and reliable republican state in the country. but mormance have a big problem with trump and noz guarantee he'll win there.ons have a big with trump and n guarantee he'll win there. trump would still need 80 electoral votes. eight toss up states in here, plus one electoral vote in both maine and nebraska. those two states both award them by congressional district. new editions to this map besides
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maine's vote is pennsylvania and nevada nevada. right now trump is showing strength in reno. and the polls are much closer than many thought they would be. in total 93 electoral votes up for grabs in our toss up category. all hillary clinton needs is 15 electoral votes. one north carolina would do it. one pennsylvania would do it. one ohio would do it. that is a little scary if you are donald trump right now. because if she's only one state away and you are essentially need to run the table on everything on this map. we'll see. when we come back, as the potential vp fields come into focus, plan review with one possible now you can't spell nutriam i right?t nut,
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up in buffalo, new york and before being tapped to serve in president obama cabinet in 2013. on the campaign trail for secretary clinton, he's aggressively pushed back against donald trump even as he's been coy about whether he's being vetted or not. but we're told that secretary clinton has really taking a liking to him on the campaign trail. he joined me on friday in his personal capacity as a supporter where he's been working to convince skeptical progressives on issues like trade. let me start with trade and specifically tpp. donald trump earlier this week railing against it and then added this, we have to withdraw, okay, we have to and we should seek a guarantee from hillary clinton that she won't sign it. by the way, he's got the same position on tpp as bernie sanders who wants he's got the same position on tpp as bernie sanders. opposition to tpp. should secretary clinton oppose
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and guarantee she'll oppose it for four years. >> she's been very clear she's opposed tpp and she's been very clear he xi has a real plan to bring jobs back to america and has a plan on trade making sure we're tough on trade. so if china is dumping steel or aluminum, she's called for a trade prosecutor reporting directly to hero. she also has ha plan to expand manufacturing jobs near america. donald trump is a fraud. he's the outsource nr in chief. and listening to him talk about how he's going to put america first again. he's spent his entire career putting his own profits first. >> bernie sanders is just as via heemt against thvehement agains
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>> donald trump has said wages are too high in america. donald trump has said low minimum wage is a good thing for america. donald trump makes his suits in mexico, when i've been to a plant in ohio that uses union labor to make their suit donald trump has saidepeatedly oh i'm going to make america first. but when you look at the reality of what he has done he has fought collective bargaining in las vegas. the people on the strip who organized the trump hotel, they did it over his dead body. he doesn't believe in the prevailing wage. this notion that he's somehow going to be a champion for workers flies in the face of his record. because he hasn't put america first. he's put his own profits first. it is all about him. >> let me ask you though specifically about tpp. labor secretary perez said this about tpp. in your capacity as labor
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secretary you championed it and one op ed we found in the boulder daily camera you called it critical to our 21st century competitiveness. that was over a year ago. you do still believe in that version of the tpp? >> sure. this is what the president tasked me with doing, chuck and i was proud do it. which is we want to go to school on the mistakes and lessons of past trade agreements. e want to bailed trade regime that again, the north star is the american worker, protecting the american worker. we want to make sure when we negotiate that we have the strongest protections for workers that we've ever had. and that is what we set out to do and that is what i believe we have done. the president and secretary clinton have a disagreement on whether tpp has gone that far. this is not the first time in the history of the democratic party there have been differences of opinion. where they are totally in lock step is their belief that we have to put the american worker first and we have to go to
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school on the lessons of history. and that's exactly what we're doing in the work that we've been doing on trade. >> look, i know you have been very hesitant about answering any vp questions in the vetting questions. let me ask this. it is clear your name is somewhere in the mix. tell me how you would describe your foreign policy philosophy? >> well i haven't -- i haven't run on miss universe pageant and i don't own any golf courses in scotland chuck. so i don't have what donald trump has. and i'm very sorry about that. but, you know, it is all about judgment. and donald trump is such a volatile individual. and what i have seen working with secretary clinton is that she is a steady hand. we're in the midst of a, you know, very challenging set of circumstances around the world. and you need someone with a steady hand. and secretary clinton with her
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experience, with her steadyhand and with her sound judgment. judgment is what it's all about. and i think she's exercised sound judgment throughout. >> what do you believe is the biggest threat that faces the next administration internationally? >> well again we're continuing to confront the threat of foreign terrorism. isil and others. we continue to see nations that are having, you know, dramatic challenges. and a lot of the same questions are being asked around the world, whether it is in europe where you have so many people in the far right who are gaining traction. whether it is, you know, la pen in france or others elsewhere. austria most recently as well. and so i think it is a critically important moment for american leadership. and when i think about donald
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trump, the trump train wreck is not simply a train wreck on trade or on the minimum wage or on immigration. it is a train wreck for american values. and one of the many reasons, chuck, that i am so excited to support secretary clinton is because she understands that when you attack muslims, when you attack immigrant, you are attacking the core of american values. and i think around the world, the rest of the world is looking to america for leadership. looking for us to summon those values of inclusion and opportunity and optimism. i don't understand for life of me why donald trump is always saying america is in decline. when ronald reagan was president he was taken out full page ads saying america is laughing stock. when i travel internationally in my job everybody is looking to
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america for guidance. everybody says to me, we admire you as the face of the earth in terms of the values that we should be upholding. i think america is a remarkable leader. and with secretary clinton moving forward, the challenges of terroris the challenges of global inequality. we've got to make sure that our economy at home and our economy around the world works for everybody and not just for a few. >> there's a fuller interview i did with tom parish. you can find that on the website. nbc meet the is it time to bring back the smoke filled room? we'll get into that. as well as the veeb stakes but first here is more about what independence means to some of you. >> to be able to exercise your rights to vote, to be able to speak. to be able to exercise your rights if you have a religion but without imposing that
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welcome back. we want to take a moment to remember a life that man president obama called the conscience of the world. elie wiesel. he was a teenager in auschwitz in 1944. survived the horror of hitler's concentration camps and he kroenke chronicled in his his famous book. he spent the next decade insuring the words never again would be more than a slowing. 1986 he accepted the nobel peace prize with a call to action, to never stay silent in the face of oppression. >> we must take sides. for -- helps the --.
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restrict party fund ragz. the changes all sound good but my next says the effort has in fact created chaos and given us the politics we see today. a this month's atlantic, a provocative piece called how american politics went insane. it is probably the best summation of trying to explain how did we get here. it is the number one question all of us get. which is how did we end up with trump and clinton? and how dide end one this politics? and i want to start with one excerpt and is have you explain it. trump, sanders and ted cruz have in common they are political sociopaths. meaning not that they are crazy. but they don't care what other politicians think about their behavior and they don't need to care. explain what wha you meant by this. >> politics is inherently a team sport. you have to have a leaders who
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can get followers to follow and coordinate thousands of interest groups and activists and other politicians. and that takes people who can build personal network, who can have private conversations. who can have strong party structures. that requires seniority systems. it requires money. you have to be able to say, you know, chuck you've been a political supporter. i'm going to route money to your campaign. by stripping away we've -- >> our most pressing political problem today is that the country abandoned the establishment. not the ore way around. obviously we've been hearing that word, whatever it meant. the establishment, i'm running against the establishment. whatever that meant. and you are contending no, the problem is the establishment is not working. >> yeah it's been effectively shattered. obviously there are still people who look like more mainstream than other people. but the tools that an
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establishment needs to use in order to be able to organize politics include things like being able to, for example suppose i need you to vote with me on a debt limit bill or keep the government open. that is a tough vote for you. i need to give you protection in the primary race. if i can't do that you won't help me. that is the leader without followers. that is john bayner and the mess we're in. >> ed ced ca ed cacandidates whd in a way. in a smoke filled room, people would have known what's going on in john edwards life and would have communicated that. and you can go back to where people were hurried up and put on a ticket and we're ant important flexion point where candidates are going to be chosen for vice president by these front runners and you have to know a lot more about them. >> we have without meaning to,
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with best of intentions, we've moved down a road where we now reward renegade political behavior and punish loyalist whose play by the rules and that is a dangerous place to be? >> you talk about the story of the machines of old, tammany hall and how they actually ended up representing the little guy. they were not necessarily elitist. do you think the establishment has made any mistakes. the republican party for example. did they forget about those masses of people who they actually need to send them here? >> you know, it is of course the establishment's made huge mistakes. everyone's med huge mistakes. but a lot of what happened is that the establishment lost the party specifically. bringing together. and say who's going to talk to the working class? who's on that beat. find candidate whose are mobilize those votes. when you turn it other to a primary process, you are turning
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it over to special interests and the activists who have time to organize and you are taking it a way from these people who are kind of the un -- you know, unspoken for. >> and did the establis lose the perception game? how did they lose with voters who feel they don't feel were represented by them? how do they get that message take an way and co-opt. was it part of the whole political system that the media is lying to you. part of the system that those in power are trying to benefit themselves. was it something they created and then lost control of? >> it is a bunch of things. part of it is of course the so called establishment made mistakes. i prefer to think about insiders and parties over establishment. because a lot of what happened there is we spent the last 40 or 50 years passing laws and policies that have systematically stripped away all the tools and devices those people used to do their jobs and then we look up and discover they can't do their jobs. all they are are talking heads.
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why didn't they intervene to stop trump? there is nothing they could do. they had no tools. they used to be able to channel money and work quietly behind closed doors to get things done in congress, and especially in the primary process. we've taken a way a lot of what they needed. >> 535 elected pundits. >> schools have been demonized in many ways. and when i talk to vote erps they think the elements you talk about, how you build coalitions and loyalty over time, they don't trust that. they don't accept those sorts of inner works apply to government. how do you change their minds? >> well you can try to start by writing an article. but it is such an uphill battle. the article talks about the mechanical things you can do to begin fixing this problem. and they are not all that difficult. a lot of them are simple changes in law or just congressional rules like earmarks.
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the hard part is persuading the public that we've gone too far down the road of demonizing our political parties and machines and professionals and that until we start rebuilding them we are going to have more more chaos. >> and rewarding compromise. >> rewarding team play. >> i hope every elected official reads this. i think many americans need to read it. it is an important piece. may become a seminal piece for all we know. congratulations, thanks for coming. >> thank you. >> when we come back we'll have some end game time and could we learn this week the name of donald trump's running mate. >> coming up meet the press end game.
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presidential running mate. we think the front runners are chris christie, mike pence and --. >> one of the important things to know is in order to pick that running mate they have to complete the vetting process and that is not done. the questionnaires that have been going out in a rolling fashion in both parties frankly, there are those on the list who have not completed that work yet. and until it is in they can't do it. why is that so important for donald trump? because the person he chose to do his vetting is well known d.c. lawyer who also vetted sarah palin. and the question is he wants to be certain that there is a thorough vetting. and so the questionnaires, which are more than a hundred questions, all kinds of things about financing, medical, everything you have done. social media habits all of that. asking these potential picks to go through that. that is not done yet. so the pick will need a little more time. >> what are you saying here.
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>> we're all says those would be the front runners for trump. i have sources close to the campaign saying be careful for a head fake. these are three people who think on their own and have their own opinions and would be a real partner as number two. and my sources say donald trump wants his own ed mcmain. someone who's going to say yes donald trump. as opposed to someone who's going to go out and potentially -- >> chriskr >> they keep pointing to scott brown. thinking personality wise more than anything else. >> i want to go to the democrats here a little bit. tom perez had been working up the list. does he have enough foreign policy experience? does clinton care about that? >> clinton doesn't need to care about the foreign policy
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experien experience. but she needs to follow through on her commitment. someone ready to step in. i still think mccain e chetim e kain kaine. given all of the other issue, i still think that somebody come out on the inside and that's tom -- >> tom, he's been vetted before. john kerry vetted him in '04 and can speak to rural america which is something she can't these days. >> their connection is with her, not bill. it is a hillary clinton long term -- >> powerful. >> what are you hearing? >> i think that really matters a lot. and i do think one thing the campaign is kravling with is a elizabeth warren and what is the best way to deal with her on the
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campaign trail. i don't think get the sense they feel like she needs to be the vice presidential pick. and my sense is that the idea that hillary clinton would have someone in the neighboring office who was potentially so interested in taking the oval office job might be a little uncomfortable. >> and with hillary clinton she's also looking past the election to governing. and one thing that you really have to calculate with her is she was a senator. she is married to a president. she understands the relationship of congress to a president. and i am told by so many senate democrats that she has options other than those that would remove a democratic senator. >> and that matters. shi wants a democrat senate. >> if her first one 1 hundred days. >> she needs compatibility. she has seen the sibling rivalry in the white house several times and she doesn't want it.
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>> i'm going pause it there. we have something a little interesting we're allowing folks to do. if this election has you feeling that you need to get something off your chest, we've got a way to do that. try to provide you a way do it. and we want you to do it secretly. it is called election confessioconfession people have been submitting notes like this one. after month os being vocal for bernie i forgot to vote in my primary. we have nbc gathered confessionsed a an event called politic-con. >> my secret confession is i lied to everybody who i voted for. >> i've only ever voted for myself. i i feel like if everybody promises to be real chill we don't really need a president. >> -- lived in the country 24 years and never voted once because i'm too lazy to get my
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citizenship. >> lifelong democrat. but sometimes i get the appeal of donald trump. please god help me. >> you too can do this. find how to confess. >> it is cathartic. >> election confessions dominant. >> -- cover these rallies. >> -- after november. >> right. you can see the full video on the "meet the press" facebook page. oh, and the confessions booth will be up and running at both conventions. my whole confession is i never tell my daughter anything about what i think about politician because she'll tell everybody at school. be safe out there. and as we go, here is the united states marine band performing john phillip susa's stars and stripes forever on the steps of the capitol. we'll be back next week because if it's sunday, it's "meet the press." ♪
12:00 pm
good day everyone. i'm eamayman mohyeldin. 3:00 p.m. in the east, high noon out west. doubling down at this hour, hillary clinton opening up about her weekend meeting with the fbi and standing her ground over the use of her personal e-mail server in an exclusive interview with msnbc. >> let me just repeat what i have reeted for many months now. i never received nor sent any material that was marked classified. >> but the ordeal is far from over with the democratic convention just weeks away. veep-stakes 2016, vetting of potential vice presidentia
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