tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 8, 2016 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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that dallas police chief, that mayor, and everyone here from around the country in this large gathering we'll show you later today is just amazingly moved by what has happened. >> andrea mitchell, streets of philadelphia, andrea, thank you as always. and right now, we are seeing the arrival of the 1:00 hour on the east coast. this hour we'll see this gathering that you're looking at, right there about to get under way, it is the dallas multifaith unity prayer service. because of what happened last night. because of the tragedy that continues to grip the dallas ft. worth metroplex. craig melvin is one of the members of our team on the ground out there. craig, this is happening in a public square and bringing together religious leaders from across the spectrum, correct? >> we are told it's interdenominational, i spoke a short time ago with one of the pastors, it's about three mimes
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from here, one of the pastors that's making his way over there, he anticipated we would have a few hundred folks gather there, in fact, on the drive from the airport a few hours ago, they had a billboard up advertising this vigil and let us bring you up to speed now only the investigation, but let's start with victims we can tell you within the last few minutes. we have learned that michael krol, the only dallas officer, police officer whose been identified so far, we've learned his age, he is, he was 40 years old, michael krol. at one point he was part of the wayne county sheriff's department, wayne county, michigan, he was with the corrections division there, originally from michigan we're told, it moved here to dallas and with the dallas police department for a number of years. michael krol, among the five
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killed last night. and the other, of course, brent thompson who we have been talking about. 43 years old. he was a d.a.r.t. officer, dallas area regional transit team. they were out in force last night because where all of this happened was also an area where the bus stopped. and a number of the officers were there making sure folks were getting on and off the buses safely. brent thompson, 43 years old, he had just gotten married two weeks ago. those are the only two officers who have been identified so far. still waiting on a number of the other names. we could also tell you that three of the officers, three of the d.a.r.t. officers who had been hospitalized, they're all expected to be okay. some good news, jesus ratano has been released from the hospital. he was one of the d.a.r.t. officers shot and wounded last night. misty mcbride, a 32-year-old
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officer. we're told that she is going to be getting out of the hospital if not today, then tomorrow. and omar cannon, 44-year-old d.a.r.t. officer, told by the head of d.a.r.t. that he is undergoing surgery here this afternoon, perhaps tonight. he is expected to be in the hospital a little while longer, but again, their injuries at this point not considered to be life threatening. the investigation, still 20 blocks of downtown dallas, texas, shut down as investigators, police officers, a number of different agencies canvassing the scene. they are among other things we're told, picking up casings. they are picking up shells. as we've been reporting, the shooter at this point, police say 25-year-old micah xavier johnson, jim confirming a short time ago that he is an army veteran. at this point we don't know a great deal more than that. other than he did serve
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apparently in afghanistan, november 2013 until july of 2014. he was apparently in the army, we're told from march of 2009 until april of 2015. and received a number of awards in afghanistan as well. i spoke to his senior law enforcement official on the ground here in dallas a couple of hours ago, and he told me that the thinking at this point, and this would sort of jive with what we're hearing in terms of military background perhaps, the thinking at this point was that based on the precision of the shots, this was someone who in addition to having planned this out for some time, this was someone who knew how to use a weapon very well. the senior law enforcement official on the ground telling me that this was a guy who knew how to pick off police officers which is exactly what was done here last night. one of them, outstanding questions, brian, those suspects
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police officers during that news conference a few hours, the chief skirting questions about these suspects, we were told at one point there were at least three suspects who were in custody. we were also told that they were being tight-lipped. we have not heard anymore about those suspects. we don't know whether there are any additional suspects either. our investigative team did say according to a number of senior law enforcement, the senior law enforcement officials at the federal level, they had determined that the shooter did not have any ties to overseas terrorist groups. isis, al qaeda, nothing like that. they are right now looking at any sort of connection that he might have had to a domestic terror group, but that's the latest on the investigation right now as that vigil set to get under way in downtown dallas any moment now. >> craig, thank you. and in that frenzy of last night, we saw the traffic stop on i-35, we were first told it
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was not connected to the shootings, and then we were told it was indeed connected with the shootings. remember, this was a city under lockdown. they still had active firing going on. it is indeed chilling to see the video of the gunman firing off those rounds. and indeed, as of last night, people took one look at him and said, this is someone well versed in the handling of a long gun. this is someone, sadly, for the consequences, who knew what he was doing. the chief said at a press conference he had asked his people to bring him options. how to end this. in effect how to end this man's life if they had to, and earlier today, the chief talked about what had to be the ultimate option in this case. >> other options would have exposed our officers to grave
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danger. the suspect is deceased as a result of detonating the bomb. the suspect said he was upset about black lives matter. he said he was upset about the recent police shootings. the suspect said he was upset at white people. the suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. the suspect said he was not affiliated with any groups and he stated that he did this alone. >> david brown, chief of police, please note that as of last night, he had a black band on his badge because of the loss of life. he is among those who will be speaking at this the interfaith prayer service. there's the mayor of dallas on the far right. we will now listen in and bring you as much of this prayer service as we can.
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>> the jewish faith and christian faith and muslim faith, as we all reach out to a higher power to be able to ask for god's help and god's healing for today. and we, we refuse to hate each other. >> yes. that's right. that's right. [ applause ] we refuse to point fingers at one another rather than working at real solutions. we refuse to allow one event to define who we are as a city and community. >> that's right. >> we refuse to not love our brothers and sisters. we refuse not to work together. >> that's right. >> but today we gather together as pastors and faith leaders across this community to commit to two things. first of all, we commit to pray together. we commit to pray away for
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healing and restoration for our city and for our nation. and not only commit to pray together, but we also commit to work together. >> right. >> we believe that it takes all of us to be able to bring the healing that we so desperately need. martin luther king said to us, the only thing necessary for eville to prosper is men and women to be nothing. and we declare that we will work together and pray together for the days ahead. [ applause ] my brother pastor jeff warren, the park city baptist church will now have some opening words and offer our opening prayer. >> yes. >> thank you, pastor carter. we sought to bring about racial reconciliation in our city, bringing pastors and leaders together. we've done good work, but we have work to do. >> amen. >> we have more work to do, we
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can do more than pray. we're here to honor those who have fallen. difficult week that we've had together in here our worst nightmare in our beloved city has taken place. we stand with our mayor, we stand with our chief of police. we stand with our leaders. and we are united as a city, pastor carter and i recently returned from charleston, the anniversary of the nine. we were reminded of two things, the mother ame church, one we've got work to do. we have a lot of work to do. we are ready and standing here united to say if we're going to do the work necessary to bring about the love and reconciliation and the glory of god in this great city. [ applause ] the second thing that we have learned from our brothers and sisters that shocked the world
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until charleston, is that love always, is the day. hate destroys, love builds up. hate seeks to tear down love, always seeks to build up and encourage. so encourage us on a personal note, find someone of another color. find someone who's not like you today, tell them that they'll loved by god, loved by you. build bridges across racial lines. [ applause ] friends, dr. king told us his words echo forth on this square, we must learn to live together as brothers, or we will die together as fools. let love be our banner. let love drive us all and may grace win the day. as we now pray for god to heal our hearts and draw us to
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himself. lord god, we love you today. we thank you for our great city, by your sovereign hand,out brought all of us here to bring about unity, justice, and racial reconciliation in our city. may we stand before our nation in the world, declaring that you alone are our answer. we turn to you for healing, to bring hope and restoration to our city. may you bless this time as we follow you and love as you've commanded can us to. it's in your name that we pray. amen. >> amen. >> now bishop farrell, bishop of dallas will come. our chief of police is now coming. [ applause ] [ cheering can and applause ]
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>> in the police profession we're very comfortable with not hearing thank you. from citizens especially who need us the most. we're used to it. >> thank you. thank you. >> yes, thank you. >> so today feels like a different day than the days before this tragedy. because you're here. because dallas is a city that
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loves. >> yes. >> our officer want to say -- [ applause ] -- that we're hurting, and we need this community. we need citizens to show officers that they appreciate their sacrifice. [ applause ] i'm going to have to say some short, very brief comments and then head back to police headquarters to continue our investigation, but just to give you an update on what's transpiring through our investigation of some of the suspects. it's revealed to us that this was a well-planned, well-thought
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out, evil strategy. by these suspects. and we won't rest until we bring everyone involved to justice. [ applause ] i want to say thank you to our federal law enforcement partners. i want to say thank you to our state law enforcement partners, to our state political delegation, to our federal political delegation. for all of the officers of support and help that you've given. our officers are going to need counselling for a very long time. our officers are going to need to hear from you, more than just today, that you appreciate their sacrifice. so i want to say what i've experienced during these last 24 hours. is heartfelt from you all.
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but we are determined to not let this person steal this democracy from us. [ applause ] and to finish out the comments, i really want to say to the mayor, to the city manager, to the city council, thank you for the support. thank you. [ applause ] thank you. [ applause ] and to the citizens of the dallas, this is my hometown, i'm a third generation dallasite. home grown. big d. i want to say thank you to all of you for your show of support today. we feel this today. and this is something that
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you've shown us that you really do care. so thank you so much and god speed. god speed. thank you. [ cheering and applause ] thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you, chief brown. and let us bow our heads and pray for our first responders, the men and women who give their lives protecting and defending each one of us. we know that both love and charity abound in this world, and even in times of violence, god does not turn away from us. we element the senseless loss of life since last night. and we stand in solidarity with
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all those who continue to suffer the affects of this tragedy in the city of dallas. especially the men and women of our police department. and the words of the others, lord my god, we call out to you by day, at night, we cry aloud in your presence. let our prayer come before you and climb your ear to our cry. from our souls. it's filled with trouble. all day long we cry to you, lord, and on this day, we stretch out our hands to you. together this day, with the knowledge of the tragedy that our city and especially our law enforcement community has experienced, let us place our trust in god. and ask for a removal of god's
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love and generous protection may the leaders of this city know of our support and confidence and may those who protect us let us show that we support them each and every day. fronted by the goodness that is within each of us, we pray as the old st. francis prayer teaches us. and hope where there is darkness and joy where there is great sadness. may almighty god hear the prayer of this community on this day, and may he stretch out his hands to touch the men and women who give their lives for each one of
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us. it reminds us of the words of scripture, there is no greater love than one who gives his life for the protection of others. our police officers deserve our support and our prayer. may god stretch out to them in their pain and in their suffering on this day. it gives me great pleasure to introduce senator roy west. senator. [ applause ] >> i want you to look around, look around this setting on this day in our city of dallas. what brings us here is what's brought us here before. i'm not in the same magnitude, but a greater magnitude.
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in terms of us praying together, in orderle to address a common concern in our community. i told you dallas and america that we can address this issue, we don't need to continue to be divided, past generations have addressed issues of devisiveness in this country and in this world. we're successful. our generation must now step up and stop talking the talk, but walk the walk. [ applause ] we have every religious group in america represented here today. we have every ethnic group in america represented here today.
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we have every political party represented here today. [ applause ] i say to you my friends and my constituents that in order to address this problem, we need to put our differences aside, starting with our political groups. make this an issue that's not just here today, but it's a priority for both political parties to solve. there's greater transparency as it relates to policing today than it was yesterday. we heard stories yesterday, we now see those stories today and in many instances, there are issues of questionable relationships between police and citizens. that need to be investigated and justice needs to be served.
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i'd ask each and every one of you today to join hands with someone beside you. join hands with someone beside you. i'd ask each and every one of you to pledge in the presence of the city, the state, this country, and more importantly the families of the officers that lost their lives that we will not allow this to occur again during our lifetime. we will find a solution for this particular problem in america. so do you pledge to doed that, dallas? >> yes. >> we ask america to pledge the same. thank you. [ applause ]
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and now may i introduce sterns for the prayer for the victims. >> you see a raid before you, a bunch of people are used to talking, and none of us knows what to say. people used to feeling, and our feelings this day overwhelm our hearts. the sun shines brightly and we stumble and stammer in the valley of the shadow. our hearts reach beyond their own bounds to the hearts of the victims to those who lie injured in the hospital, to their
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families and loved ones. victims of this past day, the people in uniform who protect our rights and our lives. victims beyond this past day subject to the violence that wreaks havoc on our society. our hearts go out to all of them, our silence speaks to them, their inadequate words bring comfort to them. the words of the prophet jeremiah, [ speaking foreign language ] seek the peace of your city and
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pray for her to god for in your city's peace, shall you know peace. the prayer this day do not come forth from this podium. the prayer is right here. the prayers in each and every one of you, the prayer is in this tapestry of diversity that gathers in this place and allows this city to thrive beyond this place. so we will say our amens and we will make our resolutions, but there is no peace in the city unless we help make peace in the city. [ applause ] there are no voices of comfort other than voices raised for justice and understanding and
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compassion. the heart of the city is in the heart of all who are gathered here. may our speech and our silence be for blessing. speech and silence by for comfort. may our speech and silence be for compassion and for peace. amen. [ applause ] my teach enand friend. >> last night as the chaos ensued, myself and my dear friends, pastor dr. michael lauders regrouped in his church,
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and we sat together there until a little over 1:00 a.m. i reflected one another and we prayed with one another for peace. and we almost joked, is this what it takes for us to have to come together. does it always have to be a tragedy? does it always have to be murder? does it always have to be terrorism? does it always have to be that ha us to love? does it always have to be injustice forces us to call for peace? can we not come together like this in times other than what we saw last night? we have to stand together today and i want you to look around and these cameras might not be able to see it, i want yo tow look around and say this is the america that we want. this is the america that we
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want. [ applause ] we don't want an america of racism. we don't want an america of brutality. we don't want an america of terrorism. we don't want an america of fear mongering, we don't want an america of division. we don't want our hearts to only be forced to come together in a superficial way at times in the face of tragedy. we want our hearts to constantly remain united so that we can realize a true picture of what we want this country to look like. it doesn't need to be orlando every time. and it doesn't need to be dallas again. even a we pray that this is not something that we will ever have to come together for again. we pray that the resilience shown by our leadership keeps this type of hatred and extremism out. we need to stand together today and reaffirm that injustice is not a solution to injustice. that violence is not an
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appropriate response to violence. extremism is not an appropriate response to extremism. hatred is not an appropriate response to hatred. that love and a genuine love and coming together for prayer, and times of hardship and in ease is all that can bring us together. so let us pray with one another. we are who ried at parts of the world with it seems that none are safe and all arer it fired. we ask you to hold back the hands that kill and that maim and that terrorize. to turn around the hearts that
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hate, to grant us instead your strong spirit of peace. a peace that may pass our understanding, but not fail to change our lives. we ask from you that justice prevailed throughout the world. here in this beautiful country of ours, and particularly in the city of dallas. we ask you to be with our mayor and authorities as they lead us through these difficult days. commit to you all to work for peace and intentions. and those who work to uphold law and injustice. we pray for an end to fear. for comfort and support to those who suffer. for calm in our streets and city thes. that people may go about their lives in safety and peace. let not the needy be forgotten. nor the hope of the oppressed be taken away. let us be instruments of your peace in this your mercy hear our prayers, now and always, amen.
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>> i'd like to offer the podium and bring about our dear beloved reverend, ricky rush, who will lead us in a moment of silence. [ applause ] >> one of the first games we played play was bows and arrows, and whenever there was an arrow thrown into you, immediately you would take it out and pretend the game is over. you're all right. but sometimes what we didn't know growing up is that sometimes you could remove the stick, but the tip of the arrow would stay in, producing hurt. there are some of us that are here today that understand what the arrow means when there's not removed. so in your own personal way, we're going to ask that you will pray that the hurt that could happen later on does not fester and cause bitterness and frustration, we're altogether right now, but in just a few minutes and a few hours, we'll be alone. and your hearts will be tempted, if not encouraged to encourage
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peace, to replay the hurt. let's remove the arrows, if you'll bow your heads and your own private silent way, just thank god for the relief that is to come. our mayor, the might, mike rawlins. >> thank you. for 50 years, people around the world saw our city through the lens of the kennedy assassination. through that tragedy modern day dallas was born. a great city.
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those of us who love the city always knew there was so much more to dallas than what happened on that day in 1963. now the year following that, this oasis, thanksgiving square, was built, begun to come to life. this place is not really a park. it's a piece of our soul of our city. the idea was that we needed a gathering place, a place for you to give people of all backgrounds, of all religions, of all races, a place to say thank you. a place of thankfulness. now just a few weeks ago i was here with many of us, with other community and religious leaders, we gathered for a special service on the anniversary of the mass shootings in charleston, south carolina.
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that took the lives of nine, nine mother emanuel ame church members. we also mourned, ironically, the lives lost in the mass shooting in orlando, just a few days before. we ask, what could we do to build the bonds of peace and reconciliati reconciliation, today, we find ourselves here again and this time the terror has hit us right here in downtown dallas, just a few blocks away.
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an attitude of humility, of gratitude that this square was built on. we are thankful for our lives others lost them last night. we are thankful for our families, other families lost that last night. we are thankful for our city, yes, and we are thankful for each other. that is why we're here today just hours after this act of evil. we are here with this diverse group of leaders and elected officials to honor the five police officers who have lost their lives. to pray for them and their fellow officer that are still alive and working for us. we are here to face our
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challenges head on as pastor carter talked. we will not shy away from the very real fact that we as a city, as a state, as a nation are struggling with racial issues. i will tell you, this is on my generation of leaders, it is on our watch that we have allowed this to continue to fester, that we have led the next generation down a vicious path of rhetoric and actions that pit one against the other. [ applause ] so i'm with you, senator west, we have to change. and i believe in dealing with
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this issue, we must step up our game and approach complicated issues in a different way. and race is complicated. as fitzgerald said, the test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in the minds at the same time and obtain the ability to function. i think we can do that. [ applause ] the question is, can we as citizens speak against the actions of a relatively few officer who blemish the reputation of their high calling, and at the same time, support and defend the 99% of officers who do their job professionally, honestly, and bravely? [ applause ]
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this is the men and women that were shot last night. i think we can, and i think we must. can we, as a community, truly and deeply understand the pain that racial discrimination and the greatest sin in america, slavely has created through history, can we understand that? >> right. >> yet accept god's grace of forgiveness and put yesterday's battles aside to address and build a city and a country that dr. king dreamt of? can we do that? can we do it by being honest about today's shortcomings? and building a decided that truly gives all citizens who we all love the opportunity for
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life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? i think we can. today as a prayer service, so i get the quote, st. paul. in the end, three things remain, faith, hope, and love. okay. we need all three today. [ applause ] tomorrow will be better, and it will. and we must love one another because if we don't, this cancer
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separatism will kill this body. [ applause ] but i choose those words, and i believe this city will be better and see better days because of the lives that were lost last night. god bless dallas. god bless texas. [ applause ] >> very interesting remarks by the mayor of dallas, texas. let's listen in once again here. >> i'm one of the great preachers of our time. gave me a good talking to, and he said, mayor, we don't have an interfaith community the way we used to. and we need to build that. for days like today. and we've done it, two of the first people that i called was
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my pastor, reverend joe clifford of first presbyterian in dallas and pastor andy stroker of first united method. i want them to come and give us a prayer for our city. [ applause ] >> let us pray. >> for god we claim that you are our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble. therefore we will not fear. though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea, though chaos seems to reign in our world, the forces of evil attempt to tear our city apart. though a terrorist bullets have taken lives of those we love. we know there is a river whose
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dreams may glad the city of god, and that you are in the midst of the city. and that you will help us when the morning dawns. for your presence this day in our city o god, we thank you. indeed, you are a very present help in trouble. from your presence, may we draw strength in the face of this tragedy that has struck us to the core. from your presence, may we draw courage to stand tall and face evil, from your presence, may we draw wisdom to not be led astray by the voices of division and hate. from your presence, may we draw comfort in healing for all the wounds inflicted on our bodies, our minds, our hearts, and our souls. >> may your presence remind us all that as was said, goodness is stronger than evil. love is stronger than hate. light is stronger than darkness,
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life is stronger than death. and let all god's people say -- >> amen. we are a city of many people, many cultures, many languages, and now, we invite monica alonzo to offer us a word. [ applause ] [ speaking foreign language ] >> ladies and gentlemen, this is a city that is very diverse. [ speaking foreign language ] >> as we look at these aerial pictures, brief bit of explanation as you heard the
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helicopter noise was punishing in the early part of this interfaith service. they were able to move the helicopters from right above, but still, they are close enough to give us these aerial pictures of the square in dallas. interesting remarks by the mayor. people expressed interest in his life and background, hope to be a journalist at one point in his life, arrived in in dallas, native texan, arrived in dallas in 1976 went into a life in business, boston cleveland graduate, educated as a jesuit, was later rose to the post of ceo of pizza hut. veteran of the business community, and michael rawlings gave an emotional speech there. punctuated by the phrase, cancerous separatism there at end. and a lot of it had to do with
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race and faith. craig melvin, not far from where this service is taking place on the ground in dallas, texas, craig. >> brian as that service was going on, we have been learning more about the shooter here. 25-year-old micah xavier johnson. when he enlisted in the service, he said his home was roughly 25 minutes east of where i'm standing in mesquite, texas. he specialized in carpentry and masonry, he was a private first class, e-3. this is his picture from basic training. he was in the army from march of 2009 until april of 2015, we're told, he was at one point deployed to afghanistan as well. he was in afghanistan from november of 2013 until july until 2014. he received a number of medals
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for his service as well. we're still working to get a little bit more information, but at this point, that's what we know about 25-year-old micah xavier johnson. we've got this picture, we also have come across another picture as well. this is from his facebook page, as you can see his fist in the air there in what is widely considered a black power symbol. we have spoken to a family member, one of our producers spoke to a woman who claimed to be his aunt who said that he had among other things been basically fed up with all that he had seen, but again, this is 25-year-old micah xavier johnson. he was killed, and i think we can show it -- no, we can't because it's blocked now. roughly a block behind me there's a parking garage where we're told by police that after several hours of trying to talk to the guy, trying to convince
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him to come out, shots were fired, there was an exchange of gunfire. at that point police decided in order to prevent more loss of police life, to send in a robot that had been outfitted with some sort of explosive device. they sent a robot in, and they detonate the robot, and we're told that that is how johnson was killed here. again, at this point, brian we have not heard a great deal more about the additional folks who were taken into custody. we're still waiting to hear about the folks who had been questioned whether they are still being kwied, but at this point according to officials, they believe, they believe that johnson acted alone. i want to bring in ernest walker and his son now. mr. walker was one of the folks who ran as the shots rang out, as the screaming started. tell me about what happened last night, what did you see and hear? >> we were just ending the
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protest, which was peaceful, i'd like to remind everyone that people of all ethnicities and religious backgrounds were peacefully protesting. and we were just dispersing, and at that point, i heard a car street and something went pow, pow, pow, and like right in front of me. i saw an officer drop. and immediately, five other officers gathered around him, and other officers with m-16s start telling us get down, get down and dozens of officers are running towards that direction. and then, at that point, i was wondering where my son was. bullets were flying everywhere. i didn't know where they were coming from. it sounded like something out of afghanistan, the exchange of fire. the high powered tns, there were no small guns, it was high proured. and they rolled the officer over right in front of me, he was nonresponsive. he died immediately. and you know, at that point, i started trying to find my son.
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and i was worried for him. and he was worried for me. and, you know, that's pretty much it at that point. >> reporter: this is your son, ernest walker can i talk to him? >> when you were at the end of the protest, when did you know something was wrong? >> my dog right before where the protest ended, my dog stopped me about a couple streets behind it and he would not move. he just stopped moving for five minutes. finally convinced him to move. as soon as i got up to walk towards to where the protest was ending and walk towards my dad, i heard shots. it sounded like fourth of july, pow, pow, pow. and the crowd just dispersed. people were running every which way. all i could do was run the other way. i just thought about my dad was out there. i don't know who was being shot at. i didn't know if he was dead.
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all that came to my mind was get away and try to contact him any way you can. i made that first phone call to him and e he answered and that was just a lot of weight lifted off me right there to know he was safe. >> the protest before the shots rang out. describe the mood. >> first of all, i'm a chaplain. >> first responder chaplain? >> yes, and i'm taught to love everybody. but when i saw the images on the news of those two black men and how they were murdered, i had hostility in me. i heard you describing another gentleman that he was fed up. i feel fed up, but obviously i'm of sane mind. i decided to take that negative energy and use it positively by coming down here and protesting and praying. so i came down here as a black man, not as a chaplain, first of
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all, because i was fed up. i have a son and i got tired of seeing those images. so the protest for the most part was very well put together. the officers were there to protect us. they had no body armor. they were vulnerable. at the end, they waited until we dispersed and the officers put their guard down and that's when they started picking them off one by one. i'm embarrassed right now to be in dallas. we live through the jfk thing. then we got through the john hinckley jr. thing. that was a first class city. i believe the skyline was voted number one in the country and we're building bridges here. this sets us back. my new motto is back to blue, but don't forget those too. those five officers, somebody woke up this morning and didn't have a father. five people. but there's still those two. i don't want this -- the
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officers dying to overshadow the two people that died and why we were really here. >> the causes are not mutually exclusive. >> they are not, but they are both senseless deaths that we cannot tolerate anymore. we have to do something. the police are going to have to do a better job integrating in the community and not being a gate keeper, so to speak. the people need to do a better job of knowing officers and saying, hey, this officer is not just a suit, he's not just a badge. he's someone that has kids, a wife, dreams, goals, and if we began to see each other and humanize one another, we'll be a better place. >> chaplain walker, thank you. glad you guys are okay. jr., glad you're okay. brian, as we continue to talk to eyewitnesss, folks who were caught in the cross fire last night, caught in the fray, a block, maybe two blocks behind me. all of them e expressing a similar sentiment we just heard
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there. lucky, just lucky to be alive when you think about the number of shots that were fired. we have heard from a number of people close to the crime scene that dozens of casings are being picked up still this morning while the loss of life no doubt tragic, it is surprising that more folks did not lose their lives. >> what an incredible conversation you just brought us. thank those gentlemen for us. not mutually exclusive but the two tragedies tied together in their senselessness. a break for us. when we come back, we'll talk with former mayor rudolph giuliani. ♪ i like the bride more than the groom. ♪ turquoise dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no ones got moves like uncle joe. ♪ when it's go book on for instant rewards like gift cards,
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we are back here in new york. brian williams here for this part of the day's coverage. we are joined by the 107th mayor of new york city rudolph giuliani. thank you for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> it will be a special note to people watching us from new york. condolences on your former deputy mayor who lost his u battle yesterday with cancer. >> thank you. >> i'm sorry you're dealing with that on top of this. it seems to me we have two crises here, two tragedies not mutually exclusive. deaths that are linked by their senselessness. we've got alton sterling, a death when you look at them on videotape no matter what you're feeling about law enforcement, if you're a normal person it's
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sickening. what do we do about that? >> okay, what we do about that is we investigate it. we prosecute it. if they are guilty, and as anyone else they are presumed innocent, if any of the police officers are guilty we put them in jail. that's what we do about it. and that happens infrequently. it seems like it happens a lot because it becomes national news. if you look at the number of murders of black men in america, that would make up less than 1% of the number of murders of black men in america. so the way we deal with it is to put it in proper perspective and be honest about it. bhapd last night was the worst attack since september 11th. people in dallas should not feel guilty about it. police officers in this country feel they have a target on their back. they felt that way for over a
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year now. and this manmade his motive clear. he was killing them on just reading from the police commissioner he wanted to kill officers. he expressed anger for black lives matter. none of that made sense. now the reality is we have to talk honestly. no police officer should act brutally. no police officer should act in a way in which he has done that should be punished severely. i personally have prosecuted 70 police officers and put them in prison when i was u.s. attorney and was instrumental in police officers being prosecuted by loretta lynch when i was mayor. on the other hand, i also recognize that 75% of the murder
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victims in new york city are black. the police have to be present in the black community. not necessarily because they want to be not because you'd like to have them there, but because that's where the murders are taking place. from the time i became mayor and the time i left, murder wept down from 1900 to 500. then mayor bloomberg brought it down to 300. it's now going up again. in that period of time, we saved thousands and thousands of mostly black lives. by putting white police officers in areas where they were at risk. now the new york city police department is a non-majority white police department. that's by design. we accomplished making it a multi-racial,
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