tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 10, 2016 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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good sunday. i'm chris janising live in dallas. we're learning more about the suspect in dallas's deadly shooting. and helping the healing. president obama wrapping up his trip to europe, cutting his visit to spain short in the wake of this past tragedy. he'll travel to dallas on tuesday. the president met with u.s. troops in spain a few hours ago. earlier in the day he spoke of thursday night's shooting. >> whenever those of who are concerned about fairness in the criminal justice system attack
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police officers, you are doing a disservice to the cause. also today we are marying from the family of one of the thursday night's victim. i spoke to the mother and sister of officer patrick samaripa killed in the shooting. >> we are just normal every day people. patrick's just a little kid from the neighborhood. things like this don't happen to people like us. >> this is a wonderful family and much more from that interview in a few minutes. and how does the city of dallas move forward. we'll ask the city's mayor make rawlings when he joins us live in a few minutes. here in dallas as the investigation continues into thursday's mass shooting, we are learning more details about the shooter's disturbing behavior
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leading up to and during that shooting. nbc's tammy lietd ner joins me now in dallas and it is almost unbelievable in adding horror on to horror. >> the details come oulgt today are really astounding and one of the big things is michael johnson wrote in his own blood the initials r.b. in the parking garage. investigates are trying to figure this pertinent to the shooting. police chief earlier today described michael johnson as delusional. the entire time he was involved in the standoff he was taunting the police officers. and singing and laughing at them. and at a point where they didn't think the negotiations could go any further that is when they sent in the robot with the explosive device. and he really thought that michael johnson wanted to kill other people. the big question is was there anybody else involved? let's listen to what the police
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chief had to say. >> we still haven't ruled out, jay, whether or not others were complicit. and just the way we do things. we want to make sure we follow every lead and make sure we don't miss any pieces of evidence that might lead to other things that we don't know yet. >> and we are just two blocks from the shooting. but as we've talked about, most of downtown is completely closed off and that is because investigators are really still investigating. we're told there are about 75 fbi agents that are collecting evidence. and they probably will be collecting throughout the week. but they are hoping to open a few of the blocks within the next few days. >> and one of the things we've both seen is the outpouring at dallas police headquarters and people continue to come. i drove by there this morning. the crowd was huge. >> the memorial it just keeps growing. there were police cars when they started and you can't see them anymore at all. they are completely covered in notes of love and flowers and it
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really is a moving tribute. >> thank you. contrast that to the hate behind this devastating shooting. and contrast it to the love of a family. the family of dallas police officer 32-year-old patrick samaripa. a navy officer. now his family is grieving over a life ended much too soon. i said down with his family and how they learned of patrick's death and also about his love of family, of baseball and of life. >> everything. and then like she said every time something was going on, you know, the news. and i'd check to see if he was working or not. and people would text me. send messages. patrick working tonight? patrick there? is he okay? and i'd call him or text him and are you okay? and he would respond. he would always respond back.
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and let us know that he was okay. and thursday night he didn't. >> he wasn't responding or anything. >> not texting back. and i just figured it was because he's really busy with everything going on and how crazy it was down there. and then when i saw that four officers had been shot, i never, never imagined that he was one of them. >> they had breaking news that things started going down south in the rallies in dallas so we were watching it. and i don't know, i just got this sick feeling. there was so many police officers down there. so many people. one of my friends she started messaging me. and she was like, is patrick okay? her husband works for dallas. --'s okay, he's working.
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and i was panicking, i haven't heard from my brother. and i call my mom, just have your phone near you please. i don't know i just have this sick feeling. you just never know. she was like yeah carlos already called me. i will milt brother. my baby brother. and i almost feel like i jinxed it. because then like 30 minutes later she called me. and patrick was in a situation and they don't need the details and we need to get there. so i just tried to stay calm thinking that maybe he was just injured or scraped his knee or fell off a bike or something stupid. never did i think -- and i just wondered if they got the wrong person. because anybody but patrick. are you sure it was him?
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and then they took us to see him and it was him. >> what's most important for you that you want people to know about patrick and about what you've lost? >> that my niece, she'll never know who her father was. she'll only know by who people are telling her. she'll never know him personally and what a great father he would have been for her. >> she looks just like him. so that makes -- gonna make it, you know, tougher for us. she was the light of his life. his reason for living. for doing and working as hard as he worked and he worked hard. >> how you doing? >> umm, i'm doing. but it's still hard to grasp. it is so -- it is not real. but it is gonna be real. it's hard to put into words.
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it is real hard. >> can you wrap your heads around this senselessness? >> no. >> no. >> i can't. because it is just like we were just normal every day people. patrick's just a little kid from the neighborhood. things like this don't happen to people like us. i don't know who they happen to. but it is -- just can barely fathom that he did what he did. because he's just my little brother. and then just -- like it's a dream. a bad dream. >> is it possible to say what you will miss the most? >> no. just him, in general. because like you said later, the reality is going to hit in that i just can't call him because i need something or because i just want to talk to him. >> how about you, mom?
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sounds like he took good care of you. >> oh that he did. he worried about me a lot. and he made sure that i was okay all the time. no matter what i needed or, you know, if i needed him, he was there. always. and bringing me the baby. mom, i've got go to work early. can you watch the baby? sure. bring her too me. he'd come in with that backpack and bring the baby. be careful, please be careful mijo. and he'd say i love you. i'm gonna be okay. >> he was close to your children try. >> yeah he was. >> what two you tell them? >> well my oldest one raquel, she is very devastated, very devastated because she understands what's happening. my son shaun, she was devastated
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when we told him. like in shock. but i don't think he understands yet. and i don't think he's gonna understand until he sees my brother and realizes that this is a saying goodbye for now. he's gonna be -- he's gonna be very upstream when et when he s brother like that. because he looked unto my brother. >> did day like seeing him in his uniform? >> oh they loved it. patrick would go to career day for them. at their school. and they were super proud of him. >> do you feel that the country is mourning with you? >> i mean i don't know, i guess they are. it looks like they are. but like i said it is just so unreal that him just being my brother, my little brother, a small little boy, it is so -- it
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is so weird to think that the country is mourning him. i don't know if that makes sense. >> we'll have more of my interview with officer zamarripa's mother and sister in a bit but now i'm joined by dallas mayor mike roawlings. you have made met the family. they are just wonderful people and that question of why did this happen? are we any closer to having a answer? >> i think searching the sole takes a while and i think that is what we have do as the country and as a city. they represent the best of america. it was all about family. this city is all about family and that family has been torn apart right now. so it is a question i've been asking, you know, porque -- why? why is is this going on. and i think there are a lot of reasons for it and it is going to take us a while to sort it it. >> big sociological reasons and
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also what we're learning about the gunman, he was delusional and he had hate. and the police chief said today it could have been worse. that maybe he had bigger plans to destroy and kill even more. are you convinced that he was alone? that this city is as safe as it can be given the circumstances? >> i believe the city as safe as it could be. woe don't know whether he was acting a alone or not. but going to the root cause of this -- first of all you have done a great job over the days telling the story. and the -- johnson was here and she talked about mental health and the root cause of so many of these have to do with mental health whether posttraumatic stress disorder or some other situation and these folks are not mentally stable and we've got to figure that out as well. >> everyone it seems is mourning and yesterday i spoke with a close friend of an officer who i
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believe you had a chance encounter with. lauren aarons and i want to play a little bit of that sound of his friend for you. >> please. >> he was one of those guys and just to keep it short. the minute i knew he had what it -- he was passed his training. so we're sitting in the bushes believe it or not. we're conducting surveillance on these drug dealers. and this is going to be his first raid where we are going to be leading the charge him and i and i tell him, hey. you stick with me. you don't run anywhere. you stand behind me and i'm leading the charge and, you know, just stayed by my side. and it's dark out there and he kind of just taps him on the shoulder and goes i got your back brother. i'll take a bullet for you. and i knew at that moment he had what it took to be a good officer. >> i'll take a bullet for you. >> yeah. this guy was a cop's cop. he really was.
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>> you said that when you had that conversation with him he made you think. >> he did. >> about what? how? >> how he treated our police. we were talking about policy issue. we were talking about morale. we were talking about pensions. we were talking about pay. stuff that's gritty. but it makes you sit back and say, how much do we value our police? and i think it is a question that every city's got think about. we expect so much of them. especially in the presence of iphones and camera all over the place. their role has got to be better. and i think teachers and police officers are too oft forgotten in the country. >> when -- his mom stopped me and said promise to say one thing. tell people when they see a police officer, say thank you. we often do that to members of the military. i'll say it. thank you for your service. we don't do it. and you do wonder how the
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perception of police since we're so conflicted after what we saw in baton rouge and st. paul and then the horror of what happened here. how's your force doing? what's the overall message do you think for police officers around the country? >> well our force is strong. but our force is heartbreaken. they have been working long hours. they have a long week to go. we're right in the middle of the second quarter on this thing. because we've got a lot of grieving to do. but ultimately they are proud. they are strong and they love their jobs. we have got to as a country be able to figure out how to hold people accountable but root for them at the same time. >> patrick's sister was going to pick up his uniform at the cleaners. there will be five funerals this week and the president has cut short his trip and he's coming at your invitation here. what can he do for your city and for the country? what do you think we need to
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hear? >> well first of all i want the president to say thank you. thank you to officers not only in dallas but other places. second, is to create a bipartisan bi-ideology approach to unifying the country. and he's a good unifier and i hope that is the message that he sends. and then just help us in the mourning process. mourning is a healthy thing. we've got to go through that to pull through it. so let's not hurry that. let's appreciate it and honor that mourning process. >> i just want to say that from the very beginning you and your police chief have been so good and helpful and honest and open. and we appreciate it. and our sympathies to the city and to you and for all that this nation is mourning. mayor rawlings, thank you so much. appreciate your coming in. >> thank you. i think we are going to get through this. thank you. >> thanks. up next more of my interview with officer zamarripa's mother and sister. plus what pastors and other
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religious leaders here in dallas are telling their congregations to help heal this city. we'll be right back. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at
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people from all over coming together to pay their respects and join together to grieve. and as the community gathers to mourn, community leaders are helping with the struggle to move forward. one of them reverend george mason who joins me now. thank you so much for coming. you know this city. you know it's people. you have been at that church since 1989. >> right. yes. >> as a senior pastor.
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how was the congregation this morning? >> eager to be there. i think everyone was wanting to lean on each other. how we might process our grief and mourn and offer it back to god and turn it back to one another. >> how to you begin to help people try to explain the inspeckable or how do you comfort the inconsolable. >> well you don't do it by yourself. you have a deep sense that god is present with you in the midst of suffering and as you gather in god's name you belief god is with you and brings peace. >> do you see as you watch the congregation gather that there is strength in numbers essentially. that that coming together, whether it is in a church. whether it is at the memorial, whether -- wherever it is. i see people strangers meeting each other and hugging on the street. >> i think you do. i think what happens then is you are acknowledging how much a
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part of each other's lives we are. that it is possible for us to at times to live our lives away from each other. but in times like these we recognize how much of a network of mutuallity as martin luther king said we live in. and how quickly that can be awakened by an event of evil like this that happens in a flash. >> and there is this cumulative feeling of -- i don't know if despair is too strong a word but we've lived through as the country orlando before this and, you know, in california and san bernardino before that be&we watched what happened in paris and in brussels. and there is this cumulative effect i think. and then you add to it what happened to young black men in, you know, two of the great cities, st. paul and baton rouge. and do you worry about how that
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effects us as a people? >> well -- >> how we learn to deal with it. and somebody tad so me. i thought it was concerning. she said do you think that we're just going to become immune to the? >> no i really don't. i think we may be periodically exhausted by it but i don't think we're going to be immune to it. because what underlies all of this is the kind of slow and steady love that we do have for one another that when things like this happen on occasion, it shocks us. and it should shock us. because evil has a way of being spectacular in the moment. but it is only spectacular because the every dayness of our relationships to one another are what sustain us and what carry us forward. and we have to keep returning to that and remembering that that is so. and that this is not characteristic of our life together. it is actually sensational and
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exceptional. >> i learned very vividly when i was in newtown after the horrible shooting there. and i guess i had never been conscious enough of it before. how much do you who are in the religious community take on in times like this? how are you doing? >> considering that my dad died also and we're in the middle of a lot of grief. >> oh my gosh i'm so sorry. >> one of the things that happens though again we realize that as john dunn the great poet said "every man's death diminishes me. so because i am a part of mankind." the truth is we all recognize that what happens to one person directly again as dr. king said effects everyone indirectly. i think we may be more and more in a time where it effects us directly. and so we all bear a sense of the burden of humanity right now. that is not a bad thing to realize.
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because it might give us greater sympathy. white persons for black and black for white and for police officers. as we sense our common humanity in the midst of this grief. >> what a tribute to you and to your congregation that in the midst of your personal grief you are ministering this way. thank you research george mason. >> thank you. we are going to go live to baton rouge and st. paul where protests led to more than 200 hey, honey?
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(loudly) yes, dear. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through... your toughest stuck-on food... so let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. this turned out great. cascade. this dog treat called max and dentalife.covered it's really different. see? it's flexible... ...and it has a chewy, porous texture, full of little tiny air pockets that gives dogs' teeth a clean scrub all the way down to the gum line. (vo) purina dentalife. for life. in just a short time citizens of battle rouge are expected to take to the streets again for a rally and a march beginning at the local church and louisiana governor john belle edwards is expected to make a statement after briefing with law enforcement. this after a chaotic night
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including a prominent black lives matter activist were arrested. imagine everything that happened, tensions must be high there today. what do by expect to hear from the governor? >> reporter: well we expect to governor to touch not only on the events of the will last five days but on the last two nights where protesters have faced off against police in riot gear. they have also increased dramatically more than a hundred people arrested last night as they march near police headquarters. that is located about three miles from here. baton rouge police department just released some new information about this case. more information from there side. they say in addition to those arrests they also confiscated 8 firearms. they say one of their officers
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was injured he had several teeth knocked out from a something thrown from the crowd. and the original demonstration last night from city hall to the state capitol they said that was peaceful and they had no arrests but the rally afterwards near police headquarters that was organized by people from out of town and that is where they said more than 100 arrests took place and those eight firearms coug s confiscated. all the arrests charged with obstructing a highway as most of the people who were arrested last night. >> nbc's sarah dallof thank you. in the meantime in st. paul, minnesota governor mark date season condemning the violence seen there over night. his statement in part and i'm quoting the occupation and
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shutting down of interstate 94 last night were unlawful and very dangerous. i urge everyone to remain calm and peaceful during this very difficult time. 102 people were arrested across two separate parts of the city last night. at one point pepper spray and smoke bombs were used to zpu disperse those people. police officers were hurt after protesters through rock, bottles, bricks and pieces of concrete. another city on edge this week. what do we know about the injured officers? and are there anymore protests planned. >> 21 of the officers were injured last night. throwing rock, bottles and even a fire work and a molotov cocktail.
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despite that the injuries were only minor for the 21 officers. but this is the first time we've seen protests become violent here in minnesota. since philando castile was killed by police. and again this is the first time we've seen it become violent. right now in front of the governor's mansion you can see again protesters. there was also a march a short time ago. this march was with children. they are saying who are we? kids. what do we want? peace. i spoke with one mother. >> i want my children to have a better future and not be worried about a -- if the police would harm them or if they are going to be harmed. i my husband i don't want to worry about him having to photo work. and i'm just here -- >> there is a rally outside of the st. anthony police station, the department where one of the officers shot and killed castile. that rally has about 200 people right now and we are monitoring. also this afternoon governor dayton is meeting with the head
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of the local naacp no doubt discussing ways to quell these latest tensions. >> thanks blake. and up next we'll be joined by one of the organizers of thursday night's rally here in dallas, what he saw when the shots rang out. and as we go to break words from one of thursday night's victim whose survived. she was wounded protecting her son from some of the bullets she described solute of the horror she witnessed that night. >> i saw another officer -- i saw another officer get shot right there in front of me again. that was two. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future, we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped
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officer patrick zamarripa told me this morning she had been thinking about whether to go there but was worried it might be too hard. they do the family see the outpouring of support. here is more of my conversation just a few hours ago with patrick's mom and sister. she told me how much he meant to her. >> we've always been the type of brothers and sisters to hug each other and let each other know that we loved each other. i'm not trying to, like, discredit or anything. but i took really good care of my brothers. i -- him. i ironed his clothes. you know i cooked for them. i took really good care of my brother. i loved him so much. and patrick would help me. he was like, you know, like i said -- he was like the man in my life. >> i'm proud of my brother and anywhere i went, people who know
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me, they knew that i was proud of my brother. and i never realized how much -- >> did you ever tell him that is this. >> yeah i told him. i told him. and i never realized how much i talked about him until, you know, like now that everybody's sending me messages or call iin. and i just never realized how much i talked about him in the past, about both of them. that is what everybody keeps saying. like we know how you used to talk about patrick and baby -- that is what i always called my baby brother. baby. we are just every day normal people. things like this don't happen to people like us. i don't know who they happen to but i just could barely fathom that he did what he did. because he's just my little brother. and then just -- like it's a dream. a bad dream. >> and joining me now is
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minister dominique alexander, president and founder of next generation action network. one of the organizers of thursday's protest here in dallas. it is obvious that for five families and for people who knew the victims and those who are injured, they are mourning. but for everyone who is here. they have been through a trauma. >> yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am. >> what are you hearing from the people who you know who were there as you were? >> well the community is mourning and this is just not -- for the police officers. there was over 2,000 police officers here that have protested time after time after time in dallas, texas and nothing like this have ever occurred. so it is very traumatic towards them and the situation to, you know, something that happened like that in their city. and we came out there to eliminate hate. we came out there to stand up against violence in america and not to have a situation like that and this incident happened. but, you know, we definitely need counseling for the protesters and as well as the
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community because the community is very traumatized. >> i've heard from people who were there saying it was like being in a war zone. is that what you experienced? >> well it was -- you got all of these skyscrapers. so you never knew what angle and where the bullets were coming from. because everything was echoing off the buildings. it was a very traumatic situation. it was almost like being in a war zone because you didn't know where everything wiz coming from and police cars coming every and you didn't know what was going on. one second you got to move this way. this second you got to move that way. it was very traumatizing. >> so tonight you are bringing a lot of those people together. tell me what you o hope to accomplish. >> the problem is that this conversation has to keep on going on when the tension is not on dallas and we're trying to have a community conversation so we will not be reactive but proactive in the situation to make sure we address the problems that we have throughout the country and in particular in the city of dallas.
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what we have were veterans coming from our -- from military and things like that going through the problems. i saw many people blaming, you know, the protest asks black lives matter movement from mr. johnson's actions. and i if you want to be real direct and correct, mr. johnson was failed by our u.s. military. by allowing him to be back out in society without the proper mental health. >> well there are a lot of questions about mental health programs in this country. but what you do feel like you as a community organizer here and the people who have come out and are concerned? what can you do? what can you accomplish. >> there are some major policy reforms so our mayor and the city council here in dallas really have to open up a conversation and a dialogue about these issues. about the issues of guns and about the issues about police brutality. these issues that we have been trying to bring to the table for some time now. this is not a new issue.
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there has not been an officer indicted for officer involved shooting for over 40 years for a fatal shooting. clint allen in arlington. christian taylor. many cases have gone on. this conversation needs to go on and some policies need to be changed directly from our chief of police david brown. >> thank you for coming in and good luck tonight. >> thank you. coming up next. new details about the shooter and chilling final message authorities say he left. what that message tells investigators about his state of mind. we'll be right back. viagra single packs... so guys with ed can... take viagra when they need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension. your blood pressure could drop to an unsafe level. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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police who found bomb making materials and a journal at his home in texas. >> i think that this killer obviously had some delusion. there was quite a bit of rambling in the journal that hard to decipher. i can just add at the scene where he was killed there was -- he wrote some lettering in blood on the wall, which leads us to believe he was wounded on the way up the stairwell on the second floor of the el el centro building. >> joining me fbi profiler and msnbc distributor. and really upsetting information we're getting.
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he was laughing and joking after he had killed those officers and injured seven others, what do you make about what you have heard about all of this what happened that night clint? >> well part of this chris i think this has been a planned event. i think the shooter planned on doing this quite a while. i think the two police shootings last week in respective states. i think that made him psychologically escalate his prance plans. we know he had bomb building supplies in his house. we know had told police that there were in fact bombs salted around the location where he finally holed up before police took him out. so this was all part of an ongoing plan. the only issue seemed to be when he was going to actually let this plan go. when he was going actually go out and do these terrible things. and, you know, in this lettering chris, this r in robert and b as is boy.
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is it significant? not necessarily, perhaps in the ramblings of a disturbed man but the police chief has used the term a couple of time, righteous. there may have been something within the shooter. perhaps he's sayi ining righteo blood or something like that. there is still a lot to learn and why we have to learn is because we need to be able to look at people in advance and see how we can help them before they go out and commit a terrible act like that. then it is too late. >> yeah because if you go back even further and i talked with colonel jack jacobs about this last night. you have an army reservist in less than a year after going in he's charged by a woman with sexual harassment. she said he needed mental health assistance but he's given an honorable discharge against recommendations. you have people say he was
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obsessed with equipment and tactical moves. even if you say something is not right here. this? >> yeah there is a big quantum leap between something's not right, between someone perhaps has a mental health condition and between somebody who becomes a mass murderer at the same time. but chris, until we find a way to address this terrible chasm in our society between what the african american community believes that police are doing and until police believe that they have some type of support from the community. these terrible situations, this head banging between philosophies and people is going to continue. i fear four country. >> former fbi profiler clint van zandt as always. appreciate your insights. thank you clint. >> thank you, chris. >> and when we come back we'll talk to one dallas city council member how the city plans to
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12:53 pm
we're back live in dallas just a few blocks away from where a gunman opened fire thursday night, a city in mourning. joining me is tiffany young, dallas city council member who represents the district just south of the dallas police station. thank you for being here. >> thank you for coming. >> and you and other members of the council, you have some plans you're going to do some community outreach today. tell me about that. >> yes. so the northeast station which services the northern part of the district that i represent, councilman adam really leading the charge and bringing the community out to show appreciation for all of our officers who justice chief brown has said a couple days ago may not feel that appreciation on every day.
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so we know it's important especially during times like these that we are showing how much the community appreciates the officers and that we are there as a support system to wrap our arms around the police force. >> you're going to go to the different substations. >> it is our plan to continue this and continue around the city at the different substations making sure that we have community appreciation events for our officers. >> you and some other members of the council are new to this. it's just been about a year, right, since you took office, and so much changed in this city in the matter of just a few hours. tell me a little bit about how you see the city coming together. >> well, i will tell you it's really going to involve dealing with some ugly truths that not only exist in dallas but exist throughout america. and so what we know is that here in dallas, particularly in the district that i represent we too have seen our share of some officer-involved shootings that maybe didn't get the national news but we've certainly had them. and the wounds are still here.
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so it is my responsibility because the people elected me to represent them to make sure that i am out in the community, which is exactly what i've been doing the last couple of days making sure i'm out talking to the constituents but then also that i've been visit with officers and been talk with the officers and it's really going to be about bringing everyone together. i do think we have a city council that is ready to work together alongside our mayor and really bring this city together. i've been reaching out nationally to a lot of the influences. we know that in our communities, the young people in particular, are really influenced by the entertainment industry. so i've been reaching out to those in the entertainment industry to get them to dallas and to really begin the healing. because when the cameras leave, we still have a lot of healing that we have to do in our community. and so that's what i look forward to the day that we can truly sit down together as a city and really be a model for our nation in terms of how we heal and how we move forward. >> we've heard a lot from celebrities, from beyonce to
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lebron to serena who just won wimbledon. have you gotten any response yet? do you expect there will be some folks that come here? >> yes, i have been able to get some response. so it's really just a matter of putting something together. i spent some time working in the entertainment industry and the radio field. and so i've been able to make outreach through various networks and really have gotten some positive response. so they just get us a date. so that's what my staff and i and my team are working on in really bringing the rest of the council alongside us to make sure we are truly being an example of what courage under fire looks like and what we need to be doing to set a model for the rest of the nation. >> tiffani young, thank you. >> thank you for coming. >> that's going to do it for me for this hour. frances rivera will pick up our next hour joined by one of the leaders of texas' black lives matter movement. i'm chris jansing, we'll be right back.
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1:00 pm
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