tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC July 11, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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thank you very much. >> good to see you? that is it forhis evening. rachel maddow show starts right now. >> thanks. it's good to be back after a few days away. thanks to joy reed and steve kornacki and the team holding down the fort while i was gone. a lot going on in general and at this hour, live stuff happening tonight. you're looking at a live shot right now what is expected to be a large community vigil tonight in dallas, texas, the dallas police chief and chief of dallas transit police and representatives of each of the police officers killed in dallas last week will all be speaking tonight at this vigil you're seeing this live shot of right now. the dallas police chaplain le leading pray others to open and close tonight. that is just getting under way in dallas. we have one eye on that this evening. this is happening in dallas on the eve of president obama vi t visiting dallas tomorrow. president obama came home early
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from his european trip in order to attend an interfaith service at dallas symphony hall tomorrow. there is word tonight president obama is writing his own speech for that event tomorrow in dallas instead of having his speechwriters do it for him. he took that same approach in charleston, south carolina in the wake of the massacre there and did that at the anniversary of the march in selma and did it on a few other occasions and tends to lead to very dramatic speeches. visitation hours begins tomorrow in dallas for some officers killed last week. this is the head of the funerals for slain officers slain on thursday. we got world of philando castile killed last thursday in minnesota, his funeral will be held thursday in st. paul and this friday will be the funeral
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for alton sterling killed by police in baton rouge. tonight, in baton rouge there's a prayer service taking place tonight. as you can see, that's a live shot in baton rouge right now. that has a somewhat different feel, different cast than what we have seen in the days since alton sterling was killed last week, including the dramatic and sometimes scary confrontations between protesters and police over the weekend which resulted in more than 150 arrests over two days. so far tonight there have been no large scale protests and certainly no confrontations and no arrests that we have seen in baton rouge. we have seen confrontations and arrests and large scale protests in a number of other cities over the last few days, including tonight there's a large black lives matter protest in chicago. this is an aerial shot of chicago tonight and we will be
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taking a look on that this evening and protests and other vigils in cleveland, ohio, brooklyn, new york, the largest city in new jersey, newark, new jersey, atlanta, elsewhere around the country. we're keeping up on those prote protests, those rallies, those vig vigils, all around the country tonight. they are really coast-to-coast. we will have a live report from dallas, from that large vigil under way coming up in just a moment. in addition to all the news that continues to break on this front, though, we've also got big electoral politics news that's either under way right now or about to happen imminently, for example it was confirmed today, bernie sanders will be making his long awaited endorsement of hillary clinton tomorrow at an event in new hampshire. we're also awaiting word basically, any minute, any moment now as to the vice-presidential running mates of both candidates. the clinton campaign has not said when they will announce
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hillary clinton's vice-presidential running mate but they have asked people to sign up at clinton's website if they want to be first to know who her choice is. they're clearly getting close to their announcement. the trump campaign previously said they would announce donald trump's running mate at next week's republican national convention and to build up the drama of that event. they have since said the announcement will not happen at the convention itself, sooner than that. there isn't much time sooner than that. we are expecting a vice-presidential name or a leak conceivably as soon as tonight or any time in the next few days. even just in our domestic politics, there's a lot going on right now all at once. a lot of it, frankly, is anxiety making. some of the angxiety making pars of it frankly feel familiar, which is why i want you to watch
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this ad. it's not a long piece of tape, a quick tv ad, less than a minute. this is from a previous presidential race. some of the concepts in this ad and language have become famous and you'll recognize where it's from. seeing the ad itself is a rare thing. i don't think many people now have seen it who did not see it then. seeing it now is almost uncanny given the times we're living through right now. ♪ >> it is time for an honest look at the problem of order in the united states. descent is necessary ingredient for change but in a government that provides for peaceful change there is no cause that is
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for restore violence. let us recognize the first right of every american is to be free from domestic violence, so i pledge to you, we shall have order in the united states. >> it ends there, with no audio at the end there, which is kind of a trick, right? even if you hadn't been watching that ad on in the background, once you hear your sound go dead on your tv, you look over and at that point you see nixon in big white letters on your screen. that law and order script. i pledge to you we shall have order in the united states. richard nixon, 1968, ran for president that we shall have order line. he also ran this other ad hyping the threat of crime in the united states, and pledging to rebuild respect for law across this country.
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>> rebuild respect for law across this country. i pledge to you the wave of crime is not going to be the wave of the future in america. >> again, the silence at the end, so you look over. nixon! richard nixon, in 1968, famously took political advantage of the chaos and strife and worry and anxiety and fear in the country in 1968. he took the unrest and strife in the country at that time that was already freaking people out and he made it as scary as he could make it. he stoked even more fear out of it, and then he presented himself as the solution. he wanted the country to seem as scary as possible. he wanted people to be as afraid as possible. he wanted what he called the silent majority to both feel as scared as possible and to see
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him as the slolution to what scared them. he wanted to be the man who stood for law and order, one of the most notorious things about richard nixon the way he stoked that fear and used it to his advantage, the whole law and order presidential campaign he ran in 1968. this is presidential campaign today in newport beach, virginia. >> we must maintain law and order at the highest level or we will cease to have a country 100%, we will cease to have a country. i am the law and order candidate. [ applause ] >> just as political science, as, you know, politics is a spectator sport, it's been fascinating almost to the point of being creepy to see how much this year's republican presidential nominee has been
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willing to do the most infamous thing of richard nixon. he was accused in 1960 that he had some sort of secret plan to end the war in vietnam. people would only find out about his secret plan once he got elected. that's a notorious thing about richard nixon's past and history because he didn't have a notorious plan so if you voted for him thinking he would have, sorry, sucker. despite that known political history or because of that known political history of richard nixon, donald trump this year announced he had a secret plan to defeat isis america would only find out about once he got elected. consider the whole idea of the silent majority. richard nixon came up with that term, silent majority to reassure majority americans that someone was on their side against these scary minority americans who nixon would protect you from. this year, in february, donald
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trump started talking about the silent majority again, not hi hinting at it but using the phrase explicitly, to this day you can buy donald trump lawn signs that proclaim you and your family to be part of the silent majority standing with trump. we've been watching this happening for months now with republican presidential candidate.channelling the most infamous things about richard nixon other than watergate. for trump to do it today on this issue, calling himself the law and order candidate, it's not just interesting political science, not just ironic creepy stuff for students of modern american history, this is a live wire he is handling. protests are under way tonight. protests like these, protests over the weekend, with dozens and dozens of arrests. prote protesters taking over highways, police using smoke canisters, police vehicles being used
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against protesters that frankly look like driving tanks into crowds. it is a special kind of unner unnerving, a racially relevant anxiety producing things in this environment we're in right now to have a presidential candidate say without him insuring law and order right now we will cease to have a country. that is his argument. leaders have a choice at a time like this. you can choose to escalate situati situations, you can choose to make people more afraid, more scared and more divided and use to it your advantage or choose to de-escalate situations like this and try to make people see themselves as not separate from one another but part of one human american family. contrast what donald trump said today from what we heard today from the dallas police chief. the dallas police chief speaking at a vigil and spoke to the press in the most de-escalating way possible trying to break down the whole concept of us
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versus them in this national argument, breaking down the division of police versus community, public servants versus public protests. you hmay or may not agree with the dallas police chief but there are other ways to show leadership rather than just going full bore, richard nixon. >> when i graduated high school, i got a full ride scholarship to ut austin. this was 1979. i come back home for the summer, around '81/82 time frame the crack cocaine epidemic hit dallas. my friends who stayed here became involved in that. it broke my heart. it changed what i wanted to do in college. i actually left college my first semester my senior year to come
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back and apply to the dallas police department to do something about what i was seeing in my neighborhood. my first beat was my old neighborhood. that was just happenstance. i'm the kind of person that i probably wouldn't protest or complain, i'd get involved and do something about it by beco becoming part of the solution. that's still in me, that keeps me going, that i get so much satisfaction i can do a small thing to help this community. i just love dallas. and i love serving. it's part of my character, part of who i am. all the crap we have to take as police officers, the satisfaction you get with serving, much more gratifying, much more gratifying. it's like that for a lot of police officers in this country. >> what advice would you give to young black men today to overcome their fear?
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>> become a part of the solution, serve your communities, don't be a part of the problem. we're hiring. we're hiring. [ laughter ] >> get off that protest line and put an application in. we'll put you in your neighborhood and we'll help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about. >> whether you agree with the chief there or not, that's an option for leadership, right? some leaders in this country are trying to de-escalate from the kind of confrontation and anxiety and fear and violence we are experiencing as a country right now. some other leaders are instead trying to stoke that fear and anxiety and violence and conflict for their own advantage. it's a choice. but these protests continue tonight across the country, this is a live shot in atlanta, also big protests tonight in chicago and a few other cities, and in dallas tonight, tonight's vigil
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is ongoing right now ahead of what will be a long difficult week frankly of a lot of funerals. joining us is dallas clay county judge jenkins, head of the government there. thank you, sir, i know your time is precious. >> rachel, thank you for having me. >> can you give me your human assessment as a dallas resident and civil service assessment how your community is doing right now, how things are going in terms of trying to hold it together? >> you know, you can really feel the palpable support of the community for each other and our police officers and you can see it behind me, they've been coming here in a steady stream since the events unfolded thursday night and friday morning. there are thousands of people down at the vigil.
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we appreciate that. these officers need that. it's helpful and it's appreciated. >> what do you think is going to be different, judge jenkins, in dallas moving forward. i've heard so many people express what you just did there about the support that police officers feel, not just sympathy but support, in response to what happened. what do you think will be different in a material way going forward? how is dallas going to be changed by this? >> well, what needs to happen is i believe we have a rare opportunity here, because of the support, to come together. you talked about leadership and leaders can incite people to fear and anger or they can call on people to respect one another and show compassion for one another and see things through each other's perspective. ultima ultimately, it's the community that decides how they'll respond. i believe this community is
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uniquely situated and has demonstrated in the past a unique ability to come together. it's a diverse community here in dallas county, a community that respects one another. we have racial divisions in dallas county, just like we do throughout the rest of the country. here in the city of dallas, just like they are in every major city. this police force under david brown's leadership has led the way on community policing. i was at the white house last year with one of the chiefs about a year ago working on community policing issues. i think this is an opportunity for us to come together, respect one another, see things from each other's perspective. that needs to be the legacy of this act of hate, not pulling us further apart. >> judge jenkins, i have heard some frustration voiced by the chief and by others the pressure of the national media having descended for all these days now
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on dallas is frustrating and in some ways feels counter-productive. i'm sure that national spotlight starts to burn pretty hot after all these days especially with what the city needs to deal with internally. given that and understanding that, is there anything dallas needs that you don't have. >> we need patience, as we go through this crime scene and this evidence. and we need this to mean something to this community and to this country. it's a senseless act of hate. if it can mean that it's the opportunity to open that dialogue so that white people think about what a black family goes through as they teach their children a different set of rules than a white family will teach their children, so that non-first responder families think about what a first responder family goes through,
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wondering if their loved one is going to come home. all the issues that are going on with our first responders right now as they deal with grief and still go about doing their jobs on very little sleep. if we can begin to see things from each other's perspective that gives it meaning an tlez a stronger dallas. we have shown compassion in the past in other instances and we're ready to do that now. the national spotlight can help us by not letting the politic n politicians and the talking heads pull us back into our partisan corners, let's use this as a time to have a real conversation and pass some real legislation that helps our officers that helps our communities, that keeps us safer. >> dallas county judge, clay jenkins, top county executive in the county of dallas. thank you, and i appreciate it. good luck to you. >> thank you.
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>> tonight, we are continuing to get live images from dallas from the live vigil, keeping an eye on that and protests in other cities tonight and good-sized protests in atlanta and chicago and lots of news to get to. stay with us. so we don't have to wad to get clean. mmm, cushiony...and we can use less. charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer... ...and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. remember, that's charmin in there... no wasteful wadding! we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin.
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december 2011, the last combat troops left iraq after a grueling war and american soldiers were killed in that war, president obama kept his campaign promise and withdrew them right at the end of 2011, less than three years later he redeployed u.s. troops back to iraq, this time to fight isis. since that summer day, 2014, when president obama announced he would send up to 300 u.s. soldiers back into iraq as military advisors he has slowly been adding more and more and
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more. another 200 soldiers here, another 130 there, 350 more, another 475. over the past two years it has been a slow isis -- escalation, steady undeclared expansion of the war the u.s. military is now fighting in iraq again, this time against isis. today, we got the most recent and one of the largest expansions yet. secretary of defense ash carter took a surprise trip to iraq and he announced there another 560 american troops will be deployed into iraq, this time specifically to help retake the large iraqi city of mosul from isis control. this latest addition means we're now back up officially to about 4600 american troops in iraq, unofficially the number is larger than that. unofficially the number has already cleared 5,000 americans back in iraq and that number is rising and rising and rising.
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and the last time we had a new president taking over as commander in chief with thousands of americans deployed both in iraq and afghanistan and no idea how to end either one of those wars, the last time we did that, we had a pretty robust debate about it in our presidential election that year. it was pretty big part how we chose between presidential options that year. this time, it's the same prospect. the next president will take over with thousands of american troops in iraq and thousands of american troops in afghanistan and no idea how those wars end. the only difference is this time we're not having a political debate about it at all. this time, we're still waiting for that debate to start. the troops will definitely be there by the thousands. watch this space. historic moments in time sweep through our lives. for 20 years, msnbc has been there. look back at these defining moments. 20 stories that shook the world in 20 years.
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honestly, mostly what conventions are now is big infomercial, big four day long advertisements for each political party, all well produced, slick, big name speakers, well produced videos and well orchestrated balloon onslaug onslaughts. overall, the convention itself, what you see on tv is sort of more ceremonial, pro forma than anything. presidential nomination conventions do have work to do and a week before the convention opens and all the tv cameras turn up, that is technically when that work happens. every four weeks, that is when
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it happens the week before the convention. that work started getting done today in cleveland. we're a week out from the republican convention. they started working in cleveland today. today and tomorrow it's the platform committee. depending whether or not you believe donald trump is changing the republican party and depe depending how much you've been paying attention to republican politics today it may or may not come as a surprise to you one of the ideas they advanced today is declaration against porn. pornography declared by the republican party and its platform today to be a menace to public health. i feel savfer already. they advanced platform plarngs denouncing gay marriage and supporting therapy to cure children of the dreaded disease of being lbgt. we don't know exactly how items like this will shake out in the end but that platform discussion is under way. the end of this week and
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thursday and friday and possibly saturday if they need to keep going, that's when the committee with the most boring name but most exciting possibilities starts to meet, thursday and friday, maybe saturday, that's the rules committee. sounds boring but it's awesome. there's obviously a lot of speculation who donald trump will pick to be his running mate, they said it will be in the next few days and could be tonight. one of the things happening in the boring sounding rules committee, there's discussion that might require whoever the presidential pick is, they might require that person to earn support from 1237 delegates, just like donald trump is going to need to be nominated president. that changes within the realm of possibility. nobody knows what that would do to his vice-presidential pick. it could be that the convention would choose somebody to be trump's running mate who was not trump's own choice to be his running mate. that's a very exciting prospect.
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there's also an ongoing discussion about unbinding the delegates, basically letting them vote for whoever they want to. ever since donald trump started doing well in the primary this year more ink has been spilled over that prospect than it deserved being a likely possibility. that said, if it will happen it will happen now. one virginia delegate literally sued to free himself from republican party rules in the state of virginia that said he had to cast his delegate vote for donald trump. today in virginia, that delegate won his lawsuit. there was a court ruling today in favor of that delegate who doesn't want to vote for trump. that ruling at this point only applies to virginia, but, hmm, hmm. if all the frenetic sort of pointless excitement over the last few months about the possibility of denying donald trump the nomination at the convention, if that's ever going to be anything other than a fantasy or tem pest in a teapot
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we will know soon. because that will happen right now, this week. ultima ultimately, no matter what happens with the rules committee or this scheming against donald trump or potentially scheming against his vice-presidential nominee or what happens with what looks like a pretty crazy platform with the republican party, despite all of that we know it's going to be an unusual convention next week. there are for example 54 republican senators in the united states senate, somewhere between 16 and 22 of those 54 senators aren't going to show up to the republican convention this year. also the last republican presidential nominee will not show up at donald trump's convention this year. also the last republican nominee before that is not going to show up at donald trump's convention this year. none of the living former republican presidents on earth is going to go to donald trump's republican convention this year. neither the first president bush nor the second president bush is going to cleveland and neither
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has said he will support donald trump. not one nuclear family, the bush family in such a strange place in history with dad and son being president and being the only two living ex republican presidents on earth. with donald trump having won the nomination, the bush family is an truly strange political place right now. after his brother and his father both became president, jeb bush really thought it was his turn this year. he entered the presidential race june of last year and ended up quitting very early on. he quit on february 20th this year after disappointing results in i wand then" and then south carolina. here's the thing, though, despite that totally peculiar and fascinating place, the bush family have in our politics and history of the republican party, since trump became the presumptive nominee, jeb bush has not once spoken publicly to any. he has not give an single
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interview since then about running, about quitting the race, about donald trump being the nominee, about who he's going to vote for. he hasn't spoken publicly about it once since trump locked up the nomination. today, for the first time, he has broken his science and spoke at length in fascinating detail with our own nicolle wallace and we will have that for you exclusively the top of this hour. i will be here to anchor that along with nicolle wallace and brian williams. i have read the transcript and it is fairly devastating. that exclusive one-on-one is tonight, rig after this show. stay with us. with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production.
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no offense to indiana but it's a rare day when national politics in this country revolves around indiana, it just doesn't happen that often. today is one of those days. it's in part because of this man. do you know who this man is? could you pick this man out of a lineup? do you know this man's name? no, you're thinking of arlen specter, that's the guy on the right. no, not hank paulson, the former treasury secretary either, close, nor is it the mom's second husband from "six feet under." no, the manu can't quite place is named dan coates. he used to be a lobbyist and stopped being a lobbyist to become a united states senator. this man, on the other hand, he stopped being a u.s. senator so
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he could become a lobbyist. he and dan coates are mirror images of each other, they just traded positions, lobbyist to senator and senator to lobbyist. the first guy, dan coates is retiring from the senate and the lobbyist, evan bayh decided he wants his old senate seat back. the reason that's important is because evan bayh could win his seat back. the bayh name is well-known in indiana. his dad, birch bayh ran for president in 1976. his son, evan bayh held the senate seat there after and evan bayh served as a time as indian governor. he is a sort of joe lieberman style democrat. he could win and is sitting on nearly $10 million of campaign
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contributions and the republican barely has $1 million on his part. in part because of that cash and also because of his dad's continuing popularity, bayh is a household name and a former governor and held that exact senate seat before. evan bayh is kind of running with advantages of incumbency without being an incumbent. he could win that seat and flip it from red to blue and that could be a help to flip the whole united states states senate from red to blue. even if evan bayh can't win that seat outright he will be a strong enough contend information that seat he will almost assuredly mean the republican party will have to spend millions of dollars hand over fist in the state of indiana to try to hold onto their chances for that senate seat. that alone will make indiana interesting and important this year in terms of that one senate seat and control of the united states senate and all that
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expending we weren't expecting in indiana that will be coming in a year indiana could be a swing state in the presidential election. president obama won indiana in 2008 and lost it in 2012. could it be back in play this year? will all that senate spending affect that? that all comes on the same day when the current governor of indiana apparently rose to the top of everybody's short list in terms of who donald trump might pick to be his vice-presidential running mate. indiana is usually safely ign e ignored in national politics. indiana right now is a state where know one knows who one of their senators is. indiana is a state where nobody knows who either of their senators are. tell me. come on, either of them? but today, unassuming indiana is the center of the political universe when it comes to the next election. more ahead on that in just a moment. here's your hint.
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there are not very many shoes left to drop in this presidential election, not many we're still waiting for other than the big result at the end. the shoes that have not yet dropped are all going to hit the floor in the next two weeks or less. one of them has been, when is bernie sanders going to endorse hillary clinton? we now know bernie sanders is set to endorse hillary clinton at an event tomorrow in new hampshire. that's one thing we've been wondering about a long time. now we know as of tomorrow, done and dusted. the other big shoe to drop is the issue of running mates. the party conventions start in a week, ticktock. donald trump had initially told everybody he was going to announce his running mate at his republican national convention this year. that apparently is not going to happen. it's going to be sooner. he told the "washington post" i
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will make up my mind over the next three to four days. in my mind, i have someone that would be really good. in his mind. at the moment, the conventional wisdom seems to be donald trump's first choice is indiana republican governor, mike pence. governor pence will be introd e introducing donald trump at a rally tomorrow and doing a fund-raiser for him as well. mike pence, in terms of this is political career, he's in an interesting place, at the end of his first term as governor. he was out at the bartholomew county fair, doing what gover r governors do, admiring cows and pigs and complimenting people on cows and pigs and telling reporters he's not focused at all about becoming vice president because he's focused on getting re-elected as governor. getting re-elected as governor is not a sure thing for mike pence. we'll have more on that.
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in terms of the logistics, the tock is really ticking but not because the convention is next week. indiana law says you can't run for governor and vice president at the same time, you can only run for one. governor pence has to declare friday if he wants to run for re-election or get off the ballot and run for vice president. there's no wiggle room there. he has to do it before the end of this week. does donald trump think the indiana governor could help his presidential campaign? does mike pence think he has a better chance of staying employed if he throws his lot in with dthd? is there -- with donald trump? is there any sign of a local outcome here? joining us, a reporter from the gazette. nice to have you here. >> thank you. >> what are mike pence's prospects for re-election? >> he's facing a tough race against a man he beat but by a
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small margin four years ago. since then, he's had a couple blunders certainly coming after him in the religious freedom debate and a very controversial abortion bill a federal judge just blocked. there are some republicans here who would actually like to see a different republican on the ballot besides governor pens. >> some republicans in indiana are hoping he runs as vice president specifically so he won't be on the ballot as governor? >> i think it's probably dual. i think they think it would bring a lot of great attention to indiana and the storithy think is helpi ining us here an some think it might be easier to win the office without pence. >> mike pence's reputation is something that i have always felt seems a little bit independent of his actual actions and behavior, actions and behavior as a politician. he has this very carefully cultivated reputation of very doctrinaire, ernest conservative
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uncompromising and dedicated to conservative social issues. it would seem to me whether or not he has governed and lived that way, it would seem to me hard to square that type of reputation to getting in bed with donald trump. what do we know about his relationship with and how copa settic his politics are with donald trump? >> he has disagreed on a few issues this cycle. they only met twice, once during the primary right after which governor pence endorsed ted cruz and praised trump. and they met once and also tomorrow and seems like governor pence might be getting a tryout of sorts at the rally. >> right down to this friday deadline bearing down on both of them. >> nicky for the journal gazette, thank you. g the best h.
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programming notes, my colleague and friend, nicolle wallace, sat down for an exclusive one-on-one with jeb bush. this is a remarkable that jeb bush has talked publicly since donald trump secured the republican nomination for president. in just a few minutes 10 eastern right after the show nicole will be joining us here. we'll be special coverage starting tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern that's exclusive coming up in a few minutes. stay with us.
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that was our mission focus, give us a job to do, we'll focus on accomplishing the mission. so what's our mission today, is helping these families understand how to deal with this tragedy. >> dallas, texas tonight as we speak the vigil being held to honor the five police officers who lost their lives simultaneously with that vigil tonight, protests continued this evening in a bunch of different cities. in atlanta we're getting report of a dozen arrests, several hundred people demonstrated for a fifth straight night. earlier tonight in chicago, about 500 peaceful protesters held a silent sit-in. folks in chicago filed in federal plaza. there were about two dozen
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arrests. but the protests tonight have gone on without any confrontation or incident. we saw a protest in tampa, florida, several hundred people marched through downtown. protests tonight in newark, new jersey. much more ahead tonight, stay with us. and can you explain to me why you recommend synthetic over cedar? "super food"? is that a real thing? it's a great school, but is it the right the one for her? is this really any better than the one you got last year? if we consolidate suppliers what's the savings there? so should we go with the 467 horsepower? or is a 423 enough? good question. you ask a lot of good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. ok. sure. but are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night.
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on that friday afternoon, last september, september 25, 2015, the top republican in washington house speaker john boehner, he walked into his weekly press conference and he stunned everybody by quitting. here is how he started that press conference that day when he quit. >> my oh my what a wonderful day. i use to sing that on my way to work in the morning. >> that was how he started the press conference. in the end, he sang, not once, but twice while he was in the process of giving -- >> you seem very relieved. >> john boehner, as reigned for almost a full year as undisputed king who literally sang as they
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quit their jobs. he's been at the top of that heap, now from across the waters, a challenge from our closest overseas ally, in contrast to our american long, drawn out presidential contest which has been going on for approximately 48 hours, or at least it feels like it. today in great britain, prime minister david cameron announced his country is going to have a new prime minister in two days. it was suppose to be october, then it was going to be september, now, as of today it's two days from now, as of wednesday, new prime minister. and then listen closely to how he ended that announcement. >> thank you very much.
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he sings himself off the political stage. just one more time. [ singing ] that is so perfect, that our friends at bong, have turned it into a ring tone. he leaves his old frustrating job with one brexit and one appreciated ring tone. i would like to tell you, that the famous cat, down there at the bottom of your screen there, larry, larry of 10 downing street, he's not leaving with david cameron. he came out again today and warmed up the crowd and, i guess, addressed the press core before the prime minister came out and quit and then sang his
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way back into the room. larry the cat is apparently staying. he does not belong to david cameron, larry the cat chief belongs to 10 downing street. he stays, prime ministers come and go, governments come and go, but larry the cat is forever. >> that is it for this hour. don't go anywhere i'll see you in just a moment. we're about to present our exclusive with jeb bush. jeb bush's first public comments since donald trump became the presumptive nominee of the republican party, that's here right now on msnbc. don't go anywhere. >> this is my first time in my adult life that i'm, you know, confronted with this delima. >> next president of the united states of america, jeb bush. >> i wish i was in the game, still, for
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