tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 12, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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and second, let's provide better training on implicit bias. that remains a problem, even in our best police departments, but it also remains a problem across society. and i'm asking for all of us to really search our hearts and minds, to make sure we don't, we don't have those implicit bia s biases. let's learn from police departments like dallas, that had made strong progress and apply their lessons nationwide. because everyone in every community benefits when there is respect for the law and when everyone is respected by the law.
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remember, when gunfire broke out in dallas, the peaceful protesters and the crowds that gathered to support them ran to safety, while the police officers who just minutes before had been talking with and taking pictures with, and protecting the protesters, the police officers ran the other way. they ran into the gunfire. that's the kind of courage and dedication our police and first responders show every single day. so yes, let's take real meaningful action to end the epidemic of gun violence in america.
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from sandy hook to orlando, to dallas and so many other places, these tragedies tear at our soul, and so do the incidents that don't even dominate the headlines. just this past sunday, a young man, seth rich, who worked for the democratic national committee, to expand voting rights was shot and killed in his neighborhood in washington. he was just 27 years old. surely, we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of america.
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our police and first responders should never have to face a mad man, a racist, a person filled with hatred with an assault weapon. we owe it to every officer who protects us, and we can't stop there. this is part of a broader challenge across our country. inequality is too high. wages are too low, and it is just too hard to get ahead for too many americans. we need an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. not just the millionaires and we
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need to go bold. this isn't a time for half measures. so we are setting five ambitious goals. we will make the biggest investment in new, good paying jobs since world war ii. more jobs here in new hampshire, and across our countries, especially in places that have been left out and left behind. am inn communities in color, coal country, everywhere where a person decides a same shot of the american dream as anybody else in our country. when i say good paying jobs, i
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mean it. as bernie said, donald trump thinks wages are too high. he actually stood on a debate stage and said so. he does want to get rid of the federal minimum wage altogether. well, both senator sanders and i believe anyone who is willing to work hard should be able to find a job that pays well enough to support a family and bernie is right. $7.25 an hour is a starvation wage. so sorry, donald, if you're watching. we're not cutting the minimum wage. we're raising the minimum wage.
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and we're going to create millions of good jobs by making america the clean energy super power of the 21st century. as bernie reminds us so power l powerfully, we owe it to future generations to work together to combat climate change. and we're going to do it. we've got the intelligence. we've got the innovation. we're going roll up our sleeves and demonstrate to the world what america is made of. we're going to have that clean energy economy. we're going to make it work for everybody. and make no mistake.
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we will defend american jobs and american workers by saying no to the assaults on the right to organize and bargain collectively. and we're going to say no to attacks on working families, and no to bad trade deals and unfair trade practices, including the transpacific partnership. second, we're going to make college debt free-for-all, and help millions of people struggling with existing student debt, save thousands of dollars. here in new hampshire, you know, students are carrying one of the highest debt loads in the country. i've heard from young people who can't start a business, move out
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of their parents home or even get married, because of all the student debt, holding them back. so with your help, we're going to make it so future students won't have to borrow a dime to attend public colleges or universities. thanks to the new proposals senator sanders and i worked on together, for families making less than $125,000 a year, we will eliminate tuition at those schools altogether. and we will do more to help students cover all the costs of getting an education, including books, supplies, and living
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expenses. because in the words of a student i met here in new hampshire, paying for college shouldn't be the hardest thing about going to college. third, we're going to rewrite the rules and crack down on companies that ship jobs and profits overseas. let's reward the companies that share profits with their employees instead. and we will defend and strengthen the tough reforms president obama put in place on the financial industry, not let donald trump tear them up. because we do, we do need to make sure wall street can never wreck main street again.
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number four, we're going to make sure wall street corporations and the super rich pay their fair share of taxes. when people say the game is rigged, the best evidence is our tax code. it is riddled with scams, loopholes and special breaks. it is wrong that some millionaires pay a lower tax rates than their secretary, and we're going to stop it. now, compare what senator sanders and i intend to do with donald trump's plan. his tax plan would make our current system even worst. independent analysts say he would add $30 trillion to the national debt in order to give a massive gift to the wealthiest americans, wall street money managers, and our largest corporations. but after all, what else should we expect from someone who calls
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himself the king of debt. now, we have been pointing out, we've been pointing out the problems with his tax plan for months, and i think donald is starting to feel the pressure. in fact, even as we speak, he is apparently bringing in the biggest names in trickle down supply side economics. to help him figure out what to do. now, these are the same advisors who brought us 30 years of a disastrous republican philosophy that gave the huge breaks to those at the top. now, you don't have to be a psychic to know what's going to happen next. they're going to come back with another plan with maybe some bells and which stles, slashing taxes for the rich, and donald trump himself. they'll try to use voodoo
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economics. to tell us all the ways it will actually help the economy. but they're not fooling anybody, at least i hope they're not. just like his current plan, which he calls inspiring tremendous and amazing. you know, he uses a lot of adjectives to avoid telling you any specifics. here's what we know for sure. whatever he comes out next will give huge tax cuts to the corporations and rich, at the expense of the middle class. now, there is that old saying, you ha you've heard it. i used to hear it in arkansas.
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you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig. i've got to tell you, the first time that the republicans pulled voodoo economics, you know, they fooled us. shame on them. but if they come back with the same argument and people fall for it, shame on us. but i will promise you this. senator sanders and i will spare no effort to make sure the people of america know that once again, trump and his cronies are trying to pull the wool over our eyes, and come back with the same failed policies that hurt us before. we're not going to let them get away with it again. and finally, our fifth goal is we're going to step up and
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respond to the way american families actually live and work in the 21st century, our families and workplaces have changed, so isn't it time for our policies to change too? let's expand social security to match today's realities, not cut or privatize it. let's join the rest of the developed world and offer paid family leave. and finally, let's guarantee equal pay for women once and for all.
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now, i can just envision the tweets donald is putting together. and you know, donald trump can accuse me of playing the woman card all he wants. if fighting for equal pay and paid family leave is playing the woman card, then deal me in. i'll tell you, these aren't just my fights. these are bernie's fights. these are america's fights. and i feel with all my being, these are fights we have to wage and win together. as bernie and his supporters have argued so eloquently, we
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won't get any where unless we overhaul our campaign finance system. it is pastime to end the strangle hold of wealthy special interests in washington and get back to government of the people, by the people and for the people. that's why as president, from my very first days, i will make campaign finance reform a top priority. we will do everything we can to overturn citizens united. we will require everybody, democrats, republicans, independents, whoever, to disclose all of their donors, and while we're at it, we're going to create a small donor matching system to make it easy for more americans to be elected at every level of government.
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because just like bernie, i have met so many impressive people here in new hampshire and across america with great ideas for our country. i want to see you run for office and win. and here's another radical idea. let's make it easier to vote. not harder. let's fight back against attacks on voting rights across the country. attacks that disproportionately affect young income voters, people of color, students, the elderly and women. that means we need to restore the voting rights act, and then keep going. all americans should be
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automatically registered to vote on their 18th birthday. every state should have at least 20 days of in person voting, and no one in america should ever have to wait more than 30 minutes to cast their ballot. so senator sanders and i will be working to get accountable money out of the pol particulars and voices of everyday americans back in. because as bernie has said, this isn't a progressive issue. it is not a conservative issue. it is an american issue. and let me close with this. to everyone here and everyone across the country, who poured your heart and soul into senator sanders campaign, thank you.
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thank you. i was proud of the campaign we ran. it was a campaign about issues, not insults. and our country desperately needs your voices and involvement. so does this campaign. so does the democratic party. because you know what? we need to take back the senate and take back the house. and make sure we have democratic governors and democratic state legislatures. let's open the doors to everyone who shares our progressive values. this is one of the most important elections in our lifetimes. so i'm asking you to stand with us, and then i'm asking you to keep working in the weeks, months and yes, years ahead.
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you'll always have a seat at the table when i am in the white house. as bernie will tell you, talk is cheap. we need to keep fighting to make sure everything we've stood for is real in the lives of people across america. that amazing country of ours is worthy of our best efforts. this election, let's send a clear message. in america, we don't tear each other down. we lift each other up. we build bridges, not walls. we put common interests ahead of self-interests. we stand together, because we're stronger together. so i need your help. please join this campaign. make it your own. you can take out your phone
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right now, and text join, 47246 or go to hillary we accept $27 donations too, you know. i can't tell you how grateful i am to be standing here with senator sanders. because i think both of us realize that each of our campaigns together represent the best of who we are. and now it is time for us to take that message to the rest of the country. i am fully aware that the other side will do everything possible to distort, to dis inform, and we can't let that happen. we have to be standing up and
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fighting for the america that we know we can create together. i am confident, and optimistic about our future, particularly when it comes to young people. i think america's best years are still ahead of us. so join with us. let's make this happen together, and win the election. thank you very much. that's the picture they wanted. this is andr-- andrea mitchell. we've witnessed a milestone. bernie sanders, hand in hand, arm in harm with hillary clinton. taking a big step for uniting the democratic party joining me here, kristen welker, msnbc political reporter, and in washington nbc mark murray.
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kristin, first to you, a lot of excite. but i want to point out this breaking news. nbc news has confirmed, and nbc that james jeff readies, a retired admiral, is at least a serious enough candidate to have been vetted at a top level for vice-president by the clinton campaign. he has met with james h-- hamilton. we don't know if he is a democratic or republican. he wrote a book last year, "ack dental admiral." first reported a couple of moments ago aboby "the new york times" and he is indeed being considered as a candidate or at least he has been vetted. among a small group, smallish group of candidates that we know of that has been vetted. you can see in the crowd,
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kristen, you've got a good vantage point of hillary clinton with bernie sanders. this is something she has waited for 36 days. a lot longer than they hoped for, but finally the full endorsement an embrace from bernie sanders, after he got a lot of platform concessions, and she went through those issues. i thought it was very interesting that very close to the top of her speech, she pivoted to what she started to talk about on friday with the ame, church convention in philadelphia, the need to bring the country together, and to deal with hidden racism in america, to deal with the divisions that have cost the lives of african-american men, women and children, and to give law enforcement more of the tools and training that they need. so she is very definitely not just talking about the campaign issues on which she and bernie sanders have agreed. >> no doubt. that was a notable moment, andrea. i am told you can expect her to
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talk a whole lot more about bridging those gaps this week. but andrea, today was a united front for the democrats. it was a full throated endorsement from senator sanders. remember, that was somewhat in question, heading into today. what type of language would he use. well, today, he said that he does in fact endorse secretary clinton. he went on to say i intend to do everything i can to make certain she will be the next president of the united states, so the clinton campaign feeling very good about this endorsement, andrea. senator sanders talking about the various points they've found common ground, particularly over the weekend during the platform, committee meeting on health care. secretary clinton agreeing to a public option for obama care. on education reform, and also, of course, on the all important minimum wage. secretary clinton agreeing to fight for a $15 minimum wage. i can tell you one of her biggest applause lines was when she said donald, i'm sorry if you're watching, instead of
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lowering the minute wage, we're going to fight to increase the minimum wage. now, there were some detractors, there was some folks who were shouting feel the bern before the events got underway. there was a woman who was walking around saying never hillary. today, andrea, secretary clinton, senator sanders took a major step forward. andrea. >> and thanks to kristen, here with me is alex, who was in orlando with the platform meetings. there was a lot of negotiation. i saw your notes on friday night they were going into the night. it all did come together. there is still some gaps, but he got almost all he wanted, and he didn't get what he wanted on trade, but that was really the white house pushing back as much as the clinton forces. >> even the pieces that he didn't want were for other reasons, not for ideological concern. it is the most progressive platform that the party has ever seen. it shows how much the energy of the party, especially the younger generation is with bernie sanders. this event really speaks to it.
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in that platform is a call for a complete ban on the death penalty. when hillary clinton's husband was running for president here in new hampshire, he left the campaign trail to go back to arkansas to oversee the execution of an african-american inmate. that was a political, seen as a political smart thing to do, and now here we are with a platform that calls for a complete ban on the death penalty. she is on stage embracing bernie sanders, embracing his cause and movement. it shows that's where the party energy is today. >> and again, with her trying to talk about dallas and talk about the divisions, the deaths of african-americans and the need by police forces to do as she pointed out what dallas has done, she pointed to the fact that the dallas police officers were running into the line of fire, not away. they had been with the protesters in that peaceful march. mark, you've been looking a lot at the polling, and the importance of bringing in the sanders supporters, the young people, as well as the sanders money machine. they've already, the clinton
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team has already sent out a fundraising email with bernie sanders on it. >> yeah, that's right, andrea. our most recent poll from june, we found 78% of bernie sanders supporters were backing hillary clinton in the matchup against donald trump. if you can kind of assume that somehow bernie sanders full throated endorsement plus another two months of him actively campaigning can boost that 78% to in the high 80s or so, that would end up meaning hillary clinton would end up having a one or two point lead over donald trump, higher than what it currently is right now. of course, in a close race, that one or two points can make a big difference. so that is what today was largely about. and then probably the best kind of gauge is to see where we are two months from now. are a lot of the detracting voices, feel the bern, are they still saying that a month or two from now. what struck me about this speech that hillary clinton and bernie
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sanders back-to-back gave, the importance on the supreme court. that all of a sudden, donald trump and republicans controlling the supreme court would hinder everything they're fighting for. >> and joining me now, thanks to mark murray and alex, and of course kristen, joining me now is oregon senator jeff merkley, the only colleague to support sanders during the primary. how did hillary do in winning the endorsement and being on stage with bernie sanders? >> this was an absolutely fabulous moment. she took her theme of stronger together, and she did a full embrace of the progressive movement. she went throu the issues one after another. really laying out how we need to put america back on track, back on track in fighting global warming, taking on the high cost of college, getting rid of college tuition as such an impediment to opportunity in this nation. on health care. everything from being able to buy into medicare at age 55, to
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expanding the clinics and getting a public option. the list goes on and on. this was a speech that if you had just seen it on paper, you would have said this speech was by bernie sanders. this is a terrific moment. i did not expect to have such enthusiasm following this collective gathering together, but she addressed the issues that the team bernie feel so strongly about. did it passionately and authentically. it was a terrific presentation. >> and senator, we've also reported that add mretired admis being vetted as a possible running mate. what do you think about that? he is a military man. we don't know his party affiliation. what do you think about a military choice as a running mate for hillary clinton? >> i have to assume if she is vetting him that he brings a lot of important qualities that
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merit consideration. i don't know him personally, and but that's -- this is the moment when it is important for a campaign to reach out and consider various options and various strengths to bring to the ticket. of course, i continue advocate that i think elizabeth warren and sherrod brown would be terrific on the ticket. >> do you think some of the bernie supporters, those who want a more progressive candidate and passionate about sanders would have a hard time accepting someone who was from the military, or who is more conservative and who is not as you -- >> senator. >> yes, i've got you back. >> senator, yeah, senator, i was just wondering whether some of the more passionate bernie sanders supporters who want to see a progressive like elizabeth
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warren or sherrod brown would be dis ainappointed if she chose t admiral. >> i don't know the details about the admiral, but there are folks in the military that have a wide range of perspective. i hope anyone she chooses as a vice-president would feel completely passionate about the set of issues she laid out today. that's the most important thing. i should mention that while the tpp did not get resolved in orlando, it did get mentioned in her speech, when she said, and this was certainly a surprise to me. she said we're going say no to unfair trade agreements, and that includes the tpp. we have not heard that before. she certainly has said that she thought there were problems with it, and that she opposed it. but not in this kind of clear manner, laying out her position so strongly against it. i think it is very important that that tpp not come up in the lame duck.
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her comments today were very much appreciated in that area. >> senator jeff merkley from oregon, thank you for joining us today. with the very latest on donald trump and the republicans, nbc national correspondent, peter alexander and hallie jackson in cleveland. peter, first to you, your reaction to seeing the democrats pulling it together, donald trump still has a divided republican party. >> yeah, that i think is one of the biggest contrasts we've witnessed today. the hand in hand moment. ted cruz who we know will be speaking at the convention, has yet to endorse donald trump. john kasich, the home state governor won't step foot in the convention hall next week. donald trump, though, anticipating today's headlines, spoke out in advance. he went to his favorite megaphone, of course, twitter. we'll put up the message. bernie sanders has lost most of his leverage and totally sold out. he will endorse her today.
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fans angry. trump came out, his campaign, with what they describe for the top five reasons sanders supporters will never be excited about hillary clinton. they noted her positions on trade, they said she was in the pocket of wall street. foreign policy, nation building over sea, and a member of the . d.c. establishment. the trump camp was ready for it and as best they could try to get in front of it. >> paul ryan was asked about the vice-presidential search, particularly about mike pence, the governor of indiana, here is what he had to say. >> i'm just as anxious as you are to learn who the vp pick is. i'm familiar with the process. highest regard for mike. he is a personal friend of ours and mine. but i'm just as anxious as you are. i'm going to withhold any kmentds until the presumptive nominee makes his choice. >> hallie jackson in cleveland,
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how serious is the mike pence as a possibility? do you think he is the front-runner? are we still talking about chris christie, or is it impossible to judge at this stage? is the decision expected before the end of the week? >> i think it is a little bit impossible to say, andrea. here is why. within the last hour or so, donald trump conducted an interview with the new york times in the last 24 hours added more people to the short list just a day ago he said was down to four. he says there are five with two others that nobody knows about, andrea, names that he claims nobody has been discussing. i will tell you this. based on our reports here, myself, my colleagues, it appears mike pence is one of the front-runners, along with newt gingrich and chris christie, and speaking with republican operatives this morning and into the afternoon, the sense is that gingrich is emerging as potentially to watch, given the relationship that trump and gingrich has, with trump saying
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just this week that he wants somebody who is more political than let's say military. but he is with pence tonight, as you know, they'll be in indianapol indianapolis, just outside indianapolis. pence will be introducing donald trump. he is excited and humbled by the opportunity. it will be a tryout for trump to see what his chemistry is with pence. as you know, he values loyalty in a very important way. that's something that to him is foundational for those that around him as allies. he will want to see somebody in that role that has been loyal to him. which again, is why some believe gingrich could have an edge. could trump be faking everybody out and come out with a surprise by the end of the week, which is when he said he would announce his pick. potential potentially. but the sense i'm getting from folks in the gop, trump understands he needs a more conservative pick, not just ideologically, but in the sense of not necessarily some big surprise, given that trump has been himself over the past year the surprise candidate.
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>> certainly has. hallie jackson, peter alexander, thanks to both of you. coming up, president obama is on route to dallas, taking with him a congressional delegation, including texas senator ted cruz. he'll be speaking at an interfaith memorial service along with former president, george w. bush. we'll be going there live next, right here on msnbc. stay with us. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job,
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or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. at this hour, president obama is on route to dallas, where he and former president george w. bush will be speaking at an enter faith memorial service. jo john cornyn arrived at the memorial. we spoke to them moments ago. >> the state of texas and our nation is united in our desire to not only have the difficult
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conversations we need to have with regard to race, but also how really our support for the men and women in law enforcement is nonnegotiable item. >> it is a tragedy of the humanest, most magnificent, largest magnitude we can ever imagine. we cannot allow dallas to be defined by this tragedy. >> and there are five empty chairs at the memorial for the five police officers who lost their lives in last week's shooting. nbc gabe gutierrez is live in dallas. gabe, this has been such a sad duty for you, interviewing all of these people. what can we expect at the memorial. how is dallas coming together? >> reporter: hi, there, andrea. you're right. an extremely emotional day here in dallas. as you mentioned, president obama coming here, as he has had to do so many times before, consoler in chief. as you mentioned there and as we saw from the interviews, this is
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walking a very fine line as well. discussing not just this mass murder, but also race relations in this country. the stakes are so high, and president obama will offer comfort first to the families of the victims here, but he is also expected to -- he needs to talk about, you know, these larger issue of race relations and how people are angry across the country, following some of these recent police shootings. at the same time, expressing solidarity with law enforcement, and everything that they have to go through. we're at -- we've been speaking with many people here in dallas, and also over the last week or so, in louisiana, just a wide range of emotions here. but today, the focus is on these officers. there was a candlelight vigil last night, where they were remembered so eloquently. one of the speakers, chief david brown. someone who has spoken out and drew a lot of attention, talking about the broader issues in law
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enforcement. they're asked to do too much he says in this country. and he will actually be speaking here in between president george w. bush and president obama. and is expected to offer poignant words. andrea, i should say the image of president obama and george w. bush, that's expected to be an incredible moment as well, two have those two presidents here, when there is so much at stake in this country. >> indeed. thank you vech, gabry much. loretta lynch has been testifying about the e-mail investigation. you are in charge of the department of justice. the buck stops with you. why did you defer director comey, when the responsibility is yours? >> thank you, congressman for the question. let me be clear that my decision was to accept the recommendation
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of the team of agents and investigators who worked on this, and these are the career attorneys as well as dedicated investigators, including the fbi director, who worked on this matter for over a year. >> joining me now is nbc's capitol hill correspondent, kelly o'donnell. the attorney general, of course, the controversial airport encounter, which has been highly controversial and criticized on capitol hill as well as elsewhere with former president bill clinton. there was also a new york times report that hillary clinton had actually talked to her or was considering her to stay on as attorney general, if hillary clinton is elected. that has raised a lot of eyebrows. was she asked about that today? >> reporter: at this hearing, there was talk about that conversation with the former president and the attorney general was asked about her interactions with the clintons, and she said she defined the perimeters of when she had spoken to them and was clear
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about not having any conversations recently outside of the much talked about grand kids and sports, and bless it hn an increasing temperature of frustration among republicans, who are trying to ask her in some ways fact based questions that relate to hillary clinton, but the question does not invoke her directly. for example, is it unlawful to pass classified information to a person without a security clearance? trying to set up some of the circumstances that are apart of the larger clinton e-mail story, and each time, with care and calm voice, the attorney general says she won't talk about anything relating to that case, and won't talk about hypotheticals because you have to know the specifics of the case. and that is frustrating
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republicans, democrats want to talk about other topics, including policing and criminal justice. it has been a range of emotions from panel members, the attorney general has kept her cool. andrea. >> thanks very much. more drama on capitol hill. coming up, bernie sanders, a lot of drama here, just endorsing his formal rival, hillary clinton, after a bitter primary fight that lasted more than a year. here in portsmouth, new hampshire. the latest poll numbers, coming up next, right here on ""andrea mitchell reports."" [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. excuse me, try this. but just one aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part...
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since she nailed the nomination waiting for bernie. here in portsmouth, new hampshire, taking a big step. still elusive task for donald trump. ben ginsberg served as general counsel, and national counsel to the george w. bush and mitt romney campaigns. gene cummings. you can look at the two political parties, but it does seem bernie sanders will be a pretty enthusiastic anti-trump campaigner, and he did say everything that they could have expected today in endorsing hillary clinton. when is donald trump going to be able to get those kinds of validations from his former rivals? >> well, fair question. look, that's why this convention presents such an opportunity for donald trump. the party is probably less unified than i've ever seen it in a long time.
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but this convention is the opportunity to achieve that unity. the program for the convention, the way the speakers are done, the showman ship that donald trump has said he'll bring to the convention will all be important factors to see whether he succeeds in that or not. >> but ben, we've seen some potential speakers like don king, the famous boxing promoter, how will celebrity speakers bring the party together? >> oh, i think -- i am not sure i can answer that. the intent it to show excitement that's not usually there with republican candidates. to show that it is cool to be a republican. this is donald trump's time to be able to define that term the way he wants to. so if he believes that it is cool to be a republican and have don king illustrate that, that's why it is his convention.
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>> and genjean, as he moves tows a running mate, what is your best reporting on whether it's pence or gingrich or christie or how he is going to try to make up for whatever deficits he does have with his choice of a running mate? >> when you talk to party officials, the thinking is that pence has got the inside card, inside lane now. the fact that the decision has to be made by friday, because that's when he either -- he has to make a decision about whether he is going to stick with his reelection as governor. so we'll see how tonight goes. he has the resume that donald trump has talked about. he is a former member of congress. he knows how washington works. he is very popular with the conservative base. so that would be reassuring to
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the base. he certainly fits all of the pieces that donald trump speaks of. and when you think of a christie/trump or gingrich/trump ticket, that's a whole lot of personality on that ticket. and so pence might be a leveling presence. but one thing i would add real quick here, andrea, the difficulty for donald trump is that so many leaders of the party aren't even going to that convention. so when it comes to him showing that he is united the party behind him, it is almost impossible, when you've got the pu bushes and romney, and the rest not even there. >> and in fact, the governor, john kasich, as well. ben, jean, thanks so much on a busy day. up next, we will go to minnesota following the death of philando castile last week. stay with us. from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion?
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philando castile will be laid to rest on thursday, only two days before what would have been his 33rd birthday. nbc news blake mccouldy. what is the family lawyer saying about how they're going to proceed against the government? >> reporter: well, andrea, they say they will be pursuing civil charges in this case. they're not ready to give any details. they're asking for a special prosecutor to handsel the criminal side of things. the family is being represented by glenda hatchet, better known as judge hatchet from tv fame. i had a chance to speak to her about why she took this case. we're hearing from new audio, police scanner in which you hear the officer say that he is pulling over castile because he matches the description of a robbery suspect, and has quote, a wide set nose. so that's some new audio we're hearing today. the officer's attorney does not dispute that audio.
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and this is some of my interview with the family attorney. what made you want to take on this case? >> passion. fed up. tired of seeing mothers and fathers burying children. i am tired of it. i'm tired of children losing their parents. i'm tired of the heartache that's happening in this nation. >> when you hear about how many times he had been stopped before, what does that tell you? >> it tells me this is very unusual. who in the world ever gets stopped that much, unless somebody is actually intentionally stopping you? >> when you hear that he was pulled over because of a potential wide set nose and matched the description of a robbery suspect, what does that tell you? >> that tells me i'll see him in court. >> that's a bit of my interview there with the new family attorney for castile's family. they vow to push the case and
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file civil lawsuits. we don't know the details yet. if it will target the police officer or the city. >> blake, thank you for bringing that to us. that does it for this special edition of "andrea mitchell reports." on the other side of the state, happen happy birthday to my dad, 102 years old today. follow us on facebook and twitter, @mitchellreports. craig morgan is live in texas with the memorial service. stay with us on msnbc. hello everyone. i'm craig melvin, live in dallas, texas. moments from now, president obama will touchdown, not far from here in dallas love field. the president arriving here to speak at an interfaith memorial service in what has become a sad ritual during his time in office, forced to play the role
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once again of consoler in chief. this time, it is on behalf of the five dallas officers, gunned down in the line of duty, here last week. we'll bring you live coverage of that memorial service when it happens. on the right side of your screen, a live look inside the meyer center. on the left side, the tarmac where president obama set to land in air force one any moment now. we're also following the latest on the campaign trail this afternoon today. vermont senator bernie sanders has officially used the e word. he endorsed the party's presumptive presidential nominee, hillary clinton. >> i have come here to make it as clear as possible as to why i am endorsing hillary clinton. meanwhile, on capitol hill right now, attorney general loretta
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