tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC July 14, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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i this may end up being the largest attack by a single terrorist that's dependant upon of what we learn of this individual of his ties and who influenced him and what we learned of what was in the back of that truck. weapons expert who knows french laws and customs are saying that things like grenades and long weapons which are so difficult to get in french society may indicate a connection to some
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larger gang without delay as our death toll has hover around 80 in the latter portion of this evening. lets go to our correspondence janet sh janet, she has made her way into the city limit, what can you report? >> reporter: brian, i am at the promenade des anglais. it is a place where you meet at the beach and a lot of americans come. this was where the truck stopped and the gunman was killed. the promenade des anglais was always opened. it is now blocked off for at least a mile and longer with such a heavy police presence.
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not even allowed to walk out there and taking photos and be on the telephone and they're still processing the scene but well beyond the scene, there are police cars and ambulances and helicopters actually have landed on the promenade des anglais, i see military boats in the water here. it is you know very early in the morning right now. there is still heavy presence here and out on the streets when i was out there and could get a look. it was obvious that they had not yet processed it. meaning that people's luggages and purses and pibicycles left right where they were at. this truck was trying to go further down into the central
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point here in nice gathering area. but, at the negresco where the truck ended up, any loss of lives is awful. there is a good chance there is americans of the casualties because of this happened. >> there was an early report of the u.s. embassy there saying they knew of no americans, sadly, there is a big difference between that and a kind of accounting has to happen after a long night turns into morning. i know americans had been urged to check in with people and let loved ones know they are safe and okay after this. janet, the scene you describe of this total shut down, i imagine especially if these reports were
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true that this truck went on for over a kilometer, you have an enormous crime scene and you have evidence and erpersonal effects and the shells from police fires and skid marks from the truck barriers where it may have crashed through. that's awfully lot and some of that had better wait for the light of day. >> reporter: yes, there is a long process here. i have seen a video where we are currently obtaining from a agent agent -- gentleman. he shot it from his iphone. he was right in the path of the truck as it came through police. he moved out of the way but he turned on his phone and he played the video for me and it is heart stopping. you see the police, you see the gunman slumped over in the truck
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that he was driving eventually. you see the gunfire and at the end of it, a man was wearing a helmet, i can see that inside the truck. what's been described as heavily armored truck with bomb making materials inside. but, that shoot out that played out right here in front of the negresco hotel was just beyond belief. i think we'll have that video shortly. to see it play out like that and people falling and the after math as well, it is just soul crushing. >> something tells me, janet, hearing these little bits and pieces of clues like an armor cabin and helmet on the driver, something tells me as horrific as this is, it was intended to yield an even larger loss of life. >> reporter: and in the after
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math, this gentleman's video you saw just people scattered on the ground and others going one by one, you know just lifting their arms to see if maybe there was a chance that they were only injured. and, just bodies everywhere. >> wow. >> families like those across america who went outside where ever they live to view the municipal 4th of july fire works, this is no difference. the 14th of july, bastille day across france, a national holiday, we heard president hollande talked about restrictions on civil liberties and the ikind of state emergenc that he was about to lift in an
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interview, it will now be extented. >> janet starting her reporting was about to fly back from the states. >> when you first knew something was wrong. >> well, i was sitting outside in the middle of the promenade des anglais, i was just watching the fire works. the fire works ended and a lot of people coming up from the beach and just crossing the
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promenade to get to their cars or get home. and then just out of the blue this big white truck just came speeding down. on the side i was sitting on and went onto the pavement and just kept zigzagging down. i was just following my eyes with the truck and when i looked back i saw all these bodies just on the ground just in front of me. ea everyone was screaming and everyone was just like get out of here because there were bombs in the truck so we just all go to the center and back from the promenade to watch the train station in that area. it was just a sea of people and
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all small children scream ing ad terrified. it was unreal. i have never experienced anything like that. it was really like -- being in a war, absolutely horrible. >> terry. you are sitting there and having a nice time watching the fire works and all these little children and families -- it was just -- unbelievable. >> when i said explosion, i meant the explosion of violence and i keep on saying thank goodness there was nothing more than already happened there on that promenade, the terrific loss of life of the brave police actions that it took once they realized this was no accident to take the life of the terrorists,
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the driver, do you think there is -- i talk to a lot of nice people like you who cares enough to tell us the story, do you think a state of shock for you to function or half a day from now you realized what you have been through when you see it on the front page of the newspaper. >> yeah, when i looked back across the road, it was like two inches from me of the bodies. you wanted to go and see if you can help but at the same time everyone is running and shouting and running and bombs and terrorists, you don't know what you are doing. you just want to get away but at the same time, you want to go and help the people but you were scared to go through and see if they needed help.
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but, it did not look like real people. it looked like -- there were no movement of the people that i saw. >> terry, i know you lived in nice for 20 years. am goi to go out on a limb from our accent, you did not start life there. >> no. scotland. >> okay. thank you terry clark very much for gathering yourself together and gathering the facts and your observations after a terrible, terrible night in nice and we are certainly happy you are okay, you and yours. >> thank you very much. >> listen to a heroine story of a witness that we are actually going to record on tomorrow morning for the addition of the show. you talked to the man earlier.
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>> yes, a short while ago, we managed to get the video there and the account that he described for us was frightening. he picked up this incident at a point where the white truck had begun driving through the crowds and had already, you know, plowed its way through the perimeter and at that point he noticed the truck came to a stop and police surrounded the vehicle, he at that point noticed the driver inside the vehicle was attempting to use some kind of device or cig trying trying to make a phone call or what he described as a phone. that was seen from his eyes was intention to detonate the vehicle or explosives on him. that did not work according to this eye witness. he began to shoot at the police and the police shot back at him. this is the account that we were given by the driver inside who
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said at one point of the time, the vehicle already driven into the crowd. he then at one point accelerated with the truck a couple more meters and continued that rampage. and it was at that point that the police engaged in the shoot out with him. he said the driver did shoot towards the police and police shot back towards the front of the truck. that was the account that was given to us. as you mentioned an individual that we planned on interviewing and recording for our show tomorrow morning. >> you have been in war zones and around guns and explosives and a lot of people are going to to the thought that i cannot believe nothing detonated inside the gunfire. had there been explosives around this person. >> the immediate instinct that comes to mind was in the back of the truck. they were perhaps putting all of their bullets or aiming towards the front cabin and he was trying to detonate something
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from the back and it did not cause a secondary effect. some of the things we have seen in paris and brussels and istanbul, we know that profile of these attackers have involved in two stages, one, they are carrying explosive device on them or they have it in the back as we saw in brussels. they wheel in casually right into the departure hall. if you look at what is emerging now from some of these accounts. we have french officials confirming there were explosives and guns from the vehicle and we have an account of an exchange of fire and the detonation. you put it together and you can see it is consistent with the type of attacks we have seen in the past. it could have been a lot worse had this individual managed to
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detonate it. >> and how about janet of the account where this suspect wore a helmet. >> yes, the helmet would suggest if you were going get in a gunfight, he would have that one additional layer to protect him to prolong this terrorist attack for as long as he possibly could. >> same security expert who i heard tonight theorized that this was the largest loss of life from an individual terrorist ever. and it will be interest to see if that bears out. >> also, call this truck and improvised weapons.
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it sounds proverse as we look at this hulk vehicle. it is kind of a rolling 6,000 pounds weapon of death and destruction. >> you know i spent some time in iraq and we have seen trucks of this magnitude and cement trucks used to blow up motels and baghdad and in war zone we have seen explosive devices. we have seen in recent years the ramming or the use of smaller vehicles as a weapon, you know and obviously in this country it is not lost of the fact that planes were hijacked and used as weapons. the tactic has been constantly been changing by terrorist groups. if you add the dynamic aspect of this particular attack which is in a vehicle with an assailant
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and possibly explosives in the back, this is something you cannot begin to describe if an individual had been capable of detonating an explosive device. it is something that french officials had warned about in the past 30 days, you had a french official testifying it and they anticipated that militants group would continue to change their tactics and include vehicle born explosive devices. they were concerned of that. >> given the experienced guy, we play live from our expert of jim carbonae, you tactic one lookoo the video and said the lights are not on. >> he's trying to use the truck as a weapon and he may have some
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sort of bombs in the back. your discussion in the reporting just before that he was trying to dial a cell phone. and trying to dial a cell phone, it could be common in the middle east for terrorist to use a phone as a trigger. they bring it up to an electric detonator and when they dial the phone, it detonate the device. the device is in the back of his truck as we are signature miurm. it also could be another location. also, he could be calling someone to claim credits of 911. if you will. we don't know the answer of that. the lights are out and he slowed down. the motorcycle cop was next to him. there was a couple of dolphins
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swimming around, they're not stop ping the whale, it is too big. he had this opening area whining through pedestrians. the way to stop it is to never let the truck get in there. a truck cannot go through, there is still and concrete and special ramps that the truck cannot get through. this ecvent is temporary but there are still way and the french military knows how to do it and we know how to do it to make certain barricades of obstacles that you cannot get through. you got to rethink these things when you have a giant national event when you are in the middle of a war with a terrorist group, on the same day you are deploying your aircraft carrier to go after them. there is a lot of reason to
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secure that area against a vehicle this large. they got to rethink that security posture. i would say nobody should mess with the french military. when they get into it, there is going to be a lot of tactics and military tactics as well >> jim, we always appreciate your advice and council, thank you for being apart of our coverage, we'll take a break. when we come back, we'll check in our cal perry of what he's learning and hearing from social media and former cia director joining us in our new york studios. that and more when our live coverage continues. (lock clicks)
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we are back, difficult to use exact numbers as they are still in the hours after this attack. they are waiting until the first light of day. many of the bodies have been covered with simple white blankets. because it is a crime scene there, they're waiting for some specialists to arrive and absolutely horror of the scene along the promenade and the seashore where the death toll is randol hovering around the number 80. a member of french media has
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been so helpful to us sadly because of terrorist attacks in france and laura, knowing that i have former , the cia director s out here talking to you. we can talk to him. >> absolutely, the problem for the french people of what's going to happen next. in the past two years, you had multiple attacks and there is intelligence people -- isis is trying to do multiple wounds to this animal and making it bleeding until the animal is dying. so, again, multiple attacks in the past year and peopl
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peoplpeople people -- tonight in nice is something else. it is extremely violent and it was a night of celebration with families coming to the promenade,promenad promenade des anglais to watch the fire works. as you know in france, summer is so important. it was attacked. the french press is now saying that it was the best kill there are. it was a massacre and probably the toll is going to be extremely high. people are confirming we may have between 90 and 100 dead and a lot of kids have been injured. i spoke with some people this evening that how they were
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hiding when the truck arrive, they went to the water with their kids to protect the kids. some of them went to the beach where there were mattresses and went under the mattresses and others went in the restaurants, there was a panic movement. it was absolutely dramatic to the people of nice. nice is under seized and people are going to wake up and seeing the french president coming in. we also want soto know what's happening next in this country and the terrorist threat that is now constant. >> laura, you spent enough here in the country to answer this question, it is while the historic under pending of the bastille day in france is so much in the way families celebrated is so much like our 4th of july and in fact, i was
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reminded tonight at least 30 american cities had their own bastille celebrations because of french roots or history. >> it was very well done. i mean it is something that in my opinion -- again, something extremely organized where a truck arrived to inflict casualties. the deaths was important, it is a symbol of the celebration of democracy, liberty and a very important value. it was chosen because it was the symbol of some democratic values important to the french society and it was also chose to inflict
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casualties because almost all the cities of nice was there watching the fire works and again it was like as you pointed out people in america watching the fire works on 4th of july. >> laura heim, thank you, all of us bringing us to our cia director among other things under president bill clinto clinton -- ambassador, where to begin, laura just said compares to multiple wounds of french democracy as it was a bull or an an maanimal. another friend of mine worried about our world and texted me tonight any chance we can crank the manhattan project back ag n again. people are angry and wounded. >> i think they are scared. there is a disjunction between
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the threat we face and our response. they are at war with us. isis wants to be a bigger empire and control, spain and part of france. and it is just totally in favor of destroying us in every way that it can. and one thing that happens with these terrorist attacks, it increases their recruiting, because as bin laden once said, people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they like the strong horse better. 80 people get killed, it increases recruits and so forth for isis. and we on the other hand are treating it sometimes sort of like a crime, with all the procedural rights and so forth, that keeps criminals -- sometimes we regard it as more serious than that. but the president will call it a war, he won't say it's muslim
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terrorists. he -- there is just a disjunction between the seriousness and our response. i thought 9/11 would end up being the pearl harbor of this -- more or less a fourth world war. but it hasn't really turned out much that way. and we have a lot of things that we should do if we admit that we're at war. and we can win it, but we can't win it by fiddling around. >> we've already spent a lot of blood and treasure in pursuit of ancillary and related conflicts overseas. my question is the more troubling aspect of tonight. god forbid 1,000 times, what do you do about a young man with a bad idea driving through times
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square tonight who wants all the glory and honor conferred on this guy and wants to measure up? >> we're going to have to stay alert, to those sorts of possibilities. they exist across the board, i don't like the phrase lone wolf. i think a number of these people are motivated in part by relatives, by friends, by social media, all sorts of things. they're not usually just completely acting alone. we're in a situation where we're going to have to protect ourselves here, and we're going to have to take some very tough steps if we want to make sure we destroy isis. we have to do that. there's not a halfway house. >> when people ask you, why france right now, what's your answer? >> i think there's several reasons, france has a special negative place in the hearts of
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the extreme radical muslims, because up until the 8th century, it was part -- up to that level of geography, it was part of the muslim empire. and from their point of view, all of spain, part of france, any place that was once part of the califate is still part of the califate, they just need to implement it. so there's that, there's the fact that france is a major spokesman for democracy in the world and rights of individuals and that runs afoul of isis' thinking. >> france is a secular country so it does things like not let muslim women wear vails and that produces tensions. generally, the thing about france is that they're being punished for being real backers of democracy and the rule of
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law. and isis sees that as what they hate more than anything else, democracy and the rule of law. >> do you think it's the next generation that's going to have it the worst of all of us, do you think this just gets bigger and more challenging? >> it doesn't have to. we have to win in the middle east. we have to win in syria and iraq. we can't just do a little bit of bombing here and there, when we in the clinton administration went after milosevic because of his trying to wipe out the kosavars. we flew hundreds of troops there every day, and milosevic died in prison. we did it right. we can't fiddle around the way sometimes we have. we've gotten a bit more effe effective, but we haven't taken the gloves off. we have to win there, and we have to win at home.
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and they're related to one another, at least philosophically. >> where do you stabbed on what's been called the sin bullet theory, that absent if we could get assad out of the picture, think of the lives and trouble and destruction that would cause as much as we're not supposed to discuss such things? >> assad would be very high on my list of people if i were advising the president about the drone strikes. but i don't think that is close to being an overall solution. these structures are not so higher arcical that if you get one guy at the top, you won. they just aren't like that, they are ideological, the thee of course rahcies, they believe allah wants them to do this, if they lose assad, they lose
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assad. they'll continue on. >> the good people watching at home tonight who are horrified by these pictures, who can't help but think about these families, compare it to the lakefront in chicago, the east river in new york, los angeles on 4th of july. what can they do? what can a person in this country do? how can they change their thinking or their actions? >> i think if they know any muslims in their community, this will be won and lost very heavily by what happens to the real moderate muslims, people who are not really involved in politics, who are loyal to their religion, but are mostly appalled by the violence. there really has to be a consolidation and set of purposes for them to stand up for democracy and the rule of law. and there are places where that
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occurs. we need them. and we need them to take more of a lead than they have so far. >> are you happy you're not running the cia these days? >> it would be fascinating these days. but it would certainly be an awful responsibility. i take my hat off to those who are there. >> thank you very much for offering your thoughts to our coverage tonight. quick break, we'll be back with some of our other correspondents and contributors.
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we are back, we're waiting for first light in nice, france. where they have a very long -- over a kilometer long crime scene. what is normally this beautiful promenade along the mediterranean, what is tonight a crime scene, and the scene where at least 80 souls lost their lives to a single -- as far as
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we know, a single terrorist at the wheel of a large white -- smaller than what the 18 wheelers we are used to seeing on the interstate, but a large wheel based truck nonetheless, containerized. yet to be found out exactly how armored that cab was. cal perry is in the newsroom right behind us in new york. sweeping various social media and the news wires for anything new, cal? >> we haven't seen -- the video is so horrific in this case. the way that people were killed is so horrible, that the video we're showing our viewers now is about the extent that we can at this moment until we get new video. i can tell you the ambulance drivers, as they arrived at the scene. the beach had been declared a
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mass casualty zone. they were upset because there were not that many wounded. it gives you an idea how brutal this attack was. i want to mention last month, we talked a lot about the people of france maybe starting to feel a little more at ease. security officials have not felt any more at ease in france. last month there was a police officer beheaded in an apartment in paris. the bastile day celebrations were called off today due to some security threat. so this is clearly something that french authorities maybe were not anticipating, but were certainly on the lookout for. social media has snapped into gear as you would imagine. there's an sos page that has been put out reaching out to people who may be looking for loved ones who are missing. and the sos page is con stan thely updating when someone is found. it's a bit of good news. this is grand central station
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here in new york, lit up in the colors of the french flag. >> looking down park avenue in front of the met life building. one of the sub points of what you just said. social media can be used for such good, and it's heart stopping to look at the page of the missing. very gratifying when they are marked found alive and well. the other thing is, we try to exercise great discretion when choosing the video we put on the air. obviously people know that it's a wide open marketplace on social media, if you must see what's on there. there are gruesome scenes tonight that simply aren't fit for a family audience. >> tonight was especially -- and is still especially difficult on two fronts. one the images, a lot of children and families. a lot of antique push chairs in
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the street. the other thing that happened tonight, bad information. there was a lot of bad information flowing around, a hostage information in a hotel in nice. we called all the hotels in nice, there was no hostage situation. a fire at the eiffel tower, there was no fire at the eiffel tower. it shows you a country on the edge. it highlights the good and bad of social media. people can run with these rumors and sometimes panic is one of the worst things that can happen. to your point, the images tonight have been very difficult and at times uncensored. certainly if you want to go look, you can find them. but we're not going to engage in showing the brutal way that these people died tonight. >> people who have been with our coverage for hours have seen repetition of very familiar video, that is all we have agreed to air, because the alternative is unacceptable. one note from this evening, newt
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gingrich who in the political world came down to the final three in the donald trump vice presidential selection process said this tonight. we should frankly test every person here who is of a muslim background, if they believe in sharia, they should be deported. sharia is incompatible with modern civilization. perfectly happy to have them next door if they have given up sharia law. anyone who goes on a website favoring isis, or al qaeda or terrorist groups, that should be a felony or go to jail. any organization that hosts such a website should be engaged in a felony. it should be closed down immediately. kevin baron is with us, executive editor, defense one and an msnbc national security and military analyst. kevin, how does that strike you
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to hear a statement like that? >> i saw when it came out a little while ago, in the tweets, it is quite striking from someone, especially newt gingrich's stature. it's basically a call for thought police in this country, where you're allowed to have any idea you want. that's really out there. and with the news of the day, juxta posed with this still ongoing battle to win that vice presidential slot, it's quite -- i don't know, it's quite striking. >> especially since in the course of our work, people like you and i go on websites that he described all the time. it's not to express support of a terrorist organization, but it's sometimes the only way you can learn anything about specificity, and anything about the sophistication of their media operation. >> yeah, and it's -- it seems like a pretty fearful policy recommendation, i guess, if you
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want to call it that, to try to sift out every muslim you can. i don't know how that could possibly be done, if you want to get real about it as a government program to try to sort through one by one some sort of loyalty test is what it sounds like. it's quite interesting. i will just say, i think -- compare that to some of the statements, is this country doing enough, and what needs to be done, even what director woolsey said earlier, we should realize how much has changed since 9/11, and even sirngs the last two years. there have been over 10,000 air strikes against isis, massive recruitments and expansions of law enforcement of homeland security, intelligence officials and there's calls for more of that now. there's an enormous war effort going on from the home land to the middle east, and around the world. that's -- all that said is not going to stop an individual
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raised in france, born in france, perhaps, to take a truck and drive through their independence day celebration and kill as many people as they can. that is a behavioral problem, a cultural problem, it's a global problem. but that's -- it's just so far removed from the dialogue that we're having in the united states about sealing off borders and loyalty tests and a lot of other ideas that seem to be grasping at straws. perhaps rightfully with the country and leaders like our own who are just so frustrated and wanting the killing, the attacks to stop anyway possible. >> kevin, the other god for bid thousand times question is, how do you stop that individual with a truck and a bad idea in boston, washington, new york, los angeles, kansas city and so on? >> that's right. and we said earlier, there's a range of ways, and there are a range of points of attack or --
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if you want to call it that, for law enforcement officials, ranging from intelligence of where they look online, and who their associates are, all the way to protecting a venue, protecting an event. protecting some place like the promenade in nice. i mentioned earlier, this is not the champs-elysees, this is not the gathering place, the national mall for the fireworks show. this was one city's local area. so short of having every city around the world have massive barrier walled off, metal detector required entry points for every type of large scale event like this, instead, it's going to be up to the scitizens to decide for themselves, do you want to put yourself in possible danger? that's easier to think of, should i go to times square, new year's eve, am i okay to walk on the beach for the evening on july 14th when i'm in nice. >> we have not celebrated enough
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slow motion victories that have happened in our country. number one, we have a lot of former dismounted infantry who have cycled back into our society. many of them are now in jobs where they keep the domestic public safe. number two, our taxpayer money has bought a lot of technology, not all of it great, not all of ait applied, but some of it very good at keeping people safe. the most basic interface with potential terrorism. police officer on the beat in every major city knows, you see a truck or a van parked, seems to be riding low on its suspension, that's kind of calling card number one, see something, say something. we're a whole lot better at that now at so many different levels. >> absolutely. we are a culture changed already. and what we are concerned with here in the united states is much different than what europe is concerned with.
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the difference being, we have the ocean still and it's very hard for someone who wants to harm the united states still, to get into our borders from abroad. it's incredibly difficult and has become more difficult over the last 10 or 15 years. in europe, it's easier because of the land mass and the refugee crisis. the similarity is home grown terrorism, inspired terrorism. whether it's the form of an individual shooter who may or may not be a terrorist or may or may not be a hate crime perpetrator or with a gun and gun violence or someone like this evening with a truck, using the truck as the means. it gets down to the behavior and the individual, the culture around those individuals to identify them, to stop them, to prevent them from wanting to be terrorists in the first place. that's really where domestic homeland security, counter terrorism officials have started to shift with their thinking. preventing it to begin with.
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>> i guess i'm casting about for blessings on an awful dark night. the old expression, rather be lucky than good. i think we've got a mixture of both lately, and we certainly hope that holds here and around the world for the sake of these folks. kevin, thank you for sticking around with us, another break in our coverage, we'll be right back.
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france. when we talk about the stark beauty of that mediterranean coastline and contrast that to the violence in the dark of last night at the end of the fireworks show, that's what we're talking about. it's going to be a beautiful day in nice, france and it's going to be part of the darkest time in the modern era of that city. errol suthers has been patient waiting to talk to us, a former fbi special agent. former head of homeland security out of the state of california, terrorism expert. and the director of the home grown violent extremism studies program at usc, errol, you've been listening to our coverage tonight. first of all, what, from your professional life is it that you want to say to folks who are
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sad, worried, concerned and just flat out tired of stories like this and events like the one we're covering tonight. >> thank you, brian. first of all, we have an adaptive adversary, and we have soft targets. and what you're seeing this evening is another opportunistic situation where an individual decided to use a vehicle as a weapon. multiply that capacity by having a firearm and having explosives and driving it into innocent people. probably a person that's going to be home grown. france has the same problem that we have with regard to the attacks last january at charlie hebdo. the attacks in brussels, the attacks that we had here in the united states were all home grown individuals within -- our cases, no foreign fighter experience. it's tragic as we keep throwing out counter measures, they keep
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adapting and trying to prove that they can be effective. >> we're always going to have trucks and we're always going to have soft targets, i.e. people, there are crowds of them walking on summer evenings outside this building, rockefeller plaza in new york. what do we do about the combination of those two, when you add the explosive of a single driver with a bad motivation and a bad idea? >> well, the only thing we can do is reduce the risk of that happening with hard barriers and controls in the way of cascading serpentine situations that we have for barriers there. and just be watchful. i'll be in israel next week where this kind of attack is very common, it's happened 48 times there, 36 times last year alone. people understand they have to
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be watchful, they have to be vigilant. they really have to become the fabric of the security that we're asking for. it's no longer a notion of a first responder. we're all first responders, once we understand and can grasp that concept, we'll be able to look out for each other. as you asked the question, a person on a mission in a truck, in a crowd is nearly impossible to stop. >> yeah, you take the people walking on melrose tonight in los angeles, the people walking on fifth avenue, it was fashionable about 15 years ago to say, we're going to become israel. and in many ways we have borrowed a lot from them, a lot of the use of imagery, electronics, smart cameras in urban areas. nypd has permanently assigned member in israel, and i guess it's going to be other areas. we can't put jersey barriers up along all our thoroughfares. we can get smarter and use smarter technology, i guess. >> yes, we can.
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and we have to understand there's a human element here, this individual probably alienated to a certain degree, embraced undoubtedly some proba alienated to certain degree and embraced undoubtedly ideology, there is a community that's attached to these people. every terrorist has families whether it is biological or social network. there is a community out there that's pushing this agenda and this ideology and that's the only way we'll go towards these plots is to get in to that group and stop these things from happening and have people report. >> thank you very much for joining us for our coverage tonight and for being patience with us. i appreciate it. fo
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