tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 15, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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when the convention comes to town. craig melvin, thanks. as we start this new hour, 2:00 on the east coast. we are looking at a death toll of 84 in nice, france. overnight the number of injured climbed to 202 with 52 of them critical. also overnight local french hospitals septembnt out a call blood donors. that's been met apparently by volume. people showed up and volunteered. among the dead the 84 dead, at least 10 of them children and teens. 202 injured, 52 critical, 25 currently in intensive care. and about this suspect little was known about him, though now that we have seen how he met his end and we have this i.d. card,
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he does fit a kind of pattern. more on that in just a moment. janet shamlian started just outside town when we were on the air last night. and janet, what a different and changed nice, france, you have encountered today. >> 18 hours, more or less, that we have been out here, brian. all emotions have run through nice during that time. having arrived last night and seeing people really shell shocked. not really kpre hepd ihending what had happened. and now the media of the world all around me, the different languages.
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we have learn ed a little bit more about the suspect that he worked as a chauffeur. he does have children. we don't know how many. his wife has been arrested on what charges we do not know. but much of the focus here on the place where people gathered for a celebration of liberty and freedom shs the heartbreaking news that at least ten of the dead will be children and teens. 200 are injured, 50 of those are critical. so the death toll could rise over the next couple hours. hundreds, thousands perhaps people out here earlier. the crowds have dwindled now as the media representatives from all over increased dramatically in number. still a heavy police presence. behind me shs the white draped fence where behind it an active crime investigation continues. the truck has been moved out of here. a truck that authorities say plowed down people at 70 miles an hour for as long as as a mile
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and a half on this celebrated popular part of nice. where do they go from here? makeshift memorial within my eyesight. this promenade will likely not open tomorrow. perhaps not sunday. and it's fair to say that tourists are pouring out of this city. that itself is just heartbroken tonight here in nice. >> we can't blame them. janet, thank you for that report from right along the mediterranean sea coast there. we are back in our new york studios. you and i were together in the wee small hours of the morning. talk us through this suspect. we have seen this shady picture from the i.d. card. most people kind of expect after one of these to hear that he was
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connected to radical group, was radicalized by a larger group. what do we know? >> we're learning more by the hours. that's in parallel with what french officials are learning as well as other countries and several others involved in this investigation. he's a 31-year-old french resident. not a french citizen. but he is of tunisiaen dedescen. a man described by neighbors where police went and extracted his ex-wife for questioning. neighbors there told reporters that he was a loner, more interested in chasing girls. had fallen on financial hardships. you put that in parallel with what officials are saying on a more serious level, which is no known connections to terrorist organizations. no intelligence radars. no signals on their watch list to suggest this is an individual
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who had traveled overseas, come in contact with some dangerous underworld, whether it be criminal or terror related. he was a petty criminal with a six-month sentence imposed for violence. he had not served. it was suspended. so the image that we're getting of him is not necessarily one that is a pure terrorist or someone who is motivated by politi politics, but they have left the window open he could have been somebody who self-radicalized himself. that's a term that's ambiguous. >> we keep trying to drill down with our guest that moment. this is where terrorism becomes almost molecular. where someone is not radicalized on monday and is on tuesday because an individual, in this case, unstoppable, unknowable here, gets in a truck and causes
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such great death and destruction. >> it gives you a sense of the challenge that law enforcement has to deal with. what is radicalization mean? this is a person who exposed himself. this is the working assumption based on previous profiles. this would be an individual that exposed himself to material online maybe feeling a certain level of dejection in trying to find purpose and meaning. he hear this call put out by terrorist groups to carry these types of attacks and make no mistake, they want these individuals to carry their flags for them. they are not looking for people to come to the battlefield or people to come to their so-called caliphate. they want people like this guy and others to pick up the flag and carry out an attack and they will embrace them as one of their own. interestingly enough, there's been no credible claim of responsibility. we also heard that from the white house earlier today at the press broefing. there's been a lot of celebration by the isis fan pages and fan boys online.
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that's expect ed. th are trying to capitalize on this from an opportunistic perspective as opposed to show they had a hand in the execution, which would take this investigation and attack into a different dimension. >> to diminish any glorification, this guy was a loser. >> i probably couldn't agree with you more in a nutshell. you're going to learn more about him. as we have in other cases. so many of these attacks in first light are projected with a political zeal and an ideological zeal with time e it emerges in family problems and drug use, alcohol abuse, criminal records and it really then sheds the light on the language that we're using, what radicalization means, why that distinction is so important is when we see pure terrorism, the attacks of istanbul, the attacks of paris and brussels, individuals associated with a terrorist organization not just
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an idea, it has a different political impact on our society. and this gets into different questions in addition to terrorism and radicalization. there's a mental kpoept that should not be lost in the labeling and terminology that's commonly used. >> thank you very much. as always, for joining us. we have a live memorial picture to show you as we introduce our next guest. french journalist laura hiem has been with us sadly when the news has taken us to france. that has meant terrorism all too often. she covers the white house in our country as a french journalist. laura, it was interesting listening to the commentary last night after we got off our shift. everyone started their remarks with my money is on the french. the french aren't going to back
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down. do you think the french people refer to this as an ongoing war more than their equivalence in the u.s.? >> yes, absolutely. what is absolutely terrible to when you speak to the french people is this really kind of deep depression. yesterday, there were two more months. the french president was doing an interview and he was saying you know it has been a very difficult year. the state of emergency, however, is going to be lifted. now we can have hope in the future. then a few hours later, you have this terrible attack. there's a debate, a very interesting debate going on at this moment between the french intelligence people, the french intelligence community and some french spin doctors close to the president about is it really
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terrorists? according to to my sources, there was a quite heavy meeting between spin doctors and the intelligence community. the intelligence community told them this guy has an arabic name. he came from tunisia, but is he a terrorist? they found a lot of details which do not fit the terrorist activity. again, it's too soon, but the question why this guy in his truck had fake weapons. he had the real gun, but he had also m-16. he had usually a terrorist attack, the terrorists do not carry this type of item on them. so the french intelligence
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community is quite concerned and au ware about the spin that has been made and they don't know if it was fully radical loized, if he radicalized himself, or if he was just a loser. >> and laura, i guess we could round to round on the definition of terrorism. one way of looking at it, this has terrorized an entire city, an entire country. this will change for quite awhile the way people look at walking around the kind of relationship between tourists, pedestrians, and large vehicles. anywhere somewhere is in a shut off pedestrian mall, i get your point, the distinction about ties to a kind of larger and more impress i-organization. >> i spoke with some people who
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were in this meeting this morning and they said in the united states you have sometimes terrible mass shooting. maybe it's a kind of french mass shooting with someone who sees a lot of things on the computer that was influenced by that. it was not trend. it didn't go to syria. he didn't go to iraq. he was a guy living by himself. he was a truck driver. again, he had fake weapons in his truck. he really wanted to kill, but what was the precise motive. there's nothing at this moment. with all the elements that hour after hour we're discovering, the french intelligence is quite concerned about what was this guy and why he did that. why he committed such an atrocity. >> laura, thank you. as always for being with us. and for your reporting.
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especially back to france and sharing it with our audience. it's after 11:00 a.m. on the west coast. we have to share with our audience a statement from university of california at berkeley. this is from their media relations people. it reads like this. three uc berkeley students studying abroad in nice, france, are known to have been injured in the terrorist attack yesterday after a truck struck hundreds of people during a fireworks display celebrating bastille day. nicholas les lee, one of the students attending the study abroad program, is still unaccounted for. campus study abroad risk services office and student affairs are working with fellow students in france. the program director on the ground, u.s. consular officials to locate him. of the uk berkeley students injured, two of them sustained
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broken legs and are being treated in the hospital. a third has a broken foot. all of them were attending a 15-day program called entrepreneurship and innovation in europe. three injured, one missing, and that is just from this delegation of uk berkeley students. another break, our coverage continues, right after this. >> i remember looking up and seeing a wave of people with people pan you canned faces running towards me full steam screaming at the top of their lungs, tramabpling baby strolle. . making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you!
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84 dead, 202 injured when a truck plowed through the crowd that was assembled for fireworks on bastille day. we're joined by an american who was there and witnessed one part of that disaster last night. a flight attendant from atlanta, georgia. i'm told you were there for bastille day before and liked it so much you came back. this was your honeymoon, correct? >> that's right. >> tell me about what part of this you saw last night. where were you? >> we were located on the promenade. we were adjacent to the hotel and could see in the distance. we were enjoying the
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environment. the band was fantastic. at 10:00 the lights were shut off and they did the fireworks show. right after the fireworks show, it seemed as though when problems started. >> i'm seeing some of the still pictures for the first time. it seems so dramatic last night. the sky was so beautiful as the lights came up. we can just imagine how beautiful it was to be there. what did you think it was initially? >> well, what i initially saw was panic-stricken people rushing up the street toward me. i knew better than to not get in the crowd so i had crouched down in the area. there was some bushes right next to me. the people actually ended up going up the street and not
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actually to me. so i thought, okay, i'm safe, so i got back up and sat at the table that my husband and i had been enjoying the fireworks. that's when i saw the white truck go by me. it appeared that there were two individuals running next to the truck with the truck, not away from the truck. then i saw the police running after the truck. >> you're from a a country that has been hit by terrorism. you work in an industry that's been changed by terrorism. and now here you are vacationing in a city that has suffered a huge terrorist attack. >> yes, it was a horrible thing to see. we were rushed from the other side after the truck passed with people. my husband had been inside.
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and we heard the gunshot and it was less than 100 meters away. we ducked around a corner and behind some vehicles to make sure we were a good distance away. >> it's nighttime again there now coming up on 8:30 at night. people have got to have something to eat and are probably gathering, but i also imagine it's a very almost shock still, very quiet, very somber. >> it is very quiet. much more quiet than it had been the previous few nights. it was very traumatic for us to see at least 30 or so dead bodies in the street and the police officer doing cpr try in to save someone else and another officer had to step aside from the scene. he was ill because of what he
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had seen. >> unbelievable. we're sorry for what you have seen, though, we're also happy that you and your husband are safe. lee jewel, flight attendant from atlanta, georgia, who returned to nice, france, for her second bastille day celebration. this one has been ruined by this terrorist attack last night. lee, thank you. another break for us in it our coverage. when we come back, a political update here in this country. donald trump : i love the old days;
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you know what they used to do with guys like that when they were in a place like this? they'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? it's like incredible. when mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy - ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like, "i don't remember!" our children and grandchildren will look back at this time... the choices we are about to make. the goals we will strive for. the principles we will live by. and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us.
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what's your messages now that you have withdrawn from the governors race? >> we love indiana. we love our country. . my family and i couldn't be more honored that the opportunity to run with and serve with the next president of the united states. >> mike pence of indiana in new york. the announcement by donald trump that it was indeed pence had to suffice as a twitter announcement because the event scheduled for 11:00 a.m. this morning was cancelled because of the terrorist attack in nice, france. that was the motorcade over to trump tower from the hotel where
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the pence family stayed the night. mike pence going in with donald trump. what we have not seen is the two men coming forward as a ticket to make their debut. that is tomorrow. but more on the tumultuous process that resulted in the naming of mike pence. two correspondents standing by. kelly o'donnell and katy tur. kelly, on the decision that was made, kind of unmade, almost department get made, almost got reversed, and now since it's been on twitter i guess we can all declare it a done deal. >> finally a done deal, but there were some uncertain times. my reporting says that even last night when donald trump was in california, he was making some phone calls to try to assess if he was locked into the pence choice or if e he could make a change. no disrespect to pence, likes him, believes in him, but did not think that he was certain yet that it was the best choice
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for him. really coming down to the trump brand. and my sources are saying that donald trump was so uncomfortable that the news had leaked out while he was away and then a plane was ordered to bring pence to new york and events were rolling that became really impossible to undo. but trump was not convinced of that until he boarded the plane in california last night coming back to new york. sources say he was reaching out, looking for a way to make a change. that is new information that's coming to us right now. for trump, there are certainly pluses to this new partnership and we're seeing some of ta today with the reaction of some republic republicans who have even been critical of him. jeff flake of arizona has come to mind. he's challenged trump in person and just tweeted today that there's no one in politics he respects more than mike pence. he's a valued friend and a good man. he has a great deal to the
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ticket. that's the kind of response that those inside the trump family and trump organization and believes was the right pick. that's what they wanted to elic elicit. they wanted to reach republicans that were not yet on board. donors waiting on the sidelines to send a signal of stability, of normalcy and that was not really where trump was. so it is hard to get at this if this was a changed mind on the part of donald trump or if his hand was forced. i'm still told based on my reporting he did not call newt gingrich or chris christie with a final, it is pence, this is done. there were conversations, but not the end note that you would have expected. especially since both men have been strong advocates for donald trump internally, publicly, have longer friendship. the mike pence relationship is really new.
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so it's striking that at least as of our reporting so far and trump can tell us if it changed, he's not spoken to them to say the decision was final. obviously, that became clear today with the tweet and the events that unfolding. >> kelly o'donnell, thanks. over to katy tur, who has covered the trump effort for over a year now. katy, gop operatives said to me, this is the first non-gut decision donald trump has made. kelly alluded to this. you have been talking about this. i guess the meaning here is that there was a it's so off brand for donald trump that there was a necessary plolitical calculou. >> it's so surprising that it's not surprising. this non-traditional campaign has made.
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going with his gut now for over a year. it's worked for him. this is an indication that the aids behind the scenes really got to him and said we need to have somebody who is going to be stable. we need a not risky pick. we need someone who is not going to draw attention away from you, who is not going to draw headlines away from you. what we saw is chris christie and newt gingrich doing just that. chris christie giving a long interview or long conversation to msnbc and then also newt gingrich coming out and making headli headlines talking about a potential religious test to find out if they believe in sharia law. then to say he was being misquoted. newt gingrich and chris christie, while both very able competitors and able candidates and good attack dogs, the campaign behind the scenes ultimately too worried that they would have to do a lot of answering for them. governor pence is the opposite.
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he's controlled. we saw that today. he gave the same remarks outside his hotel as he gave here at trump tower. he's humbled, he's grate fful, he's excited. when you try to talk to pence in a news conference, it's very hard to get him to stray off script. in that way, this is a help for the trump campaign, which has been so unpredictable. i've been talking to party sources and they have told me that after all of this drama in the past couple days over who was going to get picked, especially in the last 24 hours that they feel numb. every day there is something eww with this campaign. the pick of governor pence allows them to breathe something of a sigh of relief. it's still donald trump, but at least the vice presidential candidate is somebody that they can count on. >> katy tur in front of the building that so many people have come by wanting selfies in front of. katy, thanks.
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about reaction from the two men who didn't get the nod. yesterda yesterday, as you may know, nicolle wallace had an extensive conversation with chris christie. at about the time of day where it looked like it was heading away from him and indeed heading to pence. and governor christie expressed his regret. he said if it you're a competitive person, yes, i hate to lose. i hate to lose this opportunity. the other man was newt gingrich, who yesterday had a conversation on facebook live where he presented himself as the best national candidate while expolling the virtues of pence pence, especially if you get voters in western pa, ohio and indiana. we had yet to hear from newt gingrich about the nod not going to him had. i'm told we have his very first comments for you now. >> i think he's a a great choice. mike is an old friend of mine.
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we share a lot of ideas in common. he's often described himself as a reagan-kemp-gingrich republican. he's had a good record as g governor. before that he was the number four leader in the republican party. i think he will be a really good bridge bringing republicans together and many people who were skeptical of trump will find pence a very reassuring choice. >> let's drill down on all of that by bringing in georgia republican congressman tom price to talk about pence, trump and all the rest of it. katy tur described mike pence as tightly controlled. would you agree? is he tightly controlled as a person or tightly controlled when compared to the top of the ticket? >> let me first express our thoughts and prayers to the people of france over the incredible tragedy that happened within the past 36 hours. i have known mike pence ever since i came to washington.
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what i can tell you is his control is based upon his belief in the conservative movement and conservative principles and politics he believes, as i do, have made america the greatest nation in the history of the world. so mike pence was one of the outsiders before he got to washington. i can't tell you how pleased i am about this selection by donald trump. i think it balances the ticket in a way to give american people comfort and assurance that we're going to move in the right direction. we're going to do the kinds of things from a national security standpoint. from a political standpoint and tax standpoint that will get us on the right track. i'm excited by this election. >> the two men are so different. do you think they will forge the friendship necessary? because after all, the campaign trail is a tough and cruel place. do you think in this case it's
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an opposites attract rules apply? >> they are different, but they are different in style. i don't think they are different in the goals. donald trump talks about making america great again. that's an expression of what we're all trying to do in the conservative movement to try to make certain that we find those principles that have made us the greatest nation ever and adhere to those principles as we move forward. that's what mike pence tried to do when he was in washington. has done in the state in indiana as governor. i think it's more stylistic than it is substance and they are going to compliment each other well. >> both of the republican president who is happened to be named bush are not going to be there. romney and mccain are not going to be there. john kasich, the home state governor, a man who was one of the republican 17 this past run for office is not going to be there. do you wish you had more of a showing going into what donald
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trump hopes will be his big show on the national stage? >> i think it will be a big show. it's going to be unlike any convention we have been to. you have been to a lot of conventions and your viewers have watched a lot of them. this is going to be unique in so way m ways with the style being brought forward. what i do appreciate is what donald trump has done by selecting mike pence as his running mate. that's to say to the american people we're going to come together and unify as a nation. this nation is so incredibly divided. from our perspective, that's been accentuated by the current president. what i think donald trump and mike pence are going to be able to do is the importance of coming together as a nation so we can solve the remarkable challenges that we have. and get america back to a point where we're once again leading in a world that's extremely dangerous. >> we'll be watching it all and covering it all live. congressman tom price, republican from georgia, thank you for coming on the air.
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we also note the congress n congressman's comments about the situation in france where we will turn our attention, after a break. we'll be joined by journalists. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at see what the power of points can do for your business. the earth needed to find a new waytury, to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. just 30 billion? a bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called...
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we are turning our attention back to the terrorist attack in nice, france. 84 dead, 202 wounded, we're looking at a kind of makeshift memorial that has sprung up there. people have been kept far from the promenade, so they are gathering where they can. last night hotel lobbies turned sbo kind of a triage center as people came up off the beach and there were wounds of various kinds. some required hospitalization, others did not.
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i can report to you from our nbc news investigative unit the suspect does not appear to have been on any u.s. watch list. there's no evidence that he ever visited the united states. there were reports that he had, in fact, but so far quoting an american official we're saying there's no evidence he visited the united states. if you were watching last night and if you watched the last terrorist attack in france, you saw our friend christopher di dickey, long time bureau chief. from paris to nice during the night, i'm just curious, what
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your eyes told you when you arrived in nice. what would it strike an american arriving in nice today? >> well, first of all, it was the police presence. the entire promenade here was blocked off. when you could get a a little closer mainly by walking, you could see the truck was still sitting on the pavement back there. just really not too early. a couple hundred yards behind where i am now. you saw little things. when you experience a tragedy, sometimes in the aftermath there are little things that hit you. there was a woman's high heeled shoe. just one shoe in the gutter. who knows what happened to the woman. whether she was injured. these are the little things that affect you. some people were still here looking at the scene in tears.
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it wasn't clear whether they were witnesses or survivors or moved by what they saw. this is one of the most beautiful beaches in france. one of the most beautiful in the world, i would say. it has a great amount of character. completely empty. all those chairs completely void of people. so there was this contrast basically between beauty and tragedy. and it was really very emotional to experience. >> janet said earlier she wept down into the lobby of her hotel having like you traveled during the night to get there. she saw a line of people waiting to check out and get out of there. and no one can blame anyone. the sad part, we discussed last night, these attacks are hitting
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in the paradise of the west. these attacks are hitting people in special places where people gather. and this bastille day will always now be marked for this reason along that beautiful stretch of coastline. that's part of the tragedy of this. >> it certainly is. i think think about what it's like if you go to see a fireworks display and it's just ended and you have thousands of people who have turned out in had this beautiful, beautiful place to see this beautiful display of lights and celebration. and all of a sudden, they don't know why they are diagnose. they are dying by the dozens. by the scores they are injured. it really is a tragedy almost impossible to imagine. so sudden, so random, so brutal. really so sad.
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>> christopher dickey just off the promenade. to our viewers, we keep explaining it's taking several seconds to get our communications there and back. there's usually a little bit of a delay, but right now there's a compression of the available band withbecause of all the people trying to communicate from there. also something to look for in about a half hour, president obama was previously scheduled to hold a reception there in the east room of the white house beneath the flag flying once again at half staff for the losses here. this is for members of the diplomatic core, who are stationed in washington. one of the kinds of receptions that's just a con standpoint si life of the president. it happens every year. you, too, are hosted by the leadership there.
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so we are expecting this to take on a different cast today. we are expecting to hear from the president, even though it was a previously scheduled event. one of the people who led us through our coverage in the late hours of last night, early morning hours of this morning has returned here with us to our studio and that is malcolm nance. notab notably, he's the author of "defeating isis." he's a 30-year veteran of the counterterrorism business, special security and intelligence collection, which is one of my favorite euphemisms. in the hours since we last spoke, has anything come out of this investigation that has really caught your eye and your attention in terms of lessons learned? >> well, in had terms of lessons learned, there's going to be a lot of lessons learned that are going to be applied in the united states right now.
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when the attacker came off the road and turned on to the promenade, he went up to a security check point and it's not been confirmed, but it said he was stopped and said he had a delivery to make of ice cream. then took off and drove through the pedestrian barriers that were designed to stop people from panicking during an event. and those were easy to knock down. in the united states, we generally tend to use concrete jersey barriers and place them in positions to where a vehicle would lose its undercarriage or knocked over and slowed. so we hope that's being done now in planning for the events that will take place in cleveland and philadelphia over the next few weeks. >> i don't, of all my concerns, it won't be that they will have too little security in cleveland or philadelphia given what the so-called national security events have become.
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i heard two experts just after you and i parted company on the air last night. i heard two experts on television saying best way to stop a truck in this case is another truck bare lel to it in the road. and also there are weapons that will immobilize the engine block of a truck. both of these seem like 20/20 hindsight suggestions. >> and they are 20/20 hindsight suggestions. the first thing that i try to put out to law enforcement intelligence agencies and you need to have the imagination of a terrorist. you need to understand that this group, whoever this individual was, decided that the single simplest act he could perform is to do his daily duty as a truck driver and take a 25-ton truck and turn it into a weapon system. by doing that, he realized and maybe he fantasized about it over a period of time, but he brought terrorism to its
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absolute basis level, the fundamentalist level. no need for a bomb, no need for heavy explosives. no need to infiltrate agents when all you required is a system like that. there are a lot of things that can happen that don't require the sfophisticated planning tha was in paris or san bernardino. it could just simply be as simple as taking out a lighter and starting an arson, which is the simplest form of terrorism and has killed hundreds of people or taking a car or a truck or doing some other operation like a crane or bulldozer, which we have also seen in terrorist acts. >> hearing you i'm thinking of nempb all over again. our aviation system was used against us and it's a matter of outimagining your potential enemies. i know you're staying to be of counsel to us. we're told the president may be early at that event for the diplomatic core, so we're going to take a break early. and come back, we don't want to
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the diplomatic core. >> today our hearts are with the people of france and with all the innocent men, women and so many children who were hurt or killed in this sickening attack. this includes americans that we know of. a family from texas, a father and young son just 11 years old, who were there on vacation. their family, like so many others, are devastate d. they are grieving. they need all our support as they grapple with an unimaginable loss and try to get through what are going to be very difficult days. so on behalf of all of us, i think, i want to welcome our friend ambassador of france.
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i had a chance to meet with him right before i came out so that he knew that it's not just the united states of america, but the entire world, that stands in solidarity with the people of france during this difficult time. i spoke to the president earlier today, and addition to conveying deep condolences, i reminded him that france is america's oldest ally and one of our strongest. we owe our freedom to each other. americans and french have stood together for two centuries. i told him we will stand united now in our grief, in our praying for the many who are injured, many of whom are still fighting for their lives and we pledge to stand with our french friends as we defend our nations against this scourge of terrorism and violence. and this is a threat to all of
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us. we don't know all the details, but what we know is the capacity of even a single individual to do extraordinary harm to our people, to our way of life, a lot of nations represented here today have been impacted this year and in previous years. in recent weeks we have seen heinous attacks inspired by i l isis. and these terrorists are targeting and killing innocent people of all backgrounds and all faiths including muslims. and i know i speak for all of us when i say that these individuals and these networks are on a front to all of our humanity. many of the nations that are represented here today are part of our global coalition against isis and i want to take this
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opportunity to say once more we will not be deterred. we will not relent. we're going to keep working together to defend our homeland. we're going to keep taking out isis leaders and pushing isis back in syria and iraq. we're going to stand with our pa partners from africa to afghanistan and we're going to destroy this terrorist organization. in contrast to these terrorists who only know how to kill and destroy, we're going to win this fight by building. by never giving up on diplomacy and to end the syrian civil war. by working with partners around the world, including muslim communities to push back against hateful ideologies that twist islam. a religion that teaches peace and justice and compassion. we will defeat these ideologies by offering a better vision of development and economic progress. so people, especially young
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people, have more hope and opportunity and are less susceptible to extremism and violence in the first place. we will continue to promote political opportunity and democracy so citizens have a say in their future. we will win this fight by staying true to our values. values of pluralism and diversity and freedoms like the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly, the very freedoms that the people of nice were celebrating last night on bastille day. in the wake of last night's attacks, we have heard more suggestions that all muslims in america be targeted. tested for their believes, some deported or jailed and the very suggestion is repugnant. and an affront to everything we stand for as americans. we cannot give in to fear or
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turn on each other or sacrifice our way of life. we cannot let ourselves be divided by religion, because that's exactly what the terrorists want. we should never do their work for them. and here in the united states, our freedoms including freedom of religion, help keep us strong and safe and we have to defend our security and our freedoms. and all of us, whatever nations we represent here, i think have to step back and reflect on what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence. it's been a difficult several weeks here in the united states, but the divide that exists is not between races and
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ethnicities and religions. it's between people who recognize the common humanity of all people and are willing to build institutions that promote that common humanity and those who do not. those who would suggest that somebody is less than them because of their tribe or ethnicity or their faith or their color. and those impulses exist in all our countries. and those impulses, when we do not speak out against them and build strong institutions to protect people from those impulses, they can take over. they can be unleashed. so that all of us have responsibilities. not just a few. i want to say as we are releaptless against
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