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tv   Dateline Extra  MSNBC  July 15, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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choose. i'm chris matthews, thanks for watching. in one of the world's most beautiful vacation spots on one of the most popular holidays, terror. >> they started running. >> we were like sitting ducks. >> france is attacked again. >> thousands of people packed like sardines, mowed down by
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someone driving a truck. >> investigators right now are going through this guy's background to see if there are any connections. was there anyone directing him on this target on this day. >> among the victims, an american father and son. >> it still has not really set in. a very small world. you don't think it is going to happen to somebody you know. >> so many lives lost. >> the world is getting dangerous, my friend. >> i'm alive, and people that were standing next to me are not. so i think -- >> is this the new normal? >> these attacks are really changing the way that we think. >> people are absolutely adapting the way they live their lives. >> these things can happen wherever you go. >> you can't live in fear. life goes on. >> bastille day attack, a dateline special. >> good evening, and welcome to dateline, i'm lester holt, in
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nice. a celebration, the crowd, then chaos as a ghostly white truck cut a path of terror and death for a mile, at least 84 people are dead including ten children and teenagers. more than 200 people wounded with dozens on life support or in critical condition. the driver, a tunisian living legally in france with a criminal record. but so far he doesn't seem to have a link to any terrorist groups. dennis murphy has the latest. >> reporter: it was the french version of the fourth of july. bastille day, the great summer holiday when families sung, ate and drank, and then gathered for the fireworks show. as thousands did in nice, they gathered for celebration. the american businessman was there. >> it just felt exactly like fourth of july.
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>> reporter: the fireworks finale turned out to be only the beginning, the crowd was starting to disperse, moms and dads, kids in strollers. >> we were actually just heading to our apartment and just stopped to enjoy the band on the promenade. >> reporter: at the same time, the man on the side street took the wheel of a great white refrigerator truck that was now going down the promenade. the street was blocked off for the celebration. that truck should not have been there. >> and we heard the commotion and yelling and shouting and then we saw a truck. >> reporter: the driver climbed the sidewalk, finding his first victims to mow down. people were shocked at what they just saw. and the driver kept moving, clipping barricades, plowing into a crowd that just could not
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get out of his way. terror had arrived in a french resort city, not in a hijacked plane, or a carload of armed men but in the form of an everyday truck rented just for this purpose. bodies being tossed and scattered, dragged under the wheels. adults, teens, children, all the same were targeted. >> i actually saw them crying, people holding babies, screaming, shouting. mothers running for cover. it was horrendous. >> reporter: video taken from a balcony overlooking the promenade shows the truck, now a murder weapon, barrelling down the boulevard, leaving mayhem in its path. the driver kept going, his path of destruction would be ultimately more than a mile. one eyewitness saw the truck
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in. >> i saw the truck coming like two meters in front of me. >> reporter: panic took hold as everyone seemed to realize they were under siege. it was happening again, a major terrorist attack in france, the third in less than two years, fracturing again an already fragile nation. >> i was frozen in my face, and i just took out my cell phone and i turned on my video. >> reporter: his cell phone video captured the beginning of the end as brave police surrounded the truck and exchanged gunfire with the driver. >> maybe 20 or 30, all very close to each other. very, very fast. it was pop, pop, pop, pop. >> reporter: melba tinkle, her daughter and baby were visiting from california, and were steps aw away. >> i was terrified and put my hands on the baby's mouth so she
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would not scream. >> reporter: and others were terrified, one woman from boca raton knew she had to get away fast into we were running, we didn't know where we were going, if we were going towards something. it seemed like everybody was running away from something. but we were just turning down alleys and kind of looking for somewhere that might be safe. >> reporter: witnesses say parents were desperately trying to protect their children, some even throwing them to safety. eric and his family were terrified on the beach, watching people terrified and running. >> as we were seated, people started literally diving off the promenade onto the beach, including to the corrugated metal roof, one guy dove onto that and landed on my wife. she was okay, she has some bruises but she will be fine. >> reporter: with the shooting stopped, the vehicle idle, the
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driver slumped dead in the passenger seat, the nice waterfront looked like the war zone it was. the wounded, the dead, the dying. >> you could see bodies and blood everywhere. thbodies were covered. i thought they were in sheets, turns out they were covered in restaurant table cloths. absolutely horrible sight. >> reporter: a count of 84 dead. ten of that number, children and teens. another 200-plus have been injured. among those killed, a father and son from the austin, texas area. shawn copeland, and his 11-year-old boy, brodie, one facebook post said, nobody deserves this kind of fate. brodie's little league coach. >> he was the littlest guy on the team, our second baseman, called him little firecracker. >> reporter: elsewhere on social media, people asked for help for the still unaccounted for,
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including a uc berkeley student, nick leslie, at least three other students were murdered. the 31-year-old was a french resident of tunisian birth. he has an estranged wife. >> he rented the truck three days ago and picked it up just hours before he got behind the steering wheel and started to come up the street. >> reporter: the cities with international rampages, it was the president's turn again, to watch the world. >> i can assure you we'll always be stronger than the extremisms who are trying to attack us. >> reporter: today, president
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obama echoed his thoughts. >> we cannot give into fear or sacrifice our way of life. we can't let ourselves be divided by religion because that is exactly what the terrorists want. >> and the candidates weighed in. hillary clinton calling for greater intelligence-gathering, and donald trump saying he would declare war on isis. and while all eyes seemed to be on france, out of the blue came another headline about global turmoil, confused reports about a military coup in turkey. it felt like the wheels were coming off the known world. beginning with a glorious fireworks show that turned into an atrocity. today, the crime scene was blocked off more than a mile as investigators began doing what investigators do. the personal horror seen by the crowd speaks volumes. so far, no extremism groups have taken responsibility for the attack, and while it's early for
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the investigation the driver appears to have acted alone. >> this was something that was planned out, premeditated well in advance. >> reporter: nbc news terrorist analyst evan coleman says it could be easy for a lone wolf to slip under the radar. >> this is not somebody who would have necessarily come up on the radar of counterterrorism investigators. >> reporter: today, the investigators looked through the debris after the attack looking for all clues as to why and how this attack happened. the retired special agent tim clemente says the next steps are clear. >> the investigators in nice are looking at the guy's background to see if somebody directed it. >> reporter: and this morning, the french government also extended the country's state of emergency status by another three months. security was immediately beefed up by all major events but some have been cancelled. the upcoming nice jazz festival
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and a rihanna concert, gone, for all that, the tour de france attracts thousands of spectators, and it went on today along its route, with added security, according to officials. for generations of dreamers and romantics, the riviera has been a sun-kissed place, but also a state of mind. last night, the ugliness of the world we all share now paid a murderous call. >> when we come back, witnesses to terror, how they survived, what they saw, what they will never forget. "dateline" will be right back. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock
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with no obligation, so don't miss out. call for information, then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee. don't wait, call this number now. ♪
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in an attack like this one, the difference between being a investigation or a survivor is a matter of inches, seconds and luck, harry smith now here in nice with the story of those who witnessed last night's horror and were lucky enough to survive. >> reporter: the south of france has been europe's playground for decades. and bastille day, a sort of fourth of july meets mardi gras.
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the hannah family was outside watching the fireworks. daughter nadine was spellbound. >> she said oh, they're celebrating our fourth of july, their flag is red, white and blue, as well. >> inga romanof, who was evi vacationing there, took these pictures of a couple dancing. >> i was just enjoying the boardwalk, and staying for the fireworks. the mood was so personal, and just wonderful. >> joyous. >> yes, joyous. >> when did you know something was wrong? >> you know, the difference between something being perfect, delightful and fantastic to completely disastrous was a quick second. i just turned around and saw the truck, as i'm looking now at the truck i heard screams and
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gunshots. >> carnage, gunfire, a scene turned into a test for survival. jack owns the bistro that was packed last night. >> when did you know something was wrong? >> people started to shout and leave the table. people started to run, it was a riot. the most dangerous part was the riot. after the lorry, which was very, very bad, the second worst part was the running, people were working on each other, pushing, trying to go inside. and see, i'm basically sorry, but it's a dead end. >> reporter: a truck, a lorry, heading up to promenade des anglais. >> the guy was chasing people like inside a video game. >> reporter: before the restaurant business, jack was a tv sound man in beirut in the bad old days. >> this is worse than beirut,
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this is the worse picture i ever saw because i saw that lorry, physically driving over children. women, and -- just driving. >> reporter: these are pictures jack took with his phone. we've blurred them. he walked and he walked. on the ground, people damaged beyond repair. one person said, the bodies didn't look real. they looked like mannequins. >> what does it mean to live in france now? seven attacks in the last year and a half. >> the world is getting dangerous, my friend, because listen, it's happening in america. today here, it's proof you don't need weapons to kill people. they use a lorry to make mass destruction. i don't think you are feeling secure anywhere in the world.
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you look at belgium, turkey, you look at america, you look everywhere in the world. >> reporter: the hannah family was saved by fate. they headed to a restaurant less than a minute before the truck got to their spot. >> you came this close to terror. what does it make you think? >> to get away from this. and we are very lucky that nothing happened to us. and things can happen in a split second and you will be done. and we were really, really lucky, and god was really good to us. and we're grateful to be still here. >> reporter: inga is struggling to understand just what happened. >> i mean, it's not even 24 hours later and to have witnessed something as horrible as this, is there a way to understand it? >> no. i don't think so. this is not part of the normal experience. it should not be. >> how are you doing to have
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seen what you saw last night? >> i'm okay. i'm alive. and i'm definitely grateful, because right where i was standing and people that were standing next to me are not. i think i'm okay. >> reporter: every survivor of a terror attack has his or her own story of being an eyewitness to horror. but few have the perspective of a survivor you're about to meet as he gives us an inside view of what was happening in regard to saving every life. >> reporter: all kevin wanted to do was unwind, a seasoned traveller, the native of los angeles figured he could couch surf all over the country, while visiting friends.
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last night it was portugal. last night it was nice. >> i saw this chaos like i never heard before. i just took off as quickly as i could. >> reporter: only after running until his lungs burned did kevin learn what the human stampede had been caused by a truck driver. had had you come to the point where you thought, oh, my god, it could have been me? >> absolutely, i don't know if i completely believed in survivor remorse, until today. >> reporter: when kevin matammity learned that children were killed and dozens were hospitalized, he decided to put his holiday on hold and see if he could help. you see, kevin matammity is dr. matammity, a newly minted facial surgeon. >> i ended up going to the children's hospital. >> reporter: as it turned out, the hospital didn't need his help, but they invited him in to
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see what they were up against. >> they had had received two patients overnight, two of them unfortunately died, one in critical condition, one unclaimed meaning that his parents are either dead or still in the hospital, and the remainder had just either minor cuts or bruises or bad psychological damage. >> reporter: what was your sense of how the staff was doing and how they were handling all of this? >> they seemed very poised or composed. everybody seemed a little bit sleep deprived. there were family members in the waiting room that looked hysterical, but that is to be expected. >> reporter: in a few days, the doctor will leave nice, and move on to his next destination, but he says he fears no place will be truly safe. >> i spoke to my parents, and he said you need to come back to the u.s. i said no place is safe. >> i was in dallas a few weeks
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ago. >> there you go. >> it sounds like you embraced the fact that things can happen everywhere you go. >> i truly didn't think it would be that close, where i would be sitting right now. but life goes on. >> what do we know about the man behind the wheel of that truck when we return?
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the driver was known to be a loner. the question now is was he a so-called lone wolf? an angry man with a grudge or
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was he operating as part of a larger terrorist organization? >> reporter: tonight, french investigators are examining data from the phone of mohamed lahouaiej. a 31-year-old delivery driver and small-time criminal who was born in tunisia, and then became a french resident. then yesterday, a mass murderer. police identified lahouaiej from an id in the truck, and later learned more about him. a man who apparently never made it onto the french anti-terror radar. he was totally unknown to the intelligence services both internationally and locally. lahouaiej had no terrorist history, but a criminal rap sheet that included theft,
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vandalism. he was married, the father of three children and he was also separated from his wife in a way that has been described as bitter. investigators are looking at all of that. >> and they will go through every aspect of his digital life, his computers, phone, anything he may have that will give them information. >> reporter: tim clemente is now retired from the fbi after spending much of his career in counterterrorism. >> at the will be able to recreate some of his activities but not all. >> but it will for tnot tell yot is going on in his mind. >> no, we'll never know that. >> lahouaiej's neighbors called him depressed, isolated, an extremism, but not a radical islamist. >> all i know is this man has
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nothing to do with al qaeda, islam or the islamic state. >> despite that, experts believe he fits the profile of the islamic terrorists. terrorism expert, brian jenkins. >> a lot of these people, street thugs, become radicalized, some in prison, some of them charismatic people in the neighborhood. clearly, the ideology component, the most common attribute we see. >> add to that, a troubled marriage and the perfect soft target. you don't need much money. >> you're looking at low rent terrorism, what does it take to put down on it? he has a credit card, now he never has to pay the bill. >> in fact, lahouaiej had only
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one weapon, the handgun was a fake, the grenade he carried was disabled. he had no other explosives. lahouaiej's wife was taken into custody and questioned by the investigators, who may have known more about his character. >> she may have known associates, i don't care if she says he was hanging out at the bar on thursday night that is a person who needs to be spoken to, interviewed. because you never know what the recruitment efforts are or you never know what the support structure could be. you never know. >> reporter: al qaeda? clemente says if it was this, any link with an outside group could be difficult to prove. >> did somebody provide him with weapons or financial support? was anyone directing him to this target on this day? that is the thing, we may never have answers to this. the communication may have been
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done in person, and therefore since he was not followed we would not know about it. >> reporter: bastille day in france is a national holiday and typically a family celebration. and there is some indication the french suspected something like that might be coming. >> just days before this attack, the director of the french internal intelligence service made a public warning, which was actually -- actually quite grim. he said that they were expecting further terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks that would be more serious than the one they had seen thus far. >> reporter: in fact, the french intelligence services have recently come under fire. just last week, a parliamentary committee set up to investigate last year's terrorist attacks in paris cited widespread failures and called for a streamlining of a cumbersome system, just like the u.s. did after 9/11.
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>> certainly there are measures that france could take to improve its security, but to suggest that france has worse security, say than italy, is ridiculous. or even germany. >> there has been a recognition on the part of the french government they need all the intelligence and information they can get. and i think as well there is the recognition on the part of the u.s. government that our security is inherently tied in with french security. >> sources say the truck was on a street a day before the attack. lahouaiej rode to it to retrieve it a day before the attack. >> apparently he just got his license for heavy vehicles, was he thinking about it? or was it a coincidence? >> i heard he was a truck driver, and maybe he got the license to get employment or maybe he got employment to get experience to be able to do something like that. >> reporter: france just finished hosting the european
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soccer championships, an event that went off without problems despite or maybe because of heavy security. one question now is whether the french let their guard down too soon. >> once they cleared that hurdle, i'm sure there was just an easing of tension. and the president was planning within the next few days of relaxing the state of emergency in france. clearly, that is going to continue for months now. so it's unfortunate that the relaxing may have led to you know, people feeling more comfortable. >> reporter: tonight, that shortlived calm has been replaced by chaos and fear. but among isis supporters the attack in nice is being played as very good news. >> even if there is not an official statement of endorsement from isis there is certainly a lot of pro-isis sites that are celebrating. >> this is cause to celebrate for them. this is a big victory for them. this is a big target, a western nation that is now grieving
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again. >> reporter: all because of mohamed lahouaiej, who prior to this was just a nobody in nice. but today, one of his neighbors quoted him as saying something haunted and prophetic. one day, he said, you're going to hear about me. as a number of attacks grows around the world and at home what is being done to keep the home front safe? we'll find out when we return. oh my goodness! happy birthday! oh, you. (laughing) oh! oh! well, they say 70 is the new 60. (laughing) were you really surprised? oh, this was a wonderful surprise. you know, at our age, not all surprises can be this good. you're not kidding. (female #1) remember peggy's surprise last month when frank died?
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so sudden; all the funeral expenses. they were not prepared. well, i'm not going to burden my family with my final expenses. -huh? -i called about the colonial penn program this morning. i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, call about the colonial penn program now. your acceptance is guaranteed. you'll get free information about this whole life insurance plan that might surprise you in a good way, because it's easy to get and easy on your budget. coverage options for this plan start at $9.95 a month for women and men age 50 to 85. that's about 35 cents a day. and your acceptance is guaranteed. you can't be turned down for any medical reason. no health questions, no medical exam. and here's the best surprise of all: once you're covered, your rate will never increase. it's locked in for life, guaranteed. so, what are you waiting for? you're right, i'm not getting any younger.
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breaking news, a military coup in turkey failed less than 12 hours after it began. the turkish president said the perpetrators would be punished. there were 60 dead, several others wounded after the attack on the parliamentary building. a military helicopter was also shot down by turkish authorities in the capital city. now back to our program. with last night's attack, terrorists and mass murderers have added to their ever-expanding arsenal. a deadly truck driving down a crowded street, if it's a potential weapon can we're ever
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predict or stop the next attack? >> reporter: while the motive of the attack in nice is still unknown it's already having a direct impact on the security here at home. >> you will see law enforcement when they're doing public events take into consideration the possibility that large scale vehicles or even vessels could be used as weapon systems. >> reporter: former military counterterrorism and intelligence officer and msnbc terrorism expert, malcolm nance. >> well, we have already seen changes, we've seen them shift from metal barriers to concrete barriers. >> it is a tactic the city has used to years, according to the department commissioner, john miller. >> we have tons and tons of concrete and barriers and we will lay those in configuration
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so a vehicle can't get through. but basically we'll put a ring of concrete around an event if it will be heavily attended. >> reporter: for 2010, the department of homeland security warned the american law enforcement of the possibility of a vehicle attack like awwhat happened in nice, specifically citing street fairs and farmer's markets. >> should people be afraid to go to the street vendors and markets because of the attacks. >> if you look at the sheer statistics, it would be extraordinarily low. but each one of these things gets a lot of attention. >> it's kind of amazing we haven't had a terrorist attack in a very long time. why do you think we have been able to avert that? >> i think we put a large amount of money to divert this type of
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thing. new york city gets a certain amount of money every year to avoid this terrorism. >> in rio, officials say they're beefing up the security in light of the attacks in france, including the number of checkpoints and traffic restrictions. >> i would have to imagine some are on edge who are going to rio. >> the olympics are a global level security event. and hopefully, the brazilians have put into place all the same security structures which are standard at most olympics. i would not say that there is any known threat in you know, south america at this point. >> reporter: former executive assistant director of the fbi and nbc national security analyst shawn henry says that terrorist tactics are changing. how are the methods shifting of the way the attacks are carried out? >> the attackers will look for the place of least resistance. they will -- and we've seen them move to soft targets because they're easier to attack.
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they require less planning. they require less resources and they can have maximum impact. historically we've seen them look at iconic attacks when we look at al qaeda and their attacks on the world trade center and navy ships. now we're seeing attackers looking at more targets that are part of the american day-to-day life. restaurants, movie theaters, that sort of thing. >> reporter: these attacks are really changing the way that we think and the way that we go about our daily life. >> i think people are absolutely adapting the way they live methr lives, what is important is they don't become fearful and completely disrupt their lives, because that is playing into the terrorists' hands. >> henry says that citizens can play a valuable role in helping thwart the attacks. >> i think it is very important for people to be aware, because they have critical intelligence
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that would be valuable to the law enforcement and intelligence agencies to mitigate these threats. if they have an awareness and are alert and contact law enforcement, they can help thwart the attacks. >> he says the u.s. is at lower risk than europe. >> the u.s. is far safer than other parts of the world. france, right now, is being dragged into a philosophical clash, a belief that europe and the west and the middle east, particularly islam are at war. there is a massive, massive national infrastructure of protection around the united states and around american citizens. the armed forces, the intelligence agencies in the united states, the department of homeland security, the united states has one of the largest police forces in the world. >> have terror attacks become the new normal? keith morrison with some thoughts on what that means for all of us when we come back.
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a day on the french riviera, paradise to 11-year-old texan, brodie copeland, and his father, shawn, a perfect vacation, and then it came to a nightmarish end. the horror on this waterfront,
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also washed up on a distant shore, 5500 miles away. in a texas city, home to the cope lands, aaron cable, a family friend, who coached the copeland's youngest son, is still trying to come to terms. >> it still has not set in. just shocked. it's a very small world, you don't think it would happen to somebody you know. >> reporter: the copelands had had come to the french riviera as a vacation. they were celebrating his wife's 40th birthday. they brought their family, with brodie. this is a picture, the family set it out yesterday afternoon. >> the family was very excited about the trip. they went and did the running of the bulls in spain. >> reporter: after spain, here in nice, last night they watched the bastille day fireworks. minutes after the show ended,
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all hell broke loose. and this american family was trapped in the truck's murderous path. shawn copeland and 11-year-old brodie were killed. the family is devastated. the dream vacation now turning into a nightmare. one tweet said, i just want my cousin and uncle back. >> you just wanted to be friends with him, he was fun cool, sports, everyday all around american child. >> reporter: baseball brought father and son together, and this haunting image was posted today by kim copeland. >> shawn copeland, all around great father and great guy, and he was extremely supported of our organization, 100% family man. >> reporter: and at brodie's school, his fifth grade teacher, colleen surface, remembered a
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popular student known for his intelligence and sense of humor. >> i had told him on the last day of school when you get your academy award i hope you remember to mention me. so it is heartbreaking. that wonderful, talented child is not going to be finishing what his dreams were. >> reporter: brodie was just one of at least ten children killed during the attack. at least 50 more young people were injured. the attacks seemed to be coming on an almost weekly basis, each one so shocking. the world has changed. have we? here is keith morrison. >> another outrage, another shock to the system. there is a cadence to these things now, vaguely up-tempo, paris barely eight months ago,
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then brussels, then just four weeks orlando. then baghdad, istanbul, and now here in nice, of all places. in this european playground, among relaxed and happy people on a great beach of the nation's national day, once again the president goes on television to reassure us, as president hollande put us, france is in tears and the victory celebrated by that great people, on bastille day, are narrowed again for a state of emergency. reserves called up, troops on the streets, sidelong glances at immigrants, fear, and fear everywhere, because it could and does target the innocence everywhere, corroding good will. a texas father and son were mowed down watching fireworks as
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were the vacationers from all over europe. so do we travel? see the world? stay home and hide. of course not that, they tell us. then the terrorists win. but the world seems, is different. darker. although there is nothing new about this, terrorists have been with us since long before any of us was born. and the aggrieved and innocence, they somehow serve a cause. there is a people that tends to circulate at times like this. it's a haunting thing to hear some of its opening lines. waves of anger and fear circulate over the bright and darkened lands of the earth, obsessing our private lives, world war ii was starting when
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w.h. loud een wrote that. it started again, so we know about anger and fear. seemed like the center would not hold then, but it did. and will again in france, so besieged again by terrorism, back then in 2001 we settled into something we began to call a new normal. not a pleasant one. and yet, last night after that truck plowed through the innocence in nice and the gunfire broke out neighbors all along that road opened their doors to perfect strangers, offering sanctuary, just as neighbors had done after the attacks in paris. and overnight, the police in orlando tweeted, our hearts are breaking for the people of france again. hash tag, pray for nice. because of course, there is good in the world, oceans of it.
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inextinguishable. >> some in france would like to forget. when dateline returns. t the on. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase, guaranteed.
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of the rio olympic games. we can give you the facts, the numbers, try to describe the horror, but in the end, nothing
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will ever say more than what happened in the minutes, the images captured, and the long sad hours after. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> people were running everywhere, screaming. no one understood what was going on on. >> we heard screams and pop, pop, pop sounds. bodies and blood everywhere.
11:59 pm
>> i can't even tell you how many people i saw die in front of my eyes. i'm not sure how to process what i witnessed. i'm very traumatized. nobody should see that at all.
12:00 am
>> that is all for this special edition of "dateline." and we'll have the latest on the attack here tomorrow on nbc nightly news and on msnbc. i'm we're making news of our own today with the launch of msnbc. >> two decades. >> hello, and welcome to. >> msnbc. more mosh than 175,000 hours of television. >> the judgment of the supreme court of florida is reversed. >> there's a guy with a magnifying glass. this is a presidential sfleekz countless news events. there were parents who suddenly were afraid to send their children to school. >> they were just trying to stop the economy from going into depression. >> history in the making. >> change has come to america. >> the goal was to make music available to everyone. >> this is a


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