tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 20, 2016 3:00am-7:01am PDT
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and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. the chair announces that donald day trump, having received a majority of these votes entitled to be cast at the convention has been selected as the republican party nominee for president of the united states! >> and good morning.
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it is wednesday, july 20th. we're live again from cleveland. >> cleveland! [ cheers and applause ] >> you know what they call cleveland? >> what do they call it? >> the city of champions. and it is. >> along with us we have former communications director for former president george w. bush. >> she's asleep. >> are you okay? >> it will be interesting. co-ho >> willie geist is here. >> have you been mauled on the streets by women? >> we walked into an underground -- oh, i wasn't supposed to tell anyone? he gets mobbed.
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>> that's so cute. >> the cavs won the title. the cleveland indians have the best american league title as well. >> good job, good job. >> i need an indians fleece. i'm really hoping not to wear this five days in a row. if i could get an indians fleece here. >> can we talk about the fact i'm getting a truck here? >> you should. >> i should. where is mike? >> you're buying a truck? >> if you're just waking up and have never seen "morning joe" before, how many people are watching? >> 73 million. >> this is a big day. >> this is a big day, though. mika made a bet with david barna barnacle. he said donald trump will never get the nomination, and she
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said, i'll belt yt you a truck. >> when do i get a truck to drive away? donald trump is now the official republican nominee and put over the top by his four eldest children, casting the votes of the new york delegation. >> it is my distinct honor and great pleasure to nominate donald j. trump for the office of president of the united states of america! >> i have the incredible honor of not only being a part of the ride that's been this election process and to watch as a small fly on the wall what my father has done in creating this movement, because it's not a campaign anymore, it's a movement. speaking to real americans, giving them a voice again, it is my honor to be able to throw
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donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates! and another six for john kasich. congratulations, dad! we love you! >> indiana governor mike pence was declared the vice presidential nominee by acclimation, and with the ticket complete, trump thanked the convention via satellite. >> a little over one year ago, i announce mid candidacy for president, and about your vote today, this stage of the presidential process has come to a close. together we've achieved historic results with the largest vote total in the history of the republican party. this is a movement, but we have to go all the way. >> so let's just stop right here, we might as well just stop right here. willie geist, we said it in august, september, october, november, when everybody said it
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would never happen, kept holding up the newspapers, reading the dates, saying, it's happening, it's happening. i think in the midst of all the chaos and in the midst of all the controversy, we really should just press the stop button for one second and just talk about how extraordinary this is that donald trump is the republican nominee. >> this is the guy who has flirted with it many times, running for president. it became a cry of wolf. nobody believed he would do it. he did it this time when no one thought he would do it. then he stayed in the race. he rose up from 1% or 2% in the polls. got through the summer of trump, made it through the fall of trump, and then the argument after that was, well, people say they like him because they're mad at government, they're not actually going to vote for him. then comes new hampshire. he wins new hampshire. the dominoes begin to fall. it was a remarkable moment. if you were in the hall, you looked up, you heard donald trump make that announcement.
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there was a big scream over the top, they said donald trump was the nominee. it was a moment for pause to say, wow. whether you like him or hate him, this was an incredible moment in american history. >> wasn't donald trump at 1% or 2%? because there have been other politicians that have begun campaigns at 1% or 2%. the numbers that were the most staggering at the time, and maybe you say, gosh, this guy is so unpopular in his own party, he'll never win. it became 60s, 65%, among republican primary voters. and he turned those around quickly. >> not just disapprovals, but in the polls where people would ask, as we did in our own polls, bloomberg, we would say never vote for him, never support him, and his numbers were in the high 60s not only from people who said they would never support him in the republican nomination, and in the course of a year he turned those numbers
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from 60-30 never to 30-60 ever. they turned it upside down. i've never seen that in my career. >> laughed at by the intellectual establishment, laughed at by the political establishment, laughed at by the media establishment. i mean, this guy was completely discounted as a complete joke. people stormed off our set in disgust when we said he might be able to win the nomination. >> no, no, nor, not that he migt be able to win the nomination, a lot of people were upset when we said early on he might be relevant, but there were moments a lot of the political class and the media class watch our show, and so something will happen on the show, and i'll hear from a lot of people, we'll all hear from a lot of people. i think the moment that people stopped and said, wait a second,
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there is something happening out there actually was a moment we showed your focus group of new hampshire voters, and somebody in that crowd said, i believe, something along the lines of "he's one of us." >> just like us. >> he's just like us, and everybody gasped. there was a collective gasp among political and media elites watching that. >> every four years we pick nominees, and there's always a combination of factors, primarily the mood of the electorate and what the person is offering up. and donald trump -- we all know he's unlike anyone else not because he's running for president, but i think he's unlike anyone i've ever met. he understand a lot about the electorate, he understands a lot about the current mood of the country, and he's been saying the same thing for decades about what's wrong. and what he's been saying suddenly matched up with a lot of people in america with that ability to talk to people in a
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way -- you know, don jr. said once he's a blue collar billionaire. he understands working people. he talks like a guy from queens, not like a fancy guy. people like it. >> before we dive into the show -- >> her brother, my dad. >> your brother, my dad, but here's the question. is this, though, broad enough? has donald trump just figured out a massive version of microtargeting for the republican party? and i'm dead serious. >> good question. >> because we talk about how extraordinary it is what he's accomplished, and yet last night more people voting against him, more delegates since gerald ford. the thing i've noticed, all the empty chairs. >> yeah. >> i've noticed a lack of enthusiasm, which changed a bit last night. >> into the night. >> i've been to every convention since '96, i've never seen empty chairs like i have this one. i've never felt the lack of enthusiasm on the floor.
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maybe that changes by thursday night. but let's tell both sides of this story. this is a house divided. >> yes. >> he is so polarizing that even at his own convention it's a room divided. he's such a polarizing figure. my parents were on to what you were describing well before i was. last august i went home, and i had worked for the bush family and i said, oh, are you voting for hillary, and they said, oh, no, we're trump people, and i was aghast. he's bypassed all of us and anyone who has done this before, and there has been a connection and a relationship that excluded all of us, and to his credit, he did it without any of us. >> that's right. let's get to the highlights of the night. despite the theme "making america work again," many thought to contrast donald trump and hillary clinton. for a second straight night, delegates on the floor repeatedly broke into chants of "lock her up," this time during
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chris christie's address that took place during a mock trial prosecuting the case against clinton. >> america and the world are measurably less safe and less respected because of the iran deal that hillary helped cut, period. hillary clinton, as an inept negotiator of the worst nuclear arms deal in american history, is she guilty or not guilty? as a flawed evaluator of dictators and failed strategists who has permitted russia back in as a major player in the middle east, is hillary clinton guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> hillary clinton, as a coddler as the brutal caster of brothers and betrayer of foreign fallen state trooper warren and his family, is she guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> and here at home risking american secrets to keep her own
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and lying to cover it all up? >> guilty! >> so chris christie was the prosecutor, no doubt about it. he did his job very well up there. it was electric inside the hall, but there was a concern. all those chants of "lock her up," the concern that they went from being enthusiastic to -- >> nasty. >> -- to being nasty, and we heard that even from republican senators and others who said too much, right? >> there was a cringing in the hall when the "lock her up" chants went up. they said, come on, guys, we can prosecute her without throwing her in prison. chris christie did a prosecutor's case. he thought he did a good job that way. he laid out case by case the reminders of why you should be against hillary clinton if you're a trump supporter, but he was doing the call and response guilty or not guilty. i don't think you can be terribly surprised the crowd
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responded the way it did, but it was sort of uncomfortable. >> for chris christie, here is a guy who four years ago was mocked and ridiculed for hugging barack obama. it certainly was a triumphant return to center stage for chris christie. >> and i thought he was a pretty calm adult voice in the room up on the stage. he laid it out the way a prosecutor would. >> here's the question. yesterday we had mike murphy on our show and mike said one of the purposes of a national convention is to reach outside your party base, expand your coalition, right? and so what in the course of the last two nights -- putting aside the performances, good performances, bad performances of individuals, what has the party done in the last two nights to expand, to reach out beyond its base? >> it's disqualifying, isn't it? >> from both sides. when i watch "lock her up," that totally revs up the republican base.
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is there anything outside the republican base who hears "lock her up"? >> this is the sort of thing i would always say. you're playing to your home crowd, you're playing to your home crowd, but an abc news poll from last week, 65% of americans think she should have been indicted. 65%. only 35% don't think she should have been indicted. so yes, i wish the crowd hadn't have chanted "lock her up," but this sentiment goes well beyond the republican party. again, my initial reaction, your initial reaction. then i remember that abc poll. there are a lot of americans who think that comey gave her a free pass. >> it goes back to what we were saying, about the only democrat donald trump could win a general election against is hillary clinton and the only one hillary clinton could win is against
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donald trump. i think ivanka trump will be the one tomorrow night in the room. we'll see an array of national figures, president obama, michelle obama, bill clinton -- >> it's going to be something else. >> and mike pence tonight i think will be solid, but chris christie is one of the few people in donald's corner who can command a national audience. that's a big thing for him and a big thing for trump. >> i'm told the abc poll was 66% want her indicted. >> you mentioned ivanka. we're still looking at the fallout over melania trump's speech. it continued yesterday as her husband's campaign continued to defend the passages of the potential first lady's address thought by many to be lifted from michelle obama's -- thought by many. that's a safe way of saying
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plagiarism. >> it was lifted from michelle obama's speech. it was clearly plagiarism. i just want to say to all the trump surrogates that were on the air yesterday suggesting that it was not plagiarism, you are making the same mistake hillary clinton made at the un press conference. do not treat americans like they're stupid. they will turn on you fast. >> use your own brains. >> i will give donald trump credit. yesterday he stayed away from this. because if donald trump had gone out and said it wasn't plagiarism, he would be hillary clinton at the united nations. it was plagiarism. >> a plagiarism website turned it in, analyzed the speech and found it a one in a million chance that two writers would come up with the same lines. >> so you're saying there's a chance. >> every lughead like you would say something like that to the
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"dumb and dumber." >> many people were saying there were slight differences in the passages, and for many who give speeches, the times and the speech where michelle obama edited and went off script a little bit, and the same with melania. they were exactly the same. >> by the way, we have a special offer for everybody who is a trump supporter. you can come on our show and say it wasn't plagiarism, and guess what we're going to have for you? a clip that shows the plagiarism. i'm serious, every time somebody comes on this show and says it wasn't plagiarism, we're going to play the clip. that's our challenge to you. >> i suggest you don't say it's not plagiarism. >> note to our friends. in response to the media storm, chairman paul manafort pointed directly -- this is unbelievable. i can't believe this guy. >> blaming hillary clinton, saying -- >> why? he is the most negative, kind of harsh person i've ever seen leading a campaign. >> oh, come on! >> it's like lurch.
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>> stop it. now you're sounding like democratic activists in the ukraine. >> oh, my god. seriously -- >> let's just stop that. >> well, john lever doesn't like him. >> you just called him lurch. >> she's called me lurch before. we're not even going to play this clip. this is where manafort says hillary clinton -- play the clip. play the clip. >> there is a political tint to this whole issue, and certainly we've noted that the clinton camp was the first to get it out there when hillary clinton was threatened by a female, the first thing she does is try to destroy the person. >> he didn't do that, did he? it's like a female thing? he used the word female? are you kidding me? what year is this? is this 1970, lurch? what? we're females. aren't you lucky you have two
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females on the panel. that hurt. oh, my god. >> manafort for the past couple days, he's had a horrible republican convention. he's gotten in the way two days in a row early and often. >> i think he thinks he's great. >> he attacked john kasich, upset the state. this is a state that they have to win if they want to win the white house. and then the next day, of course, this. >> they just made the decision to bull through it and hoped the press would move to other things, which to some extent the media has with don jr.'s speech and the roll call yesterday. we don't know all the facts yet of what happened, but we do know that they didn't want to engage in another day of going at the facts and just say this is hillary clinton's fault. >> i think that what happened yesterday, aside from the gender undertones which i agree with mika on -- >> we agree, too. >> today we are all women. i love it. so the central concern has been
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his inflammatory rhetoric, and the essential worry that ha handwringing establishment is the crazy things he says. now the concern is the competence of his operation. i think the melania dust-up, first of all, that she's the first victim of his pirate ship sort of campaign style is sort of a tragic irony. she's the most innocent sort of actor in the entire operation, that she's the first victim to the chaos that surrounds everything his campaign does is sad. i'm sure that makes him disappointed that he hasn't built up an effective operation. >> she did a great job with her speech. >> she did a great job. this doesn't fall on her shoulders, it falls on the operation behind her and suggests it's incredibly weak. you can beat back an "i'm too fiery" with a straight talk defense. you might not like the muslim ban but people fight back
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because they're scared. >> especially, john heilman, if your entire argument has been there are a bunch of idiots in washington who don't know how to run the federal government, if you look like you don't know how to run a campaign, wait until you get a $4 trillion budget and you're in charge of hundreds of thousands of people and you're running the world. >> you can't get melania's speech again. >> as you're seeing, they aren't being much of a trump campaign in a traditional sense. the argument has been, he's gotten so far, don't worry about it. it's been hypothetical. here was like a tangible thing where not having a real campaign had a real victim, and the real victim happened to be the nominee's wife. you went around the hall last night, mike and i were walking around talking to people, senators, governor. this is where the house divided kind of comes into play. a lot of they see folks want to make go for trump.
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they see something like this and say, i have other doubts about trump, but when the incompetence is on display this way, it makes it that much harder for people on the fence, the republican establishment, party followers, to kind of say, okay, i'm ready, let's go. >> it's funny how 24 hours later the party is still letting melania take the fall. we've shown two professional speechwriters came in and wrote a speech. what we've learned now is that melania trump and perhaps somebody else ignored that speech for the most part and went through and found the michelle obama passages. typically they would run out to protect the candidate's wife, and here we are 24 hours later, and she's still front and center. >> by the way, i've never seen anything like it. they are making the candidate's wife take the fall. even leaking to the "new york times" that this was melania. they were leaking all day yesterday that this was melania.
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and it's staggering, and here's the thing. even if -- let's just say melania decided to put those words in there, which nobody believes. but let's just say she decided to put those words in there yesterday and plagiarize the speech. >> or did it inadvertently. >> or did it inadvertently. which, again, let's be very clear, we don't think she did that. it's still the campaign's responsibility to vet the speech. so everybody on this campaign that's trying to throw melania under the bus, by doing that, you are inadvertently throwing yourself under the bus, because there are supposed to be campaign workers that vet the speech. and they just didn't do that. i wonder how long the candidate is going to allow his wife to be thrown under the busby his campaign. >> and his campaign looks stupid. still ahead, why that plagiarism error with melania's speech led to scrutiny of don
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jr.'s speech last night. >> with don jr. a star is born, right? >> yeah. i could tell on the floor, even. >> there were people saying this guy has a future as well. his dad, brand new to politics. >> the question, did he lift material, too, is also being asked? just ahead, governor chris christie will join us on set. note to chris, we love you. please don't say it wasn't plagiarism. and don't use the word female and we'll be good. governor mary fallin, the house leader. and representative kevin mccarthy. you're watching "morning joe" live. >> this concept that michelle obama invented the english language is absurd. look at the comments of laura bush in 2004, i think you'll find something similar. because safety is never being satisfied.
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notes he wrote on each and every one of them. contrary to what you might expect from someone who places emphasis on results, my dad's comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the classroom. just not even focusing on the letter grades themselves. donald trump has never done anything halfway, least of all as a parent. >> we're still americans. we're still one country. and we're going to get it all back. we're going to get it back better than ever before. i know we'll get it back because i know my father. i know that when people tell him it can't be done, that guarantees that he gets it done. i know that when someone tells him that something isn't possible, that's what triggers him into action. >> mark halprin, i heard this
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earlier, but you say in the hall after don jr. spoke, even bush was saying a star is born. >> he's so new to all this. he got emotional last night. i talked to him about it afterwards, the moment for the family is such a big deal. but his performance skill is quite something. he is a conservative. he's not, quote, unquote, just a son who is there to cheer his dad on. he believes in a conservative movement on a lot of issues. >> he's far more conserve ative than his father. >> he has a record of being nothing but conservative. he was on the floor and he chose to put new york over the top. they let new york and the family put him over the top, then don jr. gave the speech which has gotten great reviews, and his ability to combine an idealogical agenda, conservative agenda to testify for his dad, i thought was a great anchor alongside chris christie. >> when he spoke last night, i
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thought there was a more kind of traditional, conservative policy agenda. he was speaking in the way -- if it wasn't donald trump jr., you would expect a lot of republican speakers would be at a republican convention just laying it out. not anything super bold or super innovative, but like the basic rock-ribbed republican posse agenda laid out in the way his father never does. >> the power of the family is they're immune from all the icky stuff that empowers the candidate. so there was a risk for him in going there, but they pulled it off. it's risky for a spouse or a kid to make that political argument, to make the negative case against the opponent. they're usually untarnished by the ugliness of a campaign, but he went there and did it very well. >> a great speaker. >> the family has been incredible so far in terms of their performance on stage. we still have eric tonight and
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ivanka tomorrow night. i think one thing they need to do is show a little humanity about his father because he's a big cartoon character everybody knows from tv. tell me a regret he's had. they've talked about the love they have for him which is really nice, but they need to humanize him more. >> i think you'll hear that from ivanka, but she's got a lot of experience in the public eye, more than her brothers, and i think they're building toward her speech in a very major way. >> so there were more allegations of plagiarism on night two of the republican convention after donald trump jr.'s speech echoed a news conference from this spring. >> our schools used to be in the middle class, now they're stalled on the ground floor. they're run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers. >> so trump's words were near verbatim of what conservative writer f.h. buckley had written
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in the american conservative magazine this last may. but frank buckley said, except it wasn't stealing. he said in a following interview, it was much ado about nothing. i was a principal speechwriter for the speech, so it's not an issue. >> so he used his words in the speech. that's fine. >> we do find a scapegoat unlike melania's speech. >> i think melania's speech opens the question up for everybody. >> it does. we're hearing now reports that melania turned to someone she trusted, meredith mcgyver, a new york city balanlerina dancer. >> the ballet dancer mcgyver
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gets you in trouble. >> mitch mcconnell and others have done a lot of speeches, the romney convention. they have had experience in the past of turning in drafts of speeches and seeing them altered in dramatic ways. this time apparently the original draft was basically ripped up entirely -- >> by whom? >> the "washington post" and the "new york times." there was still some am biguity about what happened. ms. mcgyver was brought in, who apparently has a valuable place in the trump world, and she was written in to write this speech. what happened next is unknown. how we got to plagiarism, that's still not totally clear. but this woman is apparently in the milddle of that story, and
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just what we know about her credentials, it's not clear how she was put in front of this task. >> what's amazing is mcgyver said she can fix a speech with nothing more than paper clips and ball bearings. >> she's basically a friend of the family. >> yeah, and say she wrote it and lifted these passages. it still gets back to the earlier point, a campaign has the responsibility to vet it before every speech. >> i know we have to go to break, but the one thing we've seen over and over again is the family getting in the way of the story. i mean, some of you are sort of management ideals or values are to sometimes keep the family out? >> i would always be stunned when i would walk into a fellow congressman or congresswoman's
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office and we would start talking about issues. and they would say, no, i can't do this because, and fill in the blank. family members against it. and i would say your family member's against it? and we would be talking about policy. they weren't elected. and politely said, everybody has their place, but you hire with taxpayer money policy people, and you can't be vetoed by people that know nothing about politics, that know nothing about policy, that swoop in and tell you, no, don't do that. and the family -- we've talked all morning about the family doing great things for the campaign and speaking, but there is nobody in this family that has ever run a political campaign before. >> or picked a vice president. >> or picked a vice president before. >> that is exactly why you get your family out of management,
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or at least have them managing it with somebody that's actually done it before. >> family shouldn't be in charge of speeches. >> this family is really close. they vacation together, they were in business together -- >> my family is really close, too. >> the reality is the family business is now trying to win the white house -- >> if i decided to be a brain surgeon tomorrow, i wouldn't have jack and kate and andrew and joey around going, "scalpel?" listen, this is the thing that is really insulting to me, and i'll say this directly to the donald trumps. you' you've never done this before. yes, you won the primary. this suggests that because you're close as a family, you can run this a something that wasn't as complicated in the past 40 years is handing the presidency to hillary clinton. let me say this to republicans who say, oh, you just need to
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blindly get behind your guy. no, not my guy. hillary clinton not my candidate. if republicans want to beat hillary clinton, it is time to bring on professionals who have done this since "happy days" was in prime time. and they don't have anybody that's done it, and the answer is not the family. >> or chachi. >> this is where paul manafort comes in. he is as experienced a hand as there is in republican politics. >> he's experienced ukraine. >> let me tell you about paul manafort. when he came on board, i have been as enmeshed in politics as anybody in america since 1994, knowing capitol hill, knowing whatever, if it's on tv or whatever. you know what my first question was when i saw paul manafort taking over? i said, who is paul manafort? they said, i think he worked for gerald ford. no, doesn't count. that's like bjorg borg with his
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metal rakcket. >> the family defended him when he went to war with corwin lewandowski so the family is doubling down on him, but the family should consider beefing up the circle around him because he's rusty, obviously. >> i'll say this about the family. if you're in campaign management school and you said, should the candidate be reliant on the children he loves just because he loves them? >> who have never been involved in politics on any level. >> just like the ballerina negotiator. >> it's a matter of reality. it's not going to change. the kids -- >> what are they going to lose? >> were one of the kids in charge of melania's speech? >> i don't think so. >> were one of the kids in charge of melania's speech? one of the kids or in-laws? i'm just asking the question again and again, because the answer, probably, ultimately, is
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yes. sorry. >> the thing is, it's a question of, do they want hillary clinton to be the next president or not? it's that simple. it really is that simple. you got to bring in people that have done this before, again, since 1976. the world has changed really quickly. i brought up "happy days." garry marshall such a wonderful man. we've had nhim on "morning joe" before. he was such a great man to love at a distance. he passed away last night, but what an absolute total legend and great guy. all right, we'll be right back with much more on "morning joe."
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now you can watch nbc's coverage visit of the rio olympic games live at home or on the go. so up next, we have mike barnacle. did you drive here in the truck? >> i know where the truck is. >> and michael steele joins us for the pages. "morning joe" coming right back. donald trump : i love the old days; you know what they used to do with guys like that when they were in a place like this? they'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody
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and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? it's like incredible. when mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy - ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like, "i don't remember!" our children and grandchildren will look back at this time... the choices we are about to make. the goals we will strive for. the principles we will live by. and we need to make sure that they can be proud of us. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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. alabama, the home of national champion football teams, alabama and auburn. >> missouri, the birthplace of talk radio! >> i'm from the state of idaho where we have famous potatoes. >> on behalf of the great state of minnesota, home of 10,000 lakes, home of spam. >> the sunshine state, home to disney world. we are the state that gave lebron james his first two championships. >> wow, now. all right. joining us now -- >> personally i preferred the idaho deal. i'm a potato. >> legendary columnist mike barnacle, nbc political analyst and former chairman of the republican national committee, michael steele. nbc white house correspondent, cleveland's own kristen.
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>> you're looking at the "new york times'" main editorial. >> i think this is a good one here. the speaker's dance. mr. ryan has revealed himself to be a weak opportunist far from the ideals he made himself out to be when he secured the vice presidential nomination four years ago. it probably hasn't been easy to engage in the political casualty needed to simultaneously reject and embrace mr. trump, like he's tried to do. while condemning mr. trump's faithful utterances, mr. ryan has been careful not to criticize mr. trump himself. it's not normal to ban muslims from the nation, yet he failed
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to challenge the person who said it. a cynic would say mr. ryan has nothing to lose. either he gets the bombastic unpredictable mr. trump as president, or he survives to seek the presidential nomination in 2020. but whatever the outcome, mr. ryan seems already to be what mr. trump typically calls a loser, a once promising politician who has lost his way. >> michael steele, this has been -- >> ouch. >> -- a brutal year for paul ryan. he did the country, i believe, and his party a favor by stepping up and becoming speaker when he had his eyes on the white house. 2016 -- i've got to say, it's been rougher on him than any political figure this side of jeb bush. >> there was never any promising trail for the next speaker of the house, whether it was paul ryan or anyone else. you're going into a presidential election where you have a very, very diverse field from inside
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the party. you have this asymmetrical player by the name of donald trump. you're sitting there and you have the balance of base, you still have your caucus, conservative caucus inside the house that's pushing you one direction. you have others inside the party that are pushing in another. there was this balancing act that he would always have to carry out. and the danger at the end of it was the future for him. >> but the crime is the balancing act. >> and, chris, i think -- i think the most devastating line not only for paul ryan but the entire republican campaign this entire year, and it encapsulates the year, is when he said, yes, what donald trump said epitomized racism but i'm still supporting him. >> and how many times did he say "donald trump" in the speech in front of the group that had just nominated him. twice i think he said trump? this is the speech where he was trying to make that balance, and it doesn't work.
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we've all seen him do it the other way. we've seen him when he can stand up and be that young, promising leader. i sometimes look at john baynor who is obviously from ohio, he looks ten years younger. anybody who has gotten out of the party seems to be relieved, and paul ryan is going to have to step up again. >> paul ryan, long seen as a man of ideas, idealistic since his early 20s. he has known for what he believed in, he has fought for what he believed in, and this year he has had to veer off wildly from that and try to balance things, but the center doesn't hold here for him. >> i don't know about that. i mean, i think he still is a man of ideas. i think he still has a future, because we live in a country where people have amnesia. no one will remember friday what happened today. i mean, a year ago today we had a candidate for president of the
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united states who is now the nominee of the republican party who said that john mccain is not a war hero, and he, donald trump -- >> that's his friend, mike. that's not paul ryan's friend. >> but it's not our brand. >> i'm just saying paul ryan won against brand when he completely jumped off the reservation of what his brand is. >> what is brand now? >> honestly, sticking to his guns on policy. >> i know what his brand is. he's still going to be speaker of the house when he comes back. his larger problem, i would think, would be if, indeed, donald trump became president nd and he's the republican speaker of the house -- >> he's going to have to carry the administration, and that's difficult to do with a house caucus that is clearly not in that corner. still to come this morning, governor chris christie in the house, representative kevin
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mccarthy. "morning joe" from cleveland is coming right back. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at seeknows how it feels points to see your numbers go up,tes
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what four years of hillary clinton will bring, all the failures of the obama years but with less charm and more lies. >> chris christie, tough last night on stage, but i think it's fair to say four years after that hug with barack obama, he was accepted back into the arms of the republican party. >> redemption is sweet and he laid out the prosecution of the case against hillary in a very meth methodical manner. last night he stacked it one by one by one, and when he did that, you began to see the complete tableau of hillary clinton and it wasn't pretty. >> you both speak as if there is a republican party. chris christie spoke on the heels of the republican convention, plus mary fallin who is speaking tomorrow.
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if you had found a speechwriter had done that, would you fire that speechwriter? >> probably. melania trump said you work hard for what you want in life. acon said work hard for what you want in life. melania trump said the strength of your dreams and the willingness to work for them. sparkle from "my little pony" said, this is your dream.
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a simple google search of three phrases comes up with everything from sparkle pony to john legend to acon. >> we will dolcome back to "mor joe." dai it's day three of the republican national convention. host of mp daily, chuck todd, also nbc political analyst, michael steele. >> how bad is this? they're putting on a show and just a huge catastrophe. >> melania's speech is in a very bad position because of their own internal controls, check these speeches before they go on the teleprompter. that's one process. that has to marry up with the campaign's process. there's no process on the campaign's side, so that was the big problem.
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>> they're in the worst position ever. >> they are in a horrible position where they have to play cleanup for the candidates. >> exactly. which is why you have the chairman saying one thing and the communications director saying something different. they're trying to triangulate that gap between the party and the campaign. >> do we really think that somehow they said they're triangulating the speech? >> that's exactly the case. then how else do you explain -- are you saying they're not talking to each other? of course they are. >> i think what ryan said in the morning and they tried to clean up. >> what ryan said in the morning made sense to everybody, including sean. but then it became clear that by the time sean had to go out, the smoke signals had been sent by the trump tower. we are going to deny, deny,
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deny. sean spicer probably had the hardest job of anybody yesterday because he had to follow the campaign. at the end of the day, the rnc knows if donald trump loses by one or two points, they maybe keep the senate. if donald trump loses by five or six points, they lose the senate. they're not out there defending donald trump, they're out there defending every senator and congressman and congresswoman fighting for their lives. >> paul manafort really set the tone for the trump response yesterday. it was this aggressive, anti-clinton attack. i got my hands on this memo. it was talking points for trump. one of them was 93% of the speech is accurate, only 7% is up for review. and governor chris christie in new jersey used that same line in one of his interviews, and you heard a lot of the trumps say the clintons are back at it. that was in the memo. go after the clintons. make it about the press, make it about the clintons, don't talk about the speech exactly as it
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was. >> nobody believes that. when you saw hillary clinton at the united nations, you knew immediately she was lying. you didn't know how long it would take for all of the lies to unravel, but they unraveled. the same thing here. and i will say the only thing the campaign did well yesterday was stop the candidate from lying in front of a camera, or lying in a tweet, pretending this wasn't what it was: plagiarism. >> i actually felt bad for sean spicer watching him on tv. i knew he had been sent out with this memo where he had to compare melania's speech to sparkle on "my little pony." he was making a case and had to keep a straight face. >> runyon got pulled out by don jr. a few hours later. there goes my credibility. >> if you're sean, if you're a republican that wants to get on
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board, you're saying, let me get this straight. first we're saying it's a great speech, then three hours later we understand that there's plagiarism, then the campaign one hour later says there was a team of speechwriters, and then three hours later in the morning, manafort is pushing back on it, and then so sean and the rest of the rnc have to respond to that, and then don jr. pulls the rug out from under. it's just chaos. >> and, really, in the grand scheme of things, i think they could have ripped this band-aid off quicker, sooner and really gotten over it. i mean, because nobody wants to be piling on melania trump. there is -- i think -- >> this isn't her fault. >> they could have ended this quicker and gone -- look, i think it is starting to fade. i think they'll get over this. but, boy, it's just a reminder of how they've got a lot of
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structural infrastructure. >> it's very symbolic and that's problematic. >> the takeaway from this is how they don't really have a campaign organization. >> that's the big picture. it's also murky about who actually wrote the speech. i've been trying to report who is going to take responsibility for these prepared remarks? you have two former bush speech writers saying they prepared a draft and that draft was scrapped, then you have a person saying it was a trump organization, a ghostwriter for the trump family, she was involved. >> robert, do you want to know what it was since we can't get the answers? it was a member of the trump family, and that's the bottom line. are we all going to sit around and pretend it was someone else? a ballerina did it? come on! >> simple explanation? there is a reason why donald trump has not said anything. that to me is the biggest tell of all. >> that's what mark halpern said yesterday morning at 6:30 p.m.
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they're not firing anybody, michael steele, because there's nobody they can fire. >> it's inside the inside. it is within the family, and they've lost control of that. again, i go back to my first point. it's because they have no internal process that's transferrable and connected to the broader process that the party already has in place to help avoid this exact kind of situation. >> i was going to say, chuck, i think it was your show yesterday tom cotton was on with you and i saw him last night at the convention. he made a speech two nights ago. he said there was vetting. he handed in his speech to the trump campaign, somebody looked over it. he got some notes back. he said it was mostly for time, not content. but it's not like nobody is looking at these speeches. there are eyes on the speeches. so yes, the campaign doesn't have all the proper fail-saves a typical campaign would have, but it's not like nobody is looking at the speeches. >> this has to be something different. this fell into a different
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category. >> so mika, let's pull back a little bit here. look at this from 30,000 feet. monday -- everybody would suggest monday was a failure. the convention was a nightmare. it's exactly the wrong way to kick off a convention week. but last night certainly inside the arena, at least, a lot more energy, a lot more excitement, and a more successful day on day two. you can check day two off as positive. >> there were certainly some bright spots. i think donald jr. is one of them, chris christie is one of them. but it was disorganized. it took a long time to get to things. i think it kind of went late. didn't it seem to be delayed? >> it ended on time but it was abrupt. >> there was some weird hiccups. >> they still -- basically, as soon as don jr. finished, again, the arena empties out.
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so shelly capito was supposed to be the issue speech because they want to hit clinton hard on the coal stuff. you could tell there was a point they wanted to make, but again, if the most interesting speaker, however you want to put that, unique speaker, in this case don jr., you put that person first, not last in the 10:00 to 11:00 hour, people are going to bail. and the room emptied again. they ended on time this time. they did do that. you could tell they did speed that up. >> these are high-profile women senators who you want to elevate and showcase. >> a lot more energy inside the room the second night than the first, right? >> a lot more energy. but you studied the conservative movement, joe, and a big question still looming over this convention is what's the argument republicans are making to the country? they're making an anti-clinton case, they're introducing donald trump to the country on a
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personal level. but you didn't hear a lot of idealogy. you heard some of it from speaker ryan, you heard trump's friends talking in a populist way about trade and immigration, but this was not a case on the idealogical, conservative side of things. >> that's what i was thinking while i was literally watching the ufc guy. >> dana white? >> yeah. and i was sitting there thinking, there are so many people speaking at this convention that just like bob said, who aren't making the republican case or the conservative case. in past conventions, you would have one policy speech after another policy speech, and while there are some people in the trump organization that might think that's boring, that's actually why you have conventions, to try to talk people into voting for you instead of the other person. that's not happening here. >> there are a lot of people talking about donald trump's business success and his instincts, and that's what dana white talked about. donald trump was one of the
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first on board with the ufc. i think people get that. what they want to hear is, is he going to be a conservative president? i think you might get some of that from mike pence who was chosing to bee inn to be a conse president with trump. >> the entire republican primary has not been about the substance of policy. they almost come out with a 40-point plan that people are falling over to read. that's not this race. it's not been the idealogical race which is how someone like donald trump is able to go from 1% to the nomination, past a ted cruz, past a marco rubio, who have the philosophical perspective to bring to the argument. this is not the race we typically would see. donald trump is taking advantage of that. yes, there may be some policy tonight from pence, but the base itself, broadly speaking, is not in that space. they want someone who is just going to be that fighter for
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them going up against hillary clinton, which is why the hillary clinton stuff gets the big -- >> we talk about policy. who is at the center of conservative policy for the past decade? paul ryan? we're not even talking about paul ryan. he has been completely eclipsed by trumpism. he's been damaged by trumpism. he's been compromised politically by trumpism, and as the "new york times" -- and i'm not one who usually quotes the "new york times" editorial page -- editorial when the paper does it themselves, but they have it right. he has been twisted into a pretzel this year and it has been very bad for him politically. >> it was interesting, his speech. i think if you line all the speeches up for monday and tuesday, which one of these is not like the other, it's ryan's. that thing was a chicken breast, there was so little red meat in it. it was -- you could tell it was one that he wanted to say, i want to be positive.
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he talked about his poverty agenda. he wanted to go there. i think there were two mentions of trump, just about him being the person that would sign these bills and help with this agenda. he's still trying to keep his persona. you could see he's trying to say i'm supporting the nominee but i'm trying to preserve my own political personality. but i don't know, i think -- is trump a tattoo or a stain on paul ryan? >> what have the ryan people been thinking over the past several months? what are they thinking right now about how this impacts his run in 2020? >> i saw some close friends of speaker ryan off the floor, and they were watching ryan, and it was a strange moment, because you think back four years ago, paul ryan is there at a republican convention as the vice presidential nominee. it's a different party, a different time making the case on entitlement reforms and sweeping tax cuts, and now he's there to introduce donald trump,
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to make sure donald trump secures the nomination. and they say ryan believes the party could still shift back to those jack kemp style politics, kind of the uplifting brand of republican politics that focus on poverty and tax cuts, but they're not that sure about it. >> here you have the would-be future of the republican party, paul ryan. he's on early in the night, he's not highlighted by the trump campaign. the room wasn't really paying attention to this the speech. it was kind of a listless room. he didn't seem like his heart was in it. he was kind of going through the motions of supporting donald trump because he had to. this is the guy who still could be the future, but he didn't feel like it last night. >> you just said something that i really want to just go around really quickly before we go to break. you said his heart wasn't in it. again, i've been watching -- i've been going to convention since '96. i've been actually watching conventions since i was a young kid. the first one i remember were starting in '72.
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i have never seen a convention where everybody seems to be going through the motions. their hearts aren't in this. i don't know why. >> well, don't you think it's because the convention is filled with a lot of the professional, political class inside the republican party, professional activists -- i don't mean saying they're not true activists, but just sort of the traditional activists. but they're looking at the numbers. and i can't tell you how many -- there is -- nobody is sitting here trying to say, oh, yeah, i think we can definitely win in november, right? you don't hear that case. it's, i hope we survive. i think that's what it is. you can't find people that think, all right, maybe this convention can get everything on board. >> i don't think people have been given a reason to believe yet. >> but i think this event,
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trump's enthusiasm that he has, hasn't come here because his people aren't here. this is the professional activists. >> i was thinking back to philadelphia, the last time we had -- bush was going to be the guy that delivered republicans from clintonism. and starting on monday, you couldn't walk around the floor. i mean -- do you remember? you couldn't move. and it was monday. >> they thought they were going to win, that's why. don't you think? everybody came to town when that convention started. they believed they were going to win the white house. >> and i remember when george w. bush, a guy who wrestled with the english language, a guy who had had -- a guy who had had so many awkward moments, he was not ronald reagan. but i remember when that guy came on stage thursday night, it was as if zeppelin was playing a concert in '71. the whole place went absolutely
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crazy, and now just to see how flat it is inside the hall, i just -- i've got to say i don't know -- it doesn't seem to bode well for what happens in the fall. >> i wouldn't put too much stock in what you're seeing and feeling in this hall. keep in mind, joe, that you've -- these delegates have been pounded for the last -- particularly the last month. all the drama about, you know, stop trump, dump trump, all the pressure to convert and move from here to there, the energy has been sucked out of this convention before the convention even began. >> yeah. >> so the fact that you expect people to go rah, rah on a tuesday night is a hard get at this point. but outside these walls, it's a very different vibe. you talk to nicolle's brother,
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you talk to people where they are -- >> i love this, "the walls." outside these walls -- thank you both. still ahead on "morning joe" -- >> outside these walls we're someone paul manafort represented in past lives. governor mary fallin of oklahoma joins us. so does representative kevin mccarthy. but first -- >> it's easy for the leaders to say not us, not now. we've sat silently by and let them get away with it. but tonight, i say enough. tonight i say together, let's make a much different choice. tonight we are speaking up for ourselves and stepping up. tonight we're beginning to do what is right and what is necessary to make america great
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again! [ cheers and applause ] >> yes, he stole it! he stole it! plagiarism! no. that was chris christie speaking at the rnc not this year, but in 2012. maybe it was. he joins us next as four years later he's speaking on behalf of a much different nominee. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection
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we'll get there. america and the world are measurably less safe and less respected because of the iran deal that hillary helped cut, period. hillary clinton, as an inept negotiator of the worst nuclear arms deal in american history, is she guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> as a fraud evaluator of dictators and failed strategists who has permitted russia back in as a major player in the middle east, is hillary clinton guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> hillary clinton, as a coddler of the brutal castro brothers and betrayer of the family of fallen state trooper werner foster and his family, is she guilty or not guilty? >> guilty! >> and here at home for risking american secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up? >> guilty! >> wow.
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wow, wow, wow. joining us now, fresh off his -- i'm nervous to the republican national convention last night. new jersey governor chris christie, how are you? >> i'm fine, how are you? >> i don't know. am i guilty or not guilty? i don't know. >> you're definitely guilty. very, very guilty. >> as charged. >> so i commented this morning, there has been an element in the republican party that didn't know whether to love you or hate you, still holding back -- >> that was my own family. >> -- in 2012 because of the hug with obama. last night had to feel really great having the entire republican party actually respond to you more energetically than anybody else who has been here this week. >> it's because of the case i'm making. i don't think it had as much to do with me as it did --
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>> they were really cheering loudly when you walked out there. the whole place was electric. it was nice to see. as a friend, it was nice to see. >> listen, as you said earlier, it beats the alternative. i just thought last night i really needed to make the case slowly and methodically, factually against hillary clinton. the problem is that, you know, people get -- in my party often get so angry about her that they yell and they scream and they use kind of, you know, divisive language that doesn't get to the core of my problem with her. >> like "lock her up." >> yeah. >> that made me nervous. i know you didn't do it. >> let's face it, the core of the problem with her and the thing that got the crowd more and more heated up last night was i was reminding them of every one of her miserable failures. and so the core of the problem with hillary clinton is that people do nothing she's worthy
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of the president. not based on past scandals, based upon the very resume is that tshe uses as proof that sh deserves to be president. when you look at that -- i saw stuff on the commentary afterwards and watched the liberal commentators twist themselves into pretzels -- >> why do you do that? do you read comments on articles, too? >> no, i don't, but i keep my tv on this station so when i turn it on i don't have to do any changing of buttons. i'm talking later than nicolle. >> as did you your call and response, you heard the "lock her up, lock her up." it's not the first time trump
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supporters have chanted that. you've looked at evidence, you've studied the e-mail case. do you believe she should end up convicted of something, or put in prison for what she's done? >> she should be convicted, absolutely. i have great respect for jim comey, and i've told everybody this. i told donald this a number of times. i think jim comey is a smart, good guy, but here's the problem. he forgot his job. because loretta lynch is so absent from this, so compromised herself by meeting with president clinton on the tarmac, jim comey thought he had to be fbi director and prosecutor at the same time. so you say, as a reasonable prosecutor, i might not bring this case. my point to jim when i talk to him about it might be, when the fbi guys came in and said, bring this case, we decided, or if they said don't bring this case, we decided, he should have just laid out the facts privately,
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quietly, and made the attorney general make this call. if i were the person looking at that evidence, i bring the case. >> why do you think he didn't? >> it wasn't his job to, right? he couldn't stand up and say bring the case, he didn't have the authority -- >> but he could recommend charges. >> he could, but i think that would be very difficult for him to do publicly which is why i think the whole public part of it was a mistake. the problem is the attorney general is so compromised ethically, she can't say one way or the other because she decided to take a meeting. by the way, let's clear this up. she's got fbi agents that are guarding her all the time. when he came to the plane, let's assume that the story is the way they said it it is. old bill just came wandering across the tarmac, hey, looks like the attorney general's plane. let me go see her. the fbi would just go in and say to her, excuse me, attorney general, former president clinton is outside. anyone with any kind of common sense at all says, tell the president thanks a lot.
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not the best time for us to talk. >> you said you trust the professionalism of jim comey. you've known him, you worked with him. why do you think he didn't recommend the charnges? >> i think it was too much for him to do at one time. he had to be the fbi director and it was a lot for him to bite off. i don't think he was in the tank. i just think he was wrong. >> you were in the u.s. attorney's office. >> i did. >> so you're used to working with fbi officers. >> all the time. >> why do you think this investigation took so long? >> mike, it's hard to say. but i would tell you that i think when i was dealing with very high-profile political cases, which i did a lot of, as you know, man, you got to make sure, as they say in the fbi, it's a head shot. you've got to make sure that you've dotted every i and crossed every t, because you know the person on the other side is going to have the best legal counsel money can buy, the
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best investigators, and they're going to take your case apart even if it's a great one. so you've got to make sure. my guess is that's why it took so long, because you don't want -- you can't swing and miss on this one. if you're going to go and try to take out a high political figure and you swing and miss, bad news. so you have to make sure. >> you were one of the first to get on the trump train, and some might argue that the easier thing to do here would be to go after hillary clinton and to get her at all her weaknesses, especially from your perspective with your expertise, and you did that with great talent last night. what about donald trump as a leader? how can you honestly reassure people that he can be trusted, that he tells the truth, that he is a republican and not a democrat, and that he will promote policies that really help widen the conservative movement and bring more people into the party? i can't think of one person who
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has actually said that -- >> who is the nominee that's done all that? i mean, you know, since ronald reagan, who is the nominee who has done all that? basically we haven't won a broad victory in an election in the republican party since george bush i in 1988. i'm not going to warrant every one of those items for you. >> how about one? i'm serious. >> first of all, i've known him for 14 years, and i trust him that when he gives his word he's going to keep it. and secondly, i would say to you, this is not like a political science class. this is the real world. there is a binary choice here. it's donald trump or hillary clinton. donald trump was not my first choice for president. i was. right? it didn't work out. and so as a result, you've got to decide -- and i said this to jeb bush the other day. it's chicken or fish, man. it's one or the other.
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>> i tried that, too. it didn't work. >> it's a binary choice, and every republican who is not working for trump is working for clinton. it's just the way it is. >> so you can't get there. you can't see the bush family's perspective, that they simply -- john kasich, who was insulted by paul manafort really blowing up the first day of the convention. you're friends. you and i both worked for 43. you can't see how people can arrive at the point where they're with donald trump? >> no, i can't see where people are at the point where they want hillary clinton. i would love to live in a world where i could say, well, i don't like the choice of my own party, therefore i'm just going to sit it out. but the absolute result of sitting it out is a hillary clinton presidency. so when she no, ma'minates her ultra-liberal justice in the supreme court, i would look at
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my friends like jeb bush and john kasich and say, satisfied? your conscience is pure now? excellent. good for you. but the fact is that he will make good choices for the supreme court from the perspective of a conservative, and certainly much better choices for the supreme court. >> how do you know? >> because i've seen the list of people he's talked to and i've spoken to him about that, joe. >> you and i both know while we were voting for republicans and while we were working for republicans and while we were fighting for republicans, donald trump was a democrat. donald trump was giving money to hillary clinton. donald trump was saying that hillary clinton would make the best president -- that she would make a great president. he became a republican a couple years ago. how do you convince conservatives that have fought for the cause their entire lives that this guy is not going to completely abandon them after he becomes president? >> what i convince them of is there is a very good chance he won't do it, and there is no
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chance hillary clinton won't. again, joe, i go back to this being a binary choice. this is not about sitting here and saying, gosh, if the world were perfect from my perspective or your perspective. that would mean i would be the nominee for president and you would be the nominee for vice president and life would be perfect. it would be incredible. >> intensity determines who wins and who loses. >> right. >> barack obama had it in '08, he had it again in '12. we're not talking about jeb bush or john kasich, we're talking about all the people, the type of people that would knock on doors for you and me, put hangers on doors and aggressively go out and fight for a candidate. >> you're not going to find that today in gross, large numbers after a 17th person primary where everybody was split up into more pieces than the party has ever been split up in my lifetime. i've seen good people who were friends of mine and supported us over the years who were with three or four different
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candidates over time, over the last 9 to 12 months. we take some time to bring that back together and donald is the kind of person who is not necessarily going to reach out and be warm and fuzzy, give people a hug and say be on the team. >> they can't even seem to run a campaign effectively, the family seems to be split right now. mike halpern reported yesterday that actually melania did not go out to see mike pence being selected because she was angered by the way the children had taken the process over. it seems that there is disarray and chaos inside the campaign even among family members. if they can't run the campaign effective effectively, how do they run the government effectively? >> well, donald has run it effectively enough to win 38 states and beat 16 other people, me being one of them. now the time has come for them to pivot at this convention to a
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general election footing. and that's going to take adjustments from everybody, from the candidate first and foremost, and for everyone in his orbit. they'll have to adjust from a new world to a general election world. i think he has begun to do it. he is not totally there yet. and i'm hoping what what we're going to see thursday night is the more complete pivot into a general election mode. >> does he need to expand his campaign operation just beyond family members and paul manafort? >> sure. of course. >> that would be a yes. >> will he do it? >> him? you know more than anything else, what motivates donald trump is winning. more than anything else, what motivates him is wanting to be a winner and not wanting to be a loser. that motivates him. >> i've taken a tally and 93% of what he said was original content. >> that's pretty good.
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>> if 93% of what i say is original content, it's a huge day in the christie household. huge, huge day. >> thank you, chris. always good to see you. coming up -- thank you for the verdict. they're not donald trump's most vocal supporters, but the top two republicans in congress probably could have said a little more about donald trump in their speeches. paul ryan here in cleveland last night. we'll hear from paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. "morning joe" is back in a moment live from cleveland. [ applause ] ♪ ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit... veggies... and herbs needed to create a pop-up pick-your-own juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows... we have some of the freshest juice in town.
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. coming up this morning. >> how boring is this debate going to be? the first podium is empty, then you got the woman who has already won, the human lorax and three mannequins from a joseph a. bank. i'll give you a reward right now if you can name any of those guys. >> chuck woolery. >> and that may have been right. i don't even know. >> colin yost and michael che
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45 past the hour. it was a long road to winning over their support, but last night the most powerful republicans in congress addressed the crowd in cleveland. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell entered the convention hall to a chorus of boos, but he and other top leaders focused their attention more on hillary clinton and passing a true conservative agenda in congress than on the nominee himself. for mcconnell, the "washington post" tallied 24 mentions of the
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democratic nominee and just five for trump during mcconnell's speech. during speaker ryan's 12-minute speech, just two mentions of trump. here are some of the attack lines from last night. >> hillary clinton is the definition of status quo. >> what does the democratic party establishment offer? they are offering a third obama term brought to you by another clinton. >> when innovation advances technology, hillary clinton uses it to put american's secrets at risk. >> she lied about her e-mails. she lied about her server. she lied about benghazi. she even lied about sniper fire. she even lied about why her parents named her hillary. hillary has changed her positions so many times, it's impossible to tell where the conviction ends and the ambition
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begins. >> i just don't think it works because i don't think they believe in trump. is that the bottom line? i don't know. joining us now, republican strategist and former general counsel to the republican national committee, ben ginsberg. ben, do they believe in their candidate? you can pound away at the opposition all you want, but if you don't believe in your guy and you have nothing to say, what are you really doing? >> it's what chris christie said, it's a binary choice and that's the thinking. >> so they don't believe in trump? >> they're going to let the case for the candidate be built tonight and tomorrow night. more trump children, mike pence, and ultimately the nominee himself, and he's the one who needs to build that case. >> nicolle, help me out here. at these speeches, aren't they really excited about their candidate? aren't they really hopeful about the conservative platform, and aren't they really, really sort of behind everything that he stands for? >> they're both. listen --
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>> but where was that yesterday? >> it's missing, and i think -- ben and i were sitting next to each other and i said, this is sort of the guys who used to hate trump speaker night. paul ryan came around very late and very reluctantly. at least everyone that spoke has now endorsed him. >> i don't think they like him, nicolle. they don't even say anything about him. >> i think it's accurate to say they're not enthusiastic about him. the room didn't feel much enthusiasm because paul ryan didn't feel much. paul ryan was on the stage longer than i think anyone else last night because he was presiding over the vote. you almost wanted to, like, give him a hug and free him, you know? >> he seemed miserable. >> it's a different kind of election, too, because this is the two least popular candidates in presidential history. so you're going to hear more negativity from both sides. >> so next week you're going to see the same thing, just going after trump and no excitement about hillary clinton? i think you're wrong if you would say that.
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i think there is going to be -- >> there will be both. >> this time next week, i believe the democrats will literally erase any ground gained, if any. >> donald trump will be a target rich i mean, mark, am i being rude here? it really seems like nobody likes their candidate. >> none of the people we just showed had as their first choice donald trump. i think two things are making this a possible alliance. one is they're resigned to this. the roll call took place. this is their nominee. they now believe that trump can do well enough to keep them from losing their majorities. the better trump does, the more likely mitch mcconnell stays the majority, paul ryan stays the majority. they have a self-interest in
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donald trump doing well enough to keep their jobs. >> we have to start building a little bit of an affirmative case if you're a republican. hillary clinton, they had the lock her up chant last night. tonight i think they need to start talking about -- maybe mike pence is the guy to begin talking about why donald trump is the right man to be president, not just why hillary clinton is the wrong woman. >> they really need to do that. >> the press says what's the bounds between the positive case and the negative case? i think you'll see more of the positive case, particularly tomorrow night. >> ahead, kevin mccarthy joins us live for an exclusive interview.
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the chair announces that donald trump, having received a majority of these votes entitled to be cast at the convention has been selected as the republican party nominee for president of the united states. >> and good morning. it is wednesday, july 20th. we're live again from cleveland. >> cleveland! you know what they call cleveland? >> what do they call it? >> city of champions, baby. city of champions. and it is. >> along with us we have former communications director for george w. bush nicole wallace. >> she doesn't sleep. >> are you all right? >> we'll see.
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it's early. >> you're holding up well. >> cohosts of with all due respect. >> willie geist is here. >> we walked in to -- i wasn't supposed to tell anyone? yes, he gets mobbed. >> so cute. >> the cavs won the title. cleveland indians have the best record in the american league as well. >> good job. >> i'm really hoping, i need an indians fleece. i'm really hoping not to wear this five days in a row. if i could get an indians fleece here. >> can we talk about the fact that i'm getting a truck today? i should be at least. >> you should. >> where is mike? >> just waking up now -- how
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many people are watching us now? >> 73 million. exactly. >> this is a big day. for those of you who do not, mika made a bet with mike barnacle. he said that donald trump would never win the nomination. you said i will bet you a truck. >> when do i get a real pickup truck that i can drive away? donald trump is now officially the republican presidential nominee which makes me a pickup truck owner. the businessman and first time candidate was nominated by senator jeff sessions of alabama and put over the top by his four eldest children casting the votes of the new york delegation. >> it is my distinct honor and great pleasure to nominate donald j. trump for the office
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of president of the united states of america. >> i have the incredible honor of not only being a part of the ride that's been this election process and to watch as a small fly on the wall what my father has done in creating this movement. it's not a campaign anymore. it's a movement speaking to real americans, giving them a voice again. it is my honor to be able to throw donald trump over the top in the delegate count tonight with 89 delegates. and another six for john kasich. congratulations, dad. we love you. >> indiana governor mike pence was declared the vice presidential nominee. with the ticket complete, trump thanked the convention via satellite. >> a little over one year ago i announced my candidacy for president. with your vote today, this stage
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of the presidential process has come to a close. together we've achieved historic results with the largest vote total in the history of the republican party. this is a movement, but we have to go all the way. >> so let's just stop right here. willie geist, we said it in august, september, october, november, when everybody said it would never happen, kept holding up the newspaper reading the date saying, it's happening, it's happening. i think in the midst of all the chaos and controversy, we really should just press the stop button for one second and just talk about how extraordinary this is that donald trump is the republican nominee. >> this is the guy who's flirted with it many times. became a cry of wolf. nobody believed he was going to do it.
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he did it this time when no one thought he would do it. then he stayed in the race. he rose up from 1% in the polls, got through the summer of trump, made it through the fall of trump. the argument after that was, well, people say they like him because they're mad at government. they're not actually going to vote for him. then comes new hampshire. the dominos begin to fall. it was a remarkable moment. you heard donald trump jr. make the announcement. it was a moment to press pause and say, wow. whether you like him or hate him, this is a remarkable moment in american historian. >> the one moment that was so hard to get past early on wasn't donald trump at 1% or 2%. there have been other politicians that have began campaigns at 1 or 2%. the numbers that were the most staggering at the time and say, gosh, this guy is so unpopular, he'll never win, were his
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disapprovals in the 60s among republican primary voters and he turned those around quickly. >> not just disapprovals but in the polls that would ask, would you ever evnever ever vote for the numbers were in the high 60s for people who said they would never vote for him. in the course of a year he turned the numbers from 60-30 never and flipped them upside down. never seen anything like that in my career. >> laughed at by the intellectual establishment, by the political establishment, by the media establishment. i mean, this guy was completely discounted as a complete joke. people stormed off our set in disgust when we said -- >> that he'd be relevant.
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>> and that he would make a defense. >> not that he might be able to win the nomination. there were a lot of people upset when we said he'd even be relevant. there was a moment -- a lot of the political class and the media class watch our show. so something will happen on the show and i'll hear from a lot of people. we'll all hear from a lot of people. i think the moment that people. stopped and said, wait a second, there's something happening out there actually was a moment we showed your focus group of new hampshire voters and somebody in that crowd said i believe something along the lines of he's one of us. >> just like us. >> he's just like us. and everybody gasp. e ed. there was a collective gasp between political and media elites. >> every four years we pick nominees and there's always a
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combination of factors, primarily the mood of the electorate and what the person is offering up. and donald trump -- we all know he's unlike anyone else not just who's ever won for president. i think he's unlike anyone i've ever met. he understands a lot about the electorate and the current mood of the country. he's been saying the same things for decades about what's wrong. what he's been saying suddenly matched up with a lot of people in america with that ability to talk to people in a way. don jr. said he's a blue collar billionaire. he understands working class people. he talks like a guy from queen, not like a fancy guy. people like it. >> my brother, your dad, but here's the question, is this broad enough? has donald trump just figured out a massive version of micro targeting for the republican party? i'm dead serious. >> good question. >> because we talk about how
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extraordinary it is what he's accomplished and yet last night more people voting against him, more delegates than since gerald ford. the thing i've noticed, all the empty chairs. >> yeah. >> i've noticed a lack of enthusiasm which changes a bit last night. but i've been to every convention since 1996. i've never seen empty chairs like i have this one. i've never felt the lack of enthusiasm. maybe that changes by thursday night. but let's tell both sides of this story. this is a house divided. >> yes. >> he is so polarizing that even at his own convention it's a room divided. he's such a polarizing figure. i was thinking, my parents were onto what you're describing well before i was. last august i went home and i had worked for the bush family and i said -- no, no, we're trump people. i was aghast. he really is the first politician to completely ly bl
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all of us and people who have done this before. to his credit, he did it without any of us. >> let's get to the highlights of the night. in spite of the theme being make america work again, many of the speakers sought to contrast donald trump and hillary clinton. delegates repeatedly broke into chants of lock her up. this time during governor chris christie address which took on the tone of a mock trial prosecuting the case against clinton. >> america and the world are measurably less safe and respected because of the iran deal that hillary helped cut, period. hillary clinton as an inept negotiator of the worst nuclear arms deal in american history, is she guilty or not guilty? as a flawed evaluator of dictators and failed strategists who has permitted russia back in
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as a major player in the middle east, is hillary clinton guilty or not guilty? hillary clinton, as a coddler of the brutal castro brothers and betrayer of fallen state trooper foster and his family, is she guilty or not guilty? and here at home for risking america's secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up? >> guilty! >> so chris christie was the prosecutor, no doubt about it. he did his job very well up there. it was electric inside the hall. but there was a concern. all those chants of lock her up, the concern that they went from being enthusiastic to -- >> nasty. >> to being nasty. we heard that even from republican senators and others that said too much. >> there was some cringing in the hall when the lock her up
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chants went out. jeff flake put out a tweet as he watched and said come on guys we can prosecute the case against her without suggesting she be thrown in prison. usually it's just spout benghazi. he laid it out case by case reminders why you should be against hillary clinton. but he was calling out guilty or not guilty. it was sort of uncomfortable in the hall. >> for chris christie here's a guy who four years ago was mocked and ridiculed for hugging barack obama. >> yeah. >> it certainly was a triumphant return to center stage for chris christie. >> yeah. i thought he was a pretty calm adult voice in the room up on the stage. again, he laid it out the way a prosecutor would. >> yesterday we had mike murphy on our show and mike said one of the purposes of a national convention is to reach outside
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your party base, expand your coalition, right? so what in the course of the last two nights, putting aside the performances, good and bad of individuals, what has the party done in the last two nights to expand, to reach out beyond its base? when i watch lock her up, that's a message that totally revs up the republican base. but is there anybody outside the republican base who hears lock her up -- >> and wants to be -- >> this is the sort of thing that i would always say. you're playing to your home crowd. you're playing to your home crowd. i see an abc news poll from last week, a shocking poll, 65% of americans think she should have been indicted. only 35% don't think she should have been indicted. yes, i wish the crowd hadn't have chanted lock her up, but
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this sentiment goes well beyond the republican party. my initial reaction, your initial reaction -- then i remember that abc poll. there are a lot of americans who think that comey gave her a free pass. >> it goes back to something we've been saying which is the only democrat donald trump could probably win a general election against is hillary clinton. and about the only republican hillary clinton could win a general election against is donald trump. not to put too much on her shoulders, but i this ivanka trump tomorrow night is going to expand the message. we'll see next week in philadelphia an array of national figures, president obama, michelle obama. mike pence will be solid but chris christie is one of the few people in donald trump's corner who can command a national audience. that's a big thing for him and a big thing for trump. >> still ahead on morning joe,
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the first woman to serve as oklahoma's governor mary fallon joins us ahead of her address to the convention. plus live from cleveland it's saturday night. snl cast members are here to preview their special editions of weekend update. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free.
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. i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote. contrary to what you might expect from someone who places an emphasis on results, my dad's comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the class room. donald trump has never done anything halfway, at least of all as a parent. we're still americans. we're still one country. and we're going to get it all back. we're going to get it back better than ever before. i know we'll get it back because i know my father. i know that when people tell him it can't be done, that guarantees that he gets it done. i know that when someone tells him that something is impossible, that's what triggers him into action.
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>> i heard this from willie as well earlier, but you say in the hall after don jr. spoke, even bush people were saying a star is born. >> he's so new to all of this. he got emotional last night. i talked to him about it afterwards. the moment for the family is such a big deal, but his performance skill is quite something. he is a conservative. he's not just a son who's there to cheer his dad on. he believes in the conservative movement on a lot of issues. >> he's far more conservative than his father. >> last night on the floor -- they chose to let new york put him over the top, not ohio or florida. they let new york and the family put him over the top. then don jr. gave a speech which has gotten great reviews. his ability to combine a conservative agenda was i thought clearly the anchor of
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the night along with chris christie. >> there was more kind of a traditional conservative policy agenda. he was speaking in the way if it wasn't donald trump jr. it was kind of the way you expect a lot of republican speakers would be at a republican convention, just laying it out, the basic rock ribbed republican idealogical agenda laid out in a way his father never does. >> it struck me. the power of the family is they're immune from all the icky stuff that attaches itself to the candidate. there was a risk for him in going there but he pulled it off. it's risky for a spouse orch ki to make the argument and he did it very well. >> a very skilled speaker. >> the family has been incredible so far in terms of
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their performance on stage. we still have eric and ivanka. one thing they need to do is show a little humanity about their father. he is this big cartoon character that people only know on tv. tell me about a time he was vulnerable, tell me about a regret that he has. >> i think you're going to hear that from ivanka. she has a lot of experience in the public eye, more than her brothers. they're building toward her speech in a major way. >> there were allegations of plagiarism on night two of the convention after donald trump's speech echoed a magazine column from this spring. >> our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. now they've stalled on the ground floor. they're like society era department stores that are run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers. >> trump's words were near
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verbatim of what a conservative writer had written in an american conservative magazine this past may. the writer immediately responded to allegations of plagiarism except it wasn't stealing. it was much ado about nothing. i was a principal speech writer for the speech. it's not an issue. we do find out who the scapegoat is for melania's speech. >> unfortunately melania's speech opens this question up for everybody. >> it does. we're hearing now reports that melania turned to someone she trusted, meredith mciver, a new york city based former ballet dancer and english major who has worked on some of donald trump's books including "think like a billionaire". >> break this down for us. the ballerina named mciver. >> can't make this stuff up.
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>> you go to -- matthew skully john mcconnell have done a lot of speeches over the years for a lot of republican spouses. they have had the experience of turning in drafts of speeches and seeing them at altered in dramatic ways. the speech was ripped up entirely. >> according to whom? >> there's some ambiguity about what happened. both newspapers report that this woman meredith mciver was brought in, somebody who apparently has a valuable place within the trump world was brought in by melania trump to fix the speech. what happened then is still unknown. how we got from this draft by these professional speech writers to plagiarism is still not totally clear. this woman is apparently in the
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middle of that story. on the basis of what we know about her credentials, it's not obvious that she should have been someone put in charge of this. >> mciver said that she could fix the speech with nothing more than paperclips and ball bearings. i don't know how she did it. >> she's basically a friend of the family. >> yeah. it still gets back to your earlier point. a campaign has the responsibility before its sent into the teleprompter to vet it. every speech. >> i know we have to go to break but the one thing we have seen over and over again is the family getting in the way of the story. i mean, some of your sort of management ideals or values sometimes keep the family out? it's a mess here. >> i would always be stunned when i would walk into a fellow
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congressman or congresswoman's office and we'd start talking about issues. and they'd say no, i can't do this because and fill in the blank, family member's against it. i would say your family member's against it and we'd be talking policy. i'd be like, they weren't elected. i politely said everybody has their place, but you hire with taxpayer money policy people and you can't be vetoed by people that know nothing about politics, that know nothing about policy that swoop in and tell you, no, don't do that. the family we've talked all morning about the family doing great things for the campaign and speaking. but there is nobody in this family that has ever run a political campaign before. >> or picked a vice president. >> or picked a vice president before. >> neither has the candidate, right? >> exactly. which is exactly why you get
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your family out of management or at least have them managing it with somebody that's actually done it before. >> family shouldn't be in charge of speeches. >> this family is really close. they vacation together. >> my family's really close too. >> the reality is the family business is now trying to win the white house. >> if i decided to be a brain surgeon tomorrow i wouldn't have jake and kate and andrew and joey around going, scalpel? this is the thing that is really insulting to me. i'll say this directly to the trumps. you've never done this before. and yes, you won the republican primary. but to suggest that just because you're close as a family that you all alone can run this without something that hasn't done something this complicated in the past 40 years is handing the presidency to hillary clinton. let me say this to republicans who think, oh, you need to just
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blindly get behind your guy. no, not my guy. hillary clinton, not my candidate. if republicans want to beat hillary clinton, it is time to bring on professionals who have done this since "happy days" was in prime time. and the answer is not the family. >> or chachi. >> this is where paul manafort comes in. >> i'm sorry. gerald ford -- come on -- >> his experience is the ukraine. >> paul manafort, when he became on board, i have been as enmeshed in politics as anybody in america since 1994, knowing capitol hill, knowing whatever. you know my first question when i saw paul manafort was taking over? who's paul manafort? they said i think he works for gerald ford. no, doesn't count.
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that's like getting bjorn borg in wimbledon. >> the family picked him, the family defended him when he went to war with corey lewandowski. the family should consider beefing up the circle around him. >> i'll say this about the family. of course you're right if you're in campaign management school and you said should the candidate be reliant on his children who he loves just because he loves them? >> who have never been involved in politics on any level. >> and the ballerina ghost writer. >> just a matter of reality, it's not going to change. >> well, then they're going to lose. >> were one of the kids in charge of melania's speech? >> i don't think so. >> were one of the kids in charge of melania's speech, one of the kids or in-laws? i'm asking the question again
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and again because the answer probably ultimately is yes. sorry. >> listen, the thing is it's a question of do they want hikllay clinton to be the next president or not? it's that simple. you've got to bring in people that have done this before since 1976. >> coming up, governor chris christie is ready to put hillary clinton on trial but it's the jury of novoters this november o will have the final say. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle?
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it was huge. did you see melania? she stole the show, literally. she delivered her speech like a true first lady. that first lady being michelle obama, but still. she might have plagiarized some of it, but you've got to admit she did it harder, better, faster stronger. and you can quote me on that. >> wow. digital media is a huge part of the 2016 race. it's safe to say that politics will never be the same. it's not just the candidates changing the game. it's also the companies keeping up with the action. tom brokaw got a firsthand look. >> on the second floor of a parking garage the future is here. >> we have 30 million subscribers. >> the digital universe made up of dozens of booths. >> two and three people who are following the presidential candidates on instagram are voting age millennials. >> in the last 24 hours 8.5
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million americans posted almost 30 million opinions on facebook alone. at google second by second snapshots of what the voters are thinking. >> people are searching donald trump and police, donald trump and race issues, isis. >> four years ago data such as this had a 36 hour lag time. now it's mere seconds. >> that's the one thing we don't know. >> much of social media is political. they serve up the news. you decide. conservative news organizations use social media to expand their social views. >> we have over two million facebook likes. we articulate news and information that people can't get elsewhere. >> until recently, candidates depended on newspapers, television networks and cable to get their messages out. donald trump became the first
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digital intense candidate, combining rallies with traditional media and the new forms, especially twitter. the question is can he keep it up and tweet his way to the white house? >> and tom brokaw joins us now. also we have nbc chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell and chris jansing along with willie, joe and me. tom, first of all, the fact that you could see literally the searches scrolling through -- >> every nano second. you've got to see it firsthand. it's very hard for us to keep track of what's going on there because the digital universe is so wide and it happens at warp speed. but it is in my judgment the box top, it's the voice of the people who are online and they're talking to each other
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and they're talking about the candidates. so on one hand it's great for democracy. on the other hand it's very hard to know what's true and what's not. you don't have a filtration system. it keeps coming at you, bang, bang, bang. >> it's the age of trump. >> it is the age of trump. he's changed a lot of the rules. >> he has. >> that's one of the rules he's changed. there were a lot of operatives out there who got millions of dollars running campaigns. and then they come upon a guy who simply tweets and doesn't cost him a dime. >> there is no filter and there can't be. but the bottom line it doesn't replace, it augments and maybe sup soupe supercedes.
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let's not comment but just say here are the facts. this is what was just said and let everyone decide what they want to choose. >> for example, there was a lot of criticism about how this convention has rolled out. there are a lot of rough parts to it. there was almost no talk about whether there's plagiarism in her speech. they were responding frankly to the larger issues. by the way it was 50-50. it was trump and hillary side by side. >> wow. >> it's changed politics so much. i was talking to the folk whos run the rapid response for hillary clinton. it shocked me. in 2008 barack obama was on the cutting edge of all this social media stuff. his rapid response did not include twitter. that's how far we've come. think about the candidacies that were built through social media. ben carson really had a facebook following that became a campaign. when you look at what happened with bernie sanders, that money
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was raised from kids who donated $27 each who got engaged because of social media. and the melania trump thing all blew up because of social media. >> trump's campaign has spent zero dollars on tv ads. he can go past the media. he can tweet to 10 million followers what he wants to say. he famously said having my own twitter account with 10 million people is like owning the "new york times" without having to take all the losses that come with it. >> when you think about donald trump versus the super pac supporting jeb bush and the other money that jeb bush raised, that's the greatest contest i think in this case. the interesting thing is that what i underestimated is that donald trump came into this with such a huge following from reality tv. millions and millions of people who watched him over 13 seasons on apprentice, for those of us who are moving around so much and are not watching reality tv,
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frankly, we didn't realize his brand was out there and then he built on it with social media, which was brilliant. >> he was easily the best known of all the candidates. the rest of us pay attention to jeb bush and governor kasich and chris christie. those are figures across america who are kind of not well known. trump was well known. he came in with a big head of steam and then he kept building on it with his rallies. he went to see the senate leadership. one of them said to me we we started in kind of an engaging way and we said mr. trump we have issues that we need to deal with as a well. wait a minute, it's not about issues. i put on a show. the reason i'm doing so well is i get 25,000 people come to my show. two different worlds. >> not just well known. it's win thing to know someone's name. but if you asked millions of americans before this election
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started, do you know who donald trump is? of course. what do you know about him? he's successful. >> the brand that you build when you do a reality show is you have to have somebody who's like the star and who's in charge, right? every single personality in reality tv is manipulated. he is manipulated to continue the brand, so that's got to be positive. >> here's what's remarkable this week about the donald trump brand, what two words did he say that made him famous? >> you're fired. >> what are the two words he needed to say this week, but he couldn't bring them to his lips? >> true. >> i'm serious. what a great irony. >> it's telling. he can't say it and he needs to. >> sometimes retaality tv doesn match up with reality. i suspect though, with no information and no evidence, i suspect there will be a pretty massive campaign adjustment after the campaign. i don't think anybody's going to
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do -- i mean after the convention. i don't think they'll do anything disruptive here. i don't think at the end of the day donald trump can allow his wife to be hung out to dry this way and not have -- >> the lead story in today's "new york times" taking all of the leaking against melania. how do they do that? >> they've been leaking against melania since this story started. >> i have a contrary point of view. i don't think the country cares about whether he copied only words. we've made a big deal about it but i think they're saying i'm worried about healthcare. i'm worried about where my job is going to come from. >> i think it's a man thing. he's not sticking to brand. >> thank you. coming up this morning on morning joe. >> we've had two great nights. the first two nights were
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dedicated to the themes of making america safe again and last night making america work again. i think in both of those themes we achieved our objectives. >> paul manafort gives the convention high marks. >> there you go. >> we'll give our own after this. those new glasses? they are. do i look smarter? yeah, a little. you're making money now, are you investing? well, i've been doing some research. let me introduce you to our broker. how much does he charge? i don't know. okay. uh, do you get your fees back if you're not happy? (dad laughs) wow, you're laughing. that's not the way the world works. well, the world's changing. are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab. are those made with all-beef, karen? yeah, they're hebrew national. but unlike yours, they're also kosher. only certain cuts of kosher beef meet their strict standards.
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and her senior thesis was about saul. this was someone that she greatly admired and that affected all of her philosophies subsequently. now interestingly enough let me tell you something about saul. he wrote a book called rules for radicals. on the dedication page it acknowledges lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom. so are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges lucifer? >> okay. my teeth hurt. what was that? >> that was a long way to go. >> that was like a big windup. >> andrea mitchell? >> he just connected hillary clinton to satan. i don't know. maybe that's a hill hyperbolic.
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she also knows kevin bacon. >> i was trying to follow this. first of all, saul olinski was somebody that barack obama as a community organizer read but also hillary clinton. it's a chicago community, you know, symbol. but the lucifer dedication and hillary clinton, i thought that the lock her up response was great in the room, but i'm not sure how it plays with swing voters. that said, where is the love for the nominee? >> there was none. >> you didn't feel it in the hall. you didn't feel they motional vibe that you usually feel at a convention. >> up next, the number two republican and house majority
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leader kevin mccarthy on how the presidential ticket impacts the balance of power on capitol hill. oklahoma governor mary fallon also joins the conversation. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight
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. 53 past the hour. joining us now house majority leader kevin mccarthy of california who addressed the convention last night. also with us governor mary fallon of oklahoma who speaks tomorrow. also with us nbc news kroes correspondent hallie jackson. >> kevin, a completely different convention than what we've used to coming to. explain. >> the makeup is defereifferent delegates. mar mary is going to talk tomorrow. >> thursday night. >> they react different. if you listen to these speeches they respond when people talk. it is a different feel, especially that first night. >> governor, it's a different convention, different delegates. is it a different republican party than what we've used to? >> i think it is a different republican party. we are seeing a lot of people
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who have never been involved in politics get involved in this election cycle. there are a lot of people who have come to the convention that have never been to one. this is so exciting. so it is different. the schedule i think is a little bit definite. maybe n maybe not the way i would have done it. i've seen some speakers before speakers and people who are back to back that maybe i wouldn't have put together. there is excitement just for the election itself and maybe a lot of worry. 75% of the people think america's going in the wrong direction. so you see a lot of interest in this election. >> to put you both on the spot a little bit, there seems to be -- and i haven't heard your remarks yet obviously. but there seems to be a focus on hillary clinton, on her negatives. there's a lot to work with. i get that. is there a lack of enthusiasm for the candidate?
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can you give me an honest answer for that on both of your parts? >> i think you're going to see -- >> compared to other conventions even? >> is it a different floor? there's people that have never been before. they're more excited than they've ever been. we're in the process of trying to unify this party. i think pence helps that. but in each convention you'll see whoever the nominee, it's historical that people layout the arguments against. but i always think the best thing is layout an idea and a vision for the future. if you watch the house republicans, we're trying to make it about policy not personalities. >> you talk about this idea of going after hillary clinton and making the arguments. we heard the chants last night of lock her up. senator jeff flake talked about that's jumping the shark. what's your response to that? >> look at what i talked about.
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i talked about the differences for the last eight years and what's the -- >> has the party jumped the shark? >> it's a little rough. >> there's going to be things said on both sides, on both conventions. it's a time for enthusiasm. what i really think has to happen when we get past these conventions is what is the vision for the future? is it going to be status quo or a new direction? what's happening across this country, let's not live in a bubble here. things are changing in this country and around the world. if you think it's not, i don't think status quo wins. >> whatev are you talking about tomorrow night? >> i think you had a valid point. they're talk sing so much about hillary clinton. but tomorrow night i'm going to
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be talking about what the republican party stands for and remind people here's our party. join us if you believe in these principles and ideals, if you believe we don't have fair trade in the world, if you believe we've got to do more to defend our country and stand up against people who threaten our way of life. if you believe in building jobs, a strong economy, those type of things, that's what i'm going to be talking about. >> thank you very much. great to have you both on. we're not done yet. guess what? there is still much more ahead on "morning joe." day three of the republican national convention as vice presidential nominee mike pence takes center stage, as well as three of trump's former rif eee. where self-proclaimed financial superstars pitch you investment opportunities. i've got a fantastic deal for you- gold! with the right pool of investors,
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ssoon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. now get a swiss gear backpack for only $10. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ♪ welcome back to "morning joe." an extended hour today. it's day three of the republican national convention. >> by the way, day three of this show as well. it's never going to end. >> this is usually the hour of the morning we all get together in the film room and go over the tape. >> hold on. before that what do we do? >> bloody marys.
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>> we get our cigarettes out and smoke and then we call the orphanage and make sure the kids are going okay. >> we've been doing this for almost ten years and that joke has been going for ten years. okay. with us onset in cleveland managing editor of bloomberg politics mark halperin. and hallie jackson back with us. i guess she wants a bloody mary. >> do we have them? >> yeah. well, there you go. >> order up a bloody mary for her. willie, the fix -- he's got glasses. >> look at this. >> -- that match the tie.
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>> i had hundreds of ties. >> so donald trump tweeted this morning. >> oh, good. >> he's back. >> congratulations my children, don and tiffany on having done a fantastic job last night. i'm very proud of you. but still no comment on his wife's speech that had nearly word for word matches with michelle obama's 2008 address and really kind of threw -- was that the first day? there's a new report that says melania trump personally revised her speech with another trusted hand, meredith mciver, a new york city based former ballet dancer and english major in college. i was an english major. she has worked on some of donald trump's books including "think like a billionaire." the candidate's wife is being
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bla blamed. i don't blame her. paul manafort has new comments this morning. this will be good. when asked whether anyone will be held accountable. >> we really don't know what was done and who it was done by. as far as we're concerned the speech was melania's speech. >> it's melania's speech? what was that? >> i didn't get it. what happened? >> i don't -- he -- i don't know what he -- this is now day three of this. >> yeah. >> which it just -- they should have just said, look, this is what happened. this person helped her. we had speech writers write it. it was a mess up. she's embarrassed, we're embarrassed. but we want to focus on making america great again. >> what's extraordinary about this is here we are in day three of this and they continue to throw the candidate's wife under the bus. the story leaked to the "new york times" directly pointed the
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finger right at the candidate's wife and said it was all her fault. everything that the campaign has been leaking since this began blames the candidate's wife. i've never seen anything like it. >> the trump campaign is unorthodox. it's produced a series of firsts. this is a first. i've never seen anything like it in the context of a convention where there's a news vacuum. they've done nothing to exonerate her. >> they've done the. opposite, have they not? >> as much as the facts are known, between don jr. last night and anticipation for tomorrow night, they may just bull their way through it. they are attempting to basically fill it now with their speakers and hope it goes away. >> i just wonder if donald trump is going to sit for another day
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and watch his wife be dragged through this and finally say enough. that's his own campaign manager by the way. >> he's not normally inclined to comment on news. >> he has no vehicle to do so. >> i'm surprised it's gone this long with his wife being thrown under the bus, something she absolutely does not conservative by his own campaign, by the way. >> let's remember, the speech was really well received. he has ability to talk about that as well and hasn't in a day. >> i think the time has come that there are real experts at the table with real experience under their belts. i'm not sure why paul manafort is in that category. otherwise you have someone described as a ballet dancer and english major in charge of melan melania's speech at the republican national convention, the candidate's wife, the nominee for president of the united states, her speech, her debut on the national stage? >> this is -- it's sort of like
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if unorthodox has worked -- and he became the nominee yesterday. >> now it's just sloppy. >> but you're like, hey, this person is an english major. they know about writing. that's what you get. >> let's talk, hallie, though, about paul manafort. >> okay. >> paul manafort was brought onto do one thing, make sure that when donald trump got the most votes, they got the most delegates. he's the delegate guy. that was phase two of the campaign. corey lewandowski, phase one, helped win the primaries on a shoe string budget. phase two, let's actually convert all those wins into the nomination with delegates. and manafort has done his job. there are a lot of people around on the convention floor saying, okay, manafort's done his job, it's time for him to move on and go to phase three. >> phase three being -- >> figure out how to win a
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general election. >> i think there's a sense that's a little bit of an uphill climb. i do agree the children's speech -- you saw from don jr. the delegates loved tiffany trump. she was the one who helped humanize donald trump in a way that you haven't seen. the idea what when you go after hillary clinton chanting lock her up, she should be in prison that's not necessarily a direction of attack that every republican agrees on. >> speaking of don jr., though, he knocked it out of the park, right? a star is born. >> between he and chris christie, those were the two biggest reactions in the room. these are people who don't do this for a living. these are not politicians. they're not just not politicians, it's their first time ever in this arena. >> do you guys agree with that, don jr. and chris christie, the two guys that knocked it out of the park?
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>> if you take don jr. and the selection of mike pence, people say they need to reach out to the center, they need to expand. they need to secure the conservative base. donald trump sr. has been a conservative for the last several years and a republican only recently. donald trump jr. is a conservative his whole life. that matters a lot. i heard from a lot of delegates that said if that's the son he raised, that guy's got to be somewhat conservative. >> i thought he did a really good job. to willie's point, this is hard. it's hard. it's stressful. it's difficult. i thought the thing that his message was really good -- we drove the big riggs. we talked to hanging sheet rock. that's really good stuff. remember rick santorum tapped into this, the sort of blue collar populism in the republican party. donald trump you look at him and think that guy's not a blue
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collar populist. donald trump jr. did a good job of selling the idea that this isn't a guy who sits in the board room. this is a guy who gets his hand dirty. i think that's a piece of donald trump that we've not really seen and an appealing piece. and especially when told by the son, i was there, i drive these trucks. >> the one thing we've always just marvelled at is these kids are great. and i think the point we need to make today is that what they're doing on stage is exactly what they should be doing. but campaign strategy, i would say maybe perhaps leave that to the experts. >> being a surrogate is not the same thing as being a strategist. >> there's a mediating role. manafort and other political professionals are there. my sense of things is they're playing a mediating role to kind
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of balance out and say we want our dad to be true to himself. >> they're playing a really strong role. >> they are. and your concern or criticism to say that's too much, pros should be doing it. there's no question there's some of that. but my sense is that more of what they're doing is trying to create around him a structure where they've seen him thrive. >> we have talked even before donald started running, talked about knowing him for ten, 11, 12 years. and any time anybody asked us what's donald trump really like, we always talked about the kids. so the kids going out and wowing the counted -- >> th -- country. that's not surprising to us. that's the thing that the great disconnect between donald trump. you said either a cartoon character, he kind of plays this
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sort of avengers role or something like that. but you get him off stage and you see him with his children, you t talk to his children and you're like wow, there's something there. like he's obviously a good father because of the way the kids have turned out. >> that's, as i said earlier, ivanka and maybe eric tonight too need to humanize their dad a little bit. you love your dad, he loves you. that's great, but tell me a story about him. tell me about a story where he was vulnerable. to most of the country he is the apprentice. >> what's he like as a dad? i thought the tiffany trump stuff about the report cards -- >> adorable. >> that is something that you can latch onto and say my dad always wanted to see my report cards. >> so speaking of donald trump jr., there's some reporting out that we've confirmed actually that he has
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made over april and may some overtures, the trump campaign did to john kasich for the vice presidential slot. and i'm being told by an aide that don jr. is the one who made that overture. donald trump would be doing that make america great thing, and you would be handling a lot of the foreign policy. it's interesting because it describes or gives some insight into what the trump campaign knows it needs to do moving forward. with the pence pick, the campaign knows they need to bring up some of those grassroots conservatives. a kasich pick would have allowed them to get some of those voters. >> did he say no when donald trump reached out? >> yeah. i'm being told it wasn't direct to kasich. this was like a conversation among aides. >> the kids are all right. let's hear from the trump kids last night.
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>> i still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten because i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. contrary to what you might expect from someone who places an emphasis on results, my dad's comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the class room, just not even focusing on the letter grades themselves. donald trump has never done anything halfway, at least of all as a parent. >> we're still americans. we're still one country. and we're going to get it all back. we're going to get it back better than ever before. i know we'll get it back because i know my father. i know that when people tell him it can't be done, that guarantees that he gets it done. i know that when someone tells him that something is impossible that's what triggers him into
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action. >> you know, joe, we saw him also taking questions right after they called for new york. and he was -- he was very articulate, very quick on his feet, tough on the reporters. there's a lot of talent there. >> i'm sure a lot of republicans again last night watching don jr. deliver that very conservative speech, again, that had to sway them. we talk about donald trump being a democrat. donald trump is very pragmatic. if donald trump were a businessman in manhattan, kansas, he would have been a republican all these years. he was in manhattan, new york. he was a democrat. and he said it, because i had to get deals done. >> adapted to his environment. >> yeah. >> both campaigns to some extent agree what this race is about. will donald trump be seen as an acceptable alternative? you think about some of the
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traits that people associate negatively with donald trump, ungracious, rude, mean spirits. some people see him that way and he's acted in a way to give people cause for that. those three kids are polite, they are gracious. >> to a fault. >> no question. amazing. >> the extent people see them last night and eric tonight, ivanka tomorrow, they will see people who reflect well on their father. a lot of people say could a father wi father who's not gracious raise three such gracious kids? >> they're going to see a child tonight who really hasn't ever been in the spotlight as much as don jr. or ivanka. >> lovely. >> eric, everybody that knows him and talks to him talks about he's a wonderful, gracious guy. i've never seen people come up to eric and eric not put down whatever he's doing and sit
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there and talk to them with a smile. incredibly gracious. >> we spoke just a couple minutes ago when i was doing the show over at the q. i said tell me about your speech tonight. he says i finished the speech, it's done. he said i'm going to be explaining the why, why voters should pick my dad as the next president. >> hallie jackson, thank you very much. coming up -- >> in libya and nigeria, guilty. in china and syria -- >> guilty! >> in iran and russia and cuba. >> guilty! >> and here at home for risking america's secrets to keep her own and lying to cover it all up. >> guilty! >> who's on the phone? >> it's phil griffin. >> hey phil, we're on tv right now. you told us we had to be on until 10:00. >> we'll play for you our
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exclusive interview with him. first saturday night live is on break for the summer but tonight, who do we have? >> colin jost and michael che. hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon... then quickly fell back to earth landing on the roof of a dutch colonial. luckily geico recently helped the residents with homeowners insurance. they were able to get the roof repaired like new. they later sold the cow because they had all become lactose intolerant. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. a universal expression of disgust, (vo) stank face. often caused by inadequate cat litter. if you or your a loved one suffers from stank face, the cure is tidy cats.
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♪ can you tell us which one is mike pence? >> isn't that him? >> that's a young jay leno. >> do i know what he looks like? he's got white hair and he's a white man. >> this guy? no. he's just from an ad for teeth. >> i don't know. >> this is mike pence. >> is it? >> trust him? >> nope. >> which one do you think is
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mike pence? >> let's see. right here? >> no. that's actually the dad from frazier. >> they all look like the guy from saw. that guy. i don't think any of these are. unless it's that guy. >> the rest of these guys are just bankers who killed their wives on law and order. >> joining us colin jost and michael che. they're hosting special editions of weekend update kicking off tonight on msnbc. >> as comedians would you say cleveland is a target rich environment? >> what are you implying? >> not the city but what's happening in the city. >> the things within it. we were going to be here anyway. we were like it's summer. you've got to get to cleveland. >> you're republicans? >> yeah, exactly.
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natural. >> major conservatives. >> we were hoping it would be a little bit more humid, but we're dealing with it. >> are you speaking tonight or tomorrow? >> tomorrow. >> what are you going to be talking about? >> donald trump. i'm going to run with him. >> are you going to knock pence off the ticket? >> i think so. i think me and donald make a great team. because i could be like, hey, hey, take it easy don. i tell you i stayed at one of those trump hotels. nice walls. >> there you go. >> the guy can build a wall. >> donald trump provides almost a dilemma to people in comedy because in some ways it's too easy, right? so what's your way in with him? >> mainly i just look up to him as a father, you know. so for me i just speak from the heart. i don't know. i think we were talking about it. >> i like to talk about what i
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like about him. everybody talks about what they dislike about donald trump. what do you like about him? >> yes. let's hear it. >> i don't like anything about hill. i'm kidding. i'm kidding. he's a nice guy. we met him. >> yeah. he's great. you can't ignore -- he's clearly tapping into real frustration people have in america. the things people say about him are like he's an idiot. it's so wrong. he's a billionaire. there aren't idiot billionaires. >> you guys say you've met him before? >> there are idiot billionaires. >> like who? >> forest gump. >> he didn't get the money from forest gump the movie. >> he didn't? i never saw the end. >> have you met trump? >> yes. he hosted the show. >> tell us about meeting him. >> when i met him, the first thing i asked him because he had the make america great again
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hat, i was like which year specifically? he didn't have a good answer. [ laughter ]. >> i think we landed on 1992. when clinton was president. >> that's not a make america great again hat. >> this is make the angels great again. >> tell me what people are going to see tonight if they tune into msnbc. >> we're not going to have an audience. we're going to be in the convention center right after mike pence speaks looking down on it. >> looking down literally. >> we're not going to be like, pence. i mean we might. >> so it's weekend update effectively. >> it's weekend update but it will be slightly different format wise. it might be talking through things on a topic level versus staring down the barrel of a camera telling a single joke. >> we don't have the studio
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audience. it's a little bit looser but a little bit more fun. >> and risky. >> very risky. >> i'm glad you said that. >> everything you said sounds like you're jumping off a cliff. >> yeah, these were things that should have been said to lorne michaels like a week ago. >> basically it's going to have the ambiance of tom snyder's shows. >> i remember tom snider from twisted sister. >> from three men and a little baby. >> plus, imagine following the excitement of a mike pence speech. >> that's it. you're done with. >> that is, though, going to be very interesting, going to be a challenge for you. again new york cio audience to
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of. >> it's going to be fun. but it's also what we were born to do. is that the grossest thing you've heard? >> we're all born to do something. i'm glad you were born to do that. >> no, man. >> good luck. >> it's going to be really cool. >> it's unique. when are we going to get the chance to do this again? >> four years. >> next week in philadelphia. >> oh yeah, great plug. >> you guys are going to philly and doing it there as well? >> yeah. we're going to go to philly and get some cheese steaks and stuff. i think they're famous for it. >> the special edition of weekend update airs tonight at midnight right here on msnbc. watch the coverage, watch the speeches and hang out with michael and colin. thank you so much. >> thank you!
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preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. ♪ up next, some of the rhetoric coming from the convention so far is not doing much to help the party's diversity problem. the chair of the department of african-american studies at princeton university joins us ahead. this extended edition of "morning joe" back in a moment. ♪ welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town in minutes or across the globe in under an hour. whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. in less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. and if you thought that was amazing,
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>> 44% of the hispanic vote. he narrowed the gender gap to a historic level that we haven't matched since 2004. are you proud that our path to victory is just to turn out more white guys? >> i don't really know what john add t and tom did to deserve that. they're like, hey, we were just coming for the bloody mary okay. >> she's just getting fired up about the rhetoric on the convention floor. joining us now chairman of african-american studies at princeton and author. and former advisor to senator rand paul elise jordan. definitely want to get your take on the melania speech debacle? is it's the media's fault? >> it's a disaster. in the aftermath it becomes
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apparent just how terrible it is. they hired the best speech writers in the business. john mcconnell and matthew skully are so incredibly talented. matt made sarah palin look smart. they're extremely talented individuals. they just ripped it to shreds and decided to plagiarize. >> you've been involved in this. you've been part of the speech writing process. you wrote something time magazine about every word being vetted. >> exactly. we would go through and have an annotated version and literal if president bush said i'm so happy to be in khere, we would annotat with the bushes have had a house for a century in maine. if you go into the hundreds of pages for a state of the union
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address, it is just -- i can't imagine how they put themselves in this position for her public entry into this campaign. they just blew it. >> let's talk about this republican convention so far and how i've been really taken by how they really seem to be reaching out to minorities, not only here in this city -- i'm joking, people. you can laugh. i guess the dryness has -- i take it from a man who believes barack obama is not sufficiently been concerned with the plight of black americans, you're probably not overwhelmed by this republican party's out reach. >> i'm very pleased. >> i thought that's high you were tearing up. >> exactly. the "new york times" reported today of the 2472 delegates, only 80 are african-american. then you think about george w.
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bush and think about the rhetoric of compassionate of conservatism and you think about where is compassion in this convention, i listened to rudy giuliani and i was already angry. when i listened to rudy giuliani and i heard the language of make america safe again and the kind of rhetoric that harkened back to nixon, harkened back to my own beloved south's response to the civil rights movement. remember, law and order wasn't a response to the riots. law and order was a response to the protests by dr. king and others. when you hear that kind of rhetoric and combine that with trump's plagiarism -- i'm a professor, i had to bring it up. i was thinking well she's not quite t.s. elliot. i don't think she was striving to be a mature poet. but the whole idea is there's nothing here in this moment that suggests that the america that
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they're referring to includes me, includes women or latinos. 44% for george w. bush. >> i thought nicole nailed it when she was talking about do we want to win? do we want to alienate everyone? i think it's a huge problem. we aren't seeing any improvement from the republican party on this issue. >> and the 2012 autopsy report. >> it's unbelievable. >> i went to a couple of those events and everybody sat and talked and even the most conservative conservatives said we need to do more to reach out to hispanics and people of color and everybody sat there and i'm sure, elise, you probably went to a couple of these things. and you sit here four years later and michael steel you go, okay, this is about as far away from what everybody was talking about in 2013 as we could
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possibly get. >> i don't even want to have the conversation anymore. i hate getting asked the question, because it is wholly irrelevant to where we are right now as a party. i said when i was chairman really one of the first meetings i had with every state party chairman in the country, i said, please don't look to me as the first black chairman to bring black folk into the party, because i don't live in your community. i don't know the head of the naacp in chattanooga, tennessee. i don't know the head of the urban league in bronx, new york. you have to be the ones on that front line because you best reflect the party, all right? so if you open up our heart and the doors, they'll come in. if you build a wall, so to speak, they won't. that's the reality the party is faced with. please if you see me, don't ask me how we get black folks in the party. you tell me what you're doing to bring black folks into the party. you tell me what you're doing to
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bring hispanics and i'll get behind that effort. >> for republicans it seems to me that the tragedy, politically at least, this was the party of lincoln. this was the party that dwig dwight -- eisenhower did very well. this party seems to be bending over backwards to offend the others. this has been a campaign about the others. >> you have the rhetorical side of this campaign, which is you're hearing here at the convention, which is hillary clinton is a criminal, she should be locked up, she'll be a bad president. does the melania speech thing matter? then there's the math which is where the election is decided. if you can't win more than 14% of latino voters, which was the poll this week for donald trump, you've got no shot. that was the argue number that
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autopsy report was that mitt romney was in the low 20s. if we don't get that up to 30 or 40%, nothing else matters. >> final word? >> we're not really going to address this issue of race in this country until we get rid of the bad faith that's at the heart of our conversation. we're going to have to examine the believes and assumption that informs how we really think about race. you could do all the rebranding, you could talk about all of the optics. until we get at the heart of it, we will find ourselves right back in this space. >> how much grief have you got saying you're not voting for hillary clinton? >> people have been taking me to the altar at church but not for prayer. up next, part of our exclusive conversation with governor chris christie coming up on this special extended edition of "morning joe." ♪
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♪ ♪ respect yourself ♪ welcome back to the bonus hour of "morning joe" in cleveland. >> you and i both know that while we were voting for republicans and while we were working for republicans and while we were fighting for republicans, donald trump was a democrat, donald trump was giving money to hillary clinton, donald trump was saying that hillary clinton would make a great president. he became a republican a couple of years ago. how do you convince republicans that have thought for the cause their entire life that this guy is not going to completely abandon them after he becomes president? >> what i'm convinced about is
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there's a very good chance that he won't do it and there is no chance that hillary clinton won't. this is not about sitting here and saying, gosh, if the world were perfect from my perspective or your perspective. >> right. >> i would be the nominee for president and you'd be the nominee for vice president. life would be perfect. >> intensity determines who wins and who loses. barack obama had it in '08 and '12. we're not talking about jeb bush or john kasich. we're talking about the type of people who would knock on doors for you and me, put hangers on doors and aggressively go out and fight for a candidate. >> you're not going to find that today in gross, large numbers after a 17-person primary where everybody was split up into more pieces than the party's ever been split up in my lifetime. i've seen good people who were
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friends of mine who were with three or four different candidates over time, over the last nine to 12 months. it takes some time to bring that back together. donald is the kind of person who is not necessarily going to reach out and be warm and fuzzy. that's part of the problem. >> are they prepared? they can't seem to even run a campaign effectively. the family seems to be commit right now. mark reported yesterday that melania did not go out to see mike pence being selected because she was angered by the way the children had taken the process over. it seems that there's disarray and chaos inside the campaign even among family members. if they can't run a campaign effectually, how do they run the government effectively? >> donald's ran it effectively enough to win 38 states and beat 16 other people, me being one of
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them. >> right. >> so now the time has come for them to pivot at this convention to a general election footing. that's going to take adjustments from everybody, from the candidate first and foremost and from everyone in his orbit. they're going to have to adjust to the new world of a general election world. is different. i think he has begun to do it. he's not totally there yet, and i'm hoping what we're going to see thursday night is the more complete pivot into a general election mode. >> does he need to expand his campaign operation just beyond family members and paul manafort? >> well, sure. of course. >> that would be a yes. >> will he do it? >> will he do it? i believe so. you know more than anything else, what motivates donald trump is winning. more than anything else, what motivates him is wanting to be a winner and not wanting to be a loser. >> we heard governor christie
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make the case that this is a binary choice, which is to say this is the nominee we have, he's not hillary clinton, so vote for donald trump. it's one that hasn't convinced john kasich or jeb bush, for example. i know you haven't been a huge fan of donald trump from the get-go, but is that where the party is right now, he's better than hillary? >> absolutely. this question of the supreme court and conservative justices, that's really what people are stressing as the reason to vote for trump. look aside everything you might have problems with and stomach it, go forward, this is the best we can do. >> so you've come around. >> oerks i haven't come around. gary johnson. >> are you team johnson? >> i like gary johnson. i think people should pay attention. he's a serious candidate and people should pay more attention. hopefully he'll make 15% and we'll have someone on the debate stage that is a proven and
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effective leader. >> you can see our entire interview with governor christie on our website, "morning joe" will be right back in cleveland. proud of you, son. ge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other.
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with's range rebel and key can wing it all the way to jordan and chelsea's wedding. rumble! road trip. there she is. uh oh, oh, oh, oh, what? so here is our road trip itinerary. what's this? a bunch of different places... nah, bro. we gotta go off-script. rip to shreds every motel, cabin and teepee, between here and the wedding. now get out of my seat. alright. (screams) road trip! whahhhh hahaha... road trip! welcome back, kids. it's time to talk about what we learned today. willie? this is a special week for us. it only gets better, four more hours tomorrow. >> bonus hour today and four hours tomorrow. you ready for four hours tomorrow? >> you guys are amazing. >> i learned donald trump junior, tiffany trump, the children helped turn the
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campaign a little from the melania trump debacle the night before. that continues today with eric trump and ivanka. >> what did you learn? >> i learned ted cruz gets to speak at the convention even though he hasn't endorsed donald trump. >> and they're not reviewing the speech at all. >> i think they might be reviewing it. >> hopefully they review it better than melania's. what have you learned? >> i learned melania was upset she wasn't brought in on the pence selection from mark halperin's great reporting. >> what have you learned, mike? >> i got a sneak peek. i learned pence will try to compare the democrats and republicans, philadelphia and cleveland. he starts it with "this is the best of times and the worst of times." >> i like it. a classic. i love it. >> what did you learn, joe? >> i learned that this campaign has to figure out how to become a real campaign. they get through phase one well with the primary, phase two getting the nomination.
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now they've got to gear up and figure out a way to win in the fall and right now a lots of skepticism. >> getting to be that time, isn't it sf. >> it is getting to be that time. if it's too early -- what time is it? >> it's "morning joe." we'll see you back here tomorrow at flannery's in cleveland for the four-hour tour. good day once again from cleveland for day three of the republican national convention. donald trump and mike pence are now the republican ticket for this fall's general election. but it's their democratic opponent that's in the spotlight here. >> four years of hillary clinton will bring all the failures of the obama years but with less charm and more lies. >> hillary has changed her positions so many times, it's impossible to tell where the conviction ends and the ambition begins. >>
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