tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 21, 2016 3:00am-7:01am PDT
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toleave. >> i can't watch him still without thinking of his bad lip reading take. last night, ted cruz said, as we're watching ted cruz, mika, ted cruz said that, you know, people shouldn't stay home in november. >> right. >> ted cruz should have stayed home last night. >> he should have stayed home. >> because if his intent was to hurt donald trump, all he did was help. >> he helped. >> make him look like a sympathetic figure. not easy to do. and ted cruz just -- it was an embarrassing moment for him. he hurt himself. i think most everybody in the hall thought that he hurt his political prospects for the future. >> a mess. it's july 21st. we're at day three, live again from cleveland. the site of the republican national convention. tonight's day four, along with joe, me, and willie, we have managing editors of bloomberg politics and co-hosts of with
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all due respect. >> got them both? >> hard to do, and the legendary columnist and msnbc contributor mike barnicle. there were boos for cruz. this was supposed to be the roll-out of mike pence. >> mike did a good job. let's talk really quickly. mike barnicle, you have been to quite a few of these. i think cruz once again, too clever by half. and forget about donald trump. there were some stupid people out there who write for magazines who read my tweet when i said cruz should have just stayed home. i wasn't talking about for donald trump's benefit. i was talking about for ted cruz's benefit. play it safe and be a wimp like -- like marco rubio. and just send a video. but he killed himself last night. >> clearly calculated. it was calculated to what happens in november. he's taking a risk, a gamble,
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that trump is going to lose. it was an absolute portrait in smugness, his delivery. just -- i mean, he was oozing smugness. >> i forgot how much i missed that guy. >> and again, willie, for the first time in a long time, donald trump actually looks like a tisympathetic figure. he comes down, and he's just sitting there, watching his son. he's smiling. he doesn't attack cruz. you know, maybe it's a conspiracy theory. i wonder if trump knew all along what he was going to do, and decided, let him hang himself. >> that's an interesting point because a lot of people are saying they were stohocked and stunned. the campaign had the speech well before. there was no endorsement in the speech he submitted. no endorsement in the speech the press received at about 8:00. the people inside the campaign knew this was coming. it made for an incredible piece of political theater.
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when it was clear he wasn't going to endorse, the crowd rises up. on television, like it was professional wrestling, you cut to a shot of donald trump standing in the back of the room. incredible. >> and he's just smiling while the whole place is going crazy. >> he goes right into it. >> i talk to people in the trump organization last night after this happened. no anger. >> why would they? this is fantastic. >> nobody was venting. and it goes into what -- and i can say this now because he said it in the press. i talked to donald a couple days ago. in the middle of the melania dust-up, the off the record stuff, and he said, listen, a mistake was made. we're going to clean it up, but right now, we're getting so much publicity about the speech, and everybody is saying so many nice things about melania, i'm going to let it play out. we are, again, talking about a
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controversy at a convention. michael says i have never seen anything like this before. donald trump comes from the pr school, any publicity is good publicity. everybody's talking about this, quote, train wreck of a convention every day, just like they talked about the, quote, train wreck of his campaign every day, for nine months, and it works. >> mark. mark does not look happy. >> i think mike pence gave an incredible speech last night. and it's not going to get the coverage it might have because people are going to talk about cruz. i think cruz hurt himself more than he hurt trump. i think you're right that trump looks good in some ways for the way they handled it. they would be better off if people were talking about mike pence today, but it doesn't matter because as we have said for a couple days. if trump and ivanka give great speeches today, the convention will end well. if they come up short, then this convention will be talked upt as a convention controversy rather
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than of a achievement. >> the questions about republican unity that we know persist seem to me to be highlighted by the notion of, you know, the republican runner-up not endorsing the nominee. i don't know historically whether that's ever happened before. maybe it has, but you know, those questions, the large questions kind of loom over how successful this convention is. is it bringing the party together? is reaching out beyond the base of the party? we're tre days in. there's not anything you can look at and say obviously at this point eefrt oither one of things have been achieved in a clear way. when it's over, what everyone is going to remember is donald trump's speech tonight. it's hard to think in these three days you can point to a clear win. >> do you know what the unifying moment of this convention has been so far? ted cruz being booed last night. >> right. >> even the texas delegation was angry at their senator for not
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doing the decent thing. if you're not going to endorse the guy whose convention you have been invited to speak at, stay home. there's nothing wrong with not endorsing donald trump. a lot of my republican friends aren't endorsing donald trump, but they don't go to the party and -- >> well -- >> and mess -- let's just say -- >> leave a president in the punch bowl. >> say what you said to the audience. >> i can't. >> maybe, though, i agree with you. he stepped all over the mike pence story. the cruz speech. but you know, if you're watching it out there in the country and you're interested enough to stick around and watch it on tv, don't you think mike pence's speech and him personally on tv comes across, people look and say he's a nice guy. a nice guy. that did get across if you stayed tuned. if you didn't care about what cruz did. >> senator ted cruz left one thing out last night in his
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23-minute speech. that endorsement of donald trump. >> if you love our country and love your children as much as i know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience. vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. [ crowd chanting "we want trump" ] i appreciate the enthusiasm of the new york delegation. we must make the most of our moment, to fight for freedom, to protect our god-given rights.
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even if those with whom we don't agree. we will unite the party. we will unite the country by standing together for shared values, by standing for liberty. god bless each and every one of you, and god bless the united states of america. >> okay. as the speech came to a close, as willie mentioned, who else but donald trump stepped out of the wings walking to the vip box with his family. amid the commotion and jeering, heidi cruz, the senator's wife, had to be escorted from the room as trump supporters yelled at her. this morning, what is a matter of dispute is when the trump campaign read cruz's remarks. jason johnson, chief strategist for cruz for president tweeted that cruz told them directly, told trump directly two days ago, and later added, since it's
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obvious the shock is contrived, what the hell did they expect from the son of the man who killed jfk? that's pretty funny. lighten up. >> that's good, jason. >> when paul manafort was asked if cruz told trump two days ago if he wouldn't endorse the speech -- >> that's a good one. >> manafort said, quote, that not quite accurate. they got the text late, didn't make changes. adding since cruz came in second, trump thought he deserved the opportunity. >> donald trump made the offer to speak without any conditions. he thought senator cruz might have been a little more politically smart. >> you know, newt brought up the point, and i thought it was a very good point in his speech, willie, that trump has allowed everybody to come on stage, whether they endorsed him or not, and let them speak. you know, first, he gets booed on day one for shutting down the process. and then people are critical of him for letting somebody speak
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who doesn't agree with him. i think it makes him look stronger. and to tell you the truth, he doesn't really care whether ted cruz -- never has cared whether ted cruz endorsed him or not. he'll use whatever he gets to his advantage. >> and the trump campaign cannot be surprised what happened. i don't think they were surprised. >> i don't think they thought about it for a second. >> they know this is a guy in ted cruz that trump called lying ted cruz every day for six months, who questioned whether or not cruz's father was involved in the assassination of john f. kennedy, who tweeted out pictures that suggested heidi cruz's looks weren't as good as melania trump's. when he called trump a path logical liar, and on and on, they knew exactly what was going to happen. >> again, mika, you can certainly understand why he wouldn't endorse donald trump. donald trump cagave him 1,001 reasons not to endorse donald trump, but don't come to his
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convention. make no mistake. this is donald trump's convention. >> his party, his platform, his event. and ted cruz came in and did something for himself. >> right. >> it didn't work out that way. >> the problem is, when you do that, we're not just talking about playing by marcus of queens' berry rules. you hurt yourself. ted cruz last night, make no mistake of it, cut himself off from getting the nomination in 2020. he just enraged 45%, 50% of the republican party. they won't forget it, just like they didn't forgive chris christie showing up for a couple minutes with barack obama after hurricane sandy. >> the energy in the hall last night as the evening ended, let's rally around our guy. this is our guy now, donald trump. if they keep the momentum going for the speech, it will be stronger and more positive because of what happened last night. >> again, the most telling moment for me, at least, while
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you're watching all this unfold, were the interviews of the texas delegation. strong cruz supporters with cruz buttons on, saying, you know, he let us down. i wish he would have done the classy thing and endorsed our nominee. we've got to beat hillary. and that's what they're looking at. when ted cruz goes up there, they're looking -- all the delegates in there, are looking at it as an endorsement of not voting for the republican and helping hillary win. >> absolutely no doubt that it did not play well in the hall for ted cruz. i think the outstanding question to get to the point mike started out with, cruz is making a bet that there's a bunch of people, you know, around the country, who are conservatives who don't believe donald trump is a conservative and he will look like nostradamus if trump loses in the fall. i don't know how the speech played out in conservative precincts arnt the country that are still never trump. i don't know how big those are or how it played, but that's a
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big gamble to take, opposed to staying home and being a critic in exile. >> let's look at the reaction so far. it was decidedly mixed. some applauded the senator in the room and on twitter, but the "washington post" reports when cruz tried to enter sheldon adelson's suite, he was turned away. while newt gingrich tried to smooth things over, many high profile republicans took their turn to lambaste cruz. >> i think you misunderstood one paragraph of ted cruz, who is a superm aeroter said. he said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. so, to paraphrase ted cruz, the
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only possible candidate this fall is the trump/pence republican ticket. >> it was an awful, selfish speech by someone who tonight threw the words he said on the stage, showed everybody why he has richly earned the reputation that he has on capitol hill. >> he's a fraud, he's a liar. he's self centered and he's disqualified himself from ever being considered for president of the united states. >> that was cute. you know, don't stay home in november. vote for the people you like from the top to the bottom of the ticket. i just think it was an awful performance by someone who showed himself tonight to not be a man of his word. >> tonight is the ted cruz i have known, unfortunately. he cannot be trusted and he's not a true republican, not a true conservative. he's totally self-centered. i never saw such outrage on the floor. more of a disgrace now than ever. disgraced himself, disgraced the party. the party should never consider him again for office. >> um, okay.
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well -- yeah? >> in a way, i certainly don't understand, but certainly appreciate, if the trump campaign did indeed see the text of cruz's speech hours ahead of time, donald trump used ted cruz very well last night. >> yeah, to bring everybody together. >> unified the party and made himself look like a bigger man. >> yeah. and again, didn't strike out in anger. >> right. >> and was smiling while cruz was walking off the stage booing. >> you know, there was clearly some organic booing. i'm sitting with west virginia delegation. they were not being whipped into a frenzy, but we ran into paul manafort after the convention and asked him, did you all whip the booing, did you encourage people to boo? there's mixed reporting on that. he gave us an evasive answer, although a giant cheshire cat grin. it seems to be clear the boos had an upside and downside. it created the idea that it was
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united for trump. but it made the story. if the booing hadn't occurred, there wouldn't be the story. >> trump wants the story. he always wants the story. he wants the controversy, he wants the reality tv show. he wants the attention. >> he got it. >> and people are talking. and people are talking about this convention this morning much more than -- i mean, nobody ever talks about conventions other than in 2008, wow, did you see barack obama. >> think about what the democrats are going to be able to do with this next week by just having a unified, fun, organized, really good convention with incredible speakers. what are you going to remember? unless something happens tonight, you'll remember a few speeches from the kids that really stood out that made you think, wow, they're awesome, and you're going to remember "lock her up" with fiszs in the air and hatred in people's eyes and booing of ted cruz, one former presidential candidate, to the point where he and his wife are
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booed out of the room. i mean, this is kind of an ugly memory so far. oh, and the plagiarized speech. on the first day. >> his speech tonight, though, will be the big one. >> and the air kiss. i'll remember that forever. >> and the thing is, and you have said it, at the end of this week, you're going to remember the kids doing a great job. >> great job. >> and you're going to remember donald trump's speech. and i would be surprised if donald trump didn't pull in record numbers for his speech. and if donald trump delivers tonight, everything else is, you know, like herman's hermits, and they're great, but herman's hermits opening up for the beatles at shea stadium. i don't even know if they opened up for the beatle at shea stadium, but i know this. everybody talks about the beatles at shea stadium. 51 years later. and trump politically is going to have in the political arena,
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that explosive effect for better or for worse. >> totally -- i have repeated it now multiple times, but now the pressure on the speech is so high. what the press narrative is at this point, and it is what people hear, is three days of screw-ups. now, here it is. donald trump. gives a great speech and it's an incredible comeback. donald trump saves his own convention, walks out of here having triumphed over all of the other screw-ups that have happened over the week, or not, in which case the whole thing is pictured as being one giant flame-out. it heightens everything about tonight. tonight was always going to be a big thing. now it's kind of he has the opportunity to set the narrative in stone, either positive or negative. >> one of the great stories i have heard from this entire campaign -- >> yeah, uh-huh. >> -- came from you guys in iowa. you said hillary clinton was going around the iowa state fair, and there were hundreds of people gathered around her, and it was sort of clunky, and the
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secret service people were all gathered around. and she was going to get a corndog and -- >> pork chop on a stick. >> pork chop on a stick. in the midst of all that -- >> oh, yeah. >> a helicopter flies right overhead. and everybody stops with their pork chops on the stick, and they stare up, and everybody whispers the words "trump." it was like -- it was like out of a movie. >> it happened again. >> it happened yesterday. >> earlier in the day, poor ted cruz. i just think that -- >> oh, by the way. by the way, said nobody in the world. but go ahead. >> but the problem is like, okay, trump and cruz crossed paths again at a rally cruz was holding in cleveland, in what people are saying perfectly sums up the 2016 race in 44 seconds. >> in an amazing campaign field of 17 talented, dynamic candidates, we beat 15 of those candidates.
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our party now has a nominee. and i don't know -- that was pretty well orchestrated. jeb, did you e-mail them to fly the plane right when i said that? >> couldn't see it in the shot. the plane was dragging a banner said that, surrender, dorothy, on it. >> what is he doing? he can't help himself. >> ted cruz? >> yes. >> i don't know. >> take your shakespeare and go home. >> two versions of the same scene. yesterday during the day was the plane silencing ted cruz. and then at the end of his speech in the hall, it was donald trump himself coming into the room. >> and taking his wife out.
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it's just horrific. on that note, there's so much more ahead. >> a ton. >> former governor and former n rnc chairman, haley barbour, jeb hensarling, and al franken on the stump for hillary clinton. and up next, donald trump jr. joins us live on set. why his famous father might not be the only one in the family with a political career. you're watching "morning joe" live from cleveland. bp drilling teams train in virtual reality simulators in here, so we're better prepared for any situation out there. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. you made with your airline credit card.these purchases
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with him by his side on job sites, in conference rooms from the time i could walk. >> this november, i ask you to be true to yourself and vote for the candidate who you know is running for the right reasons. vote for the candidate who has never been a politician. vote for the candidate who has never received a paycheck from our government. vote for the candidate who can't be bought, sold, purchased, bribed, coerced, intimidated, or steered from the path that is right and just and true. and quite frankly, friends, vote for the one candidate who does not need this job. >> wow. there is no question the kids are the standouts here. those were the trump brothers at the republican convention, joining us now, son of the republican presidential nominee and executive vice president at the trump organization, donald trump jr. great to have you on the show. >> great to be here. >> great job so far, amidst very
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weird circumstances. >> it's a crazy ride. i mean, i have been talking with mark a little bit about it throughout the journey. it's been incredible just to be a small cog in the wheel on this process, trying to really right this ship that's gone so wrong. it's been awesome. >> we all said the other day after the speech, a star was born. said you were a star up there. did you go to your dad and say, hey, dad, pressure is on? i kicked ass. now it's your turn. >> don't kid yourself. there's a lot of natural competition within the family. >> really? >> everyone is waiting for someone to absolutely choke. >> he and his brother had an argument on "morning joe" because i asked which one was funnier. >> it was a no-brainer, and i won the argument, as i recall. >> eric is not here. that's not fair. but tell me a little bit about how it's gone along so far in terms of strategy. you heard some criticism probably on this set in terms of, for example, something -- let me take something, the melania speech.
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are you learning along the way about kind of the basic things? >> i think so. listen, melania, she did a phenomenal job, first of all, to get up there, and you know her as well. she's also private. she doesn't show up, and my father doesn't do the, hey, i'm going to bring out the grandkids for the photo op. that's not his style. everybody else is pandering, they hold up the grandchild like it's a trophy. make sure you get the right angle. my father thinks it's too serious an issue. we have to talk about those issues. listen, we aren't politicians. that's not what we have done. we have been in this, i joke, i have been a fall titian for three weeks now. we have figured it out pretty well. we're serious about what it means for the country to change it. i think if you look at the last few decades, you can say, i don't know that politicians have exactly served us well. that's across the aisle. >> for the melania speech, saying we're learning along the way. we're not politicians. things happen. she did a great job. i'm wondering why your campaign chair was accusing hillary
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clinton and lying about it. >> i don't think he lied about it. she wanted to be involved in writing a speech. she worked with someone who wasn't part of the campaign. we all sort of ran our own track. we're running a campaign with 70 people, 80 people, versus a 900-person machine. >> is that changing? >> that's going to grow. we're transitioning to the next phase. a few month ago, who would have thought this? >> five months ago, there were like four or five people in the trump headquarters, wires hanging down from an old set and a cat walking across. you guys have done this on a shoestring. how quickly, though, are you getting it revved up? >> it's getting revved up very quickly. you can see that, i think, in the convention and everything else going on. i think more importantly, by having been able to do it on a shoestring, doesn't that say everything you need to know. when you talk about all the bloat, excess, waste, fraud, abuse in this country.
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to be able to do what my father has done on that budget, out of his own pocket, with that small a team, isn't that what we want for our government? if we could get rid of all that excess. maenj what you could do with a surplus fr a change, imagine what you could do for education, for our vets coming back. hey, by the way, once we take care of ourselves, then maybe we can take care of the rest of the world. i said it in my speech. we're more concerned about the feels of the people abroad who would push a button and wipe us off the face of the earth than we are about our own people, and it's ridiculous. >> you were in the arena for an incredible scene where ted cruz gives the speech, does not endorse your father, and the crowds starts booing and heckling. were you guys surprised he didn't endorse. >> we knew that wasn't coming. my father wanted all the guys who wanted to be there, he wanted to give them a platform. he wanted to show shehe's about unity. he was a better man about it, go ahead. in the end -- listen, there
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hasn't been much disunity. it was a surreal experience. i got to do it as a delegate from new york, and other than maybe the birth of my children, one of the coolest experiences of my life. the magnitude. so if there was any doubt left going into yesterday, i think him doing that galvanized everyone. you heard it. i mean, they ran -- there were a couple detreablthers left. they got on board. everyone else in the arena and everyone else who is a conservative in the country, they realize the number one objective is making sure hillary clinton doesn't end up in office again. >> hey, willie, it's what i always said about cruz. he's a uniter. he brought the party together. >> he did a phenomenal job bringing the party together. i would like to thank him for the greatest endorsement we could receive. >> did your father or anyone in the campaign lobby ted cruz or ask for cruz's endorsement before the speech? >> there's been a lot of people speaking from the campaign with the cruz camp.
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i have a lot of friends in texas who are friends with both sides. so there have been some conversations back and forth about seeing what we could do. i don't think anything too serious. i don't think at this point once we became the presumptive nominee, it didn't matter as much. we would love to be able to do it. i was with a lot of these people last night. they were not pleased. a lot of quotes i kept hearing from guys, texans in the military, to guys that are texans that are big republican financiers, and i heard someone say i'm never writing a check to him again. >> i need to jump in to mike and john. while you're -- while we're talking about you talking to other campaigns, there was a report yesterday morning saying that you are in contact with john kasich's campaign. you all offered the vice presidency to him, said he could run domestic and foreign policy. your response was when asked, what will your father do? you said make america great.
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true or false? >> were the conversations 100%? april, we hadn't won pennsylvania yet, that was strategy. you know me well enough and see the way i conduct myself publicly. do you think i would say, you would run foreign and domestic policy and he would be in charge of making america great? does it sound like me? a little ridiculous. >> might sound like a certain adviser for john kasich. >> well, and listen, i know who that is, and sure, i was in communication with them, just like i have been in communication with a lot of other camps talking about that, talking about strategy going forward. at the time, that made sense. >> did the "times" call you and ask you to run the story? it's such an outrageous quote, i couldn't believe it got in without somebody reaching out to you. >> it's a shame, and that's the game they want to play because there's a narrative that someone is trying to push, whether it's to make me look like an idiot or whatever it may be, but listen, were there conversations? 100%. we didn't know what was going on with the delegate count.
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we wanted to get that secured. we didn't need it in the end. he hasn't been on the short list in a long time, but there was a time where we said, hey, we don't know where this is going. let's play a strategy game. that's called good strategy in my opinion. would i say you're in charge of foreign and domestic policy and my father is in charge of making america great, you be the judge. >> i would not want to be in the room when you pass that info back to your dad. >> correct. >> just to clarify, he was offered the vice presidency slot or not? >> we talked about it as a potential. we talked about it to say hey. and by the way, there was something to say, my father is a new yorker. we have never been in d.c. as a vice president, you would be intimately involved in this because we have to learn to navigate d.c. was it done? no. it's not, hey, you got it. no. we didn't start vetting. you can talk about it in theory, sure, 100%. he didn't even meet my father. the biggest conversation, we
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should get them together. we should get them together on a golf course. they both like the game, see how they get along. as usual, forced dialogue, trying to create a story. conveniently on the day we introduce our actual vice president pick. you know, it sounds a little more like sour grapes to me. >> we have all seen your father give live speeches on television. how will tonight be different from what he's done before? >> i don't know. i think, obviously, there's an element of gravitas to the moment. yousy me for the first time ever getting emotional taking it over the top. he certainly understands that. at the same time, my father is always going to talk to the people who got him here. you know, it's not going to be just about talking to the elites and that talking point. it's going to be making sure that the american people know he's still out for them. he's talking with them as he always has, not to them or at them. >> will we hear new lines? >> i imagine you'll hear new lines. i have been running around a little crazy this week, so i
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haven't gone through the final yet, but it will be a really good speech. >> so, the argument so far has been or narrative so far is that this convention has appealed to who you already have. there's a lot of anti-hillary hatred and lock her up and all that happening on the floor and doesn't bring in any new people. can your father do anything to change that? >> i think you're going to see that. i think if you look at what's going on with the map, and mark, you can talk to it probably better than i can. i think oregon, minus 1 or 2, a state that hasn't been in play forever. connecticut, we're net neutral. never heard of that before. numbers elsewhere, new york, we're going to do very well in. i'm not saying we're going to win it, but we're going to put it into play. i can't name another candidate that we ran, of all the great guys and many have become friends of mine, that we were running against that could possibly do that. by the way, more importantly than all of that, we're doing that, having spent virtually nothing in advertising. we're competing against someone
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who already put $150 million or so into negative attack ads in these states against us and we're in a dead heat, and in many cases leading in the swing states. that's a pretty compelling message. >> you had a good taste of politics over the last few months. >> trial by fire. >> after your speech the other night, there was talk in political circles that this guy maybe should run for mayor of new york city, should have a future. would that interest you? >> i think i have to get my kids out of the house. it has been fascinating. if that's the way i can serve our country one day, i want to do it. we talked about it a little bit last night. if i were to do it, hopefully, it would be after a guy like my father is in office where he can clean up and get rid of some of the hanger-onners i have seen. i have met some incredible people in the process, but i have also met a vast majority of people that, you know, they're hanging around the rim waiting for scraps. >> welcome to politics. >> you just described politics. >> and that's a shame.
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if we could get rid of that. if you could streamline the process and have people who really want to be there, not trying to, as i said in my speech, not use the highest office in the land as a path to personal enrichment. when i hear about a life of public service, i don't know. i don't know that many lives of public servants who have $200 million in the bank, simply peddling influence. >> and you think that's what the clintons have been doing with the global initiative. >> come on. i'm just trying to get -- >> i'm trying to get you to say their name. >> he's very new york. >> i would say that's pretty much what everyone thinks about the clintons. this isn't a new thing over the last few years. that's what's been going on for decades. >> come on, joe. come on. >> i just wanted you to say the name. >> donald trump jr., thank you so much. very good to have you on the show. coming up, bill kristol may finally be giving up his stop trump post. why he is begrudgingly saying
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vision for american foreign policy. >> richard oz this morning talking about how it really, what donald trump is suggesting is a departure for u.s. foreign policy over 70 years. and actually, i know it makes a lot of people in the foreign policy circles nervous. that may be why he's doing so well in the polls right now. people are saying this isn't working. >> we'll talk about what he said in a new interview with the "new york times." we've got lots of ground to cover here in cleveland. stay with us. "morning joe" is back in a moment. before taking his team to state for the first time...
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for some balance on the ticket. now, if you know anything about hoosiers, you know we love to suit up and compete. we play to win. that's why i joined this campaign in a heartbeat. you have nominated a man for president who never quits. who never backs down. a fighter, a winner, until now, he's had to do it all by himself against all odds. but this week, with this united party, he's got backup, and on november 8th, i know we will elect donald trump to be the 45th president of the united states of america. >> all right. governor pence last night in his speech. joining us now, nbc senior white house correspondent, cleveland's own chris jansing. yeah. you and all your siblings. >> 11 of them. >> she's the youngest.
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>> can you believe that? >> i gotta get going. >> there's still time. >> oh, god. >> when the jansings moved into cleveland, they called it historical cleveland baby boom. exploded. >> my first cousins had 11. this is a very hungarian town. >> were you an accident? >> yes. >> revelation after revelation. >> come on. >> you get to know us here on "morning joe." >> how early did you start your heavy drinking? it's a joke, people. she doesn't drink. what is this? is this dr. phil. what's going on? >> can i tell me my father's favorite joke was, i married a bootlegers daughter and i loved her still. both of my grandfathers were bootlegers. >> see, i'm telling you, a great story. >> we digress. >> just a tad bit. in an interview with the "new york times," donald trump says
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he will cancel long-standing treaties he sees has unfavorable and using the full force of the u.s. military in comes to the aid of nato allies who come under attract. asked about russia's activities that have unnerved the small baltic states, trump said if russia attacked them, he would decide whether to come to their aid only after reviewing whether the nations have, quote, fulfilled their obligations to us. he added, if they fulfill their obligation to us, the answer is yes. in response, hillary clinton's campaign pointed to these comments from mike pence's speech late last night. >> we cannot have four more years apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. donald trump will rebuild our military and stand with our allies. >> all right, senior clinton policy adviser jake sullivan said, tonight, mike pence said
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donald trump would stand with our allies. tonight, donald trump flatly contradicted him. ronald reagan would be ashamed. harry truman would be ashamed. the president is supposed to be the leader of the free world. donald trump apparently doesn't even believe in the free world. trump's campaign chair paul manafort said the times got it wrong. >> mike barnicle, there are a lot of things in this article that will offend foreign policy analysts. i was concerned by many things i saw, especially the hands-off approach to turkey, saying it's none of our business. that said, when donald trump goes on the campaign trail and says, we're not going to help people if they don't fulfill their obligations to us, no more free rides for anybody, that doesn't connect with policy pros. that does connect, though, with voters, doesn't it? >> this piece in the "times" by david sanger, who is the principle foreign policy guy and a very smart guy, trump is
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clearly operating -- there are two levels to this. the strategic level and the political level. >> right. >> donald trump ignored the strategic level in his interview with the "times" and focused on the political. what he said, no matter what you think of where he's coming from, it does resonate. >> absolutely. >> what he is saying is, you know, when he's asked about our intervention perhaps potential intervention, verbal intervention with president erdogan of dirky who is about to crack down on turkish culture, society, fired 6,000 judges. >> declared a three-month state of emergency. >> what trump says in the interview, who are we to be telling other countries to what to do with police officers are being shot in our own streets? let's take care of our business here at home first. he's saying about intervening if the baltic states are attacked by russia, he is saying, you know, i'm going to see if the baltic states are paying their due to us before we
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automatically go in. >> politics, though, chris, and then there are the duties of being the commander in chief. he's talking about article v of nato, mutual defense invoked after 9/11. if you don't believe in that, we probably shouldn't be in nato. >> i have gone with the president to these baltic nations. you talk to the people there, you talk to leaders. you know the discomfort. you look at the geopolitical impact of not doing that. on the other hand, you also do look, and this is what he's looking at, the agreements they all made that they were going to pay a certain percentage of their defense budgets into nato, and instead, the united states pays the vast majority, i think it's more than 70% of the nato budget is paid by the united states. you stand in front of an audience and they're looking around their communities and they're seeing schools that aren't getting funded, they're seeing police departments they believe have starting salaries of $44,000 a year, and they put their lives on the line. i could go on and on and on, and that commonsense argument resonates.
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>> he clearly cares more about carrying cleveland than he does about defending turkey. >> he believes foreign policy is not working now. it's not just about what's going on in the united states, but overseas. >> when you have somebody who has been involved, as involved in u.s. foreign policy as hillary clinton was during the obama administration, the isis a change message. he is once again resonating. he wouldn't res nalt by saying we're going to renegotiate this treaty. he's gone in there and he's talking about a fundamental realignment of u.s. foreign policy. will he do it once he gets into office? probably not. it's just like bill clinton. slammed china. his entire campaign, how could george h.w. bush coddle the butchers of beijing? he gets elected, he goes to the white house. and he and bush come out arm in arm, talking about, you know, how important china is to u.s. foreign policy. we'll see.
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>> coming up, one of ted cruz's former top advisers, rick tyler, joins us. plus, senator james langford who served alongside mike pence in the house. we'll be back with more "morning joe." ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have
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coming up this morning -- >> a beautiful shot of cleveland. while we have chris here i would like the bootple leger thing. >> 11 kids, 12? >> the thing we have noticed about cleveland since we have been here, and again -- >> the best location in the nation? >> it's just how much trash is piled up high in the street. i'm joking. exactly. seriously, willie and i, we get to the top, they're like -- i'm just joking. what i was going to say was what i find amazing about cleveland is the pride that everybody takes in this town. there are people who have lived here their entire life. >> they won't leave. >> they won't leave. mika has close friends from
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cleveland. >> this can leave. but they won't leave. >> the pride that people take in this town, i think, is fairly unrivaled to any town i have ever been in. >> i love this city so much, i can't even explain it. >> nba championships, are we 6 1/2 or 7 1/2 games up on -- it's a great year. >> we'll be right back. "morning joe" live from cleveland. ♪ using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the framework... wire... and plants needed to give my shop... a face... no one will forget. see what the power of points can do for your business. learn more at i thought my bladder leakage meant my social life was over. wearing depend underwear has allowed me to fully engage in my life and i'm meeting people.
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trump. i guess adding the j. makes it sound more presidential, but i have enjoyed people saying it. >> donald j. trump. >> donald j. trump. >> donald j. trump. >> donald j. trump. >> donald j. trump. >> donald sdwrmpt trump. >> donald j. trump. >> come here, mom, give me a hug. >> welcome back to "morning joe." it's day four of the republican national convention. and with us on set in cleveland, we have the manager editor of bloomberg politics and co-hosts of with all due respect, mark halperin, political director, moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd, and katy tur, who is covering the trump campaign. nothing to do. just nothing to do. >> so chuck todd, when -- >> i don't want this to end now. >> what the heck? >> when the ted cruz speech was
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going down, i went on twitter. >> why did you do that? >> because i get good stuff on twitter. it's great material. michael besh loss, never seen anything quite like this. that's michael saying it. >> he would know. >> he would know. it was -- it was -- and jeff greenfield said, this is what conventions used to be like. like 70 years ago. >> right. >>. >> everybody aired their dirty laundry out there. >> but last night, whoa. ted cruz. and it seems, if he was trying to help himself in 2020, at least the feeling around this set is all he did was help donald trump in 2016 unite a frared party. >> he's betting on trump not just losing by a little, losing by a lot. i mean, you know, i have always thought that there's a bunch of people, even the ones that took forever to get on, who have always been -- if you're doing that, you're not just betting on
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trump losing. you're betting on him losing in a landslide. you're almost rooting for it at this point. a close loss, they won't ever forget. >> let's be clear. ted cruz is not almost rooting for donald trump. >> he's in. >> he's all in, rooting. >> he put his chips over there, and you're like, wow. because it's gutsy. >> in primetime. >> and you have to say, it's angered 45%, 50% of the party forever. >> there will be some -- and vice versa, though. look, it was risk that the trump folks decided to let that speech go on that night. that's the part of this that i don't quite understand. bernie sanders is speaking next week, monday night. right? not wednesday night. >> bernie! >> it's not the night that steps on tim kaine, tom vilsack, whatever. that's the part that was a gamble. >> it was a stroke of luck.
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>> i think trump is waking up today thinking it's great. everybody is talking about the convention for the first time, like in a -- >> the ratings must have been so high. >> put it this way, it will be -- it sets up tonight for him in a way he loves. >> builds up, just like if you've got geraldo and one other person in the final -- >> in the vault. when you go to the vault. i'm always bringing up the vault. >> but geraldo for "the apprentice." he sees this, katy tur. it's tv. it's entertainment. we thought he was going to have all these -- no, it's drama built in. they could have kept cruz off the stage. they could have controlled it better. just like with the melania across. he said it's pretty good publicity. everybody has talked about it, nobody is blaming her. keep talking. >> the issue we have with donald trump is we keep trying to apply political rules to his campaign.
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a regular politician would have put ted cruz on monday. but ted cruz was a big draw. he was going to gain ratings. and it came on a big night. good i think the thinking behind it, if you analyze the donald trump mind and thinking, is that we want the most attention we can get in the lead-up to my speech. to even to indiana governor mike pence. it allowed there to be more eyes on him when he finally took the stage. >> donald trump doesn't like to be bored. and that wasn't bored. >> i don't think anybody actually expected ted cruz to come out and endorse donald trump. i'm not surprised ted cruz did that. that's his personality. that's what he does on the floor. >> self destructive? >> he filibusters. this was not an entire filibuster, but what he did was he delayed the convention. and he protested. and that's what ted cruz does. >> joe put it a different way to our audience this morning. >> yes, i did. i can't say it. i'll just say that he was invited to a birthday party and he did something to the cake.
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or on the cake, and you shouldn't do that. >> the cliche of what's in the punch bowl. >> or the punch bowl. or the cake. >> he put a cruz in the punch bowl. that's the way the trump -- the way the trump folks are going to feel. >> mark halperin, there actually were some people, i heard hugh hewitt and quite a few other republicans thought at the end, ted cruz would go ahead and endorse donald trump because -- >> i thought so. >> because it was in his best political interest. you thought so as well. >> you know, he made a fascinating choice to do this. and we'll see over the next few days, weeks, months, and years whether this is some long-term play that works out. he has the most politically sophisticated operation of anyone in the republican party right now, including donald trump in some ways in terms of fund-raising, organization, and a long-term plan, but he may have taken a risk that doesn't pan out because the party is
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increasingly united et ted behig behind donald trump to stop hillary clinton and he last night tried to stop that. >> he constantly saw himself as ronald reagan in 1976. >> cruz? >> cruz did. >> oh, god. >> ronald reagan in 1976, willie, worked, because at the end of the day -- >> it was ronald reagan. >> he was ronald reagan, but secondly, he ended up endorsing ford while simultaneously overshadowing him. >> the calculation is if donald trump loses and maybe loses big, he remains, along with john kasich and jeb bush, one of the people who stayed pure, kept their integrity and said i'm not behind this. he took it to the bitter end. whether it plays out for him and whether it works remains to be seen. if you were on twitter, on social media last night, there were plenty of conservatives who said good for you, ted cruz, for sticking up for who you are. >> we lament that politicians, you know, fake it. that they're phonies, that they
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go out there, and you know what. this is a guy who said -- because that's a risk. he said this is a young guy. put his career right there on the line. >> in the convention in primetime. >> we lament politicians never being brave. >> totally agree. >> never showing leadership. there are a lot of never trump people upset at paul ryan, who made the other decision. you know, the very, very reluctant endorsement. you have to give cruz credit for at least having the guts to do that. >> for a lot of people, though, okay, you can be gutsy and also -- >> polite. >> decent by staying home. if you want to make a statement, do what john kasich did. john kasich has shown all class this week. he stayed away. but at the same time, he didn't go in, try to embarrass anybody, didn't try to show anybody up. i said an hour ago, and i have said it all along. i respect conservatives that
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can't get behind donald trump because there is too much of an idealogical gap. i understand that completely. but do it the way john kasich did it. >> don't be the punch bowl guy. so let's take a look at what happened -- >> he's cruzzing the punch bowl. that's going to be all over the place. cruz, here he is addressing the republican convention. he never gave an endorsement of donald trump. >> if you love our country and love your children as much as i know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. [ booing ] [ chanting "we want trump" ]
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i appreciate the enthusiasm of the new york delegation. we must make the most of our moment, to fight for freedom, to protect our god-given rights, even if those with whom we don't agree. we will unite the party. we will unite the country by standing together for shared values, by standing for liberty. god bless each and every one of you. and god bless the united states of america. >> so chuck todd, we have been speaking in shorthand here. let's talk about the speech for one moment. it was a beautifully written speech. if you're a conservative like me, you hear him talk about
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limited government, and you know, the speech actually rings all the bells. but while i'm watching ted cruz, in real time, i was saying to myself, dude, you're backing yourself into a corner. do not back yourself into a corner. as he was -- you could tell, and he was slowly building up. you could see in his eyes, and you just said the same thing, too. at one point, he realized it had gotten away from him, and you could see he was getting nervous. and at that point, i was saying to myself, i told you not to back yourself into a corner. there was no way he was going to get off that stage -- >> we'll never know this. but maybe he didn't think that was the reception it was going to get. >> i don't think he did. >> maybe he thought, ronald reagan never endorsed ford. there was a feeling the ford people took it as an endorsement. i remember reading it when we read the text. i said this will be an interesting decision from the trump folks. you could have cornered cruz
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with the same speech. you could have directed the whip folks to clap everything, and you could have called it, so great ted cruz is embracing this republican ticket. and then made cruz have to proactively say when katy goes up to him and says was that endorsement? the trump people thought it was an endorsement. was it an endorsement? it would have been up to him to say yes or no. the only reason i'm wondering, because cruz at the end almost starts slinking away, going i'm all in now. we'll never know -- >> when he said vote your conscience, that's a dog whistle for the anti-trump movement, the never trump movement. we're three nights into the convention at this point. that's got to rile up people who are just wanting to move on. >> and those words specifically were a dog whistle. mark halperin, the trump camp, paul manafort when he spoke to you, sort of nodding and winking, taking credit for the
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booing. no. the booing was spontaneous the second he said vote your conscience. i immediately said uh-oh, and if i had been a trump supporter or somebody and he said that, i would have booed. everybody would have booed. there's no way anybody could have controlled that. the second he said that, it was off to the races. >> you know, for the last 20 years or so, the criticism of both parties' conventions is they're made for television productions. they don't take any risks. part of what was so powerful is trump took the first risk by putting cruz out there. cruz took the risk by giving the speech he did. then, whether they whipped it or not, organically on the floor, people felt emotional about what he was doing. they went from enthusiasm about a good speech to inkrejulity that he wasn't going to endorse. and then as cruz started finishing and people realized he's not going to endorse, people were really intense about it. and trump, again, to his credit, showman, he said he didn't want a boring convention.
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that was a compelling moment. >> one small piece of good news if you're trump, though. because that is stepped on an eye-popping interview trump did with the "new york times." there were a bunch of conservatives i saw that said cruz should feel even better after doing that considering what trump said about nato and what trump said about turkey, that it only re-enforced the never trump wing of the party going. >> real quickly, willie, mika had said before, we went to new hampshire, and we went and saw trump speak, went backstage, came out early. looked at how it was all laid out. as we were walking across the hall, mika turned to me and she said, you know what donald trump is first? he's not a developer first, not a politician first. he's a tv producer. he said this entire event, this is before anyone came in. everything has his fingerprints all over it. it's made for tv. and the great irony is, and this
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convention, everybody has been as mark said, everybody has been trying to do a, quote, made for tv convention for 50 years now. this is a made for tv convention. with the chaos, with the friction, with the conflict. i guarantee you everybody is going to be watching tonight to see how he responds to ted cruz and all of the chaos that proceeded him. >> last noiight, he luck into gd tv production because of what ted cruz said and because of the reaction of the crowd there. it was interesting to see the campaign's response, which is part of their production, which is to say he walks out at the end of the speech with a huge smile on his face, donald trump. as i said before, almost like professional wrestling, where the guy who is not in the ring comes out from backstage. he's got it on after the match. >> in the ring, right? trump should have had a ring. >> he comes in at the end of cruz's speech, smile on his
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face. applauding, thumbs up. he looks gracious in the midst of all this. then afterward, he's walking out after mike pence's speech, and hallie jackson yells to trump as he's getting in his car, what did you think of ted cruz's speech. he turned to hallie with a thumbs up and says, i loved it. i loved it. they didn't attack ted cruz. and they sort of let this moment be. >> no, no, no. there was a tweet he sent out immediately after saying that ted cruz got booed offstage. that is not -- that is -- exactly, but it's not, oh, ted cruz, everything is fine. >> he is saying he love said the moment. >> you can't say that wasn't an attack on ted cruz. it was throwing shade at him a little bit. >> he loved the ted cruz got booed offstage. >> i'm not saying he didn't love it. he took the moment to needle ted cruz. that wasn't trying to smooth things over.
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the idea that donald trump came out and coincidentally came out through -- during ted cruz's speech, which is what the campaign is trying to say, is a little ridiculous. i have other sources in the campaign who are saying he came out because the speech took longer than he anticipated and he was able to steal the moment and attention back to himself. >> that was part of his moment, his move. >> but donald trump was next and he wanted to come out to get in place for the next speech. like, donald trump jr. is like, it's so funny, everyone thinks he came out -- he was coming out to see his son speak. >> he could have waited a couple minutes to see ted cruz off the stage. >> i'll remember to tell him that. >> are we going to have any drama next week? next week is going to be so boring. >> bill clinton's speech will be good. >> maybe. maybe. there's no way clinton is going to top cruz. what do you expect to hear from bill clinton next week? >> we haven't heard him give a
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speech like that in a while. >> all of a sudden, if you're the clinton folks, what are you going to do to make it -- >> i'll tell you that story. >> that's what this week is about. >> a nice, peaceful convention that's unified and doesn't have things like lock her up and horrible, despicable things shouted from the audience, like, let's not get ahead of ourselves. this has not been pretty, at all. >> you look at trump's performance last night. if you're clinton people and thinking what do we need to worry about? the debates. he showed last night his sense of how to dominate a room. even under adverse conditions. in a debate, i think he could have more of that up his sleeve. >> i think she'll slaughter him. go ahead, willie. >> we were talking about some of the reactions. >> by the way, i do not. you're not going to underestimate donald at this point? >> on policy? you're not going to underestimate hillary clinton. >> they both had big moments. >> let's talk about the most famous debate in history, if
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you're listening to richard nixon on the radio, he beats john kennedy. if you're watching it on tv, john kennedy beats nixon. fast forward 60 years and, you know, she can talk policy. donald trump knows how to dominate a stage. >> would you like to make a bet with me? >> a pickup truck? >> i already got that. >> where is my truck? >> mike, mika needs her truck. >> seriously? >> come on, man. >> a bet is a bet is a bet. >> i will say this. i think it will make sense, chuck todd, if donald trump limits the debates. i'm serious here. to one. that's what reagan and carter did in 1980. it was good enough for ronald reagan. good enough for me. >> i have never imagined him doing all three. i haven't. i don't know -- >> why do all three? if you have one debate, you're going to have everybody watching.
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>> i think he's going to strugg struggle, though, because this is also a guy not spending a lot of money -- this is some free television. some free big moments. i think trump is going to be conflicted about this. i have always thought, i am curious, after debate one, i don't think anything is a given after that. i think everything is going to be work. >> katy tur, thank you so much. still ahead on "morning joe," former head of the rnc, haley barbour on set. senator al franken with his thoughts on how the republican convention might affect the democr democrats' big show in philadelphia. also, jeb hensarling and james lankford on the state of unity following last night's dust-up with ted cruz. we'll be right back live from cleveland. >> reaction to ted cruz, mr. trump? that was a remarkable moment. what did you think? >> i loved it. >> you loved it? why?
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she made a mistake, and you know, people make mistakes. you made mistakes, we all make mistakes. i guess maybe if she weren't with me for a long time and i didn't know how good she was, i have done books with her that have been best-sellers. she's a terrific person. i thought it was terrific the way she came forward and said, look, it was a mistake i made. she thought it was very unfair to melania. although, interestingly, the press treated melania very well because they didn't think it was her. >> okay. so that was in response to the plagiarism issue with melania trump's speech. there was the former ballerina english major, meredith mciver, who took responsibility for it. by the way, that turns the page. >> that really does turn the page. and it actually is very interesting, and i heard a couple people say this, who weren't republicans. who said it actually made donald
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trump look -- look like a more sympathetic figure because somebody made a mistake. humiliating his wife, humiliated his family, and his response was, i have known nthem for lon time. they have done great work. we all make mistakes. >> imagine if that statement came out at 8:00 on tuesday morning. >> that would have helped. >> that is actually, nicolle, that is the learning curve for this campaign. they put it out a couple days later, it quelled it immediately. i think that's the difference between having a massive communication operation and you have to turn on a dime on this stuff, as you know very well. if they had put this out at 7:00 on tuesday morning, the story would have been dead by 8:00. but again, no harm in the end done most likely. just a good lesson for the campaign. >> to me, this was never a story about plagiarism. this was a story about the
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pilotship, about the mayhem and the chaos, and like you said, a normal communications office. because it runs through a chain of command. say it's the bush campaign or obama campaign. the campaign manager goes down to their deputies who goes to their deputies and you figure out where the responsibility lies. in this campaign, there are so many different organizations involved. they're all family related. some are personal staff, some are political staff. what hurt them in this incident is that the chaos was revealed. his supporters, they love the chaos. this is a week about widening your appeal. i'm not sure that accomplished the mission of projecting yourself as a competent, organizer of things. can you run a campaign? and if your central selling point is i run great businesses, you have to eboo able to run a campaign first. >> exactly, kn thepand the prob here, because we showed trump's tweets that said it's the media. first, you had paul manafort lying, attacking hillary clinton
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and i think using the word female in the statement in some weird, untoward way, and the kids trying to do their part of the story, instead of just doing that. >> right. >> which would have turned the page. it would have been -- too bad it happened. really bad. >> so the problem is, a couple people had to go out and try to defend something. i will say, the positive side of it for the candidate himself is, notice, donald trump for the first time in this entire campaign kept his powder dry. he didn't say a word about it. he didn't tweet about it. that gave him the space to solve the problem. and then come out and say, this is what's happened. there were no tweets. >> might want to tell others to be quiet. >> you should do that, but i thought it was very interesting that donald trump didn't take to tweeting immediately about this. >> 24 hours of twitter silence on a topic in the news. hard to believe. but nicolle is right. if you're going to be president, if you're going to win a general election. you have to do two things at
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once. there was a lot going on, as they were planning for the convention. i think they thought it would either blow over or that it would just be a minor thing. >> they actually thought it was going to blow over. >> another level of damage it did, too. the relationship between this campaign and the press corps that covers it, it's tenuous sometimes. it's a real credibility blow. i mean, paul manafort and sean spicer in particular took big credibility blows. and this is a sense where the campaign sort of set the both of them up. >> the campaign handled it terribly. >> manafort went out there and clearly violated a rule. he didn't have all the facts. >> that got ugly. >> and sean went out there and went way over his skis. and again, he didn't -- >> there's such a huge difference. there's such a huge difference, though, between somebody in the campaign, paul manafort, doing that, and sean spicer, who is not doing it for the campaign. he's trying -- >> trying to do it for the
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party. >> trying to save the party. trying to save the convention. he's trying to save senators whose political lives are on the line. i mean, sean was actually, you talk about victims. that guy was left out. >> the next time he spins -- you're like, how do we take your word for it? >> here's the damage to paul and sean. paul manafort was on the "today" show saying i didn't know. what's the number one way to get roo reporters to stop taking your word for it. i didn't know? i believe him. i believe he didn't know, but you know, not knowing what's going on in your own campaign goes back to the most damning thing you can say about a campaign is it is incompetent. >> she knew what she was boog. >> and blaming it on hillary clinton. two women. you and i are next. but this whole thing where you project and you spin is sort of -- it's not the politics of
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right now. the politics of right now is to be transparent because voters will forgive anything, especially trump's voters. trump's voters forgive every gaffe. they embrace the chaos. they have come out and said we don't know when we're going to get to the bottom of it. i'm sure no one intended to do anything wrong. other people would have found them transparent. >> don't you agree with me, two people not hurt by this -- donald trump and melania. >> absolutely. >> melania is seen as a victim, and there is no -- >> and trump is seen as bigness. which he loves. he loves bigness. >> there is no clip of donald trump that you can put side-by-side with hillary clinton at the united nations because manafort said things that everybody knew was a lie. >> and ugly. >> and ugly, but you don't have that clip of donald trump. he stayed silent, and melania and donald trump, unscathed. >> a little drama and emotion tonight. she skipped the photo op that
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the pences and trump did. >> what photo op? >> like 19th on the list of like convention -- >> air kiss. >> what air kiss? >> on the speech, though, the inner workings of the campaign are fascinating to us. you go out on the street, literally walk out the front door and ask people if they care about the melania speech thing, they don't care. the activists, the supporters, the people who are voting. this is a dead issue to them. >> i don't care, either. i do not like someone lying and getting divisive on the heels of a terrible mistake like that. obviously a terrible mistake. >> any window into how a campaign operates is interesting. to this point about how you're going to run the country, but i agree with you, the idea that melania who was so lovely did anything wrong, no one ever thought that. this is a window into the dysfunction of the campaign, is not only fascinating, but it is important for people to understand this might be how he
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runs the white house. >> i will say over the past two or three days the thing i have seen different in this campaign is from the top down, they understand that. and they understand phase one was getting the votes. phase two was bringing on manafort to get the delegates. phase three is now moving to the general election. >> can i see that again? >> what's that? >> an air kiss. >> the kiss has to be a vine. >> there it is. >> no contact. >> all i can -- >> i'm sitting next to chuck todd. he squealed. >> all i can say is, the man on the left, he's very confident. the dude from indiana, he's very uncomfortable. >> that was so funny. i missed that. >> that is funny.
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>> oh, my gosh. okay, chuck todd, thank you. nicolle, thank you as well. still ahead, the authors of the politico playbook are here with their top takeaways from the convention so far. does that include an air kiss? plus, nbc's tom brokaw, who is marking his 23rd national convention. he takes us back to his first, when in 1968, the dnc in chicago was chaos in the hall and the streets. that's all ahead on "morning joe." at cancer treatment centers of america,
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hillary clinton's h homhammering donald trump for his recent meeting on capitol hill and what he reportedly said when asked by republicans about protecting the constitution. >> here's the answer he reportedly gave. i want to protect article 1, article 2, article 12. well, here's the thing. there is no article 12. not even close. even the most stalwart republicans were alarmed by that. and well they and we should be. >> we're going to talk to one of the leading constitutionalists
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on capitol hill, jeb hensarling, plus james lankford and haley barbour join the political roundtable. "morning joe" is coming right back. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced, but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo we'll come to the zoo! only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. with our exclusive mobileglassshops. and our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my bladder leakage made me feel like i couldn't be the father that i wanted to be. now i use depend. i can move the way i really want. unlike the bargain brand, new depend fit-flex underwear is now more flexible to move with you. reconnect with the life you've been missing. get a free sample at reconnect with the life you've been missing.
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try cool mint zantac. hey, need fast heartburn relief? it releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. try cool mint zantac. no pill relieves heartburn faster. how did you feel about ted cruz's speech? should he have been more -- >> i liked his speech. you could take out of his speech that he's united with trump, but i expected and i want him to publicly say that i stand with the trump campaign, that i expect my people to stand with the trump campaign. i want it publicly. this election is too important for us not to unite.
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we're all republicans. he's a republican. and me personally, if he expects my support in the future, he needs to do that. >> all right. that was a member of the texas delegation last night, reacting to ted cruz's memorable speech. joining us now, former governor of mississippi and former chairman of the rnc, haley barbour. also, congressman jeb hensarling of texas, and senator james lankford of oklahoma. good to have you on. >> thanks for being with us. h haley, did ted cruz do himself favors last night? >> he did a good speech. it should have been like ronald reagan who in the last sentence of his speech in 1976, said there was no substitute for victory, mr. ford. while he never said i endorse, it was clear he was all in. last night was a political calculation by senator cruz on how to try to help himself in
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2020. i think it will backfire on him. >> you sort of think it might? just a wee bit? >> a tad. >> you have obviously had concerns. like a lot of republicans, about donald trump. up to this point, but now as the delegate from texas was saying, now are the choices so stark that republicans have no, in your opinion, have no choice but to get behind the republican nominee? >> look, chuck. lots of series of choices. a choice of donald trump or hillary clinton, i'm going to be for donald trump every time. that's a very clear choice for me. very clear choice for the country. >> jeb, you agree with that? >> oh, absolutely. i think most republicans last night decided, you know what? it is a binary choice. we don't want the third term of barack obama. sorry ted didn't quite get there. >> you're from texas. >> indeed. >> that was -- that wasn't the best way for him to -- if he's
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planning for 2020, that wasn't the best step forward, was it? >> in some respects, he said, you know what. he's two and he's two. he didn't quite say it was four. he said vote your conscience. vote for the person who r's goi to respect the constitution. >> isn't that -- >> that was a dog whistle. >> he didn't quite get there, but there was somebody who batted cleanup, his name is mike pence. the most important thing a presidential nominee can do is pick their running mate. and donald trump did a great job. the voice of mike pence comes as close to the voice of ronald reagan as anybody in the republican party today. i think he hit it out of the ballpark. he got conservatives excited. >> senator lankford, how do you feel about the way ted cruz kikted himself last night? would you have preferred he come out with a clear endorsement of trump. >> by far. he could have and should have walked out with a clean endorsement. i expected ted to speak without a teleprompter. he's a great speaker, has a
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clear message. a message that resonates with a vast number of people around the country. and i think he could have done that. and people would have applauded and would have cheered and said thanks for coming onboard the team. didn't choose to do that. what was interesting was batting cleanup was newt gingrich sf stepping up behind him, saying he said it without saying it, if you're going to vote for somebody who supports the constitution, that would be donald trump. i agree with jeb. the set-up really was for mike pence last night, who did a fantastic job. >> was ted cruz selfish last night? was he thinking ability his own political future more than winning the election? >> ted was passionate about the issues ted was passionate about. i don't see it as be selfish. he laid it out there. the trump campaign knew what he was going to say. what's interesting is to see the diversity of opinions. where you have kasich and cruz, so many people who have been on the platform. marco rubio by video --
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>> did he do the video? i missed it. why did he come by video. that seems a little mushy. >> it was very short, and again, at the end, you expected the big let's elect trump. instead, he said let's win in november. you just -- haley, here's my feeling. if i don't support donald trump, i don't come to donald trump's convention. a lot of republicans have made that decision. but if you want to bask in the reflected glory of the event, step up and endorse the guy. >> well, i don't think there's much doubt that rubio was saying vote for him. but i do think, mika, in fairness to rubio, he's running for sthor. if i were running for senator, i wouldn't come to the convention. i would beat getting this week in in florida to campaign for my seat. >> he has a real history of showing up for things and being there. i'm just saying. like, the guy has never, ever been that kintd on anything. so i mean, he should have showed up if he was going to do it.
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this halfway thing, that's marco rubio. >> i think he will benefit from campaigning in florida while this is going on. there are a lot of -- >> i think marco will be there. i think people of florida know him and the people who serve with him know him well. he was out for a lot of votes during the presidential campaign. that didn't pay off for him, but he has been an extremely engaged member. >> haley barbour, tell me about so far this convention. are you concerned at all or do you think donald trump has the capacity to sort of really take the tone in a different direction? are you concerned about the tone, lock her up, and then this cruz situation, however you want to describe it. just being too negative? overall? >> look, in this election, two thirds to three fourths of the american people think the country is going in the wrong direction. they want change. and hillary clinton's been the candidate for change has about as much chance of credibility as me being the spokesman for
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weight watchers. >> i think you're looking good, by the way. >> excellent. yes. >> i think you're looking real good, haley. >> you look fantastic. >> new glasses for joe. >> i was going tojoe. >> i was going to ask you what you're doing. >> so we played a clip there of hillary coming in and talking about how donald trump was saying he was going to protect article 12. he doesn't really know his way around the institution that well. does that concern you? >> what we know about hillary is she wants to delete whole portions and have an exaecutive branch walk all over the legislative branch. he has to ask people, do you feel safer for you and your children when you go to bed at night? he is offering change. he is offering the third term of barack obama. >> i'm sure you agree with me,
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one of the problems we have had is we have had people that embraced big government republicanism. i'll ask the question too, how can we be sure that donald trump is a guy i have known for over a decade and been a democrat for most of his life, how can we make sure he is not going to embrace a big government style? >> i think for most republicans, they don't know how trump is going to govern on issue but we know how hillary clinton is going to govern. he said he will support those that committed to the institution. we know that hillary won't so the contrast is stark. >> and the best way is to look at the actual actions. i get all of the words and all of campaigns but when he taps mike pence and said that's --
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>> yeah. >> he is careful in his words, strong on national defense. he is the midwestern humility next to trump's new york swagger. >> are you guys going to be here? >> we will have a great team. old miss rebels and the moon have one thing in common. both of those control the tide. >> at least for the last two years. >> wow. >> it has been a rough two years. my son married an old miss woman. all two years he has been dating her and old miss has beaten alabama. her father came up and hugged me and said i want you to know, i love your son.
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since dating katherine we beat you guys every year. >> they just gave you an air kiss over there. thank you. >> we love donald. that is a man who is very confident. >> thank you all. we are back with much more "morning joe" coming up this morning. owen! hey kevin. hey, fancy seeing you here. uh, i live right over there actually. you've been to my place. no, i wasn't...oh look, you dropped something. it's your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. that's weird. you want to work for ge too. hahaha, what? well we're always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. why don't you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. oh, i don't hire people. i'm a developer. i'm gonna need monday off. again, not my call.
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are they booing me? >> no. they are saying boo earns. >> are you saying boo or boo earns? >> i was saying boo earns. >> ted cruz. >> there was no confusion on the message republican delegates were sending to ted cruz last night. we'll talk about whether he accidentally helped unify the party around the nominee? yes, he did in his own special shakespearean way. we are back in a moment. she spent summer binge-watching.
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home in november. >> right. >> ted cruz should have stayed home last night. >> he should have stayed home. >> because if his intent was to hurt donald trump, all he did was help, make him look like a sympatheticic figure, not easy to do. it was an embarrassing moment for him. i think everybody thought he hurt his political process for the feature. we are at day three, the site of the republican national convention. we have managing editors ma mark halprin and -- >> wow. >> legendary? come on. >> there were boos for cruz. it was supposed to be the ro
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rollout of mike pence. >> yeah, you have been to a quite few of these. i think cruz is too clever by half. forget about donald trump. there are stupid people out there that write for magazines that read my tweet last night when i read cruz should have just stayed home. i wasn't talking about for trump's benefit, i was talking about for cruz's benefit. play it safe and be a wimp like rubio and just send a video. no. he just killed himself. >> send it in drop box. >> it was clearly calculated. it was calculated to what happens in november. he is taking a risk to gamble. it was an absolute portrait and smugness. he was oozing smugness. >> again, willie, for the first
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time in a long time donald trump actually looks like a sympathetic figure. he is watching his son and smiling, he doesn't attack cruz. maybe it is a conspiracy theory. i wonder if trump knew all along what he was going to do and decided let him hang himself. >> a lot of people are saying i can't believe he didn't endorse donald trump. the campaign had that speech. there was no endorsement in the press. the people inside the campaign knew it was coming. it made for an incredible piece of political figure. the crowd rises up. on television, like it was professional wrestling and you cut to a shot and here comes donald trump staring from the back of the room. it is incredible.
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>> and he is smiling while the whole place is going crazy. >> i talked to people in the trump organization last night after this happened. no anger. >> why would they? >> no body was venting. it goes into what -- and i can say this now because you said in the press, i talked to donald a couple of days ago in the middle of melania dust up. he said a mistake was made. we are going to clean it up. right now we are getting so much publicity about the speech. so many people saying nice things about melania, i will let it play out. we are, again, talking about a controversy at a convention. >> every night. >> michael says i have never seen anything like this before. donald trump comes from the pr school. any publicity is good publicity.
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everybody is talk about this train wreck of a convention every day just like they talked about the train wreck of his day for nine months and it works. >> and mark does not look happy. >> i think mike pence gave an incredible speech last night. it's not going to get the coverage that it might have because people are going talk about cruz. i think you're right that trump looks good in some ways but they would be better off if meem wpe were talking about pence today. if trump and ivanka give great speeches it will be great. if they come up short it will be talked about a controversy rather than achievement. >> and it seems to be highlighted by the notion of the republican runner up not endorsing the nominee.
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i don't know whether it has happened before. maybe it has. those questions, the large questions kind of loom over how successful this convention is. is it bringing the party together? is it reaching out beyond the base of the party? we are three days in. there's nothing you can look at and say obviously either of those have been achieved in a kind of clear way. when it's all over what everyone will remember is donald trump's speech tonight. that will be the thing that will linger. it's hard to think you can point to a clear win. >> do you know what the unifying moment has been so far? ted cruz being booed last night. >> that's right. >> even the texas delegation was angry at their senator for not doing the decent thing. if you're not going to endorse the guy whose convention you have been invited to speak at -- >> just stay home. >> come on now. >> and a lot of my republican
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friends -- >> but they aren't there. >> they don't go to the party. >> say what you said to the audience. >> i can't. >> i agree with you when you stepped all over the mike pence story -- >> by the way, if you're watching it and you're interested enough to stick around and watch it on tv don't you think it comes across as he is a nice guy? that did get across. you didn't care about what cruz did. >> so let's take a look at what happened last night. senator ted cruz left one thing out last night in his 23-minute speech, that endorsement of donald trump. >> if you love our country and love your children as much as i know that you do, stand and speak and vote for your
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conscience. vote for candidates who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. >> appreciate the enthusiasm of the new york delegation. we must make the most of our moment to fight for freedom, to protect our god-given rights, even of those with whom we don't agree. we will unite the party. we will unite the country by
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standing together for shared values by standing for liberty. god bless each and every one of you and god bless the united states of america. >> okay. as the speech came to a close donald trump stepped out of the wings walking to the v.i.p. with his family. the senator's wife had to be escorted from the room as trump supporters yelled at her. jason johnson, chief strategist said they told trump directly two days ago. they added since it's obvious it is contrived what did they think of the son of the man who killed j.f.k.? >> that's good, jason. >> and when asked if cruz told
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trump he wouldn't endorse his speech -- >> that's a good one. >> manafort said they didn't make any changes adding that since cruz came in second trump thought he deserved the opportunity. >> it might have been a little more politically smart. >> you know, newt brought up the point that trump has allowed everybody to come on stage whether they endorsed him or not, let him speak. first he gets booed for shutting down the process then people are critical of him for letting somebody speak who doesn't agree with him. to tell you the truth, he doesn't really care -- never has cared whether ted cruz endorsed him or not. he will use whatever he gets to his advantage.
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>> and the trump campaign cannot be surprised. >> i don't think they thought about it for a second. >> this is who trump called lying ted cruz for six months. he tweeted out pictures suggesting hiedi's looks were not as good as melania's looks. plus they had the text so they knew exactly what was going to happen. >> you can certainly understand why he wouldn't endorse donald trump. he gave him a thousand and one reasons but don't come to his convention. >> all right. >> his party, his platform, his event. ted cruz came in here and did something for himself. >> and the problem is, when you do that we are not just talking
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about playing by marcus, you hurt yourself. ted cruz cut himself off from getting the nomination in 2020. he just enraged 45 to 50% of the republican party. they won't forget it just like they didn't forget chris christie showing up for a couple of minutes with hurricane obama. >> the energy was let's rally around our guy. if they come in tonight and keep that momentum going i think the reception for his speech will be stronger and more positive because of what happened last night. >> again, the most telling moment for me while you're watching all of this enfold, what were the interviews of the texas delegation? strong cruz supporters saying you let us down. i wish you would have done the
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class si thing and endorsed our nominee. we have to beat hillary. >> that's what they are looking at. they are looking at it as an endorsement of not voting and helping hillary win. >> absolutely no doubt it did not play well. i think the outstanding question together, you know, cruz is making a bet that there's a country who with conservatives and that he will look like him if trump looses in the fall. i don't know how the speech played out around the country that are still never trump. i don't know how big those are and i don't know how it played but that's a big gamble which would be just stay home and be a critic as opposed to a critic. >> let's look to reaction we had so far. some applauded the senator but washington post reports when
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cruz tried to enter billionaire's suite he was turned away. while gingrich tried to smooth things over many republicans took their turns to lacruz. >> i think you misunderstood one paragraph that ted cruz said. ted cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution. in this election there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. so, to paraphrase ted cruz is the trump/pence ticket. >> through the words he said on that stage showed everybody why he richly earned the reputation
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he has on capitol hill. >> he is a fraud, self centered. >> that was cute, you know, don't stay home in november, vote for the people that you like from top to the bottom of the ticket. i think it was an awful performance by someone who showed himself to not be a man of his word. >> today is the ted cruz i have known. she not a true republican. not a true conservative. he is more of a disgrace now than ever, absolutely. he disgraced himself and the party and the party should never consider him again for office. >> okay. >> and in a way that i certainly don't understand but certainly appreciate, if the trump campaign did indeed see the
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speak donald trump used cruz well last night. >> yeah, to bring everybody together. >> it didn't strike out in anger and was smiling while cruz was walking off the stage. >> they were not being whipped in but we ran into manafort and said did you all encourage people to boo? there is mixed reporting on that. he gave us an evasive answer uta a giant grin. the booing created a notion that it was yun if i ha-- trump want. he always want it is story. he wants the reality tv show.
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he wants the attention. >> he got it. >> and people are talking about this convention this morning much more than -- >> yeah. >> nobody ever talks about conventions. >> and think about what the democrats will be able to do with this next week by having a unified, fun, really good convention with incredible speakers. unless something happens tonight you'll remember a few speeches that made you think wow, they are awesome. you'll remember lock her up like with fists in the air and hatred in people's eyes and booing ted cruz to the point where he and his wife were booed out of the room. this is kind of an ugly memory so far. oh, and the plagiarized speech. >> and i'll remember the air
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kiss. >> we'll talk about that. >> at the end of this week you'll remember the kids doing a great job. >> great job. >> and you'll remember trump's speech. i would be surprised if donald trump didn't pull in record numbers for his speech. if trump delivers tonight everything else is, you know, it's like -- >> right now that's what i see. >> it's like hermits hermits opening up for the beatles at chase stadium. i don't know about that but everybody talks about the beatles at chase stadium 51 yearin years later. trump will have that for better or worse. up next donald trump jr. joins us next onset, why his famous father may not be the only one.
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>> come on, were their conversations 100%? we hadn't won yet. you have seen the way i conduct myself publicly. do you think i would say you would run foreign and domestic policy? does it sound like me? a little ridiculous. >> might sound like a certain adviser for john kasich. >> i was in communication with him like i have been in communication with a lot of others talking about strategy going forward. >> and did they call you to run that story? >> no. they didn't. >> it is such an outrageous quote i couldn't believe it got in without somebody reaching out to you. >> it's a shame and that's the game they want to play. there's a narrative somebody is trying to push. no. listen, were there conversations?
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100%. we will play a game making sure we had that secured. we didn't need it in the end. he hasn't been on the short list in a long time. there was a time we don't know where this is going yet. this is called good strategy in my opinion. would i say you're in charge of foreign and domestic policy. you guys decide. >> i would in the want to be in the room when you pass that info back to your dad. >> would you talk about it? >> we talked about it as a potential. >> you would be intimately involved in this because we have to learn to navigate d.c. was it done? no. we didn't even start vetting. you can talk about it, sure, 100%. we didn't even start vetting. the biggest conversation was we
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should get them together on a golf course. they both like the game. as usual, forced dialogue, trying to create a story. it sounds more like sour grapes to me. >> we have seen your father give live speeches on television. how different will tonight be different than he has done before? >> there is an element of graf tas before. you sea me taking it over the top. my father will always talk to the people that got him here. it will not just be about talking to the talking point. it will be making sure the american people know he is out for them, that he is talking with them, not to them and at them like so many of the other politicians. >> will we hear new lines? >> i have been running around a
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little bit crazy this week so i haven't gone through the final but it will be a good speech. >> so the narrative so far is this has appealed to who you already have. there is a lot of hillary hatred and doesn't bring in any new people. can your father do anything to see that? >> i think you'll see that. i think if you look at what's going on with the map, you know, i think oregon, connecticut, numbers elsewhere, new york we are going to do very well in. i'm not saying we are going to win it. i can't name another candidate that we were running against that could possibly do that. by the way, more importantly than all of that, we are doing that having spent virtually nothing in advertising.
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we are competing against somebody who already put 150 into negative attack ads. we are leading in the swing states. i think it's a compelling taste of what the american people are thinking! there were political circles this guy maybe should run for mayor. is that something that would interest you? >> i think i got to get my kids out of the house. it has been fascinating. if that's the way i could serve our country one day that's the way i would do it. if i could do it it would be after a guy like my father is in the office so you can get rid of some of the hanger-oners that i have seen. a vast majority are hanging around waiting for scraps. >> you just described politics.
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>> and that's a shame. you could streamline the process. as i said in my speech, not use the highest office in the land -- i don't know that many lives of public servants having never hired anyone, having never built anything, you know, simply peddling influence. >> and you think that's what the clintons have been doing with the global initiative? >> come on. >> i'm just trying to get you -- >> he is very new york. >> i think that's what everyone thinks about the clintons. this isn't a new thing. that's been what's going on with decades. >> that was part of our conversation earlier with donald trump jr. >> you can also play frogger on there. >> and pokemon. >> and i found a way you can
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mike pence is alrdy doing his part to get elected. pence said trump is a builder, a fighter, a father and patriot. that is pretty high praise. he also said that trump was a butcher, baker and a candle stick maker. then he added he is a joker, smoker, midnight toker and plays his music in the sun. >> you can feel this. it is sort of organic. mike barnacle. you promised her, you said if trump won the nomination you would -- >> a pickup truck! where is it? >> the truck is in new york.
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>> is it an f-15? >> a toyota. >> and you'll it in philadelphia? >> yeah. >> okay. there you go. cameras will be there. welcome back. >> we have got democratic senator and foreign affairs of andrew michl l reports. let me begin with you. chaos on the floor. tweeting i have never seen anything like this before. >> and if he has didn't -- >> yeah. >> i was just below the family box and i saw donald trump as
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ted cruz was talking coming up out of the shadows but very much in the dark back at the top of the steps there and waiting far cue until new york started booing and, you know, demanding the we want trump, we want trump. he came down the steps into the light, into the spotlight, joined the family and no body knew ted cruz was on the stage. >> unbelievable. >> i think basically they had seen the speech perfectly timed. they knew he wasn't going to endorse and they basically said okay. >> and it had to be interesting for you last night. you said time and time again ted cruz is your best friend in the senate. you guys go play tennis every day, right? >> squash. >> squash? >> yeah. >> i don't like him. >> i'll be your straight guy.
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so why are you here? you're a week early. your party is next week but what are you hope to go accomplish? >> to make it clear that i don't like ted cruz. i'm done. >> you're done. >> i'm done. >> how do you feel about ted cruz? >> first of all, i don't blame ted cruz. if the guy says that your dad had something to do with killing kennedy, maybe you don't endorse him. >> i'm thinking a couple of months may be too soon. >> may be a little too soon. >> maybe in a couple of months. >> i think that's what trump was thinking. i would have cleared that during the invitation part. you know, you can speak but you have got to endorse me.
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>> and you also have to disassociate yourself from the father who helped kill j.f.k. >> you're right. >> that's a part of it too. >> that's a deal, isn't it? >> so let's talk seriously. what are some of your bigger concerns? we'll be asking republicans the same thing next week at the democratic convention but what are your bigger things you're seeing in cleveland? >> just how ugly it is. >> no. no. no. he isn't talking about the town. >> you're really sensitive. my gosh. >> stop being so sensitive. my god. >> it's a beautiful town. >> wow. >> they are sensitive. i make one comment about garbage piled up in their streets and
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they boo me. >> they are very easy. really smart. that one they didn't go for. >> you're talk about the convention. >> cleveland, beautiful city, but the convention itself, ugly. >> we need to do clean-up quickly. >> cleveland, tell me what you love most about this town. >> oh, man, rock and roll hall of fame, cleveland indians, jacobs field and of course the world champion cavaliers. >> all right. all right. so we got that out of the way. they are easy like sunday morning. why don't you talk about what
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you don't like at the rnc. >> the republican national convention -- >> and she said the same thing. >> lock her up was -- >> right? >> and that's just ugly. it has been an ugly campaign. he has set that tone. i love having christie saying lock her up. he is very likely himself to be locked up. there is a trial and i don't think kelly is going to -- >> i think we have speculation going here. >> to break up this levity, and it is funny, last night donald trump gave a sort of new course
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in foreign policy saying if any nato country is attacked by russia that he would first look and say have you paid your bills to us? how does it alter the equation? >> like everything completely. i heard his former aid saying today, well, you know, he believes that policy for the last 30 years has not worked. it's time to change policy for the last 30 years. we are talk about policy for the last 60 to 70 years. >> you're actually talking post war. >> exactly. >> our entire policy. >> our entire policy towards russia, what worked to protect what's left of ukraine, what hasn't been grabbed by putin, what alliances mean by south korea and japan and how we would
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stand up. i mean everything that u.s. foreign policy. >> it's also an invitation to putin to come into the baltic states, if he wants. that is the last thing you want to do. you're right. it sends a message to any country in the world. >> and what an irony that republicans have been critical of the fact that the president, this president has had a hands-off approach. this is taking that void and upping it. it is doubling and tripling it. basically saying the baltics, not really concerned about them unless the ledger looks good. >> completely invites. >> how do people in poland feel? >> you remember george h.w. bush
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criticized for sending a subtle signal to saddam hussein. >> yes. >> this is what people reading the articles that if even a subtle message is picked up by something like putin -- >> and that was through an ambassador. >> yes. very, very subtle. you have a guy sending signals across the world saying we are not only going lead from behind, we may just step off the field. >> i think it's a dangerous message to say the day that -- the day of the evening that he is accepting the nomination. >> and a quick tale here if you're looking for signals in all of us, looking for signals about the vice presidential choice they put out a message
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blasting him. they didn't wait until morning. from what i'm told she has said publicly this week that she wants a vice president who has foreign pollty chops. there is one person that's not, that's tim cane. i think their eagerness to point out donald trump's on foreign policy could be an indication of what we'll see in the next 24 to 48 hours. >> and i think at this point tim has to be sporting the odds of 1973. this guy looks like -- >> more on the long shot. >> exactly. >> he could be there. >> i would be surprised if it were me. i haven't been vetted. i think it would be
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irresponsible to tap someone they haven't looked at at all. >> all of the other criticisms, why do you suspect the race is as close as it is? national polls within the margin. in some of these why do you think it is right now? >> i think it's relentless. it is this relentless negativity that's tearing down hillary that's happened for 20 something years. i have known her all that time. it was the first to endorse her. i know her and i know she is the hardest working, smartest, toughest person i know for this job. i have seen the job up close enough now as you guys have. it is a very very demanding job.
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we do not want trump there but we do want someone who is experienced. i think it is tough and smart and hard working. >> al announcing cleveland people are the toughest and smartest people in the world. >> yes. >> thank you. still ahead, the headline that donald trump's convention is a low-energy show so far. j jeremy joins us ahead. "morning joe" is coming right back. ♪ (guy) oh man, the show's pretty much over. (friend) wish we could start it from the beginning. (jon bon jovi) with directv, you can. you see, we've got the power to turn back time let's start over, let's rewind
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okay. here it is. you're 11. can you read it? okay. >> up next, rick tyler use to speak for on the campaign trail. we asked the former communications director what he thinks of senator's speech last night. keep it right here on "morning joe." >> good job. my cousin's wedding is coming soon. ♪ i like the bride more than the groom. ♪ turquoise dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited? no ones got moves like uncle joe. ♪ when it's go book on for instant rewards like gift cards, plus savings of up to 20%. book direct at
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bonus hour of "morning joe." we are in cleveland. >> what an amazing place. >> site of the republican national convention along with joe, me and willie we have former communications director and rick tyler, new york times reporter -- >> a little batting practice. >> yeah. >> and soam stein. >> it was a football drill where the guy would be lying on his back -- you ever play football and they blow a whistle? >> yeah. >> i forget the name. >> bull in the ring. >> i'm sure it is illegal now. but if you wonder why i'm slow, that's why. i was always in the ring. yeah, we are glad you're here. >> that will be you.
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what was ted cruz thinking last night? >> yeah, what in the world? >> he hasn't even started yet. you can't tell him stop if he just started. >> for some reason at the last minute they gave him 20 minutes. he was face to face with trump in d.c. he said i'm not going to endorse you. >> told him that? >> yes. >> is that the explanation. >> he said no. i'm not going to endorse you yet donald trump decide today give cruz a prime time 20-minute slot. i think it was fairly dumb. >> you think it was a trump people setting up ted cruz? >> i don't know. >> you think it was all planned? again, this is fascinating. do you think it was planned so america could see the convention
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booing ted cruz? >> i have no idea. it makes zero sense to me. some people would say trump needed cruz supporters. all trump had to say -- which is what he said a few weeks ago. he said if you don't endorse to me you -- >> or put him on at 4:00 in the afternoon. >> nowhere near the state of ohio. he said i can't believe trump is considering letting him speak. this is another example of the malpractice that unfolded. i think maybe it showed that, you know -- it worked in a sense that there's no such thing as bad publicity but it also makes him look like a sucker.
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he invited this guy into his house. >> i think i disagree. it was ted cruz booed off the stage. >> but you just showed a clip of 1,200 people who came out for ted cruz at an event that was far away from here. when trump's plane went over what were they doing? they were booing his plane. it wasn't everybody in the convention hall. >> so you're saying if he runs next time -- >> i'm saying if you run a convention -- >> right. >> you don't let one story dominate for three days which was the melania story. >> this is not what trump wants to be talking about. >> i don't think this is what cruz wants -- well, maybe it is what cruz wants us to talk about but if trump wants us to get out of the moment where you're rallying them and thinking man,
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we want them nominated. >> it wasn't good for ted cruz. >> i thought it was too. >> the people i spoke to what had a different reaction than the people i talked to in the hall. people in the hall thought cruz looked like a fool, no offense. they thought he would -- it would look like he was lacking control over his own convention. everyone can interpret it their own way. my question for rick since he is the closest to a cruz surrogate here, why give the speech at all? he didn't have to give a speech that endorsed or didn't endorse. >> hold on. ted cruz is talking about last night's speech right now? is that what we are going to? >> this is by the texas delegation. he is about to speak. >> i did not say a single
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negative word about donald trump. and i'll tell you this morning and going forward, i don't intend to say negative things about donald trump. the media would love me to. i promise you every question when i step off of this stage will be please say something horrible about donald trump. come on, it makesoo news. what i did say is what all of us should believe and why i think all of us got into politics in the first place. i started the speech on congratulating donald on winning the nomination by name. then i encouraged folks we deserve leaders who will do what they say and standby principle.
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listen, i assume the trump campaign wanted me to speech. they saw my speech several hours before i gave it. they knew exactly what i was going to say. i believe they wanted many we to speak because they believed it would encourage people to come out and vote. if they didn't i was perfectly happy to get on plane and go home. in that speech i asked conservatives at home and republicans, do not stay home in november. i laid out a standard. i said we should vote for candidates that you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. now, i'm going to tell you right
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now that's a standard i expect to be applied to me sh every candidate from president down to dogcatcher. this isn't just a team support. we just don't just put on jerseys. this is about principles and ideals and about standing for what we believe in. and, you know, listen, i have to say, it was somewhat dismaying that apparently some of donald's biggest par biggest partisans, when they heard you should vote for someone you can trust, defend
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the constitution immediately they began booing. i have to say that's a little bit troubling what they are saying. you know, i'm reminded of an old story of a man in the middle of a huge lawsuit. his lawyer calls at the end of the trial and he says justice prea va prevai prevails. the client says appeal immediately. listen, i actually thought latter last night newt had it right. he said the standard laid out, who will be faithful to the constitution? newt said donald trump is the only candidate that meets that
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standard. i'll tell you this, if we want to win this election, that's the only way we are winning this election. we are going win this election by making the case to the american people. we are not going to win this election by yelling and screaming and attacking people. and so with that i'm happy to answer any and all of your questions. >> reporter: are you going vote for trump?
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>> thank you, sir, for your question and i will answer it is same way i have answered it many many timesme. i am doing what millions of americans are doing. i am watching. i'm listening and the standard that i intend to apply is which candidate i trust to defend our freedom and be faithful to the constitution. i can tell you i'm not voting for hillary. hillary fails that test profoundly and i will note a significant part of my speech last night was laying out the incredible damage of hillary clinton's vision. you know, some of y'all may
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recall when i ran for senate, and a lot of people here worked really hard in that race. there were a lot of folks in that race that said you know what? you have got to vote for the lieutenant governor. it is his turn. this is a party, be a team player. he is the one who is next in line. an awful lot of texans took a different view. i've laid out the standard. i will be listening to how he and the campaign conducts themselves every day from now until november. that's what i believe the american people will be doing also. the way to win, as i tried with all my might is not to just scream and yell and attack as trader anyone that would dare
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question our candidates. yes, sir? >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] >> so i answered it with as much as i'm going to say, which is that i am watching and listening to make that decision. when i talked about holding people accountable, think it applies to all of us. i am listening to the candidate. what i don't intend do do is go out and throw rocks at donald.
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i intend, like a voter, like all of us, just to listen and make the best judgment i can and every one of us i think has to follow our conscience when friends of mine, supporters of mine are asking what to do. follow your conscience. do what you believe is right. >> ted cruz is live in front of the texas republican delegation. he is answering questions. it seems to be a conflict in what he is saying. he first associated himself with newt gingrich's remarks in which he said ted cruz would vote at the end of the day for donald trump and yet ted cruz did not answer a question, a direct question and has said now that
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he is not going to vote for donald trump. he said he is going to wait and see and listen. >> we have a back and forth here. >> i will have to confess, what you said will be easy to do. how many people here are frustrated with politicians who just say anything? let me -- i'm going to answer your question. listen, there are a lot of options that i could have take that politically would have been a heck of a lot easier. there is option number one which is turn tail and don't run and don't come to go the convention. many people did that.
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i ain't one of them. let me tell you the politically easy option is to stand up and pledge your allegiance. that's the right political outcome. i want to tell you, injursir. i'm not going lie to you. what i said last night is what i believe. so, yes. >> reporter: [ inaudible question ] >> you know, so your point was support the party -- and how the ir, i actually believe in
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treating people in civility and respect. when it comes to supporting the party, number one, the four years i have been in office this are an you feel lot of those across the country. i have traveled the campaign for, fighting to help elect republicans. let me be very clear this sant social cleb. it -- he said the republican party is not a fa deralrd. or we are worth anything.
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>> how many of y'all would like to see more leaders stand up to john boehner and mitch mcconnel? i want to point out to folks here, you're seeing and you saw last night why so few elected leaders do. any time you stand up to john boehner and mitch mcconnell leadership screams support the team. you're a republican, we're our leadership. sit down, shut up, just support the team. if that's the price i ain't going to do it. i'm going to honor the commitments i made to the voters
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oepslooep outline. this is how you win. i was up last night reading different articles. >> we are watching senator ted cruz as he talks to the texas delegation in cleveland. a fiery speech that brought most of the crowd to their feet. not backing down. he was asked whether he would vote for trump. he said he would watch and wait and see what trump said. he also said being a republican is not about being in a social cleb, that if it's not about having a group of people that share rals rjsst not rather it.
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i don't know how many of you saw the final matrix but they said it is a very dangerous game you're playing. >> anybody here? >> this is a very dangerous game. >> that was a terrible movie reference. >> stop. it is the first observation. that. >> they are working on it. >> the second is that it's just a general use stroke stroke i it
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may the fact is everybody the rning in a moment, everybody holding it and most ft we'll be talking about it again. a aide -- hef you i with a med toe chen this is that scene and you can't avert your eyes from it and you have to give him great -- give him glareat credi. >> does he land the plane? we shall see. >> everything about ted cruz is on display here. the reason his colleagues support him is on display.
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if you're nowhere near this headlines and this guy who is not being -- he is now dominating conversation you must be livid. if you have to watch your colleague get up there and get delegates against you. >> or john boehner. >> yeah. i'm just working on my tan. >> and it's brilliant in some respects because we are fixated on the idea wlon he is positioning himself for 20/20. we are wondering if one will immerge. >> it is such a high-stakes game but this is not the first time he has done it. he has shut down the government when everybody from charles to the wall street editorial page was calling him a fool for destroying the republican you to
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say, he and donald trump share many things. >> he doesn't mind being the most hated man in washington. he stands alone in moments like this. the complaint that a lot of guys had said again this morning is, look, we agreed we would get behind the nominee. ted cruz said that on march 13th. he said when i give my word for something i follow through and did what i did. are there things he said about his family, the whole lying ted thing? >> it is not praisable. i can't believe i just said that. >> i think it's based on
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princip principle. why is it incumbent on cruz? that is trump's job. you need ohio to win. >> that's true but i think ted cruz almost as trump has benefitted from dividing people. this is how he launched himself in. >> it seems to me a prediction that donald trump will get crushed in this election and they need tro -- >> i think it's about what's doing right. it wasn't an easy this so.
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is pretty amazing. >> if you close yoush eyes and don't of all of the things that come to mind -- >> he iseneding out therened. >> you don't think his dad was accused of conspireing -- >> you don't think that -- >> yeah, but hold on. i am also -- i have done it so often during the campaign i'm going to defend ted cruz. >> oh, boy. >> think about this. dan senore tweeted saying it is surreal watching pence accept the domination with trump when three weeks ago he was privately
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hementing that dofrp was going to win the don nation. >> he said he would vote for ted cruz! right. and to that point i think i a. with you that ted cruz, while it would have been best for him politically ted cruz is in the arena. he is getting beaten up and bloodied. it is hard to criticize that man saying what offici washington has been saying privately. >> listen to what he said, like isolated. there were a couple of really good strong messages that were consistent to him. >> okay. >> i'm not sure he should have done it. >> i'm starting to get dizzy. is it freaky friday? >> ted cruz just said i'm not in
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the business of endorsing someone who goes after my wife. so yes, there is a possible element to this. it works for trump and for ted cruz. >> this is crazy. >> and you haven't seen matrix 3? >> i have seen matrix 3. >> is that like aventures at well? >> no. >> who makes these movies? on their phone? who watches them? >> he got into anderson's head. >> please stop. you're embarrassing me. what a fascinating
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convention. >> stay with us. >> stay here. i'll school you on all three matrixes. much more as we continue. how exciting that we have tom coming up. tom has been to 23 national conventions. brokaw is up next. you're watching "morning joe" live from cleveland. ing is movi real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place where real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free.
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fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. welcome back. >> let's bring in tom brokaw. what a great honor to have you here, tom.
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>> you'll get over the honor parking l part. >> and mike, how great you're out of work to be here as well. tom, you said something last night that really caught my ear. i think most of us miss in the primary. it is about conventional wiz -- we said oh, my god, this is terrible. i thought that is conventionalism squared. the last time the lesson has been that everything that we expressed has been turned by donald trump. he run against all of that. there was something like 400,000 hits saying who is this guy ted
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cruz? they are not as tuned in out there. the singles moms working two terrorists. they are worrying about it. i think we are a long way from home. >> a long way from home. >> so you thought it was interesting they didn't do a trump and pence put their hands together and raise them on the stage? it has been replaced by the air kiss. that's what they do now. >> richard nixon has chosen and even reporters from baltimore almosts passed out.
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>> it's one of the most fascinating momenting of jrj h.w. push was -- >> not with george h.w. bush. he was president in 1968. they passed around the buttons. when they got the word bark tcky looked at it. >> while we witnessed chaos last night it does not compare to the scene at the dnc in chicago. here is tom's report. >> reporter: 1968 was my first convention year. i thought the world was coming apart. almost 16,000 amerans died in vietnam, including a close friend. >> i will not top the nam
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nation -- president bush was forced not to run for reelection. martin luther king and kennedy were murdered. the democratic convention was chaos in the hall and in the streets. nixon was taken to the with op and racial uprisings were everywhere. this has ban tough summer between african americans and police in the country. it is nothing compared to what happened in 1968. there were wars in detroit, washington, d.c. and in the glennville neighborhood. a fight boand it quickly became
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war. they brought in this national guard. it didn't work. i went on for three days. nine people were killed. a major cleveland project started before the uprising, came to an abrupt and bloody year. >> tom, you look at that, just chilling, breathtaking report. you also think about all of the things that preceded the democrat democratic national cob vennven. it was such a devicive year there's really noo compar-- no
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comparison. i remember look and saying it seems like this year has been going on forever. it is still not over. we head a comeback and was 100,000 votes short of winning. the part we didn't show is what i call the greatest generation, their children rejecting all of the values their parents have come home and out of the depression of world war ii with. they were conventional education. they were smoking a lot of date of birth and living in great turmoil. we found our way out of it. people are paying attention. if you look at the city of cleveland it has made an
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extraordinary renewal. it has one of the med psychological --ened got together and there is no to so much more of that in the cityincities and states. congress recessed without being able to pass to deal with a real health threat. they went home. they are both blamg each other. what kind of signal is that? >> so depressing. >> let's go back to chaos of 1968. 47 years ago all of americans sat in front of their television
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sets, a lot of people tears streaming down their face when neil armstrong walked on the moon. >> yeah, trying to compare 2016 to 1968. 1968 was a 365 day open wound. the campaigns that went on, both conventions. tom and i were both in chicago. we both witnessed a couple of assassinations. robert kennedy, the kennedy fuel all of that appeared in an average when there were 20200 mashes. everybody in the country was saying what are we doing?
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there are certain slimilarities but 1968 was a scar in our history. >> all right. tom brokaw, thanks for that report. chris takes us inside hillary's. "morning joe" continues live from cleveland in a moment. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job,
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>> hillary clinton wants another title. i would too if i were part of the secretary of the status quo. >> you have seen more of that here tonight. you have rubio just wants him. his largest opponent will not endorsement we'll be pointing that out and that lack of enthusiasm. >> so these people have different areas of expertise so they will catch something different maybe? >> yes. we were doing the same thing. we tracked these guys and know it and have looked into it. >> president obama wants to close kwaun -- someone said earlier clinton wants to get rid
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of borders. it has also been fact checks. there is the hillary account and bereaving account. we launched hillary clinton in espanoshs l. fr -- espaniol. >> you had booing, the reaction of trump. what do you do with something like that? >> some of that you let happen. it will be big news. i'm not sure we have to do anything to deal with that at the end of the day. >> they couldn't resist themselves so they did tweet out vote your conscious. >> and about 60% of my e-mails are rapid response from the
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clinton cam pachl. kbl and videos and they brought bring in two dozen videos. the rnc there. they are getting the stuff out. >> we taught it was a big player but they have taken other. >> and on one hand donald trump is using twitter the program it's. some times he'll turn on the television and see people reading his tweets. >> where does that leave the new york times, washington post, wall street journal? >> it fills our inboxes.
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we feel slain and attacked from if rnc, dnc. >> how do you sort through it? >> i leave them in the inbox. i don't even see them anymore. >> it's too must have. >> so is it a process that you'll hear something and you decide to fact check it yourself? > >> i am a reporter. our interests are the truths and facts. the campaign's are probably spit a and facts. >> what is nice is that all americans get to see the crazy barrage that we use to get. now you can follow them and just them yourselves.
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>> reporte but it has really just taken over the landscape. >> there's no question. >> politically. >> and the huge operation and the trump campaign. it has a guy to get his version of the sister tory. >> thank you. chris, thank you very much. still ahead, time magazine went in search of hillary clinton. this week's cover story is next on "morning joe." making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you! and i like that. i guess i am pretty smart. don't let that go to your head, gary.
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what's in your wallet? to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain... shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. prge! a manufacturer. well that's why i dug this out for you. it's your grandpappy's hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. it meant a lot to him... yes, ge makes powerful machines. but i'll be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. i'll be changing the way the world works. (interrupting) you can't pick it up, can you? go ahead. he can't lift the hammer. it's okay though!
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the most famous woman no one truly knows. explain. >> it's amazing. figure has been in our lives, i mean, literally, every day for 25 years. and first came on the scene as a college student back in 1969. and yet people are still asking, who is hillary? when is hillary going to it connect? when is she going to get across? how is she going to, you know, make her case with the voters? why are we still asking this question? we tried to probe that. >> it's the same question asked of nixon for so long. remember the new nixon. so what did you find? >> well, it's a complicated thing, the identities -- multiple identities she has been through in her life. part has to do with the history of feminism. she is one of the first young women to come of age in a time when women were supposed to be anything that he want. and so she has tried on all sorts of roles, everything from the activists to the fighter,
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the wife, the -- she is the cookie-baker, not the cookie-baker, all of these things she has gone through, but then you lay her on to that, an incredible sense of -- i hate to say paranoia, but she is one of the most closely guarded people in public life. and it's getting worse, not better. >> as i said, nixon. >> yeah, she's not talking to anybody now. i mean, when is the last time you saw an interview? i mean, she is just hunkering down in this fortress of silence. and at a time when she is -- she is below 45%. she should be winning this election. she is not winning. >> how many people did you bump into in your reporting, interviewing, who said the following, a reversion of the following. you should see her -- you should not her as i know her. she is funny, open, loose. and then you start talking to her, and you're on the record, and -- >> and on the record is so key, mike. because i know you've had the
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same experience i've had over the years. where you'll get that glimmer with her for a second, where she just let's down, you see a little bit of that person, but then, boom, the wall comes right back up. >> ian, you're here doing a search for a different type of search, looking at the delegates, and who they are. >> indeed. and i think what's so interesting, lots of reasons why people would be here and not want to vote for hillary. but on the international front, right, i mean, there's no one that thinks that trump is a good idea, except for putin and a couple serious right wing pop lifts from europe that aren't in power. and that dynamic, right s really diverse. we have never seen it from democratic or republican nominee. that kind of international fear and loathing of what america could be heading to in january. >> and their concern is not helped by the stories like the one we have in the "new york times" today when he was asked about nato where he said i would support the smaller baltic states, saying he wouldn't necessarily always uphold article 5. is that just rhetoric that he won't actually be able to execute, or is there reason for
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concern there? >> look, on the one hand, germany came out with their new defense doctrine. they didn't talk very much about, but said, look, guys, we have to be more robust, do more in the middle east region, and need to get to 2%. obama has not been doing as much. trump is actually aligned with obama on this one. but the thing that was new, trump is much happier with a country that isn't from any perspective aligned with america on values, like turkey, as long as they way pair bills. much more so than with canada, which is close to america on every issue, except not paying much for defense. that is a very different kind of america in the way we project power. >> and different than hillary clinton. >> couldn't be more different. >> oh, my lord. the new issue of "time" out now. thank you very much, david. thank you both. we're back in just a moment. at experian, we believe credit isn't just a score. it's a skill. and like anything else, you can get better. that's why we have tools that show you
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youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. what are you doing? sara, i love you, and... [phone rings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] you know, mika, all of us have been so impressed by what we've seen in cleveland and the cleveland police have been extraordinary. nothing short of extraordinary.
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courteous, also keeping the delegates and everybody safe here. we can't say enough good things about them. there is, unfortunately -- let's give them a hand. incredible job. just unbelievable. there is, though, a story that's just breaking. some new video out on something that happened in florida. that's disturbing. >> this is an officer-involved shooting in north miami. of an unarmed man, trying to assist a patient in crisis. this story is just getting out there. we want to just break down what we know here. this cell phone video. it shows charles kinsey lying on the ground with his hands in the air before shot in the leg. kinsey who works with people with disabilities was with an autistic patient at the time. you can see the patient there. he says he was attempting to calm the patient, who ran away from a group home. kinsey can be heard in the video
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saying all he has is a toy truck. a toy truck. i am a behavior therapist at a group home. the video was given to our miami affiliate by mr. kinsey's attorney. north miami police say the incident began on monday, when someone called 911 and said there was a man walking around with a gun, threatening suicide. in a statement, they acknowledged at some point during the on-scene negotiation, one of the responding officers discharged his weapon. kinsey said the man was his patient, and alleged -- the alleged gun was a toy truck, which he said was clearly visible to police. the state attorney general is now involved with the investigation. kinsey told a local station yesterday, i was thinking, as long as i have my hands up, they're not going to shoot me. this is what i'm thinking. they're not going to shoot me. wow. was i wrong. >> we're obviously going to be following this story in the days to come. we want to thank you so much for being with us. and we want to thank everybody
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here, and in cleveland. it has been an absolutely -- >> another riveting day in politics. >> a remarkable day in politics. remarkable week in politics. we thank you so much for being here. and back here tomorrow. >> yep, we'll be back here tomorrow. we pick up the coverage. >> thank you very much. good day once again from cleveland. tensions high, and party unity on the fritz, as we approach the grand finale of the gop convention. up first this morning, new reaction to that lone star snub. ted cruz still not offering endorsement of trump after leaving the convention hall stunned last night. the senator told americans to, quote, vote their conscience. moments ago, to his home state delegation, cruz didn't back off those comments, kicking off another day of drama. >> i am doing what millions of americans are doing. i am watching, i am listening.
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